Revealing Society's Deceit: The Real Role of a Mother

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Ms. Jady A.

Ms. Jady A.

8 ай бұрын

Come and see this video on the role of a mother and the lies society make her believe. Feminism is grabbing hold of women's true identity but when they fill their role- families thrive.
Bloom Sister Private
My instagram: / jadyahomeschool

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@deejosef2409 8 ай бұрын
100% agree! I was trapped in that mindset for about 7 years “career mom” and “I can do it all just like my husband”. Approx 6 months ago, I left my doctor career to homeschool our children and to be a homemaker. It has been an adjustment, with challenging days. But I would not want it any other way. No amount of money is worth more than the joy and honor of being a homemaker. Indeed, a privilege to care for my home and children. The love, mercy and grace from God is beyond, with no words to describe. My drive is to glorify God in everything that I do.
@stayatthefeetofjesus2456 8 ай бұрын
Wow, that was a huge step! ❤ Glory to God! So proud of you momma.
@sarahp.3772 8 ай бұрын
​@@edream2513soccerAll doctors do is prescribe people medication that makes them worse with side effects. Definitely, no God edification in that.
@user-jd6xn6wn4s 8 ай бұрын
I m a doctor mom of a child with autism.... I left my carrier for him... I didn't had the courage to leave my kids alone
@ElaM__Christ_is_Life 8 ай бұрын
@@edream2513soccerGod uses us in many places in the same time. The important question is where are we needed the most, where are our priorities and what will have the biggest impact in the future with what we do now. No one can give themselves 100 % to 2 things. One thing will have to suffer and get less. But it is very true that only the Holy Spirit will be the one to move and convict and change hearts. Congrats on all your studying and time spent for becoming a doctor. I can only imagine how hard it was. Definitely something hard to let go of if the Lord calls you to do so.
@deejosef2409 8 ай бұрын
@@edream2513soccerI tried to do both for a while, even working part-time, then prn and I just couldn’t (we have 4 kiddos). My husband too is a Dr, so income was not the issue. Continued to justify myself…but my heart knew what scripture speaks of the role of a mother, wife, and follower of Jesus Christ. I denied myself and picked up my cross.
@pinkva23 8 ай бұрын
The hardest part is wanting to be a stay at home mom but your husband thinks stay at home moms are pathetic and worthless. (Yes he said that.) I was a stay at home mom for 4 years, but my husband hated me for it. He was military and was gone about 80% of the year, but wanted our kid in daycare and for me to work full time and take care of everything, absolutely everything. I refused to put our child in daycare. We eventually divorced. And I would do it all over again. Our daughter is now 6 and is thriving. Mothers protect your kids at all costs. Mine came at the cost of my marriage, but I would do it again in a heart beat.
@annamartinez4140 8 ай бұрын
I deeply understand! I almost left but decided to stay for the sake of our large family. You did the right thing.
@serena3194 8 ай бұрын
Anyone who thinks SAHMs are useless or “doing less” are pathetic! I would argue from my circle of SAHMs that they don’t have luxury to have it easy. My husband even says he wouldn’t be able to do what I do. (And neither can I do what he does)
@thamingobeni7075 8 ай бұрын
There is no victim in the family unit. That is so beautiful 😍
@isabelfaith 8 ай бұрын
Jady, you are right.. it is a privilege! When my first was born, I knew God wanted me to be home with my baby. Being a stay at home mom is such hard work & I found myself overwhelmed & complaining the other day. Then I was driving in the car & I had a moment where I thought, "one day my kids will be grown & I won't have all these toys to clean, or these loads of laundry to wash, or these meals to cook." I just started bawling my eyes out & thanked God for this life. Thank you for being you & talking about all these important topics
@ATZCMinistries 8 ай бұрын
I'm a single Mom, who starting homeschooling last year and this our 2nd yr homeschooling. As challenging as it is, I so wish I could be a stay at home Mother and be married. I LOVE your content ❤ You are such a Godly example & I glean wisdom from your channel. I have been single & celibate for 10 years now, waiting upon the Lord to bring me a Godly husband. I am raising my daughter to NOT make the same mistakes I did, so she doesn't end up in the same situation I am now. I also am teaching her how to be a Proverbs 31 woman & wife. Marriage is 90% communication & if you can't do that in a GODLY way, here comes divorce. My daughter is 10 and my son just turned 20 & is out of the home. I have NO help from family or child support, for God truly is my ONLY support. He has NEVER failed me! Ever! I have to work FT & homeschool.. Ladies, if you can stay at home & have a husband & family... YOU ARE BLESSED. So Blessed. Thank you for this video! God Bless you ❤
@silvernblack21 8 ай бұрын
Just because a woman is married doesn't make life better, because most of us do NOT have righteous husbands. My life feels like hell on earth most days, and I've been married many years. I've homeschooled for 10 years, and he still criticizes me for that and doubts my abilities. Nevermind that I successfully educate 1 high schooler, 1 middle schooler, and 2 elementary age children while tending to 2 toddlers (yes, I have 6 children at home). Nevermind that I create my own curricula and my children are doing well. He's just critical because of his own unresolved baggage and anxieties, and rather than take it up with the Father, he takes it out on me. I'm trying to make moves to leave so my children and I can finally have peace, did it ever occur to you that YOU are the blessed one? Being single and under the covering of The Most High is best, HE is your husband and the father to your children, and not a man on earth can do a better job. Do you realize that many of us have husbands who pay bills but are stingy in other areas or don't provide us with anything but the bare minimum? I listened to Jady talk about it being a privilege to wash our family's clothing in this video, and it brought to mind my badly functioning washer that I have because my husband didn't listen to my input before buying it used. It's a tool meant to help me daily, and it's become a hindrance to the point I'm considering hand washing going forward. All because I'm currently married to an unrighteous man with no discernment and no ear to hear anything but himself. At least I have hot water and soap, but that's all thanks to The Most High. Sorry for the vent. But never forget how blessed you are to be led and covered by The Most High and not have to deal with an unrighteous husband. Many blessings have passed over my household simply because of who I'm married to, you don't have that issue. And if you ever do get married, PLEASE make sure it's ordained by the Father and that man is grafted into His spiritual family and righteous according to scripture.
@sarahp.3772 8 ай бұрын
True. Definitely wait on God, and get advice from other Godly people on any man that comes into your life. A number of married women are unhappy even with the "Godly" husband, but marriage is "honorable in all, and the bed undefiled. But whoremongers and adulterers God will judge." Hebrews 13:4.
@sarahp.3772 8 ай бұрын
​@@silvernblack21Get on your knees and pray, pray, pray. And when you feel like you've prayed enough, pray again. God will fix things according to His will. I'm a witness. God can do it.🙌🏾
@ATZCMinistries 8 ай бұрын
@@silvernblack21 Yes, you should be sorry for the vent. As a single Mother, I have enough on my plate. If you know the Lord so well, you should know that whining and complaining will get you nowhere but PRAYER can move mountains. So you should vent to our Father on your knees daily until you start to see a breakthrough in your marriage. I have been engaged twice and very close to marriage, so I'm no stranger to relationships. BUT I knew deep down after much prayer and fasting, they weren't my God ordained husband. Just because you got into a marriage that was unequally yoked spiritually, DONT take it out on others. Put on your BIG girl panties and deal with your decision, just like I have to every day with having to be a single Mom out of wedlock. All I see you doing is complain, complain, complain. You have unforgiveness and bitterness in your heart and no wonder why there's such turmoil on your household and marriage. It takes TWO. Do you see me being bitter and lashing out at Jady or other married Christian ladies? No! Yes, I said they are blessed to have GODLY husbands & if they have families, but that's the truth. But to sit here and come on people's channels & be rude about what they say to be grateful for is beyond petty. Yes, I am blessed to be single and have been for 10 years! As God has taken me through an amazing journey of healing, sanctification, and purification process.. To prepare me for my Godly husband. But it also has been one of THE most challenging times of my life. I could wake up every day and CHOOSE to be bitter, mad, ugly... But I DONT. Try pouring your heart out to the Father and changing your heart and watch how he changes your husband's heart. Do you read the Bible? Your quiet and Godly actions can change your husband heart, that's what the Bible says. Go watch "The War Room" as you're not even dealing with "your husband" it's the enemy. Learn how to fight spiritually and take back your household for the Lord. Are you going to sit there and whine or pick up your sword and fight back? God be with you. Shalom.
@nickys6656 8 ай бұрын
@@ATZCMinistriesSometimes the truth hurts and needs to be said in order for people to give their cares over to God.
@PrettyChocolateTrina 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for this reminder. I am no longer a victim I'm victorious and privileged to have the ability to serve my family.
@vivren5517 8 ай бұрын
Here i was laying down and feeling overwhelmed at this never ending laundry, cleaning and cooking. I now feel re-energized to get it all done after watching this beautiful reminder. Thank God for this beautiful blessing- to be able to do all this for my family and not have to go to work for a stranger/s.
@kristinmichelle9077 8 ай бұрын
What a beautiful reminder to live in gratitude. What a privilege to be home to raise my children myself. Praise God for you. Thank you for this video! I needed to hear this today.
@EricaNWilliams 3 күн бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful message. As a newlywed, it definitely resonated with me and has shifted my perspective on my new role as a wife and stay-at-home mom to my bonus son. Blessings! 💗
@irhanakorman3444 8 ай бұрын
It is a privilege to be a stayed home mum. Thanks for your wisdom❤ Greetings from Bosnia
@idepartasair 8 ай бұрын
Listening to this twice this morning while I catch up on housework and make preparations for our dinner tonight. Your words have inspired such gratitude in me today.
@bbsclosetcreations 8 ай бұрын
I feel honored and privileged to be a stay at home mom . I thoroughly have enjoyed it . I missed out on this opportunity with my first child going to work full time, school full time as well , and on top of that, fighting a custody battle . I missed out on him walking his first steps , getting to potty train him , losing his first tooth because I had spent all my time being the provider . I get to do that now with my second baby and felt redeemed to get a chance at experiencing being a stay at home momma and with your guidance Jada , during the pandemic you helped mold my path for teaching my baby how to learn and a beautiful way to discipline ❤ so grateful and blessed ! Thank you !
@marinae1495 8 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for reminding me how blessed I am to be at home with my children. Im so grateful for my husband.
@JenDMoore 3 ай бұрын
I couldn’t agree more Jady. I too is a stay at home mom. I choose to take care my children and husband than chasing my career. I thank God everyday for He granted my prayers to stay home them and my husband understood my role.
@yakelindaniel9809 8 ай бұрын
Jady, thank you for this video. I cannot say this enough but yes, I agree it is a beautiful privilege to be able to be a stay at home mom and serving my children and husband! Although, I work from home and homeschool my kids and it is hard; I, like many other moms, find myself overwhelmed with all the other needs I need to fulfil! But , I am grateful to be home with them and I know that the mountains of laundry and at times messy home is temporary, it is definitely more important to cherish every moment because one day my kids will go on to make lives of their own. My husband has been working very hard to transition our lifestyle in order for me to be able to not have to work and just focus on the kids and homeschooling. I know so many that have had the opportunity to be home, homeschool, and raise their children however, they have chosen another path. Yet, here we are working very hard to get to this dream to do it. I know once we get there it will be the best rewarding feeling.❤
@starsighting7167 8 ай бұрын
Im still single but hope one day God will bless me with a kind loving righteous husband that will support me in wanting to be more traditional and stay home
@aqqibabs 8 ай бұрын
Beautifully said, thank you and thank the Lord for this message!
@dinubiankween2533 8 ай бұрын
I absolutely love your response. So so beautiful the role of a mother and wife.
@FollowJesusHeIsTheWay 8 ай бұрын
I had to work full time the first 7 yrs of being a mother and it was so heartbreaking for me to leave my baby. I cried for a long time and always held onto guilt from it. I thank God that He made it possible for me to quit my job & stay home with my babies. It's the hardest thing I've ever done but such a blessing! Being a working mom was very hard but a different kind of hard. My husband used to help around the house when we were both working and was much more involved with parenting. It has definitely been difficult having everything on my plate now and I often feel overwhelmed with housework, homeschooling, preparing meals, budgeting & paying bills, serving at church, etc. My husband is not following God so I've also been leading my children spiritually without his support. It's very difficult to have the weight of everything on your shoulders and rarely have a break.
@silvernblack21 8 ай бұрын
I understand where you're coming from, so many of us don't have righteous husbands. It makes it so much harder, but I just remember the story of Abigail and Nabal whenever I need encouragement. Our Father sees everything and not one thing gets past him, there's always recompense. Never stop raising your children to love and follow the Father, no matter what your husband says or does.
@FollowJesusHeIsTheWay 8 ай бұрын
@@silvernblack21 Thank you for the encouragement.
@messue428 8 ай бұрын
Hi Jady. Thank you for this wonderful video. I was a career woman who gave up about 6 years of my life to raising my kids. I come from an Indian culture where a lot rides on what you do for a living … and I endured much criticism and ridicule from my mother in law about it. Looking back on that time I realize those years were the best years of my life and was such a privilege to be able to do what I did. Thank you for speaking truth today and letting others know where our true identities lie and that there is much value in our role as mothers.
@lisaglesil8672 8 ай бұрын
Jady, thank you for addressing this issue. Many women don’t understand their God-given role.
@deniser3891 8 ай бұрын
I don't get to stay at home like I wish I could and I've been complaining about this for a long time, so what you said about being thankful for the little big things have helped me realize to be thankful for what I have, even the job I do I wish I could have more time with my children like but it could be worse so I have to make the best out of what I have now and what the Lord is providing and allowing 🙏🏼
@debbiegaetan27 8 ай бұрын
God bless you exceedingly far more than you can ever think or even imagine. You are such a blessing to mothers. I am very grateful for your ministry and love for us all. I am encouraged to continue loving my children and serving my family God's way..hugs. Thank you for your wise words and Godly guidance.
@A.Delizia 7 ай бұрын
I agree, for this I am happy to stay home and care for my kids, it is an honour and a privilege. God continue Bless you
@orchidswithnina 8 ай бұрын
Im so privileged to be a SAHM. I do feel however that a big proportion of society doesnt value that role, almost looking down on it. Sadly. However science has shown by people like DR Erica Komisar how vital staying at home with your children is. I highly recommend everyone check out her interviews. She has all the evidence as to why vital. Definitely check out her work. Thank you Jady on another great message.
@moonmom351 8 ай бұрын
The book "Being There" by Erica Komisar is the book that has helped me navigate and has helped me survive my baby's first year. It is a reassurance that I made the best decision I am so grateful for the privilege of being SAHM.
@leepagan6758 8 ай бұрын
Jady, that was so beautifully put.... it was absolutely perfect and so very true!! I experienced the transformation from a corporate career to a stay at home mom, and the transformation is just as you have described. I'm so grateful to God every day!! Our home is a home now... giving all glory to God!!
@lakenrose1027 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing your heart. I absolutely agree and I am so happy to see men and women finally taking a stand & sharing how they really feel on this topic. It’s okay to fall into the natural groove of a traditional family unit. It is so very important!! And for so long society has told us the exact opposite. It took my own motherhood journey to open my eyes. I wish I was given more info like this at a young age rather than being forcefed what our politicians and government wanted us to hear in public school. It’s OKAY and natural to want to stay at home with our babies. My prayer is that younger women start to understand that and plan out their school, lives, careers, and spouse to allow them to do so!
@aliceeckardt1694 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for speaking out on this important topic. I am blessed to have stayed home with my children. We homeschooled and joined outside activities together.
@vuyokaziyawa2468 8 ай бұрын
Jady you are a blessing truly, inspiring with all your content and this has just solidified any doubt or insignificance I may have felt. Truly it is a privilege to be at home, raising and schooling my children. The amazing thing for me, is that God has been so faithful in this good work He has begun and I'm in awe of all that He does for me. He is a true Father. Thanks so so very much for this❤
@samanthajones9884 8 ай бұрын
I've been feeling sorry for myself lately and ik it's the enemy trying to deceive me! Thank u for this video it was a great reminder of how privileged I really am. 💓
@AstralPrincess 6 ай бұрын
Same sister. Same. Sometimes I feel like screaming because it's so stressful being a stay arbhome mom but it's truly a privilege and honour ❤
@sandracosgrove8970 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for waking me up today to gratitude for my family as a mother ❤
@stacey281 7 ай бұрын
Amen ! This is exactly how I feel I loved the way you protected the persons privacy and the way you explained this ! It’s also about the mindset and you touched that point. Thank you for this beautiful content
@wheremywildthingsare1748 8 ай бұрын
The way you explain so throughly and without judgment is beautiful. Thank you for taking it upon yourself to help women, families and their children with advice and knowledge. We need more of this. Thank you for raising awareness. We are so privileged. What a blessing it is. May God bless you.
@whitneypatterson4116 8 ай бұрын
Such a timely and important message! Thank you!
@ashleywest9635 8 ай бұрын
I 100% agree with everything you said. I fortunately have the privilege to be a stay at home mom of two, and I am in awe with my role. I think that this video was very necessary for more people to understand the importance of being a mother and the roles that were given to humans by our creator. Thanks for shining the light on this topic ❤
@Greenglee850 8 ай бұрын
Mothers hold one of the most crucial roles, shaping a new generation and nurturing the foundation for a healthy society; they are the architects of a wonderful future.
@dejabuechs1683 8 ай бұрын
Such a release there is still down to earth persons like you! I’m a mother and your video gives me the courage to love my family more ❤ thank you for this!😊
@berrypatch5583 8 ай бұрын
We are so very blessed to be able to take care of our family.
@KacoSaavedra 8 ай бұрын
It is a privilege to stay at home but everyone that lives at home are responsible for the home, it's not an ideology is psychology and the mental load is real. You raise better human beings when everyone including our husbands do things at home. The family gets stronger and love grows depper. ❤
@patricebright4182 8 ай бұрын
I think as woman and especially as mothers, we should each evaluate our own situations and realities and take a look at why we make the choices that we do. After grasping that knowledge make a decision that would keep you and your family in the safest and healthiest lifestyle.
@JadyA 8 ай бұрын
Yes because not everyone will be able to stay home so every family needs to decide the safest and most kind way to raise their children based on their situation. Thanks for this comment!
@deniser3891 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for making this video and all your videos are so so helpful and such a blessing ❤️
@lindsaylemke5967 8 ай бұрын
I agree with everything you said, whole heartedly! I LOVE being a stay at home mom to my 3 little girls, most rewarding job a woman can have. ❤
@angelinaaguilar7703 8 ай бұрын
I love that you are speaking the truth. I agree 100%. I pray the world can realize this and we can have better changes for the good. 🙏 Thank you so much for making these videos. I really enjoy them and appreciate you. God bless you and your family.
@PalaciosBienesRaices 8 ай бұрын
Beautifully said Jady ! We have been cheated out of our God given role and very few find it back 😢I also left a career about 11 years ago; it’s a hard adjustment but prayer ! I’ve been following since Jade was a few months old and my first a newborn 😊 God bless you. I will start homeschooling in the next school year. Love from Miami Fl ❤
@nicolegovindasamy7221 7 ай бұрын
Thank you so much Jady. Such valuable advice and information. God bless you.
@LizFu 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for uploading this video, I praise God and give thanks that you have been an inspiration to us stay at home moms and homeschool our children. I have been learning much through your videos, may God continue blessing you❤.
@minsy329 7 ай бұрын
Thank you so much. I can’t wait more of this kind of videos.
@misstaveras8028 8 ай бұрын
Your kids wont be little forever. The mess will cease. And they will have their own life. Schedule and planning is your best friend. And stick to it. Managing inventory of stuff in and out your home.
@KT-dl2pl 7 ай бұрын
You have been such a blessing to me. ❤️ I love you and your channel and I admire your family and relationship you have with your kids. I want to be that for my children and I will strive everyday to do the best I can. God bless you and your family!
@indie_princess 8 ай бұрын
Absolutely! Well said Jady. Thank you.
@JessicaDessus 8 ай бұрын
Your living your Godly purpose and your such an inspiration thanks you and God bless I’m a Mom of 3 and I’ve been a SAHM for 4yrs and yes it’s such a a privilege and blessing
@OurNationalAdventure 8 ай бұрын
♡♡♡ what a fantastic video on roles. BEAUTIFUL words.
@mom.escapade08 8 ай бұрын
Thank you Jady for reminding and sharing God Bless you
@damaliebeason9405 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. It was simple but inspiring
@Amgirl03 8 ай бұрын
❤ Well said...😊 We need to love and appreciate each other...Be iron sharpening Iron...but also give each other grace. So we can work together as a team in love with The Most High to raise our children in him.. Shalom! 😊 Thanks for being a Titus 2 mom and praise YAH!
@bernicejohall3644 8 ай бұрын
So important to utilize family,friends, & Church for support. We can really lose our vision for ourselves and our families. We need someone to pull us back in and reminds us of our blessings and our remember our vision for our families.
@tatyana1324 8 ай бұрын
Thank you Jady 🙏 God help us all 🙏
@TeachingTinyDisciples 8 ай бұрын
Amen. So beautifully spoken ❤️
@marietuechekwu 8 ай бұрын
Thank you Jady! Very helpful
@user-tz7rp1rk5m 7 ай бұрын
Jady A, you are a gift to the Modern world that wants to modernise God set roles that should not be modernised because modernising certain things knocks things out of course and has consequences in the family unit. I wish more people will hear you although I know that lots of them will not agree with you. God bless you !
@lillasz962 8 ай бұрын
What you are saying it is so true. I am a nanny too and I saw so many broken hearted kids because the mums were not around. It is great you brought awareness to this issue. I believe that it is mostly the case in the western world. I am from Eastern Europe and was raised by a mum who stayed at home for few years with us. But mums there also have great maternity leave too unlike USA , UK etc.
@cjjjones8123 8 ай бұрын
in the UK maternity leave is up to 52 weeks so considerably more than the US but sadly maternity pay isn't great.
@wonderfuljoanna21 6 ай бұрын
Feminism you say Jady??? First of all, let me say that I love you and respect you so much. You have taught me so much on this homeschool journey, and greatly you for all of it. Also, coming from a single mother and being a single mother myself for 5 years (now I've been married for 8) we HAVE to believe and know that we can do everything a man can do because we have no other choice when we're in a situation of being the sole provider for our children. It's not feminism. It's a necessity.
@shantelpujols3121 Ай бұрын
This makes complete sense. I’m also baffled at how many individuals who don’t understand what feminism is or where they would be without the movement. There isn’t only one way to be feminine and it isn’t taking in the role of a man to financially provide for your household. It’s taking on the role of an adult. Men also are the parents of their child and must contribute in more ways than just financial. It is just as much his job to be present with the children and teach them just as much as the mother.
@leeumsplayhouse5086 8 ай бұрын
I really enjoy your videos and look forward to watching them. I can't imagine I'm that much younger than you, but I really look up to you. I have a 6 and 2 year old and homeschool and stay home wtih them. Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom and wonderful ideas and I love watching your family!
@brandi92y 8 ай бұрын
I totally agree with you. Great explanation ❤
@karencarballo1957 8 ай бұрын
Wow Lord bless you even more ! I have been a stay at Home Mom for a little by more than 1year, it has been a tough road But God has sustain me and guide me daily , God bless the women who asked that question, my husband was like her husband at the beginning , for grace of God my husband mentally is changing for good- My advice is putting God as the center of everything we do , I’m still learning I pray to our lord Jesus Christ daily for wisdom from above . Thank you so much this encourage me a lot too ! 🙏😉😘
@Stopcryinlikesissygirl143 8 ай бұрын
I agree with what you said. I love how you used the animal’s role as an example of what the role of a mother is. Perfect example! ❤
@AkaciaTeague-iu4ok 8 ай бұрын
Wonderful video. Thank you for the reminder.
@Ariel-wk3ol 8 ай бұрын
Beautiful message. Thank you❤
@lailaakujoladu 8 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing ❤️🙏God bless you!
@dowhatyoulove3216 8 ай бұрын
I loved the animal analogies. Really made sense. Thank you jady! ❤
@ksanders1017 3 ай бұрын
Amen. Back to the roles God created for us. What God designed marriage to provide: partnership, spiritual intimacy and the ability to pursue God - together. A marriage is not finding a soulmate, but looking for God to fulfill our purpose, not our spouse. Marriage is to get closer to God. Love serve and sacrifice. I’m grateful to be home every day providing and nurturing my family 🙏🏼 Thank you for the beautiful reminder. God gave you a platform and you are serving God well.
@cheykath 8 ай бұрын
So much truth and wisdom in this video. ❤
@jessisblessed6689 8 ай бұрын
If I could like this video 1,000 times I would! Thank you for this video, you have such a beautiful way with words and I love the comparison to the animal's roles. I've been a mother for nearly 22 years, I have 6 children and I'm a stay a home, homeschooling, God loving, blessed Mama. The days can be hard but I love staying home with my children. ❤ It truly is the biggest blessing.
@danietaylor346 8 ай бұрын
Thank you just the messsage I needed.❤
@mialuz6655 8 ай бұрын
Thank you I stayed home after my third kid and changing my mindset to being greatful is hard at time when I feel overwhelmed but I am trying my best to be women and God intended me to be. There are days I am exhausted but keep praying and trying to stick to my service for my family
@emilyh8115 8 ай бұрын
When I had my first child, i thought i would be a SAHM. Unfortunately our finances didnt allow that. My husband and i both worked up until i had my fourth child. I would also be the homemaker while at home. Let me tell you, women are not meant to do that. I saw my marriage suffer, and our children suffer, as well as my spiritual and mental health suffer. Once i became a SAHM fulltime, i knew how much work it was, and i was so grateful. God gave us this role because we have the heart and patience for our children and ability to multitask everything while nurturing them. God has been my strength through it all because its hard work! I pray God reminds me of the privilege i have any time i complain about the work i have to do here. And im so thankful that ny husband has a job to go to and provide for us so that i dont have to! Glory to God!
@GailEGrant Ай бұрын
Great video Jada. God bless.
@jomo7002 7 ай бұрын
Beautiful to hear this. Getting tired of angry, bitter women on social media complaining about womanhood and men. Love from the UK x
@figarow77 8 ай бұрын
Yes we are blessed and blessed with our children.If we look at it like we got this hole big load then it becomes a donting task but when you love you want to give them your all.With my children they both have health issues so each day is a true gift fom God.Thank you for being a light in a world so filled with darkness.May God bless you as you have blessed others.
@ashleyhenderson7055 8 ай бұрын
So true. I gave up a career many many years ago. Over 13 years ago in fact. I have been homeschooling my 5 children. With the first one I can see the difference where I wasn't home with her than with the other 4 and I am truly grateful to be at home with my children now.
@malcolmsamuel7918 8 ай бұрын
Very well said. Thank you for sharing
@VanaFaingaanuku2024 6 ай бұрын
Absolutly beautiful ❤ thank you.
@roxiecastel4905 8 ай бұрын
I have been a stay at home mum since I was pregnant and I’m an immigrant in the USA so I have no external help from family. My husband is military so he can be gone for months at a time and I’d never trade in it for a career. My mum was a single mum on and off so I’m very aware of my blessings to financially be able to stay home. However I would say we truly don’t know what’s happening behind this lady’s closed doors and this man’s family does not get to have an input on their family life what so ever. That is biblical. Also, support goes both ways. My husband tells me daily how proud he is of me and how much he appreciates his dinners and a clean home and I tell him daily how much I appreciate him working so hard so I can stay home. Babies and toddlers on very little sleep is beyond exhausting and I couldn’t imagine doing it in a home where my husband was expecting them not to make a noise or to ever be able to say please can you take the baby if you truly do need to take a breather. Rest is just as important for women as it is men. I was also raised to believe never to rely on men and extended family would rather see my kids in a daycare then home with me which baffles my mind 😂. But I truly hope this ladies situation is her being a bit ungrateful or not truly understanding how important her role is but incase it’s not I just want her to know it’s normal for children to make noises. Kids will test boundaries at all ages. and it’s normal to feel exhaustion. And it’s normal to ask for a break. I pray her and her husband can come to respect each other and appreciate what each other brings to the table. ❤
@juliakravets1985 8 ай бұрын
Hello, I really enjoyed this video, can you please do a video on what the man’s role is and in what ways do men serve their women, if you could provide some specifics. I am struggling a bit with that in my situation because I feel that men these days also don’t want to embrace their roles as fathers and husbands. Thank you! God bless!
@aadamy 8 ай бұрын
“Being in awe of your role”. Yes! Being in awe is actually a Virtue that we need to maintain. So many people in our modern world complain but we have more comforts than all the ancient pharoahs and kings combined!
@motivationbynetseb 8 ай бұрын
Blessings to you daughter of the Most High. This is a timely and necessary video. The enemy’s agenda is to allow stay at home mothers to walk in the spirit of Martha and miss sitting at the feet of Yeshua, like Mary did. How many moments we have wasted complaining about the cleaning we have to do and this and that, yet if our children see us just sitting at the feet of Yeshua, how wonderful things would be and how quickly the Most High would move to bring healing in the areas where we most need it. There needs to be a transformation. We must ask ourselves, what is the will of the Most High? The Proverbs 31 woman was a stay at home Mom, but they do not teach that in Sunday school, and so we have wrapped up the standards of the world and the Word, but as Yeshua said…. “We cannot serve the Father and Mammon….we will love one and hate the other”… Let us shift our focus and sit at the feet of the Most High. Let the fruit of the Ruach Kodesh be seen in us, so that our children can be trained up in the way they should go and when they get old, they will not depart from it.
@theanttfamily1242 8 ай бұрын
Very well said Jady God bless!
@naomireedus3074 8 ай бұрын
I am single parent and decided to become a stay at home mom the moment i got pregnant, which is why i want to start my business so that i can work from home and raise my daughter. After i had my daughter it's been really hard financially as i tried to start my business and i had to eventually go back to work. Doing that didn't last very long so i recently quit my job and put it in God hands to homeschool and start my business that will allow me to work from home 😊
@trynvegan 7 ай бұрын
Yes. I'm working from home in hopes to grow my food blog/vlog business to be home with 2 little ones. It's hard right now, but in the end it will be worth just don't give up.
@naomireedus3074 7 ай бұрын
@@trynvegan thank you. I will not give up, we got this ❤️
@faqu529 8 ай бұрын
@elenapolenichkina6460 8 ай бұрын
Amazing message!
@mariajenicadomingo8199 8 ай бұрын
Im a stay-at-home mom and i am grateful that i heard your positive views and opinions. I am overwhelmed and feel stressed these past few years when i had my 2nd child. Maybe because my workload was doubled and i have to take care both of them alone. My husband is full time working. My kids have 1 yr and 11months gap and it was really a difficult times for me back then. But now, i am able to adjust and thrive but there are still moments when i just got out of control when the house is in chaos..and then i end up pitying myself. i always said to myself that messiness is part of having toddlers in the house.. but still my patience wears off.. But because of your video i came to realize that i am fortunate that i am blessed with children and that i was became a mother because not all woman can have children. And chaos or messiness in the house is a sign that i have wonderful kids at home whom i can love, take care and sometimes even learn from them..❤❤❤❤
@lisasanders9896 8 ай бұрын
Such a fantastic video 😊 thankyou from New Zealand 🇳🇿 ❤️
@lunirisplaza1214 8 ай бұрын
Wow that amazing.and sooo true.
@gc6497 8 ай бұрын
Beautiful Thank you
@beaudoz3603 8 ай бұрын
I am a stay at home mum and I homeschool. I have become very unwell in my body which prevents me from doing all that I wish I could our home. I remind myself to be grateful for what I can do. My husband is very supportive, I can not complain. I love my role❤
@Treasurenature 8 ай бұрын
Great advice! The way society is makes women feel worthless if you don’t have a job & not earning yourself.
@Strive49 7 ай бұрын
Hi Jady! You have been a great help and inspiration to me. I work part time and struggle with balancing everything. I have a newborn now, my second child. How do you manage having a little one and taking care of the other children and household chores. I am feeling overwhelmed now!
@myracardenas7707 8 ай бұрын
I love this. 100% agree. I am a stay home mom. It is tough but I would rather take care of my baby. It’s my job to make sure he is nurtured and safe. I was made for this role.
@elizabethincze1791 8 ай бұрын
Well said!
@evelyn1635 8 ай бұрын
Beautiful said
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