Professor Tim Noakes on the topic: "The Great Diet Controversy: UCT taught me to Challenge Beliefs."

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University of Cape Town South Africa

University of Cape Town South Africa

10 жыл бұрын

On May 16th 2013, in Johannesburg, UCT's Development and Alumni Department hosted a talk by UCT alumnus, Professor Tim Noakes on the topic, "The Great Diet Controversy: UCT taught me to Challenge Beliefs."
Prof Noakes spoke of some of the research behind, and results of, the high-fat diet that he has been discussing extensively in the media in recent months, and answered numerous questions from the floor, during a lively Q and A session.

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@ATurtleFaerie 9 жыл бұрын
Prof Noakes! I am a registered dietitian in the US who was a little overweight and pre-diabetic despite being a runner and eating "healthy." Had to cut the grains/legumes/sugars/potatoes due to autoimmune issues and BOOM! - lost weight and feel great. I started running at age 37 and was not good or fast, couldn't breathe well but loved it. Now I can run 10 miles without walking to catch my breath and have taken 2 minutes off of my mile time. I love running on fat! Thanks for your work.
@greenbank4800 4 жыл бұрын
have you run into push back from colleagues?
@Debbas1208 10 жыл бұрын
Thank you Dr Noakes. I actually saw myself in all you said. After watching this video I marched to my kitchen cupboard ,got out that 5kg sugar and fed the toilet!!! Thanks thanks thanks!!!
@juniorj.74 5 жыл бұрын
That's very courageous! How did you get on?
@SunUp08 6 жыл бұрын
Absolute gem of a man.
@vlm5723 5 жыл бұрын
This man is an honest, gentle, brave, humanitarian.
@hackman88 5 жыл бұрын
Wow incredible content for 2013. Now in 2019, there is more evidence supporting all his points and the surge of change based on this information continues to gain momentum.
@deendrew36 3 жыл бұрын
hackman and yet I feel this STILL has not caught on in mainstream medicine? Why is the medical community seemingly so resistant to this?
@thisisnotsotellme 11 ай бұрын
Medicine is largely driven by pharmaceutical interests. Pharmaceutical companies have no commercial interest in curing people with proper food ..
@andytheise4166 9 жыл бұрын
This video saved my life (600lbs)
@timstinson1019 9 жыл бұрын
I permanently changed to the Ketogenic diet 4 months ago and have lost 20 lbs of fat and 4 1/2 inches off my belly (have picture proof), no longer need my Rheumatoid Arthritis medication, after 3 twelve hour shift days in steel toe boots on concrete floors, my feet are repaired after one night of sleep, and as of lately, sometimes my feet are not even sore after 16 miles a shift. I am never hungry, I am less irritable, more energy, my clarity of thought and even the passage of time seems to have changed much to my benefit. I don't have to get up and go to the bathroom every 2 hours at night, I sleep like a rock, wake up refreshed, my teeth are whiter, bumps bruises and cuts heal in days instead of weeks, hemorrhoids are gone. My first son has seen the results and has also decided to convert. I have watched so many hours of lectures from doctors and authors and other Keto adapted people on You Tube, I was convinced before I started this would be a success. I also wanted to prove to my family it was purely the diet, so I made sure not to increase my activity level on my days off. I went cold turkey on the crabs, I figured, since they are an unnecessary nutrient, why not. I was surprised how addicted to carbs I really was ... the first day or two my mind was in a fog, like I was in a dream state. I almost caved in by the second day, but I was determined. Then the next few days was weird too, it was like I had a flu or cold, but only the symptom of having to blow my nose constantly, no cough, congestion or sore throat. I found out this was my body purging out toxins. After that initial hurdle life has been getting better by the day, I am still holding off on the exercise, although I have more energy that I know what to do with. I want to see how much I can actually lose first on the diet alone, and so far it has been going at a steady rate of 1.4 lbs per week and have went 3 holes down on my belt, going to need new pants soon. So be patient, it might take time to adapt, but it has been well worth it, and I would never go back.
@timstinson1019 9 жыл бұрын
hughesfan100 Well I did not work out with weights before the change, and have not since. I am trying to be scientific, and first observing what impact the diet alone has. But I definitely have more energy, and without having a baseline before of what my lifting limits are, I cannot say . I do, however, feel stronger, and when I attempt something that requires brute strength, it seems like I have more depth to the power I can achieve, if that makes any sense.
@noladingwall 9 жыл бұрын
@FrauleinSchmuck 8 жыл бұрын
This is so inspiring to read, thank you for sharing your story!!! :-)
@margaretoconnor874 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing this. You are so inspiring. I started on this (one month ago), wasn't losing as I was eating too much protein which can turn to carbs if you do. Cut down , ate a little more good fat and boom. I'm down 12 lbs(at 70 yrs). I feel younger and will keep going . Your story helps.
@staceykersting461 6 жыл бұрын
Avocado, butter and other animal fats, coconut oil, olive oil. For more info go to Stephanie keto girl....she's coached over 2,ooo ppl and has been on keto for 10 yrs. Take a look at her! She's 50, now and advocates following only Tim Noakes, David Perlmutter, and Nora Gougoudis. They know their stuff!
@greenbank4800 4 жыл бұрын
The Australian Heart Foundation has just released new guidelines including egg increases, butter, cheese are back in but did not go quite far enough as they suggest red meat only 3 times a week and still pushing the whole grains barrow, small steps are better than denial.
@Jefferdaughter 7 жыл бұрын
35:32 The change in American farming engineered by, among other things, the Farm Bill did not actually make farmers wealthy. What happened was an increase in the trend away from predominantly family farms (NOT hobby farms, but working farms owned and run by the families who lived on their land) to larger farms, as Noakes states, that were increasingly dependent on fossil fuels and synthetic chemicals. The $ went to the suppliers of the agricultural chemicals - the chemical fertilizers, herbicides, insecticides, fungicides. Also, commodity traders dealing in corn, soy, and other grains. Prior to WWII, well-run family farms in America functioned more like ecosystems, with animals and crops being rotated to different fields, breaking parasite and pathogen cycles while providing natural fertility and feeding soil health. Jerry Brunetti wrote about this in his book 'Farm as Ecosystem'. There were many other factors behind the exodus of people from the countryside to the cities and suburbs, including the push in schools to direct young people with any level of academic ability away from an interest in agriculture. Farmers, who formerly had been respected - like Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and George Washington - were denigrated as being 'backward' and less sophisticated than city dwellers. This social engineering was, I hope, done with good intentions, as it is easier to shift a factory-based workforce to support a war effort than a farm-based work force. But war is profitable for some... and the move away from the family farm also served to aid the concentration of wealth into fewer and fewer hands.
@jozlyn4325 8 жыл бұрын
Really wish they'd showed all of the slides :/
@razcohen5590 8 жыл бұрын
I agree.
@fredschofield 4 жыл бұрын
Brilliant this man is a Genius Listen and do!!!
@geshkol 9 жыл бұрын
I lost in one year 30 kilos and my diabetic ...thank you very much low carb high fat !!!
@pakau 8 жыл бұрын
+Giora Eshkol lol giora ... low carb hight fat sucks.. dont think just because you lose some pounds you are healthy . carbs fruitas and veggiesa re the answer for humans not for cats though
@pakau 8 жыл бұрын
Giora Eshkol both.. Since we are both primates
@ellenorbjornsdottir1166 4 жыл бұрын
@@pakau veggies turn into fat in the colon
@cleopatra7715 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much. Wonderful. I can feel this resonating with my body's needs 100%. Thank you!!
@eugenia_b73 10 жыл бұрын
Thank you Dr Noakes! What you said made absolute sense to me, and your eating lifestyle is working wonderfully well for me! So many benefits after only 2 months of "banting", but the best one is the magic-like reduction (I don't know how else to describe it!) of my rather large stomach - which I always believed was hereditary!
@Jefferdaughter 8 жыл бұрын
The organs of animals are among the most nutritious parts of the animal. Until very recently, the liver, kidneys, tongue, heart, brains, blood, sweatbreads, etc were commonly eaten in European countries, and by those whose ancestors came from Europe. But- grassfed and ~finished~ animals should have fat marbled throughout the meat.Ducks and geese are also good sources of meat with a high proportion of healthy fat. Again, look for animals raised on pasture. Geese can be 100% grassfed in the pasture season. These animals and their fat have played important roles in the traditional cuisine of several cultures, and still do.
@boulogneelaine 7 жыл бұрын
Very interesting and not least a delicious sense of humour ! Hope it is not so difficult to apply for those of us who unfortunately are "carbohydrate resistant"
@ld9044 5 жыл бұрын
Please continue to educate! !
@screenscapeproductions7605 5 жыл бұрын
Over three stone down. Love keto!
@kawadwaful 8 жыл бұрын
Thank you teacher
@Jefferdaughter 7 жыл бұрын
59:55 The Indians of the American plains successfully hunted buffalo before the arrival of the Spanish, using a variety of techniques. Ambush in the tall grasses (the tallgrass prairie had grasses as tall as 6'+), stalking often with wolf skins as cover, and running whole herds over bluffs along rivers were among the techniques used.
@bobcocampo 4 жыл бұрын
We hope Tim Noakes will be invited to give his lecture with our nutritionist in the Philippines.
@thalesnemo2841 6 жыл бұрын
It would be useful to be able to view the slides.
@gulipek2007 7 жыл бұрын
I would love to see the slights while Dr. Noakes was talking. He was talking about some pictures we cannot see. 😑
@jamesbrown852 4 жыл бұрын
A Legend.
@bluesdog88 7 жыл бұрын
The look @1:55....priceless!
@tnvol5331 3 жыл бұрын
If cancer loves carbs as you say then how do you explain the older rural Chinese that are a diet of almost all carbs and have levels of cancer 1/50 of the western countries.
@RunnersRunning 4 жыл бұрын
Great lecture pity the cameraman was not very good. He/she didn't show many of the slides, Professor Noakes was referring to Maybe he/she didn't agree with the evidence Professor Noakes was presenting?
@carrollhoagland1053 7 жыл бұрын
Keep going Dr. Noakes ... people are paying attention to the Carb issue ... esp. ever since the Cholesterol theory is debunked ... and inflammation diseases just keep getting worst ... almost exponentially .. could this be "Epigenetics at work"? 70 Going On 100
@joeschmo5699 9 жыл бұрын
One large problem is that even those with metabolic syndrome and type II diabetes still believe the energy balance model to be an explanation. It is essentially an appeal to authority or the establishment. I had a long debate with a guy on the USDA diet debate video. Long story short, he concluded that the reason he got fat was because of diet (regardless of exercise) while I remained thin because of exercise (regardless of diet). I pointed out that he was trying to have it both ways; that the energy balance model doesn't explain either case, particularly when considered alongside one another. The debate ended there. I don't know whether he changed his mind. I hope so.
@kelleyo2228 9 жыл бұрын
joe schmo Sometimes these online arguments just help me to clarify my position or explain it better. Whether the other person is convinced is irrelevant! lol.
@joeschmo5699 9 жыл бұрын
charlie wrestling Yeah, I don't think people change their minds then and there. But I think they go away and think about it. That has happened to me anyways. And, yes, I think the main point of these online debates is to clarify and articulate one's own thoughts. The energy balance model is a stroke of simplistic genius that works for everyone and particularly the food industry. It is the modern day equivalent of arguing the world is the center of the universe. It makes sense to the educated and uneducated alike and it is very hard to provide evidence that it is otherwise.
@shavlegit7087 9 жыл бұрын
@jacq4jet 3 жыл бұрын
I've been on KETO diet since October 2013. I had a reading of over 300 mg/dl or over 7.8mmol/l of cholesterol in 2017, age 69, yet low triglycerides. My doctor was freaking out although I had just been working outside for 3 to 4 hours when the temperature was above 33 C. I reduced my cholesterol by almost 100 mg/dl in about 4 to 5 weeks. Interesting enough, I got injured twice in the following six months.
@contrarian717 4 жыл бұрын
Great talk. 1. I just wish less emphasis on fatties and more on skinnies. 2. Surely under productive pancreas is a bigger factor on this topic. Why not mentioning it more 3. Hard to digest his point that actually we don't need veggies 🤔 4. Too much fat can overwork liver/galbladder?
@adenovirus. 6 жыл бұрын
The elephant in the room. Is what kind of fat? Imagine the inflammation causing Artificial vegetable oil not made from vegetables with poly unsaturated killers.
@melissanoelle410 3 жыл бұрын
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, there are so many facts that back up a low carb diet . These other diets don’t have facts for long term success or health.
@MoonKrabbit 9 жыл бұрын
But what about the Australian Paradox??
@LaraMBotha 9 жыл бұрын
What do you mean?
@deendrew36 3 жыл бұрын
Would non-elite athletes benefit from this kind of diet? Like, your garden variety, 46 year old mom? Hormonal issues, potentially autoimmune issues.
@deendrew36 3 жыл бұрын
Jordan Abraham I am giving it a try....I have done a few Whole30’s in the past, so I am doing another with intent to just settle into a paleo style of eating plan. 🤞🏼
@socrates470BCE 2 жыл бұрын
Lots of good info but on 38 mins he said ppl were eating brain ect 2.7 million years ago, no evidence that humans are about anywhere near this length, never mind knowing their eating habits.
@spaceghost8995 5 жыл бұрын
He says dehydration is not real? Huh?
@monkeywkeys3916 2 жыл бұрын
Mmmmm Apple Pie 🥧
@FrJcsc 9 жыл бұрын
Why is he calling this the Noakes Diet? He got into this in 1979 but Atkins published his diet in 1972. Or is there some difference between the two I am missing?
@sharpienailart5168 9 жыл бұрын
FrJcsc I could be wrong, but I think Atkins is Moderate fat, but I've been wrong before lol
@kelleyo2228 9 жыл бұрын
SharpieNail Art Yes Noakes is high fat, moderate protein, and low carb. Atkins is high protein.moderate fat and low carb. Unfortunately high protein turns the protein into sugar.
@sharpienailart5168 9 жыл бұрын
Charlie , Right when I found that out- I lowered my protein intake cause I was at a stall . I always look over my macro's if things slow down. Another time I had cut back on fat intake and stalled . You have to keep a check on most everything . After a few months it's like second nature :)
@kelleyo2228 9 жыл бұрын
Im working it. have tried before but didnt feel well at first. Just learned about the low carb flu so I am back and more educated. I feel like I found the fountain of youth! lol
@sharpienailart5168 9 жыл бұрын
Holy Smokes that low carb flu is Nasty !! I was amazed to find out all I needed to do was cut those carbs down to feel like a New person - Hell Ya !!!
@Jefferdaughter 8 жыл бұрын
The protests against dairy products in the human diet mystify me. Lactation is metabolically expensive, but most any animal - carnivore, herbivore, or omnivore - will quickly devour any milk they can get, at any age. Predators tend to eat the udder of any lactating animal first (many of us have heard about cattle supposedly 'dissected' by aliens from space, with udders missing, but mostly or completely untouched otherwise).Humans have almost certainly been consuming milk for much longer than we suspect. In addition to the Masai - people with a 'stoneage' aka Paleo lifestyle until very recently - reindeer herders in the far north, yaks in the Himalayan, sheep, goat, camel and horse milk in various parts of the world - These cultures all have one thing in common: Their herding lifestyle was very close to the nomadic lifestyle of following the herds practiced by early Man (capitalized, this word refers to both genders) for hundreds of thousands of years, if not longer. Following the herds became herding, followed by harvesting wool, milk, and/or blood - all with the advantage of the animal living to provide more of life's essentials.Switzerland, France, and the Netherlands are by many measures, the healthiest countries in the world. The people of these nations all eat more meat than Americans do, and enjoy bountiful diary products - including cream and cheeses.
@spaceghost8995 5 жыл бұрын
Maybe true, but adult dogs for example cannot digest milk.
@letstalk2614 3 жыл бұрын
I thought omega6 is good
@tnvol5331 5 жыл бұрын
Older rural Chinese live on a diet of 90% rice.Very high carbs and almost no eggs or animal products.They live long healthy lives well into their 90s on avg.
@_7.8.6 5 жыл бұрын
Jet Plane they are the exception and not the rule . People need to adopt, in the West especially a LOW carb diet not a NO carb diet
@tnvol5331 5 жыл бұрын
Janjua __ I disagree....their society existed on rice for centuries as did many other societies in Asia.However since people in Asia especially China have adopted the western diet....lots of McDonalds and KFC etc they now have the diseases we do.But carbs like rice are very healthy when part of a 10% low fat diet.History proves that.
@thalesnemo2841 5 жыл бұрын
It was a low Fructose diet that is one commonality of non- western diets and they have good saturated animal fats too in the diet .
@tnvol5331 5 жыл бұрын
Historically it was a diet of less than 10% total fat....very little animal foods of any kind except on special occasions.
@thalesnemo2841 5 жыл бұрын
Jet Plane No references posted then just your opinion! Debunking of :Dr Michael Greger is a strident vegan. The first article claims “Yes, this really is food to help you LIVE LONGER!” book is called “The How Not to Die Cookbook.” Fact checked Dr Gregor Ten ways vegans are ruining the world. British Study: Vegan Mortality Rates Similar to Meat-Eaters Why a vegan diet is bad ! Historically & religious origin of veganism and vegetarianism from the 19th century- Belinda Fettkes Medical evangelism adventist diet advice Vegan and vegetarian can not be sustained long term -five generations Veganism destroyed in one minute The ten dangers of a vegan diet The evolution of plant based dietary guidelines- Belinda Fettkes Nutrition and dementia. Review article Gray GE. J Am Diet Assoc. 1989. The vegan conspiracy - an active campaign of unscientific disinformation and personal attacks The Incredibly Bad Science Behind Dr. Esselstyn’s Plant-based Diet “Forks Over Knives”: Is the Science Legit? (A Review and Critique)
@Averagebum21 9 жыл бұрын
What kind of fats can we eat as vegetarians?
@LaraMBotha 9 жыл бұрын
Coconut oil, olive oil, avocado, nuts.
@Averagebum21 9 жыл бұрын
Lara Botha Thank you, Lara!!
@needs2know1 8 жыл бұрын
Averagebum Bum You're missing out haha. I love to grill!
@googcommenter7204 9 жыл бұрын
I have yet to see a scientific talk by his guy..
@dr.gcanderson9707 9 жыл бұрын
I'm guessing you didn't actually watch it, nor understand who his audience was. You probably just come here to downvote and comment with your vegan-brainwashed propaganda. If you have issue with what he says, post YOUR intelligent, independent/non-biased rebuttal.
@googcommenter7204 9 жыл бұрын
Dr. GC Anderson I watched other ones in full and there is only so much a person can take. I did go over this one and he seems to talk more sense, and is not as radical as at other times, but he is still not really at terms with what he is talking about. In fact, the most annoying things about this fool (other than him misinterpreting other peoples research), are the fact that HE was previously pushing high-carb diets, and that he acts like he is going to save the world. Has all the hallmarks of a zealot, and they are not famous for their critical abilities.
@googcommenter7204 9 жыл бұрын
Dr. GC Anderson p.s. in regard to my vegan brainwashed bias, just had some nice boiled eggs, bread, butter, bacon, and a cucumber
@dr.gcanderson9707 9 жыл бұрын
Apologies for that - it seems that vegan propagandists flock to certain videos to post ad-hominem attacks, and you seemed to fit the bill. My bad if that's not correct.
@googcommenter7204 9 жыл бұрын
Dr. GC Anderson ah, yes, the opposing sect..
@Loribyn 7 жыл бұрын
Unfortunately, Noakes makes the same error here that Ancel did -- Noakes is just making it with smoking. When you get down and examine the hard data, to highest rates of smoking in the world, there is *NO* correlation to the highest rates of heart-disease. A total lack of correlation would not seem to indicate causation here either! For example, Afghanistan:- one of the highest rates of heart-disease in the world, and one of _the lowest_ incidences of smoking; or France:- moderately high rates of smoking, versus *extremely* low rates of heart-disease; and the same can be said of Japan, at almost twice the smoking-rate of even the French, but still one of the world's lowest rates of heart-disease. Or the Luxembourgians, who rank in the *top 8* of world smoking-rates, but guess what? They have the 4th _lowest_ rate of heart-disease. Like the French they have extremely high rates of saturated fats in their diet, and they drink a lot. Turkmenistan in comparison smokes at less than half the rate of the Japanese, but have _the_ highest rates of heart disease in the world; while the Ukrainians have high rates of both. Et cetera. When you plot the data, there is simply no correlation -- much like the false notion of saturated fats to CHD.
@spaceghost8995 5 жыл бұрын
Smokers have more heart attacks. Sorry but they do.
@googcommenter7204 9 жыл бұрын
nuts anyone?
@googcommenter7204 8 жыл бұрын
go ahead, get yourself some kidney problems with that diet
@Chrisisms 9 жыл бұрын
The religious speaker repeatedly refers to being 'designed' 2.5 million years ago and seems to recognize a problem with processed 'carbs' but fails to appreciate the differences in whole fruit. As importantly, he fails to recognize meat and dairy are also unhealthy. He completely ignores the fiber topic. Fibrous foods are the most effective for weight loss and to protect against any degenerative disease. He can't even keep a straight face when he tries to compare his metabolic requirements with those of lions, yet I think he actually believes what he is saying... 1:16 "I may not be right but I know the other side is not right". True. But why ignore the raw fruit based diet and narrowly focus on weight loss and the relatively recent addition of meat in the diet?
@Chrisisms 9 жыл бұрын
John Hersey "In Southern Africa we still have to this day, people called San (also referred to as Koi-San or Bushmen), who are hunter gatherers, and who live almost exclusively on eating wild animals that they hunt." And you still have omniconfused, culturally conditioned participants engaging in these aberrant and unhealthy rituals. But how does this corpse-consuming custom benefit someone interested in the diet LEAST likely to contribute to diabetes?
@sharpienailart5168 9 жыл бұрын
Chrisisms I believe I heard Dr Noakes say in one of the videos I watched that he eats up to 25 % veg. and you eat as much leafy greens as you want - stay away from high carb veg. plus eat berries in moderation ...
@thalesnemo2841 6 жыл бұрын
SharpieNail Art Dr Noakes eats no more than 25 GRAMS PER DAY of carbohydrates! UNITS UNITS ! Eat bacon lose weight !
@googcommenter7204 9 жыл бұрын
you should sack this quack, not encourage him.
@dr.gcanderson9707 9 жыл бұрын
ad hominem attacks and name-calling ... Great rebuttal.
@googcommenter7204 9 жыл бұрын
Last time I checked, youtube comment section was not in a scientific journal, not that I would describe the line of activity Mr Noakes engages in as science. What am I to rebut? His convictions? It is not like he is fact based..
@dr.gcanderson9707 9 жыл бұрын
Goog Commenter Everything he says is based on scientific research. He himself is a professor emeritus of exercise and sports science. You have issues with what he says, but it's all based on scientific research. I'm asking you to rebut his philosophy if you have issues with it. Otherwise, what's the point of your attacks on the man?
@googcommenter7204 9 жыл бұрын
Dr. GC Anderson my point: 1) the majority never followed the pyramid, only idiots did 2) majority is not vegan, only idiots are 3) the majority is not going to follow keto-diets, only idiots will. 4) the meaning of life does not consist of the food you eat or think should be eaten by others. 5) the majority is not obese or has diabetes 6) misinterpreting "scientific research" of questionable quality does by no means make the conclusions derived there from truthful..
@googcommenter7204 9 жыл бұрын
Goog Commenter 6)someone who is/was a "professor of exercise and sports science" (cant even write that with a straight face) should think twice before making grand claims backed up by dodgy logic. 7)charlatans get on my nerves
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