Netflix's Avatar lost the plot

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2 ай бұрын

Netflix's original outputs have really not done any favors in terms of their credibility in good writing and this Avatar Remake is no different.
Instagram: ashleyramwrites
#netflixavatar #avatarthelastairbender #netflix

Пікірлер: 101
@julie-18 Ай бұрын
yea I hated how they robbed katara of any growth or training because "oh no girl cant be weak she always has to girlboss" and still managed to write her as weak. in the original show she wasn't strong because she was a prodigy or didn't struggle, she was strong because she struggled and PERSISTED, she worked for her skills. not even talking about how in book 1: water aang does NO WATERBENDING TRAINING
@ashleyramwrites Ай бұрын
I hate this new narrative of female characters not struggling or growing in their character arcs and YES THE LACK OF WATERBENDING TRAINING. I'm still reeling over it, I can't believe they made a such a big mistake.
@acsound Ай бұрын
I would say that even the SHYAMALAN movie had Aang attempting waterbending on his own (but having trouble w/it in said film)... ...but then I realized: what movie did SHYAMALAN make again.
@missAlice1990 Ай бұрын
@@ashleyramwrites I've seen many guys complaining about that tendency but I honestly think this trend is more detrimental to women than men. Portraying a woman as a superhuman who can handle anything, never struggles and never needs any help is harmful. No real woman (or man) is like that. And trying to instill the stereotype that women are capable of anything and even offering help is an insult to them just leads to more societal pressure put on women, like being expected to handle everything flawlessly with no help from men.
@lyria261 Ай бұрын
​​​​​​@@missAlice1990 exactly! I've been saying that this is the opposite of empowering for a while now. They are basically teaching young girls that they're supposed to be great at everything and never ask for help. I hate that so much. And these characters often don't display any classic feminine traits anymore either and it feels as if they are saying that being a female that enjoys these things and values compassion instead of wanting to punch every problem in the face makes you weak. If a show advertises itself with words like "strong female lead" it's 99% of the time an insufferable mary sue that only cares about power and has zero character depth or growth. And sadly people like to slap the girlboss stamp on pre existing characters too to make them "stronger" but they are just changing them in ways that makes them flat and boring like katara here. Or mulan in the disney life action remake. The cartoon portrayed her struggle perfectly and she was such a compelling character but in the remake she was just born special and had to earn none of her skill... This example is a bit out of nowhere but even peach in the mario movie kind of suffered from this phenonemon. It's completely fine not to give her a damsel in distress plotline but why did they make her so rude and why wasn't she allowed to make mistakes? Being polite was one of her main traits and something that made her different from daisy. And what does she do in the movie? She introduces mario as someone who is not important and straight up calls bowser a monster in disgust, but she has always been polite in the games! The rejection scene in mario odyssey comes to mind. That's the one and only thing i did not like about the movie which is a shame because i grew up loving the princesses from the franchise.
@OpticalSorcerer Ай бұрын
I've said it before, but if they REALLY wanted to change things up, they should've made the WT sexist against men, with Kuruk's "failure" as the Avatar making them believe men couldn't handle the spirituality needed to waterbend. Haru could be a waterbender here (given he's removed from the remake entirely), with Pakku as his grandfather. Katara could inspire them to learn bending as she does, too.
@WobblesandBean Ай бұрын
It's depressing how high this horrible show is rated on rotten tomatoes.
@ashleyramwrites Ай бұрын
Oof I don't even want to look
@randunker Ай бұрын
If you watch it without any knowledge of the cartoon its pretty good but mainly because its based on the masterpiece that's the cartoon
@manbagan Ай бұрын
Its really not. A show where your character looks at the screen and tries to describe itself isn't that good imo
@babayaga9805 Ай бұрын
120 million $ dude..where do you think they went?
@OpticalSorcerer Ай бұрын
Even without knowledge of the OG show, it's pretty rushed--plus it doesn't fix issues from the OG show (ie explaining why the WT is the only sexist nation and how Book 1 is called "Water" but we spend SO LITTLE TIME in the Water Tribe).
@toyosibee.mp3 Ай бұрын
I thought you were gonna say the live action is lacking Patience, because that’s the thing I noticed, they’re just rushing through plot moments from the original with no consideration for how they fit the framework of the story 😭
@sav9373 Ай бұрын
I felt this way about the live action One Piece show as well, although I enjoyed it. All these Netflix remakes only order 8 episodes for these long series that they’re trying to adapt so they have to speed through every story beat and it has no room to breathe
@resdent2922 Ай бұрын
One little correction: The original show had all three seasons taking place within the span of at least 8 to 9 months, practically almost a year. We know this because Aang first learned about the comet during the winter solstice, and the comet arrived at the end of next summer. Plus, because Aang woke from the iceberg before the winter solstice, there's a chance the show actually began somewhere around mid to late autumn.
@emeraldpichu1 Ай бұрын
Show feels like it was made by Zuko fans for Zuko fans and everyone else went into the trash not understanding that a balanced cast of well developed characters was key to the story’s success
@ashleyramwrites Ай бұрын
I didn't think about that! It does seem like Zuko had the least character assassination.
@nope19568 Ай бұрын
the whole thing really does kinda read/watch like fanfiction
@missAlice1990 Ай бұрын
My exact thoughts! Then again... Zuko is one of my favourite characters in all media and while Dallas Liu was great, I didn't like how they portrayed Zuko at all. Maybe it's because Zuko fans only like the "good" version of him so they didn't mind we practically skipped his "evil" phase? Which is understandable and all, still... To me it seemed like they tried too hard to make Zuko likable (while not caring about the others) and I didn't like the result. I usually don't like characters like that, where I can feel that their creator is a huge fan of them. The problem isn't loving the character, most writers love their characters and think of them as their children. You should love your children but also be fair and not oblivious to their flaws and mistakes. Blindly gushing over one of your children is bad parenting (and bad writing, too).
@dereksummers4867 Ай бұрын
I only got a couple of episodes in, and it was obvious that the live action was made by people who paid attention to the other one's critics but still did it for the money. They miss soooooo many of the little things that add up to a great show with the animated version.
@rileyswack5402 Ай бұрын
My boyfriend and I were really excited and went into it with open minds. During the omashu ep when Jett showed up we both looked at each other in bewilderment and disappointment and decided to give up and watch something else.
@GoldenHedgy Ай бұрын
Loved the video! I agree with you on so many levels. For whatever reason after the Netflix Avatar show came out, Twitter started bashing on the animated Avatar. They pointed out Sokka's sexism and such but they didn't mention how he changed to become a better person. The animated show shows how the kids improved themselves and how cultures changed.
@ashleyramwrites Ай бұрын
Yes exactly! I don't know why people have become more narrow-minded now than ever before. It's called a redemption arc for a reason, they have to be a little uncomfortable to watch in the beginning for them to grow into something respectable.
@nope19568 Ай бұрын
Twitter is a hell scape dont take anything that goes on there too seriously lol
@dire213 Ай бұрын
i don't like the 41st being zuko's crew in the live action. it meant that ozai gave zuko what he wanted: the safety of the 41st. ozai compromised.
@minisquirtle9702 Ай бұрын
I also hated Bumi in this show. They got a guy who sounded like the character and looked like the character and had him play something entirely different which imo is the most insulting part about it
@skits_3d824 Ай бұрын
16:12 Honestly... I wouldn't even call that a fish... It's definitely not a koi fish spirit. (Koizilla) More like a big blob. As an artist that thing looked cheap. I could and will try my hand at drawing what it SHOULD have looked like.
@FlareJollyDragoness Ай бұрын
Do it, I believe in you!
@FrancisR420 Ай бұрын
It really did look like they just put a new texture on The 3D model from the new Godzilla movies
@renatad712 Ай бұрын
Nah Sokka and Katara in the love tunnel is giving incent, because it's paired with a song explicitly about lovers and a lore explicitly about romantic love. "True love" in Frozen was vague enough to work as sisterly love, but not here. If they didn't yet have a ship to make it work they should have kept the entire tunnel for season 2 where it belongs anyway cause it's earthbending focused.
@iamthekaverik Ай бұрын
4:25 "look beyond, what you see, Simba"
@nicholasstensson9699 Ай бұрын
This Netflix show could’ve at least been tolerable had they not managed to screw up EVERY SINGLE MAIN CHARACTER Aang, sokka and Katara never feel like actual friends, more like work colleagues reluctantly going on a business trip together Zuko is way too nice in this season. He supposed to be a jerk in season 1, but we rooted for him because of his underdog rivalry with zhao, who was an ever bigger jerk. How are they gonna justify this Zuko siding with azula in season 2? Speaking of azula, WHY ARE MAI AND TY LEE THERE? In the original show she had to go find them and essentially force them into working with her, but in the show they just follow her around like bodyguards. Did the creators even watch the show? Ozai no longer feels like this untouchable force who’s the most evil man in the world. Now he’s just a commander dude who’s also kind of a bad dad And zhao…i don’t even know. What a joke
@danicacarlos1256 Ай бұрын
Great review 😊 it is sad that they are removing character flaws and the same flaws that made the characters relatable and build growth.
@Fixti0n Ай бұрын
Ive noticed how Feminism and Sexism works on a horse shoe theory. The more feminist and the less sexist you make something, you will eventually loop around to the other side. Here, they go so far to remove the sexism that they make Zuki the way a 14 year old boy would think of a girlfriend, and they give Katara so much girl power that she becomes satire. This is a trend all over western media as of late. Loads of writers are so far up their ass that they dont know that they are doing the opposite of what they want to do, showrunners who think they can do the story better then the original creators, and feminists being so eager to inject feminism into their thing that Andrew Tate would be proud. The reason why Katara is so badass is because she is the mom. Who do you fear the most, the edgy teenager, or abuela with a slipper in her hand?
@IceFireofVoid Ай бұрын
It's wild how they made some of the best written strong female characters into these weak, flat background NPCs in a man's story and are convinced it's more progressive this way. OG Katara was a protagonist. She set the plot in motion. She had goals. She had arcs. She influenced the world and the story. Live action Katara is a side character. OG Suki was a warrior who kicked Sokka's butt and made him appreciate women more and affected his arc. Live action Suki is a shy uwu little love interest who immediately gets a crush on the pretty foreigner she just met. She teaches Sokka nothing. She is an accessory instead of a character.
@robinmatz6686 Ай бұрын
I think its the gender essentialism. The idea that gender is male and female and those are their own stable thing, and that's super stupid. In the animated show we had so many different forms of femininity, even just among the protagonists with Toph and Katara. Both undeniably girls in their own right, but completely different. Katara is a nurturing spirit with a temper, Toph is a strong willed tomboy with sheer strength, Suki is caring but also a dutybound athletic soldier. In Ozai's Angels we have Azula as the girl boss, with super anecdotal hints of femme fatale, I feel May is similar to Suki in her athleticism and feminine looks but the closest to a nonbinary character among the reoccuring girls and Ty Lee is the girly girl dialed to 100, and also lethal. The thing is that all those female characters are way more defined through their character, than their femininity. Even among the background characters, Aunt Wu and June are very different forms of female I feel
@Fixti0n Ай бұрын
@@robinmatz6686 Is this why the transformers are the most extreme stereotype of the gender they portray?
@digitalrecord6334 Ай бұрын
I can see a world where starting with badass katara could work, but it relies heavily on making sure she has a lot of personality, which this katara doesnt. Like lets take erza scarlet for example. She started out the series being one of the most powerful characters and has mostly stayed in that position throughout. But she has other qualities to her that balances out her power, to make her a more dynamic character. For 1, girl doesnt have any social graces due to her past. 2. Her loyalty to the guild and her friends are so devout, they have been weaponized at times. 3. She’s funny and weird in a good way, sometimes being the instigator of jokes and sometimes being the butt of jokes. All of these qualities arent given to netflix katara. They made her whole personality girlboss when it should be just a quality of her (if they wanted her to start off being a girlboss)
@someguy8081 Ай бұрын
Small nitpick for the Sokka and Suki subplot, the way you say it makes it sound like a man teaching a woman something, or a woman falling in love with someone because they are different is inherently sexist, when what made it sexist was them changing it from Suki teaching Sokka, to Sokka teaching Suki.
@trs4184 Ай бұрын
excuse you his name is Koizilla
@ashleyramwrites Ай бұрын
Omg lol forgive me his mighty majesty Koizilla
@trs4184 Ай бұрын
@@ashleyramwrites (fyi this is actually true, if you look at the notes in the storyboards they always call him koizilla)
@ashleyramwrites Ай бұрын
Hahaha this adaptation did feel like a joke sometimes and I think this just proves it
@ang5798 Ай бұрын
The only grace i can give them is that they really cannot rush the plot because the actors will age a lot. Everything else you said is spot on.
@CaseyIshida Ай бұрын
It seems like they couldnt stand the good guys’ culture having bad sides and the bad guys’ culture having some good sides. There’s zero nuance to each side and just makes the characters flat. They removed the sexism from the water tribe and they removed Ozai’s preference for Azula by showing zuko being more competent, preferred and strong than Azula to make Azula a girlboss that wants to get stronger and be recognized, which was literally zuko’s arc in the cartoon but somehow they didn’t want to show the evil fire nation having feminist beliefs because they’re BAD. Everyone’s arc and character was ruined out of a fear of offending some people just because they think that having sexism in a show means they condone it. The show writers themselves are extremely media illiterate.
@ChiaraRavenneSings Ай бұрын
I FOUND SOMEONE WHO AGREES WITH ME ON BOOMI, I also hate Live Action boomi so much, like i love boomi, but Netflix did him NO justice they totally ruined him
@franknsubuga8470 Ай бұрын
I could not go through those scenes with the live action Bumi! 😭😭😭. So cringe!!!
@Round_Slinger Ай бұрын
This is my first time stumbling across your channel and videos. I really loved your commentary. You deserve to blow up! Now I'm going to binge watch the rest of your videos. ❤
@lorettabes4553 Ай бұрын
09:45 Also Pirates had a banger script. (idk which movie specifically were talking about? I mean the first 3 had great writing). The 4th movie is oof
@ashleyramwrites Ай бұрын
The scripts are not as bad as these ones definitely but the Pirates scripts hinged heavily on the success of the actors performances. A lot of Jack Sparrow's mannerisms came directly from Depp, for example. But you're right, Pirates doesn't deserve to placed at the same level as Shadow and Bone or Netflix ATLA lol, those movies were a cultural reset.
@leshiy_nd Ай бұрын
Original Katara: flips off on her really racist older brother, saves The Savior Of The World from big fish, initiates rebelion in Earth Kingdom village, gives up personal wants so avatar would learn waterbendind, confronts elite member of North Water Tribe at the spot for being ridiculously sexist, gets proper training for few days, beats the Fire Nation prince, twice. Netflix Katara: extinguishes fireball by grabbing water from 100 meters away, extinguishes flying ignited arrow, applies earthbending technics (though the only time of her seeing someone earthbending was the encounter with a badgermole), confronts elite member of North Water Tribe for being sexist, begs for permission to fight, already in titled as a master just because she's natural. Yeah...
@xoai00 Ай бұрын
I couldn't even finish episode 1.... maybe... just maybe I "might" try again next time there is another world stopping quarantine or something similar that forces everyone to stay home... maybe, but not likely
@sweariefaerie9621 Ай бұрын
I'm gonna keep saying this till it happens. Until it's a fan made musical, I'm not paying attention to any remakes.
@thatguywithanumbrella Ай бұрын
Glad I'm not the only one who thinks the only reasonable adaptation would be a musical.
@sweariefaerie9621 Ай бұрын
@@thatguywithanumbrella But it HAS TO be fan made. I mean an AtLA musical *requires* the level of love that went into AVPM or better. But no pressure!😁
@FrancisR420 Ай бұрын
The crazy thing is it's explicitly spelled out in the original show that the remake should be a play, They even show you how to represent bending with the ribbons.
@lmaolini Ай бұрын
the only wrong thing about this video is the "3 months" haha, he gets told on winter solstice that he needs to fight the firelord by the end of summer, giving him AT least 7-8 months, which tracks since we get a lot of time jumps especially in ba sing se. 3 months really wouldnt have been enough. so all in all the show took place in about a year from episode 1 to the last in season 3, since winter solstice is in episode 8 and they tell you they've been traveling for weeks now
@ashleyramwrites Ай бұрын
I know, I'm sorry I realised it too late, it was already posted and people noticed and I was on the floor, a month to make this video and I didn't realise lmao. Thank you for letting me know!
@lmaolini Ай бұрын
@@ashleyramwrites ahh i didnt mean for you to apologize now I feel bad😭 I hope you saw that I wrote "the only wrong thing" since the entire video is on point despite that tiny mistake, maybe I shouldve made that more clear, reading back on my comment it does seem more harsh than it shouldve been, sorry for that :/ I also dont think that its a mistake so big that it ruins anything about the video, just something to point out😭 as a kid I thought they were traveling for only 6 weeks so yeah shit happen😭🙏
@ashleyramwrites Ай бұрын
You're all good, don't worry, I understood!! Honestly, when I was a kid, I thought it had been YEARS lmaoo kind of like the simpsons where they didn't age much hahaha
@lmaolini Ай бұрын
@@ashleyramwrites thats so real the time is so confusing to understand in the show especially as a kid😭 since we only rly see snow in the north and south pole i always thought it started in at least spring/summer lmaoo
@NerdyGamerReacts Ай бұрын
Hilarious video, looking forward to seeing your opinion on seasons 2 and 3 in the future, subbed.
@diamondinmyeye6160 Ай бұрын
I've watched too many videos about the remake at this point, so I don't know who to attribute this point to, but the 41st Division plot change ruins Ozai. He essentially rewarded Zuko for his failure to sacrifice and reinforced that by letting them grow a bond as his crew. OG Zuko had weakened his compassion for the common man because he was banished...which is what Ozai would want. Also, they're an army division and couldn't just magically become a navy.
@jackieroberts2625 Ай бұрын
Exactly! I hate people praising this change because the more you think about it, the dumber it sounds. I just hope they don't give Ozai a redemption arc cos that would be too funny
@diamondinmyeye6160 Ай бұрын
@@jackieroberts2625 I get why people like it at surface value. It’s a nice sentiment and somewhat poetic, but it does hurt the character motivations too much.
@ashleyramwrites Ай бұрын
At the time, it was mostly me trying to come up with things I liked since I was suffering but honestly, you're right, it's not as good upon reflection. So this means I literally only liked one scene in this show which is just sad.
@ashleyramwrites Ай бұрын
If they give Ozai a redemption arc, I'm quitting.
@diamondinmyeye6160 Ай бұрын
@@ashleyramwrites That is sad, but not terribly surprising. And yeah, Ozai redemption sounds like the worst thing they could ever do.
@hemmojito Ай бұрын
"How did no one in the writer's room revise this?.." They did and they got fired because of "creative differences" At least in my head that's how it went.
@OpticalSorcerer Ай бұрын
You know...I wouldn't mind it they wanted to take the show in a different direction, but I'd meed them to commit to it rather than saying "this is the same show you love" while making significant changes.
@khloeeromero7395 Ай бұрын
This video is so real, very entertaining i loved it!!💜
@khloeeromero7395 Ай бұрын
hopefully we can get some AUTHENTIC and beautiful COMPELLING writing again in our million dollar media productions but money talks🙄❌
@ashleyramwrites Ай бұрын
Thank you!
@TTInfiniteGaming Ай бұрын
you deserve more subs.good script
@edasch Ай бұрын
16:10 No, He splish splashed with katara in episode 2 or 3 or something, Its not bending but hey its something, xD Anyways, your video is incredible, ty for making it, I agree with everything u said
@FrancisR420 Ай бұрын
I mean it has some good aspects but I would consider it unwatchable by the spirit world episode.
@jamesoneill1303 Ай бұрын
Stopped watching as soon as you said the M Night film is worse than the Netflix adaptation. I know it’s a popular opinion, but it’s incorrect.
@AndresFelipe0402 Ай бұрын
9:00 you got this part ALL WRONG it's not a redemption arc AT ALL he was never an evil character, that is exactly the problem of live action Zuko, they try to make him evil to somehow make more powerful his redemption but he WAS NEVER EVIL
@ashleyramwrites Ай бұрын
Hi! A redemption arc isn't always an evil character turning good. Zuko is a prime antagonist in the story but is later shown to have redeemable qualities and a backstory that showcases a sense of sympathy for his character. On a technical storytelling perspective, he was an antagonist turned hero thus his character was redeemed. Therefore, his character arc would be considered a redemption arc and in the animation's case, a very well-written one. I agree that Zuko's character was very haphazardly written in the live-action but in that time stamp, I'm referring to the animation. In the animation, he was very much an antagonist even though he wasn't outright evil. Antagonists are characters who challenge the main character or antagonize them as the word states, these characters are not necessarily evil. And the animation creators being better writers knew how to navigate the arc far better than Netflix so I'm with you there. Hope this clears it up!
@manbagan Ай бұрын
I didn't know Pirates of the Caribbean was considered to have a bad script. I feel like up to part 3, it has top tier writing plotwise.
@iamthekaverik Ай бұрын
Lol, weird but... Could you please record like.. idk.. bedtime stories or something. Your voice is really soothing
@nope19568 Ай бұрын
i know its a small nitpick but like.... the wiggggsssss.... awful
@callmethecommentcountess9329 Ай бұрын
I had to agree with you
@veganjotaro Ай бұрын
*[pause]* "beating said meat" lmfao.😂
@lukawho8503 Ай бұрын
u r the most straight talking youtuber ever nice
@sourov3122 Ай бұрын
Honestly I don't care I just watch avatar the last airbender now and after that I after that I was the reamke everything is ok but they change everything I like about the original I get die hurt fan hating on the show so much
@georgplatzer8213 Ай бұрын
Very good Video!!! :)
@STICKMAN99100 Ай бұрын
I agree. bye
@ladymilliejean4166 Ай бұрын
nice video!
@EnoYaka Ай бұрын
I felt the netflix avatar was complete trash.
@naylagonzalezcamacho1128 Ай бұрын
I do think the southern water tribe had fixed gender roles, but I like to theorize that they were more flexible. Like when we saw Hama fighitng the southern raids, it was men and women. Also when Katara found out Paku was Gran-grans ex-fiance, she said something about "not letting her tribes customs run her life, that's why she left". While she was just running away from the marriage, maybe in the southern tribe you didn't have to do that? The south is still sexist, but maybe just slightly less?
@hemmojito Ай бұрын
One word: Hama. If the southern water tribe is really THAT sexist then why did Hama and other female waterbenders in the south defend their tribe? Women just sew? I think this opinion is widely influenced by a 15 year old boy and recency bias. Yes, all the men have gone to war. And the women who are left tend to the children and care for all the other (important) stuff that keeps the tribe alive. But have we forgotten that all waterbenders are gone in the south? I would even go as far as the south hadv very strong female waterbenders. As an effect of that loss the rest relied on classical roles based on strength and quite simply survival. Sokka's words must not be weighed in gold. As a boy bereft of an example he fell back to stereotypes and honestly pride. Lets see. Most boys (and girls) at this age try to find their place and role in the world and tend to exaggerate the trades of their team. Pipsqueaks trying to act super macho. Little girls stealing momies lipstick. Both go over board trying to identify strongly with their "group". Stupid stuff really but just a developmental phase. Now amp up the factor by 1000 in Sokka's case for he's the only male left AND he has been told by his father to "protect the village" Surely half of that was just meant as a comfort/band-aid for being abandoned by his dad, half was meant for later down the years. But him being sexist has a LOT to do with his age and the lack of reigning in by his elder role models. Sokka and Katara would have grown up in a Post-Hama society where the roles were more classical by necessity but I stand on that hill: The southern water tribe is still a far cry from the Northern Water Tribe regarding sexism
@rr2236 Ай бұрын
I’m so tired of nobody saying how horrible the live action zuko is. His acting is terrible, the character is written poorly and the plot where he saves the same group he’s traveling with is dumb, if he already has his own crew (that is against the fire nation) what will ever be his motivation to join team avatar??
@andreeab3116 Ай бұрын
The crew is not aganst the fire nation. Zuko still wants to capture the avatar to regain his honor, to be able to go back home.
@rr2236 Ай бұрын
@@andreeab3116 being that zuko is eventually going to pivot and realize the fire nation is wrong in later seasons, giving him a crew that will obviously be loyal to him for his sacrifice would imply that if they’re not already rethinking their allegiance to the FN they’d definitely do so when he does. The original zuko had nobody BUT iroh which is a main component of his story, searching for acceptance as well as honor. He went through a lot alone to become who he was in the end, giving him his own crew ruins that growth.
@FrancisR420 Ай бұрын
His acting is fine, the direction is terrible. like they didn't get 30 people who can't act for shit, at a certain point It's the director ruining performances.
@rupaloveadama8012 Ай бұрын
i really enjoy your irreverence and foul language
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Рет қаралды 41 М.
Этот мальчик настоящий герой
Рет қаралды 2,2 МЛН