The First Descendant: It's Growing On Me, Though Many Issues Remain

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Paul Tassi

Paul Tassi

21 күн бұрын

I am liking The First Descendant the more I play, able to ignore many of its worst aspects. But I'm running into some technical issues and the game also has some pretty dull missions.
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@WollyChaps 20 күн бұрын
Destiny Players: Ugh, we hate health-gated bosses! Nexon: Hold my three to five immunity balls.
@Banananaki 19 күн бұрын
Order in the next 5 minutes and we'll double your offer, and send you a rotating shield with 4 weak spots, free of charge, just pay shipping and handling!
@ashten2005 19 күн бұрын
I think the creator played the devils lair strike in Destiny and said "I need to make this a boss mechanic"
@middaylegend3331 19 күн бұрын
THE boss mechanic
@Azombination 19 күн бұрын
Omg....your right
@JamesBuggemo 20 күн бұрын
Wow, buying Shaders was *SO* Season 1 of Destiny 2.
@dyscalculic 20 күн бұрын
This might sound dumb, but since there is a lack of a good LFG tool, you can go old school like early WoW days and shout in World Chat for what you want to run with others, you will get whispers from people and you can invite them by clicking their name in chat. The game also has a decent built in voice. I wish there were a better LFG tool in the game, but this is probably the best work around I have come across.
@piratecody44 20 күн бұрын
This seems like a “give it 6 months to 1 year” type situation.
@lRecon 20 күн бұрын
Sad but true. They could've started small and offered half but way more polished, and did the same as warframe did, expand from there. But also having name heroes to play in a game like this is strange. Have 4 Leprc clones running and saying the same thing is just stupid. At least the could've covered their faces to hide the unique features.... How warframe did.
@Mounttaintop 20 күн бұрын
@@lRecon warframe started with you having to pay to revive yourself and at least 15 systems that no longer exist today starting like warframe is a terrible idea i swear people who say this just think warframe just spawned in, in its good state in 2018 game was terrible for 5 years before it was actually able to be considered a good game
@thatonepenguinperson618 19 күн бұрын
​@@MounttaintopA new game shouldn't have to spend another 12 years to catch up to a game that's been around for 12 years though. There's no point in comparing base Warframe to base TFD because Warframe right now is very full of features that TFD is lacking in or tried to copy but lesser or too similar. And the fact is that most people are not going to experience Warframe from 12 years ago. Like you don't compare every action packed first person shooter to the original DOOM, do you? TFD obviously won't have as much content as Warframe, but there's just so much polish missing which feels worse with the amount of money they're asking for with the cash shop (not to mention the game didn't launch with trade, probably to capitalize on microtransaction sales).
@lRecon 19 күн бұрын
@@Mounttaintop I've played since early alpha, and can't recall paying to revive yourself lol. In fact, a magnitude of all the systems that I started with more than a decade ago are still in the game.
@cooldudeninja0219 19 күн бұрын
@@Mounttaintop Yeah warframe wasn't in a great state at launch but here the issue though TFD isn't facing warframe from 2018 when it was in a poor state, their facing the warframe of present day. Which is why people say this game won't survive long because it doesn't take noted of what mistakes and choices Warframe or Destiny made instead falling into almost all the same pit falls. Now could TFD fix these mistakes and become a greater game like those two down the line? Yeah probably but again the issue is were all seeing the same mistakes play out again which might lead us to believe the game will fail.
@lousyoldpotato3587 20 күн бұрын
I'm have a lot of fun playing this game. The "3 balls" mechanic is just bad. And, I think they should have had three levels for the Colossi - Story, normal, and hard. So many people you get matched up with either don't have the right (if any) elemental resistance, or they haven't added the correct elemental damage to their weapons. Story-mode should still be challenging, but not "got lucky with my matchmaking" to clear. Or, they could have designed it like Warframe where the giant bosses are rare loot sources and not story blockers.
@habib6863 20 күн бұрын
Solo the bosses if you get stuck with bad matchmaking. It's that simple. If you're not the one holding the squad back then you'll solo no problem.
@welds8424 19 күн бұрын
The story mode collosi arw already easy lmao the problem is that even when the game throws the info you need to beat it RIGHT IN YOUR FACE WHEN YOU CLICK ON IT, people still refuse to mod for it and/or dont upgrade shit then expect to just win or be carried.
@casualflight3359 20 күн бұрын
Ive put about 6 hours in. I was at maybe the 3rd big zone when I realized, the game was not having me do anythign new or interesting with each new area. It was go to a place, do 4 purple missions that involve shooting stuff around a thing, rinse and repeat. I dont see this getting better or more engaging at all and yet... i still want to play.
@welds8424 19 күн бұрын
Thats what happens when something just feels good to play. A game doesnt have to be absolutely groundbreaking in mission design, it can be simple repetititon and be fine as long as the combat is nice. The colossi are where you see mechanical challenge, if only for a few of the fights. And that immediately opens up the possibility of raids, which the devs have alrdy said they are considering. Game has massive potential and as long as ppl stay interested I think it has an exciting future to look forward too.
@kyejohnson55 19 күн бұрын
To be fair, the basic missions always stay relatively the same, but it does throw new stuff and interesting areas at you later on. It's just that it's like 25-30 hours later on. Almost wish they evened out the new stuff across the whole campaign because the first 10 hours are easily the worst section of the game
@rabb1tdotcom-ie3vk 19 күн бұрын
I explained it like it kind of feels like a mobile game. There's really nothing to convince you to sit and play for hours since missions are mostly 3-5 missions and thy aren't complex at all. The completion time, and free to play build time, kind of push you to NOT play for long periods of time at once. But the OPTION to play for hours is there. It's a very 'non committal'/play for whatever amount of time you want kind of game. At first I was like 'meh this doesn't seem interesting', but the deeper I go and the more things I understand about tweaking my people makes it seem more interesting. Will it still be interesting once I've cleared with one person and I'm asking 'why am I REALLY looking for other descendants'. And of course, what is added over time. It's not got much to it now, but that could change. While 10 years is a long time, Warframe is extremely different than what it was at launch 10 years ago.
@Maveroik 20 күн бұрын
If nexon say any % chance you have to understand that is a lie. Sure, they say 20% drop chance, that number has an extra 0 you know? The Korean government sued them and had to pay a few million dollars in fines, do you think they're not doing it still? I recommend you enjoy what you can without spending a single $ on this shit.
@FireFlyMaxx 19 күн бұрын
@@Maveroik This is %100 my plan. I'll mine what I can when my D2 clan isn't on, and spend $0 doing it
@ThisGuysNameIsDan 19 күн бұрын
From what I've read about the 9 milli9n dollar case, that wasn't even the first time they've done this. In 2018, NEXON got fined like 800k for loot box practices, same as six months ago. They are straight up repeat offenders. No wonder the rates in this game are hidden by the "server-side" wall
@EmperorOfMan 20 күн бұрын
Paul moved on from crack to meth. Pray for him
@athebaar 19 күн бұрын
ded 😂😂😂
@ynotfazio 18 күн бұрын
Loot god grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to accept the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference
@RuySenpai 19 күн бұрын
No Paul, "just turn your brain off" is not a valid argument.
@callmerabbi 19 күн бұрын
I, too, was ready to throw in the towel after a couple hours. I gave it one more chance. So far, that seems to be a good call. I'm looking forward to hearing more from you on this game!
@Kaynetheburr 19 күн бұрын
Same, I wasn't a big fan in the beta or at first but I find myself going back to it every day and the build crafting is really fun. Monetization is still a bit of an issue for me but I just choose not to spend anything so far.
@4evermilkman 20 күн бұрын
The paid stuff is a rip off but the free stuff is amazing. Its like the devs are screwing themselves over. If they had more fair monetization, this game woulc make them rich. I wanna spend money on it but its so hrd to as is
@grimheergaming4109 19 күн бұрын
Nice video Paul! Glad to see you stuck with it a little and are finding some fun in the game. Latency seems to be a common issue, although for myself it's mainly in open world as opposed to strikes (operations) and boss fights. They're working on a hotfix to add matchmaking for Hard Mode strikes. The Bunny quest chain awards one of those mod-slot upgrade items upon completion of the whole thing. Note: you can also upgrade ultimate weapon mod slots (in the same way as your descendants) with those items once they get to weapon proficiency 40. Not sure if this can also be done for purple weapons though. Obviously not concrete, but saw in a twitch chat: apparently they're planning to add player trading akin to warframe (trade parts, components etc) though whether that would be for the in-game currency who knows. Could also just be a rumour. Also, saw on twitter someone ran over the strike for the Freyna part over 100 times and it still hadn't dropped, so that 20% drop rate for parts could well be borked, or just the worst RNG in history.
@derpy_j 17 күн бұрын
I don't think " turning your brain off " to play a game is a good point to make in order to play this game. I play games to enjoy them and get pulled in, not to turn my brain off and play a game that has no interest.
@Bradleythebarbell 20 күн бұрын
The downfall of this game is no matchmaking in hard mode. I have no interest in continuing
@rabb1tdotcom-ie3vk 19 күн бұрын
Speaking as someone who primarily is forced to solo in Destiny 2... I'm actually not sure I hate the idea of no matchmaking for hard mode. You are talking about level 100+ content. I've already seen random groups struggle on the basic level colossus. AND there are people who will join grouped activities and then just AFK for a large portion of it. You would NOT want either of those happening in a hard mode activity. Not even counting the fact that there is no 'role' selection when doing matchmaking. If there were, sure, that would probably be great. But without it? That could end very badly very quickly since you can't pick and adjust based on who else will be grouped before hand.
@kristophershephard7359 19 күн бұрын
Solution to the three balls are explosive techniques or explosive launchers. In destiny it's 1. Kill enemy throw ball 2. Kill enemy get sword 3. Kill enemy dunk ball 4. Kill enemy get laser 5. Kill enemy get debuff 6. Stand on pad don't die Having targets on the enemy to destroy is better in that we avoid the dreaming city strike situation of vets raging. As for the cash shop... did years of eververse teach us nothing?
@sandmanlive3790 19 күн бұрын
I'm DONE! Spent 2 days grinding to get Frey's transcendent mod. Finally drops. I pick it up and see the little icon on the right side of the screen showing it was the mod and that I had picked it up. Mission ends and I hold up to return to Albion. Apon arrival I check my inventory excited as a schoolgirl on the first day and boom... NO MOD! I'M DONE!
@chuomge6598 20 күн бұрын
I've been having a ton of fun. my thoughts are that if you like warframe, you'll like this game. There are very few similarities to Destiny so I see why most of the Destiny folk are dropping it. My main gripes are only 5 slots for research, no matchmaking later on, and drops being a set percentage instead of a pool like in warframe where you can increase your chances of getting something. What I really applaud the game for is their codex, which is the best I've seen in any game. No need for wikipedia when all you need to do is hover over something and click inspect a couple times and now you know what to target farm. Colossi are also pretty fun and cool and they give a lot of good rewards, but some seem too challenging for story progression. Gunplay is also better here than warframe imo with a lot of the weapons feeling pretty snappy. Aim assist is so forgiving on controller too so if you want to turn your brain off and shoot from the hip that's also a possibility (you can turn it down too as well). So far for me, it's at mastery rank 12 is 7.5/10 but I can see it moving up or down based off of grinding.
@Bustaperizm 19 күн бұрын
How is that zone the most efficient to level? Who said that?
@sebastianrizo8210 18 күн бұрын
I had a simialr issue and there is a correlation with mouses with higher polling rate! Ended up rolling mune back from 5k to 1k and that fixed my rubber banding.
@atlasblast2082 18 күн бұрын
SSD card fixed most of my issues. Now I have a problem with resolution changing on its own
@thedeathofaman 20 күн бұрын
I just want to know if the loot is interesting and the descendant mods are more than just extra stats.
@turftrash3971 20 күн бұрын
Certain mods actually change the gameplay. But they are rare.
@bkelso61 19 күн бұрын
Transcendent modules will change a specific ability all together. Like, there's one for Viessa's 2nd ability that takes away the ice trail but boosts other parts of it or one that changes Bunny's 4th ability from the beam to an AoE of sorts.
@rabb1tdotcom-ie3vk 19 күн бұрын
You get tons and tons of loot, but the weapons have changed about 3 times from what I've seen. (Low 30s now, so maybe every 10 levels?) Not sure what you'd define as "interesting". It's not borderlands. A machine gun is pretty much a machine gun. Descendant mods are very much like Warframe. There are basic ones like 'extra health', but more rare ones that are 'this and that' and sometimes one is positive and one negative.
@JinxyZombieHyperdrive 19 күн бұрын
Been having a good time with First Descendant!❤
@ElectricCosmic 20 күн бұрын
Go into your router settings and change the channel # to something else. Should typically fix rubber-banding / lag issues!
@EastyyBlogspot 20 күн бұрын
I only started playing it only done a few missions....i have never played a game where i got such a sense of deja vu, it is like they took stuff from Destiny warframe and outriders and put it together lol seems fun so far
@jibbibious 20 күн бұрын
They did
@Sharpshooda777 19 күн бұрын
They mainly did. But I don’t got a problem with it. Still fun lol
@yackemup 19 күн бұрын
I have rubber banding issues but it's maybe like 4 times a day at most.
@Banananaki 19 күн бұрын
I fought the one boss in that room with the ribcage looking structure, with a boss at the top, has like a pillar at the top. Did some damage to it, then it was immune. Shot at it for like 1-2 minutes to break the immune shield with the 4 rotating weak spots, then I had like 5 seconds to damage it, then immune. Then it had the 3 balls, teammates kept shooting at just one, rather than getting them all low then killing close to the same time, finally broke its shield after a few more minutes, 5 seconds of damage, immune. Back to the rotating shield. 2 hours later of flip flopping immunity shields (realistically like 10-20 mins...), we finished the boss. The whole time, it was spawning adds too, and I ran out of ammo about 6 times at LEAST, which means I had very little heavy ammo to use. Maybe we weren't the right level, but this seemed very tedious. I was following the quests as they were given, so can't imagine I was too early to be in there...
@ktpp123 17 күн бұрын
Devs are aware of Server issues, they said it is their Top Priority to fix.
@buckman234 20 күн бұрын
I look forward to another review in a week where you learn the outcomes of the assumptions based on hearsay about later content.
@ktpp123 17 күн бұрын
The game is very good, they need to play for more than the first few hours.
@lazydgsf7429 19 күн бұрын
The game is good. What annoys me is how the people who are just having fun and either happily spending money or just rolling free, are all having a great time. But all the people getting their parties bunched up are wasting time being angry. Games to me are like dinner or a vacation, they are not an investment. I spent 50$ on TFD and I’ll probably play for another week or two before moving on. Been having a blast.
@billy_cross5580 19 күн бұрын
Thank you by the way for actually calling it ultimate and instead of calling at legendary or something by the way, the red stuff our transcend it I don’t and I question did you get a transcendent gun cause I don’t I don’t know if anybody’s actually seen one out yet, but transcendent descendent items like the descendants now Item that you put in that special slot that modifies your ability that’s what I ground out on one of the low level infiltration operation took me five or six times to get the one for bunny and except for James and I think every single one of those has a tent iteminclusively for another character like each one has an exclusive item for a character so that’s something to grind out because that’s the same time you grind five 610 or whatever before you get that item once get that item and then when you get that character but meanwhile you’re also getting like 1000 to 2000 experience doing it
@usedfuzzbox 20 күн бұрын
Honestly not had any of the technical issues, playing on Xbox Series X. Yeah the cash shop sucks, but it's free to play. But it's great fun. Think of it as a really good AA game if that helps folk get into it :D
@kylclk 19 күн бұрын
Make sure gpu drivers are up to date
@rabb1tdotcom-ie3vk 19 күн бұрын
That has nothing at all to do with rubberbanding.
@bjornpederson7991 18 күн бұрын
I think there is hope for this game to become really good, I doubt anything will change with the micro transactions. But the devs did apply a hot fix so there’s matchmaking for the hard mode operations, which isn’t much but shows they are listening and want to improve their game.
@av3rag3gam3r7 19 күн бұрын
I’m having the same issue with rubber banding
@coolmantc48 18 күн бұрын
I'd rather the bosses have 2-3 more health bars then the 3 ball mechanic. I get they probably have that system in place so people don't steam roll through but man.
@Dietghostscp2107 20 күн бұрын
Id say the boss fights and operations are the best part the actual progression missions are a bit too rinse and repeat for me. The combats fun enough. I kind of come away just wishing anthem was better.
@jordanlalonde2507 19 күн бұрын
It’s growing on me to. The gunplay and general gameplay is really good. I didn’t like at the start now I’m really enjoying myself
@jeremycox9194 20 күн бұрын
As an avid destiny and Warframe player, I’m enjoying TFD.
@quentinb734 20 күн бұрын
@godtiergarou2531 19 күн бұрын
I have over 50 hours in the last 3 days but the lack of easy farm of the potatoes/forma (whatever they're called here forgot) is a great deal breaker tbh I ain't gonna pay up but lets say I go through intense grinding phase of acquiring an ultimate descendant and its sitting in my inventory what then I can't make it op without the potatoes/forma which is so so hard to farm well forma not so much but the potato man o man its so hard to grind until and unless devs fix this there's no point in grinding all the accessories etc you just have to main 1 descendant max no matter what unless you spend caliber to buy those resources
@billy_cross5580 19 күн бұрын
Yeah, I don’t think any of you actually understand what 20% means first of all 3% is a pretty good drop rate compared to a lot of items I’ve grown for a lot of games but 20% even it. It means you have one chance in five and it doesn’t mean that if you do it five times it has to come up those things just don’t measure up when you’re talking computer and What it means is each time you do it do you have one chance in five which doesn’t sound like bad but at the same time there are four chances that you won’t get it right and it’s every single time every time you whip a coin you have a 50-50 chance or tail if you do it 10 times you like it all tail but overtime if you do it thousands of times Those statistics are gonna come much closer to equilibrium and it’s gonna be more like that but when you’re talking about getting angry because you’ve done this dungeon 10 times and you haven’t gotten anything come on understand the probability behind it. Do you have a one and five chance on a 20% chance to drive if you have a one and five chance each time you do it you could literally do it 1000 times and never did a drop or did you get three drops in a roll Completion every time you got another role like rolling a five sided dice got a one and five chance that beside you is gonna come up and if there was anyway to predict that or make that more predictable, then I’d be rolling dice for a living, then they be kicking me out of casinos
@aimbotbob5056 19 күн бұрын
Idk I’ve played warframe and never bought forma and stuff like that only cosmetics so it doesn’t rly bother me since I’d never pay for it anyway
@HunterBann 19 күн бұрын
I feel ya there Paul, I REALLY love this game but HATE a lot of the premise surrounding the way they monetize. Puts me in a hard spot, but I'm having lots of fun F2P and its surprisingly doable, just some of the currency to progress your build is grindy and they want your money. The hard intercept bosses are super-doable on a budget build, I have a budget Freyna that has taken down three of the hard bosses easily solo.
@andrewpantalones 19 күн бұрын
Nimbus in the title card.
@isaiahbridges7442 19 күн бұрын
@BackwardsCombatable 19 күн бұрын
Think you nailed it when you said "Yea it's like warframe but warframe doesn't have great monetization either". People have been glazing that game's monetization for years when it's actually very anti-new player. Yes eventually you reach a point where you can acquire whatever you want with ease, but it takes hundreds if not thousands of hours to reach that point, all while you're being tempted by the "micro"transactions
@Mike-zb8cd 20 күн бұрын
Pc version rubber banding was a nightmare i switched to console and its better but still tough with the lag.
@jaredv5692 12 күн бұрын
I don't have a problem buying the characters for $10 since the game is free. I do have a problem with the hige difficulty spikes in the Colossus fights. If they don't fix that I'll probably be leaving the game
@robertpadua6096 10 күн бұрын
Dude it's an MMO. The First Descendant has solid MMO RPG elements. I haven't seen an MMO that isn't like that. Bless Unleashed you had to farm stuff with horrifying drop rates, Neverwinter is like that too, Warframe and Destiny 2..
@rabb1tdotcom-ie3vk 19 күн бұрын
Just like with Destiny 2, there's a text box for PC. Not sure if console can see it though. And "AFK" seems to be a banned word.
@sunnydaze905 19 күн бұрын
Turning your brain off is pretty counterintuitive here, especially considering the length of the grind is made worse by the fact that they want you to spend money. We spent so much time and energy losing our minds about Destiny monetization and yet none of that was pay to win. Can we say the same about The First Descendant?
@TheSkaOreo 19 күн бұрын
I made this point in the reddit, but knowing that I have no plans to put down money for it and will likely drop it in the next couple of weeks… It’s fine. It’s good enough that I don’t mind putting in some time into it. Not great, not amazing. A perfect 6.5/10 experience.
@TheDeconstructivist 20 күн бұрын
Your mindset is pretty similar to mine. I'm having some issues (I would be harsher on the storytelling than you), but I'm generally having a good time. I've earlier than you, maybe 10 hours in, but if I get through the campaign, I will coin up on some cosmetics. I'm happy to support a game I put a bunch of time into As an aside, I hope they fix the stupid "damage immunity balls." The problem isn't that they're bad, per se, it's just that it's the only trick they've got. They really just need to supplement them with other mechanics, so that we get a variety. That one wouldn't be so bad if it was one in five, instead of their only trick in the bag.
@rabb1tdotcom-ie3vk 19 күн бұрын
I think I need the bunny backpack. $10 is kind of a lot to ask for such a thing, $5 would be way more reasonable, but I figure if I get to 25 played hours and finished the main campaign and it still seems interesting to play that's more than fair.
@ItsKatsuragi 19 күн бұрын
I don't care too much about the fact they all have balls, they're still throwaway bosses, so meh... I do criticize the lack of clarity on the "balls check" where they have you kill them in order. The orbs should have distinctive features so you can tell them apart, even if they make them hard to spot at a glance.
@thorinhannahs4614 19 күн бұрын
The story is a porno story. It needs to be there, but it doesn't need to be good. I skipped through about 95% of it, but what I noticed that I found kind of cool was how each descendant is their own character. The infinite spawning orbs is bad, the five immunity orbs are annoying, and the rotating shield and linked adds are fine. The intercepts are where the game can really carve out its space in the market. It is just a raid boss with relatively simple mechanics. Obviously nowhere near what Destiny has to offer, but it is also nowhere near the level of commitment needed to do a raid. I actually really like that. I haven't done a raid since TTK dropped for Destiny 1. I have completed Hard mode Executioner and it was down to the wire. I had the mod that would allow me to remove his buff, but someone else always snagged the grapple opportunity or blasted it until you couldn't grapple anymore. Good fun. Same with farming Smithereens, I have it now, and it looks like what the Hek from Warframe would look like if the Hek wasn't modeled after a watergun.
@naiko8412 19 күн бұрын
Might want to do some gaming journalism and look into Nexon because I guarantee you wont play for much longer if you do
@OMEKS_1 19 күн бұрын
@@naiko8412 bro just sum it up what they do?
@DreadedLad88 19 күн бұрын
Its definitely hard to break into the Looter-shooter space... Especially when the community holds new games to the same standard and games that had 10 years to fail themselves into a good state.
@JonathanEnger 19 күн бұрын
There is a really great framework (ha Warframe puns) of a game here… I think that’s why so many people are split on this game. I have about 500 hours into Warframe and I am enjoying this game because the gameplay itself feels more enjoyable to me. Honestly most of the microtransactions are on par with Warframe. My only issues are the one time use paint debacle and the price to buy the Descedant mod capacity increase. The capacity increase will cost you $25 if you buy the part for it. It needs to be down into the $5-$10 range like it is in Warframe.
@Twistedvaccine 20 күн бұрын
If you preloaded, delete and reinstall, apparently it's helping a lot of people!
@FlashesSoccer011 18 күн бұрын
This game is like if warframe was a glass of milk that got left in the sun.
@EchoDoctrine 19 күн бұрын
What’s very odd on rubber banding…. My account on Steam PC I have zero issues, use same account on ps5 zero issues, take ps5 to a different home with obviously different internet, zero issues. Sorry no clue what to tell ya.
@billy_cross5580 19 күн бұрын
Some news for you that maybe you ain’t figured out yet but that’s what this game is OK once you get a character to 40 it’s time to start on another character all the while you know working on your master level all the while working on proficiency with your preferred weapons, all the while working on your gear level That’s what this game is in the end. That’s what this game is collecting items. For instance, you know collecting descendants collecting guns I wouldn’t bother collecting guns for sale but collecting ultimate guns and all the craft ultimate and then doing it like five more times so you can upgrade that ultimate gun all the way, that’s what this team is. It’s grinding and grinding and grinding so that you can take on both level 150 or higher those hard mode interceptor bosses the high level ones cause you know it’s not just level 95 that starts all over higher I think 200 is the highest one and somebody beat it already.
@zzzzzzzzzPP 19 күн бұрын
I have been enjoying everything, there is only one thing i despise tho, the stupid boss inmunity balls, worst videogame mechanic i can recall, oh and the flashbang on some colossi
@jasonwhite9532 19 күн бұрын
This game is the end results of Destiny, Warframe, Anthem, Outriders, Midnight Suns all getting together in one big orgy and out popped this game. The microtransactions are definitely needed to help offset cost to make the game and probably maintain it. This game is okay but I see it going the way of Anthem and Outriders before too long
@KB-ql8cx 19 күн бұрын
Yeah no. The monetization is off the chart.
@MrinalKantiM 19 күн бұрын
Their monetization is just a cranked up version of warframe. Everything that is evil about the pay2skip model has been lifted to a whole new level.
@billy_cross5580 19 күн бұрын
Call give the experience if they did I just be redoing the highest level one of those over and over again you don’t get any experience to Notes. You just get materials and item and the only one of those work. The items says the one that you’re closest to, but if you’ve already leveled Those items stand, there’s no point in it except for the amorphous material I mean, there’s literally no reason to intercept permission unless you can get a more materials from it or if it’s part of your main story, you know you have to do it to move on other than there’s no pointis lower than your current level and you get to get the material couple of times a day and you don’t get any experience character experience for those
@TheTrueAlucard 20 күн бұрын
Destiny in this kind of graphic and new gameplay would be perfect.
@ynotfazio 18 күн бұрын
Graphic yes. Everything else, no. I don’t want third person gameplay nor non-bungie shooting. Just want an overhauled engine but I understand that’s probably not a reality
@shadyrebob5999 20 күн бұрын
I've been having fun with the game. Tons to grind for and the shooting and moment-to-moment gameplay is pretty fun. As long as you don't need instant gratification you can get everything by playing. I do wish they'd increase the drop rate on a few different things though to make ptw be less desirable for the masses. I know the company doesn't have the greatest track record but this game could be pretty damn solid if they don't go crazy with the monetization. Big ask from Nexon apparently.
@CJ-wc5lb 19 күн бұрын
This dude really just spoiled the story about the “traitor” 😂😂😂. Like come on dog have some awareness.
@PS3RobWick 20 күн бұрын
As a Max Rank Warframe player... the game loop is good. Too many people are complaining about this and they obviously don't play Warframe lmao
@xgudnitexgudnite228 18 күн бұрын
Paul, I am a loooong time subscriber and here’s my recommendation: Stop Simping for the Acolyte. It is the worst Star Wars content ever created and is simply Kathleen Kennedy trolling her South Park meme. Please stop.
@EchoDoctrine 19 күн бұрын
Haha. I knew it. HALF the Destiny community is all on this game, let’s hope they don’t ruin it like they do with Destiny. Its really fun.
@billy_cross5580 19 күн бұрын
They ripped everything out of war frame and it all works. That’s why they took it from war frame. I don’t think they’re ever gonna be apologetic or embarrassed by that. Why wouldn’t you take the things that work and use them I mean seems to me like they would what they were doing making a hero shooter if they didn’t model a lot of it on the most successful hero shooter in the industry, it would be stupid. I mean, it literally would be stupid not to look at what Warf frame did and capitalize on it. Still all their best ideas blatantly mind you because not like they’re patented or anything steal all their best ideas and impact in some cases doing better and another cases maybe that’s more costly when wish to skip ahead.
@firoxgaming3270 20 күн бұрын
Encryption vaults are the most annoying thing to ever exist in the game not only are code analyzers are hard to obtain but it also consumes yours codes if you messed up someone in the dev needs to be fired for adding this into the game
@valzicplayz3845 20 күн бұрын
I like the game, I give it a solid 6.5/10. It has potential to be a good game. However it has problems it needs to fix. • Customization is garbage, if you get 1 paint you lose that paint when applying it to a character. If you want that paint again, you'll have to buy materials to use said materials to get the paint again. Just to lose that paint again. They need to have a Warframe or Destiny 2 color system where you keep the color you earned. • The worlds arent all that interesting and needs improvement, have a chance that a boss spawns in the world thats a monster and not some yellowbar foot soldier. Just something like a public event from Destiny 2. • I wish the enemy factions were more unique and different from one another. Cause really the only difference from the enemy faction is their ships and thats it. I wish the just have a different look like hey this enemy faction tanks are 4 legged monsters that look like Rhinos with guns. Like give them something unique.
@blary5298 20 күн бұрын
Warframe has come a long way, I feel like if the devs support First Decendent like Warframe it has a lot of potential. But right now its still rough around the edges. Oh and the monetization is pretty shit.
@valzicplayz3845 19 күн бұрын
@blary5298 Yeah. Thankfully monetization isn't as annoying as Destiny 2 monetization where your bombarded with *"hey buy this"* and then you close that tab and get 2 or 3 other pop up garbage no one cares about. But it is stupid expensive like ultimate Bunny, yeah you can grind for her but why does she cost $100 just because there's 2 other skins connected to her? $10 or $15 is a reasonable price. But I do think this game has potential it just needs more polishing for the world's, bosses, enemy factions, microtransactions needs a nerf, customization needs improvement, and hard mode needs a little touch up.
@Dryvlyne 19 күн бұрын
I'm tired of the AI in these types of games being braindead stupid. They just stand there and don't really do anything. That was my same issue with Warframe. The only way these games are "challenging" is by just throwing tons of enemies at you or making them absolute tanks. That's becoming a very tiring and disengaging trend in looter shooters.
@epitome278 20 күн бұрын
You can buy elden ring with the dlc for less than a single ultimate descendant. Their monetization is predatory and scummy putting an ultimate piece's drop rate at 3% and making percentage boosters annoying to get is by design to incentivise you buying their overpriced things. I enjoy the game and can also criticize their predatory monetization scheme.
@rabb1tdotcom-ie3vk 19 күн бұрын
You may be able to buy Elden Ring + the DLC for the same price of an Ultimate Descendant, sure. But you can play the ENTIRE game WITHOUT making that purchase. The same can not be said for Elden Ring + DLC, or really any other game. If you don't pay for those, you have ZERO access to play any part of them, let alone the entire thing. Also, Ultimates don't really seem required. Someone posted a youtube about what was different for one they used as example. ONE of the base stats was something like 5% better, and they had 4 cost reducing slots instead of 2. Not exactly a difference to go out of your way and pay for.
@apgdanielricardo8196 19 күн бұрын
Way Better than destiny for me, and as someone who played warframe for 300 hours, im enjoying this more tbh
@SmilingImp 19 күн бұрын
nexon games? lying about drop rates? noooo waaaay
@insomniaddictesp 19 күн бұрын
You should get that checked out
@TheProtosnipe 19 күн бұрын
Going to a low level defense to level up your character. Lol even the level up strat is the same as warframe
@jmiller7068 20 күн бұрын
I got Fibre and I'm rubber banding .... it's not just you. Shader system sucks and the grind in this game is just layered bs ..... look I love a good grind but a lot of it is just extra layers on something that should be simple and take time. Side note....... can we just cut the grapple cool down ... do we need it in a game like this? Oh and ultimate weapons feel........ meh ? Or maybe .... iunno man they feel okay not special. Love the game I'm in ... those and a few other things bug me .
@Bandit-do4ko 20 күн бұрын
I'd rather play a f2p game with bad microtransactions than pay 60+ for a game and still need to pay extra for the cosmetics I want.
@Phillipmurr 18 күн бұрын
Diablo 4 / suicide squad, would totally unjustifiable micro transaction.
@kyejohnson55 19 күн бұрын
The paint dyes and this games version of orokin reactors are a scam. I wont deny that and can see the egregious store practices all the way down to how much you actually get in the caliber bundles. But in terms of descedants, weapons, basically all the things it does the exact same as warframe, i love. I will also say, the collsi having mechanic's isn't "problematic" like you seem to say they are. It's the start of the game so everyone's trying to brute force it, but there's in game mic chat and a world chat to find groups that communicate etc or the lfg discords. It's very much destiny coded. Not sure why it's seen as problematic here.
@PraiseNotch 20 күн бұрын
"Warframe doesn't have great monetization" HUH
@riothegod1831 20 күн бұрын
Warframe is trash lmao barely 100k players a day. Dead ah game
@chuomge6598 20 күн бұрын
Their shit is EXPENSIVE. The only excuse they have is trading being present so people can get stuff for free
@vasRayya 19 күн бұрын
@@chuomge6598 nah even without considering trading shit is cheap as hell whole ass new character skin for like 5 bucks, remind me how much destiny charges for an armor set? 15, 20 bucks?
@PraiseNotch 19 күн бұрын
didn't ask + has nothing to do with what I said + you're probably some chatgpt ai account
@joeligma9822 19 күн бұрын
You’re either going to like the game or hate it no inbetween
@Laplace-Bk201 19 күн бұрын
I urge any players that are on the same place I am I’m fully upgraded i got my bunny fully build please go back to lower level void bosses and help ur fellow new descendants clear void bosses they are stuck on cuz I’m pretty sure some would really appreciate ur help
@Gellossgamer 20 күн бұрын
How can anyone support developers who are KNOWN for RNG manipulation…
@indianabones415 19 күн бұрын
Trying to find a reason to like this game. There is nothing cool or interesting going on at all. It feels lifeless and soul sucking. Just finished the 2nd Colossus(?) boss earlier and I think I'm done. I can't even swap around characters to see if there's someone I like because they're all around unreasonable grinds or paywalls. "But its free!" gfy
@destiny2fan442 19 күн бұрын
Pay 2 win game from nexon like maplestory
@M3GAB1TE 20 күн бұрын
Peak turn brain off, shoot things least it's free
@watchthisbs9049 20 күн бұрын
@ksh9394 19 күн бұрын
Not impressive but keep playing. As i say it not abt end game and mechanics, its a abt fun. Grindy yes, boring no. Its jus pure fun and enjoy free game. U can bail anytime while enjoyed 4 to 5 hrs easily.
@NobleCheese180 20 күн бұрын
I think everyone has gotten too comfortable with being given everything.. Destiny changed from making us grind to just giving everything away, new players have everything we spent 6 years getting and don't even have to run the campaign. The same goes for Diablo 4 and the difference with Path of Exile.. The grind is decent, it's also the beginning. Giving it time, this game has amazing potential. Took Diablo a year to get it's loot system worked out. The P2W isn't too crazy, its fast tracking the other characters and boosters. I do agree on the paint thing though, that hurts.
@elawen5 20 күн бұрын
Sounds like someone is broke
@jwash87 20 күн бұрын
If you force yourself to play a game, it will grow on you.
@DreadedLad88 19 күн бұрын
Cap. I cant get back into Destiny, even after forcing myself.
@Azombination 19 күн бұрын
I forced my self to play Starfield. Didn't grow on me.
@ynotfazio 18 күн бұрын
**If you force yourself to play a looter for 30+ hours (bc you finished erdtree and act 2 is timegated) and you’re at Paul Tassi tolerance levels for mid looters, it will grow on you.
@ktpp123 17 күн бұрын
@billy_cross5580 19 күн бұрын
But they sell, just don’t buy it. This is a pay to lose game if you buy shit instead of earning it through gameplay, you simply shortened they enjoyable time to play this game if you don’t like cash transaction in a game like this don’t spend money you’re not in competition with anybody else, unless of course you’re one of those people that think that you’re gonna get on something but I got to tell you that that ship at sale the final interceptor mission has happened and somebody beat it already so beyond that why do you care what somebody spend money on the way I see it Invest in my landscaping I spent a lot of time caring for my lawn my shrubbery my flowers whatever but my neighbor he just paid some company to come in and do it his lawn and his stuff looks as good as mine, but he doesn’t do any of it which one of us do you think has the most satisfaction out of it, the hell it’s just a bill paid to me. It’s all the work I put in and I’m going to feel satisfied and proud of it the same way in the game if I spend a ton of money buying all this shit in advancing my characters, doubling up on their back with getting all the best shit as much money as I can, but then you go out legitimately earn everything which one of us do you think as the biggest right to be satisfied and shouldn’t give a shit about what he thinks about how you feel about yourself what you earned and what you did there’s no scoreboard so you don’t know who spent money to do what maybe they’re just better than you at the game maybe they spent more timeor maybe they spent a ton of money problems you don’t know and shouldn’t care
@El_Guapo98 20 күн бұрын
This game is literally a copy-paste of like 4 other games
@athebaar 20 күн бұрын
You complained about it almost "the whole video" and it's growing on you? What the fuck are you talking about Paul? Looks like it's love at first side 🤓 Good luck 👍
@Tw33zD 19 күн бұрын
Played like 4 hours and this shit is like pre beta warframe and insanly repatitive and insane pricing on monetization So idk what you smoking ...
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