A Very In Depth Analysis and Review of Lords of the Fallen (2023)

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@kellanaldous7092 9 ай бұрын
Its hilarious that the biggest issue with Lords of the Fallen is how often you fall to your death.
@Mugthief 9 ай бұрын
Underrated comment
@spw947 9 ай бұрын
That and locking on to a target in front of you. Many times the lock on doesn’t see the target right in front of you. I kept footage of me jumping across at an enemy, but the game locked onto a pulling device instead. I locked on as I hit R1 and the momentum took me right over the side. Exhausting! Who came up with the dumb left stick for activating sprint while jumping?! Ah, just another bad idea. Exhausting! I don’t care if a game scares me or makes me jump. However, there are times one needs two seconds to catch one’s breath and look around. Not this game! Doom Eternal is NOT souls like! *Call someone over at FromSoft to help rehabilitate this beautiful piece of…
@Chevelle3_ 9 ай бұрын
​@@spw947honestly a skill issue
@chasegaetze4507 9 ай бұрын
​@@spw947can't even tell you how many times I'd try to lock on and never get a lock on.
@chasegaetze4507 9 ай бұрын
Especially because every corner you know someone is going to try to push you off the ledge. It's not even a matter of guessing if there was going to be a hidden enemy. Nope because 100% of every area has at least one hidden enemy that will push you off a ledge
@joeytmandude 8 ай бұрын
During the whole playthrough me and my friends were joking that “A Deer” would be the final boss (like the literal animal). After playing through that dogshit Adyr fight, I genuinely wish the final boss was just a deer.
@ashs4022 8 ай бұрын
The dev's literally had their small brother or free-intern make the end adyr fight. I can see the friday (or monday morning) lead designer: "Oh, crap, I have a MASSIVE headache, this game is 4 months behind schedule... we need it out now... hey intern, Mikey, is it Mikey? whatever... we need a boss fight to end the game, do whatever you want, it's your call, WHATEVER I DON'T CARE!... I need to go lie to the producers and tell them we're only 4 weeks out to production and distribution!"
@duskmare0000 8 ай бұрын
It was a bit anti-climactic, but it clearly wasn't intended to be a boss fight. It was more of a thematic fight, where you've beaten the final guardian and are now just slaughtering the noncombatants. You don't even do that fight in the other endings. It's purely to confront you with the question of "are you sure you're working for the right guy?"
@jstar2235 8 ай бұрын
The Umbral Ending has a way more satisfying final boss.
@mac1bc 8 ай бұрын
That wasn't the real final boss
@flavioy2f 7 ай бұрын
The Regal Ancestor Spirit is probably much better (the giant deer in Elden Ring).
@Konfide4043 9 ай бұрын
I sat down and started watching this video, coffee mug in hand. Went to take a sip, mug had vanished. I blame this guy.
@Mugthief 9 ай бұрын
I would never... Admit it.
@Konfide4043 9 ай бұрын
@@Mugthief 🤣🫠
@TheKnightCrafter123 9 ай бұрын
You know what shocks me? This game became ome of the nominees for game of the year in Golden Joystick award WHILE LIES OF P DOESNT. Listen. I dont think Lies of P should win game of the year as well. I mean...look at the releases this year: BG3, Spiderman 2, Zelda TotK, Jedi Survivor, Armored Core 6, etc. But AMONG THOSE TITLES, Lords of the Fallen SOMEHOW mentioned in the list. I am SHOCKED
@happy_gaming843 9 ай бұрын
Lies of P is actually been nominated in GoldenJoystickAwards for Best Visual Design
@TheKnightCrafter123 9 ай бұрын
@@happy_gaming843 I know but still…in gameplay prespective and level design its just weird for lord of the fallen to be in the GotY one and not Lies of P its either both in, lies of p in, or both out. I mean…diablo 4 is nominated, why not LoP
@happy_gaming843 9 ай бұрын
@@TheKnightCrafter123 Golden Joy Stick Awards is chosen by a bunch of selected critics and nominated their like games like starfield , alan wake 2 hahaha
@DronesOverTheMoon 9 ай бұрын
​@@TheKnightCrafter123Lies of P literally has no level Design whatsoever, you don't even need to try hard to find things, due to how linear it is, LotF will literally make you fet lost as one of its Main points of the game, with how heavy the exploration withcthe dual world mechanic is
@googleplaynow9608 8 ай бұрын
Because lords of the fallen is an objectively better game, boasting souls design levels of elden ring. Hell, I've even had a better time with lotf than elden ring, considering I can actually play it on my neo g9 and not be locked to 60fps...😳😳😳
@panthersfantre 9 ай бұрын
I have enjoyed it in spurts but I am frustrated over half the time. I cannot stress enough how BAD the lock on is. And at times, the camera. Just today, I had an enemy hitting me not too far out of range, and I’d try to lock on. Instead my camera does a 180 and now I’m turned around, and getting hit. Truly annoying
@loneshinobi2682 9 ай бұрын
I’m glad it isn’t just me then. Almost 60 hours into the game and the lock on just flat out doesn’t work sometimes. Like you I’ve had enemies clearly within my FOV and yet when I try to lock on my camera just resets instead Infuriating
@lokeleenP 8 ай бұрын
Dude lock on made me rage so mamy times i cant remember. Fck infinite zombies along with strong enemies and you cant change lock on time
@brucepreston3927 5 ай бұрын
While this is true, I have this issue in almost every souls game...Most of my lockon issues came from trying to lock on to the swollen belly things to get an item or pull a bridge...It definitely needs some adjustment
@NASkeywest 7 ай бұрын
“Lies of P” weapons were AMAZING because every weapon could be taken apart and combined! I had a dancers sword handle, which was fast and covered long ranges with movements. With a giant axe head on it! The combinations were so deep!
@Thiccness_Is_Delicious 6 ай бұрын
There all ugly as sin to though the bosses have the cool ones and there unobtainable and that's the primary reason I haven't played lies of P
@Us_TuG 6 ай бұрын
And 90% of combinations sucks
@TheOneGreat 5 ай бұрын
​@@Thiccness_Is_Delicious??? You can get every single boss weapon. The spectre you can summon even uses the one they drop in the same fight.
@jaygopinath1694 4 ай бұрын
​@@Thiccness_Is_Delicious😂Literally could see you never played it please stop giving hot takes on things you never tired
@samjo9667 3 ай бұрын
@@Thiccness_Is_Delicious Try not to draw conclusions purely on looks. Also, whaddya mean unobtainable, you can obtain all the boss weapons on your first playthrough
@FurnaxIkki 8 ай бұрын
Two big considerations that I think help shed some light on LotF 2023's game design: 1. This game went through two, possibly three, separate dev teams. Based on a wiki crawl, development of it began in 2015, and if Deck13 (the devs behind the original) was involved in the project it wasn't for long as they were confirmed to be off the project in 2015. CI Games had apparently also been downsizing around that point in time too. The planned release date was 2017. Development restarted in 2018 with Defiant Studios working on the title; Defiant most notable for the rather contentious DmC: Devil May Cry attempt at a reboot. Defiant only lasted a year on the project, but comparing the visual aesthetics and the usages of reds and crimsons in the finished product I suspect that at least a skeleton of their product made it into the finished title. From there, CI Games created Hexworks as an in-house development team to just get the game out. So yeah, troubled production if ever there was one. It doesn't really feel right to go "yeah they learned their lessons from the original" *because probably almost nobody involved with the original to any substantial degree was involved with this one*. 2. The original plan for the game was only to use the Vestige Seeds, and I strongly suspect that the Vestige Seedbeds make more sense in a world where there are no "normal" Vestiges that can be used. The reason why there are so many seedbeds right next to normal vestiges is because the original world design probably was just expecting you to drop your Vestige Seeds there, and the inclusion of actual vestiges being a last-minute decision.
@halowillneverbegoodagain1868 7 ай бұрын
Ninja Theory made DmC 2013 u mean ex devs made up Defiant?
@xian1978 6 ай бұрын
@@halowillneverbegoodagain1868 No, separate studios. I can't find anything substantial about their participation in DMC. They said they did in a interview about Lords of the Fallen but that's it.
@FurnaxIkki 6 ай бұрын
@@TurnersTea I would say it's important to have things in context. Mugthief couldn't be bothered to do any sort of research to familiarize himself with the publisher, the developer team, or the history surrounding the development of the title. And if you're going to go into such a lengthy and bitter critique you shouldn't have such a hole in your knowledge base. Ffs I don't even think he said "CI Games" or "Hexworks" even once in the entire review.
@FurnaxIkki 6 ай бұрын
@@TurnersTea See people keep comparing to Lords of DS2 but I genuinely don't inderstand this comparison in the slightest. Briostones are pretty much Lifegems and there are some areas in DS2 that have excessive enemy density (Iron Keep and to a lesser extent Shrine of Amana), but DS2's overall game design is much more open-ended in contrast to the stealth-linear design of Lords. Fewer falls to worry about too, and thanks to the enemy despawns, every enemy you kill in a dense area permanently inches you closer to having a clean path through. I put down LotF to play revisit DS2 (which I will defend as my favorite and best Souls game in spite of its flaws) and yeah, I don't see near-identical games. And I thought everyone was in agreement that Elden Ring was Dark Souls 2 2 already. And regarding the quality of a finished product, the average player might not give two shits. But again, if you're doing an hour+ video essay about how much a game makes you upset, at LEAST have some understanding of the creative heads (or lack thereof) behind the product you're critiqueing. It reflects poorly on a reviewer to not even do the most basic level of due diligence. This is not saying that a game should get a "pass", but blame for the faults of a game need to be attributed to the proper sources. Shadows of the Damned is a terrible game, but the problem wasn't with the dev team led by Suda51, but rather John Riccitiello and the other executives of EA at the time. No Man's Sky, on launch was predominantly a victim of Sony forcing an early release, artificially building hype, and forcing a geeky and socially awkward programmer to repeatedly talk to the press and awkwardly make promises he thought he could keep but he couldn't with no PR coach. Multipart essays have been done on everything that went wrong with Sonic 2006 with no small part of it being executives forcing the devs to do things suboptimally for one reason or another. And CI Games, the publisher, has a reputation for demanding unreasonably short development cycles, which was one reason why Deck13 swore off working with them after the original LotF and they continued to burn through dev teams until they made their own... which in turn also means that Hexworks *didn't* have the option to just pack up and leave like Deck13 and Defiant did. A game's greatness or lack thereof is going to be influenced by the environment in which it was made. One of the reasons Lies of P is so impressive is because it was the first game of this type the devs had ever made, and their previous title was a fairly mediocre MMO. And in turn, a bad game will still be bad if it was "handed off 20 times, cost $30 billion to make, and the whole team worked 100 hours a week for 10 years to make it", but if you're going to get as bitter and vitriolic about it as Mugthief did, you *need to actually bother to know where to assign blame*. Crunch culture in video games is, unsurprisingly, a symptom of executives and publishers squeezing the devs after all. If I play a bad game, but the devs clearly were essentially forced to make the game that why by the whims and mandates of higher-ups, I'm absolutely going to reserve most if not all of my vitriol for them. And if I'm going to make a review of a game I genuinely despise, you better fucking believe I'm going to at least spare the time for reading the corresponding wikipedia page to get some sense of the the development and significant individuals surrounding it.
@alanthe2 6 ай бұрын
@@TurnersTea Exactly right. It’s not like these games are cheap on release. If they said we’re going to shave £10 or £15 off the price because development was troubled and we’re not releasing the game in the state we would’ve liked then fair enough, that’s a better informed purchase on our part or not as the case may be. But they didn’t. I don’t really care how informal and friendly their patch notes are and given how much bullshit is in the game even now performance wise, I’m not really in a position to extend them any degree of courtesy on a game that cost £60.
@SoFCeO 7 ай бұрын
I have played many souls-likes and all FS games. I like LOTF, i beat it before most of the patches so I experienced a lot of frame drop pretty much all the time even with performance graphics on PS5. No bugs though thankfully. That in mind, still had a good time and they have since eliminated all the frame drop for me. My opinion is that it could have been better, much better. One thing I think they could change and it would massively improve the experience be to space their enemies out more. I know they made some improvements but it isnt quite enough. Lies of P/Elden Ring/etc did well to give you space between fights in order to take in the environment and appreciate the work the devs put into the scenery. Also, enemy placement is key. Other noted games have the good habit of placing enemy groups or singular enemies at the end of a path so that you can look around on your way through areas. LOTF seemed to place enemies in the middle of paths with no real reason other than to make traversal difficult. Long story short, make exploration flow better and I think this game is a home run.
@lloxu 8 ай бұрын
15:56 I am actually still baffled by how much of an oversight this is. To me, this is like a literal basic of basics for melee combat. Slower attacks = more damage and vice versa. I literally don't even know what to say. It is a system that rewards you for not going out of your way to master your weapon. Incredible.
@jankbunky4279 7 ай бұрын
Even in the video he says running and dodging attacks deal less damage, and multi-hit moves deal different amounts of damage as well. I'm also 100% sure charged attacks also deal more damage. So... What's left? What's the actual complaint?
@lloxu 7 ай бұрын
@@jankbunky4279 He said it himself. The attacks you listed are fine and that's good that they do differing amounts of damage. The point is that while 1-handed and 2-handed attacks do different damage when comparing the two, the damage is not dependent on how long the animation is. To directly quote Mug at 16:39: "If my wide reaching, very fast, and very horizontal attacks do the same damage as the slower very vertical attacks, why would I use the vertical ones?" That's the main problem. Most of the time, especially in this game if you're fighting hordes of enemies, you will always want to do the fastest attack with the most damage and preferably long reach. Putting yourself at a disadvantage intentionally doesn't feel good, even if you want to use your weapon's full move set. I don't really understand what your point is I guess. The moves you listed do different damage but that has nothing to do with what he said. Like yeah that's great that running attacks do different damage but that doesn't make up for the fact you aren't rewarded for playing riskier and doing heavier non-charged attacks.
@Aryaa238 6 ай бұрын
He actually got that wrong. The slower (R2) attacks don't do more physical but they do more posture damage. Depending on the enemy you're fighting, you can get a few heavy hits in, break their posture, and get a critical hit. Can't get that with the same number of light (R1) attacks. So there is a difference.
@jankbunky4279 6 ай бұрын
@lloxu difference in posture/poise damage, situational difference in reach/angle, and simply the fact that heavy attacks can become charged heavy attacks. He literally says "all of your attacks deal the same damage within that stance". This is completely wrong. Just a weird way to phrase it.
@lloxu 6 ай бұрын
@@Aryaa238 I see, that’s my bad then. Admittedly I haven’t played the game so I just went based on what he said. Thanks for both of you correcting me.
@Axolotlian 9 ай бұрын
This is truly the dark souls of video game analysis.
@Mugthief 9 ай бұрын
Hopefully it isn't truly The Lords of The Fallen of video game analysis.
@Axolotlian 9 ай бұрын
@@Mugthief Good video glad I found you keep it up dude.
@stevemichael652 8 ай бұрын
If you repeated the same exact point 100 times during the video then it would most deff be the lotf of video game analysis lol
@ImTomasi 5 ай бұрын
I highly recommend checking out Matthewmatosis for more content like this that exceeds the standard youtube analysis like MugThief, but with surprisingly more depth in my opinion. He has videos on Dark Souls 1, 2, as well as the Soulsborne games in general.
@tophersplat 9 ай бұрын
This game is exhausting and tedius. Not being able to relax and explore for 1 minute is the worst part for me
@barsham7881 9 ай бұрын
But you can, sure has more enemys that ds but clearable, make use of seeds and plan you areas so that u have an exit from umbral.
@alex_lll 9 ай бұрын
​@@barsham7881not in Umbral - they'll keep spawning endlessly
@mdbattlefrog1913 9 ай бұрын
​@barsham7881 yeah this doesn't really fix the exploration issue. Having to take a million years every single room full of 12 enemies makes exploration feel like a chore. It's one of the largest, common complaints about the game.
@georgen5882 9 ай бұрын
It is a common complaint but it’s also overblown. It’s more difficult in the beginning because you have no build, no good weapons, no nothing. Learn the area and what the enemies do for attacks, used ranged combat or spells and it will make it loads easier. Once you know where everything is it makes it a lot easier. Just like every other souls game ever made.
@JusticeforLiberty 9 ай бұрын
I really like it , just like lies of p , you just got to get good.
@MrDrunkNFunky 9 ай бұрын
I needed to know I wasn't the only one feeling like this. You did it with timestamps even. 👏🏽
@loneshinobi2682 9 ай бұрын
I’m maybe 60 hours into lords of the fallen and it’s proven to be one of the most exhausting mixed bag experiences I’ve ever had with a souls like For every aspect of the game I love there’s an aspect I absolutely loathe. It’s.. impressive in how much wasted potential this game has
@loneshinobi2682 9 ай бұрын
@@alex.starostin it needs a lot of work still imo. Hexworks have been diligently pushing out patches and are aiming to adjust things like enemy density and aggro range for example. I was initially happy to hear this until I learned that these “adjustments” would only effect standard NG. NG+ enemy density and aggro range will remain unchanged. It’s.. comical. It’s as if they’re refusing to outright let go of their “intended vision” as one of the devs called it. Well, I’m sorry chief your intended vision just kind of completely misses the point of why a good souls game is both challenging AND fun/satisfying to play
@thrxshx 9 ай бұрын
Impressive how much wasted potential it has. Exactly.
@MR_DOME 8 ай бұрын
jumps could have been fun if the mechanic was fixed.
@MR_DOME 8 ай бұрын
the original had way too many mobs as well its like lazy instead of investing in enemy s they just said lets just add more. @@loneshinobi2682
@UrMomsBioWarfare 8 ай бұрын
60hrs in lol
@jsrobert20 9 ай бұрын
Really good review. Man I wanted to love this, but the mob density and encounter design is so aggravating. Pushing through to get at least one ending, but have to reset my expectations every time I log in
@lunasllenas1997 9 ай бұрын
I never felt as it was that insufferable until some very specific areas (mostly the very last level), but at that point since you can sprint so fast you can just skip them.
@muramasa870 8 ай бұрын
@@lunasllenas1997 i cheesed through everything with poison grenade + wither grenade after mid game. Because encounters become mundane
@Child_Dog 7 ай бұрын
Currently you also need to reset your weapon runes every time you log in too, because the game inexplicably removes them.
@sgtflamingo6532 9 ай бұрын
This is one of the best reviews ive seen. Thank you for being so unbiased. I ADORE lords of the fallen 2023 so seeing a unbiased critic that properly explains potential issues the game has is most welcome
@Mugthief 9 ай бұрын
Thank you for watching! I just try to be honest and give sound arguments for my opinions, but you might be right that people tend to exaggerate stuff since it's easier to sell extreme opinions for views.
@sgtflamingo6532 9 ай бұрын
@@Mugthief agreed for sure. I feel like LOTF is a very polarizing game. It's just not for some people and I feel like this is probably being amplified by some content creators having an outright vendetta towards the game.
@Yobolight 9 ай бұрын
Agree. I like the game, but these are fair critiques.
@23Butanedione 8 ай бұрын
​@@sgtflamingo6532you have bad taste
@sgtflamingo6532 8 ай бұрын
@@23Butanedione you have a attitude apparently. Go touch some grass.
@antobatta1551 9 ай бұрын
Great review. I hope the developers get some feedback from this video. The lack of an infusion system and lack of proper scaling is also a huge issue
@briangueringer3673 9 ай бұрын
It sad. This game was on the door step to being truly great. Almost grabbing the bar in so many places but falling to basically average. I like LoTF but I should like Lies of P more given the difference in polish. Its the same criticism from me. 1. Lamp, such a cool idea but so clunky and underutilized. It should have been a bigger part of the combat. A lamp build would have been fire. 2. Mobs.......nonstop....mobs. mobs on mobs... They could have done a couple of things with this. Had an item that used all of your soulflays to target a elite enemy and cause all the trash to freeze or vanish. The other thing that comes to mind is Remnant 2. Have the little horn noise so you know the mob is coming , giving you the opportunity to postion and kind of pick where the fight takes place. 3. Weapons need more flavor in their move sets. 4. A more diverse interplay between the 2 world would have been cool. Imagine having the ability to knock elites into opposite realms. That would have been fire lol. 5. Fix your f***ing lock on system. Its horrible. I cant tell you the number of times an enemy was right in front of me spawing in or slightly around a corner and it did absolutely nothing. Then tier 2 was locking onto enemies who were so far away that they posed no threat but ignorw thw dude im fighting with. Also, a ton of lock breaking just because we were close and dancing around. Trying to lauch a charge attack only to have it completely miss at the last second because the lock on took a coffee break.... There is some really special stuff with the game but you have to go through it. Sad really. I really hope they do a sequel because this could rival Souls as a contender. It also made me appreciate the Souls/Elden Ring games even more. For all the stupid stuff that happens to you in those games the amount of polish in those game is really high and deserves its spot at the top of the heap. Great vid!
@Aetrion 9 ай бұрын
I don't know, I've watched several of these deep analysis videos now, and I never disagree with any of the points being made about combat and enemy numbers, but they simply don't ruin the game for me. Could it be better? Sure, everything can be better, but I genuinely enjoy that positioning is important in this game, and I approach picking apart enemy formations like solving a puzzle. The enemies that are genuinely frustrating to me are the high end ranged enemies that have the firepower to be a huge threat in the whole area, but also enough hitpoints that you can't quickly assassinate them before any horde enemies catch up with you. My biggest gripe with the game is how most of the really powerful weapons partially scale on the magic stats, because making a character without any magic seems like you're just giving yourself a massive handicap. Ranged weapons are extremely powerful, but when your character is pure STR/AGI you feel like you do as a mage in Dark Souls where you can't use most of the really heavy hitting melee stuff. Another thing that really sucks is the rune system, because there are four types of runes and every weapon has a unique combination of rune slots with only very few weapons getting meta slots that can fit anything. The runes are extremely important in optimizing your build, so the rune slots tend to determine which weapon you have to use more than your actual preference.
@TheWolfLetsPlay 9 ай бұрын
My biggest problem was that the many enemies lend to a dps test feeling, like: ok I know he will hit me, that is unavoidable how much damage can I do, so I out damage him
@alessandroferrucci6087 8 ай бұрын
this longform video and the starfield one are truly high quality content, I hope you'll make more stuff like these in the future also, a humble request: it would be great if you could create a playlist for these in-depth analysises
@baronvonmaur 9 ай бұрын
The checkpoint system being "bad" has been probably the biggest point of criticism I've seen coming from discussions on this game. I have a strong suspicion that the seed vestiges and the normal vestiges feeling either too close together or just non-existent has everything to do with their complete removal in the original NG+ iteration of the game. There's a few that feel especially egregious, but if you were to completely remove the regular statue vestiges then suddenly having those extra seedbed locations makes more sense. Unfortunately that vision is not on display during NG-0, and compounded with the long-standing videogame logic of "consumable = hoard" means it's a system that has a lot of friction to it. The level designs loop back on themselves in very interesting ways most of the time (the exceptions being the levels where the point is purely vertical progress) but there's only 2-3 of them I can think of where the central point is a static statue vestige, and giving the player the decision to learn the area and establish their own hubs is an interesting take but not implemented very intuitively. At the end of the day this game is an amazing first draft of what could become one of the best souls games that actually iterates on the game's concepts, and hopefully with some more confidence under their belt round 2 will be a new standard. A few more diverse enemy types, expanded weapon move-sets (there's a few tucked away in the game as it, but they're unique and hard to find) and an extra biome or two and they will have a real winner on their hands. Also keep in mind Hexworks was founded in 2020 during peak The Bad Times™and adapting to fully remote work was still wreaking havoc on the game development world, yet they still managed to come so close to greatness on their first attempt in the genre.
@mac1bc 8 ай бұрын
They decided to add a ng+0 option with all vestiges added to help with people who had a problem with ng+1
@davidreese5730 7 ай бұрын
Ummm, cool points but this is already their 2nd go. They made a game before this, it was also utter garbage, like this trashcan of a game.
@mac1bc 7 ай бұрын
@@davidreese5730 lol, it's not trash. First game may have been
@davidreese5730 7 ай бұрын
Sorry the standards for games is so low, it's like all the people freaking out on the GTA 6 trailer. Literal TikTok low IQ trailer trash garbage. Unfortunately, the indie space is the only place for real games anymore.
@rq3167 7 ай бұрын
@senecauk8363 9 ай бұрын
One of the best analyses on youtube my man. You put your finger on so many of the niggling issues I couldn't put my finger on- frankly, the fact that the damage numbers on r1 and r2 are the same is bizarre, and feels like a holdover from the original LotF and Surge's horizontal/vertical (rather than light/heavy) attacks... but the developers are different? I don't know. Once I learned that from your video, I focused on just finding the quickest and most crowd-controlling-est attacks. Keep it up mate. Edit: the difference between Souls ambushes and the ones here is that the ones in Souls make sense. An enemy hides round a corner to attack. In Lords, an enemy will be tucked behind a load of boxes *with no room to move or do anything* to smash through them. How did it get there?! Did they build the shelves and boxes after the enemy situated itself?!
@brianwhitt5331 8 ай бұрын
I lol at that last thought. It does seem like someone said ok stand here...ima build some boxes and shit around you....now just stay there for a few thousand years until someone finally walks by and then jump out and push them off the ledge lol.
@altoid3453 8 ай бұрын
My favorite part is exploring areas with lots of twists and turns that lead you to new areas. Lords of the fallen does do that
@23Butanedione 8 ай бұрын
Cringe, gameplay is king
@tawilk 8 ай бұрын
@@23Butanedione the gameplay is good. this dude just sucks at games.
@WristyPlum 8 ай бұрын
100% agree. I’ve finished LOTF and now I’m halfway through Lies of P. There’s no question that the latter does almost everything better. The combat, story, setting, music etc. Lords of the fallen does do one thing better and that’s it’s exploration. Going from one to the other Lies of P feels very linear in comparison.
@DrayLoco 8 ай бұрын
@@WristyPlumI know what you mean, but the enemy density and placement almost ruins the exploration. Once I got to Fitzroy it’s like the Devs just gave up on fair interesting enemy encounters and just spammed them with archers everywhere
@WristyPlum 8 ай бұрын
@@DrayLoco yeah I agree with you. I don’t think I truely realised how much of a chore LOTF felt until I beat lies of p. I was ready for LOTF to end, I was sad for lies of p to finish.
@iamjoeysteel 6 ай бұрын
49:30 I kept maxing out on seeds. I just put seeds down whenever a big arena or near a door that opens from the other side. Each New Game Plus playthrough removes Vestiges. Also you said the run to Sin Piercer in the pirch was a hard run, but there is an elevator right up to the Vestige in the bell room so the run is 30 seconds with 1 basic enemy so I'm not sure what boss you were actually referring to
@zaccwalker3098 9 ай бұрын
It's interesting to me that the combat is basically your favorite part of the game. For me it is the opposite. I never feel in control. The tracking distance every single swing has makes it feel like I can't count on a swing the do what I expect it to. I personally feel more like the weapon is controlling me instead of me controlling the weapon. I forget the name of the class I started with. It was the follower of Adyr one with the big axe. Every swing sent me FLYING. And maybe I was not seeing it correctly but it looked like the actual hit box for it was on the handle, not the axe head. I tried for a few hours but restarted with the standard first suggested build. It felt better and didn't launch me around quite as much...but it still doesn't feel very good to me. But, to each their own in the end!
@Andy_Paris 8 ай бұрын
The combat is absolutely the most important part of games like this for me. If I don't enjoy it, I simply stop playing, and I don't even ask for a refund, I move on. The controls has to be smooth, and Drak Souls 3 spoiled me in this department. If a game can't play and control smoothly like that game, I don't enjoy it, and I'm enjoying LotF just as much as DS3. I'm enjoying it a lot more than Elden Ring.
@Nocturnal9720 8 ай бұрын
@@Andy_Paris If you enjoy it more then that's honestly good for you, but fundamentally it's the worst character movement we've had since Dark souls 2, The running is gimmickly fast and the dodging covers absurd distance to the point it becomes a detriment. Spacing doesn't matter in this game because enemies will latch and pull themselves towards you from unsuspecting distances and you'll be doing the same with some attacks. Almost every fight is a gank and there's no AI there to differentiate a 1 on 1 fight from a group fight. Enemies will pile on you, sync up animations and chase you to the other corner of the map. LOTF wants to push this Observe, plan and execute strategy, Before every big gank fight they will let you see it from a safe distance the issue whoever is they expect you to have magic, or ranged attacks as a secondary form of damage, Magic and Ranged fighting isn't my playstyle I prefer dodging on light weight with a dex weapon for fast attacks. LOTF would not let me play this way at all, you NEED a large weapon that can sweep to clear groups of adds that should be popcorns enemies (one shots), you need some form of ranged attacks to finish of stragglers or other ranged threats before a fight begins or during the chaos. To do anything else feels like your playing against the games design. It's like if Sekiro was the exact same game however wolf had on heavy armour, with a fat roll and a greatsword with slow attacks
@Andy_Paris 8 ай бұрын
@@bwhere45 It has one of the best gameplay polish I've played, as good as Dark Souls 3, which is a very big deal for me, because Dark Souls 3 spoiled me. If the combat is not smooth, I can't enjoy it. Maybe that's how? I don't know how else to explain it besides a comparison. Monster Hunter World is another example, super janky combat until you learn the weapon's move set, then it feels good to play.
@Andy_Paris 8 ай бұрын
@@Nocturnal9720 Interesting. It seems you haven't played a lot then. For example, the sprinting was updated, and feels heavier and more grounded, not "gimmicky fast." Another thing too is you claim you need a large heavy weapon to be successful in combat. I dual wield in every souls-like game I play, and in this game, it has one of the best combat mechanics for dual wielding I've experienced, way better than Elden Ring. You can switch to a two handed stance very quickly, and there's multiple move sets for dual wielding, and I find myself using all of the move sets, which was suprising. I switch to a two handed stance for single, 1 on 1 enemy engagement, then switch again to engage multiple enemies or to proc status effects on a single enemy. The transitions between stances is very smooth. You say the enemy's aggro is too much, but in the recent update, they shortened the enemy aggro and tether distance. You now have to get closer to an enemy (except for bosses) to aggro them, and they will not chase you for as long if you decide to disengage. I never asked for these updates, it's people like you that complained, and the devs catered to that outcry, because now, the game is even easier than before. Fighting a horde of enemies is not a problem when you kite them to a vantage point, and take them all out in one swoop, and that's just one example. In Dark Souls 2, I defeated every single enemy over and over until they permanently stopped respawning. The combat is the *most* important part of every game I play, it's very fun, _then_ I explore afterwards. If the combat is not smooth and fun, then I quit playing it, and LotF has one of the best combat experiences I've ever played. Think Monster Hunter World. The game is smooth to play, but the weapons feel super janky until you learn it's move set, then it becomes very fun to play. What makes souls-like fun, is learning from experiences. It's about the journey of overcoming hardship, and that feeling you get from accomplishing the game the best way you can isn't found easily in other games. That's one of the reasons Soulsborne games are so popular.
@Nocturnal9720 8 ай бұрын
@@Andy_Paris I have 40 hours in this game.... I never really voiced my concerns as much, Also I never said the game was too difficult, It's a slog of repeating enemy's similar move sets and the same ganks and gotcha moments. It was just a chore on top of everything being boring. I didn't tell you not to like the game, I wish I liked it, but it's just not fun to me and game design wise the combat is filled with holes. Also don't fucking preach to me in your glass house on the edge of a cliff, I've been playing souls-likes for over 10 years now since demons souls, Platinum and 100% on every one, I've done many challenge runs because these games are what I live for. Don't take my critique and treat it as if it's invalid just because you like the fucking game, you're allowed and encourage to talk about what's bad with the games other wise they'll just get worse and worse. I haven't played since any of the updates because fundamentally the game is not fun for me. the umbral mechanics is a gimmick and I lost interest after the first few areas, all it does is serve as a glorified respawn system, hide secret doors or alternate routes or platform pulling, it's a wasted idea. The too many weapons share the same category, why the fuck are curved swords in the same class using the same move set as short swords, not to mention a lot of one handed weapons like axes and maces share this move set to an extent, there's like 3 different move sets for dual wielding and the removal of heavy attacks for a "separate" move set usually designed to combat groups . This game teaches you everything you need to know about it after the first main area, it doesn't change and it doesn't become fun, the bosses are a joke or a slog take your pick. the only things I liked in this game where the Artistic style and details, some instances of level design which was ruined by the vestige system and the way magic and ranged weapons are controlled which sadly I didn't want to use anyway because it's not what I enjoy doing
@The_Babe 9 ай бұрын
Kinda disagree with your observation on Light Attacks vs Heavy Attacks. The point if either depend largely on the weapon type, for example: Should you dual-wield short swords, using light attacks may be fast but as a trade off, they hardly do any stagger damage (if any) and way more close range whereas the heavy attacks are longer ranged while dealing more stagger damage with the trade off being unable to move as swiftly after utilizing it. This leads to a few scenarios that are too lengthy to go over but one instance is using the "heavy attacks" to allow more accurate hits that don't collide with the terrain, its purpose is to kite out attacks then retaliate.
@emoemo247 8 ай бұрын
They called it Lords of The Fallen because the most dangerous enemy in the game is gravity.
@warcoder 7 ай бұрын
One of the biggest issues that I have with this game's combat it's the forward movement with each swing, not only because it can make me fall to my death (in my case those were rather rare occurrences), but that I will constantly bounce off walls in those clautrophobic hallways surrounded by enemies, and even worse, I will miss enemies that are right next to me if I don't lock on them, making manual aiming useless. For comparison, in souls games, particularly in Elden Ring, when you are fighting a group of enemies, it's often better to disable the lock on and manually aim each attack to avoid complications with the camera movement and the admittedly annoying lock on system, but it works! You can change direction with each swing and you will hit any enemies close to you, but in LotF you will be propelled 2 meters in a straight line, exposing your cheeks to the damn zombie that was in front of you two seconds ago.
@AM65396 8 ай бұрын
Yo dawg. I heard you liked the Anor Londo archers from DS1. So we made a whole game about it.
@n1lknarf 8 ай бұрын
50:45 to add the emotional challenge that dark souls lacks, and get you more immersed into the conditions of the world you inhabit. This is a very good thing the devs did, even if they didn't do it on purpose.
@Moopie12 9 ай бұрын
Very good review that touches on the greatest shortcomings this game has (beyond the obvious performance issues as you mentioned). One point I have to disagree with you on however is the argument of light vs heavy attacks. Heavy attacks do in fact do more damage, but you have to hold them down to charge them first. If you just press the button then they will do base damage, but by holding them down they get increasingly stronger until they are doing nearly double. However this comes with the tradeoff of charge time, which means it is ultimately a DPS loss. The reason for heavy attacks to do this is because they make up for it with other advantages, namely stagger buildup. There are also certain builds in the game that can give downright broken advantages to charge attacks. So there is some versatility to these moves, just maybe not as much as there could have been.
@user-eq4tn5xf5i 9 ай бұрын
12:52 enemies density and different way of planning your walkthrough strategy is what made it feel a lot different from souls series, I don't usually hesitate to enter umbral, although in locations like sunless skein, I don't feel like going umbral unless there is escape effigy nearby
@georgen5882 9 ай бұрын
That’s part of the risk and reward of a first playthrough. Once I learned where things were it was much easier. I’m in a second playthrough and I’m going umbral all the time because I want to kill the reaper for the scourings and get the 3x multiplier
@user-eq4tn5xf5i 9 ай бұрын
@duskmare0000 8 ай бұрын
I think that's the intended design. Umbral is your high risk zone. You only get once chance before dying, healing heals less actual health and you have to earn the rest of it by hitting enemies, you get more souls and there are some good items that you can only find in the Umbral. It's a pretty good risk/reward mechanic in my opinion. At least with all the forced umbral sections, where you have to transition to progress, they always have an effigy at the end.
@NoisieBastrdd 4 ай бұрын
i actually loved that. The fact that you need to plan your escape before hand to not get overrun made it really interesting. and i was dreading to go Umbral until i knew what i was doing. 10/10
@aaqibjavedz2569 9 ай бұрын
You articulated everything i felt in my 32 hours of playtime in this game. I really feel that pilgrim pearch should’ve been like 4th area in the game instead of starting baby zone and it should be a quick one and done kinda thing and not have the same setting repeated.
@Springreverb8 8 ай бұрын
Having to buy the key should of told you that area was a kind of bonus area to really test your mettle.
@ishakuraigami6171 8 ай бұрын
​@Springreverb8 that key is for a bonus area WITHIN Pilgrim's Perch, and is *required* to get to a mandatory section later. And even if you don't touch any of that area your first time through (which you shouldn't, the enemies are way stronger but it's hard to tell at a glance you shouldn't be there because they are the *same* enemies)... First time through Pilgrim's Perch long overstays its welcome by a lot. It's an area annoying enough as is in the day section, you get through, and it just KEEPS going. It is the worst part of playing through the game again because unlike Forsaken Fen, besides that one door, it is all critical path and way too long.
@CielBlanche 8 ай бұрын
i'm constantly blown away by how commonly people say "we love darksouls/resident evil/metroid!! we're gonna make one ourselves!!" and then proceed not to spend even 5 whole minutes actually examining how those games work
@aliridha1082 8 ай бұрын
Seriously..... reviews can't be more honest, straightforward or constructive than this Thanks man
@pvpeet9374 6 ай бұрын
Nicely done! You pretty much nailed my gripes with the game, cudos! I’d like to add some additional things which pissed me off: my long sword was constantly bouncing off of the walls, but that didn’t concern the dozens of enemies whose weapons just clipped through. If there is a wall on the one side and the chasm to the other, at least let me hit the enemies. Another point is the lore delivery: I played pure strength and couldn’t read much of the little lore there is in the items, because I either needed more Inferno or more Radiance. Finally, you could lock off entire side quest by progressing the main quest to far - meaning walking in an elevator. That killed triumphs for me which would otherwise be easy to get, but you simply can’t if you play it blind because there is no way to know that. One enemy dropped a quest relevant item - but I didn’t bother to fight that enemy, ran away and it never respawned, leaving the quest unfinishable. Overall, the world and plot was flat if visually stunning at times, the story delivery boring and the weapon system shallow - yet, I still enjoyed playing it for one playthrough because of the innovations they brought in like the umbral mechanic in general. That being said, I was looking forward to trying Lies of P while I played this and this in itself is a statement.
@NoisieBastrdd 4 ай бұрын
that's a thing since DS1
@Karpedk 9 ай бұрын
It's really amazing how small size dev from Hexworks can achieve in this game, some aspect of the game might be lacking need of polish and improvement, I still really like to applause them. I hope they can take all the criticism and continue to improve it on the DLC and the next game. I really enjoy swinging dual weapons and all the grand weapons in this game, Hit stop when you attack connect to the enemies is *Chef's kiss*.
@fastenedcarrot9570 8 ай бұрын
I actually really hate the hit stop, especially when swinging through multiple enemies.
@TenaciousDilos 8 ай бұрын
Lords of the Fallen had over 400 developers work on it. Their own marketing material says as much. I don't consider that a "small size dev."
@GravelordWrust 8 ай бұрын
This was SO accurate. Absolutely nailed it.
@Randomaccount398 8 ай бұрын
Thought you where a bigger channel. Very calming voice, clear explanation good format. I don’t even play this game. Just like to watch reviews/explanation videos. Subbed👍
@2robdot 9 ай бұрын
Its lags in co op. On ps5 it stutters every time it saves. Which is constantly. The stutter interrupts your casting. Or jumping.
@Jawpuh 7 ай бұрын
I enjoyed this game to be honest. The graphics are awesome, and I love how many customization options they have. With that being said… i am usually very thorough when exploring areas in souls games, but in this game I felt rushed always from the mobs. I’ve never sprinted through this many areas in any game
@barliechrown9994 7 ай бұрын
I think the intent is that you go back through areas to explore further when youve gotten stronger. Ive noticed a fuller experience in the game so far with that method.
@Chrislaws09 6 ай бұрын
This guy's is just a cry baby
@alienzeth 9 ай бұрын
Great review, my biggest gripe was the platform fighting and constantly rolling to your death,I cant understand how the devs though this was fine and not a massive red flag.
@BurnishedKnight 8 ай бұрын
Spoiler:you don't have to roll if you don't want.
@ironmaiden93ofangmar 8 ай бұрын
That's my biggest issue with the game. Other than that, I personally don't mind the enemy density. I love taking down dense groups of enemies with the tools given to me. But some levels are so frustrating in regards to where you can step and how far a dodge or an attack can take you
@eduardonavarro4172 8 ай бұрын
@jdell8729 8 ай бұрын
Can you move the HUD inward? I’m 32:9 as well and I don’t like turning my head to see the hud lol
@ninja_k7483 5 ай бұрын
what do « i’m 32:9 » means here ???
@jdell8729 5 ай бұрын
@@ninja_k7483 ratio of the monitor. Resolution is 3840x1080
@alithanar8 8 ай бұрын
There are two things I can add to his review you can use the lanterns heavy attack to kill the mimic items, and I really don’t like that sprint is a toggle rather than something I just hold down while I want to use it
@Spawnova 8 ай бұрын
My biggest complaint is how pointless umbral realm is, they punish you for being in it with endless annoying adds spawning but constantly force you to enter it to get through one door, or climb one ladder or make one bridge, often times just to exit it right after, the entirety of umbral realm is to slow you down and annoy you in every possible way. Don't get me started on why you need to constantly pull floating sections or extend bridges, why is this here at all? it does nothing but waste time and create even more instances of accidently falling off. The only "puzzle" it ever presented was at the start to drop down when getting the skyrest key, every other instance was the developer putting an artificial wall in front of you for no reason. Imagine if they completely scrapped it and focused more on other aspects of the game, such as story or enemy diversity, weapon differences or just more zones or bosses.
@NoisieBastrdd 4 ай бұрын
that's the whole point of it. Umbral is dangerous, you shouldn't be there for long. That's why the eye-meter is called dread, friend.
@Spawnova 4 ай бұрын
@@NoisieBastrdd I never felt like it was dangerous though, it felt extremely annoying and cumbersome. Throwing endless amounts of trash enemies is not a challenge, it's a chore.
@crazyorganist1609 3 ай бұрын
​@@SpawnovaI felt like this. They're just throwing mobs at you and hiding enemies so you get pushed off ledges. The game feels like a massive f**k you to the player.
@nickelakon5369 Ай бұрын
It's definitely a cool idea. Very much in the vain of soul reaver. I feel like there was probably things they wanted to do that they couldn't do and so all the stuff in the umbral world just ended up being weak, time wasting.
@mertgulgun6830 9 ай бұрын
I fucking loved your script, and elaborate and immaculate choice of wording, without relying on "what!" memes or anything else, I am subscribed and eagerly await new additions to your videos, as I'll be watching your previous work... Well done and please keep on going, we need more sophisticated work in this cesspool that is KZfaq...
@jaedencew 8 ай бұрын
@Shmacss 8 ай бұрын
Started off with the condemned class and my god is it brutal af, had to farm the big spiked head guy at the bellroom vestige. I get that it’s the hardest class, but the enemy density and aggro range is unbearable sometimes.
@ryanbrunner2182 9 ай бұрын
You almost never see this kind of quality coming from small youtubers. This deserves way more views
@pampasgrass5176 7 ай бұрын
It's wild that adding a few paper mache enemies breaks people. This game is so easy, it's a relaxing jaunt. And it has amazing world design. You can go somewhere on the map and see where you were and where you are headed towards. Favorite view is seeing the burning lower calrath from afar.
@Mugthief 7 ай бұрын
Love it, you're so right! Thanks for the comment!
@jankbunky4279 7 ай бұрын
I totally agree. I don't like ds2's ganks, and lotf also sometimes features too many enemies, but by and large how enemies and the player moveset function is quite different. We can soulflay enemies, we almost always have access to pretty quick strong projectiles and aoe's, our movesets are fast and reach far, singular enemies are killed quickly, we have a second life after death which can be regained before reaching a checkpoint... It's obvious that it isn't as simple as "many enemy bad".
@NASkeywest 7 ай бұрын
99.9% of people all agree it’s to many.
@VinylBossGaming 8 ай бұрын
This is a very well-done expose' on the things LoTF essentially got wrong or had trouble with. I played nearly 60 hours (two classes) where by the time I had reach Bramis Castle I didnt want to play anymore and ALL of these things you bring up in this video was the culmination as to why. Definitely subbing to your stuff, keep up the good work!
@Jupiter__001_ 6 ай бұрын
I think the reason for the damage values being the same with R1 and R2 attacks is so that you have a way to change your mind rather than locking you into the full charged R2 attack, which is the actual heavy attack. Basically, it doesn't work like normal Souls-like light and heavy attacks, but instead like the Jetstream Sam DLC for Metal Gear Rising, which has you chain light attacks followed by a heavy finisher that varies based on how many light attacks were chained before it, and which can either be fully charged to deal good damage or let go early to avoid damage to the player.
@rich925cal1 9 ай бұрын
I got stuck after Hollow Crow ..was running around the same place for DAYS just STUMPED on where I was supposed to go next ..eventually had to watch some walkthrough on KZfaq and only then realized that one corridor I DIDNT run down lead to the next boss in the Fen area 🙄 bro I don’t know if I would have ever figured that out.. but now that I finally got past that boss I’m having fun again.. just finally got to lower Calgarth
@Mugthief 9 ай бұрын
Edit: If you enjoyed this video, check out my in depth Review on Lies of P kzfaq.info/get/bejne/btuaqrCi096Rhas.html Remember to subscribe to hear my thoughts on the sequel, "The Lords of The Fallens's" in 2027. Let me know what you think in the comments below, and I sincerely apologize for a mistake that slipped through editing with a repeated line. I promise my videos will only get better! Thank you for watching!
@skulltula1352 9 ай бұрын
This was a very well written review and you've got me as a subscriber. Keep on keeping on and I look forward to seeing more of your videos in the future.
@thj9760 8 ай бұрын
It can happen to anyone. It can happen to anyone.
@soulmare333 7 ай бұрын
This is like the 3rd video of his ive watched recently - how does this man not have more subs or more recognition? Wellspoken, wellwritten, clearly recorded videos. I love it.
@PaulC78 9 ай бұрын
Great analysis of the game. I just completed it after a lot of hours ( more than the 40 ) and I’ll say one thing….I didn’t fight mobs sometimes as it seemed a running trial and error remembering where enemies were so I could advance other than that and few other things I quite enjoyed it. Don’t know about doing NG+
@user-eq4tn5xf5i 9 ай бұрын
10:06 i usually get stuck on some curvy terrain so environment often turns into obstacle, but in 99% i usually manage to escape that trap
@user-eq4tn5xf5i 9 ай бұрын
BUT when enemies get stuck this way, it sucks ass. I just fought sacred resonance whatever bellhead guy and shot him a fireball, he was close to stalagmites on the stairs and he got stuck in there. just standing still
@brianwhitt5331 8 ай бұрын
This game exists in such a weird space for me. I love it....mostly. i dont have the words to explain it. My first playthru clocked in at 41 hours. I had 46 deaths. That is a very small amount i feel for a first time playthru of a souls game. So its easy right? Yes, i guess but why do i have the feeling it seemed unfair during exploration? I just really dont know lol. I would really love to have the option of clearing out umbral to explore. Like after killing red reaper nothing else spawns maybe?
@mikedelgrande5296 4 ай бұрын
I’m not invalidating your experience, but that sounds like the opposite of what I experienced. I had a good time, especially exploring the interconnected world. There were some decent challenges but nothing too crazy. I’m a long time souls fan and I very much enjoyed LOTF
@dustintownsend8939 5 ай бұрын
While I did enjoy my initial playthrough of this game, I have to say I agree with just about everything you said and wouldn't recommend it to anyone without a warning. Also, another thing about the custom checkpoints that I didn't see you mention (maybe they patched it) is that they, for some reason, capped the maximum amount that you could hold to 5. This might have been added to cure the horde mentality most people have about consumables, but given you can't easily see how many you have and it doesn't notify you when you hit the limit I'd say it made it worse since you were likely losing the ones you were finding without realizing it. Once I realized that limit I just started using them unless I really wanted to keep the previous, since I knew I could just farm them from the butterfly people if needed and having 5 meant wasting any new ones. Also, getting a platinum in this games is so tedious I actually just gave up, not because it is hard, but because my drop luck is such trash that I can't be bothered to try and get every single armor piece off of the enemies.
@DJAnomous3000 8 ай бұрын
I usually don't comment on stuff, but this is a great review. You did very well with this one!
@Lucius66 8 ай бұрын
I don't think I saw a single block or parry in this video, except from the dude who invaded. It's actually one of the things I really like about the game. You can block with anything, but depending on the size of the weapon or shield, you'll take a varying amount of wither damage. This is balanced around small shields having a generous parry window while taking a lot of wither damage, while tower shields are harder to parry with but hardly takes any wither damage and might even reflect the blow and open the enemy up for attacks.
@JFrenchman 7 ай бұрын
Honestly it's kinda crazy how much it makes Lies of P stand out. I know some souls fans refuse to acknowledge what that game accomplished but i can easily call that game my game of the year and a personal contender for my game of the decade
@smurfdaddy420 6 ай бұрын
Playing this abomination after Lies of P really made me appreciate that game so much more. It's a masterpiece, and honestly it even outshines from soft games in certain areas. Can't wait for the DLC.
@RegalRoyalWasTaken 7 ай бұрын
Had a lot of fun with this game. Sad not everyone had the same experience.
@Holyrelic1279 8 ай бұрын
Feel like I gotta comment. On the corrupt sentinel fight you can skip his horsey phase. Use lamp to find parasites and pop them when the horse gets near and it knocks him off.
@TheKnightCrafter123 9 ай бұрын
They market themself as next gen souls like, with UE5 graphics, high fidelity, etc. EVEN IF you ignore all the crash complains, and the game is actually that pretty, you have no time to take in the views anyway since almost all the time you are exhausted by dozens of small enemies that you might just consider not killing them and run pass through. After all the struggles, bombarded by enemies, and you get to the boss hoping to end the level with a bang. AND....it ends in a wimpy note because of how easy the boss is
@qualitywarrior8868 8 ай бұрын
Great points but heavy attacks always did more damage then light for me, mainly due to the charge mechanic
@Reevahn Ай бұрын
A deer was right. I just went through my 1st playthrough on gaem pass and your vid perfectly encapsulates my feelings about the game. I now know what the parents that were told by teacher "Your son is smart but he doesn't put the effort in" felt.
@alexandrubighiu7637 8 ай бұрын
The seed after the archer boss it happened to me to
@michaelprice3040 7 ай бұрын
This game is the perfect example as to why I don't listen to reviews, I had a great time with this game but if i had listened to the opinion of others i wouldn't have even tried it and missed out on a personally positive experience. But i do think these critiques are fair.
@MB-px7iu 5 ай бұрын
I feel the same way. There's definitely things that I get irritated with, but that comes with the souls like title. I really enjoy this game and it's grungy art style and story. I'm really enjoying my first playthrough and I look forward to playing it again. But if I hadn't impulse bought it and done research into it beforehand, I think I would've missed out
@johnhuddleston1986 8 ай бұрын
This is one of the best games Ive ever played. Exploration, build diversity, and replayability are all top notch. Ran great for me on ps5.
@smatt7771 6 ай бұрын
When it comes down to it, I had a lot of fun with this game. All criticisms granted. However what kills me about the reviewing trend is the focus on the amount of trash mobs, which only actually applies to Umbral. The mode that the game encourages you to spend the least amount of time fully inside of because it's supposed to be more dangerous. I'd say "git gud", but I know plenty of people reading this comment will have gotten gud and continued to play all the way to the end just so they could critique the game with credibility in online forums. Then there's me, who had fun
@smartinachloe 2 ай бұрын
The analysis is so true, I remember when playing it, asking myself, where are the quiet moments in the game? Where are the interesting weapons? Why are all enemies the same? This game is frustrating and the best phrase that describes the Lords of the Fallen experience is frustration and not challenge, even the multiplayer is broken.
@FilipOrekhov 26 күн бұрын
Finished the game this week. Still have PTSD with wooden scaffolding. Also I just don't get the game design, why is Umbral on a timer, you are already punished by being in that realm by removing your second life. Elden Ring is special because it balances the quiet moments with intense ones, LOTF has real pacing issues. But man, im mixed on it, as i enjoyed some of the boss fights. Some armors and weapons looked pretty sweet too...
@BALTDGuitar 9 ай бұрын
7:45 This reminded me of the tropical version of Devil Trigger in the DMC5 OST
@rickdiculous2477 9 ай бұрын
I would be interested to see a sequel or prequel exploring the idea of why ADYR WAS RIGHT!
@joshjulrich 7 ай бұрын
I picked this up recently and am absolutely loving it, so it's fun hearing your mostly negative review. I think the enemy density and level design have either improved or maybe just I'm not bothered by it as much because I have been having a great time. I'm curious how much the patches have changed about the game because it feels good now. (One example I saw in a patch was increasing the reload time on crossbows. Compared to your footage, they are WAY slower now which is nice. Also, watching your footage, it looks like they have made it harder to fall off an edge from forward momentum during attacks.)
@LumosX 6 ай бұрын
I played it on release day and had no trouble with enemy density. It's allegedly been reduced since then; I had a fun time but not enough to go back and check.
@Koalavater 2 ай бұрын
Probably just a matter of different strokes. I bought it a month ago and it's the first game in 30 years of gaming that I've traded in. The game felt absolutely horrible to play. I played for about 20 hours and realized I was making excuses for it the whole time. I really wanted to like it.
@ViNncentSmith 8 ай бұрын
Really well put together video analysis ,Well Done !
@yanpaq6405 Ай бұрын
does this game still have the mob density problem now, with all the patches?
@tannerkennedy4192 9 ай бұрын
For me the performance issues are making this game go from a 7 out of 10 to a 4 out of 10 game runs like garbage on ps5 at the moment and I’m not the only one experiencing this other people are too
@thrxshx 9 ай бұрын
Same but I’d say the performance pushed it from a 6/10 to a 2/10.
@jankbunky4279 7 ай бұрын
Runs pretty solid at this point. Not *good*, but it works fine.
@detach103ff4 9 ай бұрын
I think a more visual representation of "PLACE YOUR SEED HERE" would've helped stop some of my frustation after an incredibly difficult section leading into an equally difficult section. I agree that alot of love has been put into this, and while frustrated, I honestly see what they were going for.
@kellanaldous7092 9 ай бұрын
I knew a girl with that tattoo.
@duskmare0000 8 ай бұрын
The lamp literally flashes, both in the item icon and it glows brightly on your character model. There's also just the actual vines on the ground. Not sure how much more obvious they could make it.
@mdbattlefrog1913 9 ай бұрын
There's a reason it feels like Deck 13 games, who made the OG Lords and Surge games. There's a direct lineage to Hexworks from Deck 13.
@ronthorn3 9 ай бұрын
You really made some very unique points about combat and damage outputs that no other channel as conveyed even as close as you. Never want to play this game again. Thanks for the review.
@domsnow6418 8 ай бұрын
Elden Ring probably also my favorite game of all time. My only 10/10 game in my 30+ years of being a gamer.
@smergthedargon8974 7 ай бұрын
Tried modern Fromsoft's other games?
@domsnow6418 7 ай бұрын
@@smergthedargon8974 I played every FS game multiple times yes
@smergthedargon8974 7 ай бұрын
@@domsnow6418 Ah, good to hear. Lovely games, aren't they?
@domsnow6418 7 ай бұрын
@@smergthedargon8974 yes, all of them at least an 8.5/10 for me :)
@smergthedargon8974 7 ай бұрын
@@domsnow6418 I don't know if it'd be that generous for DeS and Demon's Souls, but they are all great games, truly.
@LabyrinthMole 9 ай бұрын
This is the most intricate analysis of LOTF I have seen. I appreciate the integrity and humility that went into this. I hope to see more videos like this in the future. Adyr was right, too.
@coreyrachar9694 8 ай бұрын
Ratotoskar is someone I don't often agree with but he said something I think is a really good point when discussing the issue of 'souls likes'. He said that everyone has their own idea of what a soulslike even is, and what the best parts of dark souls are. So when we're talking about emulating that what works for one person won't work for another. This I actually agree with strongly. For me, the gameplay and exploration/mystery have always been the best parts of 'souls' and while lotf falls flat on the mystery end the combat and exploration are reminiscent of ds1 and was hella refreshing in a gaming landscape the prizes massive and boring open worlds in every game. Even trying to play elden ring again, a better game in almost every way, just gives me a feeling of 'ugh there are so many caves and shit' and I just can't bring myself to play through it again. Two full playthroughs was plenty. I feel like lotf is a game i will come back too now and again simply because it's a focused, combat oriented game that gets straight to the fun bits. Sure it's a bit tedious in umbral sometimes but that's working as intended IMO. Hope for some DLC eventually to add a couple new areas to the game and beef up the experience a bit!
@keskes1338 5 ай бұрын
I hit the like button cuz when you said to hit the like button it lit up in a cool rainbowy flash, and I've never seen that before. Very cool.
@captaintrips8647 9 ай бұрын
Adyr was right. They do have good bones to create something truly good and I hope they get (like you said) an opportunity to do it.
@moderatingmoderation1699 9 ай бұрын
This game lacks that dark souls 2 feeling of hopelessness in the middle of nowhere. Once you got pretty deep in a level you would find yourself going through your inventory trying to figure out your strategy to reach the next bonfire. It always felt very intimate in that sense because you would be in some corner deep into a level trying to figure out the next move
@l0rdfr3nchy7 8 ай бұрын
dks2 asks you to respect your environment as much as your enemies
@samuelmcl.9474 8 ай бұрын
@@l0rdfr3nchy7 idk if id call "planting cheap gotcha enemy placement" everywhere a way of making the player respect the environment. i think ds1's emphasis on interconnectivity and shortcuts made the player respect the environment much more. it's hard to feel "hopeless in the middle of nowhere" in ds2 because there are so many bonefires and everything is a corridor.
@l0rdfr3nchy7 8 ай бұрын
@@samuelmcl.9474 runs past enemies, reaches dead end, gets killed while backed in a corner, "gank squads everywhere game bad!"
@samuelmcl.9474 8 ай бұрын
@@l0rdfr3nchy7 i never run past enemies lol. Dark Souls 2’s design issues have been well documented and a quick youtube search will help out if youre genuinely curious
@l0rdfr3nchy7 8 ай бұрын
@@samuelmcl.9474 im well aware of the unwarrented hate towards dks2 thank you xD
@strikeaposefilms 8 ай бұрын
What A.I. program are you using for your voice?
@thomasnorth3005 4 ай бұрын
i landed on that same snowy ledge at 9:50
@mystictehrror2967 8 ай бұрын
I feel like one thing you didn't touch on, which the game does phenomenally, its making it stay connected... finding that special key (or buying it) and opening that previously locked door, to open what you think is unexplored, is in fact, a connection to another area (specifically the mines back into lower calrath) or following a side path to find its led right back into the bridge central hub was a breath of fresh air. Seeing that even in dark souls 3, which for me felt a little small as a "world" Anor Londo felt so far removed from Lothric castle you felt the only way back was to use a bonfire....Lords took that central hub and actually made it feel central, with the clever use of a few lifts or passages, everything felt connected and together.
@Flatgod 8 ай бұрын
I can tell you've never played the first Dark Souls. It has the same type of interconnectedness but far better.
@Numenorean921 6 ай бұрын
34:55 you could say this about dark souls 1 as well. Almost every level had you navigating narrow platforms where you could easily fall to your death and placed enemies in annoying locations. This game is heavily inspired by DS1, which is also my favourite souls game.
@erregete 8 ай бұрын
KZfaq algorithm coming in clutch yet again. Loved the video. Hoping to see more!
@JonathanXLindqviust 8 ай бұрын
I love how you start out so civil and calm, and get more and more frustrated
@helioa8191 9 ай бұрын
This was one of the best analysis of this game I've seen so far. So, of course, Adyr was right.
@BizonURS 8 ай бұрын
I really like this game ... minor flaws, but I'm having a lot of fun playing it. NG+ here I come
@EZAZOHL 8 ай бұрын
I'm liking it alot too I think they have easy moves fir crowd control an I think starring at ppilgrims perch was to force us to have to learn to block Not jus dodge everything
@Godeias 8 ай бұрын
The weapons DO NOT connect well! The main reason I quit the game was because the weapon would go through enemies constantly, usually getting me killed, and it was one of many extremely frustrating aspects of this game.
@MemoriesLP 8 ай бұрын
27:00 - But in Elden Ring, since release, you can mix melee with magic very easily. Unless you mean in Lords it is even easier.
@mayhem5235 8 ай бұрын
48:50 There's an elevator right before the boss that takes you directly to the bell vestige, why would you think you need to put a seed there?? Also you can buy or farm unlimited seeds really easily so who cares if you waste one anyway? As long as you have 1 seed, you have access to unlimited seeds... and if you have none just kill one of those umbral moth things. Now you have a seed.
@zakkb.5028 8 ай бұрын
You are spot on!! I am new to this genre my first dip was elden ring. ER was a masterpiece and made me wanna platinum it. My original thought was the same here with LOF. Then I realized how much farming time would be needed. The game is fun for power fantasy if you dont care about character progression. Axion cannot self govern. Umbral always needs feeding. Adyr is right!
@SolidusCone 8 ай бұрын
I did not expect such a good vid to be recommended out nowhere, but I'm glad!
@CStelTV 9 ай бұрын
Great job as always, thanks for the review!
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