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#SolidSol #forhonor

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@SolidSol69 Ай бұрын
Im very happy about the feat nerfs to this game. They have been plaguing this game for a long time now. Hope to see more adjustments in the future that will make the game more healthier. Orochi skin looks solid, but im hoping the hair flows well like the kensei skin. Shoutout to the lovely box brigade community coming out to the stream to watch this live. What else do you all think needs nerfs or buffs when it comes to feats/heroes? lmk and well have a conversation Centurion has 160 stamina for reference and other heroess have ranges from 120 to 150. So kiai will stilll be very strong
@pepsiman4418 Ай бұрын
I’m sad they nerfed shinobi, he didn’t need to be :(
@susancronshaw4267 Ай бұрын
@@pepsiman4418 you're either silly or stupid I cant tell
@randallrenfert Ай бұрын
Shinobi could use a few more meaningful nerfs alongside orochi. I would also love to see shooting stars nerfed, it would still be the best pick for shinobi 2nd tier if each star did 5 dmg let alone 20.
@kevinperez6840 Ай бұрын
Highlander HP needs a buff up from 125 to 130 hp because he has Heavy Perks
@drippyjayyy134 Ай бұрын
@@pepsiman4418same I think it’s just the bad players who think he needs nerfs tbh
@SinnerBeta Ай бұрын
>up the stamina gain on Body Count >up the capture time speed on Conqueror >do SOMETHING with Iron Lungs, maybe a speed bonus or something >give Come At Me some damage buff so people actually use it in fights rather than just farming >give Fiat Lux 1 damage to kill footmen >make Flesh Wound and Thick Skin the same >anything with Centurion March since nobody takes it, perhaps make the lights enhanced >maybe remove Shield Bash and Haymaker and up the base damage of Conq and Cent so they can have some feat variety >make Takedown a passive with like 30 second cooldown or something, nobody falls for it once you pop the animation >up the damage on Punch Through, maybe make the lights superior for characters that don't have them >Heal on Block should get healing on parry back, no healing from minions tho >up Tough as Nails to like 15% >lower activation time on Boleadoras >Steadfast should be a passive with a cooldown that triggers when you fail to manually counter GB >give Hard to Kill a 50% DR since it kicks in so late >I'm not sure how I feel about Regeneration, helps in certain modes but t4 is a bit late for so little most of the time >if you can't speed up the Catapult then delay how soon the red circle appears after the sound signal so that people know to look out for it but don't know it's on them right away >make Slippery a passive
@rodericbelmain4019 Ай бұрын
Amen brother
@dynastyzero2636 Ай бұрын
yeah pretty sad that it was just straight nerfs to everything and no buffs, i think that alot of the feats are fine but T4 arrow strike/ MOST knight feats are just really weak, like i think its fine to have all t3 t4 feats to be some kind of strong as long as they have either the cooldown low enough to make a mid feat good ex: conq juggernaut t4 or make really strong feats that have a really high cooldown. no ex cause they're scared to make something else as strong as corruption but give it a 200sec cooldown or something. i dunno you def cook better than i do.
@heyyoadrian Ай бұрын
I feel like passive should be part of the heros so we ain't wasting feat slots on passives. Don't know how it would break the game but passives should b passives
@FaultyWires 29 күн бұрын
i like most of what you suggest, but i got a couple of ideas and notes to add: >i like the damage up on come at me but it does heal 20 to you for killing heros, mb less defense down instead? >your fiat lux idea but with 80 stam drain and mb 10 dmg to match kiai nerf and give fiat lux more utility >removing haymaker and shield bash is so good and would inherently buff centurion march >i like the idea of steadfast as a passive that activates on attempted throw, Stampede Charge or Crashing Charge with a cooldown that adequately balances this (it prevents Stampede Charge and Crashing Charge during its duration currently) >regeneration should activate while running (and should only be accessible on slow characters) >make slippery capable of counter gbing at anytime while it is active (even if you wouldnt have been able to, like gb after an attempted parry) rest of your ideas are chill, hope you like some of mine :D
@SinnerBeta 29 күн бұрын
@@FaultyWires I like it but >Come at Me healing encourages you to pop it at the end of the fight so it's not wasted and defense penalty is minimized, you need to encourage using it before a fight >most people are iffy on T2 damage feats, especially since Fiat it's already ranged and has area of effect >problem with running regeneration is that might encourage people to run mid fight and regen against characters that don't have pursuit attacks - imagine a fight between two conquerors and one just rolls back and starts running and healing
@michaelgammon7283 Ай бұрын
Not enough hito nerfs.
@grantpaterson5486 Ай бұрын
Ehh the only thing I would change about Hito is the bash heavy should be a bash light. Only charge bash should lead to heavy same applies to affera and conq imo no one should get a bash into a heavy confirm.
@michaelgammon7283 Ай бұрын
@@grantpaterson5486 I believe hito’s issue is the braindead momentum they can accumulate just by hitting a button and can be difficult to get them out of by even the sweatiest of players. You bring up great points of course, however i believe what i stated is the real issue.
@zuzulupo Ай бұрын
@@grantpaterson5486that’s what I think but I don’t think they get it lmao bash that confirms heavies shouldn’t be a thing
@justinArtorias 29 күн бұрын
@@zuzulupothat’s the whole point of the hero though lol the whole hero is designed around the bash confirms to heavy’s to infinite- I never really have a problem with them just be better lol
@zuzulupo 29 күн бұрын
@@justinArtorias Yes that’s his character but for a game like this bashes should always be light confirms except for charged ones. Just say you can’t comprehend that
@kristopherrice1465 Ай бұрын
@iz2904 21 күн бұрын
Tf is that
@yopoxikeweapescai9066 Ай бұрын
Just wanted to say that they made a "we cooked" joke. They are watching you box lol
@morte2504 Ай бұрын
Juggernaut nerf is an indirect Lawbro nerf... now he's got no good tier 1 AND 2 feats ;(
@noahlockard7101 Ай бұрын
What? Righteous deflection is way better than juggernaut if you play well
@morte2504 Ай бұрын
@@noahlockard7101 it's borderline useless, playing since release and I can count on my fingers the amount of times it did me any good
@noahlockard7101 Ай бұрын
@@morte2504 then you just suck with lawbringer lmao 50% dmg reduction in an antigank os the difference between revenge and not. Add the dr perks to that and lawbringer is a revenge getting machine with vengeful barrier on top of it
@morte2504 Ай бұрын
@@noahlockard7101 negative, I am objectively amazing with LB, Juggernaut fits my playstyle more. Jug is 50% dmg reduction + HA on everything, and its cooldown is short enough that I've got it back by the time the next time I may need it. Plus you can use it at any time to survive something that would otherwise kill you, like a projectile or aoe feat
@soggywaffles6054 Ай бұрын
@@noahlockard7101 imo, deflection makes me try to parry everything with LB in an antigank and more often than not i get gbed or bashed by someone else and they confirm and i just have to sit there and stare at indicators. with jug i can throw a heavy and if they gb, it gets stuffed and i make space. plus jug actually lets you play offense in team fights too, without it, all i can really do is light, chain heavy and wait bc ill just get externaled out of my finisher
@Blackstonelegion Ай бұрын
Kinda wish they'd change some of Ocelotl's Feats. Personally I would replace either Tireless or Iron Lungs with Stealth, and I'd replace Stalwart Banner with Scout. That way you can truely turn Ocelotl into a Predator.
@asw-g-64gundamflaurosryuse41 Ай бұрын
Yeah…the stealthy hunter character with a death whistle NOT getting a scout ability or a stealth mechanic was kinda stupid…
@heyyoadrian Ай бұрын
Wild statement here but shouldn't some passives be part of certain heros like punch damage for cent and glad
@heyyoadrian Ай бұрын
Or shinobi,shaman, pk, and ocelot having stealth naturally Warlord and shugo having punch through
@mrvalhalla6577 29 күн бұрын
​@@heyyoadriandefinitely would give most characters a bigger identity and keep some characters unique
@heyyoadrian 29 күн бұрын
@@mrvalhalla6577 now the hero specific feats like kyos and medjays would probably be wild but who knows
@klerdong1746 Ай бұрын
They should nerf projectiles too, after ccu all damage significantly lower than it was before, and a bow that still causes 50 dmg is ridiculous
@klerdong1746 Ай бұрын
also mejay ult💀
@waynereibsome 29 күн бұрын
They also follow across the map
@mrvalhalla6577 29 күн бұрын
​@@klerdong174677 dmg on a throwable feat is fucking stupid 😂
@ScarletDream21 Ай бұрын
Longbow and Kunai nerfs are also missing
@vukstojiljkovic8962 Ай бұрын
in 2 days
@thebaetomato 29 күн бұрын
@brassbucket1998 Ай бұрын
I'd MUCH rather have them remove Juggernaut from the heroes that already don't need them instead of nerfing it. Imo it's already a very situational perk, since you can easily just stall it out by walking away.
@FaultyWires 29 күн бұрын
14:44 Umbral Shield (BP T4) makes you invincible for like 6 seconds and then gives you a fat shield for another 5. i think this feat should grant pulses of shield that stack up maybe? as in make the first shield grant you 25, the 2nd grant you 50 and the last grant you a fat chunk. doesnt make it useless but it separates its use from phalanx and doesnt just give you 3 extra healthbars for 11 seconds. also fiery barrage (JJ's T4) is just a version of kiai with a 45s cooldown. that one could either do with a longer cooldown or should only be peaceable surrounding a target that you are locked on to (the way it is meant to make a ring of fire innit). more worthy mentions: T1: Fast Recovery Qi Trap (shaolin unique) Huntsman Spirit (ocelotl unique) T2: Caltrops (nuxia unique) Blink (shaolin unique) Moonlight Drain (medjay unique) Vengeful Mark (ocelotl unique) T3: Longbow Neptunes Wrath (glad unique) Javelin Throw (valk unique) T4: Astral Manifestation (medjay unique, specifically axe throw) Orbiting Shield (afeera unique)
@aguspuig6615 Ай бұрын
Random balance idea, can we make it so ''come at me'' gets some sort of extra buff when you get all 4 feats? like maybe a feat cooldown reduction but only when its active or something. I feel like if youre good and get all 4 feats quick youre rewarded with a useless first feat faster than other players
@lancer8364 Ай бұрын
What if oath breaker made only black priors attacks ignore shield , instead of taking away the targets shield
@DampySenpai Ай бұрын
Idk why would they nerf juggernaut when people can just run away especially while juggernaut slows user and let feat time out. Lol
@Shortskeez Ай бұрын
I think ocelotls tier 3 needs looked at. Quazocoats Blessing or something like that. The 25 seconds timer is awful, especially if 5-6 seconds of it are wasted on an execution. They could: 1) easiest solution. Make additional kills reset the timer. Currently they do not. 2) increase the time. If this makes it too strong, they could reduce the % of the buff to 10 or 15 down from 25. 3) make it trigger only on execution, and last until death. Again prob too strong, so reduce the %. I immediately think of Hitos 3rd feat. The defense buff lasts until death, and the “only triggers on executions” is a joke because 9/10 hito kills are by a heavy. Ocelotl is a bit harder for execution kills. Curious everyone’s thoughts? I understand Ocelotl is pretty strong already so the community may not agree. But then again, Hito is crazy strong too. I just feel like Ocelotls feats are soooo bad.
@randallrenfert Ай бұрын
When are the feat nerfs live? Edit: is roar of the crowd now the best glad 4th tier to run?
@UndyingDestiny Ай бұрын
feat changes will be live on the update, no TG
@dynastyzero2636 Ай бұрын
no cause roar is only self while feat itself works for your team too
@iagam3r Ай бұрын
this makes me think that we need to get some old Pre-CCU values for damage. because all thats been happening after the CCU is damage continues to go down and down relying more on long drawn out fights with more chances for revenge in fours or longer drawn out duels. raider used to slap people around for 38-ish damage, now he's barely hitting 30's. warden highlander and warlord dominated people with 24+ damage crushing counters, now their lucky if it deals 18 damage. you were rewarded for committing to those big telepgraphed attacks or counter play, now its more of a slog fest. pretty much deciding who wins the fight in the first couple exchanges because of the health gap and the lack of damage. i'm not saying bring it back to gear stat level damage, but lets get some pre-CCU looking numbers. make raider hit for nearly 40, do something about hitokiri's hyper armor and let her crush someone for nearly 40 again. bring back powerful crushing counters and make someone think twice about being hyper aggressive. let kensei slam someone with 35 damage to the face for hitting their finisher. Let people be rewarded for hitting the end of their chain while also promoting counterplay so that they need to be 100% certain if they wanna try and push all the way to the end of a big 3 hit chain.
@mrvalhalla6577 29 күн бұрын
I'd rather not die in 3 hits thanks though
@iagam3r 29 күн бұрын
@@mrvalhalla6577 you forget where those big damage hits were only at the end of a chain? so it'd be more like 5 hits. 24, 27, 38 and so on. so the only way your just dying in these few hits is if your letting someone hit you for them and not blocking or parrying. or that my comment was saying bring back the big damage only for the chain finishers? do you have any idea how tedious it is to get bullied by an orochi who just keeps going? or a shinobi with nukekubi who gets rewarded on his bashes? or even a shaolin who's attacks from qi stance are all enhanced? the counter play or big damage moves would make them think twice about just attacking blindly.
@mewe_9049 29 күн бұрын
U realize upping Raider dmg to 30-40ish dmg will soon just become the next hitokiri right? Immediate zone is that can be soft feinted to storm tap or let it fly = big dmg and will just be spammed.
@iagam3r 29 күн бұрын
@@mewe_9049 raiders heavies are more telegraphed than a side dodging orichi. Big wide obvious move for big damage that in a gang sucks if it's the first hit but that still involves him wiffing two other heavies to get to his finisher heavy for big damage.
@ImDiiizzy 28 күн бұрын
Does this mean if my teammate guard breaks someone I can guard break them and I won’t bounce off of them but instead we can get them in an endless guard break cycle?
@theronin2321 Ай бұрын
I’m coming back to PC this season and I’m very much looking forward to it. As for buffs and nerfs, I would say that VG and her side attacks grab a little too much, by that I mean you can’t really dodge against them with anyone
@stanleylee3329 Ай бұрын
Lions roar not requiring strict timing is huge. Idk why that was ever a feature
@fallen7for715 Ай бұрын
How does one "bait" revenge???
@bourbonuscreamius2354 29 күн бұрын
They should make oathbreaker into some form of projectile that retains its properties but can actually be dodged.
@demonwarrior6968 Ай бұрын
And they left Last Laugh untouched, love this game just love it so much :]
@ianperry8557 Ай бұрын
Shaolin kick feat needs nerfing tbh some fixing too it’s janky and honestly pretty annoying.
@sydious_s_snake Ай бұрын
In WHAT WORLD is there counterplay to oathbreaker
@aguspuig6615 Ай бұрын
in an ubi devs happy place probably
@ethanpeeples6187 Ай бұрын
LBs parry light should stun. Idk why it doesnt.
@tomastoss92 Ай бұрын
Honestly, nice patch. I wish they would also nerf some of the projectiles 80 dmg from Medjay T4 is kinda crazy especially when it's this fast few dmg points from Longbow, kunai, shooting stars or spears would be cool too .. 5-10 dmg off on these and I'm all good
@hipnoe6279 Ай бұрын
What’s with the ridiculous amount of nerfs? There was like one minor buff to cent as the only buff in the entire patch. I really hope it doesn’t continue like this. The game is no fun if they just make everything garbage. Everything should be strong in its own way IMO
@liamsingh8868 29 күн бұрын
Honestly I agree too. I feel like the chaos of everyone's own abilities makes this game unique and chaotic. Once you numb everything down it doesn't matter what perks you choose at that point
@NinjaJDM Ай бұрын
Good changes a lot of these were well overdue. Still missing nerfs m to Shino's Shooting stars, and Shaolins trap that gives you wall hacks for the entire game
@ChocoGxd 29 күн бұрын
heyyy solll ❤
@annihalate5953 Ай бұрын
Ever since they changed cents hyper armor activation timing on his punch he’s fell off bad and the only buff they can think of is removing the strict timing on lions roar literally the easiest strict timing move to perform 😐
@A_lac1_akihirio_x 20 күн бұрын
What buff and explain to me if buff good on character
@dannyappel2090 28 күн бұрын
Why didn’t they rework warden’s feats?
@sirlenemodesto2665 Ай бұрын
I'm glad they are focusing so much on the feets
@bingchilling8586 28 күн бұрын
Ngl i am VERY happy with the skin. Ive wanted just a normal samurai skin for orochi for the longest time and hopefully we get some more armour sets for orochi (maybe some others) that are just normal samurai outfits
@Xavier_333 29 күн бұрын
Not being able to backflip after a light is a trash nerf. In most cases i use it as a bate to open up the opponent. Making the game simpler is taking skill away from the game
@dexxfa7274 29 күн бұрын
Very true stupid asf that he got that nerf while characters like hito exist and ocelotl too man like most bashes in the game am I wrong?
@Xavier_333 28 күн бұрын
@@dexxfa7274 my thing is characters like highlander being able to faint their bashes 100 times before the stamina bar goes down, but i cant flip after a light with lil ole shino???😭😭😭
@dexxfa7274 28 күн бұрын
@@Xavier_333 that’s the same issues with hito they can cancel a billion times
@Supersoldier2448 Ай бұрын
I'm ngl I have mained BP and have 26 reps so far (103 total reps) and never knew he would preemptively pop oath breaker. I always did it after they popped revenge
@dynastyzero2636 Ай бұрын
i did but like 50% of the time the guy in a 2v1 gets shit on so fast that i dont use it
@SleightFraction Ай бұрын
They just shit on centurion again. Because they’re so hard to fight right?
@dynastyzero2636 Ай бұрын
i mean he is if you are alone. mf slaps, literally
@SleightFraction Ай бұрын
@@dynastyzero2636 that only happens if the team is bad and not just standing there attacking from the side. He doesn’t get revenge 95% of the time. Believe me I got 70 reps and the rework lowered zone damage, lowered talon strike (when he jumps on you on the ground), made it so only one person can talon strike you on the ground, and now they’ve lowered pugio. Give him some armor for Pete’s sake, or hyper armor during a zone attack. No they just keep subtracting bc he’s so OP right?
@Mrz_gotban Ай бұрын
In team fights that shit is so annoying basically a free kill
@supercharger2595 Ай бұрын
Verangian needs a nerf on the all guard as it shouldn’t even ignore enhanced attacks at all them bind you for a damn century
@georgefeldman5647 29 күн бұрын
What? every all guard in the game block's enhanced attacks. That's half of what makes it an all guard beyond just being able to block in every direction.
@kingoffrogs7707 29 күн бұрын
i feel like lawbringer needs at least one light combo and be able to bash after an area attack
@KingOmnifarious 26 күн бұрын
So who's the Top4 best characters?
@Jmoblu 22 күн бұрын
I think Oath breaker should apply a bleed like effect to the shield. Where it doesn’t take the shield away instantly but rather over the duration of revenge. Could promote attacking someone who has revenge to take the shield away quickly knowing the oath breaker shield bleed will help whittle it down. Let me know if you think that be a good change or not.
@boricgrain1942 29 күн бұрын
Aw man ig highlander won't be able to wipe teams from across the map with spear storm anymore (oh nooo lol)
@noealejandrocedilloalonso9408 Ай бұрын
Creo que debería haber más variedad de habilidades para los héroes. Y el modo historia como el modo Árcade tienen muy buenas habilidades que seria genial ver en el juego pvp
@Spindrell 26 күн бұрын
Knight event straight into a samurai event, big surprise 🤮
@korniestpatch 29 күн бұрын
literally installing now
@teddylavoie1184 Ай бұрын
Would love to see some afeera content
@Speakland Ай бұрын
They could have made so oath breaker no longer removes your shield but prevents you from gaining some, it that case you would have fair counter play, you rather pop revenge for damage and better parry or stole long enough until the debuff runs out
@UncreativeHandle48 Ай бұрын
Thank fuck for the Oathbreaker changes, still needs more nerfs.
@beelzebub9785 29 күн бұрын
They need to bring back shinobi range in some shape or form. For example, make it a displacement tool for stealing away other players, possibly not even giving a guard break, just advantage. Or, a bash mixup from the pull, either confirming 16 damage into his backflip, or delay for a guardbreak, like varangians headbutt. He was so unique, and although he wasn't good (at all) it gave him a distinct play style, which is what I value over making every character competitively viable
@7amdrag 24 күн бұрын
While I agree with most that you covered on most of the nerfs to feats, Invigorate definitely still needs to keep the heal upon hit no matter what even if blocked. Might seem unfair in some situations but until they take away bleed being stackable, and as a Shaolin main, it's damn near impossible to handle a Nobushi with all the guaranteed bleed stacks from her lights especially if an enemy shaman is sitting in the background waiting to pounce on the bleed applied by Nobushi and since Shaolin doesn't have any hyper armor of any kind, this one feat is literally his saving grace for actually standing a modicum of a chance against any bleeder heroes.
@SolidSol69 23 күн бұрын
I can understand the frustration from nobushis bleed, but that is a nobushi nerf waiting to happen too and imo, its a problem that falls under the 500ms category which is a simple block (if you are on pc or new gen). It does suck to miss a parry only to get huge amounts of bleed, but I personally feel i got outplayed. Shoalins however comes from a 50/50 and its more consistent since his offense and defense is so strong and nullifies more than just bleed, also fire from teammates. While the pk and shaman gank is strong, its nothing in comparison to medjay, oce, and triple heavy ganks.
@blueberry4209 Ай бұрын
They did NOT cook with the event throwback
@joghanson5148 Ай бұрын
Still no revenge shield bug fix, sadge
@Spycrabs137 Ай бұрын
P.s. I have a question. I thought the new skin was for kensei? (Am i blind?)
@theguy9041 Ай бұрын
It's for Orochi
@Spycrabs137 Ай бұрын
@@theguy9041 So... I'm blind
@NoNamesAreAllowed Ай бұрын
​@@Spycrabs137honestly impressive that you can still read and type while blind. Massive W 💪
@theguy9041 Ай бұрын
@Spycrabs137 it's okay, we're all a little blind sometimes
@Spycrabs137 Ай бұрын
@NoNamesAreAllowed Thanks m8. Got braille where my keys are on my phone.
@patrickmusulin7892 Ай бұрын
Revert the changes of Senbanzakura???
@gladiatorkingoftheburnings2577 25 күн бұрын
Conqs fullblock heavy needs a damage buff 13 is too low and gry needs a damage buff on his kick follow up as 24 is too low
@bychance4811 Ай бұрын
Armor set that hero Set is crazy for 20 I can’t wait to pull for honor out of my vault to 😂😂😂😂😂😂play again best content ever
@hotaruaragami2927 28 күн бұрын
I want them to bring out a more viable Revenge. It's becoming ridiculous.
@Tiburon_Andaluz Ай бұрын
I tried to get them to raid u and other guys started saying it too but they raided norgoz
@ceryage2796 Ай бұрын
Nah,Conq feats are now dead absolutely,before u at least could pop up Juggernaut in 4s too swing ur UB heavies,now u doesn't even have this. When they even gonna rework his feats bruh?
@Master_of_disaster722 Ай бұрын
This is Jin Sakai in Gosaku armour
@midtier2405 Ай бұрын
why are there no new knight and viking armour sets?
@robb2999 Ай бұрын
They came last season; the way it works is that knights/viking get armor sets in first and third seasons of the year now
@smokyxtoxic4066 Ай бұрын
Didnt they say its a one time thing for this year only?​@robb2999
@emotionlesja91 Ай бұрын
Did Sony clear that orochi design?!
@pewdiepie399chair Ай бұрын
@emotionlesja91 25 күн бұрын
@@pewdiepie399chair look at gost of suchima
@beelzebub9785 29 күн бұрын
Couldn't they make oathbreaker apply like warmongers corruption? In the sense that they actually have to damage the person they want to drain the shields of
@samfish2550 29 күн бұрын
I still want to see projectile nerds broadly, but it's a great sign to see feats FINALLY getting addressed. Also, I feel like they should have nerfed the cool down between uses of the passive on the healing feats and made them not cleanse bleed. That would fix the biggest issues, they would still be strong but not insane.
@bobe2497 Ай бұрын
you love to see it
@moroblizniak4457 Ай бұрын
Damn, hero skin looks... bad Its just orochi that cosplays as kensei...
@dakotalawson5278 Ай бұрын
Still no buff to Lawbringer? That’s insane
@praxiann7615 Ай бұрын
Allow for external parries when in range, if I can be hit by an external attack, I should also be able to parry it.. Oh and also fix or remove revenge, worthless inconsistent system.
@ImDiiizzy 28 күн бұрын
Still no new maps😐
@user-sl2qe7bl7d Ай бұрын
I want a healing flag buff, its just not 4 tier skill, too slow, too long, too small
@wealthybone2990 Ай бұрын
Thanks and you're a beautiful Sol aswell but I guess it was an Orochi skin, I mean nice for Orochi mains. Also no nerf for Var?
@thaten2440 Ай бұрын
80 stam dmg on Kiai is still going to feel really bad because it punishes you for attacking with no counterplay. The removal of uninterruptible on throw victims seems to be a big nerf to revenge since gb throws in venge dont have superarmor. You can always hit your teammates to save them from a revenge throw. For Hito nerfs are understandable but I would have liked to keep the charged heavy dmg as one of the last big dmg attacks in the game and nerf Hitos more annoying aspects like the armor on infinite heavies.
@LordThatch Ай бұрын
I wish they’d bring back the lack of armor on her opener heavies
@frederiquez Ай бұрын
they didn't nerf kunai😭, warmommy feats, and they didn't buff any, sad
@Nasus-Ohkami Ай бұрын
still no lawbringer rework
@toomuchsauce-jb5wo Ай бұрын
cant stand that lb crying anymore. He got like 3 reworks the past years. How many reworks do you actually want? Just agree that hes shit.
@SilverWolf8822 29 күн бұрын
Anyone complaining about Hito is probably I hyper sweat. She didn’t need any nerfs and don’t deserve any either. A giant axe is supposed to do a lot of damage.
@sebasortizzz1325 29 күн бұрын
make aramusha Miyamoto Musashi hero skin bruh and give him unblockable or tracking heavy finishers please 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
@Definitely_not_a_bot69420 21 күн бұрын
Feats need to be completely reworked but a good start finallyyyyyyyy
@jamesdatzuk7327 29 күн бұрын
They should just remove feats in general honestly, I think that would be healthy for this game cuz once people start getting feats they just pop it out of the wazoo and then you stand literally no chance especially when you're by yourself... ps I think they should remove Dodge recovery or at least make it cost stamina
@lennyyymaboaaah2984 29 күн бұрын
They say For Honor isn't toxic in Tahiti... we just need more muneh...
@shaolinclips Ай бұрын
If they're gonna nerf invigorate by half, they can at least give him a T4 that doesn't suck balls. I teleport to the wrong mate about 7% of the time and can only do it once or twice a match. It's helpful somtimes but not T4 helpful. I think they need to add an AOE healing/sheilding effect or somthing cause it feels really underpowered and the whole point is to come help your mate. Also, since it's literally just a teleport, you can use your T4 to deliver yourself right into the ugliest gank of all time. Now you're executed and have no t4 😢
@ArcaneAntonious 23 күн бұрын
I feel the nerf to shaolin invigorate feat was quite unnecessary
@juiceboxbzrk Ай бұрын
Of all the bullshit that needs fixing in what world did berserker need a nerf and orochi goes untouched
@SinnerBeta Ай бұрын
Out of all these I rarely see people with jugg so I didn't experience it being a problem, just walk away. Now takedown, that needs a rework.
@UpperRobin29 29 күн бұрын
Glad buff when?
@MarkAlyx Ай бұрын
I just want orochi’s storm rush stamina nerf. No character should be able to do 6 undodgeables in a row without going out of stamina
@mistavoid Ай бұрын
@raistlyn117_8 Ай бұрын
Bruh why can’t they remove Fast Recovery already… don’t get me wrong I enjoy most of these feat changes (although some seem to be over nerfed but it’s Ubi so it’s to be expected) but FR removes the whole issues of maintaining stam (also it’s on Hito so it’s extra dumb)
@obliviouskage4871 27 күн бұрын
Been saying hito needs a nerf for four years but w.e
@kalebbrake5882 Ай бұрын
What if they inversed oath breaker, instead of removing shields its just the prevents shield gain without the removal
@midtier2405 Ай бұрын
i think that would be stronger than just the shield removal. unless players know that effect is on them and for how long
@kalebbrake5882 Ай бұрын
@@midtier2405 exactly, it already has a visual indicator, just adjust the duration to like 10 maybe 5 seconds then it wouldn't be as cancer
@user-pq3rw4pp2i 27 күн бұрын
Warmonger on breach is still a problem
@bloodandmeat6557 Ай бұрын
Oh god so much water in vid.......
@Paladin-119 Ай бұрын
Cent buff when
@RadxPLord Ай бұрын
I didn't even know furry worked on feats
@dynastyzero2636 Ай бұрын
i do bc valk/ hito got nerfed indirectly bc of pirate awhile back
@silver_44 Ай бұрын
Pretty much only changes for 4v4 lol
@SlipperyAmphibian 27 күн бұрын
Whoever been making the past few Shinobi armours needs to change something up the past 3 are pre much the same. What’s the point of 3 bird masks?😂
@MrAhpensiko 25 күн бұрын
@Thvyer 28 күн бұрын
makes no since how Zerk gets his dodge nerfed but orochi will just do the same shit
@SolidSol69 28 күн бұрын
Its because hes getting a skin. They wont nerf a popular hero with a new skin. Insane
@Raveolii Ай бұрын
they had to kept the 5 years "nerf zerk streak"
@alexwallex1721 28 күн бұрын
I think they have a 120 stamina 😂
@incrediblis Ай бұрын
horrible patch imo, i really hate it when it's just nerf nerf nerf nerf, what's next? if bp flips more than 1 person he breaks his arms and dies? the game is in a decent state, there are a lot of fun/viable characters and they just had to keep narrowing that down. i hate it and i will keep hating until they stop nerfing and start buffing a lot more edit: i didn't realize how big of a nerf zerk got so i will keep ranting for a bit, i really really really hate how they just remove an option like that, it's my favorite option select with zerk so idk man i might as will throw my 200 hours with zerk in the trash, i just hope they shadow remove the dodge tech as well so i never touch this game again, i hate how much they keep doing random changes to characters like instead of removing hyper armor from the 400 ms lights they remove an option select lmao, it's just cringe and unfun, the hito nerf is also not it, it's just making the move less scary for no reason, the real problems with hito is the on demand hyper armor not the charged heavy having 4 damage points too many, they need to stop culling the game of random skill checks because after a while in the game it's just boring. jc please stop it, get some help edit2: i didn't understand the zerk nerf but now i do and it's worse than i thought lmao, im never playing 4v4s with zerk again so that's unfortunate but oh well
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