Peter Parker: Spider-Man | Smallville Style Season 5

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@WaltuhVerse 24 күн бұрын
Season 5: Gang War. The arrest of Flint Marko and Alexander O'Hern was a wake-up call for the criminal syndicate, as they were both important pawns in their game. But the final nail in the coffin was that Spider-Man managed to defeat them, even with their superpowers. After all his exploits, he instilled fear in the criminals, and they saw no future. One night, they gathered in a secret building to find a solution to end their criminal activities. But something unforeseen happened, or rather someone: Tombstone and his partner, the Hammerhead. Tombstone, also known as Thomas Lincoln, mocked the whole bunch, as if they had come here to talk about their sensitive souls or an evening of alcoholics who wanted to quit. He was ashamed of the current generation of criminals. He then killed a random criminal to show his principles and promised that together they could bring the city to such a state that Spider-Man and the police would never fix the situation. Tombstone's plan was to steal property from investor Roderick Kingsley. They broke into his company and stole technology. Maybe it could be used for their own purposes, but Tombstone's plan was in the act of theft, not the theft of a particular thing. The next day, all the news was about poor old Kingsley, who had narrowly escaped an incident with the Chameleon recently, and now had been robbed. Nevertheless, he acted quite restrained and silent, as always. He walked past the paparazzi, and Peter was one of the photographers. Considering that the victim was again this old man, he thought that this was again the work of the Chameleon. Frederick Foswell, a reporter from the same Bugle, was also present at the scene. The middle-aged man had been working for Jameson for longer than Parker, but they had rarely crossed paths. Out of curiosity, Peter asked him what he thought about the situation, to which Foswell replied with the assumption that the criminal syndicate was behind it. Peter took this into account, but still kept the connection with the Chameleon in mind. That evening, Peter was walking with Aunt May, and she was talking to him about Mary Jane Watson, although Peter kept trying to dodge the topic, Aunt May was unstoppable. Not that Peter didn't want to find a girlfriend, but Betty Brant was too fleeting, and even if he wanted to, he couldn't break Peter's heart; he was just not up for it. Otto's help, studies, the unpleasant experience after the incident with the Chameleon, Peter simply wouldn't have enough time, and the situation with Betty would repeat itself. On the other hand... Liz Allen?... Beautiful, recently broke up with Flash, there were some hints... But all these thoughts were interrupted by his spider-sense and a car that suddenly came out of the corner. Peter managed to pull Aunt May close to him and leave her safe and sound. Immediately after that car, a police car pulled out, where the guardians of the law stopped for a second to make sure everything was alright. Making sure, they drove away, and Peter took May home, fortunately, he was very close. Wrapping her in a blanket and giving her a sedative, he ran to "take pictures" and, without the guise of work, let off some steam. Catching up with the chase, he crashed into the criminals' car, making a hole in the top and blinding the four with his web. Not managing to brake in time, the car rolled over. "Well, the fact that I haven't taken my driving test is really noticeable," he thought. All four of them opened their eyes and attacked Spider-Man. He stopped one's fist, then grabbed his arm near the elbow and kicked him with a spinning kick, he kicked the second from above, pulling him to the ground with his web, and he knocked the third to the ground with his web and glued him to the asphalt with it. The fourth one ran away. Spider-Man went after him into the sewers, but after a while, he found no trace of the bandit, claiming that he wasn't there and that the police probably caught him. Meanwhile, the fourth criminal was wandering through the sewers and found a laboratory. Entering inside, he saw a lot of technology and a costume resembling a scary elf. Later, he was knocked unconscious from behind. He woke up chained to a chair and equipped the criminal was trapped with a device over his body. He could barely see after the blow and only made out the features of an orange-yellow-blue silhouette that was asking him about the syndicate. Screaming in terror, the guy tried to convince the unknown that he didn't know anything. The trap began to transform and cause pain to the robber, but his answer didn't change. Then the trap completed its transformation and deprived the poor guy of his head.
@WaltuhVerse 24 күн бұрын
Someone left special clues at the scene of the murder, and the body was discovered. The police had never seen such a murder with unusual capture technology before. After a medical examination, it was revealed that the fourth criminal was probably the victim. There was nothing else at the scene, everything else was hidden by someone. Peter blamed himself for what happened, because if he had spent more time, the guy would have been behind bars, but alive. Bullseye was having an interview around a card table with three people. Suddenly, someone flew into the dimly lit apartment on a glider. - Hee-hee-hee-hee. Bullseye, hello! - What are you, some kind of creature, and how did you find us? - Oh, don't call me names! I'm quite a vulnerable creature, and I can hurt even more, hee-hee-hee... like him for example. *The last three words sounded rougher and were the last ones the man on the right of the Sledgehammer heard. The unknown killed him with a laser blast from his finger. The second man ran towards the door, but he was killed in the same way. The unknown sat down on the glider, dangling his legs.* - Well, shall we talk? The action immediately shifts to the same place as at the beginning: the criminal syndicate building. Bullseye, tied up, fell out of the window and the unknown flew in on a glider. Everyone was shocked, and only Tombstone reacted to the newcomer with a smile. - Even being able to fly as high and fast as you, you can't avoid a trip to the other side. - Hee-hee-hee-hee! So that's what it is. I didn't know such a place existed, I thought it was a legend, like Eldorado or Atlantis. Hahaha. This could only be seen in a dream, but it's true. Truth! But don't take that as a compliment, because you're all just stupid sheep, living in fear that the police will drive by one day and cast their eyes on this place, after which your organization will collapse! The syndicate, hee-hee-hee. A laughing matter, that's all! You're just like a bunch of pathetic alcoholics, just not officially! But your main problem is not even that, it's that a criminal organization in a big city like this doesn't have a boss. And he would have rewarded you with a home. But that's fixable. Now I'm your... - Leader. I'm their leader. - Ha-ha-ha-ha. Leader? You? Ahh, right. Albino. Remind me what your name is? Oh, yeah, Tombstone. Who do you think you are? Big man? You're only useful in someone else's service, but you're completely talentless as a leader. But to you, as to all of you, I give you a choice. Follow me, and together we will reach great heights! *Someone from the crowd stepped forward and started talking* - Tombstone told us the same thing. And what did we achieve with him? What can you offer us? - Money. Truthfully, I work for Kingsley. But the old man will die soon, and the money will be mine. Imagine what we can build! What a percentage of corruption there will be in the city! *Tombstone laughed* - Ahahaha... Kingsley. I know it's you. In your old age, you decided to put on a costume like some kind of Elf. - For centuries, Hobgoblins have been a symbol of mystical horror and fear. Look at my face! For people, I am a harbinger of death! - Don't stray from the topic, Kingsley! - Ha-ha-ha! Kingsley? That old geezer? Do you think he could do this? *The Hobgoblin did a few flips in flight and killed one of the criminals with a shot from his finger* - I understand Tombstone killed one in front of you to raise his authority. And I did it because it's fun! I don't need to prove anything! And you all need to prove how fast you are! - Fast? What are you talking about? Laughing, the Hobgoblin flew out of the window, and the doors of the building flew open. The police and Spider-Man appeared. The criminals scattered in different directions, climbed up, but to no avail.
@WaltuhVerse 24 күн бұрын
Untying the knot and freeing the Hammerhead, Tombstone led him to the back entrance. They walked through many people, but Spider-Man appeared in front of them. The Hammerhead couldn't fight due to his recent clash with the Hobgoblin, so Tombstone threw him to the ground and looked into Spider-Man's lenses. Lenses that instilled hope, and that he wanted to shatter, after gouging out the insect's eyes! Spider-Man responded well to Tombstone's blows, but when he tried to hit back, he was immediately grabbed and lifted up. Tombstone then slammed Spider-Man to the ground, creating a crack. Spider-Man became more cautious, but now the whole fight turned into a game of slaps, because neither could hit the other: one hit quickly, the other reacted. Eventually, Spider-Man simply jumped over his opponent and pinned him down with his web. Tombstone lay there for a few seconds, but then suddenly stood up, pulling on the web and striking Spider-Man in the face with his knee. While Spider-Man had a short "glitch," Tombstone picked him up and ran towards the wall, then struck him again. The crack was stronger, and Peter felt the albino's favorite move. Striking Spider-Man in the face again with his foot, Tombstone ran towards the back entrance with the Hammerhead, knocking over any policemen who got in their way. Coming to their senses, the police found that not all the criminals were in the building, and 60% had escaped. However, the catch was still huge. Only one question remained: what now? Norman Osborn entered Roderick's office. "What is this?" Norman asked, placing photos on Kingsley's desk showing a man in a Hobgoblin costume flying on a glider. - "You tell me. Who is he and where did he get our development?" This question stumped Norman. - "I should be asking you that question, and why are you so cold in your answer to me?" - "What do you want, Norman? I'm an old man who has been the target of two assassination attempts. I'm about to retire, and I don't know who to leave my legacy to. I've made many enemies over the history of my fashion career, and apparently huge investments haven't helped me atone for my sins. This is what I'm paying for. I've seen a lot, and you come in here, rudely asking who this is? Where did this come from? We abandoned this development without finishing it and left it in the sewers, which already shows a terrible attitude towards the project from both sides. If you're so worried about your good name, then don't worry, there's nothing there for us." - "Convincing arguments, but your reaction seems suspicious to me. Maybe you hired someone to protect you, not to mention that you could have put on the costume yourself." - "Why would I hire someone when there are at least two police units around me? And how do you think I could be under the mask? Photos from the sensational syndicate cover-up, right? If I were the Hobgoblin, I would have killed everyone on the spot, but he was there for a while and called the police. Not my tactics. And if I had a mercenary, he wouldn't have given this scum a chance to live out their days in prison." - "Okay, but there's one BUT. At the scene, they found a body with an unusual hole and a black mark on the shirt. He was killed by a laser from a glove." - "Hmm, interesting. What are you trying to say by that?" - "That you, or he, wanted to scare everyone in the building with this. But why scare them with murder and a demonstration of capabilities if the police with Spider-Man will soon appear? It seems to me that we're talking about recruitment." - "An interesting detail, but your "analysis" once again indicates that I'm not involved. Not my policy." - "Okay, I heard you. But if the Hobgoblin interferes with me in any way, it will become your problem, Kingsley." Furious, Norman left, and Kingsley calmly watched the departing Oscorp owner from under his brows. Peter decided to conduct a small investigation based on the available photos and facts. This place was a gathering only for criminals who knew about the syndicate, not all of them, which is logical, because it would be too easy and stupid. He saw Tombstone for the first time, there were no surviving policemen who saw him, and the criminals didn't say anything except that he was their leader. Basically, it's simple, Tombstone was running the syndicate, but who was that Elf on the glider?
@WaltuhVerse 24 күн бұрын
Who was he? One of them? Or was it him who gave us the tip? Or is he some kind of anti-hero with his own methods? Questions. Questions demanded answers. Peter wasn't strong in detective work, but trying to find any answers, he remembered that Foswell was right about the syndicate's actions against Kingsley. Maybe he can help again? - Parker, why are you so interested in this? - The whole city is buzzing after the theft of Kingsley's invention, and now it's officially confirmed that the syndicate is involved. A certain albino with super strength who fought back against Spider-Man, an Elf on a glider. It's all a very hot topic and you can make good money on it. - Oh, the current generation, their mercantilism. The world is truly rotting. - Um, well, actually, it's for paying bills and helping Aunt May. My uncle recently died and we... - I'm sorry, Peter, I didn't know. *Peter was slightly surprised when Foswell called him by name* - In our time, many people are sponging off others, but you're a rare example. - Thank you, of course, but I think any self-respecting person would decide to help, because as a future man, I have a responsibility. - You're overestimating people too much, Peter. Even in the most obvious situations, where only the right choice is the only correct outcome, people manage to find a loophole for their own benefit. - But it's even... disgusting? - There are more expressive words for this topic. But you haven't grown up yet. So what do I think? I don't think anything. 60% ran away and will find themselves a new hideout under the leadership of Tombstone. By the way, I knew him. Not personally, of course. Robbie knew him. His name is Thomas Lincoln. He and Robbie went to school together, although not in the same class. And even then, arrogance and cruelty were inherent in him. That's all Robbie knew, basically. - I see, thanks. And what about the guy on the glider? - I don't know. What conclusions can you draw from the fact that he simply flew away? Knowing Lincoln, he's really the leader of the gang, and it makes no sense for him to lie about it when caught. And this Elf, maybe he's the one who gave you the tip and doesn't want fame? He flew away right before the police and Spider-Man arrived, they didn't find anything special at the scene. - I thought about that too. But why was he inside in the first place? *Then Peter remembered how, as Spider-Man, he saw Tombstone untie someone and how they found the body with an unusual wound in the abdomen.* - It's an interesting question. But it seems to me, my young friend, you'll take photos anyway, because where there's Spider-Man, there you are. *This question struck Peter* - What, excuse me? - It's obvious that you and Spider-Man are on the same side. You take photos, making money from it, and he gets media coverage. Okay, Peter, we've had a nice chat, had some tea, time to work. Foswell left, and Peter hadn't recovered from the shock. What if he's covering up and knows everything as it really is? Maybe his answer about the criminal syndicate after the Kingsley incident is due to this? What if that anti-hero is Foswell and that's why he went off the rails like that and said about Spider-Man to confuse me? On the one hand, even the dumb Rhino thought so, but what if... All these thoughts were interrupted by the news, where this certain Elf began to blow up the prison with the syndicate's newly captured criminals. And he wasn't alone, people with machine guns wearing masks resembling pumpkins, began a real terror. Spider-Man immediately rushed there. The only thing that comforted Peter was the fact that it wasn't Foswell, because he simply wouldn't have had time, and he saw him only dressed as Spider-Man. And the question of who this Elf was also disappeared. The question remained how to help people. The whole prison was already burning, as were the people in it. Policemen, prisoners, everyone was dying in agony. Spider-Man flew in and immediately started taking down all the Elf's henchmen, sticking them to the walls and asphalt with his web. After a while, Spider-Man reached the Elf. - Sorry, buddy. - Spider-Man?! - Did I miss the carnival? - I'm the Hobgoblin, and you've made it to your funeral! - Interesting! Never thought I'd be buried in a prison. - He-he-he, life is full of surprises, Spidey! - Why did you attack the prison and blow everything up here? What were you doing at the syndicate's mansion?
@WaltuhVerse 24 күн бұрын
- Just don't hold it against me. - We'll see about that! - He-he-he. You see, Spider-Man, these criminals were much more dangerous than you think. - That's no excuse to kill them, there were innocent victims there! - These are just details. Details. History is being made here, and people are dying all the time. The battle took place in the air, the Hobgoblin guessed every maneuver of Spider-Man, which he himself thought about and didn't know how to be in this battle. Catching the glider with his web, the Hobgoblin flew towards the burning area to roast Spider-Man, but he pressed himself against the glider and the fire barely touched him. You're pathetic! - the Hobgoblin shouted. The Hobgoblin flew very high. *and what am I doing not sitting on the ground...* - Well, do you like flying? - Oh, come on, you wouldn't know nuts, nor a Rambo movie, an unsuccessful flight. The helicopter that was flying to the prison separated the Hobgoblin and Spider-Man. While the Hobgoblin flew back, Spider-Man fell and his web supply ran out. Fortunately, the altitude was high and Peter managed to change the cartridge on one hand. Stopping on the roof of a building, Spider-Man reloaded both web shooters, but by the time he reached the site, it was too late: the Hobgoblin and his gang had gone. Spider-Man, along with the ambulance, made every effort to help the survivors, but everyone was killed. It was a terrifying sight that the city will remember for a long time. And at that moment, Peter realized that the Gang War had truly begun. Tombstone was furious. He was losing and understood perfectly that serving the Hobgoblin was much more profitable and rewarding. And he was really scary. But not to him. Not to Tombstone. Lincoln knew enough about Kingsley and, still believing that Roderick was under the mask of the Hobgoblin, decided to call Desiree Von-Poupe. She was a successful fashion designer in Europe, but because of questionable deals, Kingsley bankrupted her. Then, her sister Narda Ravanna, also known as Madame Bellatrix, stepped in. Many years ago, she wanted to make an attempt on Kingsley's life and was killed. This was many years ago, but this is not forgiven. In fact, Kingsley deprived Desiree of her sister and business. Kingsley's name is already well-known far beyond the city and Desiree, in honor of revenge, provided Lincoln with quite interesting information about the "Hobgoblin." About his connection to the old criminal world, bribes and fashion design past. Now Thomas fully understood why Kingsley decided to become a kind investor. So Tombstone, furiously preaching that Kingsley was the Hobgoblin, began to lure criminals under his wing, citing compromising evidence. And to the question, "What if it's not Kingsley?" he answered that he still works for him, there won't be a boss with bags, and the Hobgoblin himself will be out of the game. For several days, Tombstone's and the Hobgoblin's gangs had feuds, robbed banks, and asked people to stay in their homes and be careful. Spider-Man and the police were doing everything they could. The gang leaders themselves did not appear in public. The Hobgoblin understood that he was losing his grip, but he didn't understand why. Hiring a tracker, he learned that Tombstone had dug up compromising evidence on Kingsley's dark past and could blackmail him with it. The Hobgoblin immediately realized what question Tombstone was raising and that he wasn't so dumb after all. But the Hobgoblin was tired of mini-games. The chessboard had already managed to smoke from several days of inactivity. The criminal world should have only one boss. WHEN YOU'RE AN ASPIRING COLLEGE STUDENT, YOU SHOULD MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR TIME IN THE LAB WHENEVER YOU GET THE CHANCE. THIS RULE IS FOLLOWED BY BOTH STEVE HOPKINS AND PETER PARKER, WHO ARE SPENDING THIS EVENING IN THE LAB OF EMPIRE STATE UNIVERSITY IN MANHATTAN... WOW! SPIDER-SENSE IS WORKING LIKE A GEIGER COUNTER IN LOS ALAMOS! WHICH MEANS THERE'S DANGER NEARBY... BUT, DAMN IT, WHAT COULD THREATEN ME... ...HERE? These were criminals, obviously from Tombstone's gang, who had broken into the school. Peter understood that he would put Steve in danger. The criminals only needed chemicals. Peter managed to add something, and there was an explosion, after which his classmates ran away. One from the criminals, and the other towards them, but already as Spider-Man!
@WaltuhVerse 24 күн бұрын
The criminals immediately flinched at the sight of Spider-Man and immediately took off. But Spider-Man didn't want to chase them. He wanted to find out where they were running. Deliberately slowing down his flight and dodging bullets, he chased them for about twenty minutes, then disappeared from sight. That's how he stumbled upon another, but less remarkable, abandoned building. Climbing onto the roof, he managed to see through the glass how Tombstone punished his subordinate for a failed mission. With one squeeze, he strangled the man, having held him under the ground before that. Looking around from the other side, Spider-Man saw that Lincoln's gang had kidnapped J. Jonah Jameson! Tombstone stepped aside, and Spider-Man quietly opening the window, began to descend on his web upside down. - Spider-Man? I didn't expect you. But it's a pleasant surprise. *Tombstone slowly turned to face Spider-Man* - Lincoln, you have a fetish for abandoned buildings. - Ha-ha-ha, I see you've found out my real name. *Tombstone began to grin maliciously and play with the knife in his right hand* - It would be more accurate to say, "I hear," since you didn't receive a letter from me. Although it sounds more literary, and gang leaders need to impress their employees, the captive and... - Stop talking! You're just a jerk in tights, you have no idea what's going on in the inner kitchen! - But in my kitchen, no one else goes to the stove besides me... Oh, Jonah! What?! Spider-Man?! Here?! - exclaimed the awakened J. Jonah. - I knew you were in cahoots with them... *Before Jonah could finish his fiery speech, Spider-Man immediately gagged Jonah with his web.* Yes, I've been wanting to do this for a long time, thought Peter to himself. - Don't interrupt Mommy and Daddy talking. So, what do you need from Jameson? - From him? Nothing, it's just an act of anarchism. Thanks to me, the city is burning figuratively and literally, but I won't let the madman calling himself the Hobgoblin take power from me! - And what is power for you? Money, subordinates, prisoners? - Victims. That very moment when a person's last breath depends on my hand. When I hold him by the neck, but in fact by the heart, which I can, without a twinge of conscience, simply reduce to atoms. And yes, I like power. I like it that people are afraid of me, because in the criminal world only manipulation and real power can turn you into an analogue of the king. Only two components, but the meager mind of an ordinary person is unable to think in this direction, and the physical shell is even worse. The strong control the weak, that's the law of life. - I know the law better than you, and there's no such thing in it. *Spider-Man flipped in mid-air and landed on the floor* - And we're not in the criminal world, but in the ordinary world. And worthy people are worthy of power, not monsters like you. It's time to take responsibility. - What are you talking about?! Make me! The fight began. Spider-Man was already ready for Tombstone's attacks, and at first it saved him. When Lincoln swung at Spider-Man with his right hand, Spidey flipped towards it, holding out both hands to block the blow, then struck Lincoln with his right hand, extending it sharply. Lincoln quickly grabbed Spider-Man's hands and threw him over his right. Spider-Man pulled himself towards Tombstone and stuck his soles to his chest, then punched him in the nose. Tombstone staggered, but did not fall, then peeled Spider-Man off his chest, grabbed him, and holding him by his legs with one hand and by his hands behind his back with the other, ran towards the wall with all his might. Tombstone began to kick the lying Spider-Man, against whom he had just broken a battery. Spider-Man webbed himself to another place, did a somersault with a running start, and kicked Lincoln in the chin, thus lifting him into the air. Spider-Man quickly pulled himself towards him, sending him to the ground, and punched the lying Tombstone with both hands at a good speed. Tombstone intercepted the friendly neighbor's blow and threw him closer to the toilet. Tombstone walked briskly towards Spider-Man. Looking around, Peter realized that he had something to work with. When Lincoln was about to swing at his opponent with his knife, Spider-Man webbed off the sink and hit Tombstone in the face with it with all his might.
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