Pat Stares At FF14 - DAWNTRAIL FINALE - You Have To Let Go

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Pat Stares At

Pat Stares At

17 күн бұрын

Broadcasted live on Twitch -- Watch live at / patstaresat

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@alephnole7009 13 күн бұрын
Pat: "You're not even a real person, you're not even HALF of a real person." Emet staring at him from the current: "OH IS THAT SO? HMMM INTERESTING."
@blackdragoncyrus 15 күн бұрын
Pat fucking stripping Cade of mod powers was the funniest shit to witness.
@crysiscore2051 15 күн бұрын
@syrushbluhr 15 күн бұрын
​@@crysiscore2051 all start at 3:02:55, spoilers at discretion
@JesseAnderson 14 күн бұрын
Bro really couldn't wait 20 minutes to talk about the thing the game lets you read
@LessDevoid 14 күн бұрын
Man, Pat has always had some of the worst mods I've ever had the displeasure of witnessing "work."
@antoisspence 13 күн бұрын
What did Cade say? Can’t see the chat on KZfaq
@HakureiIllusion 15 күн бұрын
You know, this ending area is great when you don't have a bunch of people in your ear telling you it's bad
@TheColdOnez 14 күн бұрын
It’s not as good as Ultima Thule, but it’s better than Amaurot I’d say so I don’t know why anyway would say it’s bad.
@HakureiIllusion 14 күн бұрын
@@TheColdOnez I'm of the opposite opinion, I think Amaurot was incredible and this lost some of its impact because it was so similar but came after. But I think a lot of people were worn out by the time they got here because a lot of DT's MSQ was really long and drawn-out and couldn't appreciate the area when they arrived. People are calling DT the worst expansion in general, and some of that bias is leaking over into the better parts of the expansion. And while it's definitely one of the weaker ones, I think anyone saying it's the worst needs to be subjected to ARR again.
@TheColdOnez 14 күн бұрын
My main problem with it is the lack interactable, duty instances where I can actually play the game. Too much of it spent doing filler odd jobs similar to ARR.
@LordSpectreXIII 13 күн бұрын
@@HakureiIllusion Well a lot of people dont include ARR as an expansion. And besides, saying "well it's better than ARR" isn't much of a saving grace.
@ye9945 13 күн бұрын
@@TheColdOnez only losers compare so heavily and cant separate individual things
@Lyn685 15 күн бұрын
5:36:14 That look on Pat's face when he saw the sign on the key, and realized what it meant. Glorious.
@AkiS2541 14 күн бұрын
Could you elaborate more? I'm genuinely interested but have no idea what this means
@krastyo9825 14 күн бұрын
@@AkiS2541 Azems symbol was on the relic
@Lyn685 13 күн бұрын
@@AkiS2541 It's the sign of Azem. The same sign that is on the Crystal that Emet Selch gave you to call for aid. It means the key that Sphene uses originally comes from or is at least connected to Azem.
@NeoDMC 12 күн бұрын
@@AkiS2541 The Chalice is the plot device in the story that the characters use to open the rift between Shards. It's actually is no surprise that the symbol for Azem appears when it's activated, since the WoL's crystal also invokes a spell that does something similar (our Crystal summons allies from beyond the rift, through space and time). It seems that Azem's main powers dealt with teleportation and travel, which makes sense since he/she was "The Traveler". It's also interesting that the Chalice seems to be powered by Dynamis, since it's users believe it grants wishes who those who desperately want them. Dynamis is "emotion" opposed to Aether's "life force" so it's another interesting thing about Azem if they researched it when it wasn't a popular study during the Ancients Era.
@Hypedchaoz 8 күн бұрын
@@NeoDMC Well it can lead to that could ALSO mean that this was a thing studied on after the sundering since if this can solely allow the user to travel between shards then, at some point, a sundered version of Azem was using that relic to travel between them. The question is why, and an even better one is how did the Milalla eventually get their hands on it?
@ApexGale 7 күн бұрын
dawntrail is just the story of the worst week of erenville's fucking life
@VesperOfRoses 15 күн бұрын
I love how they did the "I know you're in there somewhere, the real you wouldn't want this!" Trope during the final boss only instead of Sphene going "please I can't control it you have to stop me!" She instead went "no fuck you, actually, this is exactly what I want and you can't stop me"
@Zenkirune 14 күн бұрын
I think there were implications she did feel that way in how she always kind of recoiled in shame any time Wuk Lamat tried to extend a hand of friendship to her, but she was very firmly in a state of "I literally, physically cannot stop myself from doing this. So I'm going to justify it to myself at every opportunity but feel awful the whole time." Then decided to just delete her sense of self when she decided she couldn't take feeling guilty anymore.
@MisterAnimann 14 күн бұрын
You CANNOT fix her.
@Blackbeltsam5610 15 күн бұрын
Erenville's Mom has got it going on.
@RatTalisman 13 күн бұрын
Cahciua was easily my favorite character of the expansion, with Wuk Lamat as a close second. That being said, she did have the midna effect on me where when I saw her true, viera form, I was like, "wtf go back"
@CaptnMarvelous 14 күн бұрын
3:02:50 for the assassination of a mod on stream
@RBNinja 15 күн бұрын
Watching Pat strip one of his mods of their mod privileges in front of everyone was like watching a parent physically discipline their child with a belt.
@Terithian 15 күн бұрын
To be fair, he deserved it. You can't see the chat in this, so for anyone who wants to know exactly what happened, the mod wasn't paying attention and just spoiled the twist the game was about to reveal in the story beat right after because he thought it had already happened, and his response afterward was "oops, my bad, lol"
@terranaes1270 15 күн бұрын
im surprised he got to do it 3 TIMES before pat took it away
@syrushbluhr 15 күн бұрын
3:06:08 congrats for the new mod
@TamJam 14 күн бұрын
@@Terithian To add on to this, the chat room was put into emote-only mode explicitly so that people couldn't spoil, only for a mod (who can circumvent the emote-only chat) to post the spoiler themself lol
@KGhaleon 13 күн бұрын
@@TamJam except it wasn't the first time, he literally did this all the time.
@OpticalJesu5 14 күн бұрын
This part of the story had me in tears. It is unfortunately very relatable to always wanting a little more time with the ones you love.
@SSorrens 14 күн бұрын
The way random NPCs interact with your character in this expansion is amazing. I knew about the Mamool Ja who get angry at you following them around in Yak T'el, and seeing Pat partake in, win, and get ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF SAID WIN from a bunch of random NPCs just vibing in the overworld is so fucking cool.
@SkyCladBrent 14 күн бұрын
Honestly think its pretty cool how the final area here is an inverse of Ultima Thule Here you go around and as you delete the artificial life the color and music drains out of the area
@JesseAnderson 14 күн бұрын
They gloss over it, but Krile's soul is just as dense as those on the source. She was almost assuredly born long after the Lalafel fled to the source, so even across the rift, denizens of the source still return to the aetherial sea of the source and are born from it. Very curious if that'll come up in the msq soon.
@Chalk0073 15 күн бұрын
8:00 my favorite part about the story was honestly WoL confidence around the whole situation, "what if we're walking into a trap" "then I'll deal with it" I'm taken back to the Zenos fight in Endwalker where he say "we don't burn our life energy unless we find situation important" and that situation just never came up in DT. I think only 3 characters were actually aware of how strong WoL actually is Gulool Ja Ja, the guy who kidnaped Wuk in Zone 3 and left the game immediately afterwards and the Eliminator boss.
@MrRikurocks3 11 күн бұрын
Bro when I was playing that erenville and his mom scene I had to pause the game and call my mom just to tell her I love her. Damn. I love this game.
@rickkiller2000 15 күн бұрын
can't believe sphene turned her people into nfts
@doemoo4779 15 күн бұрын
2:45:45 Dude, I scrolled through those reviews and one of them was complaining that the story was too simple and predictable. How it was clear that the father/Dawnservent was gonna be a twist villain and he we using his children to find the city of gold so he could swoop in at the last moment and take its power for himself. The expacs got it's issues but absolutely people were leaving reviews before 2nd/3rd zone.
@sweepingtime 5 күн бұрын
The reaction about finding out what the opening trailer actually means is priceless.
@HSL_Blackleaf 15 күн бұрын
SPOILERS 42:55 Oh hey that's my comment in the Twitch chat Pat read out, wanted to clarify that I was wrong, I had misread the quest when I did it, the person you encounter in Solution 9 is implied to be one of his descendants not his wife (I had originally understood it as you met an old woman who was his fiancé and then she dies in Code Blood). very glad the finale went so well, glad to have been with you on most of this marathon's worth of streams
@plazmadood 14 күн бұрын
3:02:56 Henceforth, he shall walk.
@TaurusVersant 13 күн бұрын
judging by the shape of the arena floor during the final fight, I believe we've seen previews of the 8th and the 11th
@alephnole7009 13 күн бұрын
holy shit. that boss sent the stream to the bitrate dimension with the pizza party
@donimmortal7692 14 күн бұрын
You could says the fights design in this expansion are.... Golden
@russull5589 6 күн бұрын
Sphene is Garnet if she grew up to be her mom and tried to pull Garland's scheme. pretty neat squishing together of allusions as usual!
@TheGunboat 15 күн бұрын
Wuk Lamat on day one of being Dawnservant: I will uphold my father’s legacy of peace! Wuk Lamat on day two of being Dawnservant: I’m declaring war on Solution 9, killed my brother, my mom, my friend’s MILF, my OTHER friend’s parents, and committed a light genocide
@Chalk0073 15 күн бұрын
Alexandria clearly started the conflict, Sphere bought into Zoraal Ja's tough man routine and got all of her people defeated and deleted because of it. That Section 9 is even able to keep their souls based economy shows how benevolent (and maybe naive) Wuk Lamat actually is, but I'm guessing the patches will be about getting the Alexandrians off souls and onto the Gil standard.
@DataEntity 14 күн бұрын
You take the throne to act and the throne acts upon you. The tragedy of power.
@moogleboy 15 күн бұрын
Dawntrail: "Isn't it great learning about new cultures and seeing things from a different perspective?" Official Forums Users: "But what about ME!?"
@omegaxtrigun 15 күн бұрын
Literal main character complex.
@Blagno4 14 күн бұрын
Wow you completely fail to understand the issues the story has because you have no fucking idea how to emphasize with a story :D
@KGhaleon 13 күн бұрын
Also Dawntrail players: "You don't like the obnoxious furry character? You must hate trans people"
@moogleboy 13 күн бұрын
@@KGhaleon after listening to the difference between the NA and the JP voice acting, I actually hate the NA Voice "Director" for doing everyone dirty like that. Sena doesn't have a lot of big role experience from what I saw on imdb, so giving her this huge role and apparently giving her no direction is like the voice acting equivalent of being a Horizon game.
@kentalacrucia 9 күн бұрын
​@KGhaleon I appreciate how you outed yourself
@darkfirecheetah 13 күн бұрын
Does anyone have a timestamp for when he rates the expansions stories?
@RatTalisman 15 күн бұрын
I seriously don't understand the hatred for this expansion. Was the beginning slow? Sure. but it was all worth it. You got to be Part 4 Jotaro, the cast was expanded upon in a very, VERY human and natural way, and the new characters are some of my favorite in the entire game. And the music, THE MUSIC! I also highly appreciate the difficulty hike, it makes the game much more challenging, especially as a healer. I am not afraid to say this is my favorite expansion so far. It may not be as consistent as the others, but when it hits it hits HARD. I ugly cried at every terminal deactivation.
@omegaxtrigun 15 күн бұрын
Ya I dont get it either. I enjoyed nearly everything about it.
@FinnFann 15 күн бұрын
I've come to call it Stormblood Syndrome. It won't hit everyone, but it's a stepping stone. People felt the exact same about Stormblood at the time. But Stormblood is where lots of the new mechanics and qol and similar upgrades were put in. So...just like that.
@blackdragoncyrus 15 күн бұрын
Wuk Lamat repeating stuff constantly like you're a five year-old watching Dora the Explorer, Bakool doing his complete 180 with absolutely no buildup after committing atrocious crimes, Bakool not being disqualified despite holding an elector hostage and threatening his life directly, Zoraal having barely any personality, we don't get to see his chemistry between his father and his siblings, but we're just told it and expect to feel sad because of it, the whole bandit wild west part just feels like unrelated filler, Zoraal's ships not having any form of air to ground combat capabilities, Otis being a waste of character, having died for nothing protecting a girl who cannot die, and can swap places with a soldier and teleport away at will, Wuk Lamat being able to just break into the final trial for absolutely no discernable reason, just because the plot wanted her to fight Sphene along with you.
@warm-heartedreaction6191 15 күн бұрын
​@@blackdragoncyrus cool for all that nitpick people can enjoy without bother those
@moogleboy 14 күн бұрын
My main gripe with the expansion ahs been not giving any individual story enough time to breathe. We didn't get enough time to learn about everyone involved with the Trial of Succession. Then we get thrust into Alexandria and we have this compelling, potentially threatening villain in Sphene and... oh, that's handled, please look forward to the next Villain of the Week. It's getting tired having a villain show up and then be dealt with instantly.
@BHS289 14 күн бұрын
Man resolved Absolutely Authority blind, what a chad
@TerryVideoZone 2 күн бұрын
it's not too bad if you've seen each mechanic individually before, but acceleration bomb is kinda just a rare as fuck mechanic if you haven't fought ozma/demi-ozma or neo exdeath enough for it to be burned into the back of your head, among a few other bosses here and there. Was glad to see it in not one, but two encounters right in the MSQ.
@HakureiIllusion 15 күн бұрын
19:49 Crazy Talk, activate
@FinnFann 15 күн бұрын
At 5:36 the only thing I could say "Oh of flippin COURSE that would be a tool we made..." If you really think about it, it and our incantation do about the same function.
@George04957 8 күн бұрын
man you can tell this shit hit Pat hard since he's a Dad now
@serinathuller2943 15 күн бұрын
I love this expansion.
@alittlebirdi 10 күн бұрын
With the reveal of the "relic" being of Azem's creation, I wonder if that will be the theme of the new story. Following in Azem's footsteps and uncovering his/her secrets.
@ArtemusWolfwood 3 күн бұрын
@Retigator 8 күн бұрын
pat talking about how the English accents being out of place but it makes tons of sense when you think about the interactions of South America and England. i mean how on the nose is Alexandria coming to take resources from Tural
@amsnow2526 14 күн бұрын
Any guess on why they focused on Sphene's 'crown' after the credits?
@Pyro627 14 күн бұрын
Pat mentioned it right after, I think, but there’s some dialogue in S9 that mentions her crown being a special regulator.
@KevlarCaviar 14 күн бұрын
Probably a teaser for the patch storyline.
@thepeanutgallery9980 6 күн бұрын
I loved Wuk Lamat, but I gotta admit I hit my absolute limit of her at exactly the point she showed up in the final battle So it’s a good thing that was the end of it, cuz I didn’t want to end up starting to resent an otherwise fun character
@KironX1 11 күн бұрын
I really love the boss fights and trials in DT
@MarakamiSG 14 күн бұрын
My only issue is with the voice direction for this expansion. I like Sena's voice work for Lamaty'i but I genuinely wish they handled the direction a little better. Especially for the third trial.
@serinathuller2943 14 күн бұрын
If I must describe a mythology creature for spehen society would be a Ouroboros never ending cycle and eating it's own self.
@chadwicktouchdown 14 күн бұрын
the whole expac is about learning and connecting with other cultures and the xiv playerbase in turn says "no i just want to kill things"
@TipsyTurtle24 13 күн бұрын
There's a weird number of people that are twisting themselves into knots to trying to equate ghosts to living people.
@jakkandjing 12 күн бұрын
They're not even ghosts, they recorded memories existing in an artificial after life matrix
@thesunthrone 11 күн бұрын
They're literally just NFTs of people that once existed, and we just shut down the servers the blockchain is stored on.
@weebcraft6829 5 күн бұрын
If you believe Endless are ghosts then you must think EW's Ultima Thule is pointless too cuz it's LITERALLY the same thing. The only difference here is that we have to kill them because they're the aggressors, but I don't see people going "ooh Ultima Thule is stupid ciz we're just helping ghosts" Double standards, all of you
@guavagecko 4 күн бұрын
I would consider memories put into an android body as a 'do androids dream of electric sheep' situation, given they're capable of self-awareness and reasoning
@TerryVideoZone 2 күн бұрын
They *are* for all intents and purposes real people not only as they lived but also perfectly capable of still growing and learning new things. This much is spelled out abundantly clear in the story. They lack XIV's conception of a "Soul" but they are still very much alive, even if only in a metaphorical sense. In a sense you could still call that form of being a "ghost", but would the ghost of someone departed be able to return to you like the Endless? To stay with you throughout the rest of your life and make even more memories with you, and then have you join them when your time comes as well? In some ways it's not unlike the popular thought experiment in regards to one prominent ship of theseus-esque theory as to how teleportation could be made real irl. In order to move someone instantaneously from one place to another with our current understanding of reality we could theoretically do so by deconstructing the molecules that make up our body and reconstructing them elsewhere. The question then is, would that reconstructed person still be you? Or would you die in the moment that the matter that makes up your body is obliterated and would "something else" then continue to live on as you? Ultimately, borrowed time is borrowed time and even they themselves wanted you to end their unending perpetuity, and if not for you Sphene would have consumed the entire universe's aether to keep them alive in a heartbeat.
@CountofBleck 14 күн бұрын
Pat is really the type of person to say its Emet Selch apologists are hilarious and then turm to Sphene and say "You're not even a person"
@alephnole7009 13 күн бұрын
i was in shock whan he said that. I can just imagine Emet staring at pats WOL making that face from the "Just buy a new phone" meme with his hands on his hips.
@thesunthrone 11 күн бұрын
She isn't. She is an AI construct made long AFTER the original Sphene's death. The memories recorded of Otis show him going through PTSD for failing his duty, and it's why the original Otis volunteered to the construct revival experiments, the end result of which we see in Alexandria, looking after baby Gulool Ja. On top of that, Sphene's memory construct is bolted onto a locust-like AI whose prime directive runs directly against the memory construct's character - hence the whole "I must delete Sphene's memories" part of the level 100 dungeon, and her bipolar actions before that. Sphene is dead, has been for centuries. All we saw was her digital ghost forced to commit atrocities to sustain an unsustainable system that didn't even work.
@Animedude234 5 күн бұрын
A week late, BUT, it's pretty consistent, really. Emet selch is wrong because he wants to sacrifice people who are alive here and now in order to bring back the ghosts of people long dead. Sphene is wrong because she wants to sacrifice people who are alive right now in order to keep the memory ghosts of people alive even after they are long dead. "Moral relativism and all that. As I don't consider you to be truly alive it's not murder when I kill you" might apply... were it not for the fact that the digital memories literally have no souls of their own. Case in point: Otis. Otis's soul was put into a robot body. His memories were also uploaded at the same time. The data-ghost in Living Memory had no soul while Otisbot did.
@masterplusmargarita 5 күн бұрын
@@Animedude234 If anything, my biggest criticism of Sphene (a character that I do love) is that she's sort of just... nicer Emet-Selch. Thematically they're doing the exact same thing - putting memories over the living - and it feels like a little bit of a retread of Shadowbringers. Sphene just also happens to be one of the memories, where Emet-Selch isn't. There's enough of a different spin in the details to make it work for me, but the comparison is very much warranted.
@syrushbluhr 15 күн бұрын
Minor spoilers... I dont mind Wuk Lamat VA direction, but i get why there is people saying it was bad. I still enjoy the interaction with her character, but it could be better. That bit with the Alexandria society that is still alive, i dont buy it, its much setup for future revisions and not many consequences.
@TheMexRAGE 15 күн бұрын
I feel the problem with some of the performance had to do with how hard was to do recording, feedback, direction and re-recording when the entire orocess for the english track alone is spread out between 3 vastly diferent timezones (japan, uk and california), so re-recording something when there is a change on a cutscene is very hard
@donimmortal7692 14 күн бұрын
JP dup all the way. Problem solved.
@ExaltedUriel 14 күн бұрын
​@@donimmortal7692Agreed, been using JP audio since ARR and I've continued to be vindicated on that decision, lol
@TerryVideoZone 2 күн бұрын
I like her voice, but some of those line reads are rough. I'm surprised they even kept them in the game.
@Hildragon 8 күн бұрын
6:29:46 by far the most god awful dungeon to ever exist... fuck whoever designed this.
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