Nina Teicholz - 'The Real Food Politics: Institutional Defense of the Status-Quo'

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Low Carb Down Under

Low Carb Down Under

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Nina Teicholz is a New York Times bestselling investigative science journalist who has played a pivotal role in challenging the conventional wisdom on dietary fat. Her groundbreaking work, 'The Big Fat Surprise', which The Economist named as the #1 science book of 2014, has led to a profound rethinking on whether we have been wrong to think that fat, including saturated fat, causes disease.
Nina continues to explore the political, institutional, and industry forces that prevent better thinking on issues related to nutrition and science. She has been published in the New York Times, the New Yorker, the British Medical Journal, Gourmet, the Los Angeles Times and many other outlets.
A .PDF version of the slides used in Nina's presentation is available here;

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@KenDBerryMD 5 жыл бұрын
Great info here! Pay attention...
@Jefferdaughter 5 жыл бұрын
8:40 "You could say the entire American population was on a low-carb diet in 1965." Many today are unaware that meats back then contained a LOT more fat, especially beef and pork. Also, vegetables were commonly eaten with sauces that contained cream, butter, and/or cheese. Fat-based gravy was commonly served as well, often with nearly every meal. Breads, potatoes, and other starchy foods were generally used to soak up fatty juices from the meat, and the sauces, gravy, and or butter. In other words, starchy foods were used as 'fat delivery devices'. Then American women were told they were killing their husbands with gravy! And other fatty foods. It took awhile for people to give up their food traditions.... but most did, eventualy.
@hfortenberry 5 жыл бұрын
Ancel Keys sounds like a narcissist. Lying, not caring about the harm caused to others by his actions, caring only for the attention he received, attacking, slandering and even destroying anyone who disagreed with him, accusing other people of doing what he was actually doing, being incapable of having mature, critical discussion, etc. Classic narcissist. Very destructive people.
@martinwermuth5012 7 жыл бұрын
Nina, in Germany your book is only available 2nd hand at Amazon right now - for 51 Euros! And only in English. We need a German translation here in the dietary low-fat German-speaking desert.
@andyspark5192 7 жыл бұрын
Let me quote a wise man "If people let government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny." Thomas Jefferson
@carrollhoagland1053 7 жыл бұрын
Hi Andy ... an over simplification as there is plenty of evidence to show that the Sugar and Chemical industry has biased the science and media reporting ... removal of fats from the diet - Big Mistake - as you know there is No Known Carbohydrate Deficiency Disease - hence no reason to eat carbs, whereas this is not true of Proteins or Fats ... Modern Carbs ... have very low nutrients ... i.e. Hyper-Palatable Foods ... = Addiction, ref Dr. Pamela Peeke ... Mark Sisson ... "The Apple is a Bag of Sugar" ... and his site as with Dr. Axe , Dr. Mercola ... have 10,000 links to real science ... 70 Going On 128 ... the Hayflick Limit ... and the Centenarian Diet
@paulverizzo6199 5 жыл бұрын
Sounds way too convenient. TJ could never have foreseen the size of government now, whether you approve or disapprove.
@dicktracy3787 5 жыл бұрын
A great statement of why Government should not be involved in nutrition or science generally.
@HelmetBlissta 4 жыл бұрын
Andy Spark yet it was corporate lobbying and industry funded "science" that created this mess
@sledgehammer301 3 жыл бұрын
Yup, my BS senses were tingling when I read that Thomas Jefferson quote....and yep, complete and utter BS!
@Jefferdaughter 5 жыл бұрын
10:10 On Dr Adkins original diet: it is widely misunderstood as a high protein diet; however, when he wrote his book, meats all contained significantly more fat than they do today! Pork was not dry and flavorless. Bacon, beef, hamburger all had more fat. Lamb was also more commonly eaten; now it is mostly eaten by ethnic groups and holidays.
@Maitreya0208 7 жыл бұрын
KZfaq commenter: "I lost 80 pounds on a high-fat low-carb diet and I feel great." KZfaq troll: "That's not science! That's not science!"
@bobmonk388 6 жыл бұрын
Just research any main stream science its nearly all bullshit a phd means you parrot the narrative of the main stream .
@lucam2942 5 жыл бұрын
Smoke crack, you can lose weight and feel good too!
@Barbaralee1205 3 жыл бұрын
I lost 40 lbs and got my health back! That is science. It’s called an N of 1. Not very generalizable but it sure as hell taught me something!
@TipoQueTocaelPiano 3 жыл бұрын
Cocaine feels great and it makes you lose weight too.
@brooksbutler8547 7 жыл бұрын
" “It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.”---- Upton Sinclair
@Jefferdaughter 5 жыл бұрын
25:00 'The other three panelists are threatening to... not participate if you are on the panel.' The organizer should have said, 'Fine, then Ms Teicholz will be able to present her material uncontested.' They would have reversed their position and come!
@alphacause 7 жыл бұрын
In ancient Egypt, pyramids were used as burial monuments. Basically they were ornate sarcophagi. How fitting then that our very misguided dietary guidelines, that the government/bad science/corporate interest told us to eat, came to us in the shape of a pyramid - an ancient symbol most closely associated with death.
@Jefferdaughter 5 жыл бұрын
An interesting thought. Speaking of Egyptians, have you heard Dr. Michael Eades talk here on KZfaq: 'Paleopathology and the Origins of the Paleo Diet'? Among other ancient human remains, the use of technology to examine Egyptian mummies to see how their diet affected their development and health. They ate essentially what the dieticians of today tell us to eat - whole stone ground grain, vegetables, with some poultry and fish, and red meat only occasionally. And they had what we call 'modern diseases' - cardiovascular disease and heart attacks, arthritis, bad teeth, diabetes... Maybe we should call these 'diseases of civilization'. The studies also reveal that ancient Egyptians at all levels of society ate the same diet.
@hfortenberry 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you Nina for your wonderful work on this subject! We need more people like you! You are a hero!
@Jefferdaughter 5 жыл бұрын
Dr. Ede notes that markers for Alzheimer's disease have been detected in people as young as 24; people who appeared to be doing 'just fine' on a high-carb diet. As people mature, the bodies of most can no longer cope with the overwhelming burden of sugars and starches we are taught are important parts of a 'healthy' diet.
@colddarknight666 7 жыл бұрын
Nice move by Dr.Gerber for re-adjusting the microphone = a much more enjoyable talk.
@bigbenhebdomadarius6252 7 жыл бұрын
Change my diet? Whoa, that's way too complicated. Get my body cut up in an expensive operation, or take an expensive drug with nasty side effects? Now you're talking!
@vrlmeysq Жыл бұрын
Humm.. sarcasm?
@donaldreitsma6419 6 жыл бұрын
The attack on meat continues with the review of the dietary guidelines in Canada saying that protein should come from vegetables and not meat whenever possible!
@cousineddiejohnson6622 6 жыл бұрын
Those Trudeau Liberals! :-)
@jackwaslandero1825 6 жыл бұрын
Donald Reitsma because of the just a true judeau...peoplekindgirl
@PaulRoseGuitar 4 жыл бұрын
They're now talking about taxing meat to the max under the guise of saving the planet.
@lcross88 6 жыл бұрын
Anyone else seeing the parallels with the establishment approach to global warming? Settled science, 'science deniers', ad hominem attacks, big government in bed with big corporations and academia. Keep up the good work Nina!
@Jefferdaughter 5 жыл бұрын
Actually, the reported 'feels like' temperature is calculated from both temperature and humidity. The more humid the air, the hotter a person will feel. This is because sweat becomes more ineffective in cooling the body the higher the humidity is - because if the air is already saturated with moisture as it is when humidity is high, the sweat will not evaporate from our skin. The problem of staying cool when both temperatures and humidity is high is not limited to humans. Farmers know that heat stress on livestock soars when this occurs. If you ever travel to the parts of the USA or elsewhere where the air is very dry, you will notice that you don't feel as hot, even when temperatures are as high or even a bit higher than you are used to back home. This is mostly because sweat evaporates almost as soon as it forms, cooling you off.
@hektor6766 5 жыл бұрын
In the old days, they would report the temperature and the humidity, and people figured out the effect for themselves.
@paulverizzo6199 5 жыл бұрын
The difference is that there are no vested corporate interests promoting the concept of global warming. In fact, it's quite the opposite. Think Koch brothers and the whole hydrocarbon addicted Big Energy. BTW, it's that nasty Big Gummint that has let you look at almost any food and find out what the nutrition is. And that you get full measure, no thumbs on the scales. (State scale and gas pump inspections.)
@infotaxi 5 жыл бұрын
.... it's called manufacturing consent ...
@joeschmo5699 7 жыл бұрын
So, "plant-based" is really code (dog whistle) for grain-based?
@lordmidas6940 7 жыл бұрын
"There's no money to be made from a healthy population": Me.
@HelmetBlissta 4 жыл бұрын
Lord Midas "we have a trillion dollar industry that profits when people are sick. What could possibly go wrong" Monty Cantsin
@nathirhamidnaji6722 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you ....
@migalito 5 жыл бұрын
I lost 30lbs. Next birthday I'll be 65 yrs of age. This is the way to eat! When I'm at the store shopping food I look at the food selections of other shoppers and their body fat. Remember - I was fat, still am a little, but I have the basic knowledge now to exert control over my health. You can do better. MSM is not your reinforcement mechanism. This is the format. It works. Use it...
@keikei2185 6 жыл бұрын
Great presentation.
@cousineddiejohnson6622 6 жыл бұрын
Where I live I get grass fed butter and cheese fairly cheap, beef for 3.50/lb, fresh lobster 4 months a years and fresh salmon/haddock pretty much all year round. this way of eating is perfect for me! Also losing weight is a bonus. :-)
@nicolelaurentLMHC 6 жыл бұрын
excellent talk! thank you
@yapj0002 3 жыл бұрын
I went for my yearly cholesterol test after going keto. Doctor asked me what had I done as I had fantastic results. I told him the truth and he warned me that it's dangerous. I had the greatest laugh of my life. I was following the food pyramid previously with bad results and he told me to stick with it.
@JohnFranklinswidow 7 жыл бұрын
Of course I love Nina and her well thought out presentations.Her tone is infectious with quick wit.She can really think on her feet.She happens to be very beautiful.She shows just enough skin to keep me glued to the subject!Keep going Nina you are changing the world.
@GWAYGWAY1 7 жыл бұрын
It would be VERY interesting to find out the actual and true dietary patterns that the conventional Researchers follow. They stand up in front of the conferences they attend, as usually tall, thin men, pushing the guidelines and making the recommendations for the general public to follow. What do they actually eat themselves, I would bet a wad that it is not the guidelines food, but something a lot better. I think the vested interest groups and the foundations are in it all together, for mutual advantage of those in control of them. I have heard some of these people give talks on the guideline foods but do not believe them. It does strongly remind me of the very strong rear guard actions of the tobacco industry, but they at least did not push the almost compulsory health requirements that you must smoke cigarettes
@suzikirby1973 7 жыл бұрын
thank you Nina for all the discomfort you have had to deal with. change is rising up from the grass root. just recently I'm hearing much conversation and questioning of people's personal physicians. I get phone calls frequently questioning diet change for improved health. almost never occurred in the past. even drs are asking their improving pt "are you doing that weird diet thing?".
@beckyezra1 7 жыл бұрын
The Booling culture, so sad. Mrs. Teicholz keep the greate job!!!!
@erikal85 2 жыл бұрын
The work she does is so important 👌❤️
@NoLegalPlunder Жыл бұрын
Awesome talk. We need separation of state and medicine...badly.
@KoalaBear499 3 жыл бұрын
Not just Big Food. What about the commercial real estate of shopping malls in every city, all of which “anchor” themselves around big supermarkets, 80% of the contents of which should never be bought or eaten by anybody?
@goproengineers 2 жыл бұрын
White Sugar, and HFCS ( high fructose corn syrup) is a BIG problem.
@periteu 6 жыл бұрын
9:46 Books Recomendation
@gman9035 6 жыл бұрын
Thought that guy ran up and kissed her
@vgcq02 2 жыл бұрын
Nina Teicholz speaks the truth
@wfbane 3 жыл бұрын
"A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it. . . . An important scientific innovation rarely makes its way by gradually winning over and converting its opponents: it rarely happens that Saul becomes Paul. What does happen is that its opponents gradually die out, and that the growing generation is familiarized with the ideas from the beginning...." - Max Planck, Scientific autobiography, 1950, p. 33, 97
@gwynedd1 7 жыл бұрын
Speaking of anecdotes, she's 52 and quite capable of inspiring naughty looks. amirite?
@bigbenhebdomadarius6252 7 жыл бұрын
gwynedd1 She's really that old? Wow! I thought she was at least a decade younger.
@markfox3083 3 жыл бұрын
She’s very attractive and sweet.
@madiestrickland7265 Жыл бұрын
@@bigbenhebdomadarius6252 she is hot!!!!
@himaya3592 Жыл бұрын
I'm sorry for just discovering this now. I'll go get myself a big fat beef!! Thanks!
@AnimaLibera 5 жыл бұрын
18:20 "Tactics used to fight the barbarians at the gate": 1. Portraying the science as settled ... 2. Personal attacks ... 3. Trying to silence the voices promoting LCHF ... Isn't that exactly the strategy they use to veganize the world?
@Lovelandmedicalclinic 7 жыл бұрын
wow, can't believe we spent all that money on silent studies
@carrollhoagland1053 7 жыл бұрын
Thanks Nina ... I am with you and a fan ... as a follower of Dr.'s Noakes, Fettke, Westman, Volek, Phinney, Cummings (fellow brethren) ... et al. ... had to Fire my Doctor, just behind and stuck in the old dogmas ... i.e. quit learning or 5-10 years behind ... Doctors of Medicine just regurgitate Doctors of Science ... but the issue for us is that half of these Dr. Science work for BigPharma ... Yes, a defender of Dr. Noakes, Fettke, and use their data on my web site ... also Dr. lustig ... not sure how he does it ... as must be targeted ... as probably you are ... Thanks for the Colloquialisms and Bravery as "Dagger" is poignant .... This "Barbarian" is Ivor Cummings Jr. (brethren) and will use your phrases ... most now know that Keys was the "Worst Scientist in History", but that is politics for you ... Dr. David Diamond does some works on this evidence ...the "Fire your Doctor" website has been up a long time and it is run by doctors ... who knew ... 70 Going On 100 ... the Centenarian Diet or 70 Going On 128 ... the Hayflick LImit ... unless your a Ray Kurzweil fan ....
@acefalcon100 5 жыл бұрын
How I want to buy her book but I can't afford it, it's almost 90euro so I just kept on watching her talks
@EGV88 5 жыл бұрын
90€ for a book??
@HelmetBlissta 4 жыл бұрын
We have a trillion dollar industry that profits when people are sick What could possibly go wrong..
@Maitreya0208 7 жыл бұрын
So, you would be (partly) wrong about why I was there. And the fast food I couldn't do without was Yakisoba.
@Philosophicalpaperti 3 жыл бұрын
@stingerdallen 5 жыл бұрын
Sounds like whats happing with global warming.
@alvarovallejos8465 6 жыл бұрын
Can someone please recommend a blog or book that clarifies the situation regarding polyunsaturated and saturated fats. I've heard a lot of bashing of refined oils but little scientific explanation, yes the refining process looks ugly but where are the facts on human health? And just because most vegetable oils are poly does that damm all poly fats? Regarding canola I've got access to cold pressed rapeseed oil, what's wrong with that? David Ludwig a low carb enthusiast has a more nuanced view of saturates, that some are better than others but he does approve of polyunsaturates!
@AnimaLibera 5 жыл бұрын
Alvaro: Most refined oils are high in Omega-6 (inflammatory) and very unstable. This video (go to 9m50s) may give you some insight:
@MakerMark 6 жыл бұрын
@3:55 superMAN saves the video
@theblueflame2221 2 жыл бұрын
So in a nutshell, trust your belly over any government sanctioned corporate interest. Huh, who'd have thunk?
@TipoQueTocaelPiano 3 жыл бұрын
Why did she discredit herself by claming that people are following the guidelines.
@findingfrugal2093 2 жыл бұрын
That's the main problem I have with the low-carb people myself. People might be eating less roast beef and butter, but they're sure as hell eating more fried chicken and burgers! Most people are not on a high carb, low fat diet....they're on a high everything diet. I really wish people would stop nitpicking about high carb or high fat and just accept that as long as you're on a mostly whole foods diet it doesn't really matter so long as you're happy with what you're eating and don't have overt health issues.
@SeanP7195 2 жыл бұрын
@@findingfrugal2093 Good advice for Vegans as well, right?
@dvfreelancer 4 жыл бұрын
Barbarians at the gate. Great line. It's called regulatory capture and it's a bigger problem now than ever before.
@toni4729 4 жыл бұрын
If it has a label on it, don't buy it. If it has more than three ingredients, don't buy it. I looked at the Australian guidelines to a healthy diet and it nearly made me sick. I was horrified at what they show as healthy.
@HollyOak 3 жыл бұрын
If people are following the guidelines and still getting worse, then it's the guidelines that have to change.
@Maitreya0208 7 жыл бұрын
Midas, don't be too tough on helicart. Otherwise he'll be rocking himself back and forth, arms wrapped around knees while the tears fall silently. Maybe some cutting, maybe some self harm, ending with another night of crying himself to sleep after drinking a bottle of cough syrup.
@lordmidas6940 7 жыл бұрын
Ha. You're right. I couldn't help but go all Helicart on Helicart. I enjoyed your post, and thanks for sharing your personal insight.
@joeschmo5699 7 жыл бұрын
I'm still thinking 40, 40, 20, with mostly non-processed foods ( no flour, sugar, seed oils) probably is the middle ground that everyone can agree on. The rest is just petty quibbling and politics.
@Randocaster 7 жыл бұрын
If you're insulin sensitive then sure. If you're insulin resistant or diabetic, then no, we do not agree. LCHF provides much better results in those cases.
@joeschmo5699 7 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I'm thinking in terms of a standard diet, not a therapeutic diet.
@vinniej8256 7 жыл бұрын
90%+ of the people out there don't even know what 40/40/20 means. They are sitting at their local drive through waiting on their order for fries and shakes.
@krisvq 6 жыл бұрын
Depends on state of metabolism and sensitivity. I can be more or less craving free on up to 140g net carbs if they're from veg, a little fruit and maybe some denser starch from time to time... That's what.. up to 28%.. I can maintain on 40% carb but I come to struggle with cravings when I do that regularly. I find I feel better when I cycle some carbs but mostly do keto or time restricted feeding.. I consider 140g a high carb day.
@KetOMAD 6 жыл бұрын
29:55 "Clear cautionary messages" Is that a circumlocution for "chilling effects"? Since nutritional propaganda = political propaganda, why not use the established political terminology?
@robertw2930 5 жыл бұрын
How many books someone writes or sells shouldn;t be an indicator of truth.
@marceloribeirosimoes8959 6 жыл бұрын
Nina "uhmmm..." Teicholz I really like her videos... ...really.
@davidwilkie9551 4 жыл бұрын
Richard Carrier asked, " Why invent The Jesus?", this video says "The Lord helps those who help themselves", and the "religious" institutional story says "lord help those caught helping themselves", (why have you forsaken me?, so that's why Science).
@stevencole4602 2 жыл бұрын
Just to confirm this women know absolutely nothing about this subject and is only here to plug her book WHICH I am sure is great. !
@LewdCustomer 5 жыл бұрын
If I wuz a doctor, I'd eat LCHF and not tell my patients. I'd stay alive and treat more sick patients. Sneaky but profitable.
@A_Box 5 жыл бұрын
How are going to keep doing that when meat is heavily taxed or outright banned you smart-ass?
@meghanworkman6449 6 жыл бұрын
I love Nina and her thorough research and courage to speak out, but for the love of GOD, if I had $5 for every "um" and "uh" in this video...
@vinniej8256 7 жыл бұрын
We live in a society of fast food and vending machines and we wonder why obesity numbers are up. Demonizing a macro-nutrient just confuses people but writing a book that says "Stop eating at McDonald's! The end!" , won't sell well.
@Jefferdaughter 5 жыл бұрын
Actually... at least one of the physicians (I think it was Dr. Westerman) working with obese and/or diabetic patients in a clinical setting has seen some of his patients loose massive amounts of weight and their blood sugar drop while eating most of their food from McDonald's. They just ate the burgers, without the sauce or bun. No soda, fries, or desserts either, of course. Are there better and healthier ways to do this? Absolutely! However, this physician using a low carb healthy fat diet to help his patients understands that it is difficult to get people to change a lifetime of habits all at once. So, he focuses on the macronutrients to help the people lose the weight and control their blood sugar, the things that are threatening their lives - and leaves the refinements until later. By the way, are you aware that unprocessed milk is available in vending machines in parts of Europe? 'Fast food' could be made much healthier - Chipolte is doing a pretty good job. There is more profit in selling sugar water (sodas), potatoes fried in processed oils, foam-like buns, etc than there is in selling healthy food, though. Even McDonald's food was not nearly as bad when they started as it is now.
@ktcarl 2 жыл бұрын
There is no such thing as "settled science".
@HallyVee 7 жыл бұрын
Hm, I'm firmly in the "meat is too costly" in terms of resource consumption camp so far, can anyone point me to some contrary information?
@anitaares2808 7 жыл бұрын
Notmi Relnam Chickens, Rabbits, Goats, Fish, Fowl are all highly sustainable.
@HallyVee 7 жыл бұрын
But so are cows... on a sane scale. If we maintained as much meat poundage in those meats as we do in cows/pigs, we'd see similar ecologically harmful effects, things like suppressed insect populations, fish... problems i dunno.
@gwynedd1 7 жыл бұрын
yeah, ever hear of things like chickens , eggs , sardines, dry pasture, and fodder only edible by ruminants? Energy conversion arguments always work very well on a fertile flood plain now don't they? Let me know how that works in the ocean or the taiga.
@HallyVee 7 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry, doesn't your point about fertile flood plains lend weight to my argument? It's easy to rely on meat when in the midst of abundance, but bring life to the desert and one must turn to chickens, fish, etc. That's the basic point I'm making; we have to curb consumption to some sane rate, by focusing on less costly meats, etc.
@krisvq 6 жыл бұрын
We just have to bring back variety
@wilsclanmom 2 жыл бұрын
What about the fact that the Seventh Day Adventists, who don’t eat meat as a religious practice, have much better health statistics than the general population?
@cruciferousvegetable 6 жыл бұрын
Both sides of this diet debate are wrong. A vegetable and legume based diet, with no oil, and no ingredient with over a 10 glycemic load is what I have arrived at. Im off all diabetes meds and I love my food. Endothelial function and fatty liver/ insuline resistance can be measured and those are the causes of most western mortality and medications. High fat kills your endothelial function and high carb kills your liver and builds insulin resistance. That's the curtain they don't want you to look behind because it makes no money.
@erikamichelle9351 7 жыл бұрын
1 She assumes everyone followed the dietary guidelines. 2 All of a sudden correlation does become causation? 3 Why doesn't her graph distinguish refined and whole grains? 4 Blaming animal fats is contradictory yet in significantly contrasting populations shows significant benefits in reducing it. 5 She calls 32 per cent fat low-fat while it's not low fat at all. 6. The Med diet is high in MUFA and higher in PUFA so that doesn't contradict the consensus. 7 She says Atkins sold most books. So does Atkins correlate with people getting fatter now? 8 Her RCTs don't measure hard outcomes so we cannot say it's cardio protective. Low-carb is far worse when it comes to FMD and LDL for example. 9 She complains about conflicts of interest while most low-carb studies are Atkins funded. 10 Raising HDL has never been proven protective. 11 Complains about big pharma but almost all low-carb trials use multi vitamin and mineral supplements. 12 Complains about personal attacks but engages in them herself 13 The Minnesota study was poorly designed and we have many better trials but of course the rest are ignored. Is this scientific dishonesty too? 14 The WHI again doesn't really support her case. 15 Keys attacked Yudkin because Yudkin didn't have the data and still doesn't.
@joeschmo5699 7 жыл бұрын
Keep your head in the sand. The establishment does.
@eddienixoniii153 7 жыл бұрын
vegan diets require supplementation from what a vegan told me in defense of a vegan mother who lost her newborn to malnourishment from exclusively breast feeding. She told me if they supplemented right it wouldn't have happened, from what I've seen vegan diets require supplements, I've only recently started taking a multivitamin on a keto diet and not because I have to but because i felt like it. I could easily go back to not taking it and still be perfectly fine.
@eddienixoniii153 7 жыл бұрын
And ketone bodies have recently been shown to mimic the increased longevity of a low calorie diet. If this was bad for you long term they wouldn't use it to treat epilepsy long term.
@eddienixoniii153 7 жыл бұрын
I've tried it all, keto works best for me, treats my epilepsy and no negative side effects. Even went vegan at one point and nothing improved. Find something that works for you. With all the studies coming out on keto for treating diabetes, starving cancer, alzheimer's etc. It's a grasp to say that it's bad for you.
@eddienixoniii153 7 жыл бұрын
Why do the Inuit not require supplementation of their diet if it requires supplements. No one diet is perfect for everyone, but I believe that the Keto diet is good for the majority and better than the current guidelines. I've dropped my heart disease markers on it without the need for meds. Before I started my doctor wanted to put me on medication, instead i went keto and fixed the problems within a few months.
@helicart 7 жыл бұрын
So you want to turn the food pyramid upside down and encourage everyone to eat more meat and dairy. Isn't it racist to push dairy when 75% of the world's population is lactose intolerant, or not lactase persistent after weaning? And please explain how the planet can sustainably provide animal flesh for 6.5 billion people. This is the culturally bound arrogance of the bourgeois class that plays this nutrition wars game, half baked dietary insights 'n all. There's no appreciation for the role grains have played in food security over the last 20,000 years, and fueling the population growth of the planet. It is grains that gets mankind through famine, drought, floods. No other food source has stored as well through history.
@TheOriginalSnack 7 жыл бұрын
Nothing you wrote made sense. The point is obviously to increase caloric intake from natural fats, not to force everybody to eat more dairy. Why does that bother you? You're extolling the grains for fueling the population growth while at the same time criticizing a meat-based diet of being unsustainable due to population size. You're basically celebrating the fact that grains have inflated the head count to such a degree that healthy eating (as evidenced by all the science) may have become impractical. Hooray? Also grains don't get populations through famine, drought or floods, they amplify their effects. Drought and floods destroy crops and cause famine in agrarian populations, because they are fixed in place and rely mostly on their crops. Hunter-gatherers and pastoralists simply move to greener pastures. Famines occurred in agrarian societies all the way up to modern times. And then you even resorted to the kinds of personal insults that were mentioned in the talk. In fact your whole shtick was covered: Environmentalist concerns and personal insults.
@helicart 7 жыл бұрын
Au Contraire ... we have a live one here.... who hasn't studied! So give it your best shot laddy. - come back at me with a 2500 Calorie diet comprising the fat percentage recommended by Madame above. with the breakdown of fat sources including dairy, and historical precedents. As for why it bothers me I stated why, though maybe I was too subtle for you. - There's no hypocrisy in my recognition of grains fueling population growth. The growth is what it is, and it wouldn't have happened without grains. You are getting all labile of affect in suggesting I celebrate anything. Whether popn growth is for better or worse, time will tell. At least the West has decreased its natural birth rate. But paradoxically, ideological progressives think the West should bend over backwards to accept migrants from the more virile (or sexually unrestrained) developing world. But the same chardonnay class think we produce too much CO2 and should decrease the population. Funny breed of cattle these progressives. - As for what constitutes healthy eating, you obviously are not schooled in stats or the health sciences. If you were, you'd realize reductionist studies don't match the power of longitudinal observationals...and you'd weight the latter appropriately. I'd encourage you to research which populations have the highest rate of centenarians and make an un-emotive study of their diets.......particularly the fat % and starch %. Low carb crow-ers cannot produce one example of a population with a longevity advantage across multiple generations. - Grains do and did get populations through famine you woefully unread person. You think cows survive famines better than a silo of grains? You really do need to read. You could do worse than the Upanishads, the Vedas, Mahabharata, Bhagavad Gita, Torah, Midrash, Talmud, Quran, Pyramid texts, the Coffin Texts of the Middlle Kingdom, Book of the Dead, Litany of Ra, Amduat, and a stack of stuff by the Ancient Greeks. - How many hunter gatherers have 12 years of education and use the internet? As for pastoralists moving away from drought, hehehe, come on, you are making it up as you go. If either of those two things provided a survival advantage, those who chose grains didn't know about it. - There was no personal insult. The insult was delivered via the profundity of ignorance of history and dietary science by the low carb 'community'. Incidentally, insulin sensitivity is just as possible on a diet that does not preferentially demonize starch. The low carbers make a mash of the science on this subject because they so often confound a history of overeating rubbish with eating unprocessed starch. When you can show me a culture with a superior longevity advantage across multiple generations that eats low carb, I will extract my head from the volumes of scientific papers in my study and eat humble pie.
@aniccadance13 7 жыл бұрын
helicart Do yourself a favour and read The Vegetarian Myth. I was a vegan for 17 years and know very well how they regurgitate their mantras with religious fanaticism. If they're so sure they're right why they keep trolling youtube.
@helicart 7 жыл бұрын
+aniccadance13 a touch of fanaticism there yourself my dear. what makes you think I push a vegetarian barrow? as I overtly wrote above, I place more weight on observed levels of longevity advantage, neither of which vegan or Paleo ideologies can back their stances with. There's never been a Paleo or vegan group that has shown a multigenerational longevity advantage. All the advantage rests with groups that eat a diet with very low levels of animal flesh intake by Paleo or conventional standards, added to a plant based diet. Even the Seventh Day Adventist Study II shows the lowest morbidity/mortality hazard ratio for a diet that adds fish a couple of times a week to a vegan diet. But to do as Nina suggests and smash the meat and dairy, which is what she is espousing by turning the food pyramid upside down, has no longevity science to back it. Promoters of Paleo and low carb are obsessed with restoring insulin sensitivity in people who have eaten excessive crap and animal produce for years. People who feel more sated on the high levels of animal produce and fat that Nina espouses have dysregulated endocrine function and a neurochemical addiction to such foods. The people who live longest and healthiest in the world don't eat the way Nina thinks is superior. If you want some reading, go research Neu5gc, advanced glycation end products, arachidonic acid, TMAO, IGF-1, carnitine, methionine, advanced glycation end products, endothelial function via flow mediated dilation percentage, endotoxemia, heterocyclic amines, putrescine, saturated fat and breast cancer, high levels of animal protein and gout and osteoporosis, etc. My final advice. Look at longitudinal studies of diet and pay more attention to who has the survival advantage, rather than who has the most agreeable reductionist studies.
@helicart 7 жыл бұрын
+Siegfried Yes, at 5:25, Nina backs her claim that Americans have done a great job of following the dietary guidelines since 1970, with a per capita graph of the volumes of food groups consumed. This confounds the picture due to people on average growing taller and heavier in that time. She should be savvy enough to recognize such artifacts, but they nicely fit her narrative. The correct data to use is the percentage each food group contributes to their diet, and the surplus Calories taken then compared to now. Further, the chart shows Americans were eating just over 300 lbs of fresh vegetables in 1970 compared to about 410 lbs in 2014. This deviates inordinately from other data which says only 9% of Americans consume the recommended 2-3 cups of vegetables per day. Doing the math, a cup of vegetables weighs 70 grams, so 9% of Americans get only 140 grams of vege a day. Now looking at Nina's data, to eat 410 lbs of vegetables a year, that's 410 lbs / 2.2 lbs/kg /365 days/year * 1000g/kg = 510 grams/day. hmmmmm..... 510g/day PER CAPITA versus 140 g/day by 9% of the population (the rest eating less!) Nina is using very very wrong figures. This point alone erodes any confidence I have in her objectivity.
@davidhutchinson5233 6 жыл бұрын
It's just more good news about your bad habits. And NOT backed by science. Period. Vegan for the win. I say that with respect. Namaste.
@u8sumthinbad 6 жыл бұрын
Veganism is retarded. Vegans do not get the proper nutrition they need from just eating plants. This has been proven time and time again. And it IS backed by science. Instead of shouting your opinion, perhaps you should take the time to break out of your shell and gain the courage to learn that you may actually be wrong about your flawed opinion.
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