Stunts doen met een zweefvliegtuig!

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#Werkplaatsvlog #mastermilo

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@mathijstenhagen Жыл бұрын
Wauw wat vet. Gaaf dat je dit kon meemaken. Super mooi gefilmd en dit ✈️
@shokugeki1028 Жыл бұрын
Ongelofelijk wat een video. Dit is echt met afstand het beste Nederlandse kanaal op youtube! En dan die Mastermovies referentie op 25:35 🤣🤣🤣 Ik ging dood, dat waren de beste Nederlandse komieken van die tijd!
@vliegtuigje16 Жыл бұрын
🇩🇪 Zusammenfassung unten von Mara! ⤵️ 🇬🇧 Hey folks, the quick English summary. Today Emile is on a road-trip to the province of Zeeland. I’ve arranged a flight in an aerobatic glider aircraft. Here they’re met by the pilots, had a drink and paid a visit to the control tower. Outside they took a look by an Cessna 208 caravan. With the aircraft Emile is going to fly in, they did a walk around and got some explanation about the indicators and flight controls. Because it’s an aerobatic flight, a parachute is mandatory therefore he’s strapped in and he needed to loose his working boots due to the limited space, he also got some instructions. He’s also instructed how to go with the expected positive and negative G forces. The aircraft can handle positive 9G’s when flown alone, with two persons it’s limited to 7. The tug aircraft is started, a Robin DR-400, and the cable is connected to the glider and both took off. At starting height of the flight the smoke pods on the end of the wings are ignited and the cable is released, immediately the aerobic flight started. Fist the pilot was at the controls, then Emile got the chance to fly himself. After landing Emile was impressed with the forces and the aircraft, they had some lunch. After lunch the cable is again attached to the tug plane and they took off again. Now Erwin is at the controls, at starting height of the flight the cable is released again, smoke pods ignited and the aerobatic flight started. After landing of this more intense flight he was again impressed and a bit dizzy, luckily not sick. The day is close off with a beer. Have a great weekend, stay safe. 🇩🇪 Zusammenfassung. Heute geht's in die Luft....Robin hat für Milo was Feines organisiert und Milo freut sich da wirklich drauf....und zwar ein Segelflug in Zeeland.... ....nach Ankunft auf den Flugfeld gibt es erstmal Theorie und die nötigen Unterweisungen....dann kommt aber auch schon das Schleppflugzeug und es geht gleich hoch hinaus und Milo hat einen Heidenspaß.....natürlich werden die nötigen Kunststücke gemacht und Milo durfte auch mal eben den Knüppel in die Hand nehmen..... ....wieder am Boden, gibt's eben mal was zu essen und alle hoffen, das das Essen auch nachher drinnen bleibt, denn danach geht's auch gleich wieder weiter aber diesmal noch viel heftiger und als Milo wieder am Boden war, schien es eben alsob ihm nochmal alles durch den Kopf ist gegangen aber das war nur um die anderen zu verarschen....Milo hat echt seinen Spaß gehabt..... ....wer das selbst auch mal mitmachen will, der kann gerne unter dem Video schauen, denn da gibt es den passenden Link dazu....damit geht dieses Video zuende....viel Spaß beim Anschauen und bis zum nächsten Mal wieder.... Mara
@Smartzenegger Жыл бұрын
English translation of: *Title:* "Bumble doing with a flutter air 'o plane!"
@adeeponion9152 Жыл бұрын
Pretty nice Robin. A beautiful day in Zeeland. Wish I was there. My glider ride was mild and I still hurled.
@boerharms2209 Жыл бұрын
mooie video! die gasten hebben dr verstand van! en weten ook hoe ze die kennis in de praktijk moeten brengen! echt heel vet
@pascalwolters37 Жыл бұрын
Geen tank en toch een leuke video! Lekker enthousiast, daar neem ik er nog 1 op.
@322_smokey-aviation Жыл бұрын
Gaaf man! Mooi dat je dit heb mogen meemaken. Heb het zelf vorig jaar meegemaakt heb ik ook met een van hun meegevlogen😁
@chillozz1 Жыл бұрын
Die 2e run... BIZAR hoeveel flex er in die vleugels zitten zeg kan je echt goed zien bij die shots vanaf de vleugel
@Tenma_Gold Жыл бұрын
Ook wel een goed idee om na het vliegen te eten :D
@renelammertsen5894 Жыл бұрын
Mooi gefilmd, gave video!
@LeFoxGaming Жыл бұрын
weer een leuke video. ook een leuk feitje, de PH-JAS is jaren lang de skydive cessna geweest bij Texel International Airport - EHTX
@gjsvid Жыл бұрын
Prachtige video. Leuk idee voor een vervolg/side project? Vliegtuigrestauratie :-).
@jurriengijsberts6212 Жыл бұрын
Heel gaaf! En het camera werk is ook echt goed tegenwoordig!!! Lekker bezig.
@harrygroen69 Жыл бұрын
BAM! Inbox vol met rijpere dames 🤣
@joscornelissen5626 Жыл бұрын
No way! Ik heb in mijn pauze staan kijken naar dat zweefvliegtuig wat aan het stunten was! Als ik had geweten dat jij daar in zat had ik wel ff hallo komen zeggen daar.
@wastingmymoneyonmotorcycles Жыл бұрын
Well that's not tank work but sure looked like fun.
@Smartzenegger Жыл бұрын
A flying tank would be nice...
@jappuhr Жыл бұрын
Close the hatch and fill it with helium
@kenniskanaal1828 Жыл бұрын
Top vlog Milo !
@bertgr2184 Жыл бұрын
Wat gaaf zeg. Ik heb 35 jaar model gevlogen met onder andere ook de fox schaal 1 op 4. Jaren zwevers omhoog gesleept tot schaal 1 op 2.5 maar, dit is het echte werk. Super gaaf zeg.
@thomhesterman Жыл бұрын
Bij huidige airliners wordt de straal ook “bijna” niet meer gebruikt en komt de voorstuwing voornamelijk van de fan. De echte straalaandrijving was vroeger voornamelijk met de turbojet motoren.
@marc5460 Жыл бұрын
dank voor de video
@PascalVanWaverenADVENTURE Жыл бұрын
Haha geniaal milo ik was vandaag ook aant soaren met paraglider. Goed bezig.
@thechairtube Жыл бұрын
Mooie edit ook weer!
@thechairtube Жыл бұрын
​@@mmm365 dat is jouw probleem
@ShellMartijn Жыл бұрын
Super gaaf!! Ik heb ooit les gehad in een ASK21. Daar kon je ook wel leuke dingen mee doen maar niet zo extreem als dit :)
@SemteVruchte Жыл бұрын
Toevallig is de 21 juist een enorm goed aerobatisch vliegtuig ;), desalniettemin blijft het een behoorlijk hok
@ShellMartijn Жыл бұрын
@@SemteVruchte Ja dat is het zeker! We vlogen een keer vanaf Soesterberg met goede thermiek naar Wijk bij Duurstede. Daar zaten we op bijna 2km hoogte en moesten we snel terug. Want extra vliegtijd moest je kopen toen. Dus met bijna 200 km/uur terug, vleugels krom bij elke thermiek hobbel. Instructeur zei toen we nog op tijd boven Soesterberg kwamen, heb je trek in nog een paar stunts? Ik: altijd :D Hij moest zich wel inhouden en mocht niet alles doen maar wat een ervaring was dat. Redelijk simpele stunts gedaan als looping, rol, overtrek/vrille. Bizar. Hele mooie ervaring!
@SemteVruchte Жыл бұрын
@@ShellMartijn Ja vet hé, blijft altijd een mooie sport dat zweefvliegen. Extra vliegtijd kopen is wel echt bizar, dat heb ik nog nooit gehoord op de club ;p
@ShellMartijn Жыл бұрын
@@SemteVruchte Extra vliegtijd had destijds te maken met de cursus denk ik. Dan praat ik over bijna 30 jaar geleden. Dat niet zomaar iedere instructeur met cursist een uur weg is terwijl er andere cursisten op de grond moeten wachten. Ik mis het wel hoor, die vrijheid daar hoog in de lucht, soms samen met een roofvogel in een thermiekbel vliegen. Helaas heb ik toen net me brevet niet kunnen halen. Moest over naar de ASK-13 om wat meer ervaring te krijgen, paar keer mee gevlogen maar toen was de 2 weekse cursus voorbij. Cursus kreeg ik van me ouders, zat nog op school toen en zelf betalen was toen al prijzig. Zou het graag weer op willen pakken hoor!!
@SemteVruchte Жыл бұрын
@@ShellMartijn Nooit te oud om weer op te pakken :)
@lariroli Жыл бұрын
@erwingobee3890 Жыл бұрын
Een super Video!!!!
@edwindejong2211 Жыл бұрын
Wow ik had aan een kliko nog niet genoeg gehad. 🤣
@steveman1982 Жыл бұрын
Goed geoefend met de zelfgebouwde attributen de laatste tijd :)
@Bjorno21 Жыл бұрын
🇬🇧 Hey folks, the quick English summary. 😜 PART - 2 That's why you need to know the static pressure and also the dynamic pressure on the aircraft, and then you can calculate the difference in reality. These are used for that. Here, the air comes in, and with my altimeter, we can know exactly how high we are. It's like a barometer, and by moving the hand, we can see if we want to go higher or lower. So, when you go higher, the air pressure decreases, and with these differences, we can measure how high we are. Here at the front, we also have a tube for measuring speed, okay? Really, the speed that is set on the speedometer. I just received instructions on how to deal with g-forces. Yes, positive g-forces, that's when you do a loop and all the blood drains from your head downwards. Yeah, that's where we train, just like in your business.Tighten everything from your abdominal muscles to your muscles in Spain, usually to help, for example, fighter pilots to withstand that. That's information because they, yes, they do that continuously. And if you, let's say, make a kind of hiccup sound, you actually push the blood to where it should be, and in that way, you can essentially endure it longer. And actually, in a loop, you don't really need it that much because you can fly a loop with around 4G. But if you're going to do serious figures, we have the loop's backflight, so you're already flying at 200 km/h and you have to go all the way back up. Yes, and then you're really at 5-6G for a period of, well, like six or seven seconds. And then, well, it gets heavy. You can see it, you can recognize it. Yes, you get a kind of tunnel vision, and actually, as your mind is being pulled more, it becomes less, so your vision becomes less and less until it becomes completely black at a certain point, and then, well, it's over, then you're out. Yes, exactly, but what you said about negative Gs, you can't really do anything about it. That's actually when you make a loop upside down, and in that case, the blood actually goes towards your head. Indeed, flying a loop, but you can also do it, for example, if you're flying at about 100 km/h and you just push, push, push, then you experience about -4 to -5G. Yes, if you're not used to it, it's terrible, it's like hell on earth. Oh well, this voice can handle it, I don't think it's a good idea to do that because it's intense. Now, how much can you normally handle, both positive and negative, because it's the difference? Well, that's also a bit personal and dependent. If you have good ancestors and how your blood is, if you've drunk a lot of pills, if you have thin blood, then it's all a bit less. But normally, normally, yes, for me it's also time-dependent. I can quickly handle nine Gs, but if it's for a long period, even I reach my limit at some point. It's really personal, you know. Later on, when we fly together, the aircraft will be limited because we have more weight, so after +7, well, we'll quickly get there, I think, but if you start feeling heavy with Gs, just let me know, then I'll take over, of course. Yes, exactly, yes. No, it's a bit scary, that's why it's called that. It stinks too, you know. Good at rolling, though. But you want it to go well, right? Yes, that's how it is. I'm all ready for takeoff. Well, yes, it fits if it's big, right? It's also really spacious because I'm 1.86 meters, but it fits easily because you're tall too, which is good for the canopy, that's nice. Exactly. Hey, thank you. There we go. Filming.That's allowed, hey oh oh, this is cool. You're asking for just one, hahaha. 0.4 tapering like this, oh oh. 20-year-old rice, oh well, Sweden, 0.1, nothing stands out. Yes, it's cool, around 4, woohoo! This is so crazy, nothing, nothing at all compared to this airport. Oh god, who's coming, just one. Ho! Yes, indeed, well now. Yes, I pulled it up, oh oh, yes, push, yes. Right, hahaha, if you like roller coasters, then you have to do this. This is the ultimate roller coaster. Go, I say to myself in my head, "This is cool." Oh, so cool, man. Hahaha, a bit harder, it's dry, huh? So fast, man, where are we going? A roller coaster is really nothing compared to this. It's brutal. If I really want to do better, I'd go to a theme park, stand in line for an hour, and get the action right away. Yes, this was really awesome, man. An airplane, yes, I saw you up there in the sky with the door off. But that, hey, that's cool, man, that's really a roller coaster without tracks. It's not normal, it goes fast, man, and it's great. At a certain point, it goes all the way up and then suddenly it brakes, and now the wind is gone, you can't hear anything anymore, and then you look at the G-force meter, it's really at zero, and then you just hang there, you're floating in your seatbelt, and then suddenly, whoop, whoop, and it goes straight down, look, straight ahead to the airport. It looks beautiful, man. If you're not feeling sick, it's really something people can do, you can just buy it and do it, yes, for sure. We have a link in the description, so it's really like, "Oh, I want to do that," or if you have a party coming up and you want to give a really cool gift, then this is definitely a recommendation, it's really cool, taxi. Daily activity. Well, yeah, nice, right? Done, anyway. Definitely, well, I hope we don't see that again later, we'll see it in the videos, are you always doing that when you have to edit? Of course, right? It's just here, the starter motor is here, it's already here. That's a bit... out. Now we're going to do a big boys' flight of yours, oh yeah. Well, let me see where my bag is. It's still inside somewhere, if it's good. Two bags, they've definitely eaten quite a bit, and yes, yes, indeed. No yogurt or paper or anything, no no, that was advice. Just eat a banana and a flavored custard going in the same direction, oh oh, yes, hello, here we go. He's going in. Erwin is 38 years old. Well, yeah, for sure, you can just send an email via the link in the description, right? No, yeah, that, hey, man, it's the same concept, look, exactly. Oh, man, the bag is still there, just like that, man. I already find it very funny.He's going to connect it, you know. Yes, thank you. Good, right? Pretty cool, huh? There we go, look. Yeah. Yeah, that was good, tasty. Wow, now they're flying us up, I think. Going away again a bit. Is it coming out? Wow, he says that first. Or maybe not, but I'm not sure if that's it, you know. Probably. I think the bag is also filmed. Hahaha, cool, man. But this was still brutal, man, and what he said about the tunnel view at some point. He also pulled it during the loop, like this, and then you see it getting all black from the side, man, yeah, really. Yeah, I really thought, I really thought I took that bag out. I also see it, let me show the bag, boogie-style. He won, I just said, "Hold on." We thought and I saw your expression. You said, "Oh, I think, oh no, yeah, that's right, cool, man, really cool and not normal, but this is so bizarre because at some point, the plane just goes down like a leaf, and then it's weightless. Yeah, but at some point, it went upside down and then you pull it up, man, and then you really feel that negative G-force. How does that feel? Yeah, you really get pressed into your seatbelt, all of a sudden, it's really intense. Yeah, it's not normal when it suddenly goes down like that, like whoosh, as if it automatically goes straight down and then in one go, back up into the loop, yeah, it's amazing. What do you think? Well, I think it's alright. No, it's super cool, man, really cool. Cool, man. From the ground, it was also really spectacular because, well, I can assure you, it's even more awesome from the inside, I think, huh? From the ground, I didn't see it, of course. But yeah, let's bring it back and maybe we can put all the stuff away now, right? For your plumebook. You're a tough guy, you know. Yeah, just a bit, yeah. It's still fun to watch, right? Yeah, I definitely enjoyed it, especially flying with you and everyone. And you can follow the Kleiner Ben ik Showteam on Facebook and on the internet. It costs €395 for a truly fantastic day with a snack, a drink, and a fun movie, and you won't regret it. So it's cool, you can fly with me, and you guys also film, so you'll also see a video. Ah, but that's fun when you can, indeed, oh, he's going to do something extra. Thanks a lot for this amazing experience of flying with you. You're a tough guy, really, for sure. Well, yeah, thank you. I especially thought it was really cool. Of course, it's exciting, and, well, I was a bit worried, but luckily we didn't need the bag, except for a joke, and Tom made that joke. Well, yeah. Did you see it? You folded the bag closed, right? Absolutely. But hey, if you're thinking, "I'd like to try it sometime," you can check our website. There you can book a fun flight for €395,including a snack, a drink, and I'll receive a nice video along with maybe a sick bag, but I don't think it's necessary, so yeah, that's really awesome. So if you have a party or if you organize parties yourself and you want something truly original, it's definitely a great tip. We'll include a link in the description, so if you want to experience this yourself or if you know someone who should, definitely sign up. You won't regret it. Yes, it's a great birthday gift. Well, I think we can wrap it up now. Thank you all very much. I really enjoyed it myself. For Edwin, who is 38 years old, you can also contact us via email at [email address]. I would say, people, thank you very much for watching this video and see you next time. That's a wrap!
@Robert-ze5eu Жыл бұрын
Ste alleen het grapje van de piloot van: o nee. De motor is uitgevallen😜
@gerritvenema Жыл бұрын
Gaaf.. Wil wel 2 duimpjes geven hihi. Dit is leuk
@stefanhardeman3238 Жыл бұрын
Ik heb de hele tijd met een glimlach gekeken
@vliegtuigje16 Жыл бұрын
Zo te zien heb je t enorm naar je zin gehad! Blij dat ik dit kon regelen 👌
@Smartzenegger Жыл бұрын
Heb jij dit gere-geldt?
@vliegtuigje16 Жыл бұрын
@@Smartzenegger Heb Emile met Erwin in contact gebracht waar dit uitgerold is
@Smartzenegger Жыл бұрын
@@vliegtuigje16 Erwin 38 jaar?
@vliegtuigje16 Жыл бұрын
@@Smartzenegger 🤣🤣
@alexvdvelde Жыл бұрын
Ik kijk uit naar de video dat jullie die jet gaan starten Milo. Duurt vast niet lang nu je de smaak te pakken hebt
@marchallairsoft Жыл бұрын
Keer wat anders gaaf man
@marchallairsoft Жыл бұрын
Kom eens met mij mee potje airsoft
@gertl9064 Жыл бұрын
Haha wat gaaf als opgelet had had je kunnen zien. Maar denk dat jij me ook heb kunnen zien met de shovel.
@jankraaijvanger132 Жыл бұрын
Emiel als je een turbinespecialist zoekt moet je bij VBR turbinepartners in Elst zijn.
@martijnFE Жыл бұрын
Heel dik man...kun je ook mooi zien hoe PLAT het allemaal is!!!!!!!
@Lucas-sh9ys 9 ай бұрын
Gewoon even meegaan met een zweefvlieger was voor mij al de max ...maar wanneer je hier ook nog stunts mag beleven, tja amazing
@TheBrandwacht Жыл бұрын
Welkom op airport Zeeland in arnemuiden gem. Middelburg
@Smartzenegger Жыл бұрын
Airport? Grasveld zul je bedoelen.
@Smartzenegger Жыл бұрын
@@mmm365 Ja, vliegende koeien :)
@assepa Жыл бұрын
Verrassende video... erg leuk!
@dutchgamer033 Жыл бұрын
Volgens mij heeft Emil totaal geen andere kleding en schoenen🤣🤣
@jappuhr Жыл бұрын
En een pyjama met hbm opdruk.
@VicodinGH Жыл бұрын
Volgende stap: Pitts Special of Extra 300 :)
@poetsmeneer Жыл бұрын
Was wel aardig ja, hahahah
@alanpeijen6021 Жыл бұрын
Had je wel.meteen kunnen door rijden met je perslucht cylinders
@ernie123456ful Жыл бұрын
Tom ziet ze vliegen 😂
@Basje-rt2cd Жыл бұрын
En ik maar denken dat zweefvliegen saai was
@joeykuiperij4806 Жыл бұрын
Zweefvliegen was pas spannend in de ww2
@joostit Жыл бұрын
Als je goed kijk zie je ons ook altijd met een brede grijns op 't gezicht vliegen 😎
@Timbert_anthonius Жыл бұрын
@@joostitin de buurt van haamsteden?
@Ype1998 Жыл бұрын
Voor proefje voor dat milo een vliegtuig koopt😂
@Bgdutch77 Жыл бұрын
@ronald23879 Жыл бұрын
Milo kan alles. ( Klaas kan gerust met pensioen).
@pedrosmits Жыл бұрын
39:11 ik zeg Klaas vaak, die gaan we opgeven. 😂
@Bjorno21 Жыл бұрын
🇬🇧 Hey folks, the quick English summary. 😜 PART - 1 Hey people, great that you're watching again, yes, yes, hey, look here, I already have a parachute on, yes indeed, and we're going to fly with this aircraft. We're going to do all kinds of maneuvers because we are the guests at Glider and you're also part of the team, right? Yes, we're five. Hey, come here, I'm always the one who turns backwards, but that's actually not so handy for the video, of course. But yeah, look at me outside, man. So, here we are. How do we do this? No, Zealand, look, airport. We're going to fly, we're going to do stunt flying, I'm going to fly along, right? I'm not going to steer myself. Hey, definitely. Yeah, Emiel, good, right? No, but you can turn them off too, Emiel, 38 years old, just kidding. Well, a nice cup of coffee first. but I'm not going to shout "hook" now soon everyone will be sick, all this big talk beforehand, suddenly just sick, it can happen just like that Oh dear, oh well, but this is it, nerve center, right here. How many rounds, how many devices are you in contact with? Here or during the week, I mean, with the others, I have a wife, yes. Five, we can handle that during the day already, up to 150 airplanes. So, in Grey Leusden, we have the new coast guard, the helicopter, yeah, that one must also be used occasionally, so yeah, then you have to do some puzzling, so to speak. Yeah, yeah, if it needs to be done, then it probably takes priority over everyone else. Then, uh, five in the pattern, for example, nicely lined up in a row. Yeah, then it has to go up and get out of the way. Yeah, then both have to be done, that's puzzling, but this is nice, it reassures me. Well, let's get to it quickly, then. We're pretty fat, huh? Yeah, well, uh, thank you. Good luck to you too. Thank you, bye. 900 horsepower, 900 pk. We'll call it a jet engine, right? Because Dijk is a turbine guy, but uh, with a jet engine, you actually use the jet that comes out as propulsion for your airplane. But this is a turboprop, and then you actually use the jet to drive a propeller wheel in the turbine, in the airflow, and then it rotates the propeller with a gearbox. We also have a passenger cabin that needs to start up, because that's cool too, yeah, I really have to do that too. Yeah, and that triangle, are we easily visible, a bit flashy with colors, yeah, where that triangle is actually used when you're in an airplane, you're already leaning back a bit, of course, you see the sky going past you, and when you go straight up, you don't know exactly if this is straight or this is straight, and you can see that your plane is going up or going straight up, then this is horizontal relative to the horizon. Ah, and if you go 45° downward, now he has it on or if he goes up with the students, it's also clear, so you're actually looking at this little thing relative to the horizon, and this device is used a lot for the competition, with the four, and you should see it as a kind of, uh, yeah, like figure skating, there are judges on the ground, and they watch your program, everyone flies the same little program, and whoever flies it most precisely and has the most points wins in the end. Yeah, so they can judge if you're making a 40-degree line or 45°, if you look from the cockpit to the wing, yeah, those wings bend a little downward or upward, and these pins are actually made on the middle of the wing, and this string that's on it essentially does the same as up front, but at the moment when, for example, we make a teardrop turn, so we go vertical upwards, we actually wait until the plane stops flying, then it goes backward in a dive, then it goes straight, and then this string moves forward, and what does that mean for us? That our plane is now being blown from behind instead of from the front. Yeah, exactly, reversed. So, if you fall back and you're actually tilting a little, you want to give input at to give input to fall back straight so that you can actually stay beautiful and upside-down for as long as possible, but it's also quite a challenge to do this, of course. So, you hold everything tightly with both hands, but you want to prevent it from tilting to one side. If it tilts, the tendons are in a different position, right? Yeah, this is a bit, you feel like there's someone shaking it if you're really leading it for a long time because you had it firmly with both hands, and then, uh, well, at the moment when you wouldn't hold it tight and it slams and tilts to one side, it hits the stops of the aircraft quite hard, which is, uh, not good. So that's why, yeah, this one won't break, but it's just not a pleasant feeling if you let that knob fly out of your hand, it feels like it's going to go, then you better help it a bit, and if you look at the bottom, you can also see the hinges of those ailerons, they're quite heavy, no idea if it's visible where you can check that properly. Yeah, indeed, because of course, that load is much, uh, much worse due to its stiffness. If you have the fuselage and the elevator sitting above, then you have a lot of mass, right, and then I don't know, but those are naturally at 200 km, the plane starts to snap, it spins around quickly from there. If you're flying at, let's say, 160 kilometers per hour and you change the angle of attack, you have a maximum load of 7. But then you also have the situation where the plane is no longer flying, it's just floating. But then it doesn't have any more resistance. And if you give a little support with your tail, it immediately turns into a dive and then we'll try again later, hahaha, going up straight at 205 km and then wait until 180 km per hour, and then you let it stall and it goes into a dive, and then it starts rotating like a helicopter on its back, that's also quite something, right, you don't hear anything from me anymore, no more information, super cool, super cool. Yeah, I'm curious. I think we should just go ahead and do it because these are all exciting stories, but you know, you have to see it in real life, right? The parachute is mandatory according to the law, if you make a flight somewhere, you have to wear a parachute, oh really? So, I'll also receive parachute instructions later, and actually, all those airplanes are made because it's almost mandatory worldwide, those seats are actually custom-made for you, yeah, yeah, let's do it. I heard that I had to leave my boots on the ground, otherwise the plane won't take off, I'll be squeezing my feet together, yeah. Well, then I just have to sit between your legs, but I already have enough of that, well, we don't have to cancel everything right away, we'll write it down, right? Much better, yeah, you do fall quite hard. It really hurts, maybe when you land, actually, it's better than dying. Exactly, the lever, they shouldn't do that, no, no, that's not allowed because then it shouldn't be there at all. It falls, it just falls out, maybe or maybe not, then you have to fold it again. Yeah, yeah, I think it can really jump. Ah, you see, this aircraft, it really has a powerful jet, like from a height, you can really see that when you compare it to the other aircraft. That's actually done so that we can give maximum input, so if I write it down as if it's a robot, it means we can quickly switch back to idle position, which causes the airflow to not be able to follow, and as a result, the aircraft maintains a speed of 160 km/h, speaking in terms of relative airspeed. That's why we have high-speed jets and also a jetze for direction control, but no, not the entire wing, it's one of the wing's air systems. And what it does is maintain pressure around the aircraft and also the dynamics, and it compensates for the difference. And with this, we have a gauge in the aircraft that indicates whether we're climbing or descending, and you can actually see how many meters per second you're ascending. It works well in heavy, ascending air, and then we start circling. Shall we take a look? Then you can climb in it, and with this instrument, we can know how many meters per second we're really ascending. So, if you're flying at around 160 km/h and you pull the stick suddenly, you're essentially climbing, but you actually want to know what the air is doing under my wing.
@lordsjaak Жыл бұрын
geen zorgen. deze week ben ik gewoon 39 jaar geworden 😂
@Smartzenegger Жыл бұрын
English translation of: *Title:* "Bumble doing with a flutter air 'o plane!"
@trader4239 Жыл бұрын
Knap Emile dat je dat zo volhoudt
@Tych-ki1tm Жыл бұрын
Ik heb dit vaak gedaan op GTA V, dus ik zou dit ook wel kunnen 😂
@onbekend602 Жыл бұрын
Dus het volgende project word een russische mig milo 😂
@chrismohlmann2961 Жыл бұрын
Milan vind het prachtig
@adriaanvankammen8375 Жыл бұрын
Binnenkort een Tandem Parachute sprong?
@l0lbr03kl0lbr03k Жыл бұрын
15:09 rolling shutter!🤩
@marcenjolandavanloenen713 Жыл бұрын
Waar staat de link voor Erwin m’n schoonmoeder zoekt nog een date zijn we daar ook vanaf 😂
@MrErwinGliding Жыл бұрын
Schoonmoeders geven alleen maar hoofdpijn !
@everhard4743 Жыл бұрын
Is het niet tijd voor een collab met FrietpanFrank inmiddels?
@petercoenders8343 Жыл бұрын
I am building Bayards Helicopter Decks (NL Company) all over the World. Love Flying. Nice Videos.
@advanoorschot1867 Жыл бұрын
Man man wat een uitdaging .......en dan ook nog heel blijven proficiat!🤣🙃
@Smartzenegger Жыл бұрын
Vandaag gaat Milo stuntelen in een zweetvliegtuig!
@Smartzenegger Жыл бұрын
@@mmm365 En voortstuwing op schetenkracht activeren.
@Smartzenegger Жыл бұрын
@@mmm365 Oh, ik dacht 10 injecties met biogas in de bips. :)
@shanavanderhorst1701 Жыл бұрын
Een tip eet niet teveel dan kan je ook misselijk worden en van niet eten voor het vliegen ook dus je moet ook drinken anders krijg je hoofdpijn ik heb een keer in zo'n vliegtuigje gevlogen ik had gegeten maar nog niet gedronken dus na de vlucht had ik heel erge hoofdpijn (was in de zomer) maar uiteindelijk ging het wel weer dus ja succes
@___Ra_Ge___ Жыл бұрын
Daarna lekker eten in Alpen bij AAP 😉
@monsterbashan Жыл бұрын
Volgende keer bij skyunlimited een afspraak maken.dat is next level en je mag zelf vliegen.
@MrErwinGliding Жыл бұрын
Pitts heeft maar een beperkte g limiet :(
@monsterbashan Жыл бұрын
Kan wel zijn maar 6g continu op je donder is heel erg veel. en een pitts kan veel meer dan een zwever. Ik heb 2 jaar geleden erin gevlogen en dat toestel kan de meest rare dingen doen.
@jorgebravo415 Жыл бұрын
Jajaja buena la broma de la bolsa de vomitos 🤣😂😅
@utterdown Жыл бұрын
15:24 Gesponsord door Brussels Airlines?
@oldmanhuppiedos Жыл бұрын
Weer eens wat anders dan een rondje in de Golf draaien.
@linguafranca86 Жыл бұрын
Ik zou toch liever in het zweefvliegtuig hebben gezeten dan in dat andere vliegtuig met de deur open.
@martijn9700 Жыл бұрын
@karelsijbesma Жыл бұрын
Volgende project. Een golf met vleugels. En gasturbine.. Mooie flog weer
@thomhesterman 11 ай бұрын
Ik zeg doen
@Bart24-02 Жыл бұрын
Tom met zijn domme uitspraken 😓😓
@chrismohlmann2961 Жыл бұрын
€350 dat is niet veel
@thomhesterman 11 ай бұрын
Voor 750€/jaar contributie kan je zelf onbeperkt op een zwever vliegen
@Wichelroede Жыл бұрын
*Kunstjes doen met een zweefvliegtuig!
@dickdegraaff5452 Жыл бұрын
Hoi Emile, Vind zweefvliegen hartstikke tof alleen dat stunt-vliegen met zo’n zweefvliegtuig is nu bepaald niet voor mij weggelegd maar op jouw leeftijd zou ik het ook gedaan hebben. Heb zo’n beetje in alles vliegt of zweeft gezeten tot en met een gemotoriseerde stuntvliegtuig maar was toen ca. 32 jaar jonger als ik nu ben. Kijk in ieder geval weer uit naar je volgende vlog
@duckcity1 Жыл бұрын
@peterg6956 Жыл бұрын
Dit lijkt mij een goede manier om van je vliegangst af te komen......🤣
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