Nostalgic Pokemon Music, but it's HeartGold&SoulSilver, to cure nostalgia

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To complete the Ds era, today we have the Ost's of HG & SS, such unique and nostalgic ambience. As far as I can remember the Johto region was pretty much the only region I've never fully played through, because after beating Lance I somehow didn't knew that you can fully explore Kanto aswell! I've recently started playing it again and hopefully will finish it until I'm at the top of Mt.Silver to face red.
I also wanna thank y'all for the immense support, it's really surreal almost reaching 1k subs in not even one year, while everything started just because I wanted to have my own nostalgic Pokemon playlist uploaded on youtube to share the absolute bangers, especially some that seem many people have forgotten. Love
And remember that time is limited boys n girls!
Next weekend there will be a special video, it was planned for today, but I have to delay it, sry!
Programs I use for creating my videos:
Audio: Fl Studio 20
Editing: Adobe Premiere 2020, Photoshop 2022
0:00 National Park
3:43 Intro
6:12 Safari Zone Gate
8:13 Azalea Town
10:02 Saffron City/Pewter City/Viridian City
12:30 Global Terminal
13:48 Eusine Encounter
14:47 Routes 30-33
16:04 Ecruteak City
18:57 New Bark Town
21:05 Enter Ho-Oh + Summon Ho-Oh/Lugia
22:40 Goldenrod City
23:57 Vermilion City
25:49 Routes 47/48
28:18 Route 101 (Radio)
29:31 Cinnabar Islands
31:04 Cianwood City
#pokemon #gamefreak #ost #nostalgia
I do not own any of these soundtracks, all rights go to their respective creators/owners.

Пікірлер: 27
@replicant_nv 8 ай бұрын
While listen to national park theme I think back to the time I was the first time there in SoulSilver just to realize how nice that sounds. I spent hours in it just listening to the music. But yea to me HG/SS will be my all time favorites I guess.
@oddpenguin8996 5 ай бұрын
peak pokemon artstyle btw
@amirhaayers2736 6 ай бұрын
Listening to this reminds me of my first shiny and how funny it was. SoulSilver was my first ever game and I chose Cyndaquil. Shortly after hatching the Togepi egg I was on my way back to the professor like he asked and decided to level up the Togepi a bit on route 1. While doing this a Shiny Pidgey spawned and I wasn't paying attention fully. All I heard was a strange sound that doesn't normally happen and when I looked there was the Shiny Pidgey. It was my first game so I didn't know of Shinies so I thought "OMG! Is that a metal Pidgey?!" Lol. And then was like "Is my game glitched?! Okay calm down. I'll catch it and if it glitches out I'll just soft reset." Later when it was about to evolve I was like "What if it evolves into a regular Pidgeotto?! I'll just evolve it and if it turns normal I'll reset." Obviously it didn't glitch or turn normal and I kept the "Metal" Pidgeot my whole playthrough and they're still there on that game file to this day. It's so funny to look back and laugh at how silly that was.
@alanm6o9 6 ай бұрын
thats awesome.
@sleepymonsteraddict 5 ай бұрын
HAd the exact same experience with a Zubat when going into the cave on the island in the sea, I did not know what it was and googled "Pink Zubat" And so discovered about shinies. After resetting the game to start over I discovered how rare shinies are in this game :,) I miss zubat ngl.
@Xx_Obsidian_Tears_xX 3 ай бұрын
at least you didnt reset right on the spot
@b_eej 2 ай бұрын
My first shiny I ever ran into was either a graveler or a golem, cant remember exactly, but it was in the rock tunnel. Didnt know what moveset it had, so I went with the normal procedure when catching - lower health, then catch. As soon as their health was low, it just self destructed. Young me hurt so bad, but its such a funny memory to look back on.
@Sean0fWar 3 ай бұрын
never gonna forget when I ran into Entei at that grass patch right before Goldenrod City with the security guard + day care. I was just starting the game and was so insanely confused lol
@calamitouscalliope 3 ай бұрын
I wish i could play this game for the first time again
@zeepher86 4 ай бұрын
Azalea town is a certified banger
@nunayobusiness7521 8 ай бұрын
national park is the perfect song to start with >:)
@n1colah 10 ай бұрын
Babe wake up Supprex dropped another banger playlist
@Kekistani_Insurgent 6 ай бұрын
Man, that game intro music is a _rollercoaster_ if you’re not thinking about the accompanying visuals
@Ivan-ht1kl 5 ай бұрын
Love the Spinda as one of the only 30 Spinda fans out there
@SaltheSalleyface 3 ай бұрын
00:01 還有一次是我跟員瑛在公園的小路旁散步、順便去路邊攤買烤肉串的時候遇到了LIZ,LIZ也是一見到我就跑過來跟我說悄悄話,LIZ的舉動跟皮皮的舉動有點初期相似,本想要扭頭就跑但被員瑛抓住了手臂,結果Liz是要跟我說金寶三因為辱罵我王八蛋跟垃圾被金媽媽掛在樹上吊打了好幾個小時,我跟員瑛聽了也是樂呵呵的笑了 03:43 我還記得我去洗翠澡堂洗澡的時候洗著洗著我突然看到HAERIN抬頭看著天花板,似乎是在想事情,我在一旁打幾個響指呼喚她但沒有任何反應,後來在吹頭髮的時候看到HANNI在畫冊上畫了一隻小狗才知道HAERIN想要養一隻小狗來陪伴自己,但MINJI因為怕狗的緣故死活不同意呀,然後我轉頭左搖右擺的狗尾巴就有個大膽的想法 06:12 我本來不想跟寶藍計較,但是寶藍竟然得寸進尺,變本加厲,但過程被攝影師花英用單眼相機給拍了下來,說要給和榮看看,和榮留言表示愚人節的習俗就是惡作劇,我正要打算刪掉留言的時候,星期三在湯姆熊海賊團群組上傳了一個水球貼圖給我,我看到水球貼圖後想到一個可以報復寶藍的好辦法,就是放幾個水球在寶藍平常睡覺的水族床上,然後就趁寶藍一屁股坐上水球的時候拿起去年恩靜送給我的相機躲在角落等著看笑話然後準備拍照 08:13 俗話說螳螂捕蟬黃雀在後,後來被站在身後的宇藍一拳領了盒飯,開玩笑的,我在光頭大叔和星期三的搶救之下活了過來,星期三跟我說道:(你這樣的報復方法是行不通的你忘了把宇藍綁起來了!)說完之後星期三二話不說從書包裡拿出繩子將宇藍五花大綁丟進地下室裡,然後再趁寶藍熟睡的時候朝著寶藍丟水球,讓寶藍知道什麼叫做因果報應 10:02 到了下午,我的手機突然響了,看到屏幕上的智妍心裡一顫,打開一看是昭妍傳了兒童節時被寶藍惡整的影片PO到群組裡面,智妍還傳貼圖說我的表情和慘叫聲超級好笑的,讓在旁邊偷聽的恩靜和孝敏忍不住捧腹大笑,後來孝敏傳了一個貓咪貼圖給我看,也讓我得到了應有的懲罰,而我因為在下大雨的時候忘記帶傘出門回到家時就淋成了落湯雞,還因為感冒躺在床上發了高燒,皮皮帶在家裡無微不至得照顧我 12:30 到了晚上,我睜眼看到星期三帶著完全狼人化的依妮跟之前還沒歸還的日記本來我的房間探望我,我看了有些感動 13:48 另外一次是我驚訝的看到芭樂高中在寒假結束的時候就開學了,很多人都精神不濟的來到學校,尤其是盼望放假的裘球,剛到教室就趴在桌子上抱怨起寒假這麼快就結束了,而且我們的寒假作業已經提前做好了卻要趕緊交到講台上,我也是對寒假的長度感到非常憤怒,說(以後明年的寒假可不可以多放幾天,讓我們有足夠的時間去完成作業跟家人一起出去玩)但可惜的是規定就是規定,這讓我氣得直冒煙了
@DumpyPvP 10 ай бұрын
SUPPREX thank you 😆 2 weeks since the last playlist I missed your playlists. Thank you for another masterclass
@The_D_ray 3 ай бұрын
Ayoooo Spinda! My boy!
@SaltheSalleyface 3 ай бұрын
14:47 我還記得我跟建冶在海之霸用餐的時候看到一隻貓和一隻狗在生吃海霸糊就感覺很是可疑,走過去一看竟然是Haerin跟Danielle,後來我從Hanni 得知說明天就是大胃王比賽了!所以就利用今天的用餐時間練習吃東西的速度,誰知道Haerin因為速度過快直接被海霸糊的其中一塊硬塊給噎到了!我本想用哈姆立克法營救卻被Danielle給搶先一步了! 16:04 還有一次是因為畢安卡答應星期三要去東京迪士尼樂園玩的緣故就一起搭飛機去東京迪士尼樂園玩了四~五天,我也很高興畢安卡終於跟星期三和好了,由於依妮沒人在自己身邊的緣故我就自告奮勇的和依妮一起吃午餐,在吃午餐的過程中依妮一直在咬自己的手爪,似乎是怕自己會突然變身然後對我實施暴力傷害,我就透過撫摸頭部的方式來穩定依妮的情緒,很快依妮的情緒就穩定下來了!也許依妮對撫摸是完全沒有抵抗力的 18:57 我還記得是在去年高中畢業旅行的時候舒華和員瑛因為被鼠來寶電影裡花栗鼠美眉搭著熱氣球幫企鵝寶寶找媽媽的片段感動到已經同時把我抱在懷裡哭了,我在中間安慰她們兩個不但被坐在後座的HAERIN逮個正著,還被HANNI用可以用水清洗的油性麥克筆在臉上胡亂塗鴉,我知道MINJI跟我說君子動口不動手這個道理,可是HAERIN跟HANNI動手在先,我根本就沒有還手嘛 21:05 還有一次是在依妮生日當天,依妮約我跟星期三一起東京迪士尼的灰姑娘城堡裡四處逛逛跟拍照,還順便拜訪小木偶皮諾丘裡的小貓咪費加洛 22:40 晚上依妮因為睡不著就拉著我的手去看花車遊行,我也是被迫服從,心想如果我讓依妮傷心難過了,護女心切的星期三一定不會放過我的,直到依妮呼喚我我才緩過神來 23:57 還有一次是皮皮因為腿受傷躺在床上命令我幫忙倒水的時候我一眼識破她的謊言跟她說(自己的水要自己倒,不要什麼事情都要我幫忙做)結果讓皮皮情緒大暴走,直到我爸爸再次出現並查看皮皮的腳後發現一點傷口都沒有,代表皮皮這麼做是在利用我,要我當她一輩子的奴隸,我爸爸知道自己被皮皮欺騙後頓時就氣壞了,衝著癱臥在床上的皮皮就是一頓拳打腳踢,把皮皮打到住院為止,我才肯在家庭暴力中得到了解脫和自由 25:49 還有一次就是我跟伊森熊本外婆家過夜的時候我看到夢犽坐在客廳的桌上弄著黏土,走過去才發現夢犽是在做小小兵的黏土玩具,而且重點是要當成禮物送給我,洗澡的時候我摸了摸小小兵玩具發現已經完全乾燥了就放在櫃子上,也就是讓小葵拿不到的地方藏起來 28:18 我不知道兩家湯姆熊的廣播音樂竟然都是寶可夢紅寶石和藍寶石的Route 101,是MINJI小時候最喜歡聽的寶可夢音樂,誰知道李建冶聽到這個音樂後也是怒氣沖沖的瞪著我,似乎是看我不順眼要衝過來打我一樣,讓我非常得害怕,還好許嘉文將李建冶給攔下來掩護我跟HAERIN逃到外面喘口氣,喘到一半MINJI跟HANNI走樓梯上來了,我去勸她們先不要進去因為李建冶正在生著悶氣,但HANNI走進去後衝過去給建冶一個擁抱後建冶的怒氣就全消了,我看到HANNI的舉動後也是驚呆了 29:31 還有一次是去年的兒童節,李建冶跟許嘉文約我跟ive一起去湯姆熊打電動的時候,在去男廁所假意去上廁所的李建冶和許嘉文在裡面守株待兔,我拿外婆在生日那天給我的零用錢去換代幣的時候我感覺背後涼涼的,我轉頭一看是Liz牽著員瑛和rei來找我了,我害怕得跑去男生廁所找那兩個臭男生求助,結果我連廁所門都還沒有碰到就被俞真跟李瑞給拖到了那三隻小貓咪的面前,似乎是要讓我確定這三隻小貓是我的組員,我也是生無可戀又無奈 31:04 我記得上週三跟皮皮一起去天母的SOGO百貨公司買衣服的時候皮皮突然拔下我的耳機要跟我說悄悄話,讓我因為這舉動感到害怕得邊連連後退邊大聲喊到(妳要幹什麼,不要過來喔)誰知道皮皮不但沒有把我的話聽進去,還動手打我的屁股,無奈一下只能認命了
@riader 5 ай бұрын
i love these games sm
@Trunks306 9 ай бұрын
thank you for making this
@Trellux42 10 ай бұрын
Been waiting for this one!
@Rukiman_no16 10 ай бұрын
Thank you Supprex. This playlists are the best, keep it up.
@kevinmahoney1995 6 ай бұрын
Gen 4 doesn't have the nostalgia for me that the Gen 1-3 games had. I was just a little too old when it came out... But oh my god, if the rearrangement of those Gen 2 tunes wasn't perfect, I don't know what is!
@kryvi9415 9 ай бұрын
very good video. i enjoy it while i do other things, but sometimes i only listen.
@Phoeniiks.E 2 ай бұрын
oh to be a kid again ...
@matthewculetu1532 7 ай бұрын
Replaying SS rn for the first time in a long time and I just turned the volume #OFF and turned this playlist #ON
@crazycoolkids00 6 ай бұрын
Great playlist. But…Spinda?
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