Religious Freedom: Why Now? (Discussion between Robert P. George and Shaykh Hamza Yusuf)

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Berkley Center

Berkley Center

12 жыл бұрын

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March 1, 2012 | This event celebrated the rollout of a new book, Religious Freedom: Why Now? Defending an Embattled Human Right, authored by RFP Associate Director Timothy Shah, under the auspices of the Witherspoon Institute's Task Force on International Religious Freedom, chaired by RFP Director Thomas Farr. The event was co-sponsored by the Religious Freedom Project and the Witherspoon Institute. The keynote address was delivered by Robert P. George of Princeton University. Panels featured a wide range of participants, including noted Muslim scholar Sheikh Hamza Yusuf.
Why now? Religious freedom is under sustained pressure today around the world. In some places, it is fair to say that religious freedom is under siege. The publication of Religious Freedom: Why Now? is a response to that sobering fact. Although scant attention is paid by governments, the academy, or the media, the implications of this crisis-and we contend that it is a crisis-are quite serious. A worldwide erosion of religious freedom is causing large-scale human suffering, grave injustice, and significant threats to international peace and security.
For the last three years, the Witherspoon Institute's Task Force on International Religious Freedom -- under Tom Farr's chairmanship -- has examined the various dimensions of the challenge faced by religious freedom, and has deliberated on the most effective policy responses by the United States and other governments around the world. In May 2011, the Witherspoon Institute convened an unprecedented interdisciplinary meeting in Princeton, New Jersey of more than thirty experts on the subject, from the fields of psychology, sociology, law, philosophy, theology, political science, and international relations. They included academics, policy analysts, and journalists, as well as advocates and adherents from a variety of religious traditions. The result was a focused discussion over two days of the basis of religious freedom, its present condition, and the prospects for its future.
Religious Freedom: Why Now? is the Task Force's considered statement on these matters. Drafted by RFP Associate Director Timothy Samuel Shah, with contributions from the Witherspoon Institute's Matthew J. Franck and the members of the Task Force, it is informed by insights from all these academic disciplines and religious traditions.

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@bravotango3564 8 жыл бұрын
God addresses Muslims, Jews, and Christians with the following: "We have assigned a law and a path to each of you. If God had so willed, He would have made you one community, but He wanted to test you through that which He has given you, so race to do good: you will all return to God and He will make clear to you the matters you differed about." 5:48 from "The Qur'an (Oxford World's Classics)" by M. A. S. Abdel Haleem
@AC-mp7cx 2 жыл бұрын
Allah still explicitly condemns the idea of him having a literal son.
@khalidosman3218 11 жыл бұрын
Allah bless you Hamzah Yusuf!!!.... O Allah witness that i love him for Your sake.
@Luna8b 6 жыл бұрын
Wonderful discussion. Shaikh Hamza never disappoints.
@sherifaomerspahich4930 9 жыл бұрын
what a great talk! absolutely beautiful!
@raghebhayati 8 жыл бұрын
@kkamalx 12 жыл бұрын
We should refrain from calling people names, even if we disagree with them.
@HeraldSunshine 12 жыл бұрын
Animals need no religious acts - they have not forgotten their connection to their Creator. That is how they hear their instinctive behaviors. Humans have the same capacity.
@read1communications 11 жыл бұрын
Robert George, and Yusef Hamaz interfaith dialogue is a excellent model. Thanks for posting.
@HeraldSunshine 12 жыл бұрын
Finding truth in reason is not necessary. We each receive guidance and can feel it if we have trained ourselves to listen to our inner wisdom. We will feel the resonance of truth when we hear it. God gave us far more tools to live our lives joyfully than most utilize.
@SmoSte 11 жыл бұрын
Gratitude and enrichment for all cultures and religions.
@HeraldSunshine 12 жыл бұрын
If they would understand that when individuals are in a good emotional place their inner goodness shines forth. I do not mean a temporary good mood but a sustainable and stable countenance of peace, well-being, positive emotion, positive expectation, and resilience the first thing they WANT to do is help others feel better. If we teach people how to reach this place the desire for peace will be so much easier to attain & sustain. Trying to do it head on w/religion is the harder/longer path.
@HeraldSunshine 12 жыл бұрын
When we are solid in our own belief we will not be threatened by others who believe differently. Only those who are not confident in their own minds feel threatened by others having reached different conclusions. When we dig to the root of almost anything (even things we believe we agree on at the surface level) we will find differences in our beliefs ~ even the closest family members find these differences. We were not created to be 'same".
@mbarron651 9 жыл бұрын
A nice, balanced discussion, how interfaith discussion should be conducted.
@mukhezamukheza623 3 жыл бұрын
I love inter faith because I believe we are all of the same family.And gives me hopevand joy when I see people of different faith speak on important issues facing our societies.And most of times they agree on most topics than they disagree.
@HeraldSunshine 12 жыл бұрын
I love what he said about the toxic potential of religions. As I see them, at their basis they are all very much the same and good but it is the layers that man has added to them - in his desire to control others. I have looked at many religions and have found that at their basis they are good but it is aspects that I can clearly see were added to keep the powerful in power that create so many problems and wars. So many I know have been brainwashed to believe as they do - without thought.
@lindahudson8694 4 жыл бұрын
If we had no written words, how would we govern ourselves today? No matter the religion it's having your own relationship with the Creator of mankind and this Universe. Seeking the Creator is your own choice to make. May we all find the God-like person that we need to love one another, which is the greatest commandment that Jesus added to Moses's law. Subhanallah
@kkamalx 12 жыл бұрын
There we go again, calling people dirty, apostate or kufur this and kufar that. This whole idea of throwing baby out with the bath water is very damaging to us Muslims. I am a very avid reader of history myself. I personally find gems in all schools of thoughts, weather Mutazila, Ashari or later theological. Even scholars and theologens from other traditions have great things to teach about life, like Plato, Socrates and others. Early christian theologens have great contributions.
@fahziahameed3612 15 күн бұрын
I can see shaykh mashallah how your feeling in this situation I feel you lots to do but I have always appreciated the churches and the way the Christian community helps everyone especially in England they organise food banks I tried to get some ideas out there for our Muslim communities but no joy don’t feel bad
@HeraldSunshine 12 жыл бұрын
Universal mercy - oh yes - that is Love as a verb.
@kaweeyounes506 2 жыл бұрын
Very insightful. So sad that the Kardashians are more popular than him. What does that tell about us?
@sayedalihashim1568 6 жыл бұрын
This was fun to watch.😊
@livlavluv23 11 жыл бұрын
actually he acknowledges that he is a student of the maliki school and in all my years of listening to his lectures he has never claimed to be "sufi"
@khalidh9700 6 жыл бұрын
@MoAmmarHasan 4 жыл бұрын
secondly, A sufi would never say that he/she is a sufi
@ssa3101 2 жыл бұрын
First of all sufis follow the four schools of jurisprudence and second a sufi never claims to be a sufi
@livlavluv23 2 жыл бұрын
@@ssa3101 I’m just going to leave you with a hadith - Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Beware of suspicion, for suspicion is the most false of tales. Do not seek out faults, do not spy on each other, do not contend with each other, do not envy each other, do not hate each other, and do not turn away from each other. Rather, be servants of Allah as brothers.” Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 6066, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2563
@livlavluv23 2 жыл бұрын
Oh and in case you doubt the Hadith, here is a verse from the Quran - Allah says in Surah Al-Hujuraat: O you who believe! Avoid much suspicion, Indeed some suspicions are sins. And spy not, neither backbite one another. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? You would hate it, and fear Allah. Verily Allah is the one who forgives and accepts repentance, most merciful.
@HeraldSunshine 12 жыл бұрын
It is our capacity to love that is God-like. God is love and we are Love at our cores, each and every one of us. Man has recreated God in his image complete with anger, vengeance, and other human emotions. God cannot be Love and not Love (as a verb). When you love you are love. God is not angry, nor vengeful. God always looks at what is best in us. All is of God, part of God. Humans can contemplate God, Shamans and Meditators do it successfully often. Faith is absolute if you have done it.
@ThePoorIdiot 12 жыл бұрын
Great delight after fasting day
@fahziahameed3612 15 күн бұрын
Shaykh yusuf is a gem 💎
@thriving_muslim_home_education 3 жыл бұрын
May All-Mighty restore long term #UniversalJusticeandWorldPeace, aameen! 🌏
@Hidden.SufiRealities-smc 3 жыл бұрын
Nice hasanaat, got some for ya :3
@Lizzio1980 11 жыл бұрын
He himself ankowlodges that he is a Sufi my friend. However this doesn't gives us the right to call them kafirs.
@user-wb4kp9ls6d 3 жыл бұрын
جميل هذاا لقاء من روبرت جورج.
@HeraldSunshine 12 жыл бұрын
Revelation comes in response to the question a specific individual is asking at the time and then translated through the beliefs and expectations that individual holds. The answer is always specific to that individual including revelations to 'prophets'. God is alive and well and answering questions being asked today for those who hold a belief that they can receive answers. When humans love they are at their most God-like Look for reasons to love others. Look for the innate goodness in all
@786swe 12 жыл бұрын
Marshalla, he will.
@AliBeeization 11 жыл бұрын
Can you provide me with the evidence because I can't find any. Thanks
@Elpistolero29 12 жыл бұрын
Then, by your logic, I am a dead man walking. You see, though I was born in a muslim state, Morocco, I only started embracing religion at the age of 19. I was enthusiastic in my repentence that I went to extremes, making me to let go after only one year (astarfighu Allh) : This is a warning to all of you, brothers and sisters, no extreme attitudes in our din. I rejected almost everything and became almost agnostic (well, I still had some imane but mixed feelings). Alhamdulillah, Allah has...
@stargazerh112 5 жыл бұрын
These guys love preaching to the choir.
@somayyamughal8313 3 жыл бұрын
@mysticaltech 7 жыл бұрын
Amazing video, thanks
@HeraldSunshine 12 жыл бұрын
Append to prior post re: the importance of emotions. Barbara L. Fredrickson's 'Broaden and Build' theory explained in her book, Positivity, explains much of this. University of California - Davis (2011, August 22). Happiness can deter crime, a new study finds. ScienceDaily. Retrieved April 26, 2012, from Search: .sciencedaily keywords (happiness + McCarthy + crime)
@pjq420 3 жыл бұрын
Please brothers especially Muslims, we should know better how to recognise the whole conclusion out from this in the most neutralize mind we could shaykh also as wisely seem he is he still a human being as we are in normally definition .but he strives resulted to this level he is now for the same belief as we're, so how much efforts we make strives just for putting the same purpose he did to qualify us throwing accusations that we're better?
@kkamalx 12 жыл бұрын
Sorry meant to say whether not weather, damn auto correct kicked in :)
@Yoda.. 10 жыл бұрын
he is maliki, and sufi as well. normative mainstream muslims, who follow the four madhabs, often times follow the different tariqas of tasawuf. One of the teachers of Hamza Yusuf is Muhammad al Yaqoubi - Shadhli tariqa
@granada1493 5 жыл бұрын
@Kashif The only Muslims who consciously reject Madhahib are those don't know its definition. How can you reject that which you do not even understand? It's sheer hubris for an illiterate to reject the Collected Works of Shakespeare, let alone a corpus of religious texts that is massive and painstakingly put together by spotless scholars. These are massive books that require mastery before judgment. After study, if one thinks they are not useful, by all means reject it.
@ishmaelabraham4884 4 жыл бұрын
May Allah make him brave Maliki Sufi like Amir Abdul Qadir Al-Hasani.
@violagary125 4 жыл бұрын
I want to know this: what impels you to say that Allah plays jokes on us? Hamza my brother in Islam, be careful of the wording used. Where is the Iyaat that states Allah plays jokes on His Creation? Also, the word "mosque" why is it being used for the word "masjid"? I read something a few years ago of the interpretation of this word and it had to do with the destroying of the masjid like destroying a mosquito? I am not a philosopher or scholar of Islam but I am a Muslimah. I love to read books on sociology and psychology and also have conversations on the past and present events of society. When I listen to lectures, etc., and I hear this particular word used instead of masjid, I want to stamp my feet and tell the lecturer to change the word he is using from mosque to masjid. Can you please at least strive to avoid saying this word? If not, at least research it. I am a lowly Muslimah and an elder of 77 years so please help me with a sensible and simple response. May Allah the Most Kind and Generous be kind and generous to you and family, Ameen. As Salaamu Alaykum wa Rahmatulilahi wa Barakatuh.
@user-sb1iv4je8s 3 жыл бұрын
Asalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh :) Where and when didi the Shaykh say this? I believe he was saying it cannot be true otherwise real trick has been played on us! The point you made about the word "mosque" seems to me like an exaggeration. It would take time for native English speakers to say Masjid instead of Mosque. However, I do not think Mosque implies any negative meaning in the minds of native English speakers.
@Hakim-it8fn 3 жыл бұрын
@@user-sb1iv4je8s Go to 1:05:20 and listen for a half minute. He says it regarding denying absolutes yet that being an absolute.
@mtom2237 3 жыл бұрын
The point he was making is that those who make fun of truth, Truth does the same to them. The Quran says about those who mock God, that God does the same. The dictionary says one of the meanings of joke is “something that is amusing or ridiculous, especially because of being ludicrously inadequate or a sham; a thing, situation, or person laughed at rather than taken seriously; farce: Their pretense of generosity is a joke. An officer with no ability to command is a joke.” The point was the joke is on those who deny absolutes. They can only do so by an absolute.
@Elpistolero29 12 жыл бұрын
If he is a representative of Suffism and you, with your questionnable manners, a representative of the Salafis, people with an iota of judgement and common sense would know with whome to side. Brother, this attitude is contrary to the noble guidance of our beautiful religion. May Allah forgive us all!
@ishratfirdousi7182 3 жыл бұрын
In the 2017 davos panel, Yusuf Hamza's name was written as "Hanson". Mistake, oversight? Hah!
@Awk_potats 2 жыл бұрын
He’s a convert he’s first name was Hanson.
@anwarislamu 12 жыл бұрын
When you start your conversation by Saying "Dirty Sufi" you have already broken the rule of ADAB (respect) in Islam and should not give your opinion..Don't know if prophet pbuh ever started his conversation this way....many of us respect the great scholars of all schools and hear them and learn from them...if you disagree ...there is a way to do it ..Peace..
@klevelty611 4 жыл бұрын
many thanks, village idiot
@sanaullasharief5319 8 жыл бұрын
For Sufis, all the religions are equal-------Sufi grand master Ibn Arabi and Christians.----IBN ARABI and CHRISTIANS Christians’ mistake is only to limit divinity to Isa (aleyhi salam) Ibn ‘Arabi wrote in the chapter of ‘Isa (aleyhi salam) : “Allah said, "They are unbelievers who say, 'Allah is the Messiah, the son of Maryam.'" (Qur'an 5:17, 5:72.) They fell into both error and disbelief at the end of all they said, not because they say that he is Allah nor by calling him the son of Maryam” Mulla Ali Al-Qari in his “Ibtal Al-Qawl” p 137 quoted the explanation of the Sufi Al-Badlisi from his explanation of “Fusus ul-Hikam”: “The commentators of “Al-Fusus” such as Al-Qaysari, Al-Jundi, Al-Jami all agree that the meaning of the Shaykh (Ibn ‘Arabi) by this statement is that they (Christians) did not become disbelievers except by limiting Al-Haqq (Allah) to ‘Isa, because He (Ta’ala) is not limited rather he (Subhanahu) is manifested in the whole universe.” So Mulla Ali Al-Qari showed that all Sufis that commented “Al-Fusus” say that Kufr does not occur by saying that ‘Isa is Allah, but by combining this saying with the saying that he is the son of Maryam, meaning limiting Allah to ‘Isa. If one says that ‘Isa is Allah like the rest of the creation, this is correct for ibn ‘Arabi. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Because of these heretic beliefs, Ibn Arabi was declared KAFIR by Muslim scholars
@abdelbaasit1 12 жыл бұрын
#InterestingStuff (though I wouldn't agree with a number of points HY made)
@NaqeebAl 12 жыл бұрын
Quite dissapointed with Ustadh Hamza. He made too many generalisations about some topics and it's a shame he didnt present a more balanced view of those with whome he disagrees with.
@lifelessperson1993 10 жыл бұрын
Hmm, Grammar Logic Rhetoric, that should be the sequence
@user-yx2uw6lh7d 7 жыл бұрын
lifelessperson1993 Good thought but Id say Logic then Grammar them Rhetoric. Think, then speak, then persuade
@alleballeism 11 жыл бұрын
he is not. but yeah.
@ROGERWDARCY 11 жыл бұрын
I hope I am not true in this. Of course the Muslims are the most egalitarian and the Lamas of Tibet are the least egalitarian to those of their faith and the Jews do not even grant spiritual autonomy to non Jews. Therefor the approach to misery after death is in no way fair. This is especially true in the case of high status murders as many low status common people are much more likely to encounter extreme pain after death.
@stargazerh112 5 жыл бұрын
I admire that Hamza is disciplined and well studied, but he waste all that apologizing for Islam and antiquated ideas.
Sheikh, I saw no evidence that the earth is a spinning ball! AND I TAUGHT SCIENCE AT COLLEGE! BAFS
@klevelty611 4 жыл бұрын
is this a joke?
@@klevelty611 Are you a buffoon?
Yes, he is!
@xingyimaster1987 12 жыл бұрын
yeah, if you were in an Islamic state and after being given the 3 days to repent you would have been a dead man walking. it is through Allah swt's mercy and decree that you did not apostate where the shariah was implemented and that you would be able to come back to Islam.
@jahangiro 11 жыл бұрын
Robert George is tediously longwinded.
@xingyimaster1987 12 жыл бұрын
well from that comment you have shown just how confused your Islam is. you are praising a sect considered by the vast majority to be heretical, the mutazila as well as praising christian theologians. am sure you have some very confused views as well. May Allah swt guide you.
@xingyimaster1987 12 жыл бұрын
well glad u have realised it, he is on his way to apostasy with some of the things he has said in this video. just look at his talks 10 yrs ago, he would champion the shariah, and now he is claiming democracy is the way forward and their should be a seperation of church and state. this is what happens when people do not practice Quran 5:51, they start changing the deen so they are accepted more by the unbelievers.
@habashaman212 3 жыл бұрын
This guy, hamza yusuf, is not a reliable source of Islamic knowledge.
@kaweeyounes506 2 жыл бұрын
and why is that? Where do you disagree with him?
@fozilmukhtorov8822 7 ай бұрын
you are not reliable source of rejecting Shaykh Hamza Yusuf
@xingyimaster1987 12 жыл бұрын
of course i wouldnt kill you. firstly because you repented and came back to Islam, secondly because that punishment is for the Islamic state to carry out, not any individual. as for my bad character, hamza yusuf is a sly snake who tried to take a cheap shot at the true Muslims. he also made numerous statements of possible kufr in this talk, including saying there should be seperation of mosque and state.
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