THE ACOLYTE Episode 6 Review- It's Going To Be A Tough Week For Audience Captured YouTube Channels

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Comics MATTER w/Ya Boi Zack

Comics MATTER w/Ya Boi Zack

4 күн бұрын

Пікірлер: 82
@emptyblank099a 2 күн бұрын
The show is incredibly dull. Not worth reviewing.
@majdjinn5042 Күн бұрын
It's actually a great way to demonstrate bad writing, lack of understanding the world your setting is based in and why you should not write what you cannot properly execute.
@ragenstorm6464 2 күн бұрын
Nah, they did a good job finding things to nitpick lol. I wish you were enjoying this as much I am Zack. Maybe it would help if you remembered that this showrunner either turned a blind eye to, or served up women and young girls to a predator to get ahead and acquire 'fame'. She's being rewarded for this by hollywood going out of their way to not mention her association to a serial casting couch predator, so there is zero sympathy for people giving bad reviews of her show. Usually there is the notion of separating the art from the artist but I can't with traffickers and predators. Leslye should be in jail or ostracized for her facilitator role or outright stupidity, not defended.
@poisonouslead85 2 күн бұрын
Same. I won't watch this show because I want Leslye living in a box. I'd prefer her living in a concrete box but I'll settle for a cardboard box. She has no place in society.
@OmegaSupremeWCheese 2 күн бұрын
I get you're trying to set yourself apart from the reactionary channels, but bro the problems are much deeper than is this is Cortosis or is it not? Steelman it and grant them everything is and it works exactly as they established it, it still throws off the fight choreography is wrong, there is no need for Choreo, you just block once - disable their blade, stab. ad infinitum. And I read the comments about it being rare, and that's why you don't have a full suit of armor out of it. I will give Many Jacinto (Smilo Ren) credit, as he was there in his choreo getting to blocks having to wait before they've even attacked or him having to swing way wide just to make their block look semi realistic. Jackie/Jecky? or whatever, having a light saber the whole time she's fighting with Mae even after Mae whips out the daggers she's been killing people with. And then how they all kept forgetting they had force power.. Honestly, the reactionaries are still going to have a field day, you basically just said they followed up a terrible episode with an exceptionally boring one.
@jacobburris9637 Күн бұрын
oh man, if you hate the choreographed fighting in this, you're really not going to like almost every star wars film ever made, or any bruce lee film, or jackie chan film, or kill bill or...I mean, if people with superior numbers would just all attack at once or something, instead of waiting for each 1v1 combat to be over...
@OmegaSupremeWCheese Күн бұрын
@@jacobburris9637 stop being silly, the main point of my comment is with Cortosis there is no point in choreo, while sure it is cannon and makes a nice flavor in the books, however, as soon as you introduce it into live action then its the easy button, and it destroys the need for flashy movie choreo. And I've worked with stunt people before I understand the balance between being realistic and effective, and you can forgive Star Wars all comabt was unsophisticated in film back then, now since the late 90's it's steadily gotten better up to more realistic (loosely used term) chroreo like John Wick. People have evolved and our demand for realism even in a fantasy world with laser swords and magic evolved with it.
@jacobburris9637 Күн бұрын
@@OmegaSupremeWCheese dudes still wait their turn in John Wick, even if it's done a little better. Laser wizards block laser guns with laser swords at the speed of laser. they also sword fight with no sword hilts. we accept this. but a guy brings a rare space metal to a fight and that's the line too far? silly...
@OmegaSupremeWCheese Күн бұрын
@@jacobburris9637 two things. First exactly to your above, that was my point - it's still movie magic so even in John Wick it's all choreo, it's a dance, however, Wick is lightyears beyond 80's fight choreo. John Wick is more realistic (again loosely using the term) and that is the new standard, in the 60's we accepted Captain Kirk karate chopping everyone was a good fight scene, we've evolved. Secondly with regard to the hilts, you're probably referring to the crossguard but they're laser swords that can cut through virtually anything so a crossguard won't matter unless it's some even more rare material than the Kyber crystal, making the saber even more costly. Additionally pick up a training sword you'll quickly find out hilts were largely symbolic unless they half or fully covered the hand/fist, your hands and wrist are primary target, and in a 1v1 match with a trained opponent a 1" lip of metal isn't going to be what saves you.
@jacobburris9637 Күн бұрын
@OmegaSupremeWCheese and yet we don't see space wizards constantly attacking each other's hands, which would probably be the correct move. Hit Swords, slide Swords down...
@Deniryer 2 күн бұрын
As always you can enjoy whatever you want it doesn't mean that this is yet another show that either breaks canon (including one established by Disney) or is extremely inconsistent, boring, down right contradictory with itself and the list goes on. This show doesn't deserve to be rated anything above 3/10 while still being generous. People are either still holding on to whatever is left of SW or are drown in so much sh*tty shows that they will even attempt to defend this. If this makes me "reactionary" then so be it lol. At this point it is kinda funny when you don't agree with someone then you're automatically a X, even tho I'm probably on par with Ryan's knowledge about SW & SWEU and this doesn't even deserve to be attached to anything EU related, not like it will be since Disney detached itself from EU from the get go lol.
@PrivateCitizen84 2 күн бұрын
The meta joke around Cortosis existence in the Star Wars proper is all this plot device armor is from the Expanded Universe. Which is no longer cannon and got turned into Legends. So the IP holders are mining from literal fan fiction as it got decanonized into literal fan fiction. Then again KK said Star Wars has no source comics/books and never even gave a thought to gaming to even dismiss it in that infamous interview.
@jacobburris9637 Күн бұрын
@@PrivateCitizen84 you guys bitch about canon one way, then bitch about canon another way. it's almost as if you use "canon" to try and fit whatever argument you want.
@PrivateCitizen84 Күн бұрын
@@jacobburris9637 I am not a borg collective. I speak for myself and no other. Not playing that you guys game thanks. 1 on 1 as individuals if you would please. As EU is non Canon due to Disney then Disney can recotextualize any fan fiction they pilfer from Legends. Its just an observation Disney can play fast and loose with adapting Legends material which isn't Canon anymore. Never into EU/Legends and the stuff I heard just created more problems when rewatching the original trilogy. The prequels recotextualized the performative nature of the sith and Anakins powers. Anakin destroying the Death Star in A New Hope is now a possibility both in motivation and ability.
@jacobburris9637 Күн бұрын
@@PrivateCitizen84 George Lucas broke his own "canon" whenever he wanted. this isn't something new in star wars. Hell, I'm still salty about Boba Fett. And Han vs Greedo. and Darth Vader building C3P0. and Obi Wan not knowing who the fuck c3p0 and r2d2 are. on and so forth...
@PrivateCitizen84 Күн бұрын
@@jacobburris9637 Yes I am well aware of canon breaks by George, but my point the more stuff they connect to the Orignal Trilogy from EU/Legends, prequels and Disney constantly recontextualizes even the canon stuff in the original trilogy. Rogue One Vader looks like he is toying with Ben in ANH now. The dupliticous performative nature of the Sith in the prequels means Vader has means, motive and opportunity to let the Death Star blow up. A strong force users to help defeat the Emperor is more of a tactical advantage to Vader than consolidating the Emperor's power by sweeping away the last vestiges of resistance of the old rebublic. To keep all the Star Systems in line with fear. With no enemies without the Emperor would turn inward and the internal purges would begin with Vader all alone. Vader didn't need a Death Star he need a strong apprentice. Heightened reflexes due to sensing ahead in time thanks to prequel lore could Vader of avoided that rotating Tie fighter and still took out Luke? Questions, questions. Or was it performative and Vader masked his feelings from the Emperor? Stabbing a master in the back and being performative is a Sith move.
@Galvatronover 2 күн бұрын
2:03 no because when they try to explain things it just makes it worse
@rustydowd879 2 күн бұрын
Star Wars is over. I'm not picking through Disney's dump looking for a peanut to munch on.
@subjectnivleis7572 2 күн бұрын
Everyday more and more fans get on there knees begging for lucas to forgive them for badmouthing the prequels i still remember the morons celebrating him selling it saying it was a good thing and that he ruined star wars ...goes to show how dumb prequel haters are
@majdjinn5042 Күн бұрын
​@@subjectnivleis7572 In fairness, most didn't understand just how bad it was at Disney until much later.
@subjectnivleis7572 Күн бұрын
@@majdjinn5042 that is fair they still seemed to give a damn about good story telling abit before he sold then got lazy as they had marvel Pixar and now starwars so I guess they felt they could just rest on the name recognition to cash in money to this day I won't forgive them for killing films like treasure planet and John carter
@imalizard2113 Күн бұрын
I hate Disney. With that said, Andor is dope and I can't wait to watch season 2 on someone else's account.
@Dennis_Heaton 2 күн бұрын
It's feels weird, but I have nothing but apathy to anything Star Wars now. I'm not sure how they can get me back as a fan, or if they even want to.
@Adorni 2 күн бұрын
I agree about it being a hundred times more interesting to NOT set up the cortosis metal? But that should be a thing you do at the *beginning* of the series, not the 5th episode of… what, 8? It’s indicative of the fact that this is _meant_ to be a mystery, with a lot of “what’s going on?” moments among the players, but the writers continually demonstrate that they don’t have the first clue of how to actually go about doing this.
@majdjinn5042 Күн бұрын
The issue is no one finds the material interesting besides the audience viewing it. Either your characters are "dumb on purpose" or you're not great at writing. A lot of actions require characters to not think, which is indicative of not knowing your characters or how to make them do things through a structured narrative.
@BBJones93 Күн бұрын
I'm sorry, i just saw that autism otter try to fight the girl, i can't take this seriously... Like what the hell. It's insane. Yes, i can absolutely rip this apart without trawling for background information. Come on...
@BBJones93 2 күн бұрын
dude, its story beats, to have a reflective scene after an active scene. It's not always about budget, its how stories convey and reinforce information, setting up the next active scene.
@ddw1272 Күн бұрын
I'm not watching this show at all, so i haven't spent a lot of time looking at this Sith helmet before this video, but those 'teeth' are definately the metal flex hose from a detachable showerhead, right?
@cyanidejunkie 2 күн бұрын
I have Cortosis… Cecil gave it to me. Luckily I was prescribed a cream for the itching.
@GrandTheftWatto Күн бұрын
Ya Boi going after that "Free Range" Audience
@majdjinn5042 Күн бұрын
So zack the EU isn't canon...which means them using defunct lore (despite having replaced the lore with their own new canon, no one was interested in) is a failure in story telling. It brings to question why does something exist without a much larger faction utilizing it. The EU explaination is that its rare...why am I to assume that carries over? On the episode at hand, nothing makes sense in travel time. More inconsistency in perceptiveness of characters despite indicating in prior story telling they should be able to sense things. No justification of why they are still on the planet. It's forced narrative from characters having a lack of information/ability, they shouldn't lack.
@jjohnson3469 2 күн бұрын
yeah I just don't care either way
@BleedingFool Күн бұрын
Leslye Headland recommends your sensible takes, Zack.
@pavelowjohn9167 2 күн бұрын
So....congrats on being first, I guess? If you're doing videos just to get one over on Disparu and Gary and crew....I don't know, seems like not that great a reason to hit "record". But sure, knock yourself out.....
@jacobburris9637 2 күн бұрын
Everything doesn't have to be a battle. That's kind of his point.
@Covaxe 2 күн бұрын
After seeing some of the fights from episode 5 I almost regretted not giving the show a fair shot...but I know there was no way I'd make it through episode 3 anyways so it is what it is. I'm okay with not consuming every star wars project that comes out, I can't imagine the show ends up being a 9/10 by the end
@patatebanine4278 2 күн бұрын
Vernestra was the master of Qimir. Thats why he has the scar in that form on his back because. I had the same scar one time made by my mother after she wooped my asz
@AdamUnfriended 2 күн бұрын
The more I hear about this show, the more I think it could have been a solid two-hour movie. All the filler scenes and dragged-out payoffs just make it feel bloated. Someone at Disney or Lucasfilm really missed the mark on this one. If it had been a movie, it might have been a decent six out of ten instead of the disappointing four out of ten show we got.
@nexusvideo 2 күн бұрын
That is basically the Lucasfilm formula for disney plus.
@AdamUnfriended 2 күн бұрын
@@nexusvideo Hmm, well that only works with have good writers or competent people working on the project and people knowing what they're doing 😂
@smartalec2001 2 күн бұрын
There's a couple of good two and a half hour movie edits of the Kenobi show out there. The Patterson cut. Maybe someone will do the same for the Acolyte.
@AndyPrimeOne 2 күн бұрын
Should would have been better if it was about simlo ren and have him be sol's failed student and their story arc.
@PrivateCitizen84 2 күн бұрын
You hit the nail on the head. Star Wars is now just a bunch of what if's being written in the fans heads. The only what if I embraced in the first three films was Wookies not Ewoks. Pretty happy with the entire run of those films otherwise.
@nathanbohlig6931 Күн бұрын
Richard Gere joke was underrated.
@xaayer Күн бұрын
I'm not watching the show as I've been disenfranchised with Disney Star Wars since TLJ in 2018 (or 2017 I don't remember the release year). The last movie I watched was Force Awakens (saw the leaks of TLJ as well as leaked videos on Reddit before the us release and decided it wasn't worth my time). Spent some time in the Disney Hate circle (I have some High Council animations on my channel) But eventually, after the umpteeenth "KK will be fired anyday now!" I more or or less ditched the channels after a few years. It was fun shitting on Disney but eventually it became toxic and a bit boring. Had to move on and accept that Star Wars wasn't for me, a black man born in the early 90s, anymore and had been more or less turned into a YA/princess brand. Since then, the only other official Disney Star Wars media I consumed was one or two eps of The Mandalorian, which I stopped watching because I realized that it was just going to build up the the Sequel trilogy anyway so there was no point in getting invested in anything. I hate Disney Star Wars with a passion. I find it soulless, vapid, and destructive to what George established and I refuse to give them any more attention or money. I just ignore it because the only language Disney understands is money and I will do what little I can do to affect their bottom line. I sometimes pop my head in on the hate-watch channels like Midnight's Edge, Robothead, and Geeks and Gamers as well as Thor Skywalker and SW Theory, but not with any regularity because I'm at the point of apathy now about the "franchise". All that to say, I really didn't understand how bent out of shape haters got about the helmet. They point out the helmet shutting off the lightsaber like it's stupid and I'm like, "No, that's cool That's the first time we've seen Cortosis on screen in such a way faithful to EU lore." And to hear people malign it confuses me. People saying it's stupid because it breaks the lore when I guarantee that they didn't complain when it was in old Canon. People complain that everyone would be using it as if they don't understand what scarcity means (Cortosis is not only rare in the old Canon, but was also expensive and difficult to mine and refine). People complain that it shouldn't be immune to lightsabers because the lightsaber is supposed to be all-powerful as if they don't understand how to balance worldbuilding and I *know* they didn't complain about Beskar which is similarly lightsaber resistant (it just doesn't short them out). Sure, Disney SW still is absolutely garbage, but can't it be criticized for legitimate problems and not made-up stuff?
@sjmhadsock4586 Күн бұрын
@fifthlevelbard9541 23 сағат бұрын
I haven't watched a single episode of this show. That said, I'm hearing a lot of double standards/double speak in the counterpoints to the criticism. When "middle-aged men" (not coming for you here) make a critique about the show, there's a shame parade of "why are you even watching a show intended for children?" Then, in this episode, I'm told there's a suggestive full frontal nude scene with the protagonist and the sith, where the sith casually says "Well if you're not going to join me, can I put my clothes on." _(Show for children you say?)_ And of course, when you call that out, they rail about moral prudence attempting to impede creativity. And with all of that, (the pièce de résistance) I'm also told there's not even a warning about suggestive themes in the episode, which really is the finer detail on a major problem with Disney; They're trying to show adult stuff to your kids without your knowledge. Which this _very thing_ highlights, but of course will be swept under the rug with the gaslighting of "Well, be better parents"- we're _fantastic parents,_ we just put trust in a company that we _thought_ cared about family values and wouldn't do something _like this._ Curiouser and curiouser that Harvey Weinstein's former personal assistant created the show. The apparent cortosis thing: "stuff from the EU isn't canon except for the stuff we use, and when we use it, you're stupid and not "real fans" for not thinking about it in the first place." That's the argument for all of the canon, summed up. This show has a lot of problems, but moreover, _Disney_ has a lot of problems.
@bradleysmit1842 2 күн бұрын
Three in one day? You're just spoiling us now.
@jacobburris9637 2 күн бұрын
I can't believe Ki Adi Mundi died fighting 5000 sith. talk about canon breaking.
@subjectnivleis7572 2 күн бұрын
Ki adi mindi: impossible the sith have been extinct for a millennia. The phantom menace
@jacobburris9637 Күн бұрын
@@subjectnivleis7572 What film was that again? The Phantom Menace? Who's that? Who could the phantom menace be? the gungans?
@Muazen 2 күн бұрын
So I take it the show is just dumb, not spiteful? These things used to be spiteful. Like with Marvel; Zack would say something on youtube and some butthurt comics pro would triple down and make the story so stupid that it even annoyed them, just to "get" their online enemies.
@produceresults6864 Күн бұрын
2:23 😂 savage 90's reference. I heard somewhere that your boy Stallone started that rumor
@nexusvideo 2 күн бұрын
Apparently its the "worst one ever" until the next one comes out.
@sadface7457 2 күн бұрын
I think this week their going complain about the budget. Apparently each on of these episodes cost 25mil dollars. Even if the show is good it still unfathomable how they are spending that much on an episode.
@stephenbarone4053 2 күн бұрын
Jesus. I watched 5 and 6 because they seemed like they would be the most tolerable. This show is what some would call a “nothing burger.” It’s like people are arguing over episodes of Full House. If it didn’t have Star Wars in the name, there would be silence. We’d be calling it Rebel Moon or Atlas the TV show, “When JLo isn’t in her Mech, she’s shaking her groove thang or twerking on the moon!”
@sadface7457 2 күн бұрын
I don't know. For me it cool that you know how to hit light stable right you can deactivate it. Like a pressure point.
@PrivateCitizen84 2 күн бұрын
Turn it off with the force maybe?
@Duranous. 2 күн бұрын
I've never heard of cortosis, apparently this only appears after 2014 in Disney era star wars so I don't really know what people mean by it being an EU thing. Reference, wookieepedia "appearances" I know nothing about this show but that screenshot is not cool. Idk, after Darth Vader and kotor games I guess all sith need a helmet 🤷‍♂
@LiveForFuntasy 2 күн бұрын
You need to click the Legends tabs on wookieepedia. Cortosis ore first appeared in the EU in the 1998 book I, Jedi. The first use of cortosis weave was in the 2002 video game Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast. And since you mentioned KOTOR, cortosis was used in that game too.
@Deniryer 2 күн бұрын
And you don't have to. Disney slashed EU as anything they want to use, probably to avoid paying royalties to of any EU writers and even if they didn't they would have change the canon either way. Zack completely missed a point in this video.
@poisonouslead85 2 күн бұрын
Timothy Zahn is working with Disney now and his books featured cortosis in the late nineties. It looks like Zahn's work is slowly being integrated into the Disney era. Disney should have brought him on from the get go, everything he wrote was G canon due to the nature of his working relationship with Lucas.
@PrivateCitizen84 2 күн бұрын
@@Deniryer Cortosis is literal decanonized fan fiction made canon again. The Disney hacks can't even come up with something new. The fact that it was rare in the EU now Legends means literally absolutely nothing. This is a new substance introduced into Star Wars proper. It can be as abundant or rare as they want, because it's amount has not being made cannon in Star Wars proper. Some Sith could of horded this and in Rey's time (next movie) the Sith are covered in all of this woven into suits with Beskar. They don't have to obey the rules/lore of the EU/Legends as it is fan fiction.
@Duranous. Күн бұрын
@@poisonouslead85 I saw the new Zahn books, this is actually my bad. I only just realized there are two pages canon and legends...🤷‍♂️ I haven't been on the site in a long while, I think there was lightsaber resistant armor in kotor, I guess I must not of thought much of the name since it didn't turn off sabers. Apparently, It was invented by Michael Stackpole in 1998, REEE. Oops.
@madmanga64 2 күн бұрын
I wonder what canned phrase we will see be born from episode 6 “reviews” 😂
@Zardox-The-Heretic-Slayer 2 күн бұрын
I want star wars to die, not because of the direction it's going in and all the diversity crap, no, I just want the incessant talking about it to go away. it's like being subject to a 24/7 autistic stim session that just never ends. I am sure I have developed a twitch from hearing the words "star" and "wars" in the same sentence and no matter where I go, I cannot escape it. I put a audiobook on about travelling in the outback of australia for some respite, and the guy mentioned it in that!! will it ever. just. stop?!
@Galvatronover 2 күн бұрын
Then you can just unsubscribe or block videos if you don’t wanna hear it not like you have no choice
@Zardox-The-Heretic-Slayer 2 күн бұрын
@@Galvatronover no I can't, I have tried it's fucking everywhere!
@Deniryer 2 күн бұрын
@@Zardox-The-Heretic-Slayer Apart from FNT, Az's channel, comics related and similar none of the other channels or content that I watch mention anything Disney or media/cinema/entertainment related. Same goes for audiobook's unless by audiobook you mean something extremely recent or wrote by yet another internet travelling "influencer" then well, try something different.
@Zardox-The-Heretic-Slayer 2 күн бұрын
@@Deniryer oh give it a rest.
@PrivateCitizen84 2 күн бұрын
@@Zardox-The-Heretic-Slayer On YT I was randomly watching cop vs citizen 1st/4th amendment violation video and then the Algorithm showed me more and more and more. I started to hit the don't recommend tab and it has totally decreased.
@cyndrick7373 2 күн бұрын
All this star wars drama made me go back and re watch clone wars while playing through the force unleashed, there’s plenty of good stuff and there will be more eventually
@PrivateCitizen84 2 күн бұрын
That happened with me with the Furiosa drama. No interest in the new film as Fury Road didn't do it for me, but it got me a missing Mad Max. I fired up Mad Max the game on PS4. I got two completed game saves waiting so this is the third run.
@subjectnivleis7572 2 күн бұрын
Yeah once disney goes bankrupt and lucas buys the disney corporation for pennys on the dollar
@cyndrick7373 Күн бұрын
@@subjectnivleis7572as much as I would love that I don’t see Disney letting go of Star Wars any time soon, and Lucas doesn’t seem to want it back. However, Disney has money, they just need to hire proper writers as they used to. There’s hope that’ll happen again. I have a million problems with EA but they still put out a good quality Star Wars game every few years.
@erikewing9553 2 күн бұрын
Hahaha thanks for calling out the BS rage bait nonsense going on right now! New subscriber 🎉😂
@Galvatronover 2 күн бұрын
The show is still shit
@sadface7457 2 күн бұрын
Last week they complained the episode was action pack but lacked substance this week they are going complain episode is boring and star wars is about action. Its a revolving door of arguements. I get how perferably this show should binged so pacing between episodes feels more balance. Each episode should feel satifying if you release it week-by-week. They have this whole arguement about interia where these properties have been bad for a while you need a few good episodes, series, movies to correct.
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