Taiwan's New President Asks Beijing To Recognize R.O.C., Work Together for Peace|Taiwan Talks EP370

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Taiwan Talks

Taiwan Talks

15 күн бұрын

Lai Ching-te has been sworn in as Taiwan’s 5th democratically elected president. The son of a miner, raised by a single mother, Lai has served as a lawmaker, local mayor, premier and vice president in a political career spanning 25 years. The Harvard-educated medical doctor entered politics in 1996 when Beijing fired missiles around Taiwan in response to its first democratic presidential election. Three decades on, Lai enters the highest office at a time when China is increasingly ramping up external and internal pressure, demanding that Taiwan accept its sovereignty claim. So what lies ahead for Lai and Taiwan over the next four years?
Our guests are:
Vincent Chao
- Taipei City councilor (DPP)
Huang Kwei-bo
- Professor of diplomacy, National Chengchi University
Amanda Hsiao
- International Crisis Group senior analyst for China

Пікірлер: 91
@user-ye2lf4zf9o 12 күн бұрын
If i have my way, talk business and tourism before anything else, so that those who still doubts the sincerity of china will have a first hand knowledge on how freedom is being enjoyed in modern china.
@typicalKAMBlover21 10 күн бұрын
Thank you for a calm and rational discussion instead of a heated empty-headed debate, this channel is a rare gem nowadays.
@user-lh1en4vx6p 12 күн бұрын
Lai's bold approach hints against goal keeper.
@tommy85704 11 күн бұрын
Not only he didn’t offer an olive branch, he just gave a big middle finger to PRC with his independence ideology and rhetoric. Expect PRC to go all out trying to gain some meaningful concessions. Last time when Pelosi visited, Taiwan lost the middle line in the Taiwan. I expect PRC jets might want to fly over island space this time.
@user-wu3uu5sb3g 12 күн бұрын
It looks like Texas request FED admit the independent of Texas. Is it acceptable?
@dcc70 13 күн бұрын
Beijing's position on negotiation with Taiwan/ROC government: unless you give up sovereignty, we won't talk to you. Taiwan or ROC would be stupid to accept such a condition.
@amunra5330 13 күн бұрын
Why is it stupid? Taiwan should rejoin with the mainland which is a superpower. It is better to reunite than be a lapdog and pawn of the US.
@dranzacspartan8002 13 күн бұрын
That's NOT at all what's happening. I can't believe the lies people like you just make up.
@qingzhou9983 13 күн бұрын
You clearly do not know the important and relevant history here. PRC and ROC has been in an unfinished Chinese Civil War since 1949. So any negotiation for the End of Civil War will have a pre-condition of Both sides agree to belonging to One China. This is the key of 92 consensus. Now some, or maybe most, of people in Taiwan wants to be independent from China. This is their Rights. But this does not remove the Right of PRC's legitimate claim on Taiwan as one of the parties in Chinese Civil war. This is the key different to Ukraine situation. So if the Cold Chinese Civil War becomes Hot again, UN would not side with Taiwan likes it sided with Ukraine. In short Taiwan could not win its independent without defeating PRC on the battle ground. This is the common pattern in history.
@GoodCitizen-gm1tl 13 күн бұрын
《Proxy War: My Obedient Cannon Fodders》
@dcc70 13 күн бұрын
@@qingzhou9983 history is just a record of what happened, no one is bound to be a slave to history. China had a century of humiliation, no one expects China to remain humiliated forever. So Taiwan is not bound by history to be part of China.
@qingzhou9983 13 күн бұрын
PRC and ROC has been in an unfinished Chinese Civil War since 1949. So any negotiation for the End of Civil War will have a pre-condition of Both sides agree to belonging to One China. This is the key of 92 consensus. Now some, or maybe most, of people in Taiwan wants to be independent from China. This is their Rights. But this does not remove the Right of PRC's legitimate claim on Taiwan as one of the parties in Chinese Civil war. This is the key different to Ukraine situation. So if the Cold Chinese Civil War becomes Hot again, UN would not side with Taiwan likes it sided with Ukraine. In short Taiwan could not win its independent without defeating PRC on the battle ground. This is the common pattern in history.
@petermelville5524 13 күн бұрын
too deterministic
@hubreydavid7864 10 күн бұрын
Africa is also uniting. The world is shifting from Colinization mindset and wants to be more multipolar world. Peace to Asia we don't want it to become like the Middle East.
@rolandoong2633 13 күн бұрын
Chiang Kai Shek College on the Philippines
@petermelville5524 13 күн бұрын
I love this panel, and Amanda Hsiao was great with her final perspective on the moment. Lai should be careful re- cross straight travel of business folks, students and tourists. We know all PRC travelers to Taiwan are at least briefed or in service of the United Front. He wants to be positive about exchange, but the reality is that the CCP does all it can to subvert Taiwan society, as they do with other democracies. There is no good will, but profound, unceasing, arrogant, hostility and aggression. The issue of who Lai is addressing, China, the PRC or the CCP seems very important, as recently PLA oath of service has been changed from service to the "People", to service to "the Party". So, in effect they are not the PLA, they are by oath the CCPA. This is significant! Lai's old fashioned use of the ROC constitution subtly refers to an "equity" re-notions of contrasting stakeholders in the conception of one China. Snooze! This appears to be a regressive step, which anachronistically does not individuate Taiwan. Does Lai want to give the CCP familiar terrain in hopes to deflect their wanton aggression? This is a game of rhetoric, semantics and avoiding the existential reality of Taiwan's unique agency. Good luck, using language constructs to play against CCP's blunt force intransigence. The world sees the underlying dynamic, that the good doctor is dealing with brutal hardened criminals. Keep Taiwan Free, support the DPP.
@Lover-ji3je 13 күн бұрын
Vincent you need to stop interrupting the professor. You talk too much and it’s out of your turn.
@xgguo3531 13 күн бұрын
The relation of cross strait will be much worse in coming years, from what Lai talked in his speech. Higher chance for military conflict as well.
@toglut448 13 күн бұрын
Very interesting talk. 👍
@user-ne8yi1io4h 11 күн бұрын
Taiwan is a long festering wound that wouldn't heal from the Century of Humiliation. The collapse of the last Imperial rule gave opportunities to colonisers to seize Taiwan. Lai Chingte cannot deny nor alter Chinese history. Historians look at every dynasty and recorded that every dissident region eventually gets reintegrated into the Chinese Empire. No matter how long it takes, One China Policy will become known in future as The Taiwan Interregnum.
@williemyapfc8905 13 күн бұрын
ROC Constitution since 1912 has seen minimal changes with nothing to reflect the People's aspiration for Nationhood that is separate from the Mainland China. ​Without a Constitution no peer country can or will extend the desired recognition. KMT and CPC has cooperated against the Japanese and later became contenders for power and control in a Civil War that has not ended since no documents to that effect were signed or exchanged to end the state of war. For Lai to mention 中华民国, then the protocols to end the Civil War must be adhered to. Until 1952, Taiwan was part of the Japanese Empire, the Island ceded by the Qing Empire to Japan in 1895. Japan formally Renounced Sovereignty in 1952 after the loss in WW2. No recognition was extended to the 1949 formation of PRC Govt. under CPC rule. Theoretically Chiang's ROC was the recognised legitimate Govt. In Exile with Jurisdiction over the Mainland as is recognised by the Allied Powers when ​under General Order No.1 Taiwan was placed under the control of the ROC, and is reminisce of ROC's role in China since 1912. Recognised as the legitimate Govt. until the 1970s when on UN Resolution 2758, recognition switched towards PRC upon the hand over of the UNSC seat to the People's Republic of China. History cannot be denied. (1933 Montevideo Convention.) By UN definition of State in the traditional definition of a State in International Law, there are four requirements. First, there must be a people; Second, there must be a territory; Third, there must be a government; Fourth, there must be capacity to enter into relations with other countries. Sovereignty is Officially Conferred by Proclaimation and Given Recognition by Powers Of The UN Instruments Of Statehood. Politically, a region need recognition from peer countries as prerequisites to participate in internationally recognized organizations. Taiwan's present engagements with other countries are of Unofficial Status. UN Resolution 2758 is a political document encapsulating the one-China principle whose legal authority leaves no room for doubt and is acknowledged worldwide. No matter how it is debated or twisted, the structure of UN Resolution 2758 remain intact and unchallenged as a political document. Taiwan does not have any ground, reason, or rights to join the UN, or any other International Organization whose membership is confined only to Sovereign States. Only the Powers of UN Instruments of Statehood can grant and confer on Taiwan the Sovereignty. ​
@typicalKAMBlover21 10 күн бұрын
You can have all the good wishes of becoming Republic of Taiwan, the reality is that the US will not allow that. The day Republic of Taiwan is established, US will lose its best card to play in order to contain China. At the same time it will risk being pulled into a thermonuclear war. No sensible country will do that. Do you really think the US will tolerate the tail wagging the dog?
@seokoking6956 13 күн бұрын
Just recognize that Taiwan is a part of China and the rest would be easy to neg.
@kryts27 13 күн бұрын
I broadly agree with this in ethical principals (not many modern states want war, except dictators and war profiteers), except that the timing is wrong and an appeal now looks weak to the CCP. Let Xi Jinping wear out his economy and military and offer support when he is down for the count.
@hubreydavid7864 10 күн бұрын
Taiwan must take a page out of Gaza.
@henryaganon514 13 күн бұрын
Majority of the Philippines recognize Taiwan as sovereign despite the formal adoption of the one china policy by lawmakers. This means that the policy has a weak and only superficial effect on people's beliefs concerning this longstanding issue.
@lktan224 13 күн бұрын
Action counts not majority.
@chriscain7333 13 күн бұрын
What do you mean "majority"? What law? Which agreement? What treaty?
@huanghermann5207 13 күн бұрын
Everything he does and everything you do is trying to present two separate entities: Taiwan and China. This is of course an attempt to separate these two which is against "One China" principle. In short, you and Lai are separatists from the perspective of China. How can anything you do be a olive branch?
@asenkokona 13 күн бұрын
US Puppet...LOL
@albietg2544 11 күн бұрын
Taiwanese, enjoy your short term freedom. The mainland can take you within an hour, but it won't do that because you are their brothers and sisters. They don't want to take you by force.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@Lee.Hsien-Yung 13 күн бұрын
The Republic of Taiwan is a sovereign country but has no influence in the international political arena because all countries recognize the one China policy
@petermelville5524 13 күн бұрын
they want the access to the continental market, $$$$$$
@typicalKAMBlover21 10 күн бұрын
LOL seriously? Even Lai went back to call it Republic of China. There is no such a thing called Republic of Taiwan. Did you even listen to the panelist? The DPP person did everything he could to emphasize that.
@PlaYer-sn5or 13 күн бұрын
1) In 1894, Japan invaded China and Korea, the Qing govt was defeated and signed the [Treaty of Shimonoseki] to cede Taiwan Island to Japan. 2) During the WW2, at the Cairo Conference held in 1943, China asked the transfer of Taiwan's sovereignty back to China after the war. This content was included in the [Cairo Declaration] and later reiterated in the [Potsdam Proclamation] that it should be implemented. 3) In 14 Aug & 2 Sept 1945, the Emperor and govt of Japan issued the [End War Edict] and [Japanese Instrument of Surrender], Japan surrendered and accepted the [Potsdam Proclamation]. Japanese troops in Taiwan surrendered to KMT General CKS and Taiwan re-entered the territory of the Republic of China (ROC). 4) Soon after that China civil war broke out in between KMT and CCP, the KMT was defeated and fled to Taiwan. However, due to US intervention, the CCP without strong navy at that time has no ability to unify Taiwan. The CCP then established the People's Republic of China (PRC) in 1949. The civil war continues. 5) In 1971, UN Resolution No. 2758 ruled that the PRC had obtained the representation rights and all legal rights originally owned by the ROC in the UN. That means the PRC is China’s only legal govt under international law and is recognized by 181 countries around the world, including the USA. "The USA recognizes the Government of the PRC as the sole legal Government of China." "The USA acknowledges the Chinese position that there is but one China and Taiwan is part of China." Joint Cummunique on the Establishment of Diplomatic relations between the PRC and the USA in 1979. Please refer to President Jimmy Carter's Speech on Relations with China. 6) Therefore, according to international law, international reality, and the wishes of the 1.4 billion Chinese people, Taiwan should return to PRC and the PRC have every rights to protect it's sovereign integrity.
@petermelville5524 13 күн бұрын
The CCP has removed "the People" from the oath taken by the PLA. The oath now says loyalty to "the CCP." The PLA is now effectively the CCPA. The very idea and concretized notion of a PRC is gone, ROC is gone. Now you have a dictatorial repressive CCP national entity, and Taiwan, a thriving democratic state. The world can see this, even though the CCP tries to lie their way forward. The CCP are at best existential sequential liars. We haven't even talked about CCP genocides.
@btddc2 13 күн бұрын
Lai won because of vote splitting between the other two parties that hold similar position on improving cross strait relations. To say Lai represents the majority view of people in Taiwan in this area is not only faulse but also dangerous.
@megatron6393 12 күн бұрын
Well, 67% did not want KMT candidate Hou. 74% did not want TPP candidate Ko. It is more dangerous if Hou or Ko became President.
@raymondjackson5499 13 күн бұрын
The Taiwan authorities want to divide the one China of which Taiwan is a part and province of the one China
@dranzacspartan8002 13 күн бұрын
On January 2024, the Republic of China (aka ROC Taiwan) voted 60% AGAIST the proUSA party. Essentially, 60% of the ROC Taiwanese want USA to leave them alone, they are happy with the Status Quo with the People's Republic of China (aka PRC Mainland China). ROC Taiwan and PRC China has a strong trading relationship and thousands of ROC Taiwanese Business Personnel fly to China regularly (many on a daily basis) to conduct their business operations. USA needs to respect that and go back to their region of the world, 10,000 km away, and deal with their own issues, such as FREEING HAWAII.
@leesc311 13 күн бұрын
War is inevitable.
@itsme2be 9 күн бұрын
The 2 country theory is an dishonest preamble for anything else that Liar Lai had to say.
@michaelkoh2280 13 күн бұрын
These discussions ard unrealistic. There is only on China and Taiwan belongs to China. That is the basis for discussion. Nothing more nothing else.
@petermelville5524 13 күн бұрын
check you diaper
@melvinperez1486 13 күн бұрын
Taiwan, resist the greedy bully. You have the Philippines' support.
@amunra5330 13 күн бұрын
Hey you realize that Taiwan use to shoot at your fishermen a few years ago. Taiwan itself claims the area also claimed by the mainland - how ironic.
@melvinperez1486 13 күн бұрын
@@amunra5330 so you cant move on for life? That has long been settled by two parties. And no coercion, intimidation, bullying, water cannoning , laser pointing, illegal artificial-island building, shameless squatting and destroying of marine life in another country's EEZ happened afterwards.
@dranzacspartan8002 13 күн бұрын
I can't believe that the Philippine Government is siding with USA over their own region and regional countries. The Philippine Government need to study what USA has done to Ukraine ... for the sake of USA's proxy war with Russia, Ukraine (USA's puppet) has had their modern country turned into rubble because USA is using Ukraines country for the Battle Arena, and Ukraine has had tens of thousands of their OWN citizens killed in USA's proxy war (zero USA citizens). I can not believe that the Philippine Government does not understand that USA does NOT care for the Philippines, it just wants the whole South East Asian countries to fight because all the South East Asian countries are far more successful than USA.
@yUrNeRo98 13 күн бұрын
As a taiwanese , 10 dash line is ours not mainland nor Philippines to claim
@dranzacspartan8002 13 күн бұрын
@@yUrNeRo98 Ok, mate. No problems. But USA is now backing Philippines to cause conflict in the region because USA desperately wants to break up the South East Asian countries enormous success. But I love the irony of USA claiming that the reason why they are 10,000 km away from their Country shores is to stop the fishing conflict ... while at the same time, USA and Russia are having Fishing issues between Alaska and Russia.
@mikezhang2351 13 күн бұрын
统一正在进行 独立工作者不独立 做春梦毫无意义😂🎉😢
@LSmoney215 13 күн бұрын
Nobody want to be apart of poverty China. Taiwan is much wealthier than China.
@GoodCitizen-gm1tl 13 күн бұрын
@@LSmoney215 look at the scooter tsunami in Taipei streets, I wouldn't call it wealthy at all. It's as poor as Cambodia, Laos, Indonesia and Vietnam, whose street scenes are also characterised by tremendous waves of scooter floods. Meanwhile China is much more wealthy than Taiwan, look at their futuristic infrastructure and ubiqutous application of high technology and especially how spotlessly clean the Chinese cities are these days. The EV cars and charging stations are everywhere. That's what I call wealthy. They have a very high standard of living you may never have realized yourself. Also, judging from how mad, desperate and hysterical the US is in front of China, you know how good China is actually doing in real life beyond the western propaganda lies.
@LSmoney215 13 күн бұрын
@@GoodCitizen-gm1tl China gdp per capita is 12,000 usd and Taiwan is 35,000 usd. Yur clearly not informed how poor China ppl are outside the major two big cities
@GoodCitizen-gm1tl 13 күн бұрын
@@LSmoney215 search "scooter tsunami Taipei" to know more.
@petermelville5524 13 күн бұрын
@@GoodCitizen-gm1tl dream on zombie troll
@Lover-ji3je 13 күн бұрын
Vincent you need to stop interrupting the professor. You talk too much and it’s out of your turn.
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