The Filoni Formula

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Professor Geek

Professor Geek

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This is further explanation of my topic in the previous video on the problems with Dave Filoni's writing.
You can find the video on Dave Filoni that I mention by Sheev Talks here: • The Problem With Dave ...
And you can find Sound Engravers playlist on the problems with the Siege of Mandalore here: • Don't Write Scenes Tha...
And you can purchase pre-Dave Filoni Clone Wars comics from the EU

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@thesentinel5523 2 жыл бұрын
The Disney formula to Star Wars is the Dave Filoni formula to Star Wars, and it’s amazing how long it’s taking people to realize this. Dave Filoni was Disney Star Wars before Disney Star Wars was Disney Star Wars.
@mobileorbitalbattlestationexte Жыл бұрын
Disney Star Wars? Wait i thought Star Wars became Disney Wars in 2014, so am I a Disney era Star Wars fan now? Even though I was a Star Wars fan since 2010 just years before the Disney takeover
@clonecommando-cn6bo Жыл бұрын
Rather embarrassing how long it takes to realize that filoni is the male Kathleen Kennedy
@mrzirak792 Жыл бұрын
​@@jaydenc367 good writer? How can he be a good writer when he use characters (Quinal Vos, Barris Offee) that were written by other people and write them in opposite way? Or when he have only 2.5 female characters types? Or he contradict not just EU, but damn movies (Ithan Koth who died right in AOTC and appears in TCW alive despite statement of his death, and even more). When he got opportinity, he instantly turned TCW in a straight up poorly written wattpad fan fiction with his OC (Ashoka) that ofc have to be padawan of chosen one (then it continues in Rebels where she becomes "grey jedi"). Its hilarious how EU writers supposee she most likely died and even Lucas wanted her dead.
@mstash5 11 ай бұрын
@@mrzirak792 it's all garbage. Stick to the EU.
@mrzirak792 11 ай бұрын
@@mstash5 ik👍
@KingRyanoles 2 жыл бұрын
Ashoka really should have died in a fight with Vader, either the one in Rebels or earlier. That arc Ezra goes through to save her was so dumb. There was potential for something good in having her fight Vader. Keeping her alive and included in more things is nonsensical fan girling by Filoni.
@robertocaetano4945 2 жыл бұрын
If i wrote Rebels, all characters would die. No inquisitors or flying copter, only Vader, violent, unstopable and killing one by one. As Rebels, they are always running and had only small victories, but in most times they lose. No Sabine and Zebb. Only Kanan, Hera and a remade Ezra, much more mature. A lot of Wars and like The Clone Wars, every episode will show one different person from Rebellion. I would use Dark Horse comics as references (Star Wars: Empire, Star Wars: Rebellion and Star Wars: Purge) and some elements from Force Unsleashed.
@mid_westgaming9357 2 жыл бұрын
in my head she did die in some universe lol. fucking multiverse
@peterlang777 9 ай бұрын
Filoni and the deus ex machina
@Trioban 6 ай бұрын
At this point asoka is only good for a wank 😂
@BlaisingBard29 6 ай бұрын
I love Ahsoka, I really do. She was the character that got little me into Star Wars in the first place, but I do agree that she should have died in her fight with Vader. I feel like making her survive did a disservice to both her AND Anakin's stories. Now, this might just be me loving angst a little too much, but imagine how much more impactful it would have been if Vader had killed her, had killed the girl that he had helped to train and watched grow from an impulsive and whiney teenager into a genuine warrior. Yet again, it would show just how far he had fallen, how far he was willing to go to separate "Vader" from "Anakin". She should have put up a fight but ultimately met her demise at the hands of her former master. We know that by that time Vader was very very far gone. Within his character, he would have asked her to join him maybe, but once he got the "No", it would have been certain death. And what a poetically tragic death, highlighting Anakin's fall once again. Even if they were going to go with the idea of her surviving, thematically it would have been better if something had drawn Vader away rather than Ahsoka being pulled into another world that we had never seen before. The way it happened in cannon took away the agency of both Vader and Ahsoka. If she was going to live, it could have been an opertunity to show the tiny glimmer of light that was still always there in Vader despite everything. It was a chance to show that tiny bit of "Anakin" that was still there. On the flipside, her death, like I said earlier, could show Vader's darkness, his fall. The whole thing with Anakin was the idea of him having both light and dark, they had an opertunity to show that with the choice he made in that moment, instead they ruined it and lost that chance. They let Ahsoka live, and now with the new Live action show, they're ruining her character.
@jefferyandbob3137 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly I like Ashoka and TCW, my issue is that he keeps bringing her and other characters back over and over.
@gordonshumway467 Жыл бұрын
i like ashoka and tcw to but i agree filoni want to put her in everything and i hate that
@Nenodom Жыл бұрын
She is still a badly written character
@ulty1472 10 ай бұрын
@@gordonshumway467TCW sucks
@SpFlash1523 9 ай бұрын
@kickingbackpunchingcones4099 Crossed arms, weird smirk, deadpan, blank/generic dialogue, sloppy fighting style, and all.
@kidcardco 2 жыл бұрын
One gripe I've always had with Ashoka was how she was shoehorned in as Anakin's Padawan. We're told the Jedi are assigning padawans to Jedi Knights during the clone Wars but this ONLY happens to Anakin. All other Jedi choose who they are going to train as a Padawan and there are several knights featured in TCW how are shown to be without a Padawan. It was clearly a weak excuse to force Ashoka into a storyline which she had no business being into in the first place.
@brandonscott4808 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly. Plus Anakin having an apprentice makes no sense since he didn't become knighted until the final months of the Clone Wars leading up to Revenge of the Sith in 19 BBY.
@BalrogUdun 2 жыл бұрын
Also in Revenge of the Sith one of the things that was driving him away from the Jedi was him not being advanced to master after all of his accomplishments during the clone wars. Which gave Sidious one of his footholds in Anakin.
@BalrogUdun 2 жыл бұрын
She’s a giant plot hole masquerading around as Wifu
@BalrogUdun 2 жыл бұрын
@@brandonscott4808 that’s one big gripe I have with the prequels, the clone wars should have lasted a lot longer and the whole trilogy should have followed Anakins progression through the wars. With two opposing armies you can generate out of a factory and test tubes it should have been like a galactic WW1 that made the populace way more accepting of an empire.
@mstash5 11 ай бұрын
@@BalrogUdun I like the prequel trilogy and grew up with it, but I also would've executed it in the way you describe - and I've said it for years now. The backdrop of war (the Clone Wars) should've spanned all three films, or at least two and a quarter. The fact that you can technically cut out Phantom Menace altogether makes our argument a strong one.
@savagedarksider5934 2 жыл бұрын
It's funny how people complain about Galen Marek being A broken character but these same people turn around praise Ahoska Tano-and all she is Dave Filoni's fan fic character(Y'know,calling her A fan fic character is A insult to actual good fanfic characters.)
@Round_Slinger 2 жыл бұрын
Galen is the perfect character 👌
@robertocaetano4945 2 жыл бұрын
Galen Marek >>>>> The Rebels show + Ahsoka + Rey + The Sequels + Bad Batch.
@bagman4896 2 жыл бұрын
I miss Starkiller but I don't want the mouse to corrupt him
@Darth_Enigma 2 жыл бұрын
@@bagman4896 Same, that's why I don't want them putting their grubby little hands all over the Old Republic
@savagedarksider5934 2 жыл бұрын
@@chrisromero2608 I don't have explain anything to you.
@abyssaldragonslayer4389 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for pointing these facts out, Prof! I've felt that way about Filoni and his Star Wars writing since the Clone Wars came out. It's just hard to talk about it with a lot of Star Wars fans because the mainstream community has decided that The Clone Wars is amazing and Asohka is the greatest character ever...
@Twister980 2 жыл бұрын
I liked Rebels, but looking back; you're completely right about Sabine. She made that super conductor for Beskar armor; only got hated for it over the course of a single two parter. Never brought up again.
@Mouse_Metal Жыл бұрын
She invented it when she was like 13. LOL! Whole teams of adult scientists with many years of experience couldn´t figure it out, but a child singlehandedly invented a suerweapon. Mary Sue The Ultimate.
@blazefa. Жыл бұрын
How did you like rebels. Are you twelve?
@SpFlash1523 9 ай бұрын
@@Mouse_Metal and it got worse in the Ahsoka series.
@Mouse_Metal 9 ай бұрын
@@SpFlash1523 Did she invent the Starkiller Base in that show? I haven´t seen it and I don´t plan to ever watch that dumpsterfire.
@splixson9126 2 жыл бұрын
4:27 For the longest time, the concept of the Jedi being the real bad guys of the story was always a deconstructionist fan theory.
@SpacenoidCentral 2 жыл бұрын
They weren't the bad guys. They just got too deep into politics and into the war. They made many mistakes, and this is not just prevalent in clone wars. It was in Lucas' vision as seen in the prequels. But the Jedi and the light side in general was always good.
@splixson9126 2 жыл бұрын
@@SpacenoidCentral Exactly.
@leahvolmer9210 2 жыл бұрын
@@SpacenoidCentral How were the Jedi too deep into politics? Because they weren't anarchists? I have yet to hear an in depth explanation of "too political"?
@SpacenoidCentral 2 жыл бұрын
@@leahvolmer9210 I guess I should've clarified more of the war part. They focused too much on the Clone Wars and trying to win it thinking it would make the galaxy a better place. When they accepted to become generals in the war, they essentially became guardians of the Republic rather than guardians of peace. That's just from my perspective though. There's probably countless other explanations or views regarding the idea.
@leahvolmer9210 2 жыл бұрын
@@SpacenoidCentral Are you unaware of how serious the Clone Wars were? They weren't like today in the Middle East, they were more like either World Wars on terms of scale. The Separatists were led by the Banking Clan, Trade Federation and Techno Union, e.i a bunch of greedy corporatists who didn't want to pay their taxes and funded huge weapons manufacturing (droid factories) to instigate a war with unequipped people of the Republic. They were bonafide bad guys who wanted to tyrannize the little people of the Republic. Stepping away from the war would have caused more harm than good, which was the point. The Jedi are not the problem in this situation, Palpatine was. There was literally nothing the Jedi could do to stop any of this from happening, Palpatine was too good a chess player. The Jedi did not choose to become generals in the Clone Wars, they were forced into it. George Lucas said so himself if you ever decided to do a quick google search on the matter. Again, every one blames the Jedi, but none of this was because they did something wrong. Why don't we just admit that Palpatine is an excellent chess player and blame HIM, you know, the tyrannical Sith Lord who is best known for manipulating people and systems to his advantage. Sometimes you can do everything right and still fail. Not because you were wrong, but because your opponent was better than you.
@SoundEngraver 2 жыл бұрын
It irks me when fans today believe the Jedi were corrupt. Yes, they had their shortcomings with the Chancellor, and their lack of vision on that one singular point led to their genocide. That displays more the power of the villain, not the weakness of the heroes. Ultimately, the Jedi were the ambassadors of good and peace.
@schwaaard 2 жыл бұрын
I wouldn’t argue that they were corrupt, but rather that they were off-target more often than I would have expected from an ancient and wise order. I mean, ‘c’mon. They have a virtual incarnation of the Force itself-unprecedented in the history of the galaxy (as far as I’m aware)-and they’re like, “Nah, too old, too afraid, too angry. Dismissed!” No consideration that someone so powerful might tap into the Force on his own and start wreaking havoc? Couldn’t possibly be discovered, corralled and enticed by the Sith who has stymied the Council thus far? It was an irresponsible decision based on blind adherence to rules that often made no sense or were proven to be fallacious by events in the OT. I just remember that scene of a 9-year-old child standing in the midst of these vaunted leaders and being judged and discarded. Corrupt? No. Good? …Maybe from a certain point of view. I’d venture to guess the Council’s handling of Anakin (both in that initial interaction and in their mistrust and fear of him later) played a significant part in his turning, and their dogmatic approach to the Force created a lot of unnecessary-if not outright harmful-friction in their ranks. Though Kenobi accused the Sith of being the only ones to deal in absolutes, he was part of a trilogy that showed the Jedi were just as prone to that proclivity. I didn’t need the Council to be perfect, and in fact they had to have become significantly weakened to have allowed the Sith to turn the tables so swiftly. (One Dark Side-doping politician and some underwhelming minions against a cadre of the best and the brightest side of the Force? C’mon, man!) We weren’t seeing them at their best, but I would rather have them fall by taking virtues to extremes and failing to maintain order in a galaxy that saw them as irrelevant relics, than to be prideful, largely aloof Pharisees with little demonstrable compassion or wisdom. I certainly wouldn’t venture to hold up my own reaction is an objective judgment of the situation, but the fact that I felt no grief during the destruction of the Order-and in some regards almost welcomed it-is indicative that the Council’s portrayal was not done in a way that fostered regard or affection. The Emperor’s rise was tragic, but by the end of RotS, it seemed clear that the Jedi purge was almost a necessary evil… (Dramatic music swells- a lone figure stands silhouetted against setting twin suns as VO continues) ..And that, perhaps, is the greatest tragedy of all…
@robertocaetano4945 2 жыл бұрын
True! My favorite era is New Jedi Order era. Luke rebuild the Jedi because he knew that the Galaxy need the Jedi Order again.
@SoundEngraver 2 жыл бұрын
@@schwaaard Good insight!
@laisphinto6372 2 жыл бұрын
they were but seriously TCW is so garbage in shoeing that. we dont see any dark acolytes besides ventress and the jedi are too pure and pong krell is the most cartoon mustache twilling villain in existence. or more precisly all of Filonis villains so over the top cartoon villains you never can take them seriously. the droids are annoying and dont get me started on rebels empire. its so garbage they made freaking GRAND ADMIRAL THRAWN a generic villain beaten by goddamn space whales
@schwaaard 2 жыл бұрын
@@laisphinto6372 Filoni? More like “Felony” amiright? ;)
@strategicperson95 2 жыл бұрын
I'm actually a weirdo, I didn't have much issue with Ahsoka initially. But unlike everyone else, I say Ahsoka and TCW quality dropped. The arc that really got me to turn against Ahsoka was the Onderon Arc as it shows another case of her being a Mary Sue. The main key was that this arc bothered ignoring its own plot point that the Jedi could not expose themselves aiding the Rebels of Onderon. When she revealed herself defending the Onderon Rebels, she outright exposed herself and by extension broke the one rule; don't interfere less you show the Republic actually supporting an insurrection. Now that she did this, and both the King and his Separatist allies know the Republic are supporting the Rebels, do they take advantage of this political bomb and use it for their own advantage? No. The next episode actually ignores it and continues like she didn't ever reveal herself to save some insurrectionists. Unlike others, I say Ahsoka got worse as seasons went on; not better. And I'm with Lucas in that Ahsoka should have died during the Clone Wars. But this was a point Filonii was willingly disobeying Lucas on. TCW is fine as a kid show, but it has it's issues fitting in with the Canon. Ahsoka is just one of many. It also explain why Filonii never used Aaylla Securra in future episodes.
@123mandalore777 11 ай бұрын
Finally someone else who hates the Onderon arc. I can never decide if Onderon or the Maul and Mandalore arc is the worst part of Clone Wars, both were absolutely abymally bad, brainless trash arcs that harmed the quality of Star Wars overall. All your points are correct, and I also agree that TCW got worse as it went on. S1&2 were fine, S3 & 4 had good eps but also some really bad directions were being taken, was kinda all over the place in quality. And then S5 & 7 were just total garbage not even worth watching. I honestly regret finishing Clone Wars I should have dropped it after finishing S4. Also I too wondered why Aayla Secura disappeared from the show.
@123mandalore777 11 ай бұрын
This is the best takedown of Filoni I've ever seen. I love how you bring up the fact that Ahsoka is a Mary Sue in disguise, because she never actually makes real mistakes. She makes fake mistakes and the show rewards her for them. And yes Filoni cannot into character development at all. But man the amount of times that Ahsoka was rewarded for bad behavior or for making mistakes was infuriating.
@MikePine. 2 жыл бұрын
Back when I still watched Kevin Smith's show I remember him talking about Filoni, basically he asked Filoni why doesn't he write for the movies instead of the show (Rebels was still on the air) and Filoni responded "Because here I can do whatever I want" the bad thing is that his fan fiction is going to be considered more and more canon since the mamdalorian and Disney+ shows are live action.
@jigawatt1.215 2 жыл бұрын
It doesn't really make sense for characters like Ahsoka and Cal Kestis running around the time of the original trilogy. Luke and Leia were the LAST hope. Authors are now going to have to bend over backwards to explain why they weren't around, or they are just going to ignore canon and try to erase it like the Kenobi show.
@schwaaard 2 жыл бұрын
Kenobi: That boy is our last hope. Yoda: No…there is another. Kenobi: …Leia? Yoda: Oh yes. Forgetful I am, more there are. Female the Force is! (Goofy Yoda chuckle)
@schwaaard 2 жыл бұрын
@@alfredvickers4054 The only thing Order 66 did was rob Anakin of his dark legacy. “Vader helped the Empire hunt down and destroy the Jedi knights. …Or, ya know, he swatted a few younglings and Trade Federation businessmen, while a bunch of zombie clones shot most of the knights in the back.”
@dtxspeaks268 Жыл бұрын
​@@schwaaard wtf are you on? Anakin killed more Jedi besides younglings and his assassination of the Separatist Council pushed him either further into the Darkside. It didn't rob Anakin of his "dark legacy". Now I know for a fact you're a Redlettermedia cult follower.
@Psychokiller2133 11 ай бұрын
See I don’t mind the empire timeline because I think it’s true luke and leia was truly there last hope luke was the only one that can bring his father back from the light and cal and Ashoka didn’t kill vader so it did not change anything it was only luke and he was there last chance
@mstash5 11 ай бұрын
@@schwaaard The Revenge of the Sith novelization portrays it better and is actually a great read. Anakin/Vader slew a lot of Knights within the Temple. The movie briefly shows it in the security hologram Obi-Wan pulls up, but one thing I wish they had done was show more of the carnage within the Temple itself. Of course, that probably would've bumped it up to an *R* rating. In the _Republic_ comic series, Vader actually does go after a group of Jedi alone. In the old EU (before Order 66 became completely meaningless), Vader does also hunt down Jedi who escaped the purge. All these other Disney Jedi running around before the OT really doesn't make sense.
@graviton6436 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Professor Geek I was wondering if you could make a video on your thoughts on the Star Wars prequels
@richardgreeter4918 2 жыл бұрын
That's why people didn't like final fantasy 7 remake because they changed the story that's why people cringe overthe Kotor remake and splinter cell getting a remake because we know they're going to change the story for a modern audience which usually means woke Its our story now and people don't like when they change the story for a modern audience
@terrenal2092 2 жыл бұрын
How much of the story FF7 remake changed?
@jonathandear4914 2 жыл бұрын
@@terrenal2092 More so pulling a trick, it presents itself as a Remake, when in actuality its a sequel
@terrenal2092 2 жыл бұрын
@@jonathandear4914 damn, well looks like I'll be playing the original than.
@richardgreeter4918 2 жыл бұрын
@@jonathandear4914 agreed Its a sequel or an alternate timeline or a reboot in it says remake
@richardgreeter4918 2 жыл бұрын
@@saberiandream316 no Its not I have Kotor from the xbox store and its still good even today
@aaronrowell6943 2 жыл бұрын
I will admit I have defended feloni in the past but I'm glad you have definitely brought this stuff to my attention because ahsoka, while she's not a terrible character that I could name worse I'll take her over Rey, let's compare ahsoka to Luke from empire to Jedi. You have the same situation time Skip and change of clothes and change of attitude. But when you point out this difference that is Ashoka never changes and grows really as a character in execution compared to Luke who is night and day difference between himself from episode 4 to episode 6. This is not easy stuff I'm not trying to say that I could do it but it's one of those things where it's all in execution. I know a lot of people who like the emotional payoffs like I was listening to somebody talk about the latest episode of Kenobi and I constantly think of Obi-Wan versus Darth maul in rebels, and Ashoka versus Darth Vader in rebels. There are some strong emotional payoffs in these scenes, but they definitely could be stronger
@Snaaaaap 2 жыл бұрын
They made Ashoka so strong in facing Vader even after she confirmed it was Anakin. Then they deflated her impact with dues ex machina. While Kenobi who had leagues more experience, skill and dealt with more dramatic events thoughout his life... Did not so much good against Vader. Besides the point they shouldn't meet again till ANH. Kenobi mini retconned a major point in SW history. Unnecessarily so.
@gordonshumway467 Жыл бұрын
@@Snaaaaap nothing in anh says that kenobi and vader didn´t meet between episodes 3 and 4
@mstash5 11 ай бұрын
@@gordonshumway467 it is suggested that they didn't, especially when Tarkin says, "Obi-Wan Kenobi? What makes you so sure... Surely he must be dead by now." Tarkin wouldn't have said that if Vader and Kenobi had this spectacular showdown where Kenobi then escaped. The Empire would've known that he was alive somewhere, and hence their surprise in the Death Star wouldn't make sense in ANH. Also, we all know that George Lucas' vision was that they hadn't encountered each other since Mustafar.
@schwaaard 2 жыл бұрын
Wow. This really shows why Filoni and Disney get along so well. Many Disney Princess movies are about a rebellious, headstrong, independent, wise-beyond-her-years young lady who typically makes some very poor decisions based on even poorer judgment…and then the story magically warps around her to make everything okay at the end. (Ariel is the worst offender in this regard, but there are others.) She doesn’t have to apologize or mature-that’s done by the foolhardy characters who doubted her! I’ll admit, I enjoyed about 75% of the CW series. Granted, that was back when it first came out, and the abysmal Prequels had made me desperate for decent SW content. (I was so foolish back then. So young and reckless.) I did, and still do, largely appreciate how they actually made Anakin a respectable character and showed him undertaking noteworthy exploits. He showed leadership, sacrifice, a sense of humor, and a dark side that wasn’t melodramatic emo nonsense. It also gave him an Obi Wan a legit friendship-something the films utterly failed at. But I did experience Filoni fatigue, I just didn’t realize what it was or where it stemmed from. Nowadays, CW only serves as occasional background noise when a very particular whimsy temporarily shrouds my better judgment. I am continually surprised at how many people hold Ahsoka up as an amazing character-even so far as to calling her their favorite. There’s no accounting for taste of course, but the skeptical part of me wonders if it isn’t some mild defense against the slanders of sexism and racism. “My fav character is a non-white, non-human woman! I’m kosher, ya’ll!” Whatever the reason, I am perplexed at her popularity, as I found her, at best, to be…not-a-distraction when I watched the show. Thanks for giving the Filoni discussion a sequel of sorts, (kudos on the discipline to keep the duration consistent) and for proactively addressing various arguments regarding writing proclivities and limitations. The fact that there are people celebrating the triumph that is the Kenobi series means that there will always be irrational and absolutely ridiculous minds that will defend and support anything, so I’m guessing you’ll get some pushback here as well. But I doubt it will be conveyed with any reason or arguments capable of contesting truth.
@michaelwills1926 Жыл бұрын
Well put 🫡💯
@SpFlash1523 Жыл бұрын
I liked the prequels' portrayal of Anakin and Obi-Wan, but to each their own.
@dtxspeaks268 Жыл бұрын
Abysmal prequels? The Sequels and Solo would like to have a word with you. Besides TPM and AOTC are on par with ROTJ tbh and ROTS not far off from being just as great as TESB. How about you stop watching redlettermedia and Cosmonaut Variety Hour propaganda and actually watch the prequels again. Literally the OT has the same flaws yet I bet you still think they're good. Also it wouldn't surprise me if you're a neo fascist given your comparison of liking Ahsoka to liking a non white character.
@dtxspeaks268 Жыл бұрын
​@@SpFlash1523 he's probably a RedLetterMedia cult follower so dont expect any original thought
@michakoniecpolski5677 Жыл бұрын
Cope more soyboy
@rodrickadamginsburg8960 2 жыл бұрын
I cannot believe how I did not see this. Thank You Professor G!
@SpacenoidCentral 2 жыл бұрын
Tartakovsky General Grevious > Filoni Grevious
@mstash5 11 ай бұрын
Tartakovsky CW > Filoni TCW
@alsimmonshellspawn6021 2 жыл бұрын
EU writers could do powerful strong female characters without destroying all the powerful strong male characters, Disney star wars is only about the whaman
@alsimmonshellspawn6021 2 жыл бұрын
@Cipher 2 true also I love nomir sunrender satele chan vaylin Leia and Jaina solo
@HunterMagunter 11 ай бұрын
Anyone who wears a cowboy hat indoors should be on a watchlist
@MrRobot2027-wd9iw Ай бұрын
What do you think of Ian Flynn who looks like Filoni.
@teken_nation822 2 жыл бұрын
I've been thinking a lot with regards to George Lucas himself. Looking back at his cinematography, I have some appreciation with how he visualizes the prequels. It's a little hard to explain so I'll take examples. The most defining aspects is how he transitions the scenes (the blur effect) which is what I considered authentic to Star Wars exclusively. The way I see modern films and ESPECIALLY Disney Star Wars, the cinematography is more modern Hollywood-esque. Most movies would have jump cuts and fast transitions to the next scene, and sometimes it would result in fade in and fade out effects. The highlights that I find Lucas's approach to his filmmaking of the prequels is how he uses the camera to give depth to his characters. One scene I loved the most was Anakin's ride on his vehicle towards his mom's kidnappers and how the camera slowly zooms into him at full view, showing his sheer anger being held back until he confronts the Tusken Raiders. Revenge of the Sith has two scenes that were PEAK. Order 66 and Obi-Wan VS Anakin. Order 66 basically begins with the elimination of the jedi. The transition between each jedi is slow and carefully placed to give a emotional impact. One by one, you observe how such a order could caused a massacre. Plo Koon (whom I enjoyed in the Clone Wars) broke my heart when he was shot down, Obi-Wan getting shot by command Cody with the camera zooming slowly as it tilts to him ordering him to open fire with the blast knocking Kenobi to the pit. The biggest moment was with Obi-Wan and Anakin. What makes their fight insanely good was it's attention to simple keeping a steady camera at all times. When I watched the Kenobi show, I sensed how amateurish the camera was in showing the fight between the him and Darth Vader, it felt like there wasn't care into creating the scene. It's like they called it a day after one take. The fight on Mustafar is breathtaking as the cinematography makes you see how dangerous it is. And when it cuts to still shots, they remain focus on Kenobi and Anakin at all time. Compared to shows like Loki with him vs the female version at the climax of the last episode, there's no authenticity in the fight, it's rapid shots of them throwing their hands and quick cuts that really don't serve anything other than to build a bland fast paced scene. Obi-Wan and Anakin's fight on Mustafar is what I believe was Lucas' greatest moment as this would've set a standard on how action and cinematography could be managed. But instead with Clone Wars while having nice still shots, I do hate much of the time it's so still when the Jedi deflects and swings, they have these fast swings to bounce the blasters back at the droids. There was a stiffness in their movement and given this was animated, it lack the flow in how the Jedi fight in live-action. Filoni himself is who I considered careless and doesn't take continuity into consideration. When looking at Darth Maul's voice performance and how Filoni shed more depth to his character, I kinda like it but sometimes his raspy and monologue tend to drag on for me atleast. In Reva's case, her performance lacks believability and authenticity. Even I liked the Jar Jar due to how characteristic he was. He may be annoying, but George Lucas sure did make a believable character so DAMN annoying :). I had all these thoughts since Kenobi was finally done, didn't need to watch the very last episode to realize that Lucas's vision for the franchise is not going to happen anytime soon. Filoni, Jon and Kathleen, even people like the guy who directed Last Jedi (yes, I didn't care to name him) aren't really the type who actually care about the IP's legacy and treat it as a brand and a cash-cow. It's sad when you let a mouse buy something that they don't know how to work with. I probably some errors in my comment so I leave this out here and rest assured, I'll fix whatever I stated that may not be correct. It's just Star Wars is a franchise I want to succeed. I respect Lucas because without him, the Original Trilogy would've never existed.
@HunterMagunter 11 ай бұрын
Still empty hollow, and lifeless movies
@mstash5 11 ай бұрын
@@HunterMagunter it's actually a good story (the prequels) that could've been executed differently. Empty hollow, and lifeless movies more appropriately describes the Disney abominations.
@quirinoguy8665 2 жыл бұрын
Looking back on this... I only liked Ahsoka because of her relationship with Anakin, my kid brain was a big Anakin fanboy and frankly I loved the fact that Anakin has his own Padawan, It gave much more amazing moments with his character, but unfortunately I grew up and realized that why would the Jedi order let Anakin, one of the most reckless and emotional Jedi Knights have a Padawan? Like shouldn't they consider the consequences of this? I mean they did give a half-assed explanation in the first movie but it still doesn't make sense, plus the biggest hole in this is Anakin is a Jedi KNIGHT, not a master who usually trains Padawans, they literally have a ritual wherein the masters choose who becomes their apprentice or a farmboy in their Agricultural corps but nah screw it, make up an excuse because it's the Clone Wars which is an ok explanation I guess, they desperately need more manpower or something but it still doesn't answer the biggest question, why Anakin? Shouldn't Plo Koon have Ahsoka instead? Or hell maybe some other Master that is more qualified for this position? Then you realize that she basically has no character progression, she literally just changes at the writer's whim, which is very reminiscent of the writing of most telenobelas I had to endure as a child here in the Philippines which over time I grew to dislike, and realize that Filoni has the same flaws as the many Filipino writers we have over here, so many writers in the Philippines often write their characters as Author's pets and frankly having tried writing myself and upon reviewing it I also have a tendency to bias to one character and ignore the rest, especially if it's an OC of an already established franchise, which tells me that the reason why this happens is because of amateur writing and frankly nobody is there telling you to stop and review what you are doing or you are actively ignoring them which I will absolutely avoid doing so the next time I dare to write again if it is a fanfiction. Watching film critques and analysis like these of my favorite shows and finding out their flaws has actively made me improve my consumption of media and how I plan my future creative endeavors which unfortunately for Filoni and other writers, will never happen which is bad news for the Star Wars media franchise, I highly encourage people to always be critical of what entertainment media they consume and learn from it's mistakes and it's success, I am a firm believer that stories are a very important part of society and quality is important but in the Capitalistic society we have, as long as people keep consooming this will still happen just like in the Philippines, just like in the West now.
@MageofSwords 11 ай бұрын
In the EU, the Knights did train Padawans. The way it worked was that a Master was a Knight who had trained a Padawan all the way to Knighthood. I remember reading that in the old Jedi Quest junior novels by Jude Watson.
@AL-ws5yi 2 жыл бұрын
I didn’t like Ashoka when she was first introduced. I didn’t watch for a bit and when I tuned back in Ashoka was different and not as annoying. I didn’t realize that they didn’t do the work to have her improve. Overall she could have been a good character if they put in a little more effort. I have no faith in anything from Disney as long as Kennedy is still there. I don’t know much about Filoni but he tends to come back to the same tropes.
@Outrider74 2 жыл бұрын
Truth. This Star Wars format that Disney is giving us is dead to me. Give me the EU
@mstash5 11 ай бұрын
Genndy Tartakovsky's CW 2003 + Dark Horse's _Republic_ series will always be the actual canon of the Clone Wars. Period.
@FredKS-UPBGE_Games 9 ай бұрын
So true Filoni essentially turned Ahsoka in to a STAR WARS GOD! And I'm not surprised to see why they put the mortis statue in the Ahsoka show... but its indicating at the fact that he's going to take the Ahsoka character to an absurd power level, since she had to face Baylen Skoll 2wice and she fought her master in the world between worlds portals in the 5th Episode, lol... And now seeing Baylen Skoll and Ahsoka in the new GALAXY, it's become a new playground for Filoni to bring back chars from the EU such as Abaloth, which again is another overpowered female character that has to do with the whole force power situation (AKA The Queen of the STARS , The creature responsible for the constant Chaos that repeats in the SW Galaxy, The Rise Fall of the Jedi to the Rise of the Empire and the Age of The Rebellion to the Fall of the Empire and Rise of the Resistance).... and according to Filoni's writing Ahsoka is probably going to be, "#the new Anakin" in this arch I guess, Filoni is Phasing away alot of the Lucas storytelling, Ahsoka has literally become the chosen one now, it's hilarious. Ahsoka is a Goddess that the fandom worships blindly and dogmatically (They dont actually understand the truth about a true female character), its messed up, she's more a symbol than an actual character, its sickening. For me I used to like Clone Wars alot, growing up as a teen back in the day, but I've always wanted to see more character out of Ahsoka;(And it turns out only now I realized there was no true character in her) I guess that's why she never really was my favorite character, even until they resurrected the Season 7 and maybe because of all the Hype i was blinded to the truth, i guess the fandom highly praised it because they really were dying of any true real OG Star Wars content. My favorite characters were that i either preferred Obiwan or Anakin Skywalker or even other characters like Count Douku. This is why I'm tired of Star Wars and I'm done with it, after that show and I can't seem to like anything Disney, even from the sequel trilogy; its all a mess & a woke train wreck and a woke machine, their content comes across as dangerous propaganda, promoting symbols and trying to brainwash the youth and society at large as a culture, the future generation will be controlled seriously and AI will be there to condition them or to eliminate the unprogrammed minds. the future is truly scary my friend. I fully agree with your points in this video! man your perspective is spot on. Thank You so much.😎 👍 Fred/K.S
@anthonyscheibmeir2444 2 жыл бұрын
Gore Vidal speaks the truth. So many of my characters are similar. I'm trying to become better at variety.
@Panax07 Жыл бұрын
Hey Prof, think you can do a breakdown of Sloane. She seems like a Daala+Palleon race swap to me. I am also worried she will take Palleon's spot as Thrawn's deputy in the Asohka series.
@OrangeMacawWorld Жыл бұрын
Even when I was a kid watching this show, I became progressively less interested from Seasons 3 or 4 onward, as it felt less like the Clone Wars and more like a series of constant sidetracks from the show’s primary purpose. Ashoka represents what is probably the most egregious and canon-breaking (even worse than Maul’s return, honestly), and as other comments have said, she’s a fanfiction OC. Actually, as a fanfiction author myself, I can’t even call TCW good fanfiction. It’s just contrived and incompetent writing.
@mstash5 11 ай бұрын
Good comment. I agree that Ahsoka is a completely egregious character. TCW isn't even a good alternate timeline like some suggest it should be. If you want a series with good writing which portrayed the Clone Wars in a dynamic way and at a fraction of TCW's time, watch Genndy Tartakovsky's 2003 _Clone Wars_
@timewarpdrive77 8 ай бұрын
@@mstash5 The 03' series is great;
@TheKGiannis 2 жыл бұрын
The thing with the Jedi being depicted not as heroes is my biggest issue. Completely disregards Lucas's original vision for them.
@laisphinto6372 2 жыл бұрын
for more detail check out I'm your Alibi . she breaks down TCW especially Ahsoka in great detail
@mstash5 11 ай бұрын
Genndy Tartakovsky's CW 2003 + Dark Horse's _Republic_ series will always be the actual canon of the Clone Wars. Period.
@Bill_Oddie_Face_Mask Жыл бұрын
While I think Filoni's characterization of it was ridiculous, I do subscribe to the idea that of the 10,000 Jedi Knights in the galaxy, many if not most of them don't live up to the ideals espoused by the council, and some are flat-out oppressive villains drunk on their power, and the council turns a blind eye to it for one reason or another. It mirrors the reality of the Samurai (and knights in other Feudal hierarchies), and explains how Palpatine - like Meiji - was able to convince the bulk of the galaxy to support the eradication of the Jedi, and why he personally desired it. I hated that the Emperor was reduced to a typical sci-fi villain without any complex motivations, and I REALLY hated the secret chip saga. I think the chips undermined the characters of the clones and oversimplified the universe. In the old EU, the clones served the Senate and the Republic FIRST, and because of the actions of most of the Jedi, when the Jedi were deemed to be traitors to the Republic, many of the clones were all too happy to carry out Order 66. Those who served with the good Jedi were either reluctant, or at times outright refused to carry out those orders.
@davemac9563 Күн бұрын
Dave Filoni is just playing with his toys, but that some how makes it into the writing.
@Inquisitor_Lelouch 2 жыл бұрын
Literally the only thing I liked from Filoni was bringing maul back, which I know it's not the best, but if it wasn't for that there wouldn't be a Wrath of Darth maul, which is a book I personally enjoyed... And no longer canon because Disney. Other than that Filoni literally uses the same formula that Disney seems to be borrowing. Bring back the original character just to be cast aside by his OC characters. This is especially the case with villains like grievous, Maul, Thrawn, even Palpatine and Vader.
@phoenixdouchebag904 2 жыл бұрын
I hope one day Netflixvania gets exposed this hard. Warren Ellis was nothing but poison to the franchise and anyone who allowed him to get away with him destroying the only chance Castlevania had as an animated cartoon should be called out. People whine and whine about "MUH RUINED STAR TREK AND DC" but these same clowns never call out Netflixvania for doing the same.
@bryany4828 8 ай бұрын
Personally I enjoy the clone wars animated series very much. But to be honest I wish they just stuck to source material from the books - the real canon.
@SolurVoludun 3 ай бұрын
Indeed, TCW is good as a standalone show, but it sucks when you take the EU into consideration
@strongarm22 2 жыл бұрын
I actually noticed that Ashoka just kind of changed out of nowhere (new outfit too). I thought that I missed some episodes that showed said change. Out of curiosity, what are your thoughts on the Prequel Trilogy overall? I know you've touched on it here and there (The Clone Wars weren't needed to "save" the prequels being one example), but I don't recall a deep dive on your thoughts. If I'm wrong, please let me know (and where you did give your opinions).
@marcosloayzamiranda9775 2 жыл бұрын
boba fett: i confirm
@replsortech2012 2 жыл бұрын
oh heteronormativity is so rare in SW canon right? ... right?
@Do_not_at_me_bro 6 ай бұрын
@dumbo1950 9 ай бұрын
Oof yes your absolutely right ahsoka objectively had no character or progression ever. She just became less annoying due to the fact that she has barely any episodes and even then we never see her change It just happens.
@oliverprice7987 Жыл бұрын
what kind of male characters does Dave Filoni write? You describe his Female characters, but you didn't tell us what are the male characters that he casts in his material?
@mstash5 11 ай бұрын
Dave Filoni's male characters are weak, one-dimensional and/or subservient to his female characters. He replaces the classic and time immemorial _Hero's Journey_ with feminist matriarchy. What male characters he drags in and supplements from the superior Expanded Universe timeline are then bastardised for his own purposes.
@retromonkey5262 2 жыл бұрын
I've tried to watch Clone Wars a few times and turned it off bc of sheer boredom. There's one metric that i can measure the quality of that show by and also the main reason I'll never try watching it again.... Jeremy from G+G loves it and thinks Assoka is just the best. Jeremy is a clown who loved TLJ.
@schwaaard 2 жыл бұрын
I thought Jeremy hated TLJ. I know he likes the Prequels, and he does think Ahsoka is the bestest, but I’m pretty sure he’s done a lot of videos mocking/condemning TLJ. TFA fooled a lot of folks (I was checked out after the first 15 minutes), but most folks I know of saw TLJ as the tripe it was.
@gordonshumway467 Жыл бұрын
@@saberiandream316 i think jeremmy is a prequel hater in disguise since he said george isn´t that good as a director and that is a lie.jeremmy is a lucas hater and a prequel hater and he lie when he said he hates tlj
@gordonshumway467 Жыл бұрын
@@saberiandream316 he probably loves the sequel trilogy
@gordonshumway467 Жыл бұрын
@@sincitty3323 wrong he wasn´t much involved on the show
@gordonshumway467 Жыл бұрын
@@sincitty3323 look at the credits
@SolurVoludun 3 ай бұрын
Back when Ahsoka was introduced I was hesitant to accept her since the story of the Prequels was about showing the bond between Anakin and Obi Wan, just two brothers. No more and no less. I eventually accepted her and ended up liking her. Now as I started reading the Expanded Universe and the Clone Wars Multimedia Project, I’m starting to dislike Ahsoka, and sadly I’m disliking TCW more and more
@priestmorrison6564 2 жыл бұрын
did I tell YOU thank YOU fer These, thank you Incase I didn't......Thank ....YOU!!
@jim-bob3093 4 ай бұрын
For the amount of squabbling between Dave and Karen Travis, they sure do both love to dump on the jedi and cant keep a cannon consistency to save their lives. (Save Travis can actually write)
@Infamous1892 2 жыл бұрын
I can't really call Ahoska Tano a mary-sue. Mainly because I haven't seen Clone Wars in like 10 years, and it's easy to see why Rey is call a Mary Sue she did it over the course of one single movie. Ahoska had seasons to grow. Maybe I have rose colored glasses, and I don't like her in this new cannon but I remember hating her, then growing to like her. That's just me, I wish her story stopped in Clone Wars.
@jsb6975.ah.crapbaskets Жыл бұрын
While (probably) not a Mary Sue in the _strictest_ definition, she's definitely one of the most fanfic-y characters in Star Wars I've come across. Honestly, without the rose-tinted glasses TCW feels like a glorified fanfic written by a movie-only fan that hated the Prequels. A _Wattpad_ fanfic, at that.
@heroicgangster9981 9 ай бұрын
I don't hate the disney star wars shows, I hate that they do not use the potential to its fullest. Like I knowwwwwwwwww making star wars shows are expensive than making an entire tokusatsu series that lasts 50+ episodes per year. But honestly I find myself frustrated whenever Star Wars live action shows just have no shame in their rushed pacing. Because yeah, a lot of the shows already have hubris enough from being mini series' in disney+. But then Filoni and a lot of other people REALLY LIKE using SYMBOLISM in order to make scenes feel like they have great ground covered for its characters. It's the reason why we have The Book of Boba Fett BARELY IN 1-2 EPISODES being concerned for his own people. They tried to sell us good guy Boba Fett by NOT PRODUCING A TV SEASON ARC MEANT TO SHOW BOBA FETT AS A GOOD GUY! I LIKE THE IDEA OF GOOD GUY BOBA FETT! SHOW ME HOW MUCH BOBA FETT CAN BE A GOOD PERSON FOR THE CITIZENS OF TATOOINE! ALL BOBA DID WAS HELP THE TUSKENS OUT FOR 1 EPISODE AND THAT WAS HIS GROWTH???????? AND WAIT THE SERIES IS DONE ALREADY?????????!!!!! Or the way The Mandalorian season 3 did not embrace the path of Din's Mandalorian life style. It could've had great potential if we got to see a more relaxed season of Din having more interactions with the people from the Children of the Watch. THE PEOPLE THAT HE HAS LIVED ALONGSIDE EVER SINCE HE BECAME A FOUNDLING! NOW PAZ VIZSLA IS DEDDDDDDDDDDD AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
@mkb4560 9 ай бұрын
The Anakin dream in the show was cool to see but did nothing for the story they could have just pulled Ahsoka out of the water and she still would have changed her showl so just pointless for the story
@fotzegamingandmedia1840 2 жыл бұрын
Actually, Ashoka changed throughout the Clone Wars due to her cockiness and disobedience of orders causing her to lose engagements and putting her troopers in danger. She learned from those experiences and grew from them, her growth wasn't due to a time jump, and I don't know where you got that because I've never heard THAT argument before. Don't take this to mean I disagree with Feloni's management being poor, I honestly think he hasn't done that good of a job. And even if I DO like the Clone Wars, I still recognize that it regularly fucks with canon.
@rockinHurley777 2 жыл бұрын
Sarah j mass is notorious for writing the same character with a different name. She is so cringe because she tries to be so edgy with her novels.
I feel like people don't really understand her...
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