The Danger of Uniatism - Fr. Zechariah Lynch

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Fr. Zechariah Lynch is the priest at Archangel Michael Orthodox Church in Pueblo, Colorado.
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@justanotherlikeyou Ай бұрын
"Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints."- Jude 3 Thank God for the Holy Orthodox Catholic Church☦️
@samuelmayer421 Ай бұрын
I'm French Canadian nd I grew up in a Hindu movement. I was Hindu all my life until I decided to give Jesus a chance. So I converted to Christianity even though I didn't believe in any of it. I told Jesus that I would start practicing Christianity while learning about it and slowy making sense of it. My first instinct was to become Orthodox, but unfortunately people convinced me that I had to be Roman Catholic because of the keys that Jesus gave to St. Peter. Four years and a half later, and after many mental and emotional breakdowns, I left Roman Catholicism and reverted back to Hinduism. My cradle Roman Catholic wife looked into Orthodoxy (she had never concidered it before my reversion) and she shared with me what Orthodoxy taught. Christianity finally makes sense to me! So I'm Orthodox now, though not officially. I started going to an Eastern Catholic Church as a first step, because I heard that they were Orthodox but in Communion with the Pope. I quickly realized that they had accepted some Roman Catholic dogmas and practices so I was disappointed. With a newborn and 5 kids, we don't have time to go through the process of catechisis in the Orthodox church right now. This will be a long journey. In a few years probable. I also discored that the Vatican II council and several Popes since them had asked the Easterned Catholics to go back to its Orthodoxy. Some Eastern Churches are taking more time than others, but I think it will happen other several generations. For me, I only learn the faith from Orthodox priests and theologians. My prayers are from an Orthodox website. I'm 100% Orthodox inwardly while going to an Eastern Catholic Church. Maybe later I'll make the steps to go through the process of becoming Orthodox officially.
@paulgentile1024 21 күн бұрын
maybe later ?...if you believe the Orthodox creed then you will become a true Orthodox Christian....NOW.. if you do not believe the Orthodox Christian Creed then your not a true Christian
@mariedolianitis5144 Ай бұрын
Χριστός Ανέστη. Thank God for Priest like Fr Zechariah.
@MarmotCanales Ай бұрын
4:25 Uniatism is "content with the external" but "compromises the internal life." ●There is a tendency among Eastern Catholics in stressing the external: we dress, we look, we celebrate, we do "Orthodox" things. But then the internal aspects (truth, dogma, discipline, asceticism, etc) are either ignored or thrown into relativism, e.g. "filioque depends on point of view", "purgatory might be true", "Nestorians & Monophysites just use different language", etc. ●We should approach Uniates with mercy so that we can bring them back into the Orthodox flock from which they came from.
@MattigityIsBombigity Ай бұрын
Very well put.
@bsg111987 Ай бұрын
Okay Nestorian.
@MattigityIsBombigity Ай бұрын
@bsg111987 I'm assuming you skipped over his last statement or do I have to spell it out for you?
@borremoonkey Ай бұрын
This is some pot calling the kettle black. That's exactly what's happening with the state sponsored churches with Ecumenism. Practically every Synod is a member of the World Council of Churches. Many synods are in communion in openly in communion with Monophysites or Papists. When I was with the Antiochians, I asked the priest what's the deal with communion Monophysites, and he said it's Synodal decision from Pat. John X due to "economy because of translation misunderstanding".
@bsg111987 Ай бұрын
@@MattigityIsBombigity he is a constantipolitan cleric- he is by definition a Nestorian.
@Ggfddjbgd Ай бұрын
Well said father Z. Love you brother!! Ty for the information.
@user-dj1kl4sv6k Ай бұрын
100k subscribers! Congratulations!!
@vasilebalu3633 Ай бұрын
Christ Is Risen !Thank You Lord Jesus For Holy Orthodox Church❤
@TheBadgerDad_TheByzantineLife 22 күн бұрын
God bless Metropolitans Isidore and Mykhailo Rohoza of Kiev! St. Josaphat Kuntsevych, pray for us!
@Alex-gx5mb Ай бұрын
Lord have mercy on the Ukrainian people
@user-cd5yz2wi7m Ай бұрын
@HolyChristos33 Ай бұрын
Greetings from orthodoxy 🇬🇷☦️
@michellethrockmorton7233 Ай бұрын
Thank you for explaining this so well Fr,Zechariah.
@DavidLuebbert Ай бұрын
Thank you, Father, for outlining what is understood by Orthodox Christians that cannot be known to those without the same experience.
@MartyRodriguezOrthodoxMarine Ай бұрын
" And I Believe In One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Antiochian Orthodox Christian Church." KRISTOS ANESTI ☦️ 🕊 🕯 🙏 ☦️‼️
@BrotherMoses95 Ай бұрын
You hit the heart of the issue. I'm only a year into orthodoxy, and Eastern catholics seemed off to thank you for voicing what I could put to words
@logangriffith4950 Ай бұрын
Thanks Fr Lynch a d roots for all your hard work. May God reward you. Christos anesti
@inoticed6073 Ай бұрын
Alithos Anesti
@jonathanmthomas2728 Ай бұрын
The problem with the Eastern Catholic Rites is they have fallen to the same modernism that the latin rite has post vatican II. My great grandparents on my moms side were Lebanese Maronites, and my father's parents (also from Lebanon) we're Eastern Orthodox of the Antiochian rite. The Maronite church now days used guitars and piano music during their liturgy.
@forgingicehole4750 Ай бұрын
So what? The Coptics and Ethiopians use instruments during their services, and the Greek Orthodox here in the area of Florida that I live in, use and organ, so how does this damage a person's faith or salvation?
@johnpalomo1688 Ай бұрын
The Orthodox participation in the persecution of Greek Catholics in the Soviet lands is a big reason why Greek Catholics decided to stay Greek Catholics.
@aeternusromanus Ай бұрын
Are you aware of the Greek Catholic persecution of the Orthodox? The truth on the matter of uniatism is not established by seeing who is more persecuted. The Unia was uncanonical from the start.
@kevinninja787 Ай бұрын
I rarely see any Orthodox even acknowledge this. Even now in this video the priest is complaining about events in history from over 400 years ago. But in our lifetime the Greek Catholic church was driven underground by the Soviets with the sad collusion of some Russian Orthodox hierarchs. Look I get we are all human but it's pretty annoying when some Orthodox say things like "we're always the victims, we never did nuthin to nobody." It's difficult to take seriously.
@johnpalomo1688 Ай бұрын
@@kevinninja787 Well I am Orthodox and do point it out.
@kevinninja787 Ай бұрын
@@johnpalomo1688 and I think that speaks volumes about your character and understanding of history. I'm also someone who wants to be fair and understand history and I can count many times the Catholic Church has treated the Orthodox poorly.
@Whaat-in-the-world Ай бұрын
I'm not sure I've seen a channel grow so quickly. What a ministry!
@user-er8iv5fh4u Ай бұрын
God bless orthodoxy ❤
@OrthoNektarios Ай бұрын
100K subscribers! My boy did it! Thanks be to God!
@user-tg3tj2nq6v Ай бұрын
A very thoughtful, wise Orthodox father.
@oscarestrada6781 Ай бұрын
I could listen to him speak for hours
@antonioj.castaneda7377 Ай бұрын
@13:10, well said Fr. Zechariah. Chris bless us ALL. ☦☦☦
@mumbairay Ай бұрын
@L.vegmadekid.V Ай бұрын
Im stuck in the middle because both Catholic and Orthodox have great points, both have had Eucharist Miracles, Saints, prophecies, miracles, apparitions of our Lady, ect. (Pre schism and post schism) Both are the Church that Jesus Christ established as they were One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church but then when it comes to the schism thats where I get lost in deciding
@onewhocomesdown Ай бұрын
No, their "miracles" are fraudulent. Papists are without grace.
@CosmicMystery7 Ай бұрын
I recommend Michael Whelton's boom Two Paths. From a practical standpoint, the Roman Catholic Church says the Orthodox Church is a true Church with valid sacraments. Roman Catholics even have permission to attend Divine Liturgy and receive Holy Communion in our churches (not that any Orthodox priest would commune a RC. This is not reciprocated by the Orthodox Church. I was in your position a few years ago. When I actually experienced the differences on the ground between RC and Orthodoxy, I stopped attending Mass. The concept of having a spiritual father, confession with your priest, vespers and matins, receiving Holy Communion in both kinds (body and blood), no worrying about irreverent worship, and the list goes on.
@L.vegmadekid.V Ай бұрын
@@CosmicMystery7 I'll look into it thank you.
@the4gospelscommentary Ай бұрын
Roman Catholicism is definitely right, and esstern "orthodoxy" is definitely false. The Bible and the Church Fathers believed in the doctrines of divines simplicity, filioque, Papacy, purgatory, original sin ..., all of which are rejected and declared as heretical by the "orthodox".
@the4gospelscommentary Ай бұрын
​​@@nathankirwan2565What on earth are you talking about??? It is a unanimous position of the Church Fathers and the councils that the Petrine See, that is the Roman Church, is the head of all the churches. And we have historical evidence of the Roman Church making papal claims since the earlier popes whose writings are preseved, from the 4th and 5th century .
@geozaharia3715 26 күн бұрын
În Romania (Transilvania) ortodocșii au fost forțați sau determinați să treacă la unitarism. Cei care au refuzat , au suferit foarte mult, mulți până la martiriu (și avem sfinți martiri în calendar din acea perioadă). S-au distrus biserici cu tunurile. Obsesia aceasta a catolicilor de-a lungul istoriei de a-i converti pe ortodocși prin toate metodele! Istoria noastră este plină de exemple.
@Dlee-eo5vv Ай бұрын
Well done father
@seeker2219 Ай бұрын
@andys3035 Ай бұрын
I was raised Oneness Pentecostal and the worship is pure chaos but they will say its anointed, Holy Spirit filled worship. I often ask them the question; if St. Paul came into their church, what would he think? Afterall, he planted numerous churches and established how worship was to be done. I can only think his answer would be the same as his rebuke to the Corinthian Church were there were many abuses and sins that permeated that church.
@Petroseni Ай бұрын
Good Kev… no one should apologize for what they believe in their heart to be true. Unfortunately some people just don’t have room in their heart for the truth or to be Compassionate and understanding. And that makes me sad… I’m sure it does you as well.
@cultofmodernism8477 Ай бұрын
Wilson, from Indiana, had a hard time choosing between Orthodox and Catholic. Unitiasm seemed like a good compromise (he was interested in the priesthood but was married). Now, as a Uniate priest, he frequently preaches about how Russia has "persecuted his people" for centuries.
@EasternChristian333 Ай бұрын
The orthodox make similar arguments about rc persecution. I long for the day when both sides can move on from past events and deal with the here and now, rather than selectively dredging up the worst points of our respective pasts.
@Pb-nutts Ай бұрын
The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church .
@NavelOrangeGazer Ай бұрын
Josaphat Kuntsevych. Uniatism was just another era of crusades against the eastern Christians. Continuation of the mentality that led to the 4th crusade. To recall his last name is in itself a "casus belli.'' Just before his "martyr's end," which occurred on November 12, 1623 in Vitebsk, Kuntsevich ordered the disposal of dead Orthodox by having their corpses exhumed and thrown to dogs. In all of his Polotsky diocese, both in Mogilyov and in Orsha, he pillaged and terrorized the Orthodox, closing and burning churches. Eloquent complaints were sent to judges and to the Polish Sejm. The most convincing condemnation of Kuntsevich's character is found in a letter dated March 12, 1622, one and a half years before his death, from the Lithuanian chancellor Leo Sapiega, clearly a Roman Catholic, the representative of the Polish king himself: "By thoughtless violence you oppress the Russian people and urge them on to revolt. You are aware of the censure of the simple people, that it would be better to be in Turkish captivity than to endure such persecutions for faith and piety. You write that you freely drown the Orthodox, chop off their heads, and profane their churches. You seal their churches so the people, without piety and Christian rites, are buried like non-Christians. In place of joy, your cunning Uniatism has brought us only woe, unrest, and conflict. We would prefer to be without it. These are the fruits of your Uniatism." "Arriving in Vitebsk on the 12th of November, 1623, with a band of his cohorts, Kuntsevich proceeded to knock down the tents where the Orthodox secretly held divine services. One of Kuntsevich's deacons attacked an Orthodox priest. The crowd, which had run out of patience, then turned on Kuntsevich, who was personally leading this pogrom, and with sticks and stones beat him to death. His maimed body was placed in a sack and tossed into the Diva River."
@fornost64 Ай бұрын
What a shame that Catholics see that murderous heresiarch as a saint. Lord have mercy on our departed brethern.
@aleksandarmarinkovic6986 Ай бұрын
​Stepinac as well.
@NavelOrangeGazer Ай бұрын
@@aleksandarmarinkovic6986 trad caths hailing Stepinac as some kind of hero was pretty much the end of my time in traditional Catholicism.
@lindaphillips4646 Ай бұрын
Thank you, 'navel'. Knew none of this..
@forgingicehole4750 Ай бұрын
How do you feel about the body/relics being Incorrupt, of Saint Josaphat Kuntcevych?
@georgepapatheofilou6118 Ай бұрын
I've become aware that the word Catholic is two greek words combined to mean every and all. Good luck getting a Latin priest or Greek Pater to admit it. Greetings from Sydney Australia
@Katrina-fg3rw Ай бұрын
Thank you so much for this video, Father; it is so very timely! I have several Catholic friends who have become enmeshed in Uniatism (two have come to Orthodoxy, though; glory to God!). So many see it as a way to have their cake and eat it, too, so to speak -- they feel they can appease their parents (who would flip if they left Rome) while still experiencing worship in the way they desire. As you reveal, though, it is just another trap. May they come back to the Living Faith. ☦
@Theodoros.K.Mouchtaris Ай бұрын
About Ukraine (I'm Greek). The Eucumenical Patriarch recognized independence of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, in 2019. What's more this raised the dissapointment (to say the very least) of the Russian Orthodox Church... I guess we are talking about different things.
@canarino3075 Ай бұрын
4:54 excellent analogy: body (external, visible) & soul (internal, invisible). ▪️The externals might be there: bearded priests, icons, incense… but it must be founded on Correct Teaching (“Ortho-Doxy”). Even if some Eastern Catholics (e.g. Melkites or Ukrainians) don’t endorse papal teachings (like Immaculate Conception, Filioque, Papal Supremacy), by accepting the Papacy they recognize (passively, involuntarily) these innovations. It’s one of the reasons the “Tridentine Mass” was revised, in order to be used (with Orthodox teaching) by our Western-rite Orthodox brothers. ▪️As a former Uniate (now Orthodox), I can say many Eastern Catholics thirst for Truth, but for historical reasons they choose to remain in the Unia. Forcing or condemning them will not change their mind. The only way to “rescue” them is to pray for them & letting them know that they are always welcome in the Orthodox Church! 🕯️🕯️🕯️
@annalynn9325 Ай бұрын
Spicy comment section 👀 (But not all commenters watched the video I think)
@TheRadChadDad Ай бұрын
@heinoschaapman1584 Ай бұрын
The Catholic Church has had multiple rites since the beginning, no?
@aleksandarmarinkovic6986 Ай бұрын
Very wrong analogy. Its not just rite its different teachings and beliefs as well.
@haydeen6535 Ай бұрын
Palamism was never part of any Western Christian teaching. Palamism is an Eastern Orthodox doctrine from the 1400s. From an Eastern Orthodox Saint, Gregory of Palamas. Nowadays Unianates can be Palamistnas long as they submit to The Pope. It is a different theology of God from Thomism. Palamism and Thomism include two different Gods.
@heinoschaapman1584 Ай бұрын
Do you mean that the rite itself includes these teachings or the uniates teach things that are against papal teaching? (Honest questions, I am an inquirer into Orthodoxy and Catholicism and I greatly admire both, it is hard)
@acekoala457 Ай бұрын
​@@haydeen6535 St. Patrick of Ireland speaks of the distinctions between the Essence and Actions of God as does St. Maximus the Confessor and St. Gregory Nanzianzen.
@ThomasG_Nikolaj Ай бұрын
@@acekoala457 not to mention the other two Cappadocian Fathers (St. Basil the Great & St. Gregory Nyssa) who are the authority for the teaching of the Trinity at the 2nd Ecumenical Council. As well as St. John Damascus. Book 1 of Exact Exposition of the Orthodox Faith is all about the Energies of God. St. Dionysius, St. Cyril of Alexandria, St. Athanasius, etc. There is no shortage of examples :D
@theodoreperkoski1951 Ай бұрын
what is the difference between Eastern Catholic "Uniatism" and Western Rite Orthodoxy?
@annalynn9325 Ай бұрын
ROCOR and Antioch have churches in the US that serve the liturgy of St Gregory rather than St John Chrysostom. Pre-schism, the Latins and Greeks had different traditions but both were Orthodox and that is the same today
@LadyMaria Ай бұрын
Uniates were instruments of oppression and martyrdom for Orthodox. The Western Rite is for those who wish to hold the liturgical traditions of the pre-schismatic West. Huge difference.
@louisbusta6369 Ай бұрын
@@annalynn9325true. However, the problem is we don’t know what the pre-schism western liturgy looked like. Since Rome broke away from the Church, their mass has undergone countless revisions, including changing the bread from leavened to unleavened, no longer offering the blood of Christ to the faithful, and introducing numerous feast days and hymns that are contrary to Orthodox teaching, like feast of the immaculate conception, feast of the sacred heart of Jesus, immaculate heart of Mary, etc. the western mass also lacks a proskomidi service for preparing the bread and wine for the liturgy, and there is a discrepancy on when the bread and wine are consecrated as the body and blood of Christ: the west say it happens with the words of institution (take eat, this is my body…drink of this all of you, this is my blood…), whereas the Orthodox says it happens with the epiclesis prayers the priest prays while the choir sings “We praise Thee, we bless Thee, we worship Thee…” There are too many complications and differences with the western rite, and I don’t think it’s a good idea to have it as an option in the Orthodox Church. We have a continuous, unbroken, received liturgical tradition in the Divine Liturgy, and we should be content with that.
@kevinninja787 Ай бұрын
Nothing other than "well it's not bad when WE do it"
@LadyMaria Ай бұрын
@@kevinninja787 We didn't use the Western Rite to oppress and convert by the sword as the Uniates were for that purpose mostly. So yes it is alright for us to have a Western Rite (we just don't have a church for it as we hold hope Rome will rejoin the Church one day).
@Athleta_Christi Ай бұрын
You should invite Erik Ybarra to talk
@OrthodoxHSMother Ай бұрын
Why? He's Roman Catholic
@LorenzoMasterConnector Ай бұрын
@@OrthodoxHSMotherbecause y’all are afraid he’s gunna rip all of your arguments apart that’s why. If orthodoxy is the truth there should be NO problem with debates because the truth is the truth !
@UnworthySeraphim Ай бұрын
​@@LorenzoMasterConnector This isn't a debate channel, go cope harder somewhere else
@ganchtod Ай бұрын
@@LorenzoMasterConnector Debate is not the way that Latins will get back in the Church, only repentance.
@LorenzoMasterConnector Ай бұрын
@@ganchtod The Orthodox pick and choose what they want to believe instead of accept facts that contradicts what they yap about all the time online
@Indiogigantetv Ай бұрын
I’m have beeen visiting an Orthodox Church. Is Eastern Catholicism orthodoxy?
@gamertag7676 Ай бұрын
I'm not an expert but the Byzantine Catholics are like Orthodoxy in some ways like icons and the way the churches look but the only difference with eastern Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy is the Pope, Orthodox reject Pope infallibly and the Eastern Catholics do not
@aleksandarmarinkovic6986 Ай бұрын
It is not.
@user-yi7td2sq9b Ай бұрын
Eastern Catholics (Byzantines) are Catholics, in communion with the Pope of Rome and the other Catholic churches, who use the Byzantine rites instead of Latin rites.
@liquidh5226 Ай бұрын
If you accept the Pope of Rome (along with papal infallibility and other of its modern innovations) as the head of your church, you are not Orthodox
@living_orthodox Ай бұрын
No. The best illustration is that it’s a counterfeit, a knock off meant to help the papacy claim regional power.
@OrthodoxJourney359 Ай бұрын
At 25:52 I could hear the bells of the incense holder ringing.
@aeternusromanus Ай бұрын
The Union of Brest and Uniatism as a whole caused catastrophes in the history of Poland that many are totally unaware of.
@PedrosoT Ай бұрын
Do orthodox believe eastern Catholics are not saved?
@aleksandarmarinkovic6986 Ай бұрын
Thats protestant teaching.
@liquidh5226 Ай бұрын
I don't think laity is affected. It's up to God ultimately. No definite answer.
@kaybrown4010 Ай бұрын
Deciding who’s saved is far above our pay grade. Peace. ❤️☦️
@bsg111987 Ай бұрын
This cleric is a Nestorian and therefore damned.
@liquidh5226 Ай бұрын
@kaybrown4010 Correct me if I'm wrong but I think the answer is: "We cannot say yes or no to this question"
@robertprpic4375 Ай бұрын
Difficult subject. Croatian byzantine catholic here. I was born as a roman catholic, i left the church for 8 years and then went back, but to byzantine catholic church. Roman catholic globalistic modernistic aproach never appealed to me. As a croatian, if i went orthodox i would be disowned by my family and labeled as crazy by my fellow croatians, and probably not accepted well by local orthodox people. I had an orthodox girlfriend and was threatened constantly because of my nationality. Many people died here for their faith, my dad was in the war also. I would be in a better situation if i was a hindu than orthodox. Faith is pretty much the same as nationality here. Croatians are catholics and serbians are orthodox, and political situation is very tricky because of war not so long ago.
@tecnitrongames1472 Ай бұрын
That seems very difficult. I honestly don’t know what I should say. Could you tell me your name so I can pray for you?
@heinoschaapman1584 Ай бұрын
I have a smaller version of this problem: Having a Catholic wife to be and living in a Catholic country. I live in Hungary, and am engaged to a Hungarian Catholic. There is a rather large Byzantine Catholic Church there and Orthodoxy has only some Russian and Serbian presence. (Although Hungarians are very welcoming of Orthodoxy and seem to admire the divine liturgy) I admire the Papacy and its enormous civilisational achievements, I also admire the Orthodox church for its asceticism. I dislike modern Catholic Mass and its dryness(there are limited Latin Masses in Hungary) Byzantine Catholic is way more practical for me. Although, maybe the theology is more important, which I have to learn more about.
@robertprpic4375 Ай бұрын
@@tecnitrongames1472 Robert, thank you brother 🙏. For me coming to orthodoxy wold be a sucide because of situation i described. I think i can believe anything that i want, i can pray inside of catholic church for a change. For me papal infalability is the biggest issue. If i was in a country where nationality isnt the same as faith it would be easy.
@robertprpic4375 Ай бұрын
@@heinoschaapman1584 where do you live?
@primuspilushb Ай бұрын
thats kind of crazy, because there are alot of Orthodox in Croatia.
@st.michaelthearchangelorth1055 Ай бұрын
The same old saw...
@DontHateGod Ай бұрын
I dont get it
@cameronoleary3916 Ай бұрын
I don't think Father Zechariah is aware that there are groups of Eastern Catholics that never broke Communion(Italo-Greek/Italo-Albanian and Maronites)
@aleksandarmarinkovic6986 Ай бұрын
They are just older uniats the one in Belarus or Ukraine. Albanian lol that nation doesnt excisted untill 19th century and that region was under Greek or later Serbian Orthodox influence.
@cameronoleary3916 Ай бұрын
@@aleksandarmarinkovic6986 You don't know the history of the Greeks in Southern Italy. Southern Italy is traditionally Greek, not Latin, and there wasn't a massive shift till the Norman "liberation" from the Arabs and the eventual takeover by the Germans thanks to marriage succession. The Italo-Greek population was pretty big and many notable Saints came from there including Sts. Neilos and Bartholomew of Rossano who built the Monastery of Grottaferrata(which is the only Italo-Greek Monastery still in use). The Italo-Greek Church in particular spoke out against Rome at the time of the Schism, St. Bartholomew of Simeri and a boy were burned at the stake by the Lombards for his position. God kept them from being killed. The Italo-Greek Church never broke Communion with Rome or Constantinople. The Italo-Albanians are a group of Albanian refugees who replaced most of what remained of the Greek Church in Southern Italy in the 1400s. They also claim to have never broken away from Rome. It's really interesting history, highly recommend learning more about it.
@heinoschaapman1584 Ай бұрын
The great Saint Charbel accomplished countless miracles!
@user-dw8rv9mi3l Ай бұрын
​@@heinoschaapman1584he's a Coptic saint so what I've seen miracles in my protestant churches, the mercy of god is not proof of theology or patristics
@forgingicehole4750 Ай бұрын
@@user-dw8rv9mi3l Saint Charbel is not a Coptic "Orthodox" Saint, he was a Maronite Monk. So you need to shed your protestant extra chromosome. And I see 6 others with an extra chromosome, gave you their thumbs up.
@jelena9760 Ай бұрын
Wolf in sheepskin comes to mind. Thank you Father for talking about this important and difficult subjects.
@aleksandarmarinkovic6986 Ай бұрын
Uniatism is low punch from Rome.
@danieloehler2494 Ай бұрын
In Romania and Ukraine Uniatism has been and is very close to extreme nationalism. So uniatism is one of the reasons of this evil fanatism from Western Ukraine poisoning the minds in most of Ukraine. In both nations the communists have closed down uniatism and many clerics died in prison. So they had some martyrs.
@solitaryone1536 Ай бұрын
The Intellect, Is the Devils Playground..
@forgingicehole4750 Ай бұрын
Then why did God, Give it to us? We're created in His Image, no?
@solitaryone1536 Ай бұрын
@@forgingicehole4750 It is Not the Intellect that is causing the Problem, it Is What it Has Ability to Reflect since our Fall, that is so Antichrist and Anti God, when Jesus speaks to Peter, He is Not calling Peter Satan, He is saying what Peters Intellect is Reflecting of Satans Nature. Beloved, When Satan speaks, it is Our Lips that Move, When he Rushes to Shed Blood, it is Our Hands doing the Killing. The Devil is a creature of Division, All who Promote his Divisions, and Speak his Divisions, are Feeding from his hand, for Divided is What he Is..
@Petroseni Ай бұрын
Father you touch on several points that could definitely be refuted. Of course Christ himself is the head of the church… The Holy father in Rome is simply a physical manifestation of that presence of unity which Christ himself brings, And that was given to the apostle Saint Peter Himself!I am a proud and faithful Ukrainian Greek Catholic. And I am Catholic because I see the role of the pope of Rome is keeping everybody of the true faith under the umbrella of our Lord Jesus Christ. You don’t think that there are demonic divisions in the eastern orthodox church? You don’t think that Ukrainian Catholics are being persecuted And have been hundreds of years by an oppressive regime from Russia that is “orthodox“? My own patriarch in Kyiv is number two on the hit list to be murdered by Putin and his ‘Orthodox’ minions! This is a Bishop whose very cathedral in Kyiv was bombed, the very patriarch who gave up his own bed and housed countless hundreds of Ukrainian refugees in the cathedral basement whether they were Catholic or Orthodox… The religious persuasions didn’t matter!You don’t think that our Ukrainian Catholic bishops in the Ukraine are not poor along with their equally persecuted Ukrainian orthodox bishops? Much of what you say is absolute rubbish. I am a parishioner at an American Ukrainian Catholic Church in Pennsylvania… We have never lost the Orthodox pleroma… We don’t just play with orthodox rituals… We live our unadulterated Eastern pleroma and heritage day in and day out. Please please Father be careful what you are saying… Because one day all of us, Eastern Catholic and Eastern Orthodox are going to stand before His judgment seat.
@LadyMaria Ай бұрын
Historically the UGCC is the oppressor along with Rome who received push back. Even now they oppress the UOC by using the government to take their churches. Rome is so messed up not even a "Pope" can help it.
@dankmartin6510 Ай бұрын
So the fruits of the RCC which are Schism and oppression and leading directly to the Protestant Reformation which is afflicted upon us all, is your idea of the Pope keeping everyone under the faith?
@forgingicehole4750 Ай бұрын
This Priest, is a convert to Orthodoxy, from Protestantism, and as a result, we get to hear the anti-Catholic talking points, that I find are mostly among this type of convert. This is the danger of modern day Orthodoxy, definitely in the United States, and perhaps else where.
@LadyMaria Ай бұрын
@@forgingicehole4750 Considering what the RCC did to Orthodox Christians for centuries, I've heard the majority of negative things about the religion from cradle Orthodox, and going by how the RCs conduct themselves in our forums, regardless of topic, that's another reason for weariness and defensiveness. It's nothing new or "modern day", the defense against Papalism, that's always been there since Rome's schism finalized and it started trying to force conversion. Orthodox can't be anti-Catholic as our Church is the Orthodox Catholic Church but it can be Anti-Papal for good reason. And it isn't a danger at all. That is silly to say. We just turn away, we don't try to force convert others from the Head of the Church on down. (Before you assert, no I was not Protestant, or Sola Scriptura, non-denom., or whatever nonsense.)
@dankmartin6510 Ай бұрын
@@forgingicehole4750 These facts are taught to them by the people that train up priests - thanks for trying to sow division when it is you and your lot that cannot stand an Orthodox video to pop up without militantly invading the comment section to confirm for us again why the Protestant Schism happened to you guys and not to us.
@weirdschool Ай бұрын
All I heard was: "Oh Lord. Thank you that I am not like other men-robbers, evildoers, adulterers-or even like this Uniate."
@LadyMaria Ай бұрын
Sadly that is usually what RCs say when they come to us, and their Uniates. It is not the case here.
@vassiliosathanasios888 Ай бұрын
Let's be honest here.. this can manifest from both sides as at the end of the day, we are all sinful.
@weirdschool Ай бұрын
@@vassiliosathanasios888 Agreed.
@Gman12959 Ай бұрын
Relationship over religion
@DontHateGod Ай бұрын
​@@Gman12959religion in this vomtext is your approach to the relationship. Your highly religious
@virginlamo8202 Ай бұрын
The Protestants also say the rock that Christ built his Church was Peter's faith. When a Catholic reads Matthew 16, the reading is this: Your name is Rock, and on this rock I will build my Church. We see in the Bible that a change in name is a change in purpose (Abram -> Abraham, Jacob -> Israel, Saul -> Paul) "I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven" Reading this in conjunction with Isaiah 22: "He will be a father to those who live in Jerusalem and to the people of Judah. I will place on his shoulder the key to the house of David; what he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open" "I will drive him like a peg into a firm place; he will become a seat of honor for the house of his father" And given the fact that Matthew is writing to the Jews, its obvious he is drawing the parallels between Christ appointing Peter as the rock to his Church and God appointing a Eliakim as the "prime minister" of the Davidic Kingdom. And whenever the Apostles are listed, Peter is always first (πρωτος) in terms of a list and in influence, honor, chief, etc. (Matthew 10) Now, before the Great Schism of 1054, there was one Church, established by Christ, residing in the West, the East (we'll put the other Patriarchates that left aside for now). That Church is still one spiritually, mystically, being the Body of Christ, his very own Bride. What isn't one, are the individual, physical, hierarchical churches. The churches with their own ancient, unique and beautiful liturgies, rites, hymns, theology and so on. In scripture we see the Apostles establishing churches all over the place. All their own church, all belonging to the one Church, all belonging to Christ. So, the Eastern Catholic Churches were for a time Orthodox. But Christ established one Church, and that one Church contains within it (from the beginning) elements that it seems the Orthodox would not consider Orthodox. St. Clement of Rome and St. Augustine of Hippo, no one is saying that those guys are Orthodox. They're orthodox, just not Orthodox (if you follow) Or St. Thomas in India, is that Orthodox? To make the claim that the Orthodox Church is the Church that Christ founded ignores all those different churches and rites that do no resemble the Orthodox Church(es). The Church Christ founded is orthodox, no one doubts that, but it is also universal. There's a church in England call the Anglican Catholic Church. They call themselves catholic, but do not submit to the pope. They even use the Orthodox arguments against the papacy. Should they be considered Orthodox? Is Orthodox just Eastern + No Pope? Because Fr. Zachariah seems to be suggesting that submitting to the Pope and being Orthodox as two completely incompatible things. Also, watching these videos has really opened my eyes to how the Orthodox view Eastern Catholics. Most of the stuff is inaccurate, but I think Fr. Zachariah posits some good concerns and cautions. No one wants to be outwardly in union will interiorly at schism. And I guess finally, some words on the Pope. Without a doubt, the Pope has been puffed up through the years. There have been even heresies claiming that the Pope himself is infallible. And the Pope for good and for bad has become quite the public figure over the years, especially recently. But, what cannot be denied is the unique position St. Peter had. The unique authority he had. He eventually settled down in Rome, and his successors have since had his same authority. That's the belief. The Western Church has throughout the centuries tried to understand what that authority means, what it consists of, what its limits are, and so on. Both Catholic and Orthodox truly believe they are right. And both kind of are. But both really need to truly understand that mind, the theology, and the spirit of the other if there is ever going to be any hopes of union.
@apmoy70 Ай бұрын
The name Jesus uses for "stone" is feminine, while the name for Peter is masculine. Jesus Christ says literally "on this she-stone I shall build my Church", because the word for confession in Greek is feminine. So, Jesus is referring to Peter's confession as the she-stone, and then Peter becomes the he-stone
@virginlamo8202 Ай бұрын
​@@apmoy70 Is this an official argument from the Orthodox Church? I ask because at first glance, it seems to be imposing a reading on the text. Especially because Christ makes no mention of faith (which maybe isn't absolutely necessary) and could have cleared up a lot of things by mentioning the rock bring Peter's faith. Which begs the question: Why would Christ give Simon the name Peter and then tell him immediately after that on this rock he will build his church, while making no reference to his faith. There's a new name, with no real need for a new name. Unless Peter gets a new name because his faith is the rock. But if his faith his the rock then we have to take a closer look at Peter's 3 fold denial of Christ and Christ asking Peter 3 times if he loved him, and then telling him to tend his flock. And then we also have to ignore the clear parallels to Isaiah 22
@genevieverose1234 Ай бұрын
I respect your reply very much and it is very well thought out, you gave me a lot of points to think on 🪷
@apmoy70 Ай бұрын
​@@virginlamo8202It imposes nothing, it is what it is, Jesus says σὺ εἶ _Πέτρος_ (masculine) καὶ ἐπὶ ταύτῃ τῇ _πέτρᾳ_ (feminine)...Greek has two different words for stone, one feminine _πέτρα_ and one masculine _λίθος_ it's no accident that Jesus chooses to use the masculine form of the feminine word to name Saul _Peter_ and the feminine _petra_ for Peter's confession.
@mumbairay Ай бұрын
Ukraine and Poland was going to go protestant away from the colonialism of Warsaw and Moscow At Brest (city) a deal was struck to remain Byzantine Rite, keep the Patriarch, but u ite with Rome a la Florence synod with greater autonomy than Lebanese brothers and sisters
@fernandovilale4840 Ай бұрын
Anyone who preach division is the spirit of anti Christ and the one who preach unity is the spirit of Christ. For Jesus prays "that they may be one".
@riccshawchannel Ай бұрын
Rome repeats
@liquidh5226 Ай бұрын
Rome is the oldest technology company in the world. It keeps innovating, come out with new technology and products every so often. 😂
@j.knight9335 Ай бұрын
​@@liquidh5226Palamism teaches that God is composed of parts. "Orthodoxy" is semi polytheism. It's clearly not of God.
@j.knight9335 Ай бұрын
@nathankirwan2565 You can find some hints of the idea pre Palamas, but the ideas were not at all fully formed and were never officially taught. It's a theory of men, and it's heretical. Bro. Peter Dimond thoroughly eviscerated and exposed it years ago in several videos.
@j.knight9335 Ай бұрын
@@nathankirwan2565 No, it isn't. It was never taught by the Church. Ever. It's heresy and it's wicked.
@LadyMaria Ай бұрын
​@@j.knight9335There are no parts of God. Your Byzantine Uniates believe in it so it isn't heresy in the RCC, it's accepted. Call it wicked all you want but you are calling God that just because you won't learn what it is.
@justanotherlikeyou Ай бұрын
Not sure how the Uniates can celebrate the Sunday of Orthodoxy on the first Sunday of Great Lent. Just read the anathemas. Roman Catholicism is a no go.
@bsg111987 Ай бұрын
You understand that the Sunday of Orthodoxy commentates the Second Council of Nicaea in 787, right? Centuries before any schism between the Latins and the Constantinopolitan Christians.
@acekoala457 Ай бұрын
@@bsg111987 It also Anathematizes the Filioque, Thomism and the Pope.
@bsg111987 Ай бұрын
@@acekoala457 Those are modern innovations. Why do you Nestorians continue to create new things?
@LadyMaria Ай бұрын
​​@@bsg111987We aren't Nestorians. The Filioque was anathematized at the true 8th Ecumenical Council in not new. The Pope started grabbing power around that time. Pope Nicholas was excommunicated for the Filioque and supremacy.
@kevinninja787 Ай бұрын
Because it celebrates the restoration of icons and ridding ourselves of the heresy of iconoclasm. If anything Catholics have more of a right to celebrate it, Rome always held firm to icons as orthodox more than the East
@YasounMaait Ай бұрын
It is a bit rich to point the finger at Rome because some Eastern Churches reunified for temporal or political gain, but you make no mention of the Maronites who have always been in communion with the pope while retaining their faith, rites, and traditions. Although they took on practises, devotions, and aspects of the larger Church, i.e. the Latin West, this is regrettable but understandable when posed with the persecution of the Arabs and Byzantines, but we can't forget that the Chaledonian Christians of Antioch and Alexandria who were in communion with Constantinople were forced to not only abandoned the theological tradition, but also the external liturgical rites of those cities. Don't forget that the antiochian Orthodox Church was originally part of the Syriac liturgical tradition. Those who dwell in glass churches shouldn't throw stones. One Roman imperialist is just like another, whether East or West, but then again we retained more of our liturgical tradition under the Latins then we would have under the Greeks.
@georgekosich5563 Ай бұрын
Rome has always wanted to rule all of Christianity with its arrogance and false entitlement. It has always had evil intentions toward the Orthodox and while it's tactics may change, the goal is always the same, make the Orthodox submit and bow down to the false Pope of Rome. In WW2 Nazi Croatia, the death camps were established by Catholic Franciscan priests who had Serbian blood all over their hands! You know nothing about church history!
@LadyMaria Ай бұрын
The Latinization of the Unia happened.... Only two decades ago did it stop.
@kevinninja787 Ай бұрын
​​@@LadyMaria It has stopped and has been reversed since the 1960s so I'm not sure what you mean. Also the Orthodox Western rite "Uniates" are far more Byzantined than what you see in the reverse. Hence it's a strange charge to make since it appears your side does it with more vigor.
@LadyMaria Ай бұрын
@@kevinninja787 The Western Rite isn't a Uniate as there's no specific church for it. It is merely pre-schism Western Rites before the innovations Rome added, even going back to leavened bread which Rome used to have itself. Nothing specifically Byzantine about that or the sending down of the Holy Spirit. It's just Orthodox, period, east or west. That's what Roman Catholics don't get. The Western Rite isn't the current Latin Rite (or of the Anglicans), it's a roll back to the 9th century.
@GnohmPolaeon.B.OniShartz Ай бұрын
Faith is key. Religion is optional. There can not be one church because my faith is a key to many options that most reject. How can there be one church when not even any two individuals will agree on how to worship and exhale their faiths. We share core principals in christ but our expressions are unique on very complex levels. Unity comes from a shared desire for there to be unity, it can not be forced by a unitarian philosophy because the will of the individual will always tend for self expression against the dictates of manipulative forces. I can be copasetic to the pope, however the pope would need to agree to equal separation of powers with other churches. We have proven, historically, emphatically that a singular power head of any sort is cursed to fail in in its self taking its people with it. Worship none but God! Therefore not even your homes and businesses are to receive special love. Even so, your leaders and elders are to he servants if they are to claim greatness and humility to have earned their station. We will not have a unified faith until we stop arguing over who is in charge of our faith. It is a redundant arguement, christ is the king of my castle, I have no doubts who rules my kingdom. To imply that my religion is not in harmony with yours already, says that one of our churches is not in harmony with the lord.
@annalynn9325 Ай бұрын
I guess you don’t believe in the concept of objective truth. You certainly aren’t alone
@triggered8556 Ай бұрын
There can only be one Church because the Church is Christ, and there is only one Christ. You can’t divide it or change it. Obviously historically there was always one Church, but there is also the theological issue regarding Christology.
@express2008 Ай бұрын
Christ clearly indicates that Peter is to be the leading apostle, thus underlining the only right way to organize his Church. This is not a question of debate. Christ did not mean for his Church to be nation-specific or state-specific, but universal. By continuing to oppose unity, Orthodox Patriarchs are weakening both the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Churches. It is obvious by now that the only way for true Church of Christ to survive the coming age is through unity. As for Orthodox Christians in Ukraine being persecuted, this is just plain nonesense. An overwhelming majority of Ukrainian Christians are part of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. The Pseudo-Ukrainian Church church which Fr. Zechariah is referring to, is that of Moscow Patriarchate, which has been corrupted by Russian secret service, with the so-called “priests” working as active Kremlin agents, collaborating with Russian forces. This is why they are under investigation. Never mind that Patriarch Cyril has called Russian invasion of Ukraine a “holy war”, promising Russian soldiers full absolution of their sins by participating in this genocide. Saying that Ukrainian Christians are being persecuted is propelling the murderous Russian state propaganda. I respect the missionary work of Fr. Zechariah, but such level of ignorance and misinformation makes me question his motives.
@SoldadoCatolico Ай бұрын
You are better off away from bergoglio and his conciliar church (the catholic church is without a Pope since 1958 btw)
@triggered8556 Ай бұрын
Sedevacantism is a proof against Roman Catholicism.
@DontHateGod Ай бұрын
What does this mean
@christopherjohnson9167 Ай бұрын
I think it's great, we should be a united Church. I don't think they are compromising in the slightest, the Catholic Church has the fullness of the faith.
@Osafune2 Ай бұрын
They only care about the pope. You can venerate St Gregory Palamas, who was deemed a heretic by the papists, as long as you submit to the Pope. Doctrinal unity doesn’t matter at all to Catholics
@mumbairay Ай бұрын
@mohitsalhan9344 Ай бұрын
The catholic orthodox church yes
@parker_chess Ай бұрын
Based on what? Rome innovated the theology instead of holding to the ancient tradition.
@LadyMaria Ай бұрын
It's lacking greatly by not being Orthodox.
@wms72 Ай бұрын
On July 6, 1439, the Union of Eastern Orthodox to the Roman Catholic Church was signed by all Orthodox bishops at the Council of Florence but one, Mark of Ephesus. The Union was officially proclaimed by Isidore of Kiev in the Hagia Sophia on Dec. 12, 1452. On May 29, 1453, Constantinople fell to the Ottomans, who subsequently encouraged clerics who wished to divide European Christians. THEREFORE, the Orthodox split from the Catholics. Let the Orthodox implement the reunion the Holy Spirit guided the hierarchs to agree to. Orthodox know the Letter of St. Clement to the Corinthians, which PROVES the Pope of Rome holds the universal primacy, as St. Ignatius of Antioch also testifies.
@LadyMaria Ай бұрын
The particular church of Rome left the wholeness of the Church. Despite Rome's schism, the Orthodox Catholic Church tried to reconcile but was met with persecution from the new RCC, so that ended. And the heresies accumulated along the way made it impossible. Now after Vatican II, it will never happen.
@thehammared5972 Ай бұрын
The Roman catholics were strong-arming and persecuting Orthodox bishops, effectively turning Florence into a robber-council. And as you admitted, Constantinople was in communion with Rome when it fell, because Rome has promised military support if it did so, yet Rome never provided the military support. So Roman catholics can't argue that Constantinople fell because it was in schism or heresy (though many do wrongly argue just that). In these instances communion with Rome was ill-gotten and of no help to the East, so your argument doesn't really work the way you think.
@thehammared5972 Ай бұрын
@@LadyMaria Oh I agree with you. I was responding to OP but forgot to tag them. All good.
@LadyMaria Ай бұрын
​@@thehammared5972Haha, it's all good, I'll delete my comment.
@triggered8556 Ай бұрын
St Mark of Ephesus saved Christianity from the latins.
@volnadr Ай бұрын
Forgive me Father but I hope you don’t get a political stance here as subtle it may be. When speaking about Ukraine you seem to defend the pro Russian part of clergy who are known to have strong political adherence.. the truth is we don’t know what is there but we take sides based on what we hear from different sources. As an orthodox I am not ready to water down my faith and dogma but that being said I have the impression that we avoid any type of discussion with the Church of Rome purely based on tribalism. Why is wrong in engaging in conversations , how otheriwise would they ever come back to our Orthodox Church? Is not One Catholic Church that Christ wanted?! Let’s examine the history and realise that the schism was triggered by two egomaniacs on both sides and now the division between the churches was fueled by extremists ideas? Forgive me but this is just my informed opinion..
@liquidh5226 Ай бұрын
Rome has to give up all of its innovations. Eastern Orthodoxy had never changed in its theology.
@liquidh5226 Ай бұрын
Moscow Patriarch is canonical. Its first see was consecrated by the Ecumenical Patriarch in the 14th century and granted autocephaly. The Orthodox Church of Ukraine is not canonical.... Well, in the sense that because its parishes were under the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of the Moscow Patriarchate, the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople did not have jurisdiction/ authority to grant it autocephaly. Similar to the Nemo Dat principle if you studied law.
@evans3922 Ай бұрын
​​@@liquidh5226Russian Orthodox Church under the ex KGB agent Kyril is in the heresy of rusky mir aka Russian world the heresy of ethnophyletism which has been condemned by the Orthodox Church... They have illegally invade in Africa Orthodox Church which is Alexandria Patriarchate jurisdiction by founding their own bishoos and churches by brubery with money luring the poor priests who the Alexandria Patriarch and Greek missionaries with much effort made Orthodox... His hands are full of blood because he blessed the invasion of Putin in Ukraine... Russian Church is in heresy
@acekoala457 Ай бұрын
​@@evans3922 The OCA, which Fr. Zechariah serves in, has condemned both the EP's Schismatic actions in Ukraine and the African Exarchate, though the Justification for this is the same one the EP claims for their actions in Ukraine. Also Alexandria has been filling wells of villages that refuse to commemorate the Schismatic Ukrainians. Don't just tell half the story when it is convenient.
@primuspilushb Ай бұрын
The OCU is satanic.
@ndmmt-wu7kz Ай бұрын
I'm sure in the spirit of logical consistency you'd say the same thing about Western Orthodoxy, right?!
@despairknot Ай бұрын
Many try to, but no, it's not about logical consistency. It's about true dogma, theosis (which is not even a consideration in the Roman See), and about the true Body and Blood of Christ. Their bread and wine may look the same in Eastern Rite Roman Catholicism, but it is not the same. Niether is the Western Rite Orthodox Eucharist, the same as other Western churches. -Bishop Basil Essey. (My Grace is retired now) But you have Google No? Surely you can avail yourself of the internet and find these things out as I did a decade ago.
@kevinninja787 Ай бұрын
Well it's not when WE do it! /s
@kevinninja787 Ай бұрын
"Eastern rite Roman Catholics" thats a new one. This priest doesn't know anything about the Union of Brest. If he did he'd realize the creation of Eastern Catholic churches was the idea of the Eastern Catholic churches. The Roman Catholics preferred them to convert them to Latin rite. Finally this whole argument that "Christ is the head of our church" is silly. Catholics say the same exact thing. You obviously have ecclesiology that organizes the church. If Jesus Christ is really the head and you need nothing else in terms of authority on earth why dont you ask Him if you should rebaptize converts or not? Oh wait you cant so its just an empty boast. Get real.
@LadderOfDescent Ай бұрын
It’s amazing that Roman Catholics can say there is no salvation outside the church but at the same time there are also valid “but illicit” baptisms outside of that church. 🤔
@LadderOfDescent Ай бұрын
We actually believe there is no salvation outside of the Church. You don’t. So I think taking baptism very seriously is not a far reach.
@kevinninja787 Ай бұрын
@@LadderOfDescent Bishop Kallistos Ware said while he knows salvation is in the Orthodox church he can't say anything about those outside of it. He's pretty famous and well regarded in Orthodoxy. With many issues it depends on who you ask and there is no definitive authority to say one way or another. So maybe your priest/bishop thinks there no salvation outside Orthodoxy but you can shop around and find many who will tell you different. 🤔
@LadderOfDescent Ай бұрын
@@kevinninja787 Ok? That can just as easily be turned around on your position
@LadderOfDescent Ай бұрын
@@kevinninja787 There’s Traditional Catholics and liberal Catholics. You don’t avoid that problem yourself. There are people that go to college to interpret the magisterium.
@TheCrusaderPub Ай бұрын
Apart from Peter there is no Church.
@apmoy70 Ай бұрын
Where in the first 10 centuries the Church taught this? Where can I find this affirmation accepted by everyone, everywhere?
@TheCrusaderPub Ай бұрын
@@apmoy70 if I give you the sources, you’ll actually look, or will you “wah” your way over to Dyer? Edit: that’s also a strange standard, considering the Palmist heresy was completely novel at the time of his writing.
@acekoala457 Ай бұрын
​@@TheCrusaderPub There are no Saints who teach a Dictus Papae style Papacy, let alone a Vatican 1 Style Papacy. "Palamism" is just what Orthodoxy has Taught since Pentecost, St. Patrick of Ireland, St. Maximus the Confessor and St. Gregory Nazianzen all teach it.
@barkobunga2276 Ай бұрын
Well, according to Vatican II, the papacy says otherwise lol.
@despairknot Ай бұрын
In that case, Peter first helped found the church in Antioch. That is much more austere than being beheaded in Rome.
@AlazarBirhanu-zr6fe Ай бұрын
@aleksandarmarinkovic6986 Ай бұрын
Its history and you cant handle the truth.
@AlazarBirhanu-zr6fe Ай бұрын
@@aleksandarmarinkovic6986 U were literally uniates brother you were united with Rome also persecuting the non chalcedonian patriarchs of Alexandria and Antioch so which version of history are you talking about
@aleksandarmarinkovic6986 Ай бұрын
​@@AlazarBirhanu-zr6feThose are pre-scism times. That is not the same.
@AlazarBirhanu-zr6fe Ай бұрын
@@aleksandarmarinkovic6986 Oh I didn't know the non chalcedonian are in communion also by this statement you're saying that there can't be an Eastern churches in communion with Rome because what if they choose to remain so?
@LadyMaria Ай бұрын
​@@AlazarBirhanu-zr6feRome was first among equals like Constantinople is now (second among equals before Rome left) so that isn't the same as the set up of the Papal institution.
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