Texan Reacts to The Sinking of Blücher - The King's Choice (2016)

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Reaction to the clip from The King's Choice, where Norway sinks the Blücher during what would become the Nazi invasion of Norway.
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@bokvarv1926 2 жыл бұрын
The famous quote of Col Eriksen was " I will either be decorated or I will be court martialed , Fire!" he was of course a great man and a hero to my nation
@rayceofhistory 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah that is a hell of a quote.
@pererlingjohansen6597 Жыл бұрын
Eriksen had big balls that night,saved Norways ass 🔥
@bokvarv1926 Жыл бұрын
@@rayceofhistory Antoher couple of "fun" facts about the battle. The Torpedos used were obsolete by decades, they were made in the 1890s, the cannons as well, they were "old" by this time and basically obsolete as well. The cannons were named Moses, Aron and Josva, kind of funny little sidenote
@LeftyConspirator Жыл бұрын
One version of this quote has Eriksen's subordinate ask him if they are going to use live ammunition, to which Eriksen supposedly replied *"Visst fanden skal der skytes med skarpt!"* - roughly, "Damn right we're using live ammunition!"
@bokvarv1926 Жыл бұрын
@@LeftyConspirator yeah he also said that. is also one of the famous ones, we sued to quote that one when were having range practice in the army
@still_guns 2 жыл бұрын
The sinking of the Blucher was a major embarrassment for Germany. Here was one of their newest ships being destroyed by old weapons that had been supplied by Germany itself some 40 years earlier. The 11-inch cannons the fortress had were 1898 Krupp's, ancestors to the 8-inch guns used on the Blucher. The torpedoes, as mentioned by another commenter, were old Whitehead's that just days earlier had been used solely for training. They didn't even know if the torpedoes were going to work when they put the warheads back in them. Adding to the embarrassment was that this fortress was used solely for training up to that point. Nearly everyone there was a barely trained recruit. They didn't even know how to reload the guns as I recall, hence why each cannon fired only once.
@SebHaarfagre 2 жыл бұрын
The first half is correct, the latter not. The commanding officer was randomly recalled shortly before the incident, since the current went on sick leave. The officer you see here was really pensioned. He is famously known as having said "Either I'll me court martialed or decorated. Fire!". He was court martialed under the occupation, after the war he was decorated. The notion of them "not knowing to reload the guns" is what baffles me. Recruits or not, it's not like it's their first day there. When you see the size of the shells these guns use, you may understand why there were only time for 2 shots from the main batteries. They require cranes to reload. In case you didn't know, Blu¨cher was not the only ship sailing towards Oslo. The fortress and perpendicular batteries came under heavy fire from AA guns and smaller ship batteries etc. Now the thing is, the Blucher carried troops and equipment vital for the supposed capture of both Oslo and the King. Also, when the tailing ships saw Blucher disabled, they turned around to avoid further losses. Luftwaffe later bombed out the fortress. However what this meant, was that their plans had to be changed, invasion troops deployed elsewhere, and also thanks to Norwegian resistance at Sola - iirc- airport, heavily delayed. The King, staff, and gold reserve got time to extract northwards, just slightly ahead of the German war machine the entire time. Thanks to this, and brave men on the ground, Norway held out for 3 months. Well in the air too. Norway barely had any air force at this time. Yet 3 biplanes went to interdict the entire Luftwaffe... but that's another story. At the height of occupation, Germany had more troops in the country than the population than the capital Oslo. 1 German sikder for every 6-7th Norwegian inhabitant... Yet heavy and extremely dangerous resistance continued even after the army laid down arms..... Also the first allied victory of the war was in Narvik, and this part of the theatre is also very interesting. This part of history is very relevant - other than to Norway - to Britain, as the complete ineptitude of their officers - not the soldiers mind you - indirectly and directly eventually resulted in Chamberlain being replaced .... the victory at Narvik only came after they had to learn to listen to local officers, the hard way, and their troops paid for it... Around the time of Dunkirk, Britain decided to recall all troops in Norway... Polish, French and British regiments - some who was part of the recapture of Narvik alongside Norwegian regiments - reportedly had a very unconfortable time.... supposedly not a good feeling to abandon someone to their fate in that way. It's a long, detailed and very interesting part of the war, I think
@iblis9329 2 жыл бұрын
@@SebHaarfagre 2 months*
@deeproot9826 2 жыл бұрын
Norways Death Star moment
@safe-keeper1042 Жыл бұрын
@@SebHaarfagre AFAIK it was that they didn't have time to reload the guns, not that the recruits didn't know how. Again, AFAIK.
@Briselance Жыл бұрын
@@SebHaarfagre From what I heard about this battle, in a video from the channel The Warline, bar colonel Eriksen and the NCOs under him, they had 23 recruits/conscripts/etc. whom had been inducted a mere seven days before the battle. So not exactly well trained, even if they had obviously had at least some theoretical teaching on how to operate the guns of Oscarsborg Fortress.
@Briselance Жыл бұрын
Man, the music when the Norwegian Army (?) searchlight catches the Blücher... the music was spot-on with how ominous and tense this was for everyone.
@JeFilm94 2 жыл бұрын
King's Choice is a great film, and it's interesting to see the perspective of the King throughout the film. King Haakon was not born to be crowned king originally. If you didn't know, Norway is a fairly young nation in its current incarnation. Yes it's an old country, but ever since the middle ages it's been ruled by its neighbors. In 1905, only 35 years before Germany invaded, Norway gained independence after the dissolution of the union with Sweden and they offered a Danish prince the crown. A king chosen by the people. The Norwegian people stood no chance against Nazi Germany, but I think that gaining independence and sovereignty within living memory gave a lot of heart to the people standing up to the invasion. And with that in mind, imagine being chosen to be King of another country's people, accepting them as your own as they accepted you as their own, have a family there, and now to face the ultimatum of giving it up to an invading force while the people fight for king and country..
@BubbleBOB1989 2 жыл бұрын
So the full story is that due to Norway's neutral stance in the prospects of the war, the fort had standing orders to only shoot warning shots if encroached upon - as at the time Germany was very interested in invading Norway for its resources and because of its coastline as a strategic point, and the British was very keen to invade to basically rob the Germans of their objective. Therefore, on the night of the 9. of April, due to the darkness, heavy fog and due to the ships not flying any identifying colors, they did not know whether it was the Germans or the British coming up the fjord. The Germans had been basically promised by their Norwegian collaborators that if there was to be an invasion, due to Norway's standing orders of neutrality, they would have ample time to take the major cities, capture the royal family and create a sympathetic puppet government - and due to the nature of the battery's current role as a training facility more than an active defensive position, they should have little trouble getting into Oslo. On that night, Col. Birger Eriksen received radio chatter from posts and patrol boats out in the mouth of the fjord that a huge flotilla of multiple large ships had been seen in the early hours heading in towards Oslo up the fjord, though their affiliation could not be confirmed. Eriksen then orders for the request for permission to open fire on the unknown ships to be sent to military high command, and orders his men to load the guns. He will not be receiving the answer to his request, and due to the fortress/battery currently only being used as a training facility he is low on manpower, and what little men he has is either recruits or pensioners/veterans acting as instructors. This logistical problem means that he only has the manpower to man and load 2 of the battery's 3 south turned canons, and that it will not be possible for them to reload due to most of the men crewing the guns themselves. Eriksen calls and wakes up the retired torpedo battery commander to load and man the battery, a battery the Germans have not been informed of. As the time passes by, they see the shapes of the ships appear, and though multiple attempts to radio them and order them to turn about is made, there is no reply - they just continue onwards. This is when Eriksen decides to go against his orders and orders the guns to take aim at the ship leading the flotilla, to which we have the famous lines "Do we shoot warning shots?" "No warning, no hesitation - these are enemies!" and as the guns find their target, Eriksen turns to his second officer and is said to have uttered a cooler line that wasn't included in the movie, he turns and says "Either I'll be decorated or court-martialed, either way it's on my command - now Fire!" The guns hit key targets, the first striking near the bridge taking out the Germans ranging and targeting equipment, the second striking lower into a fuel depot, bursting open and setting a good portion of the ship ablaze. Due to the loss of the ranging tech, the Germans could no accurately identify where the shots had come from or if there was more coming, so they started firing blindly back into the darkness, trying to move past the fort as quickly as they could in fear of more canon fire, right into the range of the torpedo battery that they had not been informed about. Getting hit by 2 torpedos as they passed by, the second torpedo hitting midships tearing up the bulkhead and destroying the laboard enginge compartments, Blücher was taking on heavy water with reduced ability to steer, and the call was made to abandon ship - the ship itself drifted a few more kilometers past the fort into the fjord before going down. The flotilla behind the Blücher had completely stopped in its tracks, not only from seeing what happened to the lead vessel, but also being repelled by 2 smaller shore batteries on the eastern side of the fjord, dealing out significant damage despite the difference in their "weightclass" between battery and ship. The invasion of Oslo had been halted, for the moment, and this pause in the German attack plan gave the royal family as well as the seated government time to flee the capital and get out before the Germans finally arrived. In the meantime, Oscarsborg and the surrounding shore batteries were bombed to hell by German Luftwaffe before the flotilla resumed their journey through the straight and reaching the capital.
@TheGnolla 2 ай бұрын
A very good summation of events. The importance of the sinking of Blücher can not be understated.
@heisenfeis Жыл бұрын
The guns "Aron" and "Moses" as seen in the video and even on location I might add are 280mm (28cm) Krupp (German manufacturer) built in the 1890s and installed in 1896. The crew on cannon number two were chefs, cleaners and other personnel with no military training whatsoever. Crew on cannon number 1 consisted mostly of 1 week old recruits and some trained personnel. The guns were loaded 1 hour before the Blucher arrived even tho Norway knew of the invasion force for 48 hours. Also the cannons were loaded unwillingly by the crews because it might make too much noise in the middle of the night, and nighttime is for sleeping that type of deal, because Oscarsborg being an Island fortress it was mostly underfunded and used by recruits as a training camp, the two other "modern" batteries down south missed the attackgroup but fired some shots towards them. The torpedo battery was bought in 1901 from Austria Hungary a country that stopped existing in 1918. The torpedoes used was 40 year old Whitehead Mark 3 torpedoes (also used by the USA) The commander of the torpedo battery was sick so they got a pensioner to man the battery, but this pensioner had been the Captain of the Torpedo battery from 1910-1928 and he was the only person who had any experience with the torpedo battery on the whole island and started to teach the 1 week old recruits on how to operate it, it was also a secret weapon because it was built into the rock and the torpedoes was launched inside the rock under the waterline, kinda complex system. After the sinking Luftwaffe bombed Oscarsborg fortress for like 24 hours straight flying volleys of 40 planes with short brakes bombing it constantly, no one died because this fortress was built even before the civil war in America 1848 and was in service to 2002. Some more stuff in Norway.... Anyone want to see a battleship on land? We have the «Gneisenau» turret at Austrått fort. Also anyone wanted to see the Bismarck? Yes Norway got that too, we have the last surviving main battery gun that was the same model as the Bismarck and the Tirpitz had, Tirpitz is still laying in a fjord up north but it is broken down for scrap. The main battery gun name is " 38 cm SK C/34 " and is at Møvik Fort it got a nice paintjob in later years. (nice casemate there too) Also you want something bigger than the Bismarck? We got that too you have to google "H-class battleship proposals" to see what this gun is, it was supposed to be fitted to the new H-class battleship bigger than the Yamato even, German gigantism they did it with the Maus and the 800mm (80cm) Dora Railway Cannon and the Karl Thor 600mm mortar. Anyways it is the Trondenes fort, "40.6 cm SK C/34" gun we have 4 of this one. 3 others got scrapped.
@Berthrond 2 жыл бұрын
Fun fact the torpedoes sinking the Blücher were 40-year-old Whitehead torpedo weapons of Austro-Hungarian manufacture. "The Battles of Narvik - 3 battles, 3 sides, 1 week" By the KZfaqr Drachinifel is recommended maybe a bit too long for a reaction but might do you good in recovering through joyous learning.
@rayceofhistory 2 жыл бұрын
Oh awesome, I didn’t know that. I’ll watch it!
@fenrislegacy 2 жыл бұрын
@@rayceofhistory Here are a few additional noteworthy details. 1. Oscarsborg's Commander was 6 months away from retirement, after a 47 years of career in the Norwegian Army. 2. The torpedo battery commander was on sick leave so, just a few hours before the battle, Col. Eriksen called in a 60yo retired veteran who knew the system inside out. 3. Oscarsborg's battery had been built around 1901 yet the Germans, despite their intel network, had jack shit no idea about it. They just thought it was an old fortress with obsolete guns (it totally was) and disregarded it. 4. The torpedoes were relics from WW1, they had no idea if they explode or not.
@hwplugburz 11 ай бұрын
@@rayceofhistory also Drachinifel`s YT-video "What went wrong in Norway? - Some Very Norsepicious Plans" Is Wery wery good, a little bit tradic, and somewhat funny. It cover the whole series of "worst case senarios" and Extremly bad luck, that hit the royal navy the days before the german invation af Norway.. and during theyr own campain to go there to lay mines. And all the unfortunate consequenses of it for everyone exept germany.
@hondacivic8222 Жыл бұрын
the most terrifying part of this is the Norwegians didn't know who they were shooting at whether it was British or German. they could have been on either side of the war depending on whose ships sailed up that fjord first
@TorsteinKrogh-fp8ok 7 ай бұрын
they knew well because of messages from observations further out of the Oslofjord
@ShadowKayvaan Жыл бұрын
Not counting Russia, Norway resisted the German invasion for the longest time (about two months) before capitulating.
@mortenBP Жыл бұрын
The torpedo battery hidden inside the island was unknown to the germans and even kept secret well into the 1960ies. They only launched once in anger and that was this early morning of april 9th. The torpedos were 40 years old and had been run several times for exercise. They were sunk into the water by a lift and launched. Both made exellent hits punching through the side armour in two places and giving Blücher her death blow.
@Northguard_the_Demon 10 ай бұрын
The first torpedo was actually not that well aimed as Anderssen overestimated Blücher's speed, it struck near the forward turrets, thus it didn't deal significant damage, but the aim was corrected for the second shot and hit mid-ships around the same area as the first 28cm shell hit, causing catastrophic damage.
@mortenBP 10 ай бұрын
@@Northguard_the_Demon Agreed, I have read up on the details and the first torpedo did not land where Anderssen intended, as you say. But all in all, 4 major hits where 3 of them more or less knocked Blücher out. The second torpedo did seal the deal.
@Northguard_the_Demon 10 ай бұрын
@@mortenBP Yup, also, since the torpedoes were secret, the other ships behind Blücher believed there was a minefield there.
@BranislavB-hx9zy 7 ай бұрын
83 years ago, an event took place that will forever tie Rijeka and Croatia to Norwegian history. 07. Apr 2020 In the early hours of 9 April 1940, Blücher - the flagship of the navy of Nazi Germany - reached the fjord just outside Oslo. It was transporting the forces that were tasked with invading Norway. The German plan was to surprise the Norwegian defence forces and quickly obtain control over Oslo, capture the royal family and install their own regime. One hurdle on the way into the heart of Oslo, was the Oscarsborg fortress. The Germans knew of it from before and that it had antiquated guns. But they had no knowledge of its hidden underwater torpedo battery. A natural cave had been enlarged and enhanced with three chambers loaded with torpedoes produced in Rijeka, Croatia. The Blücher unwittingly passed with 500 m of the torpedo battery. Two torpedoes were launched towards the target. What followed were some of the most dramatic hours in Norwegian history. The torpedoes sunk the ship and simultaneously severely damaging other ships in the German fleet. This delayed the Germans' arrival to Oslo. It allowed for the King, his family and the government to avoid captivity and continue to run the resistance from exile in London. All made possible because of torpedoes from Rijeka. This drama is captured in the movie “The King’s Choice” directed by Erik Poppe.
@torstensauer6543 10 ай бұрын
I am from Germany. My Grandfather served on the Heavy Cruiser Blücher. He survived the sinking and told me many Jears later the Story on this Night
@TheGnolla 2 ай бұрын
I am glad he survived, even though he was a part of a force invading my country. I hope he found peace despite his memories.
@grahamstrouse1165 6 ай бұрын
What the Germans learned in those engagement is that it doesn’t matter if you’re shiny new cruiser still has that new car smell or not-Getting hit by antique 11” naval rifles & heavy torpedos HURTS. And if you’re traversing a passage so narrow that the only range is point blank & there’s no room to dodge it doesn’t matter much if the weapons are antiques.
@rayceofhistory 6 ай бұрын
I would argue they went the totally wrong direction in general with how they went about creating and manufacturing platforms. I get that it’s sort of “in the German DNA”, and certainly was at that time, to have super high end, incredibly engineered pieces of machinery as their war equipment. But not only can those things be hurt by old equipment, there just aren’t as many of them. They’re harder to make, harder to fix, require more skilled labor, it’s a major challenge. And I’ve heard arguments that the Germans had the best platforms almost across the board in WW2, and I somewhat buy that. But if you’re going to have the best in that way it better be overwhelmingly dominant, because old and outdated weapons can catch you and the other side is replicating ships, tanks, rifles, and planes like they’re baking cookies.
@McGuffy 2 жыл бұрын
Fun fact: The Colonel Birger Eriksen, is played by the father of Tormund Giantsbane frome Game of Thrones.
@AdoniBezek 2 жыл бұрын
Some extra info for you in regards to the importance of Blücher, the German troops that were meant to capture the Norwegian royal family was aboard her. Because of this it allowed the royal family to escape to Sweden and finally make their way to Great Brittain. Norway also fought the Wehrmacht for 62 days before capitulating, the longest anyone had held the germans up until that point and only the Soviet Union lasted longer. The allies also gained the services of the Norwegian merchant navy, the fourth largest at the time. Another Norwegian movie that might be of interest is Max Manus, it follows the actions of Norway's most famous resistance fighter during the occupation.
@arcticblue248 Жыл бұрын
Actually, the king and crown prince was not allowed into Sweden, and Later King Olav (then crown Prince) I believe never really forgave the swedes for that, he was married a swedish princess, she and the kids was allowed into Sweden as she was also swedish.
@redcardinalist Жыл бұрын
I reommned Max Manus.
@johnsmith-de3tl 9 ай бұрын
​@@arcticblue248 the swedes also allowed troops and material to pass thorugh, thus stopping the norwegian offensive about to take out the german northern kampf group. alot of the fault lies with the sitting goverment, not mobilizing the troops, disarming the standing army(cept the northen forces hence why they got stoppen there) and of course the kings own detail that you see in the film.
@arcticblue248 9 ай бұрын
@@johnsmith-de3tl yeah sadly there was quite abit of Germanfriendly people both in government and within the leadership of the army... while others where more English-oriented. Sending out notifications to mobilize by mail was probably not the best solution, while and lets us be clear on that ... the norwegian troops in the south did a fantastic job to hold up the german troops who where superior in both numbers and firepower on their trip north. That way they gave the troops in the north a better chance to mobilize and get ready for what was to come.
@neinei5558 5 күн бұрын
@@johnsmith-de3tl I know old norwegian people who never forgive Sweden for their betrayal to a brother
@SoidSnake 2 жыл бұрын
Of all the countries that was taken by Germany, Norway was the only country that lasted the longest when the war started. No other country lasted as long as Norway, and that is incredible considering the low population of Norway
@BjrnOttoVasbottenbjovas Жыл бұрын
Not so incredible, considering the geographic size of the country and how few german forces were actually alotted to the invasion, with the brunt of the german military being deployed against France and the low countries. If Norway had invested in their military in the years before the war, and mobilized defences earlier, Germany would never have been able to pull of the invasion in that way.
@johnsmith-de3tl 9 ай бұрын
@@BjrnOttoVasbottenbjovas norway was before france. the allies left as a response to the invasion and failure at dunkirk.
@larsen007 3 ай бұрын
Norway was actually the country that fought the longest before they was captured.
@Henoik 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for reacting and giving your insights. This event went down in history as one of the biggest contributors to the slowing down of the German invasion of my nation
@melkor3496 2 жыл бұрын
This scene is so good the Norwegians really showed the Germans that it won’t be so easy to conquer them and they proved it. Also love the Norwegian language so nice.
@iblis9329 2 жыл бұрын
Thnx for the kind words. They conquered us in 2 months tho, but we had Milorg and other resistance groups throughout the war. They took Denmark in 6 hours so we can be a bit proud of 2 months lol.
@deeproot9826 2 жыл бұрын
@@iblis9329 All honor to the fallen but to be fair Denmark is a small flat country close to Germany, easy to steamroll tanks and ships through while Norway was horrible prepared we have natural defence with hostile dark cold fjords, mountains, forests.
@theblackbear211 27 күн бұрын
The importance of this single decision cannot be understated. By delaying the fleet whose primary purpose was to capture the King and Government of Norway, had an effect on the outcome of the war that can never be measured. Norway, with the King in exile and defiant to the Nazi regime, was able to make the largest, and most modern fleet of oil tankers in the world (at the time) available to the allied cause. Add to that, the destruction of German "Heavy Water" production - based in Norway, along with the vast majority of "Heavy Water" stocks, crippled German nuclear research. All because 1 man knew his duty and had the courage to act.
@captainwarhead5626 6 ай бұрын
The masked ships which were German, the Norwegians didn’t know if they were French British etc, but they had plenty of warning through the other forts up the line, so they knew they had to fire because they were not going to stop until they got to the capital. Sinking the highest tech heavy nazi cruiser with basically 1890’s tech (I believe I could be wrong) is nothing shy of admirable, what a man, a time where men were men.
@rayceofhistory 6 ай бұрын
I reference this in another comment, but it shows Germany’s inherent manufacturing weakness early on. If you’re going to have platforms that require more labor, skilled labor, time, etc., it better be so far superior that it can’t be touched. Because if it can, especially by almost obsolete weapons, you’re in a bad spot.
@captainwarhead5626 6 ай бұрын
@@rayceofhistory love that, Germany did have amazing technology no doubt about that, but personally i think having a great chain of command and great crew will most of the time out combat in a situation if it’s an engagement of 1-1 such as blucher.
@pererlingjohansen6597 Жыл бұрын
The colonel is a nasjonal hero here 🔥
@norwaybusgystad6025 2 ай бұрын
in this film sp you see that it is one of the cannons that hits which again makes Blucher sink, And it is a cannon that hits with two grenades and there is then no time to reload as this film shows because it took them 15 minutes to recharge. The torpedo battery was also located at Oscarsborg. the guns on this fort were from around 1890 so these were outdated and the torpedoes were not from 1939 either, the torpedoes were just upgraded. you can follow Oscarsborg museums here on KZfaq
@cjw-is4kc 6 ай бұрын
The torpedos used were actually pre ww1 made from the Austrian Hungarian empire and given to the Norwegians
@SolidariusLive 2 жыл бұрын
The British torpedoes were made in the late 1800s. A 50+ year old Torp brought down a WW1 super vessel. Wild.
@hondacivic8222 Жыл бұрын
they were Austro-Hungarian actually, based on a British design but manufactured in Austria Hungary
@Ama-hi5kn 11 ай бұрын
My grandfather fought against the Kriegsmarine on the sea during 1942-43. But he got injured and couldn't do it anymore. So he had to retired. But I am proud of him defending our country.
@rayceofhistory 11 ай бұрын
That’s incredible. That generation was a different breed. Around how old was he at the time, if you know?
@neinei5558 5 күн бұрын
@@rayceofhistory No, human have not changed the last 100.000 years, brain size and anatomy are the same. If you need to fight You need to fight, would be the same today, it is only a state of mind.
@joshuabrown3525 4 ай бұрын
What that Colonel did bought time for the King and his Cabinet to escape to Britain. Not only that, they took Norway's gold reserves with them. This essentially left the Germans the collaborator government with absolutely no money. Also, this event completely humiliated a man by the name of Vikin Quisling who would later become a right hand man and Marshall for Norway for the Nazis. Quisling was known as the biggest traitor and a collaborator of World War 2. Even today in Norway, if someone calls you a Quisling, it means they are calling you a traitor. In short, to be a Quisling is to be a Judas. Anyway, when the war ended, Quisling tried to make peace with the king's government. He was sent a quick reply of "turn yourself in or we will find you and take you by force". A dazed and confused Quisling surrendered at an Oslo police station. He would later be found guilty in court and executed for his actions.
@melkor3496 2 жыл бұрын
I love how the Norwegians destroyed the Blücher with an outdated gun too. lol
@LasVegar 2 жыл бұрын
And out dated german artillery to, if am not wrong
@royw-g3120 2 жыл бұрын
Was still 11” calibre and bigger than anything the Germans were packing.
@glenchapman3899 Жыл бұрын
@@royw-g3120 And they have the advantage of being far more accurate because they are not moving
@rogerodle8750 Жыл бұрын
Good guns -- and at 1200 meters it would be like holding a pistol to a person's temple and squeezing the trigger.
@ronclark9724 Ай бұрын
With the German fleet steaming up the fiord with their lights off in the wee hours of the morning before dawn wasn't very bright, as peaceful ships lights would be lit... I believe that was a factor for Eriksen deciding to fire the big guns...
@Magnus_martin_lie Жыл бұрын
Very nice to know what theyre saying
@Grandizer8989 8 ай бұрын
Good thing the brunette’s in ABBA father was not on the Blücher or we would never have gotten some great 70s pop music
@Belenor 22 күн бұрын
And those were old torpedoes as well.
@jamesheina6952 Жыл бұрын
Very good film along with other hidden jems on the other side of the war such as warriors of the rainbow, my way, (japanese invasion of Manchuria)
@norawy3629 Жыл бұрын
U should watch te movie Max Manus, its amazing
@TwistedSisterHaratiofales Жыл бұрын
Have you watched Sevastopol yet? is good like this.
@glenchapman3899 Жыл бұрын
Yes I saw this about 6 months ago. Astonishing that it is basically a true story
@-Griffin- Жыл бұрын
If you like Battleships, you should react to "Navals Legends" Great video with great models of the ships, details of their armour, caliber, speed and history: -"Naval Legends: Yamato. The largest battleship ever built" :kzfaq.info/get/bejne/sL-inZaY377LlXU.html "Naval Legends: Bismarck": kzfaq.info/get/bejne/bbFpda2Z0dqUqqM.html
@evergreengaming2.053 Жыл бұрын
It's actually 2017
@redqueeen2950 Жыл бұрын
Umm.. Norway is landlocked with Europe xD I mean... like the whole right side of the country borders Sweden, Finland and Russia.. They dont share a landborder with Germany I think you mean.. But they did have troop on trains coming in from Sweden also (Germany into Denmark into Sweden to Norway), as its connected by bridges there and very possible to drive
@michalis7023 Жыл бұрын
landlocked means LAND-locked. Norway has a vast coastline, its not landlocked. No scandinavian or nordic country is landlocked for that matter.
@KingBarbGaming94 Жыл бұрын
1:25 is when the video starts
@koragg3399 Жыл бұрын
i really reccomend the movie.
@tomasbenedictomaza 4 ай бұрын
este ataque fue real pero si yo hubiera estado al mando de esa batería al primer buque de guerra alemán lo hubiera atacado atacado con los dos torpedos y con los dos cañones al segundo este es el camino
@Norg1 4 ай бұрын
They would of fired on a British ship has well no hesitation 😅 Churchill prob dragged norway into the war tbo he was war crazy just like hitler
@janhansen554 3 ай бұрын
Lack of Nazi German intel about torpedoes, ment nazi Germany didnt think this fortress had torpedoes. Big mistake. This scene alone shows how important secretcy is when it comes to military. Nato today have allmost forgot all of this.... Saying productions of rounds to media as example...
@neinei5558 5 күн бұрын
Maybe it is so secret that you don't know what Nato have
@MatthiasDraganPirot 7 ай бұрын
Du gehörst wohl auch zu den Wichtigstuern auf KZfaq, die was kommentieren müssen. Dazu ein Amerikaner der von nichts eine Ahnung hat.
@TorsteinKrogh-fp8ok 7 ай бұрын
Around 1000 german soldiers were killed. Each shell weighs 250 kilograms
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