Cognitive Distortions #7: EMOTIONAL REASONING - What to do When Your Emotions Lie | Dr. Rami Nader

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Dr. Rami Nader

Dr. Rami Nader

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Emotional reasoning is a cognitive distortion that emphasizes that when you experience an emotion, the presence of an emotion is evidence that the reason for the emotion is real or valid. In other words, in emotional reasoning, a person uses the presence or intensity of their emotions as evidence that their emotions are real. The problem with this is that emotions are based on interpretations of events and not the events themselves and, if the interpretations are wrong, the emotion will not match the situation. This can lead to problematic emotions like jealousy, where a person uses the presence of the jealousy itself as evidence to suggest that their partner must be cheating. Emotional reasoning is also very common in anxiety and depression.
To manage emotional reasoning, the first step is to recognize when you are engaging in emotional reasoning and then to remind yourself that emotions lie. It’s important to then look for evidence that both supports and does not support the emotion, so that you can have a more balanced view of the situation. In doing so, you can reduce the impact that emotional reasoning can have on negative emotional states.
You can find my video on cognitive therapy here: • REWIRE Your BRAIN with...
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@angelahall4332 2 жыл бұрын
Dr. Nader, I have been doing this all my life. As a woman, you are encouraged to "trust your gut". Not necessarily good! Thank you for your clear, intelligent videos that delve into the problem and provide a solution.
@DrRamiNader 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Angela, glad you found it helpful. Exactly, following your gut can often get people into trouble with anxiety and depression.
@TheXeeman Жыл бұрын
@@DrRamiNader I'm just wondering, how do you know when and when not to listen to your emotions? Fear for example is a very useful emotion. Fear helps us navigate the world consciously and subconsciously, and it can detect harm in more ways than we would have realised. So when do we know when and when not to listen to our emotions?
@DrRamiNader Жыл бұрын
I'd say that if a person tends to gravitate towards anxiety and fear, then that's probably a good indication to not follow their gut in that situation.
@timcook4552 Жыл бұрын
This is the thing. When I have fears, the fears feel so real and then since i am a believer of manifestation, I get so scared they might manifest and then I spiral into anxiety and depression.
@Orangebitingthing Ай бұрын
Just because you feel it doesn’t mean that its real✅ Thanks for the reminder.❤
@mariavalente6304 Жыл бұрын
This really help me. I suffer from anxiety and sometimes I am just anxious for whatever reason, doesn't mean anything, doesn't mean i am actually in danger.
@DrRamiNader Жыл бұрын
Hi Maria - glad you found the video helpful.
@andysimpson9903 2 жыл бұрын
I'm 44 year old and suffered for the last 30 years I was 14yo when it started because of childhood trauma ( the worst kind of trauma imaginable) my life is truly awfull , apparently my doctor said I suffer from health anxiety, panic disorder, emotionally unstable personality disorders, depression, panic attacks, agoraphobia, insomnia, constantly worrying about me health , I have no interest of doing anything, I don't laugh at what most people find funny, I'm always tearful, always tried with no energy what so ever , as soon as I stand up I feel dizzy , heart racing shaking, chest pain, shortness of breath and high BP but doctor said I do not have hypotension, I'm always fearing the next panic attacks, I have had bloods done and ECG and even went to see a neurologist, all came back normal results, I just can't seen to shake off the feeling of doom and dread , the only way I can explain how I feel is " imagine going in to a bar and you see your friends at the back of the bar at the far end of the room , you see them laughing and fooling around enjoying themselves, and there is a smoke machine filling the bar with smoke , but the smoke is black and I can't see nothing sound me apart from a falling feeling , deeper in to the black hole filled with smoke , in the distance and hear the happiness from my friends but I can't find then or join them , I'm getting dragged deeper in the hole with the vision of unknown hands dragging me down and deeper and deeper in to the black smoke filled hole , I'm screaming for help but my voice is muted and I'm trying to pull myself out of the hole but it's like I'm trying to get out of black thick oil that's filled the hole along with the black smoke , I want to laugh with my friends but my thoughts and racing heart and my constant battle with the black hole depression is making me that exhausted and tired I just don't have the energy, this is the only way I can explain how I am feeling , when I do want to do something my anxiety thought pop into my head ( I call him sooty) sooty says " your not going anywhere, your not going to enjoy it , I will make sure of it " then I will have an image in my head ( not literally an image ) but like I can see the scenario in my head ( for example) going in the the store and while in in the store I can see myself ( in my head not literally) in the store floor with paramedics surrounding my working on me with machines and wires everywhere trying to resuscitate me after a heart attack or a stroke, while my partner is looking over my crying and surrounded by on lookers , them my heart raced feel dizzy sweating , feel sick vision blurry , stuttering and can't get my words out , headaches churning tummy , and the fear of a panic attack while feeling like my whole body is literally shutting down, so I just sit and cry while curled up in a ball day in day out and constantly sleeping not because I'm sleepy but because when I'm not awake I don't feel the suffering, I am so alone and just see the four walls in my living room 24/7 , even just walking to the kitchen to make a coffee is a living hell as soon as I stand I feel dizzy start sweating BP goes up to around 187/107 and pulse 136 on average ( my doctor said it's just temp spikes because if anxiety and the fear of doing stuff the making my BP spike) when I'm sitting my BP is around 117/72 and resting heart 68 to 79 . I don't drink and stopped smoking and I have been in Zoloft/ sertealine but it gave my diarrhoea between 8 to 12 times a day constantly for 10 weeks so the doctor took me off them , they didn't change a thing and did not improve my mental health infact I fell worse , my doctor now wants me to try another SSRI called fluoxatine/ Prozac but I'm not going to take it as it's another SSRI so I can see the diarrhoea starting all over again , I'm currently on week 2 of CBT THERAPY with a therapist, and I really don't know what else to do, my friends say my appearance has changed and I look tired and warn out ,I have even started to get like a dermatitis like patches on my face and head , apparently due to high stress, I have seen a neurologist too because when I partly smile my face goes into spasm like a tremor almost like a hemifacial tremor, mainly my right side of my face near my jaw feel like it's dropped and lips and mouth feels droopy ,along with a stuck feeling in my throat, I literally feel like my body is dying , I have days where I even struggle to move my body arms legs and even turn my head I'm that warn down I'm 44 and feel like I'm 102yo old man , this really is a living hell , I can honestly say in my life I have never experienced happiness or the happiness feeling I truly do not know what that feels like I cannot remember the last time a laughed or smiled, I look out my window in the morning at people getting in there cars for work and smiling at there loved one while they head off to work or go for trips and days out with there loved ones will tears and running down my face crying because I'm so envious and jealous that I can do that or would love to do that ,I feel so lost in the smoke and can't find my way out. Someone please listen and help me I don't want to be or feel alone any more. When my attacker went to prison it said in the papers " perpetrator gets 18months , victim does life " how true this is .I can't work , I'm on disability, I financially struggle to make ends meet and don't trust anyone, it's a living hell, all I want is to experience some form of life as I don't know how to or know what that's like .please help me I feel so alone and lost.
@melvinbirdman7438 2 жыл бұрын
@bill7853 2 жыл бұрын
@Andy Simpson .. So sorry to hear you feel this way . Life must feel totally exhausting and distressing. I know the feeling myself although I do have good days. I don't know whether what I say will help seems you have many multiple issues that are hurting . No doubt you are depressed (and it's not surprising) but perhaps the insight that if you can somehow target that (with as much available help you can get ) any improvement will likely lessen the other troubles . I know from experience with generalized anxiety disorder and chronic depression that everything becomes distorted both mentally and physically . Negative thoughts spiral incessantly which affect the body through release of stress hormones and muscle tension etc .Insomnia just adds to the distress . On top of that the depressed brain often becomes more sensitive to pain and general sensations that would normally be ignored . So there you have it . If you can somehow lift your mood I feel confident there will be improvement in the physical issues . Anxiety also wreaks havoc on the body and mind and produces numerous unpleasant and often strange symptoms . When all this is added up you end up feeling trapped in a world of unpleasant feelings/ sensations and thinking patterns but you can break out . It will take tiny steps and perseverance but it is possible to recover with help and effort. Get help ,practice relaxation techniques when you are overwhelmed ( and when you are not ) and go slow . It may take a long time to recover but every day you will be one step closer I hope . With love from the UK and a big hug . Bill .
@andysimpson9903 2 жыл бұрын
@@bill7853 thank you for your messages I truly appreciate you support and kind words. This has got me feeling positive and given me hope. Love from the UK 🇬🇧 too. Happy jubilee celebrations and have a great bank holiday. Hugs 🤗.
@BorealisNight 2 жыл бұрын
Andy, ditto! And my heart goes out to you. I feel your pain because I know EXACTLY what you’re going through.. May I suggest the following? (Since, these following steps have been helping me): 1. Accept that you are going to die one day and make peace with it. Write a letter to yourself about this acceptance and read it every morning after waking and at night before bed. Meditate on this with relaxed breathing. 2. Start lifting weights hard. 60 min a day. Or At least , run fast (intervals), and do push-ups / calisthenics. Your heart rate will skyrocket, you will feel dizzy and like dying. Push through it. You’ve already accepted your death. Work out extremely hard, everyday for the rest of your life. (6 times a week, for 60 min a session). 3. Eat 2-3 meals a day and only meat, eggs and vegetables. Cut out all sugar. Drink tea or coffee black. Drink lots of water with a bit of salt throughout the day. For a few weeks, you’ll feel weak, dizzy, terrified and depressed. You’ll think you are not getting enough calories. But then remember how meds are worse for you. When its unbearable , go for another 1 hour run until your lungs and muscles burn. 4. Sleep for at least 9 hours. And when you can’t sleep and you are sitting with extreme tiredness, dread, dizziness and heart racing (I know …) sit in the dark on your bed and count your breaths. Meditate again. If you sometimes can’t because the anxiety becomes unbearable, cry. Let it out. And then start doing push-ups until your body is in pain then hot Shower, and read a book. Point is, stay in your bed with the lights off for at least 9 hours. You may not be able to sleep but don’t watch tv or go on a screen. Just sit quietly and listen to your heart race and just sit there and feel the tightness in your body. Meditate. Schedule your day around your rest. (You’ll probably be insomniac for a few days) …5. Write in your journal everyday your thoughts about anything and everything. Furthermore, Take a college course or something. Point is, Develop yourself mentally along side your day job. 6. Cut out the usage of smartphones, social media, basically only use the internet for essentials, for 15-20 min a day. When you’re bored, anxious, restless, breathless, chest is tight, feeling like you’re going to collapse… smile and go for a run. Find other men, train with them. Eat meat together. Do not listen to the news. Listen to your inner masculinity. Meditate upon this and with step 1, set your spirit free. Whenever in doubt, go back to step 1 and stay on these 4-5 principles. With these steps, you will end your anxiety within 2-3 weeks and you will discover courage, freedom and joy. Don’t stray from these steps. Remember , Nothing will save you except yourself. Not drugs, not love, not any therapist, not any motivational video. Just acceptance of complete suffering and pain and living through it with the steps outlined above. Try it for 2 weeks. You got nothing left to lose. Meditate on point 1 always. All the best.
@meropale Жыл бұрын
I suffer from all of the cognitive distortions to one extent or another but this one is likely the most insidious since I tend to work intuitively and can usually rely on my intuition to do quite well for myself. However, when I use that same intuition to gauge aspects of myself the intuition tends to be faulty. It's disconcerting to think that your feelings are lying to you when you have to rely on them for survival. In my case though I've managed to survive fortunately but have suffered by living a very limited and constrained life due to my anxiety and depression.
@neginpedersen1506 2 жыл бұрын
Appreciate the time and effort!
@DrRamiNader 2 жыл бұрын
You're welcome. Thank you for your support Negin.
@Metaphyical0samak Жыл бұрын
I'm Grateful for this
@DrRamiNader Жыл бұрын
You're very welcome!
@aliabourida1303 5 ай бұрын
Thank you for the video
@DrRamiNader 5 ай бұрын
You're very welcome.
@Gigi-dg9mu Жыл бұрын
Thank you ! This makes sense 😢
@DrRamiNader Жыл бұрын
Glad you found it helpful!
@deigamohamed707 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you. I've learned alot 💚
@DrRamiNader 2 жыл бұрын
You're very welcome. Glad it was helpful!
@kamilakwiatkowska9821 2 жыл бұрын
Another interesting video. I look forward to the next one :)
@DrRamiNader 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your kind and encouraging words.
@tman5634 2 жыл бұрын
I suffered very disturbing & continual 'brain chatter' to the extent I just couldn't switch it off. It was sheer hell & no one medically at the time recognised it. I felt the only way to stop it, was to end my life. Fortunately I didn't & instead I searched for help & after many months more, eventually got better with the help of medication & time without any stresses. I never knew their was a term for it & it was very difficult to outline the issue to professionals. All I was told, was the term 'ruminating' But many years afterwards the research I did, showed me that they were wrong & it was 'brain chatter' & to the awful degree were it was extremely debilitating & very scary. I'd like to know your thoughts on this symptom of Depression. Though it was more a break down/depression I had at the time after many months of being allowed to think I was dying with Cancer. Thank you
@DrRamiNader 2 жыл бұрын
What you're describing sounds more like obsessive thoughts rather than depressive rumination.
@obolochka1537 2 жыл бұрын
Maybe it's useful for others read the book "Feeling Good The New Mood Therapy" by David D. Burns. In this book Burns describes cognitive distortions
@DrRamiNader 2 жыл бұрын
That's a classic book on CBT for depression.
@monasmasterpiecebodysculpt576 2 жыл бұрын
Please do more videos about this I just lost a relationship of 5 years due to this behavior on my part 🙏 💔
@DrRamiNader 2 жыл бұрын
It's such a powerful cognitive fallacy. I wish you the best and am sorry for the loss of your relationship.
@falconwings1037 Жыл бұрын
but isn't this in a built in survival mechanism. we haven't evolved much from our hunter ancestor days. some people have more active amygdalas and are emotional as people . maybe even intuitive empaths. isn't the fear and depression, anger etc generated to protect us or spur us to action. or prepare us for the worst. I'm just playing devils advocate Great video snd video snd audio quality. thanks
@DrRamiNader Жыл бұрын
You're correct that some people are just more highly tuned emotionally. However, just because I might feel an emotion strongly, that's not evidence that my emotion is realistic based on what's actually happening. Hope that makes sense and glad you liked the video!
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