The Future of Arknights | Wishlist & Discussion

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Join the Discord! I will sometimes bother you with questions to slap in videos! Usually my videos have a specific topic or "goal" they want to achieve, this one is just a broad discussion. I'll be interested in reading what you have to say and judge you accordingly. ANNOTATIONS: >I am unsure if I can link the thumbnail source. It's on Danbooru by searching Ines. >More videos about why specific operators suck soon. >Max out your Gummy.
@NikkiTheViolist Жыл бұрын
Gummy Alter will be a Seaborn Gummy that comes out during the next Abyssal Hunter event
only way to make the AH storyline good
@Where_would_I_go_without_you Жыл бұрын
The SCP themed IS actually sounds interesting.
@hehgachamorelikelegalgambi4043 Жыл бұрын
yeah it could fit LoB collab
@DioBrando-xo7zd Жыл бұрын
Any operator that is not looking at *certain* enemy would be oneshoted
@Shadow6OO Жыл бұрын
Limbus Company collab when?
@Skorak Жыл бұрын
If No.1 wish isn't "Skorak Arknight taking over the world" then my overinflated ego will be hurt and I WILL cry
@calamar8199 Жыл бұрын
I am sorry SUPAH, i know you and me have known eachother for a long time and have gone on many adventures together. I saw you as if you were part of my own family, you were like my sibling if a commercial train who played arknights could be my sibling, but when you showed the sequence of you scrolling your account, i could not help but notice this small detail: your lappland was not e2. i am crying as i am typing this, i really believed in you all the way through, but this.. this is just so tragic.. i cannot condone such a terrible thing. i'm sorry SUPAH, but after today, i cannot see you in the same way any longer.. You have posted cringe, and i'm going to unsubscribe
Yeah I have never built her and since SN I am getting my ass beat like every other event because of it
@arkabreu9522 Жыл бұрын
Surtr IS with the strange ruins she found. Columbia arc for main story which leads to Frostleaf and Jessica Alters. Mostima IS where we travel to pockets of reality taken from different eras. Saigon series of events with things like Gavial taking on lords ameer, Carnelian and Beexswax home (Lowlight loves Ancient Egypt) and whatever lies further South. Ghost-haunted and Yokai-haunted Higashi events and IS. Sui family IS?
@silverdededestruction2197 Жыл бұрын
Mostima's IS sounds like something they just pulled OUT OF THE BOX
@Schwarzo Жыл бұрын
Regarding the future of Arknights. I smell Abyssal event on next anniversary! My waifu Lowlight is cooking sth and its 6 star Reaper Ulpianus that comes on a Limited Banner with Gladiia alter, while my sweet girl Andreana gets nothing again. I really love that you at least include Andreana somewhat in your videos, keep up the good work.
@Doz148 Жыл бұрын
We need Ulpian, but there is no alter Gladius
@TheScarletKing13 Жыл бұрын
I need that
@grumblegrumble2514 Жыл бұрын
Ngl I'd actually want an Ursus event that focuses around the aftermath of Cherbourg, especially when it'd be interesting when the conspiracy of how the Third army just sits on their asses waiting for the crash to happen It would also be a good opportunity for a Gummy alter
@azeria1 Жыл бұрын
As long as it's not like lava and kroos alter who's friends had to die for it
@carlosgracia2147 Жыл бұрын
I want an ursus event because I want to see the conspiracies and other things that are so common in Ursus like the death of the pink wolf family or Rosa.
@Bilagtas Жыл бұрын
I just want my Cardigan to have an alter then I can die peacefully this is literally why I'm still not committing unalive to myself
trust the plan she WILL get her second promotion
@Z_04_Q Жыл бұрын
4:16 guys, stop watching and unsubscribe, I suspect SUPAH's account was hacked, he put a CC screenshot where Aak is the operator talking, not Gmuuy
Aak is number 1 husbando
@ArchettosDrinkingBuddy Жыл бұрын
An event about the Gaulish Empire resurrecting or something, a new gamemode about exploring/defending the new regions of the Foehn Hotlands and the Infy Icefield, or just new skin for Archetto would do.
not the fr*nch
@ArchettosDrinkingBuddy Жыл бұрын
@@SUPAH_SUPAH_SUPAH, hey if Ceobe managed to make a weapon out of a baguette, I would really be curious on what those fr*nch people be cooking nowadays.
@myxco8175 Жыл бұрын
​​@@ArchettosDrinkingBuddy explosive wine a cheese bomb? Same agree on archetto skin we need more archetto skins
@IrisRhodes3765 Жыл бұрын
Dear god, not the fr*nch
@retroenergy Жыл бұрын
Everyone says how Arknights world is F'd up, with catastrophes, seaborns and demons, but no one talks the good things, like, getting rid of the fr*nch.
@hendrihendri3939 Жыл бұрын
A long-term collab for Integrated Strategies would be good. Arknights x Homeworld-themed Integrated Strategies: Grave of Kharak You assume the role of a scavenger (not the operator) to salvage the ruins of Kapisi (the Protag Landship from Deserts of Kharak) *unaware of how he did ended up here in the first place.* His mission is to go back to the Rhodes Island Landship, or risk himself *burning away in the hellish sand world* The stages would be Sargonian themed, but with a custom enemies taken from the Homeworld games (the humanoid that is.) With the Boss Stages (4 endings, 4 bosses) are Ending 1. Boss Fight: The Corpse of Sa'juuk: an amalgamation of the wrath befallen to this planet. And now he wanted you to suffer the same. Mechanically would be like Mandragora Ending 2. Boss Fight: Kiith S'jet's Revenge: Kapisi. The internal AI survived the ordeal, but is so far gone in corruption, you are nothing but just another enemy. Survive. The new Big Sad Bear, be prepared for a DPS check. Ending 3. Boss Fight: (an original monster from Kharak. No idea so far. Probably need permission from the Dev itself.) Would take the MonHun collab mechanics. Ending 4 (The Canon Ending). Boss Fight: The Taiidan Inquisition. Trials of Navigator meets Reclamation Algorithm. Now your actual Landship is on the battle, and you have to SURVIVE the encounter as you are salvaging the wrecks of Kapisi to extract all the technology inside. Surviving this will give Rhodes Island a MASSIVE TECHNOLOGICAL BOOST, and inadvertantly helps Terran society further. Also, in this collab, RIIC will come out of the Beta Stage and now give us the ability to create exploration vehicle to explore the uncharted territories of Terra. More to uncover, more resources, and possibly more story. Edit: its a rough idea, but would love to hear y'all's thoughts down below
Never heard about homeworld but this feels very detailed
@yakthekuza1401 Жыл бұрын
ok the fuckin rhine lab scp IS theme idea is actually pretty sick ngl, for collabs tho... honestly speaking honkai would fit surprisingly well thematically but powerscaling with ak and honkai would be really hard unless you pick the weaker people in the verse
@Bilagtas Жыл бұрын
First character came to my mind is either Kiana where she's a ranged duelist like Tachanka but burst, Bronya a defender, or Mei as a Cutter rip-off. When out of the main cast I think Rozaliya & Liliya would make a good Puppeteer specialist or 2 separate Crusher guards that synergizes when both in battlefield.
@LWKYArknights Жыл бұрын
Still waiting for Cutter skin... INES THIGHS
@porschericafort556 Жыл бұрын
Elysium Alter is my greatest wish.
If Yato got an alter every operator in this game has like a 40% chance of getting an alter
@Flibedyjibit Жыл бұрын
my wish for arknights is more info about the fucking eldritch demons to the north of sami because holy shit there are goddamn alien demons in the setting and we're talking about getting stabbed in London?
@sseige4708 Жыл бұрын
Keep up the great work!
@GrimoireLeSot Жыл бұрын
Wishlist that is entirely based on evidence and not copium: - Angelina alter (this is the 365th time I have coped for it) - Integrated Stategy storyline based on Mostima's lock and key (we saw tiny descriptions for it during Guide Ahead) - Aegir not being mentioned until after the 5th anniversery - A collab with Shin Megami Tensei (becase a persona 5 collab would be cringe compared to its older cousin)
@thaissthefany2697 Жыл бұрын
One theme for IS I want to see is Iris's Castle of Dreams. It could be so creative.
@joeltanjr.3134 Жыл бұрын
We can meet Iris's grandma as well, the story teller in IS2
@Dr.GojoKun Жыл бұрын
Bro your accent is all the money ❤
@Gredoxx Жыл бұрын
I adore the IS themes you presented here
@velhesvalden1309 Жыл бұрын
I like that you question things and propose interesting things. It changes from other streamers who are just praising everything in the game, simply saying that everything is good and waiting more to praise more. Your videos are refreshing.
@yearslate9349 Жыл бұрын
I'm really hoping that the old CC's don't simply rerun, but instead become permanently available much like IS#. Having both these options when you've run out of sanity would be incredible. The permanent availability of old CC stages would be great for both beginners and veterans alike too.
@kobealcober4469 Жыл бұрын
SUPAH is hard coping for a P5 collab meanwhile I'm also hard coping that there will be a new Totally Accurate Story Summary.
@kalashnidoge Жыл бұрын
*Puts a PGR insert as hype generator for C12*
@PsixoCraftingTool Жыл бұрын
I want to see some more players interactions(i know about lagging multiplayer in the past),i just love co-op.
@Donut_37 Жыл бұрын
Anime will catch up with game and all smoothly becoming Endfield. Could be cool
@jayewong2872 Жыл бұрын
6:37 aged like fine wine
@randomgoat9029 Жыл бұрын
Very interesting supah.
@terry5183 Жыл бұрын
About the collabs. Everything is possible if you try hard enough, wink wink. Sure, Nero sweeps whole Terra, then make a goofy event. Sui siblings are godlike beings yet we can use them in battle no problem, you can make DMC characters work. But I think they would fit more in a world of Punishing Gray Raven than Arknights. Speaking of which. There, make collab with PGR. Plenty of characters that are reasonable powerful, think Nier Automata levels. Another interesting collab, which will probably never happen, could be Fire Emblem. Both games are tactical RPGs at heart so why not? Also, you son of a bitch, you dare have Nian, the character that came before I did, and not have her E2?! Good sir you are no longer my favorite Arknights creator. Also also, chapter 12 limits DP? Does that mean no more Tums clears?! Shining alter when?
@lovableairheadmile6809 Жыл бұрын
Tbh yeah a fire emblem would be an amazing collab as well and could fit well since yeah nero, dante or vergil sweeps terra lol
@hyngwrws3923 Жыл бұрын
Minos deserves an IS event as well. The Pallas event, imo, had an interesting gimmick but it's kinda sadge we didn't get to see more of Minos. Also it would be cool to have an event in Columbia or Yan about the thing that's stopping Terrans from exploring the space, and when it ends to do a full release of Enfield. Maybe a new game mode where we are attacking instead of defending, where we have a limited number of reserve ops or allied faction npcs to throw at the enemies. More CCs based on the future events while having all of the previous cc maps available with all of the risks would be amazing too. But the most important thing HG must do is give Cutter and plume (Optionally matoimaru and saga too) skins.
@joeltanjr.3134 Жыл бұрын
I really wish there's another Abyssal Hunter event, Andreanna alter and Ulpianus needs to be playable
@axrs7007 Жыл бұрын
Ngl, i think Arknights has the potential to become the longest running gacha game there is. The chinese player count is pretty much funding all the servers together and there is such a high interest in the game even after years of being online (tho that mostly being china the EN community has a good size aswell). There also isnt really anymore ways to fuck the game up entirely, even another Chalter shouldnt leave that much of an impact. I really hope this game goes running for like atleast 10-20 years since its already started being a daily part of my life years ago.
@maniacmohawk5513 Жыл бұрын
Pizza tower but replace peppino with Gummy? That’s some GOTY material right there (WAR would be replaced by a really cursed version of children of Ursus lmao)
@Strategiain Жыл бұрын
Apart from everything else, I strongly suspect we'll see more Higashi content in the future. We've had a slow buildup of characters and lore from there, similar to what we had for Victoria before the main story moved there, so I consider it an inevitability we'll at the very least get events set in Higashi, probably a series of them like the AS and Kazimierz ones. It's _possible_ the main story could move there, but it doesn't sound like it has much to do with the Sarkaz so I doubt that, a series of events seems the most likely to me.
@Nevri. Жыл бұрын
Event around Blacksteel would be really cool (with Jessica Alter). And yes. Anything Higashi related. It's nice Monster Hunter collab is in Higashi, but it also means there won't be a rerun and the stages won't be added permanently, which leaves us again without any Higashi content. Actually I don't understand why they can't be added. They agreed to collab so why they have to remove collab's property from the game?
@ngaichiyeungernest4987 Жыл бұрын
The arrangements on collaboration simply can't exist indefinitely until the end of the game's lifespan, so they all have a time limit of when the IPs can be used within Arknights that expires reasonably quick such that no reruns or permanent additions should or could be made
@Nevri. Жыл бұрын
@@ngaichiyeungernest4987 Aww, that does make sense, but it's still a shame.
@MrNiemandxD Жыл бұрын
I approve of the last collab you proposed, for no particular reason at all what so ever. 👍
@Aaron64589 Жыл бұрын
Ok, unironicly, the Zima nightmare and Rhine Labs SCP IS sounds amazing.
@itsLalm Жыл бұрын
id really love anything that leads to rangers alter. an integrated strategies about the rangers of sargon could be intersting too, albiet is's havent really lead to any alters. i just want to use best granpa outside of whenever im doing savraknights, and for him to actually contribute in savraknights outside of being a meatshield. as for collabs, definatly limbus. matches perfectly theming-wise and powerscaling isn't exactly a problem when the limbus cast canonically dies repeatedly
@Nukaze Жыл бұрын
The future Limited Banners will feature Space Warlord, Secret Agent, One piece Bikini, Dark Messiah Suzuran skins instead of the Limited Banner themed skins
@cob-codeofbrawl7668 Жыл бұрын
havent watch it, but I know how funny this is gonna be
@priothree037 Жыл бұрын
Keep up the good work mtfk
@MechaJulia1991 Жыл бұрын
Eh, I dunno about Arknights characters being weak compared to DMC. Gladiia can casually break the speed of sound and the rest of the AH are similar in power to her and the Sui family are even stronger than them.
@swift-pawedteif386 Жыл бұрын
True true.
@swift-pawedteif386 Жыл бұрын
Underwater no less.
@bazovich Жыл бұрын
Arknights need a huge balance patch (operator balance, get rid of generic skills (insert video about atk up gamma here), balance dp bs and so on) or things will accelerate downhill with speed of Suzu-fans running to twitter comments to say they are not a pedos. Also, we need Ursus event with Gummy alter as limited 6* fr fr
@Bongyes Жыл бұрын
Regarding IS... There is one very simple fix and propably the ONLY fix that will vastly improve the game for how easy it is. Just mark the ending-related event on a map! You can use that small symbol for endings to mark the encounter so you know its related to that ending. Also make sure that this encounter always spawns. Problem solved! Yes, the rest is also very RNG and yes the mode is very hard but getting different buffs is what makes Roguelikes so fun, so thats not really an issue. However secret bosses shouldnt be RNG dependant (getting debuffs in form of paying life/originium/getting worse relics however is not only fine, but a cool mechanic) and literally no roguelike I know of does that except Arknights IS mode. Edit: Oh, we can also add leaderboards for IS that rotate weekly (for regular mode and separate for monthly runs) for some mutliplayer fun interactivity. You already get points after each run anyway, just publish them somewhere (like on friend list etc.) for others to see! We already have that with CC ranks, so its not like they cannot do it. Also power level of collab issue is not really an issue. The "lady who can split mountains with her strenght" known as Skadi is still one of weakest 6* guards in the game (if not THE weakest) so scaling lore to gameplay is really not a concern. The real issue with some universes is to add them seamlessly to Terra and some are simply not compatible. No amount of horse girls/men from Kazimierz will make Arknights X My Little Pony a reasonable collab for example.
@swift-pawedteif386 Жыл бұрын
Don’t forget about that breaking news. I believe it was Columbia that got overrun by the sea born. Hiding the threat due to pride. Throwing everything they had at the creatures from the depths only to aid in their evolution. Now a seaborn army walks over the corpse of one of Terra’s most powerful countries, ready to bring squishy shoes to all who walk the earth.
@nandapratamaputratomasila4801 Жыл бұрын
Need me my Limbus collab after the april fools event. Vanguard Don would be so sick and loud 😔😔😔
@rbstat6946 Жыл бұрын
The only good reason for an AK project moon Collab, is to get kalsit and Angela in the same room together, for more than 10 seconds. Anything else is just a cool bonus.
@acridcesium_9971 Жыл бұрын
Magallan IS themed around the tundra demons, Sargon IS in the hotlands or just in general since it's a really big area, something more about Minos since they got the shittiest event and deserve better, Reunion themed IS where you're Talulah/Nine going around the world helping Infected people (wait wasn't this what the main story was sold on). Project Moon collab would be amazing though, Arknights is already canon to Limbus as a mirror world too.
@hereticloli2476 Жыл бұрын
Id sure love to have that Futanari Quest Collab. Imagine Nearl cok 😊
@jo-ri-oh8950 Жыл бұрын
I'm totally agree on SCP based IS. Such a cool idea
@TJung121 Жыл бұрын
what is the 3D game you are playing in the background? monster hunter?
@lapchaell Жыл бұрын
Regarding CC, Hypergryph made a post in which they said they are reworking CC into CCC (Continuous Contingency Contracy) which is a permanent gamemode and in which the stages are changed every 2 weeks
@Jamesss6 Жыл бұрын
The btd6 collab ideas is amazing You are a genius A collab with Project Moon would be cool
@SevenSinshu Жыл бұрын
the scp was just lobotomy cooperation
@iamyourfather9391 Жыл бұрын
An CN outlook on the issue: The Cement hype is pretty much just an EN circlejerk, considering AK in China is practically only beaten by a certain open world shitty game in earnings the Ines hype was pretty successful on their behalf, hell, my mom pulled for Ines. Most people in the community here see the Chpt 12 gimmick as a method to slap Siege onto the freaking table instead of nerfing Flagpipe, the nerf was expected to be Ines, but she did the "you were not supposed to join them" and now sits on Bagpipe's glorious tructor with S2. So flagpipe only got more broken. No one cared too much about defenderknights, most people whined about most lane holders not being there the moment they enter the game. This also means half my team gets locked out immediately but hell, I got lazy and still slumps around chapter 7. The CN community got screwed pretty badly by CC sweats in various places, as several teams doing CC solutions proved to have douchebags in them, and the usual operator critics screwed some operators really badly, like Penance, who only got redeemed in CN with CC12. Hell, the CN internet is a wild and hostile place, people are generally less nice when you think differently and your dead relatives may be insulted many times. This may also be why CC is getting "changed", Hypergryph may be thinking of a way to get rid of the sweat influence in AK right now, as the CN community has more strength arguing posts than waifu claiming threads. Some even speculate they want to just get rid of it to get rid of the sweats, in order to write their story in a more comfy little gamer space. Again, the main story seems ok. Many have problems with the fact that Hypergryph is writing a book-like story and not "REEEEEE I FUCK EVERYTHING THAT IS VAGUELY HUMANOID AND SAVE THE WORLD", but that remains only a portion of the players. The Sarkaz iceberg is digging into Warhammer levels of fuckery and I don't even know what the hell Warhammer is. Abyssal hunters are probably getting an end in the 4th anniversary event, if not then CN would split into two distinct groups and war against each other. People got tired but guess what their penises still act up to, that's right, white hair and red eyes. IS also has sweats, a pass in difficulty 15 of Mizuki's tentacle dungeon is essentially a badge for "most reliant Texalter slave" and "biggest collection of Horn's used socks". And they are asking for a new IS. Further? Victoria still takes half a year to end after this update, Mandragora may return for the sake of that one simp on the forums, Theresis is going to die (he's actually liked in CN due to the high amount of Sarkaz sympathisers), and the Doktuh is still getting 0 women. People want to wait for the second Italian event and Lappland's inescapable alter but personally I want a Minos event, which may be cool. Eventually the game is going to get fucked up by G*nsh*n players and no one hides the online wars in corners untouchable to a man's eye. I just wish that before that we get a second Nearl skin. Because 2 CC's, 2 side stories, 2 of those storybook thingies still aren't enough. Oh and people are pissed because the Doktuh in story is essentially treated like a black trash bag.
@iamyourfather9391 Жыл бұрын
Hell, I like Skadi enough to recognise that she isn't a bad person at all, but not enough to take another Abyssal hunter event WITHOUT A CHARACTER BASED ON A MANTA RAY. If that doesn't come up, then I will have to pray hard at the heavens for a tall arapaima lady to pop up in the Summer event. Also, fuck that company that specialises in creating stans equivalent to fucking Dream stans on opium and meth together. That shitty game that licks the boots of the goddamn government, that shitty design that fucks around with culture and call it "positive outward influence of culture", eat my fucking pubic hair and spear the spit across the stomach, fucking thing keeps popping up in my youtube feed cause it thinks I like gacha games. I'd rather take a dive in Nicocado Avocado's toilet than pick up that game again, fucking thing with the shitloads of whores and manwhores, fuck it. It's three am in New Zealand and I probably can't control myself, sorry if anyone had to see that.
@shilohmagic7173 22 күн бұрын
ay, the limbus one KIND OF happened!
@thegoldexperience8340 Жыл бұрын
My humble request would be like a rebellion side story in Bolivar, like how devastating it would be if the rebellion went out of control and spread to like maybe the borders of Columbia. And top that off, Beagle alter is introduced as a leader of that rebellion. Her design may look like having a burnt cape but still long and kinda ruggish, one arm have become robotic because of the "incident" that will happen maybe before the side story (hopefully will be explained more in the prologue), she can also like carry the insignia of their rebellion or straight up flag of Bolivar, maybe put a little bit of spice like dobermann's the main cause of losing arm and maybe even have her side with the opposition that will also cause a massive change in her personality (she will be hateful and vengeful, rage-fueled character). and her archetype will be like a charger vanguard that will introduce a new type of dmg amplification/CC and that when it procc'd, the target would take true dmg from her. Just a thought that popped in my head. Great vid btw😁👌
@hms5057 Жыл бұрын
More AH just to spite you train man
@tooyasensei7238 Жыл бұрын
whats the thumbnail source?
@gipsysidney5737 6 ай бұрын
Whenever SUPAH mentions taxes, there!s my girl Ambriel on the screen and i love it
@ylissotato Жыл бұрын
I am so sorry mr. SUPAH, I really thought I would be able to mock you for your absolutely horrendous satirical ideas but the IS and collab ideas are actual fire!!!
@RandomPotato106 Жыл бұрын
There should be honestly more deer operators in arknights, i am even trying to do a concept myself with a deer girl that i have in mind (of course this will never come to this game but i just love to make concepts for games i like) Also the SCP Rougelike slaps
@i_bl_nk_i Жыл бұрын
i can say i am one of the 3 siege fans and it would make me really happy she was after all my first 6 star
@pitagor2 Жыл бұрын
I may be on huge copium over here but in the future I really want to see a mechanic that lets you elite 1 2*s and give them skills and modules and also modules for the 3*s. Or a mechanic similar to FGO's grails because being a fan of a 2* is suffering (unless that 2* is Noir Corne)
@willyanaugusto6947 Жыл бұрын
I just want to be able to choose the music for the main menu and be it from any in game music and not be fixed with the background art.
@Jojo-gf5qb Жыл бұрын
IS route 2 is hell I literally never get the rolls required to trigger the events.
@overlord4404 Жыл бұрын
Far north demons even with pursuer as the star of the show
@wastinator9934 Жыл бұрын
@smugofbishamonten1447 Жыл бұрын
Das conk kreete baby
Жыл бұрын
A Contingency Contract rework/rerun could revive the game, but maybe without medals. With Roguelike, maybe some more themes more frequently, but with fewer rewards! Closing with the story, maybe something with Higashi.
@jonnevitu4979 Жыл бұрын
I want CC to actually rewards you for going until a certain high risk, just like you get less rewards for not getting risk 18, they could add a decent amount of orundums there. Im not spending my irl sanity over a stage to get currency I can get with time while not going insane.
@kyarumomochi5146 Жыл бұрын
My sole wish is that they add a stage builder Thats litterally it
@bereigner4948 Жыл бұрын
I wonder how the transition from OG AK to Endfield is going to be. That would be really interesting to see in the main story in the future.
@Madcat1331 Жыл бұрын
Hello, the only other person who remembers Endfield I've got copium with me, let's split
@akety3570 Жыл бұрын
@@Madcat1331 hey hello there, got some for another person ?
@Madcat1331 Жыл бұрын
@@akety3570 Got loads to spare, take it in, dude... The finest from Arknights Endfied Official
@Daniel-jz9td Жыл бұрын
Whatever comes as long as there's no more Suzuran
@gjet35 Жыл бұрын
As the final Siege fan out there I agree in that I will be VERY happy when Siege Alter finally arrives.
@soulburner1860 Жыл бұрын
Would be nice if the reran multivariate cooperation. Said no one ever. It's been forgotten.
@rah9722 Жыл бұрын
Just out of curiosity what's the hack n slash game you kept showing in the video
Hotline Miami 2
@linkedrefeat2336 Жыл бұрын
"His ass cannot be allowed in the kitchen any longer" 😭😭💀
@bakublader1999 Жыл бұрын
I hope they bring the ccs back on rotation with medals and all. I missed the completion medal for one CC because I didn't buy all the risks. It is the only stain on my account.
@midu6011 7 ай бұрын
I would love to see a collab with Battle Cats. One of the OG gacha game made by the people of japan (you know..the place that started the whole gacha ooga booga thing). Both game function is very similarly too, for those who don't know battle Cats is also a tower defend game, but there's only 1 tower and you produce unit/army to march onto the enemy tower and destroy them. Also another good thing is that BC really generous when it came to collab, they did a ton of collab before. The verse problem maybe a little bit issue because BC unit power scale are cartoonishly strong, but then it will work out just fine since a game about a simple cat who happen to grow 2 very musscle hand then proceed to punch down the white house in US is very stupid but funny.
@Spectacular_Insanity Жыл бұрын
As the Official Third Fan of Siege (TM), I am greatly looking forward to Siege Alter.
@mochii813 Жыл бұрын
A smt Collab with something like soul hackers or devil survivor would be cool. Another point is I wish they made more low star characters I know it'll only dilute the pool for whales or whatever but it'd be nice. I want more events like the one where we got the free Roberta skin. It was nice having one big stage that constantly rotated and I prefer that over CCs. There's all my bad takes supah
@aomrdbadatgame7222 Жыл бұрын
You sure have a thing for Kanni, Supah (Fuuka Cunny would be really cool)
@supbrojojo6996 Жыл бұрын
This man use Hi-Fi rush OST in the video therefore This video is base
@gravestone8393 Жыл бұрын
A perfect IS event would literally be Bolivar's civil war. It was done a disservice in the water bomb that was Ch'en swim suit event when it clearly has a bigger impact then "oh yeah these people kill each other expect for in this beach city or something". As far as we know Beagle was killed in the crossfire of the civil war. We know it was because she was 'safe guarding a trail of tears', we don't know how she was killed or why the attack happened in the first place, we just know is that she never made it out of there based on her skin and adult Kroos's PTSD. When the mission was making sure a massive group of refugees made it to safety As of so far, we have two veteran characters of the civil war. The first is Dobermann She was a general in two different factions of the war. Everything we see in her character revolves around this. Her Module description is what gives the most clear cut reference. Her skin is literally her in a uniform back when she still served. Yet was given a disservice as a launch unit by only having so little dialogue and so little in her files. Her skin does a better job of portraying the kind of life then her files. We can understand that she put that behind her in her dialogue but it feels so small and very little. Mostly generic 'drill sergeant' voice lines. Pancho Salas' whole character was being a veteran of the civil war. We could see that in full force when he was attempting to take Dossoles. His wife was killed due to the war and he was forced to take his children (his son and adopted daughter) to someone safer only to see that it's a crime filled street. I doubt any war veteran would be able to tolerate seeing this amount silliness one of the few safe spaces in all of Bolivar. Greyy, as much as everyone has either forgotten, is a prime example of what comes out of the country. Mass blackouts in the district of his city. His family is in the condition of being poor and infected. While he is stated to live his life in the slums, he is the only example of what the base line of Bolvarian have compared to other cities. We can't tell if their poor treatment was a case of being an infected or because they were in a bad city. As of right now, we don't have any operators who are in the higher cycles of any of the three factions to give their POV of the war. Three factions, four different endings (as there's always another ending in the final chapter of IS), it can show case the horrors of the civil war while shining some light in countries that haven't been given the proper spot light, like Sami and Higashi Also cause I pictured the final Stage of a Bolivar civil war mission a big ass suit of power armor taking on a big arts golem while RI operators in the crossfire of the two 'puppet factions' fighting each other. With the Judgment Day + Pakistan Run Bo2 sound track going on in the background as all shit hits the fan. Thank you for your time
@Upo_Smith Жыл бұрын
Collab with PVZ sounds interesting
@Rmotion9 Жыл бұрын
i cant believe that guy who suggested warframe How does anyone misspell Excalibur smh
Classic Motion of the R variety number 9 W
@maiden6294 Жыл бұрын
I just hope for collabs that Limbus would happen someday. Especially after the april fools event.
@agatebeowulf643 Жыл бұрын
If we're talking about collab wishlists, I'd like for us to have a crosssover with PGR. With how much bs Terra throws at us, adding the Punishing Virus wouldn't be that bad... Right?
@smugofbishamonten1447 Жыл бұрын
I too want a pulao cunny
@agatebeowulf643 Жыл бұрын
@@smugofbishamonten1447 (Deploys Mudmud) Yes babe, that man right there
@Techieee- Жыл бұрын
Im calling it now: Sonic the hedgehog (The Movie) Collab. And the doctor is doctor Eggman
@RedbeanGuava Жыл бұрын
If collabs needs to have a certain “grim” value to it then bloodborne collab would work wonders But god forbid its just gonna be an excuse to fit in another abyssal events (ulpian is holding me at gunpoint send help)
@purplekush8553 Жыл бұрын
8:01 omg this flash game was so fun haha
am I the only one that has never played it
@andreamarcucci6237 Жыл бұрын
Well since they made cement (best girl of that banner ) blatantly a citation of simon , from gurren laggan , it's safe to assume that they will do a collab with Panty& Stocking with Gartrbelt
@saintvina Жыл бұрын
ok hear me out they made collabs with muse dash and cytus so next collab is Arcaea for sure, moreover arcaea has a pretty sad and deep story with 2 very well built main characters soooooo they will for sure make the collab go both ways
@Astonthepunk Жыл бұрын
I was a lil offended when he mentioned his hate for AH because feesh is bae but then I realised bears hunt fishes and then it all made sense
@obsiangravel Жыл бұрын
Another big furry husbando to keep Mountain company, idealy a lung/draco or an archosauria from Gavial's tribe.
@trettstir5375 7 ай бұрын
sauce for the thumbnail?
@kenshi3942 Жыл бұрын
Ive waited for ines for two years but after finally getting her its kinda sad not having that one thing to look foward to anymore
@Knanio Жыл бұрын
I’m just waiting for Closure to be a playable op lol after that, I’d probably feel the same way you feel rn
@VilArknights Жыл бұрын
They should just let old CC permanent maps always be accessible and we should be able to try max risk stuff at any point. The CC currency should be gained through specific daily/weekly missions and there should be weekly recommended tag combos like when CCs were still running. If we really want to get rose tinted CC6 and earlier don’t allow modules at all and before CC8 no module upgrades are allowed. Specific operator bans might be pushing it especially since it probably wouldn’t be the most fun but it would be interesting nonetheless.
@SilentSpirit671 Жыл бұрын
Yii, Yii’s alternate account & me. Wow, there really are only 3 people who like Siege. *D a b* But seriously here’s a fun idea: Victoria-themed IS but now we have control of the artillery cannon. It has different 3 different shells types: Physical, Arts & True damage. We can buy shells & increases stats of the artillery like reload time, blast radius, etc. It would be something more consistent to rely on. Do you build your team or build the artillery? Or both if you’re able too?
@auriorbis319 Жыл бұрын
I love seaborn. There may be entire Arknights 2 about it. Unlikely, but no wonder if it will be third story arc.
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