QA on Buddhist Basics, Guide for Lay Practice and Right Speech

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Hillside Hermitage

Hillside Hermitage

2 жыл бұрын

Q&A with various people on:
- Reasons for Practice
- The Five Precepts
- The Eight Precepts
- Right Speech and its practical value towards mind development
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@mekrodrigo9193 2 жыл бұрын
To anyone questioning or confused about buddha’s instruction of ‘save yourself from suffering first’ ; something I always refer to and use to explain it is the safety instructions on an airplane. Before taking off they always say ‘in an emergency when the oxygen masks come down please put it on yourself first before helping others’ :)
@longbow9331 2 жыл бұрын
Your calmness and patience is admirable when asked some of these questions. It must be unpleasant sometimes. Imagine being addicted to feeding people because of the happiness it brings to you and them, and by so doing overlook the way to never be hungry in the first place (which you can then show others). Its like using a small happiness as a reason to not pursue a higher one. It's just dependance, mutual dependence, within suffering, like eating for the sake of preserving a perverted ritual. It doesn't even tackle the real problem, let alone uproot it. Now I see why this monk goes on and on about first understanding right view.
@srimathisamarakone8535 2 жыл бұрын
This kind Q and A programs are very helpful. Hope to have more of these.
@j.m.kocsis2557 2 жыл бұрын
If I may suggest the Venerables’ talk “ Discussions From a Mountain Top # 10 - Lifestyle Choices”. Just excellent practical instruction.
@atozdhamma4248 2 жыл бұрын
Very clear advices for an ordinary person. Thank you Banthe
@ThaniyoThero 2 жыл бұрын
24:45 ( Sutta of an Arahant monk who addressed others harshly.) Ud 3:6 Pilinda I have heard that on one occasion the Blessed One was staying near Rājagaha at the Bamboo Forest, the Squirrels’ refuge. Now at on that occasion Ven. Pilindavaccha went around addressing the monks as if they were outcastes. So a large number of monks went to the Blessed One and, on arrival, bowed down to him and sat to one side. As they were sitting there they said to him, “Lord, Ven. Pilindavaccha goes around addressing the monks as if they were outcastes.” Then the Blessed One told a certain monk, “Come, monk. In my name, call Pilindavaccha, saying, ‘The Teacher calls you, friend Vaccha.’” Responding, “As you say, lord,” to the Blessed One, the monk went to Ven. Pilindavaccha and on arrival said to him, “The Teacher calls you, friend Vaccha.” Responding, “As you say, my friend,” to the monk, Ven. Pilindavaccha went to the Blessed One and, on arrival, having bowed down to him, sat to one side. As he was sitting there, the Blessed One said to him, “Is it true, Pilindavaccha, that you go around addressing the monks as if they were outcastes?” “Yes, lord.” Then the Blessed One, having directed attention to Ven. Pilindavaccha’s previous lives, said to the monks, “Don’t take offense at the monk Vaccha. It’s not out of inner hatred that he goes around addressing the monks as if they were outcastes. For 500 consecutive lifetimes the monk Vaccha has been born in brahman families. For a long time he has been accustomed to addressing people as outcastes. That’s why he goes around addressing the monks as if they were outcastes.” Then, on realizing the significance of that, the Blessed One on that occasion exclaimed: In whom there’s no deceit or conceit, his greed ended, unpossessive, free from longing, his anger dispelled, his mind Nibbana: He’s a contemplative. He’s a brahman: a monk.
@17martin74 Жыл бұрын
This Monk is gold.
@bkarr8525 16 күн бұрын
@ronlepree7135 Жыл бұрын
Lions roar brother 🙏💮🙏
@hariharry391 5 ай бұрын
@zorananda 2 жыл бұрын
When i hear the standpoints of people which are based on the claim that it is selfish to strive for one's own liberation from suffering , craving, aversion and the notion of self, me and mine , and that it is more noble to first strive for the liberation of all other beings, as the Boddhisattvas proclaim, then i can't get rid of the impression that the mahayan teachings resemble a kind of spiritual globalism of the past. Since the globalists of today seem to pursue the same principle claiming to ensure the well-being of the community at the cost of the freedom of the individual. Those viewpoints were countered by Ajahn with the beautiful simile of the ocean that is being polluted by all the individually polluted streams that pour into the ocean, so not cleansing the ocean , but cleansing your own individual stream represents the only remedy for the individual as well as the whole.
@annaaung9632 2 жыл бұрын
@krisissocoollike 2 жыл бұрын
@hillside hermitage Thank you so much for this.
@dicsoncandra1948 2 жыл бұрын
I think the notion that "everything is one" or the interconnectedness is another major misconception of what the Buddha taught... and being attached to that view can make one an angry person as well because truly 'craving' is where the problem is
@User-kjxklyntrw 2 жыл бұрын
what do u mean about "everything is one"
@Mojito99 2 жыл бұрын
There are definitely interdependencies amongst living beings, this is quite obvious. However when it comes to the path and practice, if you want to sit under the shade you will have to plant and water your own tree so you can sit under it, not someone else's. This is what the Buddha meant. You cannot rest upon the wisdom of another, nor should you bear the burden of their ignorance. It's quite simple.
@theservant752 2 жыл бұрын
New Age deception, Stick to the bible and the saving blood of Jesus who payed for our sins.
@aaronrussell6241 Жыл бұрын
@@theservant752Buddhism isn't New Age. The Buddha lived and taught around 500 years before Christ.
@theservant752 Жыл бұрын
@@aaronrussell6241 Nope, Before Abraham was "I am" is what Jesus said. remember? Buddhism is same as New Age, Luciferian lies.
@shelinahetherington4661 Жыл бұрын
Venerable Sir your answers are on point, instructive, clarifying. Parato ghosa - the Early Buddhist Teachings of course, but may you also be considered as such? 🙏🏽
@rabenrausch 2 жыл бұрын
the monch sounds like a star wars fan and i am grateful for that :D
@NothingTheGreat Жыл бұрын
What? Why do you say that?
@lazydaisy649 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your explanation of non-self. Previously, I found it difficulty to understand.
@Nature-ve3yo 2 жыл бұрын
Bhante I have had problems with my thyroid hormones in recent times so I apologize for my unclear questions and confusions. My hormones were not in normal levels and therefor my emotions were amplified and it was not until 3 days ago that I got it checked and it was normal thank God and I feel much better. The Doctor told me that I need to work on my thinking as it is the cause for my hormones. Bhante this video was very practical and touched many important points that I have not been able to answer. Bhante if some of my questions are not needed to answer then I am ready to drop it I just want to live a normal life not interrested in some high attainments if that is not necessary to live a happy and ordinary life. I have concluded that I must understand certain things that the Dhamma speak about in order to live a normal life but maybe that was wrong and I hyponotized my self into that conclusion by not understanding what the Dhamma meant. 1)Bhante when it comes to approaching the teaching when I first came across it I had before that ended up overwhelmed by huge emotional pain and I was trapped in pain aswell as enslaved by doubt and fear. Buddhism came as a hope and when I read the Buddhas teachings I felt like this teaching is something I can have faith in unlike other teachings. I couldnt practically apply the teaching so I started searching for someone that actually knew the teaching and I found about a monk which pointed to you. I very fastly saw that what you teach was in accordance with the Suttas which made me very hopeful and faithful. When I heard that in order to free oneself we need to understand things like Citta nimitta,understanding craving,understanding upadana,peripheral mindfulness,mutual dependes of nama rupa and vinjana, understanding responsbility for ones mental actions (which for me seemed logical I concluded ofcourse I need to understand this and stop whatever I am doing to my own harm even though I am not aware of it and it is going on on autopilot and therefor I became pressed beause my logic told me it needed to be understood as the only way out), Now all theese questions I understood that the Dhamma was teaching it in the following way either I understand theese things and get free from my situation of being trapped in pain and enslaved by doubt and fear or not in which case I must be trapped in pain and enslaved by doubt and fear. Maybe that was understood in a wrong way and in a black and white way. Maybe I dont need to understand theese things in order to free my self but unless I clarify it I feel there is a pressure inside me that believes that theese things must be understood beacuse the Dhamma which I have trust in says it. But again if you could clarify to me that for example answering those questions can not lead me to free my self to free my self from my emotional situation then that pressure would cease to press me with the conviction that the solution is in answering those questions. When that is clarified that would take of that pressure and also would just enduring be the solution after that. 2) Bhante for someone wanting to living a normal life not necesarily wanting to attain anything I have heard about mundane right view. Would mundane right view be to clarify that thinking is in my control and therefor the emotions resulting from it. With thinking is it meant the same as believing and imagining beacuse it is easier for me that way for example I have tried while I was outside to think positive and was not sucessfull when I started to believe and imagining that something positive have already occured with 100% conviction and faith and belief that it is so I felt finally a positive state. Would (and it seems it would) imagining and believing in that state cancel out ones siutation of being trapped in pain and fear and doubt? Therefor I dont need to read anything about the Dhamma nor understand all theese things like right view, citta nimitta, understanding craving, understanding upadana I can just control what I believe and imagine and there would be no more pain doubt and fear beacuse they are there when I give up the power of controling what is in my control my believing and imagining or thinking and they seem to become automatic although I am doing it even then volitionaly? 3) Bhante when one has been overwhelmed by pain and he didnt know what to do and he ended up trapped in pain and enslaved by doubt and fear and that becomes his automatic situation and now he wants to discern his situation. What is it that he is implicitly blaming as the casue of his suffering or "the world" is it the pain as it seems or is he blaming the thought and is according to the Dhamma "thoughts" included in "the world" , - Also is this blaming or believing the problem to be the object (and not the pain) a starting point for him and is he implicitly believing that he is dealing with the feeling by attacking this perception? 4) Bhante in the video you spoke about not acting out of ones desire which I have worked hard on. But how about my situation for example when I have been perpetuating uknowingly ill will in the situation of being trapped in pain and fear and doubt and now it is going on automaticaly but at the same time if I knew clearly where my border is and what the mind is doing there on its own it would help me discern my situation and stop my doing. I want to see what is the mind doing there on its own and what is my responsbility because I am unclear about it. Thank you very much for teaching in accordance with original Suttas and excuse me for being confused. If theese questions are not needed to answer then i am ready to drop them all.
@cliffmilbrun2803 2 жыл бұрын
Two prerequisites for the arising of right view. The right teaching and the utterance of another who knows it. You landed on both In one shot. You can see for your self and not just because I said it. There's a video he made thats titled responsibility can free you from suffering and you should start from that point of view. What are you responsible for in thought word and deed. And what your not responsible for but assume you are and you will be become your own guide and let me say I'm really happy for you that you landed here. I would write you more about what Ive confirmed but it would be to long but I'm very excited for you. This monk must have what's in the suttas described as miracle of instruction. I get goose bumps thinking about the accuracy of it and my life as it is now.
@FRED-gx2qk 2 жыл бұрын
good input well done
@Nature-ve3yo 2 жыл бұрын
@@cliffmilbrun2803 Thank you for your answer I am happy that you have made progress in the Dhamma , I have the last 2 weeks tried to think positive thoughts. I was not sucessfull when trying to think anything postive instead I tried to believe and imagine something positive and I made progress. Would believing that I am already in a good state of freedom or happiness mean the same as thinking good thoughts?. As I said in my previous message I ended up trapped in pain after being overwhelmed by huge emotional pain and being trapped in pain and enslaved by doubt and fear became my natural state. So I dont realize whether I have the power to switch my attention of the pain to something that I want I am so absorbed in it but just the utterence of another that it is possible and how would help here to tell me that it is in my power. Would this be mundane right view to understand that I control my thinking and again is thinking here the same as believing? Thinking was not not enough for me to be able to switch my attention of from being trapped in pain to get to a positive thought but when I believe and imagine something with 100% faith I get glimpses of positivity. When one is trapped in pain what is it that he is blaming as the cause for his suffering is it the pain (as it seems for me) or am I really blaming a thought? Can one live a happy life without answering any of the questions like citta nimitta, getting the right view, I was so attached to my situation of being trapped in pain that I concluded either I understand theese things that the teaching talks about and get free or not in which case I must stay in my situation but maybe that was a wrong conclusion. Can I solve the entire problem without answering those questions and just train my self to think or believe good thoughts and then the situation of being trapped in pain would completely cease and the need to find any answer to citta nimitta maybe I dont need to understand theese things in order to get out of my situation of bieng trapped in that pain and the solution is to get confidence that I can think or believe in good thoughts and then I would not be trapped in pain anymore and therefor no need to find anything out ? Excuse me for my confusion.
@karrimzz 2 жыл бұрын
@@Nature-ve3yo You can not control thinking, thought comes up from previous causes. If you keep identifying yourself to your thought you can not progress. In Buddhism there are six sense organs, so just like the ear that hears, the brain will generate thought by itself. Do not make up your own practice/conclusion, you will need to follow and do a practice method from a teacher to be able to progress, be patient and don't expect change to happen quickly. Look up sirimangalo or twim meditation as suggestions of practice method to follow
@sahassaransi_mw Жыл бұрын
Theruwansaranai! How is restraint in speech (musavada) sense restraint? As in, I can understand how it is restraint since it is controlling your intentions and actions in terms of speech, but how exactly would not engaging in wrong speech constitute restraint in regards to SENSES? thank you
@Kristin326 2 жыл бұрын
Dear Bhante, if I want to make a donation to hillside hermitage,is it still the same site?
@j.m.kocsis2557 2 жыл бұрын
Venerables, can you suggest a good English translation of the Dhammapada? Thank you.
@ThaniyoThero 2 жыл бұрын
Any version on Suttacentral or are good enough, but you will still need to look up the pali and check the dictionary from time to time.
@j.m.kocsis2557 2 жыл бұрын
@@ThaniyoThero thank you!
@xeruli 2 жыл бұрын
How can someone join these Q&A sessions online?
@ThaniyoThero 2 жыл бұрын
These QA sessions are part of the Upasaka progam at Samanadipa Monastery.
@Moriah7913 Жыл бұрын
@@ThaniyoThero Is there an English format of the website?
@Mountain_Dhamma 5 ай бұрын
In almost every instance I’ve witnessed of nonBuddhists interrogating a monk, the question/criticism they bring is that Buddhism is insular and selfish. This always comes from westerners as well. I find this humorous because they present a binary like you are either saving the world or you are selfish, not taking a single moment to reflect that this is a criteria that is used to criticize Buddhism more than any other religion (despite the fact that its effects are a widespread community of people who never lie, cheat, steal, or harm anyone, who don’t even acquire more than the most basic needs) while ignoring the fact that they offer no criticism on the over indulgence and meanness that characterize “normal” life. I think the very fact that the result of following the Dhamma is that you will never even harbor a cruel or greedy thought towards any other beings is enough to validate Buddhism as one of, if not the most, valuable way of living life ever created by a human being. That’s not even going a tiny bit deeper to see that the approach of grosser systems of “good,” such as political activism, are characterized by the same greed, hatred, and delusion that is the underlying cause of the injustices that they are claiming to alleviate. The Buddha was wise enough to see that prescribing “doing good” was just another side of the cycle of samsara that drives all the problems of history and environmental degradation. One person’s “good” is another’s “evil.” Love for one system of ideals creates hatred for another, and on and on. The historical Buddha gets us off that wheel, and I’ve never encountered another teaching that accomplishes that goal. Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Humanists, Marxists, Communists, Capitalists, Activists of every kind, and all other -isms, have all screamed, shouted, loved, hated, harmed and even killed in the name of helping others. That is the rule for them. Only Buddha Dhamma is the exception. The single exception in Burma (Myanmar) is one case in human history and is the result of a government co-opting a religion to meet their end.
@rihhard1072 2 жыл бұрын
How long are you planning to stay in Slovenia, Bhante?
@HillsideHermitage 2 жыл бұрын
We are looking for a remote and isolated land here to build a couple of kutis and relocate our hermitage to. If it all works out, then Slovenia should be a long term place for us.
@MusinYohan 2 жыл бұрын
Hello Ajahn, I am just curious why you plan to leave the hermitage Srilanka and move to Slovenia?
@HillsideHermitage 2 жыл бұрын
We left the old hermitage because of the hotel and housing development that was encroaching on us. We left Sri Lanka because we didn't want to start a new hermitage there WITHOUT getting the Citizenship or Permanent Residency (which turns out is not allowed for foreigners). Instead we had to renew our visas annually despite living in the country for nearly 10 years. That ceased to be an acceptable deal for us.
@MusinYohan 2 жыл бұрын
@@HillsideHermitage What a pity! But this is I think a good decision with regards to living in seclusion ... May you have success in searching a good location in Slovenia...🙏
@sangvo893 2 жыл бұрын
@@HillsideHermitage Hello Ajahn, could you please do a talk on how we could use the 5 powers in our practice?
@rossyrossross 2 жыл бұрын
In the first 2 minutes you spoke about "God" as a being. Yes, gods are beings and shouldn't have influence. "God", as in "the unknowable creator of infinity" isn't the same. Determinism anthropomorphised is "his will", as is, ultimately, the exercising of "your" free will.
@3260ELEMENT 2 жыл бұрын
@hiranthadasanayake9912 2 жыл бұрын
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