My Relationship With Religion | Sibu Mpanza

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Sibu MpanzaSA

Sibu MpanzaSA

7 жыл бұрын

"It's not worth it."
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@siphosethumasembathe6991 7 жыл бұрын
Hey Sibu... I wasn't planning to comment since I try to avoid controversial issues. But anyway, I am a Christian. A born again Christian. I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior in 2013, I have never regretted that decision. 😊 I also grew up in a Christian home (not a Pastor's kid though). My grandmother used to make us go to church. Basically the only religion I've ever known is Christianity. Until I got saved and realized that Christianity is not a religion but a way of life/behavior (to be Christ like). If you have Bibles you can read Acts 11:26. People in Antioch called the believers Christians after they saw how they were living, it was similar to how Christ (Jesus) was living while on Earth. In the 3 years I've been saved, God has really shown me that He exists and that His word is real (the one I get from the Bible). I believe there's heaven and hell, and I believe that my faith in Jesus and doing as He tells me to will get me to heaven. Now with regards to homosexuality being an abomination; according to the Bible I read which I believe is the word of God, yes homosexuality is a sin (Leviticus 18:22 & Romans 1:26-28). There are many verses in the Bible that speak against things I used to do, they sounded very harsh and unfair but because I believe that they are from God I accepted then repented. For those that say they believe in God and that the Bible is the word of God, please don't be selective and accept only things that please you. As Christians, people that are like Christ and try to live like Him, we shouldn't be judging anyone indeed, we have no right, I was also a sinner. But it is our duty to preach the word of God with no compromise. God loves everyone but He hates the sins. Lastly, we shouldn't force our beliefs on anyone, God Himself doesn't force anyone. It is just His desire that all may be saved and know the truth ( 1 Timothy 2:3-4). It is a choice though whether to receive or reject the grace of God. I pray that God reveals Himself to you all. 😊
@lifewithpabi 7 жыл бұрын
Siphosethu Masembathe Very well articulated. Thank you for sharing! ;)
@nokuthulatshabangu2201 7 жыл бұрын
Siphosethu Masembathe 🤗lovely. more grace
@bradleykakuyu2438 5 жыл бұрын
Very well articulated indeed.
@zininzixozwa8817 5 жыл бұрын
Beautiful couldn't have said it better!
@bandilemsimanga 3 жыл бұрын
Christianity IS a religion. What you're doing is called special pleading - It's a logical fallacy. I know you wrote this comment 3 years ago. I hope your views have changed because your beliefs are/were incredibly harmful to LGBTQIA+ people. People literally commit suicide because of views like yours. I really hope you don't think the same way anymore.
@thandoblaque 7 жыл бұрын
I love how you addressed this, I also went through a period (actually don't think it will ever be over) of learning about a few of the primary religions. Saw the beauty and the issues across them. My final decision was mainly based on two big things, okay maybe three. Looking at the world and my life, I can't subscribe to the thinking that it's all coincidence, which leads to the second - God, objective truth and moral exists, and He is in the source of it and has ultimate authority. I do believe I can't be perfect and do what is right on my own without God. I've had to learn to determine for myself who God says he is, the core of my belief needs to hang fully on God and not on the people who claimed to follow God. I can test some of my beliefs with other believers but they aren't the source or foundation of why I believe. They are too flawed for me to place as the ultimate authority of anything in my life.
@IncredibleMortals 3 жыл бұрын
If you don't think it's all a coincidence, how do you know it's God either way? To say it must be God because it can't be a coincidence is an argument from incredulity which is fallacious. There's no good reasons to believe in God unfortunately.
@wayneswart2639 7 жыл бұрын
I feel the same the same way. I grew up Christian but a few years ago I decided to stop living according to the bible and the intense pressure of fearing God all the time (the "hell" scare tactic) so i seeked to define my own spiritually based on my own experiences. I came across this book called Conversations with God, it really opened my mind about my relationship with myself and being more aware of the simple yet complex nature of the divine. My view on religion is that its based on other people's experiences and thoughts regarding the divine and thats just it "THOUGHTS" that have been accepted by masses of people to be their own.
@M24MF 7 жыл бұрын
My experience is almost identical to yours. Because i was raised Christian It took me a while to get to a place where I'm comfortable to say hey organized religion is not for me. I firmly believe in God and believe in the importance of spirituality, but through research and hearing from other people like yourself (whom are quite few if I may add) I can have God in my life and not belong to a religion.
@keikei1943 7 жыл бұрын
thanks today was the first time I discovered your videos and your topics are fresh. please keep up the good work.
@chrislaawrence 7 жыл бұрын
Interesting how we're on the exact same page torn form the same cloth. My dad is also a minister and I grew up i the church but as I got older and started to see the hatred that existed within many Black church, like homophobia, misogyny, etc, it really just pushed me away from it and while I can say I still believe in God and all the stuff I learned growing up, I'm very concerned with how many churches conduct themselves and claim to be following God/Christ. Awesome video!
@IncredibleMortals 3 жыл бұрын
You probably don't know your own religion. Homophobia is explicitly sanctioned in the bible as well as misogyny. The churches you despise are doing exactly as the bible teaches. Aren't you being a hypocrite?
@McNgcobo 6 жыл бұрын
God says we mustn’t judge each other but churches do that...I think people should have a relation with God not religion coz the word itself get into our head too much then we shift away from God
@lloydndhlovu7985 5 жыл бұрын
Nelisiwe Ngcobo Uh... It depends on what you mean buy Judge. So you might be lying about God... just saying
@kesaobakaselemela2821 4 жыл бұрын
Nelisiwe Ngcobo some people don't wanna hear the truth and take it as judgment
@bandilemsimanga 3 жыл бұрын
kesaobaka Selemela THE truth? Maybe YOUR truth.
@tee9417 7 жыл бұрын
I'm an atheist who was raised Catholic. Religion just didn't make sense when I looked at it analytically so I stopped believing in it.
@sane_njomi 5 жыл бұрын
Being raised Christian and practically having it forced on me (although my mom would deny this), I recognise as an agnostic theist now. I don't speak about it I'm sure my mom thinks I have no doubts about the existence of God or religion being the blueprint of divine morality but I think being raised with Jesus as a gun to my head has left me resenting religion. I remember months in my high school years where I was paranoid and scared shitless of the devil, going to hell and not being a good enough Christian and I have no desire to go back to that state. It was so bad I was losing sleep. So yeah... Me and religion are not on the same page anymore
@nokuthulatshabangu2201 7 жыл бұрын
many times people chase after churches.. Though it would make sense to find the truth in a church, we have to face the fact that many 'churches' don't even know what the bible teaches.... It's even a shame to call them churches. Seek after Jesus. He does not live in a building. He is Omnipresent. He said He will never reject those who come to Him.
@bandilemsimanga 3 жыл бұрын
Those are all just claims. Do you have any evidence to back them up?
@IncredibleMortals 3 жыл бұрын
I don't think she has evidence. It's probably just emotional reasons.
@SibuMpanza 7 жыл бұрын
Sorry I've been MIA for a while. Wasn't feeling 100%. I'm back though :) Let me know how you feel about religion!
@ZENJEWELS_ZA 7 жыл бұрын
Interesting how you chose to stay open minded through your growing up as a Christian and having chosen to not label yourself as one now. I grew up Christian then went full blown born again at like 13 but life happened and long story short I follow no religion right now (I'm 20). I agree with you though, the good in it doesn't overweigh the shit to me either. I am though, very spiritual. was wondering what you think about spirituality out of religion, the whole cosmic and universal belief
@pieterlouw9073 7 жыл бұрын
Julieta L Aurelio we should discuss the shit parts, specifically what pushes you away from Christianity as you know it and towards spiritualism. I would argue that Biblical doctrine is the only way to make rational sense of the universe.
@bouwerbosch 7 жыл бұрын
@xoliciam827 4 жыл бұрын
I just discovered you 5minutes ago and I'm already in love with your channel❤your topics 🧠👌
@HeyGabsterSD 7 жыл бұрын
Religion is a very egg shell topic but a very important one as many things (good and bad) are done in the name of religion yet we try and avoid it as if non of us participate with it in our various ways and forms
@niccigericke1234 7 жыл бұрын
Lol my mom raised me as a christian because she thought it was the right thing to do. I've lived in a Jewish area most of my life and that hasn't gone down well for the people in my area :/ My mom wanted to convert to Judaism until she followed me in admitting that we're atheist and we don't need to believe in anything to be good people. Most of my friends are atheist and have always been. I tried to go to churches and all but never felt it there and I was only there for the friends. They stopped being my friends after I left the church. Oh well.
@guyafrica7894 7 жыл бұрын
?.. I thought you were gonna say something about your beliefs and stuff
@nkosigawe9727 7 жыл бұрын
"Happy clappy church" lol!! Btw, that's a pretty rad Starbucks mug, uythenge phi?
@nerdommeetsboy 7 жыл бұрын
I want to follow a faith/denomination but I'm not sure what. I've spent such a long time not going to church and being friends with pretty heavy atheists so I have no idea where to start
@jessyacosta1553 7 жыл бұрын
Hey, I was reading your posts. It's hard to find the right church but they are out there. I would just try one out until you find the right one. I like going to church for many different reasons. I just finished a project on the LGBT community that focused on religion and the people I came across were amazing. I typically go through times where I actively participate in church and times when I can't find the right one. Because of my research I feel like I've found a couple of good spots. I live in Washington state so that may not help you but if you really want to find the right place you may need to go out to some websites that have inclusive churches. That's how I find some of the churches in our area. The people there are great. It may take a few times for you to find the right one but don't give up!
@bromponie7330 7 жыл бұрын
+nerdommeetsboy Hey, I'd like to present to you Christianity. Instead of going through the spiritual side of it (you can do that by yourself by praying, going to church, reading the NT etc.), I'll be going through the historic evidence for it. But keep with me, it is a bit long. :P Well, Christianity rests on one historical point: the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The resurrection is what makes or breaks Christianity. There are also other things, like archaeological & geographic evidence of the Old & New Testament etc., but I won't be covering all of those, instead I'll be focusing on Jesus, since He is the core of Christianity. And there are certain 'minimal facts' that *more than 90% of (Christian, agnostic & atheist) historians & scholars* relevant to the field can agree upon (#): # Jesus existed. (This *should not even be on here because it's already a fact,* with probably ~99+% of scholars excepting this. There are altogether 42 different authors that concern Jesus within the first 150 years of His life! Which is absolutely overwhelming when comparing it with other ancient texts & standards! Apart from all the biblical and other Christian authors, there are about 9 non-Christian sources that concern Him.) # Jesus was crucified - by the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate. (this is probably the most universally accepted fact regarding Jesus, it's been recorded by Luke, Paul, Mark, Matthew, John, the Talmud, Flavius Josephus (an ancient Jewish historian), Tacitus and Lucian (Romans) etc.) # Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist (who, btw, is also mentioned outside the Bible, by Josephus). # Post Mortem experiences: His disciples believed Jesus appeared to them after His death. # Saul of Tarsus (later became known as Paul), the chief prosecutor of Jesus' followers, became a believer in Christ. (It would take something extraordinary to make an enemy of the Christian movement join it and become a champion for Christ!) # and some others Also: ~ During the crucifixion, a period of darkness from about 12 - 15PM took place when Jesus died. This has been documented by the Gospels of Mark, Luke and Matthew. This could've been interpreted figuratively, but even non-Christian sources such as Phlegon and Thallus also mention this! So we have good reason to believe this actually happened. The non-Christians try to explain the darkness as an eclipse, but what's astonishing is that, thanks to astronomy, we now know that could not have been a solar eclipse (it happened on the Passover). Could this perhaps have been a supernatural occurrence? ~ Jesus sceptical half-brother, James, became a believer. ~ Jesus' tomb has been found empty. ~ Basically all the Christian sources mention that Jesus could perform miracles. However, even some non-Christian sources, like the (Jewish) Babylonian Talmud states that Jesus was a sorcerer. So even non-believers at the time believed He had supernatural abilities. They claim that Jesus got His powers "from demons." It also states that healings were done in Jesus' name. ~Also, we have good historical evidence that at least 4 of the apostles were tortured & martyred for believing that Jesus has risen from the dead and that they had encountered them (The other apostles are also said to have been martyred, but the evidence for those aren't as great as for these 4). We also have no evidence that they ever recanted what they said & their beliefs. As recorded by many biblical and non-biblical sources (See The Fate of the Apostles - Sean McDowell). Some people are willing to die for their beliefs which they believe are true, but WHY WOULD THE APOSTLES DIE FOR SOMETHING THEY KNEW WAS "FALSE"? (Think about this. Many people don't really think about this or let it process through their minds. These were real people, like you and I, willing to die for claiming to have met the resurrected Jesus. Why not take their word for it?) These facts are excepted as part of the historical bedrock. The most suitable explanation for all these facts is that Jesus actually rose from the dead, thus confirming that He is indeed the promised Messiah and the Son of God. This is all probably a bit new to you, but please give Jesus a chance. History is on our side. And if you have any questions, feel free to answer :) G'day
@NongceboHlongwane 6 жыл бұрын
My entire life my family has always drummed Christianity into my life and when I was 23 I read "Conversations With God Book 1" which CHANGED my life because God ended up not being what I was told He was. When I was 25 I introduced myself to Buddhism and ascribed to it and the philosophies taught within the religion. For me now God is everything and nothing; the Here and the Not There and the In Between and She/It taught me that I don't HAVE TO ascribe to a specific religion...I now believe that all faiths are One faith but with different interpretations. (hope I make sense)
@kundai 7 жыл бұрын
Enjoyed the video. Wish you hadn't kept it brief and elaborated though I understand the topic is complex. Being Christian I really want the church to have nauced, uncomfortable dialogues and understanding about parts of our faith not in correlation with the constitution.
@TheIrieman15 7 жыл бұрын
I am of jamaican heritage and grew up in a evangelical church. I am now an atheist and feel so free and find life soooo much more interesting. The more our people embrace science and reason over the rigidity of the bible and other religious constraints the better. I also notice now how much non-religious people are more open in debates and discussions, more curious about things and less divisive as you are indoctrinated to be in religion.
@mziwendukuntsele671 7 жыл бұрын
Your parents moved to Cape Town from where?
@kyliebrand5051 7 жыл бұрын
I love u siby
@thandocoka882 7 жыл бұрын
1st of all that cup you are waving in our faces :"), I want one. And like I totally hear this chat, I've had a different experience when it comes to church and all but I'm finding so many MAJOR issues/contradictions that make me think ummmmmm nooo I don't think so. Also being brought up Christian now means you are a Christian by virtue of where you live and the environment around you so manje what about choice? That time my dad is super spiritual and my mom is traditional.. so then there's that :|.
@thandocoka882 7 жыл бұрын
Also this happy clappy church sounds like Hill Song :") I've been there, it's quite the experience I have to say.
@sindiswamkhize3921 4 жыл бұрын
Hi Sibu. Have you ever tried just being a person of faith, meaning instead of looking at Christianity as a religion, you work on your relationship with God. What I have learnt is that with anything there's always someone who will misrepresent it. Just like political parties, one person messes up will call out the whole political party. What i know is, God is love, he loves us all and his grace is enough for everyone, if we were to go page by page in the Bible, judging people by it, there will be more hate than love just as it is happening now. I believe that we need to be more like Jesus, show love. Faith allows us to have something to hold on to, when your back is against the wall and u have no one, faith and hope allows you to gain strength. Forget the haters in the church. Whenever someone askes me if im Christian is say im a woman of faith, i believe in Christ and i believe in his endless love. Okunye sokubona ezulwini! Lol
@IncredibleMortals 3 жыл бұрын
how do u know god exists?
@LaylaIsOnYouTube 7 жыл бұрын
Really really really enjoyed this 💯
@buhlengindi3913 5 жыл бұрын
I'm currently at a weird place with my relationship with religion, everything is a big question mark and filled with IDKs
@ntobekoshabangu6490 6 жыл бұрын
He is the true living God he is Jehovah eliyon ,Jehovah yawe those who walk with the eyez of the flesh shall not see him ,for he spirit and must be worshipped in spirit and in truth. May you have mercy on their souls father for they do not see the implications of their utterances. Amen
@bandilemsimanga 3 жыл бұрын
This is incredibly condescending and outright disrespectful.
@leena1658 7 жыл бұрын
really loved hearing your thoughts. I feel like religion has a bad impact whenever it's practiced by a constitution, or incorporated in a country's policies (like conservatives), because that's when some religious people feel the need to impose their beliefs on others. I'm a muslim & I live in country in which government and religion are very intertwined, & that's when you start seeing the government using religion to oppress certain groups and use religion as justification. For example, even though there's nothing in islam that says women shouldn't drive cars somehow religion is their excuse for why we can't drive. It also means that it's impossible for someone who's queer to ever survive in this country. If people want the right to practice their religion without persecution then they shouldn't persecute gay folks for just being themselves. I have a couple of friends who are lesbian & I know if they were found out they'd be imprisoned or worse..
@tendanimavhungu7762 5 жыл бұрын
Maybe i need to rewatch this cause i didnt catch what your take on homosexualism is. But in anyways, can i just say this? FOR ME Christainity is more than just a religion
@marubalfour8098 7 жыл бұрын
I share the same sentiments.
@lloydndhlovu7985 5 жыл бұрын
Wait.. did he compare Christianity to Islam? Lol no mate. You cannot do that trust me.
@noxolokumkanikazi4819 4 жыл бұрын
rewatch the video again man... i dont think you understood what his verdict on religion is...
@IncredibleMortals 3 жыл бұрын
lol islam and christianity are equally bat shit crazy. If you think otherwise you're clearly clueless of your own religion.
@annavonwillingh3673 7 жыл бұрын
So Im a Christian and very very strongly proGay Rights. So you know Id say my whole life revolves around God and it is the most important thing to me. There's a very interesting video called Why I hate religion but love Jesus and that basically sums up my views on differentiating between all the bad stuff the Church has done and all the exclusion and people justifying slavery and homophobia with verses etc. So ya that's kind of where I stand. I believe in the Holy Trinity and the Bible but am anti the concept of religion
@IncredibleMortals 3 жыл бұрын
the bible condones homophobia. you should read the bible.
@gwenwilson3836 7 жыл бұрын
Again, I watch this video to take it from 698 to 700. I have a serious problem!
@puletshetlha3895 7 жыл бұрын
Gwen Wilson OCD😂😂😂
@azaniamamabolo1661 3 жыл бұрын
Notice how this dudes never mentioned who Jesus was even once or debated who he believes he was even once
@steved7961 7 жыл бұрын
I managed a minute, but gave up. 2,187 views - a lot of patient people out there. Keep trying.
@ThoziTheCreator 7 жыл бұрын
Seems we had a similar relationship with religion. Only difference is I have felt the 'spirit'. It clear you don't practice religion but my question is do you practice spirituality? And do you believe there is a "source" of everything?
@henogtjikune7483 5 жыл бұрын
You should catholism
@johandelport1745 7 жыл бұрын
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