Why you have the right to know what’s in your food | Rachel Parent | TEDxToronto

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NOTE FROM TED: We've flagged this talk for falling outside TEDx's curatorial guidelines because it oversimplifies the discourse surrounding GM foods and the science of genetic engineering. This talk only represents the speaker’s personal views and experiences with GMOs, diet, and human health. TEDx events are independently organized by volunteers. The guidelines we give TEDx organizers are described in more detail here: storage.ted.com/tedx/manuals/t...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. At a time when environmental factors are contributing so significantly to the agriculture industry, many farmers and corporations are turning to the use of GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) and pesticides to sustain their crops. Fifteen-year-old activist Rachel Parent believes that the use of these chemicals is negatively affecting our health, and that consumers have a right to know when they’ve been used to modify ingredients in the food we’re buying on a daily basis. In her informative TEDxToronto talk, Rachel urges Canadian officials to make it mandatory for food manufacturers to list the use of GMOs in labelling, so we can make informed decisions as consumers.
At age 12, Rachel did a school project on Genetically Modified Organisms and became alarmed by what she learned. This sparked her into activism fighting for GMO labels to become a law in Canada. By 14, she had a heated TV debate with Kevin O’Leary, which instantly went viral. Now a veteran of the media public speaking circuit, Rachel is part of the United Nations Youth Leaders Education program and founder of Kids Right to Know, an organization created to inform the public, especially the youth, about food safety.
About TEDx, x = independently organized event In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)

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@SerpexaFlexa 6 жыл бұрын
She makes an argument about how we shouldn't be consuming something that kills insects, when we eat the chocolate that kills our dogs.
@lennyfeis5165 4 жыл бұрын
god this does deserve more likes
@kabeerkabeer3285 3 жыл бұрын
It's Not About Winning Arguments , it's About Going into More Healthy Side , Rest Is Up to You .
@joesalem7468 7 жыл бұрын
I'm right here in North Texas farm country and the organic farmers are thriving and getting better yields than gmo farmers and making more profits. Gmo farmers are not happy about fast rising cost of seed and sprays. Looks like a big gmo scam to me.
@michaelsierra6313 7 жыл бұрын
I read it on a meme from a fake non-profit that is a 60-billion-dollar organic industry front, so it must be true. 99.3 percent of American farms use science-based farming techniques. (Safer synthesized pesticides like glyphosate. Higher yields. Less land usage. Less water usage. Lower carbon footprint.) But a child coached by her dad who is the CEO of Canada's largest snake-oil franchise convince me science is wrong and farmers are stupid! The .7 percent of American status-symbol organic farmers know TOTES more than the 99.3 percent of science-based farmers who are feeding the world. And now I'm waiting for a.)wake up sheeple, or b.)Monsanot shill in 3...2...1...
@michaelsierra6313 7 жыл бұрын
DING DING DING DING!!!! And we have our first scientifically illiterate response!!!
@michaelsierra6313 7 жыл бұрын
Let's continue. We've learned GMOs case autism and cancer and car wrecks and dingleberries. Let's move on to vaccine injuries and faked moon landings!!!
@kyeprice1301 7 жыл бұрын
I doubt that
@0raclehorn 8 жыл бұрын
3 major issues with GMOs that never get discussed by scientists. 1. The monopoly issue. We have global chemical companies making seeds for food production. Why is this? Why do we have companies like monsanto that create round up and invented poisons like Agent Orange also making our food? Huge conflict of interest. They create seeds that also just happen to be resistant to the very poisons they produce. That's not a very viable ethical plan for our food sources. Just imagine a monsanto scientist who discovers a way to have more yield and better quality food without using their pesticides. Do you think for one minute the board of directors for Monsanto would allow that, knowing they would take an earning hit because they would sell less chemicals? 2. The pesticide issue. It's simply not sustainable. I live on the island of Kaua'i where these corporations spray restricted use pesticide all over the west side daily and they have ruined the land and waters out here. 3. take a look at the track record of companies like monsanto, pioneer, dow, syngenta and others. Look at how many times they have gotten away with poisoning communities. How many times they have been sued. How many lives they have ruined. How many water ways they have ruined. These companies have a consistent and clear history of destruction. I don't have a problem with the science behind GMOs. I do have a problem with what these companies have done with that science.
@kurtkemmerer414 8 жыл бұрын
+Kauai Hawaii One and three are Issues with corporations, and are not about GMOs. Pesticide use is decreased with GMOs, so two is a non issue. BTW, this speaker is the daughter of parents who run a large organic company. They are using her to denigrate the competition, as a part of their unethical marketing plan. Perhaps they should worry about their own actions first.
@ginckgo 8 жыл бұрын
+Kauai Hawaii Pesticide use has demonstrably dropped where GE crops have been used. Plus, the pesticides are often LESS toxic than the traditional ones, including those permitted by organic certification
@joserosa5342 5 жыл бұрын
So good my man.
@charlesmrader 2 жыл бұрын
I'll answer your number 1, the monopoly issue. You ask "Just imagine a monsanto scientist who discovers a way to have more yield and better quality food without using their pesticides. Do you think for one minute the board of directors for Monsanto would allow that, knowing they would take an earning hit because they would sell less chemicals? " Well, after the Monsanto Roundup Ready crops, their next most prominent GMO has a trait that the plant makes a substance called cry protein, which is a poison to moth larvae, but a nutrient to everything else. But I won't try to convince you of its safety. I just point out that since the plant makes the cry protein, the company doesn't get to sell the insecticide that a farmer would otherwise have needed to kill the moth larvae.
@TheMachineMother84 9 жыл бұрын
GMO foods do contain their own internal "insecticides", but these aren't the same as the chemical insecticides you find at Home Depo for $5.99. They're actually just proteins the bugs can't digest! Simple as that. Plus, the same "chemicals" that "rupture the stomachs of bugs" have different effects on the human body. In short, the very thing that's harmful to the bug, won't necessarily be harmful to humans because humans aren't insects... our bodies are different. WE'RE NOT BUGS!
@NandoG7 9 жыл бұрын
There are probably tons of Monsanto representatives trolling the comments section. Get out of my food Monty! Good for this girl, she is the future and is showing objectivity about this issue. Do not scare, be aware. #labelit
@kurtkemmerer414 9 жыл бұрын
You keep using that word, objectivity. It does not mean what you think it means. It does not apply to your preconceived and unsupported notions. BTW, the shill gambit shows that you cannot support your baseless fear mongering.
@icemachine79 9 жыл бұрын
Kurt Kemmerer Is Fernando a Poe do you think? His post was pretty laughable.
@TheMachineMother84 9 жыл бұрын
If you can find evidence that I'm a Monsanto agent... please share it with us.
@VictorVonBelmont 7 жыл бұрын
So funny that you accuse people that oposes all her non-sense of being shills, but you don't say anything about this girl being the daughter of a multi-million organic company owner.
@joesalem7468 7 жыл бұрын
After studying this gmo vs. natural food ordeal for several years, I conclude Rachel is leading people in the Godly way of long lasting health and prosperity.
@kstrejc99 7 жыл бұрын
Citations needed. Your OPINION is meaningless.
@peterpotpie 9 жыл бұрын
A big thank you to Rachel Parent. Change begins with education. If you are not sure about the safety of GMO products, watch the documentary, "The World According to Monsanto" You will be shocked. (Monsanto is the biggest producer of GMO.
@kurtkemmerer414 9 жыл бұрын
Watching an anti-science documentary only serves on purpose: To misinform with the aim of creating baseless fear. That is unethical, just like the people who put this young girl up to spreading baseless fear on TEDx acted without an ethical basis. Science matters. And the science on GMOs is astoundingly clear: They are safe.
@kurtkemmerer414 9 жыл бұрын
Wrong. The science on GMOs is astoundingly clear. Pretending it's not shows that you only want to spread baseless fear. Try again.
@kurtkemmerer414 9 жыл бұрын
If you're worried about ignorance, why are you allowing yourself to remain ignorant? Why are you spreading ignorance?
@PaulStewart55 9 жыл бұрын
All she asked for is labeling, why would people not want to know what they are eating?
@icemachine79 9 жыл бұрын
Paul Stewart The people feeding this girl her lines want a scarlet letter, not a label. We might as well start counting the number of molecules in each item as well for all the good it would do. The "GMO labeling" movement is nothing more than a scam perpetuated by the organic conglomerates in an attempt to even the playing field by raising the prices on non-organic food and scaring people away from it with nonsense like a meaningless but irrational fear-inducing GMO label. The reason large corporations and groups like Whole Foods and the Organic Consumers Association are using these tactics is because they can't get their own costs down and know that their product is in no way superior to its non-organic counterparts. It's the same kind of underhanded policies pursued by nutritional supplement companies or amateur "health" experts and self-proclaimed dieticians.
@randomvids5838 9 жыл бұрын
icemachine79 I also understand your point of view and other corporations are already taking advantage. But you are missing the most obvious points. Bees are declining, monarchs are declining, insects that rely on our produce are dying, non-GMO crops are being infected with genetically modified crops. Tell me why does the White House eat organic? Why do the the top 1% eat organic when they support GMOs and non organic? Tell me why. Why do countries ban synthesized spraying and GMOs.
@icemachine79 9 жыл бұрын
RandomVids Even if the massive population declines you mentioned were true (care to cite your sources?) they would still need to be tied somehow to GMOs. If the White House really does eat only organic then it's most likely because they've been caught up in the pseudoscientific hype that also drives the anti-vaccination crowd as well as the "alternative" medicine industry. The same goes for the "top 1%". Since when do celebrities define the truth anyway? The fad diet and "nutritional supplement" industries, just like the multibillion-dollar organic industry, have done a great job at marketing themselves at the expense of the truth. They've made it fashionable for celebrities to eat organic and engage in fad diets, etc. That logic also holds true for government regulations, by which I'm assuming you're referring to the unscientific "precautionary principle" used by Europe. That policy is more to do with irrational fear and ignorance of science in the populations that elected the government officials than anything else. Such regulations are akin to banning airplanes forever because one crashed, even though the crash was due to pilot error.
@randomvids5838 9 жыл бұрын
So you're telling me we created the best foods? No the Earth has provided with fresh naturally occurring produce since time began on this planet. Is it not that obvious? Are you really that ignorant to see that? That is the truth because it has always been this way. You really think that we as humans created some type of awesome food for us to eat when in reality it has always been there. Lol stop man. You are not doing yourself any favor nor anyone else. I'm not doing this out of fear I do not follow celebrities. The food supply has changed and some people are realizing this and some are following.
@randomvids5838 9 жыл бұрын
I also realize the organic produce is not fully organic and the methods behind some companies is not great. Which is why I will grow my own food which I am doing.
@sarahhage491 9 жыл бұрын
Great job. Please come to the US and spread the word here in California, Oregon, Washington, too.
@dalilacunha5287 9 жыл бұрын
Great talk by a young passionate young woman. Here's a challenge for you: make a speech that proposes to ban GMOs. I understand that the proposal to label GMOs is an easier one to sell....more people will buy into it because it's about the freedom to choose and doesn't restrict people's right to produce. It's the path of least resistance toward some change. But what at the core of the GMO issue is really at stake? Our health? The environment? Eco-systems? And how do we match our values with our politics? I think the direct and more honest argument is to ban GMOs. What do you think? If the debate is about the existence or dangers of GMOs, would people respond to the debate with more concern and more interest?
@KillTheFear 9 жыл бұрын
Awful idea..
@robb233 9 жыл бұрын
Given that GM is a breeding technique, not an ingredient, the push to label it makes absolutely no sense, given that there are at least a dozen breeding techniques used in the industry (organic or otherwise) that are far less precise, far less tested, and require no labelling whatsoever.
@beckagarcia7169 9 жыл бұрын
Baby steps...
@PhuPhillipTrinh 9 жыл бұрын
she is an excellent speaker, and her approach to, "Just labeling it." Is correct as we already have the infrastructure to labeling our foods in Canada.
@budcouch230 9 жыл бұрын
I returned from Nam in 1970. I was a aircraft mechanic at Ton Son Nhut Air force base out side of then Saigon. I didn't think I had any thing to worry about as far as Agent Orange was concerned but in 1989 I started having health issues that's 19 years after I returned home. Well Monsanto and others admit that they started this GMO stuff about 20 years ago and their are studies showing health issues and birth defects in livestock their is a study linking GMO's to Autism. Some of these studies show a possible link to Diabetes type ll. My point is at least one of the main ingredients in Round Up is the same as the ingredients in AGENT ORANGE now wouldn't you like to know if that was what is in the food that you are feeding your family and pets!!!
@ernestolynch3347 9 жыл бұрын
Sorry to hear of your health issues. The LD50 of glyphosate is much higher than that of table salt, in other words salt is more toxic for you than roundup. As for livestock: news.ucdavis.edu/search/news_detail.lasso?id=11038 Represents 100 billion animals over 30 years.
@icemachine79 9 жыл бұрын
One of the elements in salt is an explosive and the other is a poison. So what's your point?
@popeyegordon 4 жыл бұрын
AO has nothing in common with agriculture herbicides.
@charlesmrader 2 жыл бұрын
Bud, first, thanks for your service. Let me correct some things you said and apparently believe. 1) Monsanto began working on plant GEM technology much earlier than you think. They had a product on the market in 1996 but they needed years to make it work and several more years after that to get it approved by three different federal agencies. 2) You probably know that there are many more studies refuting the claims of danger. A common view of the anti-GMO side is that the latter set of studies are funded by the developer and therefore biased. But they seem to ignore bias in the studies that show a danger. I challenge you to try the following exercise. Find a study showing a danger of a GMO food now in our food supply. The study will have an author and that author will have some other research, or statements. That author would have to be biased if, before his study or research, he/she had already been a consistent critic of the GMO technology. Can you find even one study by an author that started out neutral? I can't. 3) This is the big one. None of the ingredients in Roundup was anywhere close to the ingredients in Agent Orange. Agent Orange was a mix of two chemicals, 2,4-D and and 2,4,5-T. The active ingredient in Roundup is called glyphosate. Use Wikipedia to look up the chemical formulas. Or I'll save you the trouble. Agent Orange contained no phosphorus. Glyphosate, as you can guess from the name, does. Meanwhile, 2,4-D is still on the market as a legal herbicide but it is NOT used on GMO crops because it would kill them.
@JoshRS85 9 жыл бұрын
After reading these comments, I want to ask a single question. If 20+ countries around the globe have banned the import/export and the production of GMO within those countries... why do we still think GMO products are safe?! Cross Pollination (Also known as selective breeding (This also falls under GE or Genetically Engineered)) is it's own category and is in no way similar to GMO's. GMO's are made from introducing genetic material from within the SAME genetic species, and/or from COMPLETELY DIFFERENT KINGDOMS of species. I do not need to put citations for all of those that will simply ask for that. You can EASILY do Google/Google scholar search and find this information freely!
@popeyegordon 4 жыл бұрын
@@jasoncui2534 No thank you for being gullible!!!!
@amseybai 9 жыл бұрын
Many comments were labeling this young girl as an anti-scientist. She does have her own biased mind thinking GMOs are doubtful. However, her MAIN POINT of this speech is to ask for a CLEAR LABEL on the packages, which I agree with. She mentioned clearly that there "MAY" be a connection between GMOs and health issues. I believe that choosing GMOs is a personal decision. Before that, consumers should have the right to know what's in their food and make their own decision. When GMOs are still in the market, it just means the relationship between GMOs and health risks is NOT SIGNIFICANT.
@phineasflapdoodle 9 жыл бұрын
Nice job Rachel. I noticed you've received some negative comments, but don't let those ignorant people dissuade you.
@carolLDickinson 9 жыл бұрын
Great speech! Thank you Rachel for educating the world on the evils of GMOs.
@kayvun 9 жыл бұрын
keep up what you are doing, its amazing, people support you if they hear you, these comments are not real.
@mjl353535 9 жыл бұрын
I was always top of my class in high school and as far as math and science went I was anywhere from 2 years up to 5 years ahead of others my age. I taught myself calculus and they told me I could take whatever math courses I wanted first semester in college (I chose multivariable calculus and linear algebra). It wasn't until at least a year into graduate school going for my first masters degree that I could even understand the rudimentary genetics behind something infinitely complex like GM food. I now have 4 graduate degrees, am a doctor, have done laboratory research multiple times, have been published, have read thousands of peer-reviewed scientific journal articles, and my IQ was 165 last time I tested. I think back to how much I understood about genetics when I was 15 like the girl in this video and I can say that I didn't know the first thing about genetics much less enough to understand even what genetic engineering really was. Don't let this girl fool you, she is completely ignorant of the topic for which she speaks on. I've heard her speak before and every time it is blatantly obvious that she has a script that her parents and/or teacher wrote for her. They chose her believing that others would think, "oh well if this girl can understand this and she's only 15, it must be bad" when in reality her age is her biggest shortcoming. It is impossible for her to have learned and understand anywhere near what is necessary to understand even the basics of genetic engineering. When I was 15 (and like I said I was taking advanced college math at 15 and college science courses), I barely understood what DNA even was. I knew what the letters stood for, I knew that it coded for every living thing, I knew the names of the bases, but I knew very little more than that. This girl likes the attention and she likes being treated like an adult by her parents and teachers (who wants to bet homeschooled? That means she would know less than the average person her age about genetics). I believe that the girl believes the nonsense she speaks about but that's only because at 15 you're willing to believe pretty much anything your parents tell you that they feel passionately about. Heck, she probably believed in Santa, the Easter bunny, and the tooth fairy until 2 or 3 years ago.
@denispahor3634 9 жыл бұрын
I'm from CROATIA and i make my own food and eat only organic. But still i feel sorry for all people that had been lied from Monsanto and other companies. Don't buy GMO food if you don't have to,especially don't support Monsanto because few years from now they will dictate prices on every single food you eat,and that's already happening. Make a stand for yourself,against all corporations,for if you don't defend yourself none will
@sploofmcsterra4786 7 жыл бұрын
Love how she's always claiming companies that produce these foods are falsifying studies due to having a stake in it, but Rachel's parents (pun intended) are the ones with a multimillion dollar stake in making us as scared as possible of harmless food. If you put a gene from a harmless plant into a harmless plant you get a harmless plant people.
@katdfinns 9 жыл бұрын
Good job Rachael, you are young and informed. Anyone on here that speaks negative about you is envious of your fine working brain. Thank you for inspiring the kids, cause they are the ones that are going to have to clean up the messes we have made or allowed to be made. Cheers to you young lady.
@blindriptide 9 жыл бұрын
Rachael.. I'm proud of you and the work you are doing. Thank you so much for the love of humanity
@warrenlauzon5315 9 жыл бұрын
***** That is basically true. Her parents run some kind of woo-filled organic sales operation.
@warrenlauzon5315 9 жыл бұрын
***** I looked at their website, and it is full of all the usual "miracle" supplements and similar woo junk. I can see where she gets all her "science" from now.
@ronfuller6230 9 жыл бұрын
NAILED IT! So if this is so inspiring for an old codger like me, I hope it lights a fire, so blinding bright, under many many young folks to make change world wide! If She can do the hard work and practice it takes to do this, so can you find and use your special talent to get involved! Rachel knows how I feel about this issue and how much I love and respect her so please join me and say something like... Thank you Rachel....You Rock! Once again, I am left impressed!
@popeyegordon 6 жыл бұрын
Don't be fooled, the x means this is NOT a TED Talk, it is an advertisement!
@ivantau9753 7 жыл бұрын
I didn't know you could get so satisfied with pressing a dislike.
@zoner1nz 8 жыл бұрын
This girl is amazing - so young, so smart and right in ever sense. Will things change? I doubt it. Not until we have a society where health and well being come before the greed of money & power.
@zoner1nz 8 жыл бұрын
if you listen to the message she is saying and not who she is then you have to agree with her. You say competition?? If electric cars versus fossil fuels is competition then I say hell yeah! that was n example ;)
@joesalem7468 8 жыл бұрын
Let's also push for non gmo foods to have great big NON GMO labels.
@mpetersongb 9 жыл бұрын
TED, I love you guys. I have TED apps on all my devices, I watch Talks while I work out, and I regularly share them with friends. This one is pretty disappointing. She's just a kid, so I wouldn't expect her to understand what she's talking about. But I would expect TED to be above allowing a fear-mongering child to tug at our heartstrings. I would expect you guys to make certain that the science (or lack thereof) behind her call to action was addressed. I generally consider TED talks to be trustworthy - even the comedians are intelligent and honest. But this is NOT an idea worth spreading. This young lady, passionate as she is, has no idea what she's talking about. What's next? Teens lecturing us on the dangers of vaccines? Kids who think global warming is a hoax? How about one on using vinegar to disperse chemtrails, presented by a charming and passionate high school freshman?
@KavinSenapathy 9 жыл бұрын
***** She isn't stupid because she's a child. She's ignorant regardless of her age. If a 15-year-old was making sound arguments with solid evidence, I guarantee that would be validated. Anyone calling her "stupid" is wrong. She's a child caught up in the whirlwind of the attention she's receiving. Unfortunately, there are certain platforms like TEDx giving her an audience to spread disinformation. The E in TED stands for "entertainment," and it's certainly standing up to its name.
@geraldheckathorn966 7 жыл бұрын
your the ignorant person, not wanting long term studies on the risks associated with gmos, God made the food we eat and everything else and I prefer what he made not some scientist
@lennyfeis5165 4 жыл бұрын
TEDx talks do not reflect the ideas or beliefs of TED (source: I volounteer for a local TEDx)
@charlesmrader 2 жыл бұрын
@@geraldheckathorn966 Dr. Senapathy really knows a lot about this subject, and she is most emphatically not opposing any safety testing. By the way, your belief that God made "the food we eat and everything else" makes no sense. Surely if God cares about how we develop novel foods, He can guide the scientists as well as he can guide hybridization, gamma rays, chemically induced polyploidy, and selective breeding. Do you think Good is somehow unable to move genes from one species to another, but some scientist can?
@ChristopherMillison 6 жыл бұрын
bravo to you, rachel! you are doing such incredible & necessary educating! at the very least, challenging the existing school of thought & asking others for an open mind. what you are requesting is in no regard radical! keep fighting the good fight, & i promise to do my part as well. our future depends on it.
@musedinaz 9 жыл бұрын
Help me understand, if GMOs are safe, and as I heard save lives, what's the problem in labeling? Regardless if these foods are good or bad, if they've been modified why keep it secret?
@Personmr 5 жыл бұрын
Labeling gmos gives the impression that they are dangerous. They arn't dangerous but the organics industry is pushing for labeling in order to get more business.
@charlesmrader 2 жыл бұрын
@@Personmr I have a different view. Enough people want to know if GMOs are used in their food that there's no good justification for withholding the information. But every labeling proposal from the anti-GMO camp wants only one kind of label, a large-type warning. That tells the customer that all GMO organisms are the same concern. Somewhere there must be some people who have become convinced that some kinds of GMO should be avoided, but that some others are OK. Or they may think that a tiny amount of a GMO ingredient is OK, but they worry about a larger amount. Or they don;t like the danger of a herbicide residue but they would appreciate an added vitamin. The anti-GMO forces don't want to let you know WHICH INGREDIENT is the GMO. In fact, look at what they have done with the non-GMO Project icon. It's completely voluntary and it gives the consumer the exact information equivalent to a GMO label. OK if you think that any GMO is as bad as any other, otherwise it may trick you into avoiding a food that you don't actually want to avoid. Of course, the non-GMO Project can't resist a little deception on its labels because they put them on foods that couldn't possibly every have any GMO content, like olive oil or table salt.
@deborahoconnor2608 9 жыл бұрын
Behind you 100%
@MaxTyler 9 жыл бұрын
*Citation needed
@danl1519 8 жыл бұрын
I'll issue a citation for your arrest for being stupid.
@eriklundquist3588 9 жыл бұрын
Be nice! Rachel is obviously a very smart girl. She just hasn't had the chance yet to learn about biology and genetics, and has been provided misleading and inaccurate information by people she trusts. Save your negative comments for TEDx and/or her parents (or whoever gave her such misguided information). Rachel, please keep an open mind, and one day you will become a wonderful spokesperson for actual science and safety.
@stakesmedia1555 6 жыл бұрын
She was born for this!👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽
@zappercoil 9 жыл бұрын
props to her for speaking out about something she believes in. However, there is a great deal wrong with what she's saying. Many of the points she is making are simply not based on enough fact to be stated so definitively. For example, people who work in the field of GMO have done wonderful work in feeding the hungry. A quick google and you can find at least one actual scientist explaining at least one example. But again, good for her on this accomplishment. Public speaking is not an easy thing to do especially on a subject that tends to cause a lot of conflicting opinions.
@SupremeScience 9 жыл бұрын
TED: Sometimes, Ideas NOT worth sharing :)
@madison.vieira 9 жыл бұрын
Rachel ignore the evil money hungry people of this world and do what you feel is right We the younger generation have to fix what the previous generations have done to our planet. It wont be overnight but the more information you share the more young ppl you inspire and we will go to university get our degrees and change the planet for the better
@icemachine79 9 жыл бұрын
***** The only money hungry people I see involved here are Rachel's parents and their friends at the Organic Consumers Association.
@cpwm17 7 жыл бұрын
X7 Madi Rachel's father is Wayne Parent, the CEO of Nutrition House. She knows she can get rich conning the gullible public.
@mrcpm1973 9 жыл бұрын
USE YOUR COMMON SENCE - ask yourself this question "how long did it take science to prove smoking was harmful?" but wasn't it obvious? In my experience don't fuck with nature! We just don't have the knowledge and that is a fact!
@icemachine79 9 жыл бұрын
No it wasn't obvious that smoking is bad for you, but science did prove it quite some time ago. Unfortunately the same fervor that has produced the anti-GMO and GMO labeling movement made people ignore the science of smoking and trust the actors dressed up as doctors in 50s TV commercials that told them smoking was good for you.
@MarcInCanada 9 жыл бұрын
A talk expressing valid concerns about GMOs in our foods by a courageous young lady. Thank you TED talks for providing an alternative perspective, one which challenges a paradigm largely influenced by powerful corporations. For those that choose to swallow that koolaid, fine, but I certainly appreciate that a platform is provided to those that have a different perspective which says "wake up, you are being fed (yes fed) a pack of lies".
@agerwien 5 жыл бұрын
you are Awesome girl!!! we need more people like you adn continue your good work, you simply Rock this world, God bless you!
@ianscott1969 9 жыл бұрын
this video just made the stock price of TED talks plummet.
@kyrabredenhof 3 жыл бұрын
Don't give up, Rachel! You are doing amazing in fighting against the dangers of GMF! Don't let other people's opinions stop you from standing up for what you believe in.
@joesalem7468 8 жыл бұрын
Rachel is about as noble. courageous, and intelligent a 15 year old as I have ever seen. But, of course it takes a person of intelligence to see this.
@Personmr 5 жыл бұрын
I love how conceited your comment is. "dis gerl iz smart. uh-course only other smart peepl can c it!"
@christinetrzcinski4561 7 жыл бұрын
amazingly brilliant! there is hope with people like her.
@yashia96 8 жыл бұрын
What she is saying is true. Whoever dislikes or does not share her view has no knowledge.
@sploofmcsterra4786 7 жыл бұрын
A lot of people would say the opposite is true.
@dolphindancercupcake6915 9 жыл бұрын
I don't care what anyone says I'm one Parent`s team for life
@jenniortega6491 9 жыл бұрын
Great, informative speech from a wise young girl.
@DennyOchaita 9 жыл бұрын
Thank you Rachel Parent. Keep it up.
@MrScoop70 8 жыл бұрын
This is great! All of these trolls commenting really prove Rachel is really starting to get under the skin of the MonSatan corporation. Awesome work Rachel!
@danl1519 8 жыл бұрын
exactly! they have no argument other than to bad talk others comments.
@YeOleSuperwench 9 жыл бұрын
Science illiteracy and fear-mongering is not something I want to see from TED.
@rdeg94 9 жыл бұрын
So is anyone else noticing the extremely suspicious amount of negative responses on this video? I've seen more evenly distributed comments on controversial topics like atheism or abortion!! The bias in these comments is UNREAL!! All she's saying is that we, as consumers, have the right to know what we're buying. There is no logical reason for the insane amount of hate towards this caring, educated young woman! I'm not against the idea of GMOs themselves, but she makes a very clear point that Monsanto (and I'm sure there are many other companies involved as well) is not at all doing this experimentation in the honest interests of the human (or any) population. So, to everyone giving this girl shit for standing up for a cause she believes in, answer me this: If Monsanto WERE doing all this in the interests of the people, why don't we hear about all the great wonderful effects of GMOs? They're so super and have NO negative effects on our bodies, OR on the environment, right?? So why all the unnecessary hate, in that case? Why not give us some facts to work with, if all of you are saying she has none??
@ConsciousExpression 5 жыл бұрын
Admittedly I haven't read all the comments but I don't see hate for the girl, I see mostly reasonable arguments against her position. I'm opposed to labeling GM food because there is no scientific evidence to support it. I wouldn't support labeling food as "non-kosher" because I'm an atheist and I don't believe kosher food handling is anything but a silly superstition. All food you eat is genetically modified, it's been breed for hundreds or even thousands of years. I fail to see how direct generic modification is different from selective breeding, hybridization, etc. Are the modified proteins harmful? Where is the evidence? This talk is a bunch of scare tactics and zero science. So yes I'm voting it down.
@mjl353535 9 жыл бұрын
Fun fact of the day, Rachel's father, Wayne Parent, is CEO of Nutrition House. Nutrition House is a lead Canadian based organic food store that makes over $4 billion every year. Gotcha Rachel; follow the money, right?
@_kline9571 7 жыл бұрын
Wonder how much Monsanto is paying for dislikes
@shrutireddy6910 9 жыл бұрын
I'm glad she cares about something. I can't say that for a lot of 15-year-old. But she's grossly misinformed.
@365daystillLoveHisRevenge 7 жыл бұрын
Thx you so much for sharing. This is real scary; the rich are treating us like lab rats. We have to come together and fight for this, we all have to eat.
@hermzandman4356 3 жыл бұрын
I don't think it is oversimplified. The complications start with making moneymaking justifications as to why it is alright to put poisons in the food cycle.
@Dragons_Novel 6 жыл бұрын
I agree. It is simple: Just label it. It's not rocket science. Since they aren't labelling it, it makes the all GMOs suspect. I am happy to see some companies taking the initiative and labelling their products "non-GMO". For those who want to avoid GMOs, it makes it a great selling point. Freedom to choose should never be taken away from us.
@greenwoodtea 9 жыл бұрын
Terrific!!!! Fantastick.....You need to run for congress!!!!!!! absolutely amazing
@_kline9571 7 жыл бұрын
How could anyone not like this... I'm sure there Monsanto paid
@Personmr 5 жыл бұрын
By caring about what she says and how true it is.
@lorhayes7 8 жыл бұрын
Wow...I see Monsanto and company have sent their minions out to comment on this video!
@danl1519 8 жыл бұрын
So true, the minions are all Genetical Modified Humans posting links to draw you are from her.
@sleepcity3 7 жыл бұрын
Yes, because if anyone disagrees with you on a scientific matter, which can be investigated empirically, which data can refute or support...they must be a paid agent of the big bad evil corporation! What a fucking simple world you live in.
@Lymzy 7 жыл бұрын
Anti Gen Nice blank account.
@sleepcity3 7 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I keep it that way so I can speak my mind freely without wingnut extreme right or left wingers with too much time on their hands trying to go after my job, my loved ones, etc. Crazy, I know! :D
@sleepcity3 7 жыл бұрын
By the way, the zillions of videos of yourself playing video games are really cool. Now we know all about you.
@Aliensundercoverz 8 жыл бұрын
we should also have the right to know how much pesticides have been used as well.
@TomJohnDoe 9 жыл бұрын
It creeps me out to read through the comments.. Ask yourself one simple question: When GMOs are not harmful, why the hell are those companies lobbying and spending millions to NOT have them labelled?
@TheAshFactor1 9 жыл бұрын
Thank you! So true. If they weren't bad, why not label them? Hmm...
@AyataHiragi 9 жыл бұрын
Eric McLeod Says who, certainly not the scientists, unless you only listen to the ones you prefer. www.ensser.org/increasing-public-information/no-scientific-consensus-on-gmo-safety/
@TheAshFactor1 9 жыл бұрын
Yeah about that, my friends have labeled GMO items in their country. But they don't sell well at all. This, my friend, may be the ultimate reason why they don't want them labeled. Possible money loss. Simple as that.
@DrStorm81 9 жыл бұрын
Because proposed labels are useless and will be used in scare tactic and 'witch hunting' just like it was done with vaccines and Thiomersal. Here in Poland we have mandatory labelling. In there's GMO ingredient it should be mentioned on a (mandatory too) list of ingredients. And no one really cares. But there would be huge difference if producers were forced to put a huge label 'contains GMO' on their products.
@ammyth 9 жыл бұрын
Garrus Vakarian ENSSER is an organization whose sole goal is to oppose GMOs. Its founder and leader is a discredited scientist who published self-serving and discredited research on GMOs. They are not a credible source for GMO information.
@nickygreenfingers Жыл бұрын
Wonderful speech 🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱
@TeenTake 9 жыл бұрын
Keep fighting the good fight, Rachel!
@erik1000erik 8 жыл бұрын
Gracias flaquita. Dios te bendiga en esta lucha. Estás en el lado correcto de la batalla.
@kroschelfilms 9 жыл бұрын
Rachel Parent is incredibly talented and passionate .. Her informed message is one of the most important wake-up calls of our time when it comes to our food. Amazing that it has come down to this 15 year-old kid has to educate scientists, chemists, doctors and the media. And many leaders who should know better but have LOST their sense of right and wrong . The stakes are high for biological specimens and life as we know it. Rachel Parent deserves our attention.
@popeyegordon 4 жыл бұрын
She's lying to the world to sell more of her family's products! Every single word can be proven wrong and dishonest.
@chrberge7732 8 жыл бұрын
Long live the youth, the ability to withstand sosial doctrination, it amazes me and give me hope for a solution to the greed in the old world and the mentality of the legally corrupt corporation and ther mentality :)
@jerryg50 8 жыл бұрын
Rachel Parent has a valid point. GMO's have a use and are helpful in many ways. But, she is right about labelling our food properly.
@arken5959 7 жыл бұрын
I can agree. GMO's have more pro's than cons. I would wish to see GMO labeling on our food.
@CoryHardcoreSkepticJohnston 9 жыл бұрын
I hope that this girl learns better as time goes on and that later in life she can look back on this video as a mistake in an otherwise scientifically literate life. Of course, dissonance theory would suggest that's unlikely. Oh well, perhaps TED can learn from the comments and downvotes that not everyone needs a voice and sometimes it's better to not spread some ideas.
@markbauermeister5449 8 жыл бұрын
2:05 "I'm not a scientist". And there we go! Future GOP candidate unveiled.
@demetricklouis5710 8 жыл бұрын
+Mark “Happy-Ferret” Bauermeister Not being a scientist doesn't not denote a lack of common sense. A scientist created a procedure by which the frontatl lobe of the cerebrum is permanently damaged as treatment for mental illness. Today that treat is considered cruel and unethical. A scientists created transfat, today we avoid that stuff like the plague. Simple having the title of scienist doesn't make persons claims right; especially not in this day and age when opinions and influence can be bought as easily as a box of cornflakes.
@cidshroom 8 жыл бұрын
+Mark “Happy-Ferret” Bauermeister That is the key info in this, she clearly has no clue what she's talking about, and that's why people train as biologists instead of relying on their intuition. Nobody cares what you think Rachel, we care what professionals think.
@demetricklouis5710 8 жыл бұрын
+cidshroom I think you're missing the point. She's campaigning to have our food labled so that the choice of whether not we eat GMO food is ours. Most of us aren't scientists but the in the U.S. the FDA mandates that nutritional content and ingredients be listed. She's asking that GMO be added to the list.
@cidshroom 8 жыл бұрын
Demetrick Louis Ya but stupid people don't get to have opinions, they get to be mocked. I doubt you even know what GMO means.
@demetricklouis5710 8 жыл бұрын
+cidshroom " I doubt you even know what GMO means." Allow me to elucidate; Genetically Modified Organisms. I doubt you could give me a run down of the Krebs Cycle; If you can figure out what that is. In either case my point is made. Don't be so quick to assume.
@johnfunchion 6 жыл бұрын
im guessing from nicholasdenirox comment that someone criticised her delivery of speech... for a 15 years old she is very professional... if this was me in front of an audience at 15 i would say 'beam me up scotty... fast'
@tonyjarrett9140 7 жыл бұрын
@superlawman2010 4 жыл бұрын
Beatiful and courageous human being, keep it up. I loved that debate with Kevin. Stand up to kucks and corporate shills such as he.
@healthhavencom 9 жыл бұрын
Monsanto = Pure EVIL Rachel = Hero in the making
@theafuller9908 8 жыл бұрын
she went to my school!
@DefaultName-cb2vw 9 жыл бұрын
As of November 14th 2014 189 biotech stock holders hated this video. lol.
@Lugh314 9 жыл бұрын
I know she's only 15, but she should learn that sarcastic condescension isn't the best way to win an audience.
@carterlemcke9036 8 жыл бұрын
👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻 just to make up for the times I tried to dislike this video but realized you could only dislike videos once. No matter how shitty.
@ammyth 9 жыл бұрын
Oh, she did a school project? Wow, she's like, an expert now.
@aaaaaaaaaaa9551 9 жыл бұрын
I don't really care how many of you claim GMOs are safe. You can eat as much as you want of them, they are even cheaper than regular foods. The thing is even hydroponically grown tomatoes have a lover nutritional value than regularly grown tomatoes and therefore you have to eat more of them to get the same amount of nutrients and they also taste taste much worse. GMOs have an even lover nutritional value than hydroponically grown food. They are practically empty on vitamins, minerals and trace minerals. But all of you "scientist" can eat as much of them as you want.
@C0dename4t7 9 жыл бұрын
I'm intrigued by your claims as all the evidence regarding GMOs I've seen points to completely the opposite. Could you please provide a link to the study (obviously published in a respected, peer reviewed journal) which concludes these results?
@TheMachineMother84 9 жыл бұрын
It would be nice if you could provide some supporting evidence on the claim that MGO products contain less nutrients! Without any evidence this is just another anti-GMO rambling that deserves no further attention. About your comment that they taste worse... I bet you $100 that if I placed a selection of organically grown bananas alongside GMO bananas, and blindfolded you, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference in taste.
@aaaaaaaaaaa9551 9 жыл бұрын
Mariette Harcombe Here’s a small sampling of the nutritional differences found in this 2012 nutritional analysis: Calcium: GMO corn = 14 ppm / Non-GMO corn = 6,130 ppm (437 times more) Magnesium: GMO corn = 2 ppm / Non-GMO corn = 113 ppm (56 times more) Manganese: GMO corn = 2 ppm / Non-GMO corn = 14 ppm (7 times more) GMO corn was also found to contain 13 ppm of glyphosate, compared to zero in non-GMO corn. This is quite significant and well worth remembering.
@TheMachineMother84 9 жыл бұрын
Alex Malex thank you, but could you please post a citation for this study? Author names? In which journal was it published?
@joserosa5342 5 жыл бұрын
Can u pls put the study website, citation, journal or anything that can prooof u are right about that claim?
@johnsimms3957 9 жыл бұрын
I don't want to eat frankenfood.
@ONE-SOURCE 9 жыл бұрын
I am educated and don't see an issue with her speech. Yes, she is young - I attend college and see adults who cannot lecture live. I respect her bravery and the thoughts presented are not far from the truth (but each person has a interpretation). If you want to talk shit - post your own videos or shut up!
@kayvun 9 жыл бұрын
Be aware that 90% of these comments are made by Monsanto's network ! having thousands of accounts on KZfaq !
@CatcherCo 9 жыл бұрын
Her entire speech is based on anti-science fear mongering. It is fiction used to scare people for no good reason. She does not understand how science works, and she does not understand the poor quality of the cherry picked nonsense that she utilizes while ignoring thousands of studies that show her claims to be false. Let's not pretend otherwise.
@ONE-SOURCE 9 жыл бұрын
CatcherCo CatcherCO, my dear - you don't have the credentials to speak on her behalf; I don't have any info on you - so, therefore, I cannot call you out either. However, based on your comment(s), I can tell you're limited minded. Her entire speech is anti-stupid-ass! If she is scaring you, good -- I would be scared if my food (seeds) were owned by such-such, be scared! Ignoring thousands of studies funded by who-what? Hello, get real -- you're cherry picking as well..if that is the case.
@CatcherCo 9 жыл бұрын
NicholasDeniroX: Her GMO talk is based on bad science and fictions. No one needs any credentials to know that. How is it that you don't know that? You haven't bothered to learn about the topic, have you? If you had, you wouldn't be making such ridiculous responses.
@ONE-SOURCE 9 жыл бұрын
Advice: attend a university -- complete > 3 years of science related courses, lecture, and tutor. Your gmo talk is based on bad science. Again, post some videos - tell us about yourself, and I bet WE will run the other way. You lack credibility along with a lot of people posting negative feedback - it's a joke. Again, I am not here to state all GMO/s are bad. However, I look at both sides, and I am not funded by a corporation.
@Nilanjan35 8 жыл бұрын
She talked about insecticides in foods,but its completely harmless to human!! for example the BT cry gene infused to crops express cry proteins , which are only activated in alkaline ph present in insect guts, unlike human stomach having acidic ph!!
9 жыл бұрын
Keep up the good work Rachel.
@joserosa5342 5 жыл бұрын
She's very right. The problem with hunger is poverty, lots of tons of food wasted in fast foods, restaurants, supermarkets. We produce enough food to feeed every one but not everyone can have accesss and money. GMOs are not bad but the problem is when u are using this chemicals to fight plagues. This chemicals does not leave the soil. Those stays there for years and are not soluble in water. Can be pass from plants to humans.
@davidadcock3382 5 жыл бұрын
Your post is false the pesticides used with gmo technology crops are safer and do not stay in the soil. That is one reason farmers all over the world love them plus they are even safer than many of the pesticides organic growers use Jose.
@joserosa5342 5 жыл бұрын
@@davidadcock3382 hahhahahhaa omg.
@davidadcock3382 5 жыл бұрын
@@joserosa5342 Thank you for showing your knowledge on this subject. ZERO.
@joserosa5342 5 жыл бұрын
Research first then, come again to this post. Roundup its not safe. Leaves you to develop cancer. Lol. Research first pls.
@CivilRights4Olympia 9 жыл бұрын
Good Work :) #TheMoreYouKnow
@marshalljohn1175 9 жыл бұрын
It behooves Food Corporations to keep negative aspects of GMOs secret, while expounding the virtues of GMOs from the mountain tops of cash they have in reserve for this very topic. Let's all just keep consuming like good little boys and girls and don't bother the GMO food corporations with silly questions like: does this GMO have any negative effects on my body or my environment? Shut up and consume slave.
@michaelsierra6313 9 жыл бұрын
12:12: A 15 year old kid who admitted to not being a scientist, just quoted an environmentalist calling me stupid and a liar because I'm knowledgeable about the safety of GMO's. Nice work kid.
@TakerOffYourStuff 9 жыл бұрын
this girl tried to get a good message out to the people. it's just so sad that most of you are so closed minded about this. yes we have lables on our food and we have seen that more and more gmo containing stuff in stores go past their due date because people are finally waking up and researching for themselves before they mindlessly open their mouths about this. they find out themselves that most of the gmo containing food is just plain bad for your health in -long term- so good job girl for trying to get the message out on labeling the food. i hope one day the people will open their eyes and see for themselves what is good for them instead of just believing everything they are being told... it's just kinda sad but i think the world will do better without these people. my heart says listen and open your eyes and mind. my -dark- mind says keep eating till you and your offsprings will drop :)
@dragonxdvzz 9 жыл бұрын
Because killing your customers will increase potential profits!!!
@Homegardener55 4 жыл бұрын
I actually go to school for this, I’m educated in the matter, of the history of gmos there hasn’t been a single case of someone getting ill from eating gmos. The presenter said these crops aren’t being engineered to use less water, wrong. DroughtGard Hybrids from Bayer have been shown to reduce water usage and increase yield when compared to conventional hybrids. The insect protein that is in insect protected corn and soy hybrids is just a protein and has no impact on human health, it’s also derived from an organic pesticide, because of this less spraying has been done. Golden rice has vitamin A added by genetic modification to help children in Africa no got blind. Organic food production also takes more resources and space to get the same yield, that just shows how much more hurtful organic food is to the environment.
@theodorehoesni4126 7 жыл бұрын
I agree with her on monsanto bc of all the scummy shit tht they've done but I support genetic engineering
@theodorehoesni4126 7 жыл бұрын
Also, Rachel Parent is the daughter of Wayne Parent, owner of the Nutrition House, a franchise tht sells organic food. Sounds like they've got smth to gain out of misinforming the publc abt gmos. Its a possibility only though not saying tht she is only in it for the $$$. Anyway, she looks like she has a good heart but misguided fist
@gskibum 9 жыл бұрын
Wait a minute. We're supposed to look past the monolithic consensus among world-wide the science community, and instead take the word of a teenager who doesn't bother to reference anything? TedX has hit rock bottom.
@joebazooks 9 жыл бұрын
holy smoke and mirrors! the Monsanto minions have been unleashed in the comment section!
@rsimmons37 9 жыл бұрын
Oh ya!!! You are so special that we are making $$$$$$$$$$!!!!!!!
@kayvun 9 жыл бұрын
Be aware that 90% of these comments are made by Monsanto's network ! having thousands of accounts on KZfaq !
@BotanieSoap 9 жыл бұрын
***** HR departments at Monsanto, Nestle, Bayer CropScience and the Grocery Manufacturer's Assocation. And I'm not being snippy.
@warrenlauzon5315 9 жыл бұрын
Botanie Soap How about some actual evidence, a credible link, or a cite for that claim?
@Bobbydigitalinont 9 жыл бұрын
tonyfalca some of these comments are quite shilling, if you know what I mean ;)
@NicholasWongCQ 8 жыл бұрын
She probably has a point about labeling, but you can pretty much ignore everything else she said, because they're all based on pseudoscience, bad research and a good bit of indoctrination (by her father?). Good kid. Hope she grows out of her naivety.
@johchadow 8 жыл бұрын
+CQ Huang Wrong, they are based on non-biased scientific studies. Maybe you'll grow out of your naivete someday.
@alexanderkarl4025 4 жыл бұрын
Excellent job Rachel there may be hope for us yet..or not;)!?
@FunBotan 8 жыл бұрын
The speaker is so cute it physically hurts me to click dislike D:
@JohnathanGross 7 жыл бұрын
FunBotan being cute doesn't make people immune from being wrong
@Erikrhino9 9 жыл бұрын
Anytime you hear the argument, “We have a right to know what's in our food,” you know that the speaker doesn't understand genetic engineering, agriculture, or even basic biology. Genetic engineering is a technique, and isn't “in our food” any more than cross breeding is “in our food.” GMO labeling is a bad idea for the same reason it would be a bad idea to label crops fertilized with manure as "Fecally Fertilized Organisms” (FFOs). Or labeling crops bred using radiation mutagenesis (like Organic Super Sweet Corn) as Radiation Mutated Organisms (RMOs). The risks from these agricultural techniques are minuscule (much smaller for GMOs actually), but labeling them implies that they are dangerous.
@KavinSenapathy 9 жыл бұрын
Right - maybe each GE food product should come with a jump drive with data on the altered sequences.
@reginafake7830 9 жыл бұрын
Kavin Senapathy ZOMG I love this idea!!! So many free jump drives to reuse!!!
@ernestolynch3347 9 жыл бұрын
We want FFOs labelled!!! No no FFO (they actually have killed people) www.theguardian.com/world/2011/jun/10/e-coli-bean-sprouts-blamed
@eriklundquist3588 9 жыл бұрын
LABEL FFOs! facebook.com/TheQuestionist/photos/a.415654311825452.89470.415335941857289/799099900147556/?type=1&theater
@C0dename4t7 9 жыл бұрын
***** "They are dangerous." [Citation needed]
@bluelobsterart 9 жыл бұрын
"But somehow the idea of eating food that contains its own bug killer, sounds a bit strange to me." Then you should probably take a few college botany classes. Plants naturally fight off pests, with their own "bug killer" chemicals. We're just boosting their ability with genetic modification. Nothing to get squeamish about. Stop talking from a point of gut feelings, and get the science education you should have, prior to speaking to an audience on these matters.
@bluelobsterart 9 жыл бұрын
Citations please.
@kurtkemmerer414 9 жыл бұрын
*****: So you cannot support your claims? Got it. You realize that Dawn knows you can't support your claims. She knows the reality of the actual science. That's why folks laugh so hard when you make such a ridiculously disingenuous response. You are fear mongering, but you have no basis for your fear mongering. It is unethical, and that's being very kind to you.
@kurtkemmerer414 9 жыл бұрын
*****: Awwwww. It's cute when you pretend that you can laugh at reality. Too bad you can't live with reality.
@Doberman1818 8 жыл бұрын
Nice quote "Any politician or scientist who tells you GMO food is safe, is either VERY STUPID or LYING".
@danl1519 8 жыл бұрын
I'd say a majority are very stupid
@charlesmrader 2 жыл бұрын
@@danl1519 Even the Nobel Prize winners?
@Lugh314 9 жыл бұрын
I think I can name _both_ of the documentaries this young woman watched that constitute the bulk of her 'research'.
@meghanburns5076 6 жыл бұрын
That’s right
@davidadcock3382 6 жыл бұрын
No need for organic foods to be labelled to tell you when they are breed with radiation induced mutagenesis, 2400 organic crops owe their origin to Mutagenesis. Why do you only want gmo technology crops and any products that sources any ingredient derived form a gmo technology crops to be labeled? We all have a right to know don't we?
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