Stream Doesn't End Until I Beat DIABLO 1

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Darth Microtransaction

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DarthMicrotransaction tried Diablo 1 for the 1st time
►DMTV: @dmdiablo4
►DarthMicrotransaction: @DarthMicrotransaction
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@DarthMicrotransaction Күн бұрын
🔴 Live NOW - Continuing With Diablo 2:
@mokeish Күн бұрын
Bro ultima online exists, the mmo you described is the grand daddy of mmos and the father of pking
@airiakizuki5592 Күн бұрын
shoulda picked the rogue girl.
@dabegmister 10 сағат бұрын
You spent thousands on repairs when you're starting ability repairs 😂
@ka1ock Күн бұрын
RIP Blizzard North. So much know-how and talent lost.
@hollywoodmeow Күн бұрын
the sanctity of this place has been fouled...
@Postnghost1234 Күн бұрын
You said titty ha!
@honkiponki443 Күн бұрын
Its getting hot down here
@lordteensie6156 Күн бұрын
@@honkiponki443 I must be getting close!
@jymnasium Сағат бұрын
Now THAT is a BIG mushroom! - sadly i don't think he found it :(
@GuruChaz Күн бұрын
Diablo 1 was the miraculous game of my generation. Being able to go through the dungeons with friends was not a regular thing then. It was special and we played for hours and hours…then we played the mods.
@cavetroll666 Күн бұрын
i remember people i think being on top of rooftops in Tristrim?
@TravisHowrish Күн бұрын
And it actually has Diablo in it, unlike D4
@AygisMusic Күн бұрын
It’s my fav Diablo. Going down into an unknown dungeon beneath a church that leads to hell was such an intense experience as an 8 year old (and scary). It has the best atmosphere. While Diablo 2 increased the gameplay tech, running around the world chasing Prime evils trivialized that feeling of wonder and unkown terror that I got from Diablo 1
@Maibuwolf Күн бұрын
@@cavetroll666 On rooftops? You have no idea. As someone who was part of the hacking community in D1 it was the wild wild west. The game had no dedicated servers. This meant i could send any data i want from my pc to yours. Directly. We had every town npc standing in a row for ease of access. We had our characters teleport to the location we clicked. Pressing V on my keyboard turned your game off. Placing my cursor on your character killed you. F10 on my keyboard activated code for a shrine that gave me + to a random state and you - to a random stat. It happened at the rate of 255 times per second. Spiraling your stats so far into the negative it corrupted your save file. Standing on the roof of a building was nothing.
@jonnyke7090 Күн бұрын
Man i loved this game as a kid, remember playing the demo then begging my dad to get the full game. Good memories.
@sindex Күн бұрын
Interesting thing about the ending of Diablo 1 when you slam the Soulstone into your own head - it wasn't planned by Blizzard. They had a separate team doing cinematics from the design team, and they were pretty wild-westing a lot of stuff. So they come up with that ending and everyone was like "WTF?!" and it caused a LOT of debate internally. But in the end they went with it because it was unexpected and super weird and memorable. And it also paved the way for all of the sequels and the idea of the wanderer leaving Hell in their wake. You can look up the interview with David Brevik (designer) on it.
@MrVvulf Күн бұрын
Another little known fact. D1 was originally going to be turn based. Many on the team wanted live action. They held a vote on a Friday and live action won. David Brevik kept working through the weekend, and on Monday when the rest of the team got back to work, Brevik had written all the code necessary and it was now a live action game. One weekend.
@youdonegoofed Күн бұрын
@@MrVvulf They reduced the turn timer to zero and everything clicked.
@mephik 22 сағат бұрын
The look back history recaps on some of these early dev efforts on platform and PC are some of the most inspirational "just keep at it until breakthrough" stories ever. Love it!!
@Laura-ed4ex Күн бұрын
Brings back so memories from hours upon hours of playing this. Just hearing the voices instantly transported me back to playing this into the wee hours. Thanks for the trip down memory lane.
@nznige Күн бұрын
how about the sound a ring dropping
@therealshug Күн бұрын
crazy to me that you're my age, main ARPGS, yet never played diablo 1... glad to see you getting to the OG
@Kanoog Күн бұрын
I was around during the D1 hype, never cared to play it either. That isn't strange at all, people have different takes on what games to play.
@pulsss Күн бұрын
The comment at around 22:30 about there being a library of sounds games used is actually right. There was a general library that a lot of companies used, especially when working on smaller projects. I know for a fact that the noises of bats in Diablo 1 are the same sound effects as the bats in Daggerfall. Its always cool to hear the sounds and think of another game from the same era
@jasonlucia6682 Күн бұрын
Movies are the same way, the wilhelm scream and star wars blasters come to mind.
@BelialTnTn Күн бұрын
the sound of the dragons is Warcraft 2 is also used in many other things, I can't even name one single thing in particular, I sometimes just randomly hear it when watching stuff.
@kekplexis Күн бұрын
​@@BelialTnTn it's this sound right? I remember it from Mortal Kombat 3 as a Motaro sound
@nybsfp7486 14 сағат бұрын
It’s funny when my 8 year old hears me hum a 40 year old tune he only knows from some game he plays now and he’s all shocked I know that music or reference…that he doesn’t actually know is an even deeper one
@ajthedemon40 Күн бұрын
Man, Diablo 1 still has the coolest looking gear out of all the Diablo's when it comes to the design especially in the inventory screen.
@sandro108 Күн бұрын
Since monsters stay dead permanently, you can choose new game and select your current hero, the monsters will be back, will be a new game but with your saved char, gear, gold etc
@beardednord92 Күн бұрын
1:00 caine most famous line !
@Siphr0dias Күн бұрын
Memories. Beauty. Thanks for trying it out and sharing it!
@AstroNerdBoy Күн бұрын
The fun part about OG Diablo was that it was different every time. The Butcher wasn't always a quest you'd get. There were a few quests per section, but you could only get a certain number.
@Batlas Күн бұрын
Bro never equipped his godly plate of whale.
@dabegmister 10 сағат бұрын
Dude missed so much. I'm five hours into the stream and he hasn't bought anything from the shop And I don't believe he knows he scroll through it
@Krokodilius 15 сағат бұрын
watching this i just realized i hadn't got that crazy feeling of an NPC talking to me in a game in so long, but the elden ring DLC had it.
@Trodai83 Күн бұрын
Haha thanks for this mate! You brought back a lot of fun memories and that wonderful aol dialup noise lol
@Patraquashe Күн бұрын
Once the Acid Beast spitters in the Catacombs showed up I was like "RIP DM.".
@lordeggo 7 сағат бұрын
The Spitter Boss. What a classic. There's still things in Diablo 1 that are better than later versions. See how he uses terrain to his advantage. How he can't deal with being overrun by enemies. Later on there's techniques to dealing with enemies that run as a warrior like Teleport-Strike. Building heavy Magic instead of Vitality of using Mana Shield. All sorts of fun little tricks you kinda figure out yourself to overcome what just becomes more and more brutal with difficulty tiers.
@jacob1000 Күн бұрын
Played this at my place with mates every single day when it came out, massive nostalgia!
@doctorhouse13 Күн бұрын
nothing beats diablo 1 atmosphere
@Kestila Күн бұрын
12:43 kitty has a deal with Diablo himself 😭
@jomi0002 Күн бұрын
we called them "the machinegun dogs"
@ooxOBHOxoo Күн бұрын
Funny how recent games made us think that an Archdemon would fight fair and square.
@pedroaboffa Күн бұрын
It is so crazy to see someone play this game for the first time in 2024 when I played it so many times when it was launched.. hahaha!!!
@riddlermangaming3533 22 сағат бұрын
I'm so old I forget there are people who didn't grow up playing the original, was a great game to play after school. Dial up internet.
@big.guy77 Күн бұрын
Loved your candid reaction to the ending haha
@Messametti Күн бұрын
Oh yes the running range enemies, as a warrior i always had a bow for them otherwise it was too annoying to fight them. Hope some day they make a remaster of it.
@Victor-sm6vr 21 сағат бұрын
What's with the music and sound effects in this game omg. The ambience is unreal, wish games had this kind of immersion nowadays.
@KanonXO Күн бұрын
this was great hahah loved this
@arizothwow1 Күн бұрын
This game was way ahead of it's time. I remember playing it when it came out. I had nightmares for days
@messire9837 Күн бұрын
Ahead of its time? You do realize it was a 3D isometric Gauntlet remake mixed up with the Ultima VIII fighting routine, right?
@DoPtRiGGa 2 сағат бұрын
@@messire9837 It literally spawned an entire genre of gaming, yes it was way ahead of it's time 🤣
@thequestline2227 Күн бұрын
Love seeing this. It's still a little bizarre that, as an ARPG enthusiast, DM has still never dipped into Grim Dawn. It's top two for me, but I would imagine top 5 for most people. At least it's still going to be there whenever he finally gets to it!
@farming4g Күн бұрын
The succubus... the acid spitters... the goatmen... alll firing and running away aginst WARRIOR?! ...good times! Good Times!
@squeaccups4761 19 сағат бұрын
I have fond memories of Diablo, it was my very first online gaming experience, I was blown away especially by the atmospheric and dark. Good times.
@zoutsider88 Күн бұрын
i played this when it came out on ps1. huge nostalgia
@Gabe757 8 сағат бұрын
"I gotta pawn some of this stuff !" Classic.
@AresGod0fWar Күн бұрын
My first time playing this was actually right before D2R came out. My OG disc was broken when I bought the battle chest back in the day. It felt like an achievement after finishing this game. Lol
@Enzo-kb4oj Күн бұрын
Pleeeease, no hurt, no kill, keep aliiiveee 🐐
@garf412 Күн бұрын
thnk you that brought back a lot of memories :) i played rogue on my runs. ;D
@luugius5569 Күн бұрын
Oh man, this game is just brutal in some ways, like monsters stunlocking you, items disappearing if broken, and best of all, having to go get your items back if you died when playing in LAN ( no option to load a savegame). Last time I played was with a roommate 10 years ago, we got to hell and my sorc was decked out with great gear, then I teleported into a bad spot and tried to exit to get away, but I died and I exited while my items were still in the animation of falling to the ground, so my items disappeared completely. It was very unlucky timing but I learned something about the way games were made back then, your items are on you, then you die, then they are "nowhere" as long as the animation of the items dropping to the ground is playing, and then they are on the ground. If you manage to exit during the animation the items just poof :D
@Asghaad Күн бұрын
one would think that what you should have learned is not to cheat ... no logging out of bad situation is not normal behavior and you got punished for trying to abuse it ... but instead of learning NOT to trying to abuse something like that you completely missed why it happened in the first place
@luugius5569 Күн бұрын
@@Asghaad I understand your point if I was a youtuber playing on a challenge with a set of rules, but I was just playing for fun without using any cheats, why would you consider it "cheating"? It is a feature of the game to be able to quit instantly and then restart in town. Teleporting is very overpowered compared to anything else, and the only downside of it is ending up inside 10 monsters and having nothing else to do except exit the game. Maybe you have only played on single player where you can load the game and have your items back, but in LAN game the items are left in the ground and it might be impossible to retrieve them if you run out of gold to buy more potions...
@Asghaad Күн бұрын
@@luugius5569 if you are in MP then you have your buddy there to clear the mobs for you to retrieve your stuff ... we also used to keep backup emergency gear from drops on the ground in town if we played for longer and only pick up/sell the stuff after we were done for the day ... or call in a backup if the group you got stuck on was bit too much. if you play "multiplayer" solo, then thats on you for choosing to go "hardmode" none of that is an excuse for abusing "game mechanics" in my point of view thats just as bad as using potion copy glitch, another "feature" of the game ...
@odinian6244 Күн бұрын
You slapped in your first playthrough, dude. GG
@Malao558 Күн бұрын
Fully voice acted characters in 1997 feels pretty impressive. I guess it was a post-DOOM world at that point, but we were still sort of working with sticks and rocks as far as computing is concerned.
@nznige Күн бұрын
used to play this on COAX lan with the boys at Uni, a huge part of this game was loading into a level which had a pile of mobs sitting at the bottom of hte stairs and tonnes of deaths trying to inch them away, and telekenising your gear back
@claytontaylor9347 19 сағат бұрын
hours and hours of playing D1 with my dad in the PS1. Never was able to beat the game because of a corrupted disc not being able to save. D1 will always hold a special place in my heart.
@Straggler8 8 сағат бұрын
It's actually funny, that Diablo was not called "Diablo" in the original game, but rather the level he chilled on
@minuette1752 Күн бұрын
Man that brings back memories.
@eye-of-omega Күн бұрын
the superior entry
@Steph1 Күн бұрын
The end cinematic is so insane, top tier gaming
@raymondamosiii4122 Күн бұрын
Just got me wanting to replay this after many years, but I'm going to play the Belzebub mod!
@Azhureus Күн бұрын
Oh man, my all the time fav. game. This game was hard and scary and fun. I still play the Belzebub version from time to time.
@slawter1342 18 сағат бұрын
It's really nice to see some modern gamer paying homage to the OG, in this particular game you just die until you learn to live with it.
@PapyrusEngineer Күн бұрын
When Diablo came out, I was playing it a lot. I killed Lazarus, Diablo multiple times, because I was target farming uniques from them. Once I got uniques I felt quite powerful. It was fun.
@pkhjdlkfjandljfn Күн бұрын
Ya a KZfaq regular, really the only app i have on my phone besides the one game i have downloaded for shit sessions, i really wish you would/could post your twitch vods here or perhaps also stream simultaneously here on YT? Idk wish i could see the whole playthrough 😂 glad you enjoyed it!!! One of my favorites
@texfrancis9196 Күн бұрын
This is great ❤
@enkerzan3755 Күн бұрын
DM, if you are interested in playing the game more extensively, I suggest using the DevilutionX port, it greatly helps for speedfarming and has the expansion content. Also some basic pro tips I can give you for Warrior: 1. Never use a 2h weapon, sword and board is king. 2. When fighting projectile spammer champs, either reset the dungeon or use magic if desperate. 3. In single player, beware of shrines, some cause negative permanent effects to your character. Look up the shrines online, if they are bad, reload and avoid. In multiplayer, avoid altogether. 4. If you come across a zombie called the Black Death, (bright yellow, looks radioactive) save before you fight it, use ranged attacks, or avoid it altogether. Each hit from the zombie can permanently reduce your max HP PER HIT.
@beardedfern Күн бұрын
YES DUDE 🤘🏽🤘🏽🤘🏽this was so nostalgic! My favorite Diablo game is D2 LoD cuz of the memories tied to it.
@sweatter8213 Күн бұрын
AWh d1 great stuff! I remember my friend found a arch angel staff of apocalypse on his sorc and just dominated shit lol
@EdwardLewisIV 7 сағат бұрын
I'll never get sick of that Tristam sound track.
@mayssm Күн бұрын
"Why am I not hitting him??" Remember back at the beginning when you put all stats into health and you had only a 60% hit rate....
@MrFrmartin Күн бұрын
Brings back memories. Man I feel old
@Krusty_Kowz Күн бұрын
Can’t wait for the d2 stream 😎
@Youtubegrt 7 сағат бұрын
Dont want to spoil this with highlights, ill wait to enjoy the full playthrough upload 🙏
@Netsuko Күн бұрын
I like that they used literal claymation to make the monsters in D1. Such a throwback.
@youdonegoofed Күн бұрын
They only did that during pre-production, it was the original idea for the art direction. The final game features pre-rendered graphics.
@Bukoe 15 сағат бұрын
ohh almost got a Tear in my eye when I head that game music again .. =)
@Brax1982 Күн бұрын
I played this a ton back then. Imagine that it would barely run on your machine. I don't even wanna think about how many times I died...
@nicholashedberg3133 Күн бұрын
What an amazing game, I need to play again
@Rage-_-Quit Күн бұрын
Game took me weeks to beat for the first time back in the day lol. Crazy how much the average gamer skill went up since then, playing it for the first time beating it in 1 session with only 5 deaths.
@aaroncunneen328 Күн бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it. Was my favourite for Soooo long also D-1 maps are actually random PC generated. So nobody actually said put 20 ranged dogs at the end of a hallway.
@Warsign01 23 сағат бұрын
Stone Curse is your friend when it comes to runners.
@KuntaKinteToby Күн бұрын
Wish D1 would get an HD upgrade
@Tombitp Күн бұрын
I remeber playing this on my PS1 (PSX back then) having memory card ports burned and not working, every playthrough was hardcore cause lack of saving.
@hachri80 Күн бұрын
Best Ending of a Video Game ever
@mastrchief1020 23 сағат бұрын
Omg no way! I literally beat diablo 1 for the first time yesterday! Going through the Beelzebub mod now
@daiakunin Күн бұрын
Those damn acid spitting dogs were, and continue to be, the worst.
@jbassguy571 Күн бұрын
D1 was back when games made you want to explore the dungeon.
@ryancole4015 Күн бұрын
Favorite game. Period
@NastyNev Күн бұрын
Would love to see you play the other 2 classes
@d8l835 Күн бұрын
Do you post these streams? I would love to watch you go through this game again as I can no longer do so myself lol This game is a huge part of my childhood. Heard you were doing the even better sequel too
@jmkeff Күн бұрын
lol i remember doing the potion dupe method for my dad in 93 😂
@anthalas1 Күн бұрын
@kekplexis Күн бұрын
I used potion dupe on PS one, and the best part of it is that I found the exploit by myself 😅
@JenniferX- Күн бұрын
Awesome game!
@heroblake6572 14 сағат бұрын
The first time I saw the butcher scared the hell out of me when I was a kid. 😮
@georgeirey3958 Күн бұрын
I remember playing this on PS1 good ol days.
@krylesangerbeaver Күн бұрын
I forget, does he have to repair stuff to not lose it to durability? I don't remember ever losing gear as a sorceror/wizard/mage
@AdhinJT Күн бұрын
Yeah in D1 if items broke they disappeared. Not sure if he was repairing uniques with the warrior repair skill or not, but that lowers max durability each time it's used. Only really useful early on with trash items you need to keep around a bit longer before replacing.
@Asghaad Күн бұрын
@@AdhinJT he was literally slamming repair skill at lvl 20+ on his unique gear ... never realizing he permanently damages the gear every time he uses that nonsensical starter skill
@Oliver-tb9ol 16 сағат бұрын
This was rated 18+ when it came out, I remember trying to get it and they wouldnt let me without a parent/guardian. Eventually I convinced my parents to let me get it, lol. So many hacks and dupes in the game too. Such a great game for the time.
@nybsfp7486 14 сағат бұрын
Some of this I don’t remember at all. The looks of some of the armor for example. Is it all original?
@ZachMaynard Күн бұрын
How long did it take to beat the game?
@barryschalkwijk9388 Күн бұрын
Lol you got all the good quests.
@vyktorzhuravlev8304 Күн бұрын
The first part was the best. What i like most are Hell Knights.
@GreezhGo Күн бұрын
I saw your playthrough and bought the game as I never have completed it as well 😁
@pedaleou Күн бұрын
best game off all time... after that diablo 2 came with a faster paced open areas that just revolutionize (destroyed) the dungeon crawling gameplay... return to hell season 5 would have been amazing if instead of fast arena action they've added a gigantic random hell dungeon for us to dive in... d1 was simple and fun... just loot hunt, chose your stats, kill demons...
@Shiby23 Күн бұрын
damn Fresh Meat wasn't nearly as surprising as it should've been. Such a nostalgia trip seeing this played again. Pretty sure this was before "builds" so people probably carried a bow with them for those range dogs :P maybe you'll realize that later in the video.
@YBLeafy 12 сағат бұрын
I remember leaving this game open in online mode without being connected to the internet just so I could have infinite loot and my whole town was just full of gold I couldn't carry. lol - I played online 1 time on dialup and some guy (another player) was killing me with a bow and running 5x faster than me. It was terrible.
@GuitarFable Күн бұрын
Sorcerer fireball is the best at the end, i loved this game when i was arround 11 years old, i dueled my friend and my nage plate was about to broke i told him to stop attacking and he didnt and broke my armor since i was not a cheater i had to find it again. You have to block monster in door that way you dont have to fight them all
@Asghaad Күн бұрын
Chain lightning 4life ...
@DarkerNemesis 19 сағат бұрын
Damm it, Now I have to play the game again.
@IKolpikov 22 сағат бұрын
Oh, u should know that magic here is so good and multi functional for all classes. Warrior with teleport, turning monsters to stone for more physical dammage etc. This game has HD mode with added difficulty and levels, hotkeys. It's a great thing to play, though torment difficulty is HARD to beat. Diablo level is so full of monsters and u got only 15 or 30 minutes timer to finish it.
@wanderingtrader1147 Күн бұрын
video games has come a long way, I remember playing Diablo on computer with max hard drive space of 32gb in the 90’s. This game has a great story
@kekplexis Күн бұрын
You meant 32 Mb, right? Because there were no 32 Gb drives in the nineties. A few gigs was good by the end of the nineties, but 10-20 gigs was like a few thousands bucks.
@ChefphuuGoonz Күн бұрын
For warrior u should start with max dex (60 point). Then Str/Vit. In early game -late game you need hit chance and dodge chance. Max Dex asap will make you through the game very easily. You may want to keep a good bow in your inventory to counter range monster, keep distance and shoot them instead of running and catching them.
@ragnarokfps Күн бұрын
This brings back memories. You kept missing because you didn't have enough dexterity. I can't believe you skipped The Butcher lmao. His area is so distinct from the rest of the map layout. But anyways, now you'll get some references that didn't make sense before lol
@ICEMANdiabloIV Күн бұрын
O ye Spiritual Journey 💯
@captainroyy21 Күн бұрын
Evil Kitty was the real enemy all along
@kyles6813 19 сағат бұрын
So glad he got Arkaine Valor quest but sad he didn't get the shako
@tomriggs699 14 сағат бұрын
The soundtrack is amazing. Current Diablo team needs to take notice.
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