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The Professional Difficulty is a Toxic Mess in Resident Evil 4 Remake - Road to S+

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@platinumconquest2365 Жыл бұрын
A lot of this is REmake 4's core issues being made more severe in Professional. 1. Loose, heavy movement. 2. RNG stagger on basic enemies being a thing. 3. Enemies being able to cancel out of attacks into a grab. 4. Projectiles like dynamite being next to impossible to shoot out of the air most of the time (on controller anyway). 5. lack of a dedicated hard "wait" order for Ashley. 6. Your knife (and by extension, your main and only consistant defensive option) being tied to durability. 7. lack of I-frames leading to being stunlocked by multiple enemies. The knife parry window feels like it can't find a sweet spot in any of the difficulties either. On the lower difficulties the parry window feels way too generous, while it feels way too tight on professional.
@facuuaf Жыл бұрын
Agreed on everything. Funny thing is most of these issues could clearly be fixed with a simple patch but Capcom still lives in the 2000s for better or worse
@Agent_A_Graham Жыл бұрын
​@@facuuaf This game is overall wonderful. I just think its gameplay is a little dated, notable after multiple playthroughs and on various difficulties. It's a little wonky, and I'd expect Capcom to have more intuitive, smoother controls. Plus, the POV is way to zoomed in, there's no next gen type of moves like rolling away, wakeup attack like a push kick while on the ground, no tight movements to cut through crowds since Leon runs swinging his arms unlike the more tactical run OG Leon had, etc. I'd have even expected Capcom to add an option to shoot while knocked down at least once to give a chance to recover, but Leon just gets up slowly and lets them beat him up. They could have done a better job making him feel deadlier, like Krauser.
@metalftw9652 9 ай бұрын
You mentioned about s, I saw 1:50 and thought ‘wow, jumping down and hit while unable to do anything about it which would normally mean you’re fine in other games, that’s COMPLETELY fair Capcom’. In some aspects, bravo for making a difficult mode. On the other hand, I have no idea what you were smoking or even thinking.
@chrislee5268 9 ай бұрын
Skill issue
@mattmas6628 9 ай бұрын
You hit the nail on the head with this comment and I have beat professional nearly 10 times before realizing today that I never have fun playing it
@BlueElitefromHaloCE Жыл бұрын
Feels like it’s less about skill and more about how persistent you are in retrying over and over again hoping for decent RNG. They really gave us the speed runner experience
@novalover5033 Жыл бұрын
VOS wasn’t too hard for me. I mean I died. But NOT like this my dude…. I’ve never played a shooter with such broken difficulty since halo 2’s legendary mode. It rivals that. And if you know how bad that is then it perfectly explains this bs. Why…
@Laocoon283 Жыл бұрын
It's the rng that's infuriating
@Scottysaweet Жыл бұрын
All the things you have to consider at all times is not rng. Knowing which weapons to use and when, not trapping yourself ect. Knowing when to reload ect. Its all very technical, kinda a bummer to see ppl just blame "rng" - "oh you got S+ pro, youre so lucky with your RNG
@Laocoon283 Жыл бұрын
@@Scottysaweet But there is some rng tho
@jhnyjoejoe69 Жыл бұрын
​​​​@@novalover5033 Nah Halo 2 Legendary is easier i nearly beat the whole game on Legendary with 0 deaths, no skips, no enemies left alive, back in 2005. I just didn't finish 1 mission. I can't deal with all the BS this RE4 remake has. Alot of BS unavoidable deaths or not enough resources even with the resource cache. In Halo 2 you could stand back take your time, and there was always enough ammo even if you had to juggle weapons around from the ground. In Halo 2 you can avoid nearly all danger thanks to cover, enough room, and renegrative energy shield.
@Mistarpotato Жыл бұрын
My biggest issue was constantly being comboed to death and having no s or super armor on almost anything, also having stupid small things like an enemy jumping down in front of you if you're too close stunning you or dynamite throwers having precision accuracy in chapter 2.
@kazoomer4373 Жыл бұрын
I feel this. The absurd garbage that is being knocked down by an enemy only to be grabbed by another one while you are standing up. On professional it's 80% chance of death every time. Don't get me started on the torch and pitch fork enemies causing you to be stuck in the longest recovery animations ever and you being completely vulnerable to any attacks during it.
@datinator1200 Жыл бұрын
Parry everything
@Creedio90 Жыл бұрын
have you tried gitting gud?
@thecrimsonfuckeralucardlor5087 Жыл бұрын
@Datinator 1 machine gun turret users: parry this you filthy casual.
@bradwilcox08 Жыл бұрын
Dunno how many times I died from being comboed to death, whether it be multiple enemies attacking at once, or a single enemy flailing at me.
@dude8476 Жыл бұрын
I probably failed the village section over 30 times. I eventually got past it and now I’m on the start of chapter 5. But I’ve legitimately been having stress dreams about this difficulty. Like I’ll save over 15 times or I’ll get to the very end and run out of time. I think that’s a sign I need to take a break from this game lol. Congratulations on getting S+, and to anyone else reading this I believe in you! Edit: I did it boys! S+ is mine!
@ProjctAce331 Жыл бұрын
or keep going. jump in the rabbit hole
@bossedup957 Жыл бұрын
If you're having bad dreams connected to this game.. you need a long break man
@dude8476 Жыл бұрын
@Ayman Haroun I think Leon saying “this is not good” when he grabs the hunter’s key in chapter 1 is burned into my memory. And im like “couldn’t have said it better myself” LOL
@dravrahamrosenzweig Жыл бұрын
I know what youre talking about, im now stuck on "GLORIA A LAS PLAGAS" in the wine cellar in castle where you have to kill the red robed illuminado to take his fuckin lamp, its impossible cause there's a lot of these fuckers who can bite off your head with one shot, its a pure nigthmare. The person who programmed this shit should be fired.
@joesavag Жыл бұрын
@@dude8476 did you ever finish it? They have dlc tickets now
@rcroller1972 Жыл бұрын
I did the Chicago sweeper route. The one where you bolt through the village as fast as possible, do every spinel mission and then buy the exclusive ticket at the castle.
@KingDragan Жыл бұрын
Yo...same thing. I mean a new game plus before it for a pro difficulty for an s or an a then boom sweeper all the way. Then hand cannon use the cat ears for the new save run and boom everything is unlocked.
@Crouton- Жыл бұрын
​@@KingDragani thought you couldn't use any bonus weapons for the cat ears?
@RomanSwak Жыл бұрын
@@Crouton- this is a common misconception. You can use anything you want for the Cat Ears, you just have to meet the time and save requirements, on a New Game. For the Handcannon, you cannot use any bonus weapons, but you can use any accessories you wish. The two are different in their own ways, but I'd say they're about equally as difficult.
@Crouton- Жыл бұрын
@@RomanSwak Ahh so it's still a little limiting because it cant be new game+. Thats still pretty cool. I think I still might just buy them when they come out cause they seem like kind of a pain to get.
@scruffy0395 Жыл бұрын
@@RomanSwak wait you can start a new game and use the cat ears for infinite ammo all the way and easily unlock the handcannon?
@CoffeeBorne Жыл бұрын
this makes my rage feel validated LMAO it's nice to know it wasn't only skill issue killing me the whole time in my pro run, sometimes though it absolutely was.
@Agent_A_Graham Жыл бұрын
Don't let toxic dumb gamers gaslight you into thinking it's "sKiLl IsSue". The only reason they claim that is because people are rightfully criticizing the programming of the game and they feel slighted that they spent so much time beating a badly programmed difficulty. Plus, they just love throwing the "you just suck" accusations at anyone because it just feels good to them to feel superior.
@Circurose Жыл бұрын
The ballroom is the most sadistic level. Novistadors can hit you through interaction and ladder climb, stun locking you to death.
@adamcfwan17 Жыл бұрын
I hate that part of the game so much. Either you rush and hope you don't run out of healing items or you try killing all Novistadors (or at least most of them) and hope you don't run out of ammo. Either way you will most likely be low on resources when you reach the double Garrador room, I wouldn't mind the Ballroom as much if the double fight wasn't right after it.
@PurpleM-wr8xz Жыл бұрын
If you angle your camera away from the novistadors and sprint past then they have like a 90% less chance of hitting you. I tested it and only got hit 2 times in the room and didn’t fire a single bullet. Just toss a flash bang before climbing the ladder and you’ll be good
@adamcfwan17 Жыл бұрын
@@PurpleM-wr8xz I know about that glitch, but when I played on Hardcore and Pro, it didn't work, so it was better for me to just shoot everything.
@PurpleM-wr8xz Жыл бұрын
@@adamcfwan17 huh for me it worked on pro. Maybe I got lucky but the only times I got hit was when I accidentally looked at one for a split second. I guess learning the spawns of the bugs and practicing it would be best for speed running
@Zenmaity_ Жыл бұрын
Just look straight up and run to the levers. You'll probably only get hit once or twice. Even on professional
@ncarmona64ify Жыл бұрын
Sometimes i think that the devs didn’t know if this challenge was possible or not, that they just kinda made it and assumed someone could probably do it
@spideysbiggestfan7953 Жыл бұрын
This game has an interesting way of messing with you. Sometimes, you’re doing amazing and flying through segments of the game with ease. Other times, you get your ass kicked and are stuck for 15-20 minutes on a part that should normally take 3.
@anthonyhawthorne3450 8 ай бұрын
Yes. I'm not a fan of dynamic difficulty/rng, it makes the game feel inconsistent. You'll notice some enemies become more bullet sponge at random
@ShikiRyougi05 Жыл бұрын
Actually crazy how hard this basic ingame difficulty is! Original re4 prof is an absolute joke compared to this
@somegeekguy Жыл бұрын
I played hardcore for my first gameplay experience. I figured since I played the original I owe this game the best I can. And boy oh boy was it hard. I completely forgot about professional mode, I decided on my 2nd gameplay to just go with hardcore again since I already got the hang of it plus it can make me a bit better, then I will go for professional mode once I get that infinite rocket launcher lmao
@walmartian422 Жыл бұрын
Idk I think Hardcore and Pro are basically the same besides the no autosaves. I noticed I was accumulating more ammo on pro than hardcore but the bosses seemed a little stronger on pro.
@HORROR-vt1gm Жыл бұрын
@@walmartian422 enemies on pro is faster,toughter and do more damage
@Tk_Z3ro Жыл бұрын
This game will literally take advantage of your animations. Rather it be trying to escape through a door or jumping from a ladder. They will punish you.
@selmathers5830 Жыл бұрын
@@walmartian422 honestly the biggest pain is being unable to block only perfect parry, made the garradors and the shovel/pitch-fork ganados a nightmare for me, but up until chapter 7 I got the infinite chicago sweeper which made the rest of the game a walk in the park lol.
@ArsisKytori Жыл бұрын
Also if you're going for S+ and you die, DO NOT HIT CONTINUE! IT WILL ADD THE TIME YOU HAD WHEN YOU DIED, AFTER YOU SAVED AT THE TYPEWRITER! Always exit to the main screen and manually load.
@coldstuff9784 Жыл бұрын
I was wondering about this, thanks for the tip!
@Dead_on_Arrival. Жыл бұрын
Just quit the game to menu and load there manually, if you load save on You are dead or by paise, it will also carry out the current time
@Tk_Z3ro Жыл бұрын
I got all the achievements, the shit was brutal. This game will literally punish you if you’re doing well. An yes if you break the line of view I swear they teleport. If you work up a strategy the game will completely switch on you. Sometimes you have to rely on RNG.
@DespinaValnir Жыл бұрын
Professional doesn't feel like a true difficult game mode. It's nothing but ARTIFICIAL difficulty, something that I absolutely hate. I JUST finished the playthrough to unlock the Chicago Typewriter and it's done so much mental pain and suffering to me. I'm now getting ready to unlock the cat ears for my "Road to Hand Cannon" series but my god I'm having to spend a good amount of time to mentally prepare for it. I don't know who programmed the Professional difficulty, but whoever did it needs to suffer an El Salvador attack.
@Mr_G87 Жыл бұрын
I only just beat it on professional without aiming for the S+ (handcannon challenge), but jesus was it soul draining. I agree that this difficulty isn't the kind of "challenging" difficulty, but "bullshit" difficulty. Apart from bullet sponge and ultra aggressive enemies, my personal gripe was the perfect parry only, meaning that you cannot really rely on your knife anymore, cuz when there's 15 dudes chasing you cannot focus enough to parry that one single enemy. Oh, and the cabin fight, oh the cabin fight, may that shit be sent straight to hell.
@93bendzsi Жыл бұрын
I wouldn't have a huge problem with it, but the fact that it sends you back to your last save point after your death is just pure evil. The Krauser fight crossed my mind the very first time as I read the conditions and I just know that would be the end of me for sure even if I would make it that far. Honestly just doesn't sound very fun to redo a whole bunch of stuff all over. Also a useful info I've noticed, whenever I enter the house in the village at the beginning of the game and going up the stairs the enemy sets up a ladder in front of the window, and whenever I don't look in that direction as I go up, a lad always appear there, but when I do look at the window, it mostly doesn't appear, I think the game is setting up enemies for you where you don't have your sight.
@TheTWEEK95 Жыл бұрын
It's been proven that the game does indeed teleport enemies out of sight and I think its complete shit that they made it that way.
@Agent_A_Graham Жыл бұрын
100%. I play smart and when I've seen I'm in the clear to run, an enemy comes unforeseen and grabs me. I could even see him spawn in right as he grabs me. That's why I think this difficulty was just plain lazy and it's not even skill-based. Not worth the run, imo. Not worth the stress.
@TheTWEEK95 Жыл бұрын
@@Agent_A_Graham best part is when one of them teleports and instantly dashes at you with a pitchfork.
@93bendzsi Жыл бұрын
@@Agent_A_Graham My ego didn't let me let it go, I actually did everything that the game has to offer, and honestly they were more frustrating than fun. I played the game casually afterwards and it's so much more fun that way.
@TheREALHugo4 Жыл бұрын
This game's difficulty might be on par with Re8 Village of Shadows difficulty (except village didn't required s-ranks for the story results)
@ShikiRyougi05 Жыл бұрын
Which is insane if you take into account that village of shadows is a MEME DIFFICULTY
@honkingthechickenaway5973 Жыл бұрын
RE8 actually wasnt thats hard because you could do NG+ and still get all the unlockable , RE4 is actually insane and ive never rushed so much trying to get all the achievements , its more toxic than RE2 4th survivor no damage run
@Reacher_2215 Жыл бұрын
At least with Village Of Shadows, I unlocked unlimited ammo for all my weapons already.
@Ricardo_Lucero Жыл бұрын
It is hard without using new game plus items. That’s probably why this is the same because basically without using any unlocked items, you have to save your ammo for every single boss. You mostly run from all the base enemies to make it through the bosses
@mrbobajango7482 Жыл бұрын
I think they should have kept all the fun stuff to be achieved in new game +. Maybe they could have just disqualified the use of infitite rocket launcher while getting the hand cannon, chicken hat and infinite ammo ears on their respective difficulties in ng+. Still would have been challenging to level up weapons in ng+ runs for casuals to be ready for hardcore +Professional without cheesing bosses etc 🤔
@thegameloverful Жыл бұрын
I feel your pain brother. I finished this challenge yesterday with 20 minutes to spare. Skipped the first garrador fight and the wrecking ball/sewer and I don't even feel bad about it cause at the end of the game I paid for my sins. At the start of chapter 13 I've started having my biggest ammo drought and it was a HUGE pain trying to rush through the enemies. Good luck to everyone who wants to do this PoS challenge 😅
@sirsonic1832 Жыл бұрын
Damn should have got the infinite ammo upgrade for the Chicago sweeper it will make your life a WHOLE lot easier
@thegameloverful Жыл бұрын
@@sirsonic1832 definitely would, prob is it's a special weapon right? you can't use it to get s+ I think
@lefterisk1513 Жыл бұрын
@@thegameloverful you get it from the storage from the.first typewriter.. and you upgrate it with the ticket to get the unlimited ammo. Its allowed because u get it from ur storare. Primal knife also. Until u reach the castle u would have the unlimited ammo on chicago
@sakshamsaraf. Жыл бұрын
You can use infinite ammo
@insertnamehere259 Жыл бұрын
Honestly I’m just gonna say f it to the bonus weapons and item’s because it’s way too hard for me right now so I might come back to it in a year or something lol
@shamusteakiawa Жыл бұрын
There's no way I could beat this on a fresh new game and get an S+ rank, lol. I think maybe if the merchant sold ammo, but I struggled with ammo on hardcore.
@Piewolf Жыл бұрын
My tips for those playing on Professional: - Ammunition is RNG based BUT you have higher odds of getting it when you are low. Don't worry about running out because as long as you kill an enemy or break a pot at low ammunition, you should get enough ammunition for the next encounter. - Flash Bangs and Grenades are useful for getting through some really tough rooms. You can use 2-3 Flashbangs in Water Hall before cranking the halo wheels in order to give yourself enough time to do so and run up the stairs. When you do, something cool happens. - Enemy Zones. Certain enemy groups won't pass certain points. When you pass these invisible lines, enemies will just turn around and go back to where they started. In the previously mentioned Water Hall, once you go up the big stairs to the water bridge area, all enemies below will just go back and leave you alone. Taking advantage of this is very helpful. - Go for Legshots, they're a little tougher to hit sometimes but knocking an enemy down on one knee usually means you don't have to worry about that enemy anymore if you're running past them. You can skip quite a few encounters just by running to the previously mentioned Enemy Zone barriers, and shooting a couple of enemies in the knee and running past is way more time and ammo efficient than killing every enemy you see. - Final tip, look up some skips on KZfaq. I'm not saying you NEED to do them for S+ but they definitely will help with most of them being legit ways to get through things (shooting the first cannon's weight on your way up to it, throwing a flashbang/grenade at the guy who pulls the bridge lever at the goat head, throwing a grenade through the castle walls gate to raise it from the inside, using combinations from other playthroughs like wheat pig baby or 11:04/7:00 on the clock doors). Most of them are as simple as knowing where things are before you approach them. Feel free to post more tips here for those who need help with their S+ Professional runs or just in general.
@blastmole299 Жыл бұрын
Get the exclusive upgrade for handcannon as early as possible so you can say goodbye to a large part of resource management except for health items and skipping parts
@gx-838 Жыл бұрын
I agree about the handcannon tip, it is really usefull when you have unlimited ammo but you need to gather all the treasures and resources you can by that time, because it cost 550k, i think you can have it after the house encounter with luis, not an easy encounter but handcannon is cheaper than chicago (chicago is 660k, don't remember exactly) If you reach the castle with 30 spinels, you can just buy an exclusive upgrade ticket (this tip can applies to any infinite weapon of your preference, handcannon or chicago) most people use chicago because it's more easy to unlocked it Note: in order to have 30 spinel in the beginning of the castle, you have to complete all the merchant tasks
@blastmole299 Жыл бұрын
@@gx-838 If you're going for the handcannon route, I recommend only finding treasures in the Village, you'll need it for early game gear like your rifle and shotgun. After you obtain the exclusive handcannon, you can ignore almost every single treasure except for dropped gemstones and very expensive items like the crown
@Aliasdings Жыл бұрын
Got my s+ two days ago on my second walkthrough. My time was 5:08 by 15 saves and my hands were shaking on the Jet Ski because i had to get chapter 14 and 15 without dying because all saves were already used. 💧💧💧💧 This thrill was amazing. I did it by the the chicago sweeper tactic, by doing sidequests to get spinels and i used a special golden egg for salazar. 🙂
@gx-838 Жыл бұрын
That was my ticket to s+ too, made it to the castle and bought the exclusive upgrade. After getting the cats ears i was ready to go for the handcannon with infinite ammo 😂
@Astr97 Жыл бұрын
Stun lock and no s was the biggest issue I had with playing hardcore
@bishopcollier5836 Жыл бұрын
I got stuck in a loop a couple times at the Castle Gate of Ashley getting hit by the catapults, me having to pick her up and then at the end of the animation, another one slams down right on top of me. It was a nightmare in hardcore. I haven't started on a fresh Professional save yet but damn, I'm gonna go nuts.
@ronthorn3 Жыл бұрын
You an shoot explosive barrels near each catapult before reaching the cannon.
@bishopcollier5836 Жыл бұрын
@@ronthorn3 I know that, I'm talking about just past the twisting steps around the base of the cannon tower. Just where Ashley says "They have Catapults?" or something of that nature. It hasn't happened in the last couple of playthroughs, I've been through all of it ten times so far. To my knowledge, you can't hit any of the barrels at the location, regardless, she does get a bit finicky when it comes to following closely at certain points.
@spartan456 Жыл бұрын
I have had far more difficulty dealing with default Ashley in all of my attempts at Professional than anything else. The reality is a majority of enemies are entirely possible to just sprint around. But that doesn't help much when you have to worry about Ashley getting captured or hurt. I've been going through on NG+ Professional to unlock all of the things needed to make an S+ attempt easier. So far, the two trickiest parts in the entire game have been due to not having Armored Ashley. The first is the Mendez encounter. You have to be EXTREMELY calculated in which enemies you shoot, when to shoot them, and also how to navigate yourself to make sure Ashley follows the path you need her to. It's a RIDICULOUSLY short section, but I had to redo this 10 or 11 times because she just kept getting captured. The only reason she didn't when I finally got through was because I decided to spam flash grenades. The second is during the parts in the castle. Let's just say the _entire_ castle is extremely time consuming if you do not have Armored Ashley. The bit with the catapults is frustrating because if you do not calculate EXACTLY when to move, she will get knocked down. And if you're too slow, she will die. It's somehow even worse even when you get to the cannon. And then it just sorta...gets worse from there. Especially the Water Room. I'm still working my way through the Castle. I can't imagine how frustrating the Island chapters will be. It throws so many enemies at you, and there's the turret walls that require you to take the long way around them.
@Nadelll Жыл бұрын
​@@spartan456 thx this info will be really useful
@tonymcneill7779 Жыл бұрын
I did as well at first. Then I rememberd I could snipe the barrel next to the first catapult and used one grenade each on catapults next to the gate. Made it easy.
@notasimpleworld6408 Жыл бұрын
My Pro S+ play through was intense. Saves 1: ch4 before El Gigante. 2: ch 5 before wolf fight. 3: ch 6 4: ch 8 5: ch 9 6: ch 10 7: ch 11 8: ch 12 9-14: ch 13 Half asleep and save 5 times in a row. Had to do ch 13-15 in one go spreedrun tactics engaged. 15: ch 16 before Sadler. Weapons: Starter pistol: fully upgraded asap. (One-Two shots most enemies with special upgrade) Riot Shotgun: all dmg upgraded. Broken Butterfly: all dmg upgraded. Stingray: all dmg upgraded Bought rocket launchers to instant kill Ramon, Krowser, Sadler. Bonuses: Ashely armor The tail for melee dmg. Primal knife Then I found out about the Chicago sweeper strat and did it again with that. Now doing a vanilla run with cat ears to get the hand cannon. RE4 remake is so fun. I can’t believe I’ve S+ every difficulty. Working on getting all challenges and hand canon now. Good luck everybody
@brahmantyoihsan5938 Жыл бұрын
You don't need RL for Salazar. Throwing a golden egg at him will reduce his health by 70% or so.
@notasimpleworld6408 Жыл бұрын
@@brahmantyoihsan5938 I was going as fast as possible, while half asleep. Just equipped the RL before the fight and fired as soon as I loaded in killed him in .7 sec
@brahmantyoihsan5938 Жыл бұрын
@@notasimpleworld6408 But then you'll waste 160k pesetas for a boss fight that can be completed in less than 30 seconds.
@notasimpleworld6408 Жыл бұрын
@@brahmantyoihsan5938 I had my guns almost maxed on dmg already and I like the lvl 1 reload animations. Had 573k ptas -160 was worth since I messed up and killed the servant just bc I dun like him. Used a lot of amo on him 🤣
@misterresagames Жыл бұрын
guys say there are 2 s ranks and s+ rank will not be given if you play using bonus weapons like infinite rpg or unbreakable knife is that true?.
@thesmugwhale9824 Жыл бұрын
Im considering running it and I found your video in my research for planning it out. Your insights are valuable! Nice vid!
@bbcraz1226 Жыл бұрын
Dude you're a beast. Just watching you play I learned so much. Just wish I had more time off to play this game but life's been super busy lately.
@mrbobajango7482 Жыл бұрын
Fair play to those who have completed hardcore + Professional but I found those difficulties rather tedious and unbalanced. I usually enjoy challenging myself in 3rd person shooters but something just felt off and slighted scripted about hardcore + Pro
@catmaxxing Жыл бұрын
these hard difficulties are destroying my already horrible mental health but this game is also the only thing keeping me sane
@BigBoss-rw4mn Жыл бұрын
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 best comment I v read years. This is exactly how I have been feeling lately about playing games on hardest difficulty. I need to play on hardest difficulty on stay sane but as well the difficulty contributes to my mentality going down.
@joshuameadows4922 Жыл бұрын
@@BigBoss-rw4mn It doesn't help that so many newer games just feel so easy, even on the hardest difficulty. Luckily Souls games, DmC, Kingdom hearts, and Resident Evil still know how to keep it challenging
@TheREALHugo4 Жыл бұрын
​@@joshuameadows4922 And The Last of Us Remastered.
@sepulcher8263 Жыл бұрын
@@joshuameadows4922 Just got through DMC1 on DMD. My god. The agony.
@Agent_A_Graham Жыл бұрын
​@@joshuameadows4922 I'd argue most games don't know how to keep things challenging, even RE. Professional is more masochism than achievement. Like going 1 v 10 against dudes in body armor, and being proud that you were only put in a coma instead of straight up dying.
@matttheradartechnician Жыл бұрын
Man that bug room in the castle cost me a flawless run the other day. You literally cannot look away from them or they do that dash attack. Loving the game but damn it can be so unfair sometimes.
@umbreonhidden1174 Жыл бұрын
Thanks I needed this 🤝🏼
@TheHorrorExperiment Жыл бұрын
This explains why there's barely any S+ walkthroughs for this difficulty, everyone's strategy is just run past everything and hope for the best.
@SupremeVictory420 5 ай бұрын
Just rely on exploits.
@Chrima1908 Жыл бұрын
Enemies are wombo-comboing me like hell in this game. I‘s insane lol
@Dymrios Жыл бұрын
Man you sound so sincere and happy, it was fun watching your vid. Keep it up
@slipknotfan13 Жыл бұрын
I had to give up on chapter 15 on professional because mike wouldn’t kill any of the enemies and I ran out of ammo. I’m frugal with my ammo and I lost my mind so many times on a few parts. I’m doing it with the Chicago sweeper route soon. Good luck to the rest of you doing this
@coldstuff9784 Жыл бұрын
Mike bailed on me too like wth
@deadrock1678 Жыл бұрын
Pretty sure in the original with Pro you didn't get help from Mike, barely.
@Rex200024 Жыл бұрын
Got mine a few days ago. I feel your pain man, can’t tell you how many times I got stun locked and died.
@jimjones8552 Жыл бұрын
The no autosave is killing me rn. Not sure why I'm doing this to myself anymore lol
@bigbeef8190 Жыл бұрын
Totally agree those bugs can burn in the deepest part of hell.
@Jago-pl7op Жыл бұрын
This is also an issue I don't like in Devil May Cry 4 and 5, specifically Bloody Palace. The encounters in Bloody Palace can really feel hard and overwhelming in the higher levels, which is fine, but the thing I don't like is that there is a timer which essentially forces you to rush through levels.
@somebody7889 Жыл бұрын
The timer in bloody palace isn’t that bad, you can beat it with more than an hour to spare, just need to practice the patterns lf the enemies and learn how to combo properly without getting exposed to attacks.
@elivcdxv1852 Жыл бұрын
What character are you playing as? That's the most important part, If you're Nero, there is never not a reason to be holding charge shot and expending it the moment you get it, for Dante, things get more complex depending on how good you are at cycling through his stuff, but if you have DT and you know what floors are actually hard, either use it before you reach them or use it to close those earlier gaps faster. Trish is an odd case since I'm not super familiar, Lady will shred most things, I think the hardest part of running through BP is either staying invested (Music from outside the game helps, I love The Time has Come, but not when I hear it start up 95 times) and not getting overwhelmed with some of the bosses, Berial isn't anything fancy, but most of my slip ups are from running into him during the dumbest attacks while being overly aggressive, Echidna and Bael (Or was it Dagon, I can't remember the ol' froggy boy) are pretty much jokes once you get them down that have lots of opening time, but Credo and Agnus have their own attacks (Agnus especially IMO) that can just ruin a run, if you're playing Nero during a boss fight, always save DT for if you need to break out of an attack like a grab, makes managing certain enemies that are covered in electricity much easier. There's a super wack floor around 70 or 80, or possibly 90 that just keeps spawning in Angelos, charge shot with Nero is your best friend, Pandora and Dante go together super well if you get those rotations down and you have the chance, otherwise a Stinger through a crowd does amazing things. Vergil you can just kind of wreck house with in either, no reason to not be launching summon swords at all points of attacking. If you have to remap your controls for 4, definitely put the shoot button for anyone that isn't Lady on the trigger button of your choice, and potentially the same for 5 if you're Nero; Dunno if you've actually beat them at this point, but it's stuff that really helped me the first times I had to go through them.
@Vergil_Sparda69 Жыл бұрын
You can just combo the shit out of almost every encounter unless you're playing as V
@TheREALHugo4 Жыл бұрын
Speaking of it, I feel like this difficulty could be so close to be as hard as Dante Must Die Difficulty.
@somebody7889 Жыл бұрын
@@Vergil_Sparda69 you can docit with V also but need and amazong timing
@Brolly5 Жыл бұрын
"Maybe Leon can hurt her feelings" Wtf, that was hilarious 😂
@toriandal Жыл бұрын
good vid, hardest part for me was mostly the part where you have to fight off the mob in that house with Luis. I was stuck in that part for 2 hours..
@roofkorean6948 Жыл бұрын
My first playthrough was on hardcore and I finally beat it doing all the side quests and everything. It was really hard and there were tons of BS moments. I can't even imagine pro mode. It was very rewarding sure, but even on hardcore I was having moments were I would get hit as soon as I opened a door just like how you showed. I'm now going through on assisted to make money for the infinite launcher to prepare for a pro run. It'll be new game plus so I'm not worried, but I'm getting the impression that new game on pro is probably not even fun though. You can't even get consistent staggers for kicks on the higher difficulties, it's totally random. One enemy stuns in 2 headshots, some 3 or 4, or they'll just be a bullet sponge until they die. I don't like that about this game. Knee shot staggers suck too. There should be a little bit more consistency to it imo. That's really my only gripe about the combat is inconsistent staggers.
@PoopaPapaPalpatine Жыл бұрын
I'm playing on Hardcore (restarted a 2nd game fresh) and I'm having hard time having fun because of these half-baked/inconsistent qualities of the remake. It soft locks a number of times by having random item drops in levels where you absolutely need ammo to get by (Water room, Ramon, etc) and it gives nothing. If the best strat of this game for surviving is running and not the other defensive mechanics then it's no wonder I'm finding my experience a tedious one. I'm not really engaged if the game isn't rewarding me for playing it, and the alternative is holding forward until I reach the door on the other side of the room or until a timer runs up. I honestly feel like I'm playing another game from all these 10 and 9 star reviews.
@mrbobajango7482 Жыл бұрын
The game handles the difficulty terribly imo. Bullet sponges, RNG, teleport movement /attacks that don't really test the player but frustrate which is artifical difficulty. Standard already has slightly spongy enimies while assisted is fun but to easy lol. Lesser ammo /more enimies /mini bosses maybe keep in taking more damage and expensive heals with similar gameplay to standard would have kept the game consistent so you feel like you are fighting the same enimies only needing to be more accurate + creative in approaching situations.
@slayking2378 Жыл бұрын
Skill issue I’ll admit professional is very hard in certain areas cause landing perfect parry’s consistently isn’t easy but I’d say that’s the hardest part of the mode the other difficulty gives you tons of time to parry blockable attacks. The teleporting isn’t a thing some enemies jump from areas above to reach and unarmed enemies wil run to catch up and automatically start the long range grand animation during the run.
@mrbobajango7482 Жыл бұрын
@@slayking2378 Skill issue has become the new toxic try hard buzzword lol. I'll admit these modes are punishing and require a mix of good aim, understanding of mechanics, persistence and level knowledge but sometimes it's a game issue too in this R4 remake and I'm glad this creator made a video on it, it's not like he failed and is complaining, he persisted got the s+ rank but didn't enjoy it. Bloodborne and Elden ring (I'm bad at those also 😂) but I found them easier than R4 pro mode at least you get proper s in those 👍
@FreeFishNipples Жыл бұрын
Pro run was easier for me since first run was hard core so I knew the routes and skips. What is a huge difference is that half the enemies will evolve with plagas which was insanely annoying if you don't have the indestructible knife.
@definetlynotviny Жыл бұрын
I struggled with Chapter 15, Hardcore. I cant imagine how hard it'll be to get the Professional mode completed lmao
@cyberd7648 Жыл бұрын
A full s+ guide I saw said hardcore and pro are almost the same
@leonsmith3030 Жыл бұрын
Not only do they teleport behind you, the villager that grabs Leon also have magnet stuck to their hand. They literally suck Leon in with their grabs. It is tough to just run through them like the original.
@oliverpease6719 Жыл бұрын
What I really hate is how the trick of crouching to avoid grabs worked pretty decently in standard and hardcore to a degree but in pro their just too fast!
@Retro-ef2ek Жыл бұрын
I wish it was like the old version where you just had to beat it without all the conditions.
@melissadavis453 Жыл бұрын
@UghHimAgain Жыл бұрын
I'm not even gonna lie, I was going for a Hardcore S+ Run and made the mistake of not saving and got stuck in the Cabin Defense For Legitimately 4 hours. I'm not joking, I was really dying over and over for four hours straight because I kept managing to make to the last phase with nothing but a pistol and shotgun, but kept getting 1 tapped by the pig face guy since if you're not looking, he'll sprint towards you and cave your head like he was willing thors hammer. Never have I actually raged in a game before (I'm one of those quiet ragers lol) and was stubborn to take a break and call it a day 😅😂. I manged to beat it after what felt like 86 tries of trial and error. I know proffessional will have me quit gaming in general for a while but here's to succeeding lol
@sombra_rex1212 Жыл бұрын
As a kid much like a lot of the people who loves re4 I played it so much hard-core was fun and challenging but professional just seems unfair. all around rng, enemies hitting through the 1.5 second animations Leon has to do for certain actions. Enemies hits stacking so you get instant killed when you get hit by 3 people at once. I'll keep trying but I don't feel the joy I felt when I played this game as a kid lol
@mickyblack4620 Жыл бұрын
As someone who did their first playthrough on hard-core I had the exact same issues minus the save one. It was just crazy how horrible the 15th chapter was. Ramon was also such a wall that I just had to sell my fully maxed TMP and buy an rpg 😂
@knocksuecow2196 Жыл бұрын
I recommend following Neon Slice's guide to getting the infinite Chicago sweeper for S+. It helped me tremendously in getting it
@hideyasumusha7211 Жыл бұрын
People you're doing this the hard way, the answer ? Is in this mini guide IMPORTANT BEFORE YOU READ THERE ARE SPOILERS. -If you die, go back to the main menu and load your save, DO NOT PRESS CONTINUE OR LOAD GAME FROM THE DEAD SCREEN bc if an area takes you 20 mins then it's gonna be another 20 mins (40 to your final time) 1. Complete the game in any other difficulty first. 2. Second do an NG+ on proffesional. 3. Try to finish it with A rank. 4. Unlock the armor and specially the Chicago sweeper and maybe the gas mask or something else and equip it. 5. Start your professional new game. 6. Avoid all fights that you can, just run (the town and the one in second mission to get the crank medallion are examples). 7. do all the merchant request from the town EXCEPT the one from the mutant dog it's impossible also DO NOT SPEND A SINGLE SPINEL. 8. Try to save as much money as you can, upgrade the damage in the pistol and specially the shotgun but try to save some. 9. The first part (town) will be hell so save as much as you want, i recommend a max of 5 saves even 6 if you don't feel like you're skilled enough. 10. Get to the castle and do the first merchant request (the medallions). 11. Use the spinels to get the exclusive upgrade on the Chicago Sweeper, the rest of the game was fairly easy from that point. 12. Upgrade it's damage and you're good to go Notes and recomendations: - Try to avoid as much fights as you can in order to save ammo for the house, the chainsaw sisters and Mendez. - ONLY upgrade the chicago Sweeper's damage, the other stats max out when you use the exclusive upgrade. - I saved 5 times, 1 after the first town, 2 before del Lago, 3 before the giant, 4 by the sisters, 5 just before Mendez, after that i was a bit behind at saves so i did sometjing risky: The 3 statue pieces, the Ashley section (easy with the armor), the 2 garradors, the Verdugo, the mine carts and the tower without saving until i got to Salazar. - pickup every treasure that you can on the way, do it as fast as you could tho. - run through some parts like the town, second mission area, the maze and the initial, second and also the mission 15 part where there are tons of enemies of the island - use barrels, enemies with explosives and also every mob that do friendly damage - my saves where 15 and they were: Mission 1: after finishing the mission Mission 2: right next to the merchant Mission 3: by the merchant before you collect the gas can for the boat Mission 4: by the merchant after collecting the church insignia (key) Mission 5: by the merchant on the windmill just before the house survival part Mission 6: just before Mendez boss fight Mission 7: by the merchant in the place when you meet Salazar (also this is where i got the infinite Chicago Sweeper) Mission 8: at the end of the chapter Mission 9: by the 3 headed statue where the mercant is (after collecting the 3 heads, before the Ashley section) Mission 10: no save Mission 11: no save Mission 12: by the top of clock tower next to the merchant just before the Salazar boss fight. Mission 13: at the start of the chapter Mission 14: just before Krauser boss fight Mission 15: at the beginning where the merchant is Mission 16: before the Saddler boss fight and also after killing Saddler when the counter starts (died more bc of the stupid jet-ski) - I finished the game collecting roughly half of the treasures and skipping fights, it took me 4:46:31 and as you saw above 15 saves -the hardest parts for me where the town (mission 1), the house survival, the chainsaw sisters, mendez, dual garrador, the area before you take back Ashley (mission 15) and also 6 tries on the jet-ski (if you crash is instant death). Tips for bosses and areas: - in the town just run in circles when dr salvador (chainsaw guy) appears. -the sisters are easy if you bring them to the entrance of the area they de-aggro and start running back - Mendez, first phase keep on the second floor and try to shoot the eye in the back, also the stabs from the second floor do way more damage, second half save up flashbangs, otherwise when he throws flaming plancks run from side to side until he is dead - the first garrador if you already have the infinite Chicago just kill him otherwise if you don't, use the upgraded shotgun on his back, 4 to 6 shots and he's dead - The dual garradors ass cancer fight, kill all the guys surrounding them or try to kill one first, if they are line up you can block the path by shooting one of them so the other gets stunned when the one you shot start's doing random direction attacks - Verdugo, freeze him once and (by this time you must have the infinite Chicago) start shooting non-stop, open the gate when he flees, dodge his surprise attacks 2 to 3 times and freeze him a second time, after that keep your distance in the alley and shoot him until he dies, you will stunt-lock him and in case he doesn't stunt-locks, run in the opossite direcction and keep shooting him, that's how i killed him - Krauser, similary to the Verdugo, stunt-lock him with the infinite Chicago - by the time you reach Saddler, buy a rocket launcher (if you can't, sell every gun and healing item except the chicago Sweeper) and after you shot him once it goes to second phase, use the Chicago non-stop until ada tosses the special Rocket launcher and you're done -the Jet-ski, if you have 14 saves or more, save after killing saddler so you don't have to repeat the fight, otherwise just slow down by the time you reach the doors and the rest do it non stop (the doors at the beggining are the most difficult for me) And that people is how i made it S+ Rank on Professional.
@willspark3242 Жыл бұрын
Usually try and do everything in the first playthrough so if you do it on New game plus, you are pretty loaded and got a good understanding of the game, it makes it much easier. I did a new game plus Professional and a regular New game Professional. Whenever I do my regular professional run, I speed run it. You also have to know methods to take advantage of. Like saving the RPG for boss battles, shortcuts, what guns to get for certain situations etc... A lot these things help. About time you finish your first playthrough on Hardcore or Standard doing everything, a lot content is discovered by ppl that help aids runs.
@arguekayes Жыл бұрын
I finished standard run at 30 hrs doing every possible trophy i can, finding every treasure plus the dlc treasures and every challenge. Thought the standard difficulty was okay wasnt hard really. But I’m doing my professional run and omg it’s fucking hard, more annoying than anything but the teleporting enemies is something i really noticed in higher difficulties. I’ll take a wide walk around enemies and by the time they’re outside the frame of the camera they teleport grabbing me from a decent gap between me and them. And Ashley is extremely aggravating, she just doesn’t want to listen i tell her to stay close and she just stops and doesn’t follow or does a 180 and runs right into a group of enemies just completely ruining the whole run.
@user-ug1dh1zy4v Жыл бұрын
After playing lower difficulties w/ Ashley and watching full S+ walkthru upload, I just knew I had to acquire that armor-Ashley outfit from hardcore (took me 5 hours and 20 min), first.
@Qballiz2kool Жыл бұрын
Yea, doing a run through on Hardcore (I got a b rank so all that frustration that run caused me was a complete waste of time.) and Ashley’s A.I is just infuriating to deal with, she was half of my deaths most of the time because I’d have a second to react to her getting grabbed or it’s game over, or I’d accidentally knife her when I wanted to do the animation for stabbing the enemy to free her, it makes me realize just HOW MUCH EASIER she was to manage in the original, in the original it felt like if Ashley got caught or died in some way it was my fault, in the remake it feels like random bs.
@user-ug1dh1zy4v Жыл бұрын
@@Qballiz2kool It really is shit when baby beagle pops up in front of me right when I'm lining up distant shots. Original re4 she kept behind. I'm gonna infinite launcher her so much, in that fkn armor
@zachbullar7685 Жыл бұрын
If you watch soeedrunners a decent counter for the teleporting enemies and to keep Ashley on your back is to turn your camera and watch your back while you run to the estimation, she sticks like glue and enemy AI makes them slower/walk. Used this on my S+ got it in 4hrs 30
@zachbullar7685 Жыл бұрын
@KristjanThomasHaaristo Жыл бұрын
As much as it felt great to overcome this S+ it is one of the worst balancing I've ever had to deal with, bullet sponge enemies, grabs with one shot combos and stunlocks on every random fucking thing, in OG RE4 you wouldn't get stunlocked and you'd be stunlocking enemies, here it's the opposite
@OnionRingsGaming Жыл бұрын
Its brutal, it really is. I only did it because I had the sweeper and you can get the ticket to gets its infinite ammo upgrade by the start of the castle, but the village my god the village. Great job if you did it without the sweeper, I can't imagine.
@gesp2742 Жыл бұрын
Village : " I will Those you arround like a ball. " Castel and Island " P-Please Don' Hurr' Me.!!!!! "
@biomechanikaxx4722 Жыл бұрын
The biggest issue with rank s+ is the save restriction. I love hard challanges, but this is what keeps me away from even try to beat it.
@DirtBagGaming Жыл бұрын
I'll definitely be going the work smart not hard route on this difficulty and using the sweeper and Ashley armor like others suggested. I don't mind challenge but when I see these enemies look like they just opened up a speed shoes monitor, it's like okay infinite ammo sounds a bit more fair play lmo xD.
@mwjgcreeves4984 Жыл бұрын
Glaring *problems with balancing* that mostly become obvious on harder difficulties: - Enemies movement suffers from extreme rubberbanding. Easiest to notice on the earlier village levels when very far away from enemies that have detected you like when getting gas before Del Lago's fight. They will move like the flash in a very comical way. - Grabs are poorly executed. Sometimes crouching will work for 90% of the animation and you'll get clipped at the end of the lunge anyway. Grabs also have this magnetic property when they're about to connect that seems to skip the last few frames of the animation and teleport the enemy to you; most evident with the Colmillos' lunge (zombie dogs). - Controller aiming is not responsive enough to deal with certain enemies' movement like the Regeneradors' weakpoints which have an annoyingly strict hitbox on top of moving so fast. It may be a hitbox problem or just part of the awful overall RNG bullet spread weapons have. On PC with a mouse things are far more fair (especially shooting ranges) but the bullet spread still randomly sways your shots around. - Similar to rubberbanding, enemies' throw animations (molotovs, dynamite, hatchets etc) are cheaply "hooked" to the player regardless of how little physical sense it makes. There are numerous instances of enemies doing 180-no-scopes Hitman style and magentizing the weapon to Leon's head anyway. Overall, these issues are all fairly easy to patch so nothing huge is wrong with the game fundamentally. Just need to be voiced so the devs get the memo.
@DeadFTP Жыл бұрын
I've had a ganado throw an axe at me whilst his back was turned.
@DubstepGJ Жыл бұрын
im sure the devs will check this video, look at your comment and implement all these changes! thank you bro!
@contraband1543 Жыл бұрын
@@DubstepGJ 💀😂😂😂
@basedneet_n3w0rd3r Жыл бұрын
Fantastic comment, thx for getting me prepped lol You should write to capcom - through the support email. We can't count on them being aware of everything. I also wrote to them regarding the points of no return that make no sense (being locked out of the abandonded factory after chapter 2, merchant telling you AFTER you can't go back to the castle anymore and ashley losing the keys for the chests)
@orificebungus7716 Жыл бұрын
Water Room in the Castle is definitely a layer of hell on Pro in this game. Took me two days and countless deaths, both mine and Ashley’s lmao
@Zinodin Жыл бұрын
I played Hard Core on my first playthrough. At the end of chapter 15, I was sick and tired and emotionally dead insight, but my reflexes were on point lol But the cutscenes meant nothing to me anymore, which, was unfortunate. Should've started this game on normal difficulty probably. But the game says: "If you played the original then you should play hardcore." Yeah, I beat it on the hardest difficulty in 2008, but that was fifteen years ago! I knew knowing the meta around the game would be really helpful on my first play-through, but still went with hardcore. Agh! ... I love and hit this game.
@D0ng1 Жыл бұрын
Glad I’m not the only one suffering. I’ve played the OG game more times than I can count. Did a playthough of the remake on standard, it was noticeably harder. Currently on my first Professional run… Chapter 13, 74 saves, and I’m at 17 and a half hours 😂 I’ve been beyond frustrated with certain sections and have had the hair pulling moments of rage when I died upon forgetting to save at a certain moment. Just about to start my first encounter with the Regenerators as of typing this 😬
@D0ng1 Жыл бұрын
Btw I want it to be known that despite the increased difficulty, I very much love the remake and think it’s one of the best games I’ve played in a long time and I genuinely love it about as much as the OG game
@bakerfftoo2912 Жыл бұрын
I did it few days ago but good god I never went tryhard mode since my dark soul 3 level 1 run it was crazy but it felt so good doing it I'm glad it was this hard its difficult but it's not impossible
@andyfranks1575 Жыл бұрын
"Ashley is an independent woman. She doesn't need Leon to help her." (*cut to Ashley in armor getting carried off*) LOL!
@noquarter28 Жыл бұрын
This is absolutely absurd and uncalled for how hard this game is, RE4 is one of my favorite games of all time! I have a platinum trophy for every souls game, and had a blast doing it, how ever I’m at the right hand on hard core and at no point yet have I had any fun!
@RRxRedCoats Жыл бұрын
I just finished my run a couple of days ago. And omg was it was a fucking rage fest. Certain rooms are straight up bullshit. I finished the game in 5:15. I was so relieved. 😂😂. Good luck to everyone else who tries it. 💯
@notasimpleworld6408 Жыл бұрын
No way 😂 my S+ Pro run was 5:15 as well
@RRxRedCoats Жыл бұрын
@@notasimpleworld6408 bro I was running my ass off on that last chapter. 😂😂😂
@kianwinder805 Жыл бұрын
Just finished my run tonight. Did it 4:41
@kash_1085 Жыл бұрын
I finished my run in 3:45 and it took literally everything from me.
@violau8550 Жыл бұрын
me too. 5:15, lol!
@UncommonSensed Жыл бұрын
I completely agree with you. On everything. That run was a pain in the ass for so many reasons. Just did one today and ran it in 4 and a half hours. You eventually get used to it!
@oddlyspecific1060 Жыл бұрын
Enemies not staggering if they are scripted by the game to deal damage to you, projectiles magnetizing towards Leon (this is what makes dynamite valley an absolute MESS on professional), or enemies randomly becoming invincible for no other reason than to just create an artificial way to waste your resources. The game is definitely fun, but Capcom really needs to chill with the gimmicky mechanics they use to generate difficulty.
@ohsurepal Жыл бұрын
I made the mistake of doing this without the chicken hat, but I did have Ashley's armor, and got the unlimited ammo sweeper through spinels and an exclusive ticket right when it became available in chapter 7. Getting to chapter 7 was hell though. Specifically the savage mutt and the Villa with Luis. Ugh! It took 3 days for the whole run, and my playtime was 4:48. Nice work man!
@DaveysRoom Жыл бұрын
Nice commentary man and congrats! I gave up at chapter 7 as I found saving Ashley too difficult and I also had limited Ammo.
@Laocoon283 Жыл бұрын
Chp 7 is a nightmare from getting stunlocked to death by canon balls while picking up ashley to the knife prompt for the garrador not showing up to the water room. Complete mess.
@DaveysRoom Жыл бұрын
@@Laocoon283 I managed to get to the invisible bridge in the water room.
@Laocoon283 Жыл бұрын
@@DaveysRoom what's that?
@DaveysRoom Жыл бұрын
@@Laocoon283 I’m pretty sure it’s chapter 7 once you’re in the castle. Ashley has to turn the cranks on the raised walk way/bridge and you have to protect her.
@Laocoon283 Жыл бұрын
@@DaveysRoom oh nvm I misunderstood. You know that's the very end of the chapter right? You basically had it beat at that point.
@datriaxsondor590 Жыл бұрын
This is easily the worst "controlling" RE game I've ever played. It feels like Leon is lugging around a f**king piano on his back, with the amount of time and will it takes to change direction. Did they put momentum over 9000 or what? The acceleration on the aiming, is absolutely, hysterically comical. I had to spend about 5 minutes just tweaking the god awful controls, to merely find the patience to play this thing. Even then, it was a struggle at times. Professional mode, I did finish it for the hand cannon, but that's as far as I'm willing to go. This game is bad in so many ways, and good in so many others. The bad, outweigh the good for me though. F--k this game.
@whambulance8607 21 күн бұрын
Trash game, possibly the worst Resident Evil that is not a spin-off.
@chrisriley1714 Жыл бұрын
THANK GOD for an actually difficult game, and a reason to complete said difficulty. Imagine not having Ashley's armor or accessories and bonus weapons.
@Yepsuredid Жыл бұрын
Followed Neon Slice’s guide with the Infinite Chicago. Still so difficult and wanted to quit so many times. 😂
@natejoe9924 Жыл бұрын
Dude you're making your life harder for no reason at all this is why it's good to look up information before you do these kinds of runs
@simple3d326 Жыл бұрын
the key to this is to never stay still. pick up as much as you can, don't skip on picking up things you know you can grab and should grab. also use contextual actions as much as you can to avoid being hit. ladders, melee, pushing carts etc. these make you briefly invincible and can help you. you need to beat 7 chapters per hour so you have enough time. don't try to rush too fast or else you will end up skipping over amma and health that is vital. save only when you are not confident that you can beat a boss or an enemy. and for god sake take breaks if not for your eyes then for your mental sanity.
@XvlerLorenzo Жыл бұрын
I can't explain how many times I had to quit my pro run to avoid throwing my controller. That cabin fight was a hellscape
@kianarthur2811 Жыл бұрын
@@XvlerLorenzo I literally just beat the Cabin on pro and it was one of the worst things I’ve ever done
@XvlerLorenzo Жыл бұрын
@@kianarthur2811 I have grown an intense hatred for the grab attacks & any shovel or torch wielding enemy. Those things pissed me off more than anything that time. But then the whole entering the castle sequence in Ch. 7's beginning came in like "Allow Me To Introduce Myself" & made me ragequit
@kianarthur2811 Жыл бұрын
@@XvlerLorenzo the torch guys are BS sometimes honestly. Quite a few deaths were because one knocked into me and staggered me and then begins the grab fest as soon as you stop moving because of it🤦‍♂️. I’m like 6 spinels short of the upgrade ticket so I’m gonna have to do the blue medallions at the castle gate which is going to be rough if I even manage to make it 🤣.
@XvlerLorenzo Жыл бұрын
@@kianarthur2811 lets if you can get past without ragequiting like me.
@JoCoHo Жыл бұрын
I got the platinum trophy over the weekend and the Professional mode was definitely the most brutal part
@goattea9080 Жыл бұрын
I totally agree about chapter 15 and the bugs in this game. I absolutely can’t stand the bugs. I didn’t think they were this difficult in the OG RE4. This is rough, I just want the Chicago Sweeper and hand cannon already :(
@zeroskaterz92 Жыл бұрын
The bugs in the remake aren't even difficult. I don't know why people have problem with them. A couple of shots stuns/staggered them so you can stab or kick them depends on their position. It's roughly only took 3-4 handgun shots to kill them. They easily staggered with knife too.
@maau5trap273 Жыл бұрын
​@@zeroskaterz92 theyre not tough to kill but extremely overwhelming in high numbers and sometiems they grab you and when you shake them offyou get instantly hit before you can react, or like shown on this video when the guy pulled the lever the novistador literally smacked him after the animation ended, thats impossible to react to
@Gray_Ivy Жыл бұрын
Currently on my first hardcore run and I'm about to reach the ballroom 💀 It was already hell on standard.
@reapus1792 Жыл бұрын
Skill issue tbh
@thepowerofIandI 11 ай бұрын
@@reapus1792Nah it’s honestly bull fucking shit
@SpadeDraco Жыл бұрын
It actually makes me pretty sad that professional is such a meme. It was my favorite difficulty to play on the original because while it was difficult, it was extremely fair and rewarded you for mastering the game mechanics. The remake just has so much RNG and artificial difficulty in comparison. Bullet sponge enemies, unreliable stuns, weird bullet spread mechanics on top of the crosshair shake. The fact that S+ requires a speedrun is also frustrating since, like the first one, you're still generally encouraged to play methodically and explore around hoovering up resources and treasure.
@omensoffate Жыл бұрын
How is it a meme?
@J_A_P_E Жыл бұрын
Professional in the original is an absolute joke.. enemies in remake are more aggro on normal lmao I'm glad Capcom gave us two hard modes
@Ticonderous1 Жыл бұрын
Me going for S+ is the definition of insanity ... Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result ....Maybe one day
@zhairewelch8291 Жыл бұрын
Even that lake monster is difficult asf, you can instantly see how much more aggressive that damn thing is.
@roboorc1234 Жыл бұрын
I got to say I REALLY hate they force you to do hit and run tactics when you are at high difficulty trying to get s+ I got my S+ hardcore in re2 remake by cutting every zombie's leg and make sure they dont get up, my brain just can't handle dodging everything while running all the time edit: just done it with chicken hat and typewriter and only 11 saves, still I wish it could be lesser hit and run
@Klausinator451 Жыл бұрын
I just wish they'd make a ranking system that wasn't so time focused. Overall accuracy, deflects, piercing shots) kills (make it so that a fast kill is worth a bit more than simply running past them, but not so that you have incentive to murder everything) Even items saved would be cool. Like every bullet in your inventory adds up to your score or maybe even pesetas saved. Just not JUST time.
@maau5trap273 Жыл бұрын
@@Klausinator451 I rather it being timed because at least if you follow a certain strat you can get it, but this game on console is kinda hard to aim because enemies move too fast.
@PeripheralVisionary Жыл бұрын
The biggest issue for me was the lack of Resource (S) drops, which is especially noticeable given how common Resource (L) is in the latter half of the game. Like holy shit, why is handgun ammo harder to craft versus rifle ammo?
@Klausinator451 Жыл бұрын
Maybe the drop rate is based on how much ammo you actually have. I know there's a large resource charm, but I almost always had full handgun and a bunch of shotgun ammo, but no machine gun and rifle, so the game mightve been doing adaptive difficulty shenanigans for me.
@ezzahhh Жыл бұрын
Ah I get now why Capcom are charging for premium weapon unlock tickets 😂
@highwaytoheaven99 Жыл бұрын
The only place I trully lost my mind in pro was the cabin. I swear man, I spent almost 3 hours on that place. Then a ganado killed me just as the Ashley cutscene started, when the death animation ended I was still up, bugged inside the cabin and couldn't leave, until it faded to the end chapter screen. I literally only passed the cabin because of a bug. Other than that, professional difficulty was pretty manageble, at least ng with no bonus weapon run. I'll try S+ later, but with armor Ashley, Chicago and Primal knife. I already know doing pro S+ without bonus weapons is cancer, I don't need that stress in my life, thank you very much.
@Yunggiuseppe3 Жыл бұрын
I recommend unlocking infinite Chicago by doing merchant challenges for the exclusive upgrade you’ll have it by chapter 7 and you will still get the s plus it will probably make your overall run time faster
@mariorusinek5037 Жыл бұрын
For me I Hope there is a even Harder Mode as dlc ☝️
@StabYourBrain Жыл бұрын
There is a Mod on Nexus that makes you die in one hit from every enemy including bear traps i think. Maybe you should give that a shot lmao
@mariorusinek5037 Жыл бұрын
@@StabYourBrain 😄 Im playing on playstation. I can try to beat the Game without leveling the weapons, thats what I did in og Re4. 😁
@mariorusinek5037 Жыл бұрын
The Other thing I could do is Not using yellow Herbs ☝️😉
@burythelight5104 Жыл бұрын
I did it, agrees with you for everything. The things that annoyed me the most (personnaly) were the parts where you had to avoid damaging your vehicle: Boat fight/cart with Louis/Jet ski at the end. Especialy the cart part, I hated the R9 without cross, lol.
@misirave Жыл бұрын
I just finished the S+ professional run, but I must admit that if I didn't knew that it could be completed with extra weapons, I would had avoid it, still, you need to upgrade the Chicago to max for cheese run, so you still need to hang on the first 6 chapters, doing all the merchant request to obtain the upgrade ticket as soon as you get into chapter 7 to get infinite Chicago upgrade, but damn, the town section at the beginning and the section to obtain the eagle hexagon were a god damn pain in the ass, cant imagine the frustration on chapter 15 if I still got some damage at that chapter having the Chicago paired with the sniper. (4:11 hours run with the Chicago strat)
@melissadavis453 Жыл бұрын
If you want to unlock the hand cannon you have to start a new play through on professional and you can't use any unlockable weapons.
@NeoDMC Жыл бұрын
It should be noted that Professional S+ is literally one of the last things you should do in this game. So it should be a difficult objective and very hard to complete without a full mastery of the game and understanding of the systems. I'm currently at the point where I got the infinite ammo on the Chicago Sweeper in my run, and I have 2 hours left to finish the game. It's gonna be a rough run but I'm excited to try to do it.
@walmartian422 Жыл бұрын
You need to do new game plus to get a S+ and you don’t have access to the bonus weapons.
@yongblade9 Жыл бұрын
@@walmartian422 S+ Isn't obtainable on New Game + Whatsoever. It must be done with a Playthrough 1 New Game. Bonus Weapons are obtainable and usable in any new game after having unlocked them and are allowed for an S+ Rank. Unlocking the Hand Cannon is the only Professional playthrough on a New Game that you're not allowed to use Bonus Weapons.
@NeoDMC Жыл бұрын
@@walmartian422 To get S+ you can use Bonus Weapons, it's the Hand Cannon where you can't use Bonus Weapons. The easiest way to get S+ (still hard) is to unlock the Chicago Sweeper, and then in your S+ run collect as many Spinels as you can to get the Exclusive Ticket from the Merchant to unlock it's infinite ammo, then use it to clear the game within 5 hours. Getting all the Spinels in the Village isn't tough, but getting through it fast requires practice.
@dejsand22 Жыл бұрын
That bug room is the worst
@TheMonarchX Жыл бұрын
There's a cheat for the bug room. You flash when they first spawn and aim the camera up as you run. I dont understand why they stop attacking. I tried it on assisted, but I wasnt taking the chance on professional.
@OliveOil01 Жыл бұрын
Finished sweeperless run yesterday and infinite ammo and all the rewards was not worth the amount of stress endured in this run absolutely nefarious how they give you all the best stuff after you suffer through this
@uria3679 Жыл бұрын
This game will create a new generation of Speedrunners
@ChristopherToro Жыл бұрын
I play Professional RE4 2005 by default, so seeing this insane jump in difficulty in the remake makes me super happy. I play RE3 inferno for fun lol
@Klausinator451 Жыл бұрын
I love inferno, aside from the nemesis fight at the end. Gross.
@umbranelegance9034 11 ай бұрын
This new direction with gaming lately in general is just not at all productive and everyone's opinion of 'GOOD' game design is drastically changing due to the increasing popularity of games like Elden Ring and the Souls franchise. And its just really rough dude. I hate it. A game should be fairly designed as well as difficult instead of having to sacrifice one or the other. I'm so tired of games being compared to souls or people acting like Souls is the penultimate experience. I just want to enjoy games again. It's not even that I don't want to or couldn't get my skills up, it's that I don't want to have to struggle against random bullshit to enjoy a game. Skill issue or not, its not incouraging at all when youre playing a game on NORMAL and everything random causes you to die through almost no fault of your own. I wish games could just be enjoyable again without all this gatekeeping crap and shitty fanboys.
@roddy_doddy Жыл бұрын
My favorite part of professional is when you climb a ladder and a ganado throws a dynamite. And as soon as you get out of your I frames and explodes before you can react lmaooo
@Lachezariii Жыл бұрын
Everything you said I was thinking today, especially about Ashley.
@TheMonarchX Жыл бұрын
Re4 remake on professional is beyond toxic. You dont have resources and having time restraint was an issue for s+. I finished it but never again lol
@FrancisNull Жыл бұрын
Exactly. Never again.
@TheMonarchX Жыл бұрын
​@@FrancisNull so many stressful areas. I gave chief Mendes the business after he killed me 20 times lol. That black water area in the castle... toxic.
@TheZombieburner Жыл бұрын
@@TheMonarchX Water room is *pain*.
@violau8550 Жыл бұрын
@@TheMonarchX Mendes is easy (not easy easy, just able to dodge his attack once you know how to do it, i consider him is one of the easiest boss in Pro).... never need to parry, just run different direction when one of his bug leg get up, just get Gas Mask and this boss die quickly since you hit his weakspot all the time.
@joniartha9777 Жыл бұрын
and some guy do speed run in profesional an get s+ 🤣
@chessjames1468 Жыл бұрын
They give you so much to get s+ it's not easy but it's very doable if you get into the groove
@blip3337 Жыл бұрын
Final nemesis on re3 inferno mode…that broke me, even after I finished it, it haunts me
@Klausinator451 Жыл бұрын
It's such a fun challenge too, UP UNTIL THAT POINT.
@ozmundsedler Жыл бұрын
Nice video ^_^ Ashley is a menace without an armour. Just completed a Prpfessional NG run without any cosmetics and I can assure you - she is the biggest problem 😄 But if you will be in a mood - I advice you to try, its harder, bit you will need to learn optimal strats for enemies e.t.c Game has a lot of legit skips (not glitches), so time not so much of a problem as her. My time was: 1:55 - village, all quests, all treasures 4:05 - castle 5:20 - end Setup: Starting pistol upgraded with exclusive ticket First rifle, Riot gun, Butterfly, Tmp, all fully upgraded power. Bolt thrower is must have too, it allows you to complete some bosses way faster and safer I also spend time to fully complete first shooting range and get striker charm. I feel like you can even get all treasures in castle if you optimize enough
@ImSoConfucius Жыл бұрын
Can’t wait to see people do ng pro in 2 hours
@unionatarms Жыл бұрын
i tried the professional and gave up at chapter 9. most of the times i went down after getting damaged i cant even open the inventory until leon gets up and be able start moving and i just die right there and/or when i have no health. im doing hardcore rn and it feels better.
@kowproduction Жыл бұрын
My man never played Halo 2 LASO if he thinks this is unfair and unbalanced 😂