Rob Hersov on Moonshot Pact: I told John I'm joining FF Plus

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Rob Hersov oor die DA se Moonshot Pact, Gayton McKenzie, John Steenhuisen, Corne Mulder en Mmusi Maimane.

Пікірлер: 140
@jsvanderheever691 Жыл бұрын
The most consistent partner in the coalition is FF+
@thembilerole872 Жыл бұрын
Well done and thank you to Izak and Rob for having the insight and working to get all the parties to put their own egos aside and work together. That is what is needed, and the only way forward for all South Africans. Without that, all of us will be the losers, including all the parties.
@richardhorner6539 4 ай бұрын
Qaa 1❤😅😅😅
@carlvanvuuren7061 Жыл бұрын
Great respect for Rob Hersov, and he is never shy to share a bit of behind the curtains information, which comes useful in our daily conversations to persuade potential voters to put the ANC on their arses!
@jeremiah8973 Жыл бұрын
I absolutely adore Mr. Hersov, he changes his mind whenever he wants and that's very comforting. I change mind so much that nobody feels comfortable around me and that's fun.
@Solitoliquidoful Жыл бұрын
That is smart. One should never be prisoner to one's previous decisions if new facts show them to be illogical/misplaced... on ethical principle.
@markmcculloch2570 Жыл бұрын
Brilliance Rob. We need to stand together. Last chance is upon us.
@grantbradshaw7907 Жыл бұрын
I agree with Rob And will also vote FF Plus
@hettiebotha8901 Жыл бұрын
Dankie mense...Rob, jy doen goed....ons Afrikaners soek ook soms na woorde wanneer dit by Engels kom, presies soos Izak sê. Seëninge vir almal. Mooi dag! Sterkstaan! Die beste lê nog voor....🤗🤗🤗
@everettjenkinshowoldareyou6132 Жыл бұрын
@gwenbaxter7854 Жыл бұрын
Baie Dankie Izak. Vanoggend se gesprek gee ons weer hoop vir die toekoms vir ons mooi land. As die Partye net sal saam stem om saam te werk en met die Here se genade sal ons land oorleef.
@roleneallen7119 Жыл бұрын
@mauritzvandenheever2780 Жыл бұрын
The issue remains that how do you mix water and oil? It can be possible with a special ingredient namely setting aside personal feelings, be truthful in wanting the coalition to succeed and be the lesser person in the negotiations albeit it does not mean other parties in the coalition to walk over you. It is also important that such agreement is finalised as soon as possible to ensure we know what the main voting promises will be in order for people on the ground to start convincing the residents of the areas we live in to vote for the coalition.
@errolmotau927 Жыл бұрын
I have said it before that if smaller political parties don't form a PROGRESSIVE COALITION to govern South Africa and possibly introduce a Federal System then the country would definitely go to the gutters. Now there is a glimpse of hope to at least start steering this country to its former glory.
@tardypolecat Жыл бұрын
I totally agree on the Federal System point. Communities should be able to govern themselves at the lowest level. Party politics are a failure.
@everettjenkinshowoldareyou6132 Жыл бұрын
@yolandejoubert5308 Жыл бұрын
Skitterende onderhoud. Dankie Izak en Rob, Daar is weer 'n glimmer van hoop in my gemoed. Groete van Potchefstroom.
@jedronemos3118 Жыл бұрын
My week in Oranje was also educational and amazing. Bravo
@brucethackwell6686 Жыл бұрын
Agree Oranja is impressive.!
@ginadew9180 Жыл бұрын
I am inclined to think that John Hersov is going to have to eat his words regarding PA.
@ginadew9180 Жыл бұрын
*Rob Hersov
@crispinswainstonharrison9042 Жыл бұрын
Anyone who back Gaston mckenzie is gullible
@thusspokezarathustra Жыл бұрын
Rob hope you going to make a trip down to Namaqualand, pop into Vanrhynsdorp and definitely pop over to Vredendal and view the airstrip - it seems that that airstrip is up for grabs, maybe you can see yourself buying it. Great potential. You'd be in competition with a Chinese SOE but I'd rather see this landing in your portfolio as a fellow South African.
@gerhardbotha7336 10 ай бұрын
Fantastiese onderhoud. Stem saam: Die ANC is so sleg vir ons, dat ek net een boodskap kry vanaf opposisie - ons is teen ANC. Maar hulle moet baie meer bemark waarvoor hulle staan.
@frikrabie5371 Жыл бұрын
THE SOLUTION The ANC doesn't fulfill its constitutional obligations. The ANC is far worse than just a "poor" government, it CHOOSES to break down and to destroy. That is why this action is warranted and needed. Most importantly the ANC incites hatred/violence against us when they say that we stole their land - I checked, we didn't. It is not reasonable to expect law abiding tax payers to continue with "the winner takes all principle" of a democracy to their own and the country's demise. Who says we HAVE to be part of this political dispensation? Nobody questions this. It is time to stop, think and QUESTION this. Nothing and nobody have the right to force us to be part of this self destructive political dispensation. Approach the courts - convince them that it would be in the best interest of the country as a whole if we control our own taxes (first goal). Justify our rejection of the current political dispensation (main goal). Alternatively we can just use the constitutional court as a platform where we inform the ANC and public of our decision to control our money and effectively start our own government. Give reasons and evidence for our decision. DIE OPLOSSING? Die enigste praktiese oplossing is om ons eie belasting (persoonlike, besigheids en brandstofheffings), munisipale fooie en betalings vir elektrisiteit self te beheer. (Our money under our control). Deur dit te doen kan ons die land feitlik oornag omdraai. Maar is dit haalbaar, hoe gaan ons dit reg kry? Ons het nie n keuse nie, ons moet dit doen. My voorstel is om die stelsel te verander deur n hofsaak in die konstitusionele hof. Dit is dalk net n beginpunt. Ons is GEREGTIG om die land om te draai. As dit is wat nodig is om die land om te draai (en dit is) dan moet die hof ons toelaat om ons belasting ens. te beheer. Dis tog ook vir die beswil v.d. land as n geheel. Hoekom nie? Die ANC het NIE DIE REG om ons te weerhou om die land om te draai nie. Dis die kruks van die beoogde saak in die konstitusionele hof. Indien die hof nie onomwonde in ons guns beslis nie wat heel moontlik is kan dit nog steeds susksesvol wees want dan het miljoene Blankes, Bruin en Indiers gehoor dat hulle GEREGTIG is om te doen wat die beste is vir hulle en SA as n geheel. Op die oomblik dink nie een van hulle so daaraan nie. Niks of niemand het die reg om ons te dwing om in n selfvernietigende politieke bedeling te bly nie ook nie die konstitusionele hof nie. So n hofsaak sal ook die besef tuisbring. Die ANC lieg as hulle sê ons het die grond gesteel - regsaksie teen die ANC As ons nie die grond gesteel het nie kan daar mos nie grondonteiening sonder vergoeding wees nie. Dis dan die rede waarom die ANC en EFF vra vir onteiening sonder vergoeding. Ons het grond by die Zoeloekoning gekoop. Daar was ander gevalle ook gewees, tewens Bennie van Zyl v.d. TLU se vir my dat daar 25 traktate was tussen die Voortrekkers en Swart stamme vir die koop van grond. Die Voortrekkers is bes moontlik die enigste groep mense in die geskiedenis wat nie grond met geweld af geneem het nie maar gekoop het! Die V.O.C. het ook maar hulle was nie n nasie nie. Die TLU het al in 2019 vir Ramaphosa gese dat hy en die ANC lieg as hulle sê ons het die grond gesteel. Die TLU het ook al R100 000 aan gebied vir enige iemand wat kan bewys dat ons die grond gesteel het maar niemand het nie. Ek het n ou onderhoud op KZfaq van John Vorster gesien (Firing line with William F. Buckley) net voor die '74 verkiesing waar hy sê dat die regering reeds in 1936 besluit het om 7.25 miljoen morge grond te koop en as ADDISIONELE grond te gee aan die tuislande. Tydens die onderhoud het hy gese dat daar reeds 7 miljoen morge gekoop was van Wit mense en dat dit al reeds aan die tuislande oorhandig was. As ons nie die grond gesteel het nie en ons betwis nie eens die ANC en EFF se leuen nie is ons sekerlik die grootste idiote in die geskiedenis! Kom ons vat die ANC hof toe. ANC waar is jou gedetaileerde lys van grond wat gesteel was? Ons kan grondonteiening sonder vergoeding nek om draai eens en vir altyd met so n hofsaak. Omdat ons nie vir die ANC en EFF se hulle lieg oor die grond nie dink almal al klaar dat ons die grond gesteel het. Deur ons stilswye kondoneer ons die leuenaars se leuen. Ons kan dit nie in hierdie geweldadige land bekostig nie. Hoeveel plaas aanvalle en haat is nie al deur hierdie leuen veroorsaak nie en hoeveel nog? Bennie van Zyl se vir my so n hofsaak sal omtrent R5m kos saam met litigasie want die ANC sal definitief apelleer. Die TLU het nie die fondse hiervoor nie. Om as n regering dit jou doelwit te maak om mense se grond by hulle te steel gebaseer op jou eie gefabriseerde leuen. Om mense se grond by hulle af te vat is gelykstaande aan n oorlogsverklaring. Die ANC breek die land ekonomies af as ook die samelewing, tewens die ANC hits rassehaat aan teen die Blankes as die sê ons het die grond gesteel. Hoe kan daar verwag word van ons om verder ons belasting te gee aan die ANC en belangriker om deur die ANC regeer te word? Wat sal n groep redelike persone doen onder hierdie omstandighede? Of eerder waarop is n minderheidsgroep in ons omstandighede GEREGTIG? Dit is eintlik die saak wat ek wil begin. Blankes sal baie meer as R5m gee vir hulle vryheid. Ek dink nie mense besef dit nie maar dit (die ANC se leuen oor die grond) kan DIE REDE wees wat n hof (insluitend die Wereldhof en VN) se uitspraak in ons guns swaai as ons besluit om ons self te distansieer van die huidige politieke bedeling. Bruin en Indier wil ook onder die ANC uit kom, ons staan nie alleen nie. Dis nie net n Swart en Wit kwessie nie. Dit gaan oor waardes, breek jy af of bou jy. Blankes bou, ons kan nie langer onder die afbrekende ANC regering aan gaan nie. Die ANC is DIE REDE vir die verval v.d. land. Daar is honderde indien nie duisende bewyse hiervoor wat in die konstitusionel hof voor gele kan word. Hoe kan ons hierdie saak verloor? Om Swartes titel regte te gee vir die grond waarop hulle bly in die ou tuislande sal die grootste welvaart skepping ooit in die land tot gevolg he. Hoe is dit moontlik dat die ANC en EFF nooit daaraan gedink het nie!? Die huidige stelsel waar grondeienaarskap onmoontlik is, is juis DIE REDE (histories en huidiglik) vir Swart armoede, Swart verstedeliking en plakkerskampe. Die ANC se hy is Swartes se "Liberator" maar hy lieg. Die ANC is Swartes se "Opressor".
@roeteroestof3896 Жыл бұрын
@frikrabie5371 Жыл бұрын
@@roeteroestof3896 Ek het hierdie vandag op n paar plekke gelaai. Verskoon tog ek was bietjie in n slegte bui gewees... Is ons n klomp RUGGRAATLOSE POEPOLLE?! Niks en niemand het die reg om ons te forseer om deel van hierdie destruktiewe politieke bedeling te wees nie. Besef jy dit? Ons kan dit gelate toelaat soos tans en ruggraatlose poepolle bly of ons kan dit STOP. Die land was gebou wees met ons kundigheid en geld. Die OPLOSSING is dus eenvoudig en voor die hand-liggend. Ons geld onder ons beheer (our money under our control). Jy is GEREGTIG om jou self te beskerm en om in jou beswil op te tree. Seer sekerlik is dit n HUMAN RIGHT. Die selfde geld vir ons as n groep mense/volk of minderheid, ons is geregtig om ons self te beskerm en om in ons beswil op te tree. Besef jy dit? Ander minderhede in die land sal saamstem. Dit is n REGMATIGE besluit om die huidige politieke bedeling te verwerp. Kom ons se vir mekaar ons is regmatig om die huidige politieke bedeling te verwerp. Daarna se ons vir die ANC, konstitusionele hof, ons politieke partye, die media en die VN dat ons nie meer deel van die huidige politieke bedeling is nie. Dat die ANC nie meer namens ons praat nie. Dat die ANC Putin en Rusland verwelkom en ondersteun maar ons nie. Ons kan hierdie land binne maande omdraai. Die rand kan oor 30 jaar weer sterker as n doller wees. Ons stel ons eie polisie aan. GRYP DIT AAN MENSE! Ons wil nie oor swart mense regeer nie en julle kan definitief nie meer oor ons regeer, ons geld steel, ons verarm en die land afbreek nie!
@gerhardcoetzee5862 Жыл бұрын
Wow these talks give me hope for the future SA where myself and my kids can work together as a rainbow people to build a better SA, Africa and influence the world!
@wynandjacobs6680 Жыл бұрын
i really hope to have a conversasion with JOHN STEENHUIZEN personaly i need to ask him qustions before the next election and depeding on the answers if i will vote for them
@muhammedmangera2877 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the show Rob u are star
@goafrica Жыл бұрын
Thank you Rob.
@petramyburgh506 Жыл бұрын
I am a capetonian. Our coulered community has been pushed aside by the DA for many years. Gayton is not a speaker but is doing constructive work for his people. Remember! Jan van Riebeeck did NOT arrive in SA with a lot woman on his boat. Verstaan jy? We are South Africans.
@mikeullyett Жыл бұрын
There used to be a programme on TV with David Gresham. His saying was "keep your feet on the ground and reach for the stars". Lekker onderhoud.
@petramyburgh506 Жыл бұрын
Izak! dankie vir jou goeie werk . Gaan so voort!
@jacqueshorn Жыл бұрын
I agree with most of what Rob says however, Gayton McKenzie..not so much. There is just ‘something off’ with that guy. Bad vibes to be honest. The DA Blue Machine has my vote. John Steenhuisen has my vote.
@Enoch940 Жыл бұрын
I agree. He self promotes and talks a lot but the vibe is negative.
@ArthurMeyerdirect Жыл бұрын
Oraia is an example of what people actually want which is that they do not want to be forced together as i the case that had been forced on them since 1994 by de klerk and the anc .
@pulemoroane206 Жыл бұрын
Europe still has an ample space for people like you
@pulemoroane206 Жыл бұрын
You may go back to your ancestral land
@Morne_Smith Жыл бұрын
Terwyl ek saam stem met meeste van dit wat Rob se...sal ek nou nie die flip-flopper gayton kan support nie..."Once bitten, twice shy" soos hulle se... Ek dink die ou het sy credibility baie skade gedoen. Kom ons kyk...dalk moet Rob maar sy stem dik maak in die sake wereld...dis waar ons nou steun nodig het...maar die mak makkers het daar ook gekrap...en orals is hulle skelm bbeee buddies....
@themalejodietaylor2599 Жыл бұрын
Welcome to the Bright Side of the FF Plus.
@colinread6088 Жыл бұрын
Wat 'n sinvolle en lekker gesprek!!
@hettiebotha8901 Жыл бұрын
Baie dankie. Insiggewend!!
@janpotgieter1505 Жыл бұрын
Baie dankie vir die nuus
@marwinsing Жыл бұрын
25:00 excellent point!
@apretorius8231 Жыл бұрын
Dankie baie insiggewende gesprek
@bontiebonthuys4562 Жыл бұрын
The rainbow parties must come together spell put how they going to surve the people and it must be contractually binded and it must be top of the range highly motivated to work and not fighting ho wants to be wo in the zoo get the parties together and spell it out to all South Africans and we will win
@SPOK-zz5lj Жыл бұрын
Iam going IFP
@andrepotgieter9691 Жыл бұрын
My english is like airtime, sometimes it just run out..😄
@elizeferreira9457 5 ай бұрын
@ZAR797 Жыл бұрын
Ek sal nie vir Gayton stem. Maar ek dink die toekoms is koalisie. Gayton moet nog uithaal en wys.
@stuartcreevy9720 Жыл бұрын
It's so sad, I worked every day of my life from the age of 16, built a business working 7 day's a week employing people only to have it ripped away by a government who destroyed the economy and the power supply, I put everything I had back into the company to keep my staff employed to the point that there was nothing left and I said no more last year, at the age of 57 left to the UK where I start again with nothing hoping to be able to feed my wife somehow until I pass on from this life, I will vote from here for one of the rainbow parties if I can afford the time off work to do so, I am an atheist but will be bold enough to say God bless South Africa and all her citizens and the only time I will come back is if the ANC and EFF get in and there's a civil war, then I'll come back to fight for the good people, God bless you South Africa.
@nathanielkgobe427 Жыл бұрын
Stuart you say you are an atheist but you say God bless Africa, I'm telling you an atheist will never utter such an intelligent words, so being an atheist is what you think you are, but deep down you are a God fearing, and law abiding citizen, YOU ARE A STRONG BELIEVER IN GOD.
@hettiebotha8901 Жыл бұрын
As ek iets hier mag ingooi, mense moet hul persoonlike verskille eenkant toe skuif, die ou koeie begrawe, en ter wille van ons land en haar mense saamstaan en die beste maak van dit wat hulle het....ons gaan mos nou onmoontlik nie vorentoe beweeg as mense doen wat hul nou doen nie...
@roeteroestof3896 Жыл бұрын
@Hettie stem saam, 🌈🌙praatjies sal nie werk dis bewys, dis of GOD en SY GEBOD alleen of weer dieselfde vernietigende uitkoms. Referendum vir elke minderheidkultuur se selfbeskiking ivm GELOOF, taal opvoeding, finansies en veiligheid noodsaaklik.
@surekhagovender1287 Жыл бұрын
Rob how about including Forum 4 Service Delivery in that coalition...
@colinhendra7635 Жыл бұрын
Good day Mr Herzof. I would have liked you to join the UIM PARTY, NEIL DE BEER, he is a sensible guy, dynamite and definitely has the full.S African spectrum at heart. Take some timeout and if possible have a chat with him. I think a bit lean on "funding" though.
@mvelelizimba1304 Жыл бұрын
I am ActionSA in progress
@deklerkuitkomst9390 Жыл бұрын
Die samestelling en poste/rolle van elkeen sal voor die verkiesing bekend moet wees sodat die kiesers kan weet waarvoor hulle stem. Indien daar nie genoeg steun vir 'n volslae meerderheid is nie gaan dit net die EFF Kingmaker maak.
@mariondeason1032 Жыл бұрын
@denisemcloughlin7172 Жыл бұрын
Why are Rise Mzanzi group not mentioned here,or are they not a party yet? Great respect for Rob Hersov
@RSA692 Жыл бұрын
Rob is nie op sosiale media nie. Ek dink hy moet iemand kry om die tersaaklike namens hom te volg. Hy is nie altyd 'n "good judge of character" nie. McKenzie is 'n tweegatjakkals. Wie gaan vir Rob videos terug speel van wat die man kwytraak. En terloops, sou hy nie Beaufort Wes in 'n Dubai in die kleine omskep het nie. Weet iemand hoe dit vorder en teen watter koste?
@jeannevanniekerk122 Жыл бұрын
Alles het geflop! Met ‘n dame daar gepraat wat al jare daar bly
@lalie2263 Жыл бұрын
Ja ek vertrou glad nie die jakkels
@RSA692 Жыл бұрын
@@jeannevanniekerk122 Hy is 'n windbol tweegatjakkals
@christinemeyer7163 Жыл бұрын
mer saamstem het ons nog altyd oorrleef.Laat ons goeie moed hou!
@grahamvanvoorst1947 Жыл бұрын
@petero7937 Жыл бұрын
There probably is a difference between what a party says it stands for and what the public says it stands for
@susanlevinson574 Жыл бұрын
When we hear the sound of that waterfall its too late,lucky for us there is no water ,so do the right thing vote vote vote
@tessb3039 Жыл бұрын
@pietiewalters2703 Жыл бұрын
Please Mr Hersov we need you,don't make a fool of yourself
@pieremaartens8272 Жыл бұрын
Rob jy is die gom wat nodig is omso 'n renboog aliansie aanmekaar te hou doen so voort ASB
@nathanielkgobe427 Жыл бұрын
True Rob, Afrikaans is n lekker taal omte luister en omte praat.
@flyonbyya 8 ай бұрын
Though Rob presents a valuable measure of desperately needed courage, a compelling outline and most importantly…leadership. But where’s the strategy, the detailed A to Z plan to affect change? He asks all present to stand ‘shoulder to shoulder’ but fails to detail the when, where and most importantly….how. Anyone endeavoring a difficult, detailed project knows it’s a never ending prospect of “90% done, 90% to go”. Cheerleaders like Rob are useful, but we look to the coach to formulate the strategy and the players to execute the play. Who is going to be the coach? Жыл бұрын
ANC voters will always shock you 🤦‍♂️I hope they buy into this. If not be prepared for an ANC & EFF government or the so called end of SA.
@mk-xq1tt Жыл бұрын
Whatever you wish - just stay away from bra Julius.
@peterpooe3145 Жыл бұрын
Hier kom 'n ding
@marc_kotze Жыл бұрын
we HAVE to 'win' /in alliance - we DO NOT HAVE A CHOICE
@jeremiah8973 Жыл бұрын
Izak die engels van jou het my aan stukke, ek Kom van n plaasdorpie en ons engels is Afrikaans met alle K's vervang met C's en fluite in.
@christinemeyer7163 Жыл бұрын
ons het ingels gepraat vir selfverdediging
@nedor64 Жыл бұрын
Sit Rob Hersov, Corne Mulder en Piet Croukamp saam op jou Nuuspod dan kan ons na al drie se argumente luister en 'n besluit maak, op hierdie staduim sal ek glad nie stem nie ek werk eerder aan praktiese oplossings soos wat Rob ondervind het toe hy Orania besoek het.
@user-md8hz1xf9n Жыл бұрын
How come nobody mentions my party the UIM. How about an interview with Neil?
@CeciliaAdrio-ek5iq 7 ай бұрын
Jealousy amongst the leaders are pathetic
@christinefinniss6263 Жыл бұрын
So Rob is joining the FF Plus ? What happened to Gayton McKenzie ?
@muhammedmangera2877 Жыл бұрын
Nice talk show
@inf014 Жыл бұрын
nee wat los eerder
@gerriealdag9985 Жыл бұрын
gatskop koalisie
@Straightdeal Жыл бұрын
Izak nogal 'n fees, en hy lag so dikwels!
@Fanusvdm Жыл бұрын
Ag Rob. Wie gee om. Jy masl net geraas en gee mense aanstoot.
@pamknoll7383 Жыл бұрын
Agree the MOTTO of DA non existent huge failure
@esterveldman4983 Жыл бұрын
What concerns me abt the DA is they support hang on to the green cult
@stuartcampbell3861 Жыл бұрын
What you should have said was you're speaking South African, neither English or Afrikaans but a combination of the two.
@CeciliaAdrio-ek5iq 7 ай бұрын
Will small parties "Work Together" for the sake of South African citizens Please!!!..Stop pulling John Steenhuysen please all you fence sitters..Stop!! Stop talking white..brown black..menschens kind!!! This Country' has lost its moral compass...Move Forward please look at our roads..😢 our KwaZulu Natal is sadly messy!!!
@andrieslouw3811 Жыл бұрын
No coalition with the cANCer!( Remember Zimbabawe MDC Zamu-PF) No coalition with the VBS looters! Freedom for the Cape! The 55% that don't vote are so intimidated by EFF/ANC they rather don't vote.
@pietmuskiet5586 Жыл бұрын
Bye John Ukraine, bye Cyril Biden, byeJuilius Putin!!!😂😂😂😂
@susanlevinson574 Жыл бұрын
National disparity will always be the big elephant in the empty room build a bigger room feed the elephant and start taking a correctly spent gate fee simply said spend out taxes correctly rsa will rocket
@ottoremke2447 Жыл бұрын
DA is going into coalition with ANC on the basis of john is VP and the 4 key ministries are run by DA members. Finance, education, public works and police. That's being negotiated right now. High level sources..... Watch this space
@nathanielkgobe427 Жыл бұрын
Zak one more but last request, Why you guys are always inviting only the rich, the educated, the well-known, and the powerful politicians, to interview pertaining to so many issues happening in SAFRICA, as a commentator do you genuinely think they've got nothing to offer or they'll cause an embarrassment to your viewers and listeners?
@nathanielkgobe427 Жыл бұрын
I wanted to finish by saying why not inviting the ordinary people or layman who are not known,the poor and the uneducated, get also their feelings as citizens?
@Nuuspod Жыл бұрын
Baie dankie dat jy na Nuuspod kyk. As jy teruggaan op ons speellys behoort jy 'n hele paar onderhoude te vind wat aan jou vereistes voldoen, maar ek neem kennis van wat jy sê en sal werk maak daarvan.
@wynandjacobs6680 Жыл бұрын
ja soos my pa se daar is baie engelse boertjies mense met byde afrikaanse en engelse ours
@fredweidemann3244 Жыл бұрын
Ill😮to 😮i😮
@lalie2263 Жыл бұрын
Rob kom tog net weg van enige iets rainbow. Die woord is al gebruik saam met nasie. Moonshot het geen konnotasie. Jy sal gewoond raak daar aan.
@everettjenkinshowoldareyou6132 4 ай бұрын
rob no offence but the root of your issues with the da is gayton mckenzie you are too fond of this chancer
@nathanielkgobe427 Жыл бұрын
Zak ek is n Swart man, woonigtig te noord van Pretoria, Hammanskraal. Ek weet nie of moet ek dit se, maar ek voel, ek moet dit se, dat ek is ongeleterd, nie dat ek is dom, Ek wil graag na orania kuier net om een of twee dinge te Leer, ek wil weet as hulle sal vir my verwelkom?
@thirupillay8118 7 ай бұрын
What an opinionated person.
@alexfladung Жыл бұрын
Heeltemal 'off track' en ek is jammer hiervoor maar... Ek moet asseblief 'n gunsie vra - en verskoen asb my Afrikaans (ek kort oefening). Hierdie was die eerste Afrikaanse KZfaq video wat ek ooit gesien het. My 14 jarige seun sukkel op skool met Afrikaans vak. Ek het vir hom (suggest?) dat hy iets ouderdom (relevant) op KZfaq soek. Maar soos meeste tieners het hy waarskynlik niks daaroor gedoen nie 🙂. Ken die Afrikanse volk hier dalk so 'n KZfaq channel (kanaal ?) wat jy miskien kan (suggest?). Sal baaie dankbaar wees. Jammer dat ek hierdie video comments heeroor (abuse).
@tonybenade6665 Жыл бұрын
I disagree with you Rob. The FF+ achieved nothing for very long time
@tshepo4612 Жыл бұрын
😂😂😂 I like the way they fear EFF now it makes sense why they assassinated Chris Hani. These people don't believe in social justice
@eeveegg6onpc507 Жыл бұрын
your mafia anc did that
@benforceforce426 Жыл бұрын
I scrolled down just for this comment😂😂😂... it gives me goosebumps everytime they mention their fear of the mighty EFF😂😂
@fin-rb3yz Жыл бұрын
@suenaicker7703 Жыл бұрын
Rob praat nie suiver Afrikaans nie
@wollieerasmus9444 Жыл бұрын
The lady who lost to John for the leadership of the DA is going to harm the DA, because she is not a team player. She believes that she should be the leader, because she is female and black.
@roeteroestof3896 Жыл бұрын
Life is a boomerang...⚡
@6302235146 Жыл бұрын
Hier kom die ding !!!
@charmainefrancis7953 Жыл бұрын
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