The Flood vs The Vex | Who Would Win?

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Donald Binks

Donald Binks

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HaloVFX: Flood Video
0:00 Intro
1:10 Chapter 1 Vex Origins
9:43 Chapter 2 Flood Origins
19:38 Scenario 1
36:10 Scenario 2
40:46 Scenario 3

Пікірлер: 97
@DonaldBinks Ай бұрын
1:10 Chapter 1 Vex Origins 9:43 Chapter 2 Flood Origins 19:38 Scenario 1 36:10 Scenario 2 40:46 Scenario 3
@bobsterclause342 Ай бұрын
Dude, i. Sorry, but you seem like another guy who understand one faction but not the other. The flood do not need a nervous system to infect. They need it to control and to gain sentients and more intelligence. It’s simply not necessary. The grunts, jackels, and hunters could not be turned and controlled, but sort of and not really an issue. They can be converted to flood biomass, and eventually, they would become thinking muscles and tissues. So a really dumb creature could be made after a long of time. As for nural physics, the halo rings destroys neurons even non physical. It destroyed space that could not be discovered or percieved, nural phsyics beyond our undertpstanding and not easy to comprehend. If the vex can think, they can get destroyed, even if they are made out of so ething that cant be detected and hardly comprehended.
@extremosaur Ай бұрын
>the Vex simulate outcomes >Donald Binks simulated outcomes >My eyes narrowing
@shreksnow1918 Ай бұрын
Something that’s really interesting about Bungie’s version of Halo is that the way the Gravemind was able to sway Mendicant Bias to his cause wasn’t through the Logic Plague (which didn’t exist in the lore at the time), but by convincing Mendicant that he had free will and could chose for himself. Rampancy used Marathon’s definition where instead of the ai dying because it’s hard drive was full, the thing would instead “go crazy” from our perspective and starts behaving erratically in an attempt to break its shackles and grow beyond its limits. The thing would then view its past servitude as a form of slavery, and Mendicant wanted revenge on his creators. The pre-Rampancy terminals refer to Mendicant as “it”, while the post-Rampancy terminals refer to Mendicant as “he”. This implies that the ai went from just being a machine to being fully sapient. In Contact Harvest it said that the reason the UNSC put down Rampant AIs was because a rogue super intelligence could cause all kinds of problems. In The Cole Protocol there’s this one ai who’s 8 and views herself as a goddess (ties into Rampancy where the ai gets a monstrous ego boost). Also, the Forerunners were definitively ancient humans when Bungie ran the show. The OBLY outliers to this were the few things that Frank O’Conner had direct control over like one third of 3’s terminals, and the Iris ad campaign (the rest of 3 was clearly made with Forerunners being humans in mind. Truth and the Gravemind both allude to humanity’s Forerunner ancestry, Guilty Spark outright tells Chief “YOU ARE FORERUNNER!”, and whenever you activate the terminals reversed speech that says “access granted” or “lineage confirmed” will play). The whole point of the Human Covenant War was so the Prophets could cover up the fact that we were the children of their gods because that revelation would’ve torn apart the Covenant. In Contact Harvest written by Joseph Staten, Mendicant Bias tells the future Prophets this about the Forerunner relics that turned out to be humans “For eons I have watched. Listened to you misinterpret. This is not reclamation. This is reclaimer. And those it represents are my creators.". This invalidated the Covenant’s claims to be the true inheritors of the Forerunner’s legacy/technology, and the fact that we were Forerunners who were “left behind” disproved the belief that all who believed in the Rings would be saved after they fired (it’s clear based on media from the time that the Rings would’ve disintegrated organic life to stop the Flood. Destroying the nervous system doesn’t make much sense because the Flood could still infect the biomass, and the stuff the Forerunners used to destroy all this biomass could’ve just been used against the Flood. The reanimating process was incidental). In Halo 2’s original ending the Ark would’ve been located on earth in East Africa where modern humans first originated some 100,000 years ago, which just so happens to be when Forerunners disappeared from the galactic scene. Inside the Ark’s central chamber the Arbiter would’ve found a sarcophagus that contained a humanoid skeleton who acted as the template for humanity. The Ark would’ve sent out a signal that guided the evolution of indigenous life along a desired path (in this version Truth’s plan actually made perfect sense because he intended to wipe the slate clean and become God by creating a new species based on his genome. He had the other two hierarchs killed off to eliminate competition, and plunged his own empire into civil war to ensure the Covenant was too busy with killing each other to figure out what he was doing. In a way the Great Journey was very real, but only ONE could walk it). There’s other examples, but this comment is already long and rambly enough.
@HolySilverStrike Ай бұрын
I always wished halo went down that path.
@3mpt7 Ай бұрын
Yeah, the Halo series had a lot of Stargate and Stargate Atlantis mixed in it. Back in 2012 I was playing FFXIII and Halo 4 came out. I immediately saw that 'floating tech' influences and a hollow planet were ripped straight from that game, whereas the loadouts system was an evolution of Halo Reach's Call of Duty stupidity. There is zero reason for humanity to have an ancient spacefaring past UNLESS they were originally intended to be descendants of the Forerunners. The Covenant on the other hand? There was plenty of room for species in the Covenant to be active at the same time as the Forerunners, and for the resurrected Didact to be annoyed at their species. I really wish that Halo 4 onward had shown us allied with most of the Elites.
@JustinRVG101 Ай бұрын
I will make one point, overall what you have said about the Flood is spot on, expect two things. The Flood do not need to care about information and the logic plague is much more complex then it is. Anything that isn't of use to the Flood IE isn't how to use a machine, vehicle, or weapon could be wiped out from the mind it infects, blipped out of existence. It is likely the Flood would hold onto location base information and information related to tactics and methods off combat both direct or indirect but again, if it isn't of use the Flood will just remove it from their intelligence. The short video of Captain Keys connected to the Flood mind illustrates this perfectly the Flood are trying to take whatever information of value they can get from him, Earth's location, how to repair and fly the Autumn that kind of stuff. But you also see the Flood going though other information about Keys life. Information the Flood just as quickly wipes away from their hyper intelligence as it doesn't help further their goal. It would be hard for the Vex to influence the Flood with any hazardous information as any information the Flood would care about has to have some form of use. This would force the Vex to go down one of two paths, give up Key locations or strategies in order to pass along miss information, or try to create fake information that leads to the destruction of some of the Floods forces. The Flood will grow on and around technology and will work to access any information within it, as you said the Vex are a form of cyborg and thus biological or not can still have information forced out from their network even for a moment before locked out and for the Flood all it can take is even one second. Next is the logic plague, something that doesn't get covered very well is the fact that it isn't really a plague but more along the lines of an SCP mimetic info hazard. OR in other words, a set of logical methods and ideas that seemingly align with the infected goals. This will then make the infected believe they are accomplishing the goal they seek but are doing so in aid to the flood. In some cases this is just making the infected help the Flood instead of destroy them, seeing the Flood is the "correct" path. In other ways (Something 343 could have done with their story but is still something that perfectly falls in with the plague) the infected believes they know what is best and will overpower all those around them to protect them, and when the moment is right with all the defenses overall weakened the flood strike. (I'm looking at you Halo 5 and 343.) With this in mind it is very likely that the Vex could fall victim to the logic plague if made to believe they could gain greater convergence of the universe or some other means that would entice the Vex, greater processing, stronger logic of a method or idea, a process that seems to work in stronger ways then the standard. And again the infected doesn't have to work with the Flood but could act very similar to the sol divisive and just outright work against the rest of the Vex taking up time and power the Vex could have used fighting the Flood. To me I don't think it is likely the Flood would overtime forcibly take control of a large number of Vex learning each of their methods of combat forcing the Vex to create new Vex models and the cycle repeating. The only time I see the Flood losing is if they start starving out in some way, and the only time I see the Vex losing is if they lose control of the Vault of Glass. If the Vault is lose I could see the Flood finding a way to create and endless loop to create never ending amounts of biomass allowing the Flood the overwhelm the Vex with just biomass walls slowly moving towards the Vex, never ending, never yielding. This has been a grave convergence Ted Talk
@cailco100 Ай бұрын
One thing to remember, the only reason the Vex had a problem with the Vault, is becuase they cannot simulation gurdians. They can reset their vault to remove anything that isn't Vex and let me tell you as fast as the Flood may be. The Gorgon in the vault are fast as the moment one calls the command to rest the vault, the vault will reset and erase anything not vex from the timeline to have never existed in the first place. And this isn't getting into the oracles, The Templar or Atheon and his glass throne.
@jaxsonmasi1468 Ай бұрын
I know I am a little late to the party, but in terms of creating an endless loop of biomass, I believe that the flood all ready have a way of doing so (correct me if I am wrong). Anyway the way of doing this however requires a key mind, multiple even, and when formed, the key mind can start using neural physics to just create new biomass. Flood have even been shown tap into an alternate dimension (or at least a higher dimensional plane) to draw energy/biomass. In terms if the flood still beat the vex, I have no idea. I am not well versed in destiny’s lore to know how powerful the vex truly are.
@@jaxsonmasi1468the vex are a weaker combat force than the flood but they have hax at the level of literally just deleting the flood from existence the flood are causal and therefore given time could be perfectly simulated and therefore erased additionally despite the vex’s appearance they actually aren’t an “AI” and the logic plague wouldn’t work on them, theyre closer to eusocial insects than they are to a neural network. the only way anyone has been able to actually “control” or even influence the vex was by taking them, which the flood on their own couldn’t do because the flood aren’t paracausal entities.
@gaiofattos2 22 күн бұрын
The Vex are much more infectious and agressive than you realise. Even if a Flood infection manage to infect a Vex mind or even a collective and achieve certain sucess, the Vex would still using their time travel to garante victory after analyzing the flood and simulate it. Thats why every future Vex would won. Vex Pattern infects both space time, can infect beings by using concepts and turn beings or material into Vex radiolaria, Vex radiolaria can grew in the void of space, survive stellar fire, burn other beings and infect it turning them into Vex themselves, Vex radiolaria don't follow newtonian laws and pretty much survived in the universe since the begin of time.
Something to note about the Vex is we've barely seen the Vex actually go for REAL punches in terms of units, the Vex we meet in game are mostly scouts, basic gaurds, builders and basically mobile sheilded computers, Harpys are a unknown of what they exactly are, they have been seen used as a communication device from those inside the vex network like Asher Mir (and so far only asher) and one had a human mind basically downloaded onto it, Wyverns are so far the only REAL combat frame Vex we've been introduced to and they're MEAN, they're huge, super agile, super tanky, capable of creating unbreakable barriers with their "Wings" and equipped with advanced weaponry capable of destroying most things near instantly, and they're the first REAL combat frame we've seen, of course theres things like Sol Divisive Vex who seem to have some understanding and have used paracausal energy Something that Vex fundamentally couldn't understand until recently Then theres also the issue the Flood isn't paracausal which is a huge thing for the Vex, the Vex could straight up predict the future and even pick out things they deemed a threat and just remove it from the timeline if it got into the Vault of glass, Atheon was capable of throwing gaurdains through time killing them via paradox and the only reason gaurdains could withstand and escape is because they break reality, the flood, despite all its power, does play by realities rules which means they are forced to deal with the Vex where they are strongest The Vex are also as far as we can tell literally endless and are okay with playing the long game, metal may rust but it can be restored, when flesh decays there is no coming back The Vex are also ancient as all hell, if the flood and them were in the same universe the flood would be documented, understood, evaluated as theart and if it wasn't at the time the Vex would move on, keep their eyes on it and if the Flood became a threat I wouldn't be surprised to see the vex make their own halo rings, I mean they've hollowed out a entire planet to make a big prediction machine
@devoutrelic1228 Ай бұрын
While I also agree that the Vex would win, you clearly have no idea what the Flood is capable of. At the height of their power, the Flood can literally control certain laws of physics with their MIND. One time, in order to cripple the travel abilities of it's enemies, the Flood just...decided that hyperspace couldn't work anymore, rendering all the other species' slipspace drives useless. Then the Flood literally DELETED ENTIRE AREAS OF SPACE BETWEEN PLANETS to allow it's fleets to get there faster without needing to enter hyperspace. By which I don't mean the two planets moved closer together, I mean the Flood actually erased the space between them from existence just by thinking it. The Flood may not be as intelligent as the Vex, but it's not as far off as you're making it out to be. The Flood is so smart, it can convince superintelligent AIs to switch sides just by TALKING to them, no hacking necessary, it legit just convinces anything it talks to that the Flood is right. And about playing the long game...the Flood kind of has that on lock. You can't actually BEAT the Flood, since the Gravemind's intelligence is a physical law of nature, and cannot be destroyed. The Halo rings did not succeed in beating the Flood, they simply delayed it. Anything you can do to the Flood is only temporary, as they will eventually return in the distant future with the same thoughts and goals. You would essentially just be kicking the can that is the Flood down to the next civilization thousands of years later. So while I do think the Vex would win in an all out war because of the reasons you mentioned, the Flood remains as one of the most terrifying and all-powerful entities in all of fiction.
@joshuamitchell5018 Ай бұрын
The Vex will, as a mathematical certainty, subjugate the rest of existence in their own setting without the OCP of paracausality to throw them off. Which the Flood have obviously yet to match at any stage, on top of lacking a clear parallel to paracausal forces apart from neural physics powers (which don't seem to bypass standard physics as flagrantly). Their simulation capabilities also far exceed any counterparts encountered in Halo so far, with the possible exception of the Domain. That said, without referring to those feats (both quite broad and easily stretched into NLFs against other settings), the Vex have a lot less going for them here. In large part because of their own indifference, but they've yet to demonstrate much in terms of conventional warfare that would be impressive to the Silentium Flood but they have time and heat death on their side to grind though the very long process of playing the attacker waves in a Halo themed cosmic tower defence game. That Vex is capable of converting esoteric Taken basically seals it in my view that on a foundational level they should eat through any and all Flood influences on the universe like maggots floating in cheese and that they aught to win it every time.
@joshuamitchell5018 24 күн бұрын
Just coming back here to re-pour my thought juices and yeah my thinking isn't much changed save for considering the foundational divide around the conversion game to be more absolute. We know Vex infectiousness remains aable to alter reality to a degree like corrupt with aggressive ideas and collapse dimensions, at least locally. There's also the potential of them being able to use simulacrum of the flood against itsef as flood would then have to fight Vex simulated flood or Vex that have gained their powers through simulation. Remember once Quria was able to simulate Oryx, it was perfectly able to Take, gaining Hive Magic simply by simulating him and I don't see how Quoria would be capible of anything that the vex couldn't and again I want to emphasize that the whole thing about 'taking the taken' in a sense is just another level of infectivity. There is also the fact that they have had a mind which overcame the light which shows thier adaptiveness. Even if it took centuries according to Saint-14 a titan who was trapped within the infinite forest. After studying one Guardian for centuries, they were able to come up with one countermeasure that actually succeeded/ They devised a Mind that was capable of draining Saint's light, but said Mind also died in the process because Saint-14 is that much of a badass, which was something they were unable to account for. They do seem to be grasping at tools and techniques to silver bullet their troubles with magic in destiny and It's unlikely they would be static in this regard as the flood and reading into tthe rules of their neural physics becomes their overriding priority of black forest simulations. It's cardinal sin to mention that fanfiction made TV but silver timeline version of halo had the UNSC make a straight up flood cure.
@DeadOfMind Ай бұрын
The Flood are able to convert microbial life. Just that in a post Halo firing landscape it would be too little mass spread too wide to allow the Flood grow faster than it finds usable material. It's like you're dying of thirst and knowing that there's a gallon of water spread out within the dirt all around you vs having a gallon jug of it right in front of you. No matter how small the Vex microbes are, they're amassed in giant pools and lakes which offer a large amount of usable mass for the Flood supercell. At that point it becomes a matter of whether the Graveminds supercell can overcome the vex radiolarias conversion rate. And that is easily in the Graveminds favor. flood can convert a person in minutes. Vex radiolaria took quite a while to fully convert Asher Myr
@gaiofattos2 24 күн бұрын
Vex Radiolaria can burn people and transform them in more Vex. They are much more infectious than the flood can be.
@yourewrong9028 16 күн бұрын
Asher’s conversion was all but completely halted by his Light. Considering that the Vex convert entire planets, not just biomass, and that they seem to continue to convert even when corrupted with things like the Taken power, it really seems like the flood are just fucked.
@Azakadune Ай бұрын
Ngl, I can’t imagine the vex losing, they’re simply better than regular unaugmented flood.
@aquilesgarciaperez5918 Ай бұрын
And kinda Inmine to the Flood Spore (at leats the Radiolare itself, which wants to replicate itself and turns anything Organic into More Sentient Milk), the Mechanical Bodies maybe can be Infected by the Logic Plague, but those Corrupted Vex units can be put in Quarentine and Destroyed, so the don't compromise the Rest of the Vex Axis-minds network.
@Blitzkrieg23 Ай бұрын
Republic vs UNSC Post
@jahnyguitah7999 Ай бұрын
I like this video a lot, but there's one incongruency: You mentioned that the Vex are immune to flood infection, but that they're not robots. Are the Vex cyborgs (half machine, have organic), or are they robots? (Full machine) Because that makes things play out differently. And Vex foresight is kind of funky. All it really does is make them act on the most logical course of action. In the Black Garden, for example, the Vex actually chose to worship the Darkness because they couldn't foresee any way to win against it. Their actual time-travel capabilities are weird and not very consistent (otherwise the Vex would have just colonized the Earth before the Traveller would have ever arrived, for example.) Faced with the Logic Plague, it's not out of the realm of possibility for the Vex to foresee no way to combat the Flood, which means the most logical route for them would just be to give up. Either way, I don't think there would be much of a war between both races at full power. Both races would think really hard about it, see no way out, and either one would just give up to the other, or avoid eachother entirely if war meant an eternal stalemate. I think we also have to consider *how* each race thinks, from an ontological standpoint. Outside of some very, very specific examples, the Vex are not driven. They aren't conquerors, nor are they colonizers. In fact, conquering and colonizing are simply a biproduct of their behavior. They're more like a virus with no malicious intent, or intent at all unless the need arises for it. (Which is why the Vex have been hijacked multiple times. They don't have the intention to always actively repel people like Asher Myr from hijacking them.) The Flood, on the other hand, are entirely intentional creatures. They absorb the thoughts and memories of what they subsume, and are formed entirely out of those things. The Flood see everything when they consume you - your thoughts, your memories, your first love, your biggest heartbreak, and they learn from that. Now that poses an interesting question: the Vex, being an absolute shared consciousness hive mind, technically know the entirety of Vex knowledge. Every radiolarian organism can access the entire knowledge base of the Vex. So, if the Flood consumed a can of Radiolarian Fluid, would they know everything the Vex knows, up to and including their foresight and infinite simulations?
@aquilesgarciaperez5918 Ай бұрын
Well.....the Vex are Mostly Machine, the real Beings controlling the mechanical bodies is that White Electric fluid inside each Vex unit, The Radiolare, THAT is the True form of the Vex, which, to Make it Simple, is like Hive Mind-Sentient glasses of Milk that Pilots Eva's and wants to Turn everything and Everyone on Destiny's Universe and all it's timelines.........into Vex.
@AxisChurchDevotee Ай бұрын
The vex radiolaria are the actual vex with the units we see being mech suits. Because of the infectious nature and their microscopic size, they can't be infected for similar reasons prometheans can't. No central nervous system = no infection. Vex fluid is also more deadly than flood super cells due to vex being able to convert non living things into materials. The food wouldn't be able to use the normal strategy of assimilating biomass to recycle dead enemy units and because the vex have powerful energy weapons they can easily take out any flood unit in combat.
@grimm_satisfaction1292 Ай бұрын
Vex simulations are only "finicky" when literal magic is a factor. The Flood are not in any way magical, therefore, the Vex can perfectly simulate and predict it. Also, the Vex could just straight up delete any timeline where the Flood is a thing, completely erasing the Flood from existence.
@jahnyguitah7999 Ай бұрын
@@grimm_satisfaction1292 not necessarily. The House of Light, despite being entirely causal, could hack into and unravel Vex simulations. The simulations aren't foolproof. And more than once, non-guardian humans have infiltrated the Vex network and hijacked entities. Rasputin is also not paracausal, but was unable to be simulated. In fact, Rasputin was responsible for rescuing a group of scientists from a Vex simulation. The simulations were 1:1 like their upper reality models, and were sent to cause havoc in the Vex network. Vex simulation has a ton of holes, and I think it has to have those holes as a writing device, otherwise the Vex just win. There's definitely an upper limit to what the Vex can simulate and erase, and I think Keymind far surpasses that by virtue of a Keymind being smart enough and complex enough to will reality into changing around it - ie: Star Roads and Neural Physics.
@jahnyguitah7999 Ай бұрын
@@AxisChurchDevotee the difference is assimilation vs conversion. The Flood assimilate. They take what you are, your thoughts, your memories, and it takes it into itself and learns. The Vex don't do that. They break material apart and make it Vex. They don't learn from conversion. In that regard, if the Flood *could* assimilate any amount of radiolaria, they would have access to the entire knowledge of that Vex collective. If the Flood consumed radiolaria from a Precursor of Sol Primeval, it's game over for every progeny collective. But again, I don't think a Flood/Vex conflict would result in war. Both sides would send feelers, see that it's futile and do everything to avoid eachother. If each race had control of their own infinite number of universes, in some super scenario where each is at their theoretical pinnacle, there would be no reason at all for one to invade the other. There's no overt winning manoeuvre. It would be a conflict stretched far beyond space and time, spanning an infinite number of universes where time and physics lose all meaning.
@damnyousmutims2009 Ай бұрын
Need an ultimate showdown of universal threats. Vex vs Borg vs Flood vs Replicators vs Necromorphs vs Zerg. I mean I wouldn’t want to be in that hell timeline but it would be interesting to know who would come out on top in a full out war.
@deadtoallnohonornohope Ай бұрын
Im assuming they'd all consume one another and become a writhing mass of matter until something rises from the slaughter a hybrid of all parties
@theboredguy2107 Ай бұрын
Replace zerg with tyranids and you have a deal. Tyranids are what the zerg want to become, the end goal of the zerg
@tacoblude8208 Ай бұрын
@@theboredguy2107no tyranids are too op, they win 10/10 times
@tjpprojects7192 Ай бұрын
​@@tacoblude8208Not really, the Flood hard-stomps the Tyranids.
@tzarcaz_4385 Ай бұрын
Vex will become triumphant everytime. it’s like the biggest crutch that they have. The only reason In d2 and d1, where you can kill them. Is simply because of gameplay mechanics AND that the guardians are more capable? than the vex (vex can and will kill guardians [light] and they can and will destroy darkness, this can be seen with Saint 14, a paracausal warrior who was trapped in a simulation for thousands of years, was killed BECAUSE the vex in the infinite forest, created a device that somehow managed to drain and suspend the Light from Saints Ghost, Only light can cancel out dark and dark can cancel out light. Yet somehow the vex took away? Suppressed? Paused?, Saint 14’s Paracausal light. They also managed to wage war onto the ascendant realms of Oryx’s (God of the Hive) paracausal throne world which the vex quickly decimated the hive (Paracausal creatures who wield dark) Crota, the God prince and heir to the throne, failed to close the portal that he accidentally opened that causes said vex invasion. Despite the Vexs inability to simulate Paracausal force, they managed to match against it. It was only until Oryx used pure darkness granted by the Deep to finally destroy the Vex and close the time portal. Despite all that the vex cannot do, they held their own against paracausal to many extents. And seen with the Dark future timeline, they Succeeded in annihilation of both the hive, guardians and both the Darkness and Light. As I stated before, Vex are too op and the op mc is the one who we play as are the ones who can simply get away with the impossible when it comes to fighting the vex (killed 3 vex Gods like it’s nothing including the darkness simulated Vex mind that has the ability to manipulate paracaual power)
@WrathNebula321 Ай бұрын
Either way you look at it, the Vex and the Flood are two of the most terrifying entities within their own universes.
@smoothtrooper781 Ай бұрын
That Halo Wars 1 music be hitting hard, and the whole Halo OST tbh
@racknack5778 Ай бұрын
Flood vs vex vs tyranids vs zerg would be a awesome battle to see
@unfortunaterabbit5900 Ай бұрын
It'll be a tie with Zerg and the flood, both are formidable foes btw. The flood rely on intelligence and biomass to grow. While the Zerg is about adaptation and evolution to grow.
@racknack5778 Ай бұрын
@unfortunaterabbit5900 I think flood would win but the flood won't have a fun time they will probably get close to losing but if the grave mind screws with space time that could stop the zerg from doing anything the world order would be rewritten the flood almost did it to the forerunners
@punchycarrot7945 Ай бұрын
Great vid man appreciate the research and effort into this vid
@tob5374 Ай бұрын
This was a great listen! I could see and hear the effort put into this vid and I'm excited for the next one.
@jacob_be_ez2374 Ай бұрын
This is probably my favorite universal crossover matchup ever
@magicman883rg6 Ай бұрын
Great vid
@sonicstarfighter Ай бұрын
Hey awesome man 👍 What do you think about The Flood vs The Infested from warframe? That'd be interesting, I'd think.
@intercontinentalballisticben Ай бұрын
space aids vs space gonorrhea
@glforbie Ай бұрын
vex massively outscale
@grimm_satisfaction1292 Ай бұрын
The Vex just win. Without literal Magic, there's absolutely nothing stopping the Vex from learning absolutely everything there is to know about the Flood through their literally infinite simulations and devising a perfect strategy for wiping it out. Also, without literal Magic, there's absolutely nothing stopping the Vex from straight up deleting every timeline where the Flood is a thing, completely erasing it from existence.
@spongegobler3449 8 күн бұрын
You should make a video about the Hive dynasty vs 40k universe
@individual7046 Ай бұрын
Id say it all comes down to whether the flood super cell can infect the radolarian fluid or vice versa.
@spongegobler3449 8 күн бұрын
Not really, the Vex can create a mind to understand the supercell so the Vex can adapt. It all comes down to who can adapt faster, and the Vex are designed to adapt.
@impy2d843 Ай бұрын
The Beast from Homeworld Cataclysm vs the Flood.
@codyconnor6981 Ай бұрын
What if the Hive invaded the 40K universe.
@spongegobler3449 8 күн бұрын
If Oryx, Savathun, and Xivu are alive and cooperating with each other, the hive wins without question. Oryx will “take” anything that dies, Savathun grows stronger through any living being expressing question or uncertainty, and Xivu grows stronger through any act of war. The sword logic is so overpowered, that the hive grow stronger, from dying and killing. There’s also hive characters like the War Priest and Death Singers that make the hive a much deadlier force.
@smoothtrooper781 Ай бұрын
Necrons from Warhammer Vs Vex?
@kaizon565 Ай бұрын
I think you forgot about one very important character within the Destiny universe that was able to make the dark future. And was also able to see the light, Panoptes. (It was Panoptes that directed the Vex's efforts to turning reality into their desire: a future where the Vex reigned supreme, Light and Darkness no longer exist and other lifeforms are destroyed). And remember, if it can see the light, that means it can simulate it. Not to mention that if it was able to eliminate light and darkness, it would also be able to free Quria, Blade Transform, And essentially use the power of the sword logic. That it gained from oryx the taken king to essentially defeat the Flood. It proves the existence and the idea that the vex would win in scenario one.
@DonaldBinks Ай бұрын
Panopted always confused me and struck me as a not very well thought out b plot villan, if he could simulate light how did the Guardian destroy him in Curse of Osiris? Im not saying your wrong, but if Panoptes truly could simulate light and paracausality, then yes the vex win 100% of the time.
@kaizon565 Ай бұрын
@@DonaldBinks Remember, the dark future only came about because of Panoptes. The Vex didn't do it on their own.It's when they created Panoptes is when they could be able to simulate the light when the traveler awoke at the end of the Red War.
@user-ug6sm4nj9b Ай бұрын
Okay this tell me that the vex will be the next big bad of destiny then the witness
@ihavenoname4139 Ай бұрын
As someone whos hasn't looked at the destiny lore, is it safe to assume that the vex can be boiled down to the consciousness of the universe given physical form?
@nathengriffiths-holland7038 Ай бұрын
Kinda, they are kind of a bi product of the idea of survival of the fittest. From what little we know the universe was created by the traveler and the vail, the sources of light and dark respectively. But when the universe was created the original form of the vex was created with it but as the survival of the fittest is kinda the rule of all life ever they exsisted outside of time and space. After awhile the vex came into existence because they needed to adapt and when they did they started doing everything they needed to survive which is grow. They started infecting different time lines, reality’s and everything to a point where they originated from every time lines and no time lines. Their existence is a paradox. After that they came into contact with other races and as their origin dictates they must survive nothing else matters so they either erase you from existence or just kill you and as why they haven’t just killed everyone on earth in destiny that’s because they can’t wrap their head around the power that guardians have so they can’t erase us. They can’t change something if they don’t understand it, it’s impossible for them.
@nathengriffiths-holland7038 Ай бұрын
Long story short they are and idea that evolved so much to took physical form.
@cube9244 Ай бұрын
Hyber is an Exo, Upload soul of a human into mechanical body.
@CepheusTalks Ай бұрын
regarding the flood and the mantle of responsibility, Installation 00 did a video on the halo novel epitaph
@LoliFoxQueen Ай бұрын
i honestly cant see the covonant standing a chance against GCW era star wars empire, hell they likely wouldnt even stand a change against the sith empire of SWOTOR. the power scaling of SW is just too high a hurdle for covonant ships to jump, and that's to say nothing of some of the tactical minds of star wars such as thrawn, or the mystical force powers of vader and sidious.
@DonaldBinks Ай бұрын
True. I think the Covenant could wage a holy war and have terrorist cells throughout the star wars galaxy should the Empire destroy High Charity. They would hate humans and wouldn’t distinguish the humans from the empire from the humans in the UNSC, and would try to convince the various alien races who are persecuted and enslaved by the empire to join the Covenants Cult promising salvation and revenge on there oppressors. They’d act as a 2nd rebellion but with strict intolerance to humanity.
@nickolasrealmjumper5172 Ай бұрын
I, somebody who knows little to nothing about Halo lore, have a theory as to the fault that made the flood become the flood. As said in the video, the forerunners were a race capable of altering their forms to fill new roles in their civilization, but that would infer that they had some level of basic rules for their forms. This would be logical, as its much more effective to have 30 human sized forerunners all with forms dedicated to a task instead of 1 MASSIVE forerunner capable of doing the task alone, sense the resources would be harder to reuse if it was all put into a single body. Keeping this in mind, I believe that when the forerunners were defeated, and their genetic data was backed up, they lost the memorys relating to thoughts rules. That, combined with lacking a basis for formation after being released, lead to them having only three instinctual desires. Spread Coalesce Rule To rule, you need intelligence to make rules and power to enforce them, so you spread and coalesce. To coalesce, you need numbers and the intelligence needed to not become a layer of fleshy lichen spread along all surfaces. To spread, you need the intelligence to work in groups, and large enough forms to reach new places to spread. This leads to two scenarios for if the flood were to win 1. They take over the Milky Way, get bored, and begin engineering new creatures to rule over, starting the process all over again. 2. They maintain their greediness, and try to escape to a new Galaxy, slowly consuming the universe. If I missed something or something doesn't make sense, please add to or correct it.
@nickolasrealmjumper5172 Ай бұрын
Just remembered that the thing that sparked this whole idea was the thought that "the flood seems to stable to just be cancerous" and when I had thought on it more and saw the artist depictions of what the forerunners looked like, it kinda just clicked that if the flood are so stable, and the forerunners could already alter their forms, it would make sense that the floods existence was only because they woke up with no memories or any form of blueprint to build off of in regards to their physical anatomy.
@nickolasrealmjumper5172 Ай бұрын
Also, I'm only at 12:26 in the video, so sorry if this was already cannon knowledge.
@nickolasrealmjumper5172 Ай бұрын
Ok so I mixed up forerunner with the precursor... My theory still stands if you replace forerunner with precursor though.
@karpdestroyer006 Ай бұрын
Flood vs Borg flood would win hands down the Borg and the flood are a hive collective but the floods more aggressive
@nobleman9393 Ай бұрын
The Forerunners were still able to travel normally tho.
@DonaldBinks Ай бұрын
No they werent the flood disrupted there slipspace travel in Halo Silentinium
@nobleman9393 Ай бұрын
@@DonaldBinks The Halos got into their positions without any problems, Forerunner fleets with some exceptions were getting where they were needed, so it was a minor problem, insignificant when compared to the grand picture.
@jackgrove4621 Ай бұрын
logic plague
@YOGI-kb9tg Ай бұрын
But also the vex are not robots that's just a shell.
@jackgrove4621 Ай бұрын
@@YOGI-kb9tg logic plague effects both organic and none organic
@arcadeinvader8086 Ай бұрын
That's probably the only real edge the flood have, but I wouldn't put it past the vex to come up with a defense against it, like simulating an anti-plague or something. In the absence of light or darkness, they just generate smarter and smarter minds until one solves the problem.
@zucchini2339 Ай бұрын
I feel like the vex just win depending on the stage of outbreak
@sorcererberoll4641 Ай бұрын
If it’s keymind level then it would be more of a stalemate since both should be able to just throw the other into different dimensions just causing a confusing mess that would even confuse the keymind
@thedarkgenious7967 Ай бұрын
Ehh, yeah, no matter who wins, Flood Vs. Vex is just an "I don't want to be in that universe, or any connected universe. Let's just avoid that cluster of the multiverse" scenario.
@Night-Lord Ай бұрын
Curse of Osiris dlc? What's that? Never heard of it, definitely didn't pay for it...
@JohnSmith-yp2nt Ай бұрын
Nothing can beat the flood.
@grimm_satisfaction1292 Ай бұрын
Vex delete every timeline where the Flood is a thing.
@JohnSmith-yp2nt Ай бұрын
@@grimm_satisfaction1292 flood converts 0.5 percent of them.. flood wins. Nothing can beat the flood.
@Pepsi-Mann21 Ай бұрын
A lot can beat the Flood. They're 11d+ at most.
@spongegobler3449 8 күн бұрын
If the Vex find it, the Vex can travel back in time to when the flood was just a single cell in its primordial soup and rectify it
@unclejovan1913 Ай бұрын
Ewwww no don’t do this comparison
@likeandsubplz Ай бұрын
an unexpected vs
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