Non Player Characters Explained (Who are the Backdrop People?)

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The Alchemist

The Alchemist

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Non Player Characters, or Backdrop people, are simulations run by the matrix. A popular question I receive is do we have non player characters in our world? Today I will be explaining what these soulless individuals truly are.
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@mikeyeah17 Жыл бұрын
It appears that some may have not watched the entire video and just based their comment on the title. That aside, it was a very insightful video that also made me chuckle. Appreciation and gratitude, Sarah 🤙
@officialthealchemist Жыл бұрын
I noticed that as well. Much love!🔥💖🔥
@catwebster3392 Жыл бұрын
Very much appreciated Sarah, I was thinking minions maybe
@laraetoday Жыл бұрын
Well, I don't know about anyone else, but I watch Sarah's videos all the way through every Tuesday - and often times multiple times, lol! This one was no exception - although I'm not as concerned with NPC's, so I only watched it once. ;) There are so many possibilities about them, and maybe more than one (or all!) of those possibilities can be true. I would like to know, Sarah... HOW do we keep from becoming one of those beings in the 4th Dimension who 'thinks they've made it to enlightenment', but haven't really? If they think they've made it - how do I know if I have 'made it'? I hope that makes sense...
@katrinagarcia4566 Жыл бұрын
@jeffron7 Жыл бұрын
NPCs never watch the whole video 😅
@dr_feelgood1902 Жыл бұрын
My counterpoint to this idea is that it only seems like these people are "soulless" because they've fallen into such a deep sleep that they're now running on autopilot and that they can, indeed, be brought to consciousness, just that it's so much harder because of the depth of their conditioning.
@She.Speaks Жыл бұрын
That’s exactly the understanding where I resonated the most. While I consider the options, this point connects most closely to channeling I’ve heard. It’s fascinating for sure.
@robgau2501 Жыл бұрын
Agreed. Having the belief that someone is literally soulless bears a similarity to things the catholic church has done. It makes it easy to create an us and them mindset.
@thosethatsee Жыл бұрын
Well said
@norapaolini Жыл бұрын
You are referring to people (not soulless) that act as soulless do, but in this case, it is due to being under mind control (3d matrix)...
@davidhakes3884 Жыл бұрын
I think Dr. F that may be true to some degree and I have experienced that in my own family, Then you Have what I believe are as Sarah says Organic portals that I have been aware of since 2007, I have had an NPC/Organic portal/ NARCISIST/PSYCHOPATH Neighbor in my rural setting of Oregon's high desert that spirit has told me not to harm them even though this individual tried to Knife me, has broken into my home, stolen from me (stole the front driveline from a truck, sabotaged vehicles) I tried to reason with this creep to No avail this little NPC has been my Hardest lesson to date as the Old Warrior in me want's to eliminate the POS. I knew the guy was OFF in some way the first time I encountered him, Had to fire a pistol round to move him and his NPC buddy off my place, Just when I think he has moved on to another Person he pops back up like a T in the toilet.
@AfterMidnightTales Жыл бұрын
This makes so much sense for me. I often came across people that felt as if they're empty. They feel, they live but at the same time it's like their brain is being control by something else. they don't evolve through out life, they stay always the same, they never learn anything new despite all the information out there..
@hilo4noff1 Жыл бұрын
There was a great line in the first men in black movie. "People like to have a good bead on things". I've got a couple of those friends.
@sonja7halcyon 11 ай бұрын
Yeah like people with NPD. Empty. Soulless. Nonsense-talking AI programs lol.
@james12erby43 11 ай бұрын
Correct 💯
@sweeta17 11 ай бұрын
people say that narcs have no soul . could they be ncps and where do they come from and whats the point of them being here of they dont have a proper life .
@sonja7halcyon 11 ай бұрын
@@sweeta17 The purpose is likely to provide diversity and contrast to experience.
@cassandrareedy7369 Жыл бұрын
It is possible for trauma to shut down the heart center relay to create an NPC. Sometimes momentarily, sometimes periodically as triggers occur. PTSD caused me to shut down for periods of time. I would go on whisper mode until it was safe to come back online. It was like sleepwalking. Autopilot for free will. Now that I've been there i have more compassion, empathy and descernment. It was not desirable, but incredibly enlightening.
@KaraKahn Жыл бұрын
Same. And for that reason, I can never look at anyone as soulless- not literally anyway. Because I know where I was at, and I still had a soul. So why would it be different for other people.
@Div_us Жыл бұрын
The same has happened to me too. I think it's possible to lose our connection to our souls for periods of time when dealing with trauma. I used to have PTSD and did things that don't make sense to me now.
@sungod.nasty1 Жыл бұрын
Most of it can be summed up to people not accepting that all the pain and misery they suffer thru is karma from past life situations that are owed to you. Trauma is just old Energetic exchanges that finally make it back to you, and they all originate from a karmic encounter either in this life or a past one. So better start understanding your ancestors if you want to understand what’s owed to you thru your own DNA and ancestral dance. The failure to take accountability for and accept your own karma when it comes your way in life , or really not even being aware of the overall picture of “why”-is what makes you an “NPC” who is bound to the physical reality by a certain level of unconscious fear, anxiety, and “PTSD” which keeps you in the lower 3 emotional realms for your entire existence. Soul/spirit has NO Unconscious fears. But in the lower 3 realms, you channel matrix based spirits. Never higher soul. Just completely ignorant to the bigger picture in general, walking around as if they understand the game completely-when they quite truly have no idea of what’s really happening
@cassandrareedy7369 Жыл бұрын
@@sungod.nasty1 It's difficult to see any empathy in your response. Imagine a lifetime where you blame the victims for what happened to them. Karma would give you a lifetime as the victim to actually experience that which you thought you were above. Also, a true energy vampire uses the understanding of karma that you describe to groom their victims into Stockholm syndrome. I knew someone with PTSD with a "healer" who she paid 80$ 3*/week. The healer convinced my friend that the suffering was because she had been Jesus and the healer was Pontius Pilate. Even if this was true, I'm sure Pontius would help Jesus for free in any lifetime. Discernment goes out the window when empathy is usurped in the name of explaining away karma.
@AMWhy11 Жыл бұрын
@@sungod.nasty1 Yeah, I saw a video of Dolores Cannon's and she mentioned people with some serious karma issues (murderers, drug addicts, aĺcoholics) are at such a low vibration that when they die, they don't even realize they're dead. Just kinda spiritual groundhogs day I guess. Which sounds worse than hell.
@elishaolivas4972 Жыл бұрын
This sums up how I have seen the world throughout my life. The matrix was the first window to explaining life for me.
@wholeyghost7790 Жыл бұрын
“Everything changes once we identify with being the witness to the story, instead of the actor in it.” ~Ram Das
@hetisechtchelsey Жыл бұрын
This resonated so deeply with me, thank you 🙌
@rozalina531 10 ай бұрын
Well said 💯 👏🏻
@samdafoe4817 7 ай бұрын
Ram Dass is such a powerful teacher. A stroke couldn't stop his transmissions and even after death, he continues in the lineage of his Karoli Baba and continues to teach from beyond the physical.
@mar8014 5 ай бұрын
im not an actor. Thanks.
@Of_infinite_Faith 5 ай бұрын
​@@mar8014 you're an actor as long as you're alive. That quote is bs. Everybody acts while they're alive.
@oliveeisner8964 Жыл бұрын
Excellent topic. Our ego always wants to rate and judge the people around us. Discernment allows us to notice who we are dealing with, but our heart gifts us wuth the ability to have compassion no matter the NPC qualities. Having an autustic family member has provided me with a real life exercise in developing unconditional love. And patience. ❤
@risingkundalini1876 Жыл бұрын
Good point ❤
@CatLoverR01 Жыл бұрын
@amandafey Жыл бұрын
I treat ALL people with dignity, kindness, and respect but shield myself very proactively because many are energy vampires. Not all, but many. It varies from place to place. Sometimes, it's nearly 99%.
@jpaullino 10 ай бұрын
God is real and He was the only one who sacrificed his life for us. When you find out the truth and the way you’ll never look no other way.
@joshuam4993 6 ай бұрын
The way out of the mental matrix is by becoming present. Exponentially. Being present is being awake. Not in ideas about this or that. But in being. And when you do that. You realize that beingness is infinite thus, the infinite becomes a part of life. As matter, senses, and soul become united
@laurasiucilaite1000 Жыл бұрын
The journey of awakening can be quite frustrating at times, leading us to taking things personally. Thank you for sharing your humbling wisdom, much needed
@johnauksorius9474 11 ай бұрын
I have several cases where I swear I was swapped out. These were situations that I simply can’t explain, I should have died , but instead time seemed to stop briefly and then restart. I certainly would not believe this theory if I had not experienced it
@TheBelovedDesirableIsland 8 ай бұрын
One of the theories I have is that we OURSELVES don’t necessarily experience our own death, we just kind of keep going or will have near death experiences that are hard to explain, but that the people in our lives experience us dying or vice versa as some form of “lessons” for our lives or maybe just simple timeline shifts that were a result of something we did but that at the end of the day our own personally reality continues. Or, some shit like that 🤷‍♂️ cause I have most definitely or should died several times and have died several times
@stevenhobbs3288 7 ай бұрын
I also have experienced this almost like time slowed down whilst having some kind of long lasting deja vu type experience. Also had an NDE where I know my heart stopped and I wasn’t breathing for what could have been an hour. I was alone anc can’t prove this but it was all during a time of ‘spiritual awakening’ and I felt the presence of God and it was beautiful and I was sad and angry when I didn’t die. I’ve felt time slow and the pull of heaven but scarily I’ve also felt time glitches and like I’m being pulled to hell. Like I remember something horrific and awful about hell. So hard to explain
@elikapekasunshine3426 Жыл бұрын
We're really going to have to BE LOVE in order to help all the people, children, babies that have been trafficked. Lots of soul retrievals and integrations to be done. 🙏💛💫 LOVE WINS 💥
@themanfrommansfield Жыл бұрын
If only love, how learn? I have no doubt we’re heading towards a golden age or timeline - but perhaps the adversary just gets more refined, which is needed to effectively trick a new group of souls into separation- again, otherwise how would they learn? I’m okay with the adversary, they have to do what they have to do.
@CameronMcintosh1989 Жыл бұрын
Strip all this nonsense away and there is only LOVE.. that it.
@rozalina531 Жыл бұрын
@ssmbsajsals Жыл бұрын
Do the spirited people tend to find themselves surrounded by NPC’s, within their families etc. Hence being the black sheep.
@amandafey Жыл бұрын
Yep. Entire schools, churches, hometowns, and regions, too 👍
@SD99722 Жыл бұрын
I felt this comment big time. I long to connect deeply with people, especially with my family but they're not wired that way. It's like a herd mentality they have. I'll never forget how confused I felt as a kid growing up not understanding why I felt like such an outcast amongst them. I've rarely met people who care about anything more than surface level.. it's lonely.
@amandafey Жыл бұрын
@@SD99722 💯💯💯
@toddstacey6385 Жыл бұрын
Approximately 75% of Earth population are low vibrational, soulless born clones, functioning on activated junk DNA, SEEDED HERE CENTURIES AGO BY MALEVOLENT REPTILIANS WITH THE PURPOSE TO BLOCK HUMANITY FROM ASCENSION.
@ssmbsajsals Жыл бұрын
@@SD99722 I have never felt lonely, but have spent most of my life alone, as family etc are very ‘surface level’. They have no interest in the whys and wherefores of life and very much follow the programming without ever questioning and consider me insane for doing so and having my own thoughts and opinions.
@ronaldshapiro1238 Жыл бұрын
I know some people who never carry in groceries; they live off fast food and pizza. This is true. Great video Sarah! You are so good at explaining difficult topics that would be hard to understand from others:)🕊
@FragmentOfInfinity Жыл бұрын
I wanna live off pizza
@najathegr888 11 ай бұрын
i've noticed thiss
@KaraKahn 11 ай бұрын
​​@@pup0229 wow so you're saying your own father is an NPC without a soul because he likes soup and has the patience of a saint? You sound like a very immature and unenlightened individual. I wouldn't be surprised if your toxic behavior caused him to become numb inside.
@DropsofJupiter1212 Жыл бұрын
I woke up across enemy lines surrounded by zombies. Best way to explain it. So weird
@melaniemansfield3319 Жыл бұрын
I work at Costco’s in the demo department. I see and feel it everyday. On an average 3,500 come into this store everyday. I think of it as oh I’m going to the Zoo today. Yes I use the word Zombies a lot. It’s like they’ve been dumbed down.🥴 My coworkers are no better believe me.
@freedomfromgangstalkingevi1020 11 ай бұрын
Zombie Nation
@GodsMysteryZone 11 ай бұрын
It’s big like this they have a soul but it’s not here it’s not of this uni or dimensions
@damnyankeesdaughter5427 11 ай бұрын
Creeping me out. I used to be able to “feel” everyone around me. Most feel empty or angry now.
@OrganicPortalsHiveMindProof 11 ай бұрын
You'll love my channel
@js4325 Жыл бұрын
I’ve massaged and nursed thousands of people in my life, yes, some may seem like mindless drones, but never did I ever feel like any were without a soul. It’s disturbing to me that this idea is so prevalent in the group consciousness today; that I keep hearing about it all of a sudden. This type of thinking leads to the “cidal” actions which you’d expect from a soulless character mindlessly judging those of a different background.
@angenehmerweiblicherfussge7000 Жыл бұрын
massage some seriel killers who tortured babys and tell me if they all have soules too.
@queen_minnieme8321 Жыл бұрын
I used to think like you, but I think the point here is not to demean anyone. It is to understand purpose and function of those in our lives. And not be too involved in their energy and drama. I also had a spiritual awakening. And I hope u can see this world more like a “stage” of awakening than an actual stage not where nothing begins before this or ends after this. Life here is very minuscule part of us. We are universal beings and there are many things we can’t control because we are meant to spiritually awaken and grow but not meant to impose moral values on others. Moral values are personal not universal.
@sungod.nasty1 Жыл бұрын
If you can’t comprehend the idea then most likely you fall into the category in my opinion. You pick apart the surface level of the idea and not exactly the more in depth intention behind it. Start asking yourself what you had in common with all those people you claimed to work with. We mostly all operate from a specific level of unconscious fear no matter where we are in life. But Those who do NOT operate from the same unconscious fears as you are the ones who will look at you as “soulless” beings. Only because we pity the amount of fear you allow to exist in your psyche without doing ANY work to improve it, yet pretending you really understand people-rather just be distracted by day to day duties, kinda like someone in the matrix is supposed to (NPC). Soul & spirit operating at its highest has no unconscious fears, so those with soul have all the right to use those terms, cuz if it offends you, it’s a sign you fit the bill
@js4325 Жыл бұрын
@@sungod.nasty1 I understand what Sara is saying, being levels of a soul’s progression. My comment is based on many of the other comments on this video and those I’ve been hearing about NPC’s lately. Those who judge others, making assumptions to tear each other down just to somehow feel superior. It’s a dangerous game that many in the past have played, look to history to understand my point.
@Paul4Krista20 Жыл бұрын
I feel your comment resonates much with my problems with people saying that animals and insects do not have a soul or feel pain etc. I painstakingly refuse to kill ANY INSECT intentionally regardless of how I am made fun of regularly and told I am stupid and yadda yadda. Go ahead and kill your Spider and Ladybugs without any regard whatsoever, but I believe everything is part of the ONE that is the reason we ALL are here.
@starseed484 Жыл бұрын
This makes perfect sense about the duality in our universe. Thank you for such a powerful message
@Tigiribakius-tc7cv Жыл бұрын
Our universe is not a duality but a trinity
@Islandgirl2133 8 ай бұрын
Lights are on, but no one’s home. Low vibers. Empty of spiritual awareness. No concept of Big Picture. Totally absent. MIA’s. The ones who gift us with hell on earth. But it’s always possible for them wake up. Meanwhile… I just keep my distance, we don’t have anything to talk about.
@angenehmerweiblicherfussge7000 6 ай бұрын
why should it be possible that they wake up? i thought they should help the real humans with a sould. that would not be the case anymore if they wake up too. you cant wake up a robot.
@globalfatmas Жыл бұрын
I know people are trying to say that the world is a simulation. The next logical step is that it now it has NPCs. The problem is this is not a single player game. It's a multi player game. And it's not a game at all. The suffering experienced here is real.
@nepsessu258 Жыл бұрын
@tweeniebee3032 9 ай бұрын
But when we die we see this world as a dream or game. It,s only here that there is perceived suffering🙏
@CarrieBeretta 6 ай бұрын
@@tweeniebee3032 Doesn't matter. It's still suffering. And it's wrong what some have to go through.
@dannykicks603 5 ай бұрын
@@CarrieBerettait’s a soul system, to advance the soul. Why these things happen
@dannykicks603 5 ай бұрын
@@tweeniebee3032there is the death.. you are not your avatar, you are your soul, your soul is energy. Death is an illusion
@TheBelzebubba 10 ай бұрын
Here is a real world scenario I experienced as have many. When faced with serious danger, people quickly divide into 3 groups. The small group that try to stop the danger, the small group who go into a manic sadistic fixation (think the kid who yells fight when 2 other kids are considering it) and the 3rd and largest group who simply disengage and are frozen by fear. I think these 3 character types can sort of be seen as related to the groups mentioned in this video. Some want to heal the world, some want to watch it burn. But most just want to not have to choose. And are complacent in the box they were convinced they existed in from early childhood.
@ButterflyAwakening Жыл бұрын
If you're reading this, you're truly special. You have an incredible ability within you - the power to achieve anything you set your mind to. Believe in yourself, work hard, and stay dedicated to your goals. Remember, nothing is impossible when you have passion, determination, and a little bit of faith! Go out there and show the world what you're capable of. You've got this! - ButterflyAwakening 🦋🦋🦋
@Kinag86 Жыл бұрын
Be careful assigning such labels to people. It’s happened in the past - many times - with disastrous and irreparable results.
@MusashiHeaz Жыл бұрын
So beautiful of you to say something. I am glad you shared this very real and valid concern. Many of us are feeling this with you.
@vanessarichardson110 Жыл бұрын
This is delicate information
@wren7777 Жыл бұрын
You mean like unvaccinated?
@sungod.nasty1 Жыл бұрын
We don’t need anymore societies who are sensitive to judgment. That’s why they fail with disastrous results. Too many sensitive Karen’s with advanced weapons
@WateryFire Жыл бұрын
Of course the problem is the truth can be twisted by unenlightened people so your concern is valid. But this is the age of information and learning. And truth doesn’t change. And we need to learn.
@PurringMyrrh Жыл бұрын
No matter what they are, they must be treated with love and kindness, empathy and compassion.
@Westcoastrocksduh Жыл бұрын
@idenstret Жыл бұрын
100% The only way up is through pure love and compassion. Still working on it, myself. 😂
@xxfox Жыл бұрын
Yeah, they HATE that.
@Standownevil Жыл бұрын
They are dangerous and will kill you and throw your ass on a cross!
@a64738 11 ай бұрын
My experience is that you might as well have empathy and compassion for a stone, same difference... These people is like robots just following their limiting programming and it is a waste of time to interact with them as you get nothing in return (just the same programmed scripted output), just like it is a waste of time spending time with a NPC in a computer game if you do not have to.
@NiRENiRE Жыл бұрын
This is worth 18:47 minutes of your life to watch! Thank you Sarah. This explains a lot about myself and the people I have around me. We need to keep speaking the truth so that others can break free from bondage and become souls. We need more good souls in this world.
@correioanacabral Жыл бұрын
I feel like this was a 2 hour video, condensed in a 18 min. video. Wonderful, assertive and so clear. Thanks girl, I just subbed
@motherofmultiverses Ай бұрын
I just noticed that in more than ten years, I've never seen any of my neighbors bring in groceries. And we live in a rural area with no food deliveries, and fast food is 45 minutes away. Thanks for that, The Alchemist. Now, I'm just as haunted as you are about this. :>
@LadyAbstract Жыл бұрын
Some NPCs can also be used by entities to push agendas. Some can be good a crucial to someone spiritual growth while others can be sent to be a distraction or detriment
@manifestingmaren Жыл бұрын
Yes- agent smiths like in the {documentary}the Matrix
@amandafey Жыл бұрын
My entire community tried to take me down and out when I was younger and growing up. I will not go into it because it'd be extremely triggering and terrifying to read, but it started with my own family of origin. Child abuse (NOT just from my parents), victim shaming, gaslighting, scapegoating, slander, extreme forms of punishment, death threats.... these ALL happened. But I did NOT give in and let "them" win. I truly believe some communities WILL target an individual as their "sacrificial calf," putting ALL their evil and hate into it. I defied ALL their odds and am now The Ageless Sage of divine wisdom. I also have extreme distrust of people because I started evil right in the face, more than once, and would NOT give in, although they all wanted me to. I've lived and travelled ALL over since and have accomplished much good, considering and despite of, quite miraculously, and I have NEVER again experienced such vile, targeted hatred that I had experienced for my first 18+ years of life.
@GnosticChild Жыл бұрын
@TheDutchOracle Жыл бұрын
​​@@amandafeyometimes I think that the ones with the greatest capacity to shift realities, are the ones that are targeted the most. Because there's so much to lose for them and to gain for us ❤🎉
@danyburlacu825 Жыл бұрын
Newsflash love: you yourself can be used by entities to push agendas. Try to watch the video till the end next time, there's no such thing as an NPC, get off your high horse
@joleaneshmoleane8358 Жыл бұрын
Great video! If someone doesn’t watch all the way through then they’re gonna totally miss the point. They’re going to actually think that you believe the exact opposite of what you share in the full video. I can see why so many people are confused. This is a great lesson on why you should never comment before a video is finished. If your comment has true value it will be seen by the people that need to see it, even if it’s not the first comment. Always finish a video before commenting.
@a64738 11 ай бұрын
Sometimes you can save time by reading the comments instead of watching the video (many youtube videos is 10 times longer then they need with just repeating the same things over and over of lot of fluff just to fill in the time).
@evv8619 Жыл бұрын
This is a really great video but I have to mention that the term NPC directly originated from video games. NPC’s are the random background characters in video games that people engage with that help the main character along it’s journey. I think that’s important to state.
@memyself2630 Жыл бұрын
She/we know it comes from video games but it’s the overall concept that has gnostic roots!
@memyself2630 11 ай бұрын
@@fourtwentythree They do and they’re called hylics!
@memyself2630 11 ай бұрын
@@fourtwentythree Oh no problem glad to help but the lady in this vid does have a video discussing this topic in depth but I can’t think of the name of it right now! When I remember I’ll reply back! 😊
@Daniel-ef7nk 9 ай бұрын
Life is literaly a video game, we are in a simulation
@evv8619 9 ай бұрын
@@memyself2630 I kind of don't think she does because she doesn't mention it at all.
@camillaolvera4054 Жыл бұрын
I totally understand this. When i had my spiritual awakening in 2020 my guides explained to me that the soulless are the fallen ones. Us souled individuals are here to support the soulless to help them gain their consciousness back by being the light. My sons father is a soulless, i didnt fully understand how or why but this video made me see it even deeper. I knew from my awakening he didnt have his soul and now i see why so clearly. He just lost his connection to his soul. Wow i love this 💚 thank you 🙏
@yeahnope620 Жыл бұрын
Since pretty much your entire post is a rant about your ex husband, you are just using this as a platform to badmouth your former partner and gain validation. What exactly are you going for here? Are you fishing for comments like: "heh, good job dumping his a$$". "You go girl, you're clearly the main character here and that ZERO deserves the can".
@gizmolisa6666 Жыл бұрын
Im glad you are aware... I definitely think some are born this way. I have since seen this in my visions i was confused for awhile since over 15 years ago. some have lost enough of soul that pieces or their inner child becomes trapped... I've been told some are just born like this that they are organic portals. I have seen my ex get hijacked and he couldn't hide it anymore... it get dark quick. Hes in jail now... n still causing me damage. Unfortunately like the part of the matrix she's talking about. They can do harm without knowing because most do not realize it... including allowing themselves to be hijacked... both I met felt there was something wrong but I didn't realize it was like that... I have had assists in transmutation in one... I do not know how many can have that done. The Soulless one i assisted had some light it's like not their own though it seemed at least... it's was far above their heads n when we transmutated them they were not the same person. Makes sense I guess because that wasn't them before. It's all really weird... it was for yhe best though that they weren't the same and for the kids around them... you can tell by the eyes they'll look dark and black and someone you don't want to have around. 😅 sure you can learn from anyone anything but I'm not allowing myself to be attack by them so I'm staying far away. I think some are really not meant to experience the growth she's talking about it's just not in their programming it doesn't exsist for them to have that... as for the others who gave pieces of their soul away whether allowing a pact with something not great it's hard to say if they'll be able to come back. Most likely the less stronger ones won't. The universe is definitely strange and fucked up the deeper you go... just make sure you are aware if he starts acting weird or dark... n make sure you protect yourself the way you see fit.
@LoveLovee333 Жыл бұрын
@@gizmolisa6666f someone realizes they have given pats of their soul away due to trauma and pacts, how do they find help to recover or reconnect to heart center? How can they find help to be transmutated?
@LoveLovee333 Жыл бұрын
How does someone who has realized this about themselves get help/change and reconnect to their soul/heart?
@camillaolvera4054 Жыл бұрын
@Tr8edbyfire333 look up shadow work. You have to face your trama. Right now your trama is controlling you. As hard as it is you must go back to when the trama took control. Trama is a healing tool we just forgot how to use it. I did inner child healing, I accepted my trama and loved it with full compassion, forgiveness is powerful so forgive EVERYONE, especially yourself. It doesn't happen over night but by knowing you are lost and wanting help is a beautiful start. Don't be afraid to question the creator but question it with full openness, only then you'll truly see/feel the answers. Solitude is amazing I talk to my higher self all the time, I talk to my guides all the time, i talk to God all the time. I didn't believe in much before my awakening but I know now more than I could ever know and i still learn more everyday. You got this just hug your inner child, hug your anger, your hurt, your pain. Hug it all and give it acceptance. We all think ignoring it or not letting it "win" is how but letting it be and accepting it with unconditional love is how you take your control back. You are a warrior of light step into it and let it guide you. Meditation is key. It's hard at first but just let your mind, heart, soul connect. You are amazingly beautiful. I see you, I hear you and I send my angels to guide you. Deep breaths, think, in with light, out with the dark. Sending unconditional love and light to you and your soul 💚
@IntuitiveWarrior2024 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for the video. I think it is important to treat everyone as if they have a soul. Been too much divide and conquer so though this may be true, I do not believe it is in anyones interest to travel through our life judging others as NPCs but rather as souls on a journey.
@JenniferFurr 4 ай бұрын
Thank you
@Eli.333 Жыл бұрын
This is the video I've been waiting for! As always, you explain it so clearly. Thank you for this and all your shared knowledge!
@chesterm883 11 ай бұрын
I had a dream about coming across people who were milling around beyond in another area that I could see them, but they couldn’t see me. Plus, I was told not to interact with them because telepathically I was told “because they’re clueless.” They seemed harmless, but it was made clear to me to allow them to keep milling around, but no interaction whatsoever.
@staygoldmarie4350 11 ай бұрын
I had a similar dream!
@trilight1111 Жыл бұрын
You’ve hit so many important points in this video and I couldn’t agree more with your takes. Just wonderful organized information. Thank you for your light. 🙏✨💚
@pattiewoodall2488 Жыл бұрын
This video is absolute genius. It was that next step in understanding I needed at this stage of my journey. Many thanks from my heart to yours!
@officialthealchemist Жыл бұрын
You're very welcome!🔥💖🔥
@laraetoday Жыл бұрын
Also, considering that our soul or oversoul is able to manifest into several beings at a time across the multiverse - how do we know that we don't provide our own NPC's for our own situations, as needed? Just a thought. ;)
@jfranklin9549 Жыл бұрын
That’s been my take on dreams. Facets of ourselves are playing a role in the background.
@almatta3351 Жыл бұрын
How do we know? Because there are aspects of seeing that only exist if a single form has access to all 144 thousands perspectives at one time. If you escape dualistic thinking, that is you are unable to think in dichotomies and you now think in network fashion, able to hold several truths that others would see as contradictory, then you are likely a single soul in your current incarnation, not sharing it with any others anywhere else in existence. NPCs as people without soul, not a real thing, just a misinterpretation of what's happening. An ant colony is built up of one soul, fractured into 144 thousand pieces. Once the soul evolves enough, these smaller individual units of soul fuse together to become a soul that is less divided, a factor of 144 to be precise. From ants to the next form could be something like 14,400 and perhaps its new form is a flok of birds. What we are calling people that have this lesser capacity in this life time to see, even if shown, are people that are sharing a soul with 143 others. People who can see when shown are those that have all 144 in their current incarnation fighting to fuse them together and be one. Hence the term CHOSEN ONE. They choose to become one. aka those that see. Which is why you can have large amounts of chosen ones. Why 144? Look to the seed & flower of life. You can fit 12 circles around the one circle. Put that into sphere form, you get 12², 12*12 is 144. We are all on the same evolutionary path, there are none that are "soulless", only those at different stages of the ladder. 🙏🏼
@brittonbeckham Жыл бұрын
Best comment.
@KristeeBee Жыл бұрын
Now there’s a rabbit hole! 😅
@joan.nao1246 Жыл бұрын
💯 ❤
@Something9008 11 ай бұрын
You never know what's going on in someone's inner world. Some people who are outwardly 'dull' may be perceptive and gifted in ways you personally can't appreciate.
@Amygondor 2 ай бұрын
she has main character syndrome.
@yeahnope620 Жыл бұрын
On the subject of Pinocchio, I just want to say that it is NOT a children's movie. It is in it's entirety dealing with mysticism and everything in it has esoteric meaning, from beginning until the end. It's worth a rewatch if you haven't seen it as an adult.
@VannaWhiite Жыл бұрын
Most Disney movies are.
@wagnerexato6457 Жыл бұрын
I'd say this is true of the book by Carlo Collodi on which the movie was based. Compared to the book, the movie is a whitewashed version despite having many ideas. The book is crude and realistic and wouldn't pass for a 1950's (40, 60?) audience.
@LaciRae Жыл бұрын
why would that make it “NOT a children’s movie”???
@luciamudra Жыл бұрын
This Pinocchio name, in reality it is about Pineal Gland!!!!!!
@measlesplease1266 Жыл бұрын
​@@VannaWhiiteall movies are.
@dolly_llamas_tea Жыл бұрын
😂 why don’t my neighbors eat! This video was epic! Thank you!
@edl1188 Жыл бұрын
Love all the layers of this creation. Thank you Sarah for explaining it all so well.✨
@2listen2u Жыл бұрын
The idea of NPCs or people without a soul is a concept of the path of service to self. If you view them as merely NPCs then the underlying thought behind that is that they are there to service you. While the path of service to others reckonizes oneself in others and sees all as the part of self. There are no soulless people, just different expressions of divine consciousness within people on different paths of awakening.
@tweeniebee3032 9 ай бұрын
Wow!!! What an awesome thought👍👍👍👏👏👏🙏🙏🙏
@user-vq2vb2ww7o 8 ай бұрын
I'm not so sure. I still think out of "the box" - thankfully.
@2listen2u 8 ай бұрын
@@user-vq2vb2ww7o what do you mean by "I think outside "the box"? It's not clear to me what you are trying to say.
@user-vq2vb2ww7o 8 ай бұрын
Hi Bas. I have a friend who I thought had to be one who like me is souled. She is an energy vampire to a lesser degree. Then i really paid attention to this video today which would explain why she and I have served each other at a soul level. She is the less evolved Soul that has greatly contributed to my further awakening. I have no doubt about the Matrix Players that Sarah is referring to. I now see that the worst of these very "real" programs literally have no soul nor any capacity for one.@@2listen2u
@lushaddict3797 7 ай бұрын
Agreed I find it unsettling that people truly believe that some people are npcs it’s really dehumanizing and creates the idea that those people are below them/unworthy and like you said as if they’re there to serve them and practically like they aren’t even really a person with their own feelings and emotions
@4rch3er19 Жыл бұрын
You're the only person who has externally mirrored this concept that I have pondered internally. Everything from the possibility of the situations with extreme abuse/evil acts, to my frigin neighbors NEVER bringing in groceries! I was in a psych hospital, and my roommate didn't use the bathroom the entire time, plus acted very strange. Higher dimensionals can "pop in" them to interact with us, and we can even "breathe" life into them for various reasons, when they enter our sphere of influence. Technically I believe that our soul/spirit plays everyone within our sphere of projection, but somehow we're all magically projection into the same realm, where there "appears" to be different souls playing as well. And I would be played out by their soul/spirit in theirs sphere. This also makes sense if we understand how one main ability of dna is holographic projection. This happens essentially within our toroid, which is like being in a sphered mirror. Such would provide the illusion of infinite space wouldn't it? It also validates the fact that whatever we do to someone else, we ultimately have done to ourselves, but don't realize it until we die. I just came up with this stuff after extreme introspection about my crazy experiences in life, and in my dreams. To hear it from someone externally, who is actually educated in these topics in a full spectrum manner, is quite validating. Thank you, subbed!
@Arrian1111 Жыл бұрын
One of my sons, without knowing anything of mysticism, devised the term 'husk' for the majority, with their group think, and their imperturbability, regarding anything larger than themselves. I like to flatter myself into the psychic category (all of us here are connected to something larger than ourselves), and yes, it does feel a tad like narcissism for sure. However, intuition tells me that the gnostics were onto an important truth here. I was also thinking. of the kingdom of the shells, who have the peels, who sound like recycled NPCs or portals for the malign elementals.
@amandafey Жыл бұрын
I could tell from a VERY early age. There was something "off," and not in a good way, about most people around me.
@WILLed_into_Existence Жыл бұрын
The universe IS a narcissist. All it does is look at itself! 😆
@WILLed_into_Existence Жыл бұрын
@@amandafey unfortunately by believing this you are creating a self fulfilling prophecy
@amandafey Жыл бұрын
@@WILLed_into_Existence Thank you for outing yourself. I will be blocking you and other NPCs, narcissists, and evil people 👍
@AriCreations-bv6kg 6 ай бұрын
@tonilynn9840 Жыл бұрын
Pretty sure experienced this myself.. I was under a great deal of abuse emotionally and mentally and I heard someone tell me to be careful and then it was like something walked out and something else walked in... I can't feel hardly anything.. those who hurt me I only send love to and have no desire to even be around or talk to .. its like I feel completely shielded from them.. but also very different then who I was.. my heart feels shielded as well
@AriCreations-bv6kg 6 ай бұрын
You could be what's called a "walk in". Do some research on this spiritual term, if you haven't already!
@false-flagburner4184 Жыл бұрын
Wow, I have watched quite a few of your videos Sarah but this one poofed my mind... So well done when you compare the NPCs as portals or points of reference for the agents in the Matrix and then the Pinocchio Syndrome of waking the NPCs into a higher reality above the 3D Matrix where we all start in more or less. Great video thanks
@jerrymuns Жыл бұрын
I do believe NPC’s have the potential to awaken, I was an NPC driven by addictions and reacting to physical circumstances around me without any thought. Now I consciously choose all of my responses. By the way you look very beautiful today.
@jfranklin9549 Жыл бұрын
Sure our host is beautiful, but her delivery of humor, divine.
@inkspecialist Жыл бұрын
What prompted you to snap out of it?
@ImLehwz 8 ай бұрын
How did you wake up?
@sasuke22dante Жыл бұрын
I do love your sense of humor, I'm gonna be like Truman checking when my neighbors bring groceries.
@sharongarrett4356 Жыл бұрын
Your knowledge base is really very broad. You really tie a lot of various things together in an intriguing way.
@inaa3046 10 ай бұрын
You explaine everything so that I understand and it’s like yeeeh that’s what I have been trying to figure out and you just say it. Love your communication style, it captures me even though I usually have a hard time watching videos to the end. But with yours I watch it til the and then one more 👍 thank you for your knowledge, compassion and all the high energy you spread 👌
@karlaleksanderkivimagi9828 Жыл бұрын
If you see NPCs then your own consciousness hasn’t fully awakened yet. You only percieve as you are. If you see them, then a part of your psyche or shadow has a unconsciouss part in you and the world just reflects it back to you. If you “start to see npcs” then your own unconcious is starting to bubble to the surface, you can work with that to make room for more consciousness and free will. It doesn’t make any sense to define the unawakened characters as NPC as they have the same consciousness inside that “awakened” characters have and have the same possibilities to awaken. Ego has hidden itself in the “others are npcs” concept because if you also have spiritual ego, its a safe space for it to be to go unnoticed and dwell in separation.
@I-luv-my-lava Жыл бұрын
I think you’ve got it. I had a psychedelic trip and asked so many questions. At some point I realized I was part of an over soul and I wondered why I did not fit to my highest potential in this life. Essentially it felt like I was programmed by a higher source (or my secret challenger) to be highly introverted or nervous or replaying certain scenes in my head and to have the shortcomings that I’ve had in this life and that the shortcomings have challenged the people around me and I was not aware even though I thought I was trying my best. Essentially I kept lining up with the system material world to help me. It was a hugely disturbing feeling to believe that I could be an NPC planted by a higher source to help somebody else become their better version but never myself. Found out that I was also part of a collective demon of humanity at large. Any child brought up to believe lesser of themselves and to fill the void with consuming media but not strong enough to produce is. I’m wondering if seeing that would allow me to break out of NPC aspects or whether I would just have to go on with what is and continue to be of service and get better at what I have. Hopefully if I’ve ever get to re-program with the courage to make changes. But it almost felt so hopeless. As if I wanted the best for myself (to be a full cup) would always sway the waters to challenge me way to hard or almost kill me. Maybe that’s just unconscious untapped energy potential or maybe I’ll be stuck asking myself questions forever. TLDR: I believe we do have souls I do have one, but anyone indoctrinated by the system will choose to be reliant and act “npc” like for which ever unconscious strongholds has taken place or born with. So some “NPC” are somewhere in the middle seeking answers and wanting out but still lining up with what’s being set up.
@I-luv-my-lava Жыл бұрын
And yes totally agree if and when you see “NPC” there is untapped energy hiding. Part of the higher path is integrating to move energy within to without. To help make changes to “pop open” or help others return to remembrance or source consciousness or their highest plan or change. Even if it can’t be everyone. After all the creator source makes the puzzle pieces. Intelligent Design.
@strawpiglet Жыл бұрын
This is my take, too. People calling others NPCs don’t look real enlightened to me. If you are even halfway enlightened I expect you to be honest enough to say, I don’t know what’s inside that person. If you claim you can see souls and that there’s truly nothing, I think you are projecting your arrogance.
@a64738 11 ай бұрын
@@strawpiglet Some people act like NPCs with no ability to use intuition and independent critical thinking and that is why they seem to lack "soul". It is not about arrogance or projecting, it is an observation ...
@lil-rabbit Жыл бұрын
The NPC theory has always bothered me, it feels like we are looking down on other beings and seems rather unempathetic. For that reason I came up with my own theory and it is very similar to the last one you mentioned. I believed that "NPCs" are just souls early in their reincarnation cycles, perhaps just reincarnated from an animal to human. So their minds are still wired in the way an animal would think (more in line with their instincts). For example they are just worried about putting food on the table and having children, very much just worried about the material aspects of life. Pretty much to me these people are just very "young" souls relatively speaking. And I wouldn't look down on someone who is still very early in their soul journey. However it does make it a pain in the butt to deal with them because they are not yet ready to learn in this lifetime.
@risingkundalini1876 Жыл бұрын
Yes every sentient being has a soul. The idea of a young soul evolving makes sense.
@Dani-zv4rw Жыл бұрын
Not true at all!
@Dani-zv4rw Жыл бұрын
We were either born with a soul (Source Player), or without (Non Player Character). We don't evolve from one to another during the course of a lifetime. SPs can climb frequencies though. And animals have no soul.
@strawpiglet Жыл бұрын
I think experienced and inexperienced souls can go bad. I look at most of our politicians and I don’t feel young energy, I feel something old and cold and corrupted. I know there is this idea that eventually everyone becomes enlightened, but I just don’t think so. I think anyone can fall and anyone can grow, because we have free will and we have pressures as long as we are human.
@Tigiribakius-tc7cv Жыл бұрын
I am sure that this women will score high on dark triad traits
@aprilkitten Жыл бұрын
There's so many possibilities and another could be that a lot of people are in such fear they have completely shut down to anyting that would threaten the foundation of their beliefs. This has a knee-jerk protection mechanism that I have observed in many of my friends and family. Some have awakened, but others have gotten more resistant as their egoic pain body becomes further fueled by its need to be right
@strawpiglet Жыл бұрын
Yes, I would say this is likely most people, at least in the US. Not NPCs but reactionary - lizard brain and ego, as we call it. They think their egos are their selves and can’t let it be taken down a notch. But, I think you have to let it die each time you want to grow.
@aprilkitten Жыл бұрын
@@strawpiglet Yes, exactly and that was very nicely stated. Thank you.
@strawpiglet Жыл бұрын
@@aprilkitten we animals know what’s up.
@Solara011 Ай бұрын
my neighbour is 100 percent NPC.... he is so careless, doesn't give a shit about others, insensitive and rude - when you look into his eyes there is blank - nothing behind it.. so I was thinking why is he in my life? Must be some sort of reason to teach me to be more loving and tolerant towards people such as him... who know.
@LadyAbstract Жыл бұрын
Conscious people can also be energy vampires. I remember when i was around this guy who had so much awareness and spiritual knowledge but when i was around him i got really drained and due to that i had to walk away from the situation. Later i found out that he tries draining people on purpose so hes basically going down the dark path of spirituality
@thosethatsee Жыл бұрын
Yup. That’s what the “Powers that were” do. Manipulating laws of Universe. They’re aware and have made their home in this 3D realm forever
@almatta3351 Жыл бұрын
The dark side of spirituality is a real thing. It's why many yogis and some occult systems have starting steps to first have a person grow in morals and ethics before going on to learning the truely spiritual aspects of who one truely is.
@IrresistibleParadox Жыл бұрын
@@Highlyguided40 Remember, we're all the same thing in essence. We should prone responsibility for ourselves instead of merely judging those who are trying the best they can to leave a positive impact on this world. I'm only telling you this because I know that the judgement you have towards Teal (a woman who has the exact same role as Sarah who you seemingly have no issue with) is hiding a form of self-denial that is hurting you more than anyone else. Try to integrate her instead of rejecting her, see what happens. Trust your ability to stay yourself even when faced with other highly creative beings. They are your mirror anyways.
@pern1121ep Жыл бұрын
Conscious people are not energy vampires because they don't need to be. We have a whole bunch of unconsciousness parading around as enlightened beings. It's called False Light/False Ascension.
@Tigiribakius-tc7cv Жыл бұрын
If someone claim to be conscious person i better watchout because such person is capable of greater harm and destruction
@manifestingmaren Жыл бұрын
Dolores Cannon called them backdrop people- they’re real life agent smiths and they’re there to make us remember our light Remember we wrote this entire story and everyone in it - ❤
@angenehmerweiblicherfussge7000 Жыл бұрын
so you wrote me and i wrote you?
@Char_LotteRose Жыл бұрын
@@angenehmerweiblicherfussge7000 We create our own realities and contracts.
@CarrieBeretta 6 ай бұрын
I don't think a being devoid of light makes us remember our light. Only an actually lit candle can light other candles. Consider that. If anything, these soulless characters are there to carry out the mission of the archons, to maintain the status quo here due to their numbers, and also to facilitate the darkness feeding off of our energy.
@yobrojoost9497 11 ай бұрын
Wow! This is news to me! Sure, I know that we all are at different stages in our development, some are more conscious than others. But to have it so clearly explained is a real eye opener. Thanks Sarah! I've subscribed.
@GameDeveloperPrim-Evil 2 ай бұрын
I have learned so much here on earth...I learned that the only thing you should care about is yourself , because no one else will unless you force them to , but why should we have to force them? so I learned to take , NOT to give unless it benefits me in the long run.
@angenehmerweiblicherfussge7000 2 ай бұрын
@pv8874 Жыл бұрын
Talking about Narcissism. I recently did a lot of research on people with narcissistic personality disorder/ narcissists. They truly describe themselves as empty inside, souless, an empty shell, with no sense of self. They have a crafted persona - a mask - that they put on. What if they are NPC ? Just a thought though.
@AriGP Жыл бұрын
This would explain why they have the same preset dialogue to face issues in their life, it doesn't matter where in the world they were born or what language they speak, they always say the same phrases, I have corroborated this myself. Spooky stuff.
@strawpiglet Жыл бұрын
An npc wouldn’t know itself in any way, shape, or form. People are in various states of confusion, but they are still creatures.
@theusbadenhorst 10 ай бұрын
Narcisists are just deeply hurt people who have fully identified in the ego shield.
@edwardgarcia614 Жыл бұрын
The mind is the matrix, we are Source-Creator. Thanks for sharing, Sarah.
@RealityRecovery 11 ай бұрын
God is above us
@EmpathHands Жыл бұрын
my wife and I once had a download of this soul groups concept. pleasantly reconfirmed here. We love your channel.
@cherylbenton7107 9 ай бұрын
Fascinating video! Once while deep in meditation, I was "shown" by my guide, the possibility for souls in scary/ painful situations to temporarily have a replacement energy step in to the harsh situation.
@kevinh1792 7 ай бұрын
It's called a walk-in soul.
@amandafey Жыл бұрын
MOST people I've met are like this. There's literally nothing there, and I could even pick up on it as a child. My hometown region is full of them. Many are even vile, wicked, and evil.
@HANKBRAVO81 11 ай бұрын
I have a long term friend in this ‘soulless’ condition. At one point, I thought I’d brought them to waking up spiritually. However, I now know they never could and that…perhaps they’re a ‘watcher spirit’. I’ll be removing them from my life soon. Always been a negative/draining energy. I liked your take on it.
@Sara-rv3op 5 ай бұрын
I just literally commented below before reading other comments out of curiosity. We have similar experiences, I am still trying to breakaway from my family but it’s not easy. Our virtues (oneness, faith in humanity, love & patience) can be a curse and blessing at the same time. It’s not easy to be human that’s for sure! Below is my comment in case you would want to read it. Good luck with taking your power back from your soulless friend. Love and light! “How can a mother do this to her own child?” Soulless was always the answer but somehow I always believed in the light within all human beings and thought that if I keep giving my inner flame to them (unconditional love) I might reignite their deemed flame back, but we all know the ending of that story.
@HANKBRAVO81 5 ай бұрын
@@Sara-rv3op you’ve gotta do ‘you’. As long as you’re not intentionally trying to cause pain, you have to be true to yourself.
@Sara-rv3op 5 ай бұрын
@margotschlosser6490 10 ай бұрын
It's only two weeks now that your channel crossed my path. Fab. You are answering all my questions so compact. I am a lover of internet as it is my open university. I always wondered why all you are teaching us, hasn't been brought to humanity before. I always wondered wyh spiritual teachers never talk about most of the things you are bringing to humanity. At least to those who are open to it. Thank you very very much. I am very grateful that it finaly came along. Big HUG from France.
@aqua0452 11 ай бұрын
this opened my eyes and gave confirmation to what ive been thinking recently. its not a "love and light" teaching but it resonates.
@theseersays Жыл бұрын
Beautifully defined, aligns to the perspectives I’ve witnessed in their sacrificial nature of being
@VasiliyAgiy Жыл бұрын
I wish you'd be more clear because I still don't understand your perspective. Not because it goes over my head but because your explanations are very long-winded. Otherwise, I really enjoy your videos. Thank you!
@Kunard2112 10 ай бұрын
I am surrounded by them, including family ! Since March 2020, everything is so surreal. So many are sucked into materialism only.
@maricelaelizondo2482 Жыл бұрын
Interesting to read everyone’s take/interpretation of this content. I took it more as an acknowledgment there are people in different phases/frequencies of their spiritual ascension journey: Existers/Hilux ~ other-determined beings who are reactive to stimuli outside themselves ; Adjusters ~ self-determined and on their self-awareness journey; and Evolvers ~ co-determined beings who are aware of Unity consciousness and direct the unfoldment of actuality. As Creators of our actuality, we are going to people/cast supporting characters in our play that further the plot we’re directing and playing out (as both the Creator and creation).
@ShaneMorris0n Жыл бұрын
Very impressed with this one Sarah. NPC is a harsh concept, but interestingly, those that you may consider NPC often prove they are. It doesn't take much to find out. If they don't "care" deep down in their roots they are unconscious shells. And even if they can spoof care in their talk, you will find their status in their actions. That said, a soul may consciously activate within such a shell at any time, so the name of the game is to look for "care" with action. A real soul does not tolerate low energetic environments.
@ShaneMorris0n Жыл бұрын
@@slic_papa2671 - At the highest level yes. However you are individuated, so try not to get lost in oneness. It's as lost as being lost in darkness.
@ShaneMorris0n Жыл бұрын
@@slic_papa2671 - You sound like someone that is definitely not NPC 😂. Enjoy your journey, you will figure it out as you gain more resolution through precise insight from people like Sarah.
@halos.1 Жыл бұрын
I’m curious, what would you consider “low energetic environments”?
@ShaneMorris0n Жыл бұрын
@@halos.1 - Environments that suck your "spirit force" energy because you force yourself to endure them. This covers a wide range. Sarah explains it completely if you view her back catalogue. 👍
@sonja7halcyon 11 ай бұрын
People with the Dark Triad personality disorders - NPD, APD and Psychopathy.
@infotainment6830 Жыл бұрын
I can’t stop laughing that you made a video about NPCs, lmao😂 I don’t think NPCs don’t have souls, they just gave up the controller a long time ago. Deep sleep, sometimes their souls can’t handle the harshness of 3D reality and they disconnect from the person/mind/body
@infotainment6830 Жыл бұрын
For example, the soul often disconnects from narcissists and humans who have inflicted deep harm onto others to avoid the soul’s corruption as it is misaligned with the soul
@tommydeamon7657 11 ай бұрын
I caint stop laughing that you csint see what that was all really about 9h well maybe some day but not my lesson to teach so peace enjoy yer self laughter is good
@irmina777 Жыл бұрын
Thank you, very interesting….. This adds up to my theory an explanation why after last reset suddenly so many people appeared … and why more than half people are asleep nowadays and are easily manipulated …
@evyiennetla9416 Жыл бұрын
Great to hear some new and different perspectives on a complicated topic like this... in my experience meeting spiritual people and talking about these background people... it seems to be misunderstood at large! We try to attribute reasons and explanations for our observations of those who operate mostly unconsciously... I personally believe we all are on a full spectrum of development, and we can break free; I can certainly say that I was once an NPC apart of someone else's program but I chose to feel growing pains and learn that I am capable of forging my own path in life! I love your videos 😊 very thought provoking and educational as always ❤🎉 much love!!
@MichaelLittle47 Жыл бұрын
This is a subject I find myself encountering even though I am not looking to do so. There are certainly different levels of consciousness appearing in the world. Those at significantly lower (or perhaps just different) expressions are difficult to understand and even incorporate into this spectrum we call life. I don't really feel as though my insight has yet pierced the veil of this particular puzzle, but I do sense that it is a mystery which continues to question us, and ask for its resolution. My inner sense is that it's answer (like all others) will somehow be found inside ourselves.
@suprmiikka4053 Жыл бұрын
There's is actually another concept for NPC:s by Joseph Cambell. In his theory the matrix can generate a temporal character (He uses example of a drowning child where the temporal character is generated to save the child and after that it ceases to exist). So on the top of organic portals, there can be (in his view) generated characters as well (at least temporally). These both can of course be true without a conflict.
@thosethatsee Жыл бұрын
Watching part one of Campbell now. A friend sent me before Sarah’s vid came out this am
@LadyAbstract Жыл бұрын
I think there could be some truth to this. One day i was out acting like an npc towards a new material item that was highly anticipated. It was sold out everywhere on release with long lines and everything and i found myself driving around all day store to store wasting gas only to never get it. I was frustrated by the of the day. That night in a parking lot someone came to ask me a question. They asked if i could spare change at first i was gona yell at him and tell him to go away but something inside of me felt like i shouldn't do that. He said his name was Gabriel but instead of yelling i just said no i dont have anything. He said ok n started walking away but then i felt bad so i said wait and gave him some change because i did have something i was lying. The man said thank you and literally vanished. I only looked away for a split second. It was open parking lot and there was no way he walked that fast to where i couldn't see him anymore. My brother was with me and seen it too so i know i wasnt hallucinating. I got snapped back into reality because all day i was operating from a materialistic nature paying no attention to my intuition or anything. Like i was completely offline and he came to be like hey snap out of it. It was the 1st time i ever chased an object that came out. Kinda like how people are on black friday. I was a bit out of character because normally im like yea its sold out now ill just wait until later to get it no big deal
@thosethatsee Жыл бұрын
Thomas or Joseph?
@ChristineSpringerElaine Жыл бұрын
I have had this happen to me before. I don't think she was benevolent. She was programmed to drag me into a long drawn out drama. The situation was so obviously staged that I knew it and I could see what was going on. I left the area immediately because I wasn't getting dragged into some NPC fake drama.
@yeahnope620 Жыл бұрын
This would imply that the universe is actively participating/interfering and is playing favourites. This is in conflict with what Sarah is saying at least. Whether or not it's true, who really knows.
@YoutubeHandleModerator Жыл бұрын
The organic portal just explains spirits in general, spirits that don't incarnate just use incarnated individuals. I like the way the three groups are differentiated it makes sense
@dawnfreshour8425 Жыл бұрын
Very interesting subject! I think it makes a lot of sense. I look forward to seeing more of your videos.
@avertthymortaleyes3460 Жыл бұрын
Off topic, why do evil people thrive in this reality? Nothing ever bad happens to these mfers. Good people suffer so much it drives me nuts. Its like we are attacked by the matrix by predatory, vampiric energies.
@WonderlustThing Жыл бұрын
Because god hates all of us and is actually the devil
@fernandoferdinand4866 Жыл бұрын
Since you asked these questions, then you are conscious and sentient. You perceive evil people because you know deep inside that's not what you want to be. And seeing that there's no justice in the world will justify your forgiveness within you because that is real. Your reality is Source, in You there is no evil and nothing and no body to justify...❤👽💫🙏
@noirmanoir1061 Жыл бұрын
If you came out a womb you have a soul. You can be so jammed up with programming that your soul can't shine through properly, but all people have souls.
@kimberlykay130 Жыл бұрын
I agree 100% No matter what the reason someone claims to justify arbitrarily deciding that SOME OF US(including themselves😏) are REAL PEOPLE & have souls & higher minds, etc… but most of you (notice how the one making such claims always decides they are real they have a soul😏) ARE NOT REAL PEOPLE DO NOT HAVE A SOUL blah blah The second step once you start down this genocidal road? IS IDENTIFYING WHICH PEOPLE ARE REAL & should matter Vs Which of us they no longer need treat like human beings or even living things … Don’t go one step down this road because it ends in brutality & genocide.
@ipurple289 Жыл бұрын
@Lioness_of_Gaia Жыл бұрын
@xrc7445 Жыл бұрын
I've met some people who are genuinly evil. I refuse to believe a soul can be over-riden this much by the programming. Sadistic people have something very wrong. So, they are either soulless, or possess something equivalent to a soul, but of a Dark Source.
@jmc8076 Жыл бұрын
Non biological/mechanical wombs have been used for a while. There’s videos and credible reports on them. Also reports of womb farms with real humans in poor or smaller countries.
@Eusouquemeusou8 6 ай бұрын
Your videos is addictive! So much good information that talks to me in a deep level! Appreciate you so much, wish we were friends, would love to have talks with people like you!
@InTheDreamRealm Жыл бұрын
That was incredible information darling... I've heard of this before and it's nice to hear another perspective on this subject... I've been learning about metaphysics since about the age of 18 and I'm 40 now and know quite a bit but I just found your channel and now subscribed... I love how you explain everything... You're an awesome teacher! Loved this and I will be back for many many more of your videos... I'm looking forward to hearing your perspective on... Well everything I already know and on things I don't know... Thank you for doing this for us!! 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
@IrisRainbowMagick 11 ай бұрын
I think a whole NPC concept just kind of dangerous because if people who give themselves a chosen or whatever see other humans as not being fully human or having a soul that dehumanization is what makes it possible for people to harm and kill and injure each other in the ways that we do I think it just can really be into this dynamic that some people are worthy and other people are without a soul
@joelflowers4702 6 ай бұрын
I am a bit disturbed in how thi contents of this video can be taken to extremes by the wrong sort of people.Imagine some young yob hearing about NPC theory than thinkinghe is the main character in his story and wrecking pain on people deemed as NPCs
@jessicafelipe9988 Ай бұрын
Absolutely agree.
@seymourclarity8702 8 ай бұрын
Your neighbours DO eat. They're eating your other neighbours... 🤣
@amethystaquariusglendagree1070 5 ай бұрын
I miss you and your videos Ms lady, I had to take a time out. Ended a very karmic relationship and I feel so much better. And lo and behold, I check your channel out and this video popped up first, I love it. 💜💜💜 Thank you for your time.
@michaelthompson-li7zs 3 ай бұрын
As an empath I have been in a relationship with a person who lacked any empathy (Narcissistic or BPD, perhaps (?)) and I have questioned both our roles and spiritual purpose/development?
@brianowens8027 Жыл бұрын
Is it possible that our soul steps in and out and in to the same body depending on that severity of pain suffered?
@DevinLiberty 8 ай бұрын
Every time you fall to sleep
@gennyhodge5888 Жыл бұрын
🇦🇺 The best explanation I have heard on this topic! You went deeper than most others who have tried to explain. It was so interesting to learn this is not a new concept. Thank you ❤️
@officialthealchemist Жыл бұрын
Much love!🔥💖🔥
@false-flagburner4184 Жыл бұрын
Sarah, also reading the comments below was quite enlightening to me -- only goes to show me what a great video this is!
@emmajane2958 4 ай бұрын
The more I'm in very busy public areas, like airports especially, the more I wonder if the number of NPCs is much higher than originally thought. Ever since awakening from the matrix, all I can see when looking around is so much soul-less, thought-less behavior. Like everyone is only existing entirely within their own little world, only acknowledging the other life around them when it becomes necessary. Even when they engage and interact with others, when I overhear conversations, it sounds like people are literally talking to themselves or just talking at each other. No meaningful, distinctive, or thoughtful interaction at all, just talking to talk. I feel like things didn't always used to be this bad.
@StephanieTalkington Жыл бұрын
My neighbors don't bring home groceries either, lol. Great video, I love hearing your perspective always and love how you give us so many different viewpoints to consider. Obviously people in the comments didn't finish it before they jumped down your throat.
@Mandolin523 Жыл бұрын
this comment is great. I see you 😂
@robgau2501 Жыл бұрын
This seems like a dangerous way of thinking. Who can say who doesn't have a soul?
@norapaolini Жыл бұрын
In fact, we could not know... but what matters is that people with soul are those who have creative abilities and make the difference...
@angenehmerweiblicherfussge7000 Жыл бұрын
letting soulless people rule your life is dangerous too.
@norapaolini Жыл бұрын
@@C12341 creative abilities has nothing to do with art... means power of manifestation, creation of our reality...
@user-vq2vb2ww7o 8 ай бұрын
Watched again. This time it all makes more and more sense with one particular character who also fits the energy vampire profile.
@paygeturnermusic Жыл бұрын
Finally someone talking about this! I’ve been talking to my friends about a few experience I had in the past months of people getting hijacked like agent smith right in front my face. So to have seen this video no is blowing my mind 😅😅😅
@jujubear4476 Жыл бұрын
So, what does it mean, when I finally noticed that my neighbors of 40 years have never brought home groceries? And then within that week, I saw them bring groceries home for the first time👀
@jamieking8011 Жыл бұрын
"That is fucked up Daisy."
@averagejoe_333 Жыл бұрын
I enjoyed this video. Interesting perspectives and it honestly makes a ton of sense
@andrearenee7845 Жыл бұрын
You have a very clear way of explaining this. Love Ms. Cannon. I learned a lot from her years ago. Just so interesting... Thank you.
@verklartenacht7827 Жыл бұрын
I was wondering if you'd ever do a video about hylics. I've become a lot more conscious to them as of late, particularly on the internet, where it feels exactly like I'm holding conversation with an A.I. They have zero initiative of their own -- always needing a poke before they can interact. I've also noted some curious instances in real life, such as the background characters 'loading in' too soon, or too late. Even my mother has taken notice, and normally she's not as acute in this department. Do you think you'll do a video about the demiurge?
@JenniferLions Жыл бұрын
Often when we really get to know someone we see their soul shining through, I'd say it's a reflection of our own ignorance to imagine someone as a true NPC. I've known so called "spiritually evolved" people who claim everyone around them is some kind of NPC, but unfortunately the source of this perception is often a lack of real insight or empathy, the wounded healer, unable to see past their own pain. I've learned that the deeper our compassion and interest is in others, the deeper the other appears to us... We project what we see in the world. Often our lack of being able to perceive depth in others can be due to our own reduced energy, and when we're tired we only see the surface level. I recently watched a lovely film that describes this phenomenon quite well. It's called "Living", starring Bill Nightly.
@yeahnope620 Жыл бұрын
I think the phenomenon that you are describing, and the NPC is not mutually exclusive. The wounded healer is bound to be a real phenomenon, but that does not mean that there cannot be such a thing as NPCs. In my opinion, the NPC does exist in some form.
@strawpiglet Жыл бұрын
I agree. An npc is something literally (and I do mean literally) unconscious. It’s math. People are not NPCs, they are playing the game, too.
@a64738 11 ай бұрын
The people that most often feel insulted by the NPC concept is those that is NPCs themselves is my experience ... So at least the NPCs have som self insight even if it usually end up as psycologically mirroring their own faults on other.
@yeahnope620 11 ай бұрын
@@a64738 The one thing you haven't figured out yet tho is that only NPCS support the evil terrorist state known as Ukraine. Sorry for giving you the bad news but someone had to do it.
@laviniaasofiei9054 10 ай бұрын
😊 This explains so much. We fuel or manifest the existance of these beings in our life when we pay attention to who we are not in relation to them. The reversed mecanism and the exit from this matrix is to raise our self awareness and pay attention to who we are independent of them and detachment happens in an instant because they don't have freewill, we do. The lesson from the experience with these being is to learn to focus on who we are and to awaken, bring to life the creator version of us.
@gracefullosco6112 Жыл бұрын
I hear about these background people from Jane Roberts and the Seth Materials…but I don’t know that they soulless people ..he said we create them to be in our reality…they’re not cardboard people for us to push around . I think when we create our lives before we came here ..we made this into our reality…don’t means cause they’re in our background they’re soulless.
@mr.Noshadow Жыл бұрын
I believe alot of first marriages are to people who are MPC's. And in that journey you begin to learn about yourself, therefore allowing you to become cognizant of those around you. And I believe we see the NPC side and realize we have learned about ourselves, and now the ability to recognize an NPC. And learn how to recover from the trauma experienced in the initial mistake. This is why its important to teach our children this information, intelligently and responsibly. Love and Light to all!!
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