The 13th Amendment: Slavery is still legal under one condition | Big Think

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Made in Prison” Is the New “Made in China”
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Should companies provide a ‘Made In an American Prison’ label if the product is made in an American jail? Over the last few decades there has been a huge surge of products made in prison factories by inmates. These products-which range from clothes to military equipment and everything in between-are made extremely cheaply because the workers are often paid pennies, if at all. Is this the continuation of slavery? Renowned playwright Liza Jessie Peterson thinks so, and she talks to us about how today’s privatized prison labor problem is a huge human rights problem happening right here on American soil.
Liza's new book is All Day: A Year of Love and Survival Teaching Incarcerated Kids at Rikers Island.
Liza Jessie Peterson is a renowned actress, poet, playwright, educator and activist who has been steadfast in her commitment to incarcerated populations both professionally and artistically, but specifically with adolescent boys and girls detained at Rikers Island for eighteen years. She has worked as a program counselor for the Department of Corrections, a reentry specialist, a teaching artist (with poetry and theater), GED instructor for the Board of Education at Rikers Island, and a life skills workshop facilitator. She was recently featured in Ava DuVernay’s documentary 13th (Netflix) and was a consultant on Bill Moyers documentary RIKERS (PBS).
She has written several plays, including The Peculiar Patriot, which she performed excerpts of in over 35 penitentiaries across the country, and opened for Angela Davis at Columbia University’s conference on mass incarceration.
Also known for her exceptional poetic skills, Liza began her poetry career at the Nuyorican Poets Café and was a vital member of the enclave of notable poets who were part of the “underground slam poetry” movement. It was this electric group of artists that inspired Russell Simmons to bring “spoken word” to HBO where Liza appeared on two episodes of Def Poetry.
As an actress Liza appeared in several feature films: Love the Hard Way (costarring with Pam Grier and Adrien Brody), Spike Lee’s Bamboozled, K. Shalini’s A Drop of Life, and Jamie Catto’s What About Me.
Liza’s first book, ALL DAY; A Year of Love and Survival Teaching Incarcerated Kids, was released in Spring 2017.
Liza Jessie Peterson: Why should people be concerned with the issue of mass incarceration? People should be concerned with the issue of mass incarceration because it is a human rights crisis that is happening right in front of our face, and it's being cloaked with crime and punishment.
So “These people are bad people, they've committed a crime so we can ignore them, we can lock them up, we can throw them away and we can basically ignore a large swath of our population because they've been criminalized as bad people. They're disposable.”
Human beings are not disposable. We have value. We have traumas, we have hearts, we have families, we have the communities so we're not disposable, no matter what we've done we're not disposable.
Well, so you have prisons that are privatized but in addition to private prisons even state run prisons you have corporations who are profiting from people's incarceration. So what does that mean?
Ok. The 13th amendment in the Constitution, in the United States Constitution, it says that slavery is illegal. So we can't have slavery anymore, except for punishment of a crime. So everybody get your constitution out, look up the 13th amendment and you see the clause that says “except for punishment of a crime.” So if you are convicted of a crime then you're exempt from that 13th amendment saying that slavery is abolished. So that means that you're allowed to work as a slave, slave labor, slave wages.
So you have people working for ten cents an hour, 11 cents an hour who are doing agriculture, working for huge corporations. I don't want to name them because there's so many, but a lot of the goods and services that we take for granted, clothing lines, computer parts, airplane parts, military equipment, food that we buy organically grown, these things are being manufactured in prisons, in prison farms, in prison factories by inmates.
So, y'know, we talk about “buy American,” yeah-okay I have this line in my play The Peculiar Patriot and it says “made in China, made in prison is now the new China” because China,
Read the full transcript at

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@lynnt3964 5 жыл бұрын
Spitting on the sidewalk was a felony back when Jim Crow Laws were implemented. If you couldnt afford the fine for the offense, you were asked to sign to be leased out to work your time off at a refinery,railroad or mines.
@miaclarke6859 4 жыл бұрын
I take it that the work wasn't paid
@stevenkoslow1475 4 жыл бұрын
Steve D copying this
@jacksoncrawford2271 3 жыл бұрын
The key word in that statement is “was”.
@ZootedSosa 3 жыл бұрын
To this day spitting is a problem. Mesa PD was gonna ticket me for spitting on the sidewalk and smoking(cig)on the light rail.
@sassyluv1242 Жыл бұрын
America is wicked and will pay for everything they do when it's due.
@alexhamilton3522 9 ай бұрын
I had just come across this in my warehousing job. A coworker had pointed it out to me when we were talking about the constitution and bill of rights. When I actually read the amendments and especially the 13th amendment, I was floored. How it's written allows this evil to exist, because it doesn't speak against it.
@MelkorTolkien 6 ай бұрын
A lot of countries force prisoners into hard labor. It's often considered part of the punishment for the crime.
@lucidexistance1 6 жыл бұрын
Had a feeling he was going to talk about prison with the title. But not just prisons, county jails. And when you're stuck in a tiny room you're willing to get out everyday to do free work for the county, and there was a lot of people on the crew. If you owed fines it would go towards your fine, or for every two days you get one day off your sentence, but most of us did it for free just to not have to sit in a tiny room 24/7.
@lucidexistance1 6 жыл бұрын
In fact, to go off what he was saying about people not knowing what justice system, unless they get stuck in it. I ended up doing 2 weeks with 10 years probation with a year over my head, meaning if I got in trouble I may have to do that year. But I kept violating my probation because one of the conditions of my release was to stay in the small town I wanted to leave. There was nothing for me there. But the cop I went to high school with would pick me up any time he saw me and interactions with a police officer without reporting it to my probation officer was a violation that he knew about, so all he had to do to throw me back in jail was pick me up and say he violated his probation. I'd go to court, even if I say I couldn't call my probation officer because I was put in jail, they would say "That's not true, he stopped to give you a chance and you refused" which is like... If I had a chance to avoid jail with a phone call, I think i'd take it. But that's Todd county MN for ya. If you don't have a lawyer, they already have your sentenced planned before you get there and your public defendor's going to accept anything the DA says. To make it worse, every violation got printed like the original party I was at that I got in trouble for being at and it looked like I kept burglarizing places even though I don't really consider what happened burglarizing. At least I think you need to break into places and steal stuff to be a burglar, this was a party in a track and field and maybe someone got into the storage room but I don't know. I was super drunk and forgot about it until someone got in trouble a year later and said I did it all, and I had the choice of confessing what they wanted me to say, or have everyone they think I know get picked up and put into cells and get charged with whatever they can think of unless I confess and I didn't want that so I told them everything they wanted me to say into the recorder. But I didn't know cops could lie at the time, they had me thinking that me and everyone I knew were going to prison for life over something I could barely remember. But live and learn, I could have just said no and they couldn't have done anything, or may have. They were bullies. I had one of the older cops warn me to get out of town ASAP because he knew I was being trageted by the younger cops I went to school with. Now I think they got in trouble because they cut the police force way down and exchange them between towns and stuff. Instead of seeing the same police searching for people to arrest, I only see like one who's not being so sneaky. Although a few years ago I did get slammed on the hood walking home from a friends and had everything removed from my pockets by 7 cops, then they all left me to pick up my stuff. They said they had a call of me running around screaming I was going to kill everyone, but I had a one block journey from my friend's to where I was staying at the time and had been walking for less than a minute before I was surrounded. All and all I don't trust the police and am terrified of them. I find myself wondering who want's that kind of power over people in the first place, I think they should make people who don't want to be police, the police. There's a lot of people who want to be cops because they were pushed around when younger and want to push back.
@lucidexistance1 6 жыл бұрын
Beyond Psychology, like your nickname. I ended up with my real name showing after the google plus merger years ago and never bothered with it since, but do feel a bit naked using it like I do. But F-it. I sometimes wonder if my odd name is why I've been having to deal with odd things my life. I spent 5 years getting a news article about a drunken disorderly that I think the guy took my past charge and created a narrative of me breaking into a cigar shop and it was the top search result on Google if you put in my name for years! And let me tell you, I couldn't get so much as a call back to any application back then. And if you've been in trouble, notice how the online ones just shut you off if you're honest about your background? You have to lie to complete the application even, anyway it took a lot of bitching and years of writing with no response to finally figure out who the legal team was, contact them with it, showing them my actual charges and pointing out how nothing in the article relates to what's in the court documents got them to finally delete it, but not a person would move until years of complaining. And don't get me started on my attempts at establishing paternity on a child my ex-wife had a couple years after I had seen her last. You get one chance to get to court and I had someone paid in advance who kept the money and acted like he didn't know what I was talking about that day (It's what I was thinking about the night we were all drinking and his wife got on me and I didn't stop her. He did though and it was the last we ever spoke, but he could have driven me 3 hours away that day and stopped child support from taking most of my money all these years because now I have to pay for everything including forcing her to take the test because she doesn't want it. And the fact I had an order for protection against her during the time of conception, or she's a miracle of science and held onto a baby in her belly for years, but... long story short. I need to pay to supbeana her, which is how you make someone who refuses to go to court, to legally be forced into going to court or lose the case. She'll probably just not show because she's the type who never once admitted anything odd she's done. She's bashed a plate over my head while I was eating and acted like she didn't and never once confessed to it when the evidence was everywhere! I was 18 at the time, she was 26. I also was a huge pushover who turned red when a cute girl said my name, until after the hell this woman put me through. But I'm still trying to save up the money I need to force her to court to take a paternity test. It's pretty cheap when both parties agree. But she didn't even want to get divorced, and this was after she stalked me and tried at least acting like she was going to kill me with a knife by chasing me with a knife screaming she's going to kill me. I found it pretty believable anyway, to the point I got the police involved and got the order for protection because she was also calling and threatening my friends and family. (This was in 2000 when some people kept little tiny phone books that they wrote in pen their friends and family's phone numbers because pagers were bigger than cell phones still) Long story short, in like... 2015 I got hit with child support for a kid that she had. I already said I missed the one court date where I could have brought up the paternity question. It's because she still didn't want to get divorced and a MN law that makes the husband automatically the father (so no, I didn't sign shit. No birth certificiate nor do I have any idea what this kid looks like. I just know it's hard to make money no matter how hard I work and it's because of something my ex-wife doesn't want the truth known about) So I want to know the truth. Hell, if it's my kid I think it's fucked up she did this and never once tried to contact me, except once when she found my job and started spreading weird rumors about me. (Thankfully she's not too creative and sticks to abuse themes which are actually true, but it's stuff she does to guys not what guys have done to her) My advice to anyone reading this is if you meet someone who tells you quickly about living with someone who's abusing and raping them, then instantly accepts your offer to help them out and give them a place to live. First find out if that's really happening. That's how I met this woman and instantly she was pregnant and planning a wedding, then the prenancy was a lie but she kept the wedding. I think she tried this before, but she lucked out getting a straight out of highschool 18 year old with anti-social problems that we didn't have names for back then. So it ended much like it started. She found a new guy who she told that I was abusing and raping her, he swiftly came in and took everything of both hers and mine. (Minus my computer but took the keyboard and left my playstation but took the power cord and also left my senior photos with all the female pictures eyes poked out spread around the apartment) I wish we had pictures on our phones back then. I never thought of taking a picture of the place. I had a regular camera, but it was gone. But I was happy she was gone. I did try calling the cops to report everything stolen, but much like a previous time I called the police on her, they told me I had to bring her to family court and it's not a police matter. (It's crazy what you can do to your spouse legally if you can't afford to bring them to court, I think it's why most abuse cases stay quiet besides other reasons, like fear. That was my biggest reason to stay quiet, fear she may actually follow through on her threats and actually kill my mom or something) So be wary if you're young and impressionable. Especially if you think you know everything. As you get older you learn that you'll never know everything and everyday should give you lessons to learn. Even if it's just from a book or TV show. But at the same time I'm near the end of my wit's rope on this and lately it's been like she's physically in my head doing what she did to me only I don't remember what she looks like. She's a pig monster now. A lot of guys kept asking me how I got someone so hot back when I was with her, and I would respond "Take her! please! Go for it! You can have her!" And they would laugh and I'd say "I'm not kidding" and they would laugh harder... But I can't picture that person they saw at all. But I don't know what I'd do if I actually saw her again. I once thought I ran into her and I froze and nearly pissed my pants, but that was like 2 years after the order for protection and before the child support thing happened. But holy shit, that was the scarriest moment I've ever been through that wasn't a real threat. I don't think any movie can get me close to pissing myself like that. I'll shut up now, I once again turned this comment into another diatribe about my problems. This happens on job applications now too, I don't even realize it until I run out of space and look back at what I was writing. She's really messed me up good.
@MrTrolho 6 жыл бұрын
I dont think it's a bad idea, the prisons in america is one of the best in the world.
@bigwheel6533 5 жыл бұрын
@@DrBrainTickler you really have brain damage. I would say stop taking drugs but it too late for you. A mental midget like you has never seen the destruction communism brings to countries. The poverty is complete through out the countries that were forced into it. Captalism is the only flawed system that works adequately enough to provide wealth. No other system with more than 100 people in it can. Do your homework. Stop taking drugs and get out of your mothers basement!
@shakuvendell 5 жыл бұрын
@@bigwheel6533 He denounced our current system, but he never said anything about Communism. That was all you.
@Mustachioed_Mollusk 6 жыл бұрын
"A man chooses, a slave obeys." Pretty much everyone I know works to avoid the stick of consequences, we're just slaves choosing not to get stripped of basic needs.
@mjt1517 6 жыл бұрын
So...are you expecting another man to hand you those basic needs? A man also makes his own way using the means available. One of those means is employment. Otherwise, you're gonna be dependent on another man to feed you. You're not a child, are you?
@internetazzhole7592 6 жыл бұрын
The problem with choice though is that it could be the wrong choice because you don't have all the knowledge to make a better choice. And not not having that information can be a subtler form of slaver.
@mjt1517 6 жыл бұрын
Internet Azzhole so we’re just calling every inconvenient thing in the human condition slavery now? My clothes get dirty and I have to wash them...slavery. I gotta take a damn shower again? Slavery. Man, this business venture I could do has some risk involved. Slavery. Wow I’ve been eating lots of donuts and pies lately and I’ve gained 10 pounds. Slavery. Fuck damnit! I got all these bills from my cable company, cell phone company, fuckin pornhub subscription and they want paid today. Slavery. ffs
@internetazzhole7592 6 жыл бұрын
Damn it, some guy is questioning my sense of freedom, gatta make a comment.
@mjt1517 6 жыл бұрын
Well, you made a comment. This is a public forum. Does it make you feel like a slave when other people discuss things with you?
@dangerouslytalented 6 жыл бұрын
This depresses wages across the country. Competing with prison labor is a no win situation
@anthonydavis4829 5 жыл бұрын
"I love the poorly educated." Do you know who said this and why? We're a nation of sheep gladly walking voluntarily towards our demise.
@dhamilton5174 4 жыл бұрын
Trump said it, but you think he's the only person with power to think that way? Lol this dude is literally telling you how the upper % thinks abs talks behind closed doors but y'all just wanna talk about how hes the only evil rich guy.
@michaelw4861 4 жыл бұрын
@@dhamilton5174 He's the only evil rich guy that's leading the West into what could potentially develop into a new world war.
@imonthewinningside8281 4 жыл бұрын
Said by the guy who worked relentlessly for prison reform, through much opposition. Did you ever consider that he was indicating he doesn't discriminate against poorly educated people????
@illailla5813 4 жыл бұрын
Michael W do you even know what trump has done??? Do your research.
@illailla5813 4 жыл бұрын
Michael W he’s done so many amazing things. Actually look into it
@seanfullerton9479 5 жыл бұрын
One of the biggest things ive been researching and trying to fight is "lifetime supervision" which is currently in missouri. Now, lifetime supervision i highly recommend gets abolished completely. I have completed parole successfully, but i still have to wear a gps monitoring device til im 65 years old ( im "eligible" to petition the court for removal). But even tho i am no longer a parolee, but now considered a "ex offender" ( missouri no longer uses convict), i am a slave to the state. I cant move out of missouri, cant remove the bracelet, and if i dont do what my "parole officer" says im charged with a class c felony. Read the definition of slavery people. I need help please. I shouldnt be subject to be a slave for the rest of my life expecialy when i completed my sentence. There getting away with it by adding it into a "CIVIL AGREEMENT" during a criminal sentencing. Most people are unaware during swntencing that this extra hidden condition actually means, and when they do.... its to late... thats what happen in my case.... the pwople need to fight to abolish any form of slavery
@miaclarke6859 4 жыл бұрын
Wow that is absolutely disgusting. Currently trying to educate myself on the slavery topic. If you ever see this do you mind if I put this comment on my Instagram story
@miathaicha22 4 жыл бұрын
What did u do tho...
@miaclarke6859 4 жыл бұрын
@@miathaicha22 he or she shouldn't have to answer that. They don't have to put them whole selves online and don't have to tell anyone
@miathaicha22 4 жыл бұрын
Mia Clarke I mean no they don’t but if they’re opening up about being a slave to the government I think it’s relevant to ask what he even did because many black people r arrested for nothing so I’m just wondering if he’s another innocent victim of a racist system or if he like killed someone...
@khllc.936 4 жыл бұрын
I'm familiar with Mo. Laws, Ks, laws as well as a few more states, sex offenders are mostly GPS'd & have lifetime supervision/parole. Damn, near a step away frm being civilly committed.
@halfevilkid333 5 ай бұрын
"Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction." Slavery never ended, it was just redefined
@vinnieharper 6 жыл бұрын
Bail bond reform is also needed. It's all a racket...
@lordgarion514 6 жыл бұрын
Vincent Harper It's 15% to have a bondsman get you out of jail. And that's before expenses are factored in. That's not much of a racket. The big drug companies have a higher profit margin than that.
@vinnieharper 6 жыл бұрын
I overstand passion and compassion. We can respond to people who lack knowledge and empathy in a better way, J Riley. Peace.
@josephriley3244 6 жыл бұрын
Maybe this NPR hyperlink will work:
@josephriley3244 6 жыл бұрын
^They are blocking the original site. Never ever have I had social media block a government site, I can't post the year long study by the government. If I post the URL, my message doesn't show to anyone but me. The quoted search phrase gets filtered too; even if I break up the article name, I can't type google this- I'm mind blown over this censorship. Like wtf, I can't post the government article , yet the NPR hyperlink will work. Seriously Heart Broken. Peace
@donazeigler8018 4 жыл бұрын
Vincent Harper it’s unreal they keep u locked in a cage until your proven innocent.. people that are falsely accused of a crime sit in jail till u pay a ransom for there freedom.. that’s ridiculous af
@deadplanetx 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you for speaking out on this in a public forum. I've been well aware of the 13th amendment for years, and have spent many years in the system myself. We need to communicate with one another and stride to enlighten the public to how the 13th amendment works. Keep up the good work!
@natashanonnattive4818 2 жыл бұрын
@ladydragon7777 3 жыл бұрын
13th amendment needs to be amended,the government should not be allowed to enslave any citizens.
@robinsss 2 жыл бұрын
the type of slavery that the constitution says is still legal is not the type of slavery that was legal in the 1800's it's keeping a convicted person in a prison not selling them like property
@stemfactory7312 6 жыл бұрын
Ya, I don't think the punishments fit the crimes anymore. We've sacrificed the spirit of the law for the letter of the law Be careful how you judge others You never know how that could affect the future
@MitchStoffels 6 жыл бұрын
Stem Factory he murdered someone. And he's complaining about 15 dollar phone calls. What do you mean punishment doesn't fit the crime?
@stemfactory7312 6 жыл бұрын
I believe your position is valid and I don't speak to the specifics of any particular case but about the system as a whole and where you consider the possibility that someone you love must serve time for making a mistake. Shouldn't we structure the system so that those individuals aren't put in a position to continually fail but rather receive genuine redemption and an opportunity to move forward into being a more productive member of society? If someone were to murder me I wouldn't want them to be killed back and ya they should serve a long time in prison. I don't work in that industry or understand its intricate workings but I think everyone knows it can be a lot better and that's not to disregard the positive changes that have been made to date. I think we could start by eliminating a lot of the mandatory minimums and returning more flexibility to the judicial bench. I also think it's a bad idea to have a system where prosecutors careers are rewarded by seeking maximum punishments instead of a focus on what's the best outcome for society as a whole. We shouldn't be milking poor people for the little bit that they have and then expect the part of our society that needs the most help to stop its continual spiral of decline. I think it's a good idea for people to work in jail if they choose to but I think they should be paid a taxable minimum wage and have half their earnings deposited into an account they receive upon their release date. Pending they have paid off all debts due to the prosecution. Look I'm not trying to change any minds or get into some debate, I'm just stating where I stand on the issue.
@melindadawn5 4 жыл бұрын
@@stemfactory7312 isolation definitely needs to be abolished first and foremost. My spouse will never be normal again, can't function properly anymore and disassociates to the point of becoming violent and abusive. The learned prison behaviors and manipulation also don't help and threatening to return them to prison isn't a punishment. Probation and parole is designed to make people violate the terms. My spouse got a PV and was put in isolation for about 5 months while they waited to find a treatment facility to place them in... Treatment that they've been through so many times, they just manipulate the system, complete it in record time and are back using again as soon as they're out. The last isolation stay completely fucked up their mind and things haven't been better, only worse now, for the last 4+years... Institutionalized individuals are damaged. Prison and jail have been turned into mental institutions and drug rehab holding facilities... I think the entire system is messed up. You've mentioned some good ideas that should be discussed. I think this is a topic that should be addressed and really worked on. Though. The same can be said about the entire government with all its random agencies and the numerous companies attached to them. Perhaps even throwing out all laws in general and redoing EVERYTHING. Things are only going to get worse and all systems have been hijacked, so that the fall of America/the UNITED STATES INC. Happens and the new world, global order put in place... Tragically change for the better will not come, not in time anyway and better will only remain a dream in the minds of those aware of what's to come, because those who fell victim to the system, laws, indoctrination and mind control refuse to listen and wake up to what's already here, slowly being implemented. It's tragic. Pedophiles get less time than minor drug offenders, that alone should have woken more people up. Smh...
@b1aflatoxin 6 жыл бұрын
Props to everyone who knew what this video was about, from simply reading the title. Prisons, drug testing / cannabis prohibition, diversion programs, and even level-2 nursing homes packed full of young men and women! - It's all big business. Like anything that's complicated and unjust, not enough people will ever come together to fix it. :/
@dewaldtshandymanservice2337 6 жыл бұрын
b1aflatoxin you mean people who committed a crime?
@b1aflatoxin 6 жыл бұрын
+Pyxis Projects General Contracting - Not necessarily.
@danieltorresdeluna4844 6 жыл бұрын
👮 lo que me llevó enfermedad siempre sentimos solo pero es tanto Pesado por la cara ves y vez enfermedad mental botón abrir la puerta a la gente Que ponga la casa a la gente a mí soy un idiota
@danieltorresdeluna4844 6 жыл бұрын
🔍👮 Ita primer policía último reunión mi propio mundo
@estatedealzru 6 жыл бұрын
b1aflatoxin BS. Slavery cancelling was economically rational, because costs of housing, food, medicine and security takes all out of very unproductive slave’s economic results. There is a new form of slavery. Everyone is a tax slave now.
@isthisnamegood 6 жыл бұрын
Everyone commenting "LULZ JUS DON'T BE BAD AND GET ARRESTED HURP DERP" are aware you can be arrested for jaywalking right, speeding ticket, pot use literally any law no matter how minor... And then you're a slave. Punishment must surely fit the crime. And it seems to me the punishment is more often coming down to "Couldn't afford the fine" Which to my mind changes it from justice to an extortion racket.
@jasonBGI 6 жыл бұрын
Agreed Guy. It should also be a crime to be a derp in the comments section! I mean, these people have no heart or sense.
@peterrosqvist2480 6 жыл бұрын
I think fines should be based on income
@vocalcords7397 6 жыл бұрын
I know words, I have the best words. Nobody respects women more than me. I am the least racist person who you have ever met. Nobody lies better than me. Believe me. Sad!
@agentofchaos7456 6 жыл бұрын
I don’t see how doing things like cleaning trash from the street is that bad.
@nfaguade 5 жыл бұрын
Getting arrested != going to prison, you moron.
@valjay3897 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for talking about what is going on in America that we don't talk about daily.
@noonespecial1178 4 жыл бұрын
every person deserves dignity
@miaclarke6859 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah idk if the human rights act applies to america but Artical 3 states that every human has a right to not be treated in a degrading way
@miaclarke6859 4 жыл бұрын
Oh wait just looked it up and it only applies to the uk. It's an act from the uk parliament
@timetravellergec2043 5 ай бұрын
@@miaclarke6859 They made the 1966 covenant (ICCPR) non self-executive treaty, they ratified it while adding this reserve and then render totally ineffective the treaty before domestic jurisdiction and after the US speak about human rights to the whole planet, what a bunch of hypocrite.
@rcreative1 6 жыл бұрын
We need a new amendment to outlaw private prisons. As Shaka says, there are too many incentives for private prisons to keep people incarcerated to profit from their labor.
@mongoharry7765 2 жыл бұрын
That's important information. I'm appreciative for having heard it. The only justifications for incarcerating people are rehabilitation and keeping society safe from people who can't control their behavior. Prisons shouldn't be making investors rich.
@jacobglau5632 4 жыл бұрын
Having prisoners work for a lower wage is a common practice in the world. Incarcerations is costly and guess who is paying for it?
@mrpotatohed4 6 жыл бұрын
For brain damage, read the comment section below
@MskashmirB 5 жыл бұрын
mrpotatohed4 lol
@JCavLP 6 жыл бұрын
The stories you hear about american prisons sound absolutely terrifying and inhumane to anyone from another "developed" country
@daveton9033 6 жыл бұрын
USA is a 3rd world country, We still allow child bride! Prisoner slavery , not a surprise!
@alienwarex51i3 6 жыл бұрын
Yeah man, Russian and Brazilian prisons are way better...
@JjClark-wz7eh 5 жыл бұрын
@@alienwarex51i3 lol, i really hope that's sarcasm.
@JjClark-wz7eh 5 жыл бұрын
@@daveton9033 what child brides?
@alienwarex51i3 5 жыл бұрын
@@JjClark-wz7eh It is no worries hah
@jasong7092 6 жыл бұрын
To help your point, it would be beneficial to name the corporations that you were speaking of instead of just making a broad general statement upon all corporations
@googlselzmiyinfo9040 6 жыл бұрын
M M probably too many to list. Practically anybody connected to Alec or Geo Group. You're going to see a lot of major companies. Oil companies like Exxon Mobil, BP, and Shell, I T & tech companies like Microsoft, AT&T, and Verizon, fast food companies like McDonald's and Wendy's, Food Distributors like Procter & Gamble, Whole Foods, Pepsi, stores like Walmart and Kmart, and Koch Industries (of course). That's just a sample. I haven't been able to find a complete list yet.
@googlselzmiyinfo9040 6 жыл бұрын
Oh, and nearly all the major banks: Bank of America, Wells Fargo, JP Morgan
@christopherrivera1673 6 жыл бұрын
That's not how demonization works.
@donharris8846 6 жыл бұрын
Gotta do your research fam. Many are well known and are all over the internet. McDonalds is one for sure. Just look up companies that contract with CCA (corrections corporation of America) to get you started.
@donharris8846 6 жыл бұрын
Christopher Rivera it’s not demonization when it’s fact. This is the problem these days. When people don’t like a fact, they just say that it’s fake or demonization. If early American industries took slaves to take advantage of free labor, do you really think they would pass on the opportunity for dirt cheap labor today?
@ferdburfle7106 4 жыл бұрын
Also, if you are unfortunate enough to wind up in our prison system, if you refuse to work for nothing they will throw you into solitary confinement also known as the hole.
@wilfordbrimley1506 10 ай бұрын
The penalty for rape should be private slavery by the victm and or their family
@johnalley1640 6 жыл бұрын
The problem of so many people in prison could be solved by not incarerating people for drug use and less draconian sentencing it is disturbing that the trend is going in the other way. Stop investing in prisons fot profit.
@hvymettle 4 жыл бұрын
You did a good job of pointing out what is explicitly stated in the 13th Amendment, that involuntary servitude was still legal for those convicted of crimes. The question that you failed to ask is "What is the difference between slavery and involuntary servitude?" If they are the same thing, then why include redundant terms? Because by including involuntary servitude, what was not abolished was voluntary servitude. Voluntary servitude was then created in the 14th Amendment, turning sovereign citizens of the states into US citizens, non-parties to the Constitution who are granted privileges and immunities which can be taken away. By entering into a contract with the government sovereigns are turned into servants. Social Security is an example of such a contract. Ignorance of the law is no excuse and the government educates to a level of ignorance so we actually believe that Social Security is for our benefit rather than our enslavement. So the 13th Amendment freed the African slaves and then the 14th Amendment enabled the voluntary enslavement of all Americans. There is a reason Lincoln is sitting on a throne in his memorial with his hands resting above two Roman Fascii, he is the modern progenitor of tyrants ever since.
@losernobody2223 3 жыл бұрын
Love you. We need to do something about this! Ive been saying this for a while.
@skeptical5727 3 жыл бұрын
Ah yes, i can just buy a slave from my local walmart right now.
@GaiaShield 6 жыл бұрын
We need to push to get that clause (except for punishment of a crime) eliminated. Other countries are doing rehab and their repeat offender rate is way down compared to US. That screams our methods are failing and it's on purpose. Most of our legislators should go to prison.
@Sassy8utube 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you for breaking this down. I knew some but not all.
@_Cartographer_ 4 жыл бұрын
Where did you get that stat? 3:02 I checked it. It's wrong.
@tastysnack1 5 жыл бұрын
Prisoners consume more than they produce.
@localblackman427 5 жыл бұрын
You can see why the south fought so hard to keep slavery free and legal...
@MrTrolho 6 жыл бұрын
If you seen the prisons in Brazil, it is quite astonishing prisioners got e-mails! PRobably the 5 cent charge if is almost a simbolic charge is to verify what is the content of the e-mail, and the service may be public but it needs to be paid! It is incredible, not bad.
@lostintheelf Жыл бұрын
The thirteenth amendment doesn't abolish slavery, it justifies its continuing existence. If everyone was concerned about systematic racism like they say they are they would free every black man from jail.
@SandfordSmythe 10 ай бұрын
It just allowed involuntary servitude in prison,.
@frankdrebiin 6 жыл бұрын
Who do you think is making our smartphones? Asian people jumping from their factories, because they have so much fun making them for us.
@ethangray8527 5 жыл бұрын
Actually, it's the Asian people who don't jump from factories that make our smartphones. It's kind of hard to make a smartphone if you are a grease stain on the parking lot of some warehouse.
@melindadawn5 4 жыл бұрын
@@ethangray8527 ... 🤔... Don't they have suicide nets now though to keep the suicide number down in case anyone does decide to jump?....
@jackkeller3172 5 жыл бұрын
Prison labor is for punishment not to earn a living people who do bad things go to jail
@B.G.O.T.S 4 жыл бұрын
Bob Barker invested heavily in the Georgia prison systems.
@rivcity1 4 жыл бұрын
Every law passed criminalizes non criminal behavior......
@ANDRE-sp2mi Жыл бұрын
Do not get sold to prison slavery or to chains.
@shanybadass9986 4 жыл бұрын
The thirteenth amendment the thirteen colonies. 🤔 what a way to remember it by.
@johnnydamaged7117 4 жыл бұрын
Fuck. Good point!
@pocketsand5216 4 жыл бұрын
@Tp L Shh you can't be materialist about economic conditions, that's Communism!
@joshuacoleman8000 4 жыл бұрын
@@pocketsand5216 Lol.
@doubleemcastillano464 3 жыл бұрын
Well, to pose a question to you just to pick your mind; some would say that the taxpayers contribute to most of the living arrangement for inmates. Inmates are not charged for housing or utilities or food aside from commissary to my knowledge. What do you say to folks that argue these points and say inmates should not be paid to be incarcerated? I just like to play devils advocate at times and my questions don't reflect my personal sentiment.
@aaronpeterson692 5 жыл бұрын
It makes sense to have the people in prison working. Private prisons are not ok. I'm not sure how much monitoring of phone calls needs to occur. It may make sense to pay for the person to monitor the phone call. We need to work for restitution and return to life. We need clear people's records when they get out of prison, it is cruel and unusual to have a criminal record keeping people from working and becoming a valuable member of society.
@ReeseL4D 6 жыл бұрын
Prison labor, military conscription, and compulsory schooling are three examples of involuntary servitude. Are there any others?
@youtubeAIDigitalContentCreator 4 жыл бұрын
The biggest problem with the prison system is, in order for states to get free money from the federal government it has to show a need,,,,,, so it creates that need,,,, when it starts to finish that need it needs to get more people into the system to fulfill that need,,, when it has access money from use of government money it is supposed to send the access back to the federal government, but instead it illegally directs it to general funds to use in other projects not funded by the federal government...I am sure somewhere along the passing of this currency,, some of it gets lost if you know what I mean.
@FeliciaLoprete 4 жыл бұрын
Great video but one mistake email isn't really 100% free because the internet bill still has to be paid to send that email and if you go to the library to send the email, the internet bill is paid for by taxpayers. So I can understand some charges for the service. And I don't think .05 cents is unreasonable really.
@maiyenish8552 Жыл бұрын
$0.17 / hour or $1.50 / hour for wages. Some states have laws which indicate: "Made in Prison" is allowed only for state government consumption. Which make sense, as state prisons, spend $36,000+ / year per prisoner. *BUT* in NYC, it is $375,000 / year. Yes! 1/3 of a *MILLION DOLLARS*
@nfaguade 5 жыл бұрын
Don't go to prison. What a concept.
@kcism3239 2 жыл бұрын
The emancipation proclamation set us all free and the 13th re instituted it. Wtf?
@azdean6897 6 жыл бұрын
What was he in jail for?
@vocalcords7397 6 жыл бұрын
I know words, I have the best words. Nobody respects women more than me. I am the least racist person who you have ever met. Nobody lies better than me. Believe me. Sad!
@XPXhumble 4 жыл бұрын
This man is very intellectual and educated
@joshlock4627 2 жыл бұрын
A racist brick All Lives matter. Great Dr King stated “do not judge a man by his colour , judge him by his character “.
@itypethetruthnobshere8975 5 жыл бұрын
dont do the crime you cant do the time
@XXRolando2008 5 жыл бұрын
But white people that do the crime get less time.
@MarkArandjus 6 жыл бұрын
>you can totes still have free labor if they're in prison >has by far the world's largest prison population Hmmmm...
@LRByoutube Жыл бұрын
I wrote a whole essay on this. I’m glad Other people notice it too
@jarvisadger 6 жыл бұрын
We also have wage slavery but people are blind to this too
@save15ormore56 6 жыл бұрын
Jarvis Adger no we dont
@jarvisadger 6 жыл бұрын
Wage Slavery - A situation where a person's livelihood depends on wages or a salary, especially when the dependence is total and immediate.
@superpasi7315 6 жыл бұрын
Jarvis Adger do you consider yourself a wage slave?
@Mustachioed_Mollusk 6 жыл бұрын
Yes people do...See how worthless that type of comment is? Facts backed with points are constructive, just saying no isn't.
@siegristrm 6 жыл бұрын
Guess I'm a slave wage, just like every other person in the free world by that definition... Until they make themselves not a slave.
@justiciar1964 6 жыл бұрын
Right this is inhumane and unethical! We should instead do our prisons like those in central africa, taiwan, and the middle east.
@TallicaMan1986 5 жыл бұрын
The Bukkakian From The Planet Dillhole or Canada? or Norway? Real Rehabilitation Center? Or is that too complicated for you cuz all you see is black and white. If it aint This it HAS to he This. Type of mentallity. American Prisons do not work.
@georgegreen3470 6 жыл бұрын
Prison workers should be working for profit of the government not the corporations ie. cleaning ditches and public areas, sifting through landfills for items that don’t belong. Corporations have a track record of corrupt behavior and exploitation.
@quacks2much 3 жыл бұрын
Imprisonment in America is frequently racist. Yet, everyone in jail or prison is a slave. America is addicted to slavery. Prison is simply one way to become a slave. Paying non-living wages is another kind of slavery, whether the slave is captive or free to leave. The law had a classification in an area of law called, “master and servant.” It was only until relatively recently that the law books renamed it to ”employer and employee.”
@michaelbattin6717 2 жыл бұрын
17 cent a hour is to much “your criminal” you getting free room and board
@larszchzsche9070 4 жыл бұрын
He strikes me as a deep thinking legal guru and a person of great intel. And morality and i also like his appearance and selection of words, love the nice hair do ! Bro.
@jasonortiz1866 5 жыл бұрын
Lol everyone was saying shit bout the 13th ammendment ans there was a movie about it then kanye says something to the pres and ppl act confused. Sad ppl let these news stations fool them smh
@JaneDoe-uo8pe 3 жыл бұрын
Exactly. Kanye wanted to do something about it. I disagree about abolishing it though. Instead, just modify it where no one is allowed slavery under ANY circumstance
@chescarino 5 жыл бұрын
yeah, most people aren't aware, because they don't commit crime so don't need to be. prison is obviously not a good time, that's why it's a deterrent
@Justin_Ex_Factor 3 ай бұрын
🥷 better stop the criminality to avoid slavery. Simple.
@J-Rad- 5 жыл бұрын
ya, and some jails send you a bill when you get out, for everyday you spent in there
@902d 6 жыл бұрын
There should be no prisons, for freedom is fundamentally individual’s and not society’s. There should only be eviction, for a duration or permanent, as the highest penalty.
@jwalker4647 4 жыл бұрын
More and more the industrial prison model seems to mirror the free society.
@eddiek873 3 жыл бұрын
the American civil war was about who owned slaves, North wanted it reformed and under gov control, south wanted private ownership of slaves.
@pedrofdmp 6 жыл бұрын
Alimony, another kind of legal enslavement.
@pedrofdmp 6 жыл бұрын
Beyond Psychology alimony has nothing to do with children, to support the children you would pay child support.
@clayleftwich7461 5 жыл бұрын
@@bigwheel6533 mad
@ericlawrence9060 6 жыл бұрын
By excellent i mean spot on... this is literally perhaps the #1 problem resulting from bad laws.
@caulgrant4463 3 жыл бұрын
It's the same form of slavery here in the UK
@jeffmartin7214 2 жыл бұрын
We call it community service, picking up liter on the highway too
@baetoven 6 жыл бұрын
People in pridon ought to be put to work at the highest rate they can get. The money however should go to those they harmed and to government entities that work to reduce recidivism and create a social net that promotes equality of opportunity. Prisons ought to be supported by tax dollars only.
@LudvigIndestrucable 6 жыл бұрын
Part of the problem is that of American excess. Giving prisoners the opportunity to work is not an inherently bad concept, it's just taken to a ludicrous extreme. There is a good reason behind every arrangement with which he takes issue, it's just taken too far.
@keepingthedevilinmyrearview 4 жыл бұрын
Sad part he's talking about 13th and don't realize that one you break the law your no longer a citizen at that point so you have no right. It's in the Constitution of the United States.... Sad.. Trump 2020
@RodneyKimbangu 2 жыл бұрын
Say that when you will be caught breaking any law.
@robinsss 2 жыл бұрын
that is not in the constitution and if it is then tell us where?
@michaelrobinson2319 2 жыл бұрын
The "'citizen'" IS that allcaps corporate fiction mask and the id number that goes with it and it is property of the social security administration. Not a living man or woman.
@ChivyDCom Жыл бұрын
I see how they get away it .Prisoners are evil let them suffer .Not everyone in there is guillty even found so nothing warrents that kind of hell .
@SinisterSinemaProductions 5 жыл бұрын
Trying to explain this to my family and yet they still say they're free.
@BlackCroLong 4 жыл бұрын
Because they absolutely are.
@evonnemoore779 2 жыл бұрын
You tube would delete the truth but this world is run by people that do the same or worse but judge others.
@TheVigilante2000 6 жыл бұрын
So sad. It has unfairly affected the criminal portion of society. So many more laws, how can someone avoid going to jail with so many more laws. How can anyone keep track of all the laws, if we had less, then less people would be in jail, simple as that. Less victims too. I mean if it's not against the law, then you're not a victim, right!
@mikes1487 6 жыл бұрын
Prison is a punishment for a crime... Punishment is not supposed to be nice or fair.
@jthemagicrobot3960 6 жыл бұрын
psst we are all tax slaves
@cookielove9310 4 жыл бұрын
I'm not sure but I'm gonna look it up, but I heard it takes over 30,000. To keep one person in jail for one year. My feeling is work and quit crying. Working for a little cash is better then b Nothing. Doing nothing but being alone or fighting , I would prefer something to do. Prisoners have three meals right? A place inside to sleep, right? Not safe but not safe outside either. Medical where some folks not in don't have, right? I've never been it but willing to be schooled. I've listened from some on KZfaq about prison and respect. What about respect for those you committed crimes on even if it's you. I wish you all the best and you find your way in this world. We are all slaves unless your dead. God Bless! be mindful and kind even when it's hard to do.
@michaelgarcia3160 4 жыл бұрын
I agree but they need help getting back to society...dont just lock people up then send them home the same or worse then when they arrived.
@AP-kf3xs 4 жыл бұрын
I think the best part about this statement was: "imma look it up" :)
@dagrind8710 5 жыл бұрын
I don't know you or your channel..but this is the best video I've seen about the 13th amendment.. you should be sitting next Jim Brown and Trump representing your people ...not Kanye West.. thumbs up
@rago8115 5 жыл бұрын
I can see the problem with bail bonds, but slavery in jails? That’s easy to avoid, follow the law. Also if i go to jail the last thing in my mind is to worry about paying 5 cents for internet. Trust me there is worst things in jail than corporations getting my money.
@AP-kf3xs 4 жыл бұрын
what about if you're innocent and targeted?
@beardedroofer 6 жыл бұрын
That's what happens when you enter the prison system.
@TallicaMan1986 5 жыл бұрын
E Loesch just America and other shitty prisons. Canada and Norway are doing fine.
@garycartwright6100 3 жыл бұрын
Don't do the crime!
@abigailpoppins6183 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you.
@jointheconversation4898 24 күн бұрын
Prison labor is totally understanding.
@ANDRE-sp2mi Жыл бұрын
Stay on the right path. And don't let no one sell you to a prison cell.
@dreday77777 4 жыл бұрын
Is there anyway to change the 13th amendment
@iRaps1 4 жыл бұрын
How do you think it got implemented?
@carlsoto1747 3 жыл бұрын
Ya, it's called an amendment
@jonathanlindsey7623 6 ай бұрын
.... That you arrive at just power with consent from the governed. Does it look like it?
@horrorfan84myers38 5 жыл бұрын
great video
@miaclarke6859 4 жыл бұрын
I wish the UKs Human Rights Act of 1998 applied to the whole world
@timetravellergec2043 5 ай бұрын
It's almost the case with the 1966 ICCPR treaty.
@arthurbrown7651 5 жыл бұрын
This dudes not saying anything that’s helpful, he runs the risk of going back, he learned nothing, he’s just regurgitating the same B.S. that everyone who has been on the inside or will be on the inside will experience. It’s a LEGAL SYSTEM, it says in the 13th AMENDMENT ( unless a PARTY is duly CONVICTED of a CRIME. The ONLY way you can possibly be a PARTY is if a CONTRACT EXISTS. Everyone who’s incarcerated is there because they either plead guilty to, or was found guilty of, breaching a contract that does NOT exist, by way of offending a STATUTE. They never faced their accuser because it would be IMPOSSIBLE seeing as their accuser is a figment of the imagination. This LEGAL fictions Attorney prosecuted them in an Admiralty court under a criminal Maritime Jurisdiction.
@Erick726 5 жыл бұрын
One prisoner costs more to house than most Americans make working their butts off. Excuse me if I don't think prisoners should have a proper income knowing how much it costs to house them when I have to work my butt off just to get a roof over my head. Are their innocent men and women in prison? Sure but I like to think of that as a rarity. If you like to blame criminal activity on how society treats minorities then you may have a point but that's a separate issue. If you're found guilty and you have to do time damn straight you should be worked to help offset what you're costing tax payers.
@patgee4203 4 жыл бұрын
No excuse... I didn't know. It is appalling.
@terrygray9816 5 жыл бұрын
So Kanye West wasn’t wrong about his tweet about the 13 th amendment.
@angelhall4048 5 жыл бұрын
Actually they can not unless it's a capital crime
@christopherdavis765 3 жыл бұрын
What is called slavery or forced servitude sounds bad on a Surface, but overall is a good thing! No inmate is forced to take a job anymore. Inmates volunteer to do what they do in exchange for special privileges. It is something that the inmates choose to do and want to do. The only pace that forced servitude is still a thing outside of an inmate volunteering for it would be like a poor person requesting community service on a traffic ticket so they don't have to pay the fine. They get sentenced to community service to allow them to work as their punishment so they don't have the crippling blow of large fines imposed by the court which would be far more harmful to many poor people then simply working off their punishment
@christopherdavis765 2 жыл бұрын
@@lukefrance9558 I think my statement is pretty clear about inmates only working if they choose to take those assignments. If they want to sit on their lazy asses all day in their cell they can. If they want to work and get a little bit of money they can. That does not meet any reasonable persons definition of slavery. It is not slavery when someone is in prison and they say to him you can either sit on your ass or go do something and make a small amount of money! Also, if you get rid of the as punishment for a crime exception that will eliminate the option of community service given to poor people to pay a debt to society.
@rodneybever9583 6 жыл бұрын
Sorry but if you are in prison it is supposed to be a punishment. Work the fuck out of em!
@user-yf3gx3jd8o Ай бұрын
What labor???
@TheDarkRodent 2 жыл бұрын
It's not free you got food, room, utilities, and clothing. You know, all the shit you didn't want to pay for when you were free.
@LonerStonER217 10 ай бұрын
Why is the food disgusting?
@TheDarkRodent 10 ай бұрын
@@LonerStonER217 It's called punishment
@LonerStonER217 10 ай бұрын
@@TheDarkRodent cruel and unusual
@TheDarkRodent 10 ай бұрын
@LonerStonER217 Nothing unusual about, jail food has been shit for thousands of years. It's actually quite usual. Cruel would be not feeding them and making them forage fir sustenance.
@LonerStonER217 10 ай бұрын
@@TheDarkRodent what about getting assaulted and raped?
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