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@Darren-kk9ij Жыл бұрын
I am a continuing Anglican priest coming off a 40+ day sabbatical. I am also a professional healthcare chaplain, after several years working in the secular healthcare system, returning to the Catholic healthcare system that trained me as a chaplain some 8 years ago and I am a little shocked how the Christian mission values have been watered down to accommodate the culture. I will be at Gafcon in Rwanda in the spring, mainly for the purpose of being present in the company of the brethren of the true and suffering church, praying for direction in my call in the context of the continuing Anglican Church. I’m praying for revival of God’s people - and it seems there are signs of revival in Australia. God bless our Anglican brothers and sisters in Australia who are waking up and the Amie movement in the UK who are breaking free of the culture and beginning to restore a great historical Christian tradition.
@elijahmalachi45-6dieker8 Жыл бұрын
Malachi 2 proves Malachi 38 is telling anyone getting paid based on the gospel to repent and return the money and God will end covid and Jesus returns. You're in the Great Tribulation until you return the money or you wait too long and die. The Great Tribulation started September 1st.
@davidlebarleyia2212 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Rev. Lets meet at Gafcon where faithful Anglicans will gather. Blessings
@stephenhayesuk Жыл бұрын
This is good. One of the lies we are being told is that gender fluidity is liberating. It is not. It is contributing to a mental health crisis-which, by the way, certain persons and organisations intend to profit financially from. Now is the time for faithful Christians to inform ourselves, reflect on our identity in Christ (which is founded in Genesis) and then get the truth out there for those who can handle it. If this leads to greater or lesser degrees of martyrdom, then so be it. Matthew <a href="#" class="seekto" data-time="311">5:11</a>-12.
@philhugill8458 Жыл бұрын
God said "I'll spew them out of my mouth.........I would that they be either HOT or COLD" !!!
@user-yc5bc8zb1h Ай бұрын
I left the C of E and now attend a Free Evangelical Church
@johngregory9504 Жыл бұрын
Whom the Son sets free is free indeed. If we want, or even dont-want, watn-to-want to be free, take it continuously to Jesus, pray for one another...and the time will come where we will, walking with Him, rule over these attractions learning Him to work in us to will and do His good pleasure, to perfect establish strengthen and keep us..
@mikebellamy Жыл бұрын
He raises the effects of materialism, evolution and personal identity on Christian values and truth. Not before time for the church to begin to wake up to the deceit in the academic world principally in the hard sciences suppressing the truth which points to the God of creation.
@watchman4todayreloaded192 Жыл бұрын
There are lots of us who don't like conflict, but we have to be true to the gospel and the truth as God puts it in the Bible. People want to pretend that Jesus was always meek and mild, but Jesus called out the false religious leaders of his time and called them several harsh things, as well as overturning tables in the temple etc. I have left the Anglican group now - I don't think that the present Arch Bishop is true to the gospel and he has led the whole group, I can't even call it a church anymore, astray. The only good thing I see is the global south and GAFCON taking an interest as being the true church inside the Anglican cult.
@jsmith110 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for clarifying this issue. Recently I heard our vicar saying that he had advised to the bishop for the same sex marriage. I was shocked and have had questions about the issue. And remembered the book of Romans chapter 2 ‘God gave up..’. It clearly says same sex relationship is a sin against God. It’s good welcoming the people into the church as long as they repent otherwise the sin will corrupt whole church like tsunami
@johnrowland9570 Жыл бұрын
Anglican bishops have denied essential doctrines such as the virgin birth, the substitutinary atonement, the resurrection of Christ and more for decades. Why all the fuss over recent times?
@darwinmike2544 Жыл бұрын
I think that such a Synod in UK maybe listening to Jesus! “…. I have much more to tell you, but you cannot bear it now” I believe God continues to reveal more of te amazing creation via science, medicine, etc! Are we listening? .
@filigree123 Жыл бұрын
Spot on
@tchtax Жыл бұрын
Follow the divine teachings of Jesus!...God commands it in the Transfiguration...."This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him". Is it negotiable ?....I think not.
@Ozgipsy Жыл бұрын
The sacrifice for same-sex attracted people is obvious. We all have our cross to bear, we all have sacrifices to make.
@bernie4268 Жыл бұрын
Easy to say tricky to do. I guess gays are just born more evil than everyone else.
@annchadwick4613 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for a relaxed and faith filled interview
@Kathleen253 Жыл бұрын
2 Corinthians <a href="#" class="seekto" data-time="377">6:17</a> Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you
@Kyle-sr6jm Жыл бұрын
If it doesn't follow the Bible, it is not a Church.
@johnrogers5399 Жыл бұрын
Would we consider those who parade and push their 'woke' agenda Christian in the true sense of ' The Word' ? If we believe ( as I do) that the Scriptures are The Word of God, it is obvious that those who are twisting and adulterating The Word of God obviously can not be called Believers in The Way and therefore not Christian.
@Kyle-sr6jm Жыл бұрын
I would approach the subject from another direction. Jesus regularly spent time with and spoke about accepting people. Judging people is a dangerous activity. However, the Curch is called to a standard. If the Church goes against the word, it is absolutely open to judgement. Will I say someone is/is not a Christian: not my place to say. Will I say a church is no longer following scripture and condemn it: absolutely.
@idagreenwood6571 Жыл бұрын
Our church left ACoCanada years ago. As one priest said, “They have the buildings, but we have the faith.” I haven’t looked back. ANiC under ACNA♥️
@jasonf1451 Жыл бұрын
Many Anglican parishioners have made significant sacrifices (monetary and time donations) in contributing to their Church/parish infrastructure. If the majority in a Church vote not to hold to heretical changes, then they should not have to leave it behind and start again (that's wicked). Its very much like an abusive husband who bashed his wife or kids, and the wife and kids having to flee into the wilderness whilst he lives on in comfort in the once family home. The local properties should be held in trust by the community, i.e. by the local Church members, so that they cannot be robbed of what they have built up. I think its like that here in Australia? Each parish has to sink or swim on its own merits.
@idagreenwood6571 Жыл бұрын
@@jasonf1451 We lost our building as did 3 other churches but not without a legal challenge. The Question was: Who owns the property ? The Court and the Court of Appeal ruled that the Anglican Church of Canada owned it EVEN THOUGH we were a corporation! I drive by the old building en route to church every Sunday and I don’t regret our decision even though it was a big blow, both financially and emotionally for those who have been there longer than my family. Our church leaders continue strong and true! We are blessed!
@philhugill8458 Жыл бұрын
We have GOD......they have ???
@helentiernan8363 Жыл бұрын
The priest quotation you included is actually from st. Athanasius during the arian heresy in the 4th/5th century.
@yahccs1 Жыл бұрын
Well explained, thanks. I remember there seemed to be two different Anglican denominations in South Africa. Maybe the UK Church of England is like two or more different denominations trying to get along under the same roof. I was just not quite sure what the word 'differentiate' was meaning in this context, since I am used to it being a maths term in calculus. Differentiating between what and what else? Words can be ambiguous. If anyone is proud of being on one or the other side of this debate (or any debate) and looks down on those on the opposite side that is something to repent of as well isn't it? If we think we are on the right side it doesn't mean the 'others' are worse sinners, we all need to repent of something sometimes. May God help us all know how to!
@DarrylPenner Жыл бұрын
I enjoyed this so much! Thank you! But I find myself wondering why anyone wants to continue in any kind of fellowship with heterodox bishops and clergy. They need to be disciplined; they are not followers of Jesus.
@midnightwatchman1 Жыл бұрын
there is a sickness of "niceness" in this church. Would Paul the apostle stand aside and see such a thing happening and smile and say nothing. it is not complicated, truth over unity
@rodbrown8306 12 күн бұрын
Sickness of Niceness, lol...true, I see it in every denomination other than R Catholic of course, because they're the power driving all of this with their ecumenical infiltrators inside the C of E.
@onceamusician5408 Жыл бұрын
a church as a church, ie religious organizaton, is not worth the fuss effort and anguish. if they have committed apostasy, and the C of E hierarchy and those congreagations that follow them have done so THEY ARE NOT A CHURCH nor part of christian community ( which some call the body of christ) as for believing evangelicals the way forward is crystal clear..come out from among them (Revelation <a href="#" class="seekto" data-time="1084">18:4</a>) this would only cause heartbreak for those whose faith centres on a church, and not christ himself this is inmportant. get out of those apostate "churches" or go down with them for they WILL go down
@grahamhinchcliffe8862 Жыл бұрын
Good to hear Vaughan affirm, if I've understood him, that Steven Croft has fallen into false teaching (<a href="#" class="seekto" data-time="1335">22:15</a>). This is reassuring as I feel that the criticism there has been of some of Vaughan's language in his booklet is rather justified. Naming Steven Croft as a false teacher is not saying that he's not amiable or sincere (he might well be a very decent fellow humanly speaking), but simply that he has departed from the teaching of the Bible, as is the case. I do appreciate Vaughan, but I think it would be good and helpful to hear some retraction from him of the language in this booklet (which wasn't read out here but can be found online at the Latimer Trust) of the differences with Croft being a debate between Christians who have both sought to engage in it Christianly. Croft's approach to scripture on this should not be called a Christian approach, he does not approach the Bible in faith when constructing his case for revising the church's practice on marriage. I do appreciate Vaughan as a valuable gift to the church, but on this I'm not sure I'm persuaded. I realise he is involved in the political game within the church of England and doesn't want to see the evangelical wing kicked out empty handed. This is fair enough as far as it goes. But the church is the people and we need to hear the truth clearly affirmed and maintained, and we need to be careful that by talking about differentiation we don't fudge things on our side - I'm a little unsure how remaining in the same "church" with an apostate wing really makes any sense in the end, which from what he has said and written seems to be what Vaughan is now advocating.
@Dan_1348 Жыл бұрын
Croft is not denying the gospel
@grahamhinchcliffe8862 Жыл бұрын
@@Dan_1348 From what is said in this video at 22:15 I think they are suggesting that the position which Croft has expounded strays from the gospel itself, and if so I would agree with them, and I think that is what evangelicals would traditionally have thought of Croft's approach to the Bible. At the heart of the gospel is the authority of Jesus Christ, including when that means standing against the culture. That's why I say Croft does not approach the Bible in faith because he constructs and argument that denies the faith once and for all delivered to the saints. I think Ian Paul's article on his blog called 'What is the Bishop of Oxford thinking?' makes this case well.
@Dan_1348 Жыл бұрын
@@grahamhinchcliffe8862 I've since had a deeper look into what Croft has said and would agree that from an Evangelical perspective he is denying the gospel. However, I think that it is possible for someone to be saved even if they do not believe homosexuality is wrong. To repent and believe in Christ is sufficient.
@watchman4todayreloaded192 Жыл бұрын
What does same sex attraction mean? Are you talking only about attraction or going beyond that and acting and indulging in same sex relationships?
@elijahmalachi45-6dieker8 Жыл бұрын
Male or female is determined by gender located in the brain and Matthew 19:12 even says God prefers same-sex relationships for the sake of the Kingdom of heaven. Eunuchs that are born that way are transgender. Eunuchs made that way by others were abused. Those that choose to live like Eunuchs for the sake of the Kingdom of heaven are bisexual people that choose partners of the same sex but opposite in gender. The Great Tribulation started September 1st and anyone saying otherwise we'll experience more and more torment until they either accept truth or die.
@watchman4todayreloaded192 Жыл бұрын
​@@elijahmalachi45-6dieker8 Keep taking the plasticisers boy. Keep taking the plasticisers. Then you can hang on to that utter nonsense. Male and female, man and woman are located in the DNA. You either have a different chromosome or you don't. It's that simple. What is located in the brain of a tiny percentage of people is a delusion, and in an even tinier percentage an aberration probably caused by chemicals in modern packaging etc. Matthew 19:12 has nothing to do with sexual relations with anyone. It does have relevance to the abomination of trans mutilation. "...For there are eunuchs who were born that way, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others-and there are those who choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it.” Eunuchs are nonsexual not homosexual. There are those who are born due to genetic and other development problems, some down to plasticisers, without functioning sexual body parts. there are others - who are told that they can transition and are put on chemical castration drugs, hormones and even get their functioning reproductive organs removed and replaced with repurposed body parts from other places to look vaguely like those of the opposite sex but never actually function for reproduction. And last there are those who remain without sex to dedicate themselves wholy to the preaching of the gospel and the kingdom. You ought to go back to Malachi 4 and take warning : "2 But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its rays. And you will go out and frolic like well-fed calves. 3 Then you will trample on the wicked; they will be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day when I act,” says the Lord Almighty." 6 "...or else I will come and strike the land with total destruction.” People need to come back to the traditional teaching of the church, not start trying to twist the words with a dozen near synonyms to try and make it fit their own foibles. Those who truly revere the Lord will find healing in Jesus.. but for the others destruction is coming. Never before have conditions for a one world government to enslave the people of the world and force people to follow their ideologies been so near. We are being herded not only through the exaggeration of the trans etc issues but in so many other fabricated crises to accept more nad more authoritarian government. this is, well could be, the final warning. When Israel turned it's back on god it went into slavery twice. Do you think that God can't put the new Israel through the same experience of slavery? But it is not for destruction. It is to bring the people back to God in the end. If people return to God he can give them and even the world His healing but if not then God may take the remnant out of the world and let it end in ashes. I'm praying for the repentance and turn to God before the slavery but we shall see what comes to pass. As for you I tell you to fear the Lord, more than men. The men want to enslave us all anyway. they even seem to think that the world is overpopulated by billions - so there is no telling how much suffering they will bring if God doesn't save us. But God will save those who revere Him either in this earth or the new earth.
@elijahmalachi45-6dieker8 Жыл бұрын
@@watchman4todayreloaded192 you're wrong and I am Elijah of Malachi 4 5-6 so any discrepancies in the Bible are decided by me and no one else. Matthew 17:10 says that before the return of jesus, Elijah must come and restore all things. It is my job to restore truth to scripture. That means I have the final say in what the Bible says. I am the Messenger of Malachi 3:1 who paves the way for the return of Jesus. And I have an identical twin sister that is female while I am male and gender. You will remain in the Great Tribulation until you either repent and accept truth or die. At this point there is no longer any need to respond to you because as the messenger of Malachi 3:1 it's only my job to give you the message and let you decide for yourself. My preaching will bring world peace and a universal income for everyone and if you don't want to be here for it that is your choice. I hope you decide to repent before you die and if you are a demon hybrid like the leaders of the fake mega churches you are only going to continue lying because you know the only way you can take people is by getting them to believe lies through their own free will. And, Jesus was a female man that will return as a female woman. I am the literal bride of Christ and Prophets told me my wedding is already paid for it and will be broadcasted all over the world.
@elijahmalachi45-6dieker8 Жыл бұрын
@@markwitcombe2119 and same-sex marriage is not a sin because I am Elijah and I have the final say on what the Bible says. Matthew 19:12 Eunuchs that are born that way are transgender. Eunuchs made that way by others were abused. Those that choose to live like Eunuchs for the sake of the Kingdom of heaven are bisexual people that choose partners of the same sex but opposite in gender. Until anyone of you that does not yet accept that as truth decides to accept it as truth you're in the Great Tribulation that started September 1st. That means your torment will get worse and worse and you will know you chose every second of it until you either accept the fact that God prefers same-sex relationships for the sake of the Kingdom of heaven or you wait too long and die with the wicked. It's that simple.
@tedprice5828 Жыл бұрын
@@elijahmalachi45-6dieker8 nonsense
@Odo-so8pj Жыл бұрын
You either believe the word of God or you don't. If you don't walk away the falling away have been underway for several decades. You can't change God's words. Every sinner had to give up their perticular sins. If you don't want to that's OK. But you cannot claim to be a believer in Christ because if you believed you'd respect God in fear and trembling. Jesus is not a different God from the old testament and that was clearly demonstrated in Ananias and Sapphira. Every one leaves their old desires and ways at the door before they come in. If you're still fighting this idea imagine being Ananias or Sapphira then imagine your stood before the holy spirit. Now make. your case to the holy spirit that God's word can't be true. As the elders did when they brought their gold censors before the Lord at the tebernacle, just before the life was taken out of them and pestelance spread like a shadow through the congregation. This really shouldn't be in the church whatsoever. They are attempting to create a snuggly god in their own image. Days of Noah (Nephilim altering animals DNA manipulation again. Lawlessness). we have all that with transhumanism and days of lot well here it is.
@rodbrown8306 12 күн бұрын
We all sin, but the Living Spirit within should reject those ways and desire to conform to God's ways. Maybe they never had that spirit to begin with.
@rwj1276 Жыл бұрын
Steven Croft was once an evangelical, but surely no longer - even if he still tries to use the label. His main concern nowadays seem to be not hurting people's feelings.
@iainrobertson1690 Жыл бұрын
Join the roman Catholic Church
@marcokite Жыл бұрын
yup and you can via the Ordinariate
@barrysnelson4404 Жыл бұрын
How can anyone be homosexual and claim belief in a Supreme Being? Do they believe that God, having created the human race, immediately wants it to die out and become extinct? Because left to homosexuals it will. I am a father and have created a new generation to act out His wonderful and mysterious purpose and have not defied Him.
@ThePastorsHeart Жыл бұрын
Hi Barry, Did you listen to the interview? I think Vaughan’s example is really helpful. I think he would describe himself as having unwanted same-sex attraction. And just like any other temptation to sin is striving to resist it. I think he and those others in his situation are contemporary heroes of the face. Everything in the secular world is telling them to give into their temptations and yet by the power of the Spirit they are resisting. I want to encourage you to be careful about your comments. And think about the impact that they might have on fellow Christian brothers and sisters who are struggling to be obedient to Jesus in this area - and yet are dealing with a different set of temptations to you. - Dominic
@barrysnelson4404 Жыл бұрын
@@ThePastorsHeart Hello Dominic, I did not accuse Vaughn of anything. The video covered the sexual identity issue and I added a comment, on topic, in the comments section. Homosexuals must intend to bring the Creator God's plan to an abrupt end. That is manifest and unarguable and I accept no blame for pointing it out.
@sarahlaslett3279 Жыл бұрын
@@barrysnelson4404 The possibility of the human race coming to an end because of homosexual people is zero The very highest proportion of the population are and always have been heterosexual and ways will be - so that is not an issue. I have enormous respect for Christians who have unwanted same sex attraction and yet choose to deny themselves by not giving into that attraction. You might want to visit Becket Cook's u tube site. He left the homosexual lifestyle to follow Christ. He like Vaughan are some of the most powerful voices when addressing this issue. Becket covers other subjects to do with the turning away, sometimes aggressively so, from the ways of God.
@barrysnelson4404 Жыл бұрын
@@sarahlaslett3279Don't hide behind me and my children. A homosexual's contract with the Almighty is personal and individual. To claim that there are plenty of heterosexual people left over is taking credit for someone else's actions. I have acted to further God's purpose as it was in my power to obey Him. I repeat, as far as an individual homosexual is concerned the Creator's human race dies out so they can not truly believe in a God at all, can they?, but see the Church as just a cosy social club full of nice people.
@sarahlaslett3279 Жыл бұрын
@@barrysnelson4404 "Don't hide behind me and my children""!! I really have no idea what you are talking about!! I can only assume you think I am a same sex attracted person. And if that is the case your assumption is entirely wrong. I am a heterosexual, always have been and always will be. My point was that I have enormous respect for those people who have same sex attraction and yet choose to deny themselves to follow Christ. Those who do practice homosexuality are going against their creator by their behaviour, which they need to repent of.
@jasonf1451 Жыл бұрын
Clearly the Bible is a way that God communicates to us down through history. It is a set of written instructions including history (perhaps as proof of authenticity for some doubters) on how to live our lives for OUR benefit and for the benefit of others. God is either all powerful or is not. God is either all-loving or He is not. The written Bible is either Gods Word or it is not. If its not Gods Word then its rubbish, and we have no hope after death, and there is no purpose to this life and we might all just as well be dead. If however, it is Gods Word, then all of it is Gods Word, not just a few bits here and there depending on what each of us thinks is right or not. Human beings are fickle creatures, why would an infinite God leave the Bibles understanding open to a different interpretation by every single person ! There would be chaos. Why would an all powerful (and I believe most loving) God write a single word or instruction that is not good for us as a society and as an individual. Remember, its not just about us, but an instruction book to enable peoples to learn to live together in peace and be successful and be happy and fruitful and multiply. God is consistent throughout the Bible. The laws of this universe are consistent. Jesus says that we cannot sit on the fence (lukewarm), we have to make a decision. Either accept Him for who He says He is, or don't. This ALSO means accepting Gods Word as written in the Bible or not (which is how we learn about Jesus). Yes there are some things that might seem odd based on old Jewish customs, but not so odd that they don't make sense from a cultural perspective for the time Jesus walked the earth and not so odd that they cannot be applied through all times (including today).
@ronsmith2241 Жыл бұрын
So shall all men know you are my disciples by the way in which you hate the gays.....I am outside the church and have many gay friends who mean a lot to me. After listening to this, that is not about to change.
@rodbrown8306 12 күн бұрын
It's just so, God is not in favor of homosexuality, satanists are into it though in a full-on way, so why would evangelic Christians even want to listen to the idea beats me. Why should that surprise you or anyone it's been that way forever.
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