The Bible’s Hidden Mysteries They Never Told You - Joe Rogan & Taylor Sheridan

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JRE Inspiration

JRE Inspiration

5 ай бұрын

Joe Rogan and Taylor Sheridan explain how the principles of the bible are often misunderstood. Taylor Sheridan is an American filmmaker and actor. He is a co-creator of the Paramount Network television series Yellowstone and also portrayed David Hale in the FX television series Sons of Anarchy.
I do not own any of the footage used: Clips taken from Episode #2083
#jreclips #jreinspiration #jrepodcast #taylorsheridan #joeroganexperience

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@ryanjones6525 4 ай бұрын
I have a theory, I think it was easier to feel gods presence thousands of years ago because there was only a fraction of things back then that we have today, so therefore it would have been easier to tune in to god’s frequency and the fact that everything around us is frequency’s and vibrations and we’ve created so many more frequencies and vibrations as mankind progressed we now have millions of channels to tune into thus making it more difficult to tune ourselves into gods vibrational frequency
@TiltyFishPoker 4 ай бұрын
Wouldn't an all powerful god have predicted this and either A. come up with a simple solution because he's all powerful, or B. speak a little louder for us to hear lol? Seems like an easy cop out to excuse the fact no one, in history has ever seen a deity and has been able to provide proof one one's existence outside of...'old book'.
@johnpoe8576 4 ай бұрын
You might be on to something, it's very hard for me to quiet my brain
@Maxtana5 4 ай бұрын
@@TiltyFishPoker He gave you free will & the choice to love Him back the Bible is simply a instruction book for us to follow Him, religion had corrupted it i challenge you to ask God to make Himself known to you instead of not following His ways, the 'old book" is the historical evidence of Him look all around you & tell me were just here by cosmic chance? No intelligent design requires a designer evolution is a lie
@Sokolo5915 4 ай бұрын
I thought about it too, every atheist wants recorded proof on video, but if God would be recorded on camera doing miracles today peopole would say its cgi or some secret technology, so it only makes sence it happened over 2000 years ago when peopple could really differenciate what is a miracle.
@americaHomeOfCorruptCowards 4 ай бұрын
Religion is meant to divide and control. To make good slaves and sheep for the elites who run the planet. To keep us focused on each other and not them
@truynmosher9143 3 ай бұрын
2 Peter 3:8-9 “with The Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day”
@mattfraser1096 2 ай бұрын
So the Bible is saying the Earth is several billion years old.. I agree
@Texas--pz4ws 2 ай бұрын
@@mattfraser1096scripture isn’t saying that you fool
@Texas--pz4ws 2 ай бұрын
Don’t take scripture out of context
@mattfraser1096 2 ай бұрын
@@Texas--pz4ws out of your context?
@Texas--pz4ws 2 ай бұрын
@@mattfraser1096 that’s clearly what I said when you started to twist scripture to fit your fallen narrative
@tobykay2882 4 ай бұрын
I feel like Joe is slowly coming to God and I’m here for it!
@driventoaccount3276 3 ай бұрын
Lmao…he’s a deist
@kevinparrino2371 3 ай бұрын
No he is not. Jesus Christ is lord of lord king of kings, every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess. Joe is interested in there being a god but he refuses Jesus Christ.
@nonprogrediestregredi1711 3 ай бұрын
@@kevinparrino2371 Thanks for sharing your superstition.
@TheJaniczek 3 ай бұрын
@@kevinparrino2371it's a holy trinity .... God Holy Spirit Jesus
@Pitch8lack 3 ай бұрын
@@driventoaccount3276 He has stated he is agnostic.
@user-mf3ut8mm8n 4 ай бұрын
All i know is when i pray and i mean it prayers for my friends my family for people that need it i can feel god in my heart my soul i can feel a good feeling...when i look around and think about all the bullshit going on and that ive done and ask forgivness knowing i can be better and should be better at least try to be better for god for the people around me with love and positivity the best way i can i feel god and the bible explains that Everything will be ok as long as i do that for god for the sake of a believer end of story...the choice is yours...god has gotten me thru it all and the path im walking isnt over yet but im going to keep the faith and keep it pushin #godbless
@bluemoon9530 4 ай бұрын
@thatrugreallytiedtheroomto4537 4 ай бұрын
This comment truly made my day. Thank you ❤
@SUPERBUZZED 4 ай бұрын
--Matthew 7:13-14_New King James Version The Narrow Way 13 “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. 14 [a]Because narrow is the gate and [b]difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.
@keithgraham4747 4 ай бұрын
I am thinking it is because Divinity dwells within you & you are able to recognize it. Makes a difference.
@user-ro1wp7bg2s 4 ай бұрын
Remember something. As the world has evolved the state of health has depleated. It you lived in the 1900's and lived into the 2000's you would be able to see in nature how things have reduced in size. Look at tree pictures from the 1800's and look the pictures of trees now. Look the pictures of how tall men where. Men looked like real men. Look at is now. People just getting shorter and shorter. Grass was longer its shorter. Men where taller now they getter and shortter. Food was healthier. Even science shows a fruite in the 19's 1 orange has a equivalent value of 6 oranges now. Evreything has depleated in size, in health. So if we are depleating. Its only logic to wonder how tall men were 5000 years ago. How strong were men. How healthy they must have been. Because fruits were way bigger and had more values than ithas now. The healthier food you consume rhe smarter you are. The more knowledge you are able to attain. The more unhealthy you are the less information you are able to comprehend. So men ate healthier good or evil. They were way smarter. Way taller .way stronger. Therefor they had the ability to design things we can only imagine. They were stronger than us. Animal's were bigger. Just look at cattle now. And look at cattle in the 19'S look wt the size differences. Understand the following also. Years ago there was not a system like the roman system that prohibits men from attaining the fullest legth of their thinking capabilities. The current curiculum does not promotes individual brilliance. When you get exarms you must answer according to the cillabus. If you write anything outside of the cariulum regiardless if its true. You dont get marks. They were way smarter becauee their education promoted individual briliance. If a man was identified as tallented in carftsmenship he would be taught to be a brilliant craftsmen according to his abilities he wouldnt be limited to pertorming the same skills thise did befire hom. Men build the piramids not aliens. And the world did not develop by a big banG. LOOK AT A BUILDING. ANY BUILDING. HOW DID THAT BUILDING GET THERE. YOU KNOW THERE HAD TO BE A BUILDER. SAME AS GOD. YOU KNOW BY YOUR EXISTENC3 THERE HAD TO BE A CREATOR NO MATTER HOW HARD YOU TRY TO IGNORE IT. MEN DARE TO ASK QUESTIONS LIKE IF GOD EXISTS WHO CREATED GOD. WHERE DID GOD COME FROM. DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW THE WORLD WORKS ? DO YOU UNDERSTAND THE FUNCTION OT THE HUMAN BODY? DO YOU KNOW SCIENTIST ARE STILL LEARNING ABOUT DNA STILL STUDYING CELLS. THE HUMAN RACE DOEST EVEN UNDERSTAND 99.9% OF HOW THEIR INDIVIDUAL BODDIES WORK. YET THEY HAVE THE ODACITY TO ASK WHO CREATED GOD. THERE ARE SOME STEPS YOU TAKE BEFORE SOME TRUTHS CAN BE REVEALED TO YOU. THATS WHY WT SCHOOL YOU START BY LEARNING 1+1 AS YOU DEVELOP YOU LEARN MORE AND MORE UNTILL YOU CAN COMPREHEND DEPPER TRUTHS AND LESSONS. UNTILL YOU FULLY UNDERSTAND YOURSELF AS A HUMAN AND CAN SAY I UNDERSTAND 100% HOW THE BODY FUNCTION FROM THE MICROCELULAR LEVIL UNTILL YOU CAN SAY I UNDERSTAND NATURE AND UNDERSTAND ALL THESE THINGS. YOU CANT BEGIN TO EVEN ASK GOD HOW HE CAME INTO ESTENCE. BECAUSE EVEN IF HE TOLD YOU. YOUR MIND IS NOT YET CAPABLE OF COMPREHENDING IT. ITS LIKE TEACHING A TODL3R ALGEBRA. THATS GOD EXPAINING TO YOU HOW HE CAME INTO EXISTENCE .... SO INSTEAD OF ASKING FOR ANSWERS TO KNOWLDEGE YOU CANNOT YET COMPREHEND. ASK ANSWER'S TO KNOWLEGE THAT IS COMPREHENDABLE. EVENTUALLY YOU WILL UNDERSTAND.
@kelechimicheal9475 4 ай бұрын
WHAT IS A DAY TO GOD? that hit differently! Oh JR, I can feel you are. passionate and curious about God now!! The bible says:Ask and it shall be given unto you, seek and you shall find, knock and the door shall be open unto you. And if it is the wisdom to know, you’ve got ask by praying to the Maker. Love your contents 🙏🏾🙏🏾
@grassshadow1 3 ай бұрын
2Pet. 3:8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. It's all in there 😉
@kevinparrino2371 3 ай бұрын
Man can be interested in god but do not let joe decieve you, he doesn’t believe in Jesus and is only simply “interested” in the topic of there being a god
@grassshadow1 3 ай бұрын
@TenaciousTortoise research the gap. Go to book of Job and Jude..there's some time going by there.
@CALISPEC1 3 ай бұрын
@@kevinparrino2371I think your correct but isn’t being “interested” in the idea of God and Jesus where we all began our journey in being drawn to and accepting God’s grace through Jesus? Hopefully we are witnessing the early steps of Joe’s walk to Jesus. We can only Pray that’s what we’re witnessing 🙏
@kevinparrino2371 3 ай бұрын
@@CALISPEC1 well yes but the difference is hes heard enough to convert man it's not like he just now heard about Jesus. hes known who Jesus is since a young age and has blasphemed him repeatedly on tv and the internet up until recently. and honestly the only reason why hes entertaining that there might be a god is because science and human evolution no longer can explain all the bad things and changes going on in the world that are clearly dark forces, but make no mistake Joe has made it clear that's its not even about Jesus, he will never follow any religion hes completely atheist. hes just a lot more open minded than most atheists but that's it.
@move_i_got_this5659 4 ай бұрын
The Bible is a lot deeper than anyone realizes. If everyone lived by it there would be no divorce, crime, or war.
@user-sm6jw3ci4z 4 ай бұрын
True, if you put God and religion aside, the Bible lays out guidelines specifically conducive to a long healthy life/family/community on earth
@waywardson911 4 ай бұрын
Ever heard of the crusades?
@move_i_got_this5659 4 ай бұрын
@@waywardson911 when the Muslims sinned and stole Jerusalem and the Christians took it back? Yes I’ve heard of that,
@CEELOW3000 4 ай бұрын
@@move_i_got_this5659 HUH? lol
@rdpaik 4 ай бұрын
⁠@@waywardson911The Crusades was a misapplication of the Bible by imperfect human beings. The errancy of humans don’t make the Bible irrelevant or wrong.
@drewamasterpiece5268 4 ай бұрын
One dilemma is that people twist these stories too fit their agendas. Malice or other intentions not suitable to the true meaning.
@marcussmith4913 4 ай бұрын
That has happened but only to people who do not follow the gospel. Wolves in Sheep's clothing.
@mherrj 4 ай бұрын
Yes the MAGA crowd has perverted the bible.
@deborahallen3318 4 ай бұрын
​@@marcussmith4913Ahh yes the Bible, the greatest story ever sold. If the words didn't come straight from the mouth of Jesus, it was someone else's thoughts and opinions, and the Catholic church had their own long term agenda and twisted it even further.
@rahliE777 4 ай бұрын
@@deborahallen3318you’re 100% right on the Catholic Church! They’ve been twisting God’s Word to fit their agenda for years.. Though I’d argue that all Scripture is fully inspired by God and the authors were led by The Spirit in their writing, and we 1000% have God’s Word perfect and preserved in the King James Bible
@seanclements6206 4 ай бұрын
​@@rahliE777 why would the king James version be the true version when it came well after the old testament? How is adding to a supposed true story that you weren't a part of supposed to fix it? Is that not just changing it to fit your agenda of the time.
@markp4967 4 ай бұрын
Congratulations Joe Rogan, you're finally catching on
@danielb7253 4 ай бұрын
Finally. I agree
@facefact3737 3 ай бұрын
Isn't this an AI video?.....
@larryfishkind5387 3 ай бұрын
These are the type of podcasts that made me love, Joe Rogan and his content
@evarsonazevedo5321 4 ай бұрын
A day to God is a thousand years to man.
@TonyStark-wc3ih 4 ай бұрын
Yeah because where He is is beyond space and time. There is no sun that regulates time where He sits on high. He is the light, also the third heavens/kingdom of God could be a planet. Just speculation on my part this also makes me question science because the universe is not unlimited due to where God is
@AsdeEspadas.Fernando 4 ай бұрын
Time doesnt exist for God, by definition
@theobnoxiousguy3425 4 ай бұрын
@@TonyStark-wc3ih Time is an illusion.
@ExplainingTHEMACHINE 4 ай бұрын
@@theobnoxiousguy3425 Not an illusion but more of a gravity phenomenon, that's why we can "stretch it" if we go fast enough or be close enough to an extremely massive object. But yes, it's not that hard to imagine a conscious being outside time and space, in other words, eternal and immaterial.
@johndoeii8926 4 ай бұрын
G-d is eternal; ie time doesn't exist for G-d.
@teamdaddy5217 4 ай бұрын
I pray for Joe Rogan
@cpmow831 4 ай бұрын
He definitely sounds so close to believing…
@truthache 4 ай бұрын
@jasoncoomer1226 4 ай бұрын
​@@cpmow831He beleives in the God of freemasonry not that of Jesus Christ...
@angelbrother1238 4 ай бұрын
@@truthachesentence , paragraph , book even
@angelbrother1238 4 ай бұрын
@@cpmow831yes he’s virtually at the edge of the tipping point . We all need to petition him fo have William lane Craig on his podcast . Dr craig is the top Christian apologist on the world NDE of anyone can bring him over the tipping point dr craig would .
@Ciskokid1970 4 ай бұрын
So glad to see some of the most talented and famous people talking about GOD ,, and coming to the only conclusion there is!! And that is GOD IS THERE AND NEVER LEFT YOU..🙌
@ImaJWalker 4 ай бұрын
Once you break your programming and liberate your mind. You can never go back to sleep.
@lsporter88 3 ай бұрын
Well said.
@ltdanslostlegs 3 ай бұрын
@spectate0074 3 ай бұрын
im so tired, yet have never been more at peace with life and earth. (Some might say the world doesnt make sense, that we the people, dont make sense. Just remember His ways are higher than our ways, and that we should aim to do our best to not depend on our own understanding.) Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. Defeat evil with kindness.
@drx1xym154 3 ай бұрын
Then you have to live your dreams.
@martinscrapp7166 3 ай бұрын
John 7:37 - _"If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water."_ - Jesus
@geraldjuvejr.6171 4 ай бұрын
Abraham was used to illustrate the faith we should all have in knowing that EVERYTHING is a gift from God. Including his children (which we call our own) that he places in our care, and that we need to trust his decisions as to what to do with them. ALSO, he didn't ask Abraham to do something that he wasn't willing to do and did do himself by sacrificing his only son on the cross for the sake of all of us. I don't believe it was ever God's intent to have Abraham sacrifice Isaac, but rather he knew Abraham's faith and used that as an example.
@alanmacdonald1457 4 ай бұрын
nothing you said means anything
@Dboyquicks10 4 ай бұрын
​@alanmacdonald1457 of course it does to those who have ears to hear.
@alanmacdonald1457 4 ай бұрын
@@Dboyquicks10 yeh i have no time for organised religions, supporting them is giving power to people who start wars and abuse children
@marcussmith4913 4 ай бұрын
you are right... it does not mean anything. It means EVERYTHING!!!@@alanmacdonald1457
@marcussmith4913 4 ай бұрын
who told you this lie? If you ask Jesus Christ to enter your life, he will. Do not take our word for it. Ask and truly seek him and you will find him. I believe even if you do not he will find you. At least once in your life you will feel his presence. When you do remember this conversation and do not fight what comes next. You will never regret the day when you decided to get to know JC.@@alanmacdonald1457
@Poem22LoveNotestoSoul-jw4nv 4 ай бұрын
I love this so very much🙌💕🙌Great share and thank you for expressing it using images, words and music 🎼❤️💗💕✨🙌👌
@VonBluesman 4 ай бұрын
Renew your faith daily is scripture. It keeps you strong spiritually, read scriptures, pray, do acts of kindness for others, it will help you tremendously.
@Da_Hammah 4 ай бұрын
These are the kinda conversations that keep me stoked and intrigued about life mahalos 🤙🏻
@wade6956 4 ай бұрын
Great clip!!
@user-ro1wp7bg2s 4 ай бұрын
Remember something. As the world has evolved the state of health has depleated. It you lived in the 1900's and lived into the 2000's you would be able to see in nature how things have reduced in size. Look at tree pictures from the 1800's and look the pictures of trees now. Look the pictures of how tall men where. Men looked like real men. Look at is now. People just getting shorter and shorter. Grass was longer its shorter. Men where taller now they getter and shortter. Food was healthier. Even science shows a fruite in the 19's 1 orange has a equivalent value of 6 oranges now. Evreything has depleated in size, in health. So if we are depleating. Its only logic to wonder how tall men were 5000 years ago. How strong were men. How healthy they must have been. Because fruits were way bigger and had more values than ithas now. The healthier food you consume rhe smarter you are. The more knowledge you are able to attain. The more unhealthy you are the less information you are able to comprehend. So men ate healthier good or evil. They were way smarter. Way taller .way stronger. Therefor they had the ability to design things we can only imagine. They were stronger than us. Animal's were bigger. Just look at cattle now. And look at cattle in the 19'S look wt the size differences. Understand the following also. Years ago there was not a system like the roman system that prohibits men from attaining the fullest legth of their thinking capabilities. The current curiculum does not promotes individual brilliance. When you get exarms you must answer according to the cillabus. If you write anything outside of the cariulum regiardless if its true. You dont get marks. They were way smarter becauee their education promoted individual briliance. If a man was identified as tallented in carftsmenship he would be taught to be a brilliant craftsmen according to his abilities he wouldnt be limited to pertorming the same skills thise did befire hom. Men build the piramids not aliens. And the world did not develop by a big banG. LOOK AT A BUILDING. ANY BUILDING. HOW DID THAT BUILDING GET THERE. YOU KNOW THERE HAD TO BE A BUILDER. SAME AS GOD. YOU KNOW BY YOUR EXISTENC3 THERE HAD TO BE A CREATOR NO MATTER HOW HARD YOU TRY TO IGNORE IT. MEN DARE TO ASK QUESTIONS LIKE IF GOD EXISTS WHO CREATED GOD. WHERE DID GOD COME FROM. DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW THE WORLD WORKS ? DO YOU UNDERSTAND THE FUNCTION OT THE HUMAN BODY? DO YOU KNOW SCIENTIST ARE STILL LEARNING ABOUT DNA STILL STUDYING CELLS. THE HUMAN RACE DOEST EVEN UNDERSTAND 99.9% OF HOW THEIR INDIVIDUAL BODDIES WORK. YET THEY HAVE THE ODACITY TO ASK WHO CREATED GOD. THERE ARE SOME STEPS YOU TAKE BEFORE SOME TRUTHS CAN BE REVEALED TO YOU. THATS WHY WT SCHOOL YOU START BY LEARNING 1+1 AS YOU DEVELOP YOU LEARN MORE AND MORE UNTILL YOU CAN COMPREHEND DEPPER TRUTHS AND LESSONS. UNTILL YOU FULLY UNDERSTAND YOURSELF AS A HUMAN AND CAN SAY I UNDERSTAND 100% HOW THE BODY FUNCTION FROM THE MICROCELULAR LEVIL UNTILL YOU CAN SAY I UNDERSTAND NATURE AND UNDERSTAND ALL THESE THINGS. YOU CANT BEGIN TO EVEN ASK GOD HOW HE CAME INTO ESTENCE. BECAUSE EVEN IF HE TOLD YOU. YOUR MIND IS NOT YET CAPABLE OF COMPREHENDING IT. ITS LIKE TEACHING A TODL3R ALGEBRA. THATS GOD EXPAINING TO YOU HOW HE CAME INTO EXISTENCE .... SO INSTEAD OF ASKING FOR ANSWERS TO KNOWLDEGE YOU CANNOT YET COMPREHEND. ASK ANSWER'S TO KNOWLEGE THAT IS COMPREHENDABLE. EVENTUALLY YOU WILL UNDERSTAND.
@computerbiscuit 4 ай бұрын
I always thought that at a point in our history, all the smart people just left and rather than destroy us, they just never looked back.
@darthbog2125 4 ай бұрын
cool idea. we are the left overs, left overs
@billskelton3701 4 ай бұрын
Been watching Joe for years. He is slowly coming around. God is great.
@keithselden2096 4 ай бұрын
This sounds like a great book you should write...
@DavidGutierrezRojas 4 ай бұрын
@@darthbog2125 Jimmy Two Times
@darthbog2125 4 ай бұрын
@@DavidGutierrezRojas lol you don't get it
@xmariner 4 ай бұрын
This is your best to date. Amazing. Thank you.
@user-ro1wp7bg2s 4 ай бұрын
Remember something. As the world has evolved the state of health has depleated. It you lived in the 1900's and lived into the 2000's you would be able to see in nature how things have reduced in size. Look at tree pictures from the 1800's and look the pictures of trees now. Look the pictures of how tall men where. Men looked like real men. Look at is now. People just getting shorter and shorter. Grass was longer its shorter. Men where taller now they getter and shortter. Food was healthier. Even science shows a fruite in the 19's 1 orange has a equivalent value of 6 oranges now. Evreything has depleated in size, in health. So if we are depleating. Its only logic to wonder how tall men were 5000 years ago. How strong were men. How healthy they must have been. Because fruits were way bigger and had more values than ithas now. The healthier food you consume rhe smarter you are. The more knowledge you are able to attain. The more unhealthy you are the less information you are able to comprehend. So men ate healthier good or evil. They were way smarter. Way taller .way stronger. Therefor they had the ability to design things we can only imagine. They were stronger than us. Animal's were bigger. Just look at cattle now. And look at cattle in the 19'S look wt the size differences. Understand the following also. Years ago there was not a system like the roman system that prohibits men from attaining the fullest legth of their thinking capabilities. The current curiculum does not promotes individual brilliance. When you get exarms you must answer according to the cillabus. If you write anything outside of the cariulum regiardless if its true. You dont get marks. They were way smarter becauee their education promoted individual briliance. If a man was identified as tallented in carftsmenship he would be taught to be a brilliant craftsmen according to his abilities he wouldnt be limited to pertorming the same skills thise did befire hom. Men build the piramids not aliens. And the world did not develop by a big banG. LOOK AT A BUILDING. ANY BUILDING. HOW DID THAT BUILDING GET THERE. YOU KNOW THERE HAD TO BE A BUILDER. SAME AS GOD. YOU KNOW BY YOUR EXISTENC3 THERE HAD TO BE A CREATOR NO MATTER HOW HARD YOU TRY TO IGNORE IT. MEN DARE TO ASK QUESTIONS LIKE IF GOD EXISTS WHO CREATED GOD. WHERE DID GOD COME FROM. DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW THE WORLD WORKS ? DO YOU UNDERSTAND THE FUNCTION OT THE HUMAN BODY? DO YOU KNOW SCIENTIST ARE STILL LEARNING ABOUT DNA STILL STUDYING CELLS. THE HUMAN RACE DOEST EVEN UNDERSTAND 99.9% OF HOW THEIR INDIVIDUAL BODDIES WORK. YET THEY HAVE THE ODACITY TO ASK WHO CREATED GOD. THERE ARE SOME STEPS YOU TAKE BEFORE SOME TRUTHS CAN BE REVEALED TO YOU. THATS WHY WT SCHOOL YOU START BY LEARNING 1+1 AS YOU DEVELOP YOU LEARN MORE AND MORE UNTILL YOU CAN COMPREHEND DEPPER TRUTHS AND LESSONS. UNTILL YOU FULLY UNDERSTAND YOURSELF AS A HUMAN AND CAN SAY I UNDERSTAND 100% HOW THE BODY FUNCTION FROM THE MICROCELULAR LEVIL UNTILL YOU CAN SAY I UNDERSTAND NATURE AND UNDERSTAND ALL THESE THINGS. YOU CANT BEGIN TO EVEN ASK GOD HOW HE CAME INTO ESTENCE. BECAUSE EVEN IF HE TOLD YOU. YOUR MIND IS NOT YET CAPABLE OF COMPREHENDING IT. ITS LIKE TEACHING A TODL3R ALGEBRA. THATS GOD EXPAINING TO YOU HOW HE CAME INTO EXISTENCE .... SO INSTEAD OF ASKING FOR ANSWERS TO KNOWLDEGE YOU CANNOT YET COMPREHEND. ASK ANSWER'S TO KNOWLEGE THAT IS COMPREHENDABLE. EVENTUALLY YOU WILL UNDERSTAND.
@Stephen-fe8bq 4 ай бұрын
That just blows my mind! Thanx Joe! 😊
@user-ro1wp7bg2s 4 ай бұрын
Remember something. As the world has evolved the state of health has depleated. It you lived in the 1900's and lived into the 2000's you would be able to see in nature how things have reduced in size. Look at tree pictures from the 1800's and look the pictures of trees now. Look the pictures of how tall men where. Men looked like real men. Look at is now. People just getting shorter and shorter. Grass was longer its shorter. Men where taller now they getter and shortter. Food was healthier. Even science shows a fruite in the 19's 1 orange has a equivalent value of 6 oranges now. Evreything has depleated in size, in health. So if we are depleating. Its only logic to wonder how tall men were 5000 years ago. How strong were men. How healthy they must have been. Because fruits were way bigger and had more values than ithas now. The healthier food you consume rhe smarter you are. The more knowledge you are able to attain. The more unhealthy you are the less information you are able to comprehend. So men ate healthier good or evil. They were way smarter. Way taller .way stronger. Therefor they had the ability to design things we can only imagine. They were stronger than us. Animal's were bigger. Just look at cattle now. And look at cattle in the 19'S look wt the size differences. Understand the following also. Years ago there was not a system like the roman system that prohibits men from attaining the fullest legth of their thinking capabilities. The current curiculum does not promotes individual brilliance. When you get exarms you must answer according to the cillabus. If you write anything outside of the cariulum regiardless if its true. You dont get marks. They were way smarter becauee their education promoted individual briliance. If a man was identified as tallented in carftsmenship he would be taught to be a brilliant craftsmen according to his abilities he wouldnt be limited to pertorming the same skills thise did befire hom. Men build the piramids not aliens. And the world did not develop by a big banG. LOOK AT A BUILDING. ANY BUILDING. HOW DID THAT BUILDING GET THERE. YOU KNOW THERE HAD TO BE A BUILDER. SAME AS GOD. YOU KNOW BY YOUR EXISTENC3 THERE HAD TO BE A CREATOR NO MATTER HOW HARD YOU TRY TO IGNORE IT. MEN DARE TO ASK QUESTIONS LIKE IF GOD EXISTS WHO CREATED GOD. WHERE DID GOD COME FROM. DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW THE WORLD WORKS ? DO YOU UNDERSTAND THE FUNCTION OT THE HUMAN BODY? DO YOU KNOW SCIENTIST ARE STILL LEARNING ABOUT DNA STILL STUDYING CELLS. THE HUMAN RACE DOEST EVEN UNDERSTAND 99.9% OF HOW THEIR INDIVIDUAL BODDIES WORK. YET THEY HAVE THE ODACITY TO ASK WHO CREATED GOD. THERE ARE SOME STEPS YOU TAKE BEFORE SOME TRUTHS CAN BE REVEALED TO YOU. THATS WHY WT SCHOOL YOU START BY LEARNING 1+1 AS YOU DEVELOP YOU LEARN MORE AND MORE UNTILL YOU CAN COMPREHEND DEPPER TRUTHS AND LESSONS. UNTILL YOU FULLY UNDERSTAND YOURSELF AS A HUMAN AND CAN SAY I UNDERSTAND 100% HOW THE BODY FUNCTION FROM THE MICROCELULAR LEVIL UNTILL YOU CAN SAY I UNDERSTAND NATURE AND UNDERSTAND ALL THESE THINGS. YOU CANT BEGIN TO EVEN ASK GOD HOW HE CAME INTO ESTENCE. BECAUSE EVEN IF HE TOLD YOU. YOUR MIND IS NOT YET CAPABLE OF COMPREHENDING IT. ITS LIKE TEACHING A TODL3R ALGEBRA. THATS GOD EXPAINING TO YOU HOW HE CAME INTO EXISTENCE .... SO INSTEAD OF ASKING FOR ANSWERS TO KNOWLDEGE YOU CANNOT YET COMPREHEND. ASK ANSWER'S TO KNOWLEGE THAT IS COMPREHENDABLE. EVENTUALLY YOU WILL UNDERSTAND.
@Stephen-fe8bq 3 ай бұрын
@user-ro1wp7bg2s Yeah, you're right! 😊 I'm moving back to the philippines 🇵🇭 and I will eat fresh caught fish usually, 🐟 so! 😉🤣
@brucebay 4 ай бұрын
Joe, i pray for you every day and i think your mind and heart are slowly opening to the possible that the bible is true. Mad respect for you, brother
@fleafly70 4 ай бұрын
Good Stuff!
@Gatchaman01 4 ай бұрын
Here’s your answer about a day for the Lord is. 2 Peter‬ ‭3‬:‭8‬ ‭NIV‬‬ Bible ”But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.“ ‭‭
@faceious2006 4 ай бұрын
Yea, written down by savage age fishermen that thought the earth was flat, the center of the universe, and that witches were real. Consider the source. Your need to believe is based in your denial of the finality of your death.
@gabrieltrevizo6088 4 ай бұрын
That's because they've never actually read the bible and specifically that particular scripture. Yet they have so much opinions about its credibility and contents within. Smh. I came to comment that very verse but you took the words out of my mouth. 👍
@user-sm6jw3ci4z 4 ай бұрын
Doesn't that basically mean that he is outside of space and time because he created it
@mw9297 4 ай бұрын
Those are the lies of our alien overlords. The devil and demons.
@mw9297 4 ай бұрын
God is all, god already knows all. We know all, we’ve been blinded.
@estwald555 4 ай бұрын
This is the first time I have heard anyone say that God rested on the sixth day.
@travisreynoldsmusic 4 ай бұрын
LOL. 7th but I knew what he meant lol
@rickiedover6335 4 ай бұрын
Probably got smashed on Friday
@packerfan66 4 ай бұрын
The wonders of Gods abilities are now even being exaggerated. Pretty soon it will be told that God did it all in four days!
@wampaswomps3975 4 ай бұрын
These days we all work 9 days a week and there is NO rest day.
@michaelmccarthy2369 4 ай бұрын
It may be metaphor. A day represents a 1000 years in heaven. ​@@packerfan66
@zagagrad 4 ай бұрын
The background music is excellent!!!
@luizlaredo 4 ай бұрын
title of the background music please
@ProjectPhenix 4 ай бұрын
@@luizlaredo yes
@19LL96 4 ай бұрын
Im not entirely sure, but it sounds like Nils Frahm.
@benjamintorrens-spence4772 4 ай бұрын
commenting so i find out when you do!
@SoutheastTx 4 ай бұрын
@LAtxien24 4 ай бұрын
It's good to see Joe coming to a realization about the Bible.
@leenickson5684 3 ай бұрын
@kennethnyhus1337 3 ай бұрын
Copied from Sumerian tablets
@LAtxien24 3 ай бұрын
@@kennethnyhus1337 it was the other way around
@ProjectChrist777 2 ай бұрын
@@kennethnyhus1337 "1 Enoch is not Sumerian, it's dated 300-100 BC, later than nearly every book of the Hebrew Bible. It influenced the New Testament (and Daniel). "Sumerian tablets" is vague and doesn't point to any specific text. The Genesis flood narrative is ultimately based on the Sumerian flood narrative, but it's by way of the neo-Babylonian Gilgamesh epic, specifically tablet XI. Accusations of "plagiarism" are never made by scholars, always by someone with a bone to pick. Gilgamesh wasn't copyrighted, it wasn't the work of one author, it was widespread cultural material so how could it be plagiarized? This is retrojecting modern notions of authorship and copyright onto ancient societies that didn't have these notions." don't worry, the dead sea scrolls has proven the Bible was preserved. The red heifer sacrifice happening very soon in Israel , the blood on the moon (rusting) Revelation chapter 6 verses 11-13, where verse 12 states, "And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood." & The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD. Joel 2:31 the trillions of cicadas coming to the US soon (which hasn't happened in 200+ years), the first successful Neuralink implant in a human and a developing Central Bank Digital Currency where in revelations it's written you won't be able to buy or sell. The eclipse going through Nineveh which was a place in the Bible story of Jonah, and the war soon to unfold in Jerusalem probably due to the red heifer sacrifice (the sacrifice hasn't happened in about 1500+ years by the way. ) All these things add to the credibility to the Bible even today, to not even consider it to be true is a huge mistake , what do you have to lose?
@robertchiarizia9463 4 ай бұрын
That was the best summary on that topic ever. Joe put it all together accurately. It has indeed been the longest game of telephone 📞 in the multiverse.
@RealSlavCom 4 ай бұрын
But think about how much gets lost in an average game of telephone over say 5 links... and we're talking stupid easy sentences such as "Joseph likes Ana's big hut because it reminds him of home" and 5 links later it comes out: "Joe likes Ana's big butt because it reminds him of mom", and that's if you're lucky. So even if Joe is right about this, the stories in the bible would probably have nothing to do with the reality 30.000 years of a game of telephone later... assuming that's when they figured it out. And how do we supposedly know so much about the dinosaurs, but hardly anything of these IMMENSELY ADVANCED civilizations? They were so advanced, but didn't think of writing it all down on something indestructible over 30K years, so that we could read it from the source, rather than the bible? Like, say... plastic bags? 😅😂😭
@robertchiarizia9463 4 ай бұрын
@@RealSlavCom study a cataclysm called the Big Flood, and you will better understand why you cannot find anything intact before the antideluvian period. We are talking massive upheaval of heaven and earth of epic proportions causing an enormous extinction of most life on the planet. The story of Noah is not completely inaccurate. There was a flood and it has been verified scientifically. Effectively wiped out Giants and gigantopithecus species like Sasquatch, Yeti, and large lizards.
@robertchiarizia9463 4 ай бұрын
@@RealSlavCom they did record it. Problem is your kind has lost the mental faculties because of genetic mutations to be able to interpret what they left behind. Study how to interact with crystals, and you will learn how to communicate with the ancient Akashic Records left behind for the worthy.
@robertchiarizia9463 4 ай бұрын
@@RealSlavCom repair your genetically damaged pineal gland and you will be able to use your sixth sense more effectively. Most of human kind has devolved genetically to be third eye blind. Very difficult to explain to a blind person what they have no sense perception of. It’s like explaining moonlight to a blind man. The Pineal gland is the key physically to perceiving with your sixth sense. Were it not for this genetic regressive trait, telepathy would be second nature to you more than making sounds with your mouth to communicate.
@Shockstar76 4 ай бұрын
where would one begin in the study of crystals in your opinion?@@robertchiarizia9463
@richardmarquez3290 4 ай бұрын
He said at the end what is a day to God. Made me think of James 4:14 Life is but a vapor . For some reason when I read this it made me think that this was a direct indication of eternity!
@EnigmaticDecay 4 ай бұрын
I love this conversation.
@whatk0 4 ай бұрын
Vedic culture has so much context in this, the things that have been done in that side of the world is unimaginable. Arguably it is the oldest civilization and has made impact on Babylonian history as well.
@antonbeats9777 3 ай бұрын
Ur a pagan. Follow god the one true god.
@ACivilainFromGlobalSouth 3 ай бұрын
It's sadly being side-lined since generations now, specifically in the west on public platforms but used heavily as a source for "inventions". But truth is hard to suppress
@rikmichaels9233 4 ай бұрын
Modern society is far too disconnected from the Earth and nature unlike older civilizations
@h00ded0ne4 4 ай бұрын
The truth people don't want to believe is that we are meant to forget about our past and God has allowed things to be omitted from our history so that is exactly what has happened.
@moniqueengleman873 4 ай бұрын
@413PDS 4 ай бұрын
Where is your proof/evidence for God? How do you know that God makes us forget our past?
@pornneliushubbard1967 4 ай бұрын
You’re god. There is no god in heaven. You’re god. That’s what wrong with you people. It’s in the Bible and it’s in red font. “I say ye are gods” “if someone says look here or there believe them not. For the kingdom of heaven is within”
@bsting601 4 ай бұрын
Bible = The goat herders guide to the universe !
@halweilbrenner9926 4 ай бұрын
OK 😏
@chrismooreatyourservice 4 ай бұрын
JR...GOAT Thanks dude everyone be safe have a good day smiles 4 miles.
@sameemas1723 4 ай бұрын
@timwannell6477 4 ай бұрын
So so so on point
@user-ro1wp7bg2s 4 ай бұрын
Remember something. As the world has evolved the state of health has depleated. It you lived in the 1900's and lived into the 2000's you would be able to see in nature how things have reduced in size. Look at tree pictures from the 1800's and look the pictures of trees now. Look the pictures of how tall men where. Men looked like real men. Look at is now. People just getting shorter and shorter. Grass was longer its shorter. Men where taller now they getter and shortter. Food was healthier. Even science shows a fruite in the 19's 1 orange has a equivalent value of 6 oranges now. Evreything has depleated in size, in health. So if we are depleating. Its only logic to wonder how tall men were 5000 years ago. How strong were men. How healthy they must have been. Because fruits were way bigger and had more values than ithas now. The healthier food you consume rhe smarter you are. The more knowledge you are able to attain. The more unhealthy you are the less information you are able to comprehend. So men ate healthier good or evil. They were way smarter. Way taller .way stronger. Therefor they had the ability to design things we can only imagine. They were stronger than us. Animal's were bigger. Just look at cattle now. And look at cattle in the 19'S look wt the size differences. Understand the following also. Years ago there was not a system like the roman system that prohibits men from attaining the fullest legth of their thinking capabilities. The current curiculum does not promotes individual brilliance. When you get exarms you must answer according to the cillabus. If you write anything outside of the cariulum regiardless if its true. You dont get marks. They were way smarter becauee their education promoted individual briliance. If a man was identified as tallented in carftsmenship he would be taught to be a brilliant craftsmen according to his abilities he wouldnt be limited to pertorming the same skills thise did befire hom. Men build the piramids not aliens. And the world did not develop by a big banG. LOOK AT A BUILDING. ANY BUILDING. HOW DID THAT BUILDING GET THERE. YOU KNOW THERE HAD TO BE A BUILDER. SAME AS GOD. YOU KNOW BY YOUR EXISTENC3 THERE HAD TO BE A CREATOR NO MATTER HOW HARD YOU TRY TO IGNORE IT. MEN DARE TO ASK QUESTIONS LIKE IF GOD EXISTS WHO CREATED GOD. WHERE DID GOD COME FROM. DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW THE WORLD WORKS ? DO YOU UNDERSTAND THE FUNCTION OT THE HUMAN BODY? DO YOU KNOW SCIENTIST ARE STILL LEARNING ABOUT DNA STILL STUDYING CELLS. THE HUMAN RACE DOEST EVEN UNDERSTAND 99.9% OF HOW THEIR INDIVIDUAL BODDIES WORK. YET THEY HAVE THE ODACITY TO ASK WHO CREATED GOD. THERE ARE SOME STEPS YOU TAKE BEFORE SOME TRUTHS CAN BE REVEALED TO YOU. THATS WHY WT SCHOOL YOU START BY LEARNING 1+1 AS YOU DEVELOP YOU LEARN MORE AND MORE UNTILL YOU CAN COMPREHEND DEPPER TRUTHS AND LESSONS. UNTILL YOU FULLY UNDERSTAND YOURSELF AS A HUMAN AND CAN SAY I UNDERSTAND 100% HOW THE BODY FUNCTION FROM THE MICROCELULAR LEVIL UNTILL YOU CAN SAY I UNDERSTAND NATURE AND UNDERSTAND ALL THESE THINGS. YOU CANT BEGIN TO EVEN ASK GOD HOW HE CAME INTO ESTENCE. BECAUSE EVEN IF HE TOLD YOU. YOUR MIND IS NOT YET CAPABLE OF COMPREHENDING IT. ITS LIKE TEACHING A TODL3R ALGEBRA. THATS GOD EXPAINING TO YOU HOW HE CAME INTO EXISTENCE .... SO INSTEAD OF ASKING FOR ANSWERS TO KNOWLDEGE YOU CANNOT YET COMPREHEND. ASK ANSWER'S TO KNOWLEGE THAT IS COMPREHENDABLE. EVENTUALLY YOU WILL UNDERSTAND.
@neilcarroll4579 4 ай бұрын
Im glad that we cleared that up
@tbpizzle 4 ай бұрын
I love the music!!!
@newsundesign 4 ай бұрын
Death is not the end.
@dennissalinas704 4 ай бұрын
My Hindu brothers and sister have known this knowledge already, they are called the Yuga Cycles, it's a wheel that our souls keep on experiencing on this planet, we will always have amnesia, rediscovery, utopia & a dystopia, till one liberates their soul out of this world, it's literllay the freaking matrix up in this place.
@JasonlaroseLaRose 4 ай бұрын
Occam's Razor.
@gymtuppernation4703 4 ай бұрын
Joe was so dismissive of Christianity and the bible at one point in time. You can tell his perspective on the subject has been changed a lot (probably through guests like JP amoungst others). He speaks with much more respect about the subject recently. Shows he’s open minded and intelligent that he is willing to change his mind
@ScoreboardKeepers 4 ай бұрын
No its the holy spirit working on ol joe #scoreboardkeepers
@greatjobadvertisements4731 4 ай бұрын
Love the talk Joe! Damon Thompson and Ekklesia have some bomb info on this.
@greatjobadvertisements4731 4 ай бұрын
I don’t agree with Damon’s gun stance but I enjoy a lot of what he has to say.
@oldschooljack3479 4 ай бұрын
Have you ever read a literal word-for-word translation of ancient Hebrew? It can be tricky to decipher exactly what the writer was trying to convey... An example is God making Eve from Adam's rib. The word translated as "rib" can literally mean "rib." But it has another meaning that loosely translates as a generic word for "organ." There is another passage in the Old Testament where the Hebrews gather all if their belongings. It lists everything under the sun that they gathered... But the Hebrew phrase that was used literally means "all of their stuff/things/belongings." It isn't to say that things are wrongly translated... It's just that sometimes the intent/spirit/meaning doesn't quite come across in the translation... You end up with a close approximation of the general idea. And it wasn't one or two people who did it. The Septuagint was a group of 70 writers who all translated from the original text... And after they were done they all compared each others work and chose what they felt were the best translations.
@fleafly70 4 ай бұрын
Did Adam and Eve have bellybuttons?
@oldschooljack3479 4 ай бұрын
@@fleafly70 I don't know. I wasn't there.
@kevinw6814 4 ай бұрын
​@@fleafly70 Considering belly buttons are a remnant of having an umbilical cord severed at birth, one can reasonably assume they did not, as Adam & Eve were the first created beings. But that's an assumption borne of our own limited understanding--not only do we have zero proof, but we have no possible way to provide evidence of this particular assumption. Moreover, it's wholly irrelevant to the overarching story of God as testified in the Bible about his covenant with man, ultimately culminating in the rescue plan that is salvation found in accepting Christ crucified and His deity as confirmed in the resurrection.
@tylerbruso25 4 ай бұрын
@@oldschooljack3479missed opportunity for sure
@thegodofsoapkekcario1970 4 ай бұрын
There is also Genesis 5, where it lists the genealogy from Adam to Noah, but it also can be translated as a prophecy.
@carolynprince1181 4 ай бұрын
Dr Michael Heiser’s work did much to help explain what the ancients knew that we don’t. He is all over the internet and has written a lot of books. He’s also well respected in the Christian world.
@ScoreboardKeepers 4 ай бұрын
He also dont talk about the twelve tribes . Christian is a GREEK terminology . Christ himself was a Nazerine he himself would not know what a Christian is
@joeytrimble1558 4 ай бұрын
I have a story on this that directly Impacted me in a profound way ..when we had my mom's memorial the preacher was telling this story of that philistine lady that Jesus didn't want bothered with ..and I totally didn't understand it...took me a couple weeks to realize it was actually 2 people that fit into this roll of the lady in the mom was the non believer she wasn't one of them..and the ladies cries for help? Were my aunt begging him to do the memorial...the church was booked up..dudes been super swamped..he just didn't have the time to do it! And throw in my mom wasn't even a member there she wasn't even faith driven was very powerful stuff indeed..just another way of how the Bible and the translations get lost In the scope of things
@SNieX0 4 ай бұрын
@joeytrimble1558 4 ай бұрын
@@SNieX0 beat it rogan troll ..your horse deformer script is waiting for you
@rjsullivan3869 4 ай бұрын
Yeah huh?
@joeytrimble1558 4 ай бұрын
@@SNieX0 did you even understand what Joe was talking about or no
@SNieX0 4 ай бұрын
Hey Joey, yeah I understood the conversation with the guest and Joe but what does your mom have to do with it ?
@briansimon8969 4 ай бұрын
I’ve always thought that the words that are used to describe the beginning had to be fairly basic and to the point. Imagine the words on how the beginning actually happened-no one would understand it even to this day.
@dougg1075 4 ай бұрын
“ they will have a form of a godliness, yet deny its power, have nothing to do with them”
@CleitonSchneider 4 ай бұрын
2 Peter 3:8 "be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day."... I truly believe that Joe Rogan will be a believer VERY SOON!!! The Holly Spirit is knocking at hos door for a while!!! And that my friends will be a great add to God's force to preach the Gospel to EVERYONE... and the enemy knows that too... so the game is on!!... Praying for this brother big time! 🙌🏼🙏🏼
@Bragison 4 ай бұрын
Does anybody know the song in the background?
@jeremiahwalker878 3 ай бұрын
The masses choose to remain asleep “Ignorance is bliss” is such a true statement. They don’t want to see!
@persiah7779 4 ай бұрын
I really love how innocent Joe's curiosity is, especially in a day and age where his fellow celebrities are koo koo for cocoa puffs. What brought me back to the Bible from experimenting with all sorts of drugs and seeking truth in many different religions and belief systems is the fact that the only time I ever felt true peace was in the words of Jesus. My insecurities died down, my fears were silenced, and my pain felt like it had purpose when I came to know Him, not just as a character or even as a prophet, but as a real savior that hears my cries and actually gives a shit about what I'm goin through. I never found crumbs of that in other belief systems.
@benjaminmiller3075 4 ай бұрын
Wanting one story that makes it all make sense is a feature of the hardware
@adamsantiago8337 4 ай бұрын
This is amazing
@keithgraham4747 4 ай бұрын
First of all, that was well produced. The visuals and music fit well with the subject matter. I hope whoever produced it is a spiritual person but I suppose it doesn't matter. Psalm 46:10. If you do this in earnest not just physically, but in mind & heart, the results are undeniable. For me at any rate. Wishing all who read this good things.
@antonbeats9777 3 ай бұрын
I was an atheist stupid young and dumb but god heard my cry for mercy he turned his ear to me and brought me back to life, all glory to God in the name of the Father Son and the Holy Spirit. Ask and it will be given, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened.
@larryrivers2752 4 ай бұрын
The Bible is the most complicated Book I've ever read ! Like a very good movie, it needs to be read over and over.
@graffitifreighttrains1076 4 ай бұрын
It is only complicated because stupid men left out so much when it is written ALL SCRIPTURE IS PROFITABLE
@Brodiebro1 4 ай бұрын
The Bible is a hodgepodge
@tracezachdaniels4264 4 ай бұрын
''us help us all always and expose evil always '' GREAT JOB ALL...THANX 4 MAKING Tee with LIONS NAMED LEO the music worldwide. LOVE YOU ALL...!!!....MUCH LOVE.!!
@IamJdTrent 4 ай бұрын
I spent all of my years from 17-34 being depressed beyond comprehension....destroying my body,turning away from everyone and every THING. I choose to believe in God because otherwise,I wasted my whole life for no reason and there's NOTHING to look forward to. I just can't fathom that.
@denaredford6701 4 ай бұрын
The stories are truth told in the language of their days .
@cpmow831 4 ай бұрын
I’m dying to know how they got 300ton beams in the ceiling of the pyramid
@bswihart1 4 ай бұрын
It’s almost like “the force” was real back then
@nevergiveup-db6fp 4 ай бұрын
Nephilim did it
@user-oe5rr4dz2y 4 ай бұрын
My dear uneducated yanks. When pyramids were made earth was conjoined and sahara was lush and amazon desert. Its easy to migrate and recreate branches of fresh water rivers. And water reduces any mass, and if anyone knows in eutoption nations how they migrated hevay objects around wet or hard conditions, we used wooden planka of certain trees and migrate the river branch and float the mafaka to required destination. Environmental changes to geographically affected areas of Egypt resulted in current modern day egypt. If any of you u broke mafakas ever left that garbage america to egypt the egyotians first say " we za egybtians we thurn and twisthed the rivers tho floath heavy objects". There you go. And we all know fresh eater got higher density and easy to mlvr even ships.
@zappthezapper33 4 ай бұрын
sound and direct materialization from energy
@cpmow831 4 ай бұрын
@@zappthezapper33 it must have been quite the sight!
@pinkyblinders2650 4 ай бұрын
@ianirvingthorsonc 2 ай бұрын
You cam see Rogan's information converting into knowledge and then into wisdom ❤
@RobG811 4 ай бұрын
What song is playing in the video?
@chasegreene82 4 ай бұрын
When the Sunrise - Yehezkel Raz, Sivan Talmor
@leefordbodytransformation 4 ай бұрын
Darude - Sandstorm
@ZEROGRAVITY80 4 ай бұрын
I love this kinda stuff. I could listen about ancient civilizations and the unknown from our past. Imagine if we woke up one day and knew all the answers to everything. Probably couldn't handle the truth.
@kentneumann5209 4 ай бұрын
I could.
@1MinuteWithTina 4 ай бұрын
2 Peter 3:8 But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.
@NJD-tp2uf 4 ай бұрын
Videos like these are why joe is so popular
@dachunde 4 ай бұрын
Keep digging.
@user-ro1wp7bg2s 4 ай бұрын
Remember something. As the world has evolved the state of health has depleated. It you lived in the 1900's and lived into the 2000's you would be able to see in nature how things have reduced in size. Look at tree pictures from the 1800's and look the pictures of trees now. Look the pictures of how tall men where. Men looked like real men. Look at is now. People just getting shorter and shorter. Grass was longer its shorter. Men where taller now they getter and shortter. Food was healthier. Even science shows a fruite in the 19's 1 orange has a equivalent value of 6 oranges now. Evreything has depleated in size, in health. So if we are depleating. Its only logic to wonder how tall men were 5000 years ago. How strong were men. How healthy they must have been. Because fruits were way bigger and had more values than ithas now. The healthier food you consume rhe smarter you are. The more knowledge you are able to attain. The more unhealthy you are the less information you are able to comprehend. So men ate healthier good or evil. They were way smarter. Way taller .way stronger. Therefor they had the ability to design things we can only imagine. They were stronger than us. Animal's were bigger. Just look at cattle now. And look at cattle in the 19'S look wt the size differences. Understand the following also. Years ago there was not a system like the roman system that prohibits men from attaining the fullest legth of their thinking capabilities. The current curiculum does not promotes individual brilliance. When you get exarms you must answer according to the cillabus. If you write anything outside of the cariulum regiardless if its true. You dont get marks. They were way smarter becauee their education promoted individual briliance. If a man was identified as tallented in carftsmenship he would be taught to be a brilliant craftsmen according to his abilities he wouldnt be limited to pertorming the same skills thise did befire hom. Men build the piramids not aliens. And the world did not develop by a big banG. LOOK AT A BUILDING. ANY BUILDING. HOW DID THAT BUILDING GET THERE. YOU KNOW THERE HAD TO BE A BUILDER. SAME AS GOD. YOU KNOW BY YOUR EXISTENC3 THERE HAD TO BE A CREATOR NO MATTER HOW HARD YOU TRY TO IGNORE IT. MEN DARE TO ASK QUESTIONS LIKE IF GOD EXISTS WHO CREATED GOD. WHERE DID GOD COME FROM. DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW THE WORLD WORKS ? DO YOU UNDERSTAND THE FUNCTION OT THE HUMAN BODY? DO YOU KNOW SCIENTIST ARE STILL LEARNING ABOUT DNA STILL STUDYING CELLS. THE HUMAN RACE DOEST EVEN UNDERSTAND 99.9% OF HOW THEIR INDIVIDUAL BODDIES WORK. YET THEY HAVE THE ODACITY TO ASK WHO CREATED GOD. THERE ARE SOME STEPS YOU TAKE BEFORE SOME TRUTHS CAN BE REVEALED TO YOU. THATS WHY WT SCHOOL YOU START BY LEARNING 1+1 AS YOU DEVELOP YOU LEARN MORE AND MORE UNTILL YOU CAN COMPREHEND DEPPER TRUTHS AND LESSONS. UNTILL YOU FULLY UNDERSTAND YOURSELF AS A HUMAN AND CAN SAY I UNDERSTAND 100% HOW THE BODY FUNCTION FROM THE MICROCELULAR LEVIL UNTILL YOU CAN SAY I UNDERSTAND NATURE AND UNDERSTAND ALL THESE THINGS. YOU CANT BEGIN TO EVEN ASK GOD HOW HE CAME INTO ESTENCE. BECAUSE EVEN IF HE TOLD YOU. YOUR MIND IS NOT YET CAPABLE OF COMPREHENDING IT. ITS LIKE TEACHING A TODL3R ALGEBRA. THATS GOD EXPAINING TO YOU HOW HE CAME INTO EXISTENCE .... SO INSTEAD OF ASKING FOR ANSWERS TO KNOWLDEGE YOU CANNOT YET COMPREHEND. ASK ANSWER'S TO KNOWLEGE THAT IS COMPREHENDABLE. EVENTUALLY YOU WILL UNDERSTAND.
@yamilsantos6533 4 ай бұрын
@jatochgaatjeniksaan3307 4 ай бұрын
All caps bro,really? You ok buddy?😂
@ScoreboardKeepers 4 ай бұрын
All caps and wrong . The problem is people are not picking up the book 📚 and reading it. He told you what a day is 2 Peter 3:8 KJV - But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. #scoreboardkeepers
@jatochgaatjeniksaan3307 4 ай бұрын
@@ScoreboardKeepers you actually believe this shit?
@ScoreboardKeepers 4 ай бұрын
@@jatochgaatjeniksaan3307 well I suggest you start believing also if not now eventually you won't have a choice . This book has prophecy in it
@jatochgaatjeniksaan3307 4 ай бұрын
@@ScoreboardKeepers if i was not given the inate confiction to believe it would seem to be a design flaw.
@aaronrao1048 4 ай бұрын
And that's why Joe rogans the man... Thanks for creating such an amazing podcast
@mosart9689 4 ай бұрын
You made me SHAZAM this background music, LOVE IT!!!!!
@nocc5189 4 ай бұрын
I literally stay subbed just so i can see how unhinged joe has gotten first hand 😊😊😊
@ScoreboardKeepers 4 ай бұрын
@user-ro1wp7bg2s 4 ай бұрын
Remember something. As the world has evolved the state of health has depleated. It you lived in the 1900's and lived into the 2000's you would be able to see in nature how things have reduced in size. Look at tree pictures from the 1800's and look the pictures of trees now. Look the pictures of how tall men where. Men looked like real men. Look at is now. People just getting shorter and shorter. Grass was longer its shorter. Men where taller now they getter and shortter. Food was healthier. Even science shows a fruite in the 19's 1 orange has a equivalent value of 6 oranges now. Evreything has depleated in size, in health. So if we are depleating. Its only logic to wonder how tall men were 5000 years ago. How strong were men. How healthy they must have been. Because fruits were way bigger and had more values than ithas now. The healthier food you consume rhe smarter you are. The more knowledge you are able to attain. The more unhealthy you are the less information you are able to comprehend. So men ate healthier good or evil. They were way smarter. Way taller .way stronger. Therefor they had the ability to design things we can only imagine. They were stronger than us. Animal's were bigger. Just look at cattle now. And look at cattle in the 19'S look wt the size differences. Understand the following also. Years ago there was not a system like the roman system that prohibits men from attaining the fullest legth of their thinking capabilities. The current curiculum does not promotes individual brilliance. When you get exarms you must answer according to the cillabus. If you write anything outside of the cariulum regiardless if its true. You dont get marks. They were way smarter becauee their education promoted individual briliance. If a man was identified as tallented in carftsmenship he would be taught to be a brilliant craftsmen according to his abilities he wouldnt be limited to pertorming the same skills thise did befire hom. Men build the piramids not aliens. And the world did not develop by a big banG. LOOK AT A BUILDING. ANY BUILDING. HOW DID THAT BUILDING GET THERE. YOU KNOW THERE HAD TO BE A BUILDER. SAME AS GOD. YOU KNOW BY YOUR EXISTENC3 THERE HAD TO BE A CREATOR NO MATTER HOW HARD YOU TRY TO IGNORE IT. MEN DARE TO ASK QUESTIONS LIKE IF GOD EXISTS WHO CREATED GOD. WHERE DID GOD COME FROM. DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW THE WORLD WORKS ? DO YOU UNDERSTAND THE FUNCTION OT THE HUMAN BODY? DO YOU KNOW SCIENTIST ARE STILL LEARNING ABOUT DNA STILL STUDYING CELLS. THE HUMAN RACE DOEST EVEN UNDERSTAND 99.9% OF HOW THEIR INDIVIDUAL BODDIES WORK. YET THEY HAVE THE ODACITY TO ASK WHO CREATED GOD. THERE ARE SOME STEPS YOU TAKE BEFORE SOME TRUTHS CAN BE REVEALED TO YOU. THATS WHY WT SCHOOL YOU START BY LEARNING 1+1 AS YOU DEVELOP YOU LEARN MORE AND MORE UNTILL YOU CAN COMPREHEND DEPPER TRUTHS AND LESSONS. UNTILL YOU FULLY UNDERSTAND YOURSELF AS A HUMAN AND CAN SAY I UNDERSTAND 100% HOW THE BODY FUNCTION FROM THE MICROCELULAR LEVIL UNTILL YOU CAN SAY I UNDERSTAND NATURE AND UNDERSTAND ALL THESE THINGS. YOU CANT BEGIN TO EVEN ASK GOD HOW HE CAME INTO ESTENCE. BECAUSE EVEN IF HE TOLD YOU. YOUR MIND IS NOT YET CAPABLE OF COMPREHENDING IT. ITS LIKE TEACHING A TODL3R ALGEBRA. THATS GOD EXPAINING TO YOU HOW HE CAME INTO EXISTENCE .... SO INSTEAD OF ASKING FOR ANSWERS TO KNOWLDEGE YOU CANNOT YET COMPREHEND. ASK ANSWER'S TO KNOWLEGE THAT IS COMPREHENDABLE. EVENTUALLY YOU WILL UNDERSTAND.
@jedidiahgrissumrenaissance3263 4 ай бұрын
I recommend Joe have Billy Carson on that would be an interesting conversation! #joerogan #billycarson
@jessysilva3103 4 ай бұрын
I love you ❤Joe Rogan,
@bushmanphotos 4 ай бұрын
that was a good one
@sharonsimmons6427 4 ай бұрын
You should reread Revelations, Joe. Rather startling how it seems to be predicting things that are happening right now.
@chriskatherman1488 4 ай бұрын
@travisreynoldsmusic 4 ай бұрын
With all due respect I've read Revelation a 1000 times front to back. If only John had written a specific year. Things in Revelation have been unfolding for a long time. My whole 59 years of existence has been filled with a preacher telling me tomorrow is the end or next year. Armageddon is upon us. Yet here we still are. Truth be told no one knows! Period, and the last ones who will get it right are our dumb presuming asses. A thief in the night doesn't call before he comes!!!
@chriskatherman1488 4 ай бұрын
@@travisreynoldsmusic Luke 21:7-33 when the fig tree blooms... When Israel becomes a nation again....this happened in 1948.. This is one of the signs....these are the days
@travisreynoldsmusic 4 ай бұрын
I understand that. So when?? GIve me a time and date?? Bible also says the world will seem as peaceful as ever and all is going well "Paraphrasing". Of course they think they found Noah's ark but that still isn't in concrete yet lol, A day is but a thousand years to God. I could argue the point that seven is the number of completion for God. If that be the case we've got a long way to go before 7000 years. Which, would be seven days for God. I hope I'm wrong. I hope it's tomorrow cause I'm ready but I just don't believe we're close as some think.@@chriskatherman1488
@sharonsimmons6427 4 ай бұрын
@@travisreynoldsmusic People will be able to communicate instantly; good will be called evil and evil good; war will break out all around; hedonism will be celebrated as in Sodom and Gomorra; Israel will be attacked from all sides; and God will be forgotten. I’m sure it has been preached, as such, for centuries, but I don’t think it’s ever been as on script as it is now. There’s many more I know I’m forgetting about, but it is nearly 4 AM, and I’m only up because I can’t sleep, due to pain. The 7 year trials seem closer than ever, though. Pestilence, and natural disasters are ramping up too.
@keysix6371 4 ай бұрын
I think man could have moved the stones and shaped them. It would have took a tremendous amount of people. The problem is the amount food and water and organization and coordination to achieve this is the fascinating thing to me.
@overman2306 4 ай бұрын
The Egyptians made the stones by baking a cement in wooden molds in the sun-
@donovanjones4175 4 ай бұрын
Kinda like the Hoover dam or the mackinaw bridge, it all takes a tremendous effort of people and resources. Slavery was part of that, just like the paltry rations given to Pakistani workers in the Middle East today.
@uncledarren4262 4 ай бұрын
Think also of how time seems to move so much slower as a child and pass in an instant as an older person.
@AyooooAj 4 ай бұрын
@tomasmorillo6407 4 ай бұрын
What’s the name of the song playing in the background? Anyone?
@grunt9131 4 ай бұрын
6th day he rested?
@paulthompson1001 4 ай бұрын
I caught that too
@J4sse 4 ай бұрын
Must not be easy
@ScoreboardKeepers 4 ай бұрын
Rested dont mean tired . Rested is a word you can comprehend but it means biblical he CEASED. AND IT'S even meaning in that which pertains to you! Believe it or not i you want to know just ask me and i will tell. #scoreboardkeepers #
@3John16 4 ай бұрын
Bible tells you the answer. Genesis6
@S_Kapone 3 ай бұрын
lol no it doesn’t….its a code for something and that’s what they’re saying 🤦🏽‍♂️
@3John16 3 ай бұрын
@@S_Kapone Do you know what Genesis6 describes?
@Junebug_g59 4 ай бұрын
“Someone figured somethin out”😂
@ramsesp5009 4 ай бұрын
Joe is literately asking the right questions & what I like about him is he’s just questioning.
@fjc633 4 ай бұрын
Nothing compares to the pyramids of Egypt to date
@ddunnguard7746 4 ай бұрын
So you steal content, add a music track, and a coloring book photo and brand it as yours. Click bait trash.👎🤬
@tgoods5049 3 ай бұрын
Wow that background music really upped the ante.
@eaglethefox 4 ай бұрын
People really need to understand the difference between sophisticated and dedicated
@jeffreygleaves2931 4 ай бұрын
Stoner ramblings. Graham Handcock has really got Rogan swimming in bullshit.
@lordyfull7045 4 ай бұрын
Everything's has a beginning and the chills my spine how the end will look like😮😮....its crazy
@mathiaswolfe9734 4 ай бұрын
What music did you use ?
@georgianstancu9369 3 ай бұрын
Bro, respectfully, what is the name of the song playing in the background?
@fireupyourheartchildrenofgod 4 ай бұрын
So glad your getting over to the winning team about Creator God;).
@kevinisom405 4 ай бұрын
Joe , interview Jason Breshears of ARCHAIX .
@doitdoitright5916 4 ай бұрын
“For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountain of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries.” - Dr. Robert Jastrow (Agnostic)
@garypritchett8136 10 күн бұрын
Guys hit the nail on the head when he says ‘we’ll someone figured something out’, how those pyramids line up accurately with the stars is just uncanny. How did they map that out 4000 years ago without the tools?, what were they trying to relay to us?, I really believe they had a knowledge of something that we today don’t understand.
@danielwhitley6696 3 ай бұрын
I wish people would stop thinking people thousands of years ago were less intelligent. I argue they were more intelligent. We fall for everything now, refusing to learn from mistakes. Refusing to face truth out if fear of the consequences.
@stephenbuege2532 4 ай бұрын
What song is that?
@operationeight-ld5kd 4 ай бұрын
I’ve been thinking this for years, that perhaps humans have been around a lot longer than we think, that there were advanced civilizations who ended up destroying themselves and the survivors were cast back to a stone age level, and then had to progress back up towards becoming an advanced civilization again. I think writings like the Bible and other ancient texts have been translated so many times that it becomes like a game of telephone and the message gets distorted and lost, which is why a lot of it seems so mythological now. Just my own personal harebrained thinking of possibilities. I’m glad to hear Joe Rogan talking about similar things. I’m curious what other people think.
@rogerengland2821 4 ай бұрын
If information needs to be transmitted over the distance of time, through changes in language, culture, and attitudes. It's best to put it in simple stories and songs that are passed on down through the generation over the countless millennia. "A bird in hand is worth more than two in the bush." How long has this proverb been passed down? It is simple yet relevant in what it depicts through its imagery and narrative.
@russellthompson583 4 ай бұрын
Perfectly said joe rogan
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