The Psychology of Con Artists, and How to Avoid Them | Maria Konnikova | Big Think

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The Psychology of Con Artists, and How to Avoid Them
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The history of the term "con artist" illuminates some essential traits of this lamentable profession. Maria Konnikova explains that the first con artist was a Manhattan watch thief who would prey on the goodwill of his victims, asking to borrow their watch until the following day. Of course the watch was never returned and the confidence invested by the victim in the thief was also lost. Indeed the con artist is more of a psychologist than a thief. Con artists will never steal anything from you, says Konnikova, they'll convince you to hand it over freely.
Maria Konnikova is the New York Times bestselling author of The Confidence Game (Viking/Penguin 2016) and Mastermind: How to Think Like Sherlock Holmes (Viking/Penguin, 2013). She is a contributing writer for The New Yorker, where she writes a regular column with a focus on psychology and culture, and her writing has appeared in The Atlantic, The New York Times, California Sunday, Pacific Standard, The New Republic, WIRED, and The Smithsonian, among numerous other publications. Maria is a recipient of the 2015 Harvard Medical School Media Fellowship, and is a Schachter Writing Fellow at Columbia University's Motivation Science Center. She formerly wrote the “Literally Psyched" column for Scientific American and the popular psychology blog “Artful Choice" for Big Think. She graduated magna cum laude from Harvard University, where she studied psychology, creative writing, and government, and received her Ph.D. in Psychology from Columbia University.
Maria Konnikova: One of the hallmarks of the good con artist is that it never feels like they're taking advantage of you. They are never taking anything from you. You give it to them willingly. So actually the term confidence artist came out of a man in the 1800s in New York City who would walk around on the streets of Manhattan dressed as a very dapper gentleman and he would approach other likewise dapper gentlemen and say, "Have you the confidence in me to lend me your watch until tomorrow?" What a strange request, right? It's such a loaded question. What kind of a person are you? What kind of a world and society do we live in? Are you abiding by the gentleman's code of conduct? Are you going to trust me? Are you going to give me your confidence? Well, people would give them their watches and he obviously had no intention of ever giving them back. By the time that he was finally caught he had lots of watches to his name and gave birth to the name confidence man.
You give them your confidence; they don't take it. You give them money; they never take it from you. I mean think about someone like Bernie Madoff, people had to beg to invest with him. He would say no. He would turn them away. Sometimes people waited for years before he finally accepted their money. And he did it as if he were doing them a huge favor. “Okay fine I'll take your money.” And they were so grateful. “Please take a more Bernie, take more.” Because he was doing them such a huge favor.
One of the hallmarks of the confidence artist is something called Machiavellianism. It has to do with manipulating people for your own ends; getting them to do what you want them to do but without their knowledge so that they don't realize they're being manipulated; so that they think that everything they're doing is of their own volition. People hate feeling manipulated. The moment you think you're being manipulated you drop out you say “Hey, no one tells me what to do. Who are you to manipulating me?” And so the con doesn't work. So the trick is how do I give you the germ of the idea so that you think it's your idea? How do I set up a situation so that it's your proposal not my proposal so that you're the one who's in charge. You would be shocked if anyone told you otherwise. In fact often times when people say hey do you realize that this might be a con? You'll laugh and you say absolutely not, are you insane? This is totally legitimate. Besides, it was my idea.
We are fully capable of understanding that if something is too good to be true it is, if it's happening to someone else. But when it's happening to us we can't be objective because nothing is too good for us, we deserve it. So you might look at...
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@richardeast3328 3 жыл бұрын
When money is involved, always keep your guard up.
@betsymonroe8288 2 жыл бұрын
Absolutely!! I knew this freak was after me for money and after years of abuse omg BE CAREFUL LADIES THESE BOYS SUCK
@ladybug947 2 жыл бұрын
100% and con artists will use an emotional plea such as “now that were engaged we should get a joint account” or “since were planning a future we should merge our finances”
@themadlibrarian2933 6 жыл бұрын
The trick is to not feel guilty about the demands that others would make on you, particularly when there is a low probability that the demand will be reciprocated. Another is to not respond to pressure. If an offer is valid and fair today, it should also be valid and fair next week.
@nathanmciver6496 Жыл бұрын
Correct, evolution of proper science!
@TheAcolossus 8 жыл бұрын
Step 1: Learn to say NO to people
@specialsnowfake6744 8 жыл бұрын
Exactly. its not hard to spot bullshit just stop being a victim
@EnergyOM 8 жыл бұрын
@thenarcissistsscapegoat5091 8 жыл бұрын
Or write a very tiny 'yes' on the ceiling and put a ladder under it, you might end up marrying John Lennon and single-handedly destroying the best rock band of all time.
@codinginthecold2376 8 жыл бұрын
Then learn a response to, "Why"?
@MaestroTJS 8 жыл бұрын
+The Narcissist's Scapegoat What?
@AndrewAttard78 8 жыл бұрын
I met this guy at the supermarket the other day. He started bull shitting with me about my kid and his kid and some other common things. Then he told me about his awesome job and how he met a guy who took him under his wing. Long story short it was a pyramid scheme type sales job he was pitching me. That fucker wasted like 20 minutes of my life. Lesson learned. Don't talk to strangers.
@Dr.BestBuy 8 жыл бұрын
ayy... saw you at school of life... I completely agree with your comment in response to the video on how we should look back on history to make us feel better... also would you be interested in buying a bottle of shampoo for 4.99?
@AndrewAttard78 8 жыл бұрын
Eddar Stark am I really commenting that much that you recognize me from another channel or do I have my comment history public somewhere? Also I use white rain shampoo. $1.29 a bottle.
@Dr.BestBuy 8 жыл бұрын
Andrew Attard I actually saw you in the other channel Lol.
@AndrewAttard78 8 жыл бұрын
+Eddar Stark lol. Cool. I post some stupid ass comments. I'd hate to have a directory of nonsensical bullshit attached to my google account.
@AndrewAttard78 8 жыл бұрын
+bart hennin is that comment directed to me?
@nicholasschroeder3678 3 жыл бұрын
I got conned once out of a thousand dollars by a friend. After the fact, I realized I was being groomed all along. Still makes me sick to think about it, but I did--at least--analyze it and figured out what were the vulnerabilities that I had that he used against me. Basically, I was lonely and needed a friend at the time. I consoled myself with the idea that it was my kindness that was exploited--the money was supposed to pay his rent--and that I learned some lessons. But it still hurts: not the money, the being a fool.
@nicholasschroeder3678 3 жыл бұрын
@@yvonnejensen1969 Really sorry to hear it. Predators without conscience😫
@nicholasschroeder3678 3 жыл бұрын
@@yvonnejensen1969 One last bit. The last time I saw that guy, he scolded me for not being angry. I was, but I wasn't going to show it. I guess that's part of the kick for them. Sadism
@hoosierbaddy3052 Жыл бұрын
@@nicholasschroeder3678 so sorry for your experience. And kudos to you for being vulnerable on this format. ✌
@agnowing7974 Жыл бұрын
@@nicholasschroeder3678 lol i am glad to hear that you didn't give them what they wanted. they only did that to emotionally dis-regulate you. be happy to know that at that moment that monster was terrified and insecure- that's why they wanted that emotional reaction. these people are walking husks constantly trying to fill that empty with ANYTHING. they walk in terror every moment, no matter how much they smile. even the money was more about this than the actual rent. i have compassion but only in the way that i see them for exactly what they are. they will always hurt you because that's how they handle pain and uncertainty and being human is always being in a little pain and uncertainty. these people have very low resilience levels for pain and are constantly trying to relieve it rather than build resilience. childhood abuse and a narcissistic only worsens the situations. do not be hard on yourself. anyone can be foolish and anyone can be fooled. the only true way to be a fool is to ignore these two facts. that's what con-artists count on - that our ego will override our common sense and that we will blame ourselves for being fooled and keep quiet.
@justaneditygangstar Жыл бұрын
I know someone conned by a friend by a thousand dollars too, the friend made this big act up that his mother was gonna die and he couldn’t pay treatment. Turns out that he never moved in with his mother he was just pure scum and really really good at acting too
@dsnodgrass4843 8 жыл бұрын
The fundamental nature of the confidence game is "Information Asymmetry". It's neither paranoid nor cynical to recognize that someone is trying to distract you from recognizing that they have information that you don't, and are attempting to exploit that to get something from you. It's still your choice to acquiesce or not, based upon whatever other factors are involved; but knowing the rules of the game that's being played is nothing to apologize for. Anyone who would try and shame you for that only does so in bitterness over their perceived lost advantage. Fuck those people.
@bnikrictus609 4 жыл бұрын
Many people like that in Cheyenne Wyoming and numerous police forces snd Intel across the country, they are not your friend.
@natewsmith6941 2 жыл бұрын
@dsnodgrass4843 2 жыл бұрын
@@natewsmith6941 nope. Sorry.
@Ramezml 8 жыл бұрын
This "life" thing is getting really complex. Remember when I thought I only had to calm down and think twice
@itchykami 8 жыл бұрын
Joke's on them. I don't like anybody, and am immediately suspicious of anyone similar to me in any way.
@antoinettenovella1630 3 жыл бұрын
That can be either ominous or aware.
@itchykami 3 жыл бұрын
@Rahul Sharma No, I'm just an ass.
@bigthink 4 жыл бұрын
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@Anamnesia 8 жыл бұрын
A friend had to work interstate for a few weeks. They had a pet rabbit & asked if I would look after it. I didn't want to & even though my friend was persistent I said no. A few days before they were due to leave they asked if I would like to use their car while they were gone. I don't NEED a car & if I WANTED a car I would go out & buy one... I really didn't want to have their car - it was just another complication in my life I didn't need. But whatever, I don't need the car, but sure, if it makes you happy I'll look after your car for you while you're gone... Really, I thought I was doing them a favour... Next thing they say is, "Well, seeing as you'll have my car while I'm gone, you can look after my rabbit!" What a sucker I was - I should have seen that trap a mile off!!! But the story doesn't end there... So I'm at a friends house & I say that I've got to go & look after this rabbit, so I start to say goodbye. My other friend says, "Well, I'm not doing anything. Is it okay if I come with you?" So we jump in the car & drive to where the rabbit is. On the drive there my other friend looks at the windscreen & says, "Hey, did you notice that this car isn't registered???" WOW!!! No, the car was NOT registered. It had been registered (in their parents home state) but they'd been driving the car around for 6 years or so where we lived. I quizzed the rabbit owner when they got back & they swore to my face that they'd paid the registration... I guess the Motor Vehicle Department finally caught up with them, because eventually the car was towed & impounded. I'm not friends with the Rabbit owner any more & my life is uncomplicated again! :)
@alexanders1330 3 жыл бұрын
So the first trap was that they hoped you'd look after the rabbit, drive the car and wreck it? then after a couple times, they'd ask you to watch over the car and check out the rabbit in hopes you'd drive the car? was it a nice car? or were they just tryna get a couple hundred bucks from ya?
@dreamwishergirl 5 жыл бұрын
I guy I was seeing was a con artist and had me completely fooled. He knew I had just gotten over a one-sided relationship and was down and he told me his ex died in a car accident so we became friends over that, then started to date... long story short turns out he made the entire story up to gain my sympathy and made up his ex dying to explain where he was in life claiming he lost their house & his job due to her death when he was just a loser who lacked any ambition. This guy wanted a future with me and I almost screwed up my life! It’s so scary .
@largerooster2059 7 жыл бұрын
This is so true! How often do dead beat relatives come around with a sob story about being broke? Too often? Yeah... I thought so. It really is ok to say no! Don't let the trolls drag you down!
@GMarieBehindTheMask 3 жыл бұрын
No family should have eachother's back
@ArsenGaming 3 жыл бұрын
@@GMarieBehindTheMask I think this person meant the kinds of idiot relatives who think it's completely fine to just keep asking for money and using it on something useless rather than trying to improve their lives with it. Those types of relatives would lose my respect very quickly and would never gain it back unless they manage to improve their life themselves.
@juliehwang8482 Жыл бұрын
omg plz help me.
@andrelouisreyes2230 4 жыл бұрын
Now im finally learning. I wished i listened to this video 3 years ago when i had money and i was conned by close friend con family business. I involved people i knew relatives family now im broke. My wife hates me and im back working in a job i use to hate.
@00000ghcbs 8 жыл бұрын
Microsoft is pressuring me with this Windows 10 bullshit :(
@BlackEpyon 8 жыл бұрын
And you missed the year-long free upgrade. Shame for you.
@amojak 8 жыл бұрын
"upgrade" why use that word with windows 10. it is an abomination , my upgrade path from win 7 will be Linux (most likely Ubuntu) . Windows 10 is the last straw in the MS desperate desire to dominate the desktop. I encourage others to do the same. Linux is free , capable and has many flavours to choose from.
@BlackEpyon 8 жыл бұрын
amojak Good luck getting all your games to run. What were you using for that again? Some emulator running WINDOWS!?
@amojak 8 жыл бұрын
BlackEpyon erm i am not 12 and don't play a loads of games. Oddly enough there are a load of people out there who do not use their PC to play games. If the games are web based then they just work as usual and many other games work in "wine" too . If you have never used Linux and enjoyed an ultra stable, secure platform that doesn't require all the hassles of windows then you are the one missing out :) If you aspire to Windows 10 then you are a lost soul..
@BlackEpyon 8 жыл бұрын
amojak Are you referring to a Linux distro that includes a GUI pre-installed or straight BASH? Props if you've worked on servers running the latter, and if not, then you're not nerdy enough :P I didn't mind Ubuntu before the Unity GUI (which I don't care for), so long as you don't run software or games that don't run on a Debian kernel. Been a while since I tinkered with Linux... However, I've built enough desktops and servers (Active Directory and related services) from scratch to be able to get Windows to do EXACTLY what I want it to do. Even in Win 10, which works just nicely, TVM.
@allenmontrasio8962 3 жыл бұрын
It's telling how sales people and con artists are mentioned in the same breath.
@richsackett3423 3 жыл бұрын
It is? What is it telling you?
@Strongerxthanxall 8 жыл бұрын
How to avoid con artists? Study narcissism.
@honorforever2254 4 жыл бұрын
Be an absolute freak and fucking react so unpredictable that a con artist will not burn his/her hands on you.
@venusessentials 3 жыл бұрын
@michaeltaylor9316 3 жыл бұрын
And the church says Amen.
@davidmorris2378 3 жыл бұрын
Will you please go on and explain it.
@icalotdonthide2646 3 жыл бұрын
Perfect answer.
@whiskeybent3780 8 жыл бұрын
These are just basic sales techniques... charm the customer, sell yourself, close the deal. Difference between a salesman and a con artist is if they deliver on their promise. The problem isn't the sales techniques, its what happens after the deals done.
@AnnaHappen 7 жыл бұрын
Whiskey Bent THIS!^
@melbro3669 5 жыл бұрын
s Happen hullo
@davidpagan1254 4 жыл бұрын
Marketing is a con Mans paradise
@allenmontrasio8962 3 жыл бұрын
If you need to employ these techniques, chances are you're selling the punter short. Good/useful products sell themselves.
@gspaulsson 3 жыл бұрын
@@allenmontrasio8962 At bottom, all persuasion techniques are propaganda. Look up the 737Max on the Boeing website: do they admit that the crashes happened because they took shortcuts to get the product out fast? Of course not. Is a salesman ever going to admit that, actually, their product isn't perfect and a competitor's might in some ways be better? No. Is a smart-phone salesman going to go out of his way to tell you that lithium batteries can catch fire or even explode? Uh-uh. The tobacco companies knew that smoking causes cancer. Did they admit it? No way. They hired tame scientists to spin the data, exacted reprisals against whistleblowers and fought legislation and class-action lawsuits tooth and nail. Big-time lawyers get their reputations through their prowess at winning unwinnable cases. Propaganda, sales. advocacy all depend on saying the truth just enough to gain your confidence, the whole truth never, and nothing but the truth as long as it serves them. Sweet talk, confirmation bias, cognitive dissonance. You believe the nice man. You believe what you want to believe. It hurts to admit that you're wrong, and the more wrong you are, the more it hurts. And down the rabbit hole you go. Getting sucked into buying a vacuum cleaner that doesn't work is one thing. Getting sucked into an authoritarian political party is something else, though the techniques are the same. A few months after this video was posted, the RNC nominated Don the Con, who sucked the GOP and nearly half the population into his fictional universe and come close to staging a coup. There were Germans willing to die for their Fuehrer even after he offed himself. Trumpist true-believers still think the election was stolen, even after Fox News, McConnell, Pompeo and Bill Barr bailed; even after looney-tunes Sidney Powell was kicked off the team; even after Newsmax and Lou Dobbs issued abject retractions (still waiting on OANN). Caveat emptor. Something the Trumpists will never learn.
@rootfit 8 жыл бұрын
This is just basic sales/art of persuasion versus 'con artist'. And, yes, learning how this communication style works and how to say, 'no' is invaluable.
@McGyver777ATGMAIL 7 жыл бұрын
The real trick is not caring so much about being good all the time, then you get the upper hand in all your negotiations.
@MsHeartIsArt 3 жыл бұрын
I don’t think you mean good, I think you mean liked.
@McGyver777ATGMAIL 3 жыл бұрын
@@MsHeartIsArt tomayto tomahto.
@Troyster94806 8 жыл бұрын
I sold computers for about 9 years. I had to sell service plans. What I found myself doing was establishing a rapport by doing a magnificent job. I made sure I gave them all the information they needed. I also built trust by letting them know when they might be wasting money. To be honest, I didn't want them maxing out without having enough to buy the plan. I would mention the plan early, but only in passing, as a way to plant the seed. I would introduce things in order, as a structured sales process, in a very non pushy way. I came across like I was just running them through the standard sales process to make sure they know all there is available to them. This usually kept their defenses down. I NEVER appeared to want to sell the plan too bad. Even when negotiating a price, a came across as though I was only helping them. I'm not a dishonest or bad person, but when my job depended on selling plans, I did use a few minor manipulation tools, but I wouldn't lie to them.
@toni25681 11 ай бұрын
Maria's understanding of the tricks used by con artists is remarkable.
@makayla8998 5 жыл бұрын
You’re helping so many people spreading this information. Awesome job 👍🏼
@tauruswinds37 5 жыл бұрын
Covert narcissist are the most cunning of all con artists ....
@Murduhface813 8 жыл бұрын
step one to identifying a con artist: they're asking you for something the hard part is running away fast enough so they can't catch you.
@plaguedoct0r 7 жыл бұрын
"There's no way to spot a liar. Now here's how to spot a liar."
@hattielankford4775 3 жыл бұрын
I think part of the problem ties in to delusion. If you believe what you say, are you still a liar? It's easier to spot a con.
@oram892 8 жыл бұрын
I have an aunt who does this to me all the time. I had to learn to say no, but I still feel guilty...
@dvijsutariya3962 3 жыл бұрын
Everyone has an aunt who does it! I can relate to you.
@taepung7426 6 жыл бұрын
I agree, Con Artist will act like they "know" you, and will use the traits you're familiar with to open up for conversations, and then will force you into some Idea's and activities you're not comfortable with, they also will use you as pawns for their personal gain's if you stay connected for too long.
@briancrane7634 8 жыл бұрын
Glad you're on the side of light instead of dark. Thanks for the tips. I would have fallen for most of these cons but now I understand the tricks. Many thanks!
@HFXmermaid 8 жыл бұрын
This applies not just to sales people/con artists but manipulators too! Sounds like an interesting book. I'll have to pick it up
@allenmontrasio8962 3 жыл бұрын
Yep, well, con artists and sales people *are* manipulators.
@coiledsteel8344 6 жыл бұрын
On-line dating scams some of the most common now. They prey on your particular vulnerabilities, and use your own information you provide against you!
@mj101inf9 7 жыл бұрын
She's describing sales techniques but not con artists. Their game is to use your own greed against you by promising a big reward for little or nothing put in. But yes, they pressure you into making a decision faster for fear of losing out. They don't want you to have time to think about if things are on the level or not. Anytime somebody tries to push me into agreeing too fast I say NO.
@sebastiang7394 Жыл бұрын
There are different types of con artists. There are a lot of people that work on the principles she talks about. And there are the ones who use greed.
@zhain0 8 жыл бұрын
a 'real' con artist will get you to offer them what they want
@MsHeartIsArt 3 жыл бұрын
People who get conned are doing one of two things, one is they’re being trusting and the other is they’re being too concerned with how they look to the other person. The former is honorable. The latter one is not.
@rowzman 8 жыл бұрын
It's quite interesting how many of the concepts she raises here are found in Robert Caldini's book called "Influence." I started reading it to help me with marketing and sales. Quite a good read... I definitely recommend.
@kd1s 8 жыл бұрын
Interesting talk. I've gone out and done program reviews in schools. That stretched me somewhat but I was told that my reports raised their interest because I laid it out for all to see. And what field and position am I in, I.T. manager.
@markanderson3870 2 жыл бұрын
So true, I used to have a hard time saying "no" when my self-confidence/self-esteem was low. But now I can say no with no problem. I think when you're more solid inside, you can balance your self-interest with altruism a lot better.
@nelsona9381 7 жыл бұрын
i learn to say no most of the time explaining to them my reason and my friends become less. i come to realization that if they're meant for you they will stay if not just accept it and move on.
@Ohkeh640 Жыл бұрын
Always listen to the questions they ask you…. Or if they’re interested in what you have etc.
@johncaro2485 3 жыл бұрын
The "Foot in the door" Is literally what I was told to do when I sold magazines door to door. Sometimes people would get mad and slam the door on your foot.
@JaimeGraneros-be4mo 5 ай бұрын
i must say - this is a very good video, lots of what she talks about is quite obvious once pointed out, and these techniques are quite devious because often the victim doesnt notice until too late! i havent heard the term "exploding offer" that she mentions (about 6 minutes into the clip) however i definitely remember my very first sales job taught me "fear of loss" which is basically the same thing - take my offer and buy now because this wont be available for much longer! classic sales trick. there's one thing i didnt see mentioned, and that's what salespeople call the "leading question" or "power of yes" - example: "you like this part of the product, yes?" then "you know this price is limited and will not be available much longer, yeah?" followed by "you said this is a product you normally purchase, yes? (so, the customer has said yes 3 times in a row now) and then "so would you like to take advantage of our great price and get one now, yes?" .... anyway, i'm looking for assistance to help a vulnerable adult who has been "befriended" by people who've asked him for quite a lot of money, any videos on here anyone can suggest??
@davidkatuin4527 7 жыл бұрын
Offsetting the balance of our instinctive values is effective. When we are provoked we tend to balance ourselves instinctively.
@brod2man 8 жыл бұрын
Totally experience that 'not wanting to feel like a bad person' all the time. Strap yourselves in for a pretty bland story lol. 2 days ago I went to a friend's small country city to visit and she and her friend showed me around for the day. My friend got sick pretty early and had to go home so I was hanging out with her friend who I barely knew. She showed me around for like 3-4 hours and we had a chat etc. Then she came with me on the bus all the way back to the area where my hotel is because she was worried I wouldn't know the way, despite actually passing by her own house on the way. When we got off the bus to part ways, I told her I was actually going to a cafe first to use wifi to check for plane tickets. So I ended up backtracking a little bit rather than going to my hotel. I think this maybe offended her since she had made the effort to help me get there and yet I just wandered off anyway. Also possibly she thought it was rude that I didn't invite her to the cafe to hang out a little longer (it's in China so maybe the culture is a little different). As soon as I told her I was heading to the cafe she very abruptly said "OK, Bye". This kind of shocked me because that would be the last time I'd see her for possibly the rest of my life. It felt terrible since I assumed that I had done something to make her feel that way. Unfortunately I didn't say anything at the time, but I couldn't stop worrying about it for the rest of my time in the town. I started messaging her after to say how fun it was and was really trying to curry favour with her. All I wanted was for her to give me a sign that I hadn't actually offended her and she was still on good terms with me. Even writing this now makes me want to message her again to get into her good books. If she was a conman then she'd be in the perfect position to try and get something out of me. THANKS FOR LISTENING GUYS
@Jasonificatiation 7 жыл бұрын
There are two types of people watching: those who watch this video to watch out for danger, and those who watch this video for tips on how to con people.
@sonofAnonymous 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your time.
@Supersexywexy1 4 жыл бұрын
I loved this. Thank you 🙏🏽
@darknightofthesoul8980 8 жыл бұрын
Just read about sociopaths and you'll know all the techniques of con men, governments, and organized criminals.
@RottenDoctorGonzo 5 жыл бұрын
And females.
@charleswesthoff5954 5 жыл бұрын
@@RottenDoctorGonzo someone got turned down
@rebeccashetter8389 4 жыл бұрын
@@RottenDoctorGonzo Men too!!!
@bnikrictus609 4 жыл бұрын
No worry no stress my friend, when they show up, just walk away. I run into such a dreck and dreg just the other day that rolled up, and continued in stride to walk away. Why waste your time with a cesspool person. They know what a turd they are.
@margoeasterling2853 4 жыл бұрын
It’s mostly females
@sergest-amand1164 3 жыл бұрын
Her interview with Bill Maher about "the narcissist in chief" was so memorable I still watch it sometimes.
@AizenIPlannedIt 8 жыл бұрын
so what are these con artist books, i'd like to learn a few persuasion techniques
@lukeyznaga7627 Жыл бұрын
Never make a decision based on fear. Better that you go through a hard time and master it, rather than be blessed financially for a little while but LOSE EVERYTHING later....permanently.
@TimMaloneyNMactor 7 жыл бұрын
wish i had the presence of mind to 'Know' this , when I needed to Know this . Thank you for this Brilliant Truth .
@jeremymiller4189 8 жыл бұрын
Does this have anything to do with reciprocal altruism and competitive altruism?
@seema1181 3 жыл бұрын
As Angela had rightly said to me, "form trust slowly, give it time at least a month's.. for the con to spill some"- unless the con is a seasoned con. lol! Thank you, Maria.
@RidleyJones 7 жыл бұрын
Based on the title of this video, I thought there would be a section on the actual, internal psychology of con artists--how they get to be that way, whether they feel guilty, how much they enjoy what they do, etc.
@Medietos 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you for teaching. My bank manager acts as if nice to me, calm, friendly but asks questions not his business, dissuades me from taking my money out and claimed not knowing whether there are national holidays soon (it's only in several weeks). CAn a bank man not know this? Was it to postpone it, make it harder? i get a feeling of deceitfulness about him, but nothing specific except that and the fact that he doesn't show any due compassion for my situation, which dissonates with the nice voice.. Maybe I am just naive, believing someone is being nice when they are calm and have a friendly voice. i think people in service , jobs, would not taka advantage of customers. I Still wonder why he was so"nice" and talked long with me about nothing special. I felt uneasy and afterwards wary and am sure he hid something.I am too stressed to learn before I get sleep.
@mathlind 8 жыл бұрын
Great information. Thanks.
@LelouchVelvet 8 жыл бұрын
Great videos! Keep them up ;)
@dustyrelic25 6 жыл бұрын
I have been tricked into moving in with a "friend" who only wanted my money. now I can't AFFORD to move and she knows it.....
@gemmajanebrookes5395 7 жыл бұрын
What an eye opener!
@santoshsam333 8 жыл бұрын
very useful information.thanks.
@watsonholmes3703 5 жыл бұрын
Nice video. I had to speed it up to enjoy it.
@xmxbwn 6 жыл бұрын
okay am I the only one who was relaxed by the sound of her voice as she's explaining this..............
@airwaveshorizon 6 жыл бұрын
Damn her voice is so relaxing, this video is like an asmr video, i wish it was longer i feel relaxed now.
@Gr8Layks 5 жыл бұрын
@Big Think Who is splashing the screen with links at the end of the video? Is it the uploader, or is it KZfaq? Just curious.
@Deusex63 8 жыл бұрын
Well I've seen the things mentioned and she puts them in perspective very nicely. Not enough like button pushes!
@Davemac1116 7 жыл бұрын
I like this. Interesting. (And I also like Maria Konnikova, too ! She has a lovely engaging way about her).
@RaveBabyFuu 7 жыл бұрын
WOW! I have had managers who have done ALL of those things to me.
@BluePiggy 8 жыл бұрын
Thumbs up for this video. This information should be taught as school curricula. People really need to know how to avoid con artists.
@giovannigiorgio6026 7 жыл бұрын
good job, you gain a new subscriber😃😃😃
@antininospius 7 жыл бұрын
There are tons of ways to tell if someone is lying to you, it's mostly in the body language.
@boobtuber06 8 жыл бұрын
I like the sign-off music at the end of the segments, really do...
@autisticgirlawareness7420 2 жыл бұрын
This needs to be taught in schools imagine how many people would be saved of losing all their money from a scam if red flags were taught at schools it'll also be funny with the scammers reactions when they can't scam anyone anymore.
@terrapin6352 7 жыл бұрын
Amazingly helpful, but also very potentially dangerous information.
@javierbenez7438 8 жыл бұрын
I knew I recognized that voice! She appears on The Gist with Mike Pesca to play "Is That Bullshit?"
@laomark9583 7 жыл бұрын
From a more spiritual and non-too-mundane point of view, It is deeply sad that we, supposed evolved Humans, play so many tricks to succeed in their egoistic seft centered interests... it frequently reminds me the music Imagine: Imagine there is no countries...and no religion too... imagine all the people living for today..... and we are as ONE"
@125micah 7 жыл бұрын
Yes, this addresses deception and lies in the sales industry. If you work in sales, be sure to work for a company that is built on long term relationships with clients, not short, shallow sales.
@ganjiblobflankis6581 8 жыл бұрын
Did anyone else get the impression of a magician showing you how the obvious trick was done while keeping the secrets of the really good illusions? "Contributing Writer, The New Yorker" My sophistry senses were tingling throughout. What an awful cynic I am.
@VittamarFasuthAkbin 8 жыл бұрын
no, not really
@liamdonaldson3393 6 жыл бұрын
Ganjiblob Flankis LOL
@andik70 8 жыл бұрын
4:14 'a few weeks later..' : actually about what time scales do we talk here?
@tylerdurdin8069 3 жыл бұрын
Yes, there are several techniques that are used to determine if someone is lying. My opinion of the best is the eyes. They will tell you if the person is recalling from memory vs creating a story and if what they are recalling or making up is visual or auditory. I learned from some special training in the military and as nothing is perfect it can vary from person to person depending on their differences such as whats their dominant hand and can be defeated if trained to do so. Nothing is perfect but in my experience letting people volunteer their guilt with such techniques have turned out to yield better more correct results compared to coercion and manipulation. The later is similar to leading a witness and using anything someone says against them no matter if guilty combined so I resist using any such techniques without a lot of moderation to ensure I'm not the one who is giving the information rather than the person tripping up giving their self away. I could be wrong, if so please change my mind.
@creaglin1 8 жыл бұрын
As an employer, I know that giving an "exploding offer" is usually because of a necessity and not a con. If you need someone to work, then usually their is an urgency to fill the position. Without time limits people just don't make decisions, and the position is left unfilled. With a time limit, a potential candidate can say no and allow the employer to make other offers. Also, it's pretty dumb to "con" someone to working for you, because if they are not a good fit, then we train someone only for them to leave in a few months. I guess I just think it is a bad example. An infomercial offer of buy now and get..... is a better example.
@EliaMagyar 8 жыл бұрын
I appreciate your elocution, it's very clear, by the way do you like the red socks?
@nlowell1 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you. I learned a lot. I've never had a problem saying no but now it will be much more fun. Especially if I recognize the tactics you mentioned :o) But now you just sold me on a sub to your page. I'm still trying to figure out if that means I was suckered in. But I feel good about it and no money changed hands so I guess it's equatable for both parties :o)
@tna_handyandy5173 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@PreetiNigam07 7 жыл бұрын
I have escaped many con artists by simply believing in 3 main things- one, a spiritual Guru of RS Dayalbagh, once said " Do not eat from the money which has not been earned by sweat" so I don't buy lottery tickets or fall for get rich schemes. In fact something which says " Do you want to get lot of money?" immediately turns me off. I delete those emails without even reading them. Two, If the product is not clearly specified, I don't want that job. That is most likely something which is based on the philosophy" Just like we caught you, you catch others". Three, if any job requires use of your personal account then it is dicy. Two other points I have recently learned. Four, I have recently used google to search for every job offer plus write scam at the end. Internet is a very useful tool as many scams are already listed there. Five, I have discovered that on dating sites many profiles have some age written on the heading details while in the body of the profile or the pic, that is not reflective. Such profiles are fake. Also people in the military based in Afghanistan etc and those who are travelling always are fake profiles. I have written all these observations for others to benefit.
@dulipub 7 жыл бұрын
Basically if it's "too good to be true" be very careful. For example the uber advertises you can get rich by driving an uber taxi but in reality you'd have to work 24x7 all year to earn anywhere near that amount. 7.Con artist use a lot of words to explain something even if it's not that complicated. And they often repeat stuff. They never like to admit they do not know or that they will ask/look it up and tell you later. Also they do not like you asking questions. This is really true if they are trying to sell something. 8. You have to learn to say "no" to people.
@acharich 5 жыл бұрын
@stefp2830 8 жыл бұрын
Maria Konnikova - this video is highly irresponsible and incorrect. There are lot of people who are con artists, but your "flags" are completely false. The need to be liked, the drive to ask for help, setting deadlines, etc are all healthy human behaviors and and do not indicate the presence of a con artist. Holding a Masters in Psychology, I can tell you with all certainty that if people believe in your video and decide not to trust people with these basic human behaviors, they will find themselves isolated and cynical of the HEALTHY world which is very dangerous for their mental health. In conclusion, this video provides no information to recognize real cons, which have very real, predictable strategies that are nothing like the ones you described.
@mediascissor2989 7 жыл бұрын
Yet Stef P failed to state what are the actual "predictable strategies" of con artists are. Good job I already know about them, and I fail to state what they are myself.
@vkrgfan 4 жыл бұрын
Stef P OK would you be able to produce the video on Con Artists since you are holding Masters in Psychology? Because you didn’t provide any information, that would be much appreciated. She pointed out on some very important traits, con artist want to close the deal fast, so you wouldn’t have time to make rational decision. They bombard you with charm and positivity at first then after they got what they wanted from you they ghost you, disappear. So maybe she didn’t stated all traits but she specified early warning signs. That pertains to con artists that fall into Cluster B disorders Borderline NPD and ASPD
@kliljkip3184 3 жыл бұрын
I have Masters in Psychology also. Something. In conclusion I approve of this video.
@jantruitt9241 5 жыл бұрын
Thank You!
@OverLordGoldDragon 8 жыл бұрын
Psychology of priests, you say? I'm in.
@selenem3384 3 жыл бұрын
sounds like sales psychology of yoga teachers
@lalitharamachandran7358 2 жыл бұрын
Great Video..
@mikvance 8 жыл бұрын
Do you guys like KZfaq? Me too. Gimme your password.
@RandolphAgarn1 6 жыл бұрын
sure, it is "mikevance sucks and swallows "
@EmmanuelGoldsteinINGSOC 6 жыл бұрын
No, sorry, but if you have another smaller, more realistic request, I would still say no cause you are a total stranger to me and I don't trust you, since you have not yet told me that you are from the same area as me and like the same things I do (and no one likes KZfaq :-) )
@EmmanuelGoldsteinINGSOC 6 жыл бұрын
Suddenly people with autism seem like really nice people - at least compared to some others...
@planet60Co. 4 жыл бұрын
@chrislanejones 4 жыл бұрын
@ShawnRavenfire 8 жыл бұрын
I wonder if there's a reverse effect. Suppose you say no to someone that intellectually, you know that you should say no to. Then you feel a little bit like a jerk, even though you're not. What if over time, you start to get so used to the feeling of being a jerk, that you stop noticing or trying to avoid the feeling, even when saying no IS the wrong thing. It's like: "Buy a car?" "No." "Buy a car?" "No." "Buy a car?" "No." "Save a child from drowning?" "No." Okay, to be fair, that's an extreme example, but my point is that taking a position that feels wrong but isn't might over time, desensitize you to taking a position that feels wrong because it is. Thoughts anyone?
@stefp2830 8 жыл бұрын
This is absolutely a possibility. It's called a Slippery Slope. It starts when we start avoiding our humanness because a bad video tells us our humanity makes errors in judgment when people are nice, ask for our help, and set deadlines.
@roxyb03 8 жыл бұрын
Your statement "What if over time, you start to get so used to the feeling of being a jerk, that you stop noticing or trying to avoid the feelinging " is critical to understanding how to avoid the scenario you described. We need to avoid acting mindlessly. While we all need respites at appropriate times, we can't afford the luxury of routinely disconnecting from active thinking and emotional awareness. We should examine the choices we make and not oversimplify things that are complex or overcomplicate things that are simple. Admittedly this is much easier said than done but none the less is still necessary.
@thomashyle6098 7 жыл бұрын
2:20 foot in door technique; this is what is important to remember next time some wikipedia philosopher wants to tell you a thought is not valid because of the popularly promoted misunderstanding of "slippery slope fallacy" (which actually only cooks down to "no man knows the future"); "oh yeah?" you ask "Then why does every sales course teach foot in door technique if slippery slopes aren't a thing?"
@maxmin5272 7 жыл бұрын
It takes a long time to make a friend: The one step at a time technique along with the rule of reciprocity. The thing about being scammed by a friend is that it doesn't hurt that much like when he borrows $1000 but can never pay it back. Another rule is to never lend money to friends you want to keep.
@Catlily5 Жыл бұрын
Not lots of money.
@deadsparrow28 8 жыл бұрын
Giving someone 48 hours to consider a job offer is not necessarily a "con" technique. If you need to fill a position, two days is plenty of time for the successful candidate to consider whether or not they really want it.
@LisaMaryification 4 жыл бұрын
I agree. But asking someone to enter into an agreement or buy something is a con.
@chrisantoniou4366 Жыл бұрын
That was a poor example, but putting pressure on someone to do something or that offer, whatever it is, will be withdrawn after a very short period of time, ("Hurry! This offer is only open for the next half hour", "There are other people interested in this property", "If you don't act NOW you will miss out", etc.) is a con.
@morganmayfair4755 4 жыл бұрын
I read an interview with a young man, very handsome, who was used by criminals to lure young women into unsafe places in order to abduct them for human trafficking... I think of myself as a young woman and shudder, because most of us are fools at that age.
@colonia8 7 жыл бұрын
Thanks for posting :))))
@Stefalef 3 жыл бұрын
One of the things I find myself repeatedly wondering is - how many of people regularly using these techniques are consciously using them with awareness of how and why they work? Are there people who internalize the usefulness of the strategies and repeat them without being aware they are being selfishly manipulative? Obviously more likely that a sales person or politician may be completing a play, like an athlete acting out a play from a white board. But what about “everyday people” who manipulate just to get by and obtain basic needs. Isn’t it a tragedy that some people have to resort to the tactics and possibly not even understand what they are doing? And isn’t our society basically condoning the behavior at this point? Ok several things I wonder about on this topic.
@firelordOzai3 2 жыл бұрын
Haven’t you ever used one of these techniques on your parents? Like the door in face technique. You ask your mom if you can go away with your friends for the weekend, you feign sincerity and tell her that you’ll be responsible, and she says no. Then you’re like mooooooom. Stage 2, you ask to go to a movie at night and extend curfew by an hour, which is what you really wanted. We might not have a name for them but normal people use these techniques.
@johnburman966 Жыл бұрын
I used to be a teacher of a meditation which is very beneficial. Once people felt the benefits I could have convinced (sold) them of anything. Just because one thing is true....doesn't mean the rest is.
@lilyvalley5389 5 жыл бұрын
What if it's a lover, boyfriend, whatever he is. A player and eternal batchelor & has issues. If he speaks of other woman that was great, younger, showed pic & you have not done anything with your life & wants you as roommate for only few months & says oh of gets a job in Orlando, etc but he is buying a house soon then why ask me to room mate, etc ? I went through hell & lost time this month more than had a good times memorable. It hurts cuz still love him a tiny bit & fell 4 him, but I wanted to see this x around & get closure,etc I ended up losing the closure got from his sorry. I don't know what to think anymore. I will need 4 yrs to heal again. Took 3 to stop loving him & pinning 4 him. I wonder what he is doing rn, etc. Gosh I'm so nice & so stupid to give my heart away so fast. I just get attached quickly. Like when I was 6 & my uncle my mother's half brother was introduced to me that came from other country I instantly cared for him. That's just me & how God created me.
@krizju 8 жыл бұрын
Very interesting video
@kuwait85 8 жыл бұрын
i like this Maria
@MrStreetshowkeith 7 жыл бұрын
damn i coulda used seeing this years ago.
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