Nobody Understands Shadow

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18 күн бұрын

This was honestly a tough one. I can complain about Sonic and Amy all day, but Shadow is an entirely different beast. Hope I did a good job.

Пікірлер: 526
@FijiFlower669 16 күн бұрын
Note to self: Don't try converting Shadow to Catholicism. Shadow cannot handle when the choir sings "Ave Maria."
@2bdaqueen268 16 күн бұрын
This is one of the actually funny Maria jokes I’ve seen in awhile lol
@ryannathaniel9296 16 күн бұрын
It doesn't help that both Marias wears blue
@existential_narwal9257 16 күн бұрын
@@FijiFlower669 funny cause shadow's story contains many biblical references lol
@WhiteFireTheDragon 16 күн бұрын
I am now imagining Shadow singing it himself like a professionally trained Opera prodigy with tears rushing down his face.
@FijiFlower669 16 күн бұрын
@@existential_narwal9257 how so?
@williewillikers9631 14 күн бұрын
"They're not rivals because they're so different, they're rivals because they're so similar" oh my goodness how is this the first time I've heard that interpretation, that is the absolute best and most badass take I've ever heard about shadow.
@corbangonzalez4935 16 күн бұрын
Shadow became the very thing he was mocked for in his game. Why Sega insists that their most popular character be written terribly is beyond me.
@Raynoar4779 16 күн бұрын
I think it's because the 2010's had that whole self aware trend, so they made the characters turn into parodies of themselves for their so-called "self deprecating humor". It's sad a company is willing to throw away everything that made their characters great in the first place for some cash, but with Sonic's reputation as a joke in the USA i guess i can understand what they were trying to do: Trying to laugh at itself so those who already laughed at it can laugh together, even getting Arin Hanson to make a partnership with them, but not only did that not work as well as they planned, it turned away the few people who cared about this franchise enough to not think of it as a joke, so now they are trying to get that audience back. I don't hate the 2010 Sonic games, i love both Generations and Mania (though i never played Colors) i'm just not a fan of some of the writing decisions they took back then.
@daniel13789 13 күн бұрын
It's Sega. If there was a competition for dumb decisions, they will be the champions almost every time.
@bowmaj8666 12 күн бұрын
​@@daniel13789To Sega's credit though, no other company has to deal with the amount of crap that Sonic "fans" come up with.
@daniel13789 12 күн бұрын
@@bowmaj8666 Yeah, that's fair
@Loafoftime 9 күн бұрын
I'm surprised sega didn't make any jokes about the furry community at any point during their cringe culture arc.
@FloofPuppy 16 күн бұрын
Maria's rolling her grave with whatever the fuck Shadow did to himself in the metal virus arc. That to me will NEVER be canon.
@KLUCZESIA 16 күн бұрын
I'm glad I'm not alone, idw is hedgehog crap.
@FloofPuppy 16 күн бұрын
@@KLUCZESIA What hurts me the most is Frontiers' story and dialogue handled by Flynn. It was... painful to say the least.
@islamforever5875 16 күн бұрын
​@@FloofPuppyWhat's wrong with Frontiers' dialogues ?
@byonty886 16 күн бұрын
I liked the metal virus arc, but they done shadow so poorly there, like, ok, he's overpowered but find a more meaningful way to put him aside 💀
@imaghost2961 16 күн бұрын
I actually thought it was pretty cool that he got infected! To be fair though I love zombie apocalypses. For me it did make sense that he thought he’d be fine. Should he have run? Absolutely, but Shadow had every reason to believe he wouldn’t get infected. He’s immune to literally everything, but the problem for him was that the Metal Virus wasn’t a typical virus. (Sorry if I’m incorrect about him being immune to everything. I’m a very new Sonic fan.) I also just think it’s cool because while he was written terribly in that Arc, it did at least show that he’s not invincible.
@Raynoar4779 16 күн бұрын
Shadow pre-2010's (and even Archie despite that version being different) was a character with 2 sides, rough on the outside and soft on the inside, post 2010's got the rough side but didn't get the soft side, making him one note. He seems to be slowly improving though, so we'll see.
@Egita___738 16 күн бұрын
I hope that in Sonic x Shadow Generations, they can bring the Shadow we love so much back
@Arandomgmodanimator.-xf6bk 14 күн бұрын
Here's hopin'!
@Sharknerd04 11 күн бұрын
@HarmonyBunny 2 күн бұрын
The prologue animation Dark Beginnings is promising so far...
@Egita___738 2 күн бұрын
@@HarmonyBunny For sure, I saw a youtuber playing a level and the battle against Biolizard, the interactions with Doom's eye and the Biolizard are good, I think we will have what we want
@Sharknerd04 Күн бұрын
@@Egita___738 I swear if Sega will give us the Ow the edge moments, I will not play the game
@Hogan231 16 күн бұрын
Shadow is one of the most tragic characters in Sonic Series.
@miguelangeldiana7935 16 күн бұрын
@DarkkirbyKRPG 16 күн бұрын
With how he has been handled since the 2010s, in more ways than one.
@sugarsmile7852 15 күн бұрын
@@Hogan231 what about charmy bee?
@Nickika 15 күн бұрын
In both writing and character
@BonitoJoe111 14 күн бұрын
Emerl and E102 Gamma are the only ones that can top him
@RemoteEditz1 16 күн бұрын
I feel like no one gets the fact that Shadow has moved on from Maria. He literally threw his photo of them on the arc because he’s no longer attached to his past. All the fan comics I see people make of him they always bring up that he loves and misses Maria with all his heart, but he doesn’t feel that way anymore ofc he cares for his old family. But Shadow knows he’s found a new one which the sonic community doesn’t understand. Shadow isn’t defined by his past and he never will be.
@QwerpOS 16 күн бұрын
Yeah. Shadow moved on long ago, all the way back in 2005. Unfortunately, fans don't care, and neither does Sega. Seems like he will always be defined by his past and nothing more in their eyes. Its quite sad.
@venture7486 16 күн бұрын
@@QwerpOS Yep. It's even in the lyrics of All Hail Shadow: "No ghost to bring you down." Shame it's been forgotten.
@omeganappie 16 күн бұрын
Not mourning someone anymore doesn't mean you have to forget them. They didn't give him anything else to act as a motivator. They just took away what did. Probably why people don't accept that scene.
@nickthepick8043 16 күн бұрын
This is why I made some fanart of Shadow being at Maria's Grave, and he's smiling. It's to show that he's moved on. To remind people of that.
@lpfan4491 16 күн бұрын
Sonic Battle does not help because he does not feel "moved on" and it has to take place after Shadow.(I swear, that game is a black hole of "please just strike me from canon already". I get it is not strictly at fault due to being released relatively early, but it just does not fit in)
@sfganthothesonicfan3280 16 күн бұрын
At this point, PixelRush should make a "Nobody Understands (certain Sonic character)" series so that we can hear this man give deep and juicy analysis about how characters used to be well written before being flanderized, neglected, shelved or misinterpreted by people, fans or SEGA themselves. I’m betting that Knuckles, Silver or Tails will be next in the list.
@ThatBabz 16 күн бұрын
I, personally, would LOVE to see Knuckles and Metal Sonic, given that those two and Shadow are my "holy trinity" for the Sonic franchise! LOL!
@lpfan4491 16 күн бұрын
Knuckles got it bad. He is a fun character who can actually be very smart on his own time, it is just that he was pushed into unfamiliar grounds a lot in his earlier days and the misconceptions coming from there never really vanished until recent years.
@crimsonzone8984 16 күн бұрын
Oh yes please. But PixelRush should also look at windii's translation videos to know more details and really get the characters. The English dub of the series tend to give people the wrong ideas.
@Miju001 16 күн бұрын
I would be interested in whether Pixelrush has anything to say on Knuckles because I think Ian Flynn actually writes him really well
@bowmaj8666 12 күн бұрын
The sad truth is that people threw hatred on these characters even when they were arguably at their best! This basically taught Sega that there is absolutely no point in putting any effort into these characters because people just hate them for simply existing. After all, NOBODY cares about them, right? Meanwhile, there's this huge group of actual fans waving at Sega, desperately trying to get their attention and let them know that they like these characters and want to see them being treated with dignity... and yet they were constantly ignored... because appealing to haters and detractors takes priority over more positive fan's opinions apparently!
@Ratscallion_exe 16 күн бұрын
What people think when speaking of Shadow: _Vergil, Edgy The Hedgy_ How is Shadow portrayed by media: _John Wick, GUNS!_ How he actually acts: _Less obsessive, more polite, introverted Jack Garland with a pinch of C H I A O S_ **Now Playing: Shadows Rising**
@crimsonzone8984 16 күн бұрын
Also, he's a realist and a skeptic.
@ZIONOMANIA 16 күн бұрын
Honestly i don't mind the John Wick and guns stuff it's pretty funny, it's just the negative stereotypes he has with the 'edgy' persona people think he has
@Ratscallion_exe 16 күн бұрын
@ZIONOMANIA Shadow's use of guns is kinda his personal choice of stylish, ...the same way keeping a motorbike while running around in rocket fueled air skate shoes is extravagant. That's the point. He doesn't need any of those elements. It is his choice of expression. Shadow The Hedgehog is not any less of a _Ultimate Lifeform_ as guns are just another type of weapon that requires practice, maintenance, and SELF-CONTROL as the gun is as dangerous as its owner. Sometimes, even less dangerous than them just obliterating with the power of gravity, and the sheer crushing mass of debris they threw at you. Shadow The Hedgehog **was** G.U.N.verment bioweapon, he actively continues to be one of the 4 Guardian protagonists to protect the world by **any** means he thinks are right... Shadow of the past, _Maria's Living Legacy_
@sugarsmile7852 14 күн бұрын
@@Ratscallion_exe also he love Latins
@Ratscallion_exe 14 күн бұрын
@@sugarsmile7852 _THE HONDURAN FRUIT BAT_
@kingbash6466 16 күн бұрын
Speaking of Archie, I really loved how different that version of Shadow is while staying true to the themes of the character. He's way more cooperative than every other version combined, yet he still holds that sense of responsibility and longing for purpose from the original SA2 story. Really makes me hope the best for Sonic Movie 3 where they take Shadow in a new direction without losing the soul of the character.
@ThatBabz 16 күн бұрын
Seriously, *THANK YOU.* It breaks my heart to know how mistreated Shadow is in this modern era, to the point that newer generations of fans will have no idea of everything he was created to be at the beginning. The only way they'd ever know is because of people like you, providing things like this, if they so choose to even look into his origins. Also, I feel I must add something to this- For me, ever since Kirk Thornton took over as modern Shadow's VA, everything feels WRONG. I loved his performance as Shadow in Sonic Boom- but people who are really aware know that the writers knew what they were doing. And Shadow was fit in as another shitpost, and sadly, wasn't even given a background. Then again, none of them really were. Modern Shadow literally feels like Kirk "BOOM-ified" him. The smooth, cool, willing to learn and do what's right vibe from what Shadow had feels completely gone. I don't necessarily blame Kirk for this, but it really does make me wish for the days of Jason Griffith's Shadow.
@PixelrushTheFunnyPixelMan 16 күн бұрын
It’s definitely a voice direction thing. Which is a shame because I KNOW he could do a good Shadow voice. He’s played similar characters in things like the Kingdom Hearts games and I actually think he’s great in Forces.
@ThatBabz 16 күн бұрын
Hold up, HE voiced Shadow in Forces!? Damn!! Why couldn't he bring THAT back for modern Shadow??
@palpatinethesenatehog7086 15 күн бұрын
@@ThatBabz this
@DazedMemories 16 күн бұрын
Man, its depressing that Shadow's peak was 06, one of the most hated games to Sonic fans (Though personally, I love it since it introduced my fav character Silver) I can only hope that it changes int he future and we go back to the personalities we fell in love with at the start.
@Raynoar4779 16 күн бұрын
I think it's the opposite actually, Sonic fans have been very positive about it, it's the general audiences who hate it.
@lpfan4491 16 күн бұрын
@@Raynoar4779 That's moreso recently. For a long time, most Sonic fans also just hated everything that had to do with 06, when it really just deserves the title and ire of a failed release and little more.
@crimsonzone8984 16 күн бұрын
Indeed. I have the same problem with Silver in American media. He shouldn't be portrayed as a cutesy dork. That has never been Silver's thing in the games. Especially in Japanese. Hell, even in ones where his future isn't ruined like in colors ds or the party games.
@Boomblox5896 16 күн бұрын
If they wanna garner real support from fans, they gotta go back and FINISH that game, then re-release it as "Sonic Adventure 3"
​@Boomblox5896 nah they can't ruin the adventure legacy by saying 06 is part of it 😭
@existential_narwal9257 16 күн бұрын
Heres how shadow generations' story is gonna happen: 1. Either they write him like they wrote him in the latest tailstube, a guy with a massive ego. 2. Write him like SA2 shadow and perpetuate the misconception that shadow is 100% devoted to maria even tho ever since shadow 05 he has not. 3. Or they write him exactly how he should be and maybe even add something substantial to his story.
@thisaintittbh 7 күн бұрын
The sad thing is they seem to be leaning towards Option 2.
@justcallmekai1554 2 күн бұрын
I think Shadow Gens is supposed to be recap of Shadows story for newer folks in line with the movie. I'm sure they'll add other stuff but it's important to keep this info in mind. Hell they even are adapting certain aspect that are more obscure like Emerl amd we actually get to see Maria and Shadow interacting beyond snippets.
@MaddGirlzArtz 16 күн бұрын
You know it's an amazing character when they are so complex and such a puzzle like this. Maybe that's why so many are drawn to Shadow.
@crimsonzone8984 16 күн бұрын
It's also why people kept screwing him up.
@ZIONOMANIA 16 күн бұрын
@@crimsonzone8984​​⁠Unfortunately... He really does deserve better and i'm sure all of us want that, i hope during the end of this year he'll eventually at least have a better reputation due to the Year of Shadow
@Grace_aFoxYTart 16 күн бұрын
Shadow isnt edgy, and people refuse to believe he has good reason to push people away- which he does. 1. He has PTSD 2. He's afraid of having a bond with people, whether it be friendly or a sibling bond like with Maria. He doesnt want to feel the pain of losing another loved one. Fuck the 2010's and the ignorant fans
@palpatinethesenatehog7086 16 күн бұрын
@@Grace_aFoxYTart this
@joeleboeuf 16 күн бұрын
And if Shadow were to open up with others, it would take away that quality that makes Shadow who he is.
@Starrmonster02 16 күн бұрын
I agree with you on that
@palpatinethesenatehog7086 16 күн бұрын
@@joeleboeuf Sonic 06 proved this wrong though. Team Dark deserves better.
@joeleboeuf 16 күн бұрын
@@palpatinethesenatehog7086 And if Bruce Wayne actually got married, would that prove he can be Batman and be happy? I will admit though, Team Dark definitely is underrated.
@numberjacksoctonauts7138 16 күн бұрын
I think instead of rivals, Shadow and Sonic should be portrayed as... allies with differences. As you said, Shadow is goal-oritanted while Sonic just "follows his plan instead" (ha, reference to Escape from the City). They are two sides of the same coin, and will team up if they have the same goal. Heck, in 06, Shadow saves Sonic's life from Silver's attack (even if he can't remember that due to the timeline wipe). That right there is one of my favourite moments from the games. And... Shadow. Has. Friends. (Another thing that Sega seems to have forgotten). Rouge and Omega are the two most important figures in Shadow's current part of his life. Omega being a kindred spirit (both of them were designed for destruction, but came out as more anti-hero than anything else). And Rouge? Well... Shadow sees her as a symbol of redemption. If a selfish jewel-thief like Rouge can turn around and end up assisting to save the planet, and become the leader of a team... that is telling a lot to Shadow about how the most unassuming person can be a hero. This is why I expanded upon Episode Shadow on FF. The plot beats are pretty much the same, but we get more interactions with Shadow, Rouge and Omega, and how the team split apart leading up to Sonic Forces.
@spinballproduction9678 8 күн бұрын
@FowaJCT 15 күн бұрын
7:16 Thank you for including this text. Most video essays on Shadow just skim the 2010s as just bad and do not give an explanation. The problem isn't that he was mischaracterized in the games. It was the fact that he just wasn't in games. Like the reason he's broody in Generations isn't because he's edgy, but rather Sega wanted a Shadow Boss fight to celebrate the 20 anniversary and only had a single paragraph for a reason on why the two are fighting. I feel like Sega needs to give a more concrete reason to have Sonic and Shadow fight each other because I understand, Shadow is a dark clone character, and you want him to fight to og character to see who's better physically or philosophy.
@PixelrushTheFunnyPixelMan 15 күн бұрын
Yeah I went into this thinking the same thing and when I got to actually finding clips for Shadow in the 2010s, I couldn’t really find any. There’s stuff like Free Riders and Team sonic Racing, but I actually don’t think those are that bad.
@FowaJCT 15 күн бұрын
​@PixelrushTheFunnyPixelMan Tbh, I think the fanbase is mischaractering Shadow now because of video essays(Like the new post 2020 sonic fans after the movie). I saw a whole comment chain(not this video) saying that Shadow better not be a bad guy in Sonic 3 like he wasn't the bad guy in Sa2. I believe many kids didn't play Sa2, Sonic Heroes, and Shadow05 because there old and unaccessible games in the modern day so the only source of these games are video essays.
@comicfan1324 16 күн бұрын
I actually fully agree with this video. Although shadow has had his moments recently (I think he’s portrayed decently in MOSTH & Sonic Prime) I’m really hoping that shadow generations and the third sonic movie gets him right
@Hedgie3 16 күн бұрын
There is hope for the third Sonic movie, because it has been revealed that the Japanese person who works as the head of Sonic Team (Takashi Isuka) has attempted to try to make sure that Paramount will get Shadow done right in that movie. So thanks to that person from Sega of Japan, it is possible that this could turn out to be going the way that we want it to.
@SonicSelect1991 16 күн бұрын
I love Shadows character SOOOO much. I wish they would keep the Japanese version and the American versions the same, I think little kids wouldn’t understand or see bigger plots anyways if they just added them in.
@PsychoSylv 16 күн бұрын
scar jumpscare /lh
@crimsonzone8984 16 күн бұрын
I feel the same way with every other characters. Especially Silver. I really dislike the American portrayal of him.
@existential_narwal9257 16 күн бұрын
people forget that since shadow the hedgehog 05, shadows commitment to maria doesnt define who he is. He defines himself.
@thisaintittbh 15 күн бұрын
It goes even further than that. Shadow made it very clear in the Japanese version of the game that he hates his past and wants nothing to do with it.
@sabianv2009 13 күн бұрын
Ikr, people keep ignoring Shadow 05 and asks why would Shadow work with G.U.N when Shadow himself literally said it, he has put his past behind him, too bad most people completely dismissed the ending of that game
@shadic1988 16 күн бұрын
The other thing is people fail to understand Shadow's relationships or misinterpret them. Shadow and Sonic do respect each other but do not see each other as friends. Shadow and Rouge have a more sincere bond with each other than they do with the other characters (except for Maria when it comes to Shadow). Amy and Shadow can't change each other because they are fine with who they are. They wouldn't want to.
@Starrmonster02 16 күн бұрын
Exactly sonic and shadow do respect each other but there not friends there just allies
@lpfan4491 16 күн бұрын
Meanwhile modern games:"He is not friends with Rouge and Omega and only respects Sanic half the time"(When he actively cooperated with Sanic in the more canon-adjacent parts of his own game and could just share a glance with him in 06 and have both understand what is vaguely going on)
@crimsonzone8984 16 күн бұрын
Also, Shadow doesn't say any name unless they earn his respect.
@thisaintittbh 15 күн бұрын
There's no bond between Shadow and Maria anymore. He abandoned his past towards the end of his game.
@Jade-ou8gz 16 күн бұрын
Shadow is one of the characters I think has been misinterpreted the most recently, he's not edgy and brooding, he's calm and collected, he does have feelings just he doesn't express them out loud, he's an introvert who slowly opens up in the events of SA2
@SMGP1314 16 күн бұрын
"I am Shadow. Shadow the Hedgehog."
@deff._.not_n3ptunn 16 күн бұрын
"The world's Ultimate Lifeform!"
@ZIONOMANIA 16 күн бұрын
"I determine my own destiny."
@davin6957 15 күн бұрын
I'll make you eat those words
@cliffturbo2146 15 күн бұрын
"I eat words for breakfast. This is WHO I am!"
@garrtoons4303 16 күн бұрын
Not even SEGA understands him... and most likely won't for a loooong while.
@palpatinethesenatehog7086 16 күн бұрын
They did, until they destroyed his entire character with just 1 line of dialogue in Sonic Generations. The remaster/remake better fix this, but even then it will be hard to forget this. I'm so worried about the 3rd Sonic movie still, I'm trying my best not to think about it at all.
@76o90 16 күн бұрын
@@palpatinethesenatehog7086 To be honest the movies depicted Tails and Knuckles in the right way. Im sure theyll do the same with Shadow.
@palpatinethesenatehog7086 16 күн бұрын
@@76o90 but this is Paramount we are talking about
@user-fh7di8st6l 16 күн бұрын
Sonic's evil rival was Metal Sonic, and the rival that Sonic often wanted to fight with was Jet, so why?
@ryannathaniel9296 16 күн бұрын
​@@user-fh7di8st6lBecause Shadow is more than just Sonic's rival. He is his own character with his own stories to tell.
@DoJayMi 15 күн бұрын
Small detail, but I love that there's no question mark in the thumbnail for this video. Because it's not a question. Shadow is misunderstood by A LOT of people.
@PixelrushTheFunnyPixelMan 15 күн бұрын
Ha ha...yes that was...definitely not an accident.
@Sonicify 16 күн бұрын
OMG THANK YOU, you're right, Shadow nowadays is nothing like Vegeta! Vegeta was wreck less when he fought Goku to the point where he nearly killed him for his own selfish need for immortality. Meanwhile Shadow was more laidback and used strategy when he fought Sonic, and only did it to fulfil the revenge that he thought Maria wanted. But even taking that out of the equation, Vegeta actually had a more consistant arc that stayed with him than Shadow did. Because what he learned in the past, stayed with him for the rest of the DragonBall franchise. Whereas Shadow in the Colors Era didn't. And to anyone reading this, don't say "Well, um, actually, Shadow nowadays is more DBZ Abridged Vegeta, not the real one." Because newsflash, EVEN ABRIDGED VEGETA WENT THROUGH A MORE CONSISTANT ARC THAN SHADOW!!!
@A3syn 15 күн бұрын
rip early 2000’s shadow the hedgehog😔 you will be missed😿
@vantablackecho 13 күн бұрын
It’s a crying shame the SA2-Heroes-06 Shadow got yeeted into oblivion and still hasn’t been recovered.
@persona7545 15 күн бұрын
I thought Shadow in Sonic Prime was at least a little closer to the OG Shadow of at least being goal-oriented at least. I mean, yeah, he did originally waste some time roughing Sonic up to get his tech, but once he realized he can't do anything in the Shatterverse he was willing to ally with Sonic rather than think he can find another way on his own terms, which was what Boom Shadow did -- that was more stupidity than stubbornness at that point. Prime Shadow also saw more of the big picture than Sonic did in Prime and was able to help Sonic focus at times, even giving Sonic his own subtle support when he was feeling down. So I think Prime does show a good representation of their rivalry of having the same goals but achieving them in different ways. That especially showed in season 3 when Shadow simply wanted to finish Nine but Sonic thinks there's a chance to reason with him.
@studioamewsment8338 16 күн бұрын
Some of Shadow's character traits that I only noticed and appreciated as an adult is his loyalty to his beliefs, and how much he truly trust those closest to him. In 06 when he learns Omega betrays him he looks hurt by this and only Rouge reaffirming that she will always be by his side does he seem to calm down and look at them.
@LonelyPrimeShadow 16 күн бұрын
Your right. Nobody understands me. 😔😭
@Starrmonster02 16 күн бұрын
I do I kinda admit but I’m a big shadow fan and I hate seeing what sega and sonic team what they did to my boy yes he can be this tough cool guy but deep inside of him shadow has a heart of gold he cares about people he just doesn’t show because he doesn’t want to make a close bond with anybody
@LonelyPrimeShadow 16 күн бұрын
@@Starrmonster02 Hm. 😔
@islamforever5875 16 күн бұрын
​@@Starrmonster02What has Sonic Team has to do with the way Shadow has been written lately ? He has not been written right in the IDW comics thanks to Sega's mandates.But in the games, apart from Spin-offs like Sonic Boom and Team Sonic Racing he has not been playable in a sonic game since Sonic 06. But the script for the games is supervised by Toyoda who makes sure that characters are written the way they should .And from the little dialogue we've seen from the demo footage, the dialogues are fire.
@Starrmonster02 16 күн бұрын
@@islamforever5875 oh ok
@shadowthehedgehog6387 16 күн бұрын
Dude I feel you
@blurrydawgo5403 16 күн бұрын
Thanks for bringing up how Forces actually did Shadow pretty okay. There's been a couple of folks who've claimed that it further ruined him by having him be the reason for Infinite becoming Infinite, except… that wasn't actually a result of his hubris? As Infinite himself says, Shadow's business was already raiding Eggman bases and breaking through everything in his way. He's probably kicked around and insulted a LOT of people during that time. It's not his fault that one of them went on to become the Sonic equivalent of a school shooter.
@nithinshakthithiruppathi4028 15 күн бұрын
The thing is why the insult? He doesn’t have the TIME for petty things like this.
@leelewis445 16 күн бұрын
Well articulated. It is interesting to see a video acknowledge the idea that the western branch of Sonic, don't quite seem to fully understand Shadow (and other characters) either. As much as I do enjoy the IDW comics, the team behind it are not without there missteps.
@Ani8900 16 күн бұрын
Everything you said from beginning to start, especially about all of the sonic characters, I fell in love with them because of who they are when they were introduced and what made them who they are and how they matured since then now… Like you said it feels like nobody understands the anymore. They wanna make them the way how the audience wants them to make them. Especially shadow
@tigerlowe5002 15 күн бұрын
You know....I gotta admit. I usualy am VERY sceptical with Shadow analyses (& other characters....but mostly Shadow) & if I should give them a try, since I've seen hundreds, that go in 99% the same way, talk only about the same 4 games, I know the drill....But this one is one of the few good ones, I not even partialy but fully agree on ! Once again, Pixelrush proves, he DOES know his characters. And I just wanna say THANK YOU ! For....not being the 100000st person to trash Shadow's game, how much "it's responsible for modern Shadow & ruined him. Not canon, nothing matters anyway" or going the same route again, "he's only good in SA2 & 06. Nothing else matters ! Look how heroic & selfless he is - why isnt he nice to Rouge, Sonic, humans & helps everyone 24/7 ?! But his promise to Maria !" Just THANK YOU !!! And...sorry for the long text wall incoming ^^" ----------------------------------------------------------- And also the comic bit....yeah. Like, I dont even hate IDW Shadow THAT much like in the games. Heck I dont even hate him THAT much in Tailstube but....yeah. It's VERY hard to like & defend him. I also gotta say a few things about that in a sec. Like, him & Sonic always being at odds & not getting the truth since day 1 ? ^^" also heard others say it & agree, they are so different, yet alike. "Two sides of the same coin." Heck even the SA2 logo looks like Yin & Yang ! But....that's a whole different can of worms, I'm not gonna open that Pandora'x box now. ------------------------------------------------------- Shadow not wanting to waste time - or help people, when he's focused on another task - & "go after a real challenge", when he's after a villain (who turned out to be Starline) & getting the wrong guy, isnt even the problem & ooc for him. He didnt lie when he told Rouge "I didnt do it for you" (when he helped them stop Clutch & saved the abused Chao) It's just the sounds alot like the usual 2010s "I dont care, I'm only here to kick ass & make shit worse" writing. I still dont know what to think of the infamous moment in issue 19....I was rather shocked, "no way they're gonna kill him off just like that" & sure didnt expect it to be THAT HATED ....but yeah. The rest...doesnt look too good for him -------- And I also wanted to say THANK YOU for talking about that one ! Like, I know fans just love blaming the mandates a little too much. Got a bad idea, writing, execution ? Blame the mandates ! I too dont wanna deny that they dont exist nor make it harder for the writers to work with them & the characters. And I dont think Ian is a bad writer - I REALLY respect his patience with this fandom...I would have quit years ago. BUT ! The more I learn about how he views & wants to write or change the characters into what HE wants them to be, instead of who they actualy ARE ! That's....where the problems begin (Yeah it's defintily something I see alot in IDW & ALL THE TIME in the fandom too ! Sonic, Shadow, Amy, Silver, Knuckles - You name it !) Like YEAH ! I really do trust Evan or whoever more with writing Shadow & Amy than Ian & half the fandom. I dont actively watch the Bumblekast, so I cant name the exact day, month, year, timestamp. But thank you for including that one ! As said, YES ! Mandates can make it harder ! I dont deny, Sega made some stupid choices. BUT - And THANK YOU again for saying it ! Mandates & rules exist, like guidelines, to keep things in check. They exist for everything ! Or else....if fans want the Archie soap opera back & that fanon version of Shadow.... :T You just gotta work with & around them. If some people can work better with the material they're given, than others..... (like, heck, I'm a Sonic fan for over 10 years & had absolutely NO idea 2 years ago, how I'd write/describe Eggman or Knuckles, besides "he's a strong, stubborn guardian, who's joke now" :/) As said, I dont realy watch the Bumblecasts. But I heard some things. I know Ian wanted Shadow to take off his inhibitor rings, to fight off the zombots & then succumb to the virus. But Sega said NO ! - Why....? Ok. But the question is: Why & if they NEEDED to erase Shadow from the plot ?! Cuz he's too OP ? Yeah...that's a weak, lazy excuse for "I dont want to write him" or "Idk what to do with him". Like, they did it AGAIN in his last story arc (where he's written better) or even in Prime ! Sideline, nerf, tone him down....big oof :T Yeah, we can all blame the mandates for not allowing that cool idea. But, didnt Ian also admit years later, it was HIS own idea, to erase Shadow ? And that he'd do it differently now ? That he was ALWAYS planned to go down ? Same outcome. He'll lose & become a zombot. Just....worse execution. could do so many different things XS I mean, Sega just said "No you cant do this, try something else" ? Did Sega actualy tell him to write Shadow like an idiot, who HAS TO TOUCH AN INFECTED ZOMBY ?! Again, I dont deny, it IS hard to write Shadow. Ian is not a bad writer & IDW gets more than enough hate but.....yeah maybe it is the writers fault sometimes too ^^" IDW gets ALOT of criticism, I share nowadays too (like the characters being written differently than in games, even the IDW "OCs" get hate too or Knuckles NEVER showing up - cmon you CANT tell me thats also the "Booh Mandates !" fault) --------------------------------------------------------------------- I know some other series that also have multiple writers, authors etc...and yeah. It IS a mess & inconsistent. Because everyone wants & sees something different ! Or, lets be real, doesnt always know their characters (like I said, I'm a fan for ages & like that too) Yeah, I think we actualy should ask ourselves: How comes, Sonic characters & writing are still consistent in Japan, after all those years ? While the western a mess, all about the memes, parodies & wants to "fix" everyone (I know, you & many fans nowadays critisize Frontiers too). I'm not too familiar with the japanese side but....if you read the Sonic Channel stories (I cant believe fans hated THAT story about Shadow too....we're so lost & hopeless, RIP), or check out Shadow's game or - especialy TSR & Frontiers (even if that one's worse) It's SO DIFFERENT ! Like TSR Sonic, Shadow, Silver are SO DIFFERENT & better in japanese ! O.o ----------------------------------------- I also heard about some interviews about Shadow in Boom & Movie 3. That Sega said, "Shadow is a tragic, serious character. Jokes & comedy wont work". So....what happened to "Shadow episode ? NOT happening !" ?! Like....yeah sure blame the Sega mandates for Boom Shadow & making him being so edgy & serious the whole joke -_- Then I saw a Movie 3 interview. Idk who it was, but somebody said the EXACTLY SAME THING ! "Shadow is a serious, tragic character, the jokes like with Knuckles wont work". And suddenly everyone LOVED IT ?! "FINALLY ! Somebody gets him !" Like ???? I'm sorry but what's the difference ?! I...really cant with this fandom -------------------------- So...yeah. I know, most of my comment is just about the IDW comics...well, at least I dont gotta defend his game & writing this time ^^' Yeah...I dont even think Shadow is THAT bad, like fans make him out to be....but it's VERY HARD to like & defend him now, VER hit or miss since the 2010s, between the forced, edgy rival or "fixing" & making him too soft & fanon. Anyway.....I said my part. Thank you to whoever reads ALL THIS !
@nossir 16 күн бұрын
7:47 - For Sonic, he never cries, the only moment he cries was in Scrapnik island comics when he linked with Mecha Sonic and Mecha was crying while being in Sync with Sonic, which made Sonic Cry on Mecha's behalf
@ZIONOMANIA 16 күн бұрын
Damn i actually remember reading that comic for the first time and it actually emotionally hitting me, Scrapnik Island really was something else
@alicesacco9329 16 күн бұрын
He cries in SA2 credits.
@BlurBlizzard 13 күн бұрын
​@@alicesacco9329 only a tear drop. As long as it's subtle it isn't an issue since he doesn't like to show his emotion.
@thisaintittbh 15 күн бұрын
3:22 is wrong. The first, and honestly the biggest problem with the dub of Shadow the Hedgehog, is what Shadow says before transforming into Super Shadow. "I made a promise and I'm here to keep it". This gives the idea that Shadow is actively fighting for Maria. While Shadow did talk about fulfilling a wish, the way he did that was very different in Japanese. What he said instead was "Today is the day I will finally fulfill the Professor's wish and part with the past!" Taken with another line Shadow had had earlier on in the True Story, it's made very clear that Shadow destroying the Black Comet and fulfilling Maria and Gerald's wish was a means to an end, and that Shadow destroying the Black Comet was done to bury the last remnants of his past. While Shadow talked about how no one could tell him what to do after making his mind up right after getting up on his feet might have left people with the interpretation that no one can tell Shadow what to do because he has decided to fight for Maria's wish, there's no such room for interpretation with what he actually said. "My name is Shadow the Hedgehog. The one who let go of his whole past! I'm not doing this for anyone else and I'm bound by nothing." Shadow going up against Black Doom and the Black Comet wasn't done for Maria and Gerald. It was done so that he could bury the last remains of his past; A past he wants nothing to do with. While he may have said he was gonna put the past behind him in the English version, he was a lot more explicit in the Japanese version where he outright called the entire thing 'abominable' and told it to begone. That includes Maria. And ultimately, Shadow's decision to bury his past entirely and be completely done with it isn't even particularly far-fetched, and it all comes down to one thing: A lack of connection. The main thing that's worth keeping in mind now is the fact that by the time Shadow gets his hands on the Chaos Emeralds, he doesn't actually get the chance to go about wishing for his memories to return because a bunch of people show up. And ultimately, he decides against it. And without his complete set of memories, he doesn't have that sense of having actually experienced what happened 50 years prior. Therefore, any kind of impact Maria and Gerald would have had on him is ultimately nullified. That's why he's able to ditch his entire past; It basically stopped being his past. And he comes to the conclusion of him not wanting anything to do with his past due to this: Notice the pattern with this stuff here? -Maria tells him his purpose is to look over Earth. -Gerald tells him it's to get revenge for Maria's death. -Black Doom tells him it's to hand the Chaos Emeralds over to the Black Arms because of the deal made with Gerald and that Shadow should serve Black Doom because he helped create Shadow. -Eggman tells Shadow he's a Shadow Android in the main timeline and that he should serve him because of that, and in others he says Shadow should at least not get in Eggman's way because he is Gerald's grandson. -Sonic & co. tell him he's a hero who should fight on their side. -The old recording of Gerald telling Shadow his purpose is to destroy the Black Comet is dug up, Everyone has always been telling him what to do, with Shadow never having been given the ability to choose for himself. This is what ties into Shadow's decision to not pursue his past. We see him on his knees, and right after he hears everyone in his head telling him what to do; That's when he's had enough and gets up and says that he's done. He’s deciding not to reconnect with the Shadow he used to be before he got his amnesia. There's another little thing to bring up. It's a bit of a minor change in the dialogue, but it was a lot more significant in the Japanese version of the game. This is the last thing Shadow says in the last story: "Adios, Shadow the Hedgehog." This is a line we've heard before. Maria said that to Shadow before they were separated, and Sonic went on to say that same thing after he thought Shadow died (It's interesting to note that Shadow says "Adios, Sonic the Hedgehog" in Sonic X, probably because he was meant to say that to Sonic in SA2. Just a theory though.) And here we have Shadow saying that exact same thing. He is saying farewell to the Shadow that used to be tied to his past. And despite how the translation changed his character up significantly with the dialogue, there was one thing they couldn't change: The last thing we see Shadow do. As opposed to taking the picture of Maria and Gerald, the two people who meant the most to Shadow than anything else in the world, and respectfully placing it somewhere akin to how you would put flowers on the gravestone of a loved one; He chucks it away, and with enough force that it looked like it might as well have been a piece of trash that was stuck to his hand. Which is how he views his past going forward. Another interesting thing is that Never Turn Back highlights this part of his character. "And what will I become if I don't look back? Give myself a reason for this and that. I can learn, no U-Turn, gotta stay right here where I'm at." Shadow is giving himself a reason for what he's doing going forward. If he had decided to pick up the old purpose he had of doing what he did specifically for Maria, there wouldn't be a reason for any mention of Shadow now giving himself a reason for what he does. As for what his new purpose is, the Sonic Channel spilled it out: He's not interested in peace or what happens to other people. He just doesn't like it when foolish people think they can do whatever they want. And another thing about him is how he's referring to himself as the Ultimate Lifeform pretty often. That's how he's validating his own existence; Being an ass kicker, basically. Going back to Shadow ditching his past, it even makes sense from a narrative perspective. One of the big things that people complained about when it came to Shadow returning in Sonic Heroes was the fact that his sacrifice towards the end of SA2 was kind of rendered pointless. With Shadow never reclaiming his memories and subsequent emotional ties to his past before burying the entirety of it, that sacrifice isn't as pointless as some people would think because the Shadow who cared about Maria is still dead. And while a lot of people point to 06 as evidence of Shadow fighting for Maria, the game shows us the opposite. Not just because neither Maria nor anything from the ARK is brought up, but because of Shadow's motivation for rejecting Mephiles where he spells it out himself: "I determine my own destiny." Shadow is for all intents and purposes a very Nietzschean character (All Hail Shadow very much highlights that), and his desire for absolute self determination is another example of that where he does what he wants to. Nowhere in 06 was it stated that he was an active employed agent of GUN, it was just temporary position he was holding while working with them during 06 where his reason for showing up was because the President contacted him asking him if he wanted to do something with them, with Shadow being like "Sure." And if anything, the fact he was as comfortable as he was with GUN just one game after StH with zero hesitation about being hired by the organization that took everything that once meant everything to him further indicates that he's that done with it all. Lastly, the Japanese plot synopsis of Sonic X Shadow Generations, thanks again to Windii for their translation work, doesn't even mention Maria at all, indicating that SEGA of Japan were sticking to the original writing Iizuka gave Shadow where he is just 100% done with everything from the ARK five decades prior and that Maria plays no role in his life at this point. Well, before Iizuka backtracked on that pretty recently, yet again contradicting lore. Now, I am aware of the comic that was put up by SoJ. What we see is a quick scene about how Shadow got his name, and is followed by Shadow riding off into the sunset. But that alone doesn't indicate that Shadow has any sense of connection to the past, and it sure doesn't mean that Shadow is somehow able to remember an event he was unconscious for. That being his creation in a tube. It just cuts to Shadow on his own riding off on his bike. It's not even stated that Shadow is thinking about how much he cares about Maria. And everything I've lined out so far indicates the opposite. I feel like using that comic as an example of Shadow feeling connected to his past is reaching. And before anyone brings up Sonic Battle, that game was made by a different dev team at the same time as Heroes was being made, hence how that game contradicts Shadow’s resolve at the end of StH. That being said, if there is one thing I will agree with you on it's the fact that Shadow was way out of character in the Metal Virus arc. Shadow has always been someone who very much focuses on the bigger picture.
@AFeralTrout420 7 күн бұрын
Finally someone gets it.
@alecjackman2655 16 күн бұрын
To be fair Ian noted that he wanted Shadow to get infected differently. In the original draft Shadow intended to listen to Sonic’s concerns and actually tried to run it off, only for it to not work. In a disparate last act he would’ve tried taking off his inhibitor rings like how he did in 06.
@sararatliff7707 12 күн бұрын
I miss the pre-2010 times of all these characters. Shadow I feel got shit on the most. I hope that this new post-Frontiers era will bring balance to the Force, as it was. I do have high hopes for Sonic 3 the Movie. I don't think Ben and Keanu will let us down.
@Ninjacat429 Күн бұрын
It's never any good to hold on to the past for too long, and it's rather unhealthy and over time shadow realised this. He didn't throw his photo of his old family away because he didn't care for them, no. He still holds maria deeply in his heart because he cared and loved her so much, but has moved on because now he knows he belongs with a new family now, with sonic and the others. Shadow may still have that loner side of him, but he was never edgy or violent, or aggressive. He has always been the quiet one who always spoke the truth and has a soft side for his friends and those he cares about. He's shown many times that he sometimes smiles and he has emotions. He has always reminded us that even if we have made a mound of mistakes in our past that we should always be who we are and stay true to ourselves and for that, I miss how shadow used to be. Not just some guy who doesn't show his emotions and acts cool all the time. Sometimes he's vulnerable and shows it when he's sad and cries too, just like the rest of us.
@aurawry 5 күн бұрын
I love this analysis and this perspective on Shadow's character. It feels like he's been so distorted and separated from who he grew to be, to the point where he's just a cardboard cutout of who he used to be. It's a shame the direction SEGA took to try and "Cocomelon" Sonic -- it's always been for kids; having darker themes doesn't mean kids can't enjoy it or even understand it. So many people grew up with the original games and love them -- often BECAUSE of these darker elements as well. Removing all the depth and nuance of Shadow's character is just a reflection of how SEGA has been approaching characterization as a whole since the 2010's. I would like to push back on one thing, though. 8:20 - In my opinion, shadow getting infected in this arc isn't the problem-- it's the way they handle it. Ian had an early version of the draft where Shadow attempted to burn off the infection using his inhibitor rings instead of just blazing in with no apparent strategy other than "I'm strong and i'm gonna win." There's also some decent logic to the idea that, as the Ultimate Lifeform, Shadow should in theory be immune to a Virus... not perfect, but it's SOMETHING. I agree with Ian in that, for the story beat of having the tides turn against Sonic & co., having Shadow fall is a powerful sign of everything going wrong... the problem WAS the mandates in the execution of the idea. I hope that makes sense.
@Thefilmsisters1209 14 күн бұрын
you know who else is misunderstood? Silver.
@exfxr.800 14 күн бұрын
Yeah, I feel like Silver has been controversial ever since Sonic '06 (the game he debuted in).
@ctmmd3051 5 күн бұрын
"An edgelord with an inconsistent character written with no planning whatsoever that was originally going to die in his debut game, but popularity was so high that he was kept around for it, rewriting his background story every 5 minutes with his only motivation being the memories of an innocent girl who dies but was given zero character development for us to care." - Someone who understands Shadow perfectly well.
@mediakira6621 11 күн бұрын
Not even Kirk Thornton understood him until,he did the upcoming game. Yes…the voice for shadow for the last 14 years ,even when he did lines Maria was mentioned in for Lego dimensions and the twitter…didn’t know shadows backstory until recently.
@warioland523 9 күн бұрын
I think the main issue with his character is that dark does not equate to evil and they seem to go out of their way in the past to make Shadow out to be some villain when he isn't. Yes he was the main antagonist in Sonic Adventure 2 for the most part but that's because of the tampering caused by Gerald in his act of revenge. Shadow at the end of the day was meant to be a hero. To help make the people of Mobius happy by Maria as her last wish and willing to sacrifice himself to protect them. As such characterizations of Shadow that make him look like a jerk towards everyone is insulting. Prime got the characterization of him right somewhat as you can see that he is upset his world is gone and he wants it fixed. His conflict with Sonic is not out of evil but out of anger because he blames Sonic for breaking the world. The very world that he promised his dead friend he'd protect. Shadow at the end of the day no matter how brooding he can be is meant to be a tragic hero. Not a villain. And that I think is what Sega needs to get right in Shadow Generations.
@DaveMan1K 16 күн бұрын
9:22 IDW was _declared_ canon in 2022, years after the fact. It was never conceptualised to be.
@anotheryoutubeaccount5259 11 күн бұрын
And off handedly at that. Like, "sure, whatever. Canon nao"
@DaveMan1K 11 күн бұрын
@@anotheryoutubeaccount5259 It has many contradictions due to that.
@anotheryoutubeaccount5259 11 күн бұрын
@@DaveMan1K Like... 99 % of the franchise
@DaveMan1K 11 күн бұрын
@@anotheryoutubeaccount5259 The franchise's continuity is relatively consistent. Suddenly expecting us to believe that everything from the comics happened between two games is going too far. Especially when the latest game gives no indication that any of it happened, and even implies that it CAN'T have happened.
@anotheryoutubeaccount5259 11 күн бұрын
@@DaveMan1K No... no it isn't. Perhaps not as wild of inconsistencies as the entirety of IDW occuring between Forces-Frontiers, but still plenty of retcons and incompatibilities. The more they will try to head in the direction of canonizing everything, the more it will be obvious that they didn't plan any sequel in advance.
@SomethingNowhereMan 15 күн бұрын
Now I got to clean my desk from the water spat out of my mouth from laughter after hearing the beginning of the video.
@1999bazz 16 күн бұрын
@StudioColors 16 күн бұрын
Great video that I wholeheartedly agree with. Not too long ago I've wondered if Shadow would even be considered a favourite character for this many people if we had to rely on his depictions over the last 10 or so years. It's kind of sad to see such a strong character reduced to a 1-note stereotype and, well, here's hoping Shadow Generations provides something truly meaningful for the guy. To that end, however, I'd like to throw a couple cents in. I dunno, I think Flynn's initial idea of Shadow using his full power to burn off to disease only to ultimately succumb to it is not a bad bit. Shadow, first and foremost, was created to combat disease. That was the whole reason Gerald even took up Project Shadow. He is immune to most illness, so I could reasonably understand him taking off his inhibitor rings in hopes of overcoming the infection. While I think Shadow's portrayal in the comics hasn't been stellar, I think it had more good to it overall, even if marginally. Even's arc about Shadow getting hyper-focused on completing the task at hand only to realize the error of his ways and help heroes out is neat stuff. Still, one could only hope we'll get something to rival Shadow's initial appearance story wise.
@alkittycat 12 күн бұрын
I love your video, nailed exactly how I feel about Shadow as a character. I couldn't have said it better.
@OrangeToadGamer 13 күн бұрын
I have a feeling things might be going back on track with Shadow after seeing that Dark Beginnings teaser
@Hopeless_Stoner_06 5 күн бұрын
Shadow is one of my favorite characters next to Knuckles and both have been completely watered down, especially during the 2010s. It really sucks to see Sega just portraying him as a "mean edge lord", I'm somewhat anxious to see how Shadow will be written in the 3rd sonic movie.
@fatboi1000 16 күн бұрын
Shadow does have a good heart like his interaction with that Shadow Chao.
@strawberrypespo1808 8 күн бұрын
out of all the shadow content ive seen, for some reason this video in particular was able to make me see him in a different light, and have new appreciation for his character that i didnt rly care about other than cool design before
@alexrun9548 16 күн бұрын
Don’t worry Pixel. I do understand Shadow. I probably understand him more than anybody else. You have no idea of how Shadow is important to me. All the precious lessons I have learned from him. No matter how life is hard, no matter how bad you suffered in the past, you can’t give up. You can be strong enough to overcome all obstacles and choose your destiny, and choose not to fall into evil. These lessons have made me the person I am today and guide my every action. So as not to forget them, I got the Shadow symbol tattooed on my left shoulder when I was eighteen. I agree with you, they keep doing Shadow right in Forces, but did it terribly wrong in Boom and IDW comics. But you didn’t mention Sonic Prime. Shadow was honestly the only good thing I’ll remember from this show. They wrote him so well, even better than Sonic who is so out of character. I really hope he’ll be himself in Sonic X Shadow Generations too. He deserves it. So much❤
@joaquindiaz3621 16 күн бұрын
He is not that terrible on IDW, at least the eggperial city arc got it fine, but i seriously dont like that he keeps using the takeovers, that are meant to just be comedic fun to back up that claim, something that is equal to kamen rider net movies in terms of comedy
@ryannathaniel9296 16 күн бұрын
@@joaquindiaz3621 He's only okay in Eggperial City. The only really notable thing about it is that Shadow did not went through any blatant character assassination in that arc
@JasLamArr91 16 күн бұрын
Even though the events of Sonic 06 was erased from the timeline, that didn't mean Shadow's development was erased too. He was at his peak and balanced in 06. Sega needs to realize this...
@JustinJulian-bq8vm 16 күн бұрын
Do you wonder that he will appear in frontier 2 and if they can manage to get each Sonic characters and giving them the traits that makes them so great in the first place and then bring the games back to there former peak before 2010 and I do hope they can do this for shadow and call him Edge Lord is not even his character I like the version of shadow that moved on from his past not being define by it anymore
@AlexDKong 16 күн бұрын
Thank you for addressing this issue you've said everything that's been on my mind
@kunlesanders 6 күн бұрын
I tried to help Shadow the Ultimate Lifeform and show him a better path (to follow Maria's legacy). But he just couldn't do it. Right now, I'm out of ideas. I don't know what to do with him anymore. If I can't help Shadow the Ultimate Lifeform, then no one will. It's too late for me, and for everyone. It's over.... forever.😔
@Starrmonster02 16 күн бұрын
As a shadow fan this freaking hurts me why would sega and sonic team do this to my boy 😢😭i really hope in shadow generations and sonic movie 3 shadow isn’t a big edgy stubborn jerk I want his personality like what he had in SA2 and 06 and maybe prime too
@ZIONOMANIA 16 күн бұрын
Think we shadow fans can all agree to that! #JusticeForShadow ❤️🖤
@Oceane1803 16 күн бұрын
I'll be honest, I kinda like overly edgy Shadow, but not when that's all there is to him. His walls of edgyness and cold attitude, which can be made funny in some occasions as long as they're not too exaggerated and not too often, are just that : walls. And behind these walls is the real Shadow. Someone who is very sensitive, someone who can appreciate the beauty of things. He wanted to see Earth as much as Maria did after all. And he sure appreciates the beauty of his friendships, especially with Rouge and Omega. He respects Sonic's skill and the strengths of his allies. He probably won't say it directly due to his closed off attitude, but of course Shadow cares. He wouldn't aim to destroy the entirety of Earth just to fulfill what he thought was Maria's wish if he didn't care. His past experiences and trauma made it a lot more difficult for him to open himself to others, but he's healing thanks to his friends. I am convinced that edgy Shadow can be made funny by how edgy he is without removing the core of what makes him such a great character. After all this edgy persona isn't the real him. This persona is just a part of the walls I mentioned earlier. And maybe he could exaggerate this persona a bit too much at times, acting edgy while trying to keep his walls up. He cares, but he wouldn't openly admit it, so he could say something edgy and mean to hide it. For example something like "I don't need you. I'm strong enough by myself, and I don't need you to get in my way" The translation being : "I care about your wellbeing. I don't want you to get hurt, so I'm gonna go alone. Stay safe". I think that's how Shadow could work while still keeping the edgy scenes as a part of his character.
@TheHylianBatman 16 күн бұрын
I really appreciate the growing attention being paid to Sega's messy practices, and the damage it has done to their cash cow franchise.
@anotheryoutubeaccount5259 11 күн бұрын
It's doing pretty fine
@king-k9675 16 күн бұрын
You gonna do a “Nobody understands Silver” to complete the hedgehog quartet?
@caimanthechimera679 15 күн бұрын
Honestly I really hope that happens since Silver’s character was absolutely butchered in the 2010s, it’s like Sega didn’t know what they wanted to do with the poor guy, almost like they were scared of using him since he was introduced in 06. And don’t get me started on the IDW comics where he’s basically unrecognizable from his game counterpart.
@KeyofM55 14 күн бұрын
Yeah! Justice for Silver!!!
@RaiginAnimator 10 күн бұрын
The thing I’m scared for is that even if Shadow Gens brings back shadow to how he was Probably due to how much people don’t like shadow the hedgehog they will probably revert him from his arc in that game
@SirSonic900 16 күн бұрын
I could not have said all that better myself. I truly do hope Sega brings back Shadow's original character and what he stands for. I absolutely hate that they dumbed down Shadow. If this keeps up, today's Sonic fans will never see Shadow for how he really is supposed to be portrayed. And that's really sad. As you said, Shadow is way more complex than the simple-minded imbecile Sega has made him out to be. Shadow's not dumb, he's extremely intelligent. And hopefully one day soon, Sega will bring back the Shadow true fans know and love. 🖤❤️
@alicesacco9329 16 күн бұрын
Not only Shadow, Sonic and the others too. They have been either flanderized or washed out (Sonic is no near as lively as he used to be).
@SirSonic900 15 күн бұрын
@alicesacco9329 true. I miss that about Sonic, too.
@yonatanadirim963 16 күн бұрын
The choice of music in the end is phenomenal
@drunkenvampire4179 16 күн бұрын
Shadow by far is the coolest character ever created. His story is very tragic but also very compelling. I can't wait until generations comes out and see what story they have for him! It looks very promising!
@savannah-indy 16 күн бұрын
@gokublack9724 16 күн бұрын
I've gotten real sick of people dubbing him "shadow the EDGEhog", it was never funny nor was it accurate to whom he really was
@Starrmonster02 16 күн бұрын
Same here I hate seeing what sega did to my boy back in the 2010s
@Hedgie3 16 күн бұрын
I'm 100% sick of what happened to him too.
@ZIONOMANIA 16 күн бұрын
Couldn't agree more-
@DSmith3279 15 күн бұрын
I prefer the name "Edgy The Hedgy".
@Starrmonster02 15 күн бұрын
@@DSmith3279 you see what I mean
@user-cl5vk2ug4i 15 күн бұрын
"this is not the first time shadow lost his identity" ouch 😢
@NoWay-hp5km 12 күн бұрын
While your understanding of Amy's character is a lil'iffy, your understanding of Sonic and Shadow characterizations is impressive.
@PyroVinyl 16 күн бұрын
"MARIA!!" 🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣
@sugarsmile7852 15 күн бұрын
And then we have blaze the cat a character everybody love but never have been utilized well at all
@fatalwaffle1715 16 күн бұрын
Amy and Maria understand him. Maybe his Nintendo Counterpart Dark Link would understand him.
@Sonicfan1661 16 күн бұрын
Idk if I have enough spoons to really fully get into writing out an entire essay, so I'll try to summarize a bit. I love Shadow, I always have, he's just been such a cool ass character for me for many years, but recently through some major life changes and revelations, I've found I relate to him on a much deeper level than I initially did/thought I did, and he's so much more important to me now than when I first saw him on Sonic X back when it was still 4KidsTV. I relate to him in terms of finding it very difficult to deal with trauma, not knowing who I am, not knowing how to confront my past, feeling lost, etc., so to see him flanderized so goddamn bad hurts my soul, it does for all the characters I've grown to love over the years. I love this character, and want to see him be brought back to a consistent baseline, at least if they're going to claim basically every appearance of him is THE Shadow. I'm sick of SEGA having barely any consistency with this and no synergy within their various branches. These characters are not who they once were, and quite frankly many of the writing decisions are just baffling imo. What are they even trying to accomplish with this? Anyways, my brain is fried and idk if I have enough energy to add much more, maybe later if I remember. Bring my boi back SEGA, please, he means so much to me, stop flanderizing these characters!
@socheata643 16 күн бұрын
But Shadow has his own way around it, but he likes Maria as a friend within the Ark before things happened, and before meeting Sonic and the others, it was sad about Maria.
@LilyTheAnglewolf 15 күн бұрын
I LOVE SHADOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@sunflow57 13 күн бұрын
You summed this up perfectly
@mathewpercy3292 14 күн бұрын
Alternate title: Pixelrush doesn’t understand shadow.
@charsonic1771 16 күн бұрын
This was an interesting explanation but I understand Shadow well and for what he has been through
@charsonic1771 16 күн бұрын
I’ve even reacted to this video
@Godiswithus3 16 күн бұрын
I appreciate you mentioning the Japanese Shadow. I recently watched all the Japanese dub of the Sonic games, thanks to Wendii, and you are right. Shadow is the most consistent and likeable through and through. (Not counting Boom Shadow) And I'm observing that you and Pariah have made similar arguments when it comes to Shadow. Seeing the synergy there. one last thing: your comment at 10:00 - 10:13 really reflected my love for both Sonic and Shadow. They are not heroes. They do what they believe is right and will care less on what the world thinks about their decisions. Thanks for making this video.
@alicesacco9329 16 күн бұрын
So, you think Sonic is an anti-hero too? I can see that. Years ago I've hear that even an anti hero can have a cheerful nature (see Sonic).
@wantedasylum1091 16 күн бұрын
Pretty much every Sonic Character went the way of modern Spongebob SquarePants, originally 3 layered and complicated characters, to 1 dimensional archetypes. And Shadow is definitely the worst case scenario. Not to mention, after Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic Heroes, and MAYBE Shadow the Hedgehog, Shadow has no purpose anymore. In my opinion.
@SurAuvers 13 күн бұрын
I dont buy that Shadow still cares about Maria at the end of his game. It's a possibility, but it doesn't totally line up. We don't know what happened in Shadow the Hedgehog leading up to the opening and the Last Story. Everything else is just a possibility, we never get a confirmation Shadow got his memories back. He saw the video, but that doesn't mean his memory was restored, especially since it's of something he'd have no memories of in the first place. Gerald never personally told him about any of this, hence the video. I think in the end he cares about doing what he says he's going to so he fulfilled his promise but after that I think hes just moved on. We're getting the walk back now because I think they realized without a backstory its harder to give him a motivation. Giving him amnesia in the first place was for the sake of introducing him to new players and dumping his backstory to uncomplicate things.
@thisaintittbh 7 күн бұрын
Shadow actually spelled it out more explicitly in the Japanese version if StH that he actually resents his past and has ditched it completely. What’s happening with Sonic x Shadow Generations is nothing short of SEGA of Japan submitting to Western fans who were led to believe Shadow cares about Maria because of StH’s horrendous translation.
@SurAuvers 2 күн бұрын
@thisaintittbh I know the subs that are out say "abominable," but I think the japanese is saying "騙し" which is like deceitful. Because it's something he can't remember and he's been lead in different directions of people telling him who he was or what he was supposed to do. Since he doesn't remember it, wanting to walk away from it makes sense.
@kalamii_3215 10 күн бұрын
nobody gon talk about the intro? 💀💀
@infiniteoctopaw 11 күн бұрын
He's seriously because he's diligent, loyal and cares. I don't understand what keeps tripping sega up.
@SophiaDinosaur 4 күн бұрын
All Sonic characters sleeping video is coming up next for me
@elioridacow 16 күн бұрын
For the 1 billion time Shadow is NOT a villain people he's a hero just not as pure as Sonic is
@fatalwaffle1715 16 күн бұрын
Yeah. Though Amy did help show him the light. He wouldn't have saved the planet without her. She has his respect.
@elioridacow 16 күн бұрын
@@fatalwaffle1715 But then he lost his memory and became a hero all on his own
@fatalwaffle1715 16 күн бұрын
@@elioridacow He also got his memory back.
@elioridacow 16 күн бұрын
@@fatalwaffle1715 Right I was just stating he did that all on his own
@fatalwaffle1715 16 күн бұрын
@@elioridacow Yeah.
@saligraphy 11 күн бұрын
I always felt like Shadow should have just stayed dead after Sonic Adventure 2
@haveacalmheart3010 7 күн бұрын
I know many people have said thid already but YES! I just have a massive sense of dread for Shadow's character in the future, especially for Sonic/Shadow Generations. And if it's going where i think it is, we'll never get his original characterization back. The only project I have hope for at this point is Sonic Movie 3
@Pendoodlex 16 күн бұрын
Great video, I hope you make a video for Silver
@fantasymajesty7833 3 күн бұрын
Hope they do my boy justice in Sonic 3
@case-y04 16 күн бұрын
Poor shadow
@SpeedBoltz 16 күн бұрын
06 Shadow & Adventure Shadow was the true Shadow in my opinion. (I will accept Prime Shadow xD)
@Frostshock15 16 күн бұрын
The year of Shadow is definitely showing use the real Shadow the hedgehog. And it's showing us why he's the ultimate lifeform. Shadow can be mysterious at times, but that's just who he is. Shadow is a rival, an anti-hero, and the ultimate lifeform that can do anything. Never underestimate him or ever look down on him because he will prove you all wrong. 🔥🔥🔥Bow your heads low, All Hail Shadow!🔥🔥🔥
@cheas94 8 күн бұрын
Well you can say about Sonic Prime whatever you want but I think they got at least Shadows personality right.
@LannyLeArtist 16 күн бұрын
I love these videos
@Oceane1803 16 күн бұрын
I still feel like a lot more people have already been made aware of this recently, with a lot of youtubers (with you to add to the list now) discussing the writing of Sonic games in the past few years, especially about what made the Adventure Era good and what made the Meta Era bad. In fact, I actually got into Sonic a few years back by watching all these videos talking about how bad Forces was. How the story sucked, how Infinite sucked, and how they mishandled Shadow. We all know how much of a meme Shadow acting edgy and calling Infinite worthless in episode Shadow became. Especially since it's Infinite's whole motive for becoming evil. Being beaten and called weak by Shadow. And then I got sucked into the rabbit hole that is Sonic lore, and I never got out. And then I got interested in the games. I had only played Colors DS (the superior version surprisingly), Generations and well... Forces back then. It opened my eyes to an entirely new side of Sonic, one I was completely unaware of. With deep lore, characters and backstories. These are things I love, and from that point on, I was officially a Sonic fan.
@nicholasharlan6504 11 күн бұрын
“Shadow is such an over powered character.” Uhhhmmm Sonic is just as powerful as Shadow, shadow is just more willing to employ more outright brutal tactics if the situation calls for it. I hate hate hate how the franchise began completely ignoring the entire point of his and Sonic’s arc in SA2 it’s commentary on what the ultimate life form might actually be. I love shadow to death, but I wish they would stop portraying him as the end all be all op character.
@roccotherayquaza2468 16 күн бұрын
Ha! Shadow a grumpy old man………Holy sugar honey ice tea Shadow is canonical about 50 years old. If not older.
@Nov-5062 11 күн бұрын
Shadow has peaked in 06
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