Plants vs Zombies Heroes: It´s About Time Card Set Idea

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Well hello there, for fun I decided to make this whole set of plants and zombies of PvsZ2 that were not made a card in PvsZH.
Some things you may want to know:
-Shadow Power: The plant has to be played next to another plant with Shadow Tribe
-If Thyme Warp survives all your other cards that bounce will make the zombies cost 1 more as .well
-Perfume Shroom will also deactivated your own Dinos
-Poncho Zombie has a 50% chance to get armored, but if the fisrt attack it recieves is 3 or more it will take the damage normally and die. This gets the armored after it recieves the damage that´s why.
0:00 Plant Cards
0:00 Guardian Class Cards
1:20 Kabloom Class Cards
2:30 Mega-Grow Class Cards
3:30 Smarty Class Cards
5:00 Solar Class Cards
6:20 Zombie Cards
6:20 Beasty Class Cards
8:10 Brainy Class Cards
9:40 Crazy Class Cards
11:10 Hearty Class Cards
12:40 Sneaky Class Cards

Пікірлер: 409
@myaw_cat 3 жыл бұрын
Some things you may want to know: -Shadow Power: The plant has to be played next to another plant with Shadow Tribe -If Thyme Warp survives all your other cards that bounce will make the zombies cost 1 more as .well -Perfume Shroom will also deactivated your own Dinos -Poncho Zombie has a 50% chance to get armored, but if the fisrt attack it recieves is 3 or more it will take the damage normally and die. This gets the armored after it recieves the damage that´s why. -Tall Nut has Team Up, for some reason I forgot to included. 0:00 Plant Cards 0:00 Guardian Class Cards 1:20 Kabloom Class Cards 2:30 Mega-Grow Class Cards 3:30 Smarty Class Cards 5:00 Solar Class Cards 6:20 Zombie Cards 6:20 Beasty Class Cards 8:10 Brainy Class Cards 9:40 Crazy Class Cards 11:10 Hearty Class Cards 12:40 Sneaky Class Cards
@moglo8615 3 жыл бұрын
Hey jeśli to czytasz zrób petycje aby ea zrobiło coś z grą bo zdycha i nikt prawie w to nie gra
@Dgeji 2 жыл бұрын
Gold bloom is literally just cryo brain,but ridiculously overpriced
@cringl3ss126 2 жыл бұрын
Won't the night shade just die?
@ThatOneSuperine 2 жыл бұрын
@@Dgeji yea, make it 3 sun and not whatever it is
@homie9627 2 жыл бұрын
just a suggestion: Grim rose should cost 4 or 5 100% not 7 it would be way too expensive
@paulhk2727 3 жыл бұрын
Although many cards are to weak and have to be balanced, I really LOVED this video! Very nice ideas my friend, and very nostalgic for me too
@zarazayan1905 3 жыл бұрын
@krahser6914 Жыл бұрын
Especially the spiky barrier. It’s just a cactus for 2 more sun and no bullseye
@xrn769 3 жыл бұрын
Cryo Brain: You're weak Gold Bloom: I'm you
@beetrootsoup3130 3 жыл бұрын
*Im you but slower FTFY
@GermanK13 3 жыл бұрын
That Gold Bloom idea is really bad 1. It is almost 3 times more expensive than Cryo Brain; 2. If you want extra sun next turn, just play any sunflower, don't waste the whole Turn 5, a really precious turn, just to set this card; 3. You really don't want to start to farm sun that late, that's why Sun producing Plants have at maximum 3 cost. 3 cost is also the cost of this plant should be, or 2, not only because the low cost of Cryo Brain but also because of Solar Flare's signature superpower and those kind of cards works like 3 cost cards but they are 1.
@justakrabbe6130 3 жыл бұрын
Gold bloom should be a 0 cost card that gives you 1 sun when played
@harlen.3335 3 жыл бұрын
@@GermanK13 really it should be 0/6 start of turn this gives you +3 sun sun cost:4/5 idk what it would be.
@GermanK13 3 жыл бұрын
@@harlen.3335 so it would be a compacted double twin sunflower. I get and looks a really solid plant idea but it really isn't what gold bloom is. As a Gold Bloom idea, I like "Who needs a profile picture"'s one more cuz it is a substitute to sunflower (that is not that much used, essentially being outclassed by every other sun producing card) but has 100% guarantee of getting that extra sun because you don't waste nothing and has no chance that card being removed because it is a trick. Speaking of being removed from the field, your's GB looks really solid because you can play 8/9 cost cards on turn 5/6 but it still very suspect to be removed mainly against Hearty heroes and like, what are you ramping for on turn 4/5? And like, why not play two twin sunflowers or a ts + a primal sunflower, that either cost the same/lower and give more/same amount sun.
@bonk7463 3 жыл бұрын
There are a few things I want to address about the cards, and I hope you wont mind. 1) Most of these cards are really susceptible to removal. Especially with the 7 cost Grim Rose, a simple rolling stone would do the trick. 2) Also, I noticed that a lot of the plant cards are made towards control, but the problem is that when it get destroyed by a ZOMBIE, it will only activate its attack. 3) EM Peach would be a useless card. It is basically a silver bullet against Professor Brainstorm or other Brainy Heroes. 4) Power Lily wouldn't be good. Even if you say you have 4 Plant Foods in your hand, you just get 5 5-cost plant food, which does nto help you and you are basically waste the turn. I would recommend it be a 5 cost card and all tricks in your hand cost 1 less. 5) Spikey Barrier should have Team Up, otherwise it would be clogging up lanes. 6) Hot Potato Fields and Pepper-Pult isn't such a great idea since there are not many things in the Zombies side that freeze. 7) Citron doesn't sound appealing as its just a clone. 8) Spore shroom is too weak, make it a 3 cost 33. 9) Most of the cards are also too expensive At this point, my critique for the plant side is : Too expensive, too easy to remove, some are silver bullets, some need team up or buffs. 10) Fisherman Zombie is kinda weird? I mean, if you can drag the plant to the Amphibious lane, isnt it Amphibious? 11) Zombot Dark Dragon isn't really good card, mainly because the plants can block your lane. 12) Seagull zombie has bad stats. Make it a 2 cost 3 2 amphibious. 13) Honestly. arcade zombie should be in the Crazy Class. My suggestion for it is here: 14) Wizard Zombie is too expensive for its stats. 15) Why would the sheep token cost 5? 16) Glitter Zombie should not have bullseye 17) Relic Hunter alternate idea 18) Disco Jetpack Zombie is just a worst version of HG superpower 19) Gargantuar Prime: 5 cost 5 6, start of tricks destroy a plant 20) Zombot Sphinx-Inator is just a scuffed version of Mechasaur, and its ability isn't that great too Honestly, Zombie cards look better than the plants, but need balance changes, change of classes and some tweaking. Again, take this with a grain of salt. I am no professional, I am just a fan of the game like you are. I hope you can read this and I understand and appreciate the effort you put in to make this video.
@myaw_cat 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the time you put to writhe this, and so yeah I did this just for fun so is not perfect. But thank you for appreciated it.
@bonk7463 3 жыл бұрын
@@myaw_cat I am just glad that you took time to read this comment. Really appreciate it. Also keep up the good work!
@photoshopguy4457 3 жыл бұрын
You could write an email (or several emails) to PopCap, encouraging them to not give up on this game, reviving this gorgeous game by adding this new set. Maybe you could write how much you like the game and that it would be played more with the new deck. Edit: also include the changing ideas in the comment above
@fantasyf4 3 жыл бұрын
Also why is citron kaboom when the citrin hero is guardian and smarty?
@bonk7463 3 жыл бұрын
@@fantasyf4 Realistically I would put Citron in kaboom if the Citron Hero didnt exist.
@shieldbug Жыл бұрын
Alright, this is going to be a long comment. I'll critique every single plant idea in this video (spoiler alert, most of them suck). I'll also discuss how to improve these ideas. Yes, I have too much time on my hands. Endurian - This one is pretty good. It completely outclasses Prickly Pear, but it's a flawed card to begin with. I don't know what decks Endurian would fit in, but it doesn't need to be changed. Chard Guard - I think this would actually be great in some decks, but there is one problem: It's out-of-class because only the Smarty class can bounce zombies. Chard Guard should be Smarty. Infi-Nut - This is essentially a plant version of Escape Through Time. I think this would be decent in heal decks and really useful for preventing plants from dying. Overall one of the best ideas in this video. Tall-Nut - Here's where it starts to get bad. Tall-Nut is essentially a worse Water Chestnut; the only thing it has going for it is being a silver bullet. Primal Wall-Nut is better in every way. Speaking of, why is this a Super-Rare?? This idea needs to be scrapped. Shadow Shroom - This just seems like a more expensive Eyespore. The Shadow Power doesn't really matter because there aren't enough cheap Shadow plants to activate this. Shadow Shroom should cost 3. Grimrose - This is probably the worst idea in this video. First off, this is just a 7-cost Witch Hazel that is only decent under very specific conditions. Second, this has horrible stats - it should be at least a 5/6. Third, this card should be Kabloom - it's the only class that deals indirect unconditional damage. In conclusion: This should be a 4-cost Kabloom card to be at least viable. Holly Barrier - This is, without a doubt, just a worse Loco Coco. Too underwhelming for a 7-cost. This should cost 6 and be in the Kabloom class (berry synergy and strength buffs). Also, Spiky Barrier should have team-up so it doesn't clog lanes. Hot Potato Fields - I think this would actually be pretty good, but only if it costed 1. At 2 it's too slow for what it does - it's essentially Meteor Z but even worse. Citron - Pepper Pult - The ability is pretty decent - it's basically a Cro-Magnolia but slow. However, it shouldn't have Splash Damage - only Smarty cards can have it. This should be a 3/3 without splash damage. Also, it would be better as a Rare. Spore Shroom - I like this concept, but my only problem is that it's too easily destroyed at 2 health. It should be a 3/3 and lose Team-Up. Celery Stalker - I have no idea why anybody would use this. This idea should be scrapped. Also, Dusk Lobber - This is essentially a worse Winter Melon that turns into a Starfruit under very specific circumstances. This would be actually good as a 5-cost Smarty card (splash damage). I know this would completely outclass Melon Pult, but that card should be deleted from the game anyway. Jalapeno - This is it. This is the most ridiculous card idea in this video. Why anyone would use it is beyond me - it's just Wall-Nut Bowling but much worse. Most zombies would already have more than 2 health by turn 9 and this would just charge the block meter. This idea should be scrapped. Phat Beet - I think the problem here is obvious. This should be a 2/3 Smarty card without Untrickable. Coconut Cannon - This should be Kabloom. Otherwise, it's a very solid tempo card. Tile Turnip - Honestly, this is a bit broken. If the opponent doesn't have an answer, this is just a better Plant Food every turn. This is not just a better Coffee Grounds because the ability activates at the start of battle, not when it's the turn of this lane. At 5, I think this would be balanced. A.K.E.E. - Sour Grapes, but good. Also, this should be Kabloom. Next. Bowling Bulb - This is basically Bananasaurus Rex, but infinity times worse. It should be a 3-cost 2/3. Power Lily - Ah yes, my favourite card: 9-cost Plant Food. This should affect all tricks in *hand* and make them cost 2 sun less - then this would be viable, especially with Re-Peat Moss. Chili Bean - Worse Potato Mine. Next. Stunion - Same problem as Chili Bean. This would maybe be good if it cost 1 and had Team-Up; that would make it synergise pretty well with Go-Nuts. Magnet Shroom - Spring Bean - E.M. Peach - Also, silver bullets are never good unless they specifically counter the meta. Spikerock Ambush - Stallia - I actually kinda like this. This would be a great counter to Stompadon and the Hearty class as a whole. Missile Toe - WAY too expensive. At turn 7 this can get removed by anything. Missile Toe should cost 4 and lose Team-Up. Thyme Warp - This looks like a meme card; it's only good with Jelly Bean. I think this shouldn't be changed, but I don't know why this is a plant and not a trick. Moon Flower - Honestly, this should cost 2. It would be a cheap way to activate other Shadow plants. Perfume Shroom - Overstat silver bullet that should be scrapped. Next. Tangle Kelp - Essentially a better Shadow Shroom. This should be Guardian because there are no Solar Amphibious cards. Nightshade - I was wrong. THIS is the most ridiculous card idea. Why does this cost 4???? Intensive Carrot - This should cost 2 and draw a card. Next. Gold Leaf Tiles - Interesting, a plant Nebula. I think this would be a cool meme card if it cost 3, especially in Rampclones. Gold Bloom - No comment...... Sun Bean - Honestly, I'm a fan. However, this is outclassed by Squash in the sense that games are usually already over by turn 7. I might critique the zombie ideas too, but honestly this is taking way too long. What do you think?
@misiosawio1236 5 ай бұрын
No one replied so i did You lost a hour typing. I lost a hour Reading fair trade
@shieldbug 5 ай бұрын
@@misiosawio1236 dont remind me of this please
@moomoomachines7193 3 жыл бұрын
Doesn’t citron literally outclass Berry Ivy? It’s the exact same stats for the same cost but +1 health....
@novaace2474 2 жыл бұрын
Ya I think giving it 1 more default attack and making it cost 1 more would be good. Would be good for the mid/late game in agro decks especially agro solar flare
@khou0 2 жыл бұрын
it would be a cool idea for it to attack every 2 turns, but deal a lot of damage after it charges up
@THG467 2 жыл бұрын
Snap dragon and melon pult all over again
@lutfiahasiilah3882 2 жыл бұрын
Change into after one match this get +1 attack but citron will not attack until he have 5 attack damaged after he attack he will reset to he normal size when you play it and it will charge him shelf again and make him have 0 attack damage and 8 health
@Azure_Plays_MC Жыл бұрын
Moomoomachines btw it's poison ivy not berry ivy
@minizt5804 3 жыл бұрын
I really like the effort put in this vid
@frankieporter1889 3 жыл бұрын
Oh, so you like to walk.
@ninfan6434 3 жыл бұрын
Seagull is literally just fishy imp with 1 more strength, and it costs too much for only having 1 health.
@ThatOneSuperine 2 жыл бұрын
@Sonnick 64 my thoughts exactly, they are both in the beastly class
@susanespinosa2622 3 жыл бұрын
Best Ideas IMO (in my opinion) 5:58 A Plant Version Of Brain Nebula! 6:48 A Nice Aggro Beastly Card 10:56 Honestly Waiting For A Zombie Like This
@rustyy674 Жыл бұрын
Is the last one just mixed up gravedigger
@goldenboy9674 2 жыл бұрын
I wish you had a Discord server where we could make our own suggestions and share with them. I enjoyed the video a lot! I often imagined myself, how plants' and zombies' abilities from other games of the franchise would be transferred to PvZ Heroes, and now I get to see this. Thank you for the video!
@switchboxplays Жыл бұрын
My opinions on the cards in this set (Long text warning) GUARDIAN: Endurian is like a better prickly pear, good idea. I think chard guard would work better if it bounced a zombie when it did damage instead of the zombie, but either way works. Infinut and tall-nut are pretty good. 0:41 the problem with shadow plants is that they are all expensive and weak when unpowered (cheapest shadow plant is a 3 cost 2/2) this means that heroes that don’t have moonflower can’t really use shadow plants to their max potential. Also, getting away with double moonflower on 6 gives you 13 sun on turn 10, further pushing the fact that shadow plants only belong in solar decks. Grimrose reminds me of clap (witch hazel to those who don’t know), extremely easy to remove but basically a free win when you can’t remove it. Holly barrier is okay, if a bit sad when unevolved (but hey, so is tricorn) KABLOOM: hot potato fields is pretty narrow, not many zombie cards can freeze. Citron is just better poison ivy Pepper-pult is a creative idea, giving blooming hearts boost to all plants around it 1:53 spore shroom is a good card, but doesn’t synergize well with meta swarm decks. If you play spore shroom on 3, it can, at most, give you 1 extra mushroom for the pineclone on 4. I would say it’s a sort of budget pineclone, if it wasn’t for the fact that it was a legendary. It looks like it’s meant to work better with punish-shroom than pineclone. Celery stalker is reverse red stinger Dusk lobber has the same problems as most shadow plants but I guess it could be used as a field clearer (when powered up and put in the middle lane, the splash damage plus attacking next door makes it attack for 3 in the outer lanes, 6 in the inner lanes, and 9 in the center) Jalapeño could cost 7 and probably still wouldn’t be used MEGA GROW: Phat-beet is cool Coco cannon is essentially a 4 cost 6/6 which is a bit crazy. Tile turnips environment is nice, and so is akee Bowling bulb is pretty underpowered, you are either pinging the zombie hero for 1 twice in the same lane, or you are risking the life of your win condition. Or you could just rolling stone it immediately, I guess you could combo it with blazing bark, but by turn 6, something like B.Rex or Gatling pea would have so much more value. Power lily is kind of expensive for what it does, maybe justified by you having other plant foods in your hand before using it. SMARTY: Chili bean and stunion have interesting ideas, but stunion seems better, due to it being usable multiple times. Magnet shroom is a better sweet pea Blower is a plant version of excavator 4:14 E.M. Peach is a sort of substitute for shrinking violet that works better on science decks. It’s not a very good idea to run a card this expensive just to counter 1 kind of deck, unless science decks counter your own deck. Spikerock ambush, is, pretty bad, it’s a worse cherry bomb that destroys barells instantly. The problem is, that there are only 3 barrel minions, and 2 of them can be destroyed with 3 damage. This cards only thing that makes it even slightly better than cherry bomb is that it can destroy battlecruiser. Stallia is a good control card, if a bit expensive. Missile toe should probably cost 5 at most. Thyme warp synergizes well with other smarty cards like brainana and dragon SOLAR: Moon flower seems to be the only good shadow plant. Perfume shroom seems a bit narrow, only shutting down Dino decks, while also shutting down your ability to run it in a Dino deck. Tangle kelp is like eyespore, a solid control card. Nightshade just dies when powered up, and pretty much relies on its other ability to be used first I.Carrot is a good card for heal/tempo. Gold leaf as a plant version of nebula is great! Although, I think it should cost 3. 6:09 I believe that gold bloom should be 3 or 4, sunburn is supposed to be a 3 cost card, and cryo brain is 2. However, sun bean could stay as it is. You are likely playing it as a hard removal card, and most cards you would want to remove with it have very large health (sometimes enough to make sun bean give you sun) BEASTLY: Breakdancing seems really powerful for its cost, maybe a 3 cost? 6:30 weasel hoarder just makes cuckoo zombies which make more cuckoo zombies… Clock synergy! Dodo imp is an original idea Fisherman is strange to me, if you put it in the water, doesn’t that mean you would have to use an amphibious plant? I love dark dragon and the idea of a zombot card that isn’t endgame is really cool Seagull is a worse surfer Most of the 8 bit zombies are awful, with the exception of buckethead. This means, by extension, that arcade isn’t a great card. Jurassic bully can be broken in the hands of brain freeze. Imagine the infinite loop of Jurassic bully conjuring loads of cheap history cards that make more history cards using dr spacetime. Wizard zombie has low attack for the cost BRAINY: Jet pack is like sting bean Imp porter could make 4 drops on turn 2 using trapper territory. Glitter zombie is an interesting idea, making other zombies untrickable is. Nice idea Relic hunter sounds good in stuff like Dino decks. Disco jet pack seems a bit underpowered. Garg prime is really powerful, doing bonus attacks every time you play a garg and it destroys a plant. Sphinx-inator seems like plank walker, rng based. Maybe give it strikethrough? CRAZY: Loose cannon 2 Punks second ability doesn’t make sense, magnet shroom? Chicken wrangler is simple but good, but I think prospector should have anti-hero. Did you mean for zombulls ability to activate only one time, because otherwise it gets disappointing real fast in an actual match. Boom box is stupid Cupid done right. 10:53 while this idea is the best fit for pianist, it doesn’t actually help you sometimes. Hair metal garg is just like it is in pvz2, an absolute menace. HEARTY: Bug zombie is an interesting substitute for egg Poncho is a cool concept. Imp dragon could make for a good smash pet frenzy deck. Shield zombie is midgame battlecruiser Super fan imp should probably have less health so it could be destroyed easier, and lost pilot could cost 3 Mecha cone should have higher attack so it can actually be a threat Mecha football is great removal. SNEAKY: Troglodyte seems a bit too cheap Explorer is cool. Balloon seems to narrow for its cactus weakness to mean anything, although I do like party synergy. Hunter is just zombie snow pea Parrot seems like a really good card, and pirate captain too. 13:43 MC Zom-B is really good. It destroys 2 plants for a 5 cost card. Tuskmaster has pretty low attack so it’s not a super threat, maybe make it a 4/6. And that’s all of them, overall a great set! I think the plants might need some more boosts to get up to the zombies level though.
@tobiasgund8048 Жыл бұрын
I think Tall Nut should be 10 health and untrickable as well for a no attack 3 cost card with a niche use. The Shadow plants are pretty much all too late in the game and too underpowered if not played together to see much use, even less so fir solar heroes. Holly Barrier is a terrible card, bad stats, and bad summoned cards, especially when nit evolved, you just really wanna give the Zombie Hero all their superpowers with it.
@tobiasgund8048 Жыл бұрын
Jalapeno is not particularly good, and costs too much.
@tobiasgund8048 Жыл бұрын
Bowling Bulb should start with at least 2 attack, so you aren't massively punished for using it. I think Power Lily needs to work on all Plant Food in the deck, otherwise it's kinda terrible.
@tobiasgund8048 Жыл бұрын
I looove Stallia, and I find it amusing that it went from 0 cost in PVZ2 to 7 sun here XD
@tobiasgund8048 Жыл бұрын
EM Peach is cool.
@a-turkey-in-abush7787 3 жыл бұрын
Genius! All I think should be changed is grimrose’s price of seven and tall nut should have untrickable, team up and give the plant behind it untrickable.
@Derferder-yt 3 жыл бұрын
The flavor text of these things are awesome
@kmm2-whjyt2secondsago.10 8 ай бұрын
My ideas for a "steampunk" themed set Plants: Maypop Mechanic(from 2C): 4☀️, 3/3 steampunk rare, kabloom class, Flower plant, End of turn: do 2 damage to a random zombie Fanilla(from 2C): ☀️2, 2/1, steampunk uncommon, smarty class, Flower Bean plant, when played: Bounce a random zombie Ripping Raspberry: ☀️4, 4/3, steampunk rare, Solar class, Leafy Fruit plant, Fruit Evolution: gets +2/2 and Strikethrough. Ensnare-Shroom: ☀️2, 3/2, steampunk super-rare, Solar class, Mushroom Plant, When played in an environment: Destroy a zombie with 4💥 or less. Power Tiles: ☀️3, steampunk rare, Mega-Grow class, Environment, When a plant here does a Bonus Attack, all plants get +2💥. Zombies: Copper Gargantuar: 6🧠, 4/5 steampunk legendary, Bullseye brainy class, Science Gargantuar zombie, Start of turn: gets +1/+1 for each Science zombie Imp Roboticist: 4🧠 2/2 steampunk super-rare, hearty class, Science Imp Professional Zombie, When played: conjure an imp, it becomes a science zombie and gets +2/+2. Zombot Hot-Rodicus(from Zombosseum): 6🧠, 5/5, Frenzy, steampunk legendary, sneaky class, History Zombie, when this does damage, moves to a random lane and gets +2💥. Zombot Temporal Thrasher: 6🧠, 6/7, Gravestone, steampunk legendary, sneaky class, Science Clock History Zombie, Start of turn: Gain a Time Rewind. Time Rewind: 2🧠, token, sneaky class, History Trick, Bounce a Zombie. If there's a History Zombie in play, then Bounce a Plant. Roman Zombie: 3🧠, 3/4, steampunk uncommon, hearty class, History Professional Zombie, When played: Conjure a History zombie. Technological Breakthrough: 3🧠, steampunk rare, brainy class, Science Trick, All zombies get Bullseye. Conjure a Science card. Laser Scientist: 5🧠, 4/5, steampunk legendary, crazy class, Science Zombie, Science Evolution: Do 3 damage. Start of turn: Do 2 damage. Gargantuar Prime: 8🧠, 7/7, Armored 2, Frenzy, legendary, hearty class, Science Gargantuar Zombie. (no abilities)
@ryancals5940 2 жыл бұрын
i really love how expensive the removal cards are, makes it fair and balanced
@CeleryStalker22 3 жыл бұрын
A great video, really love the effort put in making this video. Still there are many mistakes in the card description that only an experienced player with knowledge of the overpoweredness of the cards can recognise. I mean, If I want I can change almost all the text right now, as there are so MANY inconsistencies in the video. You should REALLY ask Fry Em Up to review and suggest changes to the ideas. I was most freaked out by the zombie parrot 1 cost bounce!!?? Anyways great video..
@dylansickinger545 2 жыл бұрын
For the most part these are pretty good, but some of them are too good or not good enough. And some of the rarities should be changed, like Gold Bloom shouldn’t be legendary, and Perfume Shroom should at least be a super-rare. It definitely needs some balancing but it’s pretty good overall.
@armokil Жыл бұрын
I found that a lot of the zombie cards shown were very lackluster or already had similar versions in game, but i love the shadow plants a lot. They would be great
@sahanhavlici3205 3 жыл бұрын
jalapeno is so expensive it could be rare-5 cost card
@coldfireball6384 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah 9 cost Zuccini maked all zombies into 1/1's. And Jalapeno can only do 2 damage? It should be 9 or 10 Cost Destroy every lane including gravestones. And even then it's meh because its so expensive, relies on the zombies to have a good enough field, doesnt win you the game, and does nothing against Trick /Valk/Jester decks. But that would make it so much better
@pooqy 3 жыл бұрын
Kabloom class single use starfruit.
@yousefalawadh1834 3 жыл бұрын
Nice Ideas 😍 And I would definitely like the set named it’s about time, but If only pop cap does a new update with new cards 😔
@lamegamertime 2 жыл бұрын
The issue I have with pepper-pult is that, all "pult" plants have a special one-time effect on heights. Perhaps it has the ability to, instead of giving +1 to nearby plants each turn, give +... I dunno, 4? to a select plant when placed on heights. Or +2 to plants there and nextdoor. Or replace the freeze immunity instead of replacing the +1 each turn.
@mcworks6582 2 жыл бұрын
The melons don’t have a special heights effect…for some reason
@BorisGamingChannel 3 жыл бұрын
Love the effort u put into, I too have great ideas but I am too lazy :/ Also these cards need to be more balanced, for example there was a card which costed 5 Sun and it will give you 1 sun for the rest if the game and it was legendary. Meanwhile Cryo Brain costs 2, gives 1 brain for the rest of the game and it is uncommon
@vlennoxx 3 жыл бұрын
Why are the concepts so good
@X_NIN_SONZ 3 жыл бұрын
@gonefishing7056 3 жыл бұрын
Jalapeño is a good concept but for its price it’s just a worse wall nut bowling Magnet shroom might be cooler if it removed Armored abilities from zombies Gold blooms rarity or cost should be lowered as it is a copy of cryo brain A cool add on to power tile turnip would that if plant food is used on a plant the effect is given to other plants in different power tile turnip environments, this might also make the power lily worth using 8-bit zombie should cost 1 for its stats Exploration tent should spawn higher costing zombies for its cost These are just some more things that @Random Avenue didn’t address, some great ideas though! I don’t know much about how this would effect the game but I think they should be changed
@JustRandomStuff12 2 жыл бұрын
I like this. There are a few things I would change but I liked it
@melindamuller4466 2 жыл бұрын
The flavour text is great!
@aidancode 3 жыл бұрын
Some of these are a bit redundant (p ivy and prickly pear replaced by citron and endurian for example) but has tons of cool ideas I wanna see an updated version with some fixes. (Jalapeño should cost 7 for example just bcz its too situational and way too late in the game to cost 9)
@melindamuller4466 2 жыл бұрын
Gold Leaf Tiles seems expensive; you can immediately regain two of the spent sun in a Team up deck, but then you probably won't get much more or the environment just gets covered, making it an easy net 2 loss. I would have it be a 1 sun environment with at the start of your turn, get 1 extra sun for every plant in this environment. It's not strong, and maybe gets immediately covered, but at least it's not such a big loss, plus, it can be used to counter Zombie environment strategies a little cheaper.
@lgdms 2 жыл бұрын
A lot are overpriced,are on the wrong class or either have 3 tribes The main ones being: Gold bloom costing 6/7 sun and being the same as cryo brain,wich costs 2 Rework: Cost 3 Give 3/4 sun,you get 1 sun for the rest of the game Bowling bulb costs 5 and pings the block meter way too much (pings 2 times causing 1 damage each time) Rework: 3/3,3 cost,double strike When this does damage,this gets +1 attack Nightshade is just... Suicidal Make it a 3/2(or 3/3,4/3 works too) with the same ability Pirate captain is basically a 7 cost pogo Remove the gravestone and make it cost 3 or 4 and the parrot cost 1 Jalapeno could cost 4 Dusk lobber has both keywords for smarty class(splash,hits here and next door),also,reduce cost to 5 and make it a 4/5 Missile toe could cost 2 or 3 Grimrose could be a solar class,and reduce the cost to 4 Mc zom-b should cost 4 and make it do 1 damage to plants here and next door when revealed Breakdancer zombie should be a sneaky class My ideas for shadow plants to not make them limited to classes: Noctarine: Kabloom class,3 cost,0/1 When destroyed:zombies here and next door take 3 damage,make the same zombies take 2 damage when its zombie tricks Shadow power:for the rest of the game,make shadow plants here and next door get shadow power Gloom vine Guardian class,2 cost,3/2 bullseye Shadow fusion:a plant played here gets shadow power
@forkliftposter 3 жыл бұрын
Aren't a couple of these in the game already, like Phat Beets?
@wufwuf2383 2 жыл бұрын
@parryhotter8788 3 жыл бұрын
isnt citron essentially an upgrade to poisoon ivy tho?
@MJJackinator 2 жыл бұрын
Or Infi-nut (Legendary) plants can't be hurt this turn 4 sun. I really liked this video, and they better release some updates!
@LoganDash Жыл бұрын
I feel like the majority of the cards are good, but their are a few that have either too much health, too much sun cost, or too much power, like gold bloom. Gold bloom is basically the cryo brain for the plants, so it would make sense if it costed maybe 3 or 4.
@melindamuller4466 2 жыл бұрын
Oooooh, Magnet shroom looks like a good card, maybe have it cost one more?
@hackzicuackzicu1421 11 ай бұрын
6:58 it should get strikethrough as well
@auzzo6319 2 жыл бұрын
I think citron directly outclassed poison ivy, which is a 3 cost 1/3 anti hero 4, which is in the kabloom class, and it’s an uncommon. Love the rest good job.
@hallowz1545 3 жыл бұрын
These look really good i hope they go into the game
@Alakadarnya12345 3 жыл бұрын
very great person who made this video
@azumarill543 3 жыл бұрын
1:35 citrons abilities should be Start of turn: this gets +1 attack And its a rare
@cyruscheng499 3 жыл бұрын
Poison ivy but better
@gabsthelegend9362 3 жыл бұрын
I have somthing to address also about the gold bloom, u can use like solar flare's power to do that and that cost way mucj
@basedduck224 3 жыл бұрын
9:06 you forgot backup dancer
@smayjay62 Жыл бұрын
0:53 Grimrose should cost 4-5, it’s essentially a witch hazel.
@hongfang7869 10 ай бұрын
No compare this to three headed chomper, it’s just basically always worse
@idkericlol 2 жыл бұрын
This is good
@hackzicuackzicu1421 11 ай бұрын
1:35 citron should be an 8/2 3 cost that can only attack once every 2 turns
@yoshadoo4679 2 жыл бұрын
Some cards are good, but some do need tweaking. Here are my thoughts on what the worst from every class is and how to fix them: Tall-nut should cost 2. This is because it faces a lot of competition from Water Chestnut, which Tall-Nut will lose due to cost alone. Jalapeno should not cost 9. It only does 2 damage, which is nothing at that point in the game. Making this a 4 or 5 cost would be better. AKEE should either cost 4 or be a 4/4, as otherwise a big turn is lost as this can easily be removed, especially by Boogaloo. EM Peach should cost 4 and instead only lose the attack for 2 turns. This will make it work more like it's original counterpart and make it more balanced overall. Nightshade should be a 4/3 and its shadow ability should have gain 1/1 every turn, instead of losing 1 health. This is because otherwise it dies immediately the turn it's played, making Shadow Ability worse instead of better Breakdancer and Weasel Hoarder should cost more, as Breakdancer can easily become OP in swarm decks for only 2 brains and Weasel Hoarder can cause an annoying loop in the late game. Zombot Sphinx should cost more, not have gravestone, and have his ability enact every turn. Right now, the gravestone abilty alone makes it very underpowered, as it can be quickly removed with Gravebuster. Crazy class is surprisingly balanced Fan-Imp should cost 4, as now it's just the zombie version of Exploding Fruitcake, which is already overpowered. MC Zomb-B should be a 4/5, as now it's just a worse version of Bongo Zombie In general though, a lot of cards were to expensive for what they did and probably wouldn't get any use. Some, however, were actually balanced, like the entirety of the Crazy class.
@melindamuller4466 2 жыл бұрын
Citron is just Poison Ivy with one more health? I would suggest it to be 5 sun 3/5, Anti Hero 4, something in between Ivy and Oak
@joserubio5594 3 жыл бұрын
zomboni cost:6 brainy deadly 4/6 armored 3 legendary professional zombie when played make a ice moon here this can't be frozen
@Euan_Ma 3 жыл бұрын
That's practically if you have no removal card you lose
@wofthemonkey6971 3 жыл бұрын
@@Euan_Ma what does that mean?
@Euan_Ma 3 жыл бұрын
@@wofthemonkey6971 A removal card is something (most commonly a trick) that destroys a zombie/plant
@wofthemonkey6971 3 жыл бұрын
@@Euan_Ma i see it being useful
@dmg0606 3 жыл бұрын
Finally someone who had this idea🤯🤯🤯🤯btw i subscribed
@sunthorn4782 3 жыл бұрын
Wouldn’t dusk lobbed be smarty? Both of the abilities are exclusive to smarty cards
@melindamuller4466 2 жыл бұрын
Hmmm, I would have Nightshades shadow power as +1/+1. It's fairly weak stat wise as a 4 cost card, and it actively dissynergizes with other shadow cards by getting destroyed if any are nearby.
@peashootergaming7903 Жыл бұрын
I’m just gonna rewrite/change their abilities Endurian: When hurt: Do 3 damage to the Zombie here. Chard Guard: When hurt: if there is a Zombie here, bounce it. *Leafy Root Plant* Infi-Nut: Choose a lane. All plants there get +2❤️ and can’t be hurt this turn. *Leafy Nut Trick* Tall-Nut: Team-Up. When a Zombie with _Overshoot_ attacks in this lane, this takes damage instead. Shadow-Shroom: When destroyed: Destroy a Zombie here. Holly Barrier: When played: Create a _Spiky Barrier_ in another lane. _Berry Evolution:_ Instead, create 2 more. They get +2🟢. *Leafy Berry Plant* Spiky Barrier: When a Zombie enters this lane, do 3 damage to them. That Zombie can’t be healed. *Leafy Berry Plant* *TOKEN* Citron: *literally just Poison Ivy but with +1❤️* Celery Stalker: When played in front of a plant: this becomes 2/5. Jalapeño: Do 2 damage in all lanes. (Should probably be a 5cost 4cost for its small damage) Phat Beet: _Untrickable, Splash Damage 2._ A.K.E.E.: When played on Heights: Do 2 damage to all Zombies. Bowling Bulbs: Start of turn: This gets +1🟢. Power Lily: _Conjure_ a Plant Food. All Plant Foods cost 1☀️ less. Chili Bean: When destroyed: A Zombie here gets -2🟢. That Zombie 0🟢 this turn. Stunion: When this hurts a Zombie, that Zombie gets -2🟢. Magnet-Shroom: If a Zombie has _Armor,_ destroy it. When played: Move a Zombie to this lane. That Zombie gets -3❤️. Missile Toe: Start of turn: Do 1 damage to a Zombie. Then, _freeze_ that Zombie. Thyme Warp: All Zombies in the Zombie Hero’s hand cost +3🧠. When played: Bounce all Zombies. Tangle Kelp: When played in the Water: Destroy a Zombie here. When played on the Ground or Heights: This gets -2🟢. When played: Heal a Plant by _half_ of its original ❤️. Gold Leaf Tiles: When you play a Plant here, you get +1☀️. If there are more Gold Leaf Tiles, you get +2☀️ for each other Gold Leaf Tile. Gold Bloom: For the rest of the game, you get +3☀️. Weasel Hoarder: When destroyed: Create 2 Ice Weasels next door. All Ice Weasels do a Bonus Attack. Dodo Imp Rider: When played in an Environment: This cannot be hurt this turn. *Imp Pet Zombie* Fisherman Zombie: When played: Move a Plant here. If it doesn’t have Amphibious, destroy it. Zombot Dark Dragon: When this hurts the Plant Hero, create an Imp Dragon in another lane. *5Cost, Science Pet Zombie* Imp Dragon: This cannot be hurt by _Fire Plants._ This cannot be frozen. Fire Plants: Hot Date Hot Lava Fireweed Lava Guava Cherry Bomb Peas behind a Torchwood Fire Peashooter Snapdragon Seagull Zombie: Environments can’t hurt this. Jurassic Bully: _Untrickable._ This can’t be bounced. When you play a History card, Do 3 damage to the Plant Hero and conjure a History card. Sheep: *2Cost* Jetpack Zombie: Environments can’t hurt this. Exploration Tent: End of turn: Create a random Zombie that costs 4🧠 or less in another lane. Gargantuar Prime: 7Cost 7/8 (Frenzy) *Crazy* When you play a Gargantuar, do 7 damage to a Plant or the Plant Hero. When played: Do 6 damage to all Plants. End of turn: Destroy a random Plant and do 4 damage to each plant next door. When destroyed: create a Bug Bot Imp. (Gargantuars have reached their prime.) Bug Bot Imp: 3/4 3Cost (Bullseye) *Sneaky* Start of turn: This moves to a random lane and does a Bonus Attack. Zombot Sphinx-Inator: Start of turn: Make a random History Zombie in another lane. That Zombie gets +1/+1 and Frenzy. Imp Cannon: When destroyed: Make a random Imp in every lane. Pianist Zombie: When a Dancing Zombie attacks, move it to a random lane. End of turn: all Dancing Zombies move to a different lane. Poncho Zombie: 3/8 When hurt: This gets +1 Armor. Shield Zombie: _Gravestone._ This and Zombies next door get Armored 2 and can’t be hurt. If 🟢 is at 0, this can be hurt. Super Fan-Imp: When destroyed: do 8 damage to Plants here and next door. Lost Pilot: If a plant has 4🟢 or less, destroy it. Mecha Football Zombie: When revealed: Destroy a Plant with 4🟢 or more. Troglobite: When played: Create a random Zombie that costs 2🧠 or less. Freeze it. When a plant is frozen, move it here. When hurt by a Cactus: Destroy this. When played: Conjure a Party card. Zombot Tuskmaster 10,000 B.C.: When a plant is frozen, this gets +1❤️. End of turn: Freeze all Plants here and next door. Bounce all Plants that aren’t frozen. If I didn’t put a certain stat for different cards like Team-Up, either it still does or It didn’t need the stat. Also, reminder that regular cards can only have two tribes. A card cannot have more than 3. Examples: Leafy Pea Plant. Root Plant. Flower Trick. Mushroom Environment. Superpowers can have more than 2, however. Take Missile Madness as an example. *Science Imp Superpower* Trick.
@-kirito-steam26 2 жыл бұрын
Lo de tomillo contradice la regla dónde dice que puedes tener máximo 10 cartas en la mano así que su habilidad sería cambiada. Coste 6 Vida 1 Ataque 0 Habilidad: Al comienzo del turno el héroe zombie pierde tres cerebros
@jimmydams742 2 жыл бұрын
@junior_7096 3 жыл бұрын
There many cards witch has to be change heart strength and abilities and brains and how rare it is
@memanoid3624 3 жыл бұрын
I like magnet shroom but I think a cool Idea is when places all armour zombies lose there armour even if it be good in 1 situation it could be increadble if there's a lot of armour zombies
@KM-uo4mc 2 жыл бұрын
My take on the plant cards: Endurian: Way too broken. Debatably a better shamrocket, and shamrocket is undeniably one of the most powerful plant removals in the game. On top of the three damage Endurian will be dealing, on a hit, it will deal another 3 damage. This effectively counters most gargs and swarm decks. I would highly suggest making it a 1/3 plant. Chard Guard: Same problem as Endurian. Completely shuts down most big minions for a massive trade in plant's favor. I suggest removing the attack. Infi-nut: I'm assuming it's only affects a lane and not the entire field. If so, this is a pretty good card idea. Not overpowered, but can reasonably push for a plant advantage in a game. Tall-nut: I really like the unique idea of blocking overshoot. I don't really see much potential for this card in a competitive meta, but it would be fun to use. Shadow-shroom: Honestly, this is a really good card idea. The reason why this isn't broken like Endurian and Chard Guard is because it doesn't provide any attack of its own, isn't terribly difficult to remove, and it's ability can be played around if the opponent is smart. Most of the heroes that run big zombies also have access to removal cards like rolling stone. Since shadowshroom needs to be attacked by a zombie to activate its ability, if the opponent is smart, they'll have to save brains for removal tricks instead of going all-out. This is a very nicely balanced card idea. Grimrose: I like the idea, but the card is underpowered because it costs too much sun. This card is most effective against swarm decks, but unfortunately, it costs 7 sun. By then, the opponent will have reduced most of your health or even completely defeated you. In the late game, this card gets absolutely destroyed by big minions like Wannabe Hero and Plankwalker. Especially since it costs at least 10 sun to activate its shadow power. I would highly recommend dropping the cost of this card down to a 5 or even 4. Holly Barrier: I actually really like this card gimmick. If anything, I would say that the Spiky Barriers need to be buffed. They should have team-up so they don't clog your own lanes. Also, maybe nerf the health down to 5. 9 is just too much. Spiky Barrier: Refer to Holly Barrier. Hot Potato Fields: Not a bad card idea. It's about time plants got some decent environments, and hot potato fields provides a much-needed counter to environment spam for people who don't want to just spam Spikeweed Sector. Citron: Decent card idea, but not as unique as the other cards lol. It's basically just a better version of Poison Ivy. Pepper-Pult: Not a bad idea. Offers a decent counter to aggro decks. Spore Shroom: I absolutely adore this idea. The stats are perfect and should stay as they are because they're in that perfect middle ground of not too weak and not too strong. Spore shroom would the ultimate punisher for aggro decks. Goodbye, pirate meta lol. If there's one thing I would change, it's that spore shrooms spawned from other spore shrooms should be 2/2 so that they don't just win the game. Celery Stalker: Not a bad card idea, but outshined by Red Stinger. Dusk Lobber: I feel like this card is a bit underpowered. I would change it to have 4 attack and cost 5 sun. Good card idea overall. Jalapeno: Way too weak. There is absolutely no reason to be running this card when you can be running Kernel Corn. I would honestly say that it should do 8 damage to all zombies. Phat Beet: Good answer to aggro decks which is good since the mega grow class focuses on tempo mostly. Coconut Cannon: It's a fine card, but I would nerf the health down to 5. Power Tile Turnip: This effect should not trigger on the start of combat because it's just way too overpowered. It should be end of combat. Other than that, it's fine. A.K.E.E.: Powerful but slow, so it balances out. Nice card idea! Bowling Bulbs: Not a bad card idea. Though, it should be a 2/6. If it's a 1/6, it makes it way too easy to counter with rolling stone. At least with a 2/6, you can punish your opponents for going all-out on a turn. Power Lily: I like this idea a lot. Plant Food is currently the best way for the mega grow class to win, so Power Lily might enhance that meta. Chili Bean: Honestly, I like this idea because it's a really good counter to Dr. Spacetime. The plants don't really have that, so it helps. Stunion: Same as Chili Bean. Magnet-shroom: Unique gimmick, but you should probably specify when Magnet-shroom will move a zombie to its lane. That will determine whether it's useful or not. Blover: Similar to Hot Potato Fields, I like this card idea because it offers a decent counter to zombie environments other than spikeweed sector spam. E.M. Peach: Too powerful, in my opinion. It's really good at lane clogging which can completely destroy the zombie's plays. The science zombie gimmick can be kept as a fun little reference to PVZ2, but it shouldn't remove health. Spikerock Ambush: Nice card idea. Smarty class doesn't get much hard removal. Stallia Stylish Perfume: Nice card idea, but I feel like it shouldn't reduce health. A little bit better than E.M. Peach because at turn 7, zombies should already have massive tempo on the field or have won the game with aggro. So the card isn't overpowered to be honest. Missle Toe: Way too weak. Just look at Witch Hazel. It destroys a zombie, and creates a puff shroom. At turn 7, plants should be pushing for the win, not freeze controlling. I understand what you were going for, though. Thyme Warp: Not good competitively, but it's a really fun card idea. I think it would be more fitting as a trick rather than a plant, though. Moonflower: Good card idea, but I would change its stats to 0/3, and make it untrickable. If we're being honest, no one is going to use Moonflower to ramp. Moonflower is currently the best card to combo with in the shadow power meta you created with this set, so survivability should be its main goal. Perfume-shroom: You should specify which cards and for how long. For example, does it block dino-roar only for minions on the field or for the cards in the hand as well. Tangle Kelp: Way too good as a removal card. It's basically 4 sun to remove any problem on the field. I know it can be bungee plumbered, but crazy classes don't usually go for heavy tempo anyway. I would suggest making this cost 6 sun or changing the stats to 2/1. Nightshade: Not a bad card idea, but split pea does its job with less drawbacks. I would recommend changing the stats to 4/3 to give it more room to grow its attack. Intensive Carrot: Way too weak. Based on its card description, the most it can heal is for 4 health with Great Zucchini. There's no reason to run this card when 2nd Best Taco exists. I would suggest reworking this card's ability. Gold Leaf Tiles: Too slow and easily countered by zombie environments. I would suggest lowering its cost to 3 sun, so that it can at least counter Medulla Nebula. Gold Bloom: I like the theme of callbacks to PVZ2, but this card is way too slow. By turn 5, the plants should be setting up to win the game or already be very close to winning the game. Ramping at turn 5 means the plant player wasted a bunch of time. Gold bloom should cost 2 considering Cryo Brain also costs 2. Sun Bean: Obviously, it can't counter aggro decks due to its sun cost, but if the zombie is running tempo or control, this card instantly wins the game. One card shouldn't be the sole reason an entire meta goes dead. This entire card needs to be reworked.
@RipplyAnemone67 Жыл бұрын
I like this just balance is what need to be tweeted cost and rarity
@morbidgamerz4991 3 жыл бұрын
Something in solar has amphibious solar flare: FINALLY! (Ik that this is fanmade i'm just making a joke)
@Faith.Official 2 жыл бұрын
I think you should rename citron to energy citron so you dont get it confused with the hero
@Brunooo1327 2 жыл бұрын
Where did you make the cards? Like, in which site?
@myaw_cat 2 жыл бұрын
In none, I made a template in an art program. I put everything together.
@FudgeFace-kt7wx 10 ай бұрын
5:30 so powered up, it kills itself?
@bubblicousbootybouncer892 3 жыл бұрын
Endurian can be way to broken for a three cost, it does 6 damage if they place a card it can nearly take out every card
@LanaIsUnderrated 3 жыл бұрын
Good ideas, even if some stuff is unbalaned and completly op most if the times its balanced and all are Creative and uniqe, this us aproved
@cardboardtoaster2169 Жыл бұрын
Random zombie idea: Heart Scientist Tribe: Science Cost: 4 Health: 3 Strength: 5 When played: all hurt zombies are healed by 2 health Each health healed from a zombie heals the hero for the same amount Flavor text: Zombie finds ways to cure shrooms (doctors hate him)
@s1r_pootis 3 жыл бұрын
Card idea: Ghost Pepper Super rare Stats: 2-5 Cost 5 End of turn: do 3 Damage to 2 Random Zombies here and next door. "Pun": Enjoys spooking unweary Zombies during midnight. Class: solar Tribe: Leafy/Fruit plant (idk if u have better ideas for a tribe reply)
@xuanminhnguyen8084 3 жыл бұрын
Amphibious too
@s1r_pootis 3 жыл бұрын
@@xuanminhnguyen8084 it floats, only makes sense to give it amphib.
@kmm2-whjyt2secondsago.10 9 ай бұрын
EMPeach would be such a funny OP counter to zombots or supernova ☠️
@aceratedegree5733 3 жыл бұрын
Some of the cards are expensive but good though really creative
@forkliftposter 3 жыл бұрын
Jalepeno "ok I like this" do 2 damage in every lane. "so it's a chickening for plants? not ba-" legendary "ok that's kinda wie-" *9 cost*
@aceratedegree5733 3 жыл бұрын
Maybe it affects the zombie hero when no plant/s are here
@aaronjuntilla6996 3 жыл бұрын
@@forkliftposter it should be 3 damage for 7
@andikadwisantosa1569 2 жыл бұрын
@@forkliftposter yess jalapeno should be super rare i think
@knofffernworth9573 3 жыл бұрын
Great ideas! But how would it fit/synergy with the current meta?
@Rags666 3 жыл бұрын
Missile toe + winter squash it have team up and likely zombie always concede when they use this combo
@Rags666 3 жыл бұрын
And breakdancing zombie + any anti hero carf
@kacperk6484 3 жыл бұрын
2:40 I would put Coco Cannon in Kabloom class because it's an explosive plant 4:51 how about, instead of your text, all plants get healed to their max health and all zombies go back to their base stats, for example grown 4/4 Swashbuckler will be back a 2/2 5:16 *ALL* cards? Plants too? 😅
@Techtonic_Croco Жыл бұрын
Something plants cost to much but this ideas are so good
@hlamb9500 3 жыл бұрын
Gold bloom should be a two cost since cryo brain is 2 cosf
@frankieporter1889 3 жыл бұрын
When are you gonna play sun bean, and make a positive trade?
@thanetheforsaken8769 Жыл бұрын
gold bloom should be a 3 cost card like how the plant food and brain bonus compares
@marcobedin6308 Жыл бұрын
Although most of these cards would suck ass on game, this is a very creative idea with some great concepts. With some balancing many of these would be a great addition to the game
@harlen.3335 3 жыл бұрын
Did no one notice 8-bit zombie is a two cost 1/1 that is uncommon
@JesterSkeleton 2 жыл бұрын
Its about time its about power
@mirelastoica4173 3 жыл бұрын
Hey how do You use shadow powers
@iluvkalista2009 2 жыл бұрын
uuuh, the "infi-nut"'s ability is plants here can't be hurt and heal em for 2, but it's not a team up, i feel like if it was a team it would be descent
@iggypikminunderly782 3 жыл бұрын
2:26 well that's disappointing but I love it still dont know how this isn't in the game but I like it
@Mc_Adore-r 2 жыл бұрын
@smugsuperoof4314 3 жыл бұрын
Good ideas, but some of the cards’ stats make no sense. Why is 8-but buckethead deadly? Shouldn’t explorer zombie get -3/+3 when frozen? Sun Bean’s cost is way too high You get the idea, just adjust the values and it should be ok
@melindamuller4466 2 жыл бұрын
Shield Zombie should probably cost one or two more, it's currently just Trash can but better at everything
@junior_7096 3 жыл бұрын
Imp cannon should make a random imp in a random lane
@melindamuller4466 2 жыл бұрын
Maybe make 8-Bit Zombie a 2 cost 2/2 so it's not hurting you by charging the block meter when you randomly create one
@ryancals5940 3 жыл бұрын
Maybe make citron "start of turn: this gets +3, end of turn this gets - 3" and keep the anti hero lol idk
@moglo8615 3 жыл бұрын
Nice idea but ea never add this for games
@melindamuller4466 2 жыл бұрын
Power Lily seems reaaaally bad. I know it reduces the cost, but that is still 9 sun to use one bonus attack, why not use coffe fiesta instead? It's not very likely you have more than one or two plant food on hand, so I think this should either be 5 cost do a bonus attack, reduce cost of all plant food by one, or: 7 cost conjure a plant food, all plant foods do one extra bonus attack, or 3 cost what it currently does.
@kingworldadventures Жыл бұрын
Jalapeño needs a buff
@backbutton7888 2 жыл бұрын
2:24 lol this is ‘’the chickening’’ but in plant hero
@Dalv186 2 жыл бұрын
Hey. Uh... you do know that jalapeno is basivally a chickening but it cost 9 sun, right? Also, it should be at least rare.
@azumarill543 3 жыл бұрын
4:24 this should be an edviroment
@mirelastoica4173 3 жыл бұрын
@melindamuller4466 2 жыл бұрын
Tall Nut seems a bit weak, maybe make it untrickable or cost 1 less.
@ariztheackee505 Жыл бұрын
Yes, A.K.E.E. Included as well
@TooHappyToLive 2 жыл бұрын
Stuffy flower 3🟢 2❤️ legendary When a sunflower takes damage get +1 sun for the next turn. Desk: stuffy flower can't stand others getting upset, so, she's Gonna help you get revenge! Note: this can stack so yes if you have her down and 3 sunflowers get hit you'll get 3 more sun for the next turn.
@hackzicuackzicu1421 11 ай бұрын
6:03 soo it's way worse cryobrain. It should be a 4 cost +2 sun for this turn and the rest of the game.
@smallvillager8807 3 жыл бұрын
Idea: hypno shroom ,costs 8 sun Destroys a zombie and draw a card, that card copies the ability, health and damage of the recently killed zombie
@TheLegendaryDiscoChomper Жыл бұрын
11:40 Imp dragon should be a beastly card
@reynaldosilang6719 3 жыл бұрын
It would be better if mc zom-b should attack here and next door, it matches him using his mic to damage plants in pvz 2. It should be a crazy card, and when a dancing card is played it will do 2 damge here and next door, it matches him using his attack only when its music plays in pvz 2.
The Unused Content of Plants vs. Zombies 2
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these GODLY Birds Bully Poor Zombies
Plants vs Zombies Gaming
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Did you believe it was real? #tiktok
Анастасия Тарасова
Рет қаралды 52 МЛН
Пробую самое сладкое вещество во Вселенной
Khó thế mà cũng làm được || How did the police do that? #shorts
Became invisible for one day!  #funny #wednesday #memes
Watch Me
Рет қаралды 54 МЛН
Рет қаралды 29 М.
Using the Best T-Pose Combo to BULLY in PvZ Heroes
Plants vs Zombies Gaming
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Plants Vs Zombies Heroes - Mega-Grow Cards For Set 5 (Ideas)
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Team FREE vs PREMIUM - Who Will Win? - PvZ 2 Team Plant Vs Team Plant
Gargantuar Zombie
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Double Dino, Double The Trouble ▌PvZ Heroes
Tiny Gargantuar
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PvZ 2 Myth Busting - Can cactus target seagull?
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Plants VS Zombies Fanart - The Achievement
Your Lonely Pea
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