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Joe Mills

Joe Mills

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@TheMartyMarf Жыл бұрын
Well said Joe, thank you. You’ve provided me with the 1st step to look into this further for someone I know using sertraline. I was blind before to the dangers.
@zentzu4003 Жыл бұрын
You have to be a driven when taking SSRI, otherwise you will be a zombie. You can’t just sit around. If you think you’ll jump on SSRI and your life is solved then don’t take them. You need to have a burning desire to want to change your life. They’re for depression not for laziness
@Binaural_Alchemist Жыл бұрын
OMG, Really! you have no idea. Anti depressants are actually supposed to help motivate you. It's got nothing to do with laziness, quite clearly with some people they are making them feel more lethargic and less motivated than they were before taking the tablets. I have been on them for just over two weeks and I can tell you I was much more motivated before I took the tablets. Now all I want to do is sleep all day. I'm always yawning now which is actually something I rarely did before taking these tablets even though I suffered with insomnia as well as depression. The only good thing to say about the tablets is that my insonia has improved. See my other post for all the other negatives.
@zentzu4003 Жыл бұрын
@@Binaural_Alchemist I got the yawning symptom too
@Binaural_Alchemist Жыл бұрын
@@zentzu4003 I'm off these tablets as of yesterday, they are really bad poison. I also had chronic pain in my thigh when taking these which I did not connect to these tablets but now I've stopped it's gone. I would come off these if I was you before they mess you up.
@zentzu4003 Жыл бұрын
@@Binaural_Alchemist Interesting, your thigh muscle?
@Stu_Gilbert Жыл бұрын
Looking forward to the video dude. I’ve been on sertraline now for over 10 years due to not coping with a health problem at the time. I’ve came off them once but found it very hard, I’m only on a small dose but when I come off them I have really bad nightmares and strange thoughts, it’s horrible feeling
@diggingfordinner Жыл бұрын
Withdrawal is challenging aye mate, I know the feeling. Keep on keeping on regardless and I hope you are doing well
@Kickmovejim Ай бұрын
Hey man, I’ve also recently had a health scare about a little over a month ago now and am having an extremely hard time coping. Just can’t stop obsessing over the fact I may have screwed myself in terms of my long term health due to a toxic exposure. How have you been able to cope and has meds helped you at all?
@eleanorchitham9856 Жыл бұрын
Really good to talk about this and share your experience- people need to know all this and it should not be deleted. Glad to hear how you're re-building. xx
@sg2massive Жыл бұрын
I have been taking these for over 10 years i have no idea how many i am supposed to take or when i just take them when my head gets like a sort of buzz or electric feeling a flash a split second blackout its hard to explain but that is when i take 3 or 6 of them and it goes away . it maybe a few days i think until i take some again or the next day idk i don't have a set time /.
@denisdunphy9046 Жыл бұрын
I get what your saying mate am on citalopram and it`s the same for me. I don`t feel excited or truly happy any more. I know you get me bro...Well done mate. Your saying stuff like i am every day Just not being able to Cry, and so much more. 💚
@pearpodbyellenmulcrone2776 Жыл бұрын
where's the second video with the pros and cons in?
@simma264 7 ай бұрын
I'm torn at the moment. Been on sertraline for about a year and a half, and for the first few months it seemed to help my anxiety but i've gradually started slipping into depression. I want to stop taking them because of the horrible side effects. I have absolutely 0 desire to have sex and get 0 pleasure out of it when I've always had an insanely high sex drive before, and although my anxiety is maybe 10% better I am now literally vomiting any time I feel intense anxiety. I've been vomiting almost every other day, to the point where I had to drive to my new job with a vomit bag in my car & I'm scared to go to the dentist and find any effects this has had on my dental health. I've vomited on every single first date I've been on in the last year, and only a few I was lucky enough to be able to blame alcohol/travel sickness. I've vomited 30 seconds before a job interview. Vomited before going to work every day for a week straight. Vomited even during sex about 4x with different partners. Add the fear of vomiting on top of all existing anxiety and oh boy I feel like I cannot win. I feel like a shell of a person with 0 energy and 0 motivation, the side effects have been horrific but i'm so terrified that if I stop my anxiety is just going to go back to how it was and my depression will get worse. I went from 50 to 25mg earlier in the year, and the last month i've been taking 25mg every other day. During that time, I lost my new job i'd only had for 2 months and found out my childhood cat has liver disease. Very bad timing. At the time I was at a point where I felt I couldn't stand the side effects, but now that i'm tapering off & since a few very distressing life events, i'm not sure if it's the best idea to stop. I don't want my anxiety & depression to get any worse than it already is, and i'm not sure if this is just the withdrawals talking here but i'm worried i'll end up doing something stupid to hurt myself. But I also hate everything about sertraline except the tiny 10% improvement it's made on my anxiety. I hate feeling like my life is being dictated by this stupid little pill. All I want is to be happy and anxiety free without sacrificing everything else that brings me joy
@diggingfordinner Жыл бұрын
Click her to see my original video
@angelarai1 Жыл бұрын
Hi my lovely I’m trying to cut down on sert but with the gp it’s a large net of folk that take it. Any how seems your doing better now my friend keep it up hun xx
@diggingfordinner Жыл бұрын
@@angelarai1 Hey. Are they helping you to cut it down to get off or just cut down and remain. I hope you’re doing ok.
@angelarai1 Жыл бұрын
@@diggingfordinner hi Joe. Please call me Ange. I don’t know about ok Going through some things But I did ask the dr to reduce them to 50 ml so yeee but I was taking a good bit more as well as other meds. I’m trying hard it wasn’t just depression it was the reasons behind the depression serious abuse when I was a child by a policeman went on for years then a few years ago I had a total breakdown it affected me so much but my friend I’m doing better I think but I don’t really mix well with others but I try hard. I find that the things I do growing things and making things help so much. But I don’t go out at night it’s as if all. Of a sudden everything that happened turned into the biggest storm there ever was Maybe some time we could chat I’m doing brilliant now But could do more if I had the courage and wasn’t so scared still onward and upward they say Xx take care and god bless xx
@Binaural_Alchemist Жыл бұрын
Nice eyebrows Joe, unfortunately I'm losing mine thanks to sertraline, they have helped me to sleep better but I'm feeling sleepy during the day as well. I also wake up feeling anxious and I think I may be starting to lose control of my bladder. Generally I feel more depressed on these tablets and have almost zero motivation which is far worse than when I startred the tablets. I've only been on them just over 2 weeks so I don't know whether these side effects will go away. It's the eyebrow loss that bothers me the most as I think for a man that is not good, and people are starting to stare a lot. If you are a woman there are things you can do with make up when you are losing your eyebrows to make it better. I guess the only comfort for me is that I'm already bald so I did not have to worry about losing the hair on my head. Also my sex drive has gone and that is something that was very high. Like I said the only good thing I can say about sertraline at the moment is they are helping me to sleep better.
@buzzingnoise Жыл бұрын
Honestly i think a bald head with no eyebrows looks good. It's a really unique and model type look. Shave them and see how it goes 🐻
@sg2massive 11 ай бұрын
@@buzzingnoise What's that buzzing noise ?, i agree mine are blond so it looks like i don't have any and i shave my head.
@BellaBeeBaby 10 ай бұрын
Thank you so much. I got a prescription and haven't taken it yet. I've decided to just trash it. I don't want to be on that stuff
@rubenmorante2757 Ай бұрын
How are you now
@CallumFitzpatrick-ld5mg 5 ай бұрын
Since my life is 90 percent pain and 10 percent okish mood, I don't mind emotions being blocked. Once I decide to end it, my life is over and hundreds of other life's are either over too or dramatically ruined that they might consider ending it all.
@diggingfordinner 5 ай бұрын
I’m currently homeless if you watch my recent ideas and I’m not thinking about needing it. What’s wrong?
@ellewebb927 Жыл бұрын
1year on sertraline. 2.5years off. Was fit now27kg of fat and still trying to recover from this awful drug. Sick, twitching. Irritable. Can't bear other people. This is help?!!!
@Lemoncare 11 ай бұрын
I hear ya!
@jordansales5126 7 ай бұрын
This drug pretty much saved my life I don’t enjoy the side effects but the positives outweigh the negatives
@diggingfordinner 7 ай бұрын
I’m glad to hear this
@diggingfordinner 7 ай бұрын
It’s not for everyone though
@HayleyXLunasopal Жыл бұрын
My son who’s 18 year old is on this not a high dose it does help him but his not been on them that long he has asd and adhd
@Riyuzako7 8 ай бұрын
how is he now x
@rodb335 Жыл бұрын
I want to end all of my emotions. I took 50 mg of Sterling for 3 months. And I can definitely see how a higher dosage can turn you into a complete zombie with no empathy remorse for anyone. You won't be happy you won't be sad you won't be angry you rid yourself of emotion. And that's exactly what I want.
@Riyuzako7 8 ай бұрын
sounds amazing
@MorbidAngel31775 3 ай бұрын
It’s not what u think, i can’t enjoy a list of things like for instance my MUSIC it’s just not the same.Is why I’m try to get off it.
@ymrabc 10 ай бұрын
I know this is and old video but I have been on sertraline for about a month and I feel terrible. I was looking for somebody’s real experience and I found you. I don ‘t have the nausea or diarrhoea the pharmacist warned me about but I feel so odd, detached, I feel I have a bit ball of emotion trapped inside and cannot release it which makes me feel frightened, all I want to do is sit in a chair and stare into space. I take no pleasure in life, I have lost my creativity, I have stopped painting and drawing because I have no motivation or ideas, I do not listen to music which used to be my salvation, I don’t enjoy my food or have a sense of humour. Quite frankly I would sooner be anxious and depressed than feel this way. I am talking to my doctor next week and I am determined to come off these bloody things before they get a hold of me. I recognise these drugs do help some people but I am not one of them, I want to be me again.
@diggingfordinner 10 ай бұрын
Me neither, I really do feel for you, I came off everything and learned other methods of dealing with MH. Good luck I hope your doctor can help you. Thanks for sharing your experience
@mrmanio4935 8 ай бұрын
​@@diggingfordinner I have a problem, can I ask you a question?
@diggingfordinner 8 ай бұрын
@@mrmanio4935 Sure
@mrmanio4935 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for replying. Does this drug will help with worrying about a particular problem that I have, and it will take some time until this problem is resolved? My wife sent me to a GP becouse she was worried about me, and the GP over the phone recommended Sartraline. I took one tablet yesterday, but could not fall asleep until the morning, so I started to look for videos o yt and found your video. I understand it has many side effects. And I'm not sure it will help me in the long run. I'm just constantly worrying and overthinking - this is not an imaginary problem or irrational panic attack - I will have to face it at some point in the future. Just don't know how to deal with it and is it worth to take ssri's to try to calm me. Thank you very much
@trinity9962 Жыл бұрын
I’m having bad experiences with this drug. I want to get off it but they say it’s dangerous to get off. To be honest it was helping after the 3rd or fourth week. I felt happy again and not depressed. But after a while it got worse. To where I still feel depressed yet sometimes I feel like a zombie and have no emotion. I thinks that’s why I get depressed. Cause I feel like I’m not myself anymore. Im barely doing my research now on the drug cause I was so fixated on getting rid of the depression I just swallowed whatever pill the doctor gave me. This sucks and I want it to end. I don’t want my body to rely on pills. And it’s also sad that there is no sex drive at all. It makes you feel more terrible knowing you can’t have that nice intimate time with your partner anymore. Seems like I’m worse off than I started. :(
@mohammadkhadra2604 Жыл бұрын
Zoloft was the most commonly prescribed antidepressant in the USA in 2020 with over 38 million prescriptions.
@omarthearab81 Жыл бұрын
Day 6 feeling like shit on Sertraline, not had anti-depressants since 17 years old, and now 41. I've been prescribed diazepam which is addictive but has fewer side effects than SSRIs.
@elpadredigorgonzoladilucia3250 Жыл бұрын
Diazepam is benzodiazepin. So it s addictive drug. You lose memory with that. Search it. Ssri are antidepressant . Which is other stuff. Not addictive.
@SkellyMC Жыл бұрын
Unless you get addicted to benzos witch has hell of an withdrawal worst than ssri
@Riyuzako7 8 ай бұрын
how are you now mate
@PoridgeDEMON Жыл бұрын
Tbh, I don't profit from anything. I have been on sertraline for almost a year, and I can only say good things about my experience. But I would love to hear from people in the same position that I was.
@PoridgeDEMON Жыл бұрын
"I would like to help people who were where I was before I started taking the medication
@markoboy9640 3 ай бұрын
​@@PoridgeDEMONim first week using sertraline 25mg and now starting 50mg and im gonna have party where i drink alcohol do i need To skip dose when im drinking
@markmark35 Ай бұрын
@OliveTree.-lo6usyou are not supposed to stop all at once. You need to tapper off slowly.
@anointeddav9831 6 ай бұрын
can antidepressants cause low sperm count
@diggingfordinner 6 ай бұрын
@anointeddav9831 6 ай бұрын
@@diggingfordinner that means it may cause me infertility difficult to fathers a child I feel sad
@DrivingJordan 4 ай бұрын
Been on Zoloft for two years and had a son during before it never happened so everyone is different brother
@MorbidAngel31775 3 ай бұрын
I lost my vision because of Zoloft, have to wear glasses now, beautiful drug.
@cremtor5640 2 ай бұрын
@MorbidAngel31775 2 ай бұрын
@@cremtor5640 yep
@jeffszmiett2600 Жыл бұрын
This is a horrible drug do not take it,
@picaso023 2 ай бұрын
So much of the video is a rant, could break it down to 2 minutes
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