D&D sent me the New Tiefling (and I have thoughts)

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Pointy Hat

Pointy Hat

Ай бұрын

The tiefling has risen in popularity in D&D lately. Tieflings are so popular that the next iteration of DnD has them as a core option for players, and WotC sent them to me!
This video is sponsored by Wizards: you can pre-order the 2024 Digital & Physical Core Rulebook Bundle (and others) here! marketplace.dndbeyond.com/cat...
Check out the Three New Tieflings!
Video Editing by the amazing Bia: / bnazf
Writing, Illustration, and Narration by me: / antodemico
Additional sketches by the amazing Fey: / feymilde

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@pointyhatstudios Ай бұрын
Technicolor tieflings are canon and the world is healing 😌
@Stellar201 Ай бұрын
Good because it really needed it
@dejaypage1575 Ай бұрын
Yay for Rainbow Demon Bois and Girls Also will admit? One monster and Race I wanna see ya tackle is Gnoll (Monster) and Dwarf (Race/Lineage). Since I am legit curious on your thoughts on them
@sunniestsideup_ Ай бұрын
Its so beautiful :')
@VicariousVentures Ай бұрын
And on Pride month no less 😉🌈
@VicariousVentures Ай бұрын
Technicolor tiefling setting things on fire...sounds like an intro ;) (that previous intro was fire 🔥 though, btw)
@lolmanthecat Ай бұрын
25:28 "She came to a conclusion, the problem was her, or rather her autism"
@MrHodoAstartes 29 күн бұрын
Necromancy: Making Friends
@Lazzil 29 күн бұрын
Somebody please find us a cure!
@somebodyrandom27 29 күн бұрын
Considering that Tieflings born to Human parents can be an excellent allegory for being neurodivergent, that tracks. Then again, one of the strengths of Tieflings is that you can use them as an allegory for literally any group.
@Giganfan2k1 29 күн бұрын
**Too real**
@tonylawson2222 29 күн бұрын
I'm pretty sure that's exactly what happened and I love her
@fireball4763 29 күн бұрын
I know it's rare but I actuallu once used the fact of dark vision not showing the colours. I've had a party made out of only dark vision races(typical for 5e) and due to that they did not carry any torches. So in one of my dungeons i made a puzzle based around pulling the levers with right colours. It took them like like half an hour but finally they made a torch with a mace and peaces of ripped cloths ant lit it up with fire ball (yes my players are very creative)
@quiestinliteris 26 күн бұрын
Lol, in my campaign, we had a couple of different times when colors in the dark were significant, and my warlock was the only party member without darkvision, so he kept casting Light. Party was like "Dude, we're trying to be sneaky in here," and he was like, "Yeah, so sneaky, falling through a trapdoor that's exactly the same shade of as the rest of the floor but also BRIGHT RED." He also had the lowest perception in the party until his patron got fed up with him walking straight into perfectly obvious enemies and gave him Devil's Sight and perception expertise in a single level-up, shooting his passive from 11 to 21 overnight. Basically gave him acute-onset ADHD and disadvantage on all investigation checks for a few days while he got used to being unable to STOP noticing EVERYTHING.
@danilooliveira6580 14 күн бұрын
yeah I personally like the "see in black and white" modifier to dark vision, because it gives creative DMs a way to still make dark areas have a distinction that players need to be aware of... or humble players that think they are gods with something really stupid.
@justinwashburn7536 14 күн бұрын
They used fireball? Nobody had a tinder box?
@fireball4763 14 күн бұрын
@@justinwashburn7536 yes they did. However none of them remembered it so they decided to use magic
@buffypoynter 2 күн бұрын
My DM did literally the same thing to us, but used tiles instead. we missed the first like.. 3 or so times he mentioned we were in the dark so we were getting SO frustrated 😅
@starhalv2427 29 күн бұрын
My only problem with darkvision is that everybody gets it. At this point just make seeing in darkness a base rule and give some species a "can't see in darkness" trait, you'll save about 2 pages of paper.
@RadeFoxxy 29 күн бұрын
It also gimps a major plot line, the dark is scary. Every one being able to see perfectly, and now in color in the dark totally robs the game of a primal fear for storylines.
@KaitouKaiju 29 күн бұрын
​@@RadeFoxxyThe solution to that is to put something you *don't* want to see in the dark areas
@RedDuke42 25 күн бұрын
​@@KaitouKaiju cool idea
@marhawkman303 24 күн бұрын
​@@KaitouKaiju My personal fave? make different flavors of dark vision so it's not guaranteed everyone sees everything. Traditional Darkvision: superhumanly acute eyesight that works the same as normal eyesight but in much lower light. You can leave in the colorblindness thing. Maybe have an improved version that doesn't have that. OR... more fun: make it be a range limit on color vision. maybe your Dark Vision goes out to 30 feet, but you can only see color out to 15. Thermalvision: no not like Superman. I mean like Pit Vipers. With this you can see the temperature of the world around you. Obviously, this is a different spectrum than color, so.... while you can see, sort of, in TOTAL darkness, no colors at all. Also, while it does give you extra info in normal light too, it's fallible if what you're looking for is the same temperature as the surroundings..... like a key that's been laying on a cold stone floor for several days.... good luck finding that with Thermalvision. You could also throw in echolocation(like bats), or electrostatic sense(platypi). They're not really vision, though potentially useful for navigating in darkness. Also, each has its own weaknesses. Electrostatic sense is terrible at sensing things that are non-conductive. you know... like most materials floors are made of. Another idea... and one that leans into magic... is akin to magical active RADAR. IE you cast a spell that lets you... for a period of time, know what your surroundings look like. Again, I'd not make it infallible, but it already has a built-in duration and spell use limitation.
@AndrewTheUltraBoss99 23 күн бұрын
My cool fantasy of people being scared in the dark with cool wizards casting light or the seasoned scout going head First using Fire to see the path Is shattered by people having darkvision in each game. Not One or two, but almost everyone has It, without talking about people that have more than 30 meters of darkvision
@patriciusthehumanfighter3642 Ай бұрын
Character Concept: Chthonic Tiefling Paladin devoted to Hades who hunts Undead because the Unseen One doesn't like it when Shades get out of the Underworld.
@windragon2317 29 күн бұрын
Recurring frenemy happens to be your boss' son who keeps escaping home due to a petty argument
@davialmeida4442 29 күн бұрын
He can even have a really silly catchphrase like "Time to put you back to sleep" or "I'll send you to have a little chat with the boss" when he's about to slay an undead
@apollyon1 29 күн бұрын
@ayditho9307 29 күн бұрын
So Edgy
@francescomena8181 29 күн бұрын
One day you get the Mission to send your boss's son back home after one of their countless escape attempts
@friendlyfiddler5727 Ай бұрын
The "This a tax write-off now " with the horns had me cackling. I´m glad you got to see a snippet of what´s to come, and it truly seems like an improvement on what Tieflings already were without losing identity! And the three characters, from their backstories to their art and build, are amazing
@SeanPAllen 29 күн бұрын
Instead of the scents thing, how about perceived temperature changes? In the presence of Abyssal Tieflings, the room seems to grow colder and breath becomes visible, despite no actual change in temperature. For Infernal Tieflings, some creatures nearby may begin panting or exhibiting signs of dehydration, despite the temperature remaining unchanged. If Cthonic Tieflings smell weird they can keep that in my opinion, I think that's funny.
@elf-lordsfriarofthemeadowl2039 20 күн бұрын
They stink, because Demons have an abyssal ichorious stink to them. Dangit if our evil-race PCs have something off about them!
@danilooliveira6580 14 күн бұрын
I'm more in favor of the table of "weirdness", where you choose something weird about your tiefling. be is weird smell, strangely hot/cold body, scally skin, perpetually hydrofobic/wet/oily body, different number of fingers or non-human feet (hoofs, claws, etc), etc.
@kita_no_ryuu 8 күн бұрын
​@@danilooliveira6580oh, i really like that
@officersquidman 29 күн бұрын
The grayscale darkvision doesn't generally matter at the table, but in past editions you also couldn't READ with darkvision, which I always thought was an interesting limitation that made it essential to at least carry some candles or something...
@quiestinliteris 26 күн бұрын
It also wasn't originally grayscale, was it? It was no color at all, just the shapes of surfaces, like laser scanning an object, in which case markings that don't change the shape of the surface would be invisible. (At least, that was how I played a few times, but I never actually owned a handbook until recently, so I was just going off my DM's say-so.) Though, interestingly, text produced with old printing presses or woodcut blocks does actually indent the paper - could be interesting flavor to add to a story.
@officersquidman 26 күн бұрын
@@quiestinliteris Yeah, I think originally it was supposed to be explicitly infrared or something to that effect.
@chillyavian7718 19 күн бұрын
@@officersquidmanit was called infravison in older editions
@professorgreenbeans8275 Ай бұрын
One time, I DMed a game where this robot AI dude was following the characters around via a screen on the Warforged’s chest. They came to a massive creature that spoke Abyssal, and I figured that, in order to make the party hate this AI more, he would be racist and assume that the Tiefling knew Abyssal. When I told the Tiefling to “try and talk to it” in character, they said “oh, sure!”, and I had to remind them that their character could, in fact, not speak Abyssal.
@monstermaster4524 29 күн бұрын
The worst part is that Tieflings don't even come from Demons, they come from Devils.
@kamiwriterleonardo6345 29 күн бұрын
​@@monstermaster4524 Well, now they can come from Demons XD
@nyanbrox5418 29 күн бұрын
​@kamiwriterleonardo6345 well yes but the tiefling from 5e as is was the infernal tiefling
@ARealBigFatRappingMonkey 29 күн бұрын
@@monstermaster4524 They come from neither, they come from cambions, or someone who has as least had someone banged a cambion in their lineage, made a deal with a devil, ect, something that would corrupt their bloodline with fiendishness, fiends + mortal = cambion + mortal = tiefling, two humans could have a tiefling if the human had an ancestor or they themselves had fiendish blood in them.
@professorgreenbeans8275 29 күн бұрын
@@monstermaster4524 exactly lol, it was meant to show how the AI actually knows nothing about it, but it turns out that he wasn’t the one who didn’t do his research lol
@tomasconcha4946 Ай бұрын
if they made technicolor tiefling canon i hope dragonborn having tails have similar treatment.
@gyorgyor7765 28 күн бұрын
Tails depend on setting, in FR no tails usually as their Dragonborn lore started in 4e (well current Dragonborn anyways) same with Nentir Vale but ither settings like Exandria, Planescape, and Spelljammer, Eberrob, etc...they can have tails maybe .
@gandalftheserb 28 күн бұрын
I think I saw multiple dragonborn with tails in the phb stream they did a few days ago
@ryanweible9090 28 күн бұрын
@@gyorgyor7765 i figure its up to the dm, so long as it does not confer any actual play advantage, like an extra unarmed attack or something, its largely an aesthetic thing.
@htlchtlc 26 күн бұрын
​@@ryanweible9090 i see no problem in dragon tails giving a small advantage (they aren't like monkey tails that can hold stuff) i'd give the players the ability to take an action to make an melee 1d2 + strength mod tail strike with a chance to trip medium or smaller creature (can be saved).
@quiestinliteris 26 күн бұрын
​​​@@htlchtlc Nah, I think baseline it would be a Dex boost, since the purpose of tails for most terrestrial vertebrates is to improve balance, and they don't have good enough conscious control to make a good weapon. They can train to use it as a weapon as a feat. Maybe a tail-specific weapon like stegosaur spikes for a little extra damage. o3o
@Rutanachan 29 күн бұрын
I always wanted to use the "darkvision in greyscale" concept at some point by hiding a huge monster because it blends with a wall in greyscale, never got around to it yet XD
@galois022 29 күн бұрын
I'm so happy to see yugoloths getting love, I have a 6 yr long running campaign where a Baernoloth is the main antagonist! Now I finally have an official stat block to use as a base xD
@Vulpecula-Enfield Ай бұрын
RIP William O Connor, you are missed.
@kingj9664 29 күн бұрын
Who is that
@gemini_dragon1092 29 күн бұрын
@@kingj9664he’s the original artist for a lot of dungeons and dragons books, through multiple different editions sort of thing. He died in 2018, sadly.
@ConstantinEckhardt 28 күн бұрын
Hey still is one of my favorite fantasy artists. Fell in love with his work for the original Legend of the five Rings. RIP
@Vulpecula-Enfield 28 күн бұрын
I have his Dracopedia books. William O Connor helped make the Tieflings and some of the dragon designs for Wizards of the Coast.
@HappyBuffalo347 28 күн бұрын
Loving the art style
@yolkcheeks Ай бұрын
I like the idea of demons & devils being like tortises & turtles or frogs & toads where specifically people who are especially oblivious get them mixed up.
@Plaugus_Screenz 29 күн бұрын
But which is which who knows which came first the demon or the devil
@sephikong8323 29 күн бұрын
​@Plaugus_Screenz The Demon since devils explicitly started at first as Celestials who followed Asmodeus in his quest to go up close and personal to deal with the Demon problem
@zoroearc2582 29 күн бұрын
I mean, a tortoise is just a turtle that lives on land, while a toad is just a frog we decided needed a different name for some reason
@ARealBigFatRappingMonkey 29 күн бұрын
@@zoroearc2582 Toads are lumpy dry frogs, tortoises are all terrestrial turtles but there are non-aquatic turtles that aren't tortoises. Both demons and devils are fiends, but devils are more likely to have a polite conversation with you and play a game of chess, a demon will flip the chess table and take a shit on it, right after or before they eat your face, or at the same time, devils tend to be more human looking while demons tend to look more animal like.
@meikahidenori 28 күн бұрын
More yoki? Ok I might change my mind of teiflings if they were more like yoki
@GreyfauxxGaming 29 күн бұрын
#1: Backgrounds had features, just most DM's didnt use them well. As example, Acolytes can get free care at temples, including casting Revive spells as long as you have the component. There ones for getting around towns faster, and a few that even did have feats. #2: No one will use the background stats. Everyone since Tasha's has placed 2 in one score and 1 in another score, and you just choose. #3: The feats are a bit weak and dont function with traditional 5e, so if you do use them you need to use ALL of the 2024 rules, and get rid of the old stuff, allowing you to play old 5e characters but in this new rule system. OG 5e can work with 2024, but not the other way.
@tiph3802 23 күн бұрын
As a DM I go out of my way to incorporate background features. They criminally ignored. To be fair, though, the phb background features were pretty weak sauce compared to future iterations. Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft has one of my favorites that lets you use a crystal ball or tarokka deck or similar and gives you advantage of I think it's Arcana and Religion checks having to do with undead. So fun, and people really sleep on these.
@jesusrodriguez4849 17 күн бұрын
Yeah I'm not the biggest fan with the current releases. I don't know why wizards is changing so much but wont just call it 5.5e. Its a complete rework of spells, "species"(Races but, its incredibly weird to me considering interbreeding doesn't result in mules essentially), and backgrounds. Starting from Tasha's it just feels like a different edition and they should just call it that.
@mactireliath2356 5 күн бұрын
Yeah, and you can stay in a library all day if you want. Turns out if you’re dumb as a box of rocks it’s not going to matter much. Your ancestors determined your range, you determine your capacity within that range. Anything else is unscientific socio-cultural nonsense.
@negljbreakergaming 29 күн бұрын
"as if someone like demons better than devils in D&D" I'm right here bro, them's fightin' words
@GrassPokeKing 16 күн бұрын
Seconded, Demons > Devils (at least in real world, i dunno enough about DND yet to say definitively)
@negljbreakergaming 16 күн бұрын
@@GrassPokeKing I like them because the whole "deal with a devil," contracts, laws, blah blah blah. I find it all terribly stuffy and boring. Demons are all about wanton destruction, they don't want to corrupt mortality they want to destroy it.
@malachiteheart1676 Ай бұрын
My name is Chapless Moan, I’m your tiefling’s tiefling tief-ling
@LoreFoundry 29 күн бұрын
I'm a Tiefling teethling Class Cleric, Background, Criminal Dentist.
@Luciferian.Latino 26 күн бұрын
I'm MF TIEFLING, your favorite Tiefling's favorite Tiefling.
@thecrimsonviscount5689 29 күн бұрын
13:09 Ah, yes, my favorite legacy... *YUGOSLAVS*
@thebaron2277 28 күн бұрын
Now I'm thinking of a region of Slavic teifling nations that all hate each other for the pettiest of reasons
@Rutillith 29 күн бұрын
Tiefling, Necromancer, Witch like, "I just want a hug" energy? SIGN ME IN, I LOVE HER!!!!
@gaelofariandel6747 28 күн бұрын
I actually made a (human) Necromancer with "I need a hug" energy. Sadly it was a table of nothing but guys so nobody gave a sh*t, lol. He was only a Necromancer because the only resources he had access to were left over from slain Necromancers. His occupation? Hunting Necromancers. His end goal? Providing for the survivors that were harmed by Necromancers. Never got his hug but he did become an immortal "doctor" of sorts.
@Catatonica Ай бұрын
Did everyone else also immediately swarm here when you got the notif
@CethIsADevil Ай бұрын
@fabianmartinez5294 Ай бұрын
@soultron4238 Ай бұрын
Of course!
@LezlyLikesYuri Ай бұрын
@Criskato1780 Ай бұрын
@GuilhermeJPeres Ай бұрын
i was getting afraid that one of the best d&d channels wouldn't recieve a lil spoiler to share with us thank god he did
@oicmorez4129 29 күн бұрын
It's a sidenote in the video, but I still wanna talk about the background. I really hate the set stats for each background. I can't wait to never take Acolyte because it forces me to put the stats in 2/3 mental stats.
@tasty_cake6563 24 күн бұрын
say hello to Pathfinder 2e
@danilooliveira6580 14 күн бұрын
yeah I never liked backgrounds much in D&D, I just always made my custom background. backgrounds being buffed just means I'll continue making custom backgrounds but now I'll have some free stat points to put wherever I want.
@gailengigabyte6221 6 күн бұрын
Hopefully there's an option to make custom backrounds for anyone who wants to use it.
@oicmorez4129 5 күн бұрын
@@gailengigabyte6221 they said it was moved to dmg
@Clepto_and_Co 29 күн бұрын
My favorite thing in DND is small beastmaster that uses its animal companion as a mount so I'm glad to see more options. Would love to have an abyssal tiefling riding a giant snake
@zmsays Ай бұрын
A) I love the Pointy Hat/Familiar dynamic. 2) Looks like WotC has been paying more attention to Paizo than we thought
@LoreFoundry 29 күн бұрын
Response to your number 2. Shots fired.
@DemonBlanka 29 күн бұрын
Stapling a bunch of PF to 5e does make DND better but damn, I'd still rather play PF.
@jakubdrabent8158 29 күн бұрын
It's basically hand on the bat game. D&D was the top dog for a long time, so they got lazy and ruined a lot of things, making a lot of players angry. So those players turned to PF. Now D&D is in slight trouble so they basically said "well, since you like Pathfinder so much how about we still don't give you anything new, we just steal from them". D&D is not developing, they are stagnating in taking resources made by other people and trying to sell them as their own work
@cyprienramis1304 29 күн бұрын
Use letters or numbers, you've got to chose, you can't put A and then 2.
@gyorgyor7765 28 күн бұрын
The shocking thing for me us Aasimar did not follow suit, they are a more flexible version of the MotM Aasimar.
@kmg9763 Ай бұрын
Things we need more: Tieflings, Hats and Potatoes.
@LoreFoundry 29 күн бұрын
Definitely more potatoes. You can cook potatoes in more ways than you could ever dream of.
@LoreFoundry 29 күн бұрын
Definitely need more potatoes, they are the ultimate food.
@whossoul 29 күн бұрын
I have zombie potatoes in my campaign...does that count?
@berthulf 28 күн бұрын
yup, we gonna have to face it, we're addicted to spuds. There's only one hat we need though, and not even a star spangled hat that says "wizzard" on it could change my mind about that.
@MrClockworkable 29 күн бұрын
'Someone is probably typing' I mean yes, but because 5E tieflings never saw in greyscale, they saw in shades of red. They were the only creatures who DIDN'T see in grey.
@Zethil 10 күн бұрын
You fool, the fire Genasi saw in red.
@PonyJammin 28 күн бұрын
- holds up my fox arcanadaemon tiefling - Finally... He's canon...
@andrewdowns3673 Ай бұрын
They should do the same for the Aasimar with 3 Celestial Lineages for the 3 sections of the Upper Planes.
@elizabethchambers9137 Ай бұрын
Are there even different celestials for each upper plane? I guess I've never thought about it because you run into fiends so much more often. There's the angels, obviously, but what else? Are archons separate? I kind of just thought archons were just a subset of angels in dnd
@andrewdowns3673 29 күн бұрын
@@elizabethchambers9137 @elizabethchambers9137 Oh yeah. Well going by the 3 Sections of the Upper Planes to correlate to the 3 Section of the Lower Planes the Tieflings are now categorized by, there's the 3 Planes of Law (Arcadia, Mount Celestia, Bytopia), Neutral (Bytopia, Elysium, the Beastlands), and Chaotic (the Beastlands, Arborea, and Ysgard). The Lawful could be from Mount Celestia and be the Scurge type Aasimar (holy light of divine judgment). The Neutral could be from Elysium and be the Protector type Aasimar. The Chaotic could be Aasimar descendant from the Beastlands (like the Ardlings; though they could easily be their own species) or Ysgard (making them more like Valkyrie/Nordic Aasimar).
@JazzyBassy 29 күн бұрын
@@elizabethchambers9137For Lawful we have the lawful angel-like and statue-like Archon Celestials (Typical aasimar) Then we have the neutral animal-like Guardinals (Ardling Aasimar) and for chaotic we would’ve had Celestial Eladrin (Elven celestials that can turn into energy and have boundless hair). Maybe since Arvandor, Mount Olympus, and Ysgard all have a place in Chaotic Good, we can have a fusion of Greek Daimons, Celestial Energy elves, and Nordic valkyries. Nose bridges like depicted in chiseled pottery, ever-flowing and changing hair and skin, and wings around the ears to look like valkyrie helmets. Thinking that Necrotic Shroud and Radiant Soul will be available for everyone, Radiant Consumption could be unique to Lawful Aasimar. Instead Neutral Aasimar get a beast-like mode that changes their unarmed attacks to be stronger as well as having one of three Beast traits, and Chaotic Aasimar get their energy form which allows them to move through walls and creatures, dealing damage when passing through.
@Chaosmancer7 29 күн бұрын
So, from the various reports, it sounds like what they have done instead is tie all the celestial legacies into one ability, and you choose which one to activate when you use the ability. I like the think of this as giving their powers an emotional edge, so an Aasimar who is about to charge in front of some zombies to save the children might activate the guardian protector ability with wings and such, while later when they encounter the necromancer and are confronted with their foul deeds, they might activate the Fallen Fear abilities with darkness and skeletal wings representing their hatred for the evil-doer and their inability to process the horror. A very different angle than the Tiefling who cannot change their nature, to have the Aasimar constantly having their nature altered by their "humanity"
@andrewdowns3673 29 күн бұрын
@@Chaosmancer7 Well, let's hope this change works and gets people playing them more.🤞
@Wfx77777 Ай бұрын
my first long dnd character. Druscylla was a dhamphir born of a tiefling father and a vampire elf mother and basically was a lilac skin white haired tiefling, she inherited the unique trait to eat pain and suffering instead of blood, which helped as her parents were healers in the kingdom she grew up in. She went on a long adventure in a spelljammer type world but returned to her home realm to become a great doctor type being a circle of the stars druid to heal and start a charity to reincarnate terminally ill children. that's her story for now, but her home is like the Xmansion of a gothic refugee for monsters who don't want to be evil
@betabeta6335 29 күн бұрын
Ngl that sounds awesome
@anyalei 26 күн бұрын
"left as quickly as he came" 💀
@clayh9510 24 күн бұрын
I found Pointy Hat at the beginning of last week and now have binged all of his videos. Genuinely the most creative dnd stuff I’ve ever seen, including official material. I can’t get over how cool each twist is. I genuinely haven’t disliked a single one and so many of them have made me actually want to play races/classes/in locations that I never had any interest in before. I am a relatively new dm, but I am planning to include so many of Pointy Hat’s creations in my campaign going forward. Not only are the stat locks interesting and dynamic, but each twist provides so many story hooks that makes it practically impossible to not find a way to work them into your story. The Tips of the Hat have also really helped me and given me so many ideas on how to be a better dm. All this to say, thank you so much for all you do. I can’t imagine having to make all this, especially for free. Each video doesn’t just have amazing dnd stuff, but each is just so funny and entertaining that I would watch them anyway even if they didn’t have any dnd stuff. It would be awesome to see a kickstarter project or dnd home brew book one day from you. I hope you have a wonderful day, and thank you again!
@guillermopena8412 Ай бұрын
3:20 Hey Hat! The human familiar didn't know how to pronounce Fey'ri and Tanarukk!
@AndyManX1226 Ай бұрын
I am also adopting Alma, thank you very much for her.
@grinninggoblin3698 29 күн бұрын
Hello, hopefully I'm not the bad guy, but I don't understand the dislike of species based attribute bonuses and decreases. Different species evolve differently and have different strengths and weaknesses. For instance an elephant is larger, stronger, and tougher than any human, but a Loxodon is meant to have the same base stats as a human or a halfling? I guess I understand it for balance reasons, but it makes all species feel fundamentally identical, which is the exact opposite reason why other species in fantasy and sci-fi are so cool. He mentioned it odd that elves have higher intelligence than other species. This is something I agree with in part, depending on the setting. I always understood the bonus to intelligence to reflect their old age, an elf reaches adulthood at 100, they have lived an entire lifetime before they even begin adventuring. It makes sense to reflect 100 years of education, experience, and accumulated knowledge mechanically right? Intelligence for the longest time reflected the number of skills you had, which is reflective of your life experiences and knowledge. You still roll for attributes, or use point buy, so you still pick which attributes are low and high only with bonuses to reflect your species. I suppose picking where to put bonuses makes it easier to power game, but I feel like conceding interesting differences between species for that is a heavy downgrade for mechanical storytelling. I'm not trying to fight here or anything, I just don't think I've ever heard an explanation for why it's a bad thing.
@caihly2443 29 күн бұрын
Personally I view mental stats tied to an ancestry as culture more than the individual. Elvish societies have big repositories of knowledge and emphasise an erudite education, so they get a boost in intelligence to reflect the education most elves will receive. Still though, this preset should never be obligatory, and players should have the option to have free attribute boosts instead. There's a few other stuff that act as an ancestries' flavour beyond those boosts, like size and speed in DnD, and size, speed, feats, special abilities, and cultural items in Pathfinder
@Aphotic_One 29 күн бұрын
I don't get it either but the people so freaked out about it are too afraid of feeling like there is any comparisons between fantasy races and real human ethnicities being classified like that
@ARealBigFatRappingMonkey 29 күн бұрын
It's simple, they don't want to a acknowledge biology and want to separate from it as far as possible while at the same time compare fictional races to humans, they don't want to admit that these fictional races are not humans and would have inherit biological benefits or flaws such as being naturally smarter, stronger, or having bad eyesight in daylight ect and having different behavioral patterns, like how spiders spin different types of webs or don't at all. WOTC has said that half-races are inherently racist and have compared orcs to black people while calling the orcs racist, and the reason why they did the name change from race to species is from their own words because they think a race being called a race is somehow racist, they are not trying to be biologically correct, they are trying to be politically "correct", it's not about being right or balance, it's about looking good to a certain group of people, mostly themselves because they don't care if when everyone calls them out for that.
@terra6713 29 күн бұрын
I'm with you in that. It's as simple as looking outside and noticing how different animals have different "stats", a mice is quick but not so strong, a dog is perceptive and well rounded but kinda stupid, an orca is a powerhouse and should be nerfed, and so on. Elves being smarter makes sense because their access to The Reverie, or the Trance as said in books, gives them knowledge of previous lives throughout their "childhood" (first 100 years of life), I'm pretty sure having memory and experience of life automatically implanted into you would give you a sizable Intelligence boost. As well as Orcs being naturally stronger because of being created by a war god, I even defend the old -1 Int they had because they're made soldiers, a good soldier is one that can't question orders, would make sense for them to be created as such. Also primarily hate the "standardization" they're doing to races/species. The bread and butter of having such options is for them to feel and be different from each other, since not so recently it feels like they're all just humans with different colors or pointy ears. Anyways, try out Pathfinder2e, anyone who might agree with some of these points. I swear it's not nearly as complicated as the dnd community makes it up to be and each Ancestry (race/species) gets not only features at Lv 1, but also at level 5, 9, 13 and 17. Flavorful features that are Choices yours to make. This suddenly turned into a ad but I swear it's so good I can't believe it's the lesser known ttrpg in comparison.
@ShepardCommander 27 күн бұрын
Yup. People are to sensitive to these types of thing and also they aren't sensitive enough to real world problems, usually being the exact same offenders, as in the people who take the most offense to ability scores tied to race are the same ones that ignore sexism and racism in real life, or worse yet, are avid practitioners of racism and sexism. There is still a lot of racism in the world, regardless of ethnicity.
@mil4851 29 күн бұрын
It makes sense that languages are not related to races/species, as not every elf grew up in an elf community or invested in their natural intelligence to learn more languages
@cabbage_cat 5 күн бұрын
Yeah, it's like american born chinese suddenly speaking mandarin where they were raised in an english speaking family First time playing dnd I was like woah I can speak infernal just because I'm a tiefling? Didn't make sense to me too
@Maliceinponderland Ай бұрын
I really like the fact they gave tiefling lineages actually useful spells. In MToF the 2nd level spell you got for reaching level 3 was a 1st level that was considered upcast, even when the spell itself didn't specify anything about upcasting (i'm looking at you disguise self). Although i think a lot of players, mine included, also like the illusionist or charmer side of tieflings, and i hope they come up with an option for those styles of play (like bloodline of glaysya or fierna). I thought that's what they were gonna do with the chtonic one, since it's related to hags. right now the three options seem to be focused mainly on damage output, which can be limitating
@megarural3000 Ай бұрын
Forgotten Realms was 1E AD&D but the 4th world setting, behind: Greyhawk, Mystara and Krynn. It's the Rocky Road to the first three Neapolitan flavored worlds,
@darkguardian011 29 күн бұрын
Hey, I'm a '94 baby too. It's weird turning 30
@UrdnotRed 29 күн бұрын
I appreciate the amount of Zevlor shown in this video. He kinda looks a lot like how a demon tiefling would look like, with the big jagged horns and the more prominent ridges.
@Uchilsson 28 күн бұрын
That way this book is good, because writers play Baldur's Gate 3 :D
@toxictaro Ай бұрын
I'm glad wotc is recognizing how important their fans are. Glad they're recognizing how cool you are Mr Hat.
@VulcanWolf 29 күн бұрын
Given their recent history, I don't think that's their true position on things. BUT I completely agree with our favorite Hat being the coolest one in existence.
@kiranaun9593 29 күн бұрын
@@VulcanWolf I believe Wizards knows they fucked up and is deliberately involving themselves with the community directly in an attempt to remedy it.
@Wintermute909 29 күн бұрын
I've gotta admit it was a genius move letting different youtubers do a preview on different bits of the new phb! Edit: now I've just gotta find if anyone got Eladrin
@kiranaun9593 29 күн бұрын
@@Wintermute909 yeah that was a very clever move on their part
@caihly2443 29 күн бұрын
They don't care about us, they just want their publicity stunt
@cellophaneAquariium Ай бұрын
ooooh i love tieflings i'm glad that they've stayed in spirit and have done some really cool stuff with them. i'm loving the legacies and the ideas that can stem from them. they actually fit my current tiefling characters really well, i love giving my tiefs more odd traits so i'm really liking how the abyssal legacy makes it not just a kind of weird design choice on my end, i look forward to seeing what else can be done with them :]
@theafterglowavenger 28 күн бұрын
Yay! I am very excited about this now! I'm also glad that you have come into your confidence as a content creator. I look forward to your videos each time them come out! (Also congrats to you on the coming out!).
@gregorhenry503 6 күн бұрын
Small correction: the default setting for 3rd edition and 3.5 was Greyhawk. Forgotten Realms was definitely still around, though, with a ton of supplements just for that setting.
@Amy_the_Lizard Ай бұрын
Yeay! Yugoloth Tieflings at last! Also, love that most of the technicolor Tieflings are having a great time, except two who appear to be questioning their life choices... XD For what it's worth I actually already had an Abyssal and a two Yugoluth Tieflings as NPCs in my campaign, but I hadn't decided what sorts of abilities to give the two Yugoluth descent ladies do to there LITERALLY being NOTHING on those. The Abyssal Tiefling is a Wildmagic Sorcerer and the grandaughter of the Demon Lord Graz'zt (who is basically considered "the hot one" of the 5e Demon Lords) who is currently working as a courtesan to pay for her tuition to one of the setting's magic schools where she hopes to gain more control over her abilities and not have to worry about causing some sort of horrible disaster when she casts spells. She's the primary witness of an incident where a Fey showed up at the establishment she works at, and tricked several courtesans into giving him their names, and was the only one who escaped because she thought he was annoying and responded "Pudding and tame" when he asked her what her name was, which he mistook as being a Virtue name rather than her trying to get him to leave her alone. She's understandably outraged about what happened to her coworkers, and as a magic user herself, is willing to help the party fight the fey to get them back. She is also going by "Pudding" for the time being as she's kinda paranoid about names at the moment. One of the Yugoluth Tieflings is the grandmother of Todd, the human Wizard NPC the party recruited. She's not really important, but he mentions her sometimes, as his dad's side of the family had to flee their home country when the emporer decided to banish all the Tieflings because after a portal to Hades opened up for a while there 100 years ago, the Tiefling population skyrocketed and he felt like there were just too many of them running around for his liking (the rest of Todd's relatives are human.) The third is a coincidentally purple Way of Mercy Monk NPC who's family was forced to flee as result of the same incident, who is trying her best to find a medical school willing to enroll her so she can become a doctor, and is trying to keep her little brother from getting himself into trouble. She is a quest giving NPC, who seeks the party's help to try to find her brother who she has good reason to believe as fallen in with a bad crowd. Like Pudding, she is willing to temporarily join the party while they search for them, but is designed with a focus on healing rather than damage dealing.
@somebodyrandom27 Ай бұрын
The Chthonic Legacy is perfect for my oldest character concept: Adopted off the streets by a local thieves guild as a child, Grentilda Cackle ("Gren" to her friends) has always been a bit odd. Her mannerisms and hobbies have always seemed more like those of an old grandmother than a young lady. She also has no memories of her life before she wandered into the city. However, she grew up as a cheerful girl who treated the guild like a family. As she grew older, Gren was plagued by horrible nightmares. In these nightmares, she recalled a terrible Night Hag and her young daughter, who was fated to also become a Hag on her thirteenth birthday. Gren also discovered that she had access to magic beyond that of a typical Tiefling; blasts of eldritch energy, bursts of flame from her fingertips and the ability to compel others to obey simple commands. Fearing that the Hag from her nightmares would hunt her down and destroy her family, Gren sets out to confront them. However, she may not have fully understood who, or what, she really is.
@Mark-ki7ic 29 күн бұрын
A Cthonic Tiefling desended from a Succubus should have Alter Self at 5th rather then Ray of Enfebbement. Just goes better
@somebodyrandom27 29 күн бұрын
@@Mark-ki7ic Who said anything about Succubi? I thought it was very clear that Gren had some link to Night Hags. Either way, Succubi and Incubi are in a weird position where they aren't really part of any of the three fiend subtypes.
@thosebloodybadgers8499 29 күн бұрын
Grentilda Cackle made me Hyena Chortle, this is so delightfully camp lmao
@somebodyrandom27 29 күн бұрын
@@thosebloodybadgers8499 The entire concept for her sprung from the thought "Huh, Warlock can also mean Witch".
@rabidboredom 24 күн бұрын
The door bell at the beginning made my dogs lose their minds. 10/10, would watch again.
@AlmightyRawks 25 күн бұрын
Spectacular video! I do enjoy a good Tiefling story and you really dove into everything that's important about them, cool about them and bizarre about them. Fantastic, thank you!
@Cricket-ds4mg Ай бұрын
3:30 Literally just had this conversation with a friend 2 days ago
@samdemel4126 Ай бұрын
Idea: similar to which lich, do every class and turn them into a race. For example, a bard race could attack by syncing to music that they play.
@TripleM24 25 күн бұрын
Feels like a full circle moment cuz I discovered your channel from that first Tieflings video and now you're doing an official WOTC sponsorship. Congrats on your success and everything you have built to this point!
@Mark-ki7ic 2 күн бұрын
Cthonic Tiefling as the result of a Succubus tryst, the legacy magic spells would be, Friends, Charm Person and Alter Self
@Mr.Pancake-7092 Ай бұрын
So otherworldly presence just give you +10000 aura?
@piripimpi2823 Ай бұрын
@jolmensaivaeo9363 29 күн бұрын
I was a little skeptic about the new things to come but this looks pretty cool! also have been enjoying a lot of your work for quite a while now, keep it up, my dude! Love and dice to you!
@leannestewart7215 Күн бұрын
I think Tieflings should still be able to be born if a member of there family made a pact with a fiend. That would be cool
@GinnyDi Ай бұрын
I can't believe Pointy Hat made this video specifically for me 🥹
@lugusss Ай бұрын
Cthonic tieflings feels so damn good conceptwise. I already have so many ideas on how I can illustrate multiple variants based on the descriptive alone, since it refers to the word used to associate greek deities to the underworld and the earth in general. For example: imagine a cthonic tiefling venerated in an isolated tribe with an earth based cult, they value nature but have the wisdom to care for all aspects in it, not only life but the return of said life to the soil, the death aspect of the thing being seen as a fountain of life in the cycle. Then, this character is pressured by their traditions since their birth to become their sage in that matter(As a class, we can make they a spores druid or grave domain cleric, for example). What happens when something considered "unnatural" by them starts to damage the local nature and they discover that the source is in other lands? Will the character take the mission to adventure in unknown foreign lands to save their people? Will they flee because they cannot hold those responsibilities that they never asked for anymore? How the outside world will view they and how they will react to it? Maybe they're able to teach things about death that leave people in piece with it, maybe they will be seen as some bad omen that brings disease because bigotry about those isolated tribes, SO MANY BRANCHES!
@M_M_ODonnell 24 күн бұрын
Yeah, playing with the chthonic lineage (and the "tieflings choose how they react to their legacy" angle) can get particularly interesting if you pull in ideas around chthonic gods/spirits/etc. from different mythologies. You could have a character who embraces their heritage of ties to death, decay, and despair, but rejects the "evil" side of it and tries to learn (and teach) tranquility in the face of existential dread. Grave domain definitely, spores druid or really just about any druid circle; necromancy or divination wizard (the latter being the "fate" angle, the former the "death" angle); oath of the ancients, clockwork soul (again with the "fate" focus), warlock with the Raven Queen as a patron...options for just about every class.
@Natrime Ай бұрын
Aday is my dream man/tiefling. Thank you again for your work it's so good !
@warmachine5835 Ай бұрын
Preach! I was just wondering if Pointy Hat has published a character-foilio style book (Similar to Runesmith if you're familiar) because I'd throw money at that in a heartbeat just to have all his designs in one manual I could read.
@Crazor2000 29 күн бұрын
Yeah, the whole changing it to species thing is a bit questionable choice, in my opinion. I get that race can be a loaded term for some people, and they wanted to avoid that, but idk if species was the best alternative, since it implies more of an divide between different people, and that they are fundamentally different. It also makes it seem that they are afraid of the term race and things like interracial couples (not saying that they are, but it does make it seem that way) Personally I think it's not too big of a deal, and most people won't care, but they should probably have thought twice about it. Personally i would have just done the pathfinder thing and picked something like ancestry, since it sounds better, but it's honestly not a big deal, and i like the legacies for the tieflings, with the three types of fiends.
@ronnyherrera8233 29 күн бұрын
Dude, your first video is the first one I ever saw from your channel, and I've been following you ever since. It was such a well-made video that I didn't realize until a year later when I went back to look for it that you were new. You've been doing a great job, man. And as a Hispanic Tiefling enjoyed myself, gotta say I'm pretty sure your opinions are just objective truth
@heathharris2545 Ай бұрын
Mainly what I got out of this is that tieflings tend toward chaotic alignments.
@JamesOfToya Ай бұрын
A well deserved acknowledgement and sponsorship from WotC. The amount of work you put into making these videos is ridiculous. Well deserved. Keep going~
@T0beyeus 29 күн бұрын
Abyssal Tieflings were tried in UA years ago, nice to see them as well as Cthonic. I would still use the sub-subraces from Mordekainen's I really like those.
@williamhargreaves7046 28 күн бұрын
THAT ART IS SO STUNNING OMFG its absolutely gorgeous
@ADamiani0 Ай бұрын
“The internet’s favorite format- a numbered list!” Me: “I love that format!” *cheers*
@freyrgrimsson4607 Ай бұрын
The change from "race" to "species" makes sense for some of them, like goblins vs humans, or lizardfolk vs dwarves, but elves, orcs, and humans are technically the same species, because half-elves and half-orcs exist. (Unless they're sterile)
@MarfansGoth Ай бұрын
Yeah, I doubt they actually had the scientifically accurate definition in mind when choosing that word lol.
@MrAthens25 Ай бұрын
Mules and Ligers exist as breeds of different species, but they’re infertile. Ergo, Half Elves and Half Orcs are also infertile.
@Rynewulf Ай бұрын
@@MrAthens25We must thoroughly test this theory. For scientific reasons only of course
@freyrgrimsson4607 Ай бұрын
​@@MrAthens25That would mean orcs, elves, and humans have a different amount of chromosomes
@demonic_myst4503 Ай бұрын
Not when u remove stat changes is a cat as strong as a bear because ut went go a gyn no not in a million years can one species become as strong as another just by working out
@zachbritton7395 27 күн бұрын
Incredible art and awesome concepts! I really like how they are handling the new tiefling approach. I like that they are giving players more ideas for character creation to help get them started. As someone who has DM'd for a lot of newer players to the game, some people come to this more naturally than others.
@kiyara94 29 күн бұрын
Ooh I love each of these three characters so much! Really nice designs and backstories :D And thanks for this overview, that all sounds great honestly
@nukabat5386 29 күн бұрын
I really hope that the background tie-ins aren't going to result in every wizard being from a library, every cleric an acolyte, every fighter being a Miner etc...
@5ardino 29 күн бұрын
If they really are “species” shouldn’t they have set bonuses? Like I wouldn’t expect a cat and a dog to have the same dex modifier. They should share characteristics other than “looks purple” right?
@Demirmay 25 күн бұрын
They have different abilities.
@cavabath9904 29 күн бұрын
I love the new art, it's so detailed but still clearly in your style, well done
@commonviewer2488 27 күн бұрын
When they said "Tieflings are fully accepted now" I could see the problem with that development. It's less plot points to work with when there's no more bias towards them. The change from "everyone fears and hates them" to _some_ doing so is better.
@Darknova67 29 күн бұрын
Legacies should be Races. Race isn't a bad word so if we actually are just trying to fix terminology, you pick your species of elf. Then decide your race of High Elf, Wood Elf etc. thats a race. There's no reason to over complicate it other than being afraid of the word race.
@mysticalfooxs Ай бұрын
I love teiflings ! I can't wait to see how the new DND changes them
@user-ew5hd6jl3f Ай бұрын
I so used to seeing your videos months later I thought it said 50 months
@ContractAaron 22 күн бұрын
This is so well written and thought through - I loved the sample back stories.
@bluewarbler9034 28 күн бұрын
I've stuck with the concept of inherent proficiencies/ASIs in the original 5e rules for my modern game, which may seem strange but it makes sense in the lore. In this setting all non-humans are "living stories," literally folklore, narrative, etc., archetypes come to live in an extradimensional realm. They're normally not actually sapient (any more than a character in a book is sapient) unless an actual human interacts with them for an extended period of time in such a way that they're treated as a person (despite explicitly and obviously not being one) and forced to break out of the narrative concept that gave birth to them. But they still retain some of the skills that they had. An elf speaks Elvish (or Gaelic or Norse -- it's a modern setting) and knows how to use a longbow because the popular concept of an elf involves speaking those languages and wielding that weapon. Same for being stronger or smarter -- I have a species that's a standard Ufology "grey alien" that gets an inherent +2 bonus to INT because its whole folklore concept, the thing that caused it to exist, is "superintelligent alien" and making it not intelligent wouldn't work. In a way it's really meta, where what made it exist out of universe is also what did it in-universe. (Planetouched are different -- they didn't go through this process, they're just people who were affected by some form of planar power, but that still affects people in odd ways. Also, I *love* tieflings having Infernal inherently, since I like the idea of extraplanar languages not just being normal languages that are spoken, but the actual tongue of the plane of existence, with some factors that make it difficult or impossible to learn normally, like constantly changing of its own accord on a day-to-day basis. It's fun to describe someone speaking them: "The demon's voice resonates on a level that makes you squirm. Though you don't truly understand what is being said, the very sound of it erodes your faith in an orderly universe." Or "The word 'melodic' doesn't begin to cover the archfey's voice. The language soothes you, sounding less like words and more like the sense of calm conveyed by a babbling brook. As you listen, you notice a small gathering of woodland creatures form to listen as well.") But in any other setting, where these things are just people, inherent proficiencies don't make a whole lot of sense. (At the same time I don't have a problem with species ASIs, and think most discomfort comes with the misuse of the term "race" and the fact that our society, at least implicitly, believes intelligence to be the highest virtue that conveys a special status upon someone and not a semi-immutable factor that means nothing for someone's value as a person.)
@robertstull8759 Ай бұрын
"... Smiled a smile that did not reach his eyes." OMFG That's poetry; beautiful and sinister at the same time. *chef's kiss*
@apollyon1 29 күн бұрын
Are air-hostesses… evil?!
@purplejack2020 Ай бұрын
Ooh! Speaking of planetouched would you ever cover genasi? I know you did genies but ive always like the idea of playing a half-elemental character
@nyanbrox5418 29 күн бұрын
Btw, allowing players to put their ASIs literally wherever they want is part of the custom background mechanic available to DMs in the new DMG, so if you want to let your players have literally whatever background they want, you are allowed to allow that, of course you are allowed to do anything, but you are encouraged to work with a player to make their own unique custom background which makes sense for your campaign setting (maybe there is a band of librarian pirates in your setting, plundering the booty of knowledge, I am playing a pirate wizard in a campaign literally right now)
@mil4851 29 күн бұрын
For me, the race/or species giving values in wisdom, or intelligence makes a certain sense if the race is of the magical type and has a natural facility in intellectual matters or that involve wisdom like elves who are naturally wise and intelligent and beautiful beings regardless of story but it's just a gift, not something that could be invested in if your character didn't focus on it
@brandonhall7498 Ай бұрын
Alma is such a bean.
@ewilson75545 Ай бұрын
I would die for Alma, I wanna give her a hug.
@warmachine5835 Ай бұрын
Adai is my platonic big boy cinnamon roll. Even if he smells a bit like a goat.
@DiceNinja Ай бұрын
THANK GOD FOR THE YGOLOTHS ARE GIVEN A LEGACY!!!! As someone playing a tiefling with a Ygoloth ancestor I am very happy.
@hurricanemarigolds2818 25 күн бұрын
The language proficiencies from previous additions made sense for some races, because they would innately know them as a result of magic, such as how gnolls automatically knew abyssal because of their strong ties to demons, it would just come to them naturally without them having to learn it from anyone. Ability score bonuses being fixed by race made sense as a majority lean, where the average intelligence of a race might trend higher for some races. Generally a society that values intelligence is going to be more intelligent on average than one that doesn't value intelligence. And d&d didn't always shy away from having races actually have lower mental capacity than others, I got the impression this would be the case for things like trolls & ogres.
@kenashworth7672 29 күн бұрын
Your Tiefling video was the first Pointy Hat video I ever watched. I was in the aftermath of a hellish breakup where the ex would. not. leave. It was funny (not the ex - your video), got me out of my head, made me smile for the first time in a few weeks, and reminded me of this game I love and almost forgot. About 5 videos later, the ex finally left, but I was already reminded I had better things to do. You and I were born different and that is a good thing, no matter how many people demand we "should" have been born differently (I mean, what does that even mean? Who am I supposed to sue? God, my parents? The purple Tele-Tubby?). You never even met me, and you helped me through a really rough time. I think all the different, rare, and beautiful ways you are - these are things you should feel good about being - because you are good, and you were made right exactly the way you are. That's why so many people enjoy watching what you make on this channel. We are Tieflings, and proud of it, so let our horns soar with pride. Those people who are so caught up in something about you that has nothing to do with them are just a bunch of lousy dragons: bad dragons, really bad dragons.
@Avenz0r Ай бұрын
I love tieflings. You love tieflings. We all love tieflings!
@tomtom7955 29 күн бұрын
Im more of a dark elf guy myself.
@Eladdan 29 күн бұрын
My largest problem with 5th's tiefling was that it was 4th's tiefling with a pretty Faerunian bow on it. It wasn't until the Sword Coast Guide that we got a nod (via a sidebar) of tieflings that didn't have the same origin as 4th's tiefling. For me tieflings were only properly represented in the original Planescape set and that's how I run them for my characters.
@awboqm 29 күн бұрын
That art at the end looks amazing! Really like the style.
@MrSPARTAKICK 29 күн бұрын
Being able to see in the dark in color (or not able to) actually came up in an adventure I played in! There was a puzzle set up specifically for Humans, and if you used dark vision you wouldn't be able to see the black text on the walls/ceiling, you could only see it if you had a torch.
@baddragon7057 Ай бұрын
Dam the familiar can foreshadow too :)
@simondurso6743 Ай бұрын
I still do feel that physical ability scores should be tied to species. like, the warforged are literal robots made of metal it makes sense for them to have +2 constitution and +1 ac because they're robots.
@Dfarrey Ай бұрын
What if I want to play a warforged wizard who was built with softer materials because of their arcane properties? Warforged should be one of the most customizable because they can literally be built for a specific purpose.
@user-pi8pi3wj7h Ай бұрын
Not really, a player of mine and I made up our own lore for the warforged in my setting and many of them are made out of wood (something supported by the official lore) as well as having different models
@larsbonau4067 Ай бұрын
I agree in principle because of "realism". Species are very different and if anyone wants to tell me that a halfling is just as strong as an orc, I would laugh in their face. However, I can understand why tying ability scores to races is a bad decision regarding player characters. If you want to play an efficient character, you will have to choose your race according to their stat bonuses. Of course, you can always choose to not play as efficient as possible and honestly, I don't care for efficiency at all when it comes to my characters. However, if you have a race with +2 constitution and +1ac and you are not playing them as a barbarian or a fighter, you have a bunch of bonuses that are mostly useless. What I want to say: Having stat bonuses tied to species reduces the classes that make sense to play with that species and I understand why the designers don't want that. I think a good compromise would be to make the stat bonuses so that you can distribute them as you wish but at the same time give an example of a "typical" member of the species. That way each group can decide if they want to play with the example as a hard rule or if they want to say: "Sure play a half-orc bard, just choose charisma as your +2 bonus. This is gonna be cool." (tbf; that has always been an option, but there is a difference between "knowing that the rules are suggestions and not set in stone" and "having the rules actively tell you that they are not set in stone")
@EpicRandomness555 Ай бұрын
The Ac could still apply, that’s not an ability score. And they could get something like advantage on Constitution saving throws instead.
@exaltedblade9153 Ай бұрын
@@larsbonau4067I agree that different species will obviously have different strength levels and so on. But I feel like that is just a trend, D&D is all about misfits and outcasts and there could most certainly be scrawny orcs that aren’t as strong as their kin. Tying ability scores to races just limits it narratively and mechanically to me even if the majority of the race may be stronger.
@Nocny_Informator 24 күн бұрын
21:16 What a coincidence. Listening to your video I imagined a big, menacing tiefling with massive horns, obsidian skin and burning eyes... and a soft voice reminiscent of a warm fireplace on a cold night
@scrunglebungus4992 29 күн бұрын
I do feel like there’s a couple things that lose a little flavour with moving stats to backgrounds, but overall I do think it’s definitely for the better. Stuff like, I feel orcs being naturally just a bit stronger than most people makes sense. But still, overall definitely a good change.
@Sierra99 25 күн бұрын
They changed "race" to "species" because of the real world implications, and at the same time stopped treating them like species with innate differences and now treat them like races of human with no innate differences... I don't like the mechanics of it and personally I'd rather orcs be stronger on average and elves who live a long ass time be smarter on average, assuming a typical settsetting, and just trust my table to not be offended on behalf of imaginary creatures
@blobjorn3248 17 күн бұрын
Pathfinder isn't scared to have ability scores tied to your race/species/ancestry (including *gasp*, INTELLIGENCE) They also have ability score increases from your background and class. 5e has become so "inclusive" that it has no target audience and appeals to no one. Its the lowest common denominator of TTRPGs.
@marcohanenbergh5619 29 күн бұрын
i'm one of those players/dm's that thinks there still should be some in world hesitation around tieflings, they are conected and kinda look like beings from the lower planes who have quite a bad reputation for a good reason. i think there should be prejudices in a medieval fantasy setting towards certain groups (may that be justified (which is rarely) or not) it shouldn't be like our own modern day world, where we had centuries to get to the level of social exceptance that we have nowadays. if there is not it feels kinda weird for me atleast.
@daneverharen1694 25 күн бұрын
Critical drinker fan wants more racism?
@TheBigPenguu 29 күн бұрын
I really would love for them to compound of the infernal legacies again. Levistus was by far my favorite, and i still haven't given up on it being reintroduced at some point.
@CT_Phipps 12 күн бұрын
"Being an elf makes you more intelligent, yikes!" Me: Being a race that is literally centuries old?
@thiagoalencar3937 Ай бұрын
We have been blessed! With this hellish pointy hat video!
@Roge_Tebnelok Ай бұрын
Praise to the new art style. But what about DRAGONS? Dragons have feelings too, people, we cannot forget the dragons!
@Raziel312 28 күн бұрын
It's mostly, "I FEEL the gold in your pockets rightfully belong on my horde."
@Roge_Tebnelok 28 күн бұрын
@@Raziel312 Well, we don't certainly know if dragons, at least fire-breathing ones, aren't actually machines with blood made of gold, which transfers electrical signals like highest quality wires, and improved Karlach's heart machine, which melts this gold and also serves as a brain?
@jasoncrowley6215 14 күн бұрын
I have been a big fan of your content, so I am really glad to see a part two of the Tiefling video (the one that made me a fan}
@PotofGlue 17 күн бұрын
I gotta take issue with 6:11. If they can crossbreed and their offspring aren't sterile/nonviable, they're the same species
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