The Fall Of Stack Overflow | Prime News

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@jayshartzer844 11 ай бұрын
The AIs are built off of unique, quality content but what happens when there is no incentive to produce said content in the first place?
@SimGunther 11 ай бұрын
The govt will "incentivize" you as a threat to avoid punishment instead of giving you a nice tax free cash bonus
@armax00 11 ай бұрын
I got the same question: as soon as there is no data to train on, LLM will have old data and all new libraries will become obscure
@samarnagar9699 11 ай бұрын
A cycle of ai being outdated cause no data for lastest problem and resurgence of stackoverflow just be used by ai to train and get all the users just to kill overflow again just lose the training data just to bring overflow bact from grave and repeat
@ea_naseer 11 ай бұрын
symbolic AI to the rescue
@GreyReBl 11 ай бұрын
We can't assume AI is incapable of innovation, though. For a long time now AI is capable of solving problems with the absence of prior knowledge via trial and error. Give it a problem to solve. Let it work it out. IE: the many videos of AI learning how to walk. Already, there had been experiments where LLM are trained on AI-generated content, curated by human reviewers, and spit out surprisingly positive results. Nothing groundbreaking yet, but things could change really fast in just a few years.
@dongueW 11 ай бұрын
I work on embedded software c/c++ stuff, device-tree code and drivers etc. That side of stackoverflow has always been really chill and useful for me, as opposed to the norm
@lexus4tw 11 ай бұрын
Yeah and ChatGPT and Copilot doesn’t help you much
@AdamPippert 11 ай бұрын
Embedded people already have tough skin from the nature of their work, they don’t have to berate others to build it up in them like, say, front end devs.
@k98killer 11 ай бұрын
​@@AdamPippertpossible duplicate comment. Closed for being off-topic and opinionated.
@AdamPippert 11 ай бұрын
@@k98killer lol :)
@someonewhowantedtobeahero3206 11 ай бұрын
Elites don't squabble I guess
@PiratePawsLive 11 ай бұрын
So true Prime, getting good at debugging is a hard and bloody road without shortcuts. One has to just walk it yourself and learn by doing it imo. This is also how I trained my friend and ex-coworker on our job, instead of just giving him the answers, I taught him where to start and how to proceed. Ofc I interpreted sometimes cryptic error messages for him but only went so far as to give him tips on how he can get himself to the goal. No point in giving ppl the answers only, thats how they stay dumb and get lazy.
@stxnw 11 ай бұрын
This is a form of stockholm syndrome. "Because I suffered learning, everyone should too". Foolish. No one has ever once gave me the answer, yet I have never thought once in my life that I would have been any worse of a programmer had I not received an answer immediately. In fact, I would have saved precious time to work on more things, which would've made me an even better developer.
@Muskar2 11 ай бұрын
@@stxnw I definitely think you can help new developers with tips, and I remember when I was still studying I had zero issue with experimenting with the answer once I got it - and that can make you learn faster. But that's also because I always spent a short while to see if I could answer it myself before getting the answer. If you're stuck, and haven't learned a good methodology to get unstuck, then a senior should certainly help you with that. But it's just so important to learn the fundamentals and not just copy seniors' answers because dogma exists - and if you're just copying seniors then you're missing out on the opportunity to correct their wrong ideas. Getting told the answer just doesn't stick as well as learning it by doing (especially not if you supplement it with then explaining the newly learned concept to someone else). Problem solving is a learned skill, and requires maintenance to stay sharp. But where I heavily relate to your frustration is that "modern" code is a crapfest of bad libraries, modules and ideas where you have to learn hundreds or thousands of weird mental constructs in order to code well, when it could've been done with simply understanding how the CPU works and learning how to write and read code that results in the desired functionality without adding an insane number of additional abstractions - and not only that, all these bad ideas go out of date and then suddenly you have to learn the "new thing" - which is usually just another bad idea. You can skip all that by reading Uncle Bob and Casey Muratori's discussion on github.
@mikereynolds1368 11 ай бұрын
​@@stxnwIMHO the answer is somewhere in-between. I say guide the noob to the right answer. Giving the answer as soon as they ask is detrimental to the learning process. Prime has mentioned it himself many times. Getting the wrong answer, figuring out why, then getting the right answer is so much better and much more satisfying. That said, on the opposite side is letting someone spin their wheels and obviously not making progress is way worse for learning than just giving them the answer. Give a helpful hint, point out where the potential issue is.
@Bolpat 11 ай бұрын
The top advice I've given students learning C++ was: don't be scared by the length of error messages. Read them. If you find a term that you don't understand, look it up. If then you still don't understand, raise your hand and ask me.
@Bolpat 11 ай бұрын
​​@@stxnwYou're mistaken. Horribly mistaken. It's not about the suffering, it's about the little things you learn along the way, the ones that everyone knows they are there, but couldn't really explain. There's nothing bad in making things more efficient, like coloring keywords, but taking away the whole experience is bad. It's the same reason why we don't give elementary school children pocket calculators: They wouldn't learn how to do basic math. After you've had the years of calculating in your head and with pen and paper, the tool is there to make you even better. And programming is no different. You shouldn't start with an IDE. And hell you shouldn't start with an AI. You'll lack understanding of the very basics.
@ckronenwetter 11 ай бұрын
Learned helplessness is why in our math classes we didn't start with calculators (much less computers) until you have the arithmetic down. You have to learn it before you automate it, or you build in your inherent problem-spotting ceiling. It's also why we should also sometimes have open-book tests, we should have to figure out things that we haven't just memorized the terms or formulas for. Just like any human language, you really learn by being immersed and having to use it to survive. The number of times I just need a minute to look at something and can point out that it doesn't make sense on its face when others can't find the problem is astounding to me already.
@mikereynolds1368 11 ай бұрын
It's pretty hard to use a calc/computer to get an answer if you don't even know/understand the parts of the question or hell, even the question to ask in the first place.
@Jmcgee1125 11 ай бұрын
That "learned helplessness" rant is exactly why I'm against using these AI tools in classes. But that's exactly how people will use it. So many people in my CS courses jumped to these AIs and have no idea how to even use the language they're programming in. They even gloat about the fact that they can get by without doing work. RTFM! Experiment! Please! AI is not a replacement for knowing what the code does. It's a general-purpose snippet engine.
@WingXBlade 11 ай бұрын
I feel like the same could be said to LSPs, I don’t have to look up and memorize methods of a class when I can get suggestions from it.
@alexhiatt3374 11 ай бұрын
​@@WingXBladeI can kinda see that, but you're still having to actually think through and write the code
@alexhiatt3374 11 ай бұрын
going into CS courses in about a month...very scared of how many people are just going to be shitting out code for the simple assignments without actually learning anything
@musicdev 11 ай бұрын
To be fair CS had always had this problem, or at least since StackOverflow. When I was taking CS classes, professors spent a lot of time talking about not copying code from SO or you won’t know what you’re doing
@alexhiatt3374 11 ай бұрын
@@musicdev for sure, and I've definitely done that a few times myself.
@GearsDatapacks 11 ай бұрын
I definitely agree about how AI affects DX. If you know how to code already, it will make coding way easier, but if you don't, it will almost make it harder to learn by making it easier t code without learning
@eqprog 11 ай бұрын
The most infuriating thing for me about Stack Overflow is how you can’t answer questions without enough reputation. I usually try to figure out stuff myself by reading documentation or experimenting, so if I end up on stack overflow it’s usually something obscure. There will usually be someone asking the question but there will be crappy non-answers. Eventually I solve the problem and I want to update the SO thread *with a working answer* but I literally can’t. Because I haven’t asked enough questions?!
@GreyReBl 11 ай бұрын
Remember having such a hard time learning how to do batch scripts. Many tutorials I've read fail to explain or cover certain syntax, so whenever I go to Stack Overflow they'd provide solutions that almost look like magic runes. Here, the problem I see people have about AI giving the easy solution could be also seen in Stack Overflow. They don't explain jack shit. Why it's a good solution, why it works, why it does the job better than others-while I'm losing my mind wondering how the fuck I recursively search my directories to rename my files. Because my prideful ass thought it would be more rewarding to learn how to write my own scripts instead of using a free software to do the job for me.
@Bolpat 11 ай бұрын
Almost every programming language on StackOverflow is their own microcosm. I was in the Batch script world and it's exactly the hell you're describing, like not even just 99%, it's 100% my experience. On the other hand, the C++ microcosm is so good.
@sorvex9 11 ай бұрын
Oh no! now all the arrogant software engineers will have to circlejerk on Reddit instead! Atleast we will have them all in one place now.
@abz4852 11 ай бұрын
I hope not r/learnprogramming, that subbreddit is super chill
@williamseipp9691 11 ай бұрын
yeah I like the analogy of a nail gun vs a hammer. A person with a nail gun with no framing experience still needs to learn how walls are framed. He might never do more than an "ok" job if he thinks his job is to use the tool. But give a person who's framed walls before a nailgun and they'll go ridiculously fast with no time at all.
@nuvotion-live 11 ай бұрын
6:00 totally agree, once you are really experienced with a toolchain it’s amazing the intuition you can get into debugging. The most subtle cryptic errors and you can follow your gut into the solution on what once would have taken you days. I feel like you can lean into that same thing for LLMs too. It’s like mind reading code on to the screen
@AScribblingTurtle 11 ай бұрын
The problem with " knowing, what you are doing" is, that with how fast things move, that knowledge will slowly become less and less relevant. So if we are not careful it could become easy for something like Copilot to slip in and close these knowledge gaps, without us noticing, that it happens. Thus making us more dependent on it. A little bit like Auto correction on phones. Yes, we complain when it does something wrong, but we realize only how much else it does, once we turn it off.
@aleclowry7654 11 ай бұрын
I also really want a standard interface for docs in my editor. Kinda like LSP. But DSP lol.
@tim-harding 11 ай бұрын
The outros just keep getting better.
@sheykenasababy 11 ай бұрын
Hands down best sign off line (except for css on the backend)
@williamdrum9899 11 ай бұрын
8:42 Compilers: "sweats nervously"
@armax00 11 ай бұрын
I would say that debugging at that level is not only seniority but knowledge of the system. You start cold on something no matter how senior, it'll take its time
@johanngambolputty5351 11 ай бұрын
Maybe we've just solved programming, there are no more questions
@ea_naseer 11 ай бұрын
New version of x got released and I have breaking code changes.
@T1Oracle 11 ай бұрын
What if Stack Overflow sues Open AI and others for using their data without permission?
@SimGunther 11 ай бұрын
Fanciest autocomplete: $0 valuation Same software rebranded as AI: [ _Dr Evil impression_ ] $1 billion Seeing reaction of realization that they're the same software: priceless
@xCheddarB0b42x 11 ай бұрын
Marketing as a "profession" exists for a reason.
@SimGunther 11 ай бұрын
​@@xCheddarB0b42xThe problem isn't how ths software is marketed; it's the fact that saying an autocomplete is actually an AI is the difference between "cool, something that'll let me type faster" and "OMGZ they're taking our jerbs!" ChatGPT is just an autocomplete made 30 years later than Zi Wubi and T9 AFAIK
@alexhiatt3374 11 ай бұрын
i would rather have a handwritten autocomplete / LSP program than an AI handling it
@xCheddarB0b42x 11 ай бұрын
@@SimGunther We do not disagree; I was merely implying that the role of marketing is to invent new buzzwords and camouflage the deceit.
@qazyhn94 11 ай бұрын
now you just want to make sure you are in giga chad echelon
@Alex-hr2df 11 ай бұрын
It was a long ride for them. I'm sure their plan for the next ship is already in execution.
@complexity5545 11 ай бұрын
Stackoverflow now has OverflowAI.
@handsanitizer2457 11 ай бұрын
But wouldnt ai just read the mass amount of code
@jaredsmith5826 11 ай бұрын
RE: learned helplessness LLM tooling is just a continuation of a general trend that things that make life easier for experienced professional software developers make it harder to become one in the first place. Garbage collection ("who cares about allocations? Heap profiler? What's that do?"). Higher level languages ("L2 cache miss? Registers? What're those?"). IDE refactoring tools ("why do I need to know how to organize my logic? The IDE has menu options for that"). LLM code generators ("why do I need to learn how this actually works? The code writes itself").
@oleksijm 11 ай бұрын
I agree 100% about more jobs being created thanks to AI and all.
@adusgaming2546 11 ай бұрын
That's one hell of a name
@JasonEmanuel 11 ай бұрын
"would you look at tha'at?" 😂
@mok0s1 11 ай бұрын
Honestly, not surprised. Each time I try to post a question I only get hostile unhelpful comments, then my post gets doomvoted to hell. I prefer talking to a bot thanks.
@pb8655 11 ай бұрын
Ive refused to pay for copilot- Is it really worth it?
@kamiljanowski7236 21 күн бұрын
At least according to chatgpt, 7% of finland's population work in IT, as opposed to 3.3% in US. AFAIK it's fairly difficult to get a job regardless of LLMs being available or not.
@joaquingarcianieto6803 5 ай бұрын
Bro, that was when chat gpt launched, copilot was around some time already
@Douglas_Gillette 11 ай бұрын
He’s talking about windows copilot?
@isodoubIet 11 ай бұрын
You should accept that AI building UI sponsorship, that sounds interesting
@BSDrumming 11 ай бұрын
I’m not sure how long the LLMs dominance will last. I can easily spot LLM responses. But while I find that for basic questions LLM is my “go-to”, I am much more drawn to community discussion around design concepts, architecture, and thought process. I don’t think LLM can replace that.
@mxlje 11 ай бұрын
With all the safety features in these AI tools, where do now go if I want to be yelled at? 😢
@Fozzedout 11 ай бұрын
@aldogutierrez8240 11 ай бұрын
Yo can continue in Stack Overflow while it last
@jayshartzer844 11 ай бұрын
Have you tried being married?
@ScottLovenberg 11 ай бұрын
What do you mean where do I go to get yelled at?! Welcome to the KZfaq comment section, loser! 😅
@phil-jc8hp 11 ай бұрын
Just get a job and push copilot code straight to prod
@c6jones720 11 ай бұрын
one of the risks of ai is that over-reliance may eventually enfeeble us
@pylotlight 11 ай бұрын
Is it not worth noting that there's no limit to the amount of code that can be written, so its not like AI takes 100% of written code, and we won't get up to AI only code for a long time yet. So for now, the more code written is a net positive.
@user-ir3yw8bs4i 11 ай бұрын
So well summed up. literally "mic-drop" kind of a video
@mikereynolds1368 11 ай бұрын
Prime's chat is wild. It ranges from super smart people with helpful contributions to basically shit posters. (Shit commenters?) I especially love the people that spam completely unrelated questions over and over (and over) again. Like the guy in this video that asked Prime for help debugging his packer error in his nvim config for the entire 15+ minute video. Does that guy really think Prime will just completely drop his current train of thought and interrupt the discussion of the article he just read and walk him through/fix his issue for him. The cherry on top in this case is dude is on Windows, an OS Prime isn't even using... I bet the guy could have fixed his own problem with the tiniest bit of ddg-foo. Wouldn't even need to ask on SO or use chat jippity. Packer/nvim are fairly well documented and/or questions answered if you took 3 seconds to look in the right place. Another video, dude asked for Prime to send a link to info, again on a completely unrelated topic, while Prime was actively fully engaged in the topic at hand. Prime said No and dude replied "Fuck you" Wow... People are so self entitled and self important it's mind boggling. To bring this comment back around to be on topic, I bet Windows nvim\packer guy would have much better luck getting an answer to his question from chat jippity than asking on SO or Prime lol Or as I said above, a simple search engine query... As for the rude "stop what you are doing and look for the answer to my question for me" guy, I hope he never finds the link or info he's looking for, be it via SO or chat jippity 😅
@AZisk 11 ай бұрын
Since I won’t have StackOverflow for long, please put me down in response to this comment. I need my daily dose of being insulted.
@ScottLovenberg 11 ай бұрын
Closed as off topic, loser. 😂
@alexandrep4913 11 ай бұрын
Repeat question, can't even replicate the problem and just google the issue. Mod, close this down.
@jdhdjsjsjajahyHfbwbiaj 11 ай бұрын
@blackbriarmead1966 11 ай бұрын
What makes you think you *deserve* to ask questions on this platform? So entitled
@JoshWithoutLeave 11 ай бұрын
Copilot may have been a big factor, but there were also the mass layoffs across the industry that probably shocked the heck out of people learning to code and realizing they needed to get off stack overflow and go back to their real job because those 400k stock options they kept hearing about weren't happening.
@blackbriarmead1966 11 ай бұрын
I'm in too deep, I've been coding for 5 years about to get my CS degree this december. No point in turning back now lol. Final boss will be actual job search, but I'm confident in my abilities, and have a research paper and internship to show for it now. Who cares about making 400k in stock options, I'm happy making much less initially, I think as long as you keep getting better as an engineer, you will find higher pay eventually.
@AvgDan 3 ай бұрын
You don't have to see the Google search trends, the layoffs are evidence enough.
@Omnifarious0 11 ай бұрын
I have a gold badge on Stack overflow, and I'm not particularly concerned. I cared a little about my rank, but not a lot.
@shampoable 11 ай бұрын
I browse SO as anon and I actually quite like it. I could see why people who actually engage with it would be dissuaded by it tho
@ckronenwetter 11 ай бұрын
GIGO,...Generative AI is still only as good as the quality of its input which right now actually seems to be causing averaging down rather than improving quality in many situations. It's good at breadth, across huge amounts of information and maybe finding connections that large data can surface that a single human brain can't compute. It's not just debugging that suffers, but when making connections and innovation, the right person in the right place at the right time is still the lightning in a bottle. And the less experience engineers have day-to-day, hands on, will make that innovation harder to come by. AI is suited for finding an "answer" when there is one in the pile somewhere, but not for figuring out if we are even asking the right question (at least for now).
@xDELTAGIx 11 ай бұрын
Stackoverflow didnt innovate or try to. Website hasnt seemed to change since I was a teenager. I feel likes its pretty obvious it was going to go downhill especially with moderator abuse
11 ай бұрын
Copilot released Oct-2021 (source Wikipedia), “The Dip” is Apr-2022. 6 months delay seems a reasonably different event, but I haven’t factored in the rate of adoption.
@eqprog 11 ай бұрын
He was talking about chat gpt
@ehza 11 ай бұрын
neovim 0.10 beta has gotten released, yay
@xCheddarB0b42x 11 ай бұрын
StackOverflow does not assimilate my queries into its Borg-like Black Box (space doom cube, whatever)
@trapexit 11 ай бұрын
"Never needed SO again..." Eh... the LLMs need to get their training data from somewhere. Maybe you personally but someone needs that source data.
@DrDrero 11 ай бұрын
@ThePrimeTime StackOverflow just announced major changes at WeAreDevelopers, overflowAI, IDE plugin and more. I guess they trying, no more closed for duplicate
@ThePrimeTimeagen 11 ай бұрын
yeah, released the Overflow AI video
@DrDrero 11 ай бұрын
@@ThePrimeTimeagen oh dang it, i just cant keep up with your furiously fast speed
@QuackGoesTheDuckQuackQuackQuac 11 ай бұрын
Hey! Making me fat and useless is my job! AI is stealing my Job!
@daltonyon 11 ай бұрын
I know what you mean. Your arguments give me the wish to try Copilot.
@Rundik 11 ай бұрын
ChatGPT crawling bots are gone so the traffic is back to normal
@pianissimo7121 11 ай бұрын
I have really good debugging skills. I sometimes suprise myself, but I have 0 knowledge. I am a mechanical engineer in software development. I am preparing for doing higher studies in CSE so I can overcome the gap. I Haven't touched AI cause i don't see the purpose when learning, i am basically stuck in tutorial hell.
@zeitgeist1762 11 ай бұрын
The Stack no longer has overflow
@skittlznt2611 11 ай бұрын
Ngl, I’m getting a little bit of guilty pleasure out of watching S/O collapse. Can’t count on 10 hands and 10 feet how many times I’ve asked questions just to have some rude 40 y/o with a 13 y/o’s people skills leave some condescending, snarky remark. If I wasn’t desperate to use S/O for answers, I would’ve stopped using it a loooong time ago. Now I can get direct answers to questions minus the snark. I’m all set.
@leakyabstraction 11 ай бұрын
I think Stack Overflow would be a great tool even today if it was serving modern answers. But it's so pathetic when you open a good question and most of the upvoted answers are from 2010, and it takes 15 minutes to finally find the current best practice way down, probably with only a few upvotes. Most people, after they get some experience, are specifically looking for the best solution for the current version and culture, not just for any solution.
@jonathan2847 11 ай бұрын
Its interesting to see that 90% of stackoverflow visits are for JavaScript noob questions.
@hansadler6716 9 ай бұрын
14:40 "more jobs will become available" -- just not at stackoverflow.
@therealestsnake 11 ай бұрын
I want to use AI code tools, but the ethical concerns on the licensing of the training data used is iffy with me. Also, I'd rather not have my company code be used for training their models, for their money. No thanks.
@John-Dennehy 11 ай бұрын
Stack overflow just became a cess pool of gate keepers, closing down perfectly valid questions as duplicates, failing to realise the "existing" answer was no longer correct. I understand some languages may stay mostly the same over a decade, but the world of front end moves quickly so linking to a react snippet from 3 years ago is just not helping anyone. I stopped using stack overflow because of this (for front-end at least), and is possibly helped grow a lot of KZfaq devs in the process
@protiumdev 11 ай бұрын
Hey Prime, could you make a video of how you make use of copilot to boost productivity? Have you measured your gains in term how fast you can finish something and in what percentage Copilot helped you?
@aLpenbog 11 ай бұрын
In terms of jobs and the future I think we will be building more complex software. All those high level languages, frameworks or even game engines didn't lead to fewer applications, games etc. But they got way bigger and reached more people, industries etc. I guess that will happen with AI too.
@Xemptuous 11 ай бұрын
If you don't even have the concept in mind, you won't know the question to be asking, and that's why ai-coding is disastrous.
@nstreletss5935 11 ай бұрын
nah, it's 100% upvote/downvote buttons redesign impact
@user-qr4jf4tv2x 11 ай бұрын
here comes Back in my day boomer moment .. i can finally be boomer
@siddhartamorionsuarez9017 11 ай бұрын
You say copilot will leave us fat and useless... What if im already fat and useless? Also I like to be spoonfeed I dont see the problem there
@raph151515 11 ай бұрын
ai tools helps with basic snippets even better than stackoverflow
@andso7068 11 ай бұрын
"Go through each concept one by one..." Cool but we both know that you aren't going to do that.
@alexhiatt3374 11 ай бұрын
I hate interacting with ChatGPT... something about how it writes just rubs me the wrong way. It's really irritating and pretentious
@ybvb 7 ай бұрын
Sorry, this video is not on topic so I am going to go ahead and close the comments section. edit: learn first to do a video on topic: ... read our faq on how to do a video on topic: .... you will not be able to post another video on topic because you need to wait 1 day to actually learn how to do a video on topic. and if you use gpt we will know and ban you. /lmao
@GleepVonReticuli 11 ай бұрын
I thing getting the answers being spoonfed to you is one of the worst way to learn. There's no way you'll get any deep understanding about a subject if all you do is ask "how do I do X" and you get your little shitty X dropped on your laps. The big risk it's when presented with a problem the first thing those people will do is ask chat gibbity instead of using their brain and their experience.
@prerit714 11 ай бұрын
I kinda feel stackoverflow is overrated. I have always found github issues to be way more useful than stackoverflow. Hell even reddit feels better these days
@Muskar2 11 ай бұрын
I used to use it as a quick supplement to bad documentation. But it's not useful for that anymore, as it's just full of unreliable advice. There's always been a shortage of good documentation by people who were very thorough on that particular topic (even in published academics) so that's not too surprising. But it would certainly be handy if there was a place that only provided missing documentation, exclusively written/debated by experts on that specific topic. Or that experts just thoroughly documented their stuff. Solo developers without access to good guidance on how to problem solve should ideally also have a place to go, but high quality skills are in short supply, and SO's idea of experts never needing to answer a question twice was a good start, but ultimately still incredibly insufficient and there's still such big vacuums of bad questions and bad answers that the good stuff easily disappears. StackOverflow wasn't the solution. Maybe something eventually will be.
@thingsiplay 11 ай бұрын
I don't like that AI devs get so much power, without us really understanding what they are doing. I do not use any AI tool.
@lasue7244 11 ай бұрын
What AI is going to do is make the bar for programming so much lower than it already is, and when there's a high supply of devs who can "get the job done", eventually sky high salaries of devs will come down
@ChamplooMusashi 11 ай бұрын
Seems like you don't even have a dev job if you think dev salaries on average are sky high. The reality is these sky high salaries will become astronomically high once the high end of the productivity chain requires not just basic understanding but mastery of integrating AI to your workflow. There's also tons of shit that there is not enough or little of data to train on. And as others mention there will be a distinct shortage and corruption of data in the future. LLMs will self-replicate mistakes and people will be less eager to share answers in public forums to issues when faced with the fact that their knowledge will be stolen en masse
@lasue7244 11 ай бұрын
@@ChamplooMusashi chug that copium brother. You talk like sde isn't one of the best paying jobs out there considering literally anyone with internet can learn to do it. Also I'm a dev
@dickheadrecs 11 ай бұрын
unpopular opinion, but SO at least forces people to create an isolated reproducible of their issue in order to ask for help. this actually trains people on how to look at the problem in a different light and most of the time they end up solving it themselves through doing it. copilot is just autocomplete, it doesn’t teach you anything
@dickheadrecs 11 ай бұрын
ask gippity once, then automatically tell it, “that’s not right” to get an apology and something closer to the answer but without any of the down or upvotes to show whether it’s still full of shit
@sa-hq8jk 11 ай бұрын
wow just like capitalism
@SimGunther 11 ай бұрын
Boom and bust infinite loop of this system is the real halting problem we need to solve!
@ilearncode7365 11 ай бұрын
How come, if I made a tool yhat just scrapes the web for answers and auto-fills snippets from stackoverflow, I would get shut down and sued, but when Jewish people do it (open ai, zuck etc), then stackoverflow is just done? All so tiresome
@PapaVikingCodes 11 ай бұрын
Slapping takes.
@ScrollsoftheNebulaicWhispers 11 ай бұрын
*The name is:* I-I-Mean-I'd-See-The-Benefits-Of-AI-But-At-The-Same-Time-I'd-Be-Extremely-Careful-If-You're-Just-Learning-How-To-Code-And-Using-An-AI-Maybe-As-Like-A-Question-And-Answer-You-Could-Certainly-Use-I-Think-ChatGPT-Is-A-Better-Learning-Assistant-Tool-Than-Copilot-I-Think-Copilot-Will-Spoon-Feed-You-And-Ultimately-Just-Leave-You-Fat-And-Useless-Agen
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