My personal wishlist for Armored Core 6

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Buster TBM Gameplay

Buster TBM Gameplay

6 жыл бұрын

Now of course, I bet a lot of this will clash with what you guys want.
We all have our own wishes.
But I thought that it would be fun to make a video like this.

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@defenestrationismyfavoriteword 6 жыл бұрын
I want our ACs in Cutscenes to move around without just looking like walking bricks in comparison to every other NPC AC. Kinda like how the Gundam Breaker series does it.
@BusterTBMPlays 6 жыл бұрын
Oh my god this! I should have added that in my vid!
@scorn9018 6 жыл бұрын
Yeah i think it's weird when you're overboosting around the entire battle then at the cutscene you're the most still object in the entire universe.
@RedWolf777SG Жыл бұрын
Well, you got some of your wishes granted. Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon.
@MvsLkJggr Жыл бұрын
I wish you're here again man. The community misses you. We wish to see you again when AC6 comes around.
@charlesngs8249 5 жыл бұрын
I only have one wish. Don't let EA own this franchise.
@mr.cantillasz1912 Жыл бұрын
Lucky you,it's still in 2023 from software
@rinjaniii326 6 жыл бұрын
1. Make a pc version 2. Make a pc version 3. Make a pc version 4. Make a pc version 5. And so on....
@Appleeatpie97 6 жыл бұрын
While I'm all up for a pc version of ac6 I wonder how the controls will work with mouse and keyboard. Then again people just use controller to play.
@freeze459 5 жыл бұрын
Tactical WarDog Im abit late.. very late. But, it is possible. make turning around use the mouse, r1 and r2 as mouse 1 and 2. And every other button on the keyboard and as for turn speed, it can still be a thing on pc by putting a horizontal sensitivity cap depending on the turn time.
@Appleeatpie97 5 жыл бұрын
@@freeze459 good point
@Appleeatpie97 5 жыл бұрын
@Cantrips now that I think of it,the pc controls would probably be better than the default ps2 controls.
@lierce6130 5 жыл бұрын
@@Appleeatpie97 That's exactly how it worked for DS1-3. Almost no one plays those games without a controller, and they all had great followings on PC. Damn i wish we got a bloodborne port though.
@fusioncell7669 6 жыл бұрын
I like the idea of that pilot hub, since it would give us a better insight into what people are like in this world. I'd also like hidden parts to return since they were fun to seek out. They'd have to include parts from previous generations as a given though.
@BusterTBMPlays 6 жыл бұрын
I think the pilot hub would help keep the game from dying early on as we actually physically see people around
@bombomos 3 жыл бұрын
Hidden parts would be amazing
@bombomos 3 жыл бұрын
Not Guilty gear style. But more like Mech Assault 2 style
@yamato63 6 жыл бұрын
What i'd like an armored core 6. Period
@yamato63 Жыл бұрын
@@procow2274 4 years later and I'm still really happy about it
@seggs556 6 жыл бұрын
For me the hardest thing for FromSoft to do is to please the old fans on both AC overall design aesthetic and gameplay. With the design, some likes the heavy industrial look of the old AC games, some loves the alien-esque and streamlined designs of ACs in 4 and fA, some digs the apocalyptic heavy metal junks of the V and VD. In order to make AC6 looks good and please the old fan the design will have to be something like this: - Lightweight AC models will have the designer of AC4 and ACfA to work on it. - Midweight AC keeps the 3rd gen aesthetic and overall design. Slight deviation is allowed. - Heavyweight AC will have the V and VD designs with a little bit more bulky and slightly taller to match the height of other ACs in the game. Stabilizers now is cosmetics only with a few more decoration parts to put on anywhere of your AC (Like the side shields on the core and left leg of ACs in V and VD). As for gameplay, I'd love the following: - Heat system to be reintroduced but with some tweak: Booster and Generator do not produce heat except OB-ing but if the AC is heated up via environment or damage, depend on your Radiator, boosting can slow down, halt the cooling or generate even more heat. This make it more beginner friendly and still play an important role in managing yourself. - Quick boosting makes a return and function just like TBM proposed. - I like the Rock/Paper/Scissor damage types in V and VD, it forces you to have a varied loadout to deal with different situation so it will minimize the "What's the best/meta build?" question popping up in the AC forums/reddit/discord. Also add weapon tuning but for damage type (points tuned in one damage type will allocate the damage number of other two damage type into the currently-tuned damage). - Wall jump is also a great addition to the game and acts as another source of quick mobility, provided that you know the map's layout. - Tutorial just like AC1: A giant room with 2 or 3 MTs shooting at you and force you to learn the controls by actually trying to survive, no guiding text, nothing. Once done "From now on, you're a Raven" kicks in. If this can keep the (((gaming journalists))) and filthy candy crush casuals off my mech game I'm fine with it. Don't pander to those who doesn't care, stay true to your core (pun intended). Music in Armored Core is the most interesting case for me. From 1st to 3rd gen we have consistent industrial techno, upbeat yet still tell a dystopian world through the notes. 4th gen gives impressive rocking tunes and orchestral pieces that can rival even Halo music and 5th gen having distorted sounds of a dying world with some mix of the old techno root and hard rock. I honestly do not know what step will they take in the music department for AC6. Maybe it's a completely new experience, maybe it's one of the mentioned music style of each gen or a combination of everything. Nonetheless I'll look forward to buy the physical copy of the game OST and anything that FreQuency/Kota Hoshino put out there.
@BusterTBMPlays 6 жыл бұрын
You know, each gen being represented as their weightclass actually is a REALLY good idea
@hijous 6 жыл бұрын
don't worry about the music. I am confident that the composer will make an awesome OST in future installments of AC 6
@northropi2027 6 жыл бұрын
I agree with the aesthetic bit, totally, though perhaps as different companies rather than weight classes?
@Reaper-ml6ly 6 жыл бұрын
AC 6 should go full Synth wave for it's soundtrack.
@Shattered_Skies 4 жыл бұрын
But only if the game's tone and aesthetic does match. I'd like to battle through some rainy cities covered in neon lights with my AC like it's a cyberpunk movie from the 80's
@ShikayHawken Жыл бұрын
Good news, it's no longer brown. It's grey now.
@banansa4778 3 жыл бұрын
Looking back at this "most" of this stuff made it into deamon x machina, shame it didnt live up to the ac legacy. 12/08/2022 Ravens..... Lynx..... Now is our time to rise from the ashes.... And fight for whats left of our future. Armored core is back and 6 is coming...
@newtypepunk9967 6 жыл бұрын
Definitely agree on it having a strong single player campaign, online is cool, but I want a game that I can replay over and over on my own, so it really needs to have some cool missions. The hub idea is a neat one, as you've never actually seen your own pilot never mind control them outside of an AC. I think the customisation dlc will still be focused around the mechs though. Playing like the older games is also something I agree with. What they can take from dark souls is the exploration, I want some big interesting maps, and not just a row of beat up buildings. One of my fav missions in AC1 is where you have to go deep underground to kill that alien/mutant queen creature, it reminds me of the graveyard area in DS1, stuff like that would be so cool.
@lukefinley6660 2 жыл бұрын
Looking back, it still blows my mind how many of these that Daemon x Machina nailed, or was very close to nailing, while they were just experimenting with stuff. Goes to show Tsukuda-san and Kuwamori-san are the real kings of Armored Core. Its sad they, and 3/4 of the AC dev team, had to quit From Soft after For Answer, but i honestly cant blame them. Im just glad they are still getting to go on with their dream of continuing the series in the way they saw it.
@BusterTBMPlays 6 жыл бұрын
I know a lot of you said a TON of things, and I am very happy to read them, but I am not adressing anything. If you are curious on an opinion from me, make a new comment about the one thing you want me to adress
@thesaddestdude3575 6 жыл бұрын
I agree with allot of the. But i think transmuting parts kind of makes it difficult to read what kind of players/enemies you are fighting, maybe we could have a scaled down version where it's possible to change the parts appearance slightly? Almost like the retrofit parts in ACV+D but with more focus on appearance. Also it has been anounced that a new AC will come out!
@ZephyrDogma 3 жыл бұрын
Yea they just made Daemon x Machina sooo... They listened to some of ur things
@jamesianhutchison1165 6 жыл бұрын
I'd be happy with the AC:FA control system personally. It's been my favourite from the whole series. For OCD's sake I'd like to see a complete parts list. I mean every part from every manufacturer from every game in the series. And I'd like to see an almost RPG style mechanic brought in. Every employer, wingman, mission provider, etc making different paths available to your pilot and parts to your mech. Or Mechs! Love the hub idea and the level editor/ mech ai thing. Oh and let's hope that they return to proper sized Mechs and none of that V/Verdict Day nonsense.
@lukefinley6660 2 жыл бұрын
If For Answer was your style, then you should try moving over to DxM. Its a spiritual successor to For Answer, with small throwbacks to every single prior series. So in case you didnt know, interesting news, From Soft actually didnt really abandon the series. After AC For Answer was released, many of the dev team were upset at the backward direction From Soft wanted to go for AC5. Because of this, Lead producer Kenichiro Tsukuda (who produced all ACs for ps2, so AC2-Last Raven and then also produced For Answer) and Lead engineer and Mech designer Shoji Kuwamori (who designed every mech for every AC, AC1-Last Raven, and then also For Answer) both quit From Soft, and 3/4 of the AC dev team left with them, because of the direction they were wanting to go for AC5. They left and made their own studio, called First Studio, and made Daemon X Machina which is their spiritual successor for For Answer mostly (they even put in an updated White Glint, named Radiant Gleam lol). Its truly amazing, and they have a form of almost everything made in this list, and your list, that theyve tried adding in, even a small pilot hub area.
@lukefinley6660 2 жыл бұрын
(Some things they did that you would like: they kept the advanced hangar core design, perma flight, an even better upgrade to overboosting, being able to move with back cannons mostly, a more advanced kojima system that has 4 modes and is much more balanced, seperate bars for boost energy and weapons energy, they brought back the massive back thruster, cant remember what its called, but they split it in half and made it shoulder attachments that you can use in any mission which is flippin sick, and many many more updates and also fully destructable AC parts from Last Raven, even blowing arms off, and also they added being able to rip parts off of slain ACs to keep as a form of looting, even replacing your own damaged limbs if you choose)
@LightAndDarkMdness02 2 жыл бұрын
@@lukefinley6660 DxM is way too floaty for For Answer. NEXTs were fast but they weren't weightless. They still felt like you were flying mechs, just really, really fast ones. I get a lot of people really like third gen but controlling a NEXT in For Answer felt soooo good. No other Armored Core game, even 4, has been able to give me that rush I get when you're in the middle of 3v3 and you're just zipping around each other like you're a fucking gundam. Also the understated storytelling of Miyazaki in AC4/For Answer was imo some of the best in the entire series (though I did really like third gen too). Then you had that amazing soundtrack. Grungy, operatic sounding music really gave the bleak world of Armored Core 4/For Answer this really oppressive feeling. Armored Core For Answer is just so high octane. I can't go back to third generation.
@OCTO358 Жыл бұрын
@@lukefinley6660 I can't believe the mechs in that game were designed by the same guy. Most parts look atrocious.
@qb____ Жыл бұрын
Oh brother, it has been announced 2023 baby!
@TheFirstRaven Жыл бұрын
4:31 wish granted!
@saltyshackles5227 6 жыл бұрын
AC Nexus was my favourite. I made so many suits. Sometimes I used to make an all Zio Matrix or all Emmaraude suit out of boredom lol.
@ga-america5030 6 жыл бұрын
The AI was implemented in acv and acvd, the messages were as well..
@metalnat27 6 жыл бұрын
Armored V don't allow you to patrner with a costume AI on missions in single player mode. Verdict Day did indeed though.
@lethauntic 3 жыл бұрын
AI pilots were not in V, though, not ones that you could make an use in single player anyways.
@bombomos 3 жыл бұрын
Huh?? AI was also in AC4 and FA???
@TheShizzle622 3 жыл бұрын
You read my mind for the actual gameplay mechanics. Movement like AC3, but with moderate quickboost, blade tracking like AC3, left and right side weapon switching, and heat like in nexus but less punishing. It's all pretty much exactly what I imagined as an ideal AC game myself. Add in OP-I for funsies and I'm all in on everything you said. Only exception would be transmog. One of the big benefits of learning the parts in the game is being able to recognize what an AC can do just by looking at it. For example, if I'm expecting an AC to have high energy defense, but it's actually high solid shell defense transmoged to look like another core, that could be really frustrating when choosing what to combat it with.
@KizashiiLovesRamen Жыл бұрын
@adamsee4144 6 жыл бұрын
I undedrstand your disdain for AC5 and ACVD, but I think you missed out on the things those games did right. It added a 3rd damage type, weapons could be tuned, 5-man teams (4 pilots, 1 operator), boost charge (for those times you run out of ammo), wall climbing (sort of), and some others I can't think of at the moment. I understand these games get heat, and for good reason. But they also addressed issues that had long existed in the series, and I would hope that they take lessons from all of their games and implement what were the best ideas those games had for AC6.
@lierce6130 5 жыл бұрын
I also think they nailed the final boss in ACVD. Lots of buildup, great music, mechanics you actually needed to understand and avoid. Much better than ACFA where you could just fly up to something giant and EB its left tire 4 times to kill it. Likewise it's better than some of the predecessors where you just full autocannon an enemy AC to death while dodging left repeatedly. They need to take the good things from the souls series like atmosphere, cinematography, lore and world-building and apply it to AC. Honestly they could learn a lot from Zone of the Enders 2.
@rebeccachambers4701 2 жыл бұрын
Keep in mind armored does have a story and a timeline,. From the leaked images and from what it sounds like it sounds like the armored course 6 would be taking place sometime before or fter ac4. And it sounds like it's going to be an open world which means the overboost is going to have to be a thing. So it's probably going to be the closest to armored core 4. But they probably will limit the boosting. Although I did love just being able to zip around and dash it was just high octane fuel
@Xjeos_Solidus Жыл бұрын
lmaoooooo gonna have to watch this video later and then wait to see what happens when the game comes out lolol
@metalwolfzx Жыл бұрын
This video is really amusing to me now that ACVI has actually been announced. 😅
@KKzErstorung 5 жыл бұрын
AC4 was the most exciting and to me best game mechanics in the whole series. AC5 was frustrating and there was to much crap on the hud. Just remake AC4 with way better graphics and more weapons.
@Focie 6 жыл бұрын
I've watched a bunch of your videos now, and I really like your editing style. MAAAAYBE the only thing I see improvement potential in is the background design as some assets you put on it has a tendency to blend in, but that's it. Still, really good style. Nice work.
@CoffeePotato 6 жыл бұрын
The transmog system sounds like an interesting idea. It may be a more balanced to allow quick boosts with severe heat penalties. Mod support is unlikely, as even DS3 never got that. Partner AIs and custom levels would be really fun, I know I'd love to be able to expand my AI arena into whole levels. My friend and I were hoping for a hub too, hopefully they could implement it better than the ACV-VD version. It would be really cool to see the arcade/Roguelike elements they implemented in hardcore mode in VD make a return, though. Limited lives/money/access/super bullets, hell yes please, challenge modes easily add a lot.
@wardenmetallicred Жыл бұрын
Homie about to get his wish.
@nopecrappy9007 6 жыл бұрын
I hope armored core 6 Let you create and customize your pilot
@defenestrationismyfavoriteword 6 жыл бұрын
Personally I hope that the pilot stays mute, as is tradition.
@defenestrationismyfavoriteword 5 жыл бұрын
Just because you slap on a voice on your character doesn't make for a better story. Especially if your character is highly customizable and most choices are determined by the player.
@vincev4630 5 жыл бұрын
@@defenestrationismyfavoriteword - I misunderstood your comment lol, I thought you were discarding the fact of having a piolet be seen in general but it seems you only don't want the voice to be heard which is totally agreeable.
@defenestrationismyfavoriteword 5 жыл бұрын
Yeah, that pretty much sums up my opinion.
@Specsp421 6 жыл бұрын
Based on where VD left off, I want to see a blend of the FA and VD style gameplay, where you pretty much play as a heavily powered down version of VD’s final boss. Another personal thing I want to see is a unique design style, 3, 4, and 5 eras all had a very stylistic feel and I would 6 to have it’s own flavor. I also feel that an email system like the one in Front Mission 3 would be awesome, where you could reply to the emails that other ravens send you, and lastly I just want another god damn Frequency OST.
@azure98 6 жыл бұрын
Armored Core 6 has been confirmed in development from the head themself. From is just notoriously tight lipped and thats all the info they have given us is that its a thing and nothing more. No boss weapons in Multiplayer please. It would be cool to have said weapons but they would be busted in Multiplayer even if you normalized its stats to the original counterpart because they have unique quirks that would still make them busted by comparison.
@BusterTBMPlays 6 жыл бұрын
Even so, wether it was on it's way or not, I really wanted to make this video regardless ^^; Edit: also, about the boss weapons thing, when you are online they would be 100% the normal weapon counterpart, no boss weapon stats on it.
@ravensnest97 6 жыл бұрын
That was actually the idea we came to when discussing this, Buster must have forget to mention this. lol In online, they would keep their unique appearance, but would lack the special qualities. For example, if you unlocked something like Wild Cat's Rifle, In Campaign mode, it would have extra knockback, but online, it would loose the knockback and basically just be a cooler looking rifle with the same stats as one with similar stats.
@cgmach9395 5 жыл бұрын
@@ravensnest97 this
@strider_killer2919 6 жыл бұрын
I agree with every one of these wishes, and I'd like to call out the small energy bar for the quick boosting. AC4 gave those who were a bit underprepared for such quick-jarring movement a headache. I could only play 30 minutes to an hour before having to take a break. And one final thing, FromSoftware, please add in the FCS box again!
@DarkstarArchangel 5 жыл бұрын
What I say about the ideas. 1. Base Mechanics (PS2-Generation game Mechanics) Yes, I agree with that because the maneuvering in the 4th Generation felt way too much on straight speed and quick-boost spams and shoot rather than dynamic missile dodging. It should be a full PS2-Generation base but with SOME of the 4th generation mechanics like choosing different boosters for main/back/side/overboost and the energy shield mechanic. No optional parts just set it all to FULL TUNING, and using-back-cannon-weapons a standard for any leg type, just different legs differ in stability because even in 4/For Answer there was a STANCE-MODE for the cannons on bipedal legs. 2. Quick Boost Yes! Your way of explaining it is EXACTLY how it worked with Titanfall, a limit for all boosters to use quick boost rather than each side-booster having their individual charge, left/right/front/back in for you would spam it by going left, then right and at the time you use the right booster the left booster would have its charge ready so it being limited to have all the boosters use the same charge for quick boosting, yes I agree and it should have its own bar but not use the main energy bar if someone tries to use it again. 3. Part Trans-mod system. The same VANITY SYSTEM that Terraria has, if you want to wear strong armor but look like something else you can do that in Terraria by put the piece in the vanity-section for appearance. However, unless if you are talking about different versions for one-head or a single leg-type, I do not think this is going to work well (unless if there was a separate modded-version to play 'gmod for example') because in some games some of the parts wouldn't fit together because they would CLIP THROUGH the part, for example in AC2 you could not use the KARASAWA with a certain tank legs or else it would clip through the legs. But if you are talking about appearances that wouldn't affect the type, like in car games, then yes. 4. Hidden Parts to look for. To me I disagree with giving back LOOKING for parts. I feel that should be restricted to looking for extra objectives in missions and getting all and/or most of them would reward the parts. A perfect termination of targets would do. It actually makes it more easier to understand how to get the parts. 5. Bringing back HD-versions of old AC parts to be used for certain APPEARANCE parts. YES, I LOVE THE OLD DESIGNS OF PARTS OF THE OLD GAMES, all of them, AC1 to AC4 even the portable-exclusive parts in ACLR (ACV also maybe) they should even have some Gundam version designs in there. 6. Always use the left-and-right side of weapons, both back or both hand. YES, 100% Agree. 7. Removing bad stats of weapons and parts. Yes, I hate how cool-looking weapons are underused because of the bad stats, they should ALL be balanced. 8. Avoid Brown and Grey colors. HOLY MOSES! YEAH DUDE, I hate bland, boring, dull, overuse of apocalyptic colors, that is why I hated ACV because 5 did used it the most and the graphics and effects in V were TERRIBLE. AC2 was the MOST COLORFUL of them all. It should be like AC2 in color. Speaking of AC2 I will get to my own added ideas later. 9. Super power/OP-I/Human + Well to me having the back-cannon ability should already be a standard. Unlocking special extra powers to me should be restricted to the tuning system if a certain ability is at max, like in RPGs or DooM 2016 where if an ability is at max, it gives a super special power. 10. Fight old enemies/bosses. Yes. Including Bio-weapons 11. No-limited co-op Yes, options are a good thing. Keep all IN-GAME rewards/parts single-player based. The only things that should be unlocked in multiplayer games should be ACHIEVEMENTS. 12. Enemy Health increase by player number. I think that should be restricted to a DIFFICULTY SETTING this time for 3 different difficulties which should also each include its own PRESTIGE (which would be the HARD MODE of AC4 games). 13. Release on ALL PLATFORMS, Playstation, Xbox, Switch AND PC. YES! Especially Steam. 14. Laser-Blade Tracking Yes they should rebalance it between the PS2-games and the 4/FA games. 15. Free-look Camera controls and other camera modes. Definitely 16. DLC missions for older games. While I am not a fan of paid separate DLC, it would be an interesting idea for the old missions in old games including remakes of old-battlefields. 17. Heat generation. That should ONLY be restricted to heat weapons and heat areas like lavas because in late 3rd-generation, that made a LOT OF PEOPLE ANGRY, AC2 to Silent Line was fair and balanced. They should maybe have a REGULATION option in the settings like they did with infinite energy with AC4A. 18. Folder layouts like last raven. I agree and they should also have a mission map system like in Nexus accept it has WAY MORE FREEDOM. I love getting messages from companies and other pilots, because games without it (AC2AA) make the game feel flat and bland. And the garage is shown for your AC. It was dynamic and convenient especially with the different sorting options for parts. 19. Text less tutorials. I actually prefer the specific tutorials in AC4/a because the new controls were very specific and new to players. Should they have directions they should also have voices and not just text. 20. Level-Editor and mods for a steam workshop. Yes but I feel it should again be regulated to the moddable-version. 21. Wall kicking mechanic. Yeah that would be alright. 22. A.I. ACs Yes, for your own Arenas and don't force all of the acs to fight in the same location like Silent Line did. Also have an a.i. team arena and also have them as an option for assisting in missions and team arenas. 23. FromSoftware needs to listen and jump back on Armored Core. 24. Quick messages. I feel like that should be set to like the select-button, but also somewhat related, give your own character a VOICE which will be related to one of your next options. 25. Stabilizers I feel that it should be MORE than just stablizers, I feel like they should ADD to the AP and other things because if you search up "Now THAT'S an Armored Core" that is exactly what I am thinking. As for the 'no-stats' thing, that SHOULD be an option for like "set as decoration only" which is different from what I said about 'parts clipping through'. 26. Hub for pilots. THAT IS A YES because this is something that Warframe and other games do right now. Plus Warframe also lets use choose our voice. Customize pilot appearance. Now for my list to add to yours: - When I said 'AC2' lets bring SPACE BATTLES like Zero gravity, it should not be hard to implement the zero-gravity mechanic like what they had in Dead Space and other games. - Also inspired from AC2, don't limit the story and universe to one planet, let us go to multiple planets and space stations. Earth, Mars, hell even moon and that would give the games some GREAT COLOR. - Add decals to not just the parts but the weapons too. - Energy shield and armor both have different hit points and the numbers are in 5-digit numbers. - Choose our own ac computer voices and have the detail as good as Titanfall even in one-on-one or team arenas like "Warning: Large Missile Incoming" or "Attention: Enemy AC AP at 50%" - The Aiming should be a balance between AC4 and the older games and have detailed lock-on systems. Also if a target does is bio and the fcs doesn't have bio-sensor then it should take a longer while to detect to aim. - Have the inside parts back, and no inside-exclusive parts like they did with the energy disruptor rocket or ECM rocket. Speaking of ECM. - Have the ECM more balanced from both 4 AND the old games 2 to LR. Good video dude, I'm a big fan of AC.
@TheFirstRaven Жыл бұрын
Damn, this video is 5 years old 👴
@johajames1931 Жыл бұрын
Who else got this recommendation for AC 6😂
@hazeauburn 6 жыл бұрын
You know, the "special" parts used by characters you mentioned were a thing in the 5 gen games, beating an ac would give you a special customized part
@masban 2 жыл бұрын
Congratulations, we get armored core 6 now !
@nunyabeezwax6758 2 жыл бұрын
Yes and let's have multiple ways to get hidden parts, other part transmogs like your suggestion from the old games, etc. And kitbashing... Let's be able to kitbash and change the weight reqs a bit .... The middle weight bodies not being able to hold a Kawasawa, Moonlight and two mid launchers shouldn't overweight a middleweight core. At all. I had more than enough left on my legs...
@drewrandall8161 5 жыл бұрын
I agree. I'm a big fan of Gen II and Gen III's control schemes. I'd also like to get the email function back from the first three generations of Armored Core. They dramatically added to the immersion.
@seventhcyborg 2 жыл бұрын
Here are my two cents: 1) Mission length and ammo economy. I would extend both. I remember the last mission of AC2, and a few others, you would avoid fighting and just run to the boss room because they could wittle you down by attrition so effectively. Nuts to that. I want to fight everyone. Its content meant to be played. Some missions you rushed through, and were intended to finish in less than five minutes. At the very least, I'd appreciate a time limit for reaching a goal - Say, destroying a target - and then head back to extraction at your liesure. 2) H+ and OW. I would have it as an option, but you'd have to work for it. If you don't want it, thats fine. Personally, much of the fun of AC was its massive toybox, and I loved playing with all my toys. Or just making a functional box-art worthy looking AC. Either way, lifting those restrictions is the simple kind of fun that made the game stand out. Sure, it was pure cheese, but it was delicious cheese.
@bananasean5145 Жыл бұрын
You have been heard.
@user-vl9eo8gd7t Жыл бұрын
My wishes are simple and queti same as yours. And I also LOVE the third gen more than 4 and 5. So I want to see all optional support stuff: the OB and EO, the inside weapons, the exterior parts, hangar unit - all of this, but more usefull. Also I would like to see partial destruction of AC and some non-AC enemys more predicteble. If you want the right arm of your enemy shot off, you can do it somehow. And some cosmetic addition - the destruction animations. In 1-3 gens MTs and ACs just desapeared in explosions and it was OK. But NOW I want to see, how I kill - the peaces, legs, arms fly around and stuff like this, maybe the "bodies" left on the battlefield. And of course large foes like Arms Forts, they were cool. P.S. apps for my englesh, I am one of the few russian Armored Core fans.
@challified1432 6 жыл бұрын
Man, your wishes are so eerily similar to mine, it's almost kinda scary... Also, with regards to the quick messages thing, I'd say we look at what Ace Combat Infinity did with it's quick messages, particularly in co-op missions/ PvP. A lot of them were quotes from old games, but I think we should have all radio messages unlocked from the start. So, that means, say, at the start of a PvP round, you could just select a message and then it'll be displayed. In this case, let's say you scroll through the menu and pick 'Listen, I don't like annoyances', which would then be displayed in a small area to your left. It won't affect your focus much, but it'll be a nice touch. Personally, for me, I'd love to have 3rd-gen parts with 4th-gen mechanics strapped on. But the lockboxes should be more a combo of 4 Answer and 3rd Gen. A rough FCS box is displayed like 3rd gen, plus the MULTI and Single targeting thing, but they auto-lock and track like 4A. Personally, I think a Special Multiplayer Co-Op bosses thing like again, Ace Combat Infinity, where you faced off against vastly more crazy versions of famous boss superweapons from old games like Excallibur, but with even MORE laser-festivity, or Aigaion, with...More laser festivity. So, in AC6's case, if it's a 3rd/4th-gen based game, say, we could face off against enemies like far crazier versions of Leviathans, 00-ARETHA, and so much more, would be great. Also, usable nicknames....Like Ace Combat Infinity. Can I at least have one that says 'Legendary Buddy', or 'I LOVE AC'? Heck, give us the ability for multiple AC setups, like what they did with ACI, where you could change your aircraft and it's equipment before the start of a online game. At least then I don't need to record all my ACs I'm planning to use sometime on like a Google Document...(Cough cough, that's exactly what I'm doing for the next few seasons of ACLR AC in a Vid, just pulling schematics off a Doc and inputting them here) Can I finally be able to use back weapons in Gen 3(Assuming Gen-3 and 4 hybrid is what they do) without kneeling without OP-I, pleeeeeease From? It makes the game so much more interesting, promoting different back weapon choices like laser cannons or grenade launchers on say, light or middleweight bipeds, which are personally my two favorite kinds of ACs. And please, do actually balance back weapons so that one isn't so much more OP than another. Heck, can I get Ace Combat-style MPBMs with suuuuuper rad big explosions but not too much damage? And can we have technical requirements that AREN'T like Forza Horizon 3's on PC ports, and more like Ace Combat 7's? Like, I don't want to spend so much cash upgrading my current gaming PC just for one game. That's just....No. Please. And that's roughly it for me. It's just my own suggestions.
@SPACKLEBOX 6 жыл бұрын
I agree that AC should go back to the 3rd gen mechanics - to me those were the best of times I've had with the AC series. I also like the idea of throwbacks to the older titles, heat generation (not as prohibitive as Nexus was, dear lord), keeping quickboost (though I think it should stay within the main energy bar - just with a cooldown time to avoid spamming) and level editor. I'd even like to see microphone support or even prerecorded victory and defeat messages with text. AND I TOTALLY AGREE THERE SHOULD BE MORE DYNAMIC CUTSCENES WITH OUR AC'S MOVEMENTS AUGHHHH!!!
@BusterTBMPlays 6 жыл бұрын
ACs are just STANDING there in any cutscene, we need to see more of our ACs doing cool stuff!
@dolodynamite7100 5 жыл бұрын
I like the hidden weapons and running into other ravens doing there job like 9ball and valkyrie
@viktor_v-ughnda_vaudville_476 4 жыл бұрын
Patches boot heel the most destructive weapon in the game
@dingusdangus1790 3 жыл бұрын
I don't know about Gen 3 specifically, but taking a new look at the classic series as a whole seems like a good idea. Think about the 3.5 series for example. It was the first of the series to have "normal" 3d controls, but those games were still using the classic gameplay style so they were somewhat limited and subdued in what you could be expected to accomplish. Perhaps revamping the idea so that the new game is still fundamentally based in classic AC but FULLY taking advantage of twin stick controls. Faster gameplay like AC1 (while also having the niceties of things like boost hopping) with smaller targeting reticules for example.
@REAPER55667798 6 жыл бұрын
they also would need in addition to: 20 man teams,territories like in V and VD, as well as CQ,arena/ranked and free battle. no turrets for territories though.
@Nolls_Kc 3 жыл бұрын
I just want this game to exist someday
@shokmusic_AC 6 жыл бұрын
I like the idea of creating your own AI Ravens for mission assistance & to fight against. If I remember correctly, in Armored Core: Master of Arena, you could create AI Ravens & place them in your own arena to battle against.
@paulodepablo3649 6 жыл бұрын
Well buster, you've just red my mind.
@seanwilliams8443 6 жыл бұрын
I would like to have the health system where, for an example you get your arm take too much damage the weapons on it are useless and the arm should come off. If your core or at sometimes your head is destroyed game over. And if your leg is destroyed or both of them are destroyed your speed and agility are reduced dramatically, etc.
@vincev4630 5 жыл бұрын
If it was a subtle thing where if a part gets damaged too often on that round, it would get demolished(a subtle version of running out of ammo), I think that'd be sick and turn games around but the main health system, I'm quite fine with but the problem with that is the lag we'd be getting from all that being processed on top of the complexity of the game already lol
@crusaderraven3863 5 жыл бұрын
I know your not going to respond TBM but THIS gave me an idea for my fan made versions of my Armored Core games because i am trying to draw ALL of the Armored Core parts in all of the Armored Core games i may not have them all but maybe over the years i might get them.
@erwinbraga902 6 жыл бұрын
My wish would be...for them to release it..perfect
@StarKeyStudios 5 жыл бұрын
I love the hub world idea!
@SiphonRayzar 6 жыл бұрын
If I'm being honest, I'd play an AC game, with most of the mechanics you've described in this video.
@HarueKuma 5 жыл бұрын
I wish that the hub before we lunch we can see our pilot enter the cockpit and prepares to lunch 2: At least able to make an AC that's badass without sacrificing much of the stats (I want to look good while doing missions)
@silverstar495 6 жыл бұрын
The AI system, similar to formula front is in acvd, and its massively complex. You have to set the actual actions being taken under different conditions and requirements, like opponents ap, defenses leg type or distance. perennialsash is doing a community tournament in the upcoming weeks, if you wan to check it out.
@hijous 6 жыл бұрын
wall kicking is the best thing ever existed in armored core v and verdict day.
@BusterTBMPlays 6 жыл бұрын
That is why I though it would be a good idea to have it return in AC6
@hijous 6 жыл бұрын
i agree 100% with your suggestion. wall kicking is essential and its a fun factor for an AC. so good.
@dolodynamite7100 5 жыл бұрын
I agree i love the old armored core
@kakyoin5713 2 жыл бұрын
good news!! we get a new AC
@nizalmuhammad9689 11 ай бұрын
We will have AC 6 25 august 🔥🔥🔥
@andrenighthawk4431 3 жыл бұрын
When they release ac6 we can all post the titanic meme "its been 84 years" hahaha
@tibbits0018 Жыл бұрын
Since AC6 has been officially revealed how has your wishlist changed over the last 4 years?
@TR-qf2gt Жыл бұрын
@additiveartificer9365 Жыл бұрын
Well look like we got what we want aye
@wanderingbufoon 4 жыл бұрын
Have Hidetaka Miyazaki work on the AC6 like he did for AC4 and 4A. Make it old school where you play as Ravens and use Normals. Have the experimental bosses be NEXT, because I really hated the whole experimental weapons from AC4A and ACV. Those things were from the fantasy realm, not sci-fi. I mean birds?! not even mechanical at that point like they have flapping wings and stuff. Game mechanics, keep the overboost and quick boosts. Boosters are only active during flight, huge penalty during walking travels. (These gives more importance on the type of frame the AC has compared to AC4 where bipedals have no difference) In early AC, the legs will indicate your recovery speed during jumping and landing. The height of jump, how maneuverable you are, etc. Bipedal (high vertical), Quadpedal (high speed horizontal). The type of weapons should have big impact on your AC like in ACV and VD. Big guns mean big recoil (if Kinetic). or big energy consumption if energy. Bring back stagger town (DS1 days where poise means everything). Hyper armour only for NEXT because Kojima Particles. Can melee (with fists or kicks). NEXT will still have the kojima explosion instead (because their AC is too massive). Armored Forts as bases to go to and report to. Possible assault and defend missions on said AFs. You can have different types of ACs in your hanger for different missions altogether. Building yourself up to get NEXTs AC at the very least. You can only be allowed to sortie for attack and defend missions on AF if you have at least a buildable NEXT. You can still use whatever AC you are piloting during your Open World roam (for side missions, going home from a mission, or just hunting items). Having allegiances can protect you or get you hunted. Bigger dangers for Independent pilots (but will have support from small factions). Think of it as the gravelord faction of the AC world. Instead of bonefires, it's a Landing Zone to get picked up by helicopters. No Coop for Solo story missions. Like in Arteria Carpals (Genocide Old King mission for AC4A). Since that mission was a plan to lure you out, it is not really a contract mission but an assassination plot. The rest, there should be coop for contracts. Weather plays a big deal. Sandstorm, thunderstorms, blizzards, tidal waves, etc. Day or Night. Possible space battles? (Cannot travel there via Open World roaming. Similar to DS3 for the Nameless King. You have to be transported). For the love of everything that is holy, no anime BS like experimental birds like Exusia. Still mad about those ACs. The thing about Miyazaki's designs is that they make sense. They have functionality that is within the realm of the world that they inhabit. Armored Forts are permissible because their designs are believable that they exist in that world. Kojima Particles are stretching it but it is still plausable because Sci-Fi. Birds and other mechanical monsters are from Fantasy and they do not belong. That is like if we add a mech in Dark Souls but change the skin a bit to resemble a creature but keep the boosting effects, it would look out of place. Remove the scout mode or change it up immensely if they are going to keep that mechanic from ACV and VD. I like the idea of power savings to regenerate power fast so you can quick boost spam but the constant nagging and color overlay is too much.
@reubendias18 5 жыл бұрын
There's a website called 'Armored Core Universe'. I don't really know what it's used for but I guess it's kinda like a common ground for AC pilots. Armored Core online versus or maybe even battle Royale would be But AC purely for PC is a necessity!
@Moeflyer6213 10 ай бұрын
Your wish had come true!!!
@alexanderrobertson7172 2 жыл бұрын
dear buster tbm which music do you like best of all the the armored core line 1-6?
@bombomos 3 жыл бұрын
I agree with most of what you said, except for the fact that AC4 was 90% brown. Lol it was 90% water colors/saturated. But there was multiple colors everywhere. Not just brown
@naniboi585 Жыл бұрын
Looking through old content of yours, I think they should hybridize for answer and gen 3 I like the ui and art direction but I liked the zippieness of the Nexts
@d3bugged Жыл бұрын
Nice call.
@omegaleonidasxv3693 6 жыл бұрын
One thing they should definitely have is an online player counter. basically it's a number of how many players are online because for some reason I have never joined a multiplayer match also. and here some new features I hope they add in this game. 1. online arena. essentially It is a multiplayer version of the arena mode where you fight against players to earn parts, increase leaderboard stats etc. 2. Story Folder. 3. Better emblem maker. The emblem maker in armored core for answer wasn't that great while it was significantly improved in V and VD I think it would be awesome to have even more options for really awesome emblems or have emblems from bosses from the past like Nineball, Zinaida, and White Glint. 3. Voice settings for main character. While many people like the silent protagonist in armored core it would really be interesting to choose if our character has a voice or not and maybe his dialogue and personality actually changes depending on the voice setting like dbz ultimate tenkaichi. 4. Faction allies. What do I mean by this well in the single player campaign I think it would be very interesting to see you work with other AC pilots (who aren't completely useless like in AC4A) and form partnerships depending on the faction you choose the how I think this would work is that you should get better benfits if you complete missions from your faction or company with a high ranking and the more you do missions for your factions the better the rewards by building trust with your factions and by completing missions with a pilot from your faction if your independant then these restrictions don't apply to you but it is much harder for factions and pilots to trust you. 5. music from previous games remixed or redone. 6. characters in single player actually say your name of either you or your AC.
@sandhiwistara9128 2 жыл бұрын
@boombaka 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly, I am starving for a new AC, anything will just go
@Appleeatpie97 6 жыл бұрын
my wish is to add the idea of a repair drone to repair your ac, not to full ap but just little. Oh and human plus should come back.
@galaeo 6 жыл бұрын
yea but wouldn't they have to separate the H+ players from the normal players? also is that profile picture from Rrengoku: tower of purgatory? i love that game :D
@vincev4630 5 жыл бұрын
H+ should be offline only but I think H+ defeats the purpose of playing the game. The satisfying win after making a deathly scheme for a mission is the best.
@Appleeatpie97 5 жыл бұрын
@@galaeo holy snap I didn't realize I got replies, I think they can still allow both H+ and normal player to use the drones since they can perform the same function by repairing a little ap, maybe make them a slow moving target that be can easily shot down. And yes the profile pic is from Rengoku (wish that game came back) But I also agree with Vega, having H+ in multiplayer might make it an unfair match for those who don't have it.
@vtolavolt Жыл бұрын
One thing I wish to see is customizable binds, especially for controller. If players are not fine with the basic controls, then they can customize it to their personal preferences. Same goes for keyboard and mouse too EDIT: I know there's already an option to customize the control schemes, but I'm mostly talking about generation 3 control settings. You can customize them, but it still feels limited.
@ashimotosuperdeluxe1291 4 жыл бұрын
Asking fromsoftware to explain the story haha
@VectorGhost 5 жыл бұрын
Transforming AC. i'd like the ability to turn into a flight mode
@vincev4630 5 жыл бұрын
Hell no lol, leave that Autobot shit outta Armored Core. Maybe a leg part that has quad propellers to levitate you like a Drone would be cool I guess
@sirwilliam6268 6 жыл бұрын
For the longest time i used stabilizers in ac4 and for answer for the looks i didnt know they had stats😱 Also i fully agree with your ideas and hope at least some make it into ac6
@BusterTBMPlays 6 жыл бұрын
Oh you did not know about the weight balance with stabilizers? Oops xD Mayube you have some things be too heavy on one side for the longest of times
@alexanderrobertson7172 2 жыл бұрын
hey! how about a zoom scope for long range sneak attack missions and shooting off parts of ac's, and be able to craul on the ground to.
@nickwebb4468 5 жыл бұрын
I want a heavy metal soundtrack when u do battle
@thenneklkt7786 6 жыл бұрын
*The Brown Colors and Gamma wish tho* Seed a Barren Earth: w h a t i s h a p p e n i n g ???
@andresduque265 6 жыл бұрын
that focus on the origin of AC's
@BusterTBMPlays 6 жыл бұрын
I actually wan t some love for all AC games, but I guess that wasn't too obvious from these wishes, thoush some comments here mentioned each weight type to represent a generation of ACs which I think is a great idea.
@viktor_v-ughnda_vaudville_476 4 жыл бұрын
I thought sekiro was gonna be fully modded with him being a prosthetic legs and arms by the end
@ReelRai 5 жыл бұрын
My only wish is for them to make it fast paced like 4 and 4A.
@OCTO358 Жыл бұрын
No, thanks.
@theploot8230 4 жыл бұрын
I want a free roam mode where you can explore the AC world and do side missions and stuff, but are separated from the actual missions, maybe have some of the hidden parts only obtainable there. Edit: just imagine you're just exploring the world, minding your own business and then suddenly you get ambushed by a squad of MTs, maybe even an irregular raven, hell you might even get a bounty on your head and have AI or human ravens go out their ways to hunt you down and claim the bounty.
@daole9572 3 жыл бұрын
my personal wishlist for armored core 6 -1 i want the base mechanic to be base with ac4 and acfa as well other game as well such as project nimbus,zone of the ender ,iron saga -2 i want the quick boost again but it has it own energy bar the extra quick boost bar will give you enough energy bar to one two or three or four quick boosts and the regeneration of that would be very fast but no fast enough to spams the hell out of it. -3 i want to have some ridiculously ,overwhelmingly super, hyper ,overpowered super powerful weapons,parts,items,armored core next,upgrades , well as has some super cool, good badass ,awesomes, futuristic appearance !. -4 i want to have very good,better ,high quality,hyper realistic and futuristic graphic designs and animation -5 i think we should have the fourth generation did wiht it back weapons which mean it would have separate button to swap either the left weapons or right weapons -6 remember the third wishes i wanted for the weapons it wanted some of the weapons to base on other non armored core game like titanfall,call of duty,earth defense force series ,gundam breaker,etc -7 i think that the primal armor and assault armor should be back too but much more powerful and better and would have longer range and shielding bar. -8 i kinda wanted a dlc for this game like some level of the orginal game or something news -9 i think that the mission should be longer,wider and more harder and intense have a whole lot more mission than any other series -10 about those arms forts from acfa and those unknow weapons in acvd and the leviathan from ac3 yeah lets have those back shall we but with some very super huge ,big, good new cool ,badass ,tough ,very strong ,highly advanced and modern, high quality ,realistic and futuristic, oversized ,supermassive ,colossal,behemoth, looks and appearences with much larger,taller,wider,greater,stronger,and riduculously,insanely,overwhelmingly, devastatingly super powerful and large with better,greater,larger ,super advanced, powerful heavy armament,weapon,defensive .Better ,stronger, greater,heavier protection,more heavily reinforced,better strong armor, very heavy armed , armored and protected and have many different kind of weapons .And lets adding some new stuff in this game like supermassive huge colossal behemoth oversized mega ultra super mecha ,mobile mega super fortress ,land battleship etc.those could be used as an super epic intense overpowered epic boss -11 i want armored core 6 too be happenning in different timeline instead of the original timeline -12 i want a folder like from ac3 and last raven -13 i wanted the ac 6 have an hell bullet styles like gameplays like give them a taste of massive and overwhelming barrage of hellfire comming to them and give them the powers to unleashes bullet hell on the enemies
@procow2274 Жыл бұрын
Almost time 🐄
@crimson-foxtwitch2581 6 жыл бұрын
Ideas: Going back to Last Raven's style is the best option, but with the following changes: All of the major NEXT functions are now contained in Extensions. QB now works in any direction and PA replaces the side shields. Make some leg parts have the wall kick function and some core parts with Glide Boost instead of regular OB. Heat generation from boosters can no longer overheat your AC. Instead it will raise it to 3/4 of it maximum. Blade tracking will be changed to account for the air, but not to how broken it was in ACfA. As for the aesthetics, midweights are the 3rd gen and older stuff, lightweights are 4th gen, and heavyweights are 5th gen. For weapon swapping, if you press L-weapon while holding Switch weapons you can now have your L-weapon button be your left back weapon, allowing you to dual wield back weapons like in ACfA. If you have both weapon arms and a dual slot back weapon, your weapon arms become your R-weapon and your back weapon becomes your L-weapon. All the left-hand exclusives and right-hand exclusives can now be used on the other arm. The mail function for the story was very smart. Preset messages like in Monster Hunter were a very smart idea. Make the single player and tutorial idea into the story. Both of them are just fundamental laws of game design. Make some of the OP-I functions some of the other option parts, like having ECOP be a 5 slot option part.
@nebulousram674 5 жыл бұрын
Weapon swapping did away with awesome and over powerful back units that stood in their own class. I don't ever want to see weapon swapping again. The 2nd worst mistake that Verdict day ever made besides cutting the ravens wings. Weapon swapping also totally did away with dual slotted back units. ( THOSE WERE THE COOLEST BACK UNITS ) May as well rename the game "3rd Party Spin Off Mechs." Vetrans remember the their newb days when we threw a 2 slotted plasma cannon on our backs and 4 shot difficult AC's to beat, and owning people with plasma cannon quad units. If you took that out you would take out fun. Don't take out fun.
@tibbits0018 Жыл бұрын
Yeah I would play this game.
@gamerdudegamerdude4961 3 жыл бұрын
Just want them to bring back pre ac4 hud, human+, and hidden parts in Missions rather than unlocking them in Rankings which is gonna be hard for some with option to disable OP stuff in competitive play.
@marlondavis7344 5 жыл бұрын
Metal swords, and speedometer
@rays5163 6 жыл бұрын
my number 1 wish is for them to actually make it
@jamesianhutchison1165 4 жыл бұрын
Personally I'd like From Software to sit down with Bandai and hammer out an Armoured Core Vs Gundam title. Even better go for a J-Star+ kinda deal and chuck in Voltron, Hyper Combat Unit Dangaioh, Patlabour, Appleseed Landmates, etc, etc. All mix'n'matchable.
@meowenglish 4 жыл бұрын
So I like the pilot Idea, but I like the mystery of the armored core universe using little to know human representation in the games. Daemon Ex machina went full on and....I don't know it just felt corny and made things less interesting. so If we do the pilot hub, I am totally with it, the only thing I request is that human faces remain hidden within the pilot suits, akin to lets say Halo multiplayer. this helps give the vibe that you ARE a pilot and human, but not ruin the aesthetic that from has built with hits series up until now. which is part of why I love it.
@ElJags 4 жыл бұрын
what if you can change from manual to AI mode during online combat so you can have a "pause" time without leaving your AC unmaned and vulnerable.
@21Noire 6 жыл бұрын
I was a late bloomer for the is series (Started with AC4,ACFA) then I went back an tried to play I believe was Nexus to the old generations how you did you guys manage without quick boost. The older titles felt super clunky to me . For me personally I want FromSoftware to go big for AC6 these are my personal wishes -Online/Offline Hub space, with pilot creation(think MHW) - No limit to Emblem creation + and I want combo of all symbols, shapes etc. From Gen 3 -5 -Bring back the sleek designs from AC4 and ACFA the bulky designs of V were okay but not my style (also to please the older genration that grew up with Gen 1-3 make parts viable through end game challenges) which leads to my next wish - I want to battle the old Next/Links from previous generations with improved combat capabilities an rewards would be parts from the older generation with improved or enhanced specs -Weapon modifications would be nice as it would add more depth to customization ex if I equip a moonlight I want to mod for increased power output or maybe adjust the energy output to to extend it's reach. -taking notes from Warframe I wanna see a variety of mission types interception-give you chance for mods for weapons, Mop up operation for destroying all targets, boss fights of course , espionage mission were you will need manuever(sp?) From A to B, Escort Missions - Boss fights I want Mobile Fortresses back , also want see Raid (Joint Operations) where you need a squad of 8 -A squad creation function would be nice for those who still like doing the clan thing . Member cap should be 30 members - I want to stabilizers to keep their purpose and not be a cosmetic item, I would like to see weapon types back from V Kinetic,Thermal,Chemical (was the third one right?) - minor but Kojima weapons would be nice to have back -improved physics with destructible environments -last one but space battles would be a nice mixup this is minor though
@21Noire 6 жыл бұрын
Almost forgot -DLC only limited to cosmetics only
@theneer-do-well3240 6 жыл бұрын
All I genuinely want in Armored Core 6, is better balancing than what they did with 5 and VD with the effective/ineffective damage thresholds. In Gen5 there are heat-machineguns and the equivalent of micro-missiles that if you don't have a certain number in one of your 3 different defense types, they will melt you within seconds. And IMO, no machine-gun class weapon or small/micro missile should have the potential to just obliterate an AC in two volleys tops, especially because the missiles in question are literally un-dodgeable unless you are standing right next to a wall you can dip behind as soon as you think they're heading your direction. Also, no more subcomputers. subcomputers are frequently horribly abused and overused in Gen5, and if there are still CIWS anti-missile systems, make the best one not work so well, the best one in Verdict day is ridiculous, it'll even shoot down missiles that aren't supposed to be easy to shoot down. Oh, and retaining some of the visual themes would be cool too, like how they redesigned Gen3 parts and put them in Gen5, I really liked seeing Gen5 equivalents of the Misteye and Nineball heads, among other guns and body parts.
@mikereortricano5465 6 жыл бұрын
i also wishlist the making of ai to control my ac like in formula front, i just love to customize my ac and watch how he rekt every different kind of other ac
@nebulousram674 5 жыл бұрын
The expectations are way out of ball park. I'm afraid if Verdict Day shows anything it is the industry's willingness to add to the franchise. They took out back units, they took out flying, and now your asking for porting to 4 different consoles, and a large wish list. ( First you need smart goals. They get you down to earth with the rest of us that didn't play back in Armored core 3 and we don't want to deal with a the worst controller scheme in AC history. ) I want something similar to last raven, story was at the top, parts from previous were reusable. I like EO, Overboost, and hanger unit. I like a reasonable control scheme for new players and myself. I want usable back units without bending over like a duck. I want to use back units and napalm your sorry butt with an inside weapon when you get close. Lastly, I want online co-op. Go back to the roots with smaller levels, so the days of seeing all opponents in the distance is possible. Don't have too much going on just a mission, some AI opponents, and AI or friends to join you. Done!
@nebulousram674 5 жыл бұрын
( Reasonable Smart Goals) Vertic day was a control nightmare. I went back to the stone ages after living in the glory days. I couldn't freaking fly I felt like a bird or raven with no wings! ( now you want to take my reasonable control scheme ) NNNNOOOOO! Make the developers life easy and give a reasonable wish list. Give me a worthy squeal the glory games for PS2 Nexus, Ninebreaker and Last Raven. If the developers give me that I'll buy any one of the consoles I don't have and reserve their game. ( I beat Last Raven A.K.A. I beat every AC in story, in EX Arena, on multiplayer, and in VS Arena. I down to that stinking Pulverizer and Lucifer without back units. I'll fight the unfair fight, but I'd prefer not ) Give me some reusable parts from previous games and I am your friend, and the unlocking in multiplayer is great. Simply, put I would like to order a Last Raven with toppings please. Just don't take away from the perfect games and anything you want to include past PS2 days like quick boost are toppings on my ice cream I don't need. Who needs features. Return to the roots of good AC gaming and let "small returning or new features from ordinary developers" sell the new game. - Gandalf Paraphrase You can sell the new audience by tailoring the old game by adding features to compensate for their criticism of the old games. You don't need a new experience just a old tailored one to new expectations. Armored core stables: EO, Hanger Unit, Overboost, Flying AC's, good controlling, Back Units, Inside Units and REPLAY value. (E.G. V.S. Arena, EX Arena, and Repeat missions) The new stables everyone agrees on online competition, co-op, and quick boost. These are the staples. Don't leave them out. Yes, I love visible hidden items enough to say it should be a staple but I could live without. ( I don't care if you can unlock stuff in multiplayer. I loved starting with stuff by resuing old parts using previous save file, so the more stuff in my inventory at get go the merrier. I rewards are my joy of my accomplishment. ( LEAVE ACHIEVEMENTS OUT FOR ALL I CARE! The game doesn't need to tell me I'm awesome when I do something incredible I feel it anyway. Unless want achievement rewards. You got to give me want or I don't pay for it. Give me that new mountable I earned by myself, exploiting the game, or with my friend * WoW player talking ) When the AI runs out ammo and I kill him like a sitting duck I cry tears of joy.
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