Nietzsche's WARNING to Artists in Our Era of Nihilism

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What did Nietzsche think about Vital art? Would he have hated post modern art? How do we overcome degenerate art?
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@gregorysgarrison 10 ай бұрын
Art is a brutal thankless endeavor. Nobody is more critical of an artist than ourselves. Somebody thinks they have to be nice and not criticize my art because it will hurt my feelings. They don't realize I have criticized myself for countless hours in the studio. The worst they could possibly say, I have already said to myself a thousand times. So I would just laugh if somebody said my work was trash. They haven't been through what I have. The best artist in the world couldn't pick up a brush and paint like me. It took me fifty years to paint like me. And I am still evolving. Sometimes I have so many ideas flooding my mind that it drives me crazy. But the fact remains, there is no more powerful feeling in the world than creating something totally original. It really doesn't matter at all what anybody else thinks about it.
@Masqued1 9 ай бұрын
I play in a Avant/Prog Rock band that explores dark themes and I think the synthesis of dark and light, and musical experimentation is very life affirming and the opposite of modern/postmodern values. My own artwork is very dark, but it's part of the process of how I express myself in a journey out of nihilism. There are many underground bands and artists who express power in their creations. And I think alot of Hip Hop and Gangster Rap is extremely nihilistic.
@Jacksonnnnnnnnnnnnn 10 ай бұрын
I write brutal death metal, extremely agressive. I also write extremely dark "depressing" rock music. It doesnt have to be all one or the other imo. I think the dark music can be good to get those feelings out and process them.
@420rollinup3 10 ай бұрын
Better than Nirvana imho Death metal promotes all types of endorphin-esque ecstatic reactions within listeners, similar to the mentioned feelings of uplifted eternal victory, overcoming opposition, and conquest. Never felt this listening to Nirvana.
@J87Visuals Ай бұрын
100%. I love bands like Dying Fetus, Disgorge, Suffocation etc. I also like Classical, jazz, Indian sitar music, drum and bass. I've always struggled to focus in one direction and finish projects..purely play.and compose music for myself these days.
@DripEmpError 10 ай бұрын
Been waiting for an upload, another banger
@bro4539 10 ай бұрын
I am a casual musician, and lately I have begun to see all the music I loved more clearly. I saw that almost all the music that spoke to me had the vibe of suicidal hysteria, deflated nihilism, or insane rage. I noticed that most popular music is very blatantly about nothing other than degenerate hedonism. It bothers me a lot and I have kind of retreated into the only music that doesn't give me bad vibes, mostly Bach or other instrumental music that carries an air of beauty, triumph, mystery, or other vibes don't make me feel like I'm indulging in something low, dirty, pathetic. I love jazz but I'm uncertain about it now. There's an exploration of fantastic new sounds but it also kinda makes me think of how so many great jazz musicians were addicts. As if the endless search for a surprising new combination of chord and melody to make me feel something is akin to the toxic desire to feel even higher pleasures after building tolerance to my latest drug fixation
@richardsteiner45 9 ай бұрын
I know what you mean, spent a lot of time self teaching myself guitar, in a bunch of practice sessions I remember thinking how a bunch of rock music is about being a gay or loving Satan
@NickMonty 6 ай бұрын
I have recently went down the same road. For years I was listening to the Doors and artists like Mac Miller. After listening intently to the lyrics in some of the songs by the doors, I came to the realization they are the sounds of depressing postmodernism. I still think their music is amazing but it’s completely depressing. I’ve recently started listening to more graceful and uplifting music. I’m a big fan of classic rock (that isn’t depressing). Also started listening to some classical music like Tchaikovsky and it so much more satisfying and calming. There’s balance to all things in life but if you listen to too much depressing music, you might just have the life sucked from you.
@cheesemuffin6213 10 ай бұрын
I’m a artist and I am always trying to improve my art and this is very motivating, I have always wanted to create something that has substance and beauty to it.
@Glutahhn 10 ай бұрын
@Glutahhn 10 ай бұрын
I burnt all my paintings I've ever done and it felt so good now I work out all day.....I know what you are now none of you are real your just programs to torment me
@cheesemuffin6213 10 ай бұрын
@@Glutahhn ok I’m just confused, what an odd thing to say
@fuzzfuzz4234 8 ай бұрын
He’s just projecting his inability to control his internet addiction and the feelings of envy, resentment, and powerless that social media/ the internet give him. He’s in pain.
@fuzzfuzz4234 8 ай бұрын
Probably a sneako fan
@DawnsDojo 10 ай бұрын
Commenting as I start watching this masterpiece & been following your content for a while - struggled with this concept for a while but as an "artist" there is much to be said about this topic. 2 things - 1) I ended up attending one of the best art schools in the world and realized the art world is actually lowkey bs - mainly tax schemes by people who are living an actual healthy life. Real art that touches on the profoundity of life never truly get recognized by the masses - a question I had to ask myself and got a lot of traction online was "Are you committed enough to yourself growth, that you heal the pain the drives your art?" - I realised i got too sucked into the idea of the label of being an artist, that i was subconsciously creating turmoil in my life to drive my artistic pursuits in a very selfishly driven self-destructive mode of operating my life and reinforced those ideas about myself and my life. when I understood this, this changed a lot for me. 2) I realised also that my goal was to create something that was in a sense transcendental to my own human experience and the human experience in general - but as I delved deeper into my philosophy about life and purpose and meaning and god *I struggled with nihilism & atheism* - I realized that no matter what I created, it could never surpass the creations of the supreme nature of existence. As I began to look at the artistry embeded into life itself, it somewhat tamed my need to create, because I realized I was already experiencing a creation that transcended normal human existence - and up until now i didn't recognize it. The harmony which exists in the artistry and design of nature itself is enough to drive a man into complete shock. And the more I recognized that truth, the more i understood that my purpose was less to create and more to enjoy the natural creations that already exist - the food, the women, the brotherhood, the friendship, the stories, the sorrow, the ups, the downs, the betrayals, the nature, the brutality. The main thing i feel obliged to create, is to give the canvas of my life color - through experiencing the creation and miracle that is life itself.
@DawnsDojo 10 ай бұрын
This is a great video & subject Boyo - never a miss with you.
@mick21778 10 ай бұрын
Cool comment
@andy_sosa 4 ай бұрын
i don't know what to explain. but you put words to things I have been feeling recently. Don't know to explain. it's like you were saying everything i was feeling and it was scary. I could literally cry. Feeling like the world is mine and that I just have to go conquer it. Uberboyo, you're the man.
@SetMeFree 10 ай бұрын
Very nice. Thanks!
@ZM-dm3jg 10 ай бұрын
This discussion brings to mind a favourite passage of mine, by the great historian Will Durant, titled "A Shameless worship of heroes". Of the many ideals which in youth gave life a meaning and radiance missing from the chilly perspectives of middle age, one at least has remained with me as bright and satisfying as ever before -- the shameless worship of heroes. In an age that would level everything and reverence nothing, I take my stand with Victorian Carlyle, and light my candles, like Mirandola before Plato's image, at the shrines of great men. I say shameless, for I know how unfashionable it is now to acknowledge in life or history any genius loftier than ourselves. Our democratic dogma has leveled not only all voters but all leaders; we delight to show that living geniuses are only mediocrities, and that dead ones are myths. If we may believe Mr. Wells, Caesar was a numbskull and Napoleon a fool. Since it is contrary to good manners to exalt ourselves, we achieve the same result by slyly indicating how inferior are the great men of the earth. In some of us, perhaps, it is a noble and merciless asceticism, which would root out of our hearts the last vestige of worship and adoration, lest the old gods should return and terrify us again. For my part, I cling to this final religion, and discover in it a content and stimulus more lasting than came from the devotional ecstasies of youth. How natural it seemed to greet Rabindranath Tagore by that title which so long has been given him by his countrymen, Gurudeva - "Revered Master." For why should we stand reverent before waterfalls and mountain tops, or a summer moon on a quiet sea, and not before the highest miracle of all -- a man who is both great and good? So many of us are mere talents, clever children in the play of life, that when genius stands in our presence we can only bow down before it as an act of God, a continuance of creation. Such men are the very life-blood of history, to which politics and industry are but frame and bones. Part cause of the dry scholasticism from which we were suffering when James Harvey Robinson summoned us to humanize our knowledge, was the conception of history as an impersonal flow of figures and "facts," in which genius played so inessential a role that histories prided themselves upon ignoring them. It was to Marx above all that this theory of history was due; it was bound up with a view of life that distrusted the exceptional man, envied superior talent, and exalted the humble as the inheritors of the earth. In the end men began to write history as if it had never been lived at all, as if no drama had ever walked through it, no comedies or tragedies of struggling or frustrated men. The vivid narratives of Gibbon and Taine gave way to ash-heaps of irrelevant erudition in which every fact was correct, documented, and dead. No, the real history of man is not in prices and wages, nor in elections and battles, nor in the even tenor of the common man; it is in the lasting contributions made by geniuses to the sum of human civilization and culture. The history of France is not, if one may say it with all courtesy, the history of the French people; the history of those nameless men and women who tilled the soil, cobbled the shoes, cut the cloth, and peddled the goods (for these things have been done everywhere and always) -- the history of France is the record of her exceptional men and women, her inventors, scientists, statesmen, poets, artists, musicians, philosophers and saints, and of the additions which they made to the technology and wisdom, the artistry and decency, of their people and mankind. And so with every country, so with the world; its history is properly the history of its great men. What are the rest of us but willing brick and mortar in their hands, that they may make a race a little finer than ourselves? Therefore I see history not as a dreary scene of politics and carnage, but as the struggle of man -- through genius -- with the obdurate inertia of matter and the baffling mystery of mind; the struggle to understand, control and remake himself and the world. I see men standing on the edge of knowledge, and holding the light a little farther ahead; men carving marble into forms ennobling men; men molding peoples into better instruments of greatness; men making a language of music and music out of language; men dreaming of finer lives, and living them. Here is a process of creation more vivid than in any myth, a godliness more real than in any creed. To contemplate such men, to insinuate ourselves through study into some modest discipleship to them, to watch them at their work and warm ourselves at the fire that consumes them -- this is to recapture some of the thrill that youth gave us when we thought, at the altar or in the confessional, that we were touching or hearing God. In that dreamy youth we believed that life was evil, and that only death could usher us into paradise. We were wrong; even now -- while we live -- we may enter it. Every great book, every work of revealing art, every record of a devoted life is a call and an open sesame to the Elysian Fields. Too soon we extinguished the flame of our hope and our reverence. Let us change the icons, and light the candles again.
@ReynaSingh 10 ай бұрын
the torture experienced by artists and creative minds may be rooted in loneliness. How many people pay close enough attention to the world and it’s musings enough to want to make something out of it?
@10Ammar 10 ай бұрын
There is some truth to that. I hate to use that dirty word but it is also a kind of therapy because such people know they don’t fit it in so they subconsciously treat their creativity, like therapy. Most the time it’s like an escape because essentially creativity is a feminine quality, and femininity is passive. This isn’t a negative connotation at all because ultimately everything contains ‘gendered’ energy. Another angle is that all art is a worship or looking to worship the divine. To some it could be the other half missing from their life. The male artist today is a bit screwed unfortunately, because he is a human doing (not being) and being creative isn’t cool, high status, and even girly. Yet toxic masculinity is the problem isn’t it? Perhaps the answer lies there and that a male should concentrate on powerful and vital art and a lady on introspective and subtle? To answer your question at the end, not many at all, and hence why you have a point. Actually watched your clip literally just before this one, good work. Keep them regular. 🌹
@TravisHi_YT 10 ай бұрын
I don't see why a non-lonely person couldn't pay attention to the world. If anything a connected person would get to see and experience more beauty, because they have the option to be alone or connected.
@edubz3366 10 ай бұрын
@@10Ammar creativity is 1000% a masculine energy. It's the pouring outward of energy, whether that be positive or negative. What I believe your are referring to as feminine, is the introspection that's required. Good art that is up lifting usually comes from people who have a good balance of masculine and feminine energy. Think Jimmy Page, David Bowie, etc
@uberboyo 10 ай бұрын
Sensitive minds!
@TheGiantMidget 10 ай бұрын
​@@10Ammarnonsense, creativity is feminine? 😂 so is that why all of the greatest artists, poets, musicians, playwrights, movie makers, comedians, inventors, are all men? Women aren't even creative they just copy what men do
@vvhitepriest 10 ай бұрын
It's interesting in going balls deep on the musical path I've found that cheap pleasures are an annoyance to what I would call the religious experience of creating vital and long lasting artwork. Nothing hits quite like pure sonic bliss pouring out of your soul.
@tangerinesarebetterthanora7060 9 ай бұрын
A lot of of the "positive" music has zero substance. It doesn't convince me in the slightest that its message is in any way authentic. Its celebrates mediocrity, the mantras of the last man. Nietzsche saw tragedy as the ultimate form of theatre and I think he would be one to recognize the importance of melancholy in music alongside triumph.
@hermestrismagistos3145 4 ай бұрын
With your insights, your articulate and energetic delivery, and the quality of your videos I can't believe you aren't one of the most popular channels on KZfaq. It really does say a lot about popular culture. You are a wolf amongst sheep.
@lethargicimagination 10 ай бұрын
Spot on content good sir! Most of my artistic endeavors were in the pursuit of the spirit of Cobain but over the last 6 years a transformation has been occurring, where the spirit of Vitality is breaking through. I was recently in conversation with a former band mate about this and how I was experiencing this and how odd it was that I didn't want to write sad songs anymore, after 12 years of doing so. My artistic vision has broadened and my will hardened. My joy for creating music has increased by immense bounds and I can't wait to share it with others, compared to when I was generating the negative vibes and building much resentment towards a world that I was truly and still am naive of.
@michaelrobertson1736 10 ай бұрын
Hell yeah! Cobain was an asshole and a weakling. It was so stylish to be depressed and limp willed in the 90s (reaction of the 80s and hair rock). I grew up on that depressive nonsense, no more! 💪
@Shannon-jx7ni 20 күн бұрын
Thank you.
@xanthippus9079 10 ай бұрын
"It is not the writing itself that nauseates me, but the literary environment, from which it is impossible to escape and that accompanies you everywhere, like the earth's atmosphere. I don't believe in our intelligentsia, which is hypocritical, false, hysterical, rude, idle; I don't believe her even when she suffers and laments, since her persecutors come from her own bowels. I believe in individuals, in a few people scattered in every corner - be they intellectuals or peasants; in them is the strength, even if they are few." Apparently Checkov wrote this in a letter. Here, and in other opportunities, he explains his view of the art of storytelling. He was a doctor who began writing early, and is now considered one of the greatest short story writers of all time. In his life, he was known to work hard and enjoy his free time among people. His writings are eternal because he didn't write about particular events, ideas or in a flamboyant prose. He wrote about real people and the world he knew by living. Instead of closing himself in a room, letting his frustrations fill the papers, he used art as a means to convey stories worth telling.
@timeconsumer 10 ай бұрын
bringing real art back into art, real poetry back in music is the life mission. we don't create for pleasure but for existence, not for appreciation but for beauty. 0018
@Mr.E5150 10 ай бұрын
The most heroic types of music are found within classical music and metal. Within classical metal, Franco Corelli singing Verdi's "Di quella pira" is a great example. Within metal, it is especially true for classic heavy metal (Black Sabbath - Neon Knights), power metal (Hammerfall - The Dragon Lies Bleeding), symphonic metal (Nightwish - Elvenpath), and progressive metal (Symphony X - Set the World on Fire).
@Kiki-lk9xy 10 ай бұрын
I am 5 minutes in. You are describing Kanye
@mommyteresa01 10 ай бұрын
I miss him since he s been on vacation. I hope he is getting ready to return soon..he is the funnest kid on the playground.
@dominickkhan7554 10 ай бұрын
@everythingispraey8806 10 ай бұрын
I fucking love Kanye ...I fucking love that motherfucker I see good in his eyes he drug me out of the heavy downpour ....I mitzi and my beutiful dark twisted me back .oh the black sut beat off the ..buzzards wings and i was the greatest blaxk man for fucking ...thirty min then Kanye... Feel feral again...I'm white as ash now ...too refective I'm glad he ..gonna set us all free ...someday ...
@richardsteiner45 9 ай бұрын
Oh yes he is not staying in line.
@Uhfffyeah 5 ай бұрын
Really? I think Donda was a pretty happy, uplifting album
@shadowingism 10 ай бұрын
very interesting angle 🤔✌ discovered your channel yesterday and for sure curious by now ;) food for thought.
@SpiritboundNeo 10 ай бұрын
I agree with the premise of life and vitality, but reject your notion that certain roles are favored by life over the other... The vital prey will elude, escape, and esconse from predators - living their lives with great vitality, passing on their genes to the next generation... 🧬 Life doesn't punish the weak so much as it rewards the strong... And strength isn't always aggression and violence. 💪
@SGBD8933 10 ай бұрын
Uberboyo bringing the top tier content again! 💪
@SandeepSabarish 10 ай бұрын
just watched your interview with tate, ahead of time great work man!, would like to see part 2
@ahmed25janegy 10 ай бұрын
This is beautiful boyo. Real barz been dropped at 49:01 onwards!
@officialmarsgarden 9 ай бұрын
Fascinating and thought-provoking, Creating something that embodies beauty, positivity, empowerment, and triumph, radiating vibrant energy into the world as the ultimate expression of the ideal. Yet, there's a unique beauty in the realm of darker energies, especially when viewed through the lens of transmutation. In my music production journey, the most crucial instrument is my emotional state. Often, it leads me to profound states of ecstasy. Even the darker tracks I create offer a semblance of this cycle, akin to a process of self-reinvention. It's like setting everything ablaze and emerging from the abyss with newfound momentum and rejuvenation, which is then channeled into the pursuit of the highest ideals. Dark energies possess a vitality of their own. Mastering the control of this energy is the key. For there can be no light without darkness.
@T_Fizzle 10 ай бұрын
I think Metal can also have that warrior energy that Hip Hop expresses. It's more rage oriented but to me it's more acceptable than the pathetic depressing energy from most other music. Of course both Metal and Hip Hop can still express that depressing energy as well.
@n0vitski 10 ай бұрын
I honestly can't bring myself to care what a person has to say about art when said person is utilizing AI generated images. There's nothing vital about sitting back and watching dreams of a soulless machine in hopes that something "fun" comes up. Nietzsche would be disappointed.
@oscarrodriguez-mr8jy 10 ай бұрын
Great topic man who is extremely interesting .
@Khalodian 10 ай бұрын
Symbiotic life is a win-win situation without competition. Symbiosis is how we grew to have bodies; full ecosystems of various different organisms, including all the different cells of our bodies. Symbiotic win-win is a rarity on this planet, but is the ultimate goal of all evolution, including parasitic ones. Male vs female evolutionary arms race... will yield to a mutual love.
@Damphouse 10 ай бұрын
I like that you brought up Rap because Kanye West is a very interesting example of the artist. He's extremely grandiose and certainly a creative genius, but he also experiences extreme lows given that he's bipolar. Since creativity from a neurological pov is rooted in problem solving, there's a proclivity for the minds of artists to develop long lasting conflict with the negative. You can't have the highs without the lows, it's just a matter of cherishing both ends of the spectrum. I used to rap/produce and I was pretty damn good if I must say so myself. I could make songs that were very lyrical, bragadocious, original and the rythym/soundscaping of the production was dystinct and most of the people I shared it with seemed to enjoy it. But I also made pretty dark/depressing/contemplative music too. I worked on an album that was designed to be a rise from depression/grief to power/victory and I think that was a nice attempt to reach the ideal you speak of. Vitality works best when it's cathartic imo. The idea of the grandiose/victorious artistry is definitely very interesting and it's prevailed before. The renaissance era is a good example of this. I think the main quality of art is that it's often a hyperbolization of either highs or lows. You look at renaissance era artwork and it really captivates your emotions, a lot of time it leaves people in awe because you witness these transcendent odes to divinity and beauty. But eventually, that era exhausts itself and the novelty disappears because it becomes the standard. Naturally, novelty is found in contrasting frames of mind. Kinda like the gravitation to abstract art and how Basquiat rose to popularity because what he was doing was so fundamentally different. Idk how the next great victorious/grandiose artist will be but as long as it's a breath of fresh air and original/profound, I'm all for it.
@jamm_affinity 10 ай бұрын
It’s sad to me that so many people write off rap because of how it presents itself, and it’s vulgarity. They just don’t understand how therapeutic it is to believe in your own selfish desires.
@Damphouse 10 ай бұрын
@@jamm_affinityFacts man. It can be such an uplifting genre when done right
@robertrenbris2334 10 ай бұрын
If you want the polar opposite of Nirvana, I would say it is Iron Maiden. Their songs often deal with dark topics, but their music is livid and full of energy. Up the irons!
@mickdaly2778 10 ай бұрын
Hi Uberboyo, good work 👏 Are you still based in Éire? Just moved back from france man to a homestead in the hidden heart ☘️
@asgardianews6647 10 ай бұрын
Funeral Doom and DSBM (Depressive Sui* Black Metal) bands are feeling called out 😆
@benzelrhomb 10 ай бұрын
Hardcore music has some really positive masculine energy. Overcoming adversity is a core theme.
@duen-wayneogilvie5223 10 ай бұрын
Listening to this in the gym
@coreyhingley6196 10 ай бұрын
I realized in early high school, most popular art, especially music, was like this, and i have strived to create more vitality affirming art ever since. I really dont like a lot of the music people listen to. Lately i am working on making atmospheric meditation type music, and my art is often focused on beautiful geometry
@venturasilva1103 10 ай бұрын
The music from The Doors and Jim Morrison's poetry is very Nietzschean in a way.
@bryanutility9609 10 ай бұрын
Notification! Let’s go!
@namepending155 10 ай бұрын
I’m digging your channel and going hard into Nietzsche. Keep it up. Your content is good stuff to binge on.
@gubourn 10 ай бұрын
Why did you part ways with Jimothy. I really enjoyed those episodes and the banter
@nikola3058 10 ай бұрын
Sorry to be off-topic, but do you have any tips of learning how to speak? I know you mentioned singing lessons in the past, I'm sure that helps with getting the intonation right, but is there any other method/practice that you used to become a more engaging speaker? Of course, I know that much of it comes to practice, I'm not shying away from endlessly recording myself and correcting mistakes, but just wanted to know if you have any tips. Thanks.
@Johnyboy771 10 ай бұрын
Weird man... I had today a dream telling me to watch this video. Lately i feel like what you were describing about kurt cobain. In the dream you made a intro with jimmyboyo. You talked about men going to elysium. You showed a ai made video. A man holding a red and gold flag. Standing triumphant and surrounded by a destroyed scenery. This ai video is like what you described, a art piece that makes you feel power. I notice that the flag was part of a mandala. The mandala was showing that this is part of life. Thank you for this video
@roryprice4369 9 ай бұрын
Hey Steph, I've got a playlist called 'Non Ironic Testoterone' that should do the job.
@theuniverse5173 10 ай бұрын
Is it so over or are we so back?
@apustajachileno 10 ай бұрын
@The1Green4Man 10 ай бұрын
There are more of us now that ever before and the fire is rising.
@Jesse-fk3xc 6 ай бұрын
“You’re either winning or you’re losing, there’s nothing in between.” - Charlie sheen
@handsomedude7644 10 ай бұрын
Thus spoke Zarathustra!!
@cryptic1692 9 ай бұрын
the shiva reference is cool btw i m from india . love that .
@user-vk3gv2nf1g 10 ай бұрын
What do you think about James Lindsay? I heard you casually speaking in a jokingly manner about the "Demiurge" a few times.
@juliahall1328 10 ай бұрын
Do you remember which video you talked about the fox and the magpie? Please share link.
@Jesse-fk3xc 6 ай бұрын
Cobain never had a victory except for world known rockstar status fame & fortune
@AwakenZen 10 ай бұрын
Can you make a video on Taoism
@zentratuskrypto3521 5 ай бұрын
La Mona Jimenez is the dionysian Ubermensch that reins supreme as the great font of ecstatic vitality in art. Cuarteto, Cordoba, Argentina.
@aniket1999ab 10 ай бұрын
Martial industrial bands come close to this ideal like triarii, legionarii, wappenbund, waffenruhe, theusz etc.
@10Ammar 10 ай бұрын
They sure do.
@Va1demar 10 ай бұрын
28:20 what a limited view of the world, life does not eat life, but energy in the form that it can process, life needs energy for its existence, plants are life and it does not eat life, plants absorb energy of the sun
@jamm_affinity 10 ай бұрын
We didn’t grow big brains by doing photosynthesis my dude
@Va1demar 10 ай бұрын
@@jamm_affinity why do you need a brain? life manifests itself in different structures and systems, quite successfully flourishing for a billion years, enjoys life by absorbing energy from outside
@jamm_affinity 10 ай бұрын
@@Va1demar Because I’m not suicidal and highly value my human consciousness and life, perhaps. It’s not a diss to all my plant homies but would you rather be a plant? I wouldn’t, even if they do have some sort of “experience”.
@Va1demar 10 ай бұрын
@@jamm_affinity the value of life lies in the instinct of self-preservation, everyone values their life, your brain is a source of behavior that is outside the autonomous programs embedded in instincts and can dictates suicidal thoughts to you, so the brain is a very life-threatening thing, joking aside, the idea of the triumph of life over other lives and at the expense of other lives looks extremely dangerous for life of those who profess such parasitic views
@jamm_affinity 10 ай бұрын
@@Va1demar it’s not necessarily something to be proud of but it is the nature of life. unless you’ve never killed a plant, or ate a piece of meat, you’ve been a part of this system too. we all are. Nietzsche’s view is to embrace this as a fact of reality rather than something that should be changed. Life is naturally competitive, even trees and plants compete for sunlight. It’s not really good or bad imo, just where we find ourselves. One always has the option to become a monk
@morpheussieben 10 ай бұрын
Mr Boyo!!
@Cameron-bw6mp 10 ай бұрын
I’m a musician, in the indie genre, I’ve been around a lot of artists some very talented. I think what fundamentally makes someone an artist is a refusal to change for others. I remember everyone changing growing up and I refused to, my identity/individuality was sacred to me. So naturally I was socially isolated I refused to conform to the bullshit social hierarchy’s of school I refused to be indoctrinated and educated In university and instead chose to educate myself in philosophy, psychology, and music. In my opinion art is basically a repression of the ego to allow the will of nature as someone like Schopenhauer would put it or the will to life (Nietzsche) the collective unconscious(Jung) the sex drive(Freud) the Soul (Christianity) it’s the repression of judgment and ego. This is why drugs make you a better musician, and I have personal experience with this specifically drugs with psychedelic thus ego suppressing quality’s or pain killers like Cobain took which also have a spiritual ego suppressing quality. Art is the collective manifested through the individual. So if you want to make good art suppress your ego by any means necessary and educate yourself enough where the collective unconscious or will of nature has enough material to cling to as it flows up and out of you. Maybe I sound crazy but I’ve found this to be 100% true. I’ve written over 100 songs and released 25. The artist is a vessel for pre existing forces not much more then that. Personally I don’t think it matters if the art is dark or not. Cobain was a genius maybe his own downfall was the price he had to pay for extreme greatness. Cobain was no less of a man or artist then anyone else just because of how his life ended. In my opinion he was just more artistically and philosophically honest. Sure there’s plenty of more mentally stable Artists, but were they as good??? Were they as honest? Think of Nietzsche in a somewhat similar way to Cobain I think he paid for his genius with a bitter insane end. Who fucking cares about becoming some sort of jacked “Ubermench” in this insane world. I understand self improvement I workout I try to stay moderate with everything. But Cobain is perhaps one of the best ever… maybe to portray this idea of Ubermench Nietzscheians love to talk about so much. You should also consider intellectual honesty. Who wants to portray some sort of rarely lived incredible life in their art. Would Ubermench Nietzschian art simply be about getting laid and being ripped and intellectually superior??? Lol. Art is honest art is spiritual. In many ways it penetrates to the core of things in a way philosophy never could… if you try to impose any rule set over your art. If you try to make it not “weak” or “loser” like you said of Cobain you will never amount to anything. Rules kill art, they’re meant to be broken. Rules are part of the ego and the ego is not involved in true creation. Cobain knew this and any real artist knows this
@berserkir1872 10 ай бұрын
This is well said. And Uberboyos point about how sick artists art infect people to feel sick is really nonsense. Then how people that never listened to Cobains music but they felt depressed and sick like him when they first time heard Cobains music they related to it and felt catharsis after that because finally they finally felt understood. I think art heal and help people to go through life thats in its nature harsh. I will give an example: Miyazaki creator of Ghibli movies he also felt weak,pessimistic,and inferior thorugh his life and had depression but yet he made the most beautiful drawings and movies ever that comfort people these days.
@SigmaLarper27 10 ай бұрын
And justice for all is probably one of the best albums of all time. It is pure aggression and energy.
@Illoveblackmen 10 ай бұрын
Good taste in music. Can't say the same about your pfp
@SpinachInfluenza 10 ай бұрын
Bruzl, I was addicted to heroin on the colddd streets of Seattle, the whole city is spiritually empty, thank god i survived & am making music
@P________ 10 ай бұрын
German technical death metal, is the pinnacle. Necrophagist in particular.
@420rollinup3 10 ай бұрын
A brother in the comment section!
@solarisnatuson7928 10 ай бұрын
Melancholia seems to be part of the life of special people. Earlier this year I found out that I was a "baby" and I had an argument with a beautiful but sometimes "Androgynous" woman. Now I know there is an art by another German, Albrecht Dürer (a hero of Freemasonry) called Melencholia with Putto the baby and Androgyna the Angel
@xOWARx 10 ай бұрын
The opposite of Kurt Cobain is clearly Andrew W.K.
@Spoeism 9 ай бұрын
*waves as such an artist*
@karolisbareika8306 10 ай бұрын
I just watched a YT documentary on Curt Cobain and thought the same thing. It reminds me somewhat of how Nietzsche and Jung viewed philosophers as "sick" in the sense that they live life through external examination rather than direct experience. I suppose depressed artists escape life through expression or "purging" of their internal suffering instead, as they are often unable to overcome it. That said, Cobain was still above the average man as he was able to define an entire Zeitgeist. Despite his emotional pain, Cobain probably made more out of life during his short time on Earth than the average man with potential ever will in his entire life.
@carlocatalano9662 10 ай бұрын
The equestrian with the forelegs up signifies the rider died in battle.
@sammoe1292 3 ай бұрын
Want to hear powerful music? Peter Tosh - Buckingham Palace
@gravitationalconstant4044 10 ай бұрын
I knew you and anti prophet were linked when I saw him talking about Jorjani
@michaelstoop1844 10 ай бұрын
Great discussion. I agree with others - metal too.
@michaelstoop1844 10 ай бұрын
I’ve enjoyed your content for a while now, and especially into your recent videos. Jorjani was mind blowing. Cheers from NZ
@Raynes79 10 ай бұрын
Not sure I agree with you about the purpose of food and species eating species in a competition for power... An earthworm never has the capability to beat a lion... There's no competition in that scenario or ones similar.
@avjb1872 9 ай бұрын
I compose and record my own songs. If I wrote a list of songs I have deleted from my hard drive immediately after would be a long list.
@The1Green4Man 10 ай бұрын
Have you read Bronze Age mindset?
@gravitationalconstant4044 10 ай бұрын
Rock is still a life affirming music. Just gotta listen to the right subgenres. Power metal like DragonForce, Sabaton. Yes. Grunge, not so much.
@MaddSpazz2000 2 ай бұрын
I just find it weird that all this "non life affirming" music is WAY better then the majority of the opposite.
@raindog5378 9 ай бұрын
Oh shit was it you that did the animated tales of Wudan?
@SoulAyatollah 10 ай бұрын
Anybody else instantly start hearing "Panama" by Van Halen?
@Va1demar 10 ай бұрын
the fullness of life in contrast, life filled with joy is meager and apathetic, Nietzsche broke down because of the contradictions accumulated in him
@thenew4559 10 ай бұрын
I think this is why "You Get What You Give" by the New Radicals is one of my favorite songs. I'm not super into music, but as far as modern western music that I've heard, I think this song does one of the best jobs at portraying this sort of vital "you can conquer the world" energy. It's also a great tune to hype me up before lifting. I try to incorporate some of these Nietzschean ideas in my own artistic works, as an amateur comic book artist. Although fantasy will always to some degree be escapist in nature, I try to create stories that have strong life-affirming themes.
@dp-bh5fh 10 ай бұрын
That song is so fking great
@realobama1100 10 ай бұрын
You should look into the great guitarist and philosopher Robert Fripp, he is absolutely a Neitchzean archetype even in his elderly years.
@Masqued1 9 ай бұрын
Also think if Death Metal bands very dark but filled with energy and masculinity.
@zeljkop5695 7 ай бұрын
One question remains open: how do you overcome nihilism without god? Second question: how do you fight and not work and not become dialectician? Remember how people in renaissance gained power, influence and position? And finally, third question: if there are so many predictions made by Nietzsche, wouldn't it be good to prepare for them in such a way that it makes it possible for the next generation to enter the struggle for the position of a classical nobility? Or is it simply easier to "save the west" by teaching them online, those decadent but rich people, how to talk, walk, and dance?
@novusnox17 10 ай бұрын
Been awhile Stef. Hope you're well brother. Good thoughts and video.
@bentuovila5296 10 ай бұрын
To crush your enemies to see them driven before you and to hear the lamentations of their women. Also dolphin mafia aint nothing to mess with.
@swartzsteinswartzstein8809 10 ай бұрын
AI art is degenerate art.
@caprikoziol4150 10 ай бұрын
8:03 Yoga bunny Nietzsche 😂😂
@louiscruz4577 10 ай бұрын
The sublimity of true beauty, how great in the state of awe it leaves you. There is no life without beauty-to view life as an artistic endeavor, one in which-you-the individual, becomes-the aesthete-of your existence. To move through life with sophistication, grandeur, and exoticism-creating glamour and mystique through your essence. Life as the aesthete shall be likened to an ever-constructing magnum opus that is crafted continuously. In the way in which Botticelli approached painting-is the way in which the aesthete approaches life-as an artistic endeavor-constructing their work amongst other aesthetes-with their singular work a part of a greater collective oeuvre, striving to be-the magnum opus-amongst magnum opuses. -The Aesthete & A Life of Allure
@Dino_Medici 10 ай бұрын
@brutallyhonestfrank5542 8 ай бұрын
Vanguard of Creators... KZfaqrs
@Va1demar 10 ай бұрын
I now understand how one failed Austrian artist managed to motivate the people of one country to an unsuccessful adventure that ruined millions of lives, appealing to the animal instinct, people become animals and easily follow the manipulator
@maggen_me7790 10 ай бұрын
This extreme will to power or WILLPOWER itself is going to do makes me think of Nietzsche and the way it drove him into madness..If one forgets love and the way it lifts the spirit off to measure up to power there is no genuine relational participation. Yes, it is desire that drives the artist, but I think the "Muses" carry this in the name of love. Ultimatly The Power of Love...The ability to transform
@Gaphalor 10 ай бұрын
Nietzsche got mad because of an illness either syphilis or something else and not because of his philosophy Edit: Ohh and will to power and willpower are two different things you shouldn't confuse with each other. In German "Willenskraft" and "Wille zur Macht" the terms Kraft(force) and Macht(might) get smushed together in the translation into the term "power".
@bryanutility9609 10 ай бұрын
Maybe love isn’t what’s missing in good people these days.
@johnyadirf3605 9 ай бұрын
Hollywood Undead- Bullet
@bentuovila5296 10 ай бұрын
You want music that epitomizes this feeling? Sabaton.
@maxmad4960 10 ай бұрын
Charles bronson prisoner draws all he's emotions
@kurtcocain86 10 ай бұрын
3 minutes in, and Kurt Cobain just been called a bitch. Oh yes, and what a magnificent one he was indeed!
@tracemagace8434 6 ай бұрын
Right? Only an inexperienced bookworm incel would say such a thing.
@icyyoyo69 2 ай бұрын
Artists are crushed by their hangers on and record companies these days
@user-bm2wx5wv9r 10 ай бұрын
Where can I find people who buy post modernism art? I'm pretty sure I can just draw some random stuff and present it with intellectual jargon to them and they would buy it.
@Dino_Medici 10 ай бұрын
If it was that easy everyone would do it
@elijimenez7710 10 ай бұрын
Proud Artist Here I just discovered you. You just posted this an hour ago. Thank you Jesus, Art Christ
@vincentorozco9020 10 ай бұрын
Let’s get it baby!!! I’m changing the game, hip hops era is ending. El momento hispano, viva la raza putas tehee
@ZiggaRats 10 ай бұрын
Cobain achieved wealth, fame, success, and status to an enormous degree, and Michelangelo was also the sculptor of La Pieta. Cobain procreated, Michelangelo did not.
@Gaphalor 10 ай бұрын
Money and fame are not success if acquired in a society where Men get fame when they put on a dress and paint their nails and women become rich when they show their private parts to thousands of underage boys on the internet. Success today is the man (or woman) that is strong enough to not follow the herd, the rules of this sickly and wicked society.
@bryanutility9609 10 ай бұрын
Everyone has to make a sacrifice. Michelangelo will inspire the best in humanity forever. He achieved perfection. Cuban inspired suicide and decay for a generation at best.
@chrisgodberartist 10 ай бұрын
I think art in it's truest sense is undefinable and paradoxial. The mythos of the tortured artist is one that benefits no ome least of all the torturrd artists themselves. In some senses it has become another trope that consumer culture uses to sell the idea of someone being a real artist. Interested on your thoughts though on how Nietszche's idea of high culture were mutilated by the Nazi's though and their conception of 'degenerate' art which cut the root of modernist experimentation and was the essence of a repressive / oppressive idea of what art is, to be provcotive. (Alsp I imagine Nietszche would of been horrified at the national socialists butchhering of culture, especially aa so many Germam expressionsts in Die Brucke for example were self proclaimed nietszchians). Long comment, i'm a bipolar painter so I have contemplated this a lot tbh 😂😂. Ypu can drown in that definition of 'i'm a mentally ill artists' but my best work comes about when I don't fixate on that aspect of my personality. Maybe really aiming for transendence. All art is failure with some moments of that though I think. You have to fail over and over. Thats the very creative process I think truly.
@mongeyjames9170 10 ай бұрын
These artists are manufactured by Tavistock. Ray Manzarek was getting ready to play a role in the army with long hair in the 1960s, you don't have long hair in the army in the 1960s. Dave Grohl is a actor.
@WhispersOfWind 9 ай бұрын
Hello. Welcome, welcome. Come inside.
@russellhenrybieber6620 7 ай бұрын
Jimi Hendrix is labled as a torured artist because he was MURDERED at 27, but really he was an overman. Him and Frank Zappa.
if you're an artist about to give up on their dreams, watch this first.
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