My Thoughts After Visiting an Anglican Church

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Matt Whitman

Matt Whitman

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I visited an Anglican Church (ACNA) in Overland Park, Kansas.
Here are links to the tour of the church and my interview with their Pastor:
Tour: • An Outsider Visits an ...
Interview: • Heartfelt Interview Ab...
This KZfaq channel happen because some of you support it at - I'm grateful to you.
Finally, here's a link to my daily podcast called The Ten Minute Bible Hour

Пікірлер: 302
@maryduggins Жыл бұрын
An Anglican priest I know once said something along the lines of, “When I’m doubting, when I’m weary, when I’m so broken I can’t make myself believe… I can still come to the table and be fed.”
@albertito77 Жыл бұрын
@peterxuereb9884 6 ай бұрын
How is he being fed? What Doctrinal Truths does Anglicanism have to offer.
@etheretherether Ай бұрын
@@peterxuereb9884 "Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in them." John 6:56 "High" church denominations tend to believe that the sacramental actions described in the Bible (communion, baptism, anointing with oil etc) have real supernatural effects.
@peterxuereb9884 Ай бұрын
@etheretherether High Church or not Anglican communion is not valid because the Anglican Church is not valid. It is impossible for the Anglican Church to be valid, as is the Catholic Church, since they both teach preach and believe the opposite to each other not to mention that only the Catholic Church began with, by, and from the Apostles who were inspired and instructed by Jesus Christ. Anglican did not, and Henry viii changed all that.
@kittywatchesyoutube Ай бұрын
I have loved becoming Anglican after growing up Presbyterian USA. I truly believe that God led me to my church, which is ACNA, and it feels like a beautiful gift I’ve been given.
@kmrbsc Жыл бұрын
I appreciate you Matt! You always get me to think!! I am a cradle Roman Catholic! I find that I agree with you most of the time. You are doing great Christian work. Thanks for all you do!!!
@MattWhitmanTMBH Жыл бұрын
Thank you Kelly, it's great to Internet meet you and I appreciate you being here!
@orangemanbad 7 ай бұрын
I agree. For what it’s worth.
@peterxuereb9884 6 ай бұрын
No his not doing any great Christian work since when is telling a lie the right thing.
@orangemanbad 6 ай бұрын
@@peterxuereb9884 what’s the lie kid
@peterxuereb9884 6 ай бұрын
@orangemanbad We'll for starters his protestant, and as a protestant, there is an automatic contradiction to truth, to the scriptures to Christianity. The term Protestant Christian is an oxymoron.
@johnlogan9417 Жыл бұрын
Another terrific resource on Anglicanism from an ACNA source is The Anglican Way by Fr. Thomas McKenzie. He also did a five part You Tube series on the subject. One of his best quotes is "I'm not saying that Anglicanism is the only way, or that it's God's favorite way. It's just my favorite way." Rest in peace Father McKenzie.
@peterxuereb9884 6 ай бұрын
Anglicanism is one of many protestant ways away from salvation. Since there is no contradiction in the word of God.
@iwontliveinfear 5 ай бұрын
​​@@peterxuereb9884 That really depends on what you mean by "the word of God". There are plenty of contradictions in The Bible. Over the course of history there have been lots of contradictions between The Bible and the messages being taught by the Catholic Church. Far too many Popes, Cardinals, and Bishops that started wars, that over taxed common folk, cheated and murdered simply to increase their own wealth and power. Protestantism only exists because The Catholic Church had stayed too far from the written tradition of Christ's teachings.
@etheretherether Ай бұрын
@@peterxuereb9884 Spoiler alert, the reformation was not the first schism in history.
@peterxuereb9884 Ай бұрын
@etheretherether Don't leave me in suspense do tell, what was the first schism in history, and has that affected the Catholic Church???
@johnlogan9417 Ай бұрын
The Great Schism of 1054 where the Bishop of Rome (today's Catholic Pope) severed the Western Church from the Eastern, and declared Papal supremacy over the other popes. Other facts: Peter founded the Church at Antioch before founding the Church in Rome, yet the still existing Church in Antioch doesn't claim to be the one true Church. Likewise the first established Church eyewitnessed in the book of Acts was the Church in Jerusalem. You can read for yourself that while Peter was present there with the other Disciples, he and the others subordinated themselves to James' leadership at that time. Jesus built his Church on the rock of Peter's confession that he is Lord, not on Peter himself. Romans 10:9 states that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. This is good news, which is what "gospel" means. Jesus paid for our sins on the cross. Faith in him as "the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world" is what saves us. Otherwise it's really not good news because man is incapable of behaving his way to a right relationship with God. "If anyone sins, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous, who is the propitiation (atoning sacrifice) for our sins, and not for ours only, but for the sins of the whole world." 1 John 2:1-2
@alanclohessy9304 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much Matt. I have been following your church visits for some time now, especially enjoyed the Coptic Church. As an Anglican in Ireland, this ACNA church visit really resonated with me . I have learned so much from this interview with Rev Patrick and am resolved to better articulate what our beliefs as a church are. To confess my faith in Jesus Christ unapologetically. God bless your ministry Matt.
@wesmorgan7729 Жыл бұрын
I lament the way the CoE, CiW, and SEC have gone. I hope the Anglican church in Ireland is holding strong.
@joelhaas765 Жыл бұрын
I was part of an ACNA Anglican Church before I moved somewhere that doesn’t have these churches. The ACNA as a whole is fairly broad but usually does a great job of merging and/or reconciling “High Church” and “Low Church” theology. You have a historical liturgy, a feeling of continuity with the ancient Church, and a notion of sacramental grace. But there is generally a strong emphasis on the Bible and personal faith as well. So this tradition can be for some the best of both worlds. But at the same time being “All things to all men” can make us Anglicans seem like “works righteousness semi-papalists” to some and just another form of “prots” to really traditionalist Catholics or Orthodox. And even within ACNA there are disagreements about many issues, including women’s ordination, and veneration of the saints. And like any church, we aren’t immune to some occasional infighting and congregational drama. Perhaps the greatest strength of the ACNA is the strong emphasis on mission; bringing the Kingdom of God to earth through making new converts, bringing people back to church, reconciling different traditions, and performing charitable works for the community. Mission is the great charisma of the Anglican tradition, at least until many of its adherents went off of the rails theologically.
@James-cs5vg Жыл бұрын
Truly the ACNA is a beautiful, authentic expression of Anglicanism. I would recommend the ACNA catechism book "To Be a Christian".
@jldrumm Жыл бұрын
I'm an Anglican (ACNA) Christian, too. The "To be a Christian" book is amazing! It's written in a Q&A format making otherwise complex topics quite easily digestible.
@roddumlauf9241 Жыл бұрын
Hey James, Thank you for your mention of the ACNA catechism "To Be a Christian". I have had it by my side for years. Personally, as an Anglo Catholic, I would have liked to have seen things worded from a more "Catholic/Orthodox/Apostolic Tradition" perspective. but it is a rock solid in doctrine and teaching, but it does have an evangelical Anglican leaning ( that's a given seeing that J.I. Packer is the head man behind the project). That said, I totally recommend this catechism also, with you !!!!!
@roddumlauf9241 Жыл бұрын
@@jldrumm I'm Holy Catholic Church-Anglican Rite ( Continuing Anglican Church), so I still use the catechism from the 1928 Prayer Book, but I agree, "To Be a Christian" catechism is amazing.
@doubtingthomas9117 Жыл бұрын
I’m another ACNA guy (who perhaps leans a little more to the ‘Anglo-Catholic’ side of things) who likes ‘To Be A Christian’. About a year ago I co-taught the adult Christian Ed class at my parish using this book and it was very edifying.
@RyanGrandon Жыл бұрын
Yes, great book, read that before I got confirmed in the ACNA!
@matthewweston643 Жыл бұрын
Matt thank you for sharing your heart. What you are doing is powerful. As a Catholic and always seems to me like like my Evangelical friends have an easier time holding on to their Faith. It all seems so straightforward vs. the complexity of Catholicism. I suppose we all struggle at times. I appreciate the pastor's marriage analogy. As the Bible speaks of the Relationship of Christ and His Church of which we are (imperfectly) members.
@pixadavid Жыл бұрын
When evangelical faith fails though it seems to boomerang. most ex catholics seem to drift into sloppy agnosticism or universalism, whereas its ex evangelicals that seem to become the angry anti-theists
@wilsonw.t.6878 Жыл бұрын
@@pixadavid As an evanglical, I flirted with agnosticism for awhile. It's the hardcore Young Earth Creationist fundamentalists who become angry anti-theists.
@peterxuereb9884 6 ай бұрын
Why don't you convert to Anglicanism rather than remaining a Catholic and causing confusion for those around you by praising Protestantism/Anglicanism. You're either in or you're out. Because being lukewarm, Jesus will spit you out, as Scripture says.
@wesmorgan7729 Жыл бұрын
I could tell you felt connected to this visit more so than any other visits. What drew me to your channel were your church visits, thanks for still doing them. Now that you've been to an Anglo-Catholic parish, Episcopal parish, and evangelical Anglican parish, I'd be curious to see you discuss your thoughts on all three.
@maxonmendel5757 Жыл бұрын
he should collab with Ready To Harvest
@wesmorgan7729 Жыл бұрын
@@maxonmendel5757 Agreed
@sjgar3 Жыл бұрын
​@@maxonmendel5757 and Gospel Simplicity...all 3 together in a room would be great
@maxonmendel5757 Жыл бұрын
@@sjgar3 that could bea 3 hour podcast
@ivandinsmore6217 Жыл бұрын
Rev. Wildman is truly godly. I was blessed by what he had to say. Thank you for visiting that Church.
@jmiller3792 Жыл бұрын
I've been attending Christ Church for 5 years and love the church. I'm glad you found it Matt and got a chance to speak with Patrick.
@Wordsnwood Жыл бұрын
Growing up I've often heard regret expressed at the sheer number of schisms and resulting denominations out there. It is interesting to hear that turned around and wrestle with the idea that maybe it's actually okay, and even good, that there are different kinds of churches out there where we can find a home and grow... Thanks, Matt!
@gilbertjones9157 Жыл бұрын
When was Christendom ever a unified whole? When was Judaism, even in Jesus day, a unified whole? One Church that has spuned many was the Church of England, from Puritans to Quakers, Church of Scotland ordaining the first American Bishop after our rebellion, Methodists, Unitarians from Congregationalists from Separatists from Puritans. Many grew out of disagreements with church administration, State participation, funds collected, clergy pay and other things outside of scripture and practice. It is the basis for our country's development , kind of like a prison colony but one volunteered to join not order transported to go. But on the 4th of July 1776 every member of the Continental Congress were on their knees praying for guidance whither Quaker, Unitarian, Episcopal, Roman Catholic after having read the 'verses of scripture' outline for day readings. We are a mixed breed, touch your nose it's wet and we are loyal, brave and true, made up of many lands, ethnicities and creeds the best example is the grave yards in Normandy, or the Tomb of the Unknown in Arlington known only to God.
@cornwallacemontgomery Жыл бұрын
Pastor Wildman’s words touched me as well. I’ve been struggling in my faith as of recent, particularly with feeling faithful and feeling my belief, and when he made the analogy with marriage it all just clicked and made sense. I realized that I need to be patient with the Lord, and trust Him despite my feelings.
@andrewsweeny327 Жыл бұрын
Our church moved to the ACNA last year and it's been amazing to watch the community thrive in our family of connections together, our vocations in the city, and impulse to reach the needs of people around us all while recognizing our own imperfections and need to be fed the same Gospel truth we try to extend to the world through our lives. It has been the most pastoral and tender expression of faith I've ever experienced and I'm thrilled to hear and see that it touched your heart in the same way. Also, thanks for your courage and drive to pursue and produce these enlightening conversations that help to bridge us together as a household of faith ❤️
@rogerparada4995 Жыл бұрын
Out of curiosity, where did they move from?
@vaudevillian7 Жыл бұрын
I’m a British Anglican (I have been to both Low Church and Anglo-Catholic churches) and am thoroughly enjoying your videos
@mikesarno7973 Жыл бұрын
Thanks, Matt! Your visit to the ACNA church in Overland Park was one of your best. It was easy to see that you were getting more out of the visit than from many of the other churches you've visited. Keep doing what you're doing.
@jmcool5502 Жыл бұрын
you've inspired me to go visit the churches around us and build some relationships. thanks for all you do brother
@yeahnothx-e9l Жыл бұрын
I really enjoyed watching your videos on your visit to the Anglican church. I finally started attending an Anglican church in the Washington DC area, after checking our their services online for a couple months. So far, I am very impressed!
@erichhershey2308 Жыл бұрын
Great video Matt. I can really appreciate where you are. As a Christian my whole life I had never read the early church fathers or studied what the earliest Christians believed. I was non denominational and my wife was Baptist. I began to read the early church fathers and studied the early church and the development of doctrine. I have now read through much of the first 3 centuries and some of the next 3 pertaining to doctrines. Even though I was happy with my non denominational church, I realized many historic doctrines were missing. I just wanted the truth and have remained open to where that led. For a few years, I researched and attended Orthodox Churches both Eastern and Coptic and looked into the Anglican and Lutheran church. My biggest issues with the EO/OO remain Mary/Saints/Icon veneration as they are not part of the Apostolic deposit. Everyone has some level of development, but I wanted the ancient Apostolic faith. I have found a home with the Anglican church (ACNA) as a representative of that ancient faith with the traditions and doctrines passed down from the first century but also the reforms and purifying that were needed from the Roman Catholic church. I have read a ton, but I would most recommend "Early Christian Doctrines" by JND Kelly and I would be happy to chat with anyone on a similar journey.
@marksmale827 11 ай бұрын
Are you sure that veneration of Mary ("All generations shall call me blessed") isn't in the Early Fathers?
@weirdoWillis 8 ай бұрын
This is definitely a journey I'm on. The Lutheran and Anglican church drawn my eye in similar manner. However, I don't know how my young family would take such a harsh transition from the modern non-denominational we currently attend.
@erichhershey2308 8 ай бұрын
@marksmale827 She is blessed and highly favored. That is not even remotely the same thing as calling her "Propitiation of all the world, forgiveness of many sins, gate of salvation, salvation of my soul, thee alone do we have as our only hope, though who blottest out the stain of sin, laver that washes the conscience clean, in search of salvation unto thee have I taken flight, I know no other help but thee, no other intercessor, most holy Theotokos save us, no consulation have I but thee, Mistress of Creation, the only protection of those who believe, I glorify thee, we magnify thee!" Read for yourself. This is a slow development of the unified church and not part of the Apostolic deposit of faith, and in my opinion, it is not appropriate.
@marksmale827 8 ай бұрын
@@weirdoWillis I don't think any Anglican church could be called "harsh".
@marksmale827 8 ай бұрын
@@erichhershey2308 That quote is not remotely typical of mainstream Catholicism, certainly not post-Vatican II. I have never encountered it.
@bruceb2839 Жыл бұрын
Wonderful heart-felt talk during such an important series of visits to various Christian expressions. Thanks for you doing this for the Kingdom.
@barbourjohn Жыл бұрын
I love the way you explained this. I am one of those who felt like I found a home In Anglicanism. Unfortunately, the church went “woke” on me and chased my wife and me away because of the misguided politics of social justice.
@redknightsr69 Жыл бұрын
I think in the friendliest way of saying this, I think you found a church outside of the tradition you have grown accustomed to that you felt a connection with. Doesn't mean the whole denomination (the ACNA is quite diverse) but if for whatever reason you found yourself living in that town in Kansas, you may have found another place to worship.
@JabneyTheKing Жыл бұрын
Matt, I'm so glad you were able to do some ACNA videos. I was on a church "retirement" for years. Found my home in the ACNA. :)
@MattieBeekeeper Жыл бұрын
I don't like politics and church mixing, but I have to say as someone who leans left it was the words of Christ that have drawn me to faith! I'm in England so have grown up surrounded by Anglicanism though and there's something about worshiping where others have done so for a thousand years
@philspicer Жыл бұрын
These videos have been so incredible. I've often wondered how the gears of other churches that are not my own turn and operate. I've learned a lot through watching your journey.
@aetiffany Жыл бұрын
I went to seminary with Patrick (Nazarene theological Sem. ) in KC 15 years ago. I remember a couple conversations i had with him and really enjoyed his wisdom and humility. Watching/listening to your convo with Patrick was really encouraging! Thanks!
@teresawoods5099 Жыл бұрын
As usual, really appreciate your thoughts and insights to yet another tradition. What a blessing to have this conversation with the Pastor when you spirit needed it. God's always watching and providing right? Praying you heal up quick. Thank you for all you do.
@KnittingGeek Жыл бұрын
Hey, Matt. I recently found your channel with your study Bible review video. When I checked out the rest of your channel, I was thrilled to see your church visit videos. Those have really resonated with me. I love a variety of expressions of Christianity, as you do. Both my husband and I have always held that as long as you can affirm the Creeds, you're our brother. We all see through the glass dimly, after all. We have found our home in an ACNA church after years at a variety of different denominations. I just wanted to drop a comment to say that I really appreciate what you're doing with this channel. Keep up the great work! Blessings to you! Now I'm off to check out your podcast.
@nycrypto_investor Жыл бұрын
Thanks Matt for all of your work! Always learning something new! Been a fan since the early days of Covid.
@saraguaraldi6559 Жыл бұрын
After a long time away from the church and being unsure of my faith, your channel has been a blessing to me finding my way back to God. I loved your interview and your thoughts on it. I don’t know a lot about all of the different churches but this pastor and this church appealed to me.
@iceice9698 Жыл бұрын
Glad to hear this Matt, I been watching your videos over a year now. I attend a ACNA church in Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico it has changed my life, hope you consider going often to a ACNA church see the unity and diversity.
@Psychoveliatonet Жыл бұрын
Love this series!
@MattWhitmanTMBH Жыл бұрын
Thanks! I just keep meeting great Christians. I'm encouraged by those I have tons in common with, and encouraged by those I don't have as much in common with as well. I even appreciate those I've met who are coming at all this completely differently and with whom I have significant disagreements.
@orthodoxpilgrimofficial Жыл бұрын
In any case, the visit and the interview are worth seeing
@Frantzypantz Жыл бұрын
I have more recently gotten involved in the ACNA, and I'm experiencing a deep appreciation for their commitment to the Word of God, and the gospel message. Glad you got to visit!
@brianwagsful Жыл бұрын
Matt, thank you so much for your raw honesty. I know how you feel and you are not alone, brother.
@kakelso Жыл бұрын
I really appreciate what you're saying here. I'm not looking for a new church, either, but I've felt for years now a draw to a more historical expression of Christianity and more unity (not uniformity) within the body of Christ. Your videos have helped me to understand that there is more that we have in common than different in many cases. I've also visited a (theologically conservative) Episcopal church where I live as well as an ACNA church not too far from home, and they have both been inspiring visits. Like I said, I have no plans to leave my church, but if I was going to move into a different church tradition, it would almost definitely be ACNA.
@svenknutsen8937 Жыл бұрын
I think I'm going to watch the last interveiw one more time. There was something special about it, like it's was even more personal than usual. Perhaps not so much of an intellectual exercise, but more personal. BTW: I love these "visiting other churches- episodes"! I learn so much from them!
@elizabethallen1415 Жыл бұрын
I'm genuinely touched by how eloquent and heartfelt your observations are. Your videos and this one in particular actually help to break down the borders between churches/denominations/differences in faith - bringing us all together rather than dwell on differences and division. I am just entering my 5th year as a new Christian (Church of Christ) and have not understood all the branching off of churches and (dare I say) competition. My daughter, also Christian, was interested in becoming Catholic and was met with SUCH objections and negativity. As her mother, I was very supportive but push back was so discouraging. Again, this video has helped us BOTH so much. Thank you and bless you brother! 🙏🤟
@peterxuereb9884 6 ай бұрын
Those borders will exist as long as the Protestant Heresy exists. To change the bible and to deny Jesus Christ's Authority, is not a follower of Jesus but a denier of Him. Unity will happen when the heretical perversity of protestantism will no longer exist. The fact that your daughter was getting push back from other protestant for wanting to convert is quite telling.
@rymskindeep Жыл бұрын
thanks for your perspective it always helps me see things w/ a fresh set of eyes and gives me a better understanding to these hard things, they can be large and intimidating to tackle. thanks for posting and sharing this and keep doing what you doing. thumbs 1
@AndrewEtmus Жыл бұрын
I have been deeply appreciative of this church unity series you’ve been doing. As someone who spent my formative years in the Assemblies of God tradition, then later, after moving across the country and finding myself in a Southern Baptist church, started searching the Word on my own for what it says about different doctrines, I can completely relate and empathize with the hunger and desire to know more about what people in these traditions believe. Seeing Patrick’s heart for his role as a pastor and how he deeply, genuinely cared for you and considered his answers to your questions was amazing. Praying for you, that the Lord would keep you encouraged as you discuss these things and shed light on the differences and, perhaps more importantly, the similarities between what the different branches of our Christian family tree believe and teach.
@AskAScreenwriter Жыл бұрын
Another great video and insightful comments. I'd love to see a video of a quick overview of your bookshelves!
@CliftonGriffin Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your ministry, Matt.
@toddvoss52 Жыл бұрын
It was a very edifying conversation.
@CodeRedCoder Жыл бұрын
I will be received into the ACNA when the bishop comes soon. I go to a “high church” congregation. The theology is indistinguishable from the church in Overland Park, but it looks a little more Orthodox/Catholic. I’ve been going for three years and am glad to have found my place. I grew up in very, very low-church congregational churches included a house church. Thanks for these great videos and TMBH.
@peterxuereb9884 Ай бұрын
Just because something looks to be Catholic does not mean it is. Would you drink a glass of clear liquid because you think it looks like water. Protestants make the most ridiculously stupid claims.
@diannhall7564 Жыл бұрын
Thank you, Matt📖 ✝️ 😊
@orangemanbad 7 ай бұрын
As a Catholic, we gave apostolic succession to the Anglican communion and they have a very beautiful tradition and history. I’ve been very, very crushed seeing their entire global church crumbling in recent years as they have turned away from the gospel and toward a new religious tradition of modernity. So much history and beautiful churches around the world.
@ICR68 17 күн бұрын
I love your channel, Matt, and really enjoy you visiting such a wide range of denominations. I've learned so much and been inspired to do likewise. As a result I left a lifetime's membership of the Pentecostal Church to become a Confirmed Anglican and have never been happier, finally finding home.
@cthulhupr Жыл бұрын
When I was a teen just discovering Jesus Christ I visited a priest and explained that some days I just had such a rough time praying and trying to be faithful to the Lord, that I felt that my faith was not holding as it should. He very wisely said: the christian life is less about emotion than about long term commitment. Because it's not ultimately about you, but about what the Lord is doing in and thru you. Just try to be faithful in good days and in bad days. Just use the means the Lord puts at your disposal thru the Church. The human condition is to be inconsistent; just try different prayers, different spiritual offerings to God to try to keep the flame going. When in desolation, remember that if we are unfaithful, He remains faithful, because he can't contradict himself. The only question that really matters to the Lord is the one he asked Peter: do you love me? These words still guide me.
@cthulhupr Жыл бұрын
As to churches and liberal vs conservative factions, well, as I see it you have two basic upfront choices: either you stick to the letter of Scripture or you try to be faithful to the spirit of Scripture. If you choose the second, you have to deal with the parameters of the WWJD question. Will you stress the gospels or the epistles? And then comes the communitarian part of discernment: will we mistrust and fear changes in civil cohabitation, will we embrace them as progress in fraternity or will we do the hard work of scrutinizing them in the light of the Gospel? So hard it is, that it splits Methodists, Anglicans and Catholics alike.
@thomaslai5303 Жыл бұрын
Well said and encouraging, thank you.
@jasonhouser8048 Жыл бұрын
God bless you, brother Matt. It is good to be part of Jesus' Church.
@jacobw5460 Жыл бұрын
Roman Catholic, yes
@jeanetteshawredden5643 Жыл бұрын
I appreciate the comments about Matt attending his own church he likes, but willing to investigate, hear & embrace different churches - not afraid or judgemental of those who differ. Well said!!
@vashmatrix5769 Жыл бұрын
Decided to go off course when i wanted more of the word this morning & read a devotional from this last April which is very much to your point. 2 Timothy 2: 13.
@tylergraham7352 Жыл бұрын
I really appreciate this thoughtful and vulnerable reflection. In the past I’ve asked about why you haven’t toured more liberal expressions of Christianity, but I think your explanation here makes a lot of sense. I often resonate with some of the more liberal churches impulse for social action, but then feel alienated when they toss aside bedrock theological beliefs about who God, his relationship with humanity, and our need of his grace. I feel incredibly blessed to have found a church home that balances these things well and was encouraged to see a somewhat like minded expression of our faith in this Anglican Church. Thanks as always Matt for what you do.
@Lorrainecats Жыл бұрын
Hi Matt. After watching your videos about the Anglican church, I feel like I have found my fit. Only problem is that there are no Anglican churches anywhere near me. The problem with my present church is that I don't know what they really believe. It hasn't always been that way, but it has changed so much. Even the music doesn't resonate with me anymore. Since relocating farther away, I seldom attend in person, only online. And I agree with you about churches and politics. My denominational leadership is very much into liberal politics, but our pastor does not push these ideas onto us. Don't know where I'm going with all this. Just venting and also saying that I understand your feelings. Thanks for the wonderful work you do, Matt.
@pkmcnett5649 Жыл бұрын
I am having the same problem. Went looking, but there are none near me. Really liked that church.
@Cjinglaterra Жыл бұрын
I’m in the same boat. I actually found Anglicanism through the Episcopal Church, where I got lucky with a couple good rectors at the two parishes I was a part of, but I moved away from the one, and the other retired and moved away, and the denomination tanked to the point where I couldn’t be associated with them anymore. Unfortunately, the nearest ACNA parish is more than 120 miles away.
@wesmorgan7729 Жыл бұрын
The ACNA from what I can tell is growing, but certainly has space to fill. Have you checked for an REC or Continuing Anglican church close by?
@Cjinglaterra Жыл бұрын
@@wesmorgan7729 REC is even further. They’re what I’d really like, but, ~180 miles one way. I think all the Continuum are at least as far, though I wouldn’t join one regardless of distance if what I have heard of their doctrinal stances is true.
@SP-ct2rj Жыл бұрын
Perhaps pastors come once in a while to hold a church service? In my city there are Lutherans, Catholics, etc. but an Anglican pastor comes once a month to hold mass. Maybe that’s an option for you? There were times and places in history when the faithful could receive the sacraments only once every few months or even once a year or less often than that.
@01banksjon Жыл бұрын
Appreciate the honesty, and interesting considered thoughts 👍
@letriciabrowder2942 Жыл бұрын
Hi Matt! I love your channel but never commented until now! I know no one asked, but I'd like to joyfully share my call to be a catholic nun! Even though I grew up Baptist. God bless you and please lift me up in prayer!
@jldrumm Жыл бұрын
If anyone wants to know what Anglican Christians from the ACNA believe, other than the bible, read "To be a Christian". It's free online or you can buy it. Something can be said for a branch of Christianity that puts their beliefs out there in print, referring to "To be a Christian". "The Book of Common Prayer 2019" also covers the vast majority of church structure, events, Bibles reading plans, holidays, and prayers. I see these two books as a very good attempt to boil the Bible down to its essence so people can know within a shorter amount of time than reading the whole of the Bible what a church believes 😁
@cowsoap1 Жыл бұрын
Very helpful video
@tracycc123 Жыл бұрын
Hi Matt. I've been watching for a long time and I've enjoyed your video's very much. Thank you for doing them I've learned a lot! I'm looking for a church home and this has helped me learn more.
@dave3156 26 күн бұрын
After the interview I had to find your follow video to it. Very moving interview for me. Your comment on knowing the Bible is one I can relate to also. I pray every day for God to give me wisdom so that I understand His meaning. I recently joined an Anglican church after a long absence. I was raised Episcopal, but could not agree with some of their liberal beliefs which were contrary to the Bible. Very happy with my choice. Thx!
@victormossiii1196 Жыл бұрын
Catholic Christian here that converted from an Evangelical Charismatic form of Christianity (Vineyard Church Movement and House Church Movement), I appreciate your work. I love my brothers and sisters in all different traditions. That said, I love and respect the Anglican Church of North America (ACNA). There is a local ACNA church where I originally from Savannah, GA. I used to attend their compline service and helped immensely at the time I needed it! Another thing, the Diocese that the ACNA church you visited is part of is headed by Bishop Todd Hunter. I respect him a lot. He led the Vineyard Church Movement right after the death of John Wimber in the late 1990s - early 2000s. You are in good company brother! As I have always said: once someone studies Christian theology and history then there are some choices: 1) become Catholic, become Orthodox, become Anglican, or attend church that adopts some ways of the early historical church/adopt some l ways of the early historical church all while remaining Protestant/Evangelical/Charismatic
@ivandinsmore6217 Жыл бұрын
Get well soon, Matt.
@loganhoopes7877 Жыл бұрын
Hi Matt! Really appreciate the videos! I’m a college student and your content has really helped me strengthen what I believe, yet learn where other Christian traditions are coming from. Have you by any chance visited a Messianic church/synagogue? I’ve heard that some include the traditional parading around of the Torah and sing more historically Jewish music, while others are more contemporary/non-denom. in worship style. Might be worth checking one out!
@melequin Жыл бұрын
This church unity project should be THE go-to model for the healthy ecumenism within the Bride of Christ. Thanks Matt as always for your candor and charity!
@bobwheeler3220 Жыл бұрын
Couldn’t be converted huh? Went to KC and evidently you still came back a Broncos fan. We’ll continue to pray for you… In all serious though - love your channel and this was a very genuine episode. Keep up the great content!
@maryknuerr9970 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your patience and kindness while listening to other churches and their beliefs. I will be a better listener.
@Ozgipsy Жыл бұрын
More should do it. I’ve had the good fortune to sit in services that are Catholic, Latin Mass, Orthodox, and all sorts of evangelical. The Kingdom is a very diverse and vibrant place.
@butidigresswithac Жыл бұрын
I had the opportunity to meet and interact with Chaplains of many faiths while serving in the military, and it was wonderful! Also, in general the diversity of the military was something I absolutely loved. Different beliefs, religions, faiths, traditions, backgrounds, races, languages, and experiences. They call the military the “Great Equalizer” because no matter where you were from, who you were, you are now all Brothers and Sisters who are literally willing to give your lives for each other.
@jsharp3165 Жыл бұрын
16:37 - You were speaking directly to me during this section. Theologically, I'm very orthodox and probably closer to Baptist than anything else while having a few higher-church sensibilities. I was a Baptist for almost 30 years. But I live in the Deep South and I absolutely could not thrive or survive any longer in the highly-politicized own-the-libs siege-mentality culture in most of our Baptist churches. I left my last Baptist church - one I helped plant ten years prior - after feeling very lonely as a political moderate. That was in 2009. I "settled" for a moderate Methodist church near our home primarily because they kept politics out of the service and fellowship. Until the denomination began splitting recently! I have been called to teach adult Sunday school there - even as a non-member with Baptist cooties - because I'm frankly one of the few people who knows the Bible very well and has a modicum of theological training. I also take deep dives into church history and try to keep it interesting and fun. I take a non-confrontational, reasonable, and omnivorous approach very similar to yours. And I have introduced many faithful lifetime members to basic historically orthodox biblical concepts they had never heard before in 50, 60, or more years. I love serving them. But as the Methodist denomination tilts toward the heterodox NGO-ish-ness you described in the beginning of this video, I am concerned that I may be homeless again, even against my will. And you nailed it again when you looked me in the eye and said, "And you've probably been gravitating toward Anglicanism." I certainly have. Having learned a great deal about John Wesley and the Anglican Church over the last decade and more, the Via Media - threading the high/low church needle - has been extremely appealing to me. I've also watched and re-watched your videos with Bro. Hines in Vegas and these with Bro. Wildmon - at least a half dozen times. The ACNA has only one parish here in the Huntsville area and it's a fair haul from where I live. But I'm still interested in visiting them. Anyway, thanks for articulating in 21 minutes much of what I've been going through for many years. You're very frequently reading my mail on air. I appreciate it.
@Mycdhlife Жыл бұрын
Hi Matt. I was raised a Baptist. My parents got saved and sadly was lead by a pastor. It wasn't read the Bible but listen to him. My mom finally doubted the pastor. My parents moved on to another church and once again got beat up by a Bible church. They no longer go to church. I've never swayed from my salvation but like you, had to study the Bible myself as an adult. I'm the third of seven children... a few of my siblings are not saved. My mom and dad still read the Bible everyday... My mom is sad that the church is so judgmental. I think you visiting these churches are great. I also went to new church and asked the pastor what was his beliefs were and it shocked me his vague answer... basically just be work for heaven. I'm glad for my salvation. God bless.
@JTBennett87 Жыл бұрын
Loved the Anglican visit and interview! As a low-church efree guy, it really appealed to me.
@MattWhitmanTMBH Жыл бұрын
@AB-dw2op Жыл бұрын
Come join us, it's a beautiful, ancient and faithful tradition.
@kunwoododd2154 Жыл бұрын
The split between the Episcopal Church and ACNA has been rather painful for us, so it was very wholesome to get to see Reverend Wildman do such a good job representing our shared Anglican tradition to a wider audience. It makes me hopeful that we can find a sense of healing and unity.
@stjoelawyer Жыл бұрын
I stumbled upon you during Covid. And have been a regular viewer of your content. And enjoy the different branches of Christianity that you have presented in the limited time that people would probably pay attention to. I would probably be willing to listen and I reviews several hours on some of your previous presentations. I have had that I’m going to call it spiritual death a few years ago where I turned away from anything religious in anything Christian. I was raised and then once again a Catholic but with no religion in my life for about seven years I found a definite hollowness. I went back to the Catholic Church because it was what I knew deep in my heart. In the interim I have been reading a lot of text on different faiths and find that for me Catholicism fits but the four others others fit. I had always been of the opinion that unification of Western Christendom was the way to go. I have a change that to the perspective of being willing to talk and agree on 80% or more of someone of another faith tradition. Emphasizing those things that we have in common and agreeing to disagree on some things that are legitimate disagreements in being willing to discuss the gray areas what you do exist. I like the video you did of the first Baptist Church in Saint Joseph Missouri just up the road from Overland Park that you had up this summer must’ve been when you did this video loop through the Midwest again. God bless you and continue your personal faith journey and please continue to I’ll bring additional information to my faith journey. As an individual who is limited because of being in a wheelchair these and other videos of similar offer a great avenue for me to see things that otherwise would be extremely difficult. This reply was generated with voice recognition technologyAnd may have minor errors.
@jeffreyberens3424 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your honesty! You’re doing great work that a lot of us appreciate! Although I was saddened you left Missouri synod Lutheran out of your list of example churches ;) I’ll forgive you. God bless!
@elainelee4828 Жыл бұрын
C.s. Lewis is my go to figure …
@two4.six8 Жыл бұрын
You have explained exactly why I moved to ACNA.
@richarde.t.sadowski2208 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for what you do Matt, in a time where we see preachers acting like 'God's lil' DA's' throwing judgements on who's going to hell and who's not, your commentary and intrest in understanding our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ is refreashing. ...may our loving and merciful Father in Heaven bless you and your loved ones peace and grace, ...eyah
@ckey Жыл бұрын
Matt, I have appreciated your church visits and discussions for the last couple of years. I recently began to get curious about the development of the church and forms of worship and practice after the apostles. Do you have any suggestions for reading material?
@jbm11235 Жыл бұрын
My wife and I were called to Anglicanism some years ago. For the current season, we're back in a Evangelical church primarily due to geography. Given the opportunity, we hope to be able to return to Anglicanism at some point. I'm officially a Methabaptaterian due in part to geography and in some cases due to the church in question moving away from orthodoxy. My wife and I also were involved in the tail end of the Jesus Movement. Other than the things in your recent Anglican videos there's an important Anglican distinctive that has very much ministered to my wife and myself. Here it is: Anglicanism gives you a very clear path into how to do daily life contained with Christianity. The Daily Offices involve you in prayer and bible reading with other Anglicans all around the world. I've attended and led morning offices and I now do morning office online. (I cheat a bit and participate in a Jesuit meditation at bedtime as opposed to Compline.) When I was attending morning office, the entire scope of my day was arranged under that time. Since I now can only participate in online daily prayer, I am able to leverage my previous in person experience. God bless you in your journey.
@peterxuereb9884 6 ай бұрын
Your message of going here going here, there reminds me of a scriptural text in; 2Timothy chapter 4 vrs 3,4 3 The time is sure to come when people will not accept sound teaching, but their ears will be itching for anything new and they will collect themselves a whole series of teachers according to their own tastes; 4 and then they will shut their ears to the truth and will turn to myths.
@isaacjeterphotography Жыл бұрын
It is really refreshing Matt to hear someone advocate for the community and tradition I hold dear to my heart: belonging to a congregation whose theological beliefs are rooted and expressed through the Bible. Although the community I am part of is Protestant, I also attend a Catholic university studying theology and I love it. It allows me to be immersed in a tradition which ushers in a much more traditional expression of faith. Where I deviate from Catholicism are primarily in the little t traditions which I feel do not draw me closer to Christ personally. Because of my convictions, I have been looked at as a pariah by some, not all, for not “getting it”. I have had lots of these ecumenical discussions as you have and, as you can attest, some are extremely fruitful, and others extremely detrimental. Nonetheless, in the past year I have received a lot of criticism for my Protestant conviction, although I absolutely respect and love the Catholic community I have been a part of and actually embrace 75% of their teachings in my own expressions of faith, namely regarding Catholic Social Teaching, implementing philosophy, and regular partaking in communion. Ultimately though, I do not believe the Holy Spirit is asking me to convert because my heart is truly rooted in the Bible alone. Thank you for your encouragement because I have experienced a lot of discouragement since July 2022 in my relationship with Christ because of the seeming “unorthodoxy” of my tradition as it is seen as schismatic. Keep bringing peace to the communities you visit, keep doing the Good work of Jesus, and keep professing your faith and being transparent that some of these churches claiming Jesus are not good representations of what He calls His followers to walk in. God bless
@Reazzurro90 Жыл бұрын
God guide you on whatever journey you're on. I was raised evangelical in the Assemblies of God. I began pursuing historic Christianity after a friend of mine invited me to her Lutheran Christmas service and I was wowed by the aesthetic differences between our services. This triggered a faith journey in me and I considered Anglicanism as well as Orthodoxy, but instinctively fled from Catholicism because of my upbringing. Anglicanism seemed conveniently able to encompass being a Protestant and being liturgical all at the same time. Ultimately I became Catholic - and I never looked back.
@berylmichaeldumont1763 4 ай бұрын
I too am a wanderer and have sought a place where I could find Jesus and have him know what I have done. I truly appreciate what you have done and are doing to show us the churches and their mandates. Mike in South Carolina
@sthelenskungfu Жыл бұрын
As someone that did not grow up in church, there's a lot that you've said here that resonates with me so much. One of the biggest struggles I have with finding a "home church" is that I don't have any of those baked in, grown in, childhood convictions of "this is what church is supposed to look like." So there's a lot of things that appeal to me in various traditions. I'm also not one of the touchy feely people. I had sinus problems all my life, I have hearing damage, and my depth perception is all kinds of wonky with multiple explanations for it. So those churches that advertise the best incense, best worship music, or best art don't speak to me at all. I'm reminded of the line one of my favorite characters said when asked if she would like to visit the library with her friends: she was blind and replied, "I've held books before, and it just didn't do it for me." I've watched people strum guitars and beat drums before, and it just didn't do it for me. I've watched the smoke fly up before and it just didn't do it for me. I've been confused by statues before and it just didn't do it for me. I engage with the intellectual tradition of Christianity, but so many churches are only interested in the intellectual tradition that supports their claims. I've been labeled a trouble-maker in every baptist church I've been to for asking the hard historical questions. I like the broader scope of Catholicism or Orthodoxy, but again I disagree on some particulars and that's kind of frowned upon. Especially when one of them is the real presence. I get in trouble there for asking the hard philosophical questions. I don't fit in at the conservative or liberal churches because there are conservative and liberal ideas I disagree with, or at least that I feel are applied inconstantly. I again get labeled a trouble maker when I ask why this biblical doctrine can't inform legal codes but that biblical doctrine must inform legal codes. I think I've just reached a point where the idea of a "home church" doesn't work for me.
@sethtbaguley Жыл бұрын
I recently started attending a HTB CofE plant in Nottingham, England. And it’s been a fresh experience for me. Such little care for the political grab, full care for the things of God. So flippin cool man
@sethtbaguley Жыл бұрын
They also tackle the salvation and “heavy lifting” thing differently to high church CofE.
@jimr4319 Жыл бұрын
I've just recently subscribed to this channel and must say that Matt Whitman, a gentleman in the truest sense of the word, exhibits behavior akin to Matthew 22:37-40 and clear understanding of 1Corinthians 12.
@billmartin3561 Жыл бұрын
Great video! Love to see the Word on Fire Bible on the top of the stack too! Your Catholic audience appreciates that 😉
@danielcarroll8889 Жыл бұрын
Really enjoyed you visited to the church and now am enjoying your reflections. Thank you for sharing. Btw really enjoying the podcast, getting a lot out of it
@TheChurchofBreadandCheese Жыл бұрын
As someone who was once staunch reformed (Protestant reformed churches in America) and is now catholic, I appreciate your perspective of what you think high church looks like, I think it's incorrect way to view it but that's fine it's still interesting. Thank you.
@JonathanMeyer84 Жыл бұрын
Hi Matt, long time subscriber here. Different opinions on high church vs low church aside, please know that you are always welcome in a Confessional Lutheran church. I'm not a pastor, but I feel confident saying this with regard to any church in my denomination, the LCMS.
@vngelicath1580 Жыл бұрын
I deeply admire Matt's tenor, and so say this with all due respect, but it is a little prickly to hear him consistently equate low church evangelicalism with "historic, Protestant orthodoxy." HPO (to coin an acronym) looks a little something like Lutheran/Anglican/Reformed. So... low church evangelicalism isn't even close to being representative of HPO, _especially_ on a matter as controversial as the sacraments and the role they play in our salvation.
@JonathanMeyer84 Жыл бұрын
@@vngelicath1580 I do not disagree. I mean, the very early church had to meet wherever and however they could. However, once things were able to stabilize they coalesced around a more "high church" approach.
@wesmorgan7729 Жыл бұрын
​@Ⲉvⲁⲛgⲉlⲓⲥⲁl Ⲥⲁⲧⲏⲟlⲓⲥ I had the same feeling. I think I get what he's trying to say, but agree it's not classical Protestantism. You've probably already watched it but Cooper and Ortlund had a great discussion on that.
@wesmorgan7729 Жыл бұрын
I know he visited an LCMS church once.
@vngelicath1580 Жыл бұрын
@@JonathanMeyer84 True, but even so, sacramental theology was always present -- even in house churches.
@AnHebrewChild Ай бұрын
Sir, what you said at 11:00 is just what I needed to hear. It's what I see in the text too. And yet, the Kingdom of Heaven is like unto a GREAT net which was cast into the sea... > A lot of your interviews have helped me appreciate just how big that net of His really is. Blessings
@keithwhitney7491 Жыл бұрын
One of my best friends (unfortunately we live on opposite coasts now & in retirement, we seldom talk)…anyway, he used to be a member of that Anglican Church. He was very ecumenical and involved with a lot of folks in independent Christian churches who were in parachurch organizations. He described why he chose the Anglican/Episcopal churches (in a charismatic small group, as is my Catholic neighbor). I too, a minister for approximately 50 years, am fine with the fellowship he is worshiping with. Thanks for the comments. I am part of a group of Christians appealing to “common grounds unity,” because we recognize that Christians should be willing to sit down together and talk openly about who we are in Christ. C.S. Lewis put it best in Mere Christianity: each of us should seek s truth and believe we are in a church that is true. For CSL, an Anglican, he believed his church preached and taught God’s truth. We are not saved because we KNOW MORE than anyone else; each of us should trust (put out faith in) Jesus as Lord, seek to walk in the light; however, as the Apostle John points out, “if we say we are without sin,we are liars and the truth is not in us” (see, 1 John 1). We are saved by grace, and, while I do not deny some churches may pull away from the Gospel itself and from God’s order, most os us are trying to read God’s Word and walk as “people of the Way.”
@kevinlove4356 Жыл бұрын
I loved the videos! In my opinion, a really important topic is this issue of doubt and commitment and to what extent is the Church doing the heavy lifting to carry me when I need help in faith. So here is my take on things. I believe that there are two parts of faith: Belief and commitment. Belief is accepting the reality of who God is and what Jesus has done for us. But as James points out in his Epistle, even demons have that kind of faith. The other part is commitment. Deciding that I will commit to obeying the commands of God and allow Jesus to transform my life. If the Church really is the Body of Christ, then that is what Jesus will use to transform my life. So it is Jesus who is doing the heavy lifting, using his body, the Church. That is my take on things.
@foofy14 5 ай бұрын
Anyone know to painting in the thumbnail? Would love it on my Mac wallpaper
@someguysopinion3692 Жыл бұрын
As a masters student in seminary who is dealing with some marital problems, how do I proceed with everything? Sorry if this is too heavy, but I trust your input. That being said, keep doing what you do, and God bless you brother
@cupfulofeathers Жыл бұрын
I know you addressed this question to Matt, but if I may throw my two cents in: I recommend the Bare Marriage blog and podcast. They give Christ-honoring marriage advice, always honest about the messy things of life. They have 10+ years of content, so you can search the site for keywords and likely find a helpful topic. Their resources have been incredibly helpful and healing for my husband and me through our first two years of marriage. I pray you find peace!
@christopherderrell8470 Жыл бұрын
Matt, an idea just came to me, not sure if you'd be up for it. I've been hearing about Metaverse churches popping up. Would you visit one of those?
@MattWhitmanTMBH Жыл бұрын
I would. Do you have any connections there?
@AnaStubbs Жыл бұрын
​@@MattWhitmanTMBHI'm involved with a Second Life church, which I appreciate isn't as shiny and new a platform as Metaverse... virtual churches have a long history that's poorly appreciated
@christopherderrell8470 Жыл бұрын
@@MattWhitmanTMBH Not directly, nope. I've been in altspaceVR on a day where there was no service, and I saw multiple available destinations. I know Craig Groeschel's church had also done a few things in it in 2021
@jonathananstett784 6 ай бұрын
That's awesome, Matt. We are on similar journeys. I think we are attuned to different aspects of the Scriptures at this point. I've come more and more to see that the focus of both the old and new covenants isn't primarily "individual soteriology," whereas that is what you are seeing more. Instead I'm seeing a God who creates, elects a people, redeems, and makes covenant. The burden isn't on my back. To use theology terms, the focus isn't soteriology, but rather the gospel is grounded in Christology, and pneumatology, which gives birth to ecclesiology. Soteriology is the work Christ does through all of this, and soteriology fits within Christology, ecclesiology, pneumatology, and eschatology. Salvation is Christ's work. It is what the revelation of Christ and empowering of his Church leads to. It's hard for me now to even see "me and my Bible and Jesus" readings, even though I used to describe my faith like that unironically. I've found so much peace in knowing that me having a bad day, or a bad month, or bad year, is not what my belonging hinges on. I am carried along by the Spirit within the church, within the feeding at the Lord's table. In the communal recitation of the Creeds. And what is true of the promises to God's people is always true individually, as Paul says: the "Christ died for us" must always also be remembered as "Christ died for me." So the collective focus is not to the exclusion of the individual faith or vice versa, and I think I've heard that from Catholics, Orthodox, and pretty much every tradition, just depending on the particular minister.
@Kitiwake 6 ай бұрын
Hi Matt. Good to see you doing well.(ish) It's very easy to understand Matt. The all have a different (or no) authority.
@ScottNewton-fo4ho 2 ай бұрын
Love being an Anglican. Our faith is all about the Bible and all in scripture. Dating back to the Book of Genesis and the Covenent with Prophets like Noah and Abraham. Our faith is in Jesus Christ. As the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world as prophesied the Messiah would do. Bringing his people to a new covenant.
@redeemedzoomer6053 Жыл бұрын
I would really like to see you go to a slightly theologically liberal mainline Church
@CatholicWithaBiblePodcast Жыл бұрын
I don’t see how someone could “huff” at the Anglican’s connection to historic Christianity. Shoot, an Anglican priest (even if married) can convert to Catholicism and stay a priest. That’s a really interesting rabbit hole.
@toddbu-WK7L Жыл бұрын
I think that what you're doing here is very important, Matt. I often refer to 1 John 4 where John tells us that anyone who proclaims that Jesus is God Incarnate has been sent from God. This is consistent with Peter's confession of Jesus as the Messiah in Matt 16. I believe, as you do, that we need to be more charitable in how we view other Christians. That being said, I have a confession to make. When other Christians tell me that I can't take Communion with them then it makes me pretty upset. There's nothing that I can find in the Bible that allows one Christian to tell another that they are not good enough to join with them in remembering the death of our dear Savior. Some will cite 1 Cor 11, but even there Paul does not turn people away from the Lord's Supper. Instead he calls for a man to "examine himself" to make his own determination as to whether he should be present at Communion. (This obviously applies to women as well.) So inasmuch as a church reads the warning from 1 Cor 11 before Communion, that's a good thing. After that, any additional "fencing of the table" is not Biblical. Some church leaders may tell you that the "keys to the Kingdom" in Matt 16 gives them carte blanche authority to make up whatever rules they want, in which case what they are saying is that Christ is not Lord of all of us but rather just some of us I really appreciate your efforts to bring us all together as one body, Matt. Perhaps you can do a video someday that can help each of us to know what to do and say when our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ who refuse to listen to their peers. It feels like there is a Gnostic revolution going on. Unlike the Gnostics of the first century AD who stressed personal revelation, today's Gnostics operate at the denominational level. Want to take Communion? Sure, but only if you adhere to "our" denominational interpretation of Scripture.
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