Just How Fallen Is Creation? | Thinking Through Salvation | Episode 6

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N.T. Wright Online

N.T. Wright Online

8 ай бұрын

As we think about the larger implications of salvation, one of the most important questions we can ask is about the nature of creation. We are accustomed to the idea that creation is hopelessly fallen, leading to desires to escape this world, or even materiality. But the Bible showcases a story of salvation for physical creation, not from it. How should we think about bodily existence as a part of salvation?
Playlist: bit.ly/3Lkqz0j
Thinking Through Salvation is a 9-episode series from Admirato and N.T. Wright Online exploring what the Bible really means when it talks about salvation and how we can incorporate that understanding into our everyday lives.
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@bettyh7586 8 ай бұрын
I love Jesus. My salvation allows me to go to Heaven. But Jesus with me TODAY and everyday blesses me more than just leaving the travail, and getting a new body. Oh how I need Jesus in the here and now
@michaelkistner6286 8 ай бұрын
You present a compelling vision. Unfortunately my western hyper individualism requires the whole story to be about me.
@kymdickman8910 8 ай бұрын
Well, it isn’t in its entirety.
@ob2249 Ай бұрын
n0 its ab0ut n0t ab0ut y0u its ab0ut nt wright and his 0bsessive c0mpuIsive dis0rder as g0dspIainer in chief
@jwillisbarrie 8 ай бұрын
Thanks for adding actual captions for the Deaf
@rallegra 8 ай бұрын
God in Christ stepped into the breach to rescue us. It seems unfathomable. Holy Spirit, help me to understand that even just a bit.
@ob2249 Ай бұрын
ridicuI0us is the w0rd y0u were I00king f0r, 0r inc0herent maybe we 0nIy needed rescuing because he created us sick and 0rdered us t0 be weII 0n pain 0f eternaI t0rture Iike any I0ving father w0uId d0 I`m sure any 0ne 0f us w0uId gIadIy murder 0ur s0ns t0 f0rgive 0ur daughter in that time h0n0red christian traditi0n chiId sacrifice
@salv1able 4 ай бұрын
All Creation will be set free!! Let's hope its soon..
@tobyroy336 8 ай бұрын
Wonderful as always Reverend. It would be fantastic if you could show how this salvific process reflects the amillenialism theological point of view with respect to eschatology, as I feel this would really awaken our mindsets in these turbulent times. Thank you and may God bless you and may God keep you. Amen ✝
@cuebj 8 ай бұрын
He certainly would not want to be addressed as 'Father'. As low church Anglican, Bucer Reformed tradition, he would be polite, then correct you to show that we should "Call nobody 'Father'"
@tobyroy336 8 ай бұрын
yep, fair point, thank you. No offence was intended @@cuebj
@charlesprabakar 8 ай бұрын
Good to hear Prof NT Wright’s POV of how both creation and creatures(humanity) ought to be rescued from their fallen nature, in perfect alignment with Paul‘s point in Romans 8:17-25 Similarly yet another thing I liked the most was how Prof NT Wright has connected the dots to new creation, all the way from Genesis to Revelation! Speaking of which , with this topic being a focus of our apologetics ministry, how about I provide one such end-to-end "Eden to Eternity POV," as scripture is clear that what started in Eden will come to an end in Eden, as John’s revelation ends in Rev 21-22, as if the creation story comes back in full circle! In other words, once the curse imposed during the fall in Genesis 3:17, gets removed, humanity will once again be able to walk and talk with God, similar to how Adam/Eve walked/talked with God! So, it is important that we connect the doctrinal dots( especially salvation and kingdom doctrines) all the way from Eden to Eternity using the so called “end-to-end closing the loop 3 part structure” as follows Part 1. Edenic covenant phase Part 2. Adamic to current covenant phases Part 3. Eternity including millennium kingdom triggering Revelation phase Let us dive deeper 🙏 Part 1 Edenic covenant phase To better understand my POV in this part, we need to really understand what it means to live in Eden both spiritually and scientifically? First when it comes to the spiritual dimension, Adam/Eve were in direct contact with God! This raises the question of its mechanics from the standpoint of modern science and its mechanics? Given the fact it happens to be one of our apologetics ministry’s missions - how about I provide a POV type explanation without violating any of the reformed interpretations? First, with God being a spirit, the only way God could have been in direct communication with Adam-Eve, must have been using what science calls an uni-partite entanglement with Christ (Trinity) without the entanglement power of Satan - and that must have been the reason, they were able to talk and walk with God! Another possible interpretation is that this garden of Eden state perhaps was in another universe (or what we call as dark matter and energy today which we have metaphorically equated to Angels and devils - see links below). This perhaps is why, God had to put an Angel to guard the gates of Eden ( Gen 3:24) to guard it from deprivation of what Paul is talking about in Romans 8:17-25 (Note : Another possible scientific interpretation is that Adam/Eve could have gotten expelled from another universe (with uni-partite entanglement capability) to our universe (with multi-partite entanglement controlled by Satan). This is just an explanation as part of our ministry’s mission of explaining everything scientifically. However it is not a doctrinal statement at all) Either way, when we go with this logic, then salvation (including millennium kingdom and eternality) are all about God restoring us to back to Eden state (with no depravity or original sin) where we all will be back in uni-part entanglement with Christ only -- this brings us to the next part -- below
@charlesprabakar 8 ай бұрын
Part 2. Adamic covenant to current new covenant phase Similarly, one of the ways I have understood this phase is that Adam/Eve, after the fall, must have got entangled using the multi-partite engagement phenomenon of depravity ( Romans 8:17-25), as QE is the only natural phenomenon capable of corrupting the consciousness of both creation and humanity by toggling/entangling it ( Romans 7:19-25) This multi-part QE entanglement corrupting the DNA structure of Adam ( Romans 5:1-21) and then being passed on to us In other words, it makes lot more sense when we position “uni-part QE based salvation” as the solution for the corrupted/deprived state and original sin/evil, as Paul clearly says in Romans 8:17-25 that both creation and humans have been deprived and yearn for salvation Simply put, this logically closes the whole loop Salvation( including kingdom and eternity) is all about restoring the uni-part entangled state of Garden of Eden only Simply put Satan uses the following causal chain to "muti-part quantum entanglement" to cause evil -----> Satan using Multi-part entanglement of Quantum entanglement(QE) to cause futility of creation -> human depravity -> Original Sin -> free will -> Sin -> Evil -> Sufferings Similarly, God uses the same quantum entanglement phenomenon as a means to solve it as follows ------>Satan using multi-part entanglement of QE to cause futility of creation -> human depravity -> Original Sin -> free will -> Sin -> Evil -> Sufferings -> Solved by God using Uni-part entanglement or QE-3F sharpened salvation as explained in this link (including sub links to understand the mechanics in detail (lnkd.in/g8uqhz-U ) And one of the better ways to understand this 3 part solution is using a reality accurate scientific sovereignty model, by modeling the three key stakeholders of reality, in a scriptural/scientific neutral language 1. Individual consciousness reality 2. Collective consciousness reality 3. Natural energy resources reality Interestingly enough, both Jesus and Paul have prescribed 3 different balancing mechanisms for all 3 stakeholders- however in my humble view church has not connected the dots correctly For example, first if I may start from the mechanism of this model using the "fine structure constant(FSC)" using the the following model in a pseudo lagrangian format, Reality = f(α) { 1. Individual human energy (IHE) consciousness model -> spirit(M) + soul (B) + G = body action (A) -> e^2=α (2ε0hc) 2. Collective human energy (CHE)Consciousness energy model > spirit(M) + soul (B) + G = body action (A) -> # of CHE x e^2=α (2ε0hc) 3. Natural energy (NE) consciousness model -> NE x e^2=α (2ε0hc) } This model, in its default mode, is not well balanced/optimized due to the multi-part quantum entanglement phenomenon of human depravity of both creation and creature ( humanity) according to Paul in Romans 8:17-25 - which brings us to our three part solution 1. The solution to balance or optimize lever #1 of individual consciousness “Individual Salvation” based Kingdom of God 2. The solution to balance or optimize lever #2 of collective consciousness “Integrated Church focused salvation” driven Kingdom of heaven as taught by Jesus 3. The solution to balance or optimize lever #3 of Natural energy resources consciousness “Creation focused salvation” driven kingdom of heaven, as creation is also longing for salvation, according to Paul Now that we have established our baseline, While the church has done a good job in emphasizing the salvation solution of lever #1, the church has not given enough emphasis for optimizing lever #2 and #3. The implication is that it is not optimized end to end - this brings up the next question of why the Church is not giving enough emphasis to the second and third solution? Well, early church fathers like Augustine et al did the right thing in beginning- however over a period of time, the system started corrupting the system with a so-called “church-state corruption problem”, especially during the medieval times! This is what gave birth to the 16th century reformation by Luther/Calvin et al (including the counter catholic reformation by Loyola) in the first place! However, while Luther/Calvin et al solved the first part (aka individual salvation part of the solution), however they failed to solve the second and third part, in my humble opinion In other words, the reformed church took them to the other extreme of separating church and state as two independent tracks, by totally forgetting the second and third part of the solution! This brings up our deeply reflected POV!
@charlesprabakar 8 ай бұрын
While the reformed church (especially Luther) resolved individual salvation (by solving the doctrinal flaws of the Catholic Church), I wish Luther also had gone a step further - and solved the other doctrinal flaws as well! However we must give credit to Luther, as he was spot on with his prophetic reformation formula ("Simul justus et peccator Iustitia aliena") I wish he had acted on his formula in both truth and spirit What do I mean by that? His formula was so prophetic and scientific that it would have definitely connected the dots between both individual salvation solutions and kingdom solutions! Then Why did he miss it, especially when the Holy Spirit had revealed the formula correctly to him? Well, the only answer I can think of is the fact that science( especially quantum mechanics) had not advanced to this extent in the 16th century, although his prophetic formula is so accurate scientifically! This is where I am convinced that God must have concealed the mystery/mechanics of Luther formula until now - for such a time like this - for us all to champion it and get the unfinished job done! In other words, The mystery factor (or Quantum mechanical factor) behind both spiritual salvation and kingdom solution is one and the same factor only. Scripture calls it as sovereignty/salvation/election factor/kingdom of God factor/kingdom of heaven factor in collective mode And science calls as fine structure constant( FSC) or God’s number Simply put FSC = Salvation factor = Kingdom factor = Attention factor = Productivity factor = Rich factor = Nash equilibrium = Min-Max equilibrium as i had explained in my recent posts Those of us with tech/business backgrounds, familiar with Nash equilibrium and min-max algorithms can relate to this little more better What does this mean? Once we all come to this awareness, then everyone will start fulfilling their vocational purpose(second calling of Romans 8:28) in a complementary manner This is where it is important that we all need to understand the mechanics of salvation correctly! Simply put Salvation is a quantum regeneration process or simply a quantum surgery balancing/bringing our consciousness to an FSC equilibrium state! For example, think about Luther’s reformation formula ("Simul justus et peccator Iustitia aliena" ) - meaning - we are simultaneously righteous and sinners, as this righteousness is an aliena righteousness). Let me start from the second part “lustia aliena” meaning extra terrestrial This is where it dawned on me this righteousness from Christ is dynamic, real time, on demand, instant righteousness as Christ's perfect righteousness is gets shared/imputed/infused/entangled/multiplexed on us, In other words, this idea of being entangled with Christ is scientifically possible, especially when we put the attention of our souls faith On Christ (who is seated at the right hand of Father in heaven) - and one of the fundamental condition for this to happen is that our consciousness wavelength/frequency must be aligned with FSC factor. Yet another prerequisite is the WORD ought to incarnate as flesh, so that our flesh elementary particles can get entangled with Christ who ascended to heaven in flesh ( a key insight of why word had to come in flesh for this entanglement to be possible scientifically ) Rightfully so, Luther prophetically said in the latter part of his formula that this righteousness is "Iustitia aliens" (meaning this righteousness is extraterrestrial or quantum in nature?) Wow what a prophet he is! Similarly, when we unpack the first part of his formula literally, we get a feeling that we are both sinners and righteous simultaneously -- how can it be? Well, according to RC Sproul in another clip, what Luther meant in spirit was that on one perspective we are righteous and on another perspective we are sinners!What does that mean? As much as we don’t want to split hairs here by wordsmithing it, the only way to explain it clearly is by using our "quantum metaphorical map of our sovereignty model " only. In other words, what Luther meant in essence was that in one perspective, when we put the attention of our soul’s faith on Christ, at that moment, His perfect righteousness gets superimposed on ours using the imputation/infusion process. Similarly on another perspective, when we take that attention of our soul’s faith away from Christ, at that moment, we are sinners! This is possible only when this is a quantum regeneration process where Christt's perfect righteousness must be getting shared/imputed/infused/entangled by toggling back and forth(i.e. similar to other quantum phenomena) moment by moment! Yet another way to understand it is using Schrödinger's thought experiment that illustrates the paradox of quantum righteous superposition, where a hypothetical cat is considered simultaneously both alive and dead from the perspective of our soul’s subatomic event of attention, as I had explained the whole process scientifically using our Sovereignty/Salvation model, in this post in detail (lnkd.in/g8uqhz-U ) As I say this one might counter Granted Luther’s formula Is prophetic -however, is there a scriptural affirmation for your Quantum regeneration thesis? Well I have three scriptural references based POV
@charlesprabakar 8 ай бұрын
-,How Paul’s arguments in Romans 8:17-25 (both creation and humanity got depraved) connect/solve all the dots of step 1 spiritual salvation using FSC? - How the “Gematria/ isopsephia” based hermeneutics aligns FSC value ( 137) with Gen 1:1 and John 1:1 where WORD and God has been literally equated to both light and Truth? - How the “Gematria/ isopsephia” based hermeneutics aligns FSC value ( 137) 2 Cor 9:15 where Paul ties this as a gift to the dots to step 2 kingdom solution using FSC? ( Note : Gematria is a hermeneutics by the substitution of numbers for letters of the Hebrew and Greek alphabet, a favourite method of exegesis used to derive mystical insights into sacred writings ) First, Paul’s POV from Romans 8:17-25 can be synthesized as this foundational dilemma - --- The dilemma between “deprived reality” and the three part solution of salvation, productive kingdom and productive creation based salvation solution " What do we mean by deprived reality? When we carefully read Romans 8:17-25, Paul clearly says creation got deprived naturally first - before depriving/corrupting humanity. The only natural phenomenon with a capability to do so is quantum entanglement only This is where we have leveraged Paul’s arguments in Romans 8:17-25 and theorized that multi-part Quantum entanglement is the root cause of depravity by advancing Dr Jeremy Griffith’s genetics explanation, as explained in this post - m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=6218713051507526&id=100001066782860&mibextid=qC1gEa) In other words, the invisible hand of God has solved this dilemma at eternity past, per His sovereignty, as modeled by our apologetics ministry, using the fine structure constant (α = e^2/2ε0hc or 1/137) based sovereignty/salvation/surrender solution where e is the elementary charge(1.602176634×10−19 C)h is the Planck constant(6.62607015×10−34 J⋅Hz−1)c is the speed of light(299792458 m⋅s−1ε0 is the depravity/permittivity constant(8.8541878128(13)×10−12 F⋅m−1 This is where we have hypothesized that this α is the one that holds the key to mechanics behind sovereignty of God For example,metaphorically speaking,α is the one that decides the probability of the saved/productive moments of humanity (including the election doctrine), by regulating the probability of God’s WORD (in the form of His light or Truth energy particles of reality using the value of hc, to reach humanity (aka matter with the unit value of e^2), by overcoming the quantum entanglement caused depravity/permittivity constant value (2ε0) of Satan - thus solving this dilemma between “deprived reality” and "saved/productive attention"! This is where our research suggests that there exist a scientific correlation between the full sequence star formation process and birth of an elect in mother’s womb ( Jeremiah 1:5), as per the probability of fine structure constant, in alignment with the verses that “I knitted your inward parts in your mother’s womb(Psalms 139:13)! This brings us to the two callings of Paul ( purpose and election of salvation) Granted we can debate whether it is a conditional election or an unconditional election ( which I am OK with it), however, we can not deny it, as we all know scripture is crystal clear that He chose us in eternity past- which in my humble view can be explained only by the so called “2/3 rule of FSC & its flip-sided 1/3 rule of golden ratio of embryo! In other words, it is during this precise sub moment of conception, the unique Higgs fields of both sperm and egg must be colliding to create the so called integrated Higgs field of the zygote with a zinc spark - which then start serving as the “dipole nanoantenna”, with a predetermined wavelength/frequency/angular momentum , as per the probability of the 2/3 rule of FSC & its flip-sided 1/3 rule of golden ratio, similar to BBN/stellar synthesiis of Abrahamic covenant as explained in my earlier post and this research paper (www.courtneyhuntmd.com/post/the-quantum-mechanics-of-fertilization-your-spark-is-light) I know It is a loaded statement. Please read it couple of times to grasp it Rightfully so, not all stars end up becoming full sequence stars like the Sun( metaphorically equivalent to humans or to be precise elect) in alignment with Abrahamic stars covenant (Gen 15:5) This brings us to the “Gematria/ isopsephia” based hermeneutics, as it aligns FSC value ( 137) with Gen 1:1 and John 1:1, where WORD and God has been literally equated to both light and Truth? As alluded earlier, when it comes to the separation of light from matter (or darkness) - better yet, the formula of how light interacts with matter is governed by α - and its value, interestingly can be obtained from the two key creation verses in the Bible by calculating the the gematria values of Genesis 1:1 (2701) and John 1:1 (3627) -: 27013627² = .007 or 70% when percentagized actual value α = .007 or 70% when percentagized For example In the beginning was Word - and that word was God and God is light! In other words, this idea of light filling void or matter or darkness, as per the FSC is called salvation! Similarly, the fourth verse also has profound implications as well. The Word 37 in the Bible starts with letter 137. This occurs in the exact verse which describes the function of the fine structure constant, which has a gematria value of 1776. 37 x 48 = 1776α x 48 = 6577 So the implication is that gematria behind these verses clearly proves that FSC holds the key to everything (m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=6775354749176684&id=100001066782860&mibextid=qC1gEa) plus (m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=6746552265390266&id=100001066782860&mibextid=qC1gEa) +++++ This brings up the following question
@charlesprabakar 8 ай бұрын
How do we do so when it comes to balancing lever #2 and #3, so that we can bring His kingdom on earth, by optimizing all three levers so that we can multiply productivity of the planet with a quantum leap that much faster/better? This is where our mission comes in with the “Worship is work and work is worship” formula, proposed by yours truly for a 21st century reformation to connect the dots of salvation/election/calling doctrine correctly to kingdom doctrine ( #1 doctrine of Jesus) and sovereignty including covenants and dispensations Another way to state this question is using the following dilemma "Kingdom is here and not yet" Speaking of which, If one’s position is that the kingdom is already here (from Jesus' first coming) , it then boils down to answering the following question -- Has the church done the things it is supposed to do, to bring His kingdom on earth as emphasized by Jesus? On the other hand, if one’s position is that kingdom is not here yet, it then boils down to answering following question - Whether the future kingdom (during His second coming) will be spiritual or physical, as theologians are still divided on the kingdom doctrine (which by the way is one of the key disagreements between covenantalism and dispensationalism as well - more specifically, will the Old covenant promises be fulfilled in a literal, national, physical Israel (the dispensational position) or will they be fulfilled in a “spiritual Israel, where the church and Israel are integrated (the covenantal position)? Either way, Kingdom is the #1 message preached by Jesus - however the missing link here in my humble opinion is that theologians have not connected its dots correctly to the other important doctrines of salvation and sovereignty (including covenants and dispensations) of God! In other words, theologians in my humble opinion have not connected the causality dots correctly between the kingdom doctrine (#1 doctrine emphasized by Jesus) to the salvation doctrine (#1 doctrine emphasized by Paul) - and then to the covenants and dispensations themes within the overarching sovereignty of God doctrine - which brings me to my view - Salvation is the means whereas Kingdom is an end! This is where, I have framed these means in the form of five steps , with each means being the stepping of stone of the latter means, as follows 1. Kingdom of God in our hearts and minds = Salvation 2. Kingdom of heaven( spiritual) = community of saved people living within a country with a democracy model by integrating all disciplines under it ( theology, politics, economics etc) 3. Kingdom of heaven(spiritual and physical integrated on a case by case basis) = community of saved people living in a country with a kingdom of heaven constitution model by integrating all disciplines under it ( theology, politics, economics etc) 4. Kingdom of heaven (millennium kingdom) = community of saved people living on earth under the kingship of Jesus, with an advanced kingdom of heaven constitution model by integrating all disciplines under it ( theology, politics, economics etc) 5. Kingdom of heaven (in eternity) = community of saved people living in heaven under the kingship of Jesus, with an advanced+ kingdom of heaven constitution model by integrating all disciplines under it ( theology, politics, economics etc) As we tried to develop this 5 step approach, it dawned on us all these steps are part of His sovereignty -- and so, to execute these 5 steps, we need a new sovereignty themed umbrella theological framework (without violating any of the covenant or dispensational thinking) so that we can understand these steps with a following motto - Covenants are causes of Sovereignty whereas dispensations are their effects! Without going into all the details and to make the long story short, we decided to focus on the first three steps and leave the remaining 2 steps for Jesus to execute during His second coming. So, the idea here is following - Execute first 3 kingdom steps first, in such a way that it can become a stepping stone for the future “physical/spiritual integrated millennium kingdom on earth ( step 4) and eternity(step 5) And one of the pragmatic means towards our “integrated reformation pitch”,to accomplish the first 3 steps is that we need a bridging framework to facilitate conversation among marketplace (and friends from other worldviews including agnostics/atheists as well) including governmental audiences, correct? This is where our umbrella type integrated sovereignism approach fits the bill perfectly, as we have integrated all secular and political disciplines under this theological umbrella to implement spiritual kingdom first with the following big idea -- The answer to all problems of humanity (both spiritual, business and physical ) is simply this sovereignty blueprint of God only (as affirmed by both Scripture and Science as well) -- and so, if at all one thing humanity must master, it is this idea of sovereignty/destiny blueprint only - which brings me to my thesis question - Why do we need another integrated reformation by re-explaining/advancing Luther’s reformation formula (Simul Justus et Peccator), using our ministry’s one such “worship is work” kingdom mission based formula? The big idea here is to take the earlier reformation from the 16th century to the next level in an integrated manner across all worldviews and disciplines, using this bridge doctrine called sovereignty, using its newUI theological framework called sovereignism along the gradient (or momentum) of sovereignty as explained in this link summary (lnkd.in/g8uqhz-U) its sub links within it). Once this type of spiritual kingdom is implemented in all walks of our lives, then we can leave it to Jesus to implement the physical kingdom (if that indeed is His sovereign will)! However, for this kingdom to function productively in the interim, we still need this type of umbrella framework to not only to help us to identify the elect among the population but also help them to discover their complementary callings. as per Pauline-Abrahamic stars prescription! There born was our integrated sovereignism approach. as summarized in this 10 page summary (drive.google.com/file/d/1x9vCKRNfcCMHTtdP9I6DCEhs9rlioEmR/view?fbclid=IwAR2P5_GjvQkg371LHQFwq_y1QdrSuIADWbojwo7j9iP5wjzaI3rq8FSdB0A Hope everyone understands our integrated reformation vision at least at a high level. which is 100% scriptural
@charlesprabakar 8 ай бұрын
Part 3. Eternity including millennium kingdom triggering Revelation phase Without going into all the details, i would structure it under three parts 3.1 Pre-trib or mid-trib or post-trib 3.2. Millennium kingdom 3. 3. Eternity Since it is is a non essential doctrine, theologians are divided - and so, I let you all pick your view by understanding the 777 sequence of events -- however, I am leaning towards pre-trib - and I welcome others to convince me otherwise, as I am still open minded) This brings us to millennium kingdom followed by eternity as I had explained with my 5 step kingdom formula earlier (see my earlier post) This brings us to the important point of the so-called 144000 elect! While we have heard different interpretations ( literal vs symbolic vs applies only to Israel etc), I am of the view that Gematria is at play here! For example, with 1000 being 1 for God, I am interrupting this as 144. This where, I am also the view that this 144 number (including its cousin numbers below) have to be understood within the big picture context of how God has designed light to interact with matter using the probability of fine structure constant(FSC) , as explained in my post (m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=6775354749176684&id=100001066782860&mibextid=qC1gEa) 1. 144 Zeno steps of light speed expressed using Fine structure constant steps and orbital shells steps ( 137+ 7) 2. Probability of Fine structure constant 3. Fibonacci sequence 4. Golden ratio 5. Pascal triangle For example, if I may reframe Zeno’s paradox as follows The maximum length = speed of light = 1 Let us chunk it in reverse 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32 etc It is interesting that it takes 144 Zeno steps needed to reduce the speed of light to Planck length speed Similarly, we can break 144 steps as follows 137 (fine structure constant) Zeno steps + 7 Sure enough there are 137 elements in periodic table with each having 7 orbital shells So, one way to think about this 144 steps is like 144 orbital tracks of an atom (imagine 100 meters dash athletic track) - all the way from outer shell to the inner nuclei of Planck length! The math beautifully adds up! Now each of these 144 tracks also can be imagined as equilibrium tracks, with an unique predetermined wavelength/frequency/speed associated with each track! Another way to understand this equilibrium as the equilibrium of 137 elements of matter (of periodic table including the placeholders of yet to be discovered elements) with each of its unique malleability of metallic or mineral equilibrium state This is where I am of the view God the potter must be assigning each of us, to one of these tracks at birth, with various degree of malleability like how He molds the Clay In other words, it is during this precise sub moment of conception God must have slotted every one of us to one of these 137+7 =144 tracks - which then start serving as the “dipole nanoantenna”, with a predetermined wavelength/frequency/angular momentum , as per the probability of the 2/3 rule of FSC & its flip-sided 1/3 rule of golden ratio, similar to BBN/stellar synthesis of Abrahamic covenant as explained in my earlier post and this research paper (www.courtneyhuntmd.com/post/the-quantum-mechanics-of-fertilization-your-spark-is-light) Assuming you are all with me thus far, I am at awe about the beauty of God’s design though! We are not done yet! This means everything goes back to these 144 tracks of in God’s sovereignty blueprint ( aka 144 tracks of book of lamb and remaining tracks of tree of life - this is it) This brings up the question of why 144 tracks are favorite tracks? This is where we as an apologetics ministry have attempted an explanation - and I might have stated them in another comment as well - and so, apologize in advance if it sounds redundant! While I am no expert on eschatology, If I understand revelation correctly - Elect ( from lamb book of life) goes to heaven directly - Non elect with good works (from tree of life) are evaluated based on their works and go to heaven ( Rev 20:12) - Non elect with evil works go to hell So, God is still just to the non-elect as well and if I have misunderstood it, I will stay corrected This brings us to the full circle I am of the view that eternity is the garden of Eden all over again . However millennium kingdom is on earth - this is why our 5 step kingdom formula is equally important Thoughts?
@graceonline320 7 ай бұрын
Like a modern day CS Lewis.
@NTWrightOnline 7 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for the kind comparison to a modern-day C.S. Lewis. It is an honor and inspiration.
@babasingapura 8 ай бұрын
Thank you, but I wish you didn’t have to name the other belief system, as I’m sure you didn’t mean to point it out in particular.
@karenr9503 8 ай бұрын
I am reminded of what the young boy who had an NDE tells his father in the film "Heaven Is For Real": "Everyone in Heaven is young, and no one wears glasses."
@johannamills5135 8 ай бұрын
That makes me rethink the concept of priesthood. It seems we are all called to priesthood. Of praising God for his creation, stewarding and suffering for it. Hmmmm. If we are all send what is the role of ordained priests? I wonder if anyone could give me an answer to that. Thank you
@NTWrightOnline 8 ай бұрын
@johannamills5135 Thank you for asking your question. Our team at N.T. Wright Online has established a discussion community where we actively engage with questions about God. If you're interested in joining the conversation with others, you can follow this link to our free discussion space: www.admirato.org/products/communities/freestudyhall
@michelletheisen3809 8 ай бұрын
This is a wonderful picture of God's desire and ultimate work through Jesus. I get confused, though, about how this all relates to here and now with the chaos and inhumanity of war between Israel and Hamas, particularly, and other wars around the world. How is this salvation playing out while there is devastation of so many lives along with the ravaging of creation being experienced because of displacement of huge populations and misuse of God's creation? Since Jesus took all this evil upon himself on the cross, what does that mean for this present intense mess in the world? It seems the majority of humanity is failing to hear the Good News of salvation as you beautifully define. How do you see God's plan for humanity working out in this dark world we're living in especially since the pandemic contributed in so many ways to more death and chaos. Am I just depressed or what? Can you help me to see the bigger picture, as you see it? I think there must be a bigger picture....
@NTWrightOnline 8 ай бұрын
@michelletheisen3809 Thank you for asking your heartfelt questions. Our team at N.T. Wright Online has created a learning community where we discuss important matters like this. If you are interested in bringing your thoughts and questions to our table, we wholeheartedly welcome you. www.admirato.org/products/communities/freestudyhall
@jlheidbreder 8 ай бұрын
Genesis 2.0🩵🙏🏻🕊
@move_i_got_this5659 8 ай бұрын
It is Biblical that everyone is going to heaven. I made a video showing some scriptures.
@celiasleigh2805 8 ай бұрын
Something I wonder about too since we're saved by grace and God shows no partiality.
@move_i_got_this5659 8 ай бұрын
@@celiasleigh2805 click on my name and watch the video. I post a lot of verses breaking down hell and God’s desire and character.
@_TW199 6 ай бұрын
I would give you $20 if you can give me a bible verse that says we go to heaven forever when we die.
@move_i_got_this5659 6 ай бұрын
@@_TW199 18 So then, as through one offense the result was condemnation to all mankind, so also through one act of righteousness the result was justification of life to all mankind. 19 For as through the one man’s disobedience the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the One the many will be made righteous. 20 The Law came in so that the offense would increase; but where sin increased, grace abounded all the more, 21 so that, as sin reigned in death, so also grace would reign through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 5:18-21
@flematicoreformandose5046 8 ай бұрын
It depends Dr Wright. If we try to understand the fall of impure spirits there is no salvation for them, however for human beings there is hope as long as they live on this unregenerate planet. The theme is key Mr Wright, the issue of rescue depends on being born again to enter the unregenerate Kingdom, we are talking about metanoia, a transformation that arises from within the spirit to outside in the body. And if we talk about the current state of the human and angelic fall, it is not necessary to be an expert on the subject, we see it day by day.
@KevinWayne 8 ай бұрын
Is there some particular reason why you've appointed yourself the guardian of truth here with your addendums to Professor Wright's videos? I doubt he's unaware of regeneration, probably to be addressed in another video. Meanwhile, you're not really contributing anything, other than just being an annoying drip... drip... drip... 😉
@flematicoreformandose5046 8 ай бұрын
@@KevinWayne I am not a guardian of any truth, but you can read my comments or not, you can agree or not, it is your free choice. But you are not the owner of this channel to decide whether I write or not, in any case, gentleman, it would be Dr Wright's decision if he prohibits me from accessing my comments, in which case I would accept his censorship. But at the moment if I'm not censored it's because he lets me. But who have you given a candle to at this funeral?
@KevinWayne 8 ай бұрын
@@flematicoreformandose5046 Oh my my did I hit a nerve? 😁 In any case, point still remains that these do not amount to constructive contributions to any kind of dialogue you're offering, and you just gave us a few more seconds of the same. Mostly just self important "look at me" vanity. As if anyone cares what you think of what Prof Wight is saying. Just making an observation.
@flematicoreformandose5046 8 ай бұрын
@@KevinWayne Gentleman, my intention is not to start a theological dialogue with you or with anyone, it is only a comment that I have written with the permission of Dr Wright. You have started the dialogue, not me, but if you don't agree with what I am saying, I respect your decision. But you are not in a position to censor my comments except Mr Wright who is the owner of this channel. It seems that his derogatory comments are typical of supposedly enlightened people who believe they possess the absolute truth, the sole possessor of the Messiah. If you don't care about my comment, why write to me? Just ignore me! Do you really know what freedom of expression is, with the respect that everyone deserves? I get the feeling that you behave like a medieval Roman Catholic inquisitor. 🙄
@KevinWayne 8 ай бұрын
@@flematicoreformandose5046 😁😁😁 I find it most amusing that you keep using the word "Censor" as if my criticism of your approach amounts to me silencing you somehow. Boo-hoo too bad, so sad. But thanks for this exchange, you've done the best job of calling attention to your disruptive intentions. In fact, better than I ever could. Feel free to doth protest too much some more 😉
@remalim9471 8 ай бұрын
It's crest fallen.
@Liminalplace1 8 ай бұрын
I wish he would abandon that "image BEARING creation" it's just not what OT. scholars say. We don't BEAR his image... We ARE his image..it's BEING.. not bearing Language communicates even if he means the same thing. ... Christians Bear God's name..that's covenant..which is further.. It annoys me when he says "image bearers " 😅 he right but using wrong terms
@cuebj 8 ай бұрын
Christians and all other people are the image of God. Not as individuals but collectively... he created human beings (plural) as his image (singular), male and female. As such, harming people is to deface, therefore, to insult our Creator. As fallen humanity, some of us, constituting part of the overall image, are being repaired, others resist being repaired and, as such, face being cut out of the final restoration project. Israel was intended to be exemplar of a new society as a restored patch of the image, Deuteronomy 4:5ff so others would marvel and want to be part of it. Eventually, Jesus appeared as the definitive image of the invisible God.
@kymdickman8910 8 ай бұрын
Interesting. Thankyou for the wake up to that distinction. However, Paul, the great OT Scholar, does use the language of bearing: 1 Corinthians 15:48-49 As was the man of dust, so also are those who are of the dust, and as is the man of heaven, so also are those who are of heaven. Just as we have borne the image of the man of dust, we shall also bear the image of the man of heaven. φορέω phoreō is the word he chooses to use.
@KevinWayne 8 ай бұрын
Drip.... Drip... Drip... Somebody shut off that annoying faucet 😁
@Liminalplace1 8 ай бұрын
@@kymdickman8910 that is simply answered. The idea of "bearing" comes from the third commandment.. as in "you shall not BEAR the name of Yahweh in vain" (LXX. "οὐ λήμψῃ τὸ ὄνομα κυρίου τοῦ θεοῦ σου ἐπὶ ματαίῳ οὐ γὰρ μὴ καθαρίσῃ κύριος τὸν λαμβάνοντα τὸ ὄνομα αὐτοῦ ἐπὶ ματαίῳ") which doesn't have phereo. Also the choice of "borne" and "bear" in 1 Corinthians 15 is English translation choice. For example the. NLT in contrast says ":Just as we are now like the earthly man, we will someday be like the heavenly man" Being is related to identity as embodied humans where as bearing is something given like a covenant or mission. Wright just connects the two and so misses the distinction. Either way, even if Paul intended "bear" the original intention of the authors of Genesis cannot be altered by Paul's interpretation, or read back into the OT. That is not correct methodology.(according to John Walton).Paul's take would just be Paul's own within his own cultural context ..not his commentary on Genesis. In a word, my comment remains. Language is important and distinctions help. Wright might mean the same as I am saying,but he needs make the distinction.
@Liminalplace1 8 ай бұрын
@@KevinWayne no plumber came
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