The biggest issue with TFT systems | TFT Inkborn Fables | Teamfight Tactics

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Mortdog - TFT

Mortdog - TFT

22 күн бұрын

Originally Aired: June 29, 2024
Twitch: / mortdog
Twitter: / mortdog
Outro Song by Defcat: • DefCat - High Roll [Ri...

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@BandyClit 20 күн бұрын
the biggest problem in TFT at the moment is that Mort doesn't give me a little kiss on the forehead whenever I hit top 4
@cckmyuxun3689 20 күн бұрын
the biggest problem in tft is really just that Mort doesn’t kiss me
@LuridContent 20 күн бұрын
The best part of TFT is that that Mort isn't appearing out of thin air to kiss me. Now that's hardcore gameplay.
@faloughasch9239 20 күн бұрын
so fucking true
@georgeburchell296 20 күн бұрын
It's because you aint Morts homie, everyone knows Mort gives his homies a little kiss
@enchiridion829 6 күн бұрын
If I didn't hit and the game always gives me different garbage I curse mort everytime 😂
@AidanWR 20 күн бұрын
That's good that they have thought up some solutions, because it always feels bad running a reroll comp in a lobby with no other reroll comps, and just hitting nothing that you need. On the other hand, it also sucks trying to hit a four cost and just getting every other unit besides that one as well
@PonyInTheFridge 18 күн бұрын
I still think exalted could become a permanent fix for it, but the exalted pool should be heavier around more 3-5 costs less into 1-2 costs to make people use those (higher cost) units more, indirectly will empty the pool bags as well. And perhaps slightly buff the 5 trait.
@amiablereaper 17 күн бұрын
Yeah this is a very good "we're looking into it" kinda announcement
@edwinjohndelatrinidad8816 18 күн бұрын
Me who's not contested and still cant hit. Ty mort
@lucaspeters-murphy2770 9 күн бұрын
It’s not always about being contested though, that’s what mort is saying. If you’re playing a three cost reroll it obviously helps to be uncontested, but it also helps if other three costs have been pulled by other players cos it lowers the total bag size for all three costs
@ayserkans7909 20 күн бұрын
Have you ever tried some variation in the way units appear in the shop ? I was thinking of something like this : when a 3-cost should appear, you roll on the whole pool (even bought units) to decide which appears. But if the unit has already been bought by someone, you reroll the unit entierly, meaning it can change cost. That way, when people reroll 3-cost, they make it less likely for all players to encounter 3-cost, so it should remove the self-feeding loop of "everyone buys 3-cost so I should too" (but you can still be contested, unlike with an unshared pool of units). I'm sure there would be a ton of other problems with this, but it would be interesting to tinker with this idea I think.
@kirinashia567 20 күн бұрын
I don't want to be too negative but I'd like to point out how bad that feels for everyone else in the lobby even if they aren't making a reroll comp. One guy started building 3 costs? Okay now its hard to two star any of my 3 cost Frontline and furthermore for everyone contesting the person on the same unit it becomes even harder if they're behind the 1st player
@atedj0632 18 күн бұрын
@@kirinashia567thats not how this solution works though. Currently if 9 yones are out, it is easier to hit 2 star ammumu. With the proposed change the likelihood of finding 2 star ammumu is the SAME regardless if 9 yones or 0 yones are gone.
@kirinashia567 18 күн бұрын
@@atedj0632 Your reply skips what happens when someone (including yourself) is buying the same unit, which you'd think would be the same as if it was missing from the pool. But, rather than searching a pool with copies of your unit missing, now, when any 3 cost is bought and you roll onto them, you may get a 1 cost in that slot under the proposed change. To simplify things, if there is 1 amumu remaining 1 yone remaining that you want and everything else on 3 is purchased, you now have needles in a haystack where you have to roll 2/entire pool, whereas a depleting pool would just give you the remaining if you roll a 3 cost. Yes, your chance to land on any theoretical single copy stays the same as its 1/entire pool. But as everyone buys, rather than 17 copies going to 16/203 (current system) it's 16/204(proposed system). Lets say there's 9 yone 6 amumu out, and you want either one. You now have to land on 19/204 rather than 19/185. The pool never shrinking means that you get extra failure chances that did not exist before. Even if nobody else buys any 3 costs besides you your odds are worse. You need to roll 17/204, 16/204, 15/204 to get 2 star amumu. Under the normal system you'd roll for a 17/204, 16/203, 15/202. It's only true that the system odds don't change if your unit(s) remain completely untouched and you want only 1 copy. If you ONLY want 1 amumu and someone buys 9 yone, yes, that does not affect your odds, since you are still the same 17/204 whether or not the yones are missing. Edit: Not to mention.... you missed that the original post comment even said themselves that they want it to be: "when people reroll 3-cost, they make it less likely for all players to encounter 3-cost". Maybe you don't have any 3 cost, now if you land on an already bought 3 cost it isn't even going to be a 3 cost anymore.
@driftwisp2797 18 күн бұрын
@@kirinashia567 Let's say you have a 50% chance to get a 3 cost, and there are exactly two three costs in existence, A and B. If you're rolling for A, you have a 25% chance to hit it. So far so good. Now let's say someone else buys B. In live, you'd now have a 50% chance to get A, because if you get a 3 cost it must be A. In this proposed change, you'd still have the baseline 25% chance to roll A, but the 25% of the time you rolled B would become a reroll, which would also have a 25% to get A. Do a little calculus and you get a result of getting A a third of the time. Having B out of the pool still raises your odds of getting A, just not as much.
@kirinashia567 18 күн бұрын
@@driftwisp2797 the problem with your idea of getting another chance upon rolling B to get A is that you're assuming it's a 3 cost again. This is false, the proposed change said the reroll would be open to all tiers, so your failed 3 could become 1/2/3/4/5. And because there are FAR less units in any given cost pool than all units of all cost pools, the reroll is likely going to be far less chance to get A than C. Not enough to even offset the fact that you aren't diluting the pool as I mentioned with my fractions in the prior comment.
@brod103playstation 20 күн бұрын
Missing your streams mort hope the move is going well!
@dorping_Wolf 19 күн бұрын
last set akali and this set Rakan show one way of doing something different. (2 units sharing a bag spot).
@voskhodd 13 күн бұрын
Thr biggest problem in tft rn is that we still don't have a mort chibi
@masaboih 12 күн бұрын
Just revert the pool changes which is the root problem and solve the 4cost 3* problem another way, like further lower lvl9 5cost odds to 8%, increase lvl 10 odds, make 1* 5 cost weaker and 2* stronger and 4cost3* weaker so that full legendaries beat them. Problem basically solved.
@StefanLopuszanski 20 күн бұрын
Yep, drafting with pools does that. Really curious to hear their solutions... Not sure what they are exploring.
@hueyyang10 20 күн бұрын
It's prob some background code prob reducing randomness in shop chances. They tried this once and rolled it back super fast a few sets ago. So who knows. Maybe it's bag size revamp.
@StefanLopuszanski 20 күн бұрын
@@hueyyang10 : But that is very difficult to convey in UI or to make sense to players. The only thing that I can think of is that you don't pull from bags of X cost units but in brackets of bags but even that is hard to show to players. I'm working on an auto-battler myself, but all of our units are unique so we don't have that issue. Still very curious what they think will work and what they are testing.
@obliterator1543 17 күн бұрын
@@StefanLopuszanski Yeah I think it's what you're saying. It would probably just be having the bags not be limited to the cost. So every 3 cost that's out of the pool makes it harder to hit a 3 cost. It would make it a little harder to hit your 3 cost reroll though.
@joshuatolentino5566 19 күн бұрын
Hm... never knew this. Kinda answerd why when there a ton of 3 costs everyone has, and I can't find one more 4 cost to get mine to 2*, and I die before my 4 cost get 2*
@jakewhite5620 20 күн бұрын
i think its Chibi knockout animations.... my therapist isnt helping with this very much
@iwasdeleted708 18 күн бұрын
Why not make an augment that leaves a tile in your board, which increases the chances of that unit showing up, it can be prismatic with a 30-40% chance that the X cost units like the one in the tile will be the unit in the tile.
@dcc6238 18 күн бұрын
That problem isnt solvable by an augment, what he says just happens every game
@JuanCarlos-qr9gd 19 күн бұрын
I'm not into tft that much (just play some games each set) and being kinda braindead with what I'm doing, but it looks like you're taking a step in the right direction, at least there's some progress about that problem
@Dustin1161992 19 күн бұрын
biggest problem is the 6 lux players per game. "balanced"
@Darkshine369 18 күн бұрын
So go something else like yone 3. That’s literally called balance. Meanwhile the lux players will begin to struggle since they have less in the pool
@julianbock3849 14 күн бұрын
That should be But usually both Lux Janna Players make top 4 Which Shows how strong (Janna) is
@traninhlong7303 14 күн бұрын
Low elo lobby. Do you know how many S tier comp are in this patch? A lot
@julianbock3849 14 күн бұрын
@@traninhlong7303 ye but alot of Players are Not master or higher Alot of 4-2 gambling for your 4 cost And still in the worlds Janna Lux reroll saw some Play and good results So what exactly IS your Point?
@Inconspicuousaccount 19 күн бұрын
Altruist has needed a buff since the set was released
@alarafatlemon4690 17 күн бұрын
Last patch over
@amiablereaper 17 күн бұрын
Altruist is AMAZING they just don't make good carries. Idk what their values are now but 45 armor/mr for three alright units u were probably playing anyway is amazing
@edoardocolausig8123 14 күн бұрын
Altruist was one of the best trait during the all set
@nicholasfigueiredo3171 12 күн бұрын
It is the best or second best splash trait in the set, why would it need a buff?
@zubeyirylmaz4786 18 күн бұрын
I think thats a complicated problem to fully understand at the first sight. The problem in my mind is anti bad luck system could be stronger
@wx_nagi 20 күн бұрын
Still havent fix dream of earth arena skin 😢
@szymongrobelski2713 16 күн бұрын
one of the ways to solve this however i dont really know the mathematics to do it rn cause its of the top of my head make the units more rare however make everyone have a seperate champ pool except maybe for like the carousel rounds to the point where there can be like 4 3 star ashes however you have to get lucky to a degree to get that we would see a lot of the same units is the problem here and thats the problem the solution to that could be better balancing to the point where units in and of itself are almost useless unless you have the traits to beef em up but that comes with u guessed it better balancing and to a degree tft is better at it than lol but its still hard to balance it in that way
@vlogbagam9079 19 күн бұрын
I think the problem with this set and the coming sets are the longivity of it, i miss the set .5 even minor additionals are so amazing
@danielchin4198 20 күн бұрын
Id like to think that each cost reroll gets riskier and riskier since the ideal reroll lvl gets higher. In a lobby where most people form their team around the first 3 star they get, i try go high tempo 2 star reroll to bleed out top 4. So im really looking forward to what they are cooking up.
@MostWantedWannaBE 14 күн бұрын
i wouldn't call that a flaw i would call it a feature of game design and player adaptation and i wouldn't go as far as calling that a balance issue either as the game state will adapt baased on the lobby state if all units are viable to an extent leave players to decide on their own what that particular game should look like
@myco2408 12 күн бұрын
i wish tft was simpler like back in set 1-3 too much going on now for me personally
@dorlala9983 20 күн бұрын
iNfInItE bAg SiZe~~
@plox8279 19 күн бұрын
So thats why they kept the smaller bag sizes in set 11?
@789blablajaja 17 күн бұрын
Because bigger bag sizes pushes the game away from being a draft game and massively decreases interacticity with other players. Its not an easy problem to fix.
@jordanschmitt9412 14 күн бұрын
The bag size changes were intended to make it harder to play a contested comp and they do that. It used to be if there was something really op top 4 was all the same board, now there is actually room for two other boards in top 4 that play uncontested and hit into the 4 people contesting each other.
@at-ry3nt 18 күн бұрын
The biggest problem in tft is its gets boring 3 months into the set
@cesarjara745 20 күн бұрын
The biggest problem in TFT is encounters like Sett that just makes grow mini legends
@Darkshine369 18 күн бұрын
That’s literally called balance. If someone is owning the lobby with Ashe then I’ll go kaisa to counter. Cmon think dude
@ImKeeday 16 күн бұрын
Don’t think there should be bag sizes at all. If the whole lobby wants to play Yone reroll, let them. Then you would really have to understand positioning and strategy versus just being blatantly more burstier and stronger than your opponent. In this example also, if there’s a counter to yone reroll which I’d say probably Zoe reroll given her high burst and bounce damage, that one player who decides to not go Yone reroll should be at an advantage now cause everyone else went Yone reroll.
@capybareno23 15 күн бұрын
Why not just vary the cost odds by what's left in each bag?
@E_D___ 19 күн бұрын
Nooooo... The bags are a good mechanic! It is fun that if someone else gets a 3* it makes it easier on everyone to get other 3*
@simonnilsson8375 20 күн бұрын
The biggest feels bad is when someone in the lobby got level 10 and holding all 5-cost units. You need sett to finish your fated comp? Well to bad, this 5- cost roller needs to hold on to 2 2* Setts to find the last Udyr
@ahmet51197 20 күн бұрын
what about an dynamic percentage change of the odds ? meaning : if someone hits a 3star a couple of percent of this cost goes down , and the difference is added to the costs below it for example I hit a 3 star 3 cost at level 7 , for everyone the 3 star odds go down , based on the level odds the 3 star odd shouldnt go down the same amount , more like for example : at level 7 and 8 5% , at level 9 4% (ofc this numbers should be based on the level odds after testing ) this 5 is destributed to 1 cost and 2 cost odds at the level below because : at this point people should already have hit there 1 and 2 cost stars and be at least the same level as you or higher and not be able to reroll for 1 and 2 cost units afterwards if this number would be destributed to 1,2,4,5 costs odds , there would be too many 3 stars of them this mathematically adjusted with numbers , could lead to the same odds as it should be pool gets smaller + lower odd = same odds as before the 3 star (9units) where bought ofc this would need to be calculated
@otrikas 19 күн бұрын
Imo this punishes everyone unlucky way to hard. You already didn't hit your 3star? Well bad for you because the odds are now even worse for you.
@captainkeller2792 19 күн бұрын
My biggest issue is that Sets are there for too Long. I was a big Fan of cutting the .5 Sets but now i feel Like, ive Seen everything and got bored really heavily and Missing .5 sets. I didnt even Play that much compared to other Sets and i dont See my self playing another round in this set. Also too many Reprints, i dont know how many kayles we Had, who Just autos or cait with ult. Seeing the Same Things over and over again, even in a different context Burns me out faster and with the Set beeing Longer , that doesnt Help. There are Always quite a few new cool Things, Like the 5 costs this set or the original characters, Love em all. I dont know If i remember all of it correctly, but i think tryndamere has been in TFT twice, AS a 3 cost and a 4 cost and caitlyn with r has been in the Same amount of or even more Sets then tryndamere in general. The funny thing is, thats not a gameplay Problem, im not getting burned out by the gameplay, i get burned out by the Set Design, i still enjoy playing, i dont enjoy seeing. My prediction IS that we get a 1 cost vayne who either tumbles or has her w in the next Set and a 2c ezreal who shoots his q. Idk, looking forward to the next Set but there is the question in my head how Long it Takes for me to get burned Out this time. Also If there is not a 4 cost jhin in the 12 who Opens His r and says: "its high noon" , my disapointment will be big. Wondering If im the only one with those issues.
@jordanschmitt9412 14 күн бұрын
It's okay to just play the game until you get bored and come back for the next set. They have to balance between people who don't want it to change all the time, people who do want it to change frequently, and how fast they can actually put out a set which is tough balance to find.
@Trondtravle 19 күн бұрын
Is this what is happening when I have a comp to myself, but the 7 players playing yone all got their 3 star yone, somehow, but getting one damned Lilia 2-star is impossible? Noone is playing anything I want, but somehow I'm the one who doesn't hit. you've had me believing that you *already* had a "fix" in place that made it easier for people to hit contested champions...characters
@harstar12345 18 күн бұрын
I imagine they're doing some player specific bag ideas, integrating overall pool to modify the probability a specific player rolls x champ. Would take away some skill (or drastically complicate it) in knowing how many of x units are still in the pool when scouting, but I'd say that's a reasonable sacrifice for the potential improvements this would bring to the meta overall.
@ashtonparrish 18 күн бұрын
I think some people think its a balance problem but i think its like an interesting thing that is just a core part of auto chess games that is pretty cool and deck buildery
@quawer1518 18 күн бұрын
Going fast 9 is still better than reroll, it's just not always possible
@TheFuriator 19 күн бұрын
Matchmaking for me, I like the game, most issues were fixed (number of items, odds) but matchmaking rolls the dice if you get 3rd or 5th sometimes. Fight someone before they hit or after they hit, omega difference. 2 4-streakers not fighting or fighting each other. Not sure what to do but yeah
@gabademics9184 20 күн бұрын
Just bring back set 2 revival please. You did the most popular set now do the least
@tafadzwamanzini5463 18 күн бұрын
Naruto arena . A fan made game figured how ro baalnce and make it fun years ago . Stick to mumbers balnce from plat upwards
@csfnoodle 20 күн бұрын
make for fun game mode matching with infinite bag sizes or at least 8 people can hit 3 star 1/2/3/4/5 cost for experiment. lets see their feedbacks 😉
@tjarkr2197 20 күн бұрын
they added 100 copies of every champ in the pool at 4.5 revival on pbe and u saw so many 3 cost 5 star it was not fun.
@GhynFrancis 20 күн бұрын
Fix the TFT mobile first... Once there is a new update our phone can't update we can't update... We need to uninstall TFT and download again.. Stressing..
@KengCheong 12 күн бұрын
I disagree. The encounter would sway games into different directions as some would make higher or lower roll comp more favourable than the others.
@RiskyWiskyHD 20 күн бұрын
One of the easiest solutions are champion augments.
@Lunauwu331 20 күн бұрын
how exactly would that solve this problem?
@tighegilmore9202 20 күн бұрын
⁠@@Lunauwu331gives people a tangible reason to go 2 costs in particular as they are the least benefited by bag sizes when a particular unit of their cost is strong. Its obviously only a small part of the solution though
@doomse150 20 күн бұрын
​@tighegilmore9202 The difference between 2 cost bag size and 3 cost bag size is not that big, so the same logic that applies to 3 cost reroll also applies to 2 cost reroll. Maybe it applies even stronger, since 2 cost reroll usually gets 2 to 3 champs on 3* while 3 cost reroll gets at most 2
@geekyjew 20 күн бұрын
Hero augments were terrible
@Ysumguy 13 күн бұрын
Biggest problem for TFT is the very fact that it literally takes $100 worth of rolls to land that legendary chibi you want.....
@justinrivera8789 18 күн бұрын
Get rid of 3 star 5 costs and 4 costs they are too strong. Make it to where you can only have one 5 cost on the board and make them a bit stronger.
@BrainDamage4436 20 күн бұрын
So why even have a bag size limit? If there’s infinite they dont get affected by what other people play and balancing should be come easier and 3 star 4&5 costs become slightly easier to hit and you cant stop them but that could have a duct tape work around im sure like the shop knowing whats on your bench and just slightly skewing numbers to make it harder once you reach 7 or 8 of a 4/5 cost.
@eragonshurtugal4239 20 күн бұрын
Because while everyone "having" to reroll is Bad for the Game, Not evrybody being to able to force the comp they want it good for the Game.
@reynaldifebriyan1454 20 күн бұрын
yep, no one play my comp, but still got nothing after 79 rerolls
@user-iv6nt6cs6g 16 күн бұрын
Hello, I am a Chinese player, here I want to express some of my opinions: S11 season is the worst season, but also those very lucky players can go further season, I feel very sick. At the same time, I don't have any expectations for next season, it will only get less fun.
@sauce7489 20 күн бұрын
Everything right now is perfect, the bag size, level reroll chances, and leveling cost. The only problem is that players often feel comfortable for what they play anf forget the possibility that other 7 player must have the same idea as them. I always experience this and try something else. If I'm not contested, try reroll. If I'm contested, try hitting fast 8,9 and even 10.
@bruhhwhat3334 20 күн бұрын
@forgiveme888 20 күн бұрын
I think that's one of the biggest skill expressions in TFT. Identifying when to give up your committed comp and pivot to another one.
@ryancowles1805 20 күн бұрын
bring back champion picking for first of 3 augment choices to appeal playstyles
@pikxoticsaquapets1575 20 күн бұрын
Yeah...the 12 counts per unit is better..if all else, it should be limited to 18 per units so that ratting is reasonable
@user-op6mg2qf9v 19 күн бұрын
then remove that pool bullshit ok? Everyone should have the rights to play same thing
@michalbruzl9488 15 күн бұрын
i said it many times and ill say it again the biggest problem with TFT is that its probably the only game where you can suffer because your opponent is an idiot
@krmunoz2169 14 күн бұрын
When bad players can't complain about their team, they complain about whatever is available but assume skill issue.
@michalbruzl9488 14 күн бұрын
@@krmunoz2169 oh dont get me wrong im not saying the game Is shit or anything i play it since open beta and Its the only game i play for that long im just saying that you can suffer from other people being idiots which really hurts sometimes but i do realize that the whole point of TFT is adapting to every situation meaning you also have to adapt to people being idiots if i didnt that would make me an even bigger idiot 🤣 but TFT definetly has one of the best developing team behind it and i support every step they do
@hampst0r 20 күн бұрын
Biggest issue is the shared character pool between players. Just let us do our own thing
@MasterStacona 20 күн бұрын
biggest problem is kernal level access, not giving any company that kind of control over my computer, especially one heavily involved with a chinese company microsoft / windows does not count and no chinese involvement to begin with
@themaverick2219 20 күн бұрын
you are not giving any control, it's all bs
@Thandulfan 20 күн бұрын
And yet you gave away your soul to the 🤡 lord
@imtx_xmti 20 күн бұрын
Just play on mobile or emulator lol
@kirinashia567 20 күн бұрын
So you also avoid any games with easy anticheat or BattlEye? Because 90% of people that say this don't realize how many games have kernel access. That said, I do agree kernel access anticheat is bad and should not be implemented, let alone happening at startup and without asking, while I'm not even running the game.
@MasterStacona 20 күн бұрын
@@kirinashia567 it isn't the anti-cheat part i have a problem with, it is the kernel level access part and the fact that tencent is a chinese company microsoft is an american company and owns windows so it is unavoidable, but at least microsoft has to follow american laws.
@kenjinakasehino5937 20 күн бұрын
And also a big problem in the game rn is the best comp in the game being a 2 cost reroll because a 2 star janna is better than a 2 star azir. Great balancing, as always. Is really cool to lose every single game to a 2 cost reroll comp, even when your level 9 and has every 2 star 5 cost of a S tier comp, but you still cant beat 3 star lux, even when you outposition it. Ive actually seen a 3 star syndra lose to a lux reroll once.
@Tristanbal4 20 күн бұрын
Sounds like a skill issue
@Tbone2334 20 күн бұрын
I'm not sure how exactly your systems work and how much would be needed to change bag sizes but why doesnt everyone get an individual pool? That would solve the issue of people griefing you, beeing contested wouldnt feel that bad anymore and you dont suddenly top 8 with BIS items because the dryad player with too much candy decided to buy all the syndras and 3 star her on lvl 8 randomly.
@NyanEditzz 20 күн бұрын
Nah, playing around getting contestet and buying stuff you see someone else is trying to 3stars are normal gameplay mechanics in the game.
@StefanLopuszanski 20 күн бұрын
Individual bags makes the game not a drafting game and changes the core fundamentals. One skill expression they want to encourage is going something others are not going. You can't really do that with unique pools.
@kuttythefool6636 20 күн бұрын
If you go with Individual Pools, that means you have little to no reason to play anything but the strongest comp. The meta would become stale very quickly because you wont ever need to improvise or adapt. It suddenly becomes a game of pure luck and no skill.
@doomse150 20 күн бұрын
That just takes out a fundamental component of TFT being a multiplayer game, as it just make severy player play in a vacuum and then go Stat check their board against others.
@alexanderrein368 20 күн бұрын
Soo.. replace the "bag size" with "random shops" - being actually random, not based on what other players bought, reduce gold income opportunities (augments etc) and the game will sort itself out. Imo it would make rerolling feel better early+mid+late, it would make econing as well as rolling viable and the meta would have space for more comps. For example: now you will have lux, yone, illaoi and amumu in every game being hyper contested. That makes arcanists, wardens, umbral and reaper comps weaker in general than other comps. However- the other comps don't have units of the same value at this meta. This will most likely always be the case, but having 4 S+ tier comps hoarding most of the high value units is damaging the disparity of the game. I see "random shops" as something of a fix to this, since everything will be possible. You wont have to know what 8 players are currently holding and you can focus more on comps that fit your augments and items. Sorry for the rant - I hope this makes sense in some way.
@Senzu348 20 күн бұрын
This has been talked about before, if you do that everyone will force the strongest comp always. You will only see 1 comp every game because everyone hit it without being contested. It lower skill ceiling but better experience for the for fun player who just force a comp
@aname1190 20 күн бұрын
U fix 4 S+ comps dominating the lobby by making everyone play the same comp and the lobby is dictated by item spawns. Not a very good fix imo
@doomse150 20 күн бұрын
So, just get rid of the only way to interact with other players? Sure, that'll make the game better
@alexanderrein368 20 күн бұрын
Let's say that one comp dominates then: Lux, janna, amumu, diana, zyra, morg, illaoi. I see 4 people rolling for this. Why on earth wouldnt I just go 8 or 9 and roll for units that counters thst comp? If I can find a counter-comp I will already win 4/7 matchups. I really don't think that everyone would go for the same comp, and if they do - whoops, Lux get a nerf..
@kenjinakasehino5937 20 күн бұрын
Honestly, should just bring back the old bag sizes. Pro players hate the new ones, casual players hate them. Literally everyone who plays the fucking game hates it. And still you guys dont do jackshit about it.
@antoniocalcano777 20 күн бұрын
Very surface level understanding that ignores the fact that what he's talking about existed before the bag size changes from last set.
@dachosens1 20 күн бұрын
@@antoniocalcano777 yes but he has a point. If everyone hates current bag sizes why not just revert bag sizes to see what will happen. It definitly wont break the game so just try it
@jonathonirl 20 күн бұрын
​@@dachosens1 because they already know what will happen, they tried the old bag sizes for the majority of tft's lifespan.
@GonzoMD1993_ 20 күн бұрын
Old bag sizes were bad. Too easy to 3 star stuff, you saw them in every other lobby. It's a very complex problem that doesn't get fixed just like that
@kenjinakasehino5937 20 күн бұрын
@@GonzoMD1993_ nah, it wasnt easy at all. It was easy with the garbage headliner mechanic, which was why they changed it, but now, there are no headliners, but the bag sizes are still the same.
@SuperUltraDevin 20 күн бұрын
Just stop making it so that the pool is limited
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