The Pro-Life Crochet Drama is Worse Than We Thought (hayhaycrochet)

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made in the moment

made in the moment

11 ай бұрын

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I want to do more videos like this but they take a lot of time and research soooo your support on Patreon really helps :)
00:29 Disclaimers
03:47 Intro and Background
05:08 Timeline of Events
05:28 Overturning of Roe v Wade
08:16 Craftivism in the Fiber Arts Community
10:45 Hayhaycrochet's repost
14:24 Live Action
22:11 Community reaction
27:22 Her Apology
30:13 The Backlash
32:06 Conclusion
Special thanks to ‪@mrsmoonheaven‬ for sharing screenshots + screen recordings and for reading Heather's apology.
All my sources are listed on this doc:
#crochetdrama #drama #crochet #madeinthemoment

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@VannahSavage 10 ай бұрын
My girlfriend had to have an abortion before we met, because the pregnancy would literally have killed her. She still almost died from blood loss. That blob of cells was not conscious, sentient, or “alive” in any significant way compared to her. It was a blob of cells with a rudimentary circulatory system, and should never be considered more worthy of existing than the adult woman it would have killed. I’m so glad she was able to get that abortion before the overturning of Roe v. Wade.
@Ashbrash1998 8 ай бұрын
My grandmother told me of a poor girl who was underaged and pregnant, and she HAD to have one because it was going to kill her. Something had gone wrong and it wouldn't have ever resulted in a baby, it more akin to a tumor. The girl and her family had soon moved after that (likely because it happened in a small town) but she always remembered her.
@immkk1125 7 ай бұрын
@@Ashbrash1998the poor girl :((
@merkinidgit 7 ай бұрын
@@Ashbrash1998There’s a condition called hyatidiform mole or molar pregnancy. It is precancerous mass that results when the products of conception (placenta, amniotic membranes, umbilical cord, and zygote) turn into an undifferentiated mass of rapidly-dividing cells. Ultimately the POC break down into grapes-like bloody cysts. The woman has to be screened for cancer for several years afterward. Pro-life people conveniently ignore the very great risks of carrying pregnancy vs medical therapeutic abortion.
@radschele1815 7 ай бұрын
I think, if it is alive by any Definition (which vary WIDELY, mind you), is of no matter. Your girlfriend is not a sacrifice others can decide over, if it is worth it. By society norms we don't force anybody to be hurt or killed for somebody else. This works for organ donations. I hope you're both doing well
@6Shots_ofEspresso 7 ай бұрын
@@radschele1815 if a dead person cant be forced to be an organ donor, living women DEFINITELY shouldnt
@lilag.7747 11 ай бұрын
As a black person, nothing disgusts me more than anti abortion ppl saying that abortion is worst than slavery or even the holocaust. these ppl just don’t understand how they diminish the pain, trauma, and literal torture of human beings.
@justinspencer983 11 ай бұрын
@@mathildeyoung1823nice scarecrows and gish gallops. You used so many logical fallacies there is nothing to even debate with you. Improve you reading comprehension and work on not jumping fallacies to talk to people. Cause it’s not working for you. Haha 😂 no one want me to have a conversation with someone who immediately throws a kitchen sink into a conversation about popsicles. 🤭
@fagioli7063 11 ай бұрын
@@mathildeyoung1823Being tortured all your life is NOT the same as never knowing you had a life. If you were aborted you wouldn’t know, nor would you ever have had consciousness
@mmorrow7243 11 ай бұрын
@@mathildeyoung1823 what the fuck are you saying? This makes no god damn sense at all. Like, you're making me laugh with how fucking stupid that was 🥲
@mmorrow7243 11 ай бұрын
@@mathildeyoung1823 how would you feel if the government forced you to practice/adhere to the tenants of a religion you don't believe in or are diametrically opposed to? If you were a Christian forced to practice Islam or Hinduism or Paganism and vice versa against your will/beliefs? How would you feel if that government forced you to have an abortion despite it absolutely fucking devastating you and ruining your life? How would you feel if someone assaulted you with the heinous torture we call rape and your government forced you to live with the physical manifestation and product of that torture inside of you for the better part of A YEAR until you are (again forced) to endure the major medical procedure that is birth which very often causes intense changes and physiological trauma to the body that takes a total of 7 years for the body to fully recover from and, not to mention, kills a surprising number of women still to this day despite all of our advances in modern medicine because women's reproductive healthcare is the lowest priority for our country's medical industry? You would be utterly and totally devastated to the point of oblivion. That's how the majority, yes majority, of women feel because of people like you who believe that what they like is right and feel empowered to force everyone else, despite their own beliefs and needs, to oblige and adhere to your personal agenda. Do what you want with your body, have all the births you want (or don't want but feel obligated to have anyways) but, leave the rest of us the fuck out of it.
@rockthecasba16 11 ай бұрын
​@@mathildeyoung1823a fetus is not equal to a born human being.
@xenamorphic 9 ай бұрын
Something that is so often looked over when people are talking about late stage abortions is that....those pregnancies are ones that are wanted. Those are people who are suffering a medical tragedy at the same time as losing their baby. When you're in the third trimester, you have decided to keep that baby. You probably have a nursery made, clothes picked out, maybe even a name picked out. It's so cruel to use these as "proof" of the pregnant person being callous and cruel to their child.
@krompus8180 8 ай бұрын
Yes. I don't remember the name of the documentary, but there were cases like this. People who wanted to have a child, but there was something so wrong with the fetus that they "wanted" to have an abortion because if they carried full term and gave birth the baby would have lived some hours maybe and "lived" those few hours while suffering and then just die. Something like that serves no one. Not the child nor the parents. Also there was case if I remember correctly that the mother had tried to get abortion earlier, but could not affor it so it got postponed and everytime they had to reschedule the operation got more expensive and she did't know what to do. Like... If you can't afford an abortion (in US and I get it medcare is crazy expensive there) how could you afford a child (which is also damn expensive)?
@imaginary_oranges 8 ай бұрын
For anyone looking for this doc, it is called After Tiller and is very good, though very sad for the pain those families are going through, and highlights the need for the availability of late-term abortions.
@krompus8180 7 ай бұрын
@@imaginary_oranges Thank you! I might have to watch it again now that I know the name. I don't really like children or want any of my own but it was still very emotional to watch and gave much more dimension and perspective to the topic.
@solanelukoperse5815 7 ай бұрын
I personally believe abortions would regulate themselves even without deadlines. Nobody waits months before going "ehm, yeah, I don't want this anymore, now that I think about it".
@shari9721 7 ай бұрын
@@solanelukoperse5815 Exactly , the idea that women just sit around being pregnant for 8 months or so and then wake up one morning and say "Gee , I change my mind , I think I will skip on down to my local corner late term abortion clinic for a quick easy peasy no questions asked late term abortion" is just ridiculous . The people who keep fighting to have clinics closed and abortions banned are actually causing women to have to wait loner and abortions to happen later because there are less clinics so the wait times are much longer and women are having to travel long distances , in some cases through more than 1 state .
@samanthahope1316 10 ай бұрын
Disgusting she’d say ectopic pregnancies and other life threatening conditions in pregnancy aren’t abortion when women are currently going into sepsis, bleeding out, and dying waiting for care for those kinds of things in pregnancy because they ARE considered abortions. Abortion isn’t a bad word like prolifers want it to be, it’s still the medical term whether you had to end the pregnancy or wanted to.
@asmrtpop2676 8 ай бұрын
Yes! It isn’t even solely used for OBGYN stuff! My migraine meds come in two kinds: preventive and abortive. I can abort the migraine if prevention didn’t keep it away.
@samanthahope1316 8 ай бұрын
@@asmrtpop2676 that’s super interesting I never knew that!
@virtualgambit577 7 ай бұрын
This is the part I came to comment about too. Both the medical and legal definition include the things she claims are not the procedure. It’s extremely easy to google this as well.
@KittyScythe 7 ай бұрын
@midnightsan9917 7 ай бұрын
This. But also fun fact if you get a cyst in your uterus removing it is also considered an ab0rtion. Its the exact same procedure. And no there are no exceptions for cysts or tumors growing in the uterus. This is why politicians shouldn't be practicing medicine.
@brigc7755 10 ай бұрын
As a Jew, can I just say I’m so tired of people comparing everything to the Holocaust 😭😭
@aroseprince 8 ай бұрын
Same. Like you can say something is bad without saying it's as bad as the Holocaust
@TarisLuna 7 ай бұрын
Not a jew, but same. The systematic torture and murder of humans is so much worse than anything people like to compare to it.
@KaiseaWings 7 ай бұрын
I think people have forgotten/never knew just how bad the Holocaust was? Not a lot of documentaries actually get into the awfulness of the numbers, at least from what I've seen. So I forgot how bad it was too. But that's the luxury of not being Jewish.
@bee_my_bel0ved 7 ай бұрын
i’m not jewish but it’s astounding how something like an abortion is compared to a genocide of so many jews just to make someone feel bad. it’s not fair on either party
@radschele1815 7 ай бұрын
I'm German and we had these folks here even trying to do this shit. But I feel like that as well.
@yasmin7903 10 ай бұрын
She says that terminating ectopic pregnancies and termination when the life of the mother is in danger or the fetus is not viable are "not abortions"? Well, guess what? Under the law they are. And in the states that banned abortion you have immense difficulties to get those as well.
@lisagilbert8497 10 ай бұрын
They refuse to understand that abortion is the ending of a pregnancy. They have black and white googles on . I had a Christian therapist that I had to inform that miscarriages are literally abortions . In the medical records an abortion is not labeled as a miscarriage
@probablynargles 10 ай бұрын
And then goes on to say that abortions are never medically necessary at the end.... but didn't you just ...? Confusion.
@EmotionsNeverLie 9 ай бұрын
Exactly. It feels like people are talking out of both sides of their mouth. They claim that they still want pregnant women to be able to have medical intervention in an emergency but praise laws that turn those situations into a debate. If she had a 30-50% of surviving, was it REALLY an emergency? If she wasn't in the process of actively dying, was her life REALLY at risk? The truth is when you require a doctor to consult a lawyer instead of treating their patients, patients die.
@maddiebrooke1737 9 ай бұрын
I live in Oklahoma and there is a woman currently trying to file a lawsuit against the state. The doctors here couldn’t give her the life saving abortion because of the laws. The woman nearly bled out. The doctors wanted to help her but couldn’t.
@user-dd5eh5lu3o 9 ай бұрын
A miscarriage is a spontaneous abortion. I wonder if they'll try to criminalize that.
@recreationalknittingpodcast 11 ай бұрын
Good for you! Forced birth should be illegal. I marched in 1972. I marched in 2023. It shouldn’t be decided by crusty old men who don’t know a fallopian tube from a cervix.
@rosystarlet 11 ай бұрын
The Babies body is a separate body. Don't want a baby? Dont get pregnant. The majority of pregnancies are caused by consensual sex.
@ecnalms851 11 ай бұрын
You can be a women and also be pro-life, it's not just men. "Forced birth" - Huh? Most abortions are for pregnancy that have resulted from consensual sex. Surely you must accept and have some degree of responsibility that even when using contraceptives, the natural consequence of sex is a baby. Not sure how it is "forced birth" when you have consensual sex?
@recreationalknittingpodcast 11 ай бұрын
@@ecnalms851 The government telling you must give birth isn’t forced? please help me understand how that is not forced.
@ecnalms851 11 ай бұрын
@@recreationalknittingpodcast But you were the one who had sex consensually that resulted in the pregnancy which will lead to you giving birth? How is the government forcing you to give birth... when you were the one who had consensual sex in the first place?
@recreationalknittingpodcast 11 ай бұрын
@@ecnalms851 Actually my friend died of a illegal abortion in 1970. She was raped by her uncle. Then there is the ectopic pregnancy. Then there is the 14 year old. Then there is the failed contraception. Go away.
@gladiatorinsweats 10 ай бұрын
the whole "i don't have freedom of speech because i don't like someone else's opinion to MY opinion" always gets an eye roll from me.
@misspoppyp 9 ай бұрын
I feel a lot of conservatives pull this card when they're told that their views are actually harmful in a lot of cases. My parents and relatives included (who can't relate lol). Most left-leaning people I know (anecdotal, I will not lie. This is not real facts or figures, just my personal experiences), when told that their views are harmful, take it well and ask what they can do to improve or why you think that. I believe it's because of the very philosophy of a majority of the left: "Everyone is entitled to their opinion, every opinion has value intrinsically because it's based in the reality and experiences of another human being." However a lot of people on the right (not trying to stereotype, just basing this on the actual views and beliefs of the very party itself), due to the philosophy of the right itself "Society has natural hierarchies, therefore, some people are better than others/worth listening to more than others", think that they are somehow at the top of that hierarchy and that because they believe in this facet of society, that they cannot possibly fall prey to it.
@GovilGirl 9 ай бұрын
The entire hysterical personality of someone repeatedly screaming, "I don't have freedom of speech!" while they are so disconnected from reality that they don't understand that they are not each themselves royalty whose spoken edicts must be followed by a society who does not agree at all with them really confuses and angers me. I have had conversations with a friend (dx w/schizophrenia) endurring a psychotic break who was more in touch with reality than this new religious/political/power cult who think they are all victims and whipped into a fearful froth over the mere existence of everything from paper coffe cups, to pronouns, to control over womens organs and rights.
@therealjetlag 7 ай бұрын
I particularly enjoy people, when told they’re out of order, saying they’ve been censored….on their monetised KZfaq/Instagram/Facebook/TwiX platform(s).
@portpebble5097 7 ай бұрын
fr they're like "well its just my OPINION" yeah? and opinions can be wrong? different opinions can conflict one another? that's why they're opinions boo
@AverageSeaMonster 5 ай бұрын
⁠@@portpebble5097They seem to think "opinion" is a magic word that absolves you of all criticism
@wolfredstorm4878 9 ай бұрын
The most tragic part is the "Save the children!" comment. They don't care about the child when it's born, they care about the birth of it and nothing more.
@jfm14 8 ай бұрын
Honestly, I think a lot of them don't even care about the birth because they oppose abortion even when a viable birth isn't possible. It's about controlling our bodies and our lives.
@oreonighthawk 8 ай бұрын
Yep. With no support for legislation that actually cares for children (universal healthcare, gun control, universal pre-k) it’s clear they don’t care about children’s lives, all they care about is controlling the bodies of people who can become pregnant.
@Ashbrash1998 8 ай бұрын
Reminds me of Gerorge Carlin, as he said something like "They're pro birth and you being born, but once your born you're on your own."
@ratman404 8 ай бұрын
honestly i dont even think they care about the birth of it they just care about controlling other peoples bodies
@allisnelson 8 ай бұрын
"I do not believe that just because you are opposed to abortion, that that makes you pro-life. In fact, I think in many cases, your morality is deeply lacking if all you want is a child born but not a child fed, a child educated, a child housed. And why would I think that you don't? Because you don't want any tax money to go there. That's not pro-life. That's pro-birth. We need a much broader conversation on what the morality of pro-life is." Sr. Joan Chittister 2004
@TaylorX3 11 ай бұрын
Roe v Wade being overturn affirmed to me that I don't want kids. It not worth dying over. As a black woman and someone who suffers from PCOS and fibroids the risk of maternal mortality is higher for me.
@JustAnotherBuckyLover 10 ай бұрын
You might want to start on that endless fight to get a tubal ligation done, then. I wish you luck. It can be incredibly difficult when those same patronising, paternalistic men argue that you'll change your mind, you're too young, or "what if your husband wants kids later on?" as reasons not to do a medical procedure on you.
@ErutaniaRose 10 ай бұрын
So valid. Personally I know I want kids one day, but if I were to even try for much less birth a bio kid I'd want to be living in another country. I'm invisibly disabled, but I'm still white--and even with my level of privilege as a fem-presenting, straight and able-bodied passing, white person, I would not wanna risk it in the US, or anywhere with similar draconian laws. While I cannot say I know what it's like, as I do not have your lived experience, I can only imagine how much more terrifying it must be, especially looking at the mortality stats and all the articles on medical racism and sexism. So, I hope you are doing okay mentally and physically, and have been able to create a great child-free life for yourself, however that looks. Just also wanna clarify I 100% support those who just do not want kids or pregnancy for whatever reason. It's your life, and those are big choices to make, especially now and here. Nobody should be forced to make a certain choice about it because of what someone else wants them to do with their body, period. I was only mentioning my take 'cause I think it's super important, even as someone who wants kids to help advocate for those who don't or who require more medical assistance and care.
@agees924 9 ай бұрын
@@Me-hf4ii That’s like saying Hitler was anti abortion for white people, so if you are pro life you are basically aligning with Nazis. All evil people got SOME things right.
@ricardoavacado3901 9 ай бұрын
EXACTLY. So that's a legitimate risk that you have to take into account, like a responsible adult. Noone's stopping you from adopting
@kgs2280 6 ай бұрын
I had a tubal ligation, and it was the best decision I ever made - for me, for my life. I was very fortunate to find a doctor who was happy to do the surgery even though I didn’t already have any children. If you want to go that route, and a doctor tries to talk you out of it even though you know it’s what you want, keep looking until you find one who will do it. It’s your life, not the doctor’s, and he’s not going to help you raise that kid.
@cidevant002 11 ай бұрын
I don't really care if abortion is medically necesary or not. The fact that anyone wants one should be more than enough because forcing someone to birth a baby with all the very real and very dangerous consequences that can come with it, it's literal torture. The moment someone chooses they don't want to be a parent anymore should be enough. The moment someone said "I don't want this thing to happen to my body" should be enough. A fetus is never going to be more valuable and important than my right to decide what happens with my body. Sorry, not sorry.
@buy2get2free 10 ай бұрын
​@@mathildeyoung1823so say a 9 year old was raped and became pregnant, and if she were to give birth it would kill her. Would you still say the fetus's potential for life matters more?
@buy2get2free 10 ай бұрын
@@mathildeyoung1823 if I had the option, I would make it so abortion doesn't need to happen. But plenty of times giving birth can be life-threatening, or even just the woman not wishing to give birth anyway. I don't see anything wrong with choosing.
@1unartic 10 ай бұрын
@@mathildeyoung1823because these “exceptions” are very loose and very gross as to what is considered life-threatening in a doctors eyes. A doctor can’t even properly identify a woman having a heart attack 70% of the time, you expect them to identify the deathly dangers of underage birth? You just want more drug babies in the world, admit it, you want to see more suffering.
@1unartic 10 ай бұрын
@@mathildeyoung1823 that’s 90% of our American healthcare then, here’s the truth and facts; we have majority throughout history have specifically cared more about men than women in our healthcare which is why our healthcare education on women is dog water. By supporting anti-abortion you’re continuing this sexist approach of caring more about men than women because abortion isn’t USED by anyone who thinks it’s trendy, what are you? Delusional? What’s the fashion in getting an abortion lmfaoooo… You take abortion away and women are just gonna do the abortion themselves with a clothing hanger instead like how it was in the dark ages (this is what ‘Made In The Moment’ means when they talk about how women are just gonna find alternative ways to get abortion anyways when it is banned. Just look at China!). It just causes more trauma to the carrier than it should, abortion helps relieve some of these traumatic experiences and saves more lives than it kills. No one goes “I want trauma today, give it to me!” You have to be a narcissistic asshole or very very highly brainwashed by propaganda to believe people think like that.
@utube6239 10 ай бұрын
You state that" the moment someone chooses they don't want to be a parent anymore should be enough" your verbage is so vague that it could be taken to mean even if your child is born anyone has the right to get rid of said child regardless of its age. Birth control is widely available so is the option of keeping your legs closed.
@Cthulhululu 10 ай бұрын
28:50 who is gonna tell her that the medical term for a miscarriage is "spontaneous abortion" literally all of those things are medically considered forms of abortion
@softwaifu 7 ай бұрын
But she's entitled to what she thinks is true, remember? 😂
@bogartmotomoto8222 5 ай бұрын
Yes but if you have common sense - people only oppose the elective abortion. The term for spontanous abortion is mIscarriages. And I dont think if someone wanted to continue the ectopic pregnancy😢
@coquetteboiledegg 4 ай бұрын
@@bogartmotomoto8222women are currently being jailed for having miscarriages. so you’re full of shit.
@josjoererg 11 ай бұрын
on the note of antisemitism, judaism explicitly states that it believes in the right to an abortion, and polls find american jews are overwhelmingly pro-choice. promoting these kinds of pro-life ideas while dehumanizing jews just makes it worse and more damaging to jewish people.
@ecnalms851 11 ай бұрын
I don't think it "explicitly states", I think it is much more nuanced than that and it is wise to not make such blanket statements. If I'm correct, Orthodox Jews are usually against, except if the mother's life is in danger. Conservatives are usually against unless the mother's life is threatened/in cases of rape/incest. Then there are some Jews who are more lenient about it and are more pro-choice.
@freshtodeath 11 ай бұрын
Maybe the Jewish people who don’t support it remember that hitler would force abortion on. The Jewish population. hitler loved abortion just like you.
@sunscreenhoarder6558 11 ай бұрын
More to the point, many Jews actually believe that if there’s any significant chance the pregnancy could do harm to the mother she is OBLIGATED to abort. Of course there’s debate on what exactly is considered a significant risk but there’s certainly more consensus there than there is within many Christian sects, for example.
@justinspencer983 11 ай бұрын
@@ecnalms851 I believe most jew who are pro choice use the “life starts at first breath” line to support this notion. Also vaguely, if I remember correctly, there’s also a mention about the non-compensation for miscarriage (someone isn’t charged for miscarriage/abortion by the law (like if they cause someone to miscarriage) so it’s not the same as murder otherwise it would be charged. I.e. Not directly mentioned, but mentioned in relation to other practices. OK you can’t have that. Take that all with a huge grain of salt because I haven’t researched it in a while.
@freshtodeath 11 ай бұрын
@@sunscreenhoarder6558 That just goes to show you should SCIENCE to identify if a human fetus is alive and human, not an ancient text or your personal opinion! Science dictates a human fetus is alive and developing. Killing a baby who's undeveloped is still a crime and is wrong. If a mother can't afford to feed her baby after it is born, why aren't you willing to support her "choice" to have a "procedure" done to kill it?
@cyrusquartz285 11 ай бұрын
Her saying that treating ectopic pregnancies isn't an abortion is sending me... Like, a miscarriage is an abortion on your medical chart. I'm tired of people treating doing your own research as equally valid across the board. Is your research on blogs or peer-reviewed journals? It makes a difference.
@rhythmandblues_alibi 10 ай бұрын
​@mathildeyoung1823 "just to make your life easier." If someone does not want a child, there xan be many reasons beyond simply wanting an "easier" life. The person might not like children. There could be medical and mental health reasons that would endanger their own safety during pregnancy or post-partum. Then theres financial reasons too. Raising a kid is expensive, and some people just can't afford it! Forcing a child on someone who, for whatever reason, does not want one, is doing no one a favour, least of all the child. It is just *asking for* the abuse and neglect of that unwanted child. Think of it this way, you wouldn't force someone who doesn't want kids to adopt a child, would you? It makes no sense. If you really are "pro life", the potential quality of life of every child should be considered, not just the mere fact that they are born.
@Varikas 10 ай бұрын
You’d think she would know that considering she claimed to do “research”
@Varikas 10 ай бұрын
@@mathildeyoung1823the fact that your entire biased is based on the assumption that people seeking abortions are all lazy and self centered is the problem here.
@chairy_chair 10 ай бұрын
@@mathildeyoung1823People who “aren’t ready to be a parent” may not have health care, they may not have a stable home, they may have addictions, they may not be able to afford giving a child a good life, they may have a history in their family of having complicated births that may cost a lot more money than they can afford. Be aware of others struggles before coming to a closed minded conclusion
@NiceLunaa 10 ай бұрын
@@mathildeyoung1823 how about you look up what it does to a parent to give birth emotionally and financially? There’s a lottttt of reason to not want to give birth. And your disgusting for forcing others to do so and somehow imply they are lazy when you can’t even be bother too properly look up on the subject. Giving birth when not prepared make cause many women to become poor and homeless, child abuse becomes more frequent, the education and quality of life of those children are poorer etc. These families are miserable and are only creating poorer and more miserable family. That’s what you are causing. You are responsible for children being born in poor and household where even if the parents tried, simply can’t afford a decent life style. This manly affect poor women that can’t fly elsewhere to get the procedure and even more so, black poor women. They are truly the victim of this abortion ban. I feel like either you have very classist view of the world (calling people lazy for not wanting kids) or maybe even a bit racist (because this is an issue that affect black women the most and you characterize said victimes as lazy).
@bobbinsew 7 ай бұрын
Isn’t it interesting that banning vasectomy has never even been a whisper with the “pro life” crowd?
@jessierabbit 6 ай бұрын
On top of vasectomies not even getting a second glance, most times, women who aren't married and don't have kids struggle to get their tubes tied. I've heard horror stories of women being told by their doctor they have to get the approval of their boyfriends and explain to them they won't be able to have kids after the procedure.
@wafflesthearttoad6916 5 ай бұрын
@@jessierabbitI read a story once somewhere that a girl with endometriosis who would have really benefitted from a hysterectomy, and she was lesbian. But the doctor STILL wouldn’t do it without a “boyfriend/husbands consent” and her guy best friend even offered to her to fake being her boyfriend so she could get the procedure. Don’t remember where I read this-probably on quora tbh.
@Emihasdreamstoo 11 ай бұрын
19:46 Saying that abortion is WORSE than the holocaust is insane. They are comparing UNSENTINENT beings to CENTURIES of oppression faced by SENTINENT humans
@Emihasdreamstoo 11 ай бұрын
This is just straight up anti-semitism. They are saying that unsentinent beings are more important than millions of dead humans who were once sentinent (unlike fetuses)
@erikaantonsson9327 11 ай бұрын
on top of that, imagine saying something like that knowing full well that jewish people might need abortions. imagine what it must be like to hear that. imagine hearing "your decision is as bad as the man who practically murdered 6 million of your people".
@freshtodeath 11 ай бұрын
People use the word unsentient to describe a fetus but they are actually sentient. Some people say even the pigs we eat for bacon are not sentient but they are sentient. Some people have used abortion as population control like Margaret Sanger who would attend white supremacists events to talk about abortion… so yeah it is kinda like what hitler did. Look it up too don’t take my word for it she would attend those events.
@alecrim888 11 ай бұрын
Who says fetuses aren't SENTIENT beings? Science? Do you still believe "religiously" in science? Millions people, me included, do believe that life begins at the moment of conception! So, in the opinion of those millions of people (and I'm not a Christian, by the way), actually the pro-abortion movement equates to a mass-murder campaign to which the holocaust pales in comparison. Just look up the number of abortions performed in a year around the world. Just remember, not until too long ago margarine was The healthy substitute for butter, according to science.
@saphi2400 11 ай бұрын
and torture. the groups targeted in the Holocaust didn't just face oppression, but also torture. it's very important to highlight that, so that these dumbasses get a whiplash of reality as soon as they say that kind of stupid shit
@Radhaun 10 ай бұрын
It boggles me that so many people don't understand "Right to free speech" means protection from *government* censorship. It doesn't protect you from your fellow citizens or non-government entities responding and reacting to your expressions.
@temporarilyimmortal795 10 ай бұрын
Nobody feels the need to invoke their First Amendment rights after saying something substantive or favorable. It boggled my mind also, and couldn't imagine they've yet to grasp that very basic concept, and must be playing dumb. Turns out they aren't pretending, so I now expect ignorance by default.
@neff6185 6 ай бұрын
freedom of speech but they don’t want the consequences of their actions, it’s silly. “I want to say whatever I want but also nobody can say whatever they want in response!” so basically free speech for me but not you, the logic is nowhere.
@Shadowdemoninsideyourwalls Ай бұрын
Freedom of speech, not freedom from consequences🙃
@savannah4439 11 ай бұрын
The fact of the matter is we have clear precedent for the right of bodily autonomy superseding the right to life. That’s why we don’t force people to donate a kidney, part of their liver, bone marrow, or even blood! *Thousands* of people die every year waiting for those things. Bc one person’s right to say what happens with their body supersedes another person’s right to life in situations where they are in direct, unavoidable opposition. Why would it be ok for pregnant people to have *fewer rights* than everyone else?
@kkjacobs1824 11 ай бұрын
This is what I say to people when they believe that life starts at conception. Even if I were to believe that too, why then is the fetus/zygote/etc entitled to use the persons reproductive organ and blood? If I had a five year old who needed my bone marrow - am I legally required to donate? Perhaps morally it would be the right thing to do, but can the government charge me with a felony if I didn’t? No they can’t - because people* are allowed bodily autonomy * uteri owners not included
@brestelle 11 ай бұрын
This is the absolute most cold hearted statement I've seen on this thread... you know exactly how babies are made and by your own choices and actions, choose to do the very act that creates this baby but out of convenience (yes, convenience... no matter what argument you try to use... its convenience that you're trying to justify) you deny that the unborn baby is actually its own person with its very own DNA! You'll defend the eggs of an endangered bird but excitedly murder a human baby.... idiots!
@ecnalms851 11 ай бұрын
But most people who get abortions to end a pregnancy, they got pregnant via consensual sex. When you have sex, even with contraceptives, surely you must agree that you have to accept some risk and responsibility that the natural consequence of sex, is a baby? So when you say "bodily autonomy superseding the right to life".... okay.... but you had consensual sex?
@briannam2329 11 ай бұрын
⁠@@ecnalms851having consensual sex and the getting pregnant doesn’t supersede the right to an abortion.
@briannam2329 11 ай бұрын
@@ecnalms851what is your point? because they got pregnant they should have no choice but to stay pregnant even if they don’t want to have a baby? just because it’s the “natural consequence” doesn’t mean they should be forced to carry a child to term they obviously don’t want.
@federal.threat 11 ай бұрын
i love their mindset of "oh, okay! you don't want to have a child that you know you cant care for? thats really immoral you know" (slowly turning pictures of real gore with no warning)
@rhythmandblues_alibi 10 ай бұрын
Exactly. A lot of the time, abortion is the responsible choice. Multiple friends of mine had abortions when in their 20s, their lives would be completely different now if they had been forced to keep those unwanted pregnancies. It's weird that America, a nation that is mad for personal responsibility, "freedom" and small government, is so big on intervening in this case. Funny that it primarily affects women.. hmm, I wonder if it was primarily a men's rights issue if things would be the same 🤔
@whatteamwildcats4033 9 ай бұрын
Or 'you where Sa'd and got pregnant?You're a bad person for not wanting the pregnancy' Or 'you have a family with other currently living children who still need their mother, but this pregnancy is high risk? I don't see the problem with leaving them with a baby to care for, or worse you and the unborn child dying from complications - the unborn baby takes priority!' "I support women's rights as a woman" my ASS
@nyandoesthings 8 ай бұрын
​@@rhythmandblues_alibipeople always ask "what if YOU were aborted??" 1. I would have no clue either way??? Lol????? I would be non-existent??? 2. Much more importantly (and not taking the question literally), I would be happy for my mom. She had plans. She had a future. She got pregnant at 18 and the sperm donor pressured her not to have an abortion, to get married. She was expelled from school for being pregnant and had to repeat her senior year at an alternative school for "troubled" kids. She was going to be a marine and go to college and eventually become a professor of literature. She was going to do her best with the shitty cards she had been dealt. She has been homeless for the last three years, entirely because of my sister and I existing (this is a DIRECT consequence of shit that happened with me n my sister, this isn't me hypothesizing that she would have more money without kids or something). I wish she had an abortion before telling my shitty father about the pregnancy. Or did it in spite of him. Maybe even later on, had a kid when she WANTED to.
@AmieMorley-st6tz 3 ай бұрын
​@nyandoesthings I'm so sorry, I'm sorry for you, your sister and your mum. I too, wish my mum had an abortion. Even though I'm 19 now and I'm better than I was, I still feel guilt for existing. I was a rape baby. She had so much potential... she could've had a good life.
@danahc4851 11 ай бұрын
Ugh. I had a D&E procedure after my child's heart stopped while in-utero. That's not how it's done first of all. So, they're traumatizing people who are grieving a pregnancy loss as well. Luckily, my state's partial ban was 24 weeks and I was 18 weeks. Additionally, there's language specific to miscarriages and life-threatening complications. Unfortunately, the legislature dominated by a specific party has tried multiple times to strip that language, but our Governor is a sensible person who vetoes it every time. Without that surgical procedure, they have to induce a vaginal delivery, which can take days, costs more financially, physically and emotionally; and puts you at risk for more complications. My doctor offered it to me, but said they strongly recommended the surgical option. That's how it should be: patient and doctor discussing all the options. ...but no!!!! Let's compound the pain of a women we don't even know because **we** think **our** views get to dictate everyone's choices because we are righteous. KMA!!!!
@AnilSingh-qb7iu 10 ай бұрын
Why would you grieve a pregnancy loss lol. According to this comment section fetus is just a parasite anyway, you should be glad you got rid of a parasite. Good riddance parasite.
@ErutaniaRose 10 ай бұрын
I love your fury with this honestly, it's so nice to see people just letting loose and saying what needs to be said. I hope you are doing okay after that loss, and I am glad you got the medical care you needed and wanted.
@danahc4851 10 ай бұрын
@@ErutaniaRose aww thanks so much. It took a good five years for me to feel "leveled" again. Part of what helped was being able to channel my grief into creating change, but at the same time, it shouldn't be that way. It's definitely a make the best of a shitty situation setup.
@ravendevino6419 9 ай бұрын
And honestly "life threatening" is as subjective as the legislators in charge. Some people (me) feel that any pregnancy can possibly end in death, so abortion should always be allowed. Some people (ultraconservative nuts) wouldn't consider an ectopic pregnancy or a held miscarriage isn't life threatening enough because the pregnant person might survive.
@danahc4851 9 ай бұрын
@@ravendevino6419 yes! We're seeing now that you have to be literally septic and dying, but it may be too late for your body to handle the procedure. The nuts think this is just fine and "God's will".
@erikaantonsson9327 11 ай бұрын
as someone who lives in a country where we have pretty extensive sex ed, free birth control and free abortions up until week 17 (i believe), I only know of two unplanned pregnancies in my town around my age. that's probably 500 people. 2 out of 500 isn't awful. both of them decided to keep the baby. both of them live happy, healthy lives today. banning abortions only ban safe abortions. edit: allow me to add a quote that always gets to me: "no woman wants an abortion like she wants an ice cream cone or a porsche. she wants an abortion as an animal, caught in a trap, wants to gnaw it's on leg off." (small add on: i understand that not only women needs abortions, but i do believe that's the way the quote was phrased.)
@crowdemon_archives 11 ай бұрын
Yea, in every group, you're going to have a small bunch of frivolous fucks, but in most cases, nobody is going to abort a growing child if nothing is wrong at all, especially if the person had carried their child so damn far in the process already. What the minorities do shouldn't fuck over the quieter majority, but I guess "nobody can have nice things because of assholes" is always a thing...
@emilybixler3166 11 ай бұрын
To be fair, there may have been others getting abortions you didn't know about. When I planned to get an abortion, I didn't tell anyone I was pregnant other than my partner and a couple of very close friends. I ended up not needing the abortion because I miscarried within a couple days of a positive pregnancy test.
@erikaantonsson9327 10 ай бұрын
@@emilybixler3166 definitely! didn't think about that when i wrote this, and that's on me. i live in a small town and word goes around in the worst way possible. i hope you're okay, and i wish you all the best!
@oliviayeates3931 10 ай бұрын
That quote really nailed it. Do you remember where you heard/read it?
@erikaantonsson9327 10 ай бұрын
@@oliviayeates3931 I'm not sure where I first heard it (I think it might have been on pinterest when i was a teen ngl), but it's by the author Frederica Mathewes-Green!
@KuR58 10 ай бұрын
I am Spanish, I attended school in a catholic, religious school, the type where you go to mass twice a month, where some nuns teach some of the classes. I remember as we got a bit older, into our early teens, and many of us started getting our periods and such, one day they got all of us to the movie player room and had us watch an anti-abortion film. It was extremely graphic and traumatizing. They portrayed full grown, full term babies, all bloodied up, thrown un buckets, body parts cut into pieces, placed one next to the othere, there were like 20 or more of them. I remember going home, crying to my mom, that if I ever got pregnant, I would never, ever have an abortion, no matter what. My mom was enraged when I told her what I had been shown. She had to re-educate and explain to me I just watched essentially a horror movie and that medically induced abortion had nothing to do with any of that whatsoever and that I shouldn't feel pressured to have a baby by anyone or anything and I have a right of autonomy over my body and when or if I ever want to be a mom.
@TraceyJean 9 ай бұрын
I, too, attended a religious school - Anglican, not Catholic. They're not that different from each other philosophically. But we had real reproductive education about how our bodies actually worked and how a fetus actually develops - no pictures of miniature babies getting bigger, but real depictions of each stage of development. I did grow up in a country where abortion is illegal in all circumstances so we never covered that topic though that education was enough for us to understand the process. I firmly believe in women having bodily autonomy and pray that someday soon the laws will change.
@raylouis7013 7 ай бұрын
I went to a Catholic school in Australia. I am horrified to read the number of stories like this. Our sex education was provided by specialist sexual health education NURSES. Abortion was very lightly touched on as an "incredibly complex philosophical issue" that was not appropriately covered in that class.
@softwaifu 7 ай бұрын
I'm so glad that she actually listened to you and talked to you about it instead of just doubling down on the message you'd just received ❤
@56KSC 6 ай бұрын
Your mom is amazing!
@sueedwards9334 5 ай бұрын
Did she also tell you that it would be wise to make sure you don’t get pregnant in the first place, if you’re not ready?
@reddare2386 7 ай бұрын
Being pregnant by choice has made me the most rabid pro choice person (even more than I was before) because doing this out of love and sacrifice is challenging. Doing this under duress would be body horror torture.
@jaimeevoth4807 10 ай бұрын
I made a couple of her patterns and then saw her post that time. I thought I unfollowed. Access to "abortion pills" allowed me a peaceful induction I was able to begin at home when my son was stillborn at 24 weeks. Choice is important for everyone.
@user-dd5eh5lu3o 9 ай бұрын
What is important for everyone is that we can make medical choices between ourselves and our doctors (and include God if you believe in Him) but that's it. We should have a right to medical privacy, and now we do not. This also covers males, as Roe was decided on privacy and not value of a life. We need to know why they suddenly decided that people should not be given the right to privacy in their medical decisions.
@susanrobertson984 8 ай бұрын
I am so sorry for your loss.
@asmrtpop2676 7 ай бұрын
@@user-dd5eh5lu3oIt includes males because men with uteruses deserve recognition. Period.
@jackiearnolds 7 ай бұрын
I'm sorry for your loss and glad you were able to get the care you needed and be as comfortable as possible in such a terrifying and devastating situation. It is sickening that people keep spilling nonsense without fully understanding all possible scenarios affected.
@breedlejuice8691 11 ай бұрын
We are in a blue state, but as soon as Roe v Wade was repealed, my husband near immediately got a vasectomy. I’m getting my tubes removed in two weeks. I am only in my mid twenties. I’ve heard of a rise of folks who have decided to take more permanent birth control options in the face of uncertain access to safe “procedures”
@breedlejuice8691 11 ай бұрын
@@fearnfamilyfarm I happened to find a doctor that when I said, “I would like to pursue more permanent birth control options” she said “there’s some people who won’t operate on you until you are 30/if you’ve had a few kids, but I don’t care. We can schedule a pre-op, if you like.” I just had extremely good luck with this doctor, but I’ve heard there’s a list of doctors who will preform the surgery with few questions/at a young age. The only questioning I had was during scheduling for the surgery and the lady asked “just so you are sure, you are 100% sure you never want kids and you’ll be sterile after this,” and after I said yes, we picked a date.
@aprilmichel7816 9 ай бұрын
@@fearnfamilyfarm There is a subreddit called r/childfree that hosts a whole list of doctors that are willing to do sterilisation procedures regardless of age and/or children. I am not based in the US so I never looked at it, but that would be the best place to look for one.
@TraceyJean 9 ай бұрын
​@@breedlejuice8691That's great! It's good to learn things are changing. I started pursuing tubal ligation at 19 and could never find a doctor willing to perform the surgery. I was very careful not to get pregnant because I knew from a very young age that it was not what I wanted, but had to live with the possibility of giving birth all my life.
@irmar 8 ай бұрын
Just out of curiosity. Why do both of you have to do this? Assuming that you are each one's only partner, if one of you becomes infertile it should be enough, right? (Sorry if my question felt invasive, but since you were the one to volunteer the info...)
@LuxNovuz 8 ай бұрын
@@irmar It's better to cover all of your bases as quickly as possible. Consider it like using the pill AND putting on a condom, you cover all your bases. (Even these 'permanent' solutions aren't 100% effective always, tubes can untie themselves, there's even stories of vasectomy's undoing themselves.) The only true way to guarantee you wont get pregnant is to just remove the uterus.
@lichenshade 9 ай бұрын
The thing that really baffles me is that people cant be forced to give life support to someone (can't be forced to donate organs, donate blood, bone marrow, etc), so why the hell should someone be forced to give life support to a fetus? Setting aside the whole "Is a collection of cells in a whomb human/alive", even if that answer was yes, no person is obligated to give up their body to provide care for another person. It is disgusting that people will care more about a collection of cells than the living breathing people around them.
@RinsDesk 7 ай бұрын
Reminds me of "Thomson's scenario".
@montymints 6 ай бұрын
The second the baby pops out a woman can’t be forced to donate blood, but they can’t take a pill that cuts off blood supply to the baby before they’re even a baby?
@vivienneclarke2421 Ай бұрын
What I find disgusting is when people won't take responsibility for their own actions. Where were they when the REAL choices needed to be made? The choice to have sex~or not. The choice to use any of the easily obtainable forms of birth control~or not? Had the RIGHT choices been made at the RIGHT time,when the choice truly was your right,there'd be no need to claim that one is being "forced to give life support to a fetus." (You worded that,and practically your entire comment,in such a way as to make it easy to emotionally detach yourself from the actual abortion procedure. How convenient). Sexual assault,incest,or danger to the mothers life are all separate issues when exceptions,and/or other choices,need to be considered.... and they only make up a single digit percentage of abortions performed. For a section of society that claims to be so concerned about the right to choose,the important choices at the most important time are being completely ignored. The right to choose what's best for you and your body began,and ended,right there~9 months earlier. Just because a baby is IN your body doesn't mean it IS your body. Also,,*womb......fixed that for ya
@nancyreid8729 8 ай бұрын
I’m 70 and well past menopause; and I was shocked, dismayed, and viscerally sick when that decision came down overturning Roe, as it impacts us all by diminishing women’s agency. We must all keep up the work and pressure to get our rights back.
@eb1979 11 ай бұрын
I found it quite heart-breaking to see the comparison to the Holocaust of the Nazis. So for context: I'm from Germany. In school we had to learn every little thing about the WW2 and especially about the holocaust. We had to visit the cencentration camps and litterally walked over the place where hundrets and tousand of Jews had to die without any reason. Especially as a German young woman who gets thought about every single detail of holocaust and in Germany it's somewhat "legal" (you don't get a punishment) to have an arbortion it's horrible to see how people who seemingly have no clue what they're talking about on both topics and mixing these up. It's sad how misinformed some people are. Thank you for bringing this topic up again. (Sorry for my somewhat weird spelling or grammar)
@rio9083 11 ай бұрын
i think even if you're pro life u have to admit that abortions can make sense to people in some situations like if u dont have enough money to support your child, were graped or if it would be life threatening to have a child. There is no reason ever that could justify the Holocaust
@lucyl4603 11 ай бұрын
Why is it “somewhat” legal?
@angeolina8090 11 ай бұрын
​@lucyl4603 here in Germany there was a ban on advertising abortions. Doctors and clinics couldn't just say that you could do abortions there. Though this was derestricted it only happend recently (last year). So it was just "somewhat" legal before that here.
@lucyl4603 11 ай бұрын
@@angeolina8090 wth like Starbucks secret menu?!
@angeolina8090 11 ай бұрын
@@lucyl4603 (idk about the Starbucks comparison because I never went there soo..) but it was basically not possible to put it on your website, etc. (though i have to say I'm not sure about the details as I'm no expert on this topic)
@arsonistnpc 7 ай бұрын
americans: FREEDOM!!!!! woman: i dont want this clump of non-sentient cells growing in my body americans: whoah there thats too much freedom buddy
@lindseylee3968 11 ай бұрын
i found her after all of that happened, so i wasnt aware of any of that. definite unfollow. at the time of the overturning of roe v wade, i was living in texas (ew) and pregnant with a baby girl that my partner and i intentionally conceived and very desperately wanted, but i just cried and cried out of fear of the world i was bringing her into. it’s especially upsetting seeing hayhaycrochet’s comments about how the procedure is never medically necessary and that whole spiel, after seeing stuff in the news for the last year of people having to travel to have this procedure to literally save their lives. and of course the case of the 9-10yr old girl that had to travel for it.
@hankthedog9432 11 ай бұрын
I agree I also found her after all this and I remember weeping about at and feeling like an absolute zombie. I was studying abroad at the time and I felt so much dread about coming back to the US because of it.
@madelineromanski933 11 ай бұрын
SAME! the second i started this video I unfollowed
@dawert2667 11 ай бұрын
@ mathildeyoung1823 which state protects defenseless human beings from being killed? I’ll move there right away. There are 0 US states that in the year of 2023 had 0 school shootings. There are over 10 million children in the US who do not have ready access to food. Children below the age of 18 are being recruited into the military. Is there a 51st state where these things are untrue and they do always protect innocent people? Oh wait they can’t. Because fetuses (or sorry, exquisite, beautiful, wonderful future human beings) kids, and adults die all the time and it cannot be helped. It’s almost like you have to accept that things you don’t like happen in this world…
@hankthedog9432 11 ай бұрын
@@mathildeyoung1823I do not consider something to be alive or a fetus as a human being until it has been born. I cried because I was losing autonomy over my own body and being stripped of my very human right to decide on what I do with myself. I cried because it felt like as much as I was saying “NO” the federal government was inserting itself into my own body. I cried because people like you are ok with saying “they’re my beliefs so I’m allowed to have them and they should be respected,” but can’t respect other people’s beliefs. If you don’t want to have an abortion that’s fine. That is your choice. Personally I wouldn’t want one unless there was a medical emergency, but that’s still MY choice to make. Not yours, not the governments, and not some human being that isn’t going through my pregnancy.
@Heeyitsmika 11 ай бұрын
oh shoot i liked hr patterns
@lisagilbert8497 10 ай бұрын
I spent 10 years in foster care . Two of my siblings were adopted. What they fail miserably to understand that every single adoption starts with a family being torn apart, a child loses its mom a mom loses her baby . There are homes for these kids from birth to 18 . There is no guarantee that they get families. My siblings that were adopted were reminded how they were so lucky that someone wanted them and that they were saved . The churches see this as a ministry , they don’t care if they get families they care that they are raised in the church. There is nothing like being someone’s token brag so they can let everyone know how they saved you . Adoption is not an answer to pregnancy or birth . They only see black and white . I have been told over and over that no child could be regrettable. They use them as punishment for sex and can’t get that a punishment is absolutely not something you want . I also work in /w surgery. That video shows a fetus that is clearly 4 or around . That is when birth defects and co morbidities are usually diagnosed. I have heard them say mothers should die for their babies . So the fetus that will not survive has more agency than the person pregnant.
@montymints 6 ай бұрын
And they really do see it “black and white.” Non-white children are even less likely to be adopted, especially the older they get.
@mrsmoonheaven 11 ай бұрын
craft and activism go together and always will!!!! you may share your opinion but if it goes against human rights AND is misinformed, expect backlash!!!
@freshtodeath 11 ай бұрын
... I mean this is true. I'm just glad my mom didn't abort me.
@wavy6470 11 ай бұрын
Both sides of this debate are concerned with human rights It is a question which one is deemed more important, right to life of an underdeveloped human, or the right to bodily autonomy of fully developed human. Most people on both sides chose their perspective because they believe it's the more humane one. Topics like these need more nuanced approach and demonizing either side will get us nowhere.
@freshtodeath 11 ай бұрын
@@wavy6470 i find it interesting that saying abortion can be triggering kinda like ptsd almost like if it is a traumatic event that hurts the mother as well as destroys the human fetus. Many people will probably say abortions don’t actually traumatize you but even the maker of the video who is pro choice was avoiding saying the word because it could be traumatizing or triggering.
@FunreenaeAndBooboo 11 ай бұрын
You obviously don’t care about anybody but yourself
@alt_ms_frizzle 11 ай бұрын
​@@freshtodeaththe thing that is traumatizing about abortion for most people is how society treats you if you have had one. Rather than supporting someone who is in that position or has made that choice, society incessantly tells them they are a shameful, dirty, murderer without once ever considering what pushed them to that choice to begin with. That is what is traumatizing. It also stems from people who view people who have a uterus as having the sole purpose of having babies.
@river1216 11 ай бұрын
I remember when this whole debacle happened and I was just so devastated. She seemed like a genuinely sweet person and I loved her patterns. It makes me really sad that some women are so deeply entrenched in patriarchy that they want their own and other women's rights taken away.
@LA-fr4gp 11 ай бұрын
You do realize that abortion is the ultimate tool of the patriarchy correct? Is has never been our right to end the life of an innocent human- in or outside of the womb. Killing a human being that didn’t create itself or put itself in that position is wrong.
@wow-jz7me 11 ай бұрын
​​@@LA-fr4gpit is a fetus not a person or a "innocent human being" stop being emotional and think of the living person that is already in earth, the woman. if she doesn't want anything in her body, she has every right to take it out. end of discussion
@wavy6470 11 ай бұрын
​@@wow-jz7meI am pro-choice, but I think seeing fetus as less than a human being is very ignorant. Abortion is a tragedy. I believe nobody has right to tell a woman what she should do with her own body, but the decision shouldn't be taken lightly. Although not (yet) sentient, embryo is a genetically unique human being and will naturally develop sentience and personality if not forcibly interrupted.
@azari_osaka 11 ай бұрын
@@LA-fr4gpxplain how your reasoning why abortion is bad has anything to do with patriarchy. you say it’s the ultimate form of patriarchy but then just say a very generic “all life is special” reasoning. stop using buzzwords to make your argument seem valid when you clearly lack the scope of depth to have this conversation
@ecnalms851 11 ай бұрын
@@wow-jz7me Stop using such horrible and dehumanising language when talking about the baby! You can be a pro-choice advocate, but talk about the unborn child with some respect, otherwise you're a horrible human being.
@alixiad 11 ай бұрын
yes, im so glad more people are talking about this again. i remember when they first posted that story and was absolutely horrified. so grateful for the others in the community who spoke about it and even made a raffle fundraiser. we can never let this be forgotten. everyone deserves body autonomy. no matter what.
@freshtodeath 11 ай бұрын
I'm glad your mom didn't abort you and you have have a option to voice your opinions and make your choices.
@emmao6578 11 ай бұрын
@@freshtodeath I'm glad I exist and am able to voice my opinions but if I found out my mum had been forced to go through a pregnancy she hadn't wanted just to have me I would be pretty pissed off on her behalf especially at the people that claimed to speak for me when I was but a tiny thoughtless little blob. If I had been aborted there would be nothing for me to be upset about as I simply wouldn't exist, there would be no suffering on my part because I would never have been conscious enough to know anything. Viewing my existence as more important than my mothers bodily autonomy, personal choice and potential lifelong suffering seems so egocentric to me that I honestly can't understand how anyone who truly loves their mum could ever think such a thing.
@freshtodeath 11 ай бұрын
​@@emmao6578 I think it's interesting you said egocentric for me to want to live after i've been created. It's not like I chose to even be created but now that I've been created you're going to kill me out of convenience? You don't think this hurts the mother in anyway? Also pro-choice people always say "I don't want abortions but they should be available when its necessary" but want unlimited free access to abortions at any stage of pregnancy for any person asking for one no questions asked. If abortions were more controlled I don't think ROe V Wade would of been overturned
@ecnalms851 11 ай бұрын
@@emmao6578 When do you believe abortion should be illegal then? As abortion procedures that take place after 10 weeks are pretty horrible... One procedure is D&C abortion which involves essentially ripping the limbs of the baby one by one out of the womb using forceps...
@emilybixler3166 11 ай бұрын
​@@freshtodeathI also wouldn't exist if my mom had "kept her legs closed," as many pro-lifers advise women to do. So should we mandate everyone to have PIV sex as soon as possible to incubate fetuses because of all the people that wouldn't exist otherwise? You realize how absurd that sounds, right?
@Zullala 9 ай бұрын
What bothers me the most is that abortion is made illegal but there aren't options put in their place. It's not as of I see any outreach like, "We'll help you take care for or help you find a good home for your baby!" Abortion clinics shouldn't have been made illegal in the first place but since they are then they should be replaced with other solutions. People seem to love children and want to protect them until they're born.
@mynameisambertoo7379 6 ай бұрын
Exactly! The best way to reduce abortions is to increase sexual education, increase and expand on welfare for single mothers or struggling families, and make access to contraceptives easier and cheaper. People suddenly become more inclined to raise a family when they have the means to do so, how curious.
@ashleynorton 11 ай бұрын
I remember studying con law for the bar exam and watching SCOTUS overturn just pages of my notes. Great video, misinformation is a dangerously powerful thing.
@peanutbutter3965 10 ай бұрын
​@@mathildeyoung1823 get a life Matilda, you've commented 153 times in this comment section, it's embarrassing
@jaydescorner8401 11 ай бұрын
Hayhaycrochet was the first account I followed when I started learning crochet, Im surprised I never heard of this controversy. However I did notice something else that gave me a weird vibe and made me decide to unfollow, she posted one time on her story that she found some manga at a thrift store or something and it was a romance between a 17 year old student and their 37 year old teacher...I really dont know where her morals lie
@dawert2667 11 ай бұрын
Stuff like that is usually a good indicator of pro-lifers as a good amount of them tend to be very sex-obsessed and particularly obsessed with sexual taboos as they fall into a sex-obsessed/sex-ashamed cycle due to their upbringing forcing shame onto an urge that is unavoidable. It’s basically sexual bulimia
@prince_of_cats 9 ай бұрын
@@dawert2667bro this made me realize so much about myself lmfao
@Coolgravy 9 ай бұрын
Yeah, her patterns were the first written patterns I was able to follow along with. Really sad. Glad I found out about this. I've unfollowed her :/
@cawlhorderofcaws 11 ай бұрын
Its so strange that she can respect the choice of people's choice of unfollowing her, but not the choice of their OWN BODIES Edit: stop trying to reason with the prolifer person in the comments, it's not a real conversation happening there. stop waisting your time since they are only spewing out the same rhetoric as the others, not looking for understanding each other, just hate and "ratioing" others. it hurts to see that even when someone tries to have a mutual conversation, they just resort to the same propaganda-like talking points. wishing you guys a good day ❤️
@rosystarlet 11 ай бұрын
Because the babies body is a SEPERATE body. Not your body, not your choice. It doesnt magically become a baby when it comes out of the womb. It has always been a baby. Fetus literally means baby.
@freshtodeath 11 ай бұрын
You don’t get it? She doesn’t see it as you making choices with your body because there is a whole different small but still separate body growing inside you. It’s very unscientific and completely inaccurate to say it’s just your body. It’s interesting that prochoicers always throw science out the window when they say “my body my choice”. When people get pregnant it’s because your body is carrying a separate entity that isn’t you. Otherwise it wouldn’t be pregnancy 🫃
@rebeccajeanne679 11 ай бұрын
@@freshtodeath the bundle of cells inside of me does not get to make any decisions about the outside body and will promptly be yeeted out of me if I so choose < 3
@freshtodeath 11 ай бұрын
@@rebeccajeanne679 it’s not very scientific to refer to a human fetus as a blob of cells. The fetus is a human fetus and it is alive. You can choose to put your emotions before facts like most prochociers do but just know “my body my choice” isn’t a scientifically accurate argument because the human fetus is in fact it’s own human body.
@freshtodeath 11 ай бұрын
@@rebeccajeanne679 the fetus didn’t choose to be inserted in your hating ass womb which you just informed me is a death trap. Don’t put live humans inside you if you just plan to squish them like bugs. 💕❤️
@youngandamenace6570 10 ай бұрын
When I was around 14 years old, I had to hold a presentation on abortion. Going into my research, I was already leaning to be pro-life, because I grew up very conservatively and did have zero education on the matter. While researching, I sadly stumbled across several organizations that were pro-life and that traumatized my teenage self with videos and pictures of premature birth with alive fetuses being delivered as well as detailed personal reports by women with failed abortions who had to hear their supposed “clump of cells” cry out after being removed. I now know that all of this was and is propaganda and that these premature babies were much older than was suggested. Still, I concluded my research with a pro-life statement and even read one of those propaganda articles out loud to my class. To this day, I am in horror about how the teachers didn’t even flinch. I got a full mark. Not even one point reduced. 99 % of my presentation was about abortion in a historical perspective, so in that aspect it was highly accurate - but this last bit should have been called out right then and there as misinformation and propaganda but it wasn’t. I was Holding the presentation in my religion class. Wonder why the teacher found my presentation to be “brilliant”… I am 24 now, pregnant myself and this video was a hard watch. I am pro choice and realized I always would’ve been if I had been given the proper resources. For that reason, I believe it to be important to call our creators that spread the same type of misinformation that manipulated me myself back then. Ofc no one deserves to receive death threats, but I am glad to see that other creators were quick to point out the false information being spread. I just wish more would’ve taken the time to provide accurate sources that disprove the pro-life post so that people stumbling across it, could’ve had the chance to instantly fact check. I am honestly kind of shocked that that type of misinformation had been able to persist time and that it still exists and is being believed. Ten years ago, the internet just wasn’t as vast or easily navigated as today. It’s much easier to find independent sources today than it was for 14-year-old me. So, I really wonder, what is it, that makes people believe that type of propaganda so intensely? I am pregnant with a little daughter and I am glad to no end that Germany provides pro-choice healthcare. If I was living in a red state in the US, I would’ve moved as soon as I found out I was pregnant. I am honestly scared for other women and what’s to come in the future…
@draconicfeline6177 9 ай бұрын
Yeah, it doesn't look good.
@bogartmotomoto8222 5 ай бұрын
May I ask how you got manipulated (?)
@tiffanyjack6095 10 ай бұрын
I was raised to believe that there is absolutely nothing in me that makes me any better than anyone else. Mainly because I am 2nd generation Italian. My grandpa was fresh off the boat here and he had to work hard to get every dime he had. He and my grandma raised 6 kids, sent them all to Catholic school. Funny enough, only 2 stayed Catholic and it wasn't my mother. My mother and my dad taught me that to get anything in life you had to work for it, and that no one was better than me, and I wasn't better than anyone else. That underneath all our different skin colors, we all bleed red. It didn't matter that their best friend loved a man, because it didn't affect them or us, that women had the right to say no, but so did men, that men could stay home and raise the children just as well as a woman could. Nothing phased us really. As I grew up, I made my mind up that if women can say no, then that means, I can sure as hell say no to a pregnancy if it was unwanted, if it was jeopardizing my health, or it was ectopic. As an adult, a wife and mother of 1, trying for 5 years, long, mentally hard years to have another child, we lost 4 pregnancies out of the 4, 2 had to have a DNC. I don't wish those on anyone, especially on someone who has never given birth before. We did eventually, during the 6th year finally get pregnant again with a baby that stuck around after I was on hormones and bed rest the first 16 weeks. My boys are 6.5 years apart, I wish they were closer together, but, it worked out the way it did. The laws on our books at that time, had we not had Roe v. Wade as law, I would not have been able to get those life saving DNC's that were needed. I would have bled out, right there, in the hallway of the emergency room of my local Hospital while my doctors watched because by law, they wouldn't have been able to remove the offending tissue. Those were the laws on the Michigan Constitution. Thankfully, our governor has been able to overturn that law and a new law has been put into effect to make the procedure legal.
@Pipkiablo 8 ай бұрын
So TW for some really disturbing imagery, but when I was a kid, a teacher I trusted told me that how babies were aborted was that they were turned around in the womb and dragged out feet first and the head would stay in the birth canal so that they were technically "unborn" so that this didn't count as murder, and then they would jam scissors into the back of the skull into the brain to kill the fetus. I spent years terrified of the procedure because I thought that was how all of them were and I was misled into thinking the very second you get pregnant it's an instant recognizable baby and not that it started to look like a baby over time. It wasn't until later that an actual abortion doctor told me that no abortion is ever done like that and late term abortions are almost exclusively wanted pregnancies that have gone horribly wrong and if there were any possible way they can save the baby outside the womb they'd do everything in their power to do so, but if the procedure is being done at all, most likely it's already too late to save it. I think that and learning what an embryo actually is spared me so much stress and trauma that I'd been living with my entire life and I'm kind of disgusted that a trusted adult told me this blatant misinformation.
@dizzyjim1777 8 ай бұрын
my god it must have been so terrifying to hear that as a child. so sorry
@axuwu6939 8 ай бұрын
I was super pro-life as a child because of my friends telling me similar things about abortion, but man, at least in my case it was my friends who were around my age passing down things likely taught by their parents. I can’t imagine an adult, especially a teacher, telling such a horrifying lie to a child. Maybe it wasn’t a lie in the sense that maybe they genuinely believed that’s how abortions go, but still, it’s ironic that they cared more about fetuses than the well-being of the child in front of them
@Emihasdreamstoo 11 ай бұрын
29:00 It is about their body. People don’t offer their bodies for their fetuses. Fetuses are unsentinent. Fetuses are never more important than the actual pregnant person. That pregnant person has feelings and thoughts, unlike the fetus. If you are saying that an unsentinent being is more important than a sentinent woman, you can not say that you are pro-women. You are not. You are pro-control. You are prioritizing the possible life of an unsentinent being higher than that of a sentinent human. That is not good
@draconicfeline6177 9 ай бұрын
There are mornings when I wake up in utter despair because of these pro life people. If they want to control my body so bad, why allow me to think, feel, or care? I've never had an abortion - I've never had intercourse - but this destruction of my right to have some form of control over my body was devastating. I wake up and I wish I could just be what they wanted me to be - an unfeeling, unthinking, lump of incubating flesh. So that it wouldn't hurt anymore. That maybe it is all I deserve for being born into this body. I'm working on this in therapy but it's very hard to treat depression and anxiety when it's the world that's doing it. This ideology was supposed to die out by 2000, killed by reason and sense and human decency. We were supposed to have clear sailing towards progress and REAL freedom from there on. What holds me down in bed is that... we never had full equality, and it's already being taken away. There were still massive chains around a woman's right to her own body. And now I fear that we may end up in something like the Handsmaids tale. I can't watch, read, or hear about that story - it's far too real and I can't take it. I never want to think of the past as nostalgic. We did not live through a golden age. We lived through what was never truly enough. I don't want to be grateful for that, I want to remain furious, because we all deserve so much more, even the brothers and sisters who oppose this deserve better. I hate the conservative judges of SCOTUS with all of my being - and it's disgusting and almost gratifying in a horrible way how clear it is that they were bought. I've managed to survive, but the blood and suffering of everyone who didn't - succumbed to despair, who were forced to carry to term and then either raise children they didn't want or say goodbye to a child that they had bonded with but could not care for, who are now trapped in poverty, who are DYING because doctors can be sued for providing lifesaving medical care... Who will have to grow up in this world and suffering... this is all on pro lifer's hands. And as these conservatives cruelly walk back the progress towards a freedom unparalleled that TRULY made our country great, the suffering they cause is on their hands too. Such bloody hands.
@caraishappy8980 6 ай бұрын
I’m very late to this video however I’m one of the crochet businesses that messaged you about the whole thing thanking you for speaking out when this was all happening, the face I made when I first saw that video in that animation I can’t even recreate I told you I’m not in a safe place to speak out, which is still true today so once again thank you for being a voice for those of us who can’t speak on this
@jinkies8655 11 ай бұрын
thanks for covering this more in-depth than I have seen online. but I will continue to feel absolutely 0 sympathy for her. dangerous bigots deserve to be uncomfortable. she was literally spreading violent propaganda.
@justinspencer983 11 ай бұрын
Agree. These people have a victim complex. Yes, they can be attacked, but they also just perceive any descent as an attack. They are not worth our time because they are very well trained at ignoring reason.
@SHEIFFY 11 ай бұрын
THANK YOU. Make her uncomfortable. Stop with the coddling. No one is policing followers. its bringing it to ppls attention that they are following someone with violent anti women views that actively harm them.
@speccogecko7296 10 ай бұрын
Absolutely agree. I personally think people who spread dangerous misinformation deserve to lose friends, family and feel awful
@ariamonroe 10 ай бұрын
yep yep yep 1000000%
@nerdieeditz8044 9 ай бұрын
Wait are we talking about hay hay or.. this youtuber??
@catelinb.3273 11 ай бұрын
I remember when this whole thing happened! Since then she’s gained so many followers because she swept it under the rug by deleting comments. I’m glad you’re shining a light on this.
@ashleycalleros983 11 ай бұрын
I hit the unfollow button on her shit so fast. She’s fake asf for that
@FunreenaeAndBooboo 11 ай бұрын
You guys need to get out more of a year old “ crochet drama” is your tea
@youllbemytourniquet 11 ай бұрын
@@FunreenaeAndBooboobut you’re here too, aren’t you?
@Bonsitree33 11 ай бұрын
@@youllbemytourniquet cus it’s someone the account knows lol, most of the accounts who have been repeatedly fighting with people are connected to her
@FunreenaeAndBooboo 11 ай бұрын
@@youllbemytourniquet yea cause when you try to stir up stink you effect ppl and the ppl around them with all the most awful death threatening disgusting human beings on the planet in my family’s dms! You guys need help…. Your type of ppl act like you all love and rights and you the same people that say the most disgusting unhinged things to ppl you don’t like for no reason… you need to find something better to do, or learn how to be a kind human … guess that’s to hard for you guys tho…. Cause you guys don’t go about communicating on what you disagree with at all you just death threats and comment on looks and hit low blows for no reason…this community is one of the most toxic community with a fake face of acceptance and love … liars… if you surround yourself with ppl that only think like you… and is a yes man … you will always be unlearned …you will never grow… but since you alway wanna be right or think you are…then I guess stay down low and never grow. You don’t wanna live and let live you wanna live with no thoughts or beliefs that question yours …. Cause you can’t handle that sometimes you may be wrong.
@reddragonpress 11 ай бұрын
Seeing those Facebook posts made my blood boil. I think a big reason why Facebook is such a hotbed for that type of misinformation (aside from the fact that Facebook themselves often just turns a blind eye to content like that for the sake of generating engagement on the platform) is the fact that the platform doesn't really have any way to indicate negative engagement. Places like KZfaq and Reddit, for example, have dislikes (even if they're not visible without external add-ons) and downvotes that, in theory, allow for hostile content or misinformation to have less reach in the community.
@SoundgardenFan001 11 ай бұрын
Facebook also is known to show more and more extremist things over time. If you like a extremist post chances are, you gonna get another. Then when you start sharing posts to friends and family, now they are exposed to these posts. Plus, fearmongering is insane on social media.
@reddragonpress 11 ай бұрын
@@SoundgardenFan001 Unfortunately that's even true for places like KZfaq too. That's what happens with any platform that prioritizes "the algorithm" over a positive user experience.
@PanicLedisko 8 ай бұрын
Honestly I think it has more to do with who is making up the people on that site. I've frequently heard of fb as a place that everyone's moms are on. You got all your old college or high school friends on there trying to push their MLM business on you. Those kind of people buy into that bullshit! I'm curious how much the conservative party is on facebook as opposed to the liberal or democraft group. FB is not for young people, fb is for older generations and I think the older generations are made up of more conservative people.. I hope my point was able to come across well, I struggle with trying to make my point succinct
@user-kx5en8dg7u Ай бұрын
@@PanicLediskoi know facebook has a reputation for being mostly older people, but their users are mostly youth/young adults/late millenials(60% 45 and under), according to statistica. although anecdotally, most people i know who are on facebook are not highly educated and so are more susceptible to the conservative propaganda that is peddled on there
@FearTheWorsted 11 ай бұрын
I remember when she posted that, I always had a bit of a weird feeling about her and that just confirmed it for me why I didn’t really like her. I was so so mad about it and especially shocked because so many people still follow her.
@freshtodeath 11 ай бұрын
I'm glad your mom didn't abort you.
@kanakeitto6250 11 ай бұрын
I have always had a bit of weird feeling about her for some reason and as a new person to the crochet community on internet I didn't even know about this until now. I'm quite shocked tbh and glad that people bring things like this up still because it's an important topic
@magnifiekvervloekt 11 ай бұрын
I wasn't aware of all this until today. I initially followed her because I thought she had some pretty nice patterns, but I get the ick every time she posted some religious things for some reason and I tried to get past that but I always had an uneasy feeling about it. now I understand why. a definite unfollow.
@PanicLedisko 8 ай бұрын
What was yall's bad feelings?
@ethernetgirl2001 10 ай бұрын
the idea of life at conception is so funny because you might not even be ovulating yet but i guess the sperm is all that matters to these people!
@becaajala1003 10 ай бұрын
what? no lol
@crizmeow8394 10 ай бұрын
Makes you wonder why they don’t scream and cry at men jacking off, isn’t that technically losing “lives”? But nooo, it’s always against woman’s autonomy
@mynameisambertoo7379 6 ай бұрын
Technically life does begin at conception, but that's true for any other (complete, not a gamete) cell. That's why a fetus is human, but not a person. It makes me mad that pro choice people get this basic fact wrong and pro life people jump on it like sharks to win easy points.
@persivy 6 ай бұрын
@@mynameisambertoo7379can u expand on that? you’re not really making sense
@slowstowns 10 ай бұрын
as someone with pcos and a higher risk of needing an abortion at some point in my life, it's disappointing to see someone i followed posting misinformation and trying to essentually tell me that i'm a bad person for needing access to one. i had no idea about any of this and it makes me sick to my stomach hearing about it. i always got a bad vibe from her but thought i was being silly. apparently not.
@slowstowns 10 ай бұрын
​@@mathildeyoung1823i support it in any situation, no matter the reason.
@sky-trevishere9638 5 ай бұрын
It always “pro life” to have a baby born regardless if the parent wants to or not. But. It’s never pro life to feed the children in places like Gaza and in poverty. It’s never pro life to protest against abusive social workers who have blood on their hands. It’s never pro life to advocate for gun control to prevent school shootings. It’s never pro life to give all children an education and the chance to be educated. It’s never pro life to provide healthcare to parents or children once the labor process is done. It’s never pro life to provide children the necessary medical treatment and medication they need to live a full life It’s never pro life to fund for a cure for cancer It’s never pro life to respond to the world’s economy that’s currently going into the toilet. It’s never pro life to care for a living human being once it’s *out* of the womb. Period.
@jennlikesyarn 11 ай бұрын
Her comment about how overturning Roe v Wade wouldn't impact life-saving medical care didn't age well...
@jennlikesyarn 11 ай бұрын
@@mathildeyoung1823 Guess a lot of doctors need to lose their licenses then
@jennlikesyarn 11 ай бұрын
@@mathildeyoung1823 I’m agreeing with you. Let them lose their licenses and go to court to figure out what the law actually say and means now.
@christsavesreadromans1096 10 ай бұрын
Abortion isn’t medical care
@bogartmotomoto8222 5 ай бұрын
Can you state the bill number regarding the law that prohibits the “life saving “ procedure such as ectopic and misscarriages ? 😢
@argusfleibeit1165 9 ай бұрын
Yeah, no... those that have the power and took our rights away, and those who carry water for them because of "their heart", or their fee-fees, deserve every bit of crap that falls on them. Sorry, not sorry. The amount of suffering of real alive people whose lives are upended by unwanted pregnancy, overrides the "good intentions" or "wanting to protect "Life" of these emotional manipulators and liars. Liars and emotional manipulators brought us to this situation, and I cut them no slack. I'm glad she got it where it hurts. She'll never know the amount of pain that she and others like her have caused, with their "good intentions" and "protecting "Life". Screw her and the horse she rode in on.
@draconicfeline6177 9 ай бұрын
Or rather don't, because she no longer has the guarenteed right to an abortion. The horse does, though.
@1stbunnylover 11 ай бұрын
So happy someone is finally talking about it, I remember this happening and was disgusted with what she was saying, especially since I’m jewish, by blood, and a teen mom. It’s so crazy how this all just disappeared
@christsavesreadromans1096 10 ай бұрын
So you’re a non practicing Jew then, as Jews who actually believe in God and practice the faith are against abortion.
@1stbunnylover 10 ай бұрын
@@christsavesreadromans1096 I mean they do support abortion but ok lol
@christsavesreadromans1096 10 ай бұрын
@@1stbunnylover No, Orthodox Jews do not support elective abortion, at least educate yourself about your own faith instead of being ignorant. “In general, Orthodox Judaism opposes most abortion, but permits it when the pregnancy endangers the woman's life.” -Shuster, Kenneth (1992). "An Halachic Overview of Abortion". Suffolk University Law Review. 26 (3): 641-651. PMID 11656331. -Immanuel Jakobovits, Jewish Views on Abortion Roe v. Wade concerned elective abortions, NOT abortion in the case of medical necessity. Whoever supports or supported Roe v. Wade is in danger of hellfire.
@1stbunnylover 10 ай бұрын
@@christsavesreadromans1096 here’s my source where’s yours about it
@maureengallant5066 11 ай бұрын
IT is absolutely the same, I had a D&E because of an 11 week "spontaneous abortion". The physicians were comfortable with the procedure and I'd like every woman to feel that her health care is going to be effective and as healthy as possible. I will say I had to sign a form that excused the staff if they damaged my uterus or any part of my reproductive organs and when I asked about it I was told it was for older women or women who were experiencing things like cancers. Nonetheless I had to sign! There is no procedure that is handled one way for one group and another way for another group. If it is a D&E that is what they call it and in my view health care professionals should have NO qualms about performing complete health care treatments. End of story.
@bogartmotomoto8222 5 ай бұрын
You had misscarriages and feel bad for you. Yes the medical term is in Misscarriages is Spontaneous Abortion but what does it mean spontaneous ? Is it intentional ?
@maureengallant5066 5 ай бұрын
When it comes to bodily functions, there are a lot of things that are not intentional. My body began cramping, spotting and by the time I got to the emergency room, on doctor's orders, my water broke while waiting to go back to a bed. When your water breaks, there is little or nothing left to do but what my doctor did. No one expected this, but I was told that it wasn't irregular at that point. I'm sad that happened, but the brilliant news is 9 months later another child was born to me and my husband.
@tayzers69 Ай бұрын
​@@bogartmotomoto8222google is free pick up a dictionary
@rhiannoncameron7165 11 ай бұрын
I have no idea who this person is and very glad to not know of them. Good for you speaking out and for sharing research based information with your viewers ❤ I find America such a bizarre country. ‘Land of the free’ really couldn’t be further from the truth.
@allyforbes8690 11 ай бұрын
Not exactly related, but speaking of insidious naming choices, there is a facility called "My Choice Medical Clinic" located within less than 700 ft of the university campus which I attend. despite the name, they do not offer abortion services or even referral. They supposedly provide "abortion education", which I'm assuming is fear-mongering and misinformation designed to deter people from seeking them out. They are a faith-based organization, but are not transparent about it and may have even lied about it. There is that center and another "pregnancy crisis clinic", yet nowhere with access to abortions within 53 miles. I know I'm lucky to live in a state in which access is legal within even that distance, but the "clinics" really make me upset especially considering the location practically on the campus.
@yumijaworscy6473 11 ай бұрын
also - I'm shocked she shared that much of misinformation and continued to push further - here, in Poland, Justyna Wydrzyńska literally got SENTENCED for helping with abortion. many people didn't understand this, so I'm saddened how hay hay decided to share misinformation having that big of a platform
@PanicLedisko 8 ай бұрын
Wait wait, that's how against poland is towards abortion? Jesus christ I definitely never want to visit that place! That's disgusting..
@Mazzypiecreates 11 ай бұрын
I'm training to be an abortion provider and picked up crochet through medical school, I loved how much peace it brought me but also the craftivism that went with it! Thanks for bringing light to this situation and calling out what needed to be called out. Happy to answer questions or help with resources if anyone needs anything sex/repro health related!
@brooker3645 11 ай бұрын
thank u for ur (future) work!!!!
@ciatagni1345 11 ай бұрын
Is it really as violent and awful as all the conservatives try to make it seem?
@AnilSingh-qb7iu 10 ай бұрын
Should women be allowed to kill their children even after birth if they couldn't get abortion during the legal time period?
@ciatagni1345 10 ай бұрын
@@AnilSingh-qb7iu cry harder :)
@becaajala1003 10 ай бұрын
@@AnilSingh-qb7iu lol
@karolinejones3407 11 ай бұрын
Man, my blood started boiling when you talked about that horrible group! I didnt know about this situation, so thank you for speaking on it!
@becaajala1003 10 ай бұрын
don't get fooled by this
@katiel3264 11 ай бұрын
I remember seeing her post and immediately being pissed and unfollowing her. Thank you for the added info!
@rosystarlet 11 ай бұрын
I hope someday you can recognize children as human beings the babies body is not your body. Dont want a baby? Dont have sex. Pretty simple.
@recreationalknittingpodcast 11 ай бұрын
@@rosystarletDon’t want an abortion? Don’t have one.
@itzmadi0626 11 ай бұрын
@@rosystarlet its not always that simple
@justinspencer983 11 ай бұрын
@@rosystarlet do you know it’s pretty simple for you to get a lobotomy. Maybe you have one already because you are conflating so many subjects to twist and demonize somthing you clearly don’t understand. Sorry that was mean 😢. Never mind how about instead I say. I hope someday you see the light of your ignorance. May you and others see that freedom and rights to live full happy lives is not dictated by another persons religious belief. Good day ❤😊
@not_in_the_mood8614 11 ай бұрын
​@rosystarlet I hope one day you recognise that another woman's body's is not your body, and she has the autonomy to decide what is better for her. Don't want to get pressed about? Mind your business then
@ErutaniaRose 10 ай бұрын
I support bodily autonomy period, especially for reproductive healthcare, and especially as a disabled person. This BS is exactly why I really cannot even fathom how some people think church and state are separate in the US.
@candicefrost4561 9 ай бұрын
People try to act like getting an abortion is inherently ableist but to force a disabled person to risk their life to stay pregnant seems pretty gross to me. That being said, Down’s syndrome advocacy groups have provided factual information and resources to better prepare women who are expecting a child with Down’s instead of taking away their right to choose. I think that as long as the pregnancy is still safe for you, if you don’t think you could take care of a child with Down’s adoption would be the better option, but if your risk of injury is higher to continue pregnancy than it is unethical to force you to go through with it.
@WinnieCPT 10 ай бұрын
her response reeks of religious bs. "what i know to be true" for me just reads like "what confirms my worldview instilled by authority figures". her victim narrative ("freedom of speech doesn't apply to me i guess" & "i decided to be brave and not keep my head low") is also very religous-minded. obv death threats are not okay, but calling her out was more than warranted.
@mrsmoonheaven 11 ай бұрын
love u great video thanks for having me voiceover and for anyone out there sharing sharing really bad things on the internet remembers it’s forever and there’s always someone like me saving them!! prochoice 4eva
@freshtodeath 11 ай бұрын
I'm glad your mom didn't abort you and you have the choice to do what you want with your life.
@mrsmoonheaven 11 ай бұрын
@@freshtodeath thank you me too 💗 that’s the cool thing about pro choice is i respect the choice my mom made and i love freedom of making my own choices too 💗
@freshtodeath 11 ай бұрын
@@mrsmoonheaven if my mom would of had a procedure done on me I’d be dead. Lol kind of dark
@louisa5629 11 ай бұрын
@@freshtodeath you wouldn't be dead cause you never existed, hope that helps😊
@dawert2667 11 ай бұрын
@freshtodeath I do not think you are glad of anything. I hope one day you give up your bitterness and accept others for their choices
@natatatm 10 ай бұрын
Like, she's scared? Imagine how scared you'd be if you could be facing life in prison for murder, or being murdered yourself, for getting a medical procedure. Idk, even though id never send someone d*th threats, I honestly couldn't care less about how scared she feels
@becaajala1003 10 ай бұрын
medical procedure that kills? yes, they should be in prison
@crizmeow8394 10 ай бұрын
Imagine all of those literal children that are now forced to give birth to babies, it’s abhorrent
@whitneyhendrix8075 7 ай бұрын
I have been told by my doctor that the chances of me getting pregnant is low but if it were to happen, it would likely be ectopic and life threading. Every time bills pass banning access to this procedure, I feel closer to death. I was a baby once and they don’t want to save me, a live person, over the idea of a hypothetical baby.
@bogwife7942 4 ай бұрын
god this is really disappointing. I hate that every online disagreement seems to devolve to death threats and name calling. it's cruel, counterintuitive, and the last thing that will make her want to self reflect and deconstruct her beliefs its a subject that, rightfully, makes people very emotional, but emotions have no place in politics, especially where people's lives are concerned. if I was lying in a hospital bed dead as a door nail with only machines keeping my body alive, and there was someone two wards over who would die without a heart transplant, NO ONE would be allowed to take out my heart and use it to save that person's life without my written permission in life. I'm dead! a literal corpse, and it's _still_ deeply unethical to invade my body without my consent. no one has the right to access your body, even in such a deep and invasive way as pregnancy. not even to stay alive
@Simile95 11 ай бұрын
I might be a bit desensitesed, but I lauged at the video from live action at first . I am a doctor (going into psych, but we still had gynecology at school) and this is NOT how curretage looks like. Yes, it is not a "nice" procedure at all, but ideally you go the pharmacological route, if it is available and your providers don't stall you from getting it. Plus Mama Doctor Jones has good info on it, if anybody is looking for well informed videos on it. Organisations like these really grind my gears, because they look on the issue from one angle only and get angry, if anybody brings up other ones (like healthcare, which is practically impossible to divide from it).
@Simile95 11 ай бұрын
Plus I am from a country neigboring Poland, which has strict anti abo laws and it has already killed people. The thought that banning of abo wont interfere with healthcare is naive at best.
@knitsbymandy 11 ай бұрын
thanks for making this video Emma, it was extremely well done. would love too see more on the intersection of crafting and activism!
@madeinthemoment 11 ай бұрын
good bc I have another video I’m researching already 👀
@withloverosalva 11 ай бұрын
I honestly didn’t know about any of this till I saw a fiber friend last year in October and expressed how I love heathers pAtterns 😢 and she politely informed me about everything and can never see her the same 🥺
@becaajala1003 10 ай бұрын
why tho?
@gothicanimegirl44 9 ай бұрын
My father is a "red neck" voted red his entire life becuase thats what everyone else in his family has done. He voted to protect abortion rights because its not his business. He doesnt feel the government should make medical choices for you. Honestly i was surprised but so happily surprised.
@nudimane_ 7 ай бұрын
Pregnancy is a HUGE paranoia for me, I would genuinely rather die than give birth. I don't dislike children, theyre just a part of life, but if someone doesn't want a child, they DESERVE the right to not have one! Even if I did want children, I still wouldn't have them, I'm disabled and struggle to even take care of myself, let alone another human being who entirely depends on me! And I wouldn't want my child to have a troublesome upbringing due to this, it's completely unnecessary.
@Saphia_ 7 ай бұрын
Same. There aren't a lot of things that would push me to kms but having to carry a pregnancy and give birth would definitely push me to do that. There are a lot of reasons for that but a few are: 1. I am afraid of pregnancy. The changes that people's bodies go through during pregnancy is like body horror to me. I cannot even look at other peoples' baby bumps without feeling dread, let alone grow my own baby bump. 2. Pregnancy is so hard on the pregnant person's body and the complications that arise are not something I want to deal with. 3. I do not want to raise a child. Children are hard work and emotionally, mentally and physically exhausting. While I like to think I am a well-adjusted and mature individual, exhausted me is a nightmare if I don't get to recover from the exhaustion. Do I think I'd be able to deal with it and provide said child a healthy environment to deal with? Probably. Most likely. Do I want to take the chance? Hell nah. A child's life and well-being isn't something to play with. And even if I (or we) had no reason other than "I don't want to carry this pregnancy" or "I don't want to carry a pregnancy", the uterus is a part of our body and we should be allowed to make decisions about it. People aren't allowed to legally use someone else's organ, no matter how life-saving it is, without the consent of that individual. Why should our uterus be subject to different laws?
@caterinapicco7316 11 ай бұрын
I am so excited for this. I remember this situation going on and being in her comment section but she kept deleting comments that went against her opinion
@freshtodeath 11 ай бұрын
I'm glad your mom didn't abort you so you can know what it feels like to be excited.
@wow-jz7me 11 ай бұрын
​@@freshtodeath??? ☠️
@freshtodeath 11 ай бұрын
@@wow-jz7me I'm glad you support pro choice. It means so much that you respect my decision to choose to say what I want.
@FunreenaeAndBooboo 11 ай бұрын
That’s a really sad statement… that your existed for old “crochet drama”
@audreybea4013 8 ай бұрын
I live in Tennessee and it’s honestly shocking how many people I know got pregnant after roe v wade was over turned. Some of them could travel to Chicago to get the procedure but some of them couldn’t and they’re struggling so bad trying to afford their baby. It also made me realize that so many people literally don’t know how to put a baby up for adoption, it’s always talked about as the alternative but no one ever teaches you how to do it. And I’ve seen a few people that either should never have had a baby because they’re truly terrible people or people that have been forced to stay in abusive relationships because their abuser got them pregnant. Even if they get away from him, they’re still forever tied to them now and it’s just really upsetting.
@tnemomhurb367 11 ай бұрын
It feels harsh but these days I cannot feel bad when people voice their bigoted opinions and then get upset when those views get the backlash. Like did you think you were going to going to get love and open arms after you support women getting their rights taken away cause everyone has the right to an opinion? You have that right but it doesn't mean people have to respect you, because they also have that right. I grew up on the internet and maybe that's why I feel this brutal about it but you put something out there and you get it back.
@tnemomhurb367 11 ай бұрын
@@mathildeyoung1823 good thing it’s a law about abortion then!
@tnemomhurb367 11 ай бұрын
@@mathildeyoung1823 oh my god you really put it into perspective for me, I completely see the truth now and its that this is a youtube comment section! Go talk to your mom or someone else about this.
@tnemomhurb367 11 ай бұрын
@@mathildeyoung1823 No thanks. It’s not your job to convince people of something they do not agree with, and it’s best to lose that sort of mindset because I used to have it as well and I was exhausted all of the time. You don’t have to listen to me but that’s my two cents, I hope life treats you well.
@patchyyy1374 9 ай бұрын
The dramatised video of the “abortion procedure” is literally like the exact same shit we were shown as 14 year olds studying in a christian school. The girl next to me nearly bought into the propaganda
@j.graham8068 9 ай бұрын
Not to mention that it's an animation, not actual video.
@bogartmotomoto8222 5 ай бұрын
But that is the actual abortion procedure . If thats bothering you I think there is something to your morality.
@PassioKnitKelsie 11 ай бұрын
Great video, thank you for taking the time to make this!
@peanutbutter3965 10 ай бұрын
So glad to see you in this comment section, I literally just finished making a peek a boo crop top following your tutorial 💞
@terminal21. 11 ай бұрын
thank you for taking the time to make this! i had no ideaaa! her following base is so young and it's scary to think what ppl can do to young people with their platforms!
@becaajala1003 10 ай бұрын
yeah, just like this video...
@chaicreationsCA 11 ай бұрын
I remember being horrified by her posts when they first came out. I blocked her, but didn't know the particulars. I have always believed there to be a strong correlation between crafting and activism. This is a very well-put-together video Emma, I appreciate your analysis of the situation.
@ladyopossum 11 ай бұрын
Thank you for making a video on this. I was not as involved in the crochet scene on social media during this time and had no idea this happened.
@penelopejohnson3900 11 ай бұрын
thank you for making this, i had no idea - also, this whole situation is emblematic of a lot of classism in the crochet/knit/craft community generally - would be interested to hear your thoughts ab that!
@klaudia5060 11 ай бұрын
great video! i’d never heard about this before (happened before i got into crocheting) and i’m glad u discussed it. she was one of the first ppl whose tutorials i saw and i saved a bunch of them. i’m glad i never used them, now i’d have to get rid of the pieces, wouldn’t feel right. good job again! even though the topic was heavy, it was interesting to watch (enough for me to take a break from my tv show lol)
@gracefoster7587 11 ай бұрын
I also had some of her patterns saved when I started crocheting since they were beginner friendly and pretty basic. I finished a sweater vest using one of her patterns right before her roe v wade posts and I sadly haven’t worn it. It just doesn’t feel right to me wearing something partially made by someone who has values that deeply go against mine. I should probably reuse the yarn for another project but I had spent so much time making it lol so I’ve been conflicted
@klaudia5060 11 ай бұрын
⁠@@gracefoster7587ahh that suck. but u could always think of the time u put into that project as just practice! that’s what i always do bc i’m not skilled enough to make sth truly wearable😅 (yet!)
@isislee919 11 ай бұрын
I completely disagree with her anti choice opinions but getting rid of a project you made just because you used her pattern seems unnecessary. You made it, not her
@cleetus_ 11 ай бұрын
@@isislee919right this is kind of ridiculous
@klaudia5060 11 ай бұрын
i mean i don’t think anyone HAS TO throw out the things they made themselves bc of the pattern creator’s beliefs. i’d just personally think of those views any time i wore the pieces so i’d feel weird about it. just bad vibes ya know
@ninfane 11 ай бұрын
I remember seeing her post and was so shocked. I know we all have the right to have our own opinions, but the way she decided to share that type of content is such a shame. Loved this type of content coming from you! Very articulated and interesting.
@ArthroPunk 10 ай бұрын
Honestly people who say "Until it's not about your life anymore" kinda confuse me because like... It's still about my life.... It's in MY body.... And I'm the one who is probably gonna be forced to take care of it.... Besides, a fetus has no concept of reality, it has no want to continue living, or the concept of living itself. Also, people act like "keeping your legs closed" or using birth control will help, and in some cases, yeah. But birth control fails because of how we, as women, have all the materials etc for the child, and the body will fight to keep you fertile. As for men, it's a bit more simple I believe. Going back to the point, "keeping your legs closed" doesn't help anyone, because it insinuates victim blaming. Rape and coercion does exist. "You're pregnant and want an abortion because you never really had a chance to consent in the first place? Should've kept your legs closed!" People act like women get purposefully pregnant JUST to get an abortion. I can assure you, most women get pregnant by accident or by force, and they make the concious decision to not bring a life into the world that they know they cannot care for. "Sign them up for adoption!" Is also a terrible argument, because the adoption system in american SUCKS. Those kids will either get some bad mental issues, or end up on the streets. Point is, these people don't care about children when they're born. They want the title of "saving a life" when they ruin another in the process.
@GoddessSoulSchool 6 ай бұрын
She says “ectopic pregnancies and miscarriages aren’t abortion legally or morally” and yet women have already died because of they couldn’t access abortion to fix them.
@estrellaescobar5723 5 ай бұрын
28:13 "Treatments for ectopic pregnancies or pre-viable separation when a mothers life is in immediate danger are not abortions". Yikes, this statement aged as good as milk under the summer sun with the Kate Cox case 😬
@mxclaireharris 7 ай бұрын
My baby was born alive at 19+6. It made me actually more supportive of people who need to end their pregnancy, most of those people are part of the infant loss community because they didn't want to go through it, they lost their baby as much as I did.
@alisoneichler4257 5 ай бұрын
For background … I am a 66 year old, middle class, white woman. My only child is 32 years old. For the five years preceding his birth, my husband and I experienced (endured?) many uncomfortable, painful, embarrassing and expensive procedures in an attempt to have a biological child. We had sort of given up and made an appointment with the local women’s health clinic to talk with the nurse about adoption. The clinic was also known as the abortion clinic. We were well-dressed (I worked at a bank in the days when we wore suits and my husband was a medical resident - coat and tie). As we approached the front door we were verbally and visually assaulted by the anti-abortion protesters. I felt terrible and almost turned around and skipped our appointment. We wanted to adopt and raise a baby. We are PRO life. I could only imagine how difficult it was for women who had made the incredibly difficult decision to terminate a pregnancy to walk past these protesters and their slogans, and their horrible posters. For just a few minutes that day I did walk in someone else’s shoes and it was awful! I cannot imagine many women choose this procedure as a form of birth control. It is their last option. Sometimes, it is their only option. Unless you have been there, be VERY careful what you say, how strongly you say it, and to whom you say it. This is a very personal decision and it is none of your business.
@adriennee6577 5 ай бұрын
I am not a fan of abortion either, but that’s exactly why I’m pro choice, there are other ways of bringing down abortion rates without forcing women to put their lives at risk or have a child they aren’t able to take care of. Sex education, birth control and protection are some of the best ways to bring abortion rates down and I find it really ironic that the majority of pro-lifers (not you obviously!) are anti the stuff that actually brings down abortion rates!! I feel like we have the same opinions but use a different labels
@AuDHobby 11 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for making this video! It takes a lot of bravery to take on such a topic and as someone who has only recently joined the fiber arts community: I really appreciate it! I don't want to follow and/or financially support people with such awful views. You are awesome 💜
@skylarjohnson7779 10 ай бұрын
They want to talk about dehumanising, they don't mention where the foetus lives.
@Red-uo6od 10 ай бұрын
@@mathildeyoung1823BAHAHA You think we wanna kill all babies? You are just as bad as the rest. A wanted pregnancy should be kept. People will continue to get abortions no matter what. It about making sure that the woman doesn’t die in the process that it should be legal and regulated.
@oliviasmith9033 10 ай бұрын
maybe this will make me sound horrible, but i don't care that she got mean comments. i agree that the death threats are bad, but i really have zero sympathy for her otherwise.
@zephyrschiesser5408 10 ай бұрын
Agreed. Spreading misinformation causes real world harm, and that does negatively reflect on her character.
@Aster_Risk 9 ай бұрын
I agree. Don't be a trash bag pro-birther and that hate will clear right up.
@vertworldart 9 ай бұрын
I binged a bunch of your videos today and I had to click several times on the subscribe button, (separately under several videos i have watched), because every time I would move on to the next video, i would see that subscribe button is not clicked. I hope that it was just a bug on my side, but thought i d let ya know it happened! Hope no one else has similar problem and will be able to subscribe, support and get notifications from you channel without a problem. Love your stuff, as person who crochets for fun, I didnt know there was so much drama in the community! thank you for your hard work, love your hair!
@tamz0309 7 ай бұрын
I wish people would stop trying to make their own religious beliefs into laws.
@bogartmotomoto8222 5 ай бұрын
Biology is waving
@Inki_Inc 7 ай бұрын
Men: Your life already exists so it doesn’t matter nearly as much as a possibility of a new life coming into existence. Also Men: I don’t care about the quality of life that person will live, nor do I really care about them. I don’t even care if they live for 24 hours, I just care about them coming into existence. But What I really care about is being able to control your life. ❤
@chellypob 11 ай бұрын
this is such a shame bc i loved her crochet tutorials and follow her on insta
@bogartmotomoto8222 5 ай бұрын
@chellypob 5 ай бұрын
@@bogartmotomoto8222 the person shes talking about.. did u just click on this video for shits and giggles ☠️ its quite obvious who im talking about
@Mousewith 2 ай бұрын
@@chellypobThey were just asking a question?
@Snicklexx 9 ай бұрын
Thank you for talking about this. I recently starting getting back into crochet a few month ago, and this time around ive been looking at inspiration online. Looking through I actually have a few of her tutorials and pins of her work saved. Thank you for talking about this, as I wasn't in the sphere when it happened
@justvibinginouterdarkness 6 ай бұрын
Well, now we have seen many many pregnant people end up with non viable pregnancies, and their states have put them at risk and caused medical staff to be forced to wait until they are going septic, which is when your infection has spread to your blood, and literally will die without medical intervention- or they just straight up tell the patient they need to drive hours and hours mid miscarriage to get proper care. A 10-12 year old gave birth a few months ago from SA & i*ncest, if I remember the news story correctly. All those promises of it not impacting those with non viable pregnancies and medical emergencies was BS. And so was the ‘well they can always go to another state for care’ because now some are banning travel for the procedure- and ignoring many do not have the ability to take a cute long weekend to have a medical procedure they may also need to pay for. These people also conveniently gloss over those who are survive to SA and that it is still very difficult to get a conviction for SA, especially if they were in a relationship at the time. Then these people are tied to their r*pist for minimum 18 years and the abuser has the opportunity to re victimize them through child custody and visitation law. And the ones who chime in with adoption, that is extremely stigmatized socially and may result in a loss of familial support (esp housing), friends, and community judgment. But force birthers always act like adoption is so easy and logical, as if our system isn’t already overwhelmed. I had a hysterectomy in 2018 at 22 years old, I had no idea this was coming but it is a weight off my shoulders that even the mythical Virgin Mary had a god damn uterus with which to birth Jesus.
@grimmick9446 9 ай бұрын
Bring back Roe v Wade!!!!! Such a huge set back for humanity and women. Scientifically a fetus cannot even feel pain untill about 30 week and is just a bundle of cells that looks like a dolphin or bird embryo untill the secod trimester . I got pregnant at 19, and didnt show symtopms untill week 15 about. I was working over 40 hours and walking over 2 miles to and from work, and was denied a abortion. I am now 23 and devasted to see how far back weve stepped,even from 2019..
@draconicfeline6177 9 ай бұрын
I am 32 and I have to fight against my despair every day. It's very hard to have hope when hard-fought rights and progress, where every centimeter was bought with blood, sweat, and tears - a journey towards a fair and just society that was still very much a work in progress - can just be wiped away. Right now, the only thing keeping me alive is the knowledge that these people are WRONG and that if I succumb to despair, they WIN. That, and my cats. Funny how so called "pro-lifers" have caused my life to be at risk. There is blood on their hands.
@sheelfjohnson 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for doing this, but for anyone talking about this subject: please do not call them "pro life". They are forced birthers. There are too many examples to list of the ways these people don't care about life (being pro gun, pro death penalty, anti-healthcare, anti-vaxx etc.). They care about control, not about babies or children. Anyone who would force an underage rape victim to give birth does not care one iota about that little girl's life.
@jessicah0301 11 ай бұрын
thank you for taking the time to make this, i was following her bc i had no idea this happened
@feyfeline 6 ай бұрын
Can I just say, I'm so thankful you used the word "procedure" and didn't do tiktok thing to call it afortion or gobortion or something. I always feel brevity of that kind lessens the intensity/seriousness of the subject, so thank you for finding an alternative that's appropriate yet safe for smm!
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