Physicist Michio Kaku: Science is the Engine of Prosperity!

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@Kristers_K 6 жыл бұрын
What i love about Michio is intellect and humor at the same time, and how he speaks about anything connected to science with fascination.
@cirusMEDIA 10 жыл бұрын
Amazing how those guys just sit there talking with an unchanged level of zeal throughout the entire interview and not once stop to take a sip of water. Now that right there is an example of true devotion / love for your craft!
@martinwilson6181 6 жыл бұрын
@RobinAlbertsen 5 ай бұрын
Or maybe they were just not thirsty 😂
@hyliangod3120 8 жыл бұрын
Great video. It's good to see philosophers using their passion to interview people like this and get information and ideas out to the population.
@gloriousoverlord1616 8 жыл бұрын
+Nikola Danaylov Thanks man, please keep up the awesome work, much appreciated. Your channel is addicting, i'll watch all of the videos in next few days.
@DrBrainTickler 6 жыл бұрын
Commander Shepard from, not out of. 😉
@DrBrainTickler 6 жыл бұрын
Commander Shepard agreed, it's likely one of the most important things any of us could possibly do. Awareness is beneficial for biological survival.
@salasvalor01 10 жыл бұрын
38:35 Nikola, when Dr. Kaku said "we can only model 1% the power of a human brain, so we have a long way to go," all I could think of was Ray Kurzweil's "during the genome project, 1% had been completed in 7 years, and skeptics were saying '7 years? 1%? I told you this wasn't going to work, it will take 700 years!' But I said, 'What are you talking about? We're almost done.. 1% is only 7 doublings from 100%.' Sure enough, 7 years later, the genome project was fully sequenced."
@salasvalor01 10 жыл бұрын
***** True that. Hey, I have been following you since your first interviews and Wow! You are the most successful independent interviewer, by far, I have ever come across. Several of these luminaries: Noam Chomsky, Michio Kaku, Ray Kurzweil, Jacques Fresco, etcetera- when I first watched them I thought "I cannot believe he got this interview to happen!" (no offense, I was just trying to compliment)
@salasvalor01 10 жыл бұрын
***** I'm not sure what motivates you, if interviewing is your career or just a temporary hobby. If it is your career, then I hope you get much more success and viewers than you have already. If it is a temporary hobby, then dang, you've been more successful doing it on the side than most interviewers who have made it a career.
@salasvalor01 10 жыл бұрын
***** More like a second career, except you pay to work :P
@GnaeusDomitius 10 жыл бұрын
***** I like the idea and would buy it. Maybe a personal best of?
@GnaeusDomitius 10 жыл бұрын
***** Yea, I thought about that problem too. The only thing that comes to my mind is a crowd funding campaign (aka preorder). I know the last one was only a mediocre success, but that was 2 years ago after all. And this time people would have something physical in the end, maybe that is a motivator to pay for some people too. At least you would know if there are enough interested people this way. And if not only the time for creating the campaign is wasted (if you say that you only produce it if at least 200 people preorder one or something like that).
@RajagopalSomasundarambrt 9 жыл бұрын
On search of videos about singularity I have stumbled upon your channel. Mr. Nikola this is awesome and it has more information that has covered the broader areas of science. Thanks for such videos!!!
@michaela.giannelli4674 9 жыл бұрын
I have watched/listened to Dr. Kaku's talks on many occasions. I consider him to be one of the brightest people on the planet. I would also add that his enthusiasm for the subject matter of which he speaks (or writes) is entirely contagious. That much said and granted, my admiration for him is not by any means unadulterated. One gets the feeling that he could talk non-stop for days. This probably is true because: 1) He is very well informed on a variety of different topics; and, 2) Because he just loves to hear the sound of himself talking! He is far from your "typical" academic (and how I wish I had had someone like him to teach me physics when I was in high school!), and his visionary powers are, in my opinion, extraordinary! BUT (with deliberate emphasis) he strikes me as quite mundane and commonplace among very intellectual people in that he is so totally enamored with HIS OWN intelligence that he virtually equates "intelligence" with "HUMAN intelligence." In this playground of his own choosing, he is guaranteed to come out on the winning team; i.e., the game is RIGGED. For example, one of the first things he said in the interview was, "Only humans [on Earth] have Level 3 intelligence." He elaborated upon this by saying, "... only humans can see tomorrow." I personally find this belief to be, ironically, quite SMALL-minded. To assert that nonhuman animals cannot possess complex mental processes, which therefore precludes them from envisioning the future, is about as absurd a postulate as I have ever heard coming from an individual of such mental prowess. Most certainly, it tells me that Dr. Kaku, unfortunately, has never really gotten to know the DEPTHS of a companion animal to any degree worth noting. The reason for this, quite clearly, is his a priori dismissal of nonhuman intelligence as "obviously" inferior; i.e., he CAN'T SEE what he is NOT looking for, much less what HE DOESN'T BELIEVE even exists!
@Atm_0s 9 жыл бұрын
I truly respect your opinion on this and I'd like to propose a counterpoint if such a thing is possible on the internet without starting some foolish verbal warfare. Here goes... In respect to "companion animal" I'm assuming you're talking about dogs, cats, birds, small marsupials etc. and I'd like to raise the point that these animals truly do live in the moment, it's what makes them such great companions. You will not see my dog Oscar prepare for his upcoming bath by hiding even though he is fully aware of the connection between him and bath time. In the same vein, bears prepare for winter by stocking up on resources and hibernating which would seem like thought to the future but this is still the reaction to external change, colder climate means more food is needed the bear understands this because of instinct much the same as instinct tells you that you are cold and should eat more. Bears prepare for hibernation in the same way they were taught as a cub, you go to the toilet the same way as you were taught as a child and I think the relationship between these two situation is close. This doesn't mean Oscar, for example, is unable to display the signs of individual intelligence only that he is unable to formulate the future consequences to his actions or possible actions. The ability to learn... obviously animals around the world have this ability or you would not be reading this and our ancestors would have died from the 100th time of ingesting the poison berry in the cave however it seems that only humans thus far has the intention to learn. You have watched this video because the experience of it has added to your collective experience and you knew it would as you clicked on the video but there are no cases of animals trying to increase their knowledge[to my knowledge]. If you wish to disagree still with the extra level of intelligence being thought to the future then perhaps thought to learn, even though the two are inextricably linked, then perhaps you will agree that this event is what shows us having an extra level of intelligence. As a side note, Dr Manjir Samanta-Laughton suggests in his book "Punk Science" that even basic cells display their own level of "conciousness" which affects the reality around it. In my personal opinion he makes a few rather large jumps to get there but the ideas there might be something you'd be interested in. Peace
@michaela.giannelli4674 9 жыл бұрын
Michael McAdams Greetings, Michael. Your comments clearly indicate that you are a person of intelligence, and have come into this discussion with some very thoughtful observations. The fundamental issue at hand, namely, whether we as a species uniquely possess the ability to project our intelligence into the future via (to use Dr Kaku's terminology) "Level 3 Intelligence," is of profound importance. Before focusing on that specific issue, however, it might be useful for me to share just a tiny snapshot of myself. I hasten to say that, in sharing this information, it in no way "proves" that YOUR perspective is WRONG while MY perspective is RIGHT. I share this information only to demonstrate that, like you, I have attempted to bring both intelligence and thoughtfulness into this conversation. I chose psychology as my major in college. My interest in the cognitive experience of TIME grew to the point that I elected to write my doctoral dissertation on the subject. This work led to a Ph.D. in clinical psychology from UCLA, and this in turn led to my being licensed (PSY 9501) by the State of California to do private practice as a psychologist. Okay, enough said about that. You made the seminal point that, "animals truly do live in the moment." I completely agree with you. Animals DO live in the moment. You used the example of actions taken by bears in preparation for hibernating in winter. There are, however, certain consequences of this truth which most often fall below the radar. For example, unless you dispute the scientific validity of Darwinian evolution, you would have to agree that WE, Homo sapiens, are ALSO animals. You made another critically important observation: "the extra level of intelligence [of humans] being thought to the future then perhaps thought to learn..." While tempting, this widespread assumption cannot stand on its own merit without deeper scrutiny. My dispositive claim is this: ALL animals, including the HUMAN animal, live entirely IN THE MOMENT. You can establish the veracity of this existential concept with a simple thought experiment. As you are reading this sentence, try to STEP OUT OF THE MOMENT. STEP OUT OF THE NOW. Memories of your PAST can only materialize in the NOW. Projections into your FUTURE can only take place in the NOW. You, me, all animals are permanently "confined" in the HERE and NOW. This simple thought experiment leads, inevitably, unavoidably to one fundamental conclusion: It's IMPOSSIBLE to step out of THE MOMENT, step OUT OF THE NOW, even for humans. One might even go so far as to hypothesize that the very existential definition of "CONSCIOUSNESS" is the ability to experience the NOW. With regard to the "superiority" of human intelligence, if humans design the test criteria, if humans administer the testing, and if humans grade the test scores, then it's hardly surprising that humans come out on top! As I said previously, if the definition of INTELLIGENCE is HUMAN intelligence, then obviously the game is zoologically-rigged and purely self-serving in the first place. This traditional manner of defining intelligence is entirely consistent with other presumptuous human claims of uniqueness, centrality, and superiority: e.g., our planet being at the center of the universe; our species being disconnected from Darwinian evolution; our species being the only one which can navigate long distances, but the truth being that migratory birds can navigate thousands of miles with pinpoint accuracy by orienting themselves to the Earth's magnetic field, etc., etc. One area where human intelligence is indisputably unrivaled, namely, technological development, cannot be seen entirely as positive. Just think about nuclear weapons and climate change. None of the above is inconsistent with my belief that Dr. Michio Kaku is one of the most brilliant people on the planet. One could rationally postulate that an alternative -- and arguably better -- definition of "INTELLIGENCE" would be the ability of a species to control its own POPULATION, its ability to thrive IN HARMONY with other species, and its ability to prosper in an ENVIRONMENTALLY SUSTAINABLE manner. Using those criteria for "intelligence," then we humans, most unfortunately, have never even graduated from Elementary School. Wishing you (and Oscar) peace as well, Michael Giannelli
@khshur2 9 жыл бұрын
Michael A. Giannelli hii. i dont think your right in saying "the human animal" humans are humans and animals are animals Because they dont have the ability to predict and think rationaly like humans does. the homo-sapien has what so called a "super intelligent" - humans nature and the natural world are a completely different things - for example - when you take antibiotics you interfering with natural selection /when you put glasses /when take medicine / when you put your shoes on. humans and nature are Different- so please dont call us "the human animal" it is very offensive and untrue. there is a big reason why we walked on the moon and other species remain -inferior to us (intelligently speaking) . and you say that we also live in the NOW like every animal..this isnt true at all - have you every saw a dog kill himself..have you have saw a dolphin with a "nervous breakdown"...have you ever saw an animal so Stressed out about the "TOMMOROW" that it had to go to a psychotherapist... i dont belive you did.. so that it for now. have a nice day.
@khshur2 9 жыл бұрын
i Believe so ...yes i am a human.... i dont get you .. (:
@michaelcampbell1968 9 жыл бұрын
Oners82 There is evidence that nonhumans can plan for the future. eg.
@JohnLeonardinJapan 10 жыл бұрын
Nicola, Thank you very much for the interview with Dr. Kaku. Very interesting!
@robertohosea 7 жыл бұрын
Every time listen to michio kaku makes me feel I'm 1 inch before madness line... damn this guy is a bomb
@samuelvidal3437 10 жыл бұрын
Absolute pleasure ! Thank you Nikola.
@xemy1010 10 жыл бұрын
That was one of the very best interviews I've seen with Michio Kaku, I think Nikola did a wonderful job! :)
@MrFrankieblack 7 жыл бұрын
I could listen to Dr. Kaku all day!! Thank you very much for this very informative and educational video.
@guicmello 10 жыл бұрын
Awesome interview! It would been great if you had some more 3 hours interviewing Mr. Kaku! He is probably the Einstein of this era. He have so much deep information about a great number of different topics of the human knowledge that gives him a very clear vision of how the world works. I hope you can have the opportunity to make more interviews with him! And by the way, you made your homework very good making him very nice questions! Congratulations again!
@DrBrainTickler 6 жыл бұрын
Manoel Guilherme Cavalcanti Mello Filho I agree. I look forward to how Michio kaku's perspectives increase in specificity in regards to these levels of consciousness... I will study it and compare it to the processes of which I also arrived at and even more detailed assessment that is just like what Michio kaku's talking about here.
@DrBrainTickler 6 жыл бұрын
Manoel Guilherme Cavalcanti Mello Filho I think that you are not alone in the belief that Michio Kaku is one of the smartest people alive... I'm totally fine with the world believing that because that means I'm one of the smartest people alive. There's a lot of us that get ignored because we aren't diplomatic enough for society to recognize.
@serenaround225 3 жыл бұрын
I love Michio, this guy blushed several times after Kaku answered all of his beliefs. I love michio kaku
@JohnSmith-by2fl 10 жыл бұрын
Great interview Nikola... I actually thought this video represented your best work so far... Keep 'me coming!
@Truthseeker182 9 жыл бұрын
The intelligence, wisdom, and knowledge in this video is overwhelming.
@DrBrainTickler 6 жыл бұрын
Truthseeker182 well then, if you watch all of my content your head's going to explode. Enjoy.
@HappyThoughtsGaming 10 жыл бұрын
Probably one of the best interviews I have seen with Kaku. You didn't interrupt, And you had great questions and follow up responses. Keep up the great content! =]
@cdickersonwhitfield 4 жыл бұрын
HappyThoughtsYu-Gi-Oh! I liked that a well. Great interview.
@LemuelUhuru 9 жыл бұрын
Great interview., Nikola. I appreciate your ability to challenge the interviewees views by citing opposing views from other scientist. I think other interviewers might be afraid to "push" in this area due to fears of offending their guess but you've done a great job at it.
@DrBrainTickler 6 жыл бұрын
Lemuel Uhuru That kind of fear goes both ways... Some people are afraid to be questioned while sometimes, some people are afraid to confront CERTAIN other people particular questions... I will rip motherfuckers to pieces for saying dumb shit... Strong negative feedback to stop positive feedback loops, of which become the corruptive status quo driven distractions of the day... The items of division and shill mongering.... The weapons of mass distraction. Because of this I've become a Serial mind rapist... a mother fucking red pill machine gun... Usually people are afraid of confronting me with opposing views... Muhahaha
@DrBrainTickler 6 жыл бұрын
Lemuel Uhuru really what's happening is an addiction to confrontation, Sports driven mentality brainwashing and it's mixed with a little bit of honeydicking manipulation in the form of giving the viewing public what they're looking for... The majority of people that get on social media are addicted to high school debate team bullshit... The entire time they watch anybody display their thoughts they have these high school debate team bullshit points they keep on inserting into the field of information... The majority treat philosophy as if it's a game for them to win at. Then they get on the internet and argue over there dumb shit opinions... Psychological Association to winning with a dopamine release. Being right in regards to your beliefs is a form of winning and it feels good to pretend that you know what you're talking about... Very addicting indeed. This is even more applicable when the statements being made are likely true because that's the worst thing you can tell anybody. The truth disproves everybody's logically flawed, cognitively biased diarrhea of the mouth opinions... That's when people will play the game of high school debate team bullshit, Bill O'Reilly, self-deluding mentality more than any other instances of communication. The majority of social media personalities are just as much Junkies as they are salesman of this particular drug. I find all of it fucking disgusting, primitive and a waste of fucking time... Regardless of the quality of the people being interviewed at this podcast, this factor of manipulation is still an aspect of its popularity. The Jerry Springer effect if you will... nothing like some good old chair chucking drama to put people in the seats.
@frankybarraTV 8 жыл бұрын
@bonniedelery9160 6 жыл бұрын
You my friend are the smartest Indian I've ever watched in my life.
@dumberdrumerstickz0534 10 жыл бұрын
Dr. Kaku always turns my head. His books are an avenue to a wealth of learning. His ability to enjoy a long interview like this alone is inspiring. Thanks Nikola.
@The22on 5 жыл бұрын
It's a pleasure to listen when the interviewer asks good questions and does not try to show how much he knows - and this interviewer obviously knows a lot. Its better than just letting Kaku give a lecture. It's cool that a philosopher does not stray into pseudoscience or religion, like many do. He sticks to the real world. My fav part was when Kaku came out and forcefully said that the quantum computer people were, in effect, lying. They haven't really done what they said they'd done because of decoherence. And that's the next term i will look up! My formal engineering education stopped in 1975, so I'm still stuck in that deterministic world. I work hard everyday to keep my wave function from collapsing.
@joshuafinn7663 10 жыл бұрын
Simply "Thank you for what you do!"
@ravik-qq7ee 3 жыл бұрын
Dr. Kaku is phenomenal! He is my virtual teacher. I am nearing 80 years of age. I absolutely admire his brilliance and desire to train the young minds.
@SplaatYoutube 9 жыл бұрын
I believe in Dr. Michio Kaku but I also need to applause the interviewer for possibly the best characteristics of an interviewer I've seen in recent years. Instead of allowing small rebuttals and following with a predetermined answer this interviewer actually listens to the answers given by superior intelligent individuals. I can't wait till this is mainstream
@learngoodable 10 жыл бұрын
Wow you finally got michio kaku on your show congrats :)
@mskillo81 6 жыл бұрын
My comment is aimed at the interviewer. I love your demeanor and beautiful quality of questions, moreover your delivery of them. One of the best most genuine interviewers I have ever seen in my life. Bravo sir!
@NikolaDanaylov 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you very much Michael. I really appreciate your kind words of support and I am very happy you enjoyed my questions so much. I always do my best though I have to admit my performace and/or my connection with my interviewees does fluctuate and doesn't works out as well as it did with here. Plus, different people like or dislike different things so somone's favorte interview is someone else's worst one ;-)
@BoredSpectre 9 жыл бұрын
One of the best interviews I have ever witnessed. The host even though not in his element was able to ask intelligent questions that are relevant to the topic and keep the conversation interesting. Not many people can handle Kaku. I've seen some interviews, wherein the host didn't understand and did the repeating-question-tactic-disguised-by-another-question just trying to extract an explanation they can understand. There was even a time where a female host from a propaganda news channel struggled to discredit Kaku's view of democracy. And the funniest examples are when TV news host struggle to utter a single word or a smart response to Kaku's explanation of things. Can't wait to watch the other interviews. Gonna subscribe now.
@DrBrainTickler 6 жыл бұрын
Ram Blake I'm glad that you appreciate intelligence... it's rare that people do these days.
@kilyenbalazs6398 8 жыл бұрын
To bad i am not at this level of English. But still interesting to listen to. I really like how he can not only think out of the box...but he does not even say there must be a box. ..
@jayaybe1 10 жыл бұрын
I've just finished listening to the podcast of this and now I'm watching the vid : ) Well done Nikola and congratulations on yet another fantastic interview! I was impressed that even though you were delighted to have the opportunity to interview Prof. Kaku you were never over awed and weren't shy of getting in his face a bit ; )
@sebastianlukito6686 6 жыл бұрын
The interviewer gave great feedbacks to Dr. Michio Kaku. That's great. I've known this concept 5 years ago when I read his books, science journals, and so on. But you did a great job to deliver his messages stronger than I thought.
@websurfin2010 10 жыл бұрын
I can never grow tired listening to Michio Kaku.
@carl5192 8 жыл бұрын
Michio Kakus closing argument was top!
@joebazooks 9 жыл бұрын
after watching this, i've decided that i now love kaku
@TheRealColt45 3 жыл бұрын
Wonderful video! This was a fascinating conversation.
@charandass8038 4 жыл бұрын
Very fascinating interview ! Great philosopher's discussions on the modern advanced technologies . Most inspiring !
@arbitool 9 жыл бұрын
I Agree with everyone. You're doing a great job! Enjoying videos on your channel.
@samsepoil2111 9 жыл бұрын
This was incredibly stimulating and I find it such a pleasure to be a human and have a chance to comprehend all of this. The part about the decline of the empire at the end was very powerful. What a fantastic interview. I also appreciated Nikola's enthusiasm throughout the interview; as well as Dr. Kaku.
@romansmirnov3351 10 жыл бұрын
Michio Kaku is wonderful
@berlinshred 7 жыл бұрын
Best youtube blog ever. Great interviews, this here one of the best. Thank you so much for your work!!!
@Greg400 7 жыл бұрын
Dr. Kaku is so awesome. He'd be such a cool guy to hang out with.
@nackyding 5 жыл бұрын
EXCELLENT interview. Amazing interaction and push back with questioning as oppose to just letting Dr. Kaku go unchallenged because of his status. Nice and informative interview.
@vulkan2222 5 жыл бұрын
Dr.Michio Kaku!! You are the great campion, thank you
@turytorrinco27 9 жыл бұрын
I'm so glad watching this :') The interviewer it's totally understanding the main theme of the scientist. It's quite difficult to see such an interview like this, where both of them can communicate well and understand each other; it might be because commonly the interviewers are not envolve enouhgt in the field of physics. p.d. I hope you to forgive my far away bad use of English.
@naabcakeFTW 9 жыл бұрын
I really liked the questions of the interviewer and I was also surprised how much Dr. Kaku knows about the brain
@manuelper 9 жыл бұрын
Michio Kaku, truly one of the greatest minds in the world today. I always learn something new every time I listen to him. Great job by the interviewer as well.
@ilovekidsful 8 жыл бұрын
Great program Nikola! I remember hiding in high school bathrooms 50yrs ago to read articles concerning sci-fi fact and fiction, science magazines and the like because people like me were considered odd and worse! Thank you, keep them coming!
@juliovnobre 9 жыл бұрын
I have always been your fan I knew you were going to make it big. This is a interview with a famous scientist well done man! Your interview with Stuart Hameroff will always be my favourite tho. Keep up the good work!
@ikanketjil 8 жыл бұрын
Great interview! One of the very best I've ever seen. Lucky for us Dr Kaku was on a roll, spilling all the interesting stuff.....
@mokamo23 8 жыл бұрын
kaku defines consciousness as a complex mental process. it is simply awareness, simpler and a much more mysterious process than brain activities responding to the environment.
@mrnickweebs 9 жыл бұрын
This was a fantastic talk. Great job and thank you for doing it.
@yaqdanz6085 9 жыл бұрын
Interviewer kicked ass, i think this is best scientific interview i have watched since ages
@yaqdanz6085 9 жыл бұрын
***** Thank you very much for replying; because I lost the link. I have been searching for this video on and on to watch it again. I respect your effort especially you come from a different background than kaku. Peace, from Oman
@liveagainpsychologyofevery1919 2 жыл бұрын
Love you Dr. Michio Kaku. You are excellent. I don't know, how to express, but.. I can understand you, from where you are talking.. Thanku for being with us (with me). Regards 💐💐
@arunramji 5 жыл бұрын
I love to have conversation with Kaku once am matured enough to talk about science with this guy♥️
@mcgdoc9546 7 жыл бұрын
Professor Kaku is talking about the need of a mathematical model to measure human consciousness. I know that we have it and proved it working via MCG technology for the human heart! Soon, more people will find out that mankind has already reached a point that we can detect, measure and quantify human mind just as we have done to the human heart using our method.
@mcgdoc9546 7 жыл бұрын
Our method only needs a distributed network of low cost sensors and an ordinary cloud system for data analysis.
@abhishekdubey7077 9 жыл бұрын
Great discussion. Last 20 minutes were enlightening. Thank You.
@ConsciousAI 10 жыл бұрын
The last 12 minutes was really good. Thanks so much NIkola for yet another amazing interview.
@gridcoregilry666 3 жыл бұрын
Yes that was amazing
@phillipjones3998 9 жыл бұрын
Awesome.... the best interview with Kaku so far. Exploring subjects in more depth than his usual speeches. His definition of consciousness is the best I've yet come across.... I have ordered his book on Future of the Mind on the strength of this interview.... great work. :-) thanks.
@vaibhavgupta20 9 жыл бұрын
Should watch eo Wilson eusocial Wilson
@DrBrainTickler 6 жыл бұрын
Phillip Jones well prepare to have your mind blown because my taxonomy, the tiers of awareness and emergent Consciousness is far more detailed. This is my speciality. It's my life's work. Michio kaku's just getting started. There is no comparison. I've spent my entire adult life studying emergent phenomena and how it affects our perception of reality of which in turn affects our psychological state of which in turn affects our sociological state... I had to reinvent the wheel for all of psychology because it was not sufficient to understand the level of Consciousness that currently exist... the tools of which to describe it did not exist. The current tools were archaic and ambiguous. Don't presume that Michio Kaku has all the answers or that he's the smartest person alive.
@errflow 9 жыл бұрын
Very nice. Thank you for asking these thoughtful questions of Mr. Kaku.
@ArnoldvanKampen 10 жыл бұрын
Until recently I was not even aware of the fact that there is a word for this imminent event. Know that I am I feel very embedded, connected to the hive. Quite a relief. For an entire microsecond I thought I lost it.
@noteda6361 9 жыл бұрын
Absolutely amazing interview, thank you for this!
@avadhutd1403 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks a lot !!!! I always admire you Dr. Kaku.
@lacrymal1 8 жыл бұрын
There are animals that understand tomorrow. Squirrels gather food to store for winter. Other animals purposely build fat reserves in order to live through the coming winter. A dog will hide when he knows he's done something wrong, in order to prevent a future spanking. Any animal which has a hunting mechanism (not ambush) is making decisions on what it feels will happen in the future. So yeah, I disagree with his saying, animals aren't conscious of the future.
@MrAstrojensen 8 жыл бұрын
+lacrymal1 You mean to say that animals ARE conscious of the future, right? Otherwise what you say make little sense.
@MrAstrojensen 8 жыл бұрын
+lacrymal1 I do agree that some animals to a limited degree are conscious of the future, on the level that they can think "I have to find food for the winter", etc., but they can't think of the far future many years ahead, in the way we can and do. I think we have developed this ability (and it's not developed enough!) because we have developed the ability to change our future when we evolved into more intelligent beings. An example: Suppose a bunch of people live on an island. One day, the water level starts to rise, slowly, but steadily. We humans can predict when it's going to flood the entire island and escape on a boat, well before the island sinks under water. The animals can't. Even if they have the chance to escape, if they take the desicion in advance, they don't. They stay and drown.
@fredbarnard1314 8 жыл бұрын
+lacrymal1 The is a difference between instinct and consciousness of the future.
@lacrymal1 8 жыл бұрын
MrAstrojensen They can think into the future, but they are not material beings like us. They don't care about money or possessions. They live to be comfortable and enjoy the now. We are the only creatures that stress about what things we will own or how we picture our life being right before we die.
@lacrymal1 8 жыл бұрын
Fred Barnard My example of a dog hiding when he's done wrong to avoid a spanking, is not instinct. It's a learned behavior which requires knowledge of the future, being that there will be a consequence for present wrong actions. Instinct would be getting in the trash to find food, but knowing it's something he's going to face a consequence for in the future, is not. If he has a bowl of food on the floor but still digs in the trash to find other food, it is his choice which he makes, knowing the future risk of a spanking.
@electrodacus 10 жыл бұрын
His definition of consciousness seems the best one I've heard. Maybe because I'm an engineer and it makes the most sense to me.
@chrisf1600 10 жыл бұрын
I'm an engineer and I felt the exact opposite - I found Kaku's theory to be shallow and unoriginal. The fundamental problem is that Kaku seems to confuse consciousness with intelligence. Just because a system is capable of thinking flexibly about the future, *doesn't* make it conscious (and vice versa). For all we know, a thermostat may have the exact same subjective feelings as a human - that claim may sound absurd, but try to prove otherwise ! What's more, the idea that consciousness may have something to do with feedback loops has been around since at least the 1970s (read 'Godel Escher Bach' for a fascinating and entertaining introduction). This isn't new - there are decades of research into the field, attempting to pinpoint the specific brain circuits that correlate with conscious experience. Kaku doesn't add anything to this research. But more troubling, in this entire interview I don't think Kaku even mentions the 'hard problem' of consciousness - that of qualia and subjective experience. Why does the colour red "look" red ? Why does pain hurt ? How do we know that a person is conscious but a rock is not ? Kaku glibly proclaims that he has figured out how to bring a physicist's rigour to this field, yet he seems to be unaware of these fundamental questions. Deeply underwhelming.
@electrodacus 10 жыл бұрын
Chris F Depends on what you think consciousness is. I think is just a product of intelligence and there is nothing separate. Thermostat reacts only to temperature is the lowest level of complexity was used as one unit for his scale that seems appropriate. I think he mentioned a plant (a flower if I remember correctly) next that reacts to more stimulus and is more complex than just a thermostat. As humans we are quite complex but maybe an even more complex thing will feel so much more conscious that us that we will seems as irrelevant as a thermostat or flower. A machine that will be at our level of understanding and reacting to what is around, predicting the future, will automatically feel as conscious as we think we are. I do not think consciousness is something separate but a byproduct of this complexity nothing more.
@HwarangXia 10 жыл бұрын
***** All evidence being pulled in these days is poitning exactly to this... We just have to shed this arrogance of humanity we have carried faultily throughout history imo. We continue to have those that think in the, "World is flat or the Center of the universe Mindset." Its nothing more then a virtual byproduct; all of which is necessary to exist at the higher lvl; and I'm sure out there is life that is beyond even that. As of right now I believe (this month?) 2 people have officially had their consciousness turned off.
@DrBrainTickler 6 жыл бұрын
electrodacus you're right, his description of Consciousness is very good.... Mine's better. 😉
@DrBrainTickler 6 жыл бұрын
electrodacus he specialized to do math and I'm specialized in pure logic, cause and effect analysis and abstract puzzle-solving... Then I lean to the social sciences and dip into any field necessary to answer the questions. No curriculum. Total intellectual freedom. The things being spoken of are my speciality.
@Quentyn73 10 жыл бұрын
Nick, this is a great interview, loved it, awesome!
@guitardaddy6 10 жыл бұрын
I thoroughly enjoy how you interview. I would purchase these from you good sir! Get them on digital copies on Amazon for $5 per interview!
@wonderingrightthruexistence 8 жыл бұрын
Wonderfully presented ! Very informatative. The interviewer did a great job. Well done. I look up to Dr Kaku, my dream is to be mentored by such a brain.
@rawstarmusic 10 жыл бұрын
Agree on the last part that the brightest brains don't go into the most important work. The real bright break-throughers are only a few.
10 жыл бұрын
another excellent interview. wow.
@ilmarinen79 10 жыл бұрын
Great interview. Premium quality as usual!
@scottl8066 10 жыл бұрын
Michio Kaku!!! My favorite physicist on my favorite podcast! ...Fantastic :)
@DominicLondon 6 жыл бұрын
His point at the end is almost enlightening. In fact it is enlightening.
@JayDee284 10 жыл бұрын
I really like Michio Kaku he's a famous name in science but does not let his ego get in the way of his thinking
@johntankard469 3 жыл бұрын
Lucky he was there to define consciousness for us where none before him could , lets see him give us a definition for hubrisfulness
@moctezuma696 9 жыл бұрын
I thoroughly enjoyed the discussion. The final few minutes were very revealing @ 01.12.00 as a portent of 'what could come' if we ignore investments in maths and science. "Science is the engine of prosperity."
@The-elephant-Intheroom 6 жыл бұрын
did not know Michio Kaku had a lisp, I've never heard it before until this video.
@snowman72891 9 жыл бұрын
this was awesome. thank you so much nikola.
@toddjenkins1187 8 жыл бұрын
What an interesting interview. Nikola this is my first exposure of your work and I like it tremendously! I will be listening to your other shows now. Mr. Kaku's idea that at the root of consciousness we will find math is intriguing.
@toddjenkins1187 8 жыл бұрын
+Nikola Danaylov Indeed! and I'm looking forward to doing just that!
@Stanman121 8 жыл бұрын
55:30 heehee.... we know what he meant. strings can push and sticks can pull. Man... I have been a fan of Dr. Michio ever since I saw him first on A science Odyssey (on youtube) which is documentaries from many a years ago. I always thought how great it would be to sit down with him and share some thoughts about all these things he finds so interesting also.
@toldibldr 8 жыл бұрын
Excellent very educational .Thank You
@SingularityFM 8 жыл бұрын
you are most welcome my friend! ;-)
@MatthewNiemeier 9 жыл бұрын
Excellent through and through, he hit's on a lot of reasons I dislike the mindset of the country I live in. He also goes over the ideologies of the mind and the future tools that will be controlled from them. I would have to say, good job Nikola for this interview as well =)
@Arbiter902 9 жыл бұрын
Great interview , i liked his book a lot although I found he doesn't agree a lot with ray kurzweil on many topics ( mainly in time line ) but i guess time will prove who is right , good job nikola , what i like in your interviews is that you have a good background in many fields of science better than most of the other hosts .
@DrBrainTickler 6 жыл бұрын
902 theories are fluctuating field of probability, not a right or wrong answer... No matter who's right in science everyone involved wins. We all celebrate the arrival of a better understanding. It's not a game. 😉
@QarthCEO 10 жыл бұрын
The D-Wave Qbit computers do not use quantum states of paired particles to make calculations, so they are not actual quantum computers in the sense that Dr Kaku is referencing.
@davidgrandison6472 9 жыл бұрын
You've gained one more subscriber my friend great interview nice range of questions keep up the good work
@AmazingArends 9 жыл бұрын
I like Dr. Michio Kaku, but I'm afraid he's dead wrong when he claims that the end of Moore's Law means the end of exponentially increasing computer speed. This overlooks that Moore's Law is not the first but the fifth paradigm of exponential advancement in computer processing power, which started with electromechanical relays and progressed through vacuum tubes and transistors and went all the way through to the microprocessor. When one paradigm ends, it creates research pressure to find the next paradigm, which will likely be three-dimensional molecular circuits. Why should it suddenly end with Moore's Law?
@wezzuh2482 9 жыл бұрын
AmazingArends he doesn't say that it ends just that it's slowing down until the next paradigm has been discovered.
@AA-Ashley 9 жыл бұрын
AmazingArends I hope you're right.
@AmazingArends 8 жыл бұрын
***** Yes, but we haven't come close yet to molecular-scale computing, which means each molecule performs a computing task.
@coatlecue 8 жыл бұрын
u-xcesrs are not the end of this point ride. after all,where will they go? everything else is theory. watch. within days they will announce a breakthrough. you could say I'm.....processing the raw data. sorry about the pun
@MikeHenken 8 жыл бұрын
+AmazingArends He was referring to silicon.
@brianstokes3740 9 жыл бұрын
really enjoyed this, thank you.
@joshuamerrill3959 9 жыл бұрын
I don't usually subscribe, but when I do I prefer a good channel. Subscribed.
@taylorj6177 2 жыл бұрын
I think "We" already ARE those "materialized" projections of "aliens" in those beams of light... Makes sense to me. Thank you for this amazing chat, guys!
@1612dtm 9 жыл бұрын
Michio Kaku lives a rich deep life. just listen to his vocabulary its just amazing hearing this man speak, i wish i could have that vast amount of intelligence
@ches95ramos 9 жыл бұрын
Tye3001 He didn't say Kaku was born with his intelligence.
@TheTyTyXD 9 жыл бұрын
Chesley Ramos I think I must have commented on the wrong comment. My comment makes no sense to me either :(
@ches95ramos 9 жыл бұрын
Lol it happens
@jeffreycliff922 8 жыл бұрын
It takes decades of reading, speaking and interacting with other smart people. If you start now you could probably do it by 2046 if you really wanted to.
@CalinColdea 7 жыл бұрын
Very good, educational interview. Congratulation!! Keep making them :)
@HamzaHGreen 10 жыл бұрын
"The whole purpose of science is to see the difference between appearance and essence." -Kaku
@DrBrainTickler 6 жыл бұрын
Hamza - Slay Your Dragon I have a disdain for Flowery language... I wonder if Michio Kaku hates plane that game also?
@GISamurai 10 жыл бұрын
Privet Nikola, thank you for the awesome interview with Michio Kaku. With regard to the mind and consciousness, I think Sam Harris could add some insight into this conversation as well.
@CalumnMcAulay 10 жыл бұрын
Great interview!
@stevekennedy5380 8 жыл бұрын
Minchio gives a very good definition for consciousness.
@William102582 10 жыл бұрын
Great interview Nikola! thanks for this!
@golpher93 10 жыл бұрын
Gotta comment already in the first 20 minutes... I am glad to hear Michio Kaku doesn't believe in "blame". I differ from him a bit on free will, but I think that is the important part. Less importantly, he seems to believe that there is free will if the future is not determined. I would agree that the future is not determined, but indeterminism doesn't really mean free will (see Sam Harris on this).. rolling the dice every so often doesn't mean I get control over what I do. Thanks Nikola, great interview so far, maybe I'll have more to say.
@katker 8 жыл бұрын
Excellent interview. Great questions.
@awoodfinz 10 жыл бұрын
Nick you're a good man thank you!
@arrowstheorem1881 8 жыл бұрын
The quantifiable scale for consciousness is by the number of feedback loops each weighted.
@petrhorak931 9 жыл бұрын
Nikola you are best! :-)
@coatlecue 8 жыл бұрын
+Nikola Danaylov didn't he mean prof. Tesla the father of unified electrical applications??
@kabbalahcowboy7083 9 жыл бұрын
A stimulating interview. When you take the notion of the singularity to its logical conclusion, one can see how universe evolution is not that much different than species evolution. A provocative source out there that discusses the mind boggling implications of all of this is the work, The Evolution of Simulated Universes. We live in fascinating times.
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