The Man Who ALMOST Escaped North Korea

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Easily the strangest, maybe the most effective assassination plot in history.
Some images/video comes from the (2020) documentary called "Assassins".
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#kimjongun #northkorea #assassination

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@KiraTV1 Жыл бұрын
Yes, this is a re-posted video. The original was age gated for silly reasons, so this is a censored version. I've basically removed anything that could ever possibly flag it, without compromising the actual story. Sorry, it's annoying. But I'd rather not have a video I spent hundreds of hours researching/making just hardly get seen by anyone. If you want additional context, check my community post. Apologies, hopefully it stays available this time, if not, I guess rip.
@dougray30 Жыл бұрын
This is happening too often to you. I think I'll buy YT so that it never happens again. I'll just do an MMO Kickstarter to get the money.....
@yoshioharuki5760 Жыл бұрын
No worries, Kira - OGs will know why this was re-uploaded (and most of us will understand & gladly re-watch/leave a like on re-uploads; given the effort you put into making these, tis the least we can do to support you in fighting the good fight 👍).
@teleportdinero Жыл бұрын
my name is teleport
@Buckle89 Жыл бұрын
Sorry you have to deal with that buddy
@Rez_Of_Souls Жыл бұрын
Will rewatch, reply and upvote to support.
@TikkiNikki Жыл бұрын
I remember reading about this years ago and thinking how much of a movie plot that sounded. It's so insane to know stuff like that happens in real life
@teleportdinero Жыл бұрын
Yo bro are you the chosen one
@n8caro Жыл бұрын
Good thing we have someone to simply recap it with practically the same footage as everyone else
@titikma Жыл бұрын
yep pretty cool movie, 8/10
@rijjhb9467 Жыл бұрын
The golden rule when dealing with stuff that allegedly happens in North Korea is: if it sounds fake it probably is.
@emikochan13 Жыл бұрын
Truth is always stranger than fiction.
@DigitalApex 9 ай бұрын
I can't imagine the pang of terror he felt in the airport that day. You're the most wanted man in North Korea, you're in public, in a huge airport, with armed security everywhere, you've been on the run for years and two strangers sneak up on you, rub a liquid on your face and yell "Got you" and run off giggling while you start going into shock.
@counterleo 6 ай бұрын
And you literally saw it coming enough to have the antidote at home, and don't have it with you because obviously it's an airport, it might even have been it his checked baggage for all we know.
@c.w.simpsonproductions1230 Жыл бұрын
The most chilling part to me about all this is that they deliberately did the "Got You!" game also as a message, so he would know exactly who it was. Just imagine the pure fear and terror he felt when he heard those words.
@bdbgh Жыл бұрын
This actually damaged what little relations Malaysia had with North Korea, there used to be a North Korean embassy here and they left after this incident and a few other chain of events after it.
@ajzmn3538 Жыл бұрын
Malaysia's diplomatic relationship with China has made this problem tedious. Najib, possibly in keeping good relations with China, wanted to reestablish diplomatic relations after something that countries declare war on. Mahathir(may god prolong his suffering) , being the anti-west zealot that he is, wanted to forgive North Korea for this matter and reestablish diplomatic ties with that paranoid narcostate for no other reason than out of spite for the Americans. There is nothing good that comes from having diplomatic ties with a country that solely exists as a Chinese Buffer State that produces nothing but counterfeit currency and heroin. Thankfully, after 2021 Malaysia is no longer having diplomatic ties because of money laundering activity.
@superspies32 5 ай бұрын
The same for Germany and Vietnam when the latter perform a kidnapping of Thanh Xuan Trinh on daylight and with the supports from many moles inside Poland to escorted the target back to Vietnam.
@GeekExtremist Жыл бұрын
It's crazy that he had the antidote to the toxin, was warned about it, and apparently didn't think to use the antidote immediately after someone touched him.
@demon2441 Жыл бұрын
As stated in the video, it was too late. Having the toxin applied to your eyes made his fate a certainty due to it spreading through your system so fast.
@tuongpham7609 Жыл бұрын
Ikr? I'd start showering in that antidote if I even sense a potential poisoning. Heck, I'm surprised he didn't tell the doctors about the antidote in his bag
@PiousMoltar Жыл бұрын
That is tragic. I guess he was just too panicked.
@mtonitonit2456 11 ай бұрын
Maybe he was supposed to shoot it into his own heart and couldnt handle the thought. Or maybe he was just too concerned about opening the bag with the proof of his CIA corruption.
@rominalizarraga3044 9 ай бұрын
If he wasn't sure what kind of poison was used, the antidote could've fvcked him up even worse. That might be the reason.
@Crorksy Жыл бұрын
They flagged this one too I mean it's literally a documentary with facts what do they want
@teleportdinero Жыл бұрын
are you the Legendary chosen one ?
@Sk0lzky Жыл бұрын
If you ever bothered to read KZfaq guidelines you'd know it's not a criterion, in fact it's actually worse to show or talk about violent or "sensational" events without being owned by a large news media conglomerate.
@Crorksy Жыл бұрын
@@Sk0lzky I mean personally no I haven't
@cleanerben9636 Жыл бұрын
to not insult their master of course
​@@cleanerben9636lmao of course. North Korea controls KZfaq. NORTH. KOREA.
@Lyper15 Жыл бұрын
It's like... I get that the girls were arrested because murder but you know... it's not like they knew or wanted that.
@vanesslifeygo Жыл бұрын
They willingly approached several people to make content that encourages exposing them to substances they may be allergic to. Some kind of punishment is due. Of course, whatever was done to them prior was also wrong. These are two distinct sets of offenses that don't negate each other.
@Lyper15 Жыл бұрын
@@vanesslifeygo Being binned for murder versus putting your hand in people's face is quite a leap.
@stylesrj Жыл бұрын
@@JohnDoe-ws4iu According to the video and some other YT comments, it could have been a binary agent or that the nerve agent works more effectively if sprayed where there's easier access to the bloodstream like the eyes.
@ninochaosdrache3189 Жыл бұрын
@@JohnDoe-ws4iu Maybe the poison wasn't able to penetrate the skin. Eyes are much softer target than skin.
@Nat-ps6yy Жыл бұрын
@@JohnDoe-ws4iu your question was literally answered in the video
@MMMmyshawarma Жыл бұрын
Reading into this more is fascinating. One of the reasons why they needed two 'actors' to touch his face is that VX by itself is too risky to apply to the mule's hands, it would incapacitate them enough to not perform the task or just straight up die. Instead, they applied two separate components, one of each to the girls. In this state it's not too dangerous. But when combined, it forms VX, and here only VX was on the man's face. Also, only one of the girls experienced mild VX symptoms, which is possibly whichever girl went second.
@tuongpham7609 Жыл бұрын
That does explain a lot more of what happened and why they weren't severely injured by it.
@NorthStarBlue1 11 ай бұрын
And it also ensured that both would survive, and thus provide a distraction for long enough that the focus would stay on them and allow the real perpetrators to escape. Had they died from VX poisoning as well it would have likely caused panic and a total lockdown of the airport, preventing them from leaving the country.
@psycholol4855 11 ай бұрын
@@NorthStarBlue1u would be a good North Korean agent
@laikanbarth 10 ай бұрын
Thank you. I was wondering how in the world it didn’t affect them since it’s so deadly.
@NotAGoodUsername360 10 ай бұрын
It would have been convenient if the second mule did die of VX poisoning and all blame could be pinned on the first, whose story would be less believable if told alone. Otherwise, why didn't they have the mules simply wear gloves?
@gayofreckoning6302 Жыл бұрын
I can't believe I didn't know how this played out for those women Thank you for the empathy you impart when talking about how they must have felt, especially in prison.
@IM4HF1R1N6M4HL4Z0R Жыл бұрын
bro these are all lies
@neal_rigga90 9 ай бұрын
​@@IM4HF1R1N6M4HL4Z0Rwhat part is lies??
@songwithoutword Жыл бұрын
Already watched this in the original but I'm running it again in the background to show support because I was blown away by how you told this story.
@Human_01 Жыл бұрын
............................. "Evil" is the antithesis to the virtue: 'humanity'. Humanity is the characteristic that defines the human spirit. Humanity is symbiosis across humans and society. 'Humanity' exceeds 'social-darwinism'. ............................. NEURO-PERSONALITY ............................. "SENSORY-FEELERS" ARE LARGELY RESPONSIBLE FOR SPREADING DISINFORMATION AND HATE TOWARDS ENTJ/INTJ (AGAINST "THINKERS" IN GENERAL)-BOTH IRL AND ON THE INTERNET; DESPITE THOSE NEURO-PERSONALITY TYPES BEING A BLESSING TO SOCIETY AND ALL OF MANKIND! THEY DESERVE BETTER! 😤 'ESFJ', 'ESFP', ISFP and 'ISFJ' are a pathogen to humanity, and 'then' Cluster-B (depending on their neuro-personality). THEIR "FEELINGS 'IS' THEIR REALITY", THEY ALSO HAVE A MALICIOUS-MIND BY DEFAULT (low 'mirror-neurons' results in "SOCIOPATHIC-FEELER"; full of pathological hate, and highly chaotic). WHAT'S MORE, DESPITE HAVING MALICIOUS INTENT THEY ARE ALL EMOTIONALLY-WEAK AND PRONE TO COVERT/VULNERABLE-NARCISSISM (ISFJ especially; they impersonate and spread hate towards genuine INFJs). ............................... Also... To intelligent readers (who do 'not’ have a ‘pathological disregard for rationality and reality'). I recommend researching 'narcissistic personality disorder' (NPD) / 'cluster-B'; and know that they are the 'root of all evil' (especially 'ESFJ/ESTJ-narcissist'; Myers-Briggs reference, look it up)! European 'ESFJ' are the worst personality type, and they are responsible for inventing 'racism' and colonization! It is in their neuro-psychology!!! They are extremely 'manipulative' and often use 'looking pretty' to distract others from the witch's mind-games / mind-r@pe, e.g. gaslighting, playing the victim/damsel in distress, creating "flying-monkeys", and 'bribing' others (with money or BJ) to attack, or at times, kill someone for her. When caught, she will use her minions as scapegoats. European ESFJ are notorious for this especially in a racist context, e.g. Emmett Till. xSFP and ISFJ (2W1) are the most complicit, narcissistic-enablers. ISFP also tend to be 'oblivious-codependents' (look up the definition). Like ESFJ, XSFP's "feelings 'is' their reality." Most are covert/vulnerable-narcissists. ISFJ often perceive things only on the surface level (even by sensor standards), are suckers for a “pretty face", and their neuro-psychology makes them the ideal narcissitic-codependent and pawn to the ESFJ (blind-loyalty, surface level perception, susceptibility to covert-narcissism). Lastly, ISFJ are notorious for impersonating other people's identities IRL and on the internet; while ESFJ-9W1 superficially appears like an ENFJ, they have different 'neurology' and psychology. Both XSFJ are superficial by nature and perceive reality at face-value/surface level. SUMMARY Evil personality: 'ESFJ' (ALL), ESTJ (Cluster-b), ISFJ-2W1 (covert-narc/enabler). ESFJ-9W1 superficially resembles ENFJ; different 'neurology' and psychology. [Secretly] Evil and narcissist-friendly gunts/flying-monkey: ISFP (ALL), ESFP (ALL), and ISFJ (2W1 enable ESFJ). ☝️ALL of them are secretly emotionally-disturbed, hence their need to create conflict as a distraction (at other people's expense, truly evil). Spread the word! Thank you. ___________ Research ref: Raudha Athif, Ghislaine Maxwell, Marilyn Monroe, Karen, ESFJ-narcissists, ESFJ-neurology, Gaslighting, Amber Heard, Fake feminism, Rising of a shield hero (Malty-'ESFJ'; XSFX spread disinformation online. ISFJ is the main culprit, i.e. ISFJ largely perceive things on the surface level, and with malicious intent ISFJ impersonate others). Please research 'Brood-parasitism’- XSFJ natural psychology. //End
@Human_01 Жыл бұрын
"ENXP cannot naturally differentiate between 'LUST' and 'love'. Their values is naturally different to that of INXJ. External influence is responsible for seeming deviation. ENXP view relationships like "food-samples". Like all sensor-feelers, ENXP have neurology for PROMISCUITY!" The MBTI compatibility chart is rigged by 'ENTP' and ENFP. The "manipulative" chart is tailored and authored by 'ENTP'! With their expansive "social" capabilities (and promiscuity), they are able to spread information and disinformation far and wide. ENTP are the archetypical clown/jester and they have the consciousness of one too. Most are unhealthy, matter of factly, and even with so-called "healthy" ENTP (lacking cluster-b) they are not naturally moral and their level of humanity is surprisingly low-they still have it; however it is initially low. Case in point, ENXP 'naturally' view romantic relationships and dating in a manner that is akin to "sampling food". ENXP and INXJ are NOT compatible!!!! Please understand that the [rampant spread of] MBTI chart is baseless (the smarter ones among them already know this-willful creatures, i.e. ENTP)! It's viral spread is nothing more than a 'global, generational trolling' and "ethical-rape". It's goal is large scaled attempt to violate other people's romantic-fate/experiences, while violating their instinctual romantic preference! MBTI compatibility chart has the psychological finger-print of ENTP. It aids the miserable romantic experience of INXJ; the clown's attempt to violate their fated destiny! ENTP are naturally unethical and promiscous. Cluster-B (add-on) furthers this. Look past the surface and you will realize that the MBTI chart is 'rigged' and tailored for ENTP (morality/humanity is not instinctual for them; healthy ones can understand it's value once seen, however it is not an instinct for the promiscous Jesters and archetypical-clowns [ENTP]). They've even screwed over most sensors, e.g. trying to "encourage" ESFP x ISTJ. *×Facepalm×* Any deviation is solely due to external influence (referring to ENxP neuro-psychology). ENxP are the archetypical thots/hoe of the intuitives. And sensor-feelers are 'naturally' promiscuous. Again, external factors are responsible for seeming deviations, e.g. parents influence, religion, INXJ instinctual moral influence. "Tell a lie loud enough and long enough and people will believe it." - Adolf Hitler The quote is likely the compounding inspiration for the collective ENTP's creating and spreading this generational lie and ethical-rape (violating INXJ's natural, instinctual romantic standards and requirements). Cluster-B [ENTP] is another contributing factor. In the end, a relationship between ENXP and INxJ ends at the introverts expense. While ENXP have the neurology for promiscuity (like sensor-feelers, ... And ESTP, to a surprisely lesser extent), INXJ risk so much more and they do suffer a miserable ["romance"] existence due to those types; their promiscous-neurology, and low levels of self-control. What's worse, is that most ENTP have cluster-B. They add to the miserable existence of INFJ (and INTJ, albeit to a lesser extent). INFJ instinctual/subconscious romantic standards is literally other [genuine] 'INFJ', and then ENFJ. The natural associate and partner for the ENTP and ENFP is 'ESFP' and ESTP. This is matter of fact. INXJ is only the ENXP's favourite "food"/'essence' to sample (in hopes of developing themselves). This way of viewing relationships is [metaphorically] cannibalistic in psychology. This traits devastates INxJ. PS: If nothing else, please investigate this (and you will find that it is true). You can expect the ENTP thot-network to attempt to hide the evidence. Please spread this information. It helps! The MBTI is rigged (and most ENTP have cluster-B). Willful, narcissitic clowns. Please spread this information. And research and 'save' accounts of ENTP confessions. They are largely the reason INxJ are adverse to "romantic" relationships. . .
@Human_01 Жыл бұрын
[ADVICE] MY-PHILOSOPHY: "INNER-STRENGTH" I have found that simply "loving myself" (inner-child) is a powerful tool against most types of social-dependency/vulnerability. Example: In my mind, I visualise a picture of my younger self (family albums might help). And I 'remember' what the emotion of genuine love felt like. And then I project those emotions onto the mental visualization of my younger self. I meditate and hold that 'state of mind' for as long as I can. The result? I feel my conscious energy resignating with positivity and renewed strength. And my anxiety immediately evaporates away. At the very least, depending on my levels of anxiety, this mediation practice aids to 'evaporate' much of it. You can do the same thing with "trying to 'remember' temperatures, e.g. hot or cold. And then project that memory onto a visualised heat source (all within your minds eye). You will 'feel' the effects immediately." I hope this proved helpful.
@araigumakiruno Жыл бұрын
as a Malaysian, we never know NK and Malaysia even had relations and Embassies on each country, this incident severed the relationship so badly Malaysians were banned to travel to North Korea. This documentary is excellent, great narrative ❤
@BustedReijii Жыл бұрын
Just curious, why would anyone want to travel there?
@araigumakiruno Жыл бұрын
@@BustedReijii Mostly for curiosity, where you watch all of those north korean videos you easily got fascinated about this country and want to see it by yourself. well i was fascinated but not looking to visit like ever even we weren't banned due to those scary stories of tourist getting arrested. remember Otto Warmbier?
@newdiary6978 9 ай бұрын
​@@araigumakirunothere's no fascinating thing in n. Korea lol. People who go there are crazy and insane.
@counterleo 6 ай бұрын
@@araigumakiruno Going to an unauthorised floor and stealing a propaganda poster in the world's most repressive country is like going to a mosque in Iran wearing a bikini. Hell I wouldn't even think of touching the lift buttons, just let the guide do it. I don't play devil's advocate with totalitarian regimes but still, how dumb does one have to be? Americans are so out of touch with reality, it's crazy, thinking they can get away with anything abroad...
@Ababb21 Жыл бұрын
The fact that these women got charged dropped literally made me cry, I was so sure how this was gonna go for them and I'm so happy they got released even if it took awhile
@Paulo27 Жыл бұрын
Imagine being such a shitty prosecution that you try to do exactly what North Korea wanted you do, even after they take some of your citizens hostage.
@clauscinsci5398 Жыл бұрын
it makes me sad they got away so easily, they killed a person. doesn't f**king matter why or what they thought. double standards in sentencing
@cosmo858 Жыл бұрын
@@clauscinsci5398 so you want north Korea's ploy of tricking two people into killing someone and having them take all the blame for it to work?
@rem672 Жыл бұрын
@@clauscinsci5398 You’re so ignorant…in most law system error excuses a crime, there’s a reason for that. These girls were victims themselves. If they were convicted they would’ve just been scapegoats. The ones who were supposed to pay were the teams that instructed them and knew exactly what they were doing all along.
@blob643 Жыл бұрын
@@clauscinsci5398 They were manipulated and didn't even know what they did. That's like giving a kid a "toy gun" and telling him to "prank" his father by shooting his head, turns out the gun was real and the kid just killed his own father. In this scenario the kid was manipulated to killing his father and by your logic he should face the law even though there was no real malice behind his action and he legit didn't know what really is going on It made me sad how you commented so easily, you simplied this complicated situation. Doesn't f**cking matter why or what you thought. Lack of braincells in critical thinking
@evilgrayson Жыл бұрын
Fingers crossed this one stays unflagged! It's a great piece of work, and educational to boot.
@Human_01 Жыл бұрын
[ADVICE] MY-PHILOSOPHY: "INNER-STRENGTH" I have found that simply "loving myself" (inner-child) is a powerful tool against most types of social-dependency/vulnerability. Example: In my mind, I visualise a picture of my younger self (family albums might help). And I 'remember' what the emotion of genuine love felt like. And then I project those emotions onto the mental visualization of my younger self. I meditate and hold that 'state of mind' for as long as I can. The result? I feel my conscious energy resignating with positivity and renewed strength. And my anxiety immediately evaporates away. At the very least, depending on my levels of anxiety, this mediation practice aids to 'evaporate' much of it. You can do the same thing with "trying to 'remember' temperatures, e.g. hot or cold. And then project that memory onto a visualised heat source (all within your minds eye). You will 'feel' the effects immediately." I hope this proved helpful..
@Human_01 Жыл бұрын
............................. "Evil" is the antithesis to the virtue: 'humanity'. Humanity is the characteristic that defines the human spirit. Humanity is symbiosis across humans and society. 'Humanity' exceeds 'social-darwinism'. ............................. NEURO-PERSONALITY ............................. "SENSORY-FEELERS" ARE LARGELY RESPONSIBLE FOR SPREADING DISINFORMATION AND HATE TOWARDS ENTJ/INTJ (AGAINST "THINKERS" IN GENERAL)-BOTH IRL AND ON THE INTERNET; DESPITE THOSE NEURO-PERSONALITY TYPES BEING A BLESSING TO SOCIETY AND ALL OF MANKIND! THEY DESERVE BETTER! 😤 'ESFJ', 'ESFP', ISFP and 'ISFJ' are a pathogen to humanity, and 'then' Cluster-B (depending on their neuro-personality). THEIR "FEELINGS 'IS' THEIR REALITY", THEY ALSO HAVE A MALICIOUS-MIND BY DEFAULT (low 'mirror-neurons' results in "SOCIOPATHIC-FEELER"; full of pathological hate, and highly chaotic). WHAT'S MORE, DESPITE HAVING MALICIOUS INTENT THEY ARE ALL EMOTIONALLY-WEAK AND PRONE TO COVERT/VULNERABLE-NARCISSISM (ISFJ especially; they impersonate and spread hate towards genuine INFJs). ............................... Also... To intelligent readers (who do 'not’ have a ‘pathological disregard for rationality and reality'). I recommend researching 'narcissistic personality disorder' (NPD) / 'cluster-B'; and know that they are the 'root of all evil' (especially 'ESFJ/ESTJ-narcissist'; Myers-Briggs reference, look it up)! European 'ESFJ' are the worst personality type, and they are responsible for inventing 'racism' and colonization! It is in their neuro-psychology!!! They are extremely 'manipulative' and often use 'looking pretty' to distract others from the witch's mind-games / mind-r@pe, e.g. gaslighting, playing the victim/damsel in distress, creating "flying-monkeys", and 'bribing' others (with money or BJ) to attack, or at times, kill someone for her. When caught, she will use her minions as scapegoats. European ESFJ are notorious for this especially in a racist context, e.g. Emmett Till. xSFP and ISFJ (2W1) are the most complicit, narcissistic-enablers. ISFP also tend to be 'oblivious-codependents' (look up the definition). Like ESFJ, XSFP's "feelings 'is' their reality." Most are covert/vulnerable-narcissists. ISFJ often perceive things only on the surface level (even by sensor standards), are suckers for a “pretty face", and their neuro-psychology makes them the ideal narcissitic-codependent and pawn to the ESFJ (blind-loyalty, surface level perception, susceptibility to covert-narcissism). Lastly, ISFJ are notorious for impersonating other people's identities IRL and on the internet; while ESFJ-9W1 superficially appears like an ENFJ, they have different 'neurology' and psychology. Both XSFJ are superficial by nature and perceive reality at face-value/surface level. SUMMARY Evil personality: 'ESFJ' (ALL), ESTJ (Cluster-b), ISFJ-2W1 (covert-narc/enabler). ESFJ-9W1 superficially resembles ENFJ; different 'neurology' and psychology. [Secretly] Evil and narcissist-friendly gunts/flying-monkey: ISFP (ALL), ESFP (ALL), and ISFJ (2W1 enable ESFJ). ☝️ALL of them are secretly emotionally-disturbed, hence their need to create conflict as a distraction (at other people's expense, truly evil). Spread the word! Thank you. ___________ Research ref: Raudha Athif, Ghislaine Maxwell, Marilyn Monroe, Karen, ESFJ-narcissists, ESFJ-neurology, Gaslighting, Amber Heard, Fake feminism, Rising of a shield hero (Malty-'ESFJ'; XSFX spread disinformation online. ISFJ is the main culprit, i.e. ISFJ largely perceive things on the surface level, and with malicious intent ISFJ impersonate others). Please research 'Brood-parasitism’- XSFJ natural psychology. /End
@Human_01 Жыл бұрын
"ENXP cannot naturally differentiate between 'LUST' and 'love'. Their values is naturally different to that of INXJ. External influence is responsible for seeming deviation. ENXP view relationships like "food-samples". Like all sensor-feelers, ENXP have neurology for PROMISCUITY!" The MBTI compatibility chart is rigged by 'ENTP' and ENFP. The "manipulative" chart is tailored and authored by 'ENTP'! With their expansive "social" capabilities (and promiscuity), they are able to spread information and disinformation far and wide. ENTP are the archetypical clown/jester and they have the consciousness of one too. Most are unhealthy, matter of factly, and even with so-called "healthy" ENTP (lacking cluster-b) they are not naturally moral and their level of humanity is surprisingly low-they still have it; however it is initially low. Case in point, ENXP 'naturally' view romantic relationships and dating in a manner that is akin to "sampling food". ENXP and INXJ are NOT compatible!!!! Please understand that the [rampant spread of] MBTI chart is baseless (the smarter ones among them already know this-willful creatures, i.e. ENTP)! It's viral spread is nothing more than a 'global, generational trolling' and "ethical-rape". It's goal is large scaled attempt to violate other people's romantic-fate/experiences, while violating their instinctual romantic preference! MBTI compatibility chart has the psychological finger-print of ENTP. It aids the miserable romantic experience of INXJ; the clown's attempt to violate their fated destiny! ENTP are naturally unethical and promiscous. Cluster-B (add-on) furthers this. Look past the surface and you will realize that the MBTI chart is 'rigged' and tailored for ENTP (morality/humanity is not instinctual for them; healthy ones can understand it's value once seen, however it is not an instinct for the promiscous Jesters and archetypical-clowns [ENTP]). They've even screwed over most sensors, e.g. trying to "encourage" ESFP x ISTJ. *×Facepalm×* Any deviation is solely due to external influence (referring to ENxP neuro-psychology). ENxP are the archetypical thots/hoe of the intuitives. And sensor-feelers are 'naturally' promiscuous. Again, external factors are responsible for seeming deviations, e.g. parents influence, religion, INXJ instinctual moral influence. "Tell a lie loud enough and long enough and people will believe it." - Adolf Hitler The quote is likely the compounding inspiration for the collective ENTP's creating and spreading this generational lie and ethical-rape (violating INXJ's natural, instinctual romantic standards and requirements). Cluster-B [ENTP] is another contributing factor. In the end, a relationship between ENXP and INxJ ends at the introverts expense. While ENXP have the neurology for promiscuity (like sensor-feelers, ... And ESTP, to a surprisely lesser extent), INXJ risk so much more and they do suffer a miserable ["romance"] existence due to those types; their promiscous-neurology, and low levels of self-control. What's worse, is that most ENTP have cluster-B. They add to the miserable existence of INFJ (and INTJ, albeit to a lesser extent). INFJ instinctual/subconscious romantic standards is literally other [genuine] 'INFJ', and then ENFJ. The natural associate and partner for the ENTP and ENFP is 'ESFP' and ESTP. This is matter of fact. INXJ is only the ENXP's favourite "food"/'essence' to sample (in hopes of developing themselves). This way of viewing relationships is [metaphorically] cannibalistic in psychology. This traits devastates INxJ. PS: If nothing else, please investigate this (and you will find that it is true). You can expect the ENTP thot-network to attempt to hide the evidence. Please spread this information. It helps! The MBTI is rigged (and most ENTP have cluster-B). Willful, narcissitic clowns. Please spread this information. And research and 'save' accounts of ENTP confessions. They are largely the reason INxJ are adverse to "romantic" relationships. . .
@IM4HF1R1N6M4HL4Z0R Жыл бұрын
all lies
@_modiX Жыл бұрын
Kim Jong-Chul itself is a story on its own as well. He is basically in a modern isolated prison for the rest of his life. He is the most lonely person in North Korea. Even victims in the camps have more human interaction.
@floralfancy7814 8 ай бұрын
What? thats messed up to do that to a member of the royal family? But if this Kim Jong-un is to blame for it I'm not very surprised at all...
@Jai6yn 4 ай бұрын
That’s literally driving someone insane. No light no human interaction no nothing, even if he has light never talking to anyone, and most likely having 0 forms of entertainment is pure torture.
@Kalsimir Ай бұрын
I’ve not been able to find any information on this, do you have a source?
@_modiX Ай бұрын
@@Kalsimir if I share any links my comment will get deleted, well KZfaq. But this platform has some nice videos about him. Yeonmi Park, an ex North Korean, has said a lot about him.
@Kalsimir Ай бұрын
@@_modiX i’ll look it up, thanks!
@viktorlindqvist5308 Жыл бұрын
To make this even worse, and more of a human story, at least in the case of Duyan (Duan?), the agent she was unknowingly being trained by also started to date her to tie her even more closely to him and the project. They spent a lot of time doing activities outside of the filming. Or was it the other woman? I dont remember which one of them tbh.
@ming-meiizhao1902 Жыл бұрын
doan (or rather Đoàn) was allegedly romantically involved Rhi Ji-hyon. Rhi Ji-hyon or Li was the son of former north korean ambassador to vietnam Rhi Hong which is why he knew such good vietnamese
@maeror1022 Жыл бұрын
Such a scary and wild story. Its like something out of a James Bond movie.
@IM4HF1R1N6M4HL4Z0R Жыл бұрын
because it is fictional like a james bond movie
@maeror1022 Жыл бұрын
@@IM4HF1R1N6M4HL4Z0R Are you stupid?
@josephrobinson6171 Жыл бұрын
I feel bad for Kim Jong-nam. Poor guy just wanted to live a normal life
@iconredesign Жыл бұрын
Loved this video when it was originally uploaded. Super nice of you to recut it so I can rewatch this story with your excellent storytelling.
@DRAG0NEERS Жыл бұрын
Absolutely! His narration and attention to the details as the climax builds was masterful, and gave me chills when he revealed they dropped the murder charges, and settled on a much lesser sentence. Excellent storytelling.
@CaptainEggcellent Жыл бұрын
This is a brilliant video. I can’t believe I never knew about this until now.
@KiraTV1 Жыл бұрын
thanks man :)
@monkeymita Жыл бұрын
Never saw this the first time it was posted but this was wild. I feel...very bad for the girls but I'm glad they didn't get die :( either way a life was lost so I understand the fact something needed to be done. How crazy that people can just callously lie and use others like this. So frightening... Amazing job as always though, Kira!
@4321topo Жыл бұрын
This is what peak youtube content looks like, great video Kira
@Human_01 Жыл бұрын
............................. "Evil" is the antithesis to the virtue: 'humanity'. Humanity is the characteristic that defines the human spirit. Humanity is symbiosis across humans and society. 'Humanity' exceeds 'social-darwinism'. ............................. NEURO-PERSONALITY ............................. "SENSORY-FEELERS" ARE LARGELY RESPONSIBLE FOR SPREADING DISINFORMATION AND HATE TOWARDS ENTJ/INTJ (AGAINST "THINKERS" IN GENERAL)-BOTH IRL AND ON THE INTERNET; DESPITE THOSE NEURO-PERSONALITY TYPES BEING A BLESSING TO SOCIETY AND ALL OF MANKIND! THEY DESERVE BETTER! 😤 'ESFJ', 'ESFP', ISFP and 'ISFJ' are a pathogen to humanity, and 'then' Cluster-B (depending on their neuro-personality). THEIR "FEELINGS 'IS' THEIR REALITY", THEY ALSO HAVE A MALICIOUS-MIND BY DEFAULT (low 'mirror-neurons' results in "SOCIOPATHIC-FEELER"; full of pathological hate, and highly chaotic). WHAT'S MORE, DESPITE HAVING MALICIOUS INTENT THEY ARE ALL EMOTIONALLY-WEAK AND PRONE TO COVERT/VULNERABLE-NARCISSISM (ISFJ especially; they impersonate and spread hate towards genuine INFJs). ............................... Also... To intelligent readers (who do 'not’ have a ‘pathological disregard for rationality and reality'). I recommend researching 'narcissistic personality disorder' (NPD) / 'cluster-B'; and know that they are the 'root of all evil' (especially 'ESFJ/ESTJ-narcissist'; Myers-Briggs reference, look it up)! European 'ESFJ' are the worst personality type, and they are responsible for inventing 'racism' and colonization! It is in their neuro-psychology!!! They are extremely 'manipulative' and often use 'looking pretty' to distract others from the witch's mind-games / mind-r@pe, e.g. gaslighting, playing the victim/damsel in distress, creating "flying-monkeys", and 'bribing' others (with money or BJ) to attack, or at times, kill someone for her. When caught, she will use her minions as scapegoats. European ESFJ are notorious for this especially in a racist context, e.g. Emmett Till. xSFP and ISFJ (2W1) are the most complicit, narcissistic-enablers. ISFP also tend to be 'oblivious-codependents' (look up the definition). Like ESFJ, XSFP's "feelings 'is' their reality." Most are covert/vulnerable-narcissists. ISFJ often perceive things only on the surface level (even by sensor standards), are suckers for a “pretty face", and their neuro-psychology makes them the ideal narcissitic-codependent and pawn to the ESFJ (blind-loyalty, surface level perception, susceptibility to covert-narcissism). Lastly, ISFJ are notorious for impersonating other people's identities IRL and on the internet; while ESFJ-9W1 superficially appears like an ENFJ, they have different 'neurology' and psychology. Both XSFJ are superficial by nature and perceive reality at face-value/surface level. SUMMARY Evil personality: 'ESFJ' (ALL), ESTJ (Cluster-b), ISFJ-2W1 (covert-narc/enabler). ESFJ-9W1 superficially resembles ENFJ; different 'neurology' and psychology. [Secretly] Evil and narcissist-friendly gunts/flying-monkey: ISFP (ALL), ESFP (ALL), and ISFJ (2W1 enable ESFJ). ☝️ALL of them are secretly emotionally-disturbed, hence their need to create conflict as a distraction (at other people's expense, truly evil). Spread the word! Thank you. ___________ Research ref: Raudha Athif, Ghislaine Maxwell, Marilyn Monroe, Karen, ESFJ-narcissists, ESFJ-neurology, Gaslighting, Amber Heard, Fake feminism, Rising of a shield hero (Malty-'ESFJ'; XSFX spread disinformation online. ISFJ is the main culprit, i.e. ISFJ largely perceive things on the surface level, and with malicious intent ISFJ impersonate others). Please research 'Brood-parasitism’- XSFJ natural psychology. //End
@Human_01 Жыл бұрын
[ADVICE] MY-PHILOSOPHY: "INNER-STRENGTH" I have found that simply "loving myself" (inner-child) is a powerful tool against most types of social-dependency/vulnerability. Example: In my mind, I visualise a picture of my younger self (family albums might help). And I 'remember' what the emotion of genuine love felt like. And then I project those emotions onto the mental visualization of my younger self. I meditate and hold that 'state of mind' for as long as I can. The result? I feel my conscious energy resignating with positivity and renewed strength. And my anxiety immediately evaporates away. At the very least, depending on my levels of anxiety, this mediation practice aids to 'evaporate' much of it. You can do the same thing with "trying to 'remember' temperatures, e.g. hot or cold. And then project that memory onto a visualised heat source (all within your minds eye). You will 'feel' the effects immediately." I hope this proved helpful..
@Human_01 Жыл бұрын
"ENXP cannot naturally differentiate between 'LUST' and 'love'. Their values is naturally different to that of INXJ. External influence is responsible for seeming deviation. ENXP view relationships like "food-samples". Like all sensor-feelers, ENXP have neurology for PROMISCUITY!" The MBTI compatibility chart is rigged by 'ENTP' and ENFP. The "manipulative" chart is tailored and authored by 'ENTP'! With their expansive "social" capabilities (and promiscuity), they are able to spread information and disinformation far and wide. ENTP are the archetypical clown/jester and they have the consciousness of one too. Most are unhealthy, matter of factly, and even with so-called "healthy" ENTP (lacking cluster-b) they are not naturally moral and their level of humanity is surprisingly low-they still have it; however it is initially low. Case in point, ENXP 'naturally' view romantic relationships and dating in a manner that is akin to "sampling food". ENXP and INXJ are NOT compatible!!!! Please understand that the [rampant spread of] MBTI chart is baseless (the smarter ones among them already know this-willful creatures, i.e. ENTP)! It's viral spread is nothing more than a 'global, generational trolling' and "ethical-rape". It's goal is large scaled attempt to violate other people's romantic-fate/experiences, while violating their instinctual romantic preference! MBTI compatibility chart has the psychological finger-print of ENTP. It aids the miserable romantic experience of INXJ; the clown's attempt to violate their fated destiny! ENTP are naturally unethical and promiscous. Cluster-B (add-on) furthers this. Look past the surface and you will realize that the MBTI chart is 'rigged' and tailored for ENTP (morality/humanity is not instinctual for them; healthy ones can understand it's value once seen, however it is not an instinct for the promiscous Jesters and archetypical-clowns [ENTP]). They've even screwed over most sensors, e.g. trying to "encourage" ESFP x ISTJ. *×Facepalm×* Any deviation is solely due to external influence (referring to ENxP neuro-psychology). ENxP are the archetypical thots/hoe of the intuitives. And sensor-feelers are 'naturally' promiscuous. Again, external factors are responsible for seeming deviations, e.g. parents influence, religion, INXJ instinctual moral influence. "Tell a lie loud enough and long enough and people will believe it." - Adolf Hitler The quote is likely the compounding inspiration for the collective ENTP's creating and spreading this generational lie and ethical-rape (violating INXJ's natural, instinctual romantic standards and requirements). Cluster-B [ENTP] is another contributing factor. In the end, a relationship between ENXP and INxJ ends at the introverts expense. While ENXP have the neurology for promiscuity (like sensor-feelers, ... And ESTP, to a surprisely lesser extent), INXJ risk so much more and they do suffer a miserable ["romance"] existence due to those types; their promiscous-neurology, and low levels of self-control. What's worse, is that most ENTP have cluster-B. They add to the miserable existence of INFJ (and INTJ, albeit to a lesser extent). INFJ instinctual/subconscious romantic standards is literally other [genuine] 'INFJ', and then ENFJ. The natural associate and partner for the ENTP and ENFP is 'ESFP' and ESTP. This is matter of fact. INXJ is only the ENXP's favourite "food"/'essence' to sample. PS: If nothing else, please investigate this (and you will find that it is true). You can expect the ENTP thot-network to attempt to hide the evidence. Please spread this information. It helps! The MBTI is rigged (and most ENTP have cluster-B). Willful, narcissitic clowns.
@Human_01 Жыл бұрын
FEMALE-ATTRACTION/ATTRACTION/ROMANTIC-ATTRACTION/FEMALE-PSYCHOLOGY/HOW-TO-ATTRACT-FEMALES/FEMALE-MANIPULATORS/MANIPULATE-FEMALES/FEMALE-DATING-FEMALES Answer: 1) 'Emotional Appeal'; how you make a female "feel" is the key to her everything. Give her 'emotional-thrills' via manipulation. 2) Physical Attraction; even this is connected to emotional appeal/attraction. Both points connect the strange stereotype between women "fucking" psychopaths, "bad-boys"; and ESTP/Chad, ENFP, etc. [I strongly believe that most women cannot differentiate between the sensation of "emotional-thrills" (including 'lust') and [genuine] "love"]. Love-definition. What is "love"? Answer: Excessive humanity for an individual. Since most women are emotionally immature (they are good at masking it; do not confuse the two), they are exceedingly susceptible to emotional manipulation/exploitation. Since society over-values and over protects the human female, the female can afford not to develop their sentience, intelligence, emotional residency and self-control. This makes them both unintelligent/narcissitic and emotionally-vulnerable. Of the MBTI, most females are "feelers" and unintelligent-feelers, i.e. "sensor-feelers" (population density), no less. They are more vulnerable to this realization/exploit, i.e. that physical attraction and emotional manipulation (via "thrills") is the key to attracting the female. NOTE: Most women monitor and prey on the emotions of a man. They attempt to corrode the emotional resiliency of a male child; thus making the male child susceptible to her "whining", narcissitic-complaints (self-serving and emotionally abusive [whims]); psychological manipulation via emotional abusing their sons will make them a dull, and disposable pawn (who exists solely to serve women and lay down their lives, as thought and conditioned via social norms).
@TheSmullatron Жыл бұрын
Another brilliant video, please keep them coming
@Bullorg Жыл бұрын
I watched it again and man this is so well done. GOOD JOB !
@charlieholdsworth6086 Жыл бұрын
Even watching this a second time its kinda chilling that a state can just off a guy in a foreign country, in public almost as an after thought. Ever thought of doing audiobooks? I find your narration really engaging.
@sexylazercatwizard Жыл бұрын
He sounds kinda bored when talking
@Human_01 Жыл бұрын
............................. "Evil" is the antithesis to the virtue: 'humanity'. Humanity is the characteristic that defines the human spirit. Humanity is symbiosis across humans and society. 'Humanity' exceeds 'social-darwinism'. ............................. NEURO-PERSONALITY ............................. "SENSORY-FEELERS" ARE LARGELY RESPONSIBLE FOR SPREADING DISINFORMATION AND HATE TOWARDS ENTJ/INTJ (AGAINST "THINKERS" IN GENERAL)-BOTH IRL AND ON THE INTERNET; DESPITE THOSE NEURO-PERSONALITY TYPES BEING A BLESSING TO SOCIETY AND ALL OF MANKIND! THEY DESERVE BETTER! 😤 'ESFJ', 'ESFP', ISFP and 'ISFJ' are a pathogen to humanity, and 'then' Cluster-B (depending on their neuro-personality). THEIR "FEELINGS 'IS' THEIR REALITY", THEY ALSO HAVE A MALICIOUS-MIND BY DEFAULT (low 'mirror-neurons' results in "SOCIOPATHIC-FEELER"; full of pathological hate, and highly chaotic). WHAT'S MORE, DESPITE HAVING MALICIOUS INTENT THEY ARE ALL EMOTIONALLY-WEAK AND PRONE TO COVERT/VULNERABLE-NARCISSISM (ISFJ especially; they impersonate and spread hate towards genuine INFJs). ............................... Also... To intelligent readers (who do 'not’ have a ‘pathological disregard for rationality and reality'). I recommend researching 'narcissistic personality disorder' (NPD) / 'cluster-B'; and know that they are the 'root of all evil' (especially 'ESFJ/ESTJ-narcissist'; Myers-Briggs reference, look it up)! European 'ESFJ' are the worst personality type, and they are responsible for inventing 'racism' and colonization! It is in their neuro-psychology!!! They are extremely 'manipulative' and often use 'looking pretty' to distract others from the witch's mind-games / mind-r@pe, e.g. gaslighting, playing the victim/damsel in distress, creating "flying-monkeys", and 'bribing' others (with money or BJ) to attack, or at times, kill someone for her. When caught, she will use her minions as scapegoats. European ESFJ are notorious for this especially in a racist context, e.g. Emmett Till. xSFP and ISFJ (2W1) are the most complicit, narcissistic-enablers. ISFP also tend to be 'oblivious-codependents' (look up the definition). Like ESFJ, XSFP's "feelings 'is' their reality." Most are covert/vulnerable-narcissists. ISFJ often perceive things only on the surface level (even by sensor standards), are suckers for a “pretty face", and their neuro-psychology makes them the ideal narcissitic-codependent and pawn to the ESFJ (blind-loyalty, surface level perception, susceptibility to covert-narcissism). Lastly, ISFJ are notorious for impersonating other people's identities IRL and on the internet; while ESFJ-9W1 superficially appears like an ENFJ, they have different 'neurology' and psychology. Both XSFJ are superficial by nature and perceive reality at face-value/surface level. SUMMARY Evil personality: 'ESFJ' (ALL), ESTJ (Cluster-b), ISFJ-2W1 (covert-narc/enabler). ESFJ-9W1 superficially resembles ENFJ; different 'neurology' and psychology. [Secretly] Evil and narcissist-friendly gunts/flying-monkey: ISFP (ALL), ESFP (ALL), and ISFJ (2W1 enable ESFJ). ☝️ALL of them are secretly emotionally-disturbed, hence their need to create conflict as a distraction (at other people's expense, truly evil). Spread the word! Thank you. ___________ Research ref: Raudha Athif, Ghislaine Maxwell, Marilyn Monroe, Karen, ESFJ-narcissists, ESFJ-neurology, Gaslighting, Amber Heard, Fake feminism, Rising of a shield hero (Malty-'ESFJ'; XSFX spread disinformation online. ISFJ is the main culprit, i.e. ISFJ largely perceive things on the surface level, and with malicious intent ISFJ impersonate others). Please research 'Brood-parasitism’- XSFJ natural psychology. /End
@Human_01 Жыл бұрын
[ADVICE] MY-PHILOSOPHY: "INNER-STRENGTH" I have found that simply "loving myself" (inner-child) is a powerful tool against most types of social-dependency/vulnerability. Example: In my mind, I visualise a picture of my younger self (family albums might help). And I 'remember' what the emotion of genuine love felt like. And then I project those emotions onto the mental visualization of my younger self. I meditate and hold that 'state of mind' for as long as I can. The result? I feel my conscious energy resignating with positivity and renewed strength. And my anxiety immediately evaporates away. At the very least, depending on my levels of anxiety, this mediation practice aids to 'evaporate' much of it. You can do the same thing with "trying to 'remember' temperatures, e.g. hot or cold. And then project that memory onto a visualised heat source (all within your minds eye). You will 'feel' the effects immediately." I hope this proved helpful..
@Human_01 Жыл бұрын
"ENXP cannot naturally differentiate between 'LUST' and 'love'. Their values is naturally different to that of INXJ. External influence is responsible for seeming deviation. ENXP view relationships like "food-samples". Like all sensor-feelers, ENXP have neurology for PROMISCUITY!" The MBTI compatibility chart is rigged by 'ENTP' and ENFP. The "manipulative" chart is tailored and authored by 'ENTP'! With their expansive "social" capabilities (and promiscuity), they are able to spread information and disinformation far and wide. ENTP are the archetypical clown/jester and they have the consciousness of one too. Most are unhealthy, matter of factly, and even with so-called "healthy" ENTP (lacking cluster-b) they are not naturally moral and their level of humanity is surprisingly low-they still have it; however it is initially low. Case in point, ENXP 'naturally' view romantic relationships and dating in a manner that is akin to "sampling food". ENXP and INXJ are NOT compatible!!!! Please understand that the [rampant spread of] MBTI chart is baseless (the smarter ones among them already know this-willful creatures, i.e. ENTP)! It's viral spread is nothing more than a 'global, generational trolling' and "ethical-rape". It's goal is large scaled attempt to violate other people's romantic-fate/experiences, while violating their instinctual romantic preference! MBTI compatibility chart has the psychological finger-print of ENTP. It aids the miserable romantic experience of INXJ; the clown's attempt to violate their fated destiny! ENTP are naturally unethical and promiscous. Cluster-B (add-on) furthers this. Look past the surface and you will realize that the MBTI chart is 'rigged' and tailored for ENTP (morality/humanity is not instinctual for them; healthy ones can understand it's value once seen, however it is not an instinct for the promiscous Jesters and archetypical-clowns [ENTP]). They've even screwed over most sensors, e.g. trying to "encourage" ESFP x ISTJ. *×Facepalm×* Any deviation is solely due to external influence (referring to ENxP neuro-psychology). ENxP are the archetypical thots/hoe of the intuitives. And sensor-feelers are 'naturally' promiscuous. Again, external factors are responsible for seeming deviations, e.g. parents influence, religion, INXJ instinctual moral influence. "Tell a lie loud enough and long enough and people will believe it." - Adolf Hitler The quote is likely the compounding inspiration for the collective ENTP's creating and spreading this generational lie and ethical-rape (violating INXJ's natural, instinctual romantic standards and requirements). Cluster-B [ENTP] is another contributing factor. In the end, a relationship between ENXP and INxJ ends at the introverts expense. While ENXP have the neurology for promiscuity (like sensor-feelers, ... And ESTP, to a surprisely lesser extent), INXJ risk so much more and they do suffer a miserable ["romance"] existence due to those types; their promiscous-neurology, and low levels of self-control. What's worse, is that most ENTP have cluster-B. They add to the miserable existence of INFJ (and INTJ, albeit to a lesser extent). INFJ instinctual/subconscious romantic standards is literally other [genuine] 'INFJ', and then ENFJ. The natural associate and partner for the ENTP and ENFP is 'ESFP' and ESTP. This is matter of fact. INXJ is only the ENXP's favourite "food"/'essence' to sample (in hopes of developing themselves). This way of viewing relationships is [metaphorically] cannibalistic in psychology. This traits devastates INxJ. PS: If nothing else, please investigate this (and you will find that it is true). You can expect the ENTP thot-network to attempt to hide the evidence. Please spread this information. It helps! The MBTI is rigged (and most ENTP have cluster-B). Willful, narcissitic clowns. Please spread this information. And research and 'save' accounts of ENTP confessions. They are largely the reason INxJ are adverse to "romantic" relationships. . .
@DobuDobuDobuDot Жыл бұрын
@@Human_01 It didn't
@azalea_k Жыл бұрын
Was really looking forward to this, since you mentioned the original going away. Thanks for reuploading!
@TheXeioken Жыл бұрын
Mad video thankyou team! Can't belive this one went under the KZfaq radar... answers the questions of the story from back then. Thank you for the effort and research.
@Kitty-Cat Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the re-upload! I will give it another watch as I hadn't managed to watch the full video before it was age-restricted last time!
@manymustfall Жыл бұрын
Good stuff bro. I still remember this one. Gonna leave this one running on a different tab just so that it'll be marked as viewed for me.
@nickes6168 Жыл бұрын
Re watching to help out with the algorithm, sorry you had to edit it, thanks for the effort and great content!
@stymirthemad714 Жыл бұрын
Kira, thanks for the re-upload I missed it the first go around and am happy to see it in my recommend
@simple3d326 Жыл бұрын
imagine being a prosecutor knowing full well these girls are innocent and trying to make them look guilty by omitting footage and evidence.... wtf... how is that justice? prosecutors should be penalized for this kind of practice of manipulation. Show all of the footage and present your argument and let the jury decide if that is also what they see.
@truthhurts2879 Жыл бұрын
Exactly the same happened with the January 6th defendants, prosecution withheld vital video footage that depicted the main protagonist walking around with capitol police as they escorted him around the building and even opening doors for him to allow him access to the rooms.
@ForeverLaxx Жыл бұрын
They have a job to do. It happens everywhere and to anyone who doesn't have enough money to defend themselves adequately. Prosecutors are there to get a conviction, not find out the truth or who is innocent. Welcome to how court actually works. It's not like how it is in the movies. The sooner you realize that, the better off you'll be.
@monkeyboy600 Жыл бұрын
@@truthhurts2879 The fuck are you talking about
@answerman9933 Жыл бұрын
You and others are bias in your finger-pointing. This is not about prosecutors. It is about anyone. Do you think a defense attorney will present evidence that will show their client in a bad light? And this is not even about lawyers. It most people in life.
@MashaRistova Жыл бұрын
That happens in the US too. That’s how criminal trials work. It’s not strange. It’s up to the defense to show the other side, which they did.
@kidpresident_1475 17 күн бұрын
This is such a banger video, I've rewatched it a few times. I dare say it's my fave
@SanctorumDivinity Жыл бұрын
Glad you reuploaded,this was a fantastic video
@thehappypittie Жыл бұрын
I missed the original but this is such a well put together breakdown of it all.
@BeefIntoCake Жыл бұрын
Fantastic video. Good complilation of facts, and I like that the story progresses fast enough to keep you interessted. Very educational. Really well done. Thanks for this.
@jenaf4208 Жыл бұрын
So annoying that these vids got gated, the quality is top tier!
@Sevo- Жыл бұрын
This is one of the most enticing videos i have seen in a long while thanks mango!
@Kode4mayor 3 ай бұрын
Yo been watching your videos for few days now. I really fw them!!
@AlkisGD Жыл бұрын
This is the definition of life being stranger than fiction. Great vid, Kira!
@Human_01 Жыл бұрын
[ADVICE] MY-PHILOSOPHY: "INNER-STRENGTH" I have found that simply "loving myself" (inner-child) is a powerful tool against most types of social-dependency/vulnerability. Example: In my mind, I visualise a picture of my younger self (family albums might help). And I 'remember' what the emotion of genuine love felt like. And then I project those emotions onto the mental visualization of my younger self. I meditate and hold that 'state of mind' for as long as I can. The result? I feel my conscious energy resignating with positivity and renewed strength. And my anxiety immediately evaporates away. At the very least, depending on my levels of anxiety, this mediation practice aids to 'evaporate' much of it. You can do the same thing with "trying to 'remember' temperatures, e.g. hot or cold. And then project that memory onto a visualised heat source (all within your minds eye). You will 'feel' the effects immediately." I hope this proved helpful..
@Human_01 Жыл бұрын
"ENXP cannot naturally differentiate between 'LUST' and 'love'. Their values is naturally different to that of INXJ. External influence is responsible for seeming deviation. ENXP view relationships like "food-samples". Like all sensor-feelers, ENXP have neurology for PROMISCUITY!" The MBTI compatibility chart is rigged by 'ENTP' and ENFP. The "manipulative" chart is tailored and authored by 'ENTP'! With their expansive "social" capabilities (and promiscuity), they are able to spread information and disinformation far and wide. ENTP are the archetypical clown/jester and they have the consciousness of one too. Most are unhealthy, matter of factly, and even with so-called "healthy" ENTP (lacking cluster-b) they are not naturally moral and their level of humanity is surprisingly low-they still have it; however it is initially low. Case in point, ENXP 'naturally' view romantic relationships and dating in a manner that is akin to "sampling food". ENXP and INXJ are NOT compatible!!!! Please understand that the [rampant spread of] MBTI chart is baseless (the smarter ones among them already know this-willful creatures, i.e. ENTP)! It's viral spread is nothing more than a 'global, generational trolling' and "ethical-rape". It's goal is large scaled attempt to violate other people's romantic-fate/experiences, while violating their instinctual romantic preference! MBTI compatibility chart has the psychological finger-print of ENTP. It aids the miserable romantic experience of INXJ; the clown's attempt to violate their fated destiny! ENTP are naturally unethical and promiscous. Cluster-B (add-on) furthers this. Look past the surface and you will realize that the MBTI chart is 'rigged' and tailored for ENTP (morality/humanity is not instinctual for them; healthy ones can understand it's value once seen, however it is not an instinct for the promiscous Jesters and archetypical-clowns [ENTP]). They've even screwed over most sensors, e.g. trying to "encourage" ESFP x ISTJ. *×Facepalm×* Any deviation is solely due to external influence (referring to ENxP neuro-psychology). ENxP are the archetypical thots/hoe of the intuitives. And sensor-feelers are 'naturally' promiscuous. Again, external factors are responsible for seeming deviations, e.g. parents influence, religion, INXJ instinctual moral influence. "Tell a lie loud enough and long enough and people will believe it." - Adolf Hitler The quote is likely the compounding inspiration for the collective ENTP's creating and spreading this generational lie and ethical-rape (violating INXJ's natural, instinctual romantic standards and requirements). Cluster-B [ENTP] is another contributing factor. In the end, a relationship between ENXP and INxJ ends at the introverts expense. While ENXP have the neurology for promiscuity (like sensor-feelers, ... And ESTP, to a surprisely lesser extent), INXJ risk so much more and they do suffer a miserable ["romance"] existence due to those types; their promiscous-neurology, and low levels of self-control. What's worse, is that most ENTP have cluster-B. They add to the miserable existence of INFJ (and INTJ, albeit to a lesser extent). INFJ instinctual/subconscious romantic standards is literally other [genuine] 'INFJ', and then ENFJ. The natural associate and partner for the ENTP and ENFP is 'ESFP' and ESTP. This is matter of fact. INXJ is only the ENXP's favourite "food"/'essence' to sample (in hopes of developing themselves). This way of viewing relationships is [metaphorically] cannibalistic in psychology. This traits devastates INxJ. PS: If nothing else, please investigate this (and you will find that it is true). You can expect the ENTP thot-network to attempt to hide the evidence. Please spread this information. It helps! The MBTI is rigged (and most ENTP have cluster-B). Willful, narcissitic clowns. Please spread this information. And research and 'save' accounts of ENTP confessions. They are largely the reason INxJ are adverse to "romantic" relationships. . .
@Human_01 Жыл бұрын
............................. "Evil" is the antithesis to the virtue: 'humanity'. Humanity is the characteristic that defines the human spirit. Humanity is symbiosis across humans and society. 'Humanity' exceeds 'social-darwinism'. ............................. NEURO-PERSONALITY ............................. "SENSORY-FEELERS" ARE LARGELY RESPONSIBLE FOR SPREADING DISINFORMATION AND HATE TOWARDS ENTJ/INTJ (AGAINST "THINKERS" IN GENERAL)-BOTH IRL AND ON THE INTERNET; DESPITE THOSE NEURO-PERSONALITY TYPES BEING A BLESSING TO SOCIETY AND ALL OF MANKIND! THEY DESERVE BETTER! 😤 'ESFJ', 'ESFP', ISFP and 'ISFJ' are a pathogen to humanity, and 'then' Cluster-B (depending on their neuro-personality). THEIR "FEELINGS 'IS' THEIR REALITY", THEY ALSO HAVE A MALICIOUS-MIND BY DEFAULT (low 'mirror-neurons' results in "SOCIOPATHIC-FEELER"; full of pathological hate, and highly chaotic). WHAT'S MORE, DESPITE HAVING MALICIOUS INTENT THEY ARE ALL EMOTIONALLY-WEAK AND PRONE TO COVERT/VULNERABLE-NARCISSISM (ISFJ especially; they impersonate and spread hate towards genuine INFJs). ............................... Also... To intelligent readers (who do 'not’ have a ‘pathological disregard for rationality and reality'). I recommend researching 'narcissistic personality disorder' (NPD) / 'cluster-B'; and know that they are the 'root of all evil' (especially 'ESFJ/ESTJ-narcissist'; Myers-Briggs reference, look it up)! European 'ESFJ' are the worst personality type, and they are responsible for inventing 'racism' and colonization! It is in their neuro-psychology!!! They are extremely 'manipulative' and often use 'looking pretty' to distract others from the witch's mind-games / mind-r@pe, e.g. gaslighting, playing the victim/damsel in distress, creating "flying-monkeys", and 'bribing' others (with money or BJ) to attack, or at times, kill someone for her. When caught, she will use her minions as scapegoats. European ESFJ are notorious for this especially in a racist context, e.g. Emmett Till. xSFP and ISFJ (2W1) are the most complicit, narcissistic-enablers. ISFP also tend to be 'oblivious-codependents' (look up the definition). Like ESFJ, XSFP's "feelings 'is' their reality." Most are covert/vulnerable-narcissists. ISFJ often perceive things only on the surface level (even by sensor standards), are suckers for a “pretty face", and their neuro-psychology makes them the ideal narcissitic-codependent and pawn to the ESFJ (blind-loyalty, surface level perception, susceptibility to covert-narcissism). Lastly, ISFJ are notorious for impersonating other people's identities IRL and on the internet; while ESFJ-9W1 superficially appears like an ENFJ, they have different 'neurology' and psychology. Both XSFJ are superficial by nature and perceive reality at face-value/surface level. SUMMARY Evil personality: 'ESFJ' (ALL), ESTJ (Cluster-b), ISFJ-2W1 (covert-narc/enabler). ESFJ-9W1 superficially resembles ENFJ; different 'neurology' and psychology. [Secretly] Evil and narcissist-friendly gunts/flying-monkey: ISFP (ALL), ESFP (ALL), and ISFJ (2W1 enable ESFJ). ☝️ALL of them are secretly emotionally-disturbed, hence their need to create conflict as a distraction (at other people's expense, truly evil). Spread the word! Thank you. ___________ Research ref: Raudha Athif, Ghislaine Maxwell, Marilyn Monroe, Karen, ESFJ-narcissists, ESFJ-neurology, Gaslighting, Amber Heard, Fake feminism, Rising of a shield hero (Malty-'ESFJ'; XSFX spread disinformation online. ISFJ is the main culprit, i.e. ISFJ largely perceive things on the surface level, and with malicious intent ISFJ impersonate others). Please research 'Brood-parasitism’- XSFJ natural psychology. /End
@thomasnorman5978 Жыл бұрын
Rewatching and commenting for algorithm. Good work Kira
@GeorgeTheDinoGuy Жыл бұрын
This is the most deep dive video I’ve seen on this subject, well done!
@redeye1016 Жыл бұрын
Keep up the great work - wanted to show some support!
@Human_01 Жыл бұрын
[ADVICE] MY-PHILOSOPHY: "INNER-STRENGTH" I have found that simply "loving myself" (inner-child) is a powerful tool against most types of social-dependency/vulnerability. Example: In my mind, I visualise a picture of my younger self (family albums might help). And I 'remember' what the emotion of genuine love felt like. And then I project those emotions onto the mental visualization of my younger self. I meditate and hold that 'state of mind' for as long as I can. The result? I feel my conscious energy resignating with positivity and renewed strength. And my anxiety immediately evaporates away. At the very least, depending on my levels of anxiety, this mediation practice aids to 'evaporate' much of it. You can do the same thing with "trying to 'remember' temperatures, e.g. hot or cold. And then project that memory onto a visualised heat source (all within your minds eye). You will 'feel' the effects immediately." I hope this proved helpful..
@Human_01 Жыл бұрын
............................. "Evil" is the antithesis to the virtue: 'humanity'. Humanity is the characteristic that defines the human spirit. Humanity is symbiosis across humans and society. 'Humanity' exceeds 'social-darwinism'. ............................. NEURO-PERSONALITY ............................. "SENSORY-FEELERS" ARE LARGELY RESPONSIBLE FOR SPREADING DISINFORMATION AND HATE TOWARDS ENTJ/INTJ (AGAINST "THINKERS" IN GENERAL)-BOTH IRL AND ON THE INTERNET; DESPITE THOSE NEURO-PERSONALITY TYPES BEING A BLESSING TO SOCIETY AND ALL OF MANKIND! THEY DESERVE BETTER! 😤 'ESFJ', 'ESFP', ISFP and 'ISFJ' are a pathogen to humanity, and 'then' Cluster-B (depending on their neuro-personality). THEIR "FEELINGS 'IS' THEIR REALITY", THEY ALSO HAVE A MALICIOUS-MIND BY DEFAULT (low 'mirror-neurons' results in "SOCIOPATHIC-FEELER"; full of pathological hate, and highly chaotic). WHAT'S MORE, DESPITE HAVING MALICIOUS INTENT THEY ARE ALL EMOTIONALLY-WEAK AND PRONE TO COVERT/VULNERABLE-NARCISSISM (ISFJ especially; they impersonate and spread hate towards genuine INFJs). ............................... Also... To intelligent readers (who do 'not’ have a ‘pathological disregard for rationality and reality'). I recommend researching 'narcissistic personality disorder' (NPD) / 'cluster-B'; and know that they are the 'root of all evil' (especially 'ESFJ/ESTJ-narcissist'; Myers-Briggs reference, look it up)! European 'ESFJ' are the worst personality type, and they are responsible for inventing 'racism' and colonization! It is in their neuro-psychology!!! They are extremely 'manipulative' and often use 'looking pretty' to distract others from the witch's mind-games / mind-r@pe, e.g. gaslighting, playing the victim/damsel in distress, creating "flying-monkeys", and 'bribing' others (with money or BJ) to attack, or at times, kill someone for her. When caught, she will use her minions as scapegoats. European ESFJ are notorious for this especially in a racist context, e.g. Emmett Till. xSFP and ISFJ (2W1) are the most complicit, narcissistic-enablers. ISFP also tend to be 'oblivious-codependents' (look up the definition). Like ESFJ, XSFP's "feelings 'is' their reality." Most are covert/vulnerable-narcissists. ISFJ often perceive things only on the surface level (even by sensor standards), are suckers for a “pretty face", and their neuro-psychology makes them the ideal narcissitic-codependent and pawn to the ESFJ (blind-loyalty, surface level perception, susceptibility to covert-narcissism). Lastly, ISFJ are notorious for impersonating other people's identities IRL and on the internet; while ESFJ-9W1 superficially appears like an ENFJ, they have different 'neurology' and psychology. Both XSFJ are superficial by nature and perceive reality at face-value/surface level. SUMMARY Evil personality: 'ESFJ' (ALL), ESTJ (Cluster-b), ISFJ-2W1 (covert-narc/enabler). ESFJ-9W1 superficially resembles ENFJ; different 'neurology' and psychology. [Secretly] Evil and narcissist-friendly gunts/flying-monkey: ISFP (ALL), ESFP (ALL), and ISFJ (2W1 enable ESFJ). ☝️ALL of them are secretly emotionally-disturbed, hence their need to create conflict as a distraction (at other people's expense, truly evil). Spread the word! Thank you. ___________ Research ref: Raudha Athif, Ghislaine Maxwell, Marilyn Monroe, Karen, ESFJ-narcissists, ESFJ-neurology, Gaslighting, Amber Heard, Fake feminism, Rising of a shield hero (Malty-'ESFJ'; XSFX spread disinformation online. ISFJ is the main culprit, i.e. ISFJ largely perceive things on the surface level, and with malicious intent ISFJ impersonate others). Please research 'Brood-parasitism’- XSFJ natural psychology. /End
@Human_01 Жыл бұрын
"ENXP cannot naturally differentiate between 'LUST' and 'love'. Their values is naturally different to that of INXJ. External influence is responsible for seeming deviation. ENXP view relationships like "food-samples". Like all sensor-feelers, ENXP have neurology for PROMISCUITY!" The MBTI compatibility chart is rigged by 'ENTP' and ENFP. The "manipulative" chart is tailored and authored by 'ENTP'! With their expansive "social" capabilities (and promiscuity), they are able to spread information and disinformation far and wide. ENTP are the archetypical clown/jester and they have the consciousness of one too. Most are unhealthy, matter of factly, and even with so-called "healthy" ENTP (lacking cluster-b) they are not naturally moral and their level of humanity is surprisingly low-they still have it; however it is initially low. Case in point, ENXP 'naturally' view romantic relationships and dating in a manner that is akin to "sampling food". ENXP and INXJ are NOT compatible!!!! Please understand that the [rampant spread of] MBTI chart is baseless (the smarter ones among them already know this-willful creatures, i.e. ENTP)! It's viral spread is nothing more than a 'global, generational trolling' and "ethical-rape". It's goal is large scaled attempt to violate other people's romantic-fate/experiences, while violating their instinctual romantic preference! MBTI compatibility chart has the psychological finger-print of ENTP. It aids the miserable romantic experience of INXJ; the clown's attempt to violate their fated destiny! ENTP are naturally unethical and promiscous. Cluster-B (add-on) furthers this. Look past the surface and you will realize that the MBTI chart is 'rigged' and tailored for ENTP (morality/humanity is not instinctual for them; healthy ones can understand it's value once seen, however it is not an instinct for the promiscous Jesters and archetypical-clowns [ENTP]). They've even screwed over most sensors, e.g. trying to "encourage" ESFP x ISTJ. *×Facepalm×* Any deviation is solely due to external influence (referring to ENxP neuro-psychology). ENxP are the archetypical thots/hoe of the intuitives. And sensor-feelers are 'naturally' promiscuous. Again, external factors are responsible for seeming deviations, e.g. parents influence, religion, INXJ instinctual moral influence. "Tell a lie loud enough and long enough and people will believe it." - Adolf Hitler The quote is likely the compounding inspiration for the collective ENTP's creating and spreading this generational lie and ethical-rape (violating INXJ's natural, instinctual romantic standards and requirements). Cluster-B [ENTP] is another contributing factor. In the end, a relationship between ENXP and INxJ ends at the introverts expense. While ENXP have the neurology for promiscuity (like sensor-feelers, ... And ESTP, to a surprisely lesser extent), INXJ risk so much more and they do suffer a miserable ["romance"] existence due to those types; their promiscous-neurology, and low levels of self-control. What's worse, is that most ENTP have cluster-B. They add to the miserable existence of INFJ (and INTJ, albeit to a lesser extent). INFJ instinctual/subconscious romantic standards is literally other [genuine] 'INFJ', and then ENFJ. The natural associate and partner for the ENTP and ENFP is 'ESFP' and ESTP. This is matter of fact. INXJ is only the ENXP's favourite "food"/'essence' to sample (in hopes of developing themselves). This way of viewing relationships is [metaphorically] cannibalistic in psychology. This traits devastates INxJ. PS: If nothing else, please investigate this (and you will find that it is true). You can expect the ENTP thot-network to attempt to hide the evidence. Please spread this information. It helps! The MBTI is rigged (and most ENTP have cluster-B). Willful, narcissitic clowns. Please spread this information. And research and 'save' accounts of ENTP confessions. They are largely the reason INxJ are adverse to "romantic" relationships. . .
@caboose2741 Жыл бұрын
Worth rewatching. Fantastic video
@TravelChannelOne 6 ай бұрын
Narration par excellence...diction top notch....analysis magnanimous...amazing you gave this life
@movation Жыл бұрын
Powerful video...great work mate.
@osier769 Жыл бұрын
Some vital parts of the story I was unware of previously, thanks man. 😎
@boowiebear Жыл бұрын
Well done as always!
@skupipup Жыл бұрын
Just as good as the first time. Keep it up!
@zombiehampster1397 Жыл бұрын
If you like this kind of stuff, you should do a dive into what happened to Alexander Litvinenko, former KGB agent who defected. He alleges a lot of things regarding the Moscow Theatre hostage crisis and the Besian school siege. You do great work and I love these deep dives you do.
@noodlelynoodle. 8 ай бұрын
I don't think he alleges anything anymore lol
@superspies32 5 ай бұрын
Is that the guy who his chest be splitted to half while he was resting on his house at US by another KBG agent and that agent escaped without any detection.
@garrettrast2953 Жыл бұрын
Amazing work, mate 👍
@TimmehWatson Жыл бұрын
Another great video
@kewone Жыл бұрын
Excellent video
@Banexh 4 ай бұрын
Earned a sub! I love the story telling and your voice is actually listenable if that makes sense😂 keep killing it with these videos I’m here till you stop!
@LikaLaruku Жыл бұрын
Great! I hope you make more videos like this in the future.
@Extermideath Жыл бұрын
I really enjoy these videos kira. i enjoy the watching them and hope you continue to do these!
@zgamer28 Жыл бұрын
I'm commenting for the algorithm. I love the content Kira keep it up !
@staberinde9102 Жыл бұрын
Excellent and educational, keep up the good work!
@ninochaosdrache3189 Жыл бұрын
Man, this is like straight out of a Bond movie.
@Fromthebackseat- Жыл бұрын
Great video
@johnmagus6341 Жыл бұрын
Great vid. I'll rewatch it.
@charliebarcampos776 Жыл бұрын
WOW!! Great vid!!
@tubzvermeulen Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the video
@CenitV Жыл бұрын
It was a very good video, I give it a re-watch to help with the numbers
@MrLittletube Жыл бұрын
What a great channel. I just arrived. Nice work.
@briochesama4837 9 ай бұрын
Uh, I actively watch your videos but some how I missed this one? It's really good, I really like how you tell these stories and it does feel like you try. I wish KZfaq didn't constantly flag and hide your content from me.
@RaschhoferConsumer 7 ай бұрын
this is something i´ll write 2 pages intending to write a movie script... then i realize, i´m not that good nor patient at writing and leave it... but man... this is hard stuff... glad for the two to get out glimpfly.... kira TV... really nice digging in your vids..
@FormulaGuppy 6 ай бұрын
This was a fucking excellent episode so glad I subbed. Nice to get away from KZfaq drama stories
@neveridle Жыл бұрын
Great vid kira, keep the good work as always, hopoe you get back your monetization!
@hikarishini Жыл бұрын
Kim Jong Nam sounds like a cool guy. Made me think if this guy was willing to lead instead of Kim Jong Un, maybe North Korea would build a Disneyland and overall turn into a better country right now.
@NotAGoodUsername360 10 ай бұрын
Hamlet is always a tragedy.
@neurotica5461 2 ай бұрын
Bro only changed his mind because he got exiled 💀 He'll prob be the same as the others if he could rise to power
@1ove1ess Жыл бұрын
Your documentaries are so, so good. This is incredibly well done and interesting! I hope you will continue doing this despite YT being a joke. Anyway, awesome job!
@vanesslifeygo Жыл бұрын
we keep coming back to YT despite this 🤐
@Zyrodil Жыл бұрын
Brilliant video.
@salvadorpalma8173 Жыл бұрын
Just commenting for algorithm push. Watched it originally. Great video.
@skiibo5289 Жыл бұрын
Wow this was good Kira.
@damienruzco Жыл бұрын
Wow I had no idea about that first son. Imagine how different things could have been…
@SuperFlyGhost Жыл бұрын
this was even better on the 2nd watch. cheers mate
@dougray30 Жыл бұрын
I'll watch it THREE more times, just to show them!
@naosou921 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the video, I knew about the assassination but not about these details.
@beaverm81 Жыл бұрын
Great vid,
@DCCoreDrive Жыл бұрын
oh i love these kind of videos, nice job..
@htomerif Жыл бұрын
This was great. I can't believe I've never heard of this.
@truthhurts2879 Жыл бұрын
I can't believe you've never heard of it either lol 😂🤣😅🤣😅
@htomerif Жыл бұрын
@@truthhurts2879 Garbage troll is garbage. And blocked.
@bhijdasasdjhasdbjkdasbjkfasbjk Жыл бұрын
wild story, glad the girls weren't executed despite all else ; great video as usual
@YukaAkemi Жыл бұрын
The original video was brilliant and so detailed and gruesome, but I’m glad you reuplaoded despite it being less in-depth I’m sure to evade flagging
@arielgrossman3303 Жыл бұрын
Hope the re-upload helps gives this videos the exposure it deserves
@grumblycurmudgeon Жыл бұрын
@KiraTV1: that was fantastically-well-done! I'm sorry to hear of its age-gating and such, but you should feel enormous pride: that was easily on par with any big-budget, professionally-produced, televised documentary. Outstanding work. Regarding KZfaq's response... maybe Nebula? This is exactly the kind of content they love, and I'm given to understand the pay is as good or better. Worth a shot? Regardless, liked and subbed! Than you!❤
@thenordiccomrade7100 Жыл бұрын
I still vividly remember the news broadcast of the assassination when I was chillin’ in a bungalow house on a holiday in Lanzarote
@damiangrandmond7982 9 ай бұрын
This is really interesting happy it's still available to watch it
@Adamfandango Жыл бұрын
Do you have a podcast? I think this type of content would do really well in that format
@MashaRistova Жыл бұрын
How the hell are there ANY countries that allow North Korea to have embassies?!??!
@Sovreighn7 Жыл бұрын
This was a good documentary, well done! Crazy the amount of complete corruption that happens in the public eye but one does anything lol to include myself because....well I aint trying to have a nerve agent rubbed in my eyes. What a world we live in!
@TastyDiarrhea Жыл бұрын
Didn’t know about this story. Thanks
@SymbioteMullet Жыл бұрын
I didn't see it the first time round. Really interesting!
@sassythesasquatchy 3 ай бұрын
literally just got an ad for dreamworld on this video hahaha but i can’t join the discord to send the screenshot, just thought that was hilarious 🤣
@GrasshopperKelly Жыл бұрын
Time to put on the work trousers (Sorry Kira, I mean "pants"). Off to re-watch in the background for the algorithm :)
@khailils446 Жыл бұрын
I already watched this, but I’ll comment to boost engagement
@jonchowe Жыл бұрын
The Kims watch too many James Bond movies.
@jzilla1234 Жыл бұрын
Whatever you think of the execution. The idea is just brilliant
@DabuDave Жыл бұрын
Crazy story thanks kira
@ceasarnunez5652 9 ай бұрын
What an amazing story!!
@D00728 Жыл бұрын
this was wild!
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