Shah of Iran Interview w/ Barbara Walters (1977) | Farah Pahlavi - The Last Empress Of Iran

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@threemobileone1371 Жыл бұрын
The overthrow of the late Shah of lran in 1979 by UK&USA might be the biggest TABOO subject in the west since WW2 but it isn't their best kept secret among us lranians. We lranians will not forget nor forgive.
@dynasty201 Жыл бұрын
We'll get our beloved father Aryamehr Shahanshah Pahlavi, diginified history, culture and lost lives of brave Iranians off the past 44 years in the hand of mullas after overthrowing them and convicting all of their back supported groups; restoring our glorious monarchy constitutionalism once forever
@lygiaantoniades9324 Жыл бұрын
I can't believe ,a man of his statue and a ruler of the Iranian empire,he was speechless ,when he was asked about what his wife and empress,can or can't do.Unbelievable,he put her in such difficult position of what to say,when she was asked,so she wouldn't embarrasse him.I thought,as a man of the world,he would have bigger respect for women and particularly hus iwn wife.As a young girl,I have followed the empress life abd admired her a lot
@lanaofficiel4042 Жыл бұрын
The Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi was always frank in his opinions, he was never a hypocrite and the Empress Farah Diba Pahlavi is always elegant, refined and respectful. Barbara Walters was the greatest interviewer of her time, she always knew how to get her subjects to open up.
@lilray5470 Жыл бұрын
I just love her majesty’s reaction. She answered very thoughtfully, and very on point. Need to watch the full version of this
@Claxiux Жыл бұрын
She answered like a dummy would answer. Because she is in fact a dummy.
@saidameri666 Жыл бұрын
Love our beloved royal family ♥️ 🌷 🌷♥️
@bluemountain9441 Жыл бұрын
We love our Royal family. The shah and his father are the best things that ever happened in the middle east. They had their mistakes but more good came out of them .
@dynasty201 Жыл бұрын
To our nation, middle east and argubly the entire world
@Nick-zp7hk Жыл бұрын
جا و ید شاهنشاه آریامهر یگانه خداوند ایران زمین .....❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@MuftiAbdurRahman-rd1ke 26 күн бұрын
خداوندا! ایران را از هر مجازاتی نجات دهید و از همه ایرانیان و مسلمانان در برابر بی ابرویی محافظت کنید! اوه خدا! اجازه ندهید هیچ سرباز خارجی وارد ایران شود! اوه خالق ما! اجازه ندهید که ما در دست نیروهای خارجی مانند افغانستان یا عراق یا بوسنی یا سوریه یا فلسطین رنج بکشیم! ای یار مهربان و بخشنده ما! نگذارید یک فرد حریص یا منافق بر ایران حکومت کند یا ایرانیان را نابود کند! اوه خدا! بگذارید ایران یک رهبر خداترس داشته باشد که از ایران در برابر خارجیها محافظت کند و بگذارید رهبران ما ایرانیان را با افتخار و کرامت و تقوا و عفت زندگی کنند! خدایا! اجازه ندهید هیچ نظامی اشغالگر وارد ایران شود و اجازه ندهید ملت بیگانه بر ایران حکومت کند! خدایا اجازه نده کسی از کشور ما و سربازان ما برای نابودی کشورهای همسایه ما استفاده کند! خدایا ایران را حفظ کن و در اسلام بمانیم و از شریف ترین دین پیروی کنیم! آه سازنده ما! نگذارید هیچ سربازی به زنان ایرانی بی حرمتی کند! خدایا نگذار هیچ سرباز خارجی زن ایرانی را تحقیر کند! چه اتفاقی افتاده برای مومنانی که مدام سعی در تحقیر خود دارند. اسلام‌ زنان را گرامی میدارد. زنان مسلمان مادران بهشت هستند. بعنوان مسلمان، هرگز نباید با سایر مسلمانان با بی احترامی رفتار کنیم، حتی اگر فرد بخواهد به دلایلی آلوده وتحقیر شود. در واقع، اگر با زن یا شوهر خود را در تخیلات جنسی زیاده روی کنید، فکر می کنید پس از مرگ شماچه اتفاقی می افتد؟ چنین عادت هایی از بین نمی روند و او دیوانه می شود که به سراغ فرد دیگری برود که بتواند خواسته ها را برآورده کند. لازم به یادآوری است که ما برای مدت بسیار کوتاهی در این دنیا هستیم و هدف ما لذت بردن از لذت های دنیوی و شهوات نفسانی نیست، بلکه عبادت خداوند است. خداوند وظیفه خاصی را در زندگی به مسلمانان داده است و آن تنها عبادت خداوند است و این به معنای زیاده روی در لذت های دنیوی، از جمله گذراندن ساعات بیهوده در جمع افراد جنس مخالف، حتی اگرهمسر حلال باشد، نیست. تفریط در روابط جسمی و جنسی روح انسان را از بین می برد. حتی اگر در ازدواج قانونی این تفریط وجود داشته باشد، این یک تجمل است و افراد تجملی بیش از حد به آن افراط می‌کنند و به شدت از آن رنج می‌برند. حتی اگر فردی قند زیادی بخورد، به دیابت مبتلا می شود. مسلمانان در سراسر جهان به دلیل این بیماری جنسی مورد توهین و رنج قرار می گیرند. من نمی توانم شنیدن اصطلاحات تخصصی از زبان افراد نادان را که در مورد فعالیت های جنسی صحبت می کنند و از سنت های نبوی برای ترویج اصول نادرست استفاده می کنند، تحمل کنم. وقتی می بینم مردم از اسلام برای برآوردن خواسته های خود استفاده می کنند عصبانی می شوم. ازدواج و رابطه جنسی هرگز هدف زندگی مسلمانان نیست. عشق به خدا مهم است. حتی اگر کسی ازدواج را ضروری بداند، نباید همه را متقاعد کند که ازدواج کنند فقط به این دلیل که ما فکر می کنیم درست است. مریم دختر عمران مجرد بود. خداوند آنها را دوست داشت. افراط در هر نوع لذتی برای انسان مضر است. مؤمنان برای خوشگذرانی به این دنیا فرستاده نشدند. ما آفریده شده ایم تا خدا و رسولش را عبادت و اطاعت کنیم. پیامبر ما حضرت محمد (صلی الله علیه و آله و سلم) بر اساس این اصل زندگی می کرد و با اینکه می توانست با تجارت زیاد ثروتمند شود، ترجیح داد تا زمان مرگ در فقر بماند. به دلیل زیاده خواهی خودمان و پیروی از رویه غیرمسلمانان و اشتیاق فراوان در فعالیت های جنسی، هزاران جوان عربستانی، جوان کویتی و پاکستانی، زن و مرد قطری، کارآفرینان مسن از عمان و بحرین و حتی دانشمندان از اندونزی و مالزی، آفریقا و هند، اکنون در برنامه‌های بازجویی CIA در دوره بوش که تا به امروز در بسیاری از کشورهای اروپایی مخفیانه عمل می‌کند، به شدت شکنجه می‌شوند. ای صاحب جان ما که روزی باید پیشش برگردیم، اجازه نده سربازان یا جاسوسان بیگانه ملت ما را نابود کنند یا بین ما یا همسایگانمان جنگ راه بیندازند. ای بخشنده! ما را ببخش و از دست ما عصبانی نباش! به راستی که خدایا تو ما را خیلی بیشتر از دیگران دوست داری! خدایا! ایران را از هر عذابی نجات ده و همه ایرانیان و مسلمانان را از شرارت حفظ کن! خدایا! اجازه ندهید هیچ سرباز خارجی وارد ایران شود! ای خالق ما! نگذارید در دست نیروهای خارجی مانند افغانستان یا عراق یا بوسنی یا سوریه یا فلسطین رنج ببریم! خدایا! اجازه ندهید هیچ نظامی اشغالگر وارد ایران شود و اجازه ندهید ملت بیگانه بر ایران حکومت کند! ما را ببخش ای خالق هستی و نگذار هیچ سرباز خارجی ایرانیان یا مردمش را تحقیر کند! پاسداری از ناموس هر زن ایرانی و پاسداری از نسل ایرانیان! ای خالق مهربان! اگر شما به ما کمک نکنید یاوری نداریم! اجازه ندهید که ما را در هیچ گناهی که موجب عذاب یا آبروی ما یا خانواده ما شود، گرفتار شویم!
@user-mr5kz9wh6k 8 ай бұрын
Who would think Barbara Walters helped fall of the Shah, an honest and sincere ally of U.S. And after 43 years, we see the consequence of such deadly mistakes, not just inside Iran, but all over the world. May we learn to honor who is honorable.
@youtubeman123joo Жыл бұрын
جاوید شاه ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ رضا شاه و شاهنشاه آریامهر روحتان شاد ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
@threemobileone1371 Жыл бұрын
The Shah of lran was an honest man in everything he had saud. He gave equal rights to women of lran in 1963 well before the Swiss women got it in 1973 & the Portuguese women got in 1974. Women of lran achieved a lot under the late Shah. We had ministers, ambassadors, pilots, army offices, lectures, and much more if the Shah had said anything because it was so. Because they have failed to produce anything until then, even until now.
@Miuranger1 7 ай бұрын
He literally said woman are unable to achieve anything
@ssmy2081 Жыл бұрын
Good response from Shahbanoo in response to the question asked.
@YN4Iran Жыл бұрын
Rest in peace my majesty😢🌷🌷🌷🌷❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
@yaghuobkanan 6 ай бұрын
@monaIrani132 7 ай бұрын
No one was more open minded and just toward women than Shah!
@maryb6074 Жыл бұрын
King was talking about the number of female scientists, engineers and intellectuals but the interviewer confused it with female intellectual potential. King clearly said they are not yet but maybe in future.The interviewer tried to accuse him.
@PolicyPolitics Жыл бұрын
What about Marie Currie?
@homeiramokhabery9627 Жыл бұрын
@@PolicyPolitics These rare women that are exception. Remember not long ago in US women could not show their logs, there are pictures of these. Do you expect women from a country (Iran) that before Pahlavi era that had to cover themselves, could not get education, had no rights to vote, and the society in general was so illiterate. To jump to a civilized world so fast. 50 years of Pahlavi era is nothing compared to history. Let’s not forget at the time that The Shah of Iran gave women the rights to vote women in Switzerland did not have that right. The reporter manipulation toward the Shah’s conversation is obvious. This was the time that western countries started to attach the Shahs image trying to make a dictator of him to remove him from Iran. Let’s not forget what was the outcome of all of these. With his removal, the peace in the world was vanished. I am a women by the way. I hope you don’t sensor me and let me be heard.
@Sirous369Cyrus Жыл бұрын
@@homeiramokhabery9627pure facts ! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
@maryb6074 Жыл бұрын
@@PolicyPolitics you didn't read what it was written properly. I said and king also said that women are potentially equal to men but they haven't shown it in practice as much as men did. This is true because not even in West women haven't given equal opportunities. Hopefully this will comes in future.
@azadd55 Жыл бұрын
@@PolicyPolitics nice try 😁
@Esp786 Жыл бұрын
The hesitancy in his answer and her articulate response to a question which required an immediate answer, all at the same time, him adding unnecessary pressure as he begins questioning her integrity and ability during a crisis- to which she responds diplomatically… suggests otherwise so…
JAVID SHAH 👑💖👑💖👑💖👑💖👑💖👑👑👑💖👑💖👑💖👑👑👑👑👑👑👑
@michaelalston4964 10 ай бұрын
Shahanou Farah Pahlavi ❤️
@user-vi2qr7nm5b Жыл бұрын
J A V I D S H A H 💝👑💝
@energyeb6675 8 ай бұрын
@ssmy2081 Жыл бұрын
Very good response from his wife to Barbara and Shah. Ok i get it. You want to make him look bad and here he looks not good however in reality, he was not forcing women to wear Hejab . He was not making it legal and socially acceptable for a man to have several wives. He was not against women to hold position in the government. Whatever or however he did his job, it was not as strict and as bad as the current regime in IRAN. Did you get your answer?
@mahdikhosh9153 Жыл бұрын
Perfect. Please put the full interview. Thank you
@blacky93able 10 ай бұрын
It is a pity that the Shah of Persia did not initiate democratic reforms sooner, we would have saved ourselves an unnecessary revolution and more than 40 years of Islamic dictatorship started by Ayatollah Khomeini that, even today, is still in force! Let's hope that one day the nightmare ends in 🇮🇷 and let the murderers be judged! Thanks! PS: My dear empress, I hope that one day you will be allowed to return to your land with your family! All the best!
@monaIrani132 7 ай бұрын
People of Iran did not know what democracy was and did not deserve the Shah.
ایران شیر خورشید 👑💖👑💖👑💖👑💖👑💖👑💖👑💖👑💖👑💖👑💖👑👑👑👑
@TZovro 3 ай бұрын
Light of his eyes went out as she started reading the quote
@user-xb4pu5kc5n Жыл бұрын
Barbara Walters (1929~2022) RIP
@user-vq8jr2ec7b 7 ай бұрын
Shahansha ❤❤❤
@farshid1999 10 ай бұрын
Why didnt they interview wkth khomeini and current dictator right now in IRAN rudely?
@Persianempire01 Жыл бұрын
The last empress? you must be out of this world and live in another planet to not see what is going on and what Will happens in near further.
@amiralkook1 10 ай бұрын
This is an interview from around 45 years ago. Even in US at that moment it was a patriarchal society. The feminism was not so dictatorial. Anyway even today the US president D Trump like trump has this kind of point of view. What he doesn’t understand is that why after so many years of development and with equal chances at school …in europe and US we don’t find and major scientists , inventions or brilliant women at the same level of success than men in all fields? Even best restaurants chiefs are men. Men and women are complementary that’s all ! we are not equal or one better than each other.
@mariablume1967 Жыл бұрын
Another time in history, where peoples were not prepared for such direct confrontating interviews, so none of them come up with smart sentences to avoid to answer - they r both simpy first of all speechless. They hereafter both try to answer as good as possible, BUT they r both embarrased of very different reasons and the shah is obviously partly angry, when she brought up critical questions!
"به ایران به اندیشید"👑💖👑💖👑💖👑💖👑💖👑💖👑💖👑💖👑💖👑💖👑💖👑
@centaurutube 7 ай бұрын
In the west, a journalist like that wouldn't have even been allowed to interview the royalty.
@shahindaghighian7676 Күн бұрын
she is not last queen she always is iranian queen forever.
احترام به رضاشاه بزرگ و شاهنشاه آریامهر و رضاشاه دوم پهلوی سوم افتخار ایران و ایرانی و ایرانیها و ایرانیان 👑👑👑💖👑💖👑💖👑💖👑💖👑💖
@mehrabtorkieh4758 Ай бұрын
@Anm.777 Жыл бұрын
The Shah of Iran is always alive in the hearts and minds of Iranians who think of their homeland.❤
@someone1 Жыл бұрын
i don't think you watched the video
@dynasty201 Жыл бұрын
Long lasting the beautiful, iconic figure and incredibly patriotic god man in our heart✊❤❤ shahanshah Aryamehr king pahlavi
@shamseshomali110 Жыл бұрын
A M Long Live Iran and Pahavi family .Free iran and down with Mollas (Akhond ) !
@theBEASTisJJ Жыл бұрын
God Save the Shah
@nostalgia545 Жыл бұрын
@@someone1Name one man who said men and women are equal back in the 1960s.
@1arttu Жыл бұрын
Her majesty Farah Pahlavi is a very clever, thoughtful lady.
@lanaofficiel4042 9 ай бұрын
Very beautiful and elegant lady. Empress Farah Diba was a role model for all Middle Eastern women as an icon of Middle Eastern beauty, elegance and femininity.
@fairvoussough8432 3 ай бұрын
بسیار متفکر توانست شاهنشاه را مقابل باربارا که با دعوت فرح امده بود خراب کند و دروغگو معرفی کند و بگوید که شاه ازادی برای زنان را نمیخواهد ،،با لبخد های و مسخره کردن حرف های شاه هنشاه اگر انگلیسی نمیدانید و فیلم را سطحی ن نگاه میکنی همان هایی هستتد که خیانت به شاه کردید
"KING REZA PAHLAVI "👑💖👑💖👑💖👑💖👑💖👑
@dianad3869 2 ай бұрын
@mikeunknown9072 10 ай бұрын
How could Such a simple, honest, straightforward question to be so complicated ? men and women in the eyes of nature and creation is equally important and should have equal rights, when the shah’s mind is molded with Islamic ideology since he was a child, how could he be able to answer this question?
@ioannavoudouri308 Жыл бұрын
IRAN SHEER KHORSHEED 👑💖👑💖👑💖👑👑💖👑💖👑💖👑💖👑💖👑👑👑
@garibzadeh 11 ай бұрын
Long live the king and the Queen ❤
@iranziba52 9 ай бұрын
Long live king reza pahlavi❤❤❤
@softwaremobile3833 Жыл бұрын
فقط رضا شاه دوم
@threemobileone1371 Жыл бұрын
In 1979 UK&USA overthrew the Shah of lran when he refused to renew the 25 year old expiring oil contract of 1954 & imposed jihadi terrorist mullahs 4OIL. Fear suffering torture killings exile and much more has never stopped in lran eversince.
@harambe894 5 ай бұрын
Uk and usa didnt do anything in 1979. that makes 0 sense. People like you are so dumb its crazy. THE FUCKING USA DOESNT PROFIT OFF THIS IRANIAN REGIME WHY THE FUCK WOULD THEY PUT AN ANTI AMERICAN DICTATOR IN IRAN. You fucking monarchists with your conspiracy theories are like cancer in a body. Useless shit
@babakchalousi8765 Жыл бұрын
فراموش نکنیم که شهبانو فرح تاج گذرای کرد یعنی بعد از شاه شخص اول می‌شد. بعنی شاه تاج را گذاشت روی بانو فرح.
@user-ph6nr6ih6z Жыл бұрын
کیرش رو کرده تو کونش یک چیزی هم گزاشته سرش
@nedayousefi5591 8 ай бұрын
She shows that she's so stronger than Shah!
@Tsukiahi 9 күн бұрын
From that day forward, I started hating her Barbara Walter
@mikeunknown9072 Жыл бұрын
After all he was a devoted Muslim, and we all know what Muslims thinking about women.
@TH-eb5ro 7 ай бұрын
Do we all know, I think it is likely that many assume. I know many Muslims and their views depend on the range of their beliefs very similar to Christians.
@aponthekeys8070 7 ай бұрын
The difference is he actually gave women equality and rights BY THE LAW. Whereas Western politicans talk equality but give none in essence. Javid Shah. The Shah didn't answer it because he knew the religious clergy were on his case about his reforms.
@irenehartlmayr8369 6 ай бұрын
I find the ( more or less direct ) accusation that Barbara Walters addressed to the Shah here,to be cheeky and arrogant. The Shah and his wife have innumerable achievements to their credit,including the liberation of women. As opposed to what is going on in Iran nowadays.The Shah was not wrong in saying that women have been less productive and prominent in achievement,throughout history,as compared to men.And,in fact,there is no Michelangelo to be found among women,as yet.But,of course,they also had less opportunities and had other things to do. So it might be different,a thousand years from now. " Not even as cooks "....(!)(?). Well,cooking was formerly a completely feminine occupation... And a lot of housewives could take it up with any of the prominent male cooks....! But they were expected to stay,and kept busy,in the background. Empress Farah was designated as regent,in the case of a crisis involving the Shahs death. There have been many female regents and rulers in history...! And very successful one's as well...As the Shah designated his wife as such,he presumably assumed that she would be capable of it.But the proof of the pudding is in the eating....not before.Empress Farah did a lot of energetic and active and productive work for women,social life,the arts,education,etc. With perfect support from her bearing four children and fulfilling all her du- ties as Empress.And she is a strong personality of definite character. It would have been interesting if Walters had given and named the exact circumstances of this utterance of the Shah,that might have explained better some of the things he said on that occasion. In any case,he was definitely NOT against letting women prove their worth ! So I think that Walters could have been more diplomatic about this direct questioning of the Shah...
@someone1 Жыл бұрын
How is this different from the ayatollah?
@threemobileone1371 Жыл бұрын
Go and bang your head if you have not figured it out yet.
@user-yd4nk4lm6s Жыл бұрын
Um… I’d say the ayatollah forcing women to cover against their will is a huge deal. At least back then Iranian women were permitted autonomy.
@jdosvd 11 ай бұрын
No Comparison ! Shah towers over him.
@dianad3869 2 ай бұрын
Farah was biggest damage for Iran
@dianad3869 2 ай бұрын
She was never perfect
@deputyvillageidiot 22 күн бұрын
The Shah didn’t want to stir outrage from the mullahs (I.e., those who would later become the present-day rulers of Iran), but his actions speak louder than he could with words. Yes, indeed, she was designated regent by him, which means he did believe women were equal. You can plainly see that he wanted to say something, but held back. He would not have held back if his message was of misogyny, so obviously what he held back was going to create a firestorm from the Islamic clerics.
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