Drama Time - FF11 Destroyed my Friendship

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Drama Time

Drama Time

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00:00 - Intro
01:40 - You Are Wrong!
14:50 - FF11 Destroyed my Friendship
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@mormegil231 3 ай бұрын
Holy hell. All the moon phase practices were not even confirmed when people did them and it was bs in the end? So basically FF11 crafting actually drove people mad, believing in complete crazy stuff.
@Riplee86 3 ай бұрын
Yeah, I remember stories like that from a friend years ago. Basically, FF11 gave very little in the way of details on how some things worked, so players started coming up with their own conspiracy theories on how it worked, like crafting and the Thief's extra loot ability.
@foxyfoxington2651 3 ай бұрын
Yeah, we used to have spreadsheets for day, phase of the moon, etc. To this day I'm still not entirely sure how it worked.
@shadeswarm 3 ай бұрын
Don't forget, you also had to face a very specific direction in some case to ensure that +1 craft! :D
@Massivecow1337 3 ай бұрын
The thing is, if you spent 30-40 hours trying to get a chance at something, wouldn't you be willing to wait a couple more, just in case? Keep in mind the game did have weird, esoteric systems like this. Certain mobs only spawned in certain weather, and the chance for the weather was determined by what in-game season it was (i.e. some zones would have a greater chance at Fire weather in summer.) In addition, chocobo digging did actually get affected by moon phases, as the loot tables would change around. There were even mobs that could only spawn under certain moon conditions, such as Haty and Bandegeit Vran, who dropped a pretty nifty low-level throwing item called Rogetsurin with agi on it. (The mobs also only spawned at night and over a fairly large area, so there was that constraint too.) The idea of turning to face a deity's star of the same element as your crystal didn't seem all the weird.
@ASpaceOstrich 3 ай бұрын
Yeah, I can see why it'd happen. I had some "conspiracy theories" about how loot and ammo drops in destiny 2 worked that were never confirmed by anything. Though they were considerably less superstitious in nature. More that the algorithm for loot and ammo drops was unknown and I suspected I'd figured out what it was. Everyone had their theories about ammo spawning or was at least vaguely aware that there was something off about it, and I can see how the kind of people who play MMO's might get really fucking weird with it with a similar lack of information.
@baracken 3 ай бұрын
the first story sounds like a cult...
@MrJake8555 3 ай бұрын
its like hearing a dark souls player mald because someone used estus in a duel
@aznhomig 3 ай бұрын
Commies, man.
@EmpyreanDreamer 2 ай бұрын
It may sound that way those but who didn't play FF11 won't appreciate how incredibly grindy and punishing the game was. On top of that you literally couldn't do anything alone, you needed a party to get even the easiest of tasks done. This is why linkshells were so bonded and why this kind of behaviour happened sometimes. I'm not saying I agree with the mentality, but Mike himself felt this way at one point and vanilla WoW was not even in the same universe in terms of difficulty and time commitment.
@mitchellkraemer9099 3 ай бұрын
Second author is another MMO player that is confusing difficulty with tedious/time consuming
@SparTadepT 3 ай бұрын
Literally all of these types of people don't play modern games, they simply regurgitate nonsense their other boomer friends say (who also click all of their skills)
@UltimaKeyMaster 3 ай бұрын
I will say about the second story: His friend should have communicated that he needed the loot. He kinda led his buddy on that whole time. Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut there's being upset for the night and logging off like I feel like I would in that scenario and ending an entire friendship over one miscommunication. And Jesus Christ, this person got real real REAL vindictive over one fucking loot incident.
@pumirya 3 ай бұрын
The people in that final fantasy 11 story all need the heads checked.
@ThisisCitrus Ай бұрын
You don't know what it was like, FF11 was wild.
@MrJake8555 3 ай бұрын
ff11 players trying to convince you holding down b actually does help you catch that pokemon
@_reenzane Ай бұрын
meanwhile any sane person knows, it's spamming B
@NightstingVideos 3 ай бұрын
The first guy is what destroys the meaning of games. Just sad really, such pity
@Havok135 3 ай бұрын
FF11 was a decent game for the time. The leveling experience was....taxing to say the least. It consisted of farm killing mobs to get XP chains if you killed them fast enough, but not to fast so there was no downtime between spawns. There were certain areas were groups would farm an if there were to many groups, your group could try stealing spawns (an might get trained on for doing so) or moving to a higher level area were it takes longer to kill a mob. At the max level of 75 when I played, on death you would lose 10% of your To Next Level and that only go worse at 75. You could ask for a Raise 1, 2 or 3. Raise 1 at max level was not used as you wouldnt recoup the lost XP on death, 2 or the coveted 3 was paid for. I enjoyed my time with it, but in the end it was a game built for people that really had no life, so I moved onto WoW.
@foxyfoxington2651 3 ай бұрын
Back in vanilla WoW I'd get together with my friends 3 nights a week to raid. In FFXI we'd get together 3 nights a week *just to level*.
@SunniestAutumn 3 ай бұрын
On the first story: Players being stupid at large does not make a reasonable person's reasonable actions unreasonable. Just because the community at large agreed on something does not mean they were right. By authors own admission, "they were all crazy." Conclusion: Not guilty, in fact, even less guilty than before.
@magdabrownis265 3 ай бұрын
I would’ve told the first author where to stick it. I can’t be bullied in real life or in a game for that matter
@HarumiYu 3 ай бұрын
Funny enough is that Arthars also met his wife in XI, his stories of XI is wild, but this story (the first one) feels a lot like "nowadays drama", this looks like completely BS.
@198sambrrs Ай бұрын
The FF11 stories are bittersweet. As I have mentioned, my lare best friend no lifed the shit out of that game back in the day. I never played because it sounded like a fucking nightmare but I was there when he got some of those coveted pieces like the Jerkin mentioned here. Maybe one day I'll crack into it just for the memories.
@stephanieking8299 3 ай бұрын
@adiscerningdunmer9311 3 ай бұрын
FFXI was my very first MMO. I enjoyed that it really made you have to build relationships with people -- I still play games with the friends I made in that game over sixteen years later. That being said, I never got to the 75 end game, so I missed out on...social nightmares like the first story. I just had a good time leveling, seeing zones and unlocking jobs. XI is definitely a relic, a game of its time. They did what they could to modernize things, but even then I'd have a hard time recommending it to people with how the MMO space is now.
@Shosara 3 ай бұрын
mate someone tell those ff11 people about crafting a full 100% and fully enchanted crafted armor in daoc or trying to get a true black nightmare or true white wyrm in ultima online. final fantasy did not invent the grind :D
@BlueWoWTaylan 3 ай бұрын
I played god damn Knight Online. Now that was all cutthroat PvP and non-stop grinding to the point, if you were Max level, you were 'OP'. If you had 'mastery' unlocked, you OP. So yea, all these old MMOs were similar in a sense that wasting time on these grinds were the game and honestly, as kids/teens, the amount of time you wasted on them were not as apparent. Now though? You would have to pay me to do it as a WORK because...it was just that, work.
@BlueWoWTaylan 3 ай бұрын
That first autho is flat out in a cult...that is an insane mentality.
@tremere40k 3 ай бұрын
that first story Triggers me lol. Was this on Kujata server
@ShintarsVideos 3 ай бұрын
The author of the last story kind of gives me bad vibes. I always dislike it when someone in a group loudly proclaims how much they WANT a piece of loot that others could also use. It tends to feel like a passive-aggressive way of discouraging others from rolling without outright saying so. Unless the cousin specifically said that he wasn't interested (and maybe he did, I did zone out for a bit!) I just don't see the huge betrayal. I totally get how he might not have wanted to have a debate about who's more deserving of the piece if the author was always going about how much he wanted it for himself and that he just quietly figured they'd roll off when it drops to let the dice decide. They were both putting the work in after all.
@joshuafurr9439 3 ай бұрын
Lol dude nuked a years long friendship over a piece of loot in a videogame that could be farmed repeatedly and his friend even said he would help him keep farming for it
@InfiniteUltima2077 3 ай бұрын
Im actually playing through XI right now again, and met two of my best friends there about 20 years ago. Wild seeing all these XI stories lately. Thinking about sending mine in for so long now. Sorry preach, I am a lazy mf. Soon. 😆
@shadeswarm 3 ай бұрын
FFXI was a huge pain in the ass when gear was concerned. It took months to get things, sometimes longer based on luck/competition, etc. Also, like FF14, the job system meant you didn't "need" multiple toons. So the selling of a highly sought after item which, depending on expansion, was one of the best pieces of gear for melee dps just seems crazy in its own right. More to the point - The haubergeon material, the damascus ingot, was only obtainable from NM (which could require hours of camping with a single digit drop chance) or various BCNMs which was instanced party or alliance (raid) content. Which meant you needed other peoples time and energy to acquire. Also at an abysmal drop rate in the single digits. People would literally feel like they wasted their time if you did something like this. Linkshells that could craft or acquire high value items had an extreme amount of social/commerical credit within the game that required others to get ahead. Not calling it right, but just saying that at the time it was common practice to freak the fuck out about gear. The game was an insane time sink. If you didn't play it. You did well. Still enjoyed my time though because I'm soft in the head.
@foxyfoxington2651 3 ай бұрын
Having tried to go back to FF11 a couple times in the last 4-5 years, I'd amend that and say that "FFXI was a huge pain in the ass" and leave it there. I don't know if any other MMO... Heck, any other game, period, gets the rose-colored nostalgia goggles as much as FFXI does. Maybe vanilla WoW, but vanilla WoW was much less of a pain by comparison.
@shadeswarm 3 ай бұрын
​@@foxyfoxington2651 Not going to argue that. Nor am I trying to defend the shit. Many folks just forget that this game pre-dates WoW by a few years and, if you take Everquest into account, the tradition of time sink, pain in the assery was considered normal for the MMO world. I think what gets rose-colored more than the actual game is the extreme social construct the game required. You made some real friends and, as shown by the last few videos, some real enemies over something that is trivial now, but was not then. The social contract within games and the online world has changed drastically. For good reason.
@Xynth22 3 ай бұрын
So the way people thought that crafting system worked is basically the Skinner Box experiment in action.
@candykit5382 3 ай бұрын
People here really don't GET what FF11 was. This is what MMOs were before wow. This is what actual old school ridiculous bullshit looked like. Wow was considered a kiddie game in comparison to most MMOs at the time. FF11 was intensely grindy, but it wasn't even the most grindy old school MMO out there. People also don't seem to get how loot worked. In big linkshells, the super rare loot was often given BACK to the guild bank when not in use to be loaned out to other people when doing bosses. Items like the kraken club were passed around and when multiple of a class who could use it were around, given to the best dps. You absolutely did not 'own' stuff given to you by the guild. It was intended to be reclaimed and passed around as needed when not in use. It took YEARS before enough kraken clubs were in circulation for people to even consider selling one. Same goes for many other pieces of gear like the Haub+1. The Haub+1 is considered one of the 'less' rare items in FF11 due to being able to get it from multiple sources with daily chances. There are items you would have one shot per week if you were lucky on the server... and ALL these bosses are WORLD SPAWNS. You are competing with everyone for every one of these bosses. And there were item drops that were 2% drop rates off these 1 per week spawns. It was wild. That said, after youve dealt with that, you never give a fuck about loot ever again. No FF11 player cares about looot in any other game.
@ticien1 3 ай бұрын
Ff11 was a beast
@uberpinkwarrior 3 ай бұрын
For the story from last time about the ff11 player: the linkshell would have a point if they had just given a loaner to the guy. The fact he farmed the mats means it was his. You dont gain ownership over an item because you crafted it. Simply put: the item is owned by whoever supplied the mats.
@stoneenergy8959 3 ай бұрын
I pray we get a haubergeon in the new XI alliance raids in Dawntrail.
@ticien1 3 ай бұрын
There’s alrdy a haubergeon in 14 atleast the transmog for it pretty sure by name too tho. Now a scorpion harness… that I want
@crushme2233 3 ай бұрын
Scorpion harness already in the game from eureka anemos
@GushuGoblin 3 ай бұрын
Eureka got Emperor Hairpin, Scorp Harness, Leaping Boots, and Optical Hat etc
@foxyfoxington2651 3 ай бұрын
Yeah, FF11 could definitely do that. Happened to me, too.
@tremere40k 3 ай бұрын
lionheartx should of toasted to that Jerkin at the wedding
@hub1986 3 ай бұрын
ah nice some bedtime stories hehe
@majones117 3 ай бұрын
What blows my mind is no one data mined the game to confirm crafting was full rng.
@suspicioussalad5578 2 ай бұрын
I'm with the ffxi players just because it's their game, their rules. Preach didn't even realize it but he admitted the guy was guilty. "It's his right to do whenever he wanted with it, even if he gets blacklisted from guilds" that literally means he's guilty. It's the laws of the land, even if the games using player enforced laws, it's the laws of the land. Preach says "he can do whatever he wants with the item" and he can, but he still has to suffer the consequences of "whatever he wants" which means he was guilty
@Rine.4656 3 ай бұрын
While I loved my FF11 experience, the game did not respect your time at all and I would never do it again.
@Scoutzknives 3 ай бұрын
Yeah, I loved FF11 when I played it and would still probably call it my favorite mmo experience. I tried a few weeks ago to get into it again with Horizon XI and only lasted a few hours before realizing that mmo's changed to our modern format for a reason.
@Vindicator1998 Ай бұрын
I swear every story from someone who played FF11, they've been completely detatched from reality and are completely reprehensible
@jonyleon4528 3 ай бұрын
The first story is just bonkers
@chefRyan38 3 ай бұрын
Simultaneous Spotify upload when
@helloarchives 3 ай бұрын
Modern FFXI is probably better then 90% of the big MMOs out there.
@siyrean 3 ай бұрын
like to see what some of these FF11 guys think of Scarab Lord. Classic WoW was right there with you ;)
@CelticShaman. 3 ай бұрын
FFXI players, no amount of explaining will ever convince all of us who are sane that giving someone a piece of gear, no matter how it was created or obtained, does not make it theirs. All these stories have accomplished is convincing me that FFXI was horrible and I'm never going to try it.
@nymri8537 3 ай бұрын
@foxyfoxington2651 3 ай бұрын
As someone who played FFXI from the NA launch to when WoW launched... You're not wrong. That said, a lot of pre-WoW MMOs were like that. Just for some reason FFXI gets the rose-colored nostalgia goggles more than the others.
@CelticShaman. 3 ай бұрын
@@foxyfoxington2651 yeah it was definitely a product of its time. But the way people think about gear in that game is wild.
@BlueWoWTaylan 3 ай бұрын
@@foxyfoxington2651 Yep. I played many MMOs before WoW and I was shocked that you didn't have to actually FARM the same mobs hour after hour. I remember my Knight Online experience and how you would have to find a proper group that can kill the mobs you need that would give you the amount of EXP you need. All the while everyone else has the same idea so all the spawn points are camped. Hell, majority of players never hit max level or even unlocked their mastery. And if you did, you were already OP in PvP, even if you removed some of your gear, you could easily beat others. And the shining jewel of those weapons that would have effects on them would only happen if you manage to 'craft' them at +7 or higher. And that was practically gambling. You threw a whole lot of the same item in hopes of them combining to get the higher rank. Where even the 'worst' weapons with +7 +8 were valued highly. If you had the BIS weapons drop and you somehow managed to get to that top level, well, you were the king. Those MMOs were most certainly different beasts.
@stephanieking8299 3 ай бұрын
It's a very very different game these days. Way more chill then it used to be it's pretty easy to drop in drop out and pursue your goals on your own time.
@gearhead417 3 ай бұрын
God crafters in MMOs are such a sorry lot.
@princton23 Ай бұрын
Ghosty I miss theeee!!!!
@fredriklind6727 3 ай бұрын
the author from the first story needs to touch grass, like ALOT.
@ramvicious8057 3 ай бұрын
That first author is cringe incarnate.
@dudenamedskip 3 ай бұрын
"he's a narcissist" it's weird how people just throw that around like it's nothing. Dude rolled on a piece of gear he needed and you ended your friendship over it lol grow up.
@robusmc1713 3 ай бұрын
@hotlikesauce 3 ай бұрын
@magdabrownis265 3 ай бұрын
I unironically love FF13. The battle system is crisp
@tremere40k 3 ай бұрын
omg! at some ff11 was next gen game lol
@cas6382 3 ай бұрын
I used to regret not getting into FF11 when I was younger with nothing better to do since I like social mmos but these stories made me so happy I didn't. Also the author of the first story really tried to sell us his guild weren't toxic assholes like get out of here lol
@scytha3721 3 ай бұрын
Never usually this early O_O am I famous now?
@Jakefromstatefarm989 3 ай бұрын
5 mins in and this already sounds like the most boring story ever
@nymri8537 3 ай бұрын
These FF ppl apparently have no concept of other MMO's that have these types of items in them, how special they are...how hard they are to acquire, ESPECIALLY w/WoW RnG now a days...GET OVER IT FF ppl!! You're no diff than anyone else.
@UltimaKeyMaster 3 ай бұрын
The first story sounds like an absolute psychopath. You earn gear, it's yours. First author, you are legitimately an awful person.
@cmundon 3 ай бұрын
No need to insult someone like that. I also disagree with them, but i'm sure they're not an awful person
@ronsorage78 3 ай бұрын
i dont care how hard something was to make. once you give it to them it is theirs. its not a good reason to treat people like crap. you are just using it as an excuse to do so and it makes you the Ahole. stop the cap and go touch grass.
@warhammerguy 3 ай бұрын
I feel the judgment on the first story comes from a place of ignorance since Mike has not played FF11 yet and don't know the hardship people go through to get that loot. I say this because he actually had the opposite opinion when a similar situation came up in WoW. Remember a few years back in WoW when a trial for a mythic guild got a piece of loot through personal loot and when he was asked to hand it over because it was not his since he was only a trial and that loot belong to the guild he refused? He got instantly kicked and the blacklisted from trialing for any mythic guild again on that server. It sparked a huge discussion about the elitist mindset of some mythic guild and the problems of personal loot. Mike back then actually supported the guilds decision because "that loot did not belong to him" while Asmon defended the player that he earned that loot.
@samschulman3663 3 ай бұрын
That’s a different situation though for the critical reason that the guild did not choose to give it to them
@paranoidsoldier Ай бұрын
What is wrong with FF11 players? God, I hate commies.
@NInjaken1337 3 ай бұрын
So FF11 was this "good" of a game HUH! PS: stop obsessing over PIXELS.
@alexis1156 3 ай бұрын
Some people in chat are a bunch of clowns, that friend behavior is straight up sociopath behavior. And people who disagree, and think that the friend was justified in rolling because "he also needed it" are clowns who doesn't understand anything about human behavior and interactions. The op is completely justified in being pissed off. If he also wanted the item he should have made it clear instead of being sneaky about it. You cannot listen to something like that and think that what he did was justified. It was made clear that they were farming for the op item, if the other guy wasn't ok with that, and also wanted it, he should have made it clear, but he didn't. And yea, i would totally cut ties with someone over that, because whether you realize it or not, you are telling me something about yourself that is not positive at all.
@sympathiea 3 ай бұрын
I'm first holy crap o_o
@jonatansandberg2611 3 ай бұрын
@JohnnyMcJohnson 3 ай бұрын
Huuuuuuge 😮
@jamesn3122 3 ай бұрын
Imagine vendoring your Thunderfury after your guild helped you get it, then just saying "it was mine i can do what I want" Sure, he has the "right" to do that. But he can fuck off as well lol
@nymri8537 3 ай бұрын
k - its his, he can do w/e he wants with it. Don't like it, don't help.
@jamesn3122 3 ай бұрын
@nymri8537 what a pitiful attitude. Hyper individualism is pathetic
@UltimaKeyMaster 3 ай бұрын
@@jamesn3122 It's his. Deal with it and stop whining that you didn't get it. Fucking "hyper individualism" man you'll make shit up just to deny people their right to play a video game how they want in a way that doesn't affect anyone. If you're nothing without it, you don't deserve it.
@Zombiebuhada 3 ай бұрын
If they are doing it for an actual upgrade, I really can't care. I'd think they are a fucking idiot but in the end it's pixels.
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