Recommended Japanese female band

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Mr. Dai

Mr. Dai

2 жыл бұрын

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#Japanese women's band

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@user-eo2my2ei4c 2 жыл бұрын
LOVEBITES推しのオッサンです。 彼女たちの凄いところは数々の80年代レジェンド的メタルバンドのいいとこ取りを1つのバンドで聞けてしまうところだと思います。 今の時代に王道のメタルをここまでうまく進化させて出来るバンドなかなかいないでしょう。 海外のタトゥーバリバリのリアクターが鳥肌を立ててるのを何度も見ました。そんなガールズバンドが日本にいる事が嬉しいです。 復活してさらに凄いバンドになることを期待してます。
@mr-dai 2 жыл бұрын
コメントありがとうございます。 私より素晴らしい説明ありがとうございます笑 こういうコメント貰えるとなるほどって思うのでありがたいです。 また気が向いたら動画見に来てください。
@user-eo2my2ei4c 2 жыл бұрын
@@mr-dai ネモフィラとLOVEBITESは日本でももっと認知されても良いと思うんです。 LOVEBITESの先月出たライブDVDオリコン3位に入ったけどその割には周りに知ってる人がいないんです。
@mr-dai 2 жыл бұрын
@@user-eo2my2ei4c そうなんですよねー。どうもメディアはジャニーズやKPOP、坂道系を推してくるので、中々メディアで取り上げて貰えないんですよね。 海外はどちらというと技術とかアイディアにリスペクトする傾向なんで受け入れやすい感じがしますね。 BABYMETALも未だに日本だとメディアの扱い低いですからねー…… 彼女達には海外で大きく売れて日本のメディアが無視できなくなる存在になって欲しいですね。
@satanahashi2789 2 жыл бұрын
BAND-MAID紹介ありがとうございます。凄いバンドですよね! 他のバンドも日本のガールズバンドは世界的に見てもレベル高いです。 新しいトレンドになると思います。
@mr-dai 2 жыл бұрын
コメントありがとうございます。 今のガールズロックバンドはBANDMAIDが引っ張っていってくれてる感じだと思いますね。 海外で活躍してる日本人は本当に誇らしく思います。
@najibfebriansyah5138 2 жыл бұрын
my favorite is Band-Maid and NEMOPHILA
@mr-dai 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your comment. I'm glad you like NEMOPHILA.
@ponponpon29 2 жыл бұрын
@mr-dai 2 жыл бұрын
コメントありがとうございます。 この動画に辿り着く人は結構皆さん同じ感性ですね笑 仲間がいっぱい増えてく感じでKZfaqやって良かったなぁって思います。 また遊びに来てください。
@progandmetalfan711 2 жыл бұрын
素晴らしい動画ですね。第二弾、三弾もお願いします。👍😃 自分は、Black Sabbath を筆頭に、色んなプログレバンドやメタルバンドのファンですが、最近の、日本のガールズバンドや若手バンド、まじレベル高いですね。確実に世界レベルです。海外のロックファンの中には、日本は新たなロック/メタルの聖地だ、っていう人も沢山います。 自分は、今一番ハマっているのがLovebitesです。彼女達は、楽曲、構成、歌詞、ボーカルや演奏テクニック、見せ方等、全てが素晴らしいです。完璧ですね。リアクション動画で彼女達の曲を聴いて、感動して泣いてる人もいますね。世界中のマニアの間でNo.1の呼び声高い曲『Swan Song』も超おすすめです。バワフルでかつ美しい、超名曲です。Miyakoさんのビアノ、ぶっ飛びます(笑)👍
@mr-dai 2 жыл бұрын
とても嬉しいコメントありがとうございます。めちゃくちゃ励みになりました。 swan song を初めて聞いた海外リアクションの人がmiyakoのピアノ弾くシーンで「オーマイガッ」って言ってると、なんか誇らしげな気分になるんですよね笑 LOVEBITESの今後がとても楽しみです。
@Paul247to 2 жыл бұрын
BAND-MAID are the best rock group on the planet right now and I love them because their music always makes me happy and they offer so many more styles of music than any other groups. I also love to listen to Lovebites, Nemophila, Scandal, Aldious, Bridear and Mary's Blood. Since 2015 Japan has been my favorite source for music, so much incredible talent.
@mr-dai 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your comment. I'm very happy that you like a lot of Japanese bands.
@penpen-p9 2 жыл бұрын
ソングライティング、ミュージックコンポジションのセンスが光るBand-Maid、スキルとテクニックで聴かせる正統派メタルサウンドのLovebites両方とも好きなオッサンです。もちろん、ネモフィラも嫌いじゃない。ともかく、紹介してくれてありがとうございましたm(_ _)m
@mr-dai 2 жыл бұрын
コメントありがとうございます。 オッサンになるとこういうのを語る場所も少なくなってきますよね。 でも語ってないだけで好きな人は沢山いると思ってます。 また気が向いたら動画見に来てください。
@MegaChris213 2 жыл бұрын
🤘 All Hail to LOVEBITES Beautiful Goddess of Metal ✌🤘 Cheers from U S. #LOVEBITES
@mr-dai 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your comment. I feel the same as you.
@user-wb6zo1ve2w 2 жыл бұрын
@mr-dai 2 жыл бұрын
コメントありがとうございます。 励みになります!!
@cepho8349 2 жыл бұрын
Nice video. Lovebites are my favourite female band from Japan. But I like some of the other ones as well.
@mr-dai 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks your comment😆 I think there are a lot of good songs and bands. I think it's okay for everyone to have a different favorite band😁
@vmax200716 2 жыл бұрын
このまとめ動画最高っすね! イッキ見します
@mr-dai 2 жыл бұрын
コメントありがとうございます😁 近々第4弾も出ますので良ければ見てください(只今編集に追われてます笑)
@rakjr6 2 жыл бұрын
All excellent recommendations. I listen to all of them. I hope they all get more fans in Japan as well as in the rest of the world.
@mr-dai 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your comment. I hope they will become more famous as you say.
@marekbroda4541 2 жыл бұрын
The best rock band Gacharic Spin 💞🛐❤
@mr-dai 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your comment. I'm planning to do this video again in a month, so it's may be included in the candidates.
@kitakita512 2 жыл бұрын
@user-ss6yc1bg8g 2 жыл бұрын
その通りだと思います。 とりあえずmihoさんにはカムバックしてもらいたいです❗
@mr-dai 2 жыл бұрын
コメントありがとうございます。 そうですね。この影響を受けて更に凄いバンドが日本から沢山出てきて欲しいですね。 mihoさん帰ってきて欲しいですねー……
@user-hw1cf2fi6r 2 жыл бұрын
@mr-dai 2 жыл бұрын
コメントありがとうございます。 本当に凄いバンドですよね!
@user-hw1cf2fi6r 2 жыл бұрын
@@mr-dai 美しくも愛らしいメタルに嚙まれたい!
@user-xl5kz2iu8x 2 жыл бұрын
初コメです アラフィフメタル好きのおっさんです 最近の日本のガールズバンドは皆レベルが高いですよね BAND MAIDは覚えやすいメロディーでwhoa whoa言うところなんかは初見でもいきなり一緒に歌える曲が多いので一発で好きになってしまいがち LOVE BITESはMiyakoのギター&ピアノもモチロン魅力だけどMidoriの魅せるギターソロも外せない魅力だと思います アレキシ ライホ以降もうギターヒーローと呼べるギタリストは出てこないと思ってたけどまさか日本からしかも女性とは驚きでした BAND MAID LOVE BITES NEMOPHILA みたいなおっさんホイホイなバンドじゃないですが 花冷え。が最近のお気に入りです 男女混合なのでガールズバンドとは言えませんが Unlucky Morpheusも大好きなバンドです🤘
@mr-dai 2 жыл бұрын
コメントありがとうございます。 どっちがどうとかは本人達はないと思いますが、私はmiyako推しですが、純粋なテクニックはmidoriの方が上かなと勝手に思ってます。 彼女の「どやー」って感じのソロ弾き好きですねー。 花冷えは私の次回の動画の候補に入ってますね笑
@user-xl5kz2iu8x 2 жыл бұрын
@@mr-dai 返信ありがとうございます Midoriがギターソロ始める時 行くぞ〜って感じでギュイーンとギターが唸りを上げるのがたまんないです 花冷え。は非常にユニークなバンドですよね ホルモンっぽいけど女の子がやる劣化コピーにならずちゃんとオリジナリティーあるのが気に入ってます
@progandmetalfan711 2 жыл бұрын
自分もUnlucky Morpheus大好きです。メンバー全員凄いですが、特にviolinのJillさんの大ファンです。彼女素晴らしいですね。
@funnyrailroadcrossing2767 2 жыл бұрын
I agree, Lovebites reminds me of X Japan(and little mix with Loudness), beautiful lyrics and very good music composition. Both Miyako and Yoshiki are great composers with classical music backgrounds. If anyone wants a reasonable comparison, it's Lovebites with X Japan, not Nemophila or even Band Maid.
@mr-dai 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your comment. You understand well what I didn't translate. I agree with your opinion. Please come visit my channel again.
@user-cp4qd1us5r 2 жыл бұрын
2013年位ですかね、Doll$Boxxのアルバムを買いにタワレコに行き そこの試聴機でBAND-MAID「愛と情熱のマタドール」と出会って即買いしました。当時はまだ赤いメイド服でしたね🎀 本当にもっと、世界的に今の100倍は評価されてもいいと思うんですよね! 実は何度もメンバーを見たことがあるんですが、とにかく体が小さくて細いんですよね。
@mr-dai 2 жыл бұрын
コメントありがとうございます。 赤い服の時から知ってるとは!! 私はthrill見て赤じゃんって思った記憶がありますw
@seitei56 2 жыл бұрын
某番組で ガールズバンドを知ってから BAND-MAIDとLOVEBITESにハマッてます!
@mr-dai 2 жыл бұрын
コメントありがとうございます。 第2弾の動画も近日出ますのでよかったら見てください。
@muto4055 2 жыл бұрын
Japan's girls band are mostly poppy rock band like Scandal. I would suggest the three female band LOVEBITES, NEMOPHILA and BAND-MAID + Gacharic Spin.
@mr-dai 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your comment. Gacharic Spin is also paying close attention to me.
@Patrick_H. 2 жыл бұрын
Let's not forget Doll$Box .. that hybrid of Gacharic Spin and Fuki
@thecryingdragon7513 2 жыл бұрын
@mr-dai 2 жыл бұрын
コメントありがとうございます。 BAND-MAID良い曲ありすぎて、オススメ曲いっぱいあるんですよね笑 FREEDOMのドラムソロで凄い技術を楽しそうに簡単にやって見せる彼女が素晴らしいですね。
@2abug 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for introducing all-female rock bands from your country 🙏🏻 BAND-MAID became my favorite band since summer 2020 when I first heard them. It wasn't a crush at the beginning (Maid outfits and pop choruses were a challenge 😅) but I learned slowly to appreciate their music and now I can't wait to see them live. (favorite songs: "Blooming" and "Daydreaming") SCANDAL was difficult for me when I first heard them last year. I listened to one song and when Tomomi started to sing, I was like: "no, it's not for me". Time passed and at the beginning of this year, I gave them a second chance (or maybe they gave me a second chance 😆) and I guess I was in the right mood this time. After that, I bought all their albums and a ticket for the concert in Paris. Unfortunately, they postponed again for the next year 🤞🏻 (favorite songs: "Aitai" and "OVER"). LOVEBITES isn't on my list of favorite japanese bands but I do like them, especially live. I still have trouble with Asami's way of singing but I like her voice. And I really prefer when Japanese bands sing in their language. That being said, I really love the musicians of the band and I'm always waiting for the solos. It's so fascinating to watch. They are on hiatus at the moment but if they tour again and come to Europe, I'll be happy to see them live. (favorite songs: "Winds Of Transylvania" and "Set the World on Fire") Other japanese all-female bands I would recommend are: Gacharic Spin, DOLL$BOXX, HANABIE., Otoboke Beaver and GIRLFRIEND (even if they have disbanded this year) Arigato Mr Dai
@mr-dai 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your comment. I was surprised that you liked 「OVER」. Because I like it too lol Please come visit my channel again.
@user-lf7zv7bt2h 2 жыл бұрын
自分が好きなバンドメイド とラブバイツ2組紹介で観にきました♪ 53歳のおじさん一昨年人生初のファンクラブというものに入ったのがバンドメイド でそれぐらい衝撃と感動受けましたよ! 是非とも1番好きなバンドメイド のBloomingという曲のあなたのreaction観たいです♪ かなみんちょの音感ギター🎸ヤバいです。外国の方泣いた人も自分もですが😅是非是非是非観て聴いて下さい。
@mr-dai 2 жыл бұрын
コメントありがとうございます。 私もNEMOPHILAがファンクラブ出来たら、人生初で入ると思います笑 BloomingのMV綺麗ですよねー。 最後の方まで顔出さないで最後SAIKIの笑顔が映る所好きですねー。
@user-lf7zv7bt2h 2 жыл бұрын
@@mr-dai わざわざ返信ありがとうございます♪ また覗かせてもらいます。 チャンネル登録させていただきました😃 ネモフィラも良いですね♪ バンドメイド 古い曲も良いのでLive動画おすすめです!
@mr-dai 2 жыл бұрын
@@user-lf7zv7bt2h チャンネル登録ありがとうございます。 励みになります。 スリルで海外で弾けましたが、DICEが結構その後のリアクション動画を引っ張ってる感じがしましたね。 個人的にはYOLOとかも好きっすよ。
@user-lf7zv7bt2h 2 жыл бұрын
@@mr-dai 何となくDaiさんの好みがわかった気が😃gloryもYOLO自分も好きですよ! Tern me onとtake me higher Liveやばいですよ!機会があったらぜひ♪
@mr-dai 2 жыл бұрын
@@user-lf7zv7bt2h ギターとベースの掛け合い最高ですねw
@Patrick_H. 2 жыл бұрын
I'm a huge J-Metal/Rock fan, and a 50+ yr musician and performer. For me the joy of Japan's music scene is the wide variety of really good talent and performers. I think it is a mistake to single out any one band as the 'best' or 'better' than the others. Band Maid and Lovebites are both awesome - Band Maid is a Great Rock band, and Lovebites is a Great Heavy Metal band. Comparing them would be like comparing Led Zeppelin to Iron Maiden. Liking them is a matter of musical preference rather than the talent in the bands. And there are SO freaking many great Japanese female bands, with SO many different flavors: Scandal, Nemophila, Aldious, Gacharic Spin, Doll$Box . . . even Lady Baby (though I have to admit that is a stretch :0) ). I think the most defining feature of them all is the unbridled JOY they seem have in performing and the incredible Japanese crowds that go to their concerts.
@mr-dai 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your comment. I think you're right. I want to enjoy each individuality. Please come visit my channel again.
@Patrick_H. 2 жыл бұрын
@@mr-dai Your respect to me has made a new subscriber :0)
@mr-dai 2 жыл бұрын
@@Patrick_H. I am very happy. Thanks so much.
@namenotimportant9788 Жыл бұрын
Band-maid is the band on fire
@mr-dai Жыл бұрын
Thanks for your comment😉😉😉
@user-yl9qs2xr4t 2 жыл бұрын
バンドメイドとネモフィラが大好きな60過ぎのジジイです。 バンドメイドのCD.Blu-ray Disc買いあさりました。 あと二枚でアルバムが揃います。 バンドメイド最&高だね🎵 早くお給仕に行きたいですポ!👍
@mr-dai 2 жыл бұрын
コメントありがとうございます。 お給仕行ったことないんで行ってみたいですねー。
@user-wf4ix7fy6h 2 жыл бұрын
@mr-dai 2 жыл бұрын
コメントありがとうございます😁 LOVEBITESも相当人気上がってきたんですけどここにきて活動休止が痛いですね。 今年は新メンバー入れて活躍することを期待してるファンが沢山いると思います😌😌😌
@jefffromchicago6321 2 жыл бұрын
Subscribed. The top 10 Japanese artists that I currently listen to while driving are- Bandmaid, Babymetal, Marina Horiuchi, Alexandros, Sadistic Mika(Just got my1st CD last week),Daoko, Guitar Rei, Brats,Bluehearts and Bish.
@mr-dai 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your comment.Thank you for subscribing to the channel. I am very happy. Thank you for telling me a lot of musicians. There are some musicians I don't know so I'll listen to them next time.
@jefffromchicago6321 2 жыл бұрын
@@mr-dai Thanks for your reply. I don't think you will like all.I listen to many different types of music. Marina and Daoko are relaxing to me. Rei has a strong blues foundation with many genres. Brats is just your style. I think you know the others.
@mr-dai 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks. It's no problem. It ’s very nice for me to know all kinds of music.
@junsorajun6626 Жыл бұрын
BRAIDEARやLisa-Xも取り上げて欲しいです。またこれからのバンドとしてHAGANEとか異色のバンドとしてWISKY DUSTもおもしろいのかも?
@mr-dai Жыл бұрын
またコメントあざーす🙋🙋 ご意見ありがとー🙇 ⬇️こちらでBRIDEARは紹介してるので良ければ見てくださーい😆😆😆
@cembor 2 жыл бұрын
Greetings from the US! I am in Atlanta, Georgia. I have seen Band-Maid live 5 times and had a ticket to see Scandal on the Kiss From The Darkness World Tour last year, then this year, and now next year. I love both bands, they are so talented!
@mr-dai 2 жыл бұрын
Wow!! It's so enviable. Your love is real. Please come visit my channel again.
@user-cp4qd1us5r 2 жыл бұрын
@mr-dai 2 жыл бұрын
@dg3258 Жыл бұрын
Good reaction, my only disagreement is your comments re Asami. She certainly has personality and changes the pitch of her tone based on the song tempo. She can hit all ranges within the register, that is evident in Edge of the World. She changes up her singing style many times in their newest album Judgement Day.
@janhromas7276 2 жыл бұрын
I love LOVEBITES. This amazing band is one of the best metal bands today. There are many great metal bands in Japan. Thank you so much for this amazing video 😃
@mr-dai 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your comment. LOVEBITES is the most popular in the comment section of this video. I'm very happy that you liked my video.
@janhromas7276 2 жыл бұрын
@@mr-dai It´s my pleasure. I am very happy to get to know the fantastic musical touches of Lovebites. I also like to support this band on my FB. I have almost their entire discography. I am very much looking forward to their future steps when they find an adequate replacement for Miho. It was very sad when the world learned from the departure of this very talented bass player and the main founder of the band. The band has immense talent and can become the first legend of all-female metal bands. Have a beautiful Sunday 😃
@rk-xq9rw Жыл бұрын
バンドメイドとラブバイツが好きですね。 バンドメイドは個人的にはchoose meとBloomingが2強ですが、全体的にかなり良曲揃いだと思います。 メンバー全員好きですけど、自分は小鳩が一番好きですね。キャラ的に分かりにくいですが、多分想像以上に才能が有ると思ってます。 ラブバイツは自分が分かる限りではアイアンメイデンとメタリカとソナタアークティカの影響を受けてるなと思ったんですが、そういう面を曲に反映させるのは個人的には良いと思います。好きな曲に関してはrisingです。ラブバイツも結構良曲揃いですね。 ラブバイツもメンバーみんな良いですけど、自分はミドリが好きですね。ミドリ一押しする人少なそうな気がするんですけど、ミドリはライブの時の盛り上げ方とか、表情豊かなのが良いのと、人が良さそうな所が好きですね。 なんか好きなメンバーはテクニックというよりは中身で選んでるような感じで、その中でも自分としては小鳩が最高ですね。
@mr-dai Жыл бұрын
初コメありがとうございます🙇 くるっぽは色々な才能ありますよね。私は彼女の彩姫の声に乗せるコーラスがとても好きですね!! バイツはミヤコが一番好きですが、演奏の安定度はミドリの方が高いと思ってます。 メイド、バイツを単体で作った動画もあるので良かったら観てください😆😆😆
@rk-xq9rw Жыл бұрын
@@mr-dai 返信ありがとうございます。またバンド毎にコメントさせていただきます。
@1115tonkidbox 11 ай бұрын
ん…… Nemophila 一択でしょ❗️
@mr-dai 11 ай бұрын
@CDMS_pt 2 жыл бұрын
Lovebites are the best. 🤘🐺🤘
@mr-dai 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your comment. I also like their music very much.
@ChadTheDragonLord 2 жыл бұрын
Greetings from the USA - to me Lovebites is the best of all of these. I really enjoy their style of traditional heavy metal and their phenomenal guitar skills. I also love Asami's voice and how powerful and beautiful it is. Their drummer is insane as well. I'm looking forward to when they find a new bass player.
@mr-dai 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your comment. I have high expectations for their growth and evolution. Thank you for supporting the Japanese band.
@user-cp4qd1us5r 2 жыл бұрын
こういう言い方はよくないんですが、「アルディアス」から更に 進化したのが「LOVEBITES」 だと最初に思いました。 それと、やっぱり LOVEBITESは本当に活動休止が 残念でなりません! 「世界の音楽界の宝」です❗
@mr-dai 2 жыл бұрын
世界の音楽の宝という言葉が本当にそう思う所が彼女達の凄さですね。 mihoさん脱退は本当に悔やまれます。
@yi3468 2 жыл бұрын
@mr-dai 2 жыл бұрын
コメントありがとうございます。 検討しますね。 次回無理でもこれは入ってくると思います。
@sacluvsBM 2 жыл бұрын
Greetings from Sacramento where we love Band-Maid. Many, many fine musical acts from the land of Nippon. I l like Lovebites, Asterism and BiSH. They are very good but truth be told Band-Maid is in a league all their own. Before Covid l saw Band-Maid at the Echoplex in LA September 30, 2019 and Babymetal two weeks later at Aftershock Music Festival here in Sacramento, California. While all these acts are good to great Band-Maid is special. The story of Mika Noguchi aka Miku Kobato aka small pigeon is the story of David vs Goliath. I saw Thrill back in January 2017. It was interesting. Later l heard Alone and that song, written, arranged and performed entirely by these wonderful ladies made me a huge fan. Seeing them live in LA made me a Maidiac. People here can't wait for their return. I know l can't. Sacramento loves Band-Maid.
@christopherlidster3918 2 жыл бұрын
All of these bands you mention are in different Genre's. And its ok to think they are all spectacular, I know I do. I know that Akane and Haruna from Lovebites are close friends, their is no competition between any of these bands because they can all dominate their specific genres. Band Maid is a fantastically talented band, anyone saying they aren't are either stupid or a trolling fanboy. Im not a huge rock fan, but I have a bunch of band maid songs on my play list when im in the mood, that being said I grew up listening to metal in the 80's so Power, and Thrash are really my thing, so obviously I listen to a lot more lovebites, but regardless I want all of these women, these ultra talented musicians to find success, I want to see them all doing world tours, watching their dreams come true.
@mr-dai 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your comment. Everyone's favorite band varies from person to person, but I'm very happy that you support Japanese bands.
@sacluvsBM 2 жыл бұрын
@@christopherlidster3918 Well said sir and l could not agree more. My best regards.
@sacluvsBM 2 жыл бұрын
@@mr-dai When the music is that good how could you not support it. I am lucky. I have seen both Band-Maid and Babymetal here in California two weeks apart in 2019. The nation of Japan could not hope to have better ambassadors then these beautiful and talented women. Japan's gift to the world. My best regards. Sacramento loves Band-Maid.
@Patrick_H. 2 жыл бұрын
@@christopherlidster3918 Great comment my Musical Brother! BTW, when I need cheering up I will often play a couple of Scandal live videos. :0)
@josephgrynkiewicz1921 2 жыл бұрын
I tell ya, been playing guitar for 36 years , love Led Zeppelin, Sabbath, Van Halen etc. Have to put it out there, old school guitar players unfortunately are becoming a dying breed, endangerd species. Being 56, seen pretty much all the ones I wanted over the years except for Hendrix. Was slightly before my time. Have to back up Love Bites, bard maid and Scandal. As musicians , the sky is basically the limit for them. Fm radio i where I’m at in Baltimore sucks , all the current stuff there playing is absolute shit. Good to see these chicks playing, can’t really notice any flawed playing. Basically I’m saying these chicks shred hard core. I would predict big things in the future for them 🤘👍☠️. Once again, props to Mr Dai
@mr-dai 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for your comment. Thank you for taking the time to write a very long comment. It would be fun to have a place where many people can discuss various comments.😉😉😉
@josephgrynkiewicz1921 2 жыл бұрын
@@mr-dai I’ll rock till I drop 🤘💀
@crystalbowie1212 2 жыл бұрын
6年前からのBAND-MAIDファンです。 北欧ロック系は苦手なのでLOVEBITESはパスしてます。BAND-MAIDのおススメ曲が違うので少し疑問符が出ましたがおおむね同意見です。BAND-MAIDのKanamiのタッピングとトレモロピッキングが好きです。リズム隊は皆、演奏スキル高いと思います。彩姫のチェストボイスも迫力あっていいです。あと小鳩ミクのバッキングボーカルも作詞も好きです。
@mr-dai 2 жыл бұрын
コメントありがとうございます。 私3年くらい前からなんで倍ですね! 小鳩ミクちゃんのハモり好きです。
@junkgroovejunk 2 жыл бұрын
ロックじゃないけどTokyo Groove Jyoshi がパイオニアとなってJapanese-female funk band がひょっこり出て来るのを期待しています。
@mr-dai 2 жыл бұрын
コメントありがとうございます。 Tokyo groove Jyoshi 知らなかったです。 後でチェックしてみますね。 教えてくれてありがとうございます。 また良かったらチャンネルに遊びに来てください。
@junkgroovejunk 2 жыл бұрын
@@mr-dai 私は基本的にはSOUL・FUNKが好きなんですけど、ふいにnemophilaの演奏を聴いて何故か引き込まれてしまってヘビメタも良く聴くようになりました。 私の好みとは対極にあったジャンルですけどNemophilaやLovebitesは素晴らしいのが分かってきました。色々聴いてみるもんですね。
@mathiashinsch6548 2 жыл бұрын
Arigatou gozaimazu !! Very interesting Video ! To me the best all female ( Power;Thrash;Heavy;)Metalband nowadays are "Lovebites " All (about 50) Songs are Killer NO Filler at all and I Hope to Enjoy them live here in Germany 🤘😼🤘Thank's and stay save
@mr-dai 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your comment. I am very happy to see you from Germany. I realize that music has no borders.
@user-tu4sk8he3w 2 жыл бұрын
@mr-dai 2 жыл бұрын
コメントありがとうございます。 おぉぉぉ!! 私もすべてのバンドが好きで、活躍を期待してます。
@rossmudie9298 2 жыл бұрын
glim spanky
@mr-dai 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your comment. I will refer.
@toronaga3086 2 жыл бұрын
I would also add Aldious, Hagane and a new band Paradoxx to bands people should look for
@mr-dai 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your comment. Thank you for telling me a lot of bands.
@hirositakuya2813 2 жыл бұрын
熱くねーよ 何時まで薄い音楽やってんだこいつ等 大体’’ガールズ’’なんて区分けしてる時点で唯のメスアピールで音楽関係ねえだろ
@user-eo2my2ei4c 2 жыл бұрын
確かに日本では熱くないかもね。それは今の日本の音楽シーンの中心がハードロックやメタルじゃないから。そもそもその土壌が海外とは違うのよ。 海外ではまあまあ熱いのですよ。薄い音楽じゃ世界最大のメタルフェス、ヴァッケンには出れんよ。
@progandmetalfan711 2 жыл бұрын
@mr-dai Жыл бұрын
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