The Collapse of the 9-5 Software Engineering Job

  Рет қаралды 23,322

Stephen Samuelsen

Stephen Samuelsen

Ай бұрын

Software engineering as a career requires additional studying and experimenting on the side, but does this extra time count towards total hours worked in a week?

Пікірлер: 179
@Icedanon Ай бұрын
There is curving the bill of your hat, then there is what you're doing.
@ball-e Ай бұрын
@CascadiaNow69 Ай бұрын
That’s how we fold em down south
@anfluencerr Ай бұрын
@PPCCO. Ай бұрын
@dorfe420 Ай бұрын
bro's hat really said y = -x^2
@AMRedemption 28 күн бұрын
anyone who “creates” never stops thinking. the work is part of you. I stare at TVs at bars breaking down the commercials; animations, lighting, framing, shot sequence, color, style… it’s gotten worse when I started doing 3D 😂
@cbaesemanai Ай бұрын
you are not wrong, I have actually solved coding problems by dreaming about them.
@tylerewing8163 Ай бұрын
On god
@StephenSamuelsen Ай бұрын
Inception level programming lol
@mriddicksmith Ай бұрын
I've dreamt about a solution that had refused for days, and it worked.
@QuivO0 Ай бұрын
This is fucking awesome because something similar happened to me, but in my case I solve a problem in a videogame while I was dreaming, and when I woke up, I tried the thing that I had dreamed about, and It worked just as I dreamed lol
@Cognitoman 29 күн бұрын
I do it laying in bed and while taking a shower
@QuivO0 Ай бұрын
I just started to study computer science this year, and I'm not going to lie... The amout of information is absurd, but there is this particular feeling of being capable of creating things that keeps pushing me.
@henryconner780 Ай бұрын
Yeah, computer science is not Software Development, those are two different things (fundamentally, though can overlap). Computer Science is math orientated, linear algebra, calculus etc. Making Algorithms for machine learning etc, that is more the realm of COMPSci. In summary, computer science is the academic discipline that studies computation and its applications, while software development is the practical process of creating software products using computer science principles and techniques.
@Icedanon Ай бұрын
For the love of God, get out! College is a scam and society has bought it hook line and sinker. This is what's going to happen when you graduate. you're going to have a mountain of debt and struggle to find a job. If youre lucky enough to find one, youll be under paid and live a large portion of your life being a wage slave in front of a computer. That is if jobs in the field even exist by the time you drop your 100 grand to uber rich colleges. Because ai doesnt care how much money you have to pay back.Then you're going to wonder how everyone else is getting by. We'll, guess what, a lot of them aren't. Look up videos of people's experience in the field right now. It is an inescapable nightmare. You'll be saddled with debt the rest of your life and despite everyone directing you one way, when it all blows up, everyone will blame only you and ignore any responsibility of society in directing it's people down a path.
@nickst2797 Ай бұрын
Wait till you get a real job. All the creativity will be vaporized.
@Icedanon Ай бұрын
It's a scam. Get out while you can. Youll end up with way more debt you have any right being in, and a degree in a field where ai is taking over. Cs has been flooded by corporations with ads and articles about evergreen promises of learning to code to drive up competition and drive down wages. Even if you do find a job, you'll be under paid, spending all your time in front of a computer doing the stuff mundane and undesirable enough for someone higher than you to not want to take it on themselves. Unless of course, you're the 1%. In which case, congrats, you beat the game.
@Icedanon Ай бұрын
It's a scam. Get out while you can.
@seyproductions Ай бұрын
The learning and problem solving never ends
@charlie64x2 Ай бұрын
This applies to software and life in general. 🙂
@ishaanrawat9846 Ай бұрын
Anyone who is a serious programmer does that thinking about problem even in shower talking to himself then trying to write the code relatable
@brianviktor8212 Ай бұрын
I happen to figure out solutions for my problems in the bath. I require quiet outside of a screen in order to think well.
@denisblack9897 Ай бұрын
@@brianviktor8212same Solution always comes by itself, when I go for a walk or lay down to bed. Too bad your loved ones don’t get enough attention if you live like that 24/7 fishing for invisible fish.😢
@mineturtle12321 Ай бұрын
serious programmers don't take showers lmao
@cohaya1 Ай бұрын
Serious programmers have a life outside of work and decide to use that time to recharge and take care of family lol this programmer nonsense needs to stop we are the only tech role with such a elitists stigma attached to it. It’s cringe at this point with the amount of abstraction that goes into our code deez days
@brianviktor8212 Ай бұрын
@@cohaya1 Sure... but there are not many areas in which innovation and problem solving is so practical and challenging. We are not talking about coming up with scientific revelations that are groundbreaking, but solutions to difficult problems. In my case it means creating an architecture of servers and a client library to create a global one-realm space combat/exploration game that spans the observable universe. I am 90% done with the networking btw, I am fixing bugs now and doing tests. It is I think unprecedented and interesting. So it's worth talking about how we think about such things.
@gm42069 Ай бұрын
Thanks for the vid, great insights and your words came at a pivotal time in my own job. Never give up Greetings from Denmark
@StephenSamuelsen Ай бұрын
Wish you the best!
@JimmyV-softingware Ай бұрын
Agree with everything you've said (although not a software engineer yet ). I've done lucid coding or code simulations while staring at my microwave meals through the glass for my studies. Also, there's the other side where you finish a task in 30 minutes because of all the experience prior to your programming experience. Thanks for the down-to-earth view on software!
@BrianZhang11 28 күн бұрын
I resonate so much with finding myself drifting back to my work problems during my free time haha, it's fun but also I try to be aware of it and not let it stress me out too much. great video, very enjoyable watch!
@StephenSamuelsen 27 күн бұрын
Ha yeah trying to let it not stress you out is the hard part!
@mitchellsmith4601 27 күн бұрын
In California, there is an overtime exception for software development. So long as your employer pays you $54 an hour or more, you can be forced to work over 40 hours a week, even 80 or 100 hours per week, WITHOUT being paid overtime. IT professionals are exempt from this, and must be paid overtime.
@StephenSamuelsen 27 күн бұрын
That’s very interesting!
@womp6338 Ай бұрын
software development is a hard job. I've been doing it for 8 years and at the moment I feel burned out, I feel like I need to get to management position or start a business, or change careers in the next 5 years because I will get too sick of it.
@StephenSamuelsen Ай бұрын
have you switched companies during those 8 years?
@womp6338 Ай бұрын
@@StephenSamuelsen Yeah, but I think I'm overdue for a switch at the moment to be honest.
@starlord7526 Ай бұрын
@@womp6338 how much do you make with 8 YOE? I make $279 per month where I work with almost 1 YOE
@donaldlee9992 Ай бұрын
When I have a difficult problem, I often think about it late at night in bed and the solution just pops into my head seemingly out of nowhere....It's really weird. I work in the San Francisco Bay Area and have been a software engineer for over 20 years.
@StephenSamuelsen Ай бұрын
Very interesting to hear! I find that when I go on long walks or runs I tend to think about problems more clearly
@dparra119911 Ай бұрын
I would say this works for some of IT and security as well. I’m always working in a way.
@mana_mamba 25 күн бұрын
I started game dev a few months ago and I'm new to programming since last year, this is the exact mindset I have, even when I stop, my mind is consumed by the problems I am trying to solve, I enjoy the process so it doesn't really bother me too much, but it is hard sometimes to fall asleep.
@StephenSamuelsen 24 күн бұрын
@yek8487 Ай бұрын
You ABSOLUTELY do not need to put in that much extra. I work less than 40 on average, because I'm remote and I simply do my tasks then stop working. Sometimes I'll fill that time with extra research/training/learning, and sometimes I won't. But the only time I work outside of typical 9-5 hours is during crunch for a big new feature, and it's not very often that that happens.
@rxrxrx_rxrxrx Ай бұрын
I do the same thing. In the past the managers wanted to give me more work when I finished earlier and I always refused by saying "If it was enough at the sprint planning, why do I need to work more? I should, in fact, be rewarded for finishing earlier! And even if I stop working at the middle of the week, I will KEEP working since I'll be thinking about next week's tasks". In the end they started to respect that since I was always at the TOP 5 of the company productivity ranking and the "10x devs" who worked 10+ hours a day were behind me, because they were kind of "my work is just coding coding coding" while I had all the solutions to the current week tasks in my head because I thought so much about them a week before actually starting them. I wonder if it doesn't click for them that programming is a unique job and requiring the professionals to work X hours Y days per week is to shoot oneself in the foot..
@watchdoge6464 28 күн бұрын
​@@rxrxrx_rxrxrx 100%. Most remote home-office jobs just work different. These kinds of jobs are better done in bursts. There is so much more "thinking" than "getting it done" involved. Tbh, in a way, thinking IS getting it done
@watchdoge6464 28 күн бұрын
This is also why having too many work meetings can be disruptive for these kinds of jobs
@areweevensomeoneoutthere 27 күн бұрын
You are privilege to have this, most people don't.
@transparencyinteractive Ай бұрын
spitting that fire !
@failforwardfast8609 27 күн бұрын
Most jobs will have you thinking or working on them outside of the 40 hour work week that’s good thing if it’s isn’t causing too much stress but it shows you care.
@Cognitoman 29 күн бұрын
It boils down to this… coding is a 24/7 live style
The more you learn the better you get at making predictions about future outcomes…and let’s be honest…that can get pretty freakin fun when you are really good at making predictions and seeing solutions faster than other people. People look at you like “how did you know that?!” lol I enjoy that.
@kymypy 27 күн бұрын
the interface between "work time" and "free time" differs for every profession especially when it mostly involves thinking
@ZanderOBrien Ай бұрын
Yea his hat got some good points too
@tjfreak12 27 күн бұрын
If you like what's behind rust you should try zig
@watchdoge6464 28 күн бұрын
Can't quantify your work hours, cause in this job, you're still working even when you're not sitting in front of the computer and coding
@fiethsing9988 29 күн бұрын
I knew software engineering wasn't for me anymore after I worked so much my thoughts would start drifting mid conversation with other people. They call my attention and ask if I was listening at all and I always had to say sorry and reply I was think about my job. It wasn't even bringing me satisfaction because finishing a project for a company or client is not the same as working on your own personal aspirations and needs. The stress wasn't worth the money either since your drive usually dips past the early years. Now I'm working on my career as an artist and doing software dev for my own. It's a lot more rewarding this way although my income has yet to reach the same level as when I was working in the field.
@GeneraluStelaru Ай бұрын
If the feature I'm developing at work is more interesting than what I have going on on the side, I would literally do overtime without any care.
@migue018 26 күн бұрын
is kind the same of a medical field...always looking for new ways, studies, papers, etc..
@lannyjr1042 Ай бұрын
Pro tip: get into product based company and over time job will get easier and easier to the point where you'll only work few hours per week and that's also more of auto pilot mode.
@FaCiSmFTW Ай бұрын
Why does it get easier?
@YourEverydayDeveloper Ай бұрын
Because you Get to know the product code base more and more and Need less time to fulfill requirements
@cyberpunkalphamale Ай бұрын
Was looking for this one
@potato7083 Ай бұрын
hell nah, most of this company requires u to go to the "site/office"
@daxramdac7194 29 күн бұрын
Its the folks with a 9-5 mentality who ask dumb questions like that. If youre doing something you enjoy, like youre a concept artist or a 3D modeler/animator for a game studio, or youre the lead game programmer, you will work 18 hours in one day if needed because you take pride in what you do and want to make something good.
@adithyam3202 Ай бұрын
but what makes any of this exclusive to swe
@mko-ai 25 күн бұрын
The angle of the shot and camera positioning is interesting. I think this is kind of a dangerous admission especially as the companies we work for increasingly try to take ownership of our "side" work while under contract with them. I had the skills before I was hired, any time I spend developing outside of work is going towards my future regardless of the company I work for. It simply sounds like the failure to disengage many people experience during their first, maybe 5 years of remote work. I've been doing this so long I know better to disengage even while I'm working. Fuck it.
@cihan.a Ай бұрын
no decent work in life is done with only 40 hours of work. ofcourse some people are able to achieve more by working less but only after working 50 hours a wee for a few years.
@OVERCAPITALIZE 29 күн бұрын
This is the real truth - gotta grind to reap the rewards.
@TheMoviesfable Ай бұрын
@BuwnyCinnamon 27 күн бұрын
First 2 minutes, I hard agree, I work 9-5, but the actual work takes tops 3-4 hours, then the rest of the day, up to the moment I go to sleep, i am continuously thinking about code trying out stuff in my personal time for personal projects, opening the laptop and running the algorithm through the day... would anybody ask me how many hours a day I do "work" in my criteria it's about 13 hours, and I absolutely love what I do.
@BuwnyCinnamon 27 күн бұрын
It absolutely paid off, Senior Position out of college. ppl that want to work on the field have to compete with others that put on more time for having software as a hobby, so they must consider that.
@StephenSamuelsen 26 күн бұрын
getting a senior position out of college is incredible!
@xxcrypt234 Ай бұрын
combine two jobs
@slimjimjimslim5923 17 күн бұрын
Watch out for "the more work you do, the more work you get". I seen co-worker that rushed to complete their task because they wanted to leave early, only for manager to assign a second task, which they basically stayed late for to finish.... I seen coworker getting more and more task assigned until they reached a break point of starting to yell at team meetings, that's why the manager back off a bit. Work will treat you like a tire, and wear you out and replace you.
@StephenSamuelsen 15 күн бұрын
ha yeah ive seen people freak out on meetings before too. I think that's why estimating and planning is so important. I think that's the hardest part about software engineering is just estimating the work
@sbnerji12555 22 күн бұрын
What do you think about product management? Is it a good career option
@StephenSamuelsen 21 күн бұрын
it definitely is. I know of people who have switched from software engineering over to product management and have gotten their PMP certification and do very well
@CodingThingsIRL 29 күн бұрын
Bro has all the screen space.
@theunsortedfolder6082 Ай бұрын
Don't worry, you are not the first to have this question, nor is your profession any different then other professions. You are not that special. What is different at this point in your life is that you are starting to question your commitment, and you'll soon to understand what is important in life. Once this happens, your life will be easier, and you'll start to live. Others, young as you are now will come to your place, biting hard, until they get to the same point as you. It is normal cycle. I'have 20+ years in engineering, and I've seen this transition with my colleagues and myself. Just don't worry, everything will come to you in time, when the time is right. Wear sunscreen.
@StephenSamuelsen 27 күн бұрын
I appreciate the feedback!
@stephane_katende Ай бұрын
I am so tired of these over expectations for software engineers 😂, do electricians or mechanical guys or any other hands on trade do ANY work at home outside being on site? Just because you're working at home or working with non tangible tools does NOT mean you do unplain work... Sure an electrician or mechanical guy cant really work at home since they do work onsite but ur keyboard is not any different than an eletriticians chip they wprk onsite.. or mech guy's 3d printer at work those guys get home, rest and wait until the next day to work. School, and or self teaching is the only time you slave yourself away to learn. If your working overtime to keep up with a job your either under skilled or have too much responsibilities. There is NO reason you have to work more than 40hrs unless your IN management. All this over expectation for this field is absurd, your slaving yourself for a company that will replace you for a half ass working engineer producing similar output. If anything the best engineers Ive met pace themselfs and dont overburn for anything!! The work is not going to run 😂 there is more work than time in a day so quality over quanity. You should be paid for learning at work because that's PART of the job nothing more or less. To all you novice/intermediate guys out there just pace yourself and dont get looped in this rate race. Last time I checked 2 engineers with 4yrs of experience rougly produce similar quality work so slaving yourself ur 4yrs or pacing yourself really does NOT matter in the long run all that much. I mean sure you could get the experience faster but why the rush? Your going to work the rest of your life anyway unless you get out the 9-5 rate race. Work your 40hrs and call it a day, eat healthy, take care of yourself and you'll be fine. All these toxic work environment and culture expectation people to work overtime all the time is absurd. We do NOT make our engineers work anymore than 40hrs and have just been doing fine- dont do a managers work unless your paid like one. Go find your nearest senior manager and ask them if younger them would be in a rush to get to that position.... the money stops to matter after a few years it just becomes work with a lot of stress so dont hurry yourself there 😂 work will never go away so long as software has go be maintained, improved and utilized by people - SK.
@DanielSalgadu Ай бұрын
Thats why I left programing and went for other stuff. Tired of working and studying 80 hours week besides over the nigh deploys etc
@vuIent Ай бұрын
@DanielSalgadu What'd you leave programming for more specifically?
@danielfernandesrosalopes4804 Ай бұрын
@@vuIent planning areas. worked as project/product manager where my job is more "predictable". The experience as dev helped a lot, cause those are areas lacking of people with tech background
@deanbeezer Ай бұрын
Having this exact same feeling now as a web developer. What did you end up going after? I've been thinking about just going back into IT somehow just because I really want to separate work and life. I've lost the passion and it's just a job now. Sucks man.
@StephenSamuelsen Ай бұрын
on call and nighttime deploys definitely are annoying
@erikm9768 Ай бұрын
Im a SWE and while I agree with you I dont think the having to think about your work outside of your work hours is at all unique to software engineering, it probably goes for all professions that require some planning / logical thinking. Am i wrong?
@mecanuktutorials6476 Ай бұрын
Not wrong. But software is uniquely tedious. Many professions are physical in nature. Software is completely up in lala land, often incomprehensible, full of defects, and the solutions are often duct tape which cause other defects to emerge. It gets complicated very fast. And that is just programming itself. Then there is the insufferable expectations of the industry which is riddled with “startup” culture, meaning working tirelessly and learning endlessly to chase carrots. Manufacturing is also known for long work hours. But that is still cyclical with periods of extreme stress followed by lax periods after product is shipped. In software, the products are always shipping and always need support. Everything is just much faster pace.
@StephenSamuelsen Ай бұрын
it is definitely tedious. I have spent days just reading through code trying to figure out the system
@Griffin519x 29 күн бұрын
The study outside of work I view more as bettering yourself rather than unpaid labor outside of work
@jordant4841 Ай бұрын
I’m at a point in my life where I want to go back to school and get a job in tech but I’m scared with all the advances in ai …my question is should I go to school for CS
@StephenSamuelsen Ай бұрын
computer science is a great thing to study. I would say if you like math, then go for it. If you don't like math and just want to do programming, then maybe go for like Information Technology, or something similar, and take as many programming classes as you can.
@nascentcloud3740 Ай бұрын
or go for software engineering somehow and skip the math courses
@Captaine_Crunche Ай бұрын
if all of us who are worried about AI outperforming us didnt try becoming a dev, then id have some damn opportunity for a dev job lol
@kammitch3131 Ай бұрын
@@nascentcloud3740 you take the same amount of math courses as a software engineer… and on top of that, you are a engineer so you’d be taking science classes as well.
@Siegefya Ай бұрын
​@@nascentcloud3740yeah, WGU has a software engineering bachelor's degree and it's got a very good just programming curriculum, there is 2 tracks to choose from, Java track and C# track. Lot less math, just college algebra, but a lot of job specific coursework and project assignments.
@TheTrackoShow Ай бұрын
what’s your main monitor
@zLcss Ай бұрын
looks like samsung odyssey g9 neo
@StephenSamuelsen Ай бұрын
samsung odyssey g9
@u263a3 28 күн бұрын
You don’t get good by only working 40 hours a week
@w1zard0_cs20 26 күн бұрын
I think you can get good working 40 hours a week, but to be great you need to put in extra hours. But for most people, 40 hours a week is enough to be a mediocre software developer.
@charlie64x2 Ай бұрын
You guys need to learn about the “subconscious mind”. You’ve mentioned it in the comments but seem to not be aware it even exists.
@mrcoldshower465 Ай бұрын
Great video, wouldnt have clicked if not for the clickbait, I am not being sarcastic
@micsnz Ай бұрын
Sucks even more if you live in a third world country like me working for a US client. They pay me $15 an hour for serious dev work. Underpaid as fuck, but I have no choice.
@rockhurstable Ай бұрын
Love the curved monitor bro! Where did you get it? Also big fan of the channel!
@StephenSamuelsen Ай бұрын
bestbuy. thanks!
@rockhurstable Ай бұрын
@@StephenSamuelsen very helpful. Thanks
@zb2747 Ай бұрын
People who don’t have heavy mental jobs can’t relate, which sucks sometimes Especially when I try to date women. Outside of work I am always learning/working In this field you MUST keep learning and in taking information
@nuvotion-live Ай бұрын
If you're a cook and you make yourself dinner at home, are you working?
@Diego0wnz Ай бұрын
You can just chatgpt instead of thinking nowadays
@fortznite8150 Ай бұрын
I wish that were the case but chatgpt does not work when the project is complex.
@pedroagma4417 15 күн бұрын
Listen at 1.25X speed = Get less depressed as you listen. Thank me later.
@d77droid Ай бұрын
swe industry is sick
@joyhappiness Ай бұрын
the collapse of my gyatt
@kokalti Ай бұрын
All this just to get laid off. F this field.
@jenny-DD Ай бұрын
Ai thinks in seconds, so I'd say you better work harder
@andrewTaylorCodes Ай бұрын
AI can generally generate boilerplate code at an isolated level. So, it can be decent for generalized "greenfield" projects that are common, already solved problems. But working with larger, existing codebases AI isn't always great. IMO, it's a useful tool, but not a one for one replacement of an experienced developer.
@josh_tes Ай бұрын
I’m a cybersecurity analyst and ChatGPT 4o can’t even get my PowerShell scripts right half the time without a considerable amount of time fine tuning and correcting it. Let alone an entire program.
@StephenSamuelsen Ай бұрын
I use ChatGPT to generate some of the more boilerplate level code, but I still have to solve the last like 20% to get rid of errors or just the general ai hallucinations that happen. But its crazy how quickly it has been adopted
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