Stefania Druga - The Power of Play: Kids and AI, Personal Robots and Non-conventional Education

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5 жыл бұрын

Innately curious and passionate about creating and testing new learning models, instructional designer by training, evolved into a learning architect and is currently a graduate student in the Personal Robots group. She is also a former Googler and graduated from an international Erasmus Mundus master of Media Engineering for Education (France, Spain, Portugal). In the summer of 2012 she was also the Education Teaching Fellow at Singularity University where she advised and coached 80 students from 36 countries.
Currently she is leading Hackidemia organization (mobile lab for maker Education present in 40 countries), Afrimakers (community of Maker projects in 10 Africa countries) and MakerCamp (global camps for learning how to build and run makerspaces) Stefania is also an an ambassador for global MakerFaire in Berlin and Shenzhen, collaborator for digital fabrication with Samsung Research.
Ștefania talked to us about the power of Play, Children's non conventional education, Elders, Personal Robots, Artificial Intelligence, Emotions and Creativity by Making.

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@teoandrei3677 5 жыл бұрын
@teoandrei3677 5 жыл бұрын
Foarte interesant ce ne vinde fata asta aici.
@teoandrei3677 5 жыл бұрын
Bine, veti spune: Dar treaba asta se aplica tuturor speech-arilor, insa 'fata', intinde coarda prea tare.
@teoandrei3677 5 жыл бұрын
Oare chiar merita?! Sunt tare curios, fetita stapaneste arta comunicarii, e clar, iti starneste interesul starnindu-ti emotii, umilindu-te intelectual. Iti da suturi, apoi te mangaie. Abia asteptsa vad unde vrea sa ajunga, desi am o banuiala in acest sens.