STOP Moaning, Ireland Is Fine! | The Millennial Cynic

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The Millennial Cynic

The Millennial Cynic

8 ай бұрын

Today I take a look at the apologists and gaslighters who believe Ireland is fine the way it is or can't see the issues that the rest of us can. I take a look at the types who defend Leo Varadkar, Micheál Martin and the rest of the coalition and try to figure out why they do so. Those who point out Ireland's problems and issues are often told to stop moaning, but why? Especially when the evidence is all around us that Ireland is in a bad way?
#Ireland #IrishPolitics #Politics
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@TheMillennialCynic 8 ай бұрын
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@Rick_Cleland 7 ай бұрын
My life has been a complete and total misery ever since Bigfoot stole my precious girlfriend in the middle of the night. 😒 He even took all her clothes and the T.V. 😔
@Hibernia63 8 ай бұрын
I live in the Czech Rep where the health care is basically free and is 100 times better than in Ireland! There is almost no serious crime here - the Police spend most of the time handing out parking tickets! There is an extensive and regular public transport system that is nearly always on time! There are dozens of services and facilities for all citizens - from kids to grandparents - undamaged and clean! (Although graffiti does seem to be on the rise) Seeing what has happened to Ireland since I left 15 years ago - I would never return - those who think Ireland is the best place to live really need to get out more!
@TookieMacSpookie 8 ай бұрын
Was in Prague the wknd 2nd time, beautiful city and beautiful people.
@thomasjosullivan9179 7 ай бұрын
You should really fly the Czech Rep flag and embrace it. There will always be moaners complaining, the funny thing is when they go away they still moaning about Ireland!!! LOL It must be a life style choice
@Art-is-craft 7 ай бұрын
The Czech Republic is not a better country to live in than Ireland. Ireland has a poor transport system and a misfiring health system but it is still a better economic country to live in for the average worker.
@Art-is-craft 7 ай бұрын
@@timmyhiggins5220 You will find Ireland still has a large overwhelming majority of normal women that are not activists or social media advocates.
@Art-is-craft 7 ай бұрын
@@timmyhiggins5220 Stop with the stupid insults.
@Humans_Eh 8 ай бұрын
Ireland is full of people going through life swinging on a trapeze high above the ground not realising that the safety net has been removed while they weren't looking.
@888ssss 7 ай бұрын
same in uk
@Rick_Cleland 7 ай бұрын
Same thing up North, Belfast started to look half decent for a while, now it's a total shitehole. The homeless heroin addiction in the City Center is horrific.
@Gneeznow 8 ай бұрын
As someone who fell through the cracks and was very nearly homeless with my family (3 kids) during 2020 I couldn't figure out why absolutely nobody cared about what was happening to us, housing charities were like ''meh''', govt ministers were like ''yeah I'll look into it'' followed by them ghosting us, and civil servants in the county councils were like ''yeah nah can't really do much there unless you're actually homeless pal'' I honestly think you would get fairer treatment in a 2nd or 3rd world country at this point, Ireland has become irrevocably hostile towards its own population (much like quite a few other euro countries have over the last few years) and none of that is by accident. When you realise none of this stuff is by accident then it all clicks into place, and it is very much helped along by 3 particular things in this country 1) Politicians get their wage regardless, they merely go through the motions and only act when there is good optics and political gain for themselves 2) Civil Servants get their wage regardless also, they need only do the absolute minimum to keep their jobs and so they are happy to run members of the public around in circles until those people go away, a huge amount of things that should get resolved end up being fed into a beurocratic circle with no exit 3) Insurance companies hold everyone in between hostage, nothing can be done in the public interest without insurance and those campanies can just torpedo community initiatives like nothing else, including housing initiatives The result of this is a completely detached and inhuman society, and that's not even mentioning the people above the government like the WHO and WEF who pull the real strings of power
@Humans_Eh 8 ай бұрын
Great comment, spot on. I hope your troubles have been resolved.
@haralamc 8 ай бұрын
In the same positon now down in Kenmare, department of housing sent me link to the help to buy scheme and housing authority loan Both need house to be new build None being made hear locally Houses all above 200k
@Prodrive1 8 ай бұрын
Well said and true too.
@polomaonaigh6307 8 ай бұрын
How Evil. This has to STOP ASAP 😮 .👍💪👌☘️☘️☘️
@Art-is-craft 7 ай бұрын
A lot of people claim that they want things to change but when questioned you will find they are not interested. Do you for example want the tax rate to be decreased, government to get out of health care and would you like to see environmental regulations to be relaxed.
@alexanderstuber8888 8 ай бұрын
I am nothing but a visitor to Ireland, though a frequent one. I love the country, the landscapes, the people. But looking at the actual political situation, I can hardly believe that this is the same country as the one I visited for the first time some 40 years ago. Not that there was no scope for improvement. But in spite of all the money raining on the place, things seem to have gotten worse. I think many Irish people see this, but most, like my friends, are afraid of the country getting even deeper into an unpredictable chaos if they voted for anyone else but the parties that have been in power and successfully destroyed the country in the last decades.
@Art-is-craft 7 ай бұрын
Worse? That is absurd. Ireland is one of the wealthiest countries in Europe for a worker to live in. And over the last 70 years it’s economy has been steadily growing with up and down periods.
@dibble2005 7 ай бұрын
Your friends voting for Fianna Fail and Fianna Gael are the problem. They are responsible for the destruction of our country because they can't see past their nose.
@philodowd8080 8 ай бұрын
To start with Bad Politicians
@sb8163 8 ай бұрын
Implementing short term solutions and then ignoring the bigger problems that arise from this seems to be the approach of this government. Varadkar said the refugees are "plugging gaps" in sectors where there is a shortage of workers like hospitality. The Irish govt was warned that if the housing crisis was left unresolved it would impact the economy. Young people can't afford to come to Ireland to work because of the housing crisis O'Gorman must have thought promoting a Free-housing-plus-Work-permit scheme would be an easy solution. Now Varadkar says Ireland is "very much at capacity", so in other words, Ireland is full. Varadkar said he "doesn't accept" that concerns raised earlier over impacts on schools, healthcare, and housing etc. were "swatted away" A Dept of Integration spokesperson refused to confirm the number of asylum seekers that have moved into apartments in a housing estate in Kenmare, they refused to confirm their gender or their country of origin. There are plans in Rosslare Harbour to turn a development that was initially intended as a new nursing home facility into more accommodation for international protection applicants
@robg5958 8 ай бұрын
Excellent video and spot on ! I recently visited Sweden and I was amazed at how clean and modern it was. No litter on the streets, no homelessness, no drug addicted or organised beggers, excellent and seemless public transport and to top it all off, rents are cheaper in Stockholm than in Dublin, go figure. I am an Irish patriot, but I now detest what this country has become. Greed is viewed as virtuous, landlordism is now more rampant and dangerous than it ever was under the British and cronyism rules the political classes. So, I think that it's fine to complain and to highlight this kip for what it truly is. Keep up the good work Millennial Cynic, I support you 100%!
@user-hf2vt1nh2i 8 ай бұрын
Well said...l absolutely agree with you!
@michaeljohndennis2231 8 ай бұрын
I’ve been coming home to Rural Ireland on visits to extended family for 21 years from Manchester U.K. where I live in a socially deprived area of Manchester and I’ve witnessed Ireland’s gradual and truly heartbreaking decline in the years I’ve been coming home, even before Covid and especially when passing through Dublin - at age 53 now, I don’t see myself moving back home to retire as I’d once hoped and both Covid and other issues since 2020 have accelerated this decline - I honestly and objectively, rationally don’t see a future for future generations of young Irish people, not even emigration will be an option in the post-Covid age - as an Irish patriot, I’ve always held and renewed an Irish passport in the time that I’ve lived here but on my last renewal, this process was made much more difficult by the Irish state, using Brexit as an excuse, just like they stopped Irish people from coming home from abroad during Covid - strange that despite holding an Irish passport, I lost Irish voting rights 5 years after living outside Ireland, but even on an Irish passport, I gained U.K. voting rights after only a year living in the U.K., where I voted in favour of Brexit (and Ireland should do the same) - as an Irish gay man and an Irish Patriot, I would have voted “no” in the LGBT Marraige “equality” referendum - contrary to “popular” opinion, we Irish diaspora abroad have (not) “abandoned” our country, our beloved homeland - and had we the chance to vote, we would have voted the traitors out of Dáil Éireann, this is why they are terrified of giving us diaspora the vote, as in the internet age we see what’s happening back home and we are disgusted and sickened by what’s happening to our country - we have valuable lived experience of living abroad, some of us in terrible circumstances
@michaeljohndennis2231 8 ай бұрын
@@RufusToots420 This is the crux of the problem - our corrupt government are traitors to the Irish people, a fact which Gemma O’ Doherty has repeatedly highlighted
@InglebertHumptyDump 8 ай бұрын
Sweden is flooded with Islamic extremists and criminal gangs of rapists and drug dealers from the middle east and Africa. Anyone can go on holiday for a week and have a good time even in a 3rd world shithole. How long was your visit? Hours or days? Either way, you didn't really experience real life there or visit any normal places, so probably best not to compare it to your normal life in your home country.
@mrjl78 8 ай бұрын
You obviously didn't visit Malmo
@robertk1968 8 ай бұрын
Hear hear, start looking into your local independents or new Irish parties guys, we need to drain our swamp 👍
@andrewnevermind4902 8 ай бұрын
I don't think democracy works anymore. Look at the UK these past few days on top of everything else. The cops reaction. Anything Goes just uploaded a frightening video on the thought police.
@polomaonaigh6307 8 ай бұрын
@MrDeadpacman 8 ай бұрын
Keep it up, it’s always good to point out the flaws in society even if it upsets the people that don’t realise it will eventually affect them
@computerdoctorrepairs 8 ай бұрын
Irish Lives Matter
@kelly2180 7 ай бұрын
I worked in the homeless sector for 20 years. The NGOs run most services as a business. They just tick boxes for satistics. The whole service is a scam. So the constant stating about 12 000 Irish homeless is true to some extent. so many variables are at work. If you can make a profit off people's misfortune, why would anything change?
@squareyes1981 8 ай бұрын
Well done on this. The surplus should be spent on permanently reducing the cost of housing through over-supply and energy grants schemes. We, the West, need to stop sacrificing future generations of literal people in the name of making property a wealth creation device. It should be sacrosanct as well as food, warmth and medicine; the essential components for life and should never be allowed to go out of reach due to the pursuit of supernormal profits for the already wealthy. People need to realise that the sort of profiteering we take for granted in the property sector is hardly more than a half century old. We need to RETURN to a world that isn’t obsessed with property wealth creation.
@John.M.Gannon 8 ай бұрын
The homeless in Finland every winter freeze ,and come summer Finland has no homelessness and Sweden is a mess.
@bluegtturbo 7 ай бұрын
Just to remind people.. We don't have a housing shortage in Ireland. We have an excess of immigrants.
@roisinmangan5296 8 ай бұрын
Love it, " triangle of sh.ite". Well said 👏 ❤
@ConsultColin-fv6rc 8 ай бұрын
@diddyKite2010 8 ай бұрын
All the mé féiners, snug and smug, never realising that they may only be a day away from becoming destitute themselves. Never stop "moaning". Love the new avatar btw. x
@Gman1991 8 ай бұрын
Your right! We can be better 👍
@blacksmithsligo 8 ай бұрын
The problem is, when you speak out in Ireland, you get cancelled. This has always been the case, long before cancel culture was a common fraise. Most people know this and they are covering for their inaction. We are changing Ireland, but it is at a glacial pace. Look at how much the voting pattern has changed in the last 25 years. The silent majority is moving. It's just that the don't want others to know about it. I think at some point the dam will break. But I can't guess at what it will take to brake it.
@paralleloctagon7062 7 ай бұрын
This is true, this country has always been ruled by groupthink and the passive assumption that those currently in power are always correct. Anything that goes against the top-down imposed consensus is treated with suspicion, lest anyone embarrass themselves by believing anything that others don't, and so nothing changes. A country ruled by fear and cowardice.
@biulaimh3097 8 ай бұрын
I will be voting for the National Party. Sinn Féin are not the answer because by their own admission, Sinn Féin want to help people struggling to pay their mortgages whereas what we need is defaulters to be evicted so house prices can fall. Well, that and a massive tax on existing properties while exempting new builds to encourage new construction and the sale of existing houses to first time buyers who could and should also be exempted from the punitive property taxes which are required to return the national debt to pre rigged market conditions like 2009 when house prices were falling off a cliff. Shoring up property prices with 200 billion euro of borrowed money was a stupid idea. If politicians will not impose adequately punitive property tax on existing housing stock and their naughty occupiers, then our best hope is an economic implosion which will finish multinationals here and leave the government no choice but to tax existing housing stock and thereby correct their mistake. I wouldn`t waste another cent on the HSE. Flushing money down the toilet is at least an honest way of wasting it. All healthcare should be private. If something needs to be subsidised, it doesn`t make economic sense.
@andrewnevermind4902 8 ай бұрын
We seem to be on a completely different frequency to the normies. Even after the past few years. NPCs as my son calls them. Such NPCs.
@rinkydinky-ob9pe 8 ай бұрын
The Irish have a history of inviting foreign armies into the country, the vikings etc 🌻
@SimonJ57 8 ай бұрын
I think we truly do have an issue with Politics, Main-stream news and common commodities having some strange inter-connected miasma of corruption. and I think it's all over the UK.
@thomasberry1772 8 ай бұрын
Everything is by design. Evil is coming and not just to Ireland.
@cliveo3 7 ай бұрын
Hell always has open borders and unfortunately a long line of people willing to go there .
@gowannlee 7 ай бұрын
And this is the attitude that will bring it.
@stephenholmes1036 7 ай бұрын
Well done girl, speaking the facts the im all right Jack brigade back the establishment, This goes back to Haughey, Flynn etc
@saoirseclark 8 ай бұрын
Gripping narrative TMC. Don’t ignore the double digit immigrants hovering up our tax. Housing, healthcare, schools, social welfare… There isn’t much left over for the Irish.
@margaretmorrissey4540 8 ай бұрын
Yes exactly the red carpet is out in full swing for everyone around the globe but nothing for the Irish people only the bill that's all
@annamhaid4047 7 ай бұрын
She always ignores the elephant in the room
@TheMillennialCynic 7 ай бұрын
@annamhaid4047 Here ya go, the elephant in the room:
@frankbarron1481 7 ай бұрын
You talk about immigration being an emotive subject yet you talk freely about your support for abortion because that's not an emotive subject. Really!
@margaretmorrissey4540 7 ай бұрын
@@frankbarron1481 excuse me I don't support abortion never did or will either
@seank404 7 ай бұрын
Loads of social housing just no Irish in them
@kracked4462 8 ай бұрын
Firstly I value your content. ESB restructure there organization to show ESB networks responsible for domestic supply runs at a loss incase we look for lower bills. (losses because of smart meters). Police force implementing policies of banks and corporations not protecting the constitutional rights of citizens. Local authorities free from government accountability (making fortunes from property sold after being taken over because they were deemed derelict by local authorities). local councilors restructuring GMA grants given to sports clubs to buy votes... You go girl everything you say here is true.
@bobhope5471 7 ай бұрын
In fairness, our cabal did resolve the homeless issue. For Ukrainian welfare tourists.
@Art-is-craft 7 ай бұрын
I find it absurd that people are focusing in on Ukrainian refugees while Ireland has a messed up welfare state economy that was blowing money long before Ukrainians even left their country.
@hindenpeter2.04 8 ай бұрын
Was in tralee there the weekend and glad to say it's still 3/4 Irish.. Maybe
@user-wu9yb7sp5j 8 ай бұрын
Please keep making videos, thanks for making videos.
@TomInIreland110 8 ай бұрын
I believe that these two little vignettes sum it all up: 1) My friends emigrated for 2 years recently. They rented their house out. Put it up online, and took it down after 1 hour. There were 15 applicants (as in 15 groups vying for the house, couples, friends etc). 14 of these were foreign. Most were non-EU. Only *one* of these groups was Irish: a couple trying to start a life together. This is what they're up against. No wonder Caoimhe and Oisín stay at home with their folks, instead of competing for substandard accommodation with the world. 2) At the swish of a pen, other countries bring in positive laws which are pro-native while remaining not too drastic. For example: non-foreign ownership of land (or at minimum: reasonable restrictions), tax incentives for those who wish to start a family, managing to keep rent reasonably priced without making landlords withdraw from market., etc etc etc. What 'swishes of the pen' do we get? Amnesties for illegals, hate speech (thought crime) laws and life ruining lockdowns, and on and on and on. Point is: the Ireland you and I want is possible, but those holding power are happy to destroy it.
@Art-is-craft 7 ай бұрын
Guess what foreign nationals need to rent as well. People are conflating several different issues into one issue. Shortage of housing has nothing to do with the level of immigration. A poor health system has nothing to do with foreign nationals as the Irish government currents spends enough money to cover 3 times the current population.
@TheIrishBosnian 7 ай бұрын
If you're upsetting people, you're probably doing something right. #timeforchange #localelection #generalelection
@MisterKen81 7 ай бұрын
I’m from Dublin, in 2016 I took a job in Jamaica on a 1 year contract. I’m still here 7.5 years later. I see no way I can come home, the rent is crazy. I live in a 1 bed studio apartment for 750 a month. And that’s not a “studio” like in Ireland. This is a relatively new build and quite modern. Bills are like an extra 100. How can I justify moving home to Ireland? Also anyone got any jobs?
@sb8163 8 ай бұрын
Polls suggest support for FF is at 15% and FG is at 20%. Simon Harris said they are entirely focused on fighting an election that "is going to be like no other in terms of trying to ensure that we keep populists out of government". I look forward to your videos on the dogfight TMC!
@paulmcgonigle2379 8 ай бұрын
brilliant to see your channel growing with each video.. 5K subs soon
@stevenolove 7 ай бұрын
There is no Ireland anymore.
@liamtomasb 8 ай бұрын
You’re dead right! Good on ye!!
@TookieMacSpookie 8 ай бұрын
Remember blick history is now irish history. Vote for freedom
@stevoc4023 8 ай бұрын
The blind defenders who have 40 year old children still living at home. Varadkar actually made a statement that the youth of the country will be ok when their parents die and they inherit houses. An absolutely disgusting perspective. Several problems with his plan, animosity between generations, nobody starting families, the fact that not every boomer owns a house, the youth expected to emigrate or wait their entire lives for something to happen, the unfortunate fact that the only wealth in this country is locked away in property. What is the point in having no money in your pocket but your house is worth half a million? I am firmly of the opinion that all government is bought and paid for by international business. In power or opposition, the same snouts are in the trough, they are all friends. Irish politicians of the Haughey era were bought by Irish contributors which had a small trickle down effect, jobs and wealth was created in Ireland. Now our political classes are funded by globalists. This ensures all wealth created is exported to global entities. Zero accountability. My concern is what is coming down the road. There isn't a weekend goes by without a protest of some sort. I don't remember a time of such polarisation and division. When people have nothing, they have nothing to lose. This could be like sh!t on a swing, on a windy day. . . Could get messy.
@Art-is-craft 7 ай бұрын
Most of the people that whin are simply not willing to face up to the fact that Ireland is a welfare state with a very high tax rate and far too much regulations. Ireland is really difficult to start a business in and very difficult to build a house in. Are you an advocate for the Irish government to spend more money.
@stevoc4023 7 ай бұрын
@@Art-is-craft I don't follow what you're saying? I agree with you, welfare state, too many regulations, difficult to build a house. Why ask me do I advocate the government spend more money? Let's be clear, the dollar is practically valueless, which equals all currency is valueless because of the reserve status. Homes have not increased in value, the euro has decreased, substantially. That is why it is so difficult and why it will continue to get worse for each generation. The debt system is destined for catastrophic collapse because the value is trending to 0. By the way, relying on the state for hand out in my eyes is the road to communism. Some people want that. Not me.
@Art-is-craft 7 ай бұрын
@@stevoc4023 Clearly you are not an advocate for government to spend more money. The reason I ask is due to the fact the vast majority of Irish people want more money to be spent without a thought for the existing finances. Just to add a welfare state is not the same as communism or socialism. So a country could have a welfare state system that does not get in the way of a strong market economy.
@stevoc4023 7 ай бұрын
@@Art-is-craft Agreed. The problem arises when being on welfare provides a better or equal standard of life than working.
@Art-is-craft 7 ай бұрын
@@stevoc4023 I do think it is Ireland main problem at this stage. Irish citizens are paying too much tax with no room left for wealth growth and greater economic growth.
@TheBrainDunne 7 ай бұрын
I think 🤔 it's more about will and policies rather than throwing the surplus away at schemes that aren't effective. I like when one mentioned good examples of other countries.
@drevenom 8 ай бұрын
Keep up the good fight.
@derekmurray1462 8 ай бұрын
We have no government, what we have is caretakers for Brussels or some form of middle management, definitely not a government.
@paralleloctagon7062 7 ай бұрын
@Art-is-craft 7 ай бұрын
People are just being silly on these issues. Ireland had problems long before the EU came into existence.
@francesoregan394 7 ай бұрын
Great video yet again
@polomaonaigh6307 8 ай бұрын
@SaraiSohma 7 ай бұрын
Some people's purpose is simply to call attention to things in hopes that one day the message reaches someone that actually CAN do something, because it's simply not possible for everyone to have the ability. Change happens in an ecosystem, not a vacuum. Will be visiting Ireland myself in a few days and I'm interested to see your concerns for myself, as we share a lot of them in my own country
@AMCL5 7 ай бұрын
Ireland is Ireland anyway. We need a government that puts the Irish people first. Then, work down the list after that
@JaneA544 8 ай бұрын
Imo no politicians should have more than 2 terms in the dail and then be ineligible for the next three. No politicians should get a pension from this country till they are 66/67/68/69/70 and never before that age arbitrarily decided upon by said politicians and that includes civil service workers. No member of a politicians family should be eligible for the dail until the three terms their relative has been out of the dail are up. Legacy appointments of family members right down to friends of cousins 20 times removed should be put on a ballot, this is not a effing monarchy we don't need dimwit family members with absolutely no experience of life trying and failing abysmally in the dail. We have a health service that is 6th rate and are paying through the nose to enrich foreign doctors even though its costing this country an arm and a leg to educate irish ones. The market controls housing with gouges that are politicians, doctors, civil servants, lawyers, builders as rack landlords. Even the brits couldn't get things as wrong as our current country has done. Its a beautiful country being ruined by wef trained scum
@sb8163 8 ай бұрын
The irony of people who don't get that making well-researched informative videos IS doing something useful, so they comment to moan at what they think is moaning btw, if you have any thoughts on non-Irish citizens, possibly non-English speaking non-EU nationals, being solicited for votes in the next elections, I would be interested to hear them. Thank you!
@franciskavanagh6179 7 ай бұрын
I have traveled a lot, Ireland is the only place I ever heard anyone saying that, isn’t it sort of narcissistic deflection an attempt to hide their ignorance or disinterest while insulting you at the same time, you explain a war looming in the middle east or a potential disaster imminently arriving and the reply is…Why don’t you get off your arse and do something about it…….? It’s almost as if you alone could march down O Connell Street and prevent the arrival of a comet hurtling towards the earth? And also this is an actual litmus test you can carry out, when they say that, instantly say, your right lets go, and then see their reaction, Oh no its nothing to do with me you’re the one moaning about it you go on the march.
@gowannlee 7 ай бұрын
Thank the Gods for your Voice and courage 🙏🙏❤
@JimmyJacpots 8 ай бұрын
people defending I dont get... but I notice they are kinder to men than they are too women with their outrage.
@Art-is-craft 7 ай бұрын
Ireland is booming but has issues with healthcare, housing, transport, policing and national defence.
@JimmyJacpots 7 ай бұрын
its booming for some.@@Art-is-craft
@Art-is-craft 7 ай бұрын
@@JimmyJacpots The economy is booming for everybody in Ireland compared to the past. Most people that do not accept that either are choosing to ignore the past or were not around to see it. Do not mistake my words to mean that the state of the Irish economy is down to good economic governance.
@3158dave 8 ай бұрын
A proven fact for your critics, we don't prosecute our corrupt politicians we give them special support with political tribunals where the likes of haughty and Bertie can walk away...just for them special people.
@Art-is-craft 7 ай бұрын
Those are just slogans. What exactly are Bertie and Charlie guilty of. People make lots of allegations but have no proof. Irish people need to start understanding government finances but I find it an impossible idea that people will take and interest.
@edoconnor4689 6 ай бұрын
Absolutely great video as always!
@biscuitBrush 7 ай бұрын
klaus schwab is whats wrong with our politicians and all politicians in the western world.
@terencemccarthy7065 2 ай бұрын
Firstly. We'll done and many thanks for your valued efforts!😊 I have started on a "long" list of Failures of the irish government however, it would be easier to list the successes so, here they are (..........?) Not aware of any. One could conclude that the failures are "planned" and
@timothyoreilly6675 7 ай бұрын
They want to turn the Republic of Ireland into the "Singapore of Europe" - this is a direct quote from Enda Kenny.
@Art-is-craft 7 ай бұрын
That would be amazing if Ireland could achieve that but it will not happen.
@Gypsygeekfreak17 7 ай бұрын
Keep safe Ireland don’t give up the fight ❤
@derekoshaughnessy9809 7 ай бұрын
Whoever tells you to take off ur tin foil hat, ban them.
@TheBrainDunne 7 ай бұрын
Brilliant 👍 keep up the good work.
@nedlooby7419 8 ай бұрын
the classic "i remember the (insert decade here) (mention some arguably worse aspect of that time) (reinforce that the country is much improved due to said apperent thing being reversed, destroyed, displaced, replaced etc) ( refuse to aknowledge that that single aspect is infact not the sole issue in the universe or that maybe it was actually a bad thing that it was "done away with" because the consquences may not have directly effected them or are too stupid to realise)"
@user-jc9uw9gs6n 3 ай бұрын
Brilliant pod I love in the North but I have and never will vote for SF. I understand that in the Republic of people vote for SF that's their right although I would rather vote for independent parties than SF. I'm not a Unionist but I see no sense in the North becoming part of the Republic right now and I think most people in the South wouldn't want it either
@louisburke8927 8 ай бұрын
Classic Irish(maybe not exclusively Irish) wallowing. You don't moan. Keep up the great work.
@df289 8 ай бұрын
I would suggest that the government service merely reflects its citizens. We are the government, and we are it services, and our government reflects us. If you want a different type of Government, then the people must change.
@zemorebuttes2437 7 ай бұрын
Utopia may be impossible but striving for it is great idea has a lead not to progressivism but progress not to liberalism but instead liberation not for communism but equality of all
@margaretbrrtt4924 8 ай бұрын
Dont worrie were sitting back wateing for the time is right.see then
@steadyeddie639 8 ай бұрын
@bmcc8093 7 ай бұрын
It's as bad up north here we all need to get our act together!
@Rick_Cleland 7 ай бұрын
True. I just turned thirty-nine today and a few years ago I thought the North, and especially Belfast had made huge leaps forward. Now it's just depressing and seems hopeless.
@bmcc8093 7 ай бұрын
@@Rick_Cleland happy birthday 👍 it is aye depressin but used to it now lol cud always be worse!
@mickdaly2778 7 ай бұрын
Everything you say is correct. Unfortunately we live in a world without equal opportunity or outcomes (even amongst siblings such as IRL probate law). I suggest listening to the audiobook by Diana Beresford-kroeger 'To speak for the trees'. Then try to solve your own position first, in the good ways, then you can for sure help others. (E.g. affect futures and regime's ;)
@blueeyes402 8 ай бұрын
Rich country because the 'foreign earned capital' of the hi - tech corporations. Money that has a stop - off in Ireland while on it's way past US taxation.
@thomasjosullivan9179 7 ай бұрын
I have had a great life in Ireland and would not live anywhere else
@tonemc6047 7 ай бұрын
Fluoridated water has alot to answer for.
@Rick_Cleland 7 ай бұрын
But they only do that down South.
@Art-is-craft 7 ай бұрын
Ireland does not have fluoridated water.
@Rick_Cleland 7 ай бұрын
@@Art-is-craft Good stuff.👌🏻
@Rick_Cleland 7 ай бұрын
@@Art-is-craft Alex Jones will be happy.
@derekoshaughnessy9809 7 ай бұрын
Or at least take a leaf from the french people
@2020onwards 7 ай бұрын
Don't let those trolling illogical brainless cowards ever get to you. You are not alone. I am going to buy you a coffee
@RobDoyle-hu1dd 8 ай бұрын
Yes it is all very bad
@125ordie2 7 ай бұрын
How many of those workers were born in Ireland?
@latchmere100 7 ай бұрын
Ireland is making me sick thinking that they support Hamas. WAKE UP.
@liamhking5239 3 ай бұрын
Isteach amach,❤
@martinfarrell7010 7 ай бұрын
Find it quite funny that the one commentor used "highest rate of third level education" in the world. When that's simply a result of our ridiculously low corporate tax which brought all the tech giants here not to mention over 50% of the companies who moved HQ due to brexit came here. Hardly a measure of the current governments work or lack therof. Check those stats again when the EU and the US force us to meet a minimum corporate tax. As the video is sort of a comment on the "casual" political space as a whole I think the biggest contributing factors to low quality/low resolution discussion is scope and tribalism. Saying "x" party good, "y" party bad and having a domestic in the comments section on facebook is equivocal to two football fans talking about their favourite teams and it's sort of emotional and pointless. As you've mentioned, a complete lack of critical thinking. It would be a lot more fruitful to talk about very specific issues, and the politicians approaches to them in as much specificity as possible. To remove the fog from the statistics. One example of this is that the current government at the end of 2023 will say in order to address the housing crisis we built "x" houses and plan to build "y" more houses in 2024. We the people then need to look more deeply into the statistics. We'll see things like entire housing estates being bought by a singular person(such as the case in Mayo). The banks hiking interests rates to curve inflation which reduces the borrowing power of the population which offsets the market. With that being said, rule number 1 of the internet is don't tell the internet what to do. They are more likely to do the opposite.
@donnamurphy4562 8 ай бұрын
Cló gaelach was are first indigenous txt... Its enrolled in the supreme court... 1937 cló gaelach constitution.. You can download your own copy on that site I just posted... Every home in éiRe needs to have one 😊🇮🇪💚
@louielyons9365 8 ай бұрын
Wanna comment on the Irish government's position on israel palestine
@gerardbonus5354 3 ай бұрын
Pardon me but a huge surplus does not equate into better anything; the 1/2 Prime Minister Mr. Martin did give the contemporary Health Services effectively Billions and they all spent it on back wages and back bonuses for themselves and not on their patents. Quod Et Demonstatum: He, at his tender age at the time, was a virgin and innocent and spoke like YOU do now.
@philsoro491 7 ай бұрын
How yeee tmc. Come in fur yer dinnarr lol
@888ssss 7 ай бұрын
top o the rents to ya
@Thrazkar 7 ай бұрын
The thumbnail is antagonistic. Ulster is British!
@geordiewishart1683 7 ай бұрын
@derekoshaughnessy9809 7 ай бұрын
Leave the EU
@Art-is-craft 7 ай бұрын
That will solve nothing.
@derekoshaughnessy9809 7 ай бұрын
@@Art-is-craft Why, we don't need the EU. I'm not talking about the ploiticians we have running the country. I know it won't happen, Country is full of cowards.
@dlogan3099 7 ай бұрын
What countries are better than Ireland? Where would you prefer to live?
@GAZ0648 8 ай бұрын
I'd like to thank all of the foreigners for coming to Ireland to work in our hospitals. We need you ❤
@robbiecollier8684 7 ай бұрын
Great video as always and 100% the truth
@philip0987 7 ай бұрын
Love it.. just love your channel.. the truth hits hard in the faces of the GOMBEENS that think ... " sure we'eeel be grand"
@davidnicholson5241 3 ай бұрын
Well said ❤
Final muy inesperado 🥹
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